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  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    New Words to learn

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  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    Noun1.mineshaft - excavationconsisting of a vertical or slopingpassageway for finding or mining oreor for ventilating a mine

    excavation - a hole in the groundmade by excavating

    mine - excavation in the earth fromwhich ores and minerals areextracted

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    sepulcher (s p l-k r)


    1. A burial vault. 2. A receptacle for sacred relics,

    especially in an altar.

    tr.v. sepulchered, sepulchering, sepulchers

    To place into a sepulcher; inter.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    huddle (h d l) n. 1. A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals. 2. FootballA brief gathering of a team's players behind the

    line of scrimmage to receive instructions for the next play. 3. A small private conference or meeting. v. huddled, huddling, huddles v.intr. 1. To crowd together, as from cold or fear. 2. To draw or curl one's limbs close to one's body; crouch. 3. FootballTo gather in a huddle. 4. InformalTo gather together for conference or

    consultation: During the crisis the President's nationalsecurityadvisers huddled.

    1. To cause to crowd together. 2. To draw (oneself) together in a crouch. 3. ChieflyBritish To arrange, do, or make hastily or


  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    exult ( g-z lt ) intr.v. exulted, exulting, exults

    1. To rejoice greatly; be jubilant ortriumphant.

    2. Obsolete To leap upward, especiallyfor joy.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    achievement (-ch v m nt)


    1. The act of accomplishing orfinishing.

    2. Something accomplishedsuccessfully, especially by means of

    exertion, skill, practice, orperseverance. See Synonymsat feat1.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    overshadow ( v r-sh d )

    tr.v. overshadowed, overshad

    owing, overshadows 1. To cast a shadow over; darken or


    2. To make insignificant bycomparison; dominate.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    abyss (-b s )


    1. An immeasurably deep chasm, depth, or void: "lostin the vastabysses of spaceandtime" (Loren Eiseley).


    a. The primeval chaos out of which it was believed thatthe earth and sky were formed.

    b. The abode of evil spirits; hell.

    Noun1. abyss - a bottomless gulf or pit; anyunfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity orchasm or void extending below (often used figuratively)


    chasm - a deep opening in the earth's surface

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    Verb1. unleash - release or vent;

    "unleash one's anger" let go, let go of, release, relinquish -

    release, as from one's grip; "Let go ofthe door handle, please!"; "relinquish

    your grip on the rope--you won't fall" uncork - release; "uncork his anger"

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    Adj.1.deafening - loud enough to

    cause (temporary) hearing loss

    earsplitting, thunderous, thunderyloud

    - characterized by or producing soundof great volume or intensity; "a groupof loud children"; "loud thunder"; "hervoice was too loud"; "loud trombones"

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    bearing (br ng) n.

    1. The manner in which one carries or conductsoneself: the poiseandbearing ofa champion.


    a. A machine or structural part that supports anotherpart.

    b. A device that supports, guides, and reduces thefriction of motion between fixed and moving machineparts.

    3. Something that supports weight.

    4. The part of an arch or beam that rests on a support.


    a. The act, power, or period of producing fruit oroffspring.

    b. The quantity produced; yield.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    6. Direction, especially angular directionmeasured from one position to another using

    geographical or celestial reference lines. 7. Awareness of one's position or situationrelative to one's surroundings. Often used inthe plural: lostmybearings aftertaking thewrong exit.

    8. Relevant relationship orinterconnection: Those issues have nobearing on oursituation.

    9. HeraldryA charge or device on a field.

    adj. Architecture Designed to support structural

    weight: abearing wall.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    squat (skw t)

    v. squatted, squatting, squats


    1. To sit in a crouching position with kneesbent and the buttocks on or near the heels.

    2. To crouch down, as an animal does. 3. To settle on unoccupied land without legal


    4. To occupy a given piece of public land in

    order to acquire title to it.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    2nd Text ear

    apart somebody/something also tear somebody/something apart1. to severely criticize someone orsomething The critics toreaparthis firstnovel,buthe

    nevergaveup and finallyachieved greatsuccess. Histeachers torehimapart for cheating on thetest.

    2. also tear somebody/something up to hurtsomeone or something badly The college was tornapartbyantiwarprotests. The families ofthe victimsweretorn apartwith griefandangerandsorrow. Success has a wayoftearing up relationships.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    livestock (l v st k )


    Domestic animals, such as cattle orhorses, raised for home use or forprofit, especially on a farm.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    surplus (sr pl s, -pl s )


    Being more than or in excess of what isneeded or required: surplus grain. SeeSynonyms at superfluous.


    1. An amount or a quantity in excess of whatis needed.


    a. Total assets minus the sum of allliabilities.

    b. Excess of a corporation's net assets overthe face value of its capital stock.

    c. Excess of receipts over expenditures.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    biomass (b -m s )


    1. The total mass of living matterwithin a given unit of environmentalarea.

    2. Plant material, vegetation, oragricultural waste used as a fuel orenergy source.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    fend someone or something off

    to hold someone or something off; tofight someone or something off. Weknew we could fendthemoffonlya

    little whilelonger. They could not fendofftheattackers.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    vegan (v g n, v j n)


    A vegetarian who eats plant productsonly, especially one who uses noproducts derived from animals, as furor leather.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    ranch (r nch)


    1. An extensive farm, especially in thewestern United States, on which large herdsof cattle, sheep, or horses are raised.


    . A large farm on which a particular crop orkind of animal is raised: aminkranch.

    3. A house in which the owner of anextensive farm lives.

    intr.v. ranched, ranching, ranches

    To manage or work on a ranch.

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    logging (l g ng, l g ng)

    n. The work or business of felling and

    trimming trees and transporting the

    logs to a mill. Noun1. logging - the work of cutting

    down trees for timber

    work - activity directed toward making

    or doing something; "she checkedseveral points needing further work"

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    muddle something up

    to mix something up; to makesomething confusing. Youreally

    muddledthelanguageofthis contractup.Whomuddledup the wording?

  • 8/8/2019 New Words to Learn


    ongoing [ng]


    1. actually in progress ongoingprojects

    2. continually moving forward;developing

    3. remaining in existence; continuing