new seventh day baptist missionary society january 1...

SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY 129 Main Street #156, Ashaway, RI 02804 April 2017 January 1 – March 31, 2017 Vol. 73, No. 1 QTR. 1 Executive Directors Report Clinton R. Brown In This Issue Executive Directors Report Board of Managers Qtly Meeting Minutes Investments Report Presidents Report Treasurers Report Upcoming Scheduled Activities: Apr 8 - 19 West Africa visit (Sierra Leone, Guinea) (w/ David Johnson) Apr 22 - 23 Vision and Board of Managers meeting – Ashaway, RI Apr 15 - 27 PastorsConference - Alfred Station, NY Apr 28 - 30 Mission Weekend Seminar - North Loup, NE May 19 - 21 Eastern Association (Missions Seminars) - Shiloh, NJ Jun 22 - 26 Ecuador visit (w/ Saul Alonzo) Jul 9 Qtly Board meeting - Ashaway, RI Jul 23 - 29 General Conference Meetings (USA & CAN) - Azusa, CA Aug 24 - 27 Coordinated Leadership planning meeting - Colorado Springs, CO Quarterly Office Communications Highlights: 2 Sabbath Recorder articles 538 Emails sent / 1308 ministry related emails read 11 Video Conferences 37 Ministry Project Money Transfers T he most significant activ- ity of the first quarter for me was being able to participate in the Sev- enth Day Baptist World Federation sessions in Brazil in January. Delegates from twelve different conferences participated in the business meetings, worship, and fellowship. It was a blessing to all who attended and we each carried back the love of our brothers and sisters from around the world to share in our own conferences. Along the way back I stopped off in the Cayman Islands with Levi Bond of Portland Area SDB (OR) to assess the start up mission among the SDB Jamaican believers there on temporary work visas. We discussed some of their hopes for the ministry and ways that the Missionary Society might be able to help them minister to those God has called them to reach in their home away from home. We pray that they continue to refine Gods calling for them as they seek to join Him in His work. In early March, I traveled to Wis- consin to meet with the USA/CAN General Conference executives and the General Council. At the meet- ings we discussed our plans and how we could complement each others ministries and cooperate to reach the goals we have over the next five years. I was also able to attend and share Sabbath at the Madison SDB Church (WI). Sepa- rately, I spent some time with Nate Crandall, pastor of The Connecting Church (Milton, WI) discussing mis- sion ministry opportunities. Following my talk at the WF Ses- sions in Brazil, I was invited to share some cultural perspective with the DC area congregations. I presented to a cross-section of four congregations at the SDB Church in Washington on March 11, 2017. This Values of Culture Seminar is part of our missions preparation train- ing that we give to cross-culture missions going through our ministry. I intend to incorporate it into our Missions Week- ends session options, also. I continue to work with Garfield on our promotions and the missions currently slated this year, which should involve: a Malawi Music Mis- sion from Brazil, the Guyana Medi- cal Mission out of DC, the Jamaica to US SCSC mission, a Malawi SDB Fundamentals training mission, and possibly others including: a family mission to Puerto Rico, as well as assisting the Brazil to Mozambique T.I.M.E. training program. SDB WF Delegates in Brazil Jan 2017 DC Churches - Culture Seminar

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SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY 129 Main Street #156, Ashaway, RI 02804

April 2017 January 1 – March 31, 2017

Vol. 73, No. 1 QTR. 1

Executive Director’s Report Clinton R. Brown

In This Issue

Executive Director’s


Board of Managers

Qtly Meeting Minutes

Investments Report

President’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Upcoming Scheduled Activities:

Apr 8 - 19 West Africa visit (Sierra Leone, Guinea) (w/ David Johnson)

Apr 22 - 23 Vision and Board of Managers meeting – Ashaway, RI

Apr 15 - 27 Pastors’ Conference - Alfred Station, NY

Apr 28 - 30 Mission Weekend Seminar - North Loup, NE

May 19 - 21 Eastern Association (Missions Seminars) - Shiloh, NJ

Jun 22 - 26 Ecuador visit (w/ Saul Alonzo)

Jul 9 Qtly Board meeting - Ashaway, RI

Jul 23 - 29 General Conference Meetings (USA & CAN) - Azusa, CA

Aug 24 - 27 Coordinated Leadership planning meeting - Colorado Springs, CO

Quarterly Office Communications Highlights:

2 Sabbath Recorder articles

538 Emails sent / 1308 ministry related emails read

11 Video Conferences

37 Ministry Project Money Transfers

T he most significant activ-

ity of the first quarter for

me was being able to

participate in the Sev-

enth Day Baptist World Federation

sessions in Brazil in January.

Delegates from twelve different

conferences participated in the

business meetings, worship, and

fellowship. It was a blessing to all

who attended and we each carried

back the love of our brothers and sisters from around the

world to share in our own conferences.

Along the way back I stopped off in the Cayman Islands

with Levi Bond of Portland Area SDB (OR) to assess the

start up mission among the SDB Jamaican believers there

on temporary work visas. We discussed some of their hopes

for the ministry and ways that the Missionary Society might

be able to help them minister to

those God has called them to reach

in their home away from home. We

pray that they continue to refine

God’s calling for them as they seek

to join Him in His work.

In early March, I traveled to Wis-

consin to meet with the USA/CAN

General Conference executives and

the General Council. At the meet-

ings we discussed our plans and

how we could complement each

other’s ministries and cooperate to

reach the goals we have over the

next five years. I was also able to

attend and share Sabbath at the

Madison SDB Church (WI). Sepa-

rately, I spent some time with Nate

Crandall, pastor of The Connecting

Church (Milton, WI) discussing mis-

sion ministry opportunities.

Following my talk at the WF Ses-

sions in Brazil, I was invited to share

some cultural perspective with the DC area congregations. I

presented to a cross-section of four congregations at the

SDB Church in Washington on March 11, 2017. This Values

of Culture Seminar is part of our missions preparation train-

ing that we give to cross-culture missions going through our

ministry. I intend to incorporate it into our Missions Week-

ends session options, also.

I continue to work with Garfield

on our promotions and the missions

currently slated this year, which

should involve: a Malawi Music Mis-

sion from Brazil, the Guyana Medi-

cal Mission out of DC, the Jamaica

to US SCSC mission, a Malawi SDB

Fundamentals training mission, and

possibly others including: a family

mission to Puerto Rico, as well as

assisting the Brazil to Mozambique

T.I.M.E. training program.

SDB WF Delegates in Brazil Jan 2017

DC Churches - Culture Seminar



Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society

1st Quarter 2017 - April 23, 2017

Board of Manager’s Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 1PM by President, Danny Lee. Michael Spearl opened the meeting with prayer. New members to the board were welcomed. Present at the Office – Perry Barbee, Clint Brown, Julianne Grove, Miriam Berg, Alicia Mosher, Michael Spearl, Amanda Barbee, Danny Lee, David Thorngate, Andy Samuels, Craig Mosher, and Kathy Hughes. Also present via GoToMeeting (Video Conference): Joanna Lovelace, Garfield Miller, Mark Lewis, and Levi Bond. The meeting was preceded by a period of prayer. There were also many topics discussed on Sabbath afternoon in-cluding discussing the quarterly readings in Perspectives (on the World Christian Movement).

Standing Agenda

The President’s Report was given by Danny Lee. Mark Lew-is presented the Report of Treasurer and the Investments Report. A recommendation from this report regarding the Investment Committee was moved to new business. Clint Brown presented the report of the Executive Director. The Report of the Missions Coordinator was given by Garfield Miller. It was moved, seconded, and carried (M/S/C) to re-ceive and approve these reports.

Project Proposals

Rwanda Youth Vocational Training Project: It was M/S/C to approve this proposal with our portion of the funding ($1,861.70) to come from undesignated funds and project fund raising. India Motorcycle Proposal (Andhra Pradesh): It was M/S/C to approve this request for $1,120 with the money com-ing from undesignated funds and project fund raising. Tanzania Music Project: It was M/S/C to approve the first phase of the music project that involves contributing $397.

Committee Reports and Recommendations

Certificates were presented to Kathy Hughes (11 years) and Levi Bond (10 years) acknowledging their years of service to the Board. 5 Year Vision Ideas: Clint presented the 5 Year Vision Report that was first compiled in connection with his meeting in WI with the USA/CAN General Conference Executives. Since that time the plan has had continued revision. Clint asked the General Board to consider that he be allowed to work remotely from the Texarkana area beginning late summer 2017. A committee consisting of Clint, Danny, Miriam, and Mark with Levi as a resource was formed to flesh out the details of such a plan. They will report back to the General Board within 6 weeks. A Bylaw Committee chaired by Miriam Berg was formed. Presently the other members of the committee are Danny, Craig, Mike, and Perry.

Proposals for heating the Missionary Society Office were tabled for consideration at future meetings. Evangelism Committee: There was considerable discussion on the topic of evangelism led by Garfield Miller who chairs that committee. A report will be presented at our July meet-ing. There is a desire to train several individuals that are gifted in evangelism and would be willing to serve in that gen-eral area as needed. Fund Raising Committee: Danny Lee, Chair of the Fund Raising Committee led this discussion. Two aspects of fund raising were discussed. A decision was made to start with raising funds for one particular project. The other part of the report will be further discussed at our July meeting. It was M/S/C that we pilot a fund raising project for wells in Sierra Leone from a public fund raising website. It was M/S/C that the Investment Committee consist of Danny Lee, Mark Lewis (chair), and Clinton Brown. Mark Lewis will continue to have access to our investment accounts for online investment management. It was suggested that the nominating committee for next year be established at our July meeting. It was M/S/C that we ask pastors and mission advocates to provide us with email addresses of people in their churches that would like to be part of our email updates from the Society. It was M/S/C that the Secretary and the Executive Direc-tor review the minutes of this meeting prior to publica-tion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20. Next quarterly meeting July 9, 2017 at 1 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy Hughes, Secretary

Investment Committee Report December 31, 2016

Our investments continue to provide sustainable income for

operating the society and filling in gaps in donations as need-

ed. The portfolio conforms to our Investment Policy State-

ment, and is in balance.

We replaced our former financial representative in July 2012,

and saved significant annual fees from that point forward by

managing the investments ourselves. The new portfolio has

grown at an annualized rate of 8.4%, after all expenses, from

July 2012 through December 2016.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark D. Lewis, Treasurer



Presidents Report First Quarter 2017

I am blessed and humbled to see the work of God all around the world, during the last quarter. As seen through the multiple communications provided by Missionary So-ciety during the first quarter, it is evident that God is at work around the world. My continued prayer is that more and more resources will be made available to the SDB Missionary Society for the furthering of the Kingdom.

Thank you to everyone on the Missionary Society board for the work you have personally done during the first-quarter. Big thanks to Clint, Garfield and Nadine for their continued work last quarter. The communications that flow every month have been impactful for our churches. The fund raising campaign for Spring Church Challenge began and is Underway. Exciting to see if we reach our $40,000 goal. I was able to do the following during the last quarter for Missionary Society.

1. Discussed areas with Clint regarding fund raising, mission trips, etc.

2. Met with Fund raising Committee couple times on ongoing and new programs.

3. Discussed 5 year Strategy with Clint.

4. Shared/discussed Missionary Society's vision with various denominational individuals.

5. Shared at the Orlando Church on Missionary Society

6. Continued studies in the Perspective materials Here are areas that I plan to accomplish in second quarter of the year:

Speak at various SDB churches on “Mission Society, Role and Vision” as travel permits

Continue to work with the Fund Raising Committee, pilot one new fund raising effort through internet.

Work with other Committees as time permits

Attend Missionary Society meeting in Rhode Island during April

Attend and share at 2017 General Conference on Mission-ary Society

How then can they call on the one they have not be-lieved in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

~ Romans 10:14-15

Respectfully submitted, In Christ

Danny Lee

[email protected]

Coming soon: 5) Evangelism Community & World

Get your Church signed up for a

Missions Workshop Weekend Your congregation can have a weekend of training in missions.

The Missionary Society is offering presentations on: 1) Missions Bible Basics (Sabbath School class) 2) SDB Missions Past & Present 3) Culture & Missions Insights & Experiences 4) Engaging the Mission (ways to join God on mission)

Also available: Sermon: God on a Mission Children's Message: Faithful Knights Email: [email protected]

or Call: 401-596-4626 to schedule your weekend



Contact Us

SDB Missions

129 Main Street #156

Ashaway, RI 02804-1703

(401) 596-4326

[email protected]

Visit us on the web at

Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society

PO Box 156

Ashaway, RI 02804-1703





Treasurer’s Report April 18, 2017

Our first quarter income was $45,614 compared to a budget of $32,975, and our

expenses were $39,733 compared to a budget of $51,523, for a first quarter

operating cash balance of $5,881.

Our expenses are currently significantly below budget because the budget as-

sumes the Missions Coordinator would be based in the US all year. The Mis-

sions Coordinator has not yet moved to the US, and we have not begun to incur

the additional expenses associated with the new location. When that move oc-

curs, our expenses will rise due to the costs of health care insurance, social

security and retirement contributions.

We received donations of $24,507 to facilitate specific

mission areas, and distributed $26,343. The areas

receiving the highest donations this quarter were

Zambia, Kenya, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Uganda and

National Church Planting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark D. Lewis, Treasurer