new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1851-05-26 [p 3].fan.n'v medicine*, pun11 aa, varniitaga,...

ItfJE SUWCRIBER a'Jthor:zH(;t«. Jya t of the Comrany) to contract PN the de.liv.rv -,f rAK(iOrü"'t>rr<lrt.ial('J COALfrom the Sa.« tn Hill M ai» et PoCterilli Pa f.rru»..v wtrrki d ov Mllue* k Hay. M EDICAI*. a utiKH'IAL TEETH IN8ERTED, f\ artbol "moving Ihn aM ratste, *,"n ?; v.'- mmwmtatBJBBags J TOwTJCE, IM lyiaaj at., ketose ,et.e " ¦ 11 "i* MataaH fAaaaaaajad Syrup w .yf&UW I)(kk ROOT..W« reel ¦ r.fpri ttrtl ever. [ r.t r ¦ fc make lu»aaicTBt»aorldtfcr wonderful tSeac .} tavaaatnoi aratry aiwaiatiaa Tbrnisand« harr been relieved, of a great s*i"unt mi «nflc-inc and many lives BBtnd pa Hag >M af it It « arsnowledrcd by the heat judge* of Mtaiieaaa BO ihr aaal shaysat,aciaaliac aad aalatary pr.isatstra n,,w ,a «.«*. awl a deperaiivo reused,, aaMoaa if ever aiiaalail it. see* ariaaDaa^uaoeaaraof Errs pataa, BaM Bheina. fai.ktr. S< mfiila and ad tb«-> ft «»i».« ai naa from at ,n,purt slate "f the Rossi AU«, all Bilious . Dmpla Bta, gjajlaaaai ata» MptariaaaUJ ancirnn ¦ all ima if Ta m.i.1* W'eaJtn "* and general iM.d.t. ... ; ,. wdkrard May, PTJatJ tone tothc ranoaa Brgaaa, and invir- *rat.i4t the eaüre iyatBBj. awl a.1,0 for the cure of tu* L-vcr t«;i;.ra.Bf Catairh, D-yipcptaa, Headache. D.i/..n<s«. Ckaajjakaat laoaa aaaitad with Chnaui Djc im s of what¬ ever aaaa,atjldadUttamodieiac not oaly phsaaaal tothe .»*te. entseerraiticore. if it f~ within the power of reme- awl agent* to affect their disease |. ,s eaaajaaad M moli- , ,».?. <e happily combi-ed n«t,,»,n,| ,|,-ecti? tu e,-. e tone tn the «11.11 m Ii aäd Is.weis eicit» tn heaithv action the L'ver aad the »1 ala Olaadalai System, ellai rsenroaa Imtahiists aa<l »näsele the fraa a. two i.f the Lenga, thua renhrtag it aj.plaalle loall iliv..iae« uf a Chronic ature It i* purely ir.i :.!..« aad mas I* osad 111 all 1 l.maU.v. aid at all «e.i- 14,1.» at the .car Bah BJ C MORSE CO at ltr.' FouoUin-at . Prov.iJrnic. K I and sold hjlhniaaadl all over the Kmted Statt«, CamuUa. B<t HAYLMlt K. tX>aUaIXt a. CO. 13 Piarl f. Nrw York. General A;-')IJ6in* T* the Kim and Afflicted r|R. SWAINE'S COMPOUND SYR- ¦ -Per if WILD fiirnRV s aet taat ami iaTalaatak laacaaaryofDr BWA1NK. Iknaaiaili haw baaaayitia- atom! to health and the 1 ru .vintnt of life, who wert «uffar- lUiV froni :lu at a«i« i> of tin iicr.l ricruciatiu*-diaca&ca rTVia John Mittoa Karle, Proprietor of the Maaaachu aett> bit. Waaaaater. Man I >u l .llowuur 1* another l.nk ai t.'.' ire t 1 b .11 of t< itliaonj to its merits -we aaei aaed J>' Ssmnr'i Corn;<>und Synip of Wild Cherry ¦ ear f itnny, aad nud it one of the mos' «ootbjut are! aareaabta «aeaiernee for 1 oajtba, inflammation of rhe Uvoat, huajta, be,thai are h*ve ever iriad,aad nave aa aeaaatk a ia taeeaaaaadiaa a trial of it to those who hare aaeaaaaaiWaaahaaadteane We da thiaad our own free wjl.wcli.-ut the Itaowkajga »f I)r Swame or any of hi* j^., ..» r ,.n>- aaartaatioa from ..hem " Iii j II ».lli»>n. I ran. fort. Ky s;.,t» - faatl .1.- ¦.**.' iu ... pr.utne 1' years, am a ataav araaaata taf Traaeytvaaia I now preaoriaa roar arapantiaa of Praaua Virinaia or Wild Cherry, ia prafei i to all othi r reaaadiei I regard it aa aa tatalaaMa reuadv .1. t.'n traaaaaee* ; l*aaaa*uaia or Piteaeo of taa taaan HOMI t 1 ut kltckial Tboaaaa, ('te rry «t three door, west of S' hnyl- kili I uad, v U itt'i- .-.! with a vnCent eoigh. pain« in the .*'» aad Iweml,aunaiaa "f the inne*. thottaaaa of breath, »»¦ t .! < 1 te. night sv..-c«, a,,- indeed, bis w hole system areared |>re*trateil lirt try the ,,| iir Baaiaei t'orn- pnliml f^yriiji of Wild < oerrv wa« lewtored to jierfec? lie u, Lsik we,1 lo the murk* of the nenuuie b> in. ", the urigiaal aad oaly aaaaiaa preparation of U.kl Chaiiy ia put up m m|u,,re bottles, auvered with* la i.utdul w pappei, (steel eaaraviaf,) arita a portrait of Dr ajansiaidwraua; alao, ha rigaattan All others are p>«i- trvi lt fictitious aaal a auti mil Iaiaotiaj ramaeed tal Herta Seventh sth.aaaaad dor,r ajkeei Market, whan an preparad all ol Dr itwaiac'a other Fan.n'v Medicine*, Pun 11 aa, Varniitaga, Sugar C a'ed Sar- .ai a and '1 ar Pills, ttc kc frr aale t,v ( M HIM..r.Ti'r of Broadway and John ai iir WAkMBK.Mt) Btaacker-at 1POMMAN at CO., (1 rand, erner Norfolk .1 S I.KVVIS, jgl Greenwich : H A BANDB.IMB.ry NOBBPs. Vi Market, comer Monn» LYON, tin OraiMl-al hi sHKiN « <<>, lit Braatrwrrj A B tv I > RANDS, IMFaltimi C V CLICK- BNKN ACO .gl Ba-ei., HA VilaA NO, KEE8E A CO ¦ aaaaiaa lane; Mis HAYS,Brooklyn myll2mW8AM* I IVE It J'DMI'IsAINT . .1 iiii.tli.-p. at-i Drapepaai, Chronic ta Nerrona Baiailtty, Disease f the Kalnro s, and till dieeaaeo arising from a Disordered Liver or Momin li. s.ich :is 1 .nstipation, inward lule*. full- area er Mood to the bead aridity of the BtoaaaeaTaaaaaa, aesrtbu n. il.svnsl for bsal fullness mt weight in the stoin- ai kaeaa eruraatasae, soiking 01 fiutteung at the pit at the stiiau« b. swajaaaiag of the head, burned and diffii lot bnadaaag, lattanag at the heart and cAakiag, or aaBboat- |araaaaat*ani waan inn lying anatara, dimness ofriaioa, di.tsor weis lafon the mailt, fever uud dull Mia m the load, ih fu n in of ,.1 rapiralasa, reBowai an of the skin and Cits. |.ain in tlw sub bark. best, limbs.kc sudden ft us In a t.f hOitt. burning 111 the rlesh. 1 oustaut n .»_-.' ¦., nl, and great dl praaaioa of sjurits. can be effectually cured by Dl HtKlKJ^MiS ( K'LKBIIATKD GKBMAN UIT- 'I t Its. prepared b) Dr C M Jackson, at the Germaa Mediciti' st. re. I?n Arck-St Philadelphia Their BOWei over the nt, ,ve diseases is not eveelled, if eipuiitai by aay otkarpiepaialiiai ta the t'nttad State« as tne eines att 1 st, and in muni cases 11 Met skillful phyaKUUM bad AvuVd 'Diese Bitteis, BN WOTtB) the atteiite n of invalids Piss. aaaaaj graat rirtaaaia taa ractU*ttatiaii ofdiseasee of in* Iis» 1 and 'ess, 1 el,,..,1s, >, >, leinst tin- neat searching pew> an in an akaaaa and aaV liuaa «f the digaalisa urgaaa, taa) are withal Kai, ,11 rtnin and ''" aaanl bead AND BE CONVINCED Rutlgi M M N. ab aanl ta his Waekfa Menaajai. Jaa i. I8.m1 l»r llnoi I iMi s (IriiavMllTTElt- Here is a ; pan tiea wioeb the leading preaaaa at Ike Uaioa appear to, aa unariimous in roe..inmen.line, nnd Ik* reason is ohvious it is BHrde str, - ,a raaacriptitva fnrnianed by one ot*tke mos, ,-cie Matedpkyateaaased nedern tune*.the latedr Wilhelm to the t aiverast] ol Jeaa, prieala phy«i- aiaa la las K aaj id Praaesa, aad aaa ol Iks gi cat est asaaa «t atrtAanOersnaagi aaaerrat prwnaad He was empbatiealiy the enemy id^ loimbiie and Iberefon a Bsadit ne of a hu ll ne aaa Ike kwresstm aad indaeaer, may be cnaBsfsntlj ralied on IIa niioriallj reouaaaassaded it iaXiver naataiaiat. Dya- at s.a. Denilii), dim. Aeidit} of tt« Btaaaaca, tag Liver ami baas ataaaa Riaa I'lniad, i,.iua panan 1»pn *s tb» ü eaa> viction of its 1 tri Heu« e, aud some of the Editon apeak of its aSaata haaa tbati own uaBiataal aapanaaat t'mier tbt'sc «itrumstanres vs< tei wairanted, in not only ailing Sat .itti ntunof om renders lotbepneeat proprietor's (Dr. c m Jackaaa'a) im paraliaa. bat n naaaaaasaQakf the ar- M It la all idtlirtrd " MoiiK i riaah< t 1 be PbimeVdpkra Katunla] Gasetla, the la st t«m:iv n*w»- pater |abB*kaa iatbe Darteal states The BdBar ears It is aaklaaa that aa 1 aooaaasaad what an tm meii naaal Medicines to Iba confident # aad patnnaaae el* oai nadan* and. Iber» hue. w ben we 1.11,men.I Di ll.atilaud's QenaaB Bitti i*. we w»h it to ba diatiia Uv aadantuad that era an aot apsiakiaa ad ih* aaatraass at tu, day, that an naiaad abaM for a tira f period aad tbea t.e». its 1.. aft. tin have «lou< their guilty MM of in.seli.sf. but of a no di. 1111 Ions' established, universally pnred.und winch has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself Thev can ba administered tofrmales or infants with sat. :\ aiul irbat Ii tvnebt at any time PEWABE or COVBTBBfBITS The genuine have the written signature o| t' M JACK SON, upea tbe srrapaar, aad Use aaass kkswa ia lbs i»ottle, »itheul w kM h Ihev are sniirnvns Vor sale, wbobanile and retail, at the GERMAN M EDI nsv: moke. IM Arch st oU. dean Beta* s,ub-si Fk IsdrlpblM. and Bj |es|as< t il.le deal, IS o'li, i'.Ii llllielgll- «101 ib< Baain Wbslssali andretaUby A It ft D SANDS. MS E.ot.ui st 1 oiusi of Willunii BetaUbyC »I RINt; M Bioailw.i. conn: of John st Mi- HAYs. BrarAq miu 3iuMWkS* WHE W ISH tu eBjs»7"PERPETUAL >«>i TH,aadcoaaaoiieaü) teaeeil tbarapaeaaabaael *>hl ajN'. is piebald, one of the in.wt pledomiiialil and 0*1 aaaatfia, *n<i * rnlaatablr deeir* to unipeevi and beautify the BarBkre mt tbe body become*, ia rnassii isact, no frtroloas it It ia clearly deasunetrated Ibat GOCRAt'DS Italian MED1CA PED SOAP artll aiwnaapliab th.s It a net nssrelv a cleaiias t tbeakia, eahvaaiag aad readei mg barareat an perfonarag its offices, it also refreshes ¦eauad,and *| end over tbe wholeavaten aseaaattoa ad aaaa.aeuiay and aaaaBiaaaa it hkewi««, removes aaa and tuck.«s. ; n .. ». ringworm, tetter, redness, sallow new, Ptaauies M ijn ition in the larger as well ai m tne ea nilhirv vessels, give* aa BanBWaj free eirc ilntion la tne enaal, and |.rcs« \,« thai won let I il harmmv IB eur Wterwi eiswas. ,.n «h«- <lisp,eutlea of w bu b our beaiib aud comfort «!»l«-e«l In tai t, t> use be language of « waB-knoWB m- asaeykaty, r* l..-. letter tn Dt Onaraod, "Of aUtheaeb. i >ie reaaai sta Sa asdsatsraaa .. ia«ly'* < ha. u», aaauiwdu vom ¦ -tirp »ckat It Italian Madk at. ,1 Russa is tb. chain ar. aadekest kll whom I knee known tn aaa It aava aaanaaad fh. ii tatisIBi: i. with la ..if.-, mm a* us ana taliaV >1 term* It BaaiUsel] werk« aurarkr« Oaa darb asaaasd foaag lad» atftaaa I u w aaad le ... t aoa abiaaa t.uth ia all tb, aai ilu,d Ii iliTin »et a clear, wham, tiauepauut skia, free f'. Ii, 01 ) v»»tia» t t..u. , 01 nee Ith Irreale ". fan.emtei tto remiwned teilet nnparauaas o.- Dr OOt'RAl l> ran cn!r '¦». .¦...aine.t gen-lae at his 1»C1V 07 v ..ikci si Am »t te fti ¦ Ba^eaarwai «.».etil* T H i dlendei m Si».vsi rbird «. PkalasWI pbi« . Batr» ,\ .ti-dai., '.> ^ astoiigton «t K wt.a «» . a t«. Weereetat i ar» Kew-Besifrocd; \ P ii. Han; or. Vk D Kol- Pa ind.Rtei »I Eatvsss RSj « bail»« >f , N At So..Ii a i b S.,».um «ii Sior». Il«ais.a». wash Ive* s . m Havitaad A Ca BTisw- »i < i, ....»:... s t tvaynur ft Wenn!. bBehaasnd: Oenee, I»«tio.l MaihlgMU Ca I. tun k Co Ia.weil Co».ll. Harl- focl Aiia-iil*. .. MeaeaeaW r.M H Poal ft Wilbn, Ro- ekestsi A Ii Douglaa, Pateiaoa, N J Ii J Tajrle N. wpärt R t PeterSaiith :-« .! riftbaad Wahtal »: Cincinnati, Murphy ft Cv>., Caabia, BtaaavaiMil Mri D a v itr>et. Mad s. a,! « .vatoa 1 C .. St Me; Rebait Camanwi, Budi part.Coaa.i s E l'rqtihan. I :, ;.', C w Geo Unat. Nashrüle. l>nn w lohason, Branswrka, M. s H Cwaberoa, MD. Cahaaa, Als; I Isai-ih stiyce'. Hones p, l»-one tt Enller, Peesasiil, N \ . DJ h-.w, He sow ; Eeywerk McDwretl, Prit*. t*ng; las B Posas. 11 Ibartj st Vti Cyra» Lawall, aSaälB P ».~l reneialiv tbrssnghosit ik* C.. IVaie.a ¦aaabaa .», \mi ml taraai m > »».»*» MWAEtf I )N s P i; ps I A -Iii i* him-' N kuria-* ei* Daenrau Bittsbs. t:. FAMILY MEDICINE **** ' l std t y» ot high ataasliag Bitter» rea***« all morbid aeeretioa*. pent; the en d rrei , ,-,^,or ,^ ,hr .p-,,,,,. Ion .. sy-a, .. nm . ,, -e ,sen "'" ",l»'f »i BnlModek rtaliisgIbapatren'.««einggrale- J '..'>..«! daheaM stesaaek aad wa»rs«M» f«a tbeir e »er aa -nv.g .i.,t ,,. . ,r ..,,.,.. .4 and ., a ., »live pi.een- iie. aadania»alaat*H ,.,.i « .. ,, ,, ..1. i..i ,, DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORM AI» laset C.tdsÜMa, .1» ...da-- Hearth ru, Cuetivc a««.. }_.Uii.»a D.seidsis of lb, Skin l-vel aiJ S..1I, ». M Appetit» LowS mt* Nervous Headache. Giddi a.s Patpitafjon ol- ,fll |{, urp and Eullassa ot "<,!.:.... S-,.aU all oth. t d.s. as.'S Caused be S m P ie state of the blood Iivir etc which tend to d> fall- tat« »nd weaken the *y»t. :r. >rn»tgs wt.o sufls-r trom a morbid und anut >ral e-sndi- «Ksa. will had 'his medie ne ol , _ INKSTIM ABLE V ALVE l»"llr4.,nl |-BHrml |Si..|,i, Ihn mrilsin, aci » I k- . eh* a. Tltooaaads b.,,, kBBMMl »Iticwv. ami thousands u,oie ar» now ,.uu« i Inalateat arel not oee sulltary case of »i»k'r 1tl fio.t.d Val 00 id be kllrd Sa* Plates ol thner w ho have b»-. n permauently cured ( ALL OB THE AHEM AND GET A P AMPHLET Ca^*.M certificates oj rrmarkablr Cures, and the .ie r,.tim,?!K* whjch this medic a. is held by the pub P JTsT"** ? h,d 3 Use Agents tree «i? 2 t.1"* l*r large ragtle Pnacipal »rBc IM Fei- ¦ N Y . up rtaan," my. lmEMkW» MJ^EJÜC EXAMINATIONS OF ' \,1**< »» "4 Cbamta-r» il,ts» »« ktaral«d Olail Ugte, frvm ,)|( J F H 1>Ä,^ <. SV ei MB' wevas. .»ikia Ii KELJEF IN TEN MIMTKS -Ciw .n U da»* irsftsirfd. bv Tb« cri kt f< r*a-u Mintdy. Dt LOCOCKB Pt'I.MONIC WAi'KRS Per Ifta eure f CcMa, O ¦¦.ct.*. A.lf.rca. Bn.nrrutr*. Pul- monaiy Corisurnpti. n. ind ail BftSctMaecf the Ureanaad l.onr* Manufactured hy K TAYI.OK KDeessBtOr, N V tfM only true und remne proprietor aid BMMfttetBrer '<n tri' «"Otment of imrnr», 17 venmci.: r.-in f-..,ii James c V CLICK EHER ft CO II P a .,»iratassOaa- . rel Aser.ts f. r N. sy.Yelh >.f,i,.;.- U,:*,MA B ft D SAND.« MM Pah*Mv-si Baled pom,11 cti wWg tu) 17 ÜB* RADICAL CURE OF HERNIA ¦ 1*0*01 two yea.' 1 xpem ncr- im.. ..e-u had <n Um au !'dticn of Hl il.KkS reeeatlj -v..¦ f*d« paewaaj »hroafli aaaeiwaa < aase, that nana the r 'orm and t»»rinr "|*m the line of'he ur « a- theie |.r<«J»r»| a t,i.. .-nine <.f :h-. .1 »all«. «ith «mm m ut i antra :.<m of tb» atsflisaiaal n.i^ ¦ ¦MI * radial cur, of Iba gouUhri Tr .s*»s Sap- pprtera ftlted aad ¦ laraate. d HCU/B Truee OtVce, 4 "«aei FREDERIC M BLTLER Propnetoi n.yr.'l lXMWftF E V 7 Dr. STlCKI.AMfS AM ERL u AN" FAMILY PILLS are and lebtecll* Urs a*m **t- ».Üble COMPnead ever i!imh\h«i f..r um) cure .f Liver CoatpkwU. Jaundice, Pilc« Coetivetvi ¦¦ Dys .. s.;. low Misaplexioa. Bh ? lliadaaha. Ii.-:« 1 T ist. Droper, Kid* utf AftVcUriM, Gravel, Rr.« mitifm. In! oittenl r r r and Aeu<. lr.fiuer./n. Csdkte, kr B< bag ,a «tn t a.. .:.. with th< unalterabh lau» ofeteativi Pr. .. and a kaowledei of Anatomy and I'm er. :.¦¦< D.« convinced that the same AOwa I -inr too .'1 in the vegetable world a rrmtdr for ei cry rlraoeee thai flesh heir t.. An d rar b che* Chat iht ha .a t>>-jy eon'ain» manv unpsetaai ocfeat called nah ei which employed in «eeretins; fron trie »,| nd owa appropriate fluid, tbe etuef ,.f wbseh 1- the I.iver, KhI- ii»y*. Suiivary and Glandular bod Ma eoaaeetsd with tbe »«.reu of tbe skir, The Liver and Salivary Glinds ae< rete from the blood Une» fluid'« thai ai rf aa Hie work of diee«tM.ii. and thu* promote tlie iieiJtiiv a. IlkSa ad Leo U.v»i.;« Tlie kein« > ¦ »...! -km «. < r> U from tb» lil.aej r , ... d< li rjf.ui. iinpuriUes whudi. if olistructrd. will (.rodurt ¦uuay ibjuuM a, aad ktahh be . atirely aasaahred Now. than vi »:i'.aM« riiinixiuiul attai tin liver, rlnuulates at to ac¬ tion, renn vik it* diseoar a, corrects the bilious and dieeittive erfanr. raurinr the knliiryr to act, an ! opeaaBS t*1" P°res 01 the skin Hence the " Puritic.itiun of tbe Blood. wher'-^y perfirt her.Jth is ri «tored Por r..n\ineiruT pnaf of tne BBeew the Deeter reeraeaaa a r.ern«n) of aia pamphlet. »et- tinr forth mrwt folly the ptiilteeiphy of their action, with full diriietiaaa ar«i r er»ifir-ite«iif aaparalleled .-ure« offiee )'i3 Pahem at New-y..rk, »nd aoltl by rv^sdan >f medicine stenerallv mO laaMWfcB HATCHELOR'S LIUJ ITT HAIR DYK -BATCHELOh'S Liquid is so Mlabrated and that it is th>- eopidityof a hort of lm- itatora Treepablieranet becarafnlto let the p-nuine at hA'K HKI.OH'S Wir MMiubies.iry, 1 Wall-Bt where it is .mid whedeaal« und retail, or applied This five has aaea in siirce»«f.i) epontaaa for tlr»- IhsI twelve year* MfU Im I.NSI KA.\( 1:. ff 1 IT 1/ E N s" FIRE INSURANCE I CtlMPANY.Oaacai ».7 WALL-BT and Ml Bow- ERY .'I ins < leaarauri. arrth a ea*h traaatal of $150,000, ami a larpe surplus, aaeeral* iaeeetad, nnataniai to rsarara araui«; ;.u.s .r uaown aj ElRE,aoa dwelliaaj ao*saei aser- CtUstsill« hau** hohl funutur« aad all description* ..f Per sonu! Property, 00 tin ¦oat favmal.le U ru.s DIKE. Tolls Ji reuuah Ji.bru.un, Alunzo Alv. rd. Daniel Bur.nctt, William Wallace. Thiima* MeKlrath. LukeBakir Wrn j Valentine, laaaaaf" Paid a in. laj laim. JihnS Harnr, Robert Harklev, Francis a Palm°r. Jacob Miller DANIEL BURTNETT, Pre'ent Jami-M McLaaa,aVscrotar; tfMWStl I 11 \ 11) E N I >~The fiscal yea ¦ "l.MON MITt'Al, LIPP INSURANI E COMPA EY .'whose prosnerity has not been eaualed by any other like institutions; closes on the first day of July Parties are re- eommended to make 1 arly application for insurance and thereby participate in the full e.irninir* of the peel r. u WILL «KD PARKER, M 1) | u, <. H OILMAN, M D. j Physician' BIhsk*, full tables and everv uiformatiea eiven by .H DD ft HOLLI8TER, Aaeata, liy 2K üw 57 Wall-*t , Jaun. ev CotUl HUDSON R]vEh "FiRE TnsTm^ ANt'K Capital Swi-.' Office No. tu Wall *t (Manliattan Bank Bmldiac 1 L.eisi 1 pnaapthr adjusted aad Pl'dISAIAH BLOOD, President. P .1 AVIRY, Seeretsrv Iambi a Rbo;PA, Aaetataat Setiatary aiyJI tl Office of"the af J ROGERS1 FIRE INSUR.*, NCE CO. . ENo. tl Wall st .on. f Pi ai CAPITAL $"00.000. At an eleetioa tu id this tfAy, the folUmuti tratltaira were aheaea Drreetora «.f tin* Ooiutianv f.r the tnaiifna year Sampson Moore, Mose* Tarier, Oeortre Elder, Pert) H Sherman, Marshall P*j«..D, Krancis SKiddr, Peter Martin, Ah ian r H 'Grant, < n is Hurshalter, RafosStory, A«a s p..r<, ?, .lane, B w son, HetuyKdei Isaac p Taylor, Wiiiia-i H Peeler At H subsequent llieeltiy; of Hie Board, SS.MPSON MOOBF. Fnij was iinaiuo.slv re, looted President of the Cuaspaa- l MILTON SMITH, Secretary Nea-Yoik, Peb 3. livil N B .This r..nii*uo ontin lea to Lasurs Buildings, 1- < bandln II., .»eh..1.1 Furniture, Vessels in Port, fto., oa the in.svt fasarableterais All Iosm 1 proasptl] edjaated and paid tftf r|-|fi: NE W- K n (.' I, A N I> LIVE ¦ STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY of Nea Haven, Conn, 11,so, li.HMea, < attle. *s. aceiaat luaa frosa dealh, eithn fiom natural eäaae, Bocidaat. 01 disease of any de¬ scription ubattiii New-York Agenci 38 Williaavst., Merchaato' aTaxrdsaafi ::'(W, L D HAUT, ae. -.t IPEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE (M)., of the City of New York, Oftsei ITS Caaal-et., [Pea- ales' Hm.k R.'ddme. ins ..-« BeiMitM-B. MerrthssMiaa, Hoiieebold Funuture, Veaaela at Part and then eaiaysaa, h< agaiaal laae sr ilaaiaaa by Pirti. on the iwosl faTorabla t«'raw All l,.ss,s nrtvmjars adjusted and paid DIRECTORS J< 1. no.ib T< 11.< 11. Gideon T> Ancsdie, Cliarles T P...-. Freeiuanraiiiphell.Jaaiea8 Brouwer, Wei M Wilson. JohnW LewsS, It Q St..k. s. Abraham I.<c.-ert. loftaP v. iw ton, JothaaaC Meeker, Matthias Clark, HettrrJS TerbeU, Waa H I eaiiut, Thomas WiUiams, David I) Crane, Solomon Rnnta, Edward P Clark, John Mace, CharleaCraae, Mortimer Brown, Oeonce Yetuura. Geonre Waraer, K >nt c Vis.rhiev, Coras Stephens, 1 hnstopher Gv< ver.P .1 Konesteel. Bin on Shiadler, WilliaanJ Hock, Alfred Itanwnre, Edward Nehask, John Moaeypeany, Chas H Melntire, G H Hubbell, lie.. D. Oaein .U REMIAH TERBKLL, Preasdenl MOOtafl Lk.SsM,.. Se. retail Bsfftl HiiMWkP *HE MERCHANTS1 INSURANCE COMPANY, rt'K try or *irw rorr, ofiee. (i.rner ot Greenwich and Pattoa *t* Ocean Hunk Hmldmr CASH CAPITAL, $*(*.o<*j laauraaceasraiaat Lose ..1 Psaaaiea) Phre DIRECTORS AnisniClark, I H Van Anken. Win H Diets, Croat Adams, c V B Ostraader.Wsa H*,i».. LatiAptar, n R Marths, Roasiat Has, Nathaniel Weed, Klv Hoppock. Joaaph M Browa, David Matte, (l B Burahaat, RolwitP Oettr, a alentme Kirbv. Ward A Werk, B. Brattlerton. M A Hoppock, S S liaail Harriain Jones, AAEON CLABK, Praaadenl QBOTMBM BAtAOS, Seeretsrv 21! 6m DROOKLYN FIR E INSURANCE IP CO Offs 1 t Id 1 w dl-sl N Y m.N3 Pidtoii-st Biooklu, WM ELLSWORTH,Preal A G BTtaBlta, Bacaaanry UUftai* ion. 1 01 NaTioasi Piki laai BaB< ^ Cost cafe v.) .V Wall st Nlw-YoUK, lith Mat. I80I ( AT THE ANNUAL KLEt'TIoN, held I at Ihia da) il>. Msara ae paalleaieB were elected D.ieci- 01» foi llit eusiolis Mal, vii 1 himer W llkarae, John J Hemck, W H Jai oas Gdbert Davis, Geonre Bell Phillip Borrowes, Haary H. Ward, Jcaaa Hecker, Jaasss L- Adaav, M,:i.ii Heftsaaa, .':u> Van Boakerck, llucb Muaro, Audr. « D M. la s And at a subs, guent nit .tiuro! ttii Board THUM AS W THORN p. was nnaaunousli n 1.1 rted Pressdeai atyltfrs \\ c KKi.l.tiGG.Saeretan cvssex female semisabv ¦& I deeive* pupils of aaj see aad al aay ties* ... tawsa eräk«ven ileaireble facilstv be ooiaiiuae a Usoeusii SCHOOLS. '¦^A KKYTt »WN INSTITUTE \ S M bert BOABTHNG SCHOO] rVwBOYS New Yssrk A NEWMAN, this lassStntioa Yvaaa Gsestsasaea *i* la*a*uaj,bij laatracted is «11 the Uraacaaaof an Paglisb aad CUaaical sdacattaa The ... ,.f Bsjard *a.l in« lud.ur bad bedkUaft, arasftau aad ateadiaf is fnaa $iiw to Sift* ¦-1 saauisv, ...... liag to tfts t rancht -. Circulars waslaiBita partnrulara, refer aacea, fti , caa M nbtainril at tSbepardrs Book Stare, IM KlIIoii »: aad at P. H W .lea's Cruted States Sch m! Aciiiii. :-XS 11 ....«..... 0: bv a.'.'.:< s-.a; * ti.'te t > f.e Pnacipä s*S MWftStl a _ l aim ai <s>ii |.iisn« d etiolation T. n.s iea»ou«li°o For baeBhfi laeaa >.f ka stiea aad 1 eaiph :< aaaa af ai aaci aa i.u this iiot.o.t.oa as probatsti uaa nsaaaad aad betai oa the U...11: is-.-.'li.. Caaaaetinii Riv.i. near the aaa- Us.;d.«-.. aceeei New York aad Hartfefd -i^l aasaasaaali Aa a miner. cr.sidi ration, an w,. ;id add that tin ti *, m :> and papthl are I liaiahed, at .. rate charee, b. the .-tat li ot the Sc:i man w ;tt; we.: trained saddle aeteaa for \ o..n; ladies asi Cirei am tssadahuns) a > ara ot the bcassnan luikshars, raferrace», e»a naw of LT< H s LYON, 1 M PHaeyal F-sev. M>> Hk S.' ar/W) la >IUak' / M.ASSK'AI - M \Til EM \TH'AL \ SCHOOL WEST POIX1 N \ Tl 1 Iaabtarsaaai astaaladapono«eafthea all .ihacapoUaatftasssaaa . i the lluds. 11 A.: the brani.':« . ot a t: a::J sc on. i.j.i.isi<^ ataaa are tanxhi l; -; daata umtonneu. and or.acixed as a r..u ;-any t " tmlitary duty For r-articojsrs address the Pnt'.r;:.:. at West Point tt"-3'.mMWfct « EDWARD V KINSLEY. A M 1?RENCH LANGUAGE, . MANES- V CAB OBAL SYSTEM..Meat DELANEY ml tl.« lasliv* of Bn»kI»o and viciaiti. that she rival Leas iu the Fleuch Lau«ua*-r. :a the aivvt avrteaa. a: raai danre. : W ickel? st South Bnwkli a Trrm-, .llaaa, $J iH-r siuarter. in asivancr Pnvs'r le*»sa.s. $t? r*r ">ia-tr: m',ri im* _ gelegt BOAR'dING SCHOOL tor »s^p. VS IAS I L. I .Tbe aahecriber. who has had Ihs h»rr. I .taia rtaat evlucatusaal interests in New. York aad Philadelphia, will he prepared 10 receive mto his Umiii en and the :d of Jl NE next a number ,-t taws, aot . iceednw; IS tl>ery altentn-a will t*najd lathe moral, tateiieciual and physical development of hi* pupil* Hi* farm and residence .- hut five minuirs tr«m the J»awa>c* IM m.i and will pawls every opportunity for healthy exerriM Price fer Board .-id Tuition. $Vj> per aveeioa of tv, moa.hs. pavable half .a .J^^' lars.refereace, A.- la-juue of W S**1.^ rnaa si .or of tht PrBCipal. Rev H J DAVID, Jasaaiea. A- i. MKS. CHAPMAN iafuriM her fnral' and tb* public that »he ha« REMOVED her St his.1 for -r.^ LattM s to 70 WEST HU RTY-THI RU¬ ST. tw<> d(»on eaK cf Br^adwar. when- a-1 the Ear'.uih I nnr bes w-th Draw-xt and Paini. aa* in w-te r and od cotor«. V<v*; and Irurtrrmen^aJ Masse, also. Latin and French, wu! tr taitht taäfhl b) '.h* bot! roffipe'.rn: Teachers BUlilfw* AL G E IT I N S TIT UTE..Bosmling BtBllll it BOYS. CORNWALL. C ,nn-The Sum- ttertcnn will romrsrnct on the Srst TVESDAY of Mav. tmi rt abna Btatthe Scholars received uau! the let ef Jane E W ANDREWS. A M. Principal. Jamee Seftrewie*. A M A«w:a!c Principal. A Frölich. A M . . t Paris. Teaener ef Mslem Lanruase« ; A l'neuw. of German», lenoherrf bjame O-cular« ran be obtained of T I SMITH Eaa, I I « a^t tf / «ORTLANDT INSTITUTE..A 9*- " bret Board a| 1 b fr BOYS, it PEESSKtLL. N V Cm i" 11' obtained at the btv>» store -f MA- SON Sc LAW, 2j Park-row. opposite the AKor House, or i. bi dree* r.c the ;rr.-;;:. « a* PrekukUl my Hey PHIPPEN. ( p....,i, k PHIPPEN. { Vr-r«*" FINANCIAL. Iiaaeard naiv« ^350,000S md Roanoke Rail">d (EVEN PKR CENT. Bf( lITOAOI BONDS aWlaw proposals will be leeoiaod bjf the mWnt»ni until Satur¬ day, the 3:st day of >bv. iBOtoat f,r THREE Hl.'NDRED AND FIFTY THOFBAND DOLLARS efts- and only Mcrtrari P. r..l.- of the SialssarJ k Hoanoke Rail¬ road ('oiiipaii*. rw-arinr s»ven per cent per annuni interest, and at the Merrlian's' Bank, in the City nf New- Yor«, on the let "i AusrnK. Lt6" TIMM Binds are m si.uu. of $1 Of* OSSTB."SrSt a* attarhed. payable at the Merchants' Ba.-.k. in the City of N*w-V>.rk. an the Ut of each Fenruar. md Auo«*. ihes« Beads art is»-ed under author/. of sp«--pal acts of the sln' r«-« of Virrinia and North Carolina, aad arc icrured bv a mnricac. executed to John I p.dmer, E*j Of the City ef New-York, in trust for the Bondholders Th.s mnrtca.e Doretl the entire line of the Ro«| from Norfolk, Virjnrua to South Gasten on the Roanoke River in North Carolina, a distance of 90 nnie«. wh ch. will hsve cost, when r, mplcted. tn-ludino the ornnnal BSstJer, over Sl.iVi.- (**>.end the tru-tee is emjaiwered. in case nf siVr dar« d,- fault in tht paumrnt of iah rrst or principle of the hond*. to take posse««ieu r<!, use and «eil the whole or any part of the same, inclbd.nriho fiaiu hise«, ineome and property of the Company of every deacriation, now acquired or hartaftor to be aci|uire,l The whole aaaoot mt the Bonds authorize 1 Us be icwied four huiiilred lhaiavaed ile:.n-s, of which the amount now «<fT* ri d f..r sale ho* bei 11 issued br the Compani in p.i> m*nt pnnn;>ally f^r the heavy T rails wrth which the Company is now leia. HoJ lht r trai k Thir biavy T rail, for the whole 90 miles, in aow isa bead.50 anlea are laid and in operation.and the company is actively encased in layuis- the renuunder. so as to complete the line to Wekkea, SI miles, in Julv of the present yi at. ar.d to South Oa»to-i. 9o nno «. by the of the year The Baetsanid Btsl R..». ke Railroail f .rms part of the Great Southern Ron*, frern New-York. Pli.ladeiohia. and Baltimore to New-Orhrnaa, ta RmneetMn with the lane ef steamers bow runnmc fr .m llaltiiuore to Neribil A line of Steame-« is now rtinniac from to NorfoR Two lines of «t< amers are now beim; baut to run from Nee-York to Norfolk, to commence -unmns early in July acxt. one of :i,is. Unes ta to be of dke amt olaaa of p**- senrer steamer«. i.hkj tuns burdi n. and the other a line of prut* ili r. The connections of this road are MM h a* to secure for it an ample amount nf busiaaas tl unites at Weiden with the Railroad to Wilmimion. 160 miles in lenrth. winch ha* 111st l>een re-laid with a heavy T rail. it unites at South Gasten With thi Railiohd t.. Ra.eoh. 8.» uio. s lone, winch is also about tn be rrlaid with a heavy T rail Al South (iaston it Will receive the BBSeeaO* prmliietKen* of tie 1 XtCBalVe aud fi rtile valley ef the ftoanoke, »lucli are brought to that [".mt by the Roan->kc N.ivirdion Com¬ pany, who have t tpi udul ov. r four hundred luousand dol¬ lar; in iraprovuxR the navuratioii of the Roanoke and its Iritsataifea 'lb. harbor of Nurfolk an I Purtsnioutb 1* well known to be one of the best mtl.e Cttrted States, and mil thus be connected by the Seaboard sad Bjaanake stailraad and rta etameetrxif Uses, With an ample eitent of territory, which vsiil insure to Ihr mad an abundant liusiness A tn«.;. i xb.bitu.c Ibeaeconaeetioaai ihnum; also other lines now m rnpid course of construction, by w hich a con¬ tinuous line uf 1a1lw.1t will -eon la eii.nded from Norfolk to Mobilt and New (»i.eiitis on :hc Sou'h, and to the Valley ut the Mssmim<i|'|.i ai Memphis on the We«i, mar be obtsm- adof the BBderatfned An " Fxliibit." yiv me a full aceouat of the road and its aflairs. eapiaa of the head aad ssartesspa, aud ibe lecal isjaaMwiaM Jaskja John v atason, .,f \ irruuj, no, aaaaaa* pMiu^- ll.e iti.|., Mi.d i,ia> i..* «.l.l»il,.*,l <||.mi N|.|.llent,on 10 John 1 E*q at the Mrrchauts' Bank, or to Messrs Wiaalsrw, Lamer RCo., ay snail or otherwise, who will lurr.i.'i, aay further infbnoatioa which aaay la aearrad It is cnTidently believed that the Bonds aow offered for sale aAsSrd one of the safi si and OSBOl .l<>«iisM* serening is the mar 11 Ihiisi HVBMBDABB Firrv iHorssan Dollar* are noa 1 tl, n d for sali. The eatin ameaat etfcred will he dxspeeed ef aboolately and will.oi.i reesrvi ta the anjhess bidder Si ed pn i als for any amount no", less tbau 1.CM wdl Aa reeived .i ibe otEct of Meaan Wssssksw, Lnaier At Ca nidi' 3 o'< ii k 11 ;! i.iiiv r,-st,: n- ,.f M.o. ii.ii Pro;.«.-,.. te be iddraaaed to W1NBLOW,LANIER fl 00.»StWai4e>ai ,Niw-Yoaa end aaaaeaad HPrapaaaki for S & K It Boim's arheaa bni- an seoopled will i*- pafBiead tu pay twanfi per ceal 1-1 a the lasaausl awarded to them Maasa- «iiatei» u;h'Ii baiat ssstiBedof theaeeopeaaread 'heirinds. and Ibe maiinler amount ken Ihr fi si Jays uf July. AaajaM.wSpttmbsi aad Oetnheraazt; bat anypsnywiii heal Itbert) to psv in full at once Inlerswt will roiaiueuoc from the day of payment. u,y!3i3i WINSLOW, LANIER A CO., U VTall-ol N I > mi Moil.I Ba<J on real e.'ste in this Cits, m rums 10 st it Al».». $'£&,ooo on Brooklyn ov Wil- listTsloirrh at saata teaait applicant* Anpiv to snyöji« >> M C HOLLY. Li * a. M TO LOAN on BOND and MOKTG *GE foi a lei.i. of.ears,es reel aMatentthsscsl aadaVooklrs Apply to ANTHONY J BLEECSCER. Awtsuneer, 1 !t:.a*d >: asyfl lw* tü. jj|||nil TO LOAN 0 (jf^lMoMI redNew-Yori sir si fcjwr eead ¦ ana earn MfM to LOAN ta two ieaw af Sie act). a.b. on |rat*raasa City asrawrty, at a per ceat, ant aviais Ajadj to kuGERs a NAOEI. u.2C 1 w M Aawsdway DRAFTS on tike BA N K of [RELAND .Paysbke at sirht 111 ».ii parts ut Ireland.for sale by the lri«ti Emiernnt Societ.. ji Chambers *t GREGOR 1 DILLON, P'e* lent .la*** mi akt Tieanaaai lyhfWkS* i MIICAGO And GALE N A T EN P E U . CL.N 1 RAILROAD BONDS. tSÖ.OfH). srntxr offers for mis SU,000 sf tni Bundaerthi CHICAGO and GALENA RAILROAD, tw .... l> a pe: rent a terest. cinder authority the I.erisliture. payahle in New .»! orfc, and tbe principal coBve-.ible in the S*v.'k "t tsM Cempnnv »nv time within shwyaan rlUS Raa hsipa a link ir tt efreat chain of ixm-I* from the A'lan'ie ci't»« * > theMisarseippi River, ami ^essesse* rjao rety »alaal e local traftie It is i«ae .af i he chea-a-sl rotd« M the world, bav .11», e.a.1 i.Lit ataint BMAM rsri sakVi to ELflB lowilie!» plan it ss complated fiem CaacoBe The hsst drsnlend at IkssCsaaiesSI wa»e.cbt i<i ernt for sii Bsanths on the ¦aashed ports a of :lo P «W Tt.e b-.b-.s iaw**s-akaoa««aad Moapott.I lhaaa iaaaad for tue perpsave ..f aatandsap ii.t K.^s.' lb li.dt rv. I.. »;...:. ou.t d under contract Thaw a ... OOBl Bonds are for aale iu amount* of f,Js*3 ol' w.;b ats's.i ir.-.u istSaayaiaat, BBS fUrsUah the chc-ie-l ;«rtiCtlv sate -du-.'.v on the market Further nartirular* caa !* ubtaiacd of ths sut>- H-nber, MWStfs] JOHN IHüMFmiX.'.i w ,.. <t HIE TROPOLITAN BANK..Notiet it if J kereb] pvaa that the THIRD INSTALLMENT of *i l»rr Cr 1,1 sal. Ihr Capital St.« k af ÜM kl.t'o - U>. Baas wall U psvable do Th'.rsJav. ith dsv of June u*i'. at Ihear Bank.dc Bus>m. et Wall st IV u.-.tsr af :a» Board ->f D.- rvatois. I F. WILLIAMS. C* a- Ntsr-Y^.k. Ma; 1?. ISM_m :" *w nun t Nt»-.lsasSv r.xi''..»i.v. sä» Misi.a« Co ' Ho ti. ital f \T A MEETING ut" Uie Shareholders, j held teas slay at the CkaaspoayAi Oaaea N*»*rk New- j l.r»e. the Adluwiai evn'lenien wer» unan mo>i«i' elected ] Datoaai . . , I BamosIJ .t.^.,- New-Yort R.i k'd Jone». Newark. N J | Bamaal Tiwsler. AC |>nhnjksa, Jsinvs L Car*-*. Wa. C BnsST, Rahajv. Gksnras w Bnvaaa. Jocaa^ c.:> At a aaaaanaad meitia^ of the D.reriors the Whrwraal oXiri.s wnr dull sleeted Jssies L C-Jrtis. PrevCeat. Sa-n ! T Jones. Trea«a.-cr. Samuel > owler. a ice Pre* t. Geerje w Ssvare. Set f. . ezaaidkrrM Cxuaaxbap lamataat Sse*v 1,. B> order, G W SAVAGt See. f CHICAGO CITY LOAN..SarnJeeJ Pro- w.. r-a»»i* Will U rece.veU at the Mav or's OSc,-. ia the C.t. f CLicaj.-. and at the rffice ot STRACHAN n SCOTT, .a tat Cat] af New-Yect, .ta'- the :r. aa» e: June next. 1 r a an M Ho.«*». for a term not eseeedtax .en rear- 1 Mr b 1 ! - «. - aa $ s,. mi *. ». an interest if 7 pe- cen'um per annum. [»*;.*- hie sen.i-anr.uaily. and pnocipal and mrerest parable at the Aassrsaaa Hir..m.<. Rank in h>»-\ >rs. or at the *vA*ee ..| -h- > !. Treasurer in Cha a«o B ocvler of tbe C >a»- ».«... t*)M.H) 3 .<"ii,)-ae... A;»r.l 2s*. 1SS1 W>[ I 0)1 KNI si Mayor_ T»i CoMMt*sioatl's Omca, i New Cite Haii Apr.. XJ. 'Sal » NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS..Tlw :* aaaoaamenl B-il* "fth* ».»eral Wasdh m the City ef Kew-Y-r* will ¦*» opened for *.»'«^^_^. £.s" fr.-m TI ESDAY the 70th dav af May, ta MONDAY the 30U day of J-ue b.4h days isscl.wive AU Til Farer. de-^ snrvas if examining or c meet in*- the Ammmmaa« BkaBn are rsajaswted tu make «pplsratioa to the «adersagaed Between lb* heats ,<f f A M .adtPM J W ALLEN ) Tax JOHN i)E LA MATER.; Commiauitaus. add tisYVr- r^a\wo**e >^ mmmn City, m rums 10 spit liS'nsloirrii 111 « >ri« ta myi3 at* I-J'X'KY-BAK MINING CO.'S Ofl £ V'r *.»¦¦¦ *ad Transfer fr rilitnitrjijiiBli' BUI ItXQ, I'risjdcat njT.I tf Bau« or North Ambica. { Nrw-Yoan. 17. IUI \ HE FINAL INST A LM E N r o f fort w I1 TSvS* :h* r*petaJ Stock of ihr BANK OF NOBTH AMERICA hiA»eu called, t.. bc pani at the 155a of *-J" B*««- Wall-et on or bef re the U.n Ca» f J ,m, jj. 0;j ^rtrarato. to he rct .1. my£3t.e.»_£ sKYMOCB. Cashier. "11 ('NEY..4 ASH for M< »RTGAG ES. ^ A 7 rcntlem .n. having »n hand «everal thoBjau.. j.,,l4r, . tj m r.,. j-^ ifOTtMeee« JA.w-TorR Brooklyn or Wd.a..« .urfti I..;*, a: a n«.';. .. ujecouL. Mor.r^.» ..f ». ry small amount.ha»,n» ,i,a..» year* jna v...,,,,; ?., ,,.,.;.,. .f j A... .1k» MORTGAGE : .... 21,, - aü" roll particulars iny 19 7t K. ttrjrmi WaJtu BAarNtwTYÖr.TMaf 17. M»T LE< TlON .The Stockholders of this Rank are here!.v notified that an election (.¦* IhAftaaa r"'/" ***" »he Baaaanj year. *i*l fear three la- !f*cr,r* :\ lte "*xt suc.-ee.ling election, will be held, at the BaaJunr. Ii ose, on tl Es da Y. th* lOCa Jav of Jan. a. (t f ^«"i11 opened at B o'clcok". M. and doe* a: 2 orlorkPM By order f the Board nTJ» y«l 1__A. 8. FRÄSER, Clatter BANK DEPARTMENT, STATE OF NEW-YORK-Tv LI M BEKM A Wt 1A NK Wo¬ men, has this day tiled in that a notice of the apeak** ateatof Mesers SMITIt. CA,.DER a. CM ..ft...- Ct. f Trov. as AGENTS for tl.. of it.« c rc ilat.ns notes. fajgctUr with a rev.cation of the ai.po.ntmeut of Mcm-r« Bache A PtcA of the Cit. of New-York as s ;ch aft n.s urrerable to tar ac:. atRlad " An ac: to am. ad the several nets relating to Lie -s.-ated Banks. Banking Aseo- eiatmns and [adlTBtaal B.c.krrs." passed AMil 17, Itkll. Albanr, May 17, IUI B''tK _Daniel b STIDhTiT. Sapiiiati lea* |)»ANK DEPARTMENT, STATE OF MM NEW.YORK -The WESTERN BANK rWaatr mrt*r. County. Cambridge, haa tins da. filed n thai office a notice of the a; ointment of Mrss-s IlRCCE X YOCNO of the city of Ail anr. BB AQRNTS fear the redemption of it* circulating note*, together with a rcvncir:-ri fthi uv {.ointment of Mr Samuel . Baser, of the rttyol New. York, ass iek ar'n*. ac-ees letathaaeteatttled, "An a-t to smend the several acts relatine to Incorporated Banas. Raiikme Assss i«ti«ns and Individual Bankers." passed April 17. IUI DANIEL B ST JOHN, Suis-rmten ient All any. May 19. Ifvil myül m HANK DEPARTMENT,STATE OF NEW-YORK -The FRONTIER BANK, .l'otadam.) hu this day filed in this uttii e. a notiee of the a^.s.intment of the TBOY CITY BANK, in the city of T.ov. as AGENT tor tha redemption f its cirr r.etes, to- (tether with a revocation of the appointment of M< s«rs GiUsert. C»ht. A Johu«on. af the City of New Y rk, SI s BB seent. arreeakle to the ac' entitleil, "An Act to amend the several Acts rel ttine to Incorporated Ban's- Banking Awnciations and IndrvtdaaJ Banse «." paaeed April 17, IUI DANIEL B sr JOHN,SoperraUtraiaal All any. May 19. IUJI no. lot |>ANK DEPARTMENT' STATT <>F I * BI w Yi'KK The FARMERS BANR IF H \M ILTOR CO I NTY (Arietta) haa this day Sled in this ««ee ar.oticeof the sppi.intnient of Messrs BMITH.CALDER A < (. of the City of Tro; aa All ENTS for the redemption of its rireulstiny notes, leastkst >.ilh a revoe MuSMI of tne ap- poiBlBiet tofMaarn CAE.W Fl eitiing, of lue t 'i' y of New- York, as such agents, nt raeahss 'he act entitle.! An tet to aasend tha asieial ataa ratetiag to ino>>r;>or,:e.| Baaka, Bans.lie AaaaaarkkaM and Individual Bankers. pasaeil April 17. ittii .Aibtay, May 17. ifiii rclO t,t DANIEL B ST JOHN. SayariBBI ndent ANKDEPARTMENT.«STATE OF 'NEW-YORK -The EAGLE BANK rd Bnffcl « this day Had in this office, a notice of tne appointment of THE MECHANICS' and FARMERS' BANK, in tne City .f Askaay seAgnat f.r the reeamptioa ..f it» circulating BOCee, toset o r with a revocation of the appointment of Messrs Washburn k Co of the same Citv. aa such Agents, UTaaiMl It the act i lit.tied An Ai t to amend the s»'Veral Arts relatirg to Iucorporati d Banks. Bansins- Ash>m latinos i.rd Indiv.dual Bankers." passed Anrd 17, IS.51 Alban», May !l. IUI. DANIEL B ST JOHN. my.'3 6t, Superintendent r|t I'K.W ELING. a; i RAND EXCURSION TO THE R- E WORLD'S FAIR-'The new and splendid Staaatahin NORTM AMERICA. J H Blrthin, CorrnisnSrr.the fastrs' steamship ib the aorld.aill leave Biert.'.n R for Liverpool. Enj on Tl ESDAY, Ii ne rtthlai I o'clock, P M Tin« sti aasship isijuiteI. w. having aaly auds three roy- ages to Chaares, which tlited her sea qnahpea and speed eatisfactoriiy, h< r tm.e a.i diBsvraaj oaehosu and * half from the shortest to the a- sal sasaageostt Tin skip has in . a ll rnswaodioaa stata-ruoma, (some of them eitra-eiaed taaiilarouaia,) javeatilated thsweanrh >. oa an entire new principiP, Baa aase furniture and bedding efthc la-st qualit», and a^nle imnnimrdatiirna f..< at ... sengers. She v, ill take no freight, sad it lUtarelbri eonfedeally eg- pe< ted that she will n eorj the ijuu »eat paamwi- >.' ui.eln across the Atlantic FARE- In state room sal ion .fill In lower deck .100 'in Idvanaol aadback. J3o Na ns m or bertha secured till pa.d for An e»i< naacad Saiyaua »»:ii ¦.aipani the sh p Eorj .iss«ie.a| pb at theoAVe of R J VAN DEW a TEH. ifj Wi.ti r »t comer ol where ptaas uf the i s bins and st ate-rooms can be seen ,nv tu t o-17 '¦Mik NKW.YORK and LIVBRP<M)L J CNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Th con'i risinr this haa are tbr ATLANTIC,Cant vke-t. PACIFIC,Capt Nee, ARCTIC, Capt. Lace, BALTIC, Capt Comtta ADRIATIC. Capt Oraftoa TheeeShipl haveleen I. ult Oy contra«', e»|»rev<'y fir Gorrrnmrnl sen ice, BVOiyenrg lias la-en taken n their om- etn ein.n. aa also in their Eutni.s, t., hanira streagth and slaved, and their acauauaadatBaai for [samel. are un¬ co,!, fni eleganc. or Puce ,.( ,.*«s.u" from New-York to Liverjreal SIM; eaejaai»a es, ef aitra si/e state i. n.»$3Jj. fi..m Liverpuol bi New.V .r. el', An a 1111 ii in u1 mii 111 ina alias had In aarh ship berth .an be secured until pnkt for The nwaaiI ef tbsas skipa wllj not te arroontablc fu gold, Rtn r. b lima. Nsscas, wwatry. pttrious st. ties or inctals. nh-ss b.lls of ladau a e ,^,'ned therefor, and the ra' e th«rc the eta erprcscl PROPOSED !>A1 El Ob BAiLlNq PBeatBBw-roaji iRea livektool Saturdai Ma .1 ISJI Wadaaada) Ma] .?«. is*I Saturdai.. Julie 7, IkibWednewiar lunel'.lh.l Satuidai... Juae 21, llaliWedaeeday June ti, ISSI Saturds. Juls t, 11M Vkednemlav Inlv 9, t$i\ Satuidai Jul» I«. IRal We.lues.lav Jui. ii. 1811 Batiirdsv. Au» I, iBSilWadaeadaj Ana o isw Saturds,. Aug IS, ISi! Wedu. s.Ia> AUS Katiiu.'iii. Ali M,ISMIWadaeadaj Sept J. i8..1 Saturday. Sept 13,ISM Wadaaaaal Sent baturdav. Sept .'7. IUI Wednesda;.I let I. ',.1,1 Satutdsv.oct ii, ISM I Wadaaada) ....Od 1 i, not batnrdio oct tl. 11111 iTidaaadaj Met '."j. it'.i Sattiriii1. Nor », IMllWadaaaday.Nai IS.IMI tsafsnrdav. n01 tl lUlliYadiiiiadaj Tim M,ItAI b*t'ii«ta' Dec 1, 'S>i Satnrday l»e. u, mi Dec ta, lt d Satordae Dec ;7. IUI E<.rfreiebtorpassaie» to EHWABD K COLLINS, 66wa l-«t Nee BROWN. SHIPLEY A CO l.:»- erpmd, F. C. ROBERTS k CO u k.iioA as Yard, LaaaVaa. S Beateeard Mimlaiailia. Paris After the 1st of April wit. Ike rate of freight bv th* above steamers Ir0111 LRaTBaal will be luatei .all. i> daaad rpHE BRITISH Bitd VORTH AMER- 1 ICAM R0YA1 .ViAII. STEAMSHIPS Iretween NEW-YORK i.rd LIVERPOOL twees aad .e*n BOSTON arid LIVEKPtKlL.The Riratanebiaaealy oaB- bat at Halitbt ¦.. load aui ee. >e n.a,ls and i>«e*enge's ARABIA. Capt . AFRII a a Ryria PERSIA EUROPA,R 0 Lat ASIA, C h e Jndkuss NIAGARAStone AMERICA N flhsanen Canada, w Harriaua CAMBRIA. J L. ii.. 1be*« raaaaR eat' .. .. -ear whit, bghl a' mast head, gr»«in ui starboard Low a on por* » Dat s '>r <ill ft ECRoPA. L«*r». trom NEW YORK, Wadaeads M 1 t AMBBIA ..from Boston Wednesday, May'M ArKii a Byne,frawNEw YOBK.Wedaeeday.JaaeI 1 AN AH v Ii ana.1 ai BOSTON WednewJaj, tun» II ASIA Junk in*, froai NEW-YOBk LWedaeedai, Jane is AMERN l.8aaaaoB.ln»*b BOSTON WVluewlay. June IS NIAGARA, stone.11..., NEW-YOBE.Wadaesdsy,JalyI El'BOPA I^tt. from BOSTON Wedaaaday. Jaly I AEBICA. Rvrie. from NEW-YORK, Wednassda. Jul» ( AMBKIA. U.t«h.f..«e BOSTON. Wedtaeada .Jol» rj AUA» JadkJaa, froea NRW-TOBK. Wsaassdsv. Ja 3C CANADA. Harms n. troi BOSTON. Wedaeedai A .g t> AM ERICA. Khaaaoi NE» YOaULWad Aug U NIAGARA st. 1.. front BOSTON Wednesday. Alt' 29 At rica. R»rie. from NEW YflRK. W rdaesda. Aug 2' Rl'BOPA. Lott. Boai BOSTON Wednesday, Sept J ASIA, Jaauoaa. fraai NEW-YORE Wednesday se-t is j Passage feei Rew-Ye . m Boata to L '.-;ool. flf* j Berths aet secured unt 1 p.. d I..' Erei-ht wdl t»e aarged | aa specie heyaamaaaasoaaa fest parsoaaTeTpenaes Ann- I pern med Siireeoa on b«s«r,l AB lottere aad aesrapapers bmbI peso thruugk the p*et- Ott . I er f-*i*ht 01 . y to E Cl'N VRD Jr M Il.oa-lw.v Pi*'., b. Gennan au.1 .cner Faaakni Oosala. racaived aad in e.^simou w,U. Bi.'.s.'i Oo«*** Ta .aiä ti. Is jf .re go. n .n Havre for N.w York_m*l> tf , TI IE PENNSYLVA NIA S f E A M- ship CO.aad LIVERPOOL l Philadelphia STEAMSHIP CO ataad rs srrnew Steamships ae 1 follow*: i ,\. CITY I PITTsbi'po r«'t ;v s .;. -.¦ CITV OF MANCHESTER, IlU.Capl W 1 »... CITY OF GLASGOW. 1610. f.;» Robt I ..'. (TTYOEPHlLADELPHLA^ir. Capt- raoa rmiinatrrriA CITY OF GLASGOW. Tbu.-*d*v. DtAJaly I. " z. - CITY OF GLASGOW. wednesdar. 19th Jaas CITY OE MANCHES:LR About txh Clt » oE GLASIjOVk welaesda' I'Jtb Angsnrt 111* o> Pl'mBlBC. Atwot lat - teaam RATES Ol PASBAGI höh rHtLAPiLCMiA «k.oa >s«" raleawi.le»l>«iars sa.-.u .uu.isea* CaMa. MDrdlars CaMn -OOa aaaa Tha-w .air* ineiude p .¦» .«.» ano lte¦Bra's I e. BW tw e. .r Laioors e h.r h ca:. I* had ou board Fuel el.e stwas . .. ween L..«.->« aad Gift r.w H.»-e B..tie.da.. l.e«ä...a. M»>' -" * ¦'¦ Mrditrrr.a, au port*. a'aicl.» -aa ta tur*!''1 Liv rpsajl and thence br tlu line to Ptt-adslphia direct w ORLD's FAIR -A traStd number of pas-r-nrer« «n. be taiea ot 7 a.xa HOKI f>r S20S u t^e *i.ot ... -r theeabin statt-rooms Tt' arcjinmodafioas BM afteno Race will be rbond most superior a'. 'i'-" "r"' " * 4 Wlfl i-sr-.m aect a) Freight on nne gwals ae* {art tan. and pnmare AB r'*«l* seat to ttie Arenas BS Ph..*- de.phia and Live-p.*,; will he fe.rwar.Jed with es*oi> **.' 4 ¦. stei ( or f-eicbt .0 a«ea*e app.y to ._. RICHARDSON WATSON k CO New-Vor» aiii Kit HARrsVON, BROTHER* a CO^-o. PATRICK HENl>aUB»OT( A CO Gbaanra I>ACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM- PANY .OnivTaroura Line frsr CaaabxaBVsiel Ore- roa.via Chegrvr* dirart-Tare relur^-^i. »11JN IA DAY May .1.1PM TV »p.en.lid eteamsbap CRESCENT ClTi.lJBi* tun*. J J T.aiwr. CMnmaisler. «dI sail 00 Wedneadsy May 2t. at precisely I o'el.srk P M from her pier st tr.e f.evt of W«TT»n-»« N B witn tii* Gsneraraeat Msils for Ckagrae. eoeaertiag wrlk tha favor.te tnrteJ eH»te. Maiisteamahjp NORTHERNER, u. ,«ave Panama oaeratwatth* Uthofjune For frrnght or paaaage. apply .1 aa 1 rj re No* 1* aad ii S»»wth-*t. er at in Weat « ef Wnn«arfA,,iaa Btolkbt farA. a^.iw FOREIGN EXPR ESS Sowasa*. franklin -Parcete reeeiwsd mr the >Vm»tm. V ;.»»«.,'..r Hasre «mtB»SM Ml Order* foe the rnnvhaa., .«1« foiwardtd 1.» her. will be esecotcd by out Fan *C» i. r. ... l.a.i f .. .1 ;> B.y»« LI VINGSTON. WKLUS * CO ,6 Wall-el PACIFIC MAU. 8TEAMSHIF COM- PANY .4~tnl» th-otar*. Iii»» for California aad Oreewa .The i.'iM.r »rr ,nkH«ml that under Ihr new *.ran«e.«ie«t f ::..«<.. sBpemy, *tr*n,ri* m-speclesl and approved by Ihe Kevy D. portwial, ami, ..rr> rw (V Halted <; '.n Mail, ".'. :. I'- ... a a id Saa Fran. .»*» .aa th« Island mt mm, ai.:,«..l.ta.o«d-v .aavoaUbi. and * .11 touch at Acai'uliv. San Paio and Mou t. V > .-.. ¦'-.[..¦_¦ a; to the Pacific MU Steareahip Cob -any. .1-.¦ now in tfii Psc.fic. car of whxa wjl re >l»i?« :n fort at each tad Of tic rOBBf Oregon. "¦»<. in*. HepuPiic. ..*.*? tun*. F'.nan a. If) taaa I i" va 'sn tun«*. «*V tun« tVlumtui* *<*1 tun«. us. :u'.« I.ihm.1». Ntsrüseraef UM ttuss; I 'n - n. Mt tun*. Cd a. M tun» tnii lot* Frrnont. CvC t..n« Tb« new »t. a - V. (". ,.t>.a w.ll «¦ S.ui Fr iu furo aad rta .n OlOCaa, BWaiasBl at IBM f. r i.. t port tha arrival .-I the tli ar.J :-.»sr....«.-» ., I'_aania. andre tarnir.s without ilcla.- with th« maii» a,rad latauen .'or the ¦toaaserfraai San Francisco A reft a- -. f preeeüen waM M kept u, for th-r-ar.« port"* n ff free/At :nd CTiaaacM paaaBBfOfl hctw-en Paia ma »nd s i Franessea Th* »»11 »ii<"« .-.earns! Sarah "Und« f '..X«J tun.« bnr iUiJj.!HiM Bada* riwtcr t.> the rumpan.« Bad peculiarly c<>mnt««!io<,* in h»r calunarraueemrii:- w .'. he seiK ruuru.gjt as au extra fanulv >.... One fmt at» ». -t. imrr» a>d'i kee;. ui> Ihr connection B> t»«« u Acai'Uioi and thf oiher Meia-au (.sott* Tb«- o aawrtMai in th«. Atlaut.*- will ba uia...taiue,l bv l'i.;ti <: Sta:< > M i.l St. anishu» G«< *ra. 3..1C . .ia Cn >crn: l\t«. !.J00 tuni . Oh:.-. I.aertuns. fhr-ok.c. l.KWtuaa; Km; irr f:f.. ?.CO0 tun* Phjladc Iph.a. I.MI tun« Lcajmg .v.» YarfcfarCukgrea .>nth«- iithand 36:h»«f .arr- month Thf r.ew «trar* ah 9 BM irado and thf Falnm w I] r.i t aireetlraa bacwawiWiw<)raaaaa um chvrf«. ifaT'ns at .arh« wiil m«urf bttla «iaMMan paaaaMa «<n ihr I«tbn'ii» an.l f.-'m'n* w th ihf Paa-'tw- Stfara«bi'* a 'braurli '. n«. t«. mm frwai Ne>»-« »-inni aa.1 |»>rt» in Mf aio««, Calil ..... Paaaan fVoai v. » orw-ana <?au ba aacaiw akmstkoni;. LAWKNION a CO. a.I I.U at f .It ... - The fair fat Ikruiiuli tick.:« l.nui N> w-Y. tu SUu P.aal C.!U\ ha.« t. . n :i«: .1. ,1 fro.ii IMt ¦ flata Bnnaaa in . $jju B9M n L wer t ab.n t.> ."so »;ti- :n Stcerasc..1*1 The rate from New York to Chaanr« will he at thf lowest ail..| tf.i by urn} mm «¦ a aaataaay1 atwaaa tJaaaa ;-ort« l of riMice t brrtaa,anrdy atth> taBre«f the Com «a». M and .>¦> >..iith-st or at Lhatl Aawaav. 171 »nl al at Haw tf PACIFIC M ÜITSTE\M-lilir« 'i\i- * pany-Omit rkreafbVon tmlaalTiamaaao «Taia Brtttari d on MOND 1Y, Mai -". al 3 t\ <. th. «;.im- dd <b ublr rnc ci «t.att.alu;'OHIO. J.OVO f t:.« b irthra. J >, i s n c mmaader, will «ad praetaaly at S o'eanek, P M from hrrpicrat f.a>t rf w:i-r. n-«t n B with Laa Ootraraownt Ma - tor ChmrrM */M Havami raw. ffr« tran«fcrrr,| .. HamtM lo UM «plfKhil doiible-anaine ¦taaawAipFALCON f laacwm ra Irai tta la tha Hi iwill c.nnect arrth the favonta Mad rtaaaaattip n'oKI hkknpk. lo tail frtwa Paaaiaa 00 >.r ibuat laao IS For DwitTbl m ratawiirf Bpptj at ÜM ..fTic-. Vi aal BaMBVal or at 177 Waat-al mvifitr SAN KRANCISCO via RIO jind 1 YALPABAIBO Ttte aaw aad aplemlM aVwrMa aa t pti imabip OOLDCN OATaT.iaTI.Mllaaa h rnan,CBi Lala P Pattaraoa, V I Naey. oommamhrr, will have tmaaa diapateb b.r Soa rraaeaaoo, Noapag al Ko. and YabMraiaa Tha Ooldaa Gate haa bawa built tn carry Iba U i Mail«r>e Imm 11 Paaaam ami sau Fraaoteee, »d..ui'ie«riv e,i »i>.i ha> uaaarpaaaed aoooamvalatioaa for ia««eiicera For pa« ..... 1 to imwlam) I tBPINWALL, ¦yM tawtf it S.i.ith-i.t New-York NEWSPAPERS fox CALIFORNIA PASSENGER VGEN- w -'( Y. French1'Hotel, New-York.We are prfpared to inaure a fortune tu prrvme r'tirur to Cilif.nua W.-innte all to call, he ir our etplanation. and jud^e h-r them«el»e« We alao .lenre to find the i»hl limn to tN-.-ome our A>;f ut or Partner in San Francisco ARNOLD IICFFCM k CO i 1 KEGORY'S FAST CALIFORNIA " ¦ 1 Kl IGHT, I'\< K lOE in PARCEL EXPRESS -Per Sti un< bill 11 It Pi: jon ath %N and ( KF.s< 'EN V CITY.on MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, the Äth an.l rtlth inst Osr net' lefytuif Eipreoa will he forwarded b. the at »e Steamers, in ebaata <d our ennenenced lueuen Herr«. Me««r» Wilcor k Stan;ela, who will connect with our prompt lei Inline aianl al Chaajea From the aaMtsse fa eilitiee p. by this Eapraaa. we are aaabled la f>r ward »,«. « fiom thai city to San Fr.iiu ia«-.! m two days leaa time than la occupied in forwarduit: the i' S 111:1.11«. Far rele received until the aMTaakS of thr day thf «teamei leaves, and letters until tj o'clock, P M Pacaares, waieA mii*i u all caaea ba ¦alia ithctly water ¦proof, should la. lift a: tin f!.,. the day prorioi No Custom Hoaaa altaqmamadi THOMPSON k HITCHi ock. myStaiyM Maaaian ami S|aMa. Ill Taail al (CALIFORNIA. .TrTaBsportatiori Bcrosa the los.sei Paaaata ZACMRIBBON, NELSON A Co of Panama, frosa Mien lonu aiporiaoes 011 the latAv lav.lie . »la! liskad tAom »miv iwo. ire ..ell pre;.are.I ¦ tratwiairt freiaht sonase the latamaa. or take rttlsrotifh to pa.n FranOiaOo, al shippera1 bat ea, b itaeKaee asOOl -T "I jri'iialile ens aan "rsijwt soil pruporty eaareced.aj B N k C«i are m t re«i>ousil.le for daumaeor accident in the. transit The charges of traaapoitatiua to ba on p.o.1 at New York A rents ra CbasTTOS 7. i< HBlsaM, Nki min fe HVASt« A rent in Cruces and Gor< JuilN Fl'.v K For pnrtienbir«, apply to mlalm* EZ ICHRISSON &. CO W Wall si INDEPENDENT LINE toCHAGRES M DIRECT.I Throerh lo Calishnsia, at the Ina est iidliced lates of f.ue The new and splendid steam- er HKOTHEK JONATHAN, I.MS taaa refsster, harm* provd herself one of thi PiStBSf voaaala 111 th« »vurld, will posit.kI) -ad from Piet '. North liner, at praaiaaly 1 I'M on Monday, tb. Mtk .Mat This slsmmai has Uten Coii'triicti d \s ith a view loatieagth and sia ed, has most ei eel lent ventilation iad itrpariot ¦eeoakaMasttmae, aast srill he .!'] 1 ed v tli ; r.n: on> at B most liheral manner, with espec al ii'. for the .-.untorts of piLs-.-irers, and is furnish e«l with an uon t ...|i (ut the sat- tran«;aartat.n "f s|teeie, bnil.oii and ulhei salualdes, w itl.t cli.trre lor sums le»s I ban s ,iui Alan an eiponoaoed Sareoaa wheaa eeiwicoa are fVl. Btfl 1 . aaa \ semeats iviae beea atada wstk Msoars EACH* BISSON, NELSON i. co ,.1 Panama, for the k*Ja ¦¦( Tickets on the PaciSe. a the UNTONaad .aher ladspao .!> id «t. .1111 r-. the ....!.;.« a:. i...< ,-t, ,1 aa*aoa.t huh 111 ,e. s, and pn.vidi d with an oppooitioa to tb< ami) throafh liao, 1'. r cht and paaaagl a;.; It to mtit, FMkWt.'tith L MILLS,Attsat,31 CortlajaA-ot fNDEPEN^ENT THROUGH LINK. i .11.i,>ri |o the inlv I'hrourh Line " at the lowest rate* TkroUKh 1 sei« f..i -air -For CHAORES and RINORTON, Jam'a].Tha at w ami «i.leiMli.l .teamalnp BROTHER JONATHAN, wdl leave puad ly aa MON¬ DAY. SSth Mat. at 3 P M for Cl,a«-r« s and Kiiieirti.ii Ref last trip to i'haerrei ».¦* at ooaaplmkod ia aathl day*, aad aar hume« arri lup in sin n davs and teen hours Phut* ..I eabtaa seen aad ;., bartaaai eared at tha lowest rates af fan at HERFORD 1 »OS. Aster House. Vesey-st. She will land pissenirer, at Kinirltun on the uutward trip I'n kyhl throorh te San F.-anciseo. 10 cen*s por lb Posture to San i " :u cents iny!7 t'J6 DERFORD d CO.'S FAST EXPRESS MM: CALIFORNIA .... I -'..-. F.»tae«, if im'- I iifkta, is Cents en u s.iu-i. Neweisaiwrs J (1:.;. » '.-. .'ram::. I. S3 N e it .....lueut will be. by the I . . in H HO I HER JONATHAN ea MONDAY. Maya M. a PR Small parctls received till I P M Parkaces ot [..> it* water-proof, received till 10 AH Mr rte-t' r. ,, mi ,.,.ea our f'-. .,;>,! and Mails from ( harre« ..! Pmiani: No i > esey ». Aftur Houee, N'ea 1 myU tf Wj* XTRAOR DIN \ R . i rISPATCH.. hud PALMER A CO.' OREAT CALIFORNIA r\- PRES* Qtuokeat baM ever amaw to asm Eraasaaou Our Ei| real t Fe». ;>a went Bkraagh m 3.* dar» We will d^ patch wit Expraea br tha apteasltd stea.ijhip BROTH ER JONATHAN oa MONDAY Mav » Fresrht and Prssar* al rodaaad r.te« I etter Bas-s open until 21 </. esock.> M [mytltf] PALMER a Co ae Br-*adwsy CHThI.KS m~"lT>OMIS (...rumission . Mirthaal. SAN Francisco. Cat., nf i ... years' reaideaea at San Francis, j, »oleuts custvaiaeaii, aad ref rate -.t.« psttewtai i-artiei. . I! Itsrook k Nelson. Erlest .ri A Battell. hi dam. Read k ( u a !*«. Iji^ierre, Shepsrd A ahpkvy, Johu Randrli mil imMWat* AMIERICAN HOTELs, Paran». N. G. .Th > rstalnisbment is the i«rv**t Puiiiw House on ih. Istaataa aBmsted <m baya rrasjad ia the av*>t airy and hes.U.i - lUub of ir city, ami ui ihr neater of euai- By kintl and rarefi.l atteatioa. w>-l,..)«r tosUareih* sativiw.i in* Paatv H CIDION ELT.I r,,^,...« mrii^s* J M STAPLES, ( ' , MTaWCB IIOTELs^^ 1 aassa t Kt. I aaaaao« .auks **u ) rsaaa* rpHE IRVING HOUSE, at Ofcafrres, M t alia. W W .. ail.-. «Ml.a'«ai l.t I! \f.. .. THE PANAM A RAILROAD HOTEL, at Ooi f .oa. aader themaaaaameatad A R MiEoraadJ t Oocuier THE AMERICAN hotel, at Cru-t.,«. under the toan- aetiaratcf e R IVlsrr snd H Miller, Jr THE l NU ED maies hotel, si Pausas, under tr.< n.aaaceraent "f Ad ran e Miller_jel PftCU w m~"E.we-to» R *' Fta»ws \\ EATON A PERKJNR. (^OMMISSlT)N MERCHANTS, ^97 Miiatiiaaio al bctw*ea Clay sad Cummcrca: SAN FRANCISCO. ( aUunua aarnaarcBa E K COLLINS, Wail-tt ANTHON. J HI.EEl KER. 7 Braau .' « l kits MIT* HEL a < o in waterK Pl.iiw k MARCH, ?i Matar-ei * , lio' 1B61. Ga.eria aad Caiearo 11.1. i NION RAILROADTuaii BRANCHES " ..-..-. rr.en: .After Marl, until farther I . H --a^s w... rnzi dauy Hhmttays excepted as follows: nnm mi'seo. wEsTwsap First tram wil eare for Aurora at. Saas ~ c-Elrnaadth Chari*« »' . . H Third train, t>tr Eiern St Charle* aad Asrera .' IPM »na aii aoo. aasTwaao r . mm WiTJ le«»e Aurora W T\ A M ai«l Esc.a i .1 1 A JJ Bee ad inme..: ..a.» r.«i^ »o«i ** t'-a.-i«. t v m w loan Aurora at.Y\"tS\ PlasseLtrrs leavtat- Chica«ro''o ta* % q clumk A m traia for Aan ra adfl h.o daylarht oa rout* via «Jsrarefo. New¬ ark aad Ottawa, and reaek La Sailr sad Peru ia Ume ta take the eveainr hoe's cn the liliaAss River Pa*srru.ers ir.t ass Peru sad la SaUe aad latermwLate poiat. by fh» i.oraia» stas*, will take the teloea P M traia from Aurora, and reach Chmacv at », o'clock saase * Istares will coaarei al Aurora aad Bt. Charles tor Albauf sad B«e* l«l»«d Ahse, at EJfia for Oaleaa, sod ¦amBa Wt*t aast NcrUk john », TVRNER, Sepeviiaesaiewt <^mar,A\Awhmia, a-j.» *»' VOR NKW-ORI^« M. Imt a.w t..uMreng-.a* stegawr W1NF1ELD SCOTT. MM tau* i urdrn. Capt keeaev Cou.'..*rd w.:: depart frum N 4. N K at in clock. P M ,ou MONDAY^Janet > or freight or | sjengr appty te myl« US» PA V IS, BRtM>KS klO.N Braver et. \ E W V R K tied I H »RLESTl >.N LvrntAM packet line summer ai The *teiBi«h MARION Capt M Herr». aad SOI THERNEB. Capt J n. wul ru* u follows. LEATV n*< TOI« IlAVt MskllsTon. - M L4PMS ~ m- Saterdav.Mnj Marion H. I .. M S ¦¦-' lt. iMsnon .. tt Mar»* Jun« 7, 'Southerner Jesse T erI«, i Manen ..M Wara-n Ii. Swntheraer .. tl Sontheraer tt. 'Ilaram tm I er freight. * hoard, at Pier Na 4 North River, aad tor pavsag. te SPOFFORD. Tl LESTON A 00 ml LmM ti Soulh-s* All tah* of lading a«aed by the Pursar .*J hoarvi. OK ( HARI.ESToN Th.- ivUrnHi .mt favorite Steamah p Sett THEKNKR, fapt J. Da-ktn»on. will leave reer No ». N K n SATURDAY, Mat list at 4 .. c'. s-k. P M sooesasls AU talks at* P *igned b) the purser on hoard Freight W, eaal* pel abac f>aK u.i.*6 la ru f..'i SSn freight apply ¦» Nwid. and f i seasgai to SPOFFORD, TlLESTON ft CO tl South-*! \EW-Y0RK tnd ERIE RAILROAD. i a .<>n MONDAY, the t*th met an' the IsHssraa Iibbbb will lease Nrs-Voti, f-oea Dustiest pter. Bjj ranker aotiee F >r Daaktrt Raprees T>aia« at t A M and* p M Ma.! Tram. via fieieie it. at f P M The Fx n i.. Vi.ii» 1 rs.n ,<¦< u> at flunk,rs with Use .nlendkd steaaters Niagara, Kc, stone State an«l sjueea CttJ, ece af arakrll lease-- imatediatcl, >ai the arnvsj of the i v Detroit dire, t, runniag through a a! out M hours t'er Nrw York to Drtro I. an>t t) to Chicago The Morning Et; rr»lrB*a»«nnrct* with splendid steam l*«st* tor Cleve.and direct, bbs with other boats for Kne, Sanduekv. Toledo, kc Paaaeogr's b] this Lne arrire at Cleveland ia ahout tt keurs from New i ark P»s»rnke-« (,¦. PumUo. aa take either Evprr** Tram and) Irma Bf the Moiaiag Traia at Geneva, at half pest 7, I'M sn.l al BuflaUi lie same night, h) the Evva,ng Traia arnve sari) the aeit ni raing. and pieceest direct ha Ruftaio Wax Traius foi Otis-vill*. at 1 J* P M v * Piersaoat. aad at t id P M ,rat Datae) et« N M armi, aksareAaq ttl« 10 tf CUMMER a R RANG EM KNT CraaJr b3.>f Hoon \ tol H AM APO and PATVKSON RAM KOAlUt-Kaere** Ttaias Isare 8«f fem«, as Mkewa, el on t ie «mi»»i «>t Ike Ena trains At . o'clock A M stoop,ng ool» al Kam«>>'». Hohokua, Pater- saa, Hi rksr'aaad B-almg s^oi'ig, at ti o'cksak A M etop- inng oal> at Paterson aad Room* snung. at IOf o'clock P M . aMapiaaj «ml« at Hoho»,.». Paterson and IHiyye Spung Lea»e NeSI Yolk ales, disk A »I sksppana .¦'!> st Pal- U Hohukue, at It o'chak I' M stopping; on!? at I i"i ll-'dge. Patersoa aiut Hekokas, St <, l.s-k P M. ftonpmg onl> at Boiling Sprms. It ivler « and Ramses s ]ho Vsiress funs lease slarvct vt station. Patcraoa, fur New V>rk at ». ami lot A M and I0| I'M or on the arrival of thr trams frvm Suffrrens' The up Irams stop at Bergen on signal »VAY TRAINS lease SufTerns'al ID an.' Near York at I, P M s I- BSON TWAINS ease Patertsss at 7. o*< leek A M and || i aad Ii e'i <<iPN »Laave New Yert at at and SUNDAYS Leave Paterson at 7i AM aad i o'clock I'M Leava Ncw atfe'etock AM aadS oVlockPM m«l9tf MORRIS an.l EvSSl.X KAII,ROAI>-^ Summer Arrangements l.ess» Ooser J AM FTesfht; 7 |.i AM and l \ M Laave Morrwtewn 4. Freight. 6 70 AM aad IM I'M !.<«* M.llville J. Pi. si, .Ml.CitM and lie Ik I' Al BKTl RNINtl lFAWNFw ^ollK F r tV.ver I M. 1130 AM Freight, and 4P M Won Mon istow n I M, 11 it A.M. Freight, aad|, t.PR P MiUvills I JO. 10, It M A M Pretckt. tad I, I P M UOVKB PA8SKNUEN LINKS bun lt..»er. 7 IS AM ind IP M Momstown, 7 4J A M and SM P.M.: M idisi n 7 V5 A M and t OPM , Summit, a I) A M and i I P M Mill«ule. 8 33 A M and 3 11PM Orange. I 3k A M aad 3 «8 P M Arrive at Newark t Ml A M and I M P.M.: al New \ork at IB AM aad I M 9 M BKTLRNING I e..»e New >...» .1 t <¦. AM ual 4 PM leave at <i OA M and lltl'M The Morions poser Train will receive and deliver paa- s. us., v il Rorkawajr, DsnviUe, Mori - PI «i"«. Momstowa. MadatkNt. Chatham. Summit. MilUi'.le. BtreSSl Oiange and t ii aaae pcia>u »nlv _ /mmdia nid IMR()\ RAILROAD ¦ 1 IM' Bvna NHWVnkk t,. t'Hil IDBLPHIA, leases Piei No l. North Buer, hp steaashoat JOHN POT- TOR, St I AM andtPM lire in 'm'cliss ears, |J , second, || To Kieeheld (by laornini line only 171 cents Euugrsnl Lme.h) steamboat TB »NSPORT. it i| P M Fail $1 M IBA BLISS. Aaent / 'I NTRAli RAILROA I) of MAN . JklRSKY This line leaves New York PAILY by it BPD JACRRT, Ptei I, North Btver at 9 A M. ¦sengers p VI im cht, and at 1 P M .msengeis and by Km J I Bst. Y R AI I.ROA P loot of C.rllandst at . A M and at it ami a| P M_ HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD.. New \oik to Poegbk*. ps.e lad AltnaWi hy Railroad no r ARM PN I A. Bunds«! sie. pled Leave OtBce UtHudson-al ncai Chambers, at 7 AIM to* Poughkeepaie. and all war stations At I A M for Po igbaeepsie. stop- my at Manteitt.inville, Yonkers. Dobbs s b'errr, Ikearatsn. Tarrytowa, Mm Saat, Froaen, Psekakill, «larnsoa's. Cold PahkdlandNew-Hiaskwrak At \t\ P M tor Pnagh keeps ¦ aad Sil W «' rtalinaa At I P M tiaui for Pn ghkeepeif aad aB way atatsana At l| P M tot Panah ko|« riml |,iim ipal Wat stations, ounecta vs lib steamer A .oa f.o Allianv and way pin, es outbe nver At It P M I,,i Peekeklll and w stations Leave Po ,gbkne|aue going s lh at 7 A.M.,7| A.M., Ill A M 4 I' M and 6, P M Steamboat traia, leave PeekeLlI for New York at «I AM n. in oi.ivi.'H II LCR. SupesTaaaaasyal I\TEvV VoRK BBti N K W II IVEN is I A11 ho A II This line lernest ansl st Statues.Aa- on at 7 A M El lia at I A M I nun. 4AM I > .'I lia, I P M Ac eaaianalattea 1 rasa for New-Haven at 4PM,sad Onenma- lai.Train Am h.i.i«. ,».ii at j 1; p M l*aaaaafasaare re- oe iickels before lakins seats in I lie onrs R B MAUoN.f»ii|iennlendenl. l'iHI Hi» rON vir N E W PORT bar! BAN STATU lesse Pier No 3, North River, ai 3 .. cl.ssk DAILY The KM PI BP. sTATK.Cai* Bisyton, on TlfEH- DAYs llll bsliAVS aad SAlfKIH\s Iba BAY STATE, i a,t aTm Browa, ea MONDAYS, sVRDNBS DAYS aid k RIDA YS Tin« is the rgsjedtraal line Ui New- poit a steamer in aaaanaaaaa with ttu« baa ium to »na from Providence I ISDALL V BOBDKN. Agents Tlsml 71 West st REGULAR MAIL LINE iMtw.rii BOSTON indNER YOBR t iSTONINOTONaanl PROVIDENCE To* steaasera C YANDEBBILT and M t.sSAI III SI ITS, I..... Poo 1 North River. DAILY at eluck. PM The MASBACHCBETTS, Caat Wai II I oa MONDAYS wKPNtsDAYH, aad EBI DAYS, the C YANDEBBILT. Centtaia Je. I stone, ou 1 l ESDAYS, Till R.SPAY.S and SAI'I RDAYH On the al ef these steamers at St..ioiirtrm. passengers proceed I Baibjo id to providence and Baatoa This is the moet di r. ct ri ute fron New York to Boston Eor passage, ke at> ph on board or at the other, 111 Batten place üsTR II a R T PO R D -Dircct^Tlirt J Steamer WORCESTER. Cap! 1 II lease f.. p. Enal R.ver Strand.oat place, P«< k Blip, mr Hartford, .vi MONDAY, WEDNERDA1 lad I RIDAY alter noons, at 4 o'clock Eor fnrher informatioa inquire oa laard, or nf mi7 tf_BARTON A WEBB. Ill South at. MORNING LINE foi \i:u HAVEN, Baaeaeusa MONDAY, May SI in* w, u known splendid steeasei Al.lDA, Capt BUejo, mm leave Peck *ho wkarl EVERY MORNINO, at 7, o*i look, for New Haveo. arriving ¦ amplr time to take the sis Lu Hartford. Spring b. Id. In .nd n t.iming will leave Railroad wharf. New- Kavvn a' l| o'rlork P Irl or immediately after the arrival of the Boston train Dinner on hoard Freight taken oa reiKonat ie term* Pare te cent* E r f .rther partscolar* (AMKs B1SH»»P k CO 3 Braver « ktfM lei ÖRMNG LINE h \ LBANY.. Th. u. w and ...ganl steam. REINDEER. Capt AIL.rt Dtgriajt. v..: leave New y..r. from pier foot of Me,- i .i even MONDAt A EDNESDA Yaad FRJ DAY MORNING. s»7e clock, and returning leave Albany Ii ESDAYS THURSDAYS snd SArLBDAyS at the .ami hour making tr.e umal landings each way Cb** Meals served aboard Kar» to Newburgh and Po keeiaio JO cent* N B * or turtlier infrirmalion sj.ply to .) A M K1 BISHOP A I O S Beaver vt New-York. «ml \FTERNÖON LINE »t 4 ^staVjaYk fm POI 0HREEPS1E, NEWRVROH and E1KHK1LL PASSAGE 'iU EN TS Lai.: ug *. c .ggeaa' Dock, »t«t Pe.nt, ' I Sprntn CuravreB *r.d N*w Hamburgh Th. stranerTHOS POWELL < apt Thon N H-dse. will leave Murray st Pier EVEBY AFTEBNOON at 4 .'clod Returniag will leav P -.gftkeepeie EVEBY MORNING at iceksek, aad N.. at 7 (Rondaye laeeptgl PresaM rasen and landed at the drJterent :;»' e»_mykk l«s* I^rT~HU I DGEPORT..HoRABtisMkiA Saarn Naufatoak Railr «d-Ea/e III C*nt*.The rfssmsr NoUWAl.K.I IM Weeks, will leave *:er IJ Pf R foot of l-bert .. " rUEBDAT and Till RflDAY, at I A M . ATI RDAY at 10 A M Returning, will leave the Railr-.i.rl D*-s. Bridgeport. r>r- MONDAY vVEPNEg- DAY and FRIDAY, at 7| A M Bridgeport and rtailraad fretajbl taken at reduced rate* App!« on board, er t*> Ike Afi» aa tu* bei N B -The NoRWALK will raa *.»/¦« of ih* ALICE for a few days, while the latter is hnvmg ¦ new tenter put ia and es .Ahersi im- repaired _say' bar1 I >o UGHKEEP8IE LINE «** HA RG ES. WT .1 LJNTON, i hm Wiltase. every MON DAY IX' MAMIE, (apt R'*>»kreu» every THÜR» DAY polOHKEEPSIE Capt Hottman. every SATUR¬ DAY at J* elnrk. f ot from for*: of Murray *t for pas¬ sengers sad freigat The a»ov* barge* are eiegaatly fur- n jti'd witk »tat* rooaw and «pw ions and comfortable cafs- Bta sail are eip'eeel, filled up for th* comfort aad eaavo- e.ecce of passengers sad arrive at Preiokkeawae *n lam* f, it.s >'wr. !.. M.aroo Pine Plaiassiel N*w-Milf.wd Fuv fi.rtha r jiforiuate>u. anpln oa taaud th* isargaa, er to alASm WILLIAMSON k V AIL. 1*4 Waateet. [5ÖR KEYPORT uh. PORT H A Mil R Tos .s'iic JoH S M A e f .eaves ( Lamhers- ». j'erdai.v Suiids.« eieeple.! a' S s'l'ek PM retam- ,sr .»*.** Ke. ,.,.r at a, i....» s A M .nd.isjr at Fort He**- ataaaaca wa mjii tm* If Xi I RSfS>N TO 0\K^IaLCE- ** M ET KB V -The see steamer ISAAC P SMITH. » raakeatni t. this heaottfal rr uad, oa MONDAY AlfKkb'siS II.; a. iea. .ig Kre- Y'-rk frosa the fosst .>f Riehmwrn-st al I o'eherk Retornmg at i o'cluekJteark- ing at the bag of Haaunund-et eaei a sj PARK tM 1 -v 1 N B The anuaal ssoslasg ef the piet .rwaore w»Jl ho held at the Chapel at! uVkuck of lb. aarsst 4ay. alaet Tra^for this HAZ>:LBAKTH, rW,*ia,v «TATEN ISla.\M) S i EAMBOAT.. klo. .ml after March IJ. RJM..haara WMuikaR al», JC I J Jaad 7 eeka-h l<gav* Vandertnlt at I, M, It, I, 4 aad locJock %mM\i

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1851-05-26 [p 3].Fan.n'v Medicine*, Pun11 aa, Varniitaga, SugarC a'ed Sar-.aifrra and'1 ar Pills, ttc kc aale t,v (M HIM..r.Ti'r of Broadway and

ItfJE SUWCRIBER a'Jthor:zH(;t«.Jya t of the Comrany) to contract PN the de.liv.rv -,f

rAK(iOrü"'t>rr<lrt.ial('J COALfrom the Sa.« tn Hill

M ai» et PoCterilli Pa f.rru»..v wtrrki d ov Mllue* k Hay.

M EDICAI*.a utiKH'IAL TEETH IN8ERTED,f\ artbol "moving Ihn aM ratste, n» *,"n ?;v.'-

mmwmtatBJBBags J TOwTJCE, IM lyiaaj at., ketose,et.e

"¦ 11 "i*

MataaH fAaaaaaajad Syrup w

.yf&UW I)(kk ROOT..W« reel¦ r.fpri ttrtl t« ever. [ r.t r ¦ fc make

lu»aaicTBt»aorldtfcr wonderful tSeac .} tavaaatnoiaratry aiwaiatiaa Tbrnisand« harr been relieved, of a

great s*i"unt mi «nflc-inc and many lives BBtnd pa Hag >Maf it It « arsnowledrcd by the heat judge* of Mtaiieaaa BOi« ihr aaal shaysat,aciaaliac aad aalatary pr.isatstra n,,w

,a «.«*. awl a» a deperaiivo reused,, aaMoaa if ever aiiaalailit. see* ariaaDaa^uaoeaaraof Errs pataa, BaM Bheina.fai.ktr. S< mfiila and ad tb«-> ft «»i».« ai naa fromat ,n,purt slate "f the Rossi AU«, all Bilious . Dmpla Bta,gjajlaaaai ata» MptariaaaUJ ancirnn ¦ all ima if Tam.i.1* W'eaJtn "* and general iM.d.t. ... ; ,.

wdkrard May, PTJatJ tone tothc ranoaa Brgaaa, and invir-

*rat.i4t the eaüre iyatBBj. awl a.1,0 for the cure of tu* L-vcrt«;i;.ra.Bf Catairh, D-yipcptaa, Headache. D.i/..n<s«.

Ckaajjakaat laoaa aaaitad with Chnaui Djc im s of what¬ever aaaa,atjldadUttamodieiac not oaly phsaaaal tothe.»*te. entseerraiticore. if it f~ within the power of reme-

awl agent* to affect their disease |. ,s eaaajaaad M moli-, ,».?. <e happily combi-ed n«t,,»,n,| ,|,-ecti? tu e,-. e tone tnthe «11.11 m Ii aäd Is.weis eicit» tn heaithv action the L'veraad the »1 ala Olaadalai System, ellai rsenroaa Imtahiistsaa<l »näsele the fraa a. two i.f the Lenga, thua renhrtag itaj.plaalle loall iliv..iae« uf a Chronic ature It i* purelyir.i :.!..« aad mas I* osad 111 all 1 l.maU.v. aid at all «e.i-

14,1.» at the .car Bah BJ C MORSE CO at ltr.' FouoUin-at .

Prov.iJrnic. K I and sold hjlhniaaadl all over the KmtedStatt«, CamuUa. B<t HAYLMlt K. tX>aUaIXt a. CO. 13Piarl f. Nrw York. General A;-')IJ6in*

T* the Kim and Afflicted

r|R. SWAINE'S COMPOUND SYR-¦ -Per if WILD fiirnRV s aet taat ami iaTalaataklaacaaaryofDr BWA1NK. Iknaaiaili haw baaaayitia-atom! to health and the 1 ru .vintnt of life, who wert «uffar-lUiV froni :lu at a«i« i> of tin iicr.l ricruciatiu*-diaca&carTVia John Mittoa Karle, Proprietor of the Maaaachu

aett> bit. Waaaaater. Man I >u l .llowuur 1* another l.nkai t.'.' ire t 1 b .11 of t< itliaonj to its merits-we aaei aaed J>' Ssmnr'i Corn;<>und Synip of Wild

Cherry ¦ ear f itnny, aad nud it one of the mos' «ootbjutare! aareaabta «aeaiernee for 1 oajtba, inflammation of rheUvoat, huajta, be,thai are h*ve ever iriad,aad nave aa

aeaaatk a ia taeeaaaaadiaa a trial of it to those who hareaaeaaaaaiWaaahaaadteane We da thiaad our own freewjl.wcli.-ut the Itaowkajga »f I)r Swame or any of hi*

j^., ..» r ,.n>- aaartaatioa from ..hem "

Iii j II ».lli»>n. I ran. fort. Ky s;.,t» -

faatl .1.- ¦.**.' iu ... pr.utne 1' years, am a

ataav araaaata taf Traaeytvaaia I now preaoriaa roar

arapantiaa ofPraaua Virinaia or Wild Cherry, ia prafeii to all othi r reaaadiei I regard it aa aa tatalaaMareuadv .1. t.'n traaaaaee* ; l*aaaa*uaia or Piteaeo of taataaan HOMI t 1 utkltckial Tboaaaa, ('te rry «t three door, west of S' hnyl-

kili b« I uad, v U itt'i- .-.! with a vnCent eoigh. pain« in the.*'» aad Iweml,aunaiaa "f the inne*. thottaaaa of breath,»»¦ t .! < 1 te. night sv..-c«, a,,- indeed, bis w hole systemareared |>re*trateil lirt try the ,,| iir Baaiaei t'orn-

pnliml f^yriiji of Wild < oerrv wa« lewtored to jierfec? lie u,

Lsik we,1 lo the murk* of the nenuuieb> in. ", the urigiaal aad oaly aaaaiaa preparation of

U.kl Chaiiy ia put up m m|u,,re bottles, auvered with*la i.utdul w pappei, (steel eaaraviaf,) arita a portrait of Drajansiaidwraua; alao, ha rigaattan All others are p>«i-trvi lt fictitious aaal a auti milIaiaotiaj ramaeed tal Herta Seventh sth.aaaaad dor,r

ajkeei Market, whan an preparad all ol Dr itwaiac'a otherFan.n'v Medicine*, Pun 11 aa, Varniitaga, Sugar C a'ed a and '1 ar Pills, ttc kcfrr aale t,v ( M HIM..r.Ti'r of Broadway and John

ai iir WAkMBK.Mt) Btaacker-at 1POMMAN at CO.,w« (1 rand, erner Norfolk .1 S I.KVVIS, jgl Greenwich :

H A BANDB.IMB.ry NOBBPs. Vi Market, comerMonn» LYON, tin OraiMl-al hi sHKiN « <<>, litBraatrwrrj A B tv I > RANDS, IMFaltimi C V CLICK-BNKN ACO .gl Ba-ei., HAVilaANO, KEE8E A CO¦ aaaaiaa lane; Mis HAYS,Brooklyn myll2mW8AM*I IVE It J'DMI'IsAINT . .1 Drapepaai, Chronic ta Nerrona Baiailtty, Disease fthe Kalnro s, and till dieeaaeo arising from a DisorderedLiver or Momin li. s.ich :is 1 .nstipation, inward lule*. full-area erMood to the bead aridity of the BtoaaaeaTaaaaaa,aesrtbu n. il.svnsl for bsal fullness mt weight in the stoin-ai kaeaa eruraatasae, soiking 01 fiutteung at the pit at thestiiau« b. swajaaaiag of the head, burned and diffii lot

bnadaaag, lattanag at the heart and cAakiag, or aaBboat-|araaaaat*ani waan inn lying anatara, dimness ofriaioa,di.tsor weis lafon the mailt, fever uud dull Mia m theload, ih fu n in of ,.1 rapiralasa, reBowai an of the skin andCits. |.ain in tlw sub bark. best, limbs.kc sudden ft us In a

t.f hOitt. burning 111 the rlesh. 1 oustaut n .»_-.' ¦., nl,and great dl praaaioa of sjurits. can be effectually cured byDl HtKlKJ^MiS ( K'LKBIIATKD GKBMAN UIT-'I t Its. prepared b) Dr C M Jackson, at the GermaaMediciti' st. re. I?n Arck-St PhiladelphiaTheir BOWei over the nt, ,ve diseases is not eveelled, if

eipuiitai by aay otkarpiepaialiiai ta the t'nttad State« as tneeines att 1 st, and in muni cases 11 Met skillful phyaKUUM badAvuVd'Diese Bitteis, BN WOTtB) the atteiite n of invalids Piss.

aaaaaj graat rirtaaaia taa ractU*ttatiaii ofdiseasee of in*Iis» 1 and 'ess, 1 el,,..,1s, >, >, leinst tin- neat searching pew>an in an akaaaa and aaV liuaa «f the digaalisa urgaaa, taa)are withal Kai, ,11 rtnin and ''" aaanl

bead AND BE CONVINCEDRutlgi M M N. ab aanl ta his Waekfa Menaajai. Jaa i.

I8.m1l»r llnoi I iMi s (IriiavMllTTElt- Here is a ; pan

tiea wioeb the leading preaaaa at Ike Uaioa appear to, aaunariimous in roe..inmen.line, nnd Ik* reason is ohvious it is

BHrde str, - ,a raaacriptitva fnrnianed by one ot*tke mos, ,-cie

Matedpkyateaaased nedern tune*.the latedr to the t aiverast] ol Jeaa, prieala phy«i-aiaa la las K aaj id Praaesa, aad aaa ol Iks gi cat est asaaa «t

atrtAanOersnaagi aaaerrat prwnaad He was empbatiealiythe enemy id^ loimbiie and Iberefon a Bsadit ne of a hu llne aaa Ike kwresstm aad indaeaer, may be cnaBsfsntlj raliedon IIa niioriallj reouaaaassaded it iaXiver naataiaiat. Dya-at s.a. Denilii), V« dim. Aeidit} of tt« Btaaaaca, tag Liverami baas ataaaa Riaa I'lniad, i,.iua panan 1»pn *s tb» ü eaa>viction of its 1 tri Heu« e, aud some of the Editon apeak ofits aSaata haaa tbati own uaBiataal aapanaaat t'miertbt'sc «itrumstanres vs< tei wairanted, in not only ailingSat .itti ntunof om renders lotbepneeat proprietor's (Dr.c m Jackaaa'a) im paraliaa. batn naaaaaasaQakf the ar-M It la all idtlirtrd "

MoiiK i riaah< t1 be PbimeVdpkra Katunla] Gasetla, the la st t«m:iv n*w»-

pater |abB*kaa iatbe Darteal states The BdBarearsIt is aaklaaa that aa 1 aooaaasaad whatantm meii naaal

Medicines to Iba confident # aad patnnaaae el* oai nadan*and. Iber» hue. w ben we 1.11,men.I Di ll.atilaud's QenaaBBitti i*. we w»h it to ba diatiia Uv aadantuad that era an

aot apsiakiaa ad ih* aaatraass at tu, day, that an naiaadabaM for a tira f period aad tbea t.e». its 1.. aft. tin have«lou< their guilty MM of in.seli.sf. but of a no di. 1111 Ions'

established, universally pnred.und winch has met the heartyapproval of the faculty itselfThev can ba administered tofrmales or infants with sat. :\

aiul irbat Ii tvnebt at any timePEWABE or COVBTBBfBITS

The genuine have the written signature o| t' M JACKSON, upea tbe srrapaar, aad Use aaass kkswa ia lbs i»ottle,»itheul w kM h Ihev are sniirnvns

Vor sale, wbobanile and retail, at the GERMAN M EDInsv: moke. IM Arch st oU. dean Beta* s,ub-siFk IsdrlpblM. and Bj |es|as< t il.le deal, IS o'li, i'.Ii llllielgll-«101 ib< BaainWbslssali andretaUby A It ft D SANDS. MS E.ot.ui

st 1 oiusi of WilluniiBetaUbyC »I RINt; M Bioailw.i. conn: of John st

Mi- HAYs. BrarAq miu 3iuMWkS*

WHE W ISH tu eBjs»7"PERPETUAL>«>i TH,aadcoaaaoiieaü) teaeeil tbarapaeaaabaael

*>hl ajN'. is piebald, one of the in.wt pledomiiialil and 0*1

aaaatfia, *n<i * rnlaatablr deeir* to unipeevi and beautify theBarBkre mt tbe body become*, ia rnassii isact, no frtroloas

it It ia clearly deasunetrated Ibat GOCRAt'DSItalian MED1CA PED SOAP artll aiwnaapliab th.s Ita net nssrelv a cleaiias t tbeakia, eahvaaiag aad readeimg barareat an perfonarag its offices, it also refreshes¦eauad,and *| end over tbe wholeavaten aseaaattoa adaaaa.aeuiay and aaaaBiaaaa it hkewi««, removes aaaand tuck.«s. ; n .. ». ringworm, tetter, redness, sallownew, Ptaauies M ijn ition in the larger as well ai m tne eanilhirv vessels, give* aa BanBWaj free eirc ilntion la tne

enaal, and |.rcs« \,« thai won let I il harmmv IB eurWterwieiswas. ,.n «h«- <lisp,eutlea of w bu b our beaiib aud comfort

«!»l«-e«l In tai t, t> use be language of « waB-knoWB m-

asaeykaty, r* l..-. letter tn Dt Onaraod, "Of aUtheaeb.i >ie reaaai sta n« Sa asdsatsraaa .. ia«ly'* < ha. u», aaauiwduvom ¦ -tirp »ckat It Italian Madk at. ,1 Russa is tb. chain ar.aadekest kll whom I knee known tn aaa It aava aaanaaadfh. ii tatisIBi: i. with la ..if.-,mm a*us ana taliaV >1 term*It BaaiUsel] werk« aurarkr« Oaa darb asaaasd foaaglad» atftaaa I u w aaad le ... t aoa abiaaa t.uth ia all tb,aai ilu,d Ii iliTin »et a clear, wham, tiauepauut skia, free

f'. Ii, 01 ) v»»tia» t t..u. , 01 nee Ith Irreale ".

fan.emtei tto remiwned teilet nnparauaas o.-

Dr OOt'RAl l> ran cn!r '¦». .¦...aine.t gen-lae at his 1»C1V07 v ..ikci si Am »t te fti ¦ Ba^eaarwai

«.».etil* T H i dlendei m Si».vsi rbird «. PkalasWIpbi« . Batr» ,\ .ti-dai., '.> ^ astoiigton «t K wt.a «» .

a t«. Weereetat i ar» Kew-Besifrocd; \ P ii.

Han; or. Vk D Kol- Pa ind.Rtei »I Eatvsss RSj« bail»« >f , N A t So..Ii a i b S.,».um «ii Sior».

Il«ais.a». wash Ive* s . m Havitaad A Ca BTisw-»i < i, ....»:... s t tvaynur ft Wenn!. bBehaasnd: Oenee,I»«tio.l MaihlgMU Ca I. tun k Co Ia.weil Co».ll. Harl-focl Aiia-iil*. .. MeaeaeaW r.M H Poal ft Wilbn, Ro-ekestsi A Ii Douglaa, Pateiaoa, N J Ii J TajrleN. wpärt R t PeterSaiith :-« .! riftbaad Wahtal»: Cincinnati, Murphy ft Cv>., Caabia, BtaaavaiMil MriD a v itr>et. Mad s. a,! « .vatoa 1 C .. St; Rebait Camanwi, Budi part.Coaa.i s E l'rqtihan.I :, ;.', C w Geo Unat. Nashrüle. l>nn w lohason,Branswrka, M. s H Cwaberoa, MD. Cahaaa, Als; IIsai-ih stiyce'. Hones p, l»-one tt Enller, Peesasiil,N \ . DJ h-.w, He sow ; Eeywerk McDwretl, Prit*.t*ng; las B Posas. 11 Ibartj st Vti Cyra» Lawall,aSaälB P ».~l reneialiv tbrssnghosit ik* C.. IVaie.a¦aaabaa .», \mi ml taraai m > »».»*» MWAEtf

I )N s P i; ps I A -Iii i* him-' N kuria-*>¦ ei* Daenrau Bittsbs. t:.

FAMILY MEDICINE**** ' l std t y» ot high ataasliag

Bitter» rea***« all morbid aeeretioa*. pent; theen d rrei , ,-,^,or ,^ ,hr .p-,,,,,.Ion .. sy-a, .. nm . ,, -e ,sen

"'" ",l»'f »i BnlModek rtaliisgIbapatren'.««einggrale-J '..'>..«! daheaM stesaaek aad wa»rs«M» f«a tbeire »er aa -nv.g .i.,t ,,. . ,r ..,,.,.. .4 and ., a ., »live pi.een-iie. aadania»alaat*H ,.,.i « .. ,, ,, ..1. i..i

,, DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMAI» laset C.tdsÜMa, .1» ...da-- Hearth ru, Cuetivc

a««.. }_.Uii.»a D.seidsis of lb, Skin l-vel aiJ S..1I,». M Appetit» LowS mt* Nervous Headache. Giddia.s Patpitafjon ol- ,fll |{, urp and Eullassa ot"<,!.:.... S-,.aU all oth. t d.s. as.'S Caused be Sm P ie state of the blood Iivir etc which tend to d> fall-tat« »nd weaken the *y»t. :r.>rn»tgs wt.o sufls-r trom a morbid und anut >ral e-sndi-

«Ksa. will had 'his medie ne ol

, _ INKSTIM ABLE V ALVEl»"llr4.,nl |-BHrml |Si..|,i, Ihn mrilsin, aci » I k- .

eh* a.

Tltooaaads b.,,, kBBMMl '« »Iticwv. ami thousands u,oiear» now ,.uu« i Inalateat arel not oee sulltary case of

»i»k'r 1tl fio.t.d Val 00 id be kllrdSa* Plates ol thner w ho have b»-. n permauently cured( ALL OB THE AHEM AND GET A P AMPHLET

Ca^*.M certificates oj rrmarkablr Cures, and the

.ie r,.tim,?!K* whjch this medic a. is held by the pubP JTsT"** ? h,d 3 Use Agents tree

«i? 2 t.1"* l*r large ragtle Pnacipal »rBc IM Fei-¦ N Y . up rtaan," my. lmEMkW»

MJ^EJÜC EXAMINATIONS OF' \,1**< »» "4 Cbamta-r» il,ts» »« ktaral«d OlailUgte, frvm ,)|( J F H 1>Ä,^

-» <. SV ei MB'wevas.



KELJEF IN TEN MIMTKS -Ciw.n U V» da»* irsftsirfd. bv

Tb« cri kt f< r*a-u Mintdy. Dt LOCOCKB Pt'I.MONICWAi'KRSPer Ifta eure f CcMa, O ¦¦.ct.*. A.lf.rca. Bn.nrrutr*. Pul-

monaiy Corisurnpti. n. ind ail BftSctMaecf the Ureanaadl.onr*Manufactured hy K TAYI.OK KDeessBtOr, N V tfM

only true und remne proprietor aid BMMfttetBrer '<n tri'«"Otment of imrnr», 17 venmci.: r.-in f-..,ii James

c V CLICKEHER ft CO II P a .,»iratassOaa-. rel Aser.ts f. r N. sy.Yelh >.f,i,.;.- U,:*,MA Bft D SAND.« MM Pah*Mv-si Baled pom,11 cti wWg

tu) 17 ÜB*

RADICAL CURE OF HERNIA¦ 1*0*01 two yea.' 1 xpem ncr- im.. ..e-u had <n

Um au !'dticn of Hl il.KkS reeeatlj -v..¦f*d« paewaaj »hroafli aaaeiwaa < aase, that nana the r

'orm and t»»rinr "|*m the line of'he ur « a- theie |.r<«J»r»| a t,i.. .-nine <.f :h-. .1 »all«.«ith «mm m ut i antra :.<m of tb» atsflisaiaal n.i^ ¦¦MI * radial cur, of Iba gouUhri Tr .s*»s Sap-pprtera ftlted aad ¦ laraate. d HCU/B Truee OtVce, 4"«aei FREDERIC M BLTLER Propnetoi

n.yr.'l lXMWftF

EV7 Dr. STlCKI.AMfS AM ERLu AN" FAMILY PILLS are and lebtecll* Urs a*m **t-

».Üble COMPnead ever i!imh\h«i f..r um) cure .f LiverCoatpkwU. Jaundice, Pilc« Coetivetvi ¦¦ Dys .. s.;.low Misaplexioa. Bh ? lliadaaha. Ii.-:« 1 T ist. Droper, Kid*utf AftVcUriM, Gravel, Rr.« mitifm. In! oittenl r r rand Aeu<. lr.fiuer./n. Csdkte, kr B< bag ,a «tn t a.. .:..with th< unalterabh lau» ofeteativi Pr. .. and a

kaowledei of Anatomy and I'm er. :.¦¦< D.« 1«convinced that the same AOwa I -inr too .'1in the vegetable world a rrmtdr for ei cry rlraoeee thaiflesh 1« heir t.. An d rar b che* Chat iht ha .a t>>-jyeon'ain» manv unpsetaai ocfeat called nah eiwhich 1« employed in «eeretins; fron trie »,| nd n« owaappropriate fluid, tbe etuef ,.f wbseh 1- the I.iver, KhI-ii»y*. Suiivary and Glandular bodMa eoaaeetsd with tbe»«.reu of tbe skir, The Liver and Salivary Glindsae< rete from the blood Une» fluid'« thai ai rf aa Hiework of diee«tM.ii. and thu* promote tlie iieiJtiiv a. IlkSa ad LeoU.v»i.;« Tlie kein« > ¦ »...! -km «. < r> U from tb» lil.aej r , ...

d< li t« rjf.ui. iinpuriUes whudi. if olistructrd. will (.rodurt¦uuay ibjuuM a, aad ktahh be . atirely aasaahred Now. thanvi »:i'.aM« riiinixiuiul attai k» tin liver, rlnuulates at to ac¬

tion, renn vik it* diseoar a, corrects the bilious and dieeittiveerfanr. raurinr the knliiryr to act, an ! opeaaBS t*1" P°res 01the skin Hence the " Puritic.itiun of tbe Blood. wher'-^yperfirt her.Jth is ri «tored Por r..n\ineiruT pnaf of tneBBeew the Deeter reeraeaaa a r.ern«n) of aia pamphlet. »et-tinr forth mrwt folly the ptiilteeiphy of their action, withfull diriietiaaa ar«i r er»ifir-ite«iif aaparalleled .-ure« offiee)'i3 Pahem at New-y..rk, »nd aoltl by rv^sdan >f medicinestenerallv mO laaMWfcB

HATCHELOR'S LIUJ ITT HAIRDYK -BATCHELOh'S Liquid is so Mlabrated and that it is th>- eopidityof a hort of lm-

itatora Treepablieranet becarafnlto let the p-nuine athA'K HKI.OH'S Wir MMiubies.iry, 1 Wall-Bt where it is.mid whedeaal« und retail, or applied This five has aaea in

siirce»«f.i) epontaaa for tlr»- IhsI twelve year* MfU Im

I.NSI KA.\( 1:.ff 1 IT 1/ E N s" FIRE INSURANCE*Ä I CtlMPANY.Oaacai ».7 WALL-BT and Ml Bow-ERY .'I ins < leaarauri. arrth a ea*h traaatal of

$150,000,ami a larpe surplus, aaeeral* iaeeetad, nnataniai to rsararaaraui«; ;.u.s .r uaown aj ElRE,aoa dwelliaaj ao*saei aser-CtUstsill« hau** hohl funutur« aad all description* ..f Personu! Property, 00 tin ¦oat favmal.le U ru.s

DIKE. TollsJi reuuah Ji.bru.un, Alunzo Alv. rd. Daniel Bur.nctt,William Wallace. Thiima* MeKlrath. LukeBakirWrn j Valentine, laaaaaf" Paid a in. laj laim.JihnS Harnr, Robert Harklev, Francis a Palm°r.

Jacob MillerDANIEL BURTNETT, Pre'ent

Jami-M McLaaa,aVscrotar; tfMWStl

I 11 \ 11) E N I >~The fiscal yea¦ "l.MON MITt'Al, LIPP INSURANI E COMPAEY .'whose prosnerity has not been eaualed by any other likeinstitutions; closes on the first day of July Parties are re-eommended to make 1 arly application for insurance andthereby participate in the full e.irninir* of the peel r. u

WILL «KD PARKER, M 1) | u,<. H OILMAN, M D. j Physician'

BIhsk*, full tables and everv uiformatiea eiven by.H DD ft HOLLI8TER, Aaeata,

liy2K üw 57 Wall-*t , Jaun. ev CotUl

HUDSON R]vEh "FiRE TnsTm^ANt'K fü Capital Swi-.' Office No. tu Wall *t

(Manliattan Bank Bmldiac 1 L.eisi 1 pnaapthr adjusted aadPl'dISAIAH BLOOD, President.

P .1 AVIRY, SeeretsrvIambi a Rbo;PA, Aaetataat Setiatary aiyJI tl

Office of"theaf J ROGERS1 FIRE INSUR.*, NCE CO.

. ENo. tl Wall st .on. f Pi aiCAPITAL $"00.000.

At an eleetioa tu id this tfAy, the folUmuti tratltairawere aheaea Drreetora «.f tin* Ooiutianv f.r the tnaiifnayearSampson Moore, Mose* Tarier, Oeortre Elder,Pert) H Sherman, Marshall P*j«..D, Krancis SKiddr,Peter Martin, Ah ian r H 'Grant, < n is Hurshalter,RafosStory, A«a s p..r<, ?, .lane, B w son,HetuyKdei Isaac p Taylor, Wiiiia-i H Peeler

At H subsequent llieeltiy; of Hie Board, SS.MPSONMOOBF. Fnij was iinaiuo.slv re, looted President ofthe Cuaspaa- l MILTON SMITH, SecretaryNea-Yoik, Peb 3. livilN B .This r..nii*uo ontin lea to Lasurs Buildings, M« 1-

< bandln II., .»eh..1.1 Furniture, Vessels in Port, fto., oathe in.svt fasarableterais All Iosm 1 proasptl] edjaated andpaid tftf

r|-|fi: N E W- K n (.' I, A N I> LIVE¦ STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY of Nea Haven,

Conn, 11,so, li.HMea, < attle. *s. aceiaat luaa frosa dealh,eithn fiom natural eäaae, Bocidaat. 01 disease of any de¬scription ubattiii New-York Agenci 38 Williaavst.,Merchaato' aTaxrdsaafi ::'(W, L D HAUT, ae. -.t

IPEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE (M).,of the City of New York, Oftsei ITS Caaal-et., [Pea-

ales' Hm.k R.'ddme. ins ..-« BeiMitM-B. MerrthssMiaa,Hoiieebold Funuture, Veaaela at Part and then eaiaysaa,h< agaiaal laae sr ilaaiaaa by Pirti. on the iwosl faTorablat«'raw All l,.ss,s nrtvmjars adjusted and paid

DIRECTORSJ< 1. no.ib T< 11.< 11. Gideon T> Ancsdie, Cliarles T P...-.Freeiuanraiiiphell.Jaaiea8 Brouwer, Wei M Wilson.JohnW LewsS, It Q St..k. s. Abraham I.<c.-ert.loftaP v. iw ton, JothaaaC Meeker, Matthias Clark,HettrrJS TerbeU, Waa H I eaiiut, Thomas WiUiams,David I) Crane, Solomon Rnnta, Edward P Clark,John Mace, CharleaCraae, Mortimer Brown,Oeonce Yetuura. Geonre Waraer, K >nt c Vis.rhiev,Coras Stephens, 1 hnstopher Gv< ver.P .1 Konesteel.Bin on Shiadler, WilliaanJ Hock, Alfred Itanwnre,Edward Nehask, John Moaeypeany, Chas H Melntire,G H Hubbell, lie.. D. Oaein

.U REMIAH TERBKLL, PreasdenlMOOtafl Lk.SsM,.. Se. retail Bsfftl HiiMWkP


o» rt'K try or *irw rorr,ofiee. (i.rner ot Greenwich and Pattoa *t*

Ocean Hunk HmldmrCASH CAPITAL, $*(*.o<*j

laauraaceasraiaat Lose ..1 Psaaaiea) PhreDIRECTORS

AnisniClark, I H Van Anken. Win H Diets,Croat Adams, c V B Ostraader.Wsa H*,i»..LatiAptar, n R Marths, Roasiat Has,Nathaniel Weed, Klv Hoppock. JoaaphM Browa,David Matte, (l B Burahaat, RolwitP Oettr,a alentme Kirbv. Ward A Werk, B. Brattlerton.M A Hoppock, S S liaail Harriain Jones,

AAEON CLABK, PraaadenlQBOTMBM BAtAOS, Seeretsrv 21! 6m

DROOKLYN FIR E INSURANCEIP CO Offs 1 t Id 1 w dl-sl N Ym.N3 Pidtoii-st Biooklu, WM ELLSWORTH,PrealA G BTtaBlta, Bacaaanry UUftai*ion. 1 01 NaTioasi Piki laai BaB< ^ Cost cafe v.)

.V Wall st Nlw-YoUK, lith Mat. I80I (

AT THE ANNUAL KLEt'TIoN, heldI at Ihia da) il>. Msara ae paalleaieB were elected D.ieci-01» foi llit eusiolis Mal, vii1 himer W llkarae, John J Hemck, W H Jai oasGdbert Davis, Geonre Bell Phillip Borrowes,Haary H. Ward, Jcaaa Hecker, Jaasss L- Adaav,M,:i.ii Heftsaaa, .':u> Van Boakerck, llucb Muaro,

Audr. « D M. la s

And at a subs, guent nit .tiuro! ttii Board THUM AS WTHORN p. was nnaaunousli n 1.1 rted Pressdeaiatyltfrs \\ c KKi.l.tiGG.Saeretan

cvssex female semisabv ¦&I deeive* pupils of aaj see aad al aay ties* ...

tawsa eräk«ven ileaireble facilstv be ooiaiiuae a Usoeusii

SCHOOLS.'¦^A KKYTt »WN INSTITUTE \ SM bert BOABTHNG SCHOO] rVwBOYSNew Yssrk A NEWMAN, this lassStntioaYvaaa Gsestsasaea *i* la*a*uaj,bij laatracted is «11 theUraacaaaof an Paglisb aad CUaaical sdacattaa The ...

,.f Bsjard *a.l in« lud.ur bad bedkUaft, arasftau aadateadiaf is fnaa $iiw to Sift* ¦-1 saauisv, ...... liag to tftst rancht -. Circulars waslaiBita partnrulara, referaacea, fti , caaM nbtainril at tSbepardrs Book Stare, IMKlIIoii »: aad at P. H W .lea's Cruted States Sch m!Aciiiii. :-XS 11 ....«..... 0: bv a.'.'.:< s-.a; * ti.'te t > f.e

Pnacipä s*S MWftStl



aim ai <s>ii |.iisn« d etiolation T. n.s iea»ou«li°o ForbaeBhfi laeaa >.f ka stiea aad 1 eaiph :< aaaa af ai aaci aa i.u

this iiot.o.t.oa as probatsti uaa nsaaaad aad betai oa theU...11: is-.-.'li.. Caaaaetinii Riv.i. near the aaa-Us.;d.«-.. aceeei New York aad Hartfefd -i^laasaasaaali Aa a miner. cr.sidi ration, an w,. ;id add that

tin ti *,m :> and papthl are I liaiahed, at .. rate charee,b. the .-tat li ot the Sc:i man w ;tt; we.: trained saddleaeteaa for \ o..n; ladies asi Cirei am tssadahuns) a > araot the bcassnan luikshars, raferrace», e»a t» naw of

LT< H s LYON, 1 M PHaeyalF-sev. M>> Hk S.' ar/W) la >IUak'

/ M.ASSK'AI - M \Til EM \TH'AL\ SCHOOL WEST POIX1 N \ Tl 1 Iaabtarsaaaiastaaladapono«eafthea all .ihacapoUaatftasssaaa. i the lluds. 11 A.: the brani.':« . ot a t: a::J sc on.

i.j.i.isi<^ ataaa are tanxhi l; -; daata umtonneu. and

or.acixed as a r..u ;-any t " tmlitary duty For r-articojsrsaddress the Pnt'.r;:.:. at West Pointtt"-3'.mMWfct « EDWARD V KINSLEY. A M


tl.« lasliv* of Bn»kI»o and viciaiti. that she rival Leasiu the Fleuch Lau«ua*-r. :a the aivvt avrteaa. a: raai

danre. : W ickel? st South Bnwkli a Trrm-, .llaaa, $JiH-r siuarter. in asivancr Pnvs'r le*»sa.s. $t? r*r ">ia-tr:

m',ri im* _

gelegt BOAR'dING SCHOOL tor»s^p. VS IAS I L. I .Tbe aahecriber. who has

had Ihs h»rr. I .taia rtaat evlucatusaal interests in New.

York aad Philadelphia, will he prepared 10 receive mto his

Umiii en and the :d of Jl NE next a number ,-t taws,

aot . iceednw; IS tl>ery altentn-a will t*najd lathe moral,

tateiieciual and physical development of hi* pupil* Hi*

farm and residence .- hut five minuirs tr«m the J»awa>c*

IM m.i and will pawls every opportunity for healthyexerriM Price fer Board .-id Tuition. $Vj> per aveeioa of

tv, moa.hs. pavable half .a .J^^'lars.refereace, A.- la-juue of W S**1.^rnaa si .or of tht PrBCipal. Rev H J DAVID, Jasaaiea.

A- i.

MKS. CHAPMAN iafuriMher fnral' and tb* public that »he ha« REMOVED

her St his.1 for T« -r.^ LattM s to 70 WEST HU RTY-THI RU¬ST. tw<> d(»on eaK cf Br^adwar. when- a-1 the Ear'.uihInnr bes w-th Draw-xt and Paini. aa* in w-te r and od cotor«.V<v*; and Irurtrrmen^aJ Masse, also. Latin and French,wu! tr taitht taäfhl b) '.h* bot! roffipe'.rn: TeachersBUlilfw*

AL G E IT I N STITUTE..BosmlingBtBllll it BOYS. CORNWALL. C ,nn-The Sum-

ttertcnn will romrsrnct on the Srst TVESDAY of Mav.tmi rt abna Btatthe Scholars received uau! the letef Jane E W ANDREWS. A M. Principal. JameeSeftrewie*. A M A«w:a!c Principal. A Frölich. A M .

. t Paris. Teaener ef Mslem Lanruase« ; A l'neuw. ofGerman», lenoherrf bjame O-cular« ran be obtained ofT I SMITH Eaa, I I « a^t tf

/ «ORTLANDT INSTITUTE..A 9*-" bret Board a| 1 b fr BOYS, it PEESSKtLL.N V Cm i" 11' obtained at the btv>» store -f MA-SON Sc LAW, 2j Park-row. opposite the AKor House, ori. bi dree* r.c the ;rr.-;;:. « a* PrekukUl

myHey PHIPPEN. ( p....,i,

k PHIPPEN. { Vr-r«*"

FINANCIAL.Iiaaeard naiv«

^350,000Smd Roanoke Rail">d


proposals will be leeoiaod bjf the mWnt»ni until Satur¬

day, the 3:st day of >bv. iBOtoat f,r THREE Hl.'NDREDAND FIFTY THOFBAND DOLLARS efts- andonly Mcrtrari P. r..l.- of the SialssarJ k Hoanoke Rail¬road ('oiiipaii*. rw-arinr s»ven per cent per annuni interest,and at the Merrlian's' Bank, in the City nf New-Yor«, on the let "i AusrnK. Lt6"TIMM Binds are m si.uu. of $1 Of* OSSTB."SrSt a*

attarhed. payable at the Merchants' Ba.-.k. in the City ofN*w-V>.rk. an the Ut of each Fenruar. md Auo«*.ihes« Beads art is»-ed under author/. of sp«--pal acts

of the sln' r«-« of Virrinia and North Carolina, aadarc icrured bv a mnricac. executed to John I p.dmer, E*jOf the City ef New-York, in trust for the BondholdersTh.s mnrtca.e Doretl the entire line of the Ro«| from

Norfolk, Virjnrua to South Gasten on the Roanoke River in

North Carolina, a distance of 90 nnie«. wh ch. will hsve cost,when r, mplcted. tn-ludino the ornnnal BSstJer, over Sl.iVi.-(**>.end the tru-tee is emjaiwered. in case nf siVr dar« d,-fault in tht paumrnt of iah rrst or principle of the hond*. to

take posse««ieu r<!, use and «eil the whole or any part of thesame, inclbd.nriho fiaiu hise«, ineome and property of theCompany of every deacriation, now acquired or hartaftor to

be aci|uire,lThe whole aaaoot mt the Bonds authorize 1 Us be icwied

1» four huiiilred lhaiavaed ile:.n-s, of which the amount now

«<fT* ri d f..r sale ho* bei 11 issued br the Compani in p.i> m*nt

pnnn;>ally f^r the heavy T rails wrth which the Company is

now leia. HoJ lht r trai kThir biavy T rail, for the whole 90 miles, in

aow isa bead.50 anlea are laid and in operation.and the

company is actively encased in layuis- the renuunder. so as

to complete the line to Wekkea, SI miles, in Julv of the

present yi at. ar.d to South Oa»to-i. 9o nno «. by the ofthe yearThe Baetsanid Btsl R..». ke Railroail f .rms part of the

Great Southern Ron*, frern New-York. Pli.ladeiohia. andBaltimore to New-Orhrnaa, ta RmneetMn with the lane efsteamers bow runnmc fr .m llaltiiuore to NeribilA line of Steame-« is now rtinniac from to

NorfoRTwo lines of «t< amers are now beim; baut to run from

Nee-York to Norfolk, to commence -unmns early in Julyacxt. one of :i,is. Unes ta to be of dke amt olaaa of p**-senrer steamer«. i.hkj tuns burdi n. and the other a line ofprut* ili r.

The connections of this road are MM h a* to secure for it

an ample amount nf busiaaas tl unites at Weiden with theRailroad to Wilmimion. 160 miles in lenrth. winch ha* 111stl>een re-laid with a heavy T rail. it unites at South GastenWith thi Railiohd t.. Ra.eoh. 8.» uio. s lone, winch is alsoabout tn be rrlaid with a heavy T railAl South (iaston it Will receive the BBSeeaO* prmliietKen*

of tie 1 XtCBalVe aud fi rtile valley ef the ftoanoke, »lucliare brought to that [".mt by the Roan->kc N.ivirdion Com¬

pany, who have t tpi udul ov. r four hundred luousand dol¬lar; in iraprovuxR the navuratioii of the Roanoke and its

Iritsataifea'lb. harbor of Nurfolk an I Purtsnioutb 1* well known to

be one of the best mtl.e Cttrted States, and mil thus beconnected by the Seaboard sad Bjaanake stailraad and rtaetameetrxif Uses, With an ample eitent of territory, whichvsiil insure to Ihr mad an abundant liusinessA tn«.;. i xb.bitu.c Ibeaeconaeetioaai ihnum; also other

lines now m rnpid course of construction, by w hich a con¬

tinuous line uf 1a1lw.1t will -eon la eii.nded from Norfolkto Mobilt and New (»i.eiitis on :hc Sou'h, and to the Valleyut the Mssmim<i|'|.i ai Memphis on the We«i, mar be obtsm-adof the BBderatfnedAn " Fxliibit." yiv me a full aceouat of the road and its

aflairs. eapiaa of the head aad ssartesspa, aud ibe lecalisjaaMwiaM Jaskja John v atason, .,f \ irruuj, no, aaaaaa*pMiu^- ll.e iti.|., Mi.d i,ia> i..* «.l.l»il,.*,l <||.mi N|.|.llent,on 10

John 1 E*q at the Mrrchauts' Bank, or to MessrsWiaalsrw, Lamer RCo., ay snail or otherwise, who willlurr.i.'i, aay further infbnoatioa which aaay la aearrad

It is cnTidently believed that the Bonds aow offered forsale aAsSrd one of the safi si and OSBOl .l<>«iisM* serening is

the mar 11

Ihiisi HVBMBDABB Firrv iHorssan Dollar* are

noa 1 tl, n d for sali.The eatin ameaat etfcred will he dxspeeed ef aboolately

and will.oi.i reesrvi ta the anjhess bidderSi ed pn i als for any amount no", less tbau 1.CM wdl

Aa reeived .i ibe otEct of Meaan Wssssksw, Lnaier At Canidi' 3 o'< ii k 11 ;! i.iiiv r,-st,: n- ,.f M.o. ii.ii

Pro;.«.-,.. te be iddraaaed to W1NBLOW,LANIER fl00.»StWai4e>ai ,Niw-Yoaa end aaaaeaad HPrapaaakifor S & K It Boim's arheaa bni- an seoopled will i*- pafBiead tu pay

twanfi per ceal 1-1 a the lasaausl awarded to them Maasa-«iiatei» u;h'Ii baiat ssstiBedof theaeeopeaaread 'heirinds.and Ibe ,» maiinler amount ken Ihr fi si Jays uf July.AaajaM.wSpttmbsi aad Oetnheraazt; bat anypsnywiiiheal Itbert) to psv in full at once Inlerswt will roiaiueuoc

from the day of payment.u,y!3i3i WINSLOW, LANIER A CO., U VTall-ol

N I > mi Moil.I Ba<Jon real e.'ste in this

Cits, m rums 10 st it Al».». $'£&,ooo on Brooklyn ov Wil-listTsloirrh at saata teaait applicant* Anpiv tosnyöji« >> M C HOLLY. Li * a. M

TO LOAN on BOND andMOKTG *GE foi a lei.i. of.ears,es

reel aMatentthsscsl aadaVooklrs Apply to ANTHONYJ BLEECSCER. Awtsuneer, 1 !t:.a*d >: asyfl lw*

tü. jj|||nil TO LOAN 0(jf^lMoMI redNew-Yori sir si

fcjwr eead ¦ ana earn MfM to LOAN ta two ieaw afSie act). a.b. on |rat*raasa City asrawrty, at a per ceat, antaviais Ajadj to kuGERs a NAOEI.

u.2C 1 wM Aawsdway

DRAFTS on tike BA N K of [RELAND.Paysbke at sirht 111 ».ii parts ut Ireland.for sale by

the lri«ti Emiernnt Societ.. ji Chambers *tGREGOR 1 DILLON, P'e* lent

.la*** mi akt Tieanaaai lyhfWkS*


CL.N 1 RAILROAD BONDS. tSÖ.OfH).srntxr offers for mis SU,000 sf tni Bundaerthi CHICAGOand GALENA RAILROAD, tw .... l> a pe: rent a

terest. cinder authority the I.erisliture. payahle in

New .»! orfc, and tbe principal coBve-.ible in the S*v.'k "t tsMCempnnv »nv time within shwyaan rlUS Raa hsipa a

link ir tt efreat chain of ixm-I* from the A'lan'ie ci't»« * >

theMisarseippi River, ami ^essesse* rjao rety »alaal e

local traftie It is i«ae .af i he chea-a-sl rotd« M the world,bav .11», e.a.1 i.Lit ataint BMAM rsri sakVi to ELflB lowilie!»

plan it ss complated fiem CaacoBe The hsst drsnlend at

IkssCsaaiesSI wa»e.cbt i<i ernt for sii Bsanths on the¦aashed ports a of :lo P «W Tt.e b-.b-.s iaw**s-akaoa««aadMoapott.I lhaaa iaaaad for tue perpsave ..f aatandsapii.t K.^s.' lb li.dt rv. I.. »;...:. ou.t d 1» under contractThaw a ... OOBl Bonds are for aale iu amount* of f,Js*3

ol' w.;b ats's.i ir.-.u istSaayaiaat,BBS fUrsUah the chc-ie-l ;«rtiCtlv sate -du-.'.v on themarket Further nartirular* caa !* ubtaiacd of ths sut>-

H-nber, MWStfs] JOHN IHüMFmiX.'.i w ,.. <t

HIETROPOLITAN BANK..Notiet itifJ kereb] pvaa that the THIRD INSTALLMENT of *il»rr Cr 1,1 sal. Ihr Capital St.« k af ÜM kl.t'o - U>. Baas wallU psvable do Th'.rsJav. ith dsv of June u*i'. at IhearBank.dc Bus>m. et Wall st IV u.-.tsr af :a» Board ->f D.-rvatois. I F. WILLIAMS. C* a-

Ntsr-Y^.k. Ma; 1?. ISM_m :" *w

nun t Nt»-.lsasSv r.xi''..»i.v. sä» Misi.a« Co '

Ho ti. ital f

\T A MEETING ut" Uie Shareholders, jheld teas slay at the CkaaspoayAi Oaaea N*»*rk New- j

l.r»e. the Adluwiai evn'lenien wer» unan mo>i«i' elected ]Datoaai . . , IBamosIJ .t.^.,- New-Yort R.i k'd Jone». Newark. N J |Bamaal Tiwsler. AC |>nhnjksa,Jsinvs L Car*-*. Wa. C BnsST, Rahajv.

Gksnras w Bnvaaa. Jocaa^ c.:>At a aaaaanaad meitia^ of the D.reriors the Whrwraal

oXiri.s wnr dull sleetedJssies L C-Jrtis. PrevCeat. Sa-n ! T Jones. Trea«a.-cr.Samuel > owler. a ice Pre* t. Geerje w Ssvare. Set f.

. ezaaidkrrM Cxuaaxbap lamataat Sse*v1,. w« B> order, G W SAVAGt See.

fCHICAGO CITY LOAN..SarnJeeJ Pro-w.. r-a»»i* Will U rece.veU at the Mav or's OSc,-. ia the

C.t. f CLicaj.-. and at the rffice ot STRACHAN n

SCOTT, .a tat Cat] af New-Yect, .ta'- the :r. aa» e:

June next. 1 r a an M Ho.«*». for a term not eseeedtax.en rear- 1 Mr b 1 ! - «.

- aa

$ s,. mi *. ». an interest if 7 pe- cen'um per annum. [»*;.*-hie sen.i-anr.uaily. and pnocipal and mrerest parable at

the Aassrsaaa Hir..m.<. Rank in h>»-\ >rs. or at the *vA*ee..| -h- > !. Treasurer in Cha a«o B ocvler of tbe C >a»-

».«... t*)M.H) 3 .<"ii,)-ae... A;»r.l 2s*. 1SS1W>[ I 0)1 KNI si Mayor_

T»i CoMMt*sioatl's Omca, iNew Cite Haii Apr.. XJ. 'Sal »

NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS..Tlw:* aaaoaamenl B-il* "fth* ».»eral Wasdh m the City efKew-Y-r* will ¦*» opened for *.»'«^^_^. £.s"fr.-m TI ESDAY the 70th dav af May, ta MONDAY the

30U day of J-ue b.4h days isscl.wive AU Til Farer. de-^snrvas if examining or cmeet in*- the Ammmmaa« BkaBn are

rsajaswted tu make «pplsratioa to the «adersagaed Between

lb* heats ,<f f A M .adtPMJ W ALLEN ) TaxJOHN i)E LAMATER.; Commiauitaus.

add tisYVr- *¦ r^a\wo**e >^ mmmn

City, m rums 10 spitliS'nsloirrii 111 « >ri« tamyi3 at*

I-J'X'KY-BAK MINING CO.'S Ofl£ V'r *.»¦¦¦ *ad Transfer fr rilitnitrjijiiBli'BUI ItXQ, I'risjdcat njT.I tf

Bau« or North Ambica. {Nrw-Yoan. N» 17. IUI \

HE FINAL INSTALM EN r o f fort TSvS* :h* r*petaJ Stock of ihr BANK OFNOBTH AMERICA hiA»eu called, t.. bc pani at the155a of *-J" B*««- Wall-et on or bef re theU.n Ca» f J ,m, jj. 0;j ^rtrarato. to he rct .1.

my£3t.e.»_£ sKYMOCB. Cashier.

"11 ('NEY..4 ASH for M< »RTGAG ES.^

A 7 rcntlem .n. having »n hand «everalthoBjau.. j.,,l4r, . tj m r.,. j-^ ifOTtMeee«JA.w-TorR Brooklyn or Wd.a..« .urfti I..;*, a: a n«.';. ..

ujecouL. Mor.r^.» ..f ». ry small amount.ha»,n» ,i,a..»

year* jna v...,,,,; ?., ,,.,.;.,. .f j A....1k» MORTGAGE : .... 21,, .» -

aü" roll particulars iny 19 7t

K. ttrjrmi WaJtu BAarNtwTYÖr.TMaf 17. M»TLE< TlON .The Stockholders of thisRank are here!.v notified that an election (.¦* IhAftaaa

r"'/" ***" »he Baaaanj year. *i*l fear three la-!f*cr,r* :\ lte "*xt suc.-ee.ling election, will be held, at theBaaJunr. Ii ose, on tl Esda Y. th* lOCa Jav of Jan. a. (t

f ^«"i11 opened at B o'clcok". M. and doe* a: 2orlorkPM By order f the BoardnTJ» y«l1__A. 8. FRÄSER, Clatter


men, has this day tiled in that a notice of the apeak**ateatof Mesers SMITIt. CA,.DER a. CM ..ft...- Ct. fTrov. as AGENTS for tl.. of it.« c rc ilat.nsnotes. fajgctUr with a rev.cation of the ai.po.ntmeut ofMcm-r« Bache A PtcA of the Cit. of New-York as s ;chaft n.s urrerable to tar ac:. atRlad " An ac: to am. ad theseveral nets relating to Lie -s.-ated Banks. Banking Aseo-eiatmns and [adlTBtaal B.c.krrs." passed AMil 17, Itkll.Albanr, May 17, IUIB''tK _Daniel b STIDhTiT. Sapiiiati lea*

|)»ANK DEPARTMENT, STATE OFMM NEW.YORK -The WESTERN BANK rWaatrmrt*r. County. Cambridge, haa tins da. filed n thai officea notice of the a; ointment of Mrss-s IlRCCE X YOCNOof the city of Ail anr. BBAQRNTS fear the redemption ofit* circulating note*, together with a rcvncir:-ri fthi uv

{.ointment of Mr Samuel . Baser, of the rttyol New.York, ass iek ar'n*. ac-ees letathaaeteatttled, "An a-tto smend the several acts relatine to Incorporated Banas.Raiikme Assss i«ti«ns and Individual Bankers." passedApril 17. IUI DANIEL B ST JOHN, Suis-rmten ient

All any. May 19. Ifvil myül m


hu this day filed in this uttii e. a notiee of the a^.s.intmentof the TBOY CITY BANK, in the city of T.ov. asAGENT tor tha redemption f its cirr r.etes, to-(tether with a revocation of the appointment of M< s«rs

GiUsert. C»ht. A Johu«on. af the City of New Y rk,SI s BB seent. arreeakle to the ac' entitleil, "An Actto amend the several Acts rel ttine to Incorporated Ban's-Banking Awnciations and IndrvtdaaJ Banse «." paaeedApril 17, IUI DANIEL B sr JOHN,SoperraUtraiaal

All any. May 19. IUJI no. lot

|>ANK DEPARTMENT' STATT <>FI * BI w Yi'KK The FARMERS BANR IF H \MILTOR CO I NTY (Arietta) haa this day Sled in this ««eear.oticeof the sppi.intnient of Messrs BMITH.CALDERA < (. of the City of Tro; aa All ENTS for the redemptionof its rireulstiny notes, leastkst >.ilh a revoe MuSMI of tne ap-poiBlBiet tofMaarn CAE.W Fl eitiing, of lue t 'i' y of New-York, as such agents, nt raeahss 'he act entitle.! An tetto aasend tha asieial ataa ratetiag to ino>>r;>or,:e.| Baaka,Bans.lie AaaaaarkkaM and Individual Bankers. pasaeil April17. ittii .Aibtay, May 17. ifiii

rclO t,t DANIEL B ST JOHN. SayariBBI ndent


this day Had in this office, a notice of tne appointment ofTHE MECHANICS' and FARMERS' BANK, in tne City.f Askaay seAgnat f.r the reeamptioa ..f it» circulatingBOCee, toset o r with a revocation of the appointment ofMessrs Washburn k Co of the same Citv. aa such Agents,UTaaiMl It the act i lit.tied An Ai t to amend the s»'VeralArts relatirg to Iucorporati d Banks. Bansins- Ash>m latinosi.rd Indiv.dual Bankers." passed Anrd 17, IS.51 Alban»,May !l. IUI. DANIEL B ST'3 6t, Superintendent

r|tI'K.W ELING.a; i RAND EXCURSION TO THER- E WORLD'S FAIR-'The new and splendid Staaatahin

NORTM AMERICA.J H Blrthin, CorrnisnSrr.the fastrs' steamship ib theaorld.aill leave Biert.'.n R for Liverpool. Enj onTl ESDAY, Ii ne rtthlai I o'clock, P MTin« sti aasship isijuiteI. w. having aaly auds three roy-

ages to Chaares, which tlited her sea qnahpea and speedeatisfactoriiy, h< r tm.e a.i diBsvraaj oaehosu and * halffrom the shortest to the a- sal sasaageosttTin skip has in . a ll rnswaodioaa stata-ruoma, (some

ofthem eitra-eiaed taaiilarouaia,) javeatilated thsweanrh >.

oa an entire new principiP, Baa aase furniture and beddingefthc la-st qualit», and a^nle imnnimrdatiirna f..< at ...

sengers.She v, ill take no freight, sad it lUtarelbri eonfedeally eg-

pe< ted that she will n eorj the ijuu »eat paamwi- >.' ui.elnacross the AtlanticFARE- In state room sal ion .fill

In lower deck .100'in Idvanaol aadback. J3o

Na ns m or bertha secured till pa.d forAn e»i< naacad Saiyaua »»:ii ¦.aipani the sh pEorj .iss«ie.a| pb at theoAVe of R J VAN DEW a

TEH. ifj Wi.ti r »t comer ol where ptaas uf thei s bins and st ate-rooms can be seen ,nv tu t o-17


con'i risinr this haa are tbrATLANTIC,Cant vke-t. PACIFIC,Capt Nee,ARCTIC, Capt. Lace, BALTIC, Capt Comtta

ADRIATIC. Capt OraftoaTheeeShipl haveleen I. ult Oy contra«', e»|»rev<'y fir

Gorrrnmrnl sen ice, BVOiyenrg lias la-en taken n their om-etn ein.n. aa also in their Eutni.s, t., hanira streagth andslaved, and their acauauaadatBaai for [samel. are un¬

co,!, fni eleganc. or Puce ,.( ,.*«s.u" fromNew-York to Liverjreal SIM; eaejaai»a es, ef aitra si/e

state i. n.»$3Jj. fi..m Liverpuol bi New.V .r. el', Ana 1111 ii in u1 mii 111 ina alias had In aarh ship N» berth .an

be secured until pnkt for The nwaaiI ef tbsas skipa wlljnot te arroontablc fu gold, Rtn r. b lima. Nsscas, wwatry.pttrious st. ties or inctals. nh-ss b.lls of ladau a e ,^,'nedtherefor, and the ra' e th«rc the eta erprcscl

PROPOSED !>A1 El Ob BAiLlNqPBeatBBw-roaji iRea livektool

Saturdai Ma .1 ISJI Wadaaada) Ma] .?«. is*ISaturdai.. Julie 7, IkibWednewiar lunel'.lh.lSatuidai... Juae 21, llaliWedaeeday June ti, ISSISaturds. Juls t, 11M Vkednemlav Inlv 9, t$i\Satuidai Jul» I«. IRal We.lues.lav Jui. ii. 1811Batiirdsv. Au» I, iBSilWadaeadaj Ana o iswSaturds,. Aug IS, ISi! Wedu. s.Ia> AUSKatiiu.'iii. Ali M,ISMIWadaeadaj Sept J. i8..1Saturday. Sept 13,ISM Wadaaaaal Sent I7.ia.ilbaturdav. Sept .'7. IUI Wednesda;.I let I. ',.1,1Satutdsv.oct ii, ISM IWadaaada) ....Od 1 i, notbatnrdio oct tl. 11111 iTidaaadaj Met '."j. it'.iSattiriii1. Nor », IMllWadaaaday.Nai IS.IMItsafsnrdav. n01 tl lUlliYadiiiiadaj Tim M,ItAIb*t'ii«ta' Dec 1, 'S>i Satnrday l»e. u, Dec ta, lt d Satordae Dec ;7. IUI

E<.rfreiebtorpassaie» to EHWABD K COLLINS,66wa l-«t Nee BROWN. SHIPLEY A CO l.:»-erpmd, F. C. ROBERTS k CO u k.iioA as Yard,LaaaVaa. S Beateeard Mimlaiailia. ParisAfter the 1st of April wit. Ike rate of freight bv th*

above steamers Ir0111 LRaTBaal will be luatei .all. i> daaad

rpHE BRITISH Bitd VORTH AMER-1 ICAM R0YA1 .ViAII. STEAMSHIPS IretweenNEW-YORK i.rd LIVERPOOL twees aad .e*nBOSTON arid LIVEKPtKlL.The Riratanebiaaealy oaB-bat at Halitbt ¦.. load aui ee. >e n.a,ls and i>«e*enge'sARABIA. Capt . AFRII a a RyriaPERSIA EUROPA,R 0 LatASIA, C h e Jndkuss NIAGARAStoneAMERICA N flhsanen Canada, w Harriaua

CAMBRIA. J L. ii..1be*« raaaaR eat' .. .. -ear whit, bghl a' mast head,

gr»«in ui starboard Low r« a on por* »

Dat s '>r <ill ft

ECRoPA. L«*r». trom NEW YORK, Wadaeads M 1

t AMBBIA ..from Boston Wednesday, May'MArKii a Byne,frawNEw YOBK.Wedaeeday.JaaeI1 AN AH v Ii ana.1 ai BOSTON WednewJaj, tun» II

ASIA Junk in*, froai NEW-YOBk LWedaeedai, Jane is

AMERN l.8aaaaoB.ln»*b BOSTON WVluewlay. June ISNIAGARA, stone.11..., NEW-YOBE.Wadaesdsy,JalyIEl'BOPA I^tt. from BOSTON Wedaaaday. Jaly IAEBICA. Rvrie. from NEW-YORK, Wednassda. Jul» I«( AMBKIA. U.t«h.f..«e BOSTON. Wedtaeada .Jol» rjAUA» JadkJaa, froea NRW-TOBK. Wsaassdsv. Ja 3CCANADA. Harms n. troi BOSTON. Wedaeedai A .g t>

AM ERICA. Khaaaoi NE» YOaULWad Aug UNIAGARA st. 1.. front BOSTON Wednesday. Alt' 29At rica. R»rie. from NEW YflRK. W rdaesda. Aug 2'Rl'BOPA. Lott. Boai BOSTON Wednesday, Sept JASIA, Jaauoaa. fraai NEW-YORE Wednesday se-t is jPassage feei Rew-Ye . m Boata to L '.-;ool. flf* j

Berths aet secured unt 1 p.. d I..' Erei-ht wdl t»e aarged |aa specie heyaamaaaasoaaa fest parsoaaTeTpenaes Ann- Ipern med Siireeoa on b«s«r,lAB lottere aad aesrapapers bmbI peso thruugk the p*et-

Ott . I er f-*i*ht 01 . y toE Cl'N VRD Jr M Il.oa-lw.v

Pi*'., b. Gennan au.1 .cner Faaakni Oosala. racaived in e.^simou w,U. Bi.'.s.'i Oo«*** Ta .aiä ti. Is .re go. n .n Havre for N.w York_m*l> tf ,

TI IE PENNSYLVA NIA S f E A M-ship CO.aad LIVERPOOL l Philadelphia

STEAMSHIP CO ataad rs srrnew Steamships ae 1

follow*: i ,\.

CITY I PITTsbi'po r«'t ;v s .;. -.¦


CITY OF GLASGOW. 1610. f.;» Robt I ..'.

(TTYOEPHlLADELPHLA^ir. Capt-raoa rmiinatrrriA

CITY OF GLASGOW. Tbu.-*d*v. DtAJalyI. " z. -

CITY OF GLASGOW. wednesdar. 19th JaasCITY OE MANCHES:LR About txhClt » oE GLASIjOVk welaesda' I'Jtb Angsnrt111* o> Pl'mBlBC. Atwot lat - teaam

RATES Ol PASBAGIhöh rHtLAPiLCMiA «k.oa >s«"

raleawi.le»l>«iars sa.-.u .uu.isea*

CaMa. MDrdlars CaMn -OOa aaaaTha-w .air* ineiude p .¦» .«.» ano lte¦Bra's I e. BWtw e. .r Laioors e h.r h ca:. I* had ou boardFuel el.e stwas . .. ween L..«.->« aad Gift

r.w H.»-e B..tie.da.. l.e«ä...a. M»>' -" * ¦'¦

Mrditrrr.a, au port*. b» a'aicl.» -aa ta tur*!''1Liv rpsajl and thence br tlu line to Ptt-adslphia directw ORLD's FAIR -A traStd number of pas-r-nrer« «n.

be taiea ot 7 a.xa HOKI f>r S20S u t^e *i.ot ... -r

theeabin statt-rooms Tt' arcjinmodafioas BM afteno

Race will be rbond most superior a'. 'i'-" "r"' " * 4

Wlfl f» i-sr-.m aect a) Freight on nne gwals ae* {arttan. and pnmare AB r'*«l* seat to ttie Arenas BS Ph..*-

de.phia and Live-p.*,; will he fe.rwar.Jed with es*oi> **.'

4 ¦. stei ( or f-eicbt .0 a«ea*e app.y to ._.

RICHARDSON WATSON k CO New-Vor» aiii P-..auKit HARrsVON, BROTHER* a CO^-o.


I>ACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM-PANY .OnivTaroura Line frsr CaaabxaBVsiel Ore-

roa.via Chegrvr* dirart-Tare relur^-^i. »11JN IA

DAY May .1.1PM TV »p.en.lid eteamsbap CRESCENTClTi.lJBi* tun*. J J T.aiwr. CMnmaisler. «dI sail 00

Wedneadsy May 2t. at precisely I o'el.srk P M from her

pier st tr.e f.evt of W«TT»n-»« N B witn tii* GsneraraeatMsils for Ckagrae. eoeaertiag wrlk tha favor.te tnrteJeH»te. Maiisteamahjp NORTHERNER, u. ,«ave Panamaoaeratwatth* Uthofjune For frrnght or paaaage. apply.1 aa 1 rj re No* 1* aad ii S»»wth-*t. er at in Weat «

ef Wnn«arfA,,iaa Btolkbt farA. a^.iw

FOREIGN EXPR ESS Sowasa*.franklin -Parcete reeeiwsd mr the >Vm»tm. V

;.»»«.,'..r Hasre «mtB»SM Ml Order* foe the rnnvhaa.,.«1« foiwardtd 1.» her. will be esecotcd by out Fan

*C» i. r. ... l.a.i f .. .1 ;>B.y»« LI VINGSTON. WKLUS * CO ,6 Wall-el

PACIFIC MAU. 8TEAMSHIF COM-PANY .4~tnl» th-otar*. Iii»» for California aad Oreewa

.The i.'iM.r »rr ,nkH«ml that under Ihr new *.ran«e.«ie«tf ::..«<.. sBpemy, *tr*n,ri* m-speclesl and approved by IheKevy D. portwial, ami, ..rr> rw (V Halted <; '.n Mail,".'. :. I'- ... a a id Saa Fran. .»*» .aa th« Island

mt mm, ai.:,«..l.ta.o«d-v .aavoaUbi.and * .11 touch at Acai'uliv. San Paio and Mou

t.V > .-.. ¦'-.[..¦_¦ a; to the Pacific MU

Steareahip Cob -any. .1-.¦ now in tfii Psc.fic. car of whxawjl re >l»i?« :n fort at each tad Of tic rOBBf

Oregon. "¦»<. in*. HepuPiic. ..*.*? tun*.F'.nan a. If) taaa I i" va 'sn tun«*. «*V tun« tVlumtui* *<*1 tun«.

us. :u'.« I.ihm.1».Ntsrüseraef UM ttuss; I 'n - n. Mt tun*.Cd a.M tun» tnii lot*

Frrnont. CvC t..n«Tb« new »t. a - V. (". ,.t>.a w.ll I» t« «¦ S.ui Fr iu

furo aad ;« rta .n OlOCaa, BWaiasBl at IBM f. r i.. t port thaarrival .-I the tli 1» ar.J :-.»sr....«.-» ., I'_aania. andretarnir.s without ilcla.- with th« maii» a,rad latauen .'or the¦toaaserfraai San FranciscoA reft a- -. f preeeüen waM M kept u, for th-r-ar.«

port"* n ff free/At :nd CTiaaacM paaaBBfOfl hctw-en Paiama »nd s i FranesseaTh* »»11 »ii<"« .-.earns! Sarah "Und« f '..X«J tun.« bnr

iUiJj.!HiM Bada* riwtcr t.> the rumpan.« Bad peculiarlyc<>mnt««!io<,* in h»r calunarraueemrii:- w .'. he seiK ruuru.gjtas au extra fanulv >....One fmt at» ». -t. imrr» a>d'i kee;. ui> Ihr connection B>

t»«« u Acai'Uioi and thf oiher Meia-au (.sott*Tb«- o aawrtMai in th«. Atlaut.*- will ba uia...taiue,l bv

l'i.;ti <: Sta:< > M i.l St. anishu»G«< *ra. 3..1C . .ia Cn >crn: l\t«. !.J00 tuni .

Oh:.-. I.aertuns. fhr-ok.c. l.KWtuaa;Km; irr f:f.. ?.CO0 tun* Phjladc Iph.a. I.MI tun«

Lcajmg .v.» YarfcfarCukgrea .>nth«- iithand 36:h»«f.arr- monthThf r.ew «trar* ah 9 BM irado and thf Falnm w I] r.i t

aireetlraa bacwawiWiw<)raaaaa um chvrf«. ifaT'ns at.arh« a« wiil m«urf a« bttla «iaMMan a» paaaaMa «<nihr I«tbn'ii» an.l f.-'m'n* w th ihf Paa-'tw- Stfara«bi'* a'braurli '. n«. t«. mm frwai Ne>»-« »-inni aa.1 |»>rt» in Mf aio««,Calil ..... Paaaan fVoai v. » orw-ana <?au baaacaiw akmstkoni;. LAWKNION a CO.a.I I.U at f .It ... -

The fair fat Ikruiiuli tick.:« l.nui N> w-Y. r» tu SUu P.aalC.!U\ ha.« t. . n :i«: .1. ,1 fro.ii

IMt¦ flata Bnnaaa in . $jjuB9M n L wer t ab.n t.> ."so»;ti- :n Stcerasc..1*1

The rate from New York to Chaanr« will he at thf lowestail..| tf.i by urn} mm «¦ a aaataaay1 atwaaa tJaaaa ;-ort«

l of riMice t brrtaa,anrdy atth> taBre«f the Com «a».M and .>¦> >..iith-st or at Lhatl Aawaav. 171 »nl alat Haw tf

PACIFIC M ÜITSTE\M-lilir« 'i\i-* pany-Omit rkreafbVon tmlaalTiamaaao «TaiaBrtttari d on MOND 1Y, Mai -". al 3 t\ <. th. «;.im-d d <b ublr rnc ci «t.att.alu;'OHIO. J.OVO f t:.« b irthra. J>, i s n c mmaader, will «ad praetaaly at So'eanek, P M from hrrpicrat f.a>t rf w:i-r. n-«t n B withLaa Ootraraownt Ma - tor ChmrrM */M Havami raw.ffr« tran«fcrrr,| .. HamtM lo UM «plfKhil doiible-anaine¦taaawAipFALCON f laacwm ra Irai tta la tha Hi iwillc.nnect arrth the favonta Mad rtaaaaattip n'oKI hkknpk.lo tail frtwa Paaaiaa 00 >.r ibuat laao IS For DwitTbl mratawiirf Bpptj at ÜM ..fTic-. Vi aal BaMBVal or at 177Waat-al mvifitr

SAN KRANCISCO via RIO jind1 YALPABAIBO Ttte aaw aad aplemlM aVwrMa aat pti imabip OOLDCN OATaT.iaTI.Mllaaa h rnan,CBiLala P Pattaraoa, V I Naey. oommamhrr, will have tmaaadiapateb b.r Soa rraaeaaoo, Noapag al Ko. and YabMraiaaTha Ooldaa Gate haa bawa built tn carry Iba U i Mail«r>eImm 11 Paaaam ami sau Fraaoteee, »d..ui'ie«riv e,i »i>.iha> uaaarpaaaed aoooamvalatioaa for ia««eiicera For pa«..... 1 to imwlam) I tBPINWALL,¦yM tawtf it S.i.ith-i.t New-York


CALIFORNIA PASSENGER VGEN-w -'( Y. French1'Hotel, New-York.We are prfpared toinaure a fortune tu prrvme r'tirur to Cilif.nua W.-innteall to call, he ir our etplanation. and jud^e h-r them«el»e«We alao .lenre to find the i»hl limn to tN-.-ome our A>;f ut or

Partner in San Francisco ARNOLD IICFFCM k CO

i 1 KEGORY'S FAST CALIFORNIA" ¦ 1 Kl IGHT, I'\< K lOE in PARCEL EXPRESS-Per Sti un< r« bill 11 It Pi: jon ath %N and ( KF.s< 'EN VCITY.on MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, the Äth an.lrtlth inst Osr net' lefytuif Eipreoa will he forwarded b.the at »e Steamers, in ebaata <d our ennenenced lueuen

Herr«. Me««r» Wilcor k Stan;ela, who will connect with our

prompt lei Inline aianl al Chaajea From the aaMtsse faeilitiee p. by this Eapraaa. we are aaabled la f>rward »,«. « fiom thai city to San Fr.iiu ia«-.! m two days leaatime than la occupied in forwarduit: the i' S 111:1.11«. Farrele received until the aMTaakS of thr day thf «teamei

leaves, and letters until tj o'clock, P M Pacaares, waieAmii*i u all caaea ba ¦alia ithctly water ¦proof, should la.

lift a: tin f!.,. the day prorioi No Custom Hoaaaaltaqmamadi THOMPSON k HITCHi ock.myStaiyM Maaaian ami S|aMa. Ill Taail al

(CALIFORNIA. .TrTaBsportatiori Bcrosathe los.sei Paaaata ZACMRIBBON, NELSON

A Co of Panama, frosa Mien lonu aiporiaoes 011 the lav.lie . »la! liskad tAom »miv iwo. ire ..ell pre;.are.I ¦

tratwiairt freiaht sonase the latamaa. or take rttlsrotifh to

pa.n FranOiaOo, al shippera1 bat ea, b itaeKaee asOOl-T "I jri'iialile ens aan "rsijwt soil pruporty eaareced.aj BN k C«i are m t re«i>ousil.le for daumaeor accident in the.transit The charges of traaapoitatiua to ba on p.o.1 atNew York A rents ra CbasTTOS 7. i< HBlsaM, Nki min feHVASt« Arent in Cruces and Gor< JuilN Fl'.v KFor pnrtienbir«, apply tomlalm* E Z ICHRISSON &. CO W Wall si

INDEPENDENT LINE toCHAGRESM DIRECT.I Throerh lo Calishnsia, at theIna est iidliced lates of f.ue The new and splendid steam-er HKOTHEK JONATHAN, I.MS taaa refsster, harm*provd herself one of thi PiStBSf voaaala 111 th« »vurld, willposit.kI) -ad from Piet '. North liner, at praaiaaly 1I'M on Monday, tb. Mtk .Mat This slsmmai has UtenCoii'triicti d \s ith a view loatieagth and sia ed, has most ei

eel lent ventilation iad itrpariot ¦eeoakaMasttmae, aast srillhe .!'] 1 ed v tli ; r.n: on> at B most liheral manner, withespec al ii'. for the .-.untorts of piLs-.-irers, and is furnishe«l with an uon t ...|i (ut the sat- tran«;aartat.n "f s|teeie,bnil.oii and ulhei salualdes, w itl.t cli.trre lor sums le»sI ban s ,iui Alan an eiponoaoed Sareoaa wheaa eeiwicoaare fVl. Btfl 1 . aaa

\ semeats iviae beea atada wstk Msoars EACH*BISSON, NELSON i. co ,.1 Panama, for the k*Ja ¦¦(Tickets on the PaciSe. a the UNTONaad .aher ladspao.!> id «t. .1111 r-. the ....!.;.« a:. i...< ,-t, ,1 aa*aoa.t huh 111 ,e. s,and pn.vidi d with an oppooitioa to tb< ami) throafh liao,1'. r cht and paaaagl a;.; It tomtit, FMkWt.'tith L MILLS,Attsat,31 CortlajaA-ot

fNDEPEN^ENT THROUGH LINK.i .11.i,>ri |o the inlv I'hrourh Line " at the lowestrate* TkroUKh 1 sei« f..i -air -For CHAORES andRINORTON, Jam'a].Tha at w ami «i.leiMli.l .teamalnpBROTHER JONATHAN, wdl leave puad >« ly aa MON¬DAY. SSth Mat. at 3 P M for Cl,a«-r« s and Kiiieirti.ii Reflast trip to i'haerrei ».¦* at ooaaplmkod ia aathl day*, aad aarhume« arri lup in sin n davs and teen hours Phut* ..Ieabtaa seen aad ;., bartaaai eared at tha lowest rates affan at HERFORD 1 »OS. Aster House. Vesey-st.She will land pissenirer, at Kinirltun on the uutward tripI'n kyhl throorh te San F.-anciseo. 10 cen*s por lb Postureto San i " :u cents iny!7 t'J6

DERFORD d CO.'S FAST EXPRESSMM: CALIFORNIA '».... I -'..-. F.»tae«, ifim'- I iifkta, is Cents en u s.iu-i. Neweisaiwrs J(1:.;. » '.-. .'ram::. I. S3 N e it .....lueut will be. by theI . . in HHO I HER JONATHAN ea MONDAY.Maya M. 1« a PR Small parctls received tillI P M Parkaces ot [..> it* water-proof, received till 10AH Mr rte-t' r. ,, mi ,.,.ea our f'-. .,;>,! and Mailsfrom ( harre« ..! Pmiani: No i > esey ». Aftur Houee,N'ea 1 myU tf

Wj* XTRAOR DIN \ R . i rISPATCH..hudPALMER A CO.' OREAT CALIFORNIA r\-PRES* Qtuokeat baM ever amaw to asm Eraasaaou OurEi| real t Fe». ;>a went Bkraagh m 3.* dar» We will d^patch wit Expraea br tha apteasltd stea.ijhip BROTHER JONATHAN oa MONDAY Mav » Fresrht andPrssar* al rodaaad r.te« I etter Bas-s open until 21 </.esock.> M [mytltf] PALMER a Co ae Br-*adwsy

CHThI.KS m~"lT>OMIS (...rumission. Mirthaal. SAN Francisco. Cat., nf i ...

years' reaideaea at San Francis, j, »oleuts custvaiaeaii,aad ref rate -.t.« psttewtai i-artiei. .

I! Itsrook k Nelson. Erlest .ri A Battell.hi dam. Read k ( u a !*«. Iji^ierre,Shepsrd A ahpkvy, Johu Randrli mil imMWat*

AMIERICAN HOTELs, Paran». N. G..Th > rstalnisbment is the i«rv**t Puiiiw House on

ih. Istaataa .« aBmsted <m baya rrasjad ia the av*>t airyand hes.U.i - lUub of ir city, ami ui ihr neater of euai-

a« *» By kintl and rarefi.l atteatioa. w>-l,..)«r tosUareih*sativiw.i in* Paatv

H CIDION ELT.I r,,^,...«mrii^s* J M STAPLES, ( '


MTaWCB IIOTELs^^1 aassa t Kt. I aaaaao«.auks

**u ) rsaaa*

rpHE IRVING HOUSE, at Ofcafrres,M t alia. W W .. ail.-. «Ml.a'«ai l.t I! \f.. ..

THE PANAM A RAILROAD HOTEL, at Ooi f .oa.aader themaaaaameatad A R MiEoraadJ t OocuierTHE AMERICAN hotel, at Cru-t.,«. under the toan-

aetiaratcf e R IVlsrr snd H Miller, JrTHE l NU ED maies hotel, si Pausas, under

tr.< n.aaaceraent "f Ad ran e Miller_jel PftCUw m~"E.we-to» R *' Fta»ws


(^OMMISSlT)N MERCHANTS, ^97Miiatiiaaio al bctw*ea Clay sad Cummcrca: SAN

FRANCISCO. ( aUunuaaarnaarcBa

E K COLLINS, S« Wail-ttANTHON. J HI.EEl KER. 7 Braau .'« l kits MIT* HEL a < o in waterKPl.iiw k MARCH, ?i Matar-ei * , lio'

1B61. Ga.eria aad Caiearo 11.1.i NION RAILROADTuaii BRANCHES

" ..-..-. rr.en: .After Marl, until fartherI . H --a^s w... rnzi dauy Hhmttays excepted as follows:

nnm mi'seo. wEsTwsapFirst tram wil eare for Aurora at.Saas

~ c-Elrnaadth Chari*« »' . . HThird train, t>tr Eiern St Charle* aad Asrera .' IPM

»na aii aoo. aasTwaaor . mm WiTJ le«»e Aurora W T\ A M ai«l Esc.a

i .11 A JJ

Bee ad inme..: ..a.» r.«i^ »o«i ** t'-a.-i«. t v m

w loan Auroraat.Y\"tS\PlasseLtrrs leavtat- Chica«ro''o ta* % q clumk A m traia

for Aan ra adfl h.o daylarht oa rout* via «Jsrarefo. New¬ark aad Ottawa, and reaek La Sailr sad Peru ia Ume ta

take the eveainr hoe's cn the liliaAss RiverPa*srru.ers ir.t ass Peru sad la SaUe aad latermwLate

poiat. by fh» i.oraia» stas*, will take the teloea P M

traia from Aurora, and reach Chmacv at », o'clock saase

*Istares will coaarei al Aurora aad Bt. Charles tor

Albauf sad B«e* l«l»«d Ahse, at EJfia for Oaleaa, sod¦amBa Wt*t aast NcrUk

john », TVRNER, Sepeviiaesaiewt<^mar,A\Awhmia, a-j.» *»'

VOR NKW-ORI^«M. Imt a.w t..uMreng-.a* stegawr W1NF1ELD SCOTT.MM tau* i urdrn. Capt keeaev Cou.'..*rd w.:: depart frum

N 4. N K at in clock. P M ,ou MONDAY^Janet> or freight or | sjengr appty temyl« US» PA V IS, BRtM>KS klO.N Braver et.

\ E W V <» R K tied I H »RLESTl >.NLvrntAM packet line summer aiThe *teiBi«h MARION Capt M Herr». aadSOI THERNEB. Capt J n. wul ru* u follows.

LEATV n*< TOI« IlAVt MskllsTon.- M L4PMS ~ m- Saterdav.Mnj U»

Marion H. I.. MS ¦¦-' lt. iMsnon .. ttMar»* Jun« 7, 'Southerner Jesse T

erI«, iManen..MWara-n Ii. Swntheraer .. tlSontheraer tt. 'Ilaram tm

I er freight. * hoard, at Pier Na 4 North River,aad tor pavsag. te SPOFFORD. Tl LESTON A 00

ml LmM ti Soulh-s*All tah* of lading a«aed by the Pursar .*J hoarvi.

OK ( HARI.ESToN Th.- favorite Steamah p Sett THEKNKR, fapt J.

Da-ktn»on. will leave reer No ». N K n SATURDAY,Mat list at 4 .. c'. s-k. P M sooesasls AU talks at* *igned b) the purser on hoard Freight W, eaal* pelabac f>aK

u.i.*6 laru f..'i SSn freight apply ¦» Nwid. and f i seasgai to

SPOFFORD, TlLESTON ft CO tl South-*!

\EW-Y0RK tnd ERIE RAILROAD.i a .<>n MONDAY, the t*th met an' the IsHssraa Iibbbbwill lease Nrs-Voti, f-oea Dustiest pter. Bjj rankeraotieeF >r Daaktrt Raprees T>aia« at t A M and* p MMa.! Tram. via fieieie it. at f P MThe Fx n i.. Vi.ii» 1 rs.n ,<¦< u> at flunk,rs with Use

.nlendkd steaaters Niagara, Kc, stone State an«l sjueeaCttJ, ece af arakrll lease-- imatediatcl, >ai the arnvsj ofthei v Detroit dire, t, runniag through a a! out M hourst'er Nrw York to Drtro I. an>t t) to ChicagoThe Morning Et; rr»lrB*a»«nnrct* with splendid steam

l*«st* tor Cleve.and direct, bbs with other boats for Kne,Sanduekv. Toledo, kc Paaaeogr's b] this Lne arrire atCleveland ia ahout tt keurs from New i arkP»s»rnke-« (,¦. PumUo. aa take either Evprr** Tram and)

Irma Bf the Moiaiag Traia at Geneva, at half pest 7,I'M sn.l al BuflaUi lie same night, h) the Evva,ngTraia arnve sari) the aeit ni raing. and pieceest direct haRuftaioWax Traius foi Otis-vill*. at 1 J* P M v * Piersaoat. aad

at t id P M ,rat Datae) et« N M armi, aksareAaqttl« 10 tf

CUMMER a R RANG EM KNT CraaJrb3.>f Hoon \tol H AM APO andPATVKSON RAM KOAlUt-Kaere** Ttaias Isare 8«ffem«, as Mkewa, el on t ie «mi»»i «>t Ike Ena trains At .o'clock A M stoop,ng ool» al Kam«>>'». Hohokua, Pater-saa, Hi rksr'aaad B-almg s^oi'ig, at ti o'cksak A M etop-inng oal> at Paterson aad Room* snung. at IOf o'clockP M . aMapiaaj «ml« at Hoho»,.». Paterson and IHiyyeSpungLea»e NeSI Yolk ales, disk A »I sksppana .¦'!> st Pal-

U Hohukue, at It o'chak I' M stopping; on!? atI i"i ll-'dge. Patersoa aiut Hekokas, St <, l.s-k P M.ftonpmg onl> at Boiling Sprms. It ivler « and Ramses s

]ho Vsiress funs lease slarvct vt station. Patcraoa,fur New V>rk at ». ami lot A M and I0| I'M or on thearrival of thr trams frvm Suffrrens' The up Irams stop atBergen on signal»VAY TRAINS lease SufTerns'al ID an.' Near York

at I, P Ms I- BSON TWAINS ease Patertsss at 7. o*< leek A M

and || i aad Ii e'i <<iPN »Laave New Yert at at and

SUNDAYS Leave Paterson at 7i AM aad io'clock I'M Leava Ncw atfe'etock AM aadSoVlockPMm«l9tf

MORRIS an.l EvSSl.X KAII,ROAI>-^Summer Arrangements l.ess» Ooser J AM

FTesfht; 7 |.i AM and l \ M Laave Morrwtewn 4.Freight. 6 70 AM aad IM I'M !.<«* M.llville J.Pi. si, .Ml.CitM and lie Ik I' AlBKTl RNINtl lFAWNFw ^ollK F r tV.ver I M.

1130 AM Freight, and 4P M Won Mon istow n I M, 11 itA.M. Freight, aad|, t.PR P MiUvills I JO. 10, It MA M Pretckt. tad I, I P MUOVKB PA8SKNUEN LINKS bun lt..»er. 7 ISAM ind IP M Momstown, 7 4J A M and SM P.M.:M idisi n 7 V5 A M and t OPM , Summit, a I) A M andi I P M Mill«ule. 8 33 A M and 3 11PM Orange. I 3kA M aad 3 «8 P M Arrive at Newark t Ml A M and I MP.M.: al New \ork at IBAM aad I M 9 MBKTLRNING I e..»e New >...» .1 t <¦. AM ual 4

PM leave at <i OA M and lltl'MThe Morions poser Train will receive and deliver paa-

s. us., v il Rorkawajr, DsnviUe, Mori - PI «i"«. Momstowa.MadatkNt. Chatham. Summit. MilUi'.le. BtreSSl Oiange andt ii aaae pcia>u »nlv


/mmdia nid IMR()\ RAILROAD¦

1 IM' Bvna NHWVnkk t,. t'Hil IDBLPHIA,leases Piei No l. North Buer, hp steaashoat JOHN POT-TOR, St IAM andtPM lire in 'm'cliss ears, |J ,

second, || To Kieeheld (by laornini line only 171 cents

Euugrsnl Lme.h) steamboat TB »NSPORT. it i| P MFail $1 M IBA BLISS. Aaent

/ 'I NTRAli RAILROA I) of MAN. JklRSKY This line leaves New York PAILY by

it BPD JACRRT, Ptei I, North Btver at 9 A M.¦sengers p VI im cht, and at 1 P M .msengeis and byKm J I Bst. Y R AI I.ROA P loot of C.rllandst at . AM and at it ami a| P M_

HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..New \oik to Poegbk*. ps.e lad AltnaWi hy Railroad

no r ARM PN I A. Bunds«! sie. pled Leave OtBceUtHudson-al ncai Chambers, at 7 AIM to* Poughkeepaie.and all war stations At I A M for Po igbaeepsie. stop-my at Manteitt.inville, Yonkers. Dobbs s b'errr, Ikearatsn.

Tarrytowa, Mm Saat, Froaen, Psekakill, «larnsoa's. ColdPahkdlandNew-Hiaskwrak At \t\ P M tor Pnagh

keeps ¦ aad Sil W «' rtalinaa At I P M tiaui forPn ghkeepeif aad aB way atatsana At l| P M tot Panahko|« riml |,iim ipal Wat stations, ounecta vs lib steamerA .oa f.o Allianv and way pin, es outbe nver At It P MI,,i Peekeklll and w *« stations Leave Po ,gbkne|aue goings lh at 7 A.M.,7| A.M., Ill A M 4 I' M and 6, P MSteamboat traia, leave PeekeLlI for New York at «I AM

n. in oi.ivi.'H II LCR. SupesTaaaaasyal

I\TEvV VoRK BBti N K W II IVENis I A11 ho A II This line lernest ansl st Statues.Aa-

on at 7 A M El lia at I A MI nun. 4AM I > .'I lia, I P M Ac

eaaianalattea 1 rasa for New-Haven at 4PM,sad Onenma-lai.Train Am h.i.i«. ,».ii at j 1; p M l*aaaaafasaare re-

oe iickels before lakins seats in I lie onrsR B MAUoN.f»ii|iennlendenl.

l'iHI Hi» rON vir N E W PORT bar!BAN STATU lesse Pier No 3, North River, ai 3 .. cl.sskDAILY The KM PI BP. sTATK.Cai* Bisyton, on TlfEH-DAYs llll bsliAVS aad SAlfKIH\s Iba BAYSTATE, i a,t aTm Browa, ea MONDAYS, sVRDNBSDAYS aid k RIDAYS Tin« is the rgsjedtraal line Ui New-poit a steamer in aaaanaaaaa with ttu« baa ium to »nafrom Providence

I ISDALL V BOBDKN. Agents Tlsml 71 West st


PROVIDENCE To* steaasera C YANDEBBILT andM t.sSAI III SI ITS, I..... Poo 1 North River. DAILY at

eluck. PM The MASBACHCBETTS, Caat Wai III oa MONDAYS wKPNtsDAYH, aad EBIDAYS, the C YANDEBBILT. Centtaia Je. I stone, ou

1 l ESDAYS, Till R.SPAY.S and SAI'I RDAYH On theal ef these steamers at St..ioiirtrm. passengers proceed

I Baibjo id to providence and Baatoa This is the moet dir. ct ri ute fron New York to Boston Eor passage, ke at>

ph on board or at the other, 111 Batten place

üsTR II a R T PO R D -Dircct^TlirtJ Steamer WORCESTER. Cap! 1 II leasef.. p. Enal R.ver Strand.oat place, P«< k Blip, mr Hartford,.vi MONDAY, WEDNERDA1 lad I RIDAY alternoons, at 4 o'clockEor fnrher informatioa inquire oa laard, or nfmi7 tf_BARTON A WEBB. Ill South at.

MORNING LINE foi \i:u HAVEN,Baaeaeusa MONDAY, May SI in* w, u known

splendid steeasei Al.lDA, Capt BUejo, mm leave Peck *howkarl EVERY MORNINO, at 7, o*i look, for New Haveo.arriving ¦ amplr time to take the sis Lu Hartford. Springb. Id. In .nd n t.iming will leave Railroad wharf. New-Kavvn a' l| o'rlork P Irl or immediately after the arrivalof the Boston train Dinner on hoard Freight taken oareiKonat ie term* Pare te cent* E r f .rther partscolar*

(AMKs B1SH»»P k CO 3 Braver «ktfM lei

ÖRMNG LINE h \LBANY..Th. u. w and ...ganl steam. REINDEER. Capt

AIL.rt Dtgriajt. v..: leave New y..r. from pier foot ofMe,- i .i even MONDAt A EDNESDAYaad FRJDAY MORNING. s»7e clock, and returning leave AlbanyIi ESDAYS THURSDAYS snd SArLBDAyS at the.ami hour making tr.e umal landings each way Cb** Mealsserved aboard Kar» to Newburgh and Po keeiaio JO cent*N B * or turtlier infrirmalion sj.ply to .) A M K1 BISHOPA I O S Beaver vt New-York. «ml


PASSAGE 'iU EN TS Lai.: ug *. c .ggeaa' Dock,»t«t Pe.nt, ' I Sprntn CuravreB *r.d N*w HamburghTh. stranerTHOS POWELL < apt Thon N H-dse. willleave Murray st Pier EVEBY AFTEBNOON at 4.'clod Returniag will leav P -.gftkeepeie EVEBYMORNING at iceksek, aad N.. at 7 (Rondayelaeeptgl PresaM rasen and landed at the drJterent

:;»' e»_mykk l«s*

I^rT~HU I DGEPORT..HoRABtisMkiA SaarnNaufatoak Railr «d-Ea/e III C*nt*.The rfssmsr

NoUWAl.K.I IM Weeks, will leave *:er IJ Pf R foot ofl-bert .. " rUEBDAT and Till RflDAY, at I A M .

ATI RDAY at 10 A M Returning, will leave theRailr-.i.rl D*-s. Bridgeport. r>r- MONDAY vVEPNEg-DAY and FRIDAY, at 7| A M Bridgeport and rtailraadfretajbl taken at reduced rate* App!« on board, er t*> IkeAfi» aa tu* beiN B -The NoRWALK will raa *.»/¦« of ih* ALICE

for a few days, while the latter is hnvmg ¦ new tenter putia and es .Ahersi im- repaired _say' bar1

I >oUGHKEEP8IE LINE «** HA RG ES.WT .1LJNTON, i hm Wiltase. every MON

DAY IX' MAMIE, (apt R'*>»kreu» every THÜR»DAY polOHKEEPSIE Capt Hottman. every SATUR¬DAY at J* elnrk. f ot from for*: of Murray *t for pas¬sengers sad freigat The a»ov* barge* are eiegaatly fur-n jti'd witk »tat* rooaw and «pw ions and comfortable cafs-Bta sail are eip'eeel, filled up for th* comfort aad eaavo-

e.ecce of passengers sad arrive at Preiokkeawae *n lam*

f, it.s >'wr. !.. M.aroo Pine Plaiassiel N*w-Milf.wd Fuvfi.rtha r jiforiuate>u. anpln oa taaud th* isargaa, er toalASm WILLIAMSON k V AIL. 1*4 Waateet.

[5ÖR KEYPORT uh. PORT H A MilR Tos .s'iic JoH S M A e f .eaves ( Lamhers-». j'erdai.v Suiids.« eieeple.! a' S s'l'ek PM retam-,sr .»*.** Ke. ,.,.r at a, i....» s A M .nd.isjr at Fort He**-ataaaaca wa mjii tm*

If Xi I RSfS>N TO 0\K^IaLCE-** M ET KB V -The see steamer ISAAC P SMITH.

» raakeatni t. this heaottfal rr uad, oa MONDAYAlfKkb'siS II.; a. iea. .ig Kre- Y'-rk frosa the fosst.>f Riehmwrn-st al I o'eherk Retornmg at i o'cluekJteark-ing at the bag of Haaunund-et eaei a sj PARK tM

1 -v 1N B The anuaal ssoslasg ef the piet .rwaore w»Jl ho

held at the Chapel at! uVkuck of lb. aarsst 4ay. W» alaet

Tra^for this HAZ>:LBAKTH, rW,*ia,v

«TATEN ISla.\M) S i EAMBOAT..klo. .ml after March IJ. RJM..haara WMuikaR al», JCI J Jaad 7 eeka-h l<gav* Vandertnlt at I, M, It, I, 4 aadlocJock %mM\i