new-york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1852-09-24. · kew-york'daily _____une vol. xi!.no....

K EW-YORK' DAILY _____ UNE VOL. XI!.NO. 3.569. NEW-YORK, FRIDAT, SEPTEMBER 24, 1852. PRICE TWO CENTS. bmbmb aBBBTwYaM-B 88*81.8 Titi__NM Tlll- ~__at Mt.KN.N.4 ,eiau,t *rr«»r*0,) tt*1 ""'I..,,...*.* . 8-B8-a8_-l_ p, dlfJ.^'^ .,«,«. . .r.krti aat. ¦***- ,T vaB """"Vfjl.-ai riaa n" -*-« _¦"_____-_*»(_¦.» toa I aM Cew,. per -w*A taltawr*- _> gl ___Z .,» to ._*>-_ _. -. Deak ,,_.«. aMaaaaa «**J ~£' .> at, «. e.*** Vr .*. mm*k__\ _________ five Ikollan p*l aaawa >n T rata Mai B8wB8BMBB ^ ^^.^ p-r «, ^ : » 8-a.-8_B.T-a aaae ¦» mb ^ fe s., a. |l rtrer WW»" e*,), Par-. -_» . ., ' 8- __B ^_Zl_*'*Ttt.' BBB 1800a of T»- r .4- . _. . rt . a .vw a.''*w a-- ;_.ialk,e^-8»«^r'nCe' .o_~_w_KKl.V TIMHl NB. * .'wr*^^^''^^ .a> W ad"*-"' ~?T u,, .v . *.» e°"- *_*J-^aw^_-» 8 . *1 -A-aaaaaa. tor.h.. te*-i>'*.?**'_^_ HF BBfll-WBBKI.. ^VLell . __s» .. fiiua, ao . "ntea* .ir aaaaaJ^rtWaB^a. wJ-Ra- ¦__.'. '^nt!TltaV.rc-:^Ka_t.x.. T_lB.-Kr..VOflHrii««;NB 1 "*^ : . .....a.a _l_k,0_-"»»". b>-%_ft_-Bf;^ 5 ar--1 f,a^--.:^ra^^^^r^r i..a"l_ia« o_ tta dep_.t<_e of ea_ *_- **_c c/agn. fcaa %{g_\\\__i cvaarii N******* lyohiutti iboii'kB £___._ *'i!xn;-./ j.ot.tK. WA_awoaTH,|8MMtaBa Bbs.I Pai _>_.- ai-B-B_-8_T--S£Bgg2g| :*v:;r.''.,:.'^'rr.';.'o]r.X'f^|£ Babi FJatwBITtri to <be Xth Ward Meaa Meetlng. A,i o_«r Wki, ttata of our cit, BMj^flflfcft rrealdeat. B-4M MC-kOBMBLA, g a Jui.rH A. Ju>.», _____ _ r. Klahlb IVat- *,*_- l.raU-.-A 8^1 «n--t- i_jgofti.L.»lno-iilt*be!d Ilil- (8T,id.y) BVeBTMG, _3d i. rt at 74 ____, al tbe Mercer Uot_e. tn compl-te t.i*. .er*....yarra"gen.-.. for tha .Mae. Meefrs aod T.ron- l'roceesicn. on lle* i?th Monday next Bv o _<.. Bght I rocoMicu on JA|||- (. Mu(r,. Krfi Prei.donL -___*_? __.__-__. 1 Paaaftaa, J0..« VV. P."U . k, * __' r__l**T>BlB Miard iBMrubowra UIbB*. HOieT iO-B BANNKB To rHd BBaVBZB.--ho B M|. cf tbe i«to YYaid, aad tbo aeve-al S<-ot: and _al . a C-toel ibeci.tei.f ffew Yorl. Bruoklya. VVT,liAin.bui»h aa. ntlullv ai-lrvltao to oitet with the I'lub. at th* oorn-r !il,ba. atdl-tk.t. ob v_'UAV k.VENlaV) Sept ht, Bt «/elfKk npon ibeorcad-D ot hoi-tlng ihe bann -r ee'rdto BCOrr S-d OBAUA.L Tbe fnllowing eniiuent ...akiri kave koau U.vlf"l aod eona, nte.l t. afldrr;^ lha a-ettug vu Tneo. E. Ton.l'nmn. E. DelafVeld Sm th, 'Je >. C. Belaw., Prada. A.Talln.adge Mr 8pe.i.-.,r. aridoibera, JO.4P.PlI RL'SsELIa, Pr'gid-nt, MtTT.igw Mc Beeaat, t ettamUrt,. Oiviion, JB-e-tai-a._ "BT »ereair*_ih trV-rd tO/bta tiaarter Uaa- v. n'.oii. 11 o I).aajlOOta ihla Conveotlnn will maetat Ihe I'eti.y ( iay Houm. on tlie evenlng oi KK10AY oext. Ute-4lh lnit, at 74 o'elock P M. By order of the lV_d e. BOW. PHI l.LII'ri. Cbairoika. Hiskv C. M.iri, ) B_a_______d_. Ceaakii.'S M.*.<'«,. Sec,tUr""'_ tW Twrallrlh U' B--H.ab Democbatii WM U NOMINlTMl*.!: »ur _w*a_>......JAM8. ANDrtKWS, Jr. O-tAR TAlia 'II, Ch'n.Noui.l'oiouiit'.-e. P M. Cuaav. .Becretari-i PkaMiAMil.ivaa, lB*frr'>f' '-_ BB"* TraaperitBirr Noinlnntlowe.- The Thlrteeoth Baid I. n.uera".e Mi.., i->aling Ci.'i.-Ittee m*t on n -i.._- DAY HV KNINO. Bept Jl !Ra'?, at No. '. Mangin¦«.. pt.rail- aBttt.afa.1, NniiAMi.i.J Bi.h.d prr*idi.ig Tae Ci_- ailttre tlieo pirvetded la wi. .. tbe followiog attk- rwa we'e niian'in'.: aly r'..o*e. Kor A**ein*i|y'iiau, JAMK4) liaRdl'K; Im ladnial h-et-taa BrKi'lliaN R ui- BBTl fur Aa.r«.iii, JOHM M Vl'.l i. Tht- uVue aie knA«r<j (.1 hr hotrrt _0|_d oiao, atd .1 el.tad will pr.te tiuelu tbOB 1'nactple*. _T* To Iba i'ci)|>le af the Maeteealh Wtnl.. Tl.' uiinei.'gi,- 1 baving bren i lli'trd by iiifcnv pro.iiirieut' ii.i/r.»of thr XlXtl. Ward. nf b >lh |.<il.'i al oartiea, ua*- .|il ihe itand nan " ladeaaadaal 1'eoplr'a r*aiidida'e." f.r tbeii'ce of A derman herebyot'.-i* ai auch In ao dmng h>' would a n.ply a.y, that tbe di^tracefnl pr... cerdirg* Bf all piiuia.y n .u.mat ng rooven*t >n., (rim watah Ibe priflr have hwen annuaily driven, and thrir rigl.t.tram- plrO aader foot. by l.rute t.rce oluh law and rowdyl*_ a* wrll M tbe In whiah tbe ..ulrt IBMpactal.!- v .'.¦ra, paitlc-'atlj i (tl * XlXtl, Wa.d liavt, been luiinfiu :g< 1, ga|- 5.A aod defraud.d oul ... thoir vutoa at racent aleeti.tna, ettrotiug tbw*.ra« elentiv* tianchuaa. wl.lrh 1* ever. tnaa'l htitbllgbt in th'* touiitry, haa hecjma aa intole-atiM. Ibal (be llan* bMBimcit wlien pn ipleiand m-n I u 1 V-a.t- Isiord la* M'd otd. r ihou'l n> .ere and BBBM lirck be givru U. that av.ttni bt wh, .aie piuuder winch baa t.een eamrd (B witl. BBc8 |lgaulic atndei wllblu the le*'. low J".'...mitUd tn nn partv or cl' Nt, 1 afba _**U a- a "Kree ai,d lr_eaa-drHCe__'_aa*,lo .1.- Ineep-nJ.nt I.. t..« t Ihr XI Xtb VV'ar.l an.I imama then. thal .uiilp ikidtigbt ahah mmn m_ta-on*a_dom la whato-TaUaa- 8,o 1 a.., be Phta-d. ,. BB8»M-fi|U&ing^ ^^ r*T Thr t'ampalan "artiil nnd (.ruhim long. .»,T- *.'.-. '1 .ci,...n,r,,l..g..d an i."P.O;-*'l Taa lataMA, ___ brauniu aad i*u tnl...f iB_TTtad w ata -o.aa ex- ta_L r.vrry at.-Hin of the cM.nlry aliould h* aappilej ttawn.mrr, ai.d B,H.k«ll.-'*' order* with OOOh, pi-.'i'.tly Baaa__8ta_4_*wl88a-(_Ba-B*__h_r. W,r ° ' |) B -AVir, Ma¦ l:'-'Bri.a'n iy. N P. Mtptmi iVoncra t -B-l-.V. 1. « lil-iUll). l'.....feren.e, .*rr_..y apoc-iad Paat- ol Medi*i>--.i JdBCbarrfk. ail araa-k I.- *'- mid..». ib **id i-hurc, on >*AII8vr I BOhMBU aaxt, 18- loat, at OJ otaloak: Bar. Mi. WKI.B1I, ioti.. Ak ri.HN.tOS. at i, ar.d Rev. M, CABLTON, reeeatly ol _.uer.e Conlaientc, ib lha fcv KNINO, at 7^ o'ctock. ~*mr l ..II Bt llM tVorlil aad Tlme*, PrtTe. No w" H.iadway.aad lu'iaiiiibe lur thali hhiiubI. whi*.. ci tal-* h.ur pagM of Uie b**t \ocil and loitru- aienlal Mo.ic ln avan iiuuib.*.. (inakiog *_6 worth a year,) aiaiwrlv. of Wi.i'cai l, »l_Ha.l Raaling, aioMukltalNewa and a innpl-t- coutie of Mumal lii- Sr___. Ba- iba ABUi M-aht ap to tht, n.ghort biMii'htaof llirmt P_l.ll.-rd ev, ry _atur.lay, at 8* per aaa_ai to my iul.ulairi arithoat additlonal o) hpee.iawn numbtri can be obtalneo »i Oie olfioe for ki eatU aaah. A nt* v.-'iiui- laat eomn ence.i, ao now U tba uuia D\ R h W ILI.'S, .17 dtoadway. t»*- AM AwlOMndlna BBaBa.-fOkTJ oid'nvry peraon fhtahtai uuh'terrd l mmB WBtBI awalljwa a ttiinl-ler tail ot iKaoat uaiter, m cuifclbati,... _M BBRB0 ol aulmal Uie, whitb wiil Ineli. Un lumiacli drcayal vgetatile :n*.- rrr ke, abanlainly de*. ucme bralth Thll .* proved by Ihe ..pat.iKo ot tbe P.ROi'.** OL-JB Pll-TKR. ln ie- uevlog thia uiaMof maier b.O tht- water iu me week. ai ua.d ie aewtUiitg-boiuw up town. We will prove il toaoy aoeat tta Uepot, O.tticllai.. N-.'l'J Brt-iinrar._^ tW I rtirra, Ordrna, ParrrL. rMprrle, *___ reea.vrd BM Ibe atraroar lt. MBOl.HT. to ull on ibe «Xh -M-, .r rarU, Havre, and al parU et Krance. bv LIVINOSTON. W.._il,S. v (O, No. 74 Broadway. D.ita ai.d iettera orrdlt M ugual. IV Mcatt nurl l.rwharri -IMerr,* aad lilna- B'tir. t\i« l-.'-aud ht,rl\ p, utrl P.irtra'.la jf Ibe fre-i ti l ar.didaia*. can ae t.n applioa'.i n hl BaBBB, t. BWIB, v t. i'tintri-, Tiibuna Buildirga Tiieaa an- giavlog* werr drawn a:id rtit-avrd by tlie _»..[ Ati.a a, anj ara rt.aiderrd to 1* tha be»t tautd Mpecimen MMAa witb pr-.ira. wi.l be kent on appll.-ali. n. Th.- n ef Caua- uy Prinini and Poh..I Liu'.a i, pr\:;'.cularly cali*l to iboau arw ai.d faittiful Paatfaata ur ii.. r-t ria.f. v cBNtaaL a_itn 80AD, NEvV-JERSEYV-Twl-adal'T, fioji New Ytix to L.v_g at''o'.Ijoa A. M. k.1 4 o ci.h P. M. OB.e No. 7| Bnadway, New-Yoik. fa? Inilaraai !..a.M_core t»_H-a and l.ahar k.bHiir, Mi* a' i.d .1 Ca: 1-gt, N w Y.k-Tbto tt),i« u i.'ii.lab.. bv ibe M E uigra__n, akirai'ii alwaya ba ,e.nd taipa B_t_b;rkof Lai..e.» a. d m-r.aot.u aarr ta.fM.aof wraeafc. BBd pe-*.... aaa have Ibr.r oida-i "''ad by wrlUtg ko V e 8ur*-rU't t-.l^-t and aeuA- :ng tbe e_.o-.ic. oe *..»!» tu pay th* r**ag* ol tbepartiaa re.iuin.l. No f. argrd Ja_. P. KAtiAN. 8- pe: teodent. rf-heilfl'-a **n\c -r 11 oa.*e nnd ( r*arfe»>_.*<. Tl.e two it.vv Homo and l.y.. (with rev hatMlagal No !>' > l - a I S'ta- tooata wiil N K...I k: ta li ** AD8IAN ll "41 'UUER. atibe Met.a_i'i i*nhaaaa. aafBlB.T, Bt-kBaat. ai ._ a_oa_ CW llcur- \..o. l.illo.i.No I -tl JSathtajaiar....--. « ¦ ^'d,00, KRIIlaY KV KNINO, Srp .'l »( l bV>b B ..d.ngA N-. LtJ Bowrry Tbi. Aaat^lkDoa n Mgao_-d oa -te aawa adaa M Mouut Veroia.No ', a.d ... ^e mr, No rho taadlg m.n cevat. rxwitlon. brtween V\ n a i i Hritigd atd Mod.t Vai-ca, t.*a front ofahaal ., d-Umoi tha Mv letn ar.d *r» llavro Ra.iroar»a. and CAinuiandi a Bae vlew of Loai lil-o.f Si'-cl tt-.a PaiiMdeaand the aurr__ndiog eoaa ry ll wiil prla.d out ln acra halt aod n ' -I'la.':.' acir lota The llat n faat hlltog op. atd ib_w -ho -itt to obtalB a Bk-t f-r a bome at fc-.n Bt4aM mBM baad BBMl aa_.*iiuii.rd_teival altborol the fol lo-ing piafea where eoplaai.ltheConit.tu'io'i ai.d B)* 1-av.g cao be had J-M C-ae.h..d, No 4M Broadway iD. Owan No. 414 Broad. way ; VV Bmlth, No 11 NaMau gt; t l o.prt No. .<< Btrraw.t. W H VV.llg, No 8 Atenue B; J. A. llvtl- BBBB. No. lkt, Sp..B|-at. or at tba »'8«i « th- evea^ng of Uta BMM8-I J CUMERIORD. Pieadent. j.a BtoaakBt.t,B8aBBkarf._ OT Ni- VIIIbbb af I-Iob Vei_ea. -Cboioa. hxa ftna. oa. qaartrr acie lo _v*a_r_ ti.noed.aHkyj "n tbe .New. llavan Railr.akd. wttbla ahalf BBBB.rtdr trom tha etty. may ke Mterrd bv aarlv *iplle_-.a to tbe anUarsigned. Oppur- taaUlei ae oSrrrd to aaa thr grnuad. W'AThlNB A H1NB, No. 4'- Br.dway. 2- O DENT16T_..Waata-, a lirat-rate Carverand ptata-workei Applv to JAMP.S E.MIlr | , cer o**»8A_7 aad fta*0>e_. Broaalya. 1> 1. I _._kaB__irnia METRO PifLlTAf* HiOfis.- LAhT CON_ERT Bl.'T ONE. MaDAtfE MARI.TT. ALBONl Mpe.lfcliy aa-a-naaiaa lha, U>r 8IXTH ANI) 1.48r C INCERT bt'T ori or Tne sr.aie. o* RRIDaV IVP.BIBB, Oa iM. occwiun the w.U lntrodme lu tba flrtttlm-f. A.tand Or.nd Van.tions, coniH>8-d e-preaaly f.r her bf Araiii, .-ai.d Ml-I.gL- DIFKICrf.TIF.4 SOLVED. a .'..a,. 84. ALBONl will a-. aawtaS oy aieacR rovebr, BI0NO. BANOIOVaNNI, aif-'-OB AHDITl, FCLL ORCHKSTRA. aad toa ORAMI) l'.-li>m H Moekal Dteasbto.BUnor ARUl rI trooramue. RABT |. 1. Overtnra by the Band._r.-_d.ra from II B.rhiare, .. Largo al f-'utotuin " tnng hy Bg R..v«bb.Rotalnl 3. Cava'ina Ynm Ou/a Ladra, '. Di P»'<r " tt_» by MAOAME ALBONl.*...Roa_nl l. Lt« 8oi neitot d'Arnor, Selier,--, BrlWaote oo tbe Violin, r n po*»d .nd peifnrrnaa hv_Rig. Ardid b. Ooei'o froro I) ,n Pafjoale, anna by MkO- AME .LB<>».| and Hu 8* Miovaaai ....Djnlteti 6 " La D.rTioralta MaateaB " or '. Mmi-al UirTi- ro:tli8 B Ived ' hy MAfMME ALBONl. Belog an air wlth Orand Variatiint. tyirn- p<»*d exore.aly for MAOAME Ai.R'iNI, and aung by b. r for the fint time Uiii eve- tiD8.Ardii »4«r I, 7. Overture by lbe Band. " Pre .na Clarc".Anb.r ':. Doetlo. frt.m K.goa d-l Rr_i-.err.o, ' Apptr. Blalla Inae aum hy MALU.ME ALBJ.ajI and Sig lli'vmy. ...0 9 Ronar.z*. " Li due ilnettii Rivali'' lo ttrr* B 81 li.rro,'' eu.-a hy s'.t. "4Aai4.iovAMi(i. .Mernkrlta'a 18 OrardCrerua, " Pirete't Dieklog Song'.B-llini .Balfs M li. A''a, M,A"n Leaoout," tuog b? MADAME AL_<)_.I.... Ttcketa.Ona Doliaa Reeeri. d Beau-Two Djllars. TobebadatUie Store nf -VM. UAI.L IO-, Nu. S_a Broadway, 8BSBM of Kark-placs. To all ou.o) paru of ine Hun>e. ua. Dollai, far w ll.h aeerttbcate or a teat will be given, at JOLf.lE'8 Mno Btore, No. * ¦. Broadway Coor. ..aa al ', BUSaRl ' .r-1 to i -, -14. U 8 8'8'r»k Pree BlodadaM are rtupenited excapt only t-> the PratB. The public _.. uuUoued agaUui purcluaiig Tick-.t io tba lireet ALBONl'S COiSTfLUDINulTiOX- CP.RTB-.i.kett for FRIDAVB OORORRY. price One, (lor whHh a -ertilicsre of ae** v. nl lieguen) tu BAaUEti JOLLlk'.No rw Also, for lbe le.t Coutert, of Tuenlay. Btb. lt good aeatt ira waottd apply .uiuiediately. MME. ALBONl. LAST CONcERT Bl'T ONE Tickett for Beierved Reara. pn e.L Ion* b.d at WILLIAM H.VI.Lb SU.N ri Mane Biore, No IN Bros.1 -aay. TIiIr bting th- Iast Coru-ert bat one, pirlles dulring good M8U had batter apply early. _TDAl__-~^NTAU,-.~EiRST C4JN- CKRT_ MONDAY, BepL 27, Tbe puhli, ar* reiper'f ily tnf nned that MADAME HENBIETT8. BONTAO will fivp h*r P1R3T ORAND CONCKRT IN AMBRICA MONDAY BVBR1B3, Sept A IMB, AT METBOPOLITAN UALL. Tbe Progiamtn. reriiAina ut.cbai.aed4 Tie few reiurned Tu leie will he for aa'e at Me*att. UALL A BONs', (v>o. M B u_d*-ay, ooro.t ol Pa'kplace) beg.nmngoo Thuraday, _j, at I a'alJOb A M. QONTAU CONCKftTa.A few chol ia b_7 aaatafur M, llie. SONTAO-. **trat C .neait In Auierlc* Ibr aale at JOLLIE'b Mutic Biore, No BB Bu.Uway* MAl AMh^OXrAtiaSfiKANDCOX- CERT.S-Ticket for ul.-at Ar BIAMCE A 1MKK- N AN'4 Porlkiical UtfOt, No 2 Atljr lloii.1, oppoalte B*r- nun.'B Muieum._ MADAMK S4)Nt\\(-'S aiXiJERTS. -Secureil Sra'kniBV be hai at MI-LETB Mrwlc More No. .V-l B'oa.lwav, oppoel'e Broadwiv Tliealer \ fcwa_»tea ».at« for all paru ul the f.iiiae fo. MONDA r.Vi.MNil Bapl. f», fur aalu. MMK. 1' A M 11._ ~k"U RS» )'S I i r-t Ora d C.mcert U Ain.ilc. will ptMiiiarcly lak. plaoe 18 B-BCllUCrd on TUIRBDAY LVENINO. Sept SO, li-i AT MBTROPOLITAB HALL. I'ii'liaiiii.tiw.ii be p'.-_liali*al oo Mealaf._ NltfLdi^ _AKJL»I_--.JoflB BRPTuH, Baeuer-TIMB EVrNINO. Bapl. .4. will be per. toimeal^ RORRRT B.CA1RB IU terl Mi4-a!re.J. 4 Bruwne Mar:a .Mra Hteld JantHt Stiou.Bb aa Duin-ut.Lyune a}, m itftowad hy .BALLr T Div k-RT14.S_MEN P faaile l)»iix.Mlle. DeMelUM k Run. Vlet. Spanl.b Dancc..Seeurii. BM* LiTciaroVieura.Mlle oittaud aatoteBteaaaaaaB Baafaaaaa »i 7. *o4n.i«.n_e»iv7|^ BRf ADWAY THEaTER. E A. MABrHAii, ao'e I.e-**--HI8 EVENINO. Sept. !4, will be performrd OTtlrLLO. lllbellu.Mr K.rreMll.go .Br C'nwiv Detfrni'-iia.Mm. PonnllEiuilia.Mr- Vorxiti TuccBklode wih iheCci...-,,) bI___-__ POPPlMtf TIIE ul'ESTIOM. Mr Henry..Mr W.l)| M.«a B'ftin.Mra \ ernrm D.H... pen al 7 r.,nin.ence-t 7} Bo-*»a-d a-ar'i'.et -"'o.; Paniily and l pper Ciicln BB Privata Boaet, »i aad #8. BUR'lHiN'S THEATER.Chambera- el_aHiB RVENINll, BePR -. wtl' *a aarfra_ied A tl RE r-OR THE HEARTAOHl Rt- 11,-ib'rt -Ud'i.Mi. Norton V ur ex..Mr Johoiton O'd Bapld. Mr Boitnn P-ankOatland L Tnoinaaria V. ui fupld.«' PB-Bf Mm. V, rt..,.... Mra. Oyutt _;i,,.(Mi. Skeiretl .lewy OaUud.Mia* V\aaton aaR*B--te-.tiMr^|f11!4toull Mr Beln.ur.Mr Dyottl Hut et.Mrt Bketetl WaLLai'K'S LYCBUM, -rroadaray. -J. W WtnACk. Lrj8B-_-J. W. L-itkb. Btaga ukgsr.-YHIB EV ENI vO, .. ot. il, wUI U, parfornMd M THE 'V LL B'.rBolomcB Cynle.Mr Blske Iln ward.Mr LetUr ?.r--at..Mr Wtfatf Alhina ,.M'« Laoia Keana HIS Lasp LROR 0'Callai)itn...Mr. Bru-igba'a .__B...MBl >aun-. Cra-na Ucon open al 7, emunwHce si 74 Pvquet a_J U- ti Cir- aia, bo aenu.; Pannlv Clr.l. _* ; OrchMtr. deata, ?_ BAt-NDIM*8 AMJ--R1CA-- M U8EUM. -P T. BARNt M, Manu"> aad r*i\Trtetot -JOHN _)R» KNWOOD, Ji Awtataril Manu»i .t VV CLARRE, Dlrec-urof AuiiUkarueni.- The n.w Pris. oYjaa uf PUE OBPHAN-8 DRRAM *fr<i_***"[**_..?<* at 7* o-l..ok ANOrHr'.R Ol*** ad THE MILLIN- ERS' HOL1DAY, THIB APTERNOON al 3 o_oU. Adrnllia-ce to the whoie Maaeum. Halltcf Btatuary. Uia Pictute OaUary, Chuu. Saloa. _v_i| AnlmaU, toa fc-itor- rtaln-MDi* ka , -'' -anta_ WUOD'8 UJrS.'REL' HaLL, No. 444 Broadw«y -Open EVERY EVENINO Con- terU and Elh1..p:_n Deit-eatvon* Moile onaurp-aaed, and Negro Delineauona uuB4.'iaied Doou open al 7, CoDcerta aoi_t_epre at 8 o-clocl. AdmUaloa Ii4 aaaB BMlBBM haif ptlca. Th* Aftorooain Co-oerttare dlaaont'nued MINERVA U')OMS, No. 406 Broad- .8 f-BBMb ot ._« ORAND MOV INO PAR. ^TLtJOB 0-RER-I BTBtprfLO SCOTTS OlORii'taS CAMPAIoai IN MBXICO, aofBBBbgteg wlt'h the liDdlrf ot I'e Ata.rlBBB at V er. Ou-. 8 rtrriei of U.a City . t V er. CfM ud the Caetle af Su Jaaa dallkato 0-.NI.RAL WINPIELD SCOTlT AnH alao derlrtirg lha lloe of anareh p.rt-icd Bf Utf Aea-rl- mp ArSy.THRiirtiM MEXIO-i tn, Ba'.Ue. of C1.RR-) ooarn. costhera.. cui Rl ri-bc.i. sroa.M. IN" Vtf Cll_.Pl LrtPKC. ViK-vNU V.EW OK THS ClTV OB M-.XICO and te.-r.iinatiog wiUl tt:e pia i rbe,\"_qBer.".B.RlP»-Saad 8TARB oa toe L4-.LL_ OK TIU MONTk/.k MASI Now _p«D for e_h'Mtion Ur a thort ^rne. I riceof Adm-aakari 2o centa. CkUdaafl ha.r prlc*. Po >r. wlll to open at: odock f.M. Puuraaia w..I __m k prectacly. Ktro JpablicatuniR. ACOMPANUhN TO TO.M KLX-J.. T1I1S DAY Pl'BLISHRD. CAPTAIN HAWKE.orth.-Lrteafill'g^vvavTnaa. By theautlVt ol "Tom Kmg,' -CUnds Duval," * Paai CUf- ford " kc. Tbe darlrg deeda of Um aotoriou Captaia l.rg tba terror cl tre Lord m big'.iaray.are aqial to Ukou cl Uie rtlebrated Dtck Turpia; ud the hf.I'k. ud buuU- f _i Byle ui wbich tbe au-ot hu drawa tba BBBBBMB tnt __r it on. of the a»B rudable boaki ln prUL Pubtiahod compUte ia I Aelexn*, beannfully UloatTBtod. BrlceS-CUta. ORMSBY A BACKER, Pab-Uhen, * No. t: Aaa-tL Jl ST RF.ADY- A new Edlrica of TOM KINO, ulka-jared-r-to. 25 csaB la areu, C-FSAR BORUIA. By tha Huthor of . Wbltefna- BC Nt E h HROTHER, N York. GOLDSMirH-? SYSTR- RfFBW; MANSHIP-Th* p«b ____*_^J__t__\\n\_K_ Byate-i tf Pena.a__tfp. awrjo-ad M^MJWM»" 3_ am* tba Uke nanibar of copua, wlUk fall «raan-_a, B-ebaS_aa__R«S_S__--_a*>- *J*«' ¦** ¦ *"* a*j, fc| ii BBB AMt-RlC.-N WHI<; REV1-VV.Oc- .-.ber COVTENrS. Purtiait of Hob tm*m Rr.i at Teneeeiee. 1 Prntical Reialio..T! .. T«r"f ind tbe __M_kMk. 2. Nk-i..ral Huo-r 1 Prniar-. P.-nta. 4 EngMh Pol.ue*. 5 Ihe World abl-iw ( aaak l .II roia.4i rtreiie-tt. .-ta jf the Ir._rea*a of LO, 7. Fraf-i«afa fr.,tn an IrpuAlnberl Maiai'ne. I Tb* Pi.ta>._rg- Conventi.n-Tnlrrl Partywa. 9 Ccnn-aawiia. Samu.iry.BjuI Nj_cm. B uie..-!!» bl-Rciteg. ke f a »»*';* b im>_"i _'. eeati CHAMPION BI4BB_.-.Bta 188 N-i-wA. N V. Por gal* kp a I Bo» k__ell*r». la view ef the oear El'-'ioa. tb* etnatry irade wi'l do wnl io *reare a 'argeaipply of Tna Iii Ha. Na. York D-.fc.en will foruiih a P ¦' r trkmy* f< 0 B ataB. ./ tf., Ph, _4elpa-.a. |V. Pof, C'l BBBM I>¦ lt Hcvry, Rocoel'..r AMEMIUR af tbe ^QCJEE- af S)N(i' -luit enMiiiied-t- T.i'. nf HFNRirTTA kONTA i COU8P.88 DE R044I, Wl hn.teraitirgiketcn.ihy Seudo liecer aod Barhox, Lroi. Borrr e, Ad"l -he Adam. M_-.e Ateard, Joiie de Mai goe i*e. Piiaao Pur ktaf Muitt'i ind Theoph'.a lia.tler.- Vv ith au antbeBtic full l.ngib p -rtraiL Priee i'i eentg W.l. - r.-r. fr, ii, .- wai -' |. >. J p-1- IB* ¦ t I . ,....-,..-.,. - »- '¦( har day, . ud . r.- ui -.ha i. . .. c -rt , .r r '.. ta* l- P, i- -.- 1 . »r»r li»al »(<_. i-..r wa. oi t .L',i-.!y r -il_*_. . toal "I BM i - ' f.nii >-d w,-h kaaatf iada.-har_.jt at Bai . t, Dakee aad Pna . i,l atd >,»r - .,.,_ a> tn.twl. foataM. w_.n t.i., t.ig ifr.n. k«r .d.r.r. ..a. . pr.'.rr-d, a'.« reu . l fi n tk. »i k,d. ... ..f tl.. ptit,hM a*i*ie* . e, aa ..a. >.i aer . i - « »a hange.i . .--.--.-- v . .- 4*.. aa 1,-it .. . rrva atiaa whi A ka, .*!.-.*. Ba i>i- ka a i .,.'M ik. H* .. ata i.r.ui w.o ti Bm kawia* at.J '... i aS.a Q rmtav,» II ¦' 1 > , . .--. r «irr"d ..] . .I n.., r , - ... -, . i.r iii 'iLntr. ind ,< ar.ii'i. n > i . . | . .> ke*ar.atikta*evra -«--. ¦ m .0%.*m4 i* tk-n :»,,.-¦ . I ...... n4--.-a.iar .aad Ba i.r.r. In Pra.a ROBFRT BI1ITK. the tleroKlrg jf Soo'Jant. By tha authornf . W'allece." he. BTRlM.l.K *. T.fVVNSKSD.No. 2-Brad-ay. P| aPPL-TI-IN _t CO. pabliab oe l>P. THl'n*r»aY. a r.w volnn.a of the " Popul_r LTrr.ary" STOBIP.S PROM RI,A( KVVOOD One riilunie, Iti mo cioib, 5<iceiit* (.AiiAT»_Th* firat and laat Dinner. Ma'avoKt, Tba lien M.r, nd. The ivenier. Tiie Announoem.iif* and Three N'cholaa Ilji.k., or Piled Macke.el tor Dlaner, Por- lune Hu"ttn| Kxtracrcinary (tae ofthe nirit d'fficnii thit|i to welte U a goo. ghort itorv. Bn_kwn.Mii it ie well knowo, Iim long b»*B crle'.raied for lt* .TOpPlv of tl.'* rare llierary article. The ab-t* ae.eatiao rxhih'ta it* power ia thu* deoarfn'o*. Ob KRIDAY, THE WORKS ()8 TcIK BRITI-H POETS from Cl.a'.cer to Ihe prrwot tloie Seleetwd. and Chrrii.iogieally a'-ng-d. witb Binrrajhiral and Cntl.I N.i c a I.t l)r Akin ai.d tnera. J large vol*. 8ro., with 30 fine ttee. Eag'avinga R.< h rt, a_ea_.I »>an.p'ie* ..f Kigl-h f.itry, an.I aagg.-ti . I.' , i.u.b.. l^yi.D.i aoy at,!'.t_-a .* tk. k.M It e BWMl ai.ry on* wm, hu > u.t> mi.t ht't, aad .>«rf or. who La. mt ihi.uld kair, >. order I. .. a -. aaa rjwiaM* Magtun*. CcnUiB.ig IkS, pro|r*_,and heauty u{ Aagbab poatry (To* r,m**. A h.4-1 ttitt ought to it* wiy n.'n ...ry f4n..:y'a lurary,n MYTH8 OP THE MINSTR..-. By Eitella Aeua L*w.», aathornf hrcorda of the hrart," e.e ete. One nrat volnoa I- BM l_M 81 crn I "Thr pr .|.-!.ui vovagea of the emal oargoee whteb I have hirrt.'fni* tlmidly eo.i.ated to tbe oc-an of puhl.o oplrlon. have embr.ldaaed me, theogh nit antbout nml BBBJittogA to wbd forth tb-iitlie eraftof _.'lee.'' Autbor'i ad%erti*em*ot ln Prew: ELEMKNT3 UF THF. LVW.S: Or, OatBaeeef Bo Byataa ** ('ml *n1 (iimtnal Law in fo aa to tli'- I'nited Bta'eg and the Mveral Statei of the I'lllOB. DE9I0NF.D KOR POPL'LAR UBB, And tn . nahle axy one tn a. iulre a eain,,e-en( koowla^ge uf bi- li -ki r gbfg u.d pnviiegra. In all ti,e in.nt .'np..rtaol po litic.l »nd bu.n.ea* relatl. na f tl,. Mttaaai >f tna e .autry, wl'h tbe p incplei >.o whicb th-y a-e fi.unded. and tha me tl.a nfAMtr.ii.g and ma.otaii ing them Hy H..n TltABai .1 Sn 1 I .' i.t ll.e.Ind... cl tlie tuor-rne Court jf ihe htite ol iu'iiana Io one handioui- drmi vo. v.luuie. VV ill be ready tb:, >all LII'I'ISTOTT, C.RAMBO k CO. No. 14 Norih tr.ii .t fbilidalphia J~~6\f. tt. M-RRIAI-E .Pitrt 1. 3-1 A paie», l.uio PltaaBl Thia l* a book Ihat daree to gp-ek tho tnith wUh an audaclty *.(.. u'ed oaly b* ita ten- fa.WM lt i* iledi.-a.rd l.y the authur, Dr. L._a u* to all tcie ta.BB, ... tl.e tn..ieif and the brave of enher *ex, who h. Ii-ve tbat (lud r. veal* lu tbe lnatm.t of aach heart. th* lawa that be deeitne* lt lo n-,, wl,.. fewr n >t ta foi¦ low .e m.gie of e..m, bat ttefy tta. Inttrfar _ea of all k-rrlgn powarf. . Ry the aann auih-r COMPABATIVE P-TCHOLOOT, and Cnlverakl Anal- v.grt .I.I- Portrali* of Charaeter Pl.B, St* eent*. r TR IN ITY, in ua theoioglcal, .cia.tiba, and pracli- eal wj'.rti Pnce. V.c.iita Tli). ____M_k>AVB8T-i and Solar Bellglona. Prioe, 'A eerl* THE HI MAN TRINITY, or Tl.rre A»r.ita of L_B| >.l, the uitellecliiAl, tha praetl.1 epbera. Pn;e, 4t' rr i.t. Po. Mie. Bf POWL.KR8 k VV KLI.S. and their Agenelaa MDSICAL Vi-DB MBCUM.A Man- ual ef tha Scleuoe nf Muaic ad.pted ta tl.e w_ta of T.acKet* ard 8e8_.*B| hy Heri-ian a Saroal, .ditor of "Ma.x'. Mu»icaI (.'4.inp.winoo " kc Thi»wt,.k la what IU tl',-- uiipirt*. a n.'.i u*eful eouipanlon to every aiudcian a,d kad aa tavataebta nd to every gtaeent Thework la rlivid d tala lia grneiai paita. u fallo.a v_: Paat l.-Melndy. I'.iii II .Rbyuim. Paat ll|.-Organology,"(de*.rlptlTeof th* variooa hamaa vtirrAarddtller-nt iniunruenU. together wi tii ibelr *ca)_, ard ih* u.anner of Uirir notatli'n PtkT iV .Ilaruicriy and Couipcsltion.Ttill Elementary Pormk Pabt V.-Harmjoy aod C ,oipeai_on.Tba Ae_*._e_i PonnA Pibt VI .The Art!r*!e Kxecntlnn of Mu_1c To ttaaa are a-e.ii a Cond-naed Hiatory of Mart* by Kpocbi and aiery full acd careroly arrang'd Alphabalical indrx. . i .rly Ihe terma iinpleyed ln tbe bnok bnt alao all tiia ter_a uged by mo*ieai wrttera with thetr taplaoet',..! . TI e wi ik fni:ri»a hacdaome doode:imo volnrna prlnted On gaprtlioe pao-r aod elrgantly boo_d in c oth Pil |t _8 Juat publi.lied by MV-..1.S 1.4 V, *io _3 Paik- row.Nrw-York, OL1VER VVaahlngloa- ii B.Aoa. SMITH'S OPERAT1VE SL'Ki.KRV. OaaBB.88 WIU br publiahrd on tbe lat of OctoNar next, A BYSiEM t)K 0PEBAT1VE S ROERT: Baard up. n tlie praotica uf Surgeon* In Ih, t'n t Hrattt. and ii.p _iog a bingravbiuil ladex aud hiatnieal reootd cf mai v of thelr noeiairna, for a pe.-i.,d nf *H' year* By Hi.akv li Svii.i, M D llluita-t.with up ward ot lAB8 rngiatinp oo steeL Tbe wbjta formlni ooe targe -otavo j l- e COXTEITS. Pabti 1 aad 2 -Oeaeral and ElamenUry Opera_.cs, u well a* thoM upon the Il-aJ aod Pace. Piai 3-Op»ra')oti apoa tho f**-k aod Trink. P.kt 4 -0;-ei»Uo_oB _e Janilo _;__ry Orgar_i or :..e Male ard Pea.ale. PtkT S (iperat'.oni Practt'ed en tha Extremltiaa. A Biblli grap-lcal Indax ol moa ot lha S_rgie_ Pa?e;i coonrct.d .M_-ta.ibJaM u attaciied lo Mch Part. Tbe I'latea w.l he preaanted etther ttntrdor ln < Pmm 87 oO UBi.d. |1V co! jred to aiture. P.riAleby ail the prircipa! Btnkeellera. _ I.IPI'INCOTT, ORAM-0 k CO. PhlalMfhli. Brpt. 17, .._ ITNCLETOM IN BWGLAND..THE J LONDON TIMES ON LNC-E TOM'S CABIN I . -wof L'_-leTo_'iC*blo by tt:* .)n_onTt-iei.t* cat p-btlibed la pa.pblet tj.-rn pnca etxeent*. Thi* re- vlew baa erraed a m.t extraurdir.i.-y tengatl-O ln E lgaad ard ia eaicki_ted to do go la this e ontry. lt ta mark. by _B rueorr.fcU kbility whieh alwitafl -Mtert-M tba T_DM'i>adera Po.iiahed by Bi'NCE k BROrHE- No 134 N_Mu-at, N. I cgv . -141 CDarua. AS C..0- Cook. wh.) un<IerstanJ« bakiag ud pa-ry, and _*'*t ln tta wMbing aad ironir_| by a .ery.ct-'.Je yoacg VV o':,*_ and a* aol » saaiain tba waihiagacd irorrng bv aao-if^ T ,*_^ city refartnee given. May be wen for iwo dayi at No. -i Aliea-it,_p_u_s. __ AS geed plaia Cook, by u re*peot_bIa P.-t MBBl Olrl: ig cc-pet-nt aod -»." _>.*"/' WMblcg m.A i.T.picg City ref.,-.--. een ba n%»8yca- tri al No id ari nexr eji-at, in the groea-J st. a. v aa hr i*en fcr two dat._ AS good Cook, Waaber and Ironer, br a regpeewble W'oman; aoderaueda baklng i b.-aorbea no rh;-et.ea ,n graeral Leoeewoa k or to g cootfy.lacapabla or filHog tte abore *¦***"<?'¦_ *"... arardi all ktaZ o( bouMwort. kt__ at No 414; BT, dattyiefcraaia. Can be a-ati.. * AS Cook. hy a Prottatt_l y^un« WojB- an. BBO -.. a_exc*'ler.t Cook. a-a* I BBld Wiabai aud Iroear. a whieh ahe would he to aiwa, ii i quirad. Sba baa bean ln har -BaBaatfaB _**__[__\ yaara. C*. elty reterance |.ve_ May be aeefl _r twoeays at No _7 Oraadwt _ AS Cook. hy a coiored Woman, Ln a priralafdatly 8h._--.e-io _^____^______t lk. a .La bar, to ao ligt t war* aad hBaad _tn* auiidrea. Apply at No _H Ho__o_. cornrr ef _.-r._ AS Cook, and to waah and iron, or do tha bouMwork ef a prirtaa ^BbbBbIby«Mi, aadas «__.k*_r_«_d .Ml a.gtrale ^'~71%£?IXa-w reeareaee Baa ber taat alaae. »T othet 18BM 8BBa_g v. ry BBBBB-BBBl aad ha>e ex-aiiaat my ref.rak-- -AU at Ba -4 »tt-av, ta tae Beel 8t«ra AS _o.k1 Cook aod firs'-rn'e W*«'.«r and 1-r.ay br a 'eerwe'sMe yotil W'0-iu .M bo io-ni, b-.., C g*i ? ai iiooaeworl ta a .uaJI 'a _:ly ; ha* fa.dritv retrrance. 4 aa toaeeu at No 7S B_arlag at- ia thi 8ry goodi stora. __ AS Con*. by a rw.pectai'a young W> maa 8" l.w.Ii a«pe.l*ncad ta eookiag. aid 1. n e.eelleet W'aa-^r ana Ireoer li.d ely re'er-aee l'w v aeen i< r two eaya, at N'o 7. I nb-at. baiwaeo tib ani 1th a*- AS eofal Cook. Waaher %nd Ironer. or todo ge.eral hoeaawork. ia a Bnall prlvate familv. bv cne wbo "_4er.ta_.4a it. Can BBS.BS8 *n id r- l an b* aeen a: No 85 MulSerry-at, back room, _d Hory AS good pliiin Coak, WaaWr aml Ironer, bvayungW _a*n Canhateaa at har latt place. Call at Na _t. ">d sv. Caa be BBSB fur two daya AS CramRBRMAIB, Washer. Rnd lront»r. or tn tUe care of ehiltirea. by a rewecta»le Oirl, wltb goud ct'y refer-nca Int,aire at No. 4(. Jonee .- AS CiiAMBHRMAin aml pkin Sevver. or fine VV a-her and Ironer. by a reep*etable yonnt pn<- iuui.iil (roidciiy refereoce given Applyat'iVI tf-ti. AS CraMBRRMAIR and Waitress, by a'ii* yoong Woman Wonld mUe herailf g*n- eraila iirinl Haa Ui* b».t of ettv refereiee. Ca . at No. 8) VV eat 17ih tt Can be seea for two daya, AS ChaMBBRMAIP and Wuir»»r. by a yc-.irig Oirl. The br«t citv r*f*rer,-e raa b* 8' *n Co be aeen for t.o cays at So. 18- Ludlow-st, :a Uie froai boote. AB Chambrrbaib or Cook. la a hotal, l.y a reipeeUble yourg Woman ; baa to . and BBBB> eepiiora'-le r*ierencea "Apply at No .8 AUx, by a yr-unr VV, roao, a tituttiun M Chauiberm*:d, ur to do Waabing ar.d lr-uint m a hoiel. Apply ai ab-va._ AB Cramrbrmaid, er te do IteWBewofk ir a iinallfanifly hy a raapacfshla Oirl Ojod refar. BB. .- can he ghua. Call at No. 2-6 Weat l.tb-it. Can be ae-n f.r tw_ davt._ AS ('llABnERMAID. R_d to Rssist in Wiisll- lrg aod Iron'ng, hy a reapeciahle ina"_.'.ri,>a. yoang Wi man. Ia w II.Dg tu do ihe buuaawork of a imail family Good referenre tram lait pla e Cal. at No. .44 Weat 17th- st., in U e etore Can be aeeu unUl anited. AS Chambermaid nnd Wuirnr, or to as- ,l«t ln waabing aod Irnni-g or to d.. Uie 8*neral h uiae- woik uf a arr-all pnvate fiimly. by 8 reapeciahle y..o ig VV ,v r. ao ( k be *r*. for two day. at No 17'. Lndlow at., back in lbe riar. Tbe beat of cry reference caa be given. AS Coa< iiman. in r privafo family. by R jonng Man of alrlct'y teiupa-tte aod bab- ita. Haa a tborough ko wiedie of eunet horaee Baa of city retereae.8 frmn bispr.vioo. emplojer Can be .»eo bv adareeaiei VV McC Mr Oibaon'a Baddte 8bup, oorner of K.llcD tl and Broadway. _ AS gen.ral HoUBRMAIR in a pri.nte family by e reeieclable yoong (Jirl Oo>d nty re- fer-rre BBB M ,lven Can be Men at No. 81 tltb.t, bi- tweri, lit and 2d avs. AS getu-nil BoUBBMAID, by a resppot abl. Oirl, Inaimall familv iaa good plaio Cook, VV'aaher and IroDer, can bI«> do Cnamheiwurk O »>d .ity refrr-i-e (all at No 34 ( larktoo a.., baieineut Caa be _een fur two daya AS general HOUIBMAID, or to mlnd Child-en. Iiy a reapeeub'e PtotetUnt young Wnman, aad iew. C*n be wall r*co_nueoded. Call at Ne. 30 Eait 1.tb at Can be te*n lor two -*)._ AS (.tvnrvral BotJBRMAID, by a rrisppctri- ble American VV oinan. iu a pri.a'e fa-nilv B-M |'-e ien goirg io th.-f -.iintry. Imt woui.i na'-e n 11 .'le.ltoo 11 tne nty. A aute i-dreaaed ti M. thn olhce, will !¦« at- trid'dto. _ AS Noasi aad S_a_BBtreaa. av Ctaain. bermald aod Waiter In a pnvate family. by a r_.p*c- tabl* ycimg VN'oman faod r.ferenca glT«o. To be aeen for two daya, at No. B Ma:itougal tt, Sd fto.r back room AS NrR-'E and S.'BinRrre.s. or to do ltght c> amRerwork, by a leiaarUble Pr iteatont yoang W. maa Hai do o1- e, ion to theoouotiy. «'aa ha hlghly r-criiiiiendtrt. Cau ba aa-n fjr one day. Call al Nu IB 4th lt. AS Ni'K.E, or aa Cliambermnid nnd Waitrtka. by a reepectahle (idy Oirl, wtUi tvat of ref¬ erence. Apfly 84 No l'.i)7th av, id ilour, froai room. AS pliiin Sevver or Cri_riiriHrmiiiil in u gentleniaa'. family, hy a napaclaUle feinale. Bct-r- e.ceeol (I.a i.ratela** pr._BaM if re,|i.lred. Can B8BB b.r two **yt >t No. 11 Atl.ttiti.-4t, Hnxiklyn. AS Sea.mstri.hs bikI to aaaiat in liu*_r rharnbrrwoik, by a reipee.alile young wouian. The ti ,t nf iity raawaaaa nven Bmb iier i_ti pla a c.n at No. 47i ith it bitwera I.t and ..d.-avt., tlrai il.ior, ttuut room. Can la aeen for two .ity. A.a Wt.T Nl'KraK, b> h I'i f.r.tnt yoiin^ \'t, iiiab can glva gotri city nferenee. Call at Nj 1<7 HatAid-.t, atcLDO tluor, front rteui. >. twj daya. AS VI i.t Nt'hsr, by n resparrnblf. young W i.low ii.go-,1 rliark-lrr ,inrt a-ilah'a di.oo.1 Ion. Bhe - a Pr.t-.tai.t. laqtfraferMn UO .AN. at No.3 ALai.v liiivin^ lin.fl 4* xperiencrt in liu'i, kaep'ng.*. aattua'ior a* Hoaukaeper lo B tt nie»l fsmily Tu 8 fa.ui'y wuh ehimrro h*r < uvice. w.ul. I. 88 ah* la an exo-lle.t hand a'. n-r -. and would oe wilUbg to mUe heraeil geaerally uae « baaa H.H lrt_ace Oilica._ ASmabt, tidy Ir.hL wanra a sltua'iin to do tl:e worl of a fenteel f.tnily. or riiaoiberwork, aud aatette .aundry or plain uwi.ig Slie i. a good plam ( - » tr d Baker (.ood city relereuee. Call at No. J-O VV-Bt BB at tluid rluor. ATii'Y iRRVPTRtaol l.iRL wants a sit- aatioo tn apjtvate family to do general rwuieworl, or aai am-ernaid Bhe ia 8 go-d Waaher aod luner and piain Cik (i<.'1 cuy ref.-ie_ee*iiveo. Can be teea two daya at No. 1 D Ub-av., 1 Bb et _ ACompetent' aa Lady wnnr-4 a B.tuation aa H"iiaek*ap--r in » gen'ael fauuly or boarrilng ho.te, or at Mitr o in a->otr.!.i,a a.-nwl Au la- teruaw c_u b* l.-al in oa - '¦¦¦*.*! daya, «t Nu. 'J Leroj-it. Batulaciu.y ret.reuce gtven._ RRBPRCTARLB \ov>T, (iiRL wint4 t a .itoaliioto ukeearaof-ib3k)y. aod I* plain^warig. or wonld do cnamber wura. Waa-. nut iu much ao oh * t a* a |oo* bome Can |1vc tnod city refcrtuta Call B Nj. 1.5 Crcsbj-tt, 4tb rloor, nom 14. AYocno Lady wlshes a nltuation as noverneia or Atalatanttn a aehool. She bu ?.ed mv e*m aa a teaeh.ri U cempetest to lmtrnat tn the higlur Ergl'afc tiranchaa, Drawmg Parating and E-hroldery Can rie ter.rercee No objectloB to go 8 -Uu_c*. AddreM Bu. C. V L , Nsw-Haveo, Conn._ TWO RE8PRCTARLI Yi'l-.-o 4.IRLS want tifiatiot.t-on* aa ChambermAid aad to awiat ln trewa-i .- « takaeare tf ebildrea, aadUto tbe other it C-arobeima'd ar.d Wa'ter. or to awi.t io plaia aew:r g Call at No I J mee-t b« Ith and «l-»ee»er. They can be atta tor two daja, ln the rear, oa tbe urat flour. A GREAT VrARIETYof WBll-Bi-lfactad Serrtntt are now wanatig empevmant at C BA- BON'8 O-icea, Noa V-O Broadway aod 115 Bowery. Yenna .yeaily aob__nptie_, 40 eta.; oUvar.Ue._8 *u. N. B.. rfentj uf men a__ boya oa baod_|_ ATOUKG MAN of good baalaeaa Ulent deaireaBBtuatloB of aome klcd. If partacc. Dt-nveiB-ut wlih lbe Lrv Oooda bu-tnej. aad -U Unng ___d leieratce. AaCreaa P W , Tnu-ue Ottce._ "PJUGTICAL aad RFFICIEJIT ¦ BOOK KEiPER, wtth A N'o 1 citv raference, U low cp-rn to aa *_gii8i_eat u a kw aalary. A_d-_U P. T B . U.18 o_ce._ A(.R\DUATE of Obar-fl C< aga, who U an experlenced teacher, wlUi tbe beM r_»m- lendancm and refereucaa, deBrea aa opportutlty ufleeco- Ufl ln pr1vato8__oc>-_.d a nt-artop in a BjmUy arh_ra be cu toaab U bt*. board Addisss J M. E- Na- w lua toy-B. ARECENT GRADUATE of HAR- VARD, wbo will btlsf the b_t M_mrnaa<_G«a ka- I_tulula uWUffll n m a Teacher tn Naw-York, r* r^-ry_&-B\_rv1-M to ganUem-e wUbtag to ^c« ar^_r__Cs_-B-)r tbeir sn_a Ha ls pumttud to,-faf fcTB-V Baa-aalC-l-od. No. m WaBl lth-s_. Mr. W_r_AUaa, No _j Wbb i.Vtoi . Rev J. fW^at, C*m!.rUg.g»V Maas Pre-deni Sp-rka. R*v. Dr Waikar aud Prof-C. C. |X__. C_n_ldg* bidrem ORADCATE. ur. tf V. R r__ar. Tnbone b-Udtog-, New-York._, A GENTLE.MAN. who haa been te_ch- KirTc- ud OeTtnu 'of tba lut M rttn _Jf^jB__U- Pnu. wudM. eii.p oymant at Taaeh-r in toa ahnra Bauau ShrVT-Tart. « he fi__8 a aouhrBtla h_-M. A-i:- Dt LTEN-CkEL. No 71 B-T-y-tf___ *ANTED_A Chambarmaid and W a'treas. Ooodctty referencu reqaued. Call ba- tw^enl.a-d^-i^.Vl-^toa. Wagu h.a dtfi__ Nom bot r.-o-.rtU-U teed *rply ANTED.A Cmpanian for a -i.kiy Lady ttatbM t.o cbUdreaL « and J veaxii of MBj awomaa tt-U Ua bad t-BflBaaaa ta a_-_u aad tuing SmMb of s lou- ahi.drea'B ciotLiBg. kc.; -oaa n_ed I£u, kat a e_e.rf8J, scuvs AbmHc-. w_oan, thu taa B__a lbe fu-ily eaaestal aroand bar. To wch % rod !_M SbM Md. wa true fto y*_ra. Addma C B. W, JB lo- tarrtcw, Tr.bvJM OBc. A A AA W WANTED.Sifuationa tor amart, ti .ly. .oker, lionMt. udt-tr.oaa aad capehie 8er--.ta'.f rarlooa BMiona Cook-. g-r.-ral Vk orkrra C .__>rm-ta, Na.aara -eematr«w**. VV eitrre. OaBBB.MB k_ Apply at th* .-v-leet Pr.retant Ag'n ),'.'" Ca-mioe.., aon.rr Bh> av .. r Bectrry Agen.-y. No r-l Ch.,-baraat. N. B.-Oo!y acrvasta ofthe bea: eharegter ad nl.t.L_ VI/ANTED.A liirl HI Cn:i,n*>i»rm'lid. \ T *he moat *w af itaady and cCvery Beat haMia Eeg- liahor Amrnran p-r'-nrd. Apply et No 17 for tbree daji. bet.era tta h' raof .'and I. _ WAHTEI) IMvlEDlATELV.At tha iBBliata Ita 181 it, a Lady wall .ae give i_ii-jctioa on the piaaa _^__ BINDKR AND RUI.ER WaNTEO. -Tha lu-.rifwr betcg abont lorwroo'e -nto new ..r- tr-a wberr he wlli Lat* a .a'ploaro^m. ..tbe* M . ure aa teearta R-liraad Rimter of deci.i. a'.lt'y ln a: d w hai tk. re.;n ii'e meara to lt*rt oiineee oa a rw- .pretahl* 888-0 Oixid rafereaoe rao,_ired P. IIART, I'nnter. N'. 117 Llherty-el. He cugbt expwct a good deal of c_ito_ f oni thi M'*bi;_» BBBBt I BOOK At.ENTS WANTED.Tocaa- v.a New-York City and othrr ptao., for ooe ofthe abty wnit. n knd tpletdidly i.luatrated workg publlgbad la tbe c-nutry Th'ww >*.ilb wi .".nd th* wurk welf idapta. to mII la that rwgioo. AddreM, p_t.'_i, B. _RAKr, A CO.,, lonn_ ROY WANTED .In the arholeaale Dnig b.i-tnrf fmtn 14 to 1- veer* nf ag*. Nore nee 1 apply wiihou: go.<l laeawtaaaaanma from a piblic Ua h.r Call a' Ma _9 Maidea-lan.. BOY WANTED.-A amart, acdva, an.l.".'"tia Bny. aed ooe who cib btin| a adou*t*d ref- rteneaiM to moralaat'd Bt.8 ii.egtlly, wautad to taa u "ie **¦. cy iJHJdi biaaine.. ai the N.w r.acy (iood*!(t..-e No. MT B.oa_wa>-. NKAL CARROLL k BL .CtllN_"N. BOY8 WANTKD.Tw'»orthre,A Bo-B, .ciiiiat'itrd wkth Bt" -Mag- baa..01,0. Bad euploy- n.ent by calliug ai No. .4 Maeeniane, w-coed _kwf| / HK)K am! W.vJTKR WaNT_D.--._ V Poaaataal Cook and W'aiter are want. t n n.d lf ,y,u,r'ia-'lf andera'an.i ili.'ir bti«ii:»«, Apply .'ara-n 1*. and t o'ciock M No 17.". Kaat B.oadway | COMPOSITOKS WaNI_-3. . TliTtifA or tour gocd Compawi*»ra wan'ed. gag a few dava. a'. NA8BI.T k CO. 8, cor. VVali aad VVe-ei-g. CtOPYIST WANTED.Wbo wrlte, a ) r.otd BBd p'\!e han.l. AddreM, wl'h anaclman, I'l.i'MF M thia eaaaa itatn.g where be may bo f.ud al a u oni.Li'a nollce EaXPERIENi KD SERVANTt...Kitin- ihea di'airim* of proeu'lng 8_80.l¦ Protr.aot an.i 8.r- inw, r. C. oka bn., S«e.K.eee n.riiVr- i- aid*. ke, can tiod a large aad i* parlor »electl n. w.tb n exceptlona >i-.i'y P-feree-v-a (o taa ai.iet raaaeatabla fa_i- heaat MANNl.Ni.'SOtBce, No. luTiilary-t, Bruoklya C^IRLS WANTED..Five or *ix f M.ue a, ec.iu_nt.ed witb making Carpat lltga, eaa 8nd en.pljjn ent, by calling at Nu. 14 Meldeu-lane, *ec ud itory _ | GIRLS WANTED..SeveriiKii.U who are aaMB ud nea. aewer* a.a waoted to work an (.'ra- tat i -a. k<- Apply at No. K6 VVHM im-at , Ninint, i <oVERNESS WaNTED..Waated n \_ lady that a;-*aka Bpiniib. to teaoh y ung la.l *a *'i 1 tate cue of aot.lad MwM uihor nerd apply, at 74 .laoe it IN FOR WA TION WANTKD .Of I'lllLir BARRY, palnter, -bo formerly bmrd*d ia (lerman-it, Phlltiitlphta Hlare.iirn Iilui* m h i.- ibe knxi.ry of Iii* Iriend*. and ha will ba enaM.d to ecu.metce b_lr.Ma Let him wnte tnunadlately to uld ad- drrw. . _ NSTRUCTION..A fre_cb _aot-»rr__, -. with an eti-ellen- eduaattoo, wbo .an ip -k and wnte Kiign^i tolarably wall, wuhea agituaii.'nin a prtvalo Viner- lcan ftmily to i.-acii chlldren In Fre-ie*., Mathemarn-a aad Bonk krepii t He can give g. .-i raferenae. Addreai B. A., care ' f Mr V'an.l-rliti.e, No H lalto.-i it. f\T()TI(:E to O-TTD-1 MANUKAC- 11 Ti Rk'RB A pract'e.I Cotton Mauufaciurai, arto bM been aaaWBwd in ih. ba*.n_> for the laat twaoty y**n*, BBaal -.fleeo of whicb b. bai hee. euipL.y. ln buildlag aud operellng a. :.... of Uie h.t milla tn Naw-Rnglaod llM been ui the Iw.utliera 8.1. ti or aix ynara ocoup.od lha mu, ' kind et bualoeaa, aod la now deairoue of obtalnlng a r.tua.ion M Superlot-ndant of * me reepecubia Cottoa Mai.uf-:...' '* '*liiri.:ut Mu no jbj. _l n to go So-lh or BVeat Can undoubted rwfo/an.-ea to abarnctar, honeaty. .kill and ah.lity l.r'era rd k B. P. M , tu tbe ra/e of C. Muali«i, Kaq , No. 77 Pla._- (pt.- paid.. w.11 mwat wllh in-oiavi'itta ai.antlua PAKTNER WANTKD.8paea_ or ac- liva .Tbe edwatteer* ara engaged, In tha city, la Ihe ojaenfaeture end *ale cf a atandard llne of Oi.dA wall eetab- lltted u.,1 ptii'i-al-le They aie deeiroo. of eolarglng tl.elr bua.rrw M it can now he doae to rmd advantaie Any peiw.D .iiii a BB.Bal nf fri-m five tn a.ght th, ara will i.iil 'in, t i.i. .1 tpportaoliy lo Invaat ettber ae ellant nr aciiie partorr tn the .-i.n.-e.n Be*» af referaoaae given aod r.«.iii-d. AddreaaSMITH v BMITII. Trlhune Offi.. 1)ARTNKR WANTED-St.rerBl fhou* .and D .Iteia to liiveat in ao aattfB PBrtaerahtp, ln aiy BBB.8M whieh la r-.pacU'jla and lucrative. Addioid M K S., Trlbuna Otfice PRIVATE lNSTRUCTION..An ex- pert-noed Claiwai and Mathema'ti.I Teaeliar, bwu'- lng aoiple tr and oHenr:g andi.ul.ted alty refer- aaaaa OwBraa ^.nplnyment tru or BBBB hou. a day. Ad- ti. Tl TOR, at tte Trihana Offlce. SALEsMEN. Waatad, .Srilo-i*n.'. the cify rwtail dry gcnd« 'rvie. !b ata'ieand rli Mta llibrd bo'it.- wtaraa tegolar fami'y trad" la dnn* '< .aiariea be paid M men of axperie.i B. Ami-MS O , at thu aflicr. SALESMEN WANTKD..Svn,-! .--- BMtal c. _Mk.l BB the ilepk-tnent App'y to A AKN'M.U k (O, No tii QbBbI >t SHr-lVA-*.f_ i BfiRVANf_ " BKR- V'aNTS'-WA'.'.,! tttett, nred p.ivata fai-i'ly der- vai.t. wuh ,'wjd taanwrnilals 1'lffka Nor*.* «cd vva'ir..a_ .et ibe Pnvat* Pa_n:'.' latallhjaaaa OOe, tw O: tnd it. SITUATIONS W-NT__t--ln r.ta,.rjr tahle fa_ Ht-*, I r a 'vg- nomber ol Chil<l.*eB of bitb a_M,ii-o, of Wnmee witb l°fan., al low wagM Appii- gaiiuo to he mad« at the OflUeof tteCu-imltaliiBafs of _.I- graii.. in tha PmB. TEACBER WANTED.Wante.l, -a Tea. ^er in a prlvale family. cipa.le of I'vtng in- atruction in tl.e Krgi'ab branck... and ala.. SSBaMa ol MBStV Irg (ae rrflan.t.tiof iBatt'irnabUl and V ocai M_S: Te-nxS c uat be u..-eralo AddiBM B W. I.j No. -,»J Lowar Poe( 08 oa 11U MERCHANT- bb_ OTHERS.A vnti-g Mkn. yeariof age. .aata a iitiatloo M Ll|bt or Oeneral Porter Ile iatempara-t and ladug-.H- o-u. He wlahe* to tbange h'.g piMeot fltaatiaa I of kiae c.'.a. nrmrnt Cau reler to bi* preaaat e-npioyar an- Ulaagaged A ooie eddr.aee- tu M. P. D., Trlb- 'J . tor a vteek, will ue alteodcd to. tt s. scaoor. a(.ency-Bf e h. li aWlLOOX, No. .»- Broadway-C-ifan' ..» t _B. and »ngag*mentg hy tbe l.i*. ln.ti-iot_, PaniiiM, Tea.beriand Matrom tl.rough ,at tte el .n. Apaty-'h iba-oney Ooe par eant ln advan e aaooala adfaix, ex« crB*eaa-d [ :ocuree _. r**]».ad loaipei.ia.iu *_o M P'j*. iible Secur-0 bj a tran*i_able chaca, |oad for all ada«a ttoaalctl ttt._ WANTKD.A ekuation bj a Soprano, ta a Q_-_tte Choir. AddreM C. M., Tnb_a 0.ea WANTKD.Agood aeeo nd-handPi-no- Titte, B'-rdtnan k Oraya mtka witt eamoaaa a-MBt, BtwBnad Adirew rf 15. Ontlon, Vwotal, poitpe.. a_llng ca_) pfi^, «).e of- *h. t- Tf fANTED.T<> p_rc_aeB a cood aec- \Y o-d-'-audPlar-o: gi.ea BBBB8w88ta8wS8| axada hy maarr.. Ml tii/eM ., --. Pread. ttmA g-vd Pta-oj priee \_t_k ktttm a _-tn lo L. 1.11 ajJ»ea-on» Miacc 8_ra 71 Bleeekar WANTED.A pentleman qualified U an Architaet, ho MB «iva r ed refere-r_ to t jrrn .,. -,-'- -iTua »ko -u'e- t«__e tt-rooalily ac- ... _(-- Wtt^a- "oalreax, -.'lng Mfl_-al cpfal Ad- < __,L. 1T'lbu-VorJiM, witb raal aame. sut ng -baa aad v btre mi ia.e,-view aaa be hat 0 _ j \-/"ANTED.A aituation in r Ha'. I. IV t.'-:.nt.'a .______ 8t_nnBery, or a(a_.t- _.__ kwa_re.MJ Maa .ho mo five gt_d r.farao * A'- dr»MC VV , .»t* uf V. B. l', Adva*J_tt| A|e_'. B^au a. \\J ANTED.Ry a (ientletnan resiiic-i; *f r ¦ tb. an--r-.try, i ing e mao aatio.b--ao. Naca aeed arpiy '-'-'. a I.8M(.Bt, and oaa that cao brrr a |»d rn- _tr.e_.-_.. fro_a h_ laat piace !n t:.:i. '.ty, a* Gr^j_ a_.d Dnver-in'.dcUe-M.d tran prafarred.a r a araa from the aegth of 'rrlaod. Addrea alioe to i. 11. TLRNIR. No._C__.-r--at_ WANTED.A Shuatlon In aChoIr, by ago.d Ttner __|«r. Jk&th** (J. T. _- Tt'.biae WANTED.Ona or two peraons who have bal rxperra'-ela tha b-fitee* aod a__ai__od c-ovaMtBg. to lolielt fur a L.fc l_air_a_a Company Ai- dr*M B. i No. -71 New-Tork Poat-utB.. J ANTED. Mea af reepactability, ta f btaato -bgariber* tor the n__t aopolaf hoobj»t tht CPrtaallO.) Ayply te WH -___BT, Bo. IW .Naak-i. B.taaoadB-ry w \17ANTEn--Twe Lada, frotn 15 t- \7 Y > ,.»rt ci aga Apply to J N IMI No. 414 Diuadwiy. \I7 ANTED.. .Sr«-am Fkiiiar waotad, |f a dc«'.'e flue bottor, from to *S taeVm _i**a*ur aad 13 to 30 feet lo*g. A fair Ma aaaw tttpti ***. ot ba ,i *. *iil be paid by V. O Co- Boi 1,977 L-war Puat OB**._ AQ did kd | . ** Man of rapaeUy aod ty «_¦-" >" f" "# ererpri-*!* w_itM by tb* tf.wiwr, w tbhoto Bi iku io a-' BR to wxn him i. aoaavl_.»ibaa«a r e__ alre Jy'-aiaWulud. a __B»B^__B d URakto ifritatriiu.ioa. Addrr-fl PaRTMER BBBBa OR a. Coet and fannO LOST.At oi- neai Eultoa Ferry. oa Tn-tfav .aen-ig. V* tntf mv»i_I i»aur. -. L**^ Anlclea ol rai.lai.lilp. .1.- »'e nna*. wi b. tawatfed by i.a.iBg t_.m*i ta* . AVeel .VU.iirM&N k CLARi- aUorneyt, No. HM B.v*__a- LOST.On the -Tat, ia At'aaUc.t. b*tw*ra Hlcto Md Ci-iai-to- BB.8 i.d BMSBBU PoRT aoviur. .>aig_ai"g *b-_t a nty in go d a*d a f.w aanali Ca".t_raia .<!.. *M The nnoer wil. K> hWaily tea-.iAee by leavina It at BKN- NBF8 Nrwt Oth.e, N* bl at. bViath B-j-kiy*. ailMHiO,': w vTljanrri iai Bnain-ai fllnt DJUJfl STORE for SALE..A firat- e'aas arr* la a BoarUhlug i wn, eaay tf eeoeaa to N-w York or t'b:la_el,r-i., oow dmet s g od eub tetaU BBd pieacnpuon baainm. Oood i. >-. .ivaa ' >r »*l lag i aah pnee BAB. Addreet A. bcHaul E by latt*. ui gfliaiaallj at No .'lt* (.reeawieb B. N. Y , w_ara all aecea sary ltliAinaliin caa beob'aiued PA1NTERS..For *..I.. an o!d Mtab- liihed P-'-.nt Btor., d-Irgafi bMBBBMBBBB Will M twtt low BB . «o*d caah 04.mi bbBB. Apply oa UM pretnlMS. Ea Ui-aawav, uear r. Bat to >l.Yiinti to be madia on JAfAki ra-i'al ta .few mmfhaonly The btBneas ik perfrctlv Mt* au.' l-asaol Oa* ballo' Ih. aapnal oo time. IfeeUred V bvs Bo. No SUNa.r York Pit -Ort .*, Uu..a-tataly, aiviegaao-e, be. ANTED.A Prirrnrar with $5,100, to irreai in t'.e i: ar-.'.*. ;'. of. Pa eat M _-f :.¦* to: -t red toaa, dryira wbir* |..»4 ana.ja_.uU ., all kiMt drurg damp llour. roaitiog cortre, pieptriti. .eag* lor oriaeb Ing at'd baktrg T-o tbouiand ci'aet wiil ba BSfBfBd la- ri e.liafety ft,r pirrhaairg one-II.trd ot the rlg_l and c.n mrnc'iig tbe mai--cture, the bal.i*'o M adveeo-d M aeedid t . Uie HulofM None but Uww> having tba >. v>. and de.inog t<> go into the tirtaioeaa, rt.*d aoply. A-Jfj. ROA8TER at ifi. .ttke ul Ui . paper. (|a«t-paid.l ft*_ ______ .A PARfWIR.WAWP- Xff * g.l t\ l\ tm kd, wlth .'v. Ttiimwid Dollara, ellbe a* scecial or activ. in a eaib hua' a'ready ealablialiad Ad-rf«J VV.C. it .. Is- l.-i. Posl-O-ic*. Doar, and ttootni. APRlVxi'E KA.M ILY cun arcomino date a (iAntleiuan and bta vv :f* wuh Boai.1 and a I,-, nd auiry Roora, la a oew hj-M .llli tbe uodern Im pi,. tu-nU. Apply al No. RR Itbav. Retmuoe. u- cliuged._ A4.KN riiE.MAN aii-T wTK- and tou? or flve flngts Oeatlemen eaa be araoininod-tetl a*lth 8. ard ard p--*.*_» l-t-fklNi II v arlak H auf Bi Joh.'s Park _._ AGENTLEMAN ri d his Mftib, or ona ortwo Oeotleuien, caa fiud bacdRa)4iiely Bar- oisliid at No 171 Eaat 17ih-sL Tba boau U fto. niUed wlUi b*!ba,hots_r, gu, .Vs. ___________ AH RMSHKD BKDROOVf for n ain¬ gle oeLii'iianto Lrt, vi"1! or wiitiot BreakftfJ. ln a triBecteMa pnvate raiutly Iu ik_B at No 4-4 Oraad tf , neai flaii Bnaow.y. AUltlTLRMA-l and WIKE r_n ba arcooimoitated wiU) Board ln a pl.aaant B-oia ia a tm- v.u AmerUan faaiily. AL., tw ¦ n-gU Oea-touUB, at Bo 7 Cberry tf. opptBito rr_uhl_i-*giiar-._ AMKRU AN __v7__J-. Paaaaaa, fl. 0. -ThU not*- 1. by far U»* m>wl alry. BBBBflB aad ua- .' .._:',« b-aa* '. Vb. City of ¥\ .a.u* lr. g.kna-aw. . ^^^ o .mvfri fro_-,aata AGENTLEMaM aod WIEE, .U- _»v- '.'.I youn. Maa. can be BB ut-tuodateai wtth |Utoa. Board and aliy K.v.,iiiaal No I J Bowary APRIVATE r.WIILY, iMcupylnj5 a la.fe 1 ull... wrlth tl a n. >d*rn Impi-veiooula, ufef a tiiita of iiiOB.a on the aeiv nd ll >. r. wlib Board; ato", ruoaM on lbe Uiud iloor. Oaa ai.d Imi liituialied tf tha U-tf.aUS. Can and a ue I'am the door. Tliw* wtio wiab f> nve ra- tltU will do well to Ma.l.i-u B , care of Hoiimu A Bruwa, 4ib av comer of .V li «t, IB-B-B.B ly ABUITE of haadaom. ly lun.lafii'd Apiirlnient*. wlth Buard, can ha til.u'oedU a prlva's flial-claae '¦...«. A fi»ir fBMB o I ll xir lor a nogle Oa* tlani... Apply .1 Nu. 44 Waat -Jd tt |>OARJ).No. lo'J l-uat 15Ui at., a»*r I > Btoy veaani park, la a p * fkuilla, wlth . ¦.-. li-na.ultM .f rrirtixaiili mll-d fauotll '8 4 '.ila.i.., ihre* n.ajui*for iingl* <jen'Jr.maa Tba Hoaaa4aaaw, wiB gU wariu aud soid -*U-a, A.. BOARDING-Al Waa. II an.l 17 Edtat Broadway, oae pleaaanf ru. and par.lry f>r a ')enU*- iiau an V. ife Alao .U aaanl i BSUS fm .lugte Oeul. xaa* llui and eo'd boUia. ilef-renco. eachaofed. BOARDING.Rooms, eingla or lo oltar, mKIi bc(e|or pi*.'* ..')!., may tobadat t'ntoa- park Ht/iise, b>,a 22 and .1 Baat llth-sl, aad at.waat B¦¦ * a> ,, and t r. it li. * are il.-.ijo Itaialkua, aad th* to: mi are i.l.i- laie. BOARD.K"" .1*1 for fainllinB aad «!n_ia ~u(l-men, al No 184 Eaat ih hat. Hoan aaw, .BB aii the 'uudeio iinpiuveuieiite g fiieoaaaaaahinf.8 BOARD..Thatapur !. HiRiifidf lauantnew b' um (f'.ro'abed w'rh new furotture Ibn/agboutl Na. R.l l'Aii at, nair la av lt utw r Uy fur the raeepfk-i tf boaidtirt Pk'ii'.l tor ..'-if'e g* ,'leuiau aoeooim nia'nd wltB lulua. oi iln,- - . afib 'I B* aufurolibed. wlth fall ar partiai b>a_d. The lu oaa baa C* uutfera Imocvainaala. gaajba-haRa BOARD.1 woli. nrlf ifiiRiicaii baactioin- ,u.-tatad w'fh hai' fti,-oi.bad roouia. wltb ot wiU.iu* paitlal Boa.1, loapilvatefainlly, tf No. _-4 44b av., B*ar uloB-at|'-re Hatb ln B M Q4)A UOI.Nt. DO WM"lH7WN---i O CHAMBERLIN- North P.lvat Hoaaa, No 84-<g.ona, habt -,fi a Market A tt* aanna- aent Boardart .an *-n ireoma.iUat*d wlth Board tf tn to .Ar a, -ak AU- far _hai i.*- to Ial wlth or wi!-oU Board. _ BOAiiD..1..H..I RooiriB un 1 BsMird at No. ._ rultofl-at tot Uanfleui, day aad BRBBBBBl bovdait. _________________ BDARD..Kin« Ro4>rn» to lat on ti.aaiAf-- ond floor, at No. <_l S^rlng tt, Iwo tuon eaat ot toa C-ilai-ore Hoaaa. B OARDING.Ia ii t'umlly, awflll JD lurtUhrd fioiit parlor wlth otn adj JM'ng. ¦* tb* . - .i Iaa?, iu a ae. kiiiw et aUlalog all tbe u-jdera uo- proveueau A|. ly al No. H Eaat /'Oi at. BOARD.A Gentli-man und Wlfo r.aa obtom B^a-d. and a pieaaant ttfrntaXory ba k rr««i ttd raetrv. ui,'jnilat..d. ia . prtvat* 'amlly. wlibo'it tt*\_ drrn, fur 17 u :t week. tha r -«n U taoattot wlib bot auf cr.ld w.ter B.'h te tt. _o_-« iittataoca* .acli_-|*d. A»ply.tNu >) t harItoa_8l_ BO A R D..Lfi't'« Ro'.ma wlth Bad Boor.* sullabl. fc' tia.i *mam and their Wivuu agJ* OeB'lenieB bath to tba Le-we; ******** tba 8-8?. AtplyatN- -'^r. Ma.t. r-;'-re. - ..-_ BOA RD .Fri-nrb.Pie-nsant Roa.rns, farniihed Bf nnrVirtfi! *d. oiay to oktalaed aaai MM- EM .,u_ia lu ¦ oew f..aie, wl b ell uwde.i ImprovamtatB rrencb will be t*-|l,t al _or_* .r ar prmla riwdanoae. Aa roato u tear toa door. Re'ertaaaa .ub-Bg-d'I No 4- We*t.khit, B8VB._MR N. R. A-o boAit tor* fla. genuenaea. __________ BOARD. .Mra, TOOKER. No. \)7 Bprrigtt, (Ira drx.r wa,i0f Bfeadwaj) hu B lat _.'*._-. M-tatto fur Un-iie. or g :i BlMMk OARD..1- tha^a cotnmodloiia _._a. I.o. i.7 I-.Uo.-at Uoo* 'cuafd (.__> g- V* M J- BOARD io SECOND-AV..A aul'.a of P-bir.i' n tba -i.d Baaa, with fo 1 Board.««,.'il. Anply al Nu. -U ii-ay .paaao-a i| ur by latter. BOARD io KAST DROADWAY.-A O.Bt.eroao ud VA ,f. an 1 a **w a-ogl* OeoUo-ien rai ba acc~t__ Jtiat-d wlth Bi*aa**t &._*. luraUBM ot _*f_r r lahad. .Ith full sr pariUl Bw.\1. at No IB tUa. Brual wiy Hot BM ocld cold watar l»_i'i 'a Ihe _©._» BO A R D I N G.A Cfjotif man an.l hia ' Wife, rr atr.gto *_tle_.n. ua u. _SSo«*."-*- teJ wuh p taiani rotxna aad U.BI. U.Vo uilCtaAtto*i*raj- B*S_f*B-BS BOARD..A arimll prirate family, pl-aa-, ravaa BBa-Baal tol-wui tof.atto iiu|leOa_iei_eBor a 0.atai_8B a_d Wila,^* tifoinubed, wuh af withoat board- "PP'T al Bo *_.« laihtf aad 7th av? _v«fcreuaau«t.-t«td. BOARDING fur FAMILIES.-Two or th.*B R4a-_.._r.r BBMB BtoMR-ji f^uJ..IU-* .t Ihe naw snd aocoaioJk^. !_^^"'^'^' _, *n H BBB a t. BBB <-*> CbbbI a ed *gr1_g JB.**t Utf tM |.mi for QeaUeat-B. _ OOARD.A G.n,ifni-n andWlfvaad r> t.0Crt_rM-ii^l*(J*rit;-_i-_, _*_k__*W_\*S32 thad.t-f4uiBiih Board,) by . pn..-. ha*\*l r*"' * i__._a_i_a- frv- aoca bo-u, wlib aii Bwdrr* i«ipr«v.«_**M Appyi:No 34Wm;Ut*.

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bmbmb aBBBTwYaM-B 88*81.8 Titi__NMTlll- ~__at Mt.KN.N.4 ,eiau,t *rr«»r*0,)

tt*1 ""'I..,,...*.* . 8-B8-a8_-l_p, dlfJ.^'^ .,«,«. . .r.krti aat. ¦***-

,T vaB """"Vfjl.-ai riaa n" -*-«

_¦"_____-_*»(_¦.» toa I aM Cew,. per -w*Ataltawr*- _> gl ___Z .,» to ._*>-_ _. -. Deak

,,_.«. aMaaaaa «**J~£' .> at, «. e.***Vr .*. mm*k__\ _________ five Ikollan p*l aaawa >n

T rata Mai B8wB8BMBB ^ ^^.^ p-r «, ^: » 8-a.-8_B.T-a aaae ¦» mb ^ fe s.,

a. |l rtrer WW»" e*,), Par-. -_» . .,

' 8- __B ^_Zl_*'*Ttt.' BBB 1800a of T»- r .4-. _. . rt . a .vw a.''*w a--

;_.ialk,e^-8»«^r'nCe'.o_~_w_KKl.V TIMHl NB.

* .'wr*^^^''^^.a> W ad"*-"' ~?T u,, .v . *.» e°"-.» *_*J-^aw^_-» 8 . *1 -A-aaaaaa.

tor.h.. te*-i>'*.?**'_^_HF BBfll-WBBKI.. ^VLell. __s» .. fiiua, ao . "ntea*

.ir aaaaaJ^rtWaB^a. wJ-Ra-¦__.'. '^nt!TltaV.rc-:^Ka_t.x..

T_lB.-Kr..VOflHrii««;NB1 "*^ : . .....a.a _l_k,0_-"»»".

b>-%_ft_-Bf;^ 5 ar--1

f,a^--.:^ra^^^^r^ri..a"l_ia« o_ tta dep_.t<_e of ea_ *_- **_c

c/agn. fcaa %{g_\\\__i cvaarii N*******

lyohiutti iboii'kB

£___._ *'i!xn;-./-tir_.irj.ot.tK. WA_awoaTH,|8MMtaBaBbs.I Pai _>_.-

ai-B-B_-8_T--S£Bgg2g|:*v:;r.''.,:.'^'rr.';.'o]r.X'f^|£Babi FJatwBITtri to <be Xth Ward Meaa Meetlng. A,i o_«r

Wki, ttata of our cit, BMj^flflfcft rrealdeat.B-4M MC-kOBMBLA, g aJui.rH A. Ju>.»,

_____ _

r. Klahlb IVat- *,*_- l.raU-.-A 8^1 «n--t-

i_jgofti.L.»lno-iilt*be!d Ilil- (8T,id.y) BVeBTMG,_3d i. rt at 74 ____, al tbe Mercer Uot_e. tn compl-te t.i*.

.er*....yarra"gen.-.. for tha .Mae. Meefrs aod l'roceesicn. on lle* i?th Monday next Bv o _<..Bght I rocoMicu on JA|||- (. Mu(r,. Krfi Prei.donL-___*_? __.__-__. 1 Paaaftaa,J0..« VV. P."U . k, *

__' r__l**T>BlB Miard iBMrubowra UIbB*.HOieT iO-B BANNKB To rHd BBaVBZB.--hoB M|. cf tbe i«to YYaid, aad tbo aeve-al S<-ot: and _al . a

C-toel ibeci.tei.f ffew Yorl. Bruoklya. VVT,liAin.bui»haa. ntlullv ai-lrvltao to oitet with the I'lub. at th* oorn-r

!il,ba. atdl-tk.t. ob v_'UAV k.VENlaV) Sept ht,Bt «/elfKk npon ibeorcad-D ot hoi-tlng ihe bann -r'rdto BCOrr S-d OBAUA.L Tbe fnllowing eniiuent...akiri kave koau U.vlf"l aod eona, nte.l t. afldrr;^ lhaa-ettug vu Tneo. E. Ton.l'nmn. E. DelafVeld Sm th, 'Je >.

C. Belaw., Prada. A.Talln.adge Mr 8pe.i.-.,r. aridoibera,JO.4P.PlI RL'SsELIa, Pr'gid-nt,

MtTT.igw Mc Beeaat, t ettamUrt, Oiviion, JB-e-tai-a._"BT »ereair*_ih trV-rd tO/bta tiaarter Uaa-v. n'.oii. 11 o I).aajlOOta ihla Conveotlnn will maetatIhe I'eti.y ( iay Houm. on tlie evenlng oi KK10AY oext.Ute-4lh lnit, at 74 o'elock P M. By order of the BOW. PHI l.LII'ri. Cbairoika.Hiskv C. M.iri, ) B_a_______d_.Ceaakii.'S M.*.<'«,. Sec,tUr""'_tW Twrallrlh U' B--H.ab Democbatii

WM U NOMINlTMl*.!:»ur _w*a_>......JAM8. ANDrtKWS, Jr.

O-tAR TAlia 'II, Ch'n.Noui.l'oiouiit'.-e.P M. Cuaav. .Becretari-iPkaMiAMil.ivaa, lB*frr'>f' '-_BB"* TraaperitBirr Noinlnntlowe.- The Thlrteeoth

Baid I. n.uera".e Mi.., i->aling Ci.'i.-Ittee m*t on n -i.._-DAY HV KNINO. Bept Jl !Ra'?, at No. '. Mangin¦«.. pt.rail-aBttt.afa.1, NniiAMi.i.J Bi.h.d prr*idi.ig Tae Ci_-ailttre tlieo pirvetded la wi. .. tbe followiog attk-rwa we'e niian'in'.: aly r'..o*e. Kor A**ein*i|y'iiau, JAMK4)liaRdl'K; Im ladnial h-et-taa BrKi'lliaN R ui-BBTl fur Aa.r«.iii, JOHM M Vl'.l i. Tht- uVue aie knA«r<j(.1 hr hotrrt _0|_d oiao, atd .1 el.tad will pr.te tiuelutbOB 1'nactple*._T* To Iba i'ci)|>le af the Maeteealh Wtnl..

Tl.' uiinei.'gi,- 1 baving bren i lli'trd by iiifcnv pro.iiirieut'ii.i/r.»of thr XlXtl. Ward. nf b >lh |.<il.'i al oartiea, ua*-.|il ihe itand nan " ladeaaadaal 1'eoplr'a r*aiidida'e." f.rtbeii'ce of A derman herebyot'.-i* aiauchIn ao dmng h>' would a n.ply a.y, that tbe di^tracefnl pr...

cerdirg* Bf all piiuia.y n .u.mat ng rooven*t >n., (rim watahIbe priflr have hwen annuaily driven, and thrir rigl.t.tram-plrO aader foot. by l.rute t.rce oluh law and rowdyl*_ a*wrll M tbe In whiah tbe ..ulrt IBMpactal.!- v .'.¦ra,paitlc-'atlj i (tl * XlXtl, Wa.d liavt, been luiinfiu :g< 1, ga|-

5.A aod defraud.d oul ... thoir vutoa at racent aleeti.tna,ettrotiug tbw*.ra« elentiv* tianchuaa. wl.lrh 1* ever. tnaa'l

htitbllgbt in th'* touiitry, haa hecjma aa intole-atiM. Ibal

(be llan* bMBimcit wlien pn ipleiand m-n I u 1 V-a.t-

Isiord la* M'd otd. r ihou'l n> .ere and BBBM lirck begivru U. that av.ttni bt wh, .aie piuuder winch baa t.een

eamrd (B witl. BBc8 |lgaulic atndei wllblu the le*'. low

J".'...mitUd tn nn partv or cl' Nt, 1 afba _**U a- a "Kreeai,d lr_eaa-drHCe__'_aa*,lo .1.- Ineep-nJ.nt I.. t..« t

Ihr XI Xtb VV'ar.l an.I imama then. thal .uiilpikidtigbt ahah mmn m_ta-on*a_dom la whato-TaUaa-8,o 1 a.., be Phta-d. ,. BB8»M-fi|U&ing^^^r*T Thr t'ampalan "artiil nnd (.ruhim long.

.»,T- *.'.-. '1 .ci,...n,r,,l..g..d an i."P.O;-*'l Taa lataMA,___ brauniu aad i*u tnl...f iB_TTtad w ata -o.aa ex-

ta_L r.vrry at.-Hin of the cM.nlry aliould h* aappilejttawn.mrr, ai.d B,H.k«ll.-'*' order* with OOOh, pi-.'i'.tlyBaaa__8ta_4_*wl88a-(_Ba-B*__h_r.W,r ° ' |) B -AVir, Ma¦ l:'-'Bri.a'n iy. N P.

Mtptmi iVoncrat -B-l-.V. 1. « lil-iUll). l'.....feren.e,.*rr_..y apoc-iad Paat- ol Medi*i>--.i JdBCbarrfk.ail araa-k I.- *'- mid..». ib **id i-hurc, on >*AII8vr I

BOhMBU aaxt, 18- loat, at OJ otaloak: Bar. Mi.WKI.B1I, ioti.. Ak ri.HN.tOS. at i, ar.d Rev. M, CABLTON, reeeatly ol _.uer.e

Conlaientc, ib lha fcv KNINO, at 7^ o'ctock.

~*mr l ..II Bt llM tVorlil aad Tlme*,PrtTe. No w" H.iadway.aad lu'iaiiiibe lur thali hhiiubI.whi*.. ci tal-* h.ur pagM of Uie b**t \ocil and loitru-aienlal Mo.ic ln avan iiuuib.*.. (inakiog *_6 worth a year,)aiaiwrlv. of Wi.i'cai l, »l_Ha.l Raaling,aioMukltalNewa and a innpl-t- coutie of Mumal lii-

Sr___. Ba- iba ABUi M-aht ap to tht, n.ghortbiMii'htaof llirmt P_l.ll.-rd ev, ry _atur.lay, at 8* per

aaa_ai to my iul.ulairi arithoat additlonalo) hpee.iawn numbtri can be obtalneo »i Oie olfioe forki eatU aaah. A nt* v.-'iiui- laat eomn ence.i, ao now U

tba uuia D\ R h W ILI.'S, .17 dtoadway.

t»*- AM AwlOMndlna BBaBa.-fOkTJ oid'nvry peraonfhtahtai uuh'terrd l mmB WBtBI awalljwa a ttiinl-ler tail ot

iKaoat uaiter, m cuifclbati,... _M BBRB0 ol aulmalUie, whitb wiil Ineli. Un lumiacli drcayal vgetatile :n*.-

rrr ke, abanlainly de*. ucme t» bralth Thll .* proved byIhe ..pat.iKo ot tbe P.ROi'.** OL-JB Pll-TKR. ln ie-

uevlog thia uiaMof maier b.O tht- water iu me week. ai

ua.d ie aewtUiitg-boiuw up town. We will prove il toaoyaoeat tta Uepot, O.tticllai.. N-.'l'J Brt-iinrar._^tW I rtirra, Ordrna, ParrrL. rMprrle, *___

reea.vrd BM Ibe atraroar lt. MBOl.HT. to ull on ibe «Xh-M-, .r rarU, Havre, and al parU et Krance. bv

LIVINOSTON. W.._il,S. v (O,No. 74 Broadway.

D.ita ai.d iettera e» orrdlt M ugual.IV Mcatt nurl l.rwharri -IMerr,* aad lilna-

B'tir. t\i« l-.'-aud ht,rl\ p, utrl P.irtra'.la jf Ibe fre-iti l ar.didaia*. can ae t.n applioa'.i n hl BaBBB,

t. BWIB, v t. i'tintri-, Tiibuna Buildirga Tiieaa an-giavlog* werr drawn a:id rtit-avrd by tlie _»..[ Ati.a a, anjara rt.aiderrd to 1* tha be»t tautd Mpecimen MMAa witbpr-.ira. wi.l be kent on appll.-ali. n. Th.- n ef Caua-uy Prinini and Poh..I Liu'.a i, pr\:;'.cularly cali*l to iboauarw ai.d faittiful Paatfaata

ur ii.. r-t ria.f. v cBNtaaL a_itn80AD, NEvV-JERSEYV-Twl-adal'T, fioji New Ytix L.v_g at''o'.Ijoa A. M. k.1 4 o ci.h P. M.OB.e No. 7| Bnadway, New-Yoik.

fa? Inilaraai !..a.M_core t»_H-a and l.ahark.bHiir, Mi* a' i.d .1 Ca: 1-gt, N w Y.k-Tbto

tt),i« u i.'ii.lab.. bv ibe M E uigra__n,akirai'ii alwaya ba ,e.nd taipa B_t_b;rkof Lai..e.» a. dm-r.aot.u aarr ta.fM.aof wraeafc. BBd pe-*.... aaa haveIbr.r oida-i "''ad by wrlUtg ko V e 8ur*-rU't t-.l^-t and aeuA-:ng tbe e_.o-.ic. oe *..»!» tu pay th* r**ag* ol tbepartiaare.iuin.l. No f. argrd

Ja_. P. KAtiAN. 8- pe: teodent.

rf-heilfl'-a **n\c -r 11 oa.*e nnd (*arfe»>_.*<. Tl.e two it.vv Homo and l.y.. (with rev

hatMlagal No !>' > l - a I S'ta-tooata wiil N K...I k: ta li ** AD8IAN ll "41 'UUER.atibe Met.a_i'i i*nhaaaa. aafBlB.T, Bt-kBaat. ai ._


CW llcur- \..o. l.illo.i.No I -tlJSathtajaiar....--. « ¦ ^'d,00,KRIIlaY KV KNINO, Srp .'l »( l bV>b B ..d.ngA N-. LtJ

Bowrry Tbi. Aaat^lkDoa n Mgao_-d oa -te aawa adaa MMouut Veroia.No ', a.d ... ^e mr, No rho m.n cevat. rxwitlon. brtween V\ n a i i Hritigdatd Mod.t Vai-ca, t.*a front ofahaal ., d-Umoi tha Mvletn ar.d *r» llavro Ra.iroar»a. and CAinuiandi a Bae vlew

of Loai lil-o.f Si'-cl tt-.a PaiiMdeaand the aurr__ndiogeoaa ry ll wiil prla.d out ln acra halt aod n ' -I'la.':.'acir lota The llat n faat hlltog op. atd ib_w -ho -itt to

obtalB a Bk-t f-r a bome at fc-.n Bt4aM mBM baad BBMlaa_.*iiuii.rd_teival altborol the fol lo-ing piafea whereeoplaai.ltheConit.tu'io'i ai.d B)* 1-av.g cao be had J-MC-ae.h..d, No 4M Broadway iD. Owan No. 414 Broad.way ; VV Bmlth, No 11 NaMau gt; t l» l o.prt No. .<<

Btrraw.t. W H VV.llg, No 8 Atenue B; J. A. llvtl-BBBB. No. lkt, Sp..B|-at. or at tba »'8«i « th- evea^ng of UtaBMM8-I J CUMERIORD. Pieadent.j.a BtoaakBt.t,B8aBBkarf._OT Ni- VIIIbbb af I-Iob Vei_ea. -Cboioa. hxa

ftna. oa. qaartrr acie lo _v*a_r_ ti.noed.aHkyj "n tbe .New.

llavan Railr.akd. wttbla ahalf BBBB.rtdr trom tha etty. mayke Mterrd bv aarlv *iplle_-.a to tbe anUarsigned. Oppur-taaUlei ae oSrrrd to aaa thr grnuad.

W'AThlNB A H1NB, No. 4'- Br.dway.

2-O DENT16T_..Waata-, a lirat-rateCarverand ptata-workei Applv to JAMP.S E.MIlr |, cer o**»8A_7 aad fta*0>e_. Broaalya. 1> 1. I



MaDAtfE MARI.TT. ALBONlMpe.lfcliy aa-a-naaiaa lha, U>r

8IXTH ANI) 1.48r C INCERTbt'T ori or Tne sr.aie. o*

RRIDaV IVP.BIBB, iM. occwiun the w.U lntrodme lu tba flrtttlm-f.A.tand Or.nd Van.tions, coniH>8-d e-preaaly f.r her bfAraiii, .-ai.dMl-I.gL- DIFKICrf.TIF.4 SOLVED.

a .'..a,. 84. ALBONlwill a-. aawtaS oy

aieacR rovebr,BI0NO. BANOIOVaNNI,


ORAMI) l'.-li>m HMoekalDteasbto.BUnor ARUl rI

trooramue.RABT |.

1. Overtnra by the from II B.rhiare, .. Largo al f-'utotuin "

tnng hy Bg R..v«bb.Rotalnl3. Cava'ina Ynm Ou/a Ladra, '. Di P»'<r " tt_»by MAOAME ALBONl.*...Roa_nl

l. Lt« 8oi neitot d'Arnor, Selier,--, BrlWaote ootbe Violin, r n po*»d .nd peifnrrnaa hv_Rig. Ardidb. Ooei'o froro I) ,n Pafjoale, anna by MkO-AME .LB<>».| and Hu 8* Miovaaai ....Djnlteti6 " La D.rTioralta MaateaB " or '. Mmi-al UirTi-ro:tli8 B Ived ' hy MAfMME ALBONl.Belog an air wlth Orand Variatiint. tyirn-p<»*d exore.aly for MAOAME Ai.R'iNI,and aung by b. r for the fint time Uiii eve-tiD8.Ardii

»4«r I,7. Overture by lbe Band. " Pre .na Clarc".Anb.r':. Doetlo. frt.m K.goa d-l Rr_i-.err.o, ' Apptr.Blalla Inae aum hy MALU.ME ALBJ.ajI

and Sig lli'vmy. ...09 Ronar.z*. " Li due ilnettii Rivali'' lo ttrr*

B 81 li.rro,'' eu.-a hy s'.t. "4Aai4.iovAMi(i. .Mernkrlta'a18 OrardCrerua, " Pirete't Dieklog Song'.B-llini



li. A''a, M,A"n Leaoout," tuog b?MADAME AL_<)_.I....

Ttcketa.Ona DoliaaReeeri. d Beau-Two Djllars.

TobebadatUie Store nf -VM. UAI.L IO-,Nu. S_a Broadway, 8BSBM of Kark-placs.To all ou.o) paru of ine Hun>e. ua. Dollai, far w ll.h

aeerttbcate or a teat will be given, at JOLf.lE'8 MnoBtore, No. * ¦. Broadway

Coor. ..aa al ', BUSaRl ' .r-1 to i -, -14. U 88'8'r»kPree BlodadaM are rtupenited excapt only t-> the PratB.The public _.. uuUoued agaUui purcluaiig Tick-.t io tba



One, (lor whHh a -ertilicsre of ae** v. nl lieguen) BAaUEti JOLLlk'.No rw, for lbe le.t Coutert, of Tuenlay. good aeatt ira waottd apply .uiuiediately.

MME. ALBONl. LAST CONcERTBl'T ONE Tickett for Beierved Reara. pn e.L

Ion* b.d at WILLIAM H.VI.Lb SU.N ri Mane Biore,No IN Bros.1 -aay.TIiIr bting th- Iast Coru-ert bat one, pirlles dulring goodM8U had batter apply early.


MONDAY, BepL 27,Tbe puhli, ar* reiper'f ily tnf nned that




Tbe Progiamtn. reriiAina ut.cbai.aed4Tie few reiurned Tu leie will he for aa'e at Me*att.

UALL A BONs', (v>o. M B u_d*-ay, ooro.t ol Pa'kplace)beg.nmngoo Thuraday, _j, at I a'alJOb A M.

QONTAU CONCKftTa.A few chol iab_7 aaatafur M, llie. SONTAO-. **trat C .neait In Auierlc*Ibr aale at JOLLIE'b Mutic Biore, No BB Bu.Uway*

MAl AMh^OXrAtiaSfiKANDCOX-CERT.S-Ticket for ul.-at Ar BIAMCE A 1MKK-

N AN'4 Porlkiical UtfOt, No 2 Atljr lloii.1, oppoalte B*r-nun.'B Muieum._

MADAMK S4)Nt\\(-'S aiXiJERTS.-Secureil Sra'kniBV be hai at MI-LETB Mrwlc

More No. .V-l B'oa.lwav, oppoel'e Broadwiv Tliealer \fcwa_»tea ».at« for all paru ul the f.iiiae fo. MONDAr.Vi.MNil Bapl. f», fur aalu.

MMK. 1' A M 11._ ~k"U RS» )'S I i r-tOra d C.mcert U Ain.ilc. will ptMiiiarcly lak. plaoe

18 B-BCllUCrd onTUIRBDAY LVENINO. Sept SO, li-i


I'ii'liaiiii.tiw.ii be p'.-_liali*al oo Mealaf._

NltfLdi^ _AKJL»I_--.JoflB BRPTuH,Baeuer-TIMB EVrNINO. Bapl. .4. will be per.toimeal^ RORRRT B.CA1RB

IU terl Mi4-a!re.J. 4 Bruwne Mar:a .Mra HteldJantHt Stiou.Bb aa Duin-ut.Lyune

a}, m itftowad hy .BALLr T Div k-RT14.S_MEN Pfaaile l)»iix.Mlle. DeMelUM k Run. Vlet.Spanl.b Dancc..Seeurii. BM*LiTciaroVieura.Mlle oittaudaatoteBteaaaaaaB Baafaaaaa »i 7. *o4n.i«.n_e»iv7|^

BRf ADWAY THEaTER. E A.MABrHAii, ao'e I.e-**--HI8 EVENINO. Sept.

!4, will be performrd OTtlrLLO.lllbellu.Mr K.rreMll.go .Br C'nwivDetfrni'-iia.Mm. PonnllEiuilia.Mr- VorxitiTuccBklode wih iheCci...-,,) bI___-__

POPPlMtf TIIE ul'ESTIOM.Mr Henry..Mr W.l)| M.«a B'ftin.Mra \ ernrm

D.H... pen al 7 r.,nin.ence-t 7} Bo-*»a-d a-ar'i'.et -"'o.;Paniily and l pper Ciicln BB Privata Boaet, »i aad #8.

BUR'lHiN'S THEATER.Chambera-el_aHiB RVENINll, BePR -. wtl' *a aarfra_ied

A tl RE r-OR THE HEARTAOHlRt- 11,-ib'rt -Ud'i.Mi. Norton V ur ex..Mr JohoitonO'd Bapld. Mr Boitnn P-ankOatland L TnoinaariaV. ui fupld.«' PB-Bf Mm. V, rt..,.... Mra. Oyutt_;i,,.(Mi. Skeiretl .lewy OaUud.Mia* V\aaton

aaR*B--te-.tiMr^|f11!4toullMr Beln.ur.Mr Dyottl Hut et.Mrt Bketetl

WaLLai'K'S LYCBUM, -rroadaray.-J. W WtnACk. Lrj8B-_-J. W. L-itkb. Btaga

ukgsr.-YHIB EV ENI vO, .. ot. il, wUI U, parfornMdM THE 'V LLB'.rBolomcB Cynle.Mr Blske Ilnward.Mr LetUr?.r--at..Mr Wtfatf Alhina ,.M'« Laoia Keana

HIS Lasp LROR0'Callai)itn...Mr. Bru-igba'a .__B...MBl >aun-. Cra-naUcon open al 7, emunwHce si 74 Pvquet a_J U- ti Cir-

aia, bo aenu.; Pannlv Clr.l. _* ; OrchMtr. deata, ?_

BAt-NDIM*8 AMJ--R1CA-- M U8EUM.-P T. BARNt M, Manu"> aad r*i\Trtetot -JOHN

_)R» KNWOOD, Ji Awtataril Manu»i .t VV CLARRE,Dlrec-urof AuiiUkarueni.- The n.w Pris. oYjaa uf PUEOBPHAN-8 DRRAM w« *fr<i_***"[**_..?<*at 7* o-l..ok ANOrHr'.R Ol*** ad THE MILLIN-ERS' HOL1DAY, THIB APTERNOON al 3 o_oU.Adrnllia-ce to the whoie Maaeum. Halltcf Btatuary. Uia

Pictute OaUary, Chuu. Saloa. _v_i| AnlmaU, toa fc-itor-rtaln-MDi* ka , -'' -anta_

WUOD'8 UJrS.'REL' HaLL, No.444 Broadw«y -Open EVERY EVENINO Con-

terU and Elh1..p:_n Deit-eatvon* Moile onaurp-aaed, andNegro Delineauona uuB4.'iaied Doou open al 7, CoDcertaaoi_t_epre at 8 o-clocl. AdmUaloa Ii4 aaaB BMlBBM haifptlca. Th* Aftorooain Co-oerttare dlaaont'nued

MINERVA U')OMS, No. 406 Broad-.8 f-BBMb ot ._« ORAND MOV INO PAR.

^TLtJOB 0-RER-I BTBtprfLO SCOTTSOlORii'taS CAMPAIoai IN MBXICO, aofBBBbgtegwlt'h the liDdlrf ot I'e Ata.rlBBB at V er. Ou-. 8rtrriei of U.a City . t V er. CfM ud the Caetle af Su Jaaadallkato 0-.NI.RAL WINPIELD SCOTlTAnH alao derlrtirg lha lloe of anareh p.rt-icd Bf Utf Aea-rl-mp ArSy.THRiirtiM MEXIO-i tn, Ba'.Ue. of C1.RR-)ooarn. costhera.. cui Rl ri-bc.i. sroa.M.IN" Vtf Cll_.Pl LrtPKC. ViK-vNU V.EW OK THSClTV OB M-.XICO and te.-r.iinatiog wiUl tt:e pia irbe,\"_qBer.".B.RlP»-Saad 8TARB oa toe L4-.LL_OK TIU MONTk/.k MASINow _p«D for e_h'Mtion Ur a thort ^rne.I riceof Adm-aakari 2o centa. CkUdaafl ha.r prlc*.Po >r. wlll to open at: odock f.M. Puuraaia w..I __m

k prectacly.

Ktro JpablicatuniR.ACOMPANUhN TO TO.M KLX-J..

T1I1S DAY Pl'BLISHRD.CAPTAIN HAWKE.orth.-Lrteafill'g^vvavTnaa. By

theautlVt ol "Tom Kmg,' -CUnds Duval," * Paai CUf-ford " kc.Tbe darlrg deeda of Um aotoriou Captaia

l.rg tba terror cl tre Lord m big'.iaray.are aqial to Ukoucl Uie rtlebrated Dtck Turpia; ud the hf.I'k. ud buuU-f _i Byle ui wbich tbe au-ot hu drawa tba BBBBBMB tnt

__r it on. of the a»B rudable boaki ln prULPubtiahod compUte ia I Aelexn*, beannfully UloatTBtod.

BrlceS-CUta. ORMSBY A BACKER, Pab-Uhen,* No. t: Aaa-tL

Jl ST RF.ADY-A new Edlrica of TOM KINO, ulka-jared-r-to. 25 csaB

la areu,

C-FSAR BORUIA. By tha Huthor of. Wbltefna- BC Nt E h HROTHER, N York.

GOLDSMirH-? SYSTR- RfFBW;MANSHIP-Th* p«b ____*_^J__t__\\n\_K_Byate-i tf Pena.a__tfp. awrjo-ad M^MJWM»"3_ am* tba Uke nanibar of copua, wlUk fall «raan-_a,

B-ebaS_aa__R«S_S__--_a*>- *J*«' ¦**¦ *"*a*j, fc| ii BBB

AMt-RlC.-N WHI<; REV1-VV.Oc-.-.ber COVTENrS.

Purtiait of Hob tm*m Rr.i at Teneeeiee.1 Prntical Reialio..T! .. T«r"f ind tbe __M_kMk.2. Nk-i..ral Huo-r1 Prniar-. P.-nta.4 EngMh Pol.ue*.5 Ihe World abl-iw ( aaakl .II roia.4i rtreiie-tt. .-ta jf the Ir._rea*a of LO,7. Fraf-i«afa fr.,tn an IrpuAlnberl Maiai'ne.I Tb* Pi.ta>._rg- Conventi.n-Tnlrrl Partywa.9 Ccnn-aawiia. Samu.iry.BjuI Nj_cm. B uie..-!!»

bl-Rciteg. kef a »»*';* b im>_"i _'. eeati

CHAMPION BI4BB_.-.Bta 188 N-i-wA. N V.Por gal* kp a I Bo» k__ell*r». la view ef the oear El'-'ioa.

tb* etnatry irade wi'l do wnl io *reare a 'argeaipply ofTna Iii Ha. Na. York D-.fc.en will foruiih a P


r trkmy* f< 0 B ataB. ./ tf., Ph, _4elpa-.a.|V. Pof, C'l BBBM I>¦ lt Hcvry, Rocoel'..r

AMEMIUR af tbe ^QCJEE- afS)N(i' -luit enMiiiied-t- T.i'. nf

HFNRirTTA kONTA i COU8P.88 DE R044I,Wl hn.teraitirgiketcn.ihy Seudo liecer aod Barhox,

Lroi. Borrr e, Ad"l -he Adam. M_-.e Ateard, Joiie de Maigoe i*e. Piiaao Pur ktaf Muitt'i ind Theoph'.a lia.tler.-Vv ith au antbeBtic full l.ngib p -rtraiL Priee i'i eentgW.l. - r.-r. fr, ii, .- wai -' |. >. J p-1- IB* ¦ t I

.,....-,..-.,. - »- .¦ '¦( har day,. ud . r.- ui -.ha i. . .. c -rt , .rr '.. ta* l- P, i- -.- 1 . »r»r li»al»(<_. i-..r wa. oi t .L',i-.!y r -il_*_. . toal "IBM i - ' f.nii >-d w,-h kaaatf iada.-har_.jt

at Bai . t, Dakee aad Pna. i,l atd >,»r - .,.,_ a> tn.twl.

foataM. w_.n t.i., t.ig ifr.n. k«r .d.r.r. ..a. .

pr.'.rr-d, a'.« reu . l fi n tk. »i

k,d. ... ..f tl.. ptit,hM a*i*ie* . e, aa ..a. >.i aer. i- « »a hange.i .

.--.--.-- v . .- 4*.. aa 1,-it.. . rrva atiaa whi A ka, .*!.-.*.

Ba i>i- ka a i .,.'M ik. H* .. ata i.r.ui w.oti Bm kawia* at.J '... i aS.a Q rmtav,» II ¦' 1 > , . .--.r «irr"d ..] . .I n.., r , - ... -, .

i.r iii 'iLntr. ind ,< ar.ii'i. n > i . . |. .> ke*ar.atikta*evra -«--. ¦ m .0%.*m4 i* tk-n

:»,,.-¦ . I ......n4--.-a.iar.aad Ba i.r.r.

In Pra.aROBFRT BI1ITK. the tleroKlrg jf Soo'Jant. By tha

authornf . W'allece." he.BTRlM.l.K *. T.fVVNSKSD.No. 2-Brad-ay.

P| aPPL-TI-IN _t CO. pabliab oel>P. THl'n*r»aY. a r.w volnn.a of the " Popul_rLTrr.ary" STOBIP.S PROM RI,A( KVVOODOne riilunie, Iti mo cioib, 5<iceiit*(.AiiAT»_Th* firat and laat Dinner. Ma'avoKt, Tba

lien M.r, nd. The ivenier. Tiie Announoem.iif* and N'cholaa Ilji.k., or Piled Macke.el tor Dlaner, Por-lune Hu"ttn| Kxtracrcinary

(tae ofthe nirit d'fficnii thit|i to welte U a goo. ghortitorv. Bn_kwn.Mii it ie well knowo, Iim longb»*B crle'.raied for lt* .TOpPlv of tl.'* rare llierary article.The ab-t* ae.eatiao rxhih'ta it* power ia thu* deoarfn'o*.Ob KRIDAY, THE WORKS ()8 TcIK BRITI-HPOETS from Cl.a'.cer to Ihe prrwot tloie Seleetwd. andChrrii.iogieally a'-ng-d. witb Binrrajhiral and Cntl.IN.i c a I.t l)r Akin ai.d tnera. J large vol*. 8ro., with30 fine ttee. Eag'avinga

R.< h rt, a_ea_.I »>an.p'ie* ..f Kigl-h f.itry, an.I aagg.-ti . I.', i.u.b.. l^yi.D.i aoy at,!'.t_-a .* tk. k.M

It e BWMl ai.ry on* wm, hu > u.t> mi.t ht't, aad.>«rf or. who La. mt ihi.uld kair, >. order I. .. a -. aaa

rjwiaM* Magtun*.CcnUiB.ig IkS, pro|r*_,and heauty u{ Aagbab poatry

(To* r,m**.A h.4-1 ttitt ought to it* wiy n.'n ...ry f4n..:y'a lurary,n

MYTH8 OP THE MINSTR..-. By Eitella AeuaL*w.», aathornf hrcorda of the hrart," e.e ete.One nrat volnoa I- BM l_M 81 crn I"Thr pr .|.-!.ui vovagea of the emal oargoee whteb I

have hirrt.'fni* tlmidly eo.i.ated to tbe oc-an of puhl.ooplrlon. have embr.ldaaed me, theogh nit antbout nmlBBBJittogA to wbd forth tb-iitlie eraftof _.'lee.'' Autbor'iad%erti*em*ot

ln Prew:

ELEMKNT3 UF THF. LVW.S: Or,OatBaeeef Bo Byataa ** ('ml *n1 (iimtnal Law in

fo aa to tli'- I'nited Bta'eg and the Mveral Statei of theI'lllOB.

DE9I0NF.D KOR POPL'LAR UBB,And tn . nahle axy one tn a. iulre a eain,,e-en( koowla^ge ufbi- li -ki r gbfg u.d pnviiegra. In all ti,e in.nt .'np..rtaol politic.l »nd bu.n.ea* relatl. na f tl,. Mttaaai >f tna e .autry,wl'h tbe p incplei >.o whicb th-y a-e fi.unded. and thame tl.a nfAMtr.ii.g and ma.otaii ing them Hy H..n TltABai.1 Sn 1 I .' i.t ll.e.Ind... cl tlie tuor-rne Court jf ihehtite ol iu'iiana Io one handioui- drmi vo. v.luuie.

VV ill be ready tb:, >allLII'I'ISTOTT, C.RAMBO k CO.

No. 14 Norih tr.ii .t fbilidalphia

J~~6\f. tt. M-RRIAI-E .Pitrt 1. 3-1A paie», l.uio PltaaBl Thia l* a book Ihat daree to

gp-ek tho tnith wUh an audaclty *.(.. u'ed oaly b* ita ten-fa.WM lt i* iledi.-a.rd l.y the authur, Dr. L._a u* toall tcie ta.BB, ... tl.e tn..ieif and the brave of enher *ex,who h. Ii-ve tbat (lud r. veal* lu tbe lnatm.t of aach* lawa that be deeitne* lt lo n-,, wl,.. fewr n >t ta foi¦low .e m.gie of e..m, bat ttefy tta. Inttrfar _ea ofall k-rrlgn powarf. .

Ry the aann auih-rCOMPABATIVE P-TCHOLOOT, and Cnlverakl Anal-

v.grt .I.I- Portrali* of Charaeter Pl.B, St* eent*.r TR IN ITY, in ua theoioglcal, .cia.tiba, and pracli-

eal wj'.rti Pnce. V.c.iitaTli). ____M_k>AVB8T-i and Solar Bellglona. Prioe, 'A

eerl*THE HI MAN TRINITY, or Tl.rre A»r.ita of L_B|

>.l, the uitellecliiAl, tha praetl.1 epbera. Pn;e,4t' rr i.t.Po. Mie. Bf POWL.KR8 k VV KLI.S. and their Agenelaa

MDSICAL Vi-DB MBCUM.A Man-ual ef tha Scleuoe nf Muaic ad.pted ta tl.e w_ta

of T.acKet* ard 8e8_.*B| hy Heri-ian a Saroal, .ditor of"Ma.x'. Mu»icaI (.'4.inp.winoo " kc Thi»wt,.k la what IUtl',-- uiipirt*. a n.'.i u*eful eouipanlon to every aiudcian a,d

kad aa tavataebta nd to every gtaeent Theworkla rlivid d tala lia grneiai paita. u fallo.a v_:Paat l.-Melndy.I'.iii II .Rbyuim.Paat ll|.-Organology,"(de*.rlptlTeof th* variooa hamaa

vtirrAarddtller-nt iniunruenU. together wi tii ibelr *ca)_,ard ih* u.anner of Uirir notatli'nPtkT iV .Ilaruicriy and Couipcsltion.Ttill Elementary

PormkPabt V.-Harmjoy aod C ,oipeai_on.Tba Ae_*._e_i

PonnAPibt VI .The Art!r*!e Kxecntlnn of Mu_1cTo ttaaa are a-e.ii a Cond-naed Hiatory of Mart* by

Kpocbi and aiery full acd careroly arrang'd Alphabalicalindrx. . i .rly Ihe terma iinpleyed ln tbe bnokbnt alao all tiia ter_a uged by mo*ieai wrttera with thetrtaplaoet',..! .

TI e wi ik fni:ri»a hacdaome doode:imo volnrna prlntedOn gaprtlioe pao-r aod elrgantly boo_d in c oth Pil|t _8 Juat publi.lied by MV-..1.S 1.4 V, *io _3 Paik-row.Nrw-York, OL1VER VVaahlngloa-ii B.Aoa.


WIU br publiahrd on tbe lat of OctoNar next,A BYSiEM t)K 0PEBAT1VE S ROERT:

Baard up. n tlie praotica uf Surgeon* In Ih, t'n t» t Hrattt.and ii.p _iog a bingravbiuil ladex aud hiatnieal reootd cfmai v of thelr noeiairna, for a pe.-i.,d nf *H' year* ByHi.akv li Svii.i, M D llluita-t.with upward ot lAB8rngiatinp oo steeL Tbe wbjta formlni ooe targe -otavoj l- e

COXTEITS.Pabti 1 aad 2 -Oeaeral and ElamenUry Opera_.cs, u

well a* thoM upon the Il-aJ aod Pace.Piai 3-Op»ra')oti apoa tho f**-k aod Trink.P.kt 4 -0;-ei»Uo_oB _e Janilo _;__ry Orgar_i or :..e

Male ard Pea.ale.PtkT S (iperat'.oni Practt'ed en tha Extremltiaa.A Biblli grap-lcal Indax ol moa ot lha S_rgie_ Pa?e;i

coonrct.d .M_-ta.ibJaM u attaciied lo Mch Part.Tbe I'latea w.l he preaanted etther ttntrdor ln <

Pmm 87 oO UBi.d. |1V co! jred to aiture.P.riAleby ail the prircipa! Btnkeellera.

_I.IPI'INCOTT, ORAM-0 k CO.PhlalMfhli. Brpt. 17, .._


I . -wof L'_-leTo_'iC*blo by tt:* .)n_onTt-iei.t*cat p-btlibed la pa.pblet tj.-rn pnca etxeent*. Thi* re-

vlew baa erraed a m.t extraurdir.i.-y tengatl-O ln E lgaadard ia eaicki_ted to do go la this e ontry. lt ta mark. by_B rueorr.fcU kbility whieh alwitafl -Mtert-M tba

T_DM'i>adera Po.iiahed by Bi'NCE k BROrHE-No 134 N_Mu-at, N. I

cgv .



AS C..0- Cook. wh.) un<IerstanJ« bakiagud pa-ry, and _*'*t ln tta wMbing aad ironir_| by

a .ery.ct-'.Je yoacg VV o':,*_ and a* aol »saaiain tba waihiagacd irorrng bv aao-if^ T ,*_^city refartnee given. May be wen for iwo dayi at No. -i

Aliea-it,_p_u_s. __

AS geed plaia Cook, by u re*peot_bIaP.-t MBBl Olrl: ig cc-pet-nt aod -»." _>.*"/'

WMblcg m.A i.T.picg City ref.,-.--. een ba n%»8yca-tri al No id ari nexr eji-at, in the groea-J st. a. v aa

hr i*en fcr two dat._

AS good Cook, Waaber and Ironer, br a

regpeewble W'oman; aoderaueda baklng i

b.-aorbea no rh;-et.ea ,n graeral Leoeewoa k or to g-»cootfy.lacapabla or filHog tte abore *¦***"<?'¦_ *"...arardi all ktaZ o( bouMwort. kt__ at No 414; BT,

dattyiefcraaia. Can be a-ati.. *

AS Cook. hy a Prottatt_l y^un« WojB-an. BBO -.. a_exc*'ler.t Cook. a-a* I BBld Wiabai

aud Iroear. a whieh ahe would he to aiwa, ii i

quirad. Sba baa bean ln har -BaBaatfaB _**__[__\yaara. C*. elty reterance |.ve_ May be aeefl _r twoeaysat No _7 Oraadwt _

AS Cook. hy a coiored Woman, Ln a

priralafdatly 8h._--.e-io _^____^______tlk. a .La bar, to ao ligt t war* aad hBaad _tn* auiidrea.Apply at No _H Ho__o_. cornrr ef E.ua_.-r._

AS Cook, and to waah and iron, or dotha bouMwork ef a prirtaa^BbbBbIby«Mi, aadas

«__.k*_r_«_d .Ml a.gtrale ^'~71%£?IXa-wreeareaee Baa ber taat alaae. »T othet 18BM 8BBa_gv. ry BBBBB-BBBl aad ha>e ex-aiiaat my ref.rak-- -AU

at Ba -4 »tt-av, ta tae Beel 8t«ra

AS _o.k1 Cook aod firs'-rn'e W*«'.«rand 1-r.ay br a 'eerwe'sMe yotil W'0-iu .M bo

io-ni, b-.., C g*i ? ai iiooaeworl ta a .uaJI 'a _:ly ; ha*fa.dritv retrrance. 4 aa toaeeu at No 7S B_arlag at- ia thi8ry goodi stora.


AS Con*. by a rw.pectai'a young W>maa 8" l.w.Ii a«pe.l*ncad ta eookiag. aid 1. n

e.eelleet W'aa-^r ana Ireoer li.d ely re'er-aee l'w vaeen i< r two eaya, at N'o 7. I nb-at. baiwaeo tib ani 1th a*-

AS eofal Cook. Waaher %nd Ironer. ortodo ge.eral hoeaawork. ia a Bnall prlvate familv. bv

cne wbo "_4er.ta_.4a it. Can BBS.BS8 *n id r-l an b* aeen a: No 85 MulSerry-at, back room, _d Hory

AS good pliiin Coak, WaaWr aml Ironer,bvayungW _a*n Canhateaa at har latt place.

Call at Na _t. ">d sv. Caa be BBSB fur two daya

AS CramRBRMAIB, Washer. Rnd lront»r.or tn tUe care of ehiltirea. by a rewecta»le Oirl, wltb

goud ct'y refer-nca Int,aire at No. 4(. Jonee .-

AS CiiAMBHRMAin aml pkin Sevver. orfine VV a-her and Ironer. by a reep*etable yonnt pn<-

iuui.iil (roidciiy refereoce given Applyat'iVI tf-ti.

AS CraMBRRMAIR and Waitress, by'ii* yoong Woman Wonld mUe herailf g*n-

eraila iirinl Haa Ui* b».t of ettv refereiee. Ca . at No.8) VV eat 17ih tt Can be seea for two daya,

AS ChaMBBRMAIP and Wuir»»r. by ayc-.irig Oirl. The br«t citv r*f*rer,-e raa b* 8' *n

Co be aeen for t.o cays at So. 18- Ludlow-st, :a Uie froaiboote.

AB Chambrrbaib or Cook. la a hotal,l.y a reipeeUble yourg Woman ; baa to . and BBBB>

eepiiora'-le r*ierencea "Apply at No .8 AUx,by a yr-unr VV, roao, a tituttiun M Chauiberm*:d, ur to doWaabing ar.d lr-uint m a hoiel. Apply ai ab-va._

AB Cramrbrmaid, er te do IteWBewofkir a iinallfanifly hy a raapacfshla Oirl Ojod refar.

BB. .- can he ghua. Call at No. 2-6 Weat l.tb-it. Can beae-n f.r tw_ davt._

AS ('llABnERMAID. R_d to Rssist in Wiisll-lrg aod Iron'ng, hy a reapeciahle ina"_.'.ri,>a. yoang

Wi man. Ia w II.Dg tu do ihe buuaawork of a imail familyGood referenre tram lait pla e Cal. at No. .44 Weat 17th-st., in U e etore Can be aeeu unUl anited.

AS Chambermaid nnd Wuirnr, or to as-

,l«t ln waabing aod Irnni-g or to d.. Uie 8*neral h uiae-

woik uf a arr-all pnvate fiimly. by 8 reapeciahle y..o ig VV ,v

r. ao ( k be *r*. for two day. at No 17'. Lndlow at., backin lbe riar. Tbe beat of cry reference caa be given.

AS Coa< iiman. in r privafo family. by R

jonng Man of alrlct'y teiupa-tte aod bab-ita. Haa a tborough ko wiedie of eunet horaee Baa ofcity retereae.8 frmn bispr.vioo. emplojer Can be .»eo bvadareeaiei VV McC Mr Oibaon'a Baddte 8bup, oorner ofK.llcD tl and Broadway.


AS gen.ral HoUBRMAIR in a pri.ntefamily by e reeieclable yoong (Jirl Oo>d nty re-

fer-rre BBB M ,lven Can be Men at No. 81 tltb.t, bi-tweri, lit and 2d avs.

AS getu-nil BoUBBMAID, by a resppotabl. Oirl, Inaimall familv iaa good plaio Cook,

VV'aaher and IroDer, can bI«> do Cnamheiwurk O »>d .ityrefrr-i-e (all at No 34 ( larktoo a.., baieineut Caa be_een fur two daya

AS general HOUIBMAID, or to mlndChild-en. Iiy a reapeeub'e PtotetUnt young Wnman,

aad iew. C*n be wall r*co_nueoded. Call at Ne. 30 Eait1.tb at Can be te*n lor two -*)._

AS (.tvnrvral BotJBRMAID, by a rrisppctri-ble American VV oinan. iu a pri.a'e fa-nilv B-M |'-e

ien goirg io th.-f -.iintry. Imt woui.i na'-e n 11 .'le.ltoo 11 tnenty. A aute i-dreaaed ti M. thn olhce, will !¦« at-trid'dto.


AS Noasi aad S_a_BBtreaa. av Ctaain.bermald aod Waiter In a pnvate family. by a r_.p*c-

tabl* ycimg VN'oman faod r.ferenca glT«o. To be aeen fortwo daya, at No. B Ma:itougal tt, Sd fto.r back room

AS NrR-'E and S.'BinRrre.s. or to doltght c> amRerwork, by a leiaarUble Pr iteatont yoang

W. maa Hai do o1- e, ion to theoouotiy. «'aa ha hlghlyr-criiiiiendtrt. Cau ba aa-n fjr one day. Call al Nu IB4th lt.

AS Ni'K.E, or aa Cliambermnid nndWaitrtka. by a reepectahle (idy Oirl, wtUi tvat of ref¬

erence. Apfly 84 No l'.i)7th av, id ilour, froai room.

AS pliiin Sevver or Cri_riiriHrmiiiil in u

gentleniaa'. family, hy a napaclaUle feinale. Bct-r-e.ceeol (I.a i.ratela** pr._BaM if re,|i.lred. Can b« B8BBb.r two **yt >t No. 11 Atl.ttiti.-4t, Hnxiklyn.

AS Sea.mstri.hs bikI to aaaiat in liu*_rrharnbrrwoik, by a reipee.alile young wouian. The

ti ,t nf iity raawaaaa nven Bmb iier i_ti pla a c.n at No.47i ith it bitwera I.t and ..d.-avt., tlrai il.ior, ttuut room.Can la aeen for two .ity.

A.a Wt.T Nl'KraK, b> h I'i f.r.tnt yoiin^\'t, iiiab can glva gotri city nferenee. Call at Nj

1<7 HatAid-.t, atcLDO tluor, front rteui. >. twj daya.

AS VI i.t Nt'hsr, by n resparrnblf. youngW i.low ii.go-,1 rliark-lrr ,inrt a-ilah'a di.oo.1 Ion. Bhe

- a Pr.t-.tai.t. laqtfraferMn UO .AN. at No.3

ALai.v liiivin^ lin.fl 4* xperiencrt inliu'i, kaep'ng.*. aattua'ior a* Hoaukaeper lo

B tt nie»l fsmily Tu 8 fa.ui'y wuh ehimrro h*r < uvice.w.ul. I. 88 ah* la an exo-lle.t hand a'. n-r

-. and would oe wilUbg to mUe heraeil geaerally uae« baaa H.H lrt_ace Oilica._

ASmabt, tidy Ir.hL wanra a sltua'iinto do tl:e worl of a fenteel f.tnily. or riiaoiberwork,

aud aatette .aundry or plain uwi.ig Slie i. a good plam( - » tr d Baker (.ood city relereuee. Call at No. J-OVV-Bt BB at tluid rluor.

ATii'Y iRRVPTRtaol l.iRL wants a sit-aatioo tn apjtvate family to do general rwuieworl, or

aai am-ernaid Bhe ia 8 go-d Waaher aod luner and piainCik (i<.'1 cuy ref.-ie_ee*iiveo. Can be teea two dayaat No. 1 D Ub-av., 1 Bb et


ACompetent' aa Lady wnnr-4a B.tuation aa H"iiaek*ap--r in » gen'ael fauuly or

boarrilng ho.te, or at Mitr o in a->otr.!.i,a a.-nwl Au la-

teruaw c_u b* l.-al in oa - '¦¦¦*.*! daya, «t Nu. 'JLeroj-it. Batulaciu.y ret.reuce gtven._

RRBPRCTARLB \ov>T, (iiRL wint4t a .itoaliioto ukeearaof-ib3k)y. aod I* plain^warig.

or wonld do cnamber wura. Waa-. nut iu much ao oh * t

a* a |oo* bome Can |1vc tnod city refcrtuta Call B Nj.1.5 Crcsbj-tt, 4tb rloor, nom 14.

AYocno Lady wlshes a nltuation as

noverneia or Atalatanttn a aehool. She bu ?.ed mve*m aa a teaeh.ri U cempetest to lmtrnat tn the higlurErgl'afc tiranchaa, Drawmg Parating and E-hroldery Canrie ter.rercee No objectloB to go 8 -Uu_c*. AddreMBu. C. V L , Nsw-Haveo, Conn._

TWO RE8PRCTARLI Yi'l-.-o 4.IRLSwant tifiatiot.t-on* aa ChambermAid aad to awiat ln

trewa-i .- « takaeare tf ebildrea, aadUtotbe other it C-arobeima'd ar.d Wa'ter. or to awi.t io plaiaaew:r g Call at No I J mee-t b« Ith and «l-»ee»er.They can be atta tor two daja, ln the rear, oa tbe urat flour.

A GREAT VrARIETYof WBll-Bi-lfactadSerrtntt are now wanatig empevmant at C BA-

BON'8 O-icea, Noa V-O Broadway aod 115 Bowery. Yenna.yeaily aob__nptie_, 40 eta.; oUvar.Ue._8 *u. N. B..rfentj uf men a__ boya oa baod_|_

ATOUKG MAN of good baalaeaaUlent deaireaBBtuatloB of aome klcd. If partacc.

Dt-nveiB-ut wlih lbe Lrv Oooda bu-tnej. aad -U Unng ___dleieratce. AaCreaa P W , Tnu-ue Ottce._

"PJUGTICAL aad RFFICIEJIT¦ BOOK KEiPER, wtth A N'o 1 citv raference, U

low cp-rn to aa *_gii8i_eat u a kw aalary. A_d-_UP. T B . U.18 o_ce._

A(.R\DUATE of Obar-fl C< aga,who U an experlenced teacher, wlUi tbe beM r_»m-

lendancm and refereucaa, deBrea aa opportutlty ufleeco-Ufl ln pr1vato8__oc>-_.d a nt-artop in a BjmUy arh_rabe cu toaab U bt*. board Addisss J M. E- Na- w luatoy-B.

ARECENT GRADUATE of HAR-VARD, wbo will btlsf the b_t M_mrnaa<_G«a ka-

I_tulula uWUffll n m a Teacher tn Naw-York, r*

r^-ry_&-B\_rv1-M to ganUem-e wUbtag to ^c«

ar^_r__Cs_-B-)r tbeir sn_a Ha ls pumttud to,-faffcTB-V Baa-aalC-l-od. No. m WaBl lth-s_. Mr. W_r_AUaa,No _j Wbb i.Vtoi . Rev J. fW^at, C*m!.rUg.g»VMaas Pre-deni Sp-rka. R*v. Dr Waikar aud Prof-C. C.

|X__. C_n_ldg* bidrem ORADCATE. ur. tf V. Rr__ar. Tnbone b-Udtog-, New-York._,A GENTLE.MAN. who haa been te_ch-

KirTc- ud OeTtnu 'of tba lut M rttn _Jf^jB__U-Pnu. wudM. eii.p oymant at Taaeh-r in toa ahnra Bauau

ShrVT-Tart. « he fi__8 a aouhrBtla h_-M. A-i:-Dt LTEN-CkEL. No 71 B-T-y-tf___

*ANTED_A Chambarmaid andW a'treas. Ooodctty referencu reqaued. Call ba-

tw^enl.a-d^-i^.Vl-^toa. Wagu h.a dtfi__

Nom bot r.-o-.rtU-U teed *rply

ANTED.A Cmpanian for a -i.kiyLady ttatbM t.o cbUdreaL « and J veaxii of MBj

awomaa tt-U Ua bad t-BflBaaaa ta a_-_u aad tuingSmMb of s lou- ahi.drea'B ciotLiBg. kc.; -oaa n_edI£u, kat a e_e.rf8J, scuvs AbmHc-. w_oan, thu taa

B__a lbe fu-ily eaaestal aroand bar. To wch % rod !_MSbM Md. wa true fto y*_ra. Addma C B. W, JB lo-tarrtcw, Tr.bvJM OBc.




WANTED.Sifuationa tor amart, ti .ly..oker, lionMt. udt-tr.oaa aad capehie 8er--.ta'.f

rarlooa BMiona Cook-. g-r.-ral Vk orkrra C .__>rm-ta,Na.aara -eematr«w**. VV eitrre. OaBBB.MB k_ Apply atth* .-v-leet Pr.retant Ag'n ),'.'" Ca-mioe.., aon.rr Bh>av .. r Bectrry Agen.-y. No r-l Ch.,-baraat. N. B.-Oo!yacrvasta ofthe bea: eharegter ad nl.t.L_VI/ANTED.A liirl HI Cn:i,n*>i»rm'lid.\ T *he moat *w af itaady and cCvery Beat haMia Eeg-

liahor Amrnran p-r'-nrd. Apply et No 17 fortbree daji. bet.era tta h' raof .'and I.


WAHTEI) IMvlEDlATELV.At thaiBBliata Ita 181 it, a Lady wall .ae

give i_ii-jctioa on the piaaa_^__

BINDKR AND RUI.ER WaNTEO.-Tha lu-.rifwr betcg abont lorwroo'e -nto new ..r-

tr-a wberr he wlli Lat* a .a'ploaro^m. ..tbe* M . ure aa

teearta R-liraad Rimter of deci.i. a'.lt'y lna: d w hai tk. re.;n ii'e meara to lt*rt oiineee oa a rw-

.pretahl* 888-0 Oixid rafereaoe rao,_ired P. IIART,I'nnter. N'. 117 Llherty-el.He cugbt expwct a good deal of c_ito_ f oni thi M'*bi;_»



BOOK At.ENTS WANTED.Tocaa-v.a New-York City and othrr ptao., for ooe ofthe abty wnit. n knd tpletdidly i.luatrated workg publlgbadla tbe c-nutry Th'ww >*.ilb wi .".nd th* wurkwelf idapta. to mII la that rwgioo. AddreM, p_t.'_i, B._RAKr, A CO.,, lonn_

ROY WANTED .In the arholeaaleDnig b.i-tnrf fmtn 14 to 1- veer* nf ag*. Nore nee 1

apply wiihou: go.<l laeawtaaaaanma from a piblic h.r Call a' Ma _9 Maidea-lan..

BOY WANTED.-A amart, acdva,an.l.".'"tia Bny. aed ooe who cib btin| aadou*t*d ref-

rteneaiM to moralaat'd Bt.8 ii.egtlly, wautad to taa u "ie**¦. cy iJHJdi biaaine.. ai the N.w r.acy (iood*!(t..-e No.MT B.oa_wa>-. NKAL CARROLL k BL .CtllN_"N.

BOY8 WANTKD.Tw'»orthre,A Bo-B,.ciiiiat'itrd wkth Bt" -Mag- baa..01,0. Bad euploy-

n.ent by calliug ai No. .4 Maeeniane, w-coed _kwf|/ HK)K am! W.vJTKR WaNT_D.--._V Poaaataal Cook and W'aiter are want. t n n.d lf,y,u,r'ia-'lf andera'an.i ili.'ir bti«ii:»«, Apply .'ara-n1*. and t o'ciock M No 17.". Kaat B.oadway |

COMPOSITOKS WaNI_-3. . TliTtifAor tour gocd Compawi*»ra wan'ed. gag a few dava. a'.

NA8BI.T k CO. 8, cor. VVali aad VVe-ei-g.

CtOPYIST WANTED.Wbo wrlte, a) r.otd BBd p'\!e han.l. AddreM, wl'h anaclman,

I'l.i'MF M thia eaaaa itatn.g where be may bo f.ud al au oni.Li'a nollce

EaXPERIENi KD SERVANTt...Kitin-ihea di'airim* of proeu'lng 8_80.l¦ Protr.aot an.i 8.r- inw, r. C. oka bn., S«e.K.eee n.riiVr-i- aid*. ke, can tiod a large aad i* parlor »electl n. w.tb nexceptlona >i-.i'y P-feree-v-a (o taa ai.iet raaaeatabla fa_i-heaat MANNl.Ni.'SOtBce, No. luTiilary-t, Bruoklya

C^IRLS WANTED..Five or *ix g.u.ilf M.ue a, ec.iu_nt.ed witb making Carpat lltga, eaa

8nd en.pljjn ent, by calling at Nu. 14 Meldeu-lane, *ec uditory

_ |

GIRLS WANTED..SeveriiKii.U whoare aaMB ud nea. aewer* a.a waoted to work an (.'ra-

tat i -a. k<- Apply at No. K6 VVHM im-at , Ninint,

i <oVERNESS WaNTED..Waated n\_ lady that a;-*aka Bpiniib. to teaoh y ung la.l *a *'i 1tate cue of aot.lad MwM uihor nerd apply, at 74 .laoe it

IN FOR WA TION WANTKD .OfI'lllLir BARRY, palnter, -bo formerly bmrd*d ia

(lerman-it, Phlltiitlphta Hlare.iirn Iilui* m h i.- ibe knxi.ry of Iii* Iriend*. and ha will ba enaM.d toecu.metce b_lr.Ma Let him wnte tnunadlately to uld ad-drrw. .


NSTRUCTION..A fre_cb _aot-»rr__,-. with an eti-ellen- eduaattoo, wbo .an ip -k and wnteKiign^i tolarably wall, wuhea agituaii.'nin a prtvalo Viner-lcan ftmily to i.-acii chlldren In Fre-ie*., Mathemarn-a aadBonk krepii t He can give g. .-i raferenae. Addreai B. A.,care ' f Mr V'an.l-rliti.e, No H lalto.-i it.

f\T()TI(:E to O-TTD-1 MANUKAC-11 Ti Rk'RB A pract'e.I Cotton Mauufaciurai, artobM been aaaWBwd in ih. ba*.n_> for the laat twaoty y**n*,BBaal -.fleeo of whicb b. bai hee. euipL.y. ln buildlagaud operellng a. :.... of Uie h.t milla tn Naw-Rnglaod llMbeen ui the Iw.utliera 8.1. ti or aix ynara ocoup.od 1« lhamu, ' kind et bualoeaa, aod la now deairoue of obtalnlng ar.tua.ion M Superlot-ndant of * me reepecubia CottoaMai.uf-:...' '* '*liiri.:ut Mu no jbj. _l n to goSo-lh or BVeat Can undoubted rwfo/an.-ea toabarnctar, honeaty. .kill and ah.lity l.r'era rd kB. P. M , tu tbe ra/e of C. Muali«i, Kaq , No. 77 Pla._- (pt.-paid.. w.11 mwat wllh in-oiavi'itta ai.antlua

PAKTNER WANTKD.8paea_ or ac-liva .Tbe edwatteer* ara engaged, In tha city, la Ihe

ojaenfaeture end *ale cf a atandard llne of Oi.dA wall eetab-lltted u.,1 ptii'i-al-le They aie deeiroo. of eolarglng tl.elrbua.rrw M it can now he doae to rmd advantaie Anypeiw.D .iiii a BB.Bal nf fri-m five tn a.ght th, arawill i.iil 'in, t i.i. .1 tpportaoliy lo Invaat ettber ae ellant nraciiie partorr tn the .-i.n.-e.n Be*» af referaoaae given aodr.«.iii-d. AddreaaSMITH v BMITII. Trlhune Offi..

1)ARTNKR WANTED-St.rerBl fhou*.and D .Iteia to liiveat in ao aattfB PBrtaerahtp, ln aiy

BBB.8M whieh la r-.pacU'jla and lucrative. AddioidM K S., Trlbuna Otfice

PRIVATE lNSTRUCTION..An ex-pert-noed Claiwai and Mathema'ti.I Teaeliar, bwu'-

lng aoiple tr and oHenr:g andi.ul.ted alty refer-aaaaa OwBraa ^.nplnyment tru or BBBB hou. a day. Ad-ti. Tl TOR, at tte Trihana Offlce.

SALEsMEN. Waatad, .Srilo-i*n.'.the cify rwtail dry gcnd« 'rvie. !b ata'ieand rli Mta

llibrd bo'it.- wtaraa tegolar fami'y trad" la dnn* '<

.aiariea be paid M men of axperie.i B. Ami-MS O , atthu aflicr.


BMtal c. _Mk.l BB the ilepk-tnent App'y toA AKN'M.U k (O, No tii QbBbI >t

SHr-lVA-*.f_ i BfiRVANf_ "

BKR-V'aNTS'-WA'.'.,! tttett, nred p.ivata fai-i'ly der-

vai.t. wuh ,'wjd taanwrnilals 1'lffka Nor*.* «cd vva' ibe Pnvat* Pa_n:'.' latallhjaaaa OOe, tw O: tnd it.

SITUATIONS W-NT__t--ln r.ta,.rjrtahle fa_ Ht-*, I r a 'vg- nomber ol Chil<l.*eB of bitb

a_M,ii-o, of Wnmee witb l°fan., al low wagM Appii-gaiiuo to he mad« at the OflUeof tteCu-imltaliiBafs of _.I-graii.. in tha PmB.

TEACBER WANTED.Wante.l, -aTea. ^er in a prlvale family. cipa.le of I'vtng in-

atruction in tl.e Krgi'ab branck... and ala.. SSBaMa ol MBStVIrg (ae rrflan.t.tiof iBatt'irnabUl and V ocai M_S: Te-nxSc uat be u..-eralo AddiBM B W. I.j No. -,»J LowarPoe( 08 oa

11U MERCHANT- bb_ OTHERS.Avnti-g Mkn. yeariof age. .aata a iitiatloo

M Ll|bt or Oeneral Porter Ile iatempara-t and ladug-.H-o-u. He wlahe* to tbange h'.g piMeot fltaatiaa Iof kiae c.'.a. nrmrnt Cau reler to bi* preaaat e-npioyar an-

Ulaagaged A ooie eddr.aee- tu M. P. D., Trlb- .« 'J .

tor a vteek, will ue alteodcd to.

tt s. scaoor. a(.ency-Bf e aWlLOOX, No. .»- Broadway-C-ifan' ..» t

_B. and »ngag*mentg hy tbe l.i*. ln.ti-iot_, PaniiiM,Tea.beriand Matrom tl.rough ,at tte el .n. Apaty-'hiba-oney Ooe par eant ln advan e aaooala adfaix, ex«

crB*eaa-d [ :ocuree _. r**]».ad loaipei.ia.iu *_o M P'j*.iible Secur-0 bj a tran*i_able chaca, |oad for all ada«attoaalctl ttt._

WANTKD.A ekuation bj a Soprano,ta a Q_-_tte Choir. AddreM C. M., Tnb_a


WANTKD.Agood aeeo nd-handPi-no-Titte, B'-rdtnan k Oraya mtka witt eamoaaa

a-MBt, BtwBnad Adirew rf 15. Ontlon, Vwotal,poitpe.. a_llng ca_) pfi^, «).e of- *h. t-

TffANTED.T<> p_rc_aeB a cood aec-\Y o-d-'-audPlar-o: gi.ea BBBB8w88ta8wS8| axada hy maarr.. Ml tii/eM., --. Pread. ttmA g-vd Pta-oj priee \_t_k ktttm

a _-tn lo L. 1.11 ajJ»ea-on» Miacc 8_ra 71 Bleeekar -¦

WANTED.A pentleman qualified Uan Architaet, ho MB «iva r ed refere-r_ to t jrrn

.,. -,-'- -iTua »ko -u'e- t«__e tt-rooalily ac-

... _(-- Wtt^a- "oalreax, -.'lng Mfl_-al cpfal Ad-< __,L. 1T'lbu-VorJiM, witb raal aame. sut ng -baa aadv btre mi ia.e,-view aaa be hat

0 _ j\-/"ANTED.A aituation in r Ha'. I.IV t.'-:.nt.'a .______ 8t_nnBery, or a(a_.t-

_.__ kwa_re.MJ Maa .ho mo five gt_d r.farao * A'-

dr»MC VV , .»t* uf V. B. l', Adva*J_tt| A|e_'.B^au a.

\\J ANTED.Ry a (ientletnan resiiic-i;*f r ¦ tb. an--r-.try, i ing e mao aatio.b--ao. Nacaaeed arpiy '-'-'. a I.8M(.Bt, and oaa that cao brrr a |»drn- _tr.e_.-_.. fro_a h_ laat piace !n t:.:i. '.ty, a* Gr^j_a_.d Dnver-in'.dcUe-M.d tran prafarred.a

r a araa from the aegth of 'rrlaod. Addrea alioe to i. 11.TLRNIR. No._C__.-r--at_WANTED.A Shuatlon In aChoIr, by

ago.d Ttner __|«r. Jk&th** (J. T. _- Tt'

WANTED.Ona or two peraons whohave bal rxperra'-ela tha b-fitee* aod a__ai__od

c-ovaMtBg. to lolielt fur a L.fc l_air_a_a Company Ai-dr*M B. i No. -71 New-Tork Poat-utB..

JANTED.Mea af reepactability, taf btaato -bgariber* tor the n__t aopolaf hoobj»t thtCPrtaallO.) Ayply te WH -___BT, Bo. IW .Naak-i.


\17ANTEn--Twe Lada, frotn 15 t- \7Y > ,.»rt ci aga Apply to J N IMI No. 414


\I7 ANTED.. .Sr«-am Fkiiiar waotad,|f a dc«'.'e flue bottor, from _» to *S taeVm _i**a*ur

aad 13 to 30 feet lo*g. A fair Ma f» aaaw tttpti ***.ot ba ,i *. *iil be paid by V. O Co- Boi 1,977 L-warPuat OB**._AQ did kd | . ** Man of rapaeUy aodty «_¦-" >" f" "# ererpri-*!* w_itM by tb* tf.wiwr,w tbhoto Bi iku io a-' BR to wxn him i. aoaavl_.»ibaa«ar e__ alreJy'-aiaWulud. a __B»B^__B d URaktoifritatriiu.ioa. Addrr-fl PaRTMER BBBBa OR a.

Coet and fannO

LOST.At oi- neai Eultoa Ferry. oaTn-tfav .aen-ig. V* tntf mv»i_I i»aur. -. L**^Anlclea ol rai.lai.lilp. .1.- »'e nna*. wi b. tawatfed

by i.a.iBg t_.m*i ta* . AVeel .VU.iirM&N k CLARi-aUorneyt, No. HM B.v*__a-

LOST.On the, ia At'aaUc.t. b*tw*ra Hlcto Md Ci-iai-to-

BB.8 i.d BMSBBU PoRT aoviur. .>aig_ai"g *b-_ta nty in go d a*d a f.w aanali Ca".t_raia .<!.. *MThe nnoer wil. K> hWaily tea-.iAee by leavina It at BKN-NBF8 Nrwt Oth.e, N* bl at. bViath B-j-kiy*.



vTljanrri iai Bnain-ai fllnt

DJUJfl STORE for SALE..A firat-e'aas arr* la a BoarUhlug i wn, eaay tf eeoeaa to

N-w York or t'b:la_el,r-i., oow dmet s g od eub tetaUBBd pieacnpuon baainm. Oood i. >« >-. .ivaa ' >r »*l lagi aah pnee BAB. Addreet A. bcHaul E by latt*. ui

gfliaiaallj at No .'lt* (.reeawieb B. N. Y , w_ara all aecea

sary ltliAinaliin caa beob'aiued

PA1NTERS..For *..I.. an o!d Mtab-liihed P-'-.nt Btor., d-Irgafi bMBBBMBBBB Will M

twtt low BB . «o*d caah 04.mi bbBB. Apply oa UM pretnlMS.Ea Ui-aawav, uear r. Bat

to >l.Yiinti to be madia onJAfAki ra-i'al ta .few mmfhaonly

The btBneas ik perfrctlv Mt* au.' l-asaol Oa* ballo' Ih.aapnal oo time. IfeeUred V bvs Bo. No SUNa.r YorkPit -Ort .*, Uu..a-tataly, aiviegaao-e, be.

ANTED.A Prirrnrar with $5,100, toirreai in t'.e i: ar-.'.*. ;'. of. Pa eat M _-f :.¦* to:

-t red toaa, dryira wbir* |..»4 ana.ja_.uU ., all kiMtdrurg damp llour. roaitiog cortre, pieptriti. .eag* lor oriaebIng at'd baktrg T-o tbouiand ci'aet wiil ba BSfBfBd la-ri e.liafety ft,r pirrhaairg one-II.trd ot the rlg_l and c.n

mrnc'iig tbe mai--cture, the bal.i*'o M adveeo-d Maeedid t . Uie HulofM None but Uww> having tba >. v>.and de.inog t<> go into the tirtaioeaa, rt.*d aoply. A-Jfj.ROA8TER at ifi. .ttke ul Ui . paper. (|a«t-paid.l

ft*_ ______.A PARfWIR.WAWP-

Xff * g.l t\ l\ tm kd, wlth .'v. Ttiimwid Dollara, ellbea* scecial or activ. in a eaib hua' a'ready ealablialiadAd-rf«J VV.C. it .. Is- l.-i. Posl-O-ic*.

Doar, and ttootni.

APRlVxi'E KA.M ILY cun arcominodate a (iAntleiuan and bta vv :f* wuh Boai.1 and a

I,-, nd auiry Roora, la a oew hj-M .llli tbe uodern Impi,. tu-nU. Apply al No. RR Itbav. Retmuoe. u-


A4.KN riiE.MAN aii-T wTK- and tou?or flve flngts Oeatlemen eaa be araoininod-tetl a*lth

8. ard ard p--*.*_» l-t-fklNi II v arlak H auf BiJoh.'s Park


AGENTLEMAN ri d his Mftib, or onaortwo Oeotleuien, caa fiud bacdRa)4iiely Bar-

oisliid at No 171 Eaat 17ih-sL Tba boau U fto.niUed wlUi b*!ba,hots_r, gu, .Vs.


AH RMSHKD BKDROOVf for n ain¬gle oeLii'iianto Lrt, vi"1! or wiitiot BreakftfJ. ln

a triBecteMa pnvate raiutly Iu ik_B at No 4-4 Oraad tf ,

neai flaii Bnaow.y.

AUltlTLRMA-l and WIKE r_n baarcooimoitated wiU) Board ln a pl.aaant B-oia ia a tm-

v.u AmerUan faaiily. AL., tw ¦ n-gU Oea-touUB, at Bo7 Cberry tf. opptBito rr_uhl_i-*giiar-._

AMKRU AN __v7__J-. Paaaaaa, fl. 0.-ThU not*- 1. by far U»* m>wl alry. BBBBflB aad ua-

.' .._:',« b-aa* '. Vb. City of ¥\ .a.u*lr. g.kna-aw. . ^^^ o .mvfri fro_-,aata

AGENTLEMaM aod WIEE, .U- _»v-'.'.I youn. Maa. can be BB ut-tuodateai wtth |Utoa.

Board and aliy K.v.,iiiaal No I J Bowary

APRIVATE r.WIILY, iMcupylnj5 ala.fe 1 ull... wrlth tl a n. >d*rn Impi-veiooula, ufef a

tiiita of iiiOB.a on the aeiv nd ll >. r. wlib Board; ato", ruoaMon lbe Uiud iloor. Oaa ai.d Imi liituialied tf tha U-tf.aUS.Can and a ue I'am the door. Tliw* wtio wiab f> nve ra-

tltU will do well to Ma.l.i-u B , care of Hoiimu ABruwa, 4ib av comer of .V li «t, IB-B-B.B ly

ABUITE of haadaom. ly lun.lafii'dApiirlnient*. wlth Buard, can ha til.u'oedU a prlva's

flial-claae '¦...«. A fi»ir fBMB o I ll xir lor a nogle Oa*tlani... Apply .1 Nu. 44 Waat -Jd tt

|>OARJ).No. lo'J l-uat 15Ui at., a»*rI > Btoy veaani park, la a p * fkuilla, wlth . ¦.-.

li-na.ultM .f rrirtixaiili mll-d l» fauotll '8 4 '.ila.i..,

ihre* n.ajui*for iingl* <jen'Jr.maa Tba Hoaaa4aaaw, wiBgU wariu aud soid -*U-a, A..

BOARDING-Al Waa. II an.l 17 EdtatBroadway, oae pleaaanf ru. and par.lry f>r a ')enU*-

iiau an V. ife Alao .Uaaanl iBSUS fm .lugte Oeul. xaa*llui and eo'd boUia. ilef-renco. eachaofed.

BOARDING.Rooms, eingla or looltar, mKIi bc(e|or pi*.'* ..')!., may tobadat t'ntoa-

park Ht/iise, b>,a 22 and .1 Baat llth-sl, aad at.waatB¦¦ * a> ,, and t r. it li. * are il.-.ijo Itaialkua, aad th*to: mi are i.l.i- laie.

BOARD.K"" .1*1 for fainllinB aad «!n_ia~u(l-men, al No 184 Eaat ih hat. Hoan aaw, .BB

aii the 'uudeio iinpiuveuieiite g fiieoaaaaaahinf.8

BOARD..Thatapur !. HiRiifidf lauantnewb' um (f'.ro'abed w'rh new furotture Ibn/agboutl Na.

R.l l'Aii at, nair la av lt utw r Uy fur the raeepfk-i tfboaidtirt Pk'ii'.l tor ..'-if'e g* ,'leuiau aoeooim nia'nd wltBlulua. oi iln,- - . afib 'I B* aufurolibed. wlth fallar partiai b>a_d. The lu oaa baa C* uutfera Imocvainaala.gaajba-haRa

BOARD.1 woli. nrlf ifiiRiicaii baactioin-,u.-tatad w'fh hai' fti,-oi.bad roouia. wltb ot

wiU.iu* paitlal Boa.1, loapilvatefainlly, tf No. _-4 44b av.,B*ar uloB-at|'-re Hatb ln BM

Q4)A UOI.Nt. DOWM"lH7WN---iO CHAMBERLIN- North P.lvat Hoaaa, No<g.ona, habt -,fi a Market A tt* aanna-aent Boardart .an *-n ireoma.iUat*d wlth Board tf tn to.Ar a, -ak AU- far _hai i.*- to Ial wlth or wi!-oUBoard.


BOAiiD..1..H..I RooiriB un 1 BsMird atNo. ._ rultofl-at tot Uanfleui, day aad BRBBBBBl


BDARD..Kin« Ro4>rn» to lat on ti.aaiAf--ond floor, at No. <_l S^rlng tt, Iwo tuon eaat ot toa

C-ilai-ore Hoaaa.

BOARDING.Ia ii t'umlly, awflllJD lurtUhrd fioiit parlor wlth otn adj JM'ng. ¦* tb*. - .i Iaa?, iu a ae. kiiiw et aUlalog all tbe u-jdera uo-

proveueau A|. ly al No. H Eaat /'Oi at.

BOARD.A Gentli-man und Wlfo r.aaobtom B^a-d. and a pieaaant ttfrntaXory ba k rr««i

ttd raetrv. ui,'jnilat..d. ia . prtvat* 'amlly. wlibo'it tt*\_drrn, fur 17 u :t week. tha r -«n U taoattot wlib bot aufcr.ld w.ter B.'h te tt. _o_-« iittataoca* .acli_-|*d.A»ply.tNu >) t harItoa_8l_

BO A R D..Lfi't'« Ro'.ma wlth BadBoor.* sullabl. fc' tia.i *mam and their Wivuu

agJ* OeB'lenieB bath to tba Le-we; ******** tba 8-8?.AtplyatN- -'^r. Ma.t. r-;'-re. - ..-_

BOA R D .Fri-nrb.Pie-nsant Roa.rns,farniihed Bf nnrVirtfi! *d. oiay to oktalaed aaai MM-

EM .,u_ia lu ¦ oew f..aie, wl b ell uwde.i ImprovamtatBrrencb will be t*-|l,t al _or_* .r ar prmla riwdanoae. Aa

roato u tear toa door. Re'ertaaaa.ub-Bg-d'I No 4- We*t.khit, B8VB._MR N. R.A-o boAit tor* fla. genuenaea.


BOARD. .Mra, TOOKER. No. \)7Bprrigtt, (Ira drx.r wa,i0f Bfeadwaj) hu B lat

_.'*._-. M-tatto fur Un-iie. or g :i BlMMk

OARD..1- tha^a cotnmodloiia_._a. I.o. i.7 I-.Uo.-at Uoo* 'cuafd (.__> g- V* MJ-

BOARD io SECOND-AV..A aul'.a ofP-bir.i' n tba -i.d Baaa, with fo 1 Board.««,.'il. Anply al Nu. -U ii-ay .paaao-a i| ur

by latter.

BOARD io KAST DROADWAY.-AO.Bt.eroao ud VA ,f. an 1 a **w a-ogl* OeoUo-ien rai

ba acc~t__ Jtiat-d wlth Bi*aa**t &._*. luraUBM ot _*f_rr lahad. .Ith full sr pariUl Bw.\1. at No IB tUa. Brualwiy Hot BM ocld cold watar l»_i'i 'a Ihe _©._»

BO A R D I N G.A Cfjotifman an.l hia '

Wife, rr atr.gto *_tle_.n. ua u. _SSo«*."-*- teJwuh p taiani rotxna aad U.BI. U.Vo uilCtaAtto*i*raj-B*S_f*B-BS

BOARD..A arimll prirate family,, ravaa BBa-Baal tol-wui tof.atto

iiu|leOa_iei_eBor a 0.atai_8B a_d Wila,^*tifoinubed, wuh af withoat board- "PP'T al Bo .« *_.«

laihtf aad 7th av? _v«fcreuaau«t.-t«td.


th.*B R4a-_.._r.r BBMB BtoMR-ji f^* .t Ihe naw snd aocoaioJk^. !_^^"'^'^' _,*n H BBB a t. BBB <-*> CbbbI aed *gr1_g JB.**t Utf tM

|.mi for QeaUeat-B. _

OOARD.A G.n,ifni-n andWlfvaadr> t.0Crt_rM-ii^l*(J*rit;-_i-_, _*_k__*W_\*S32thad.t-f4uiBiih Board,) by . pn..-. ha*\*l r*"' *

i__._a_i_a- frv- aoca bo-u, wlib aii Bwdrr* i«ipr«v.«_**MAppyi:No 34Wm;Ut*.