new royal - nys historic...

CATSKILL MOUNTAIN NEWS, MDJLY MARCH a, 1906, FOUNTAIN NEWS. CATSKILL 1.L.1K.ICI: A. SA-N'FOIU.1, Editor And Publisher. TMltM^: ON1C O O I X A R I'KR V1UK, PoyaW* in A4v»np«>. POBLISHWD EVEKV FB1HAV. | Bine II Til." p j .Inly Ki.lWu, as si-coml-flas-i-iini'll'' 1 I uffloe al Mwearplvllle, 18. Y.. a d of cii Mnrnli«, iu7(i.] CIRCULATION. THIS WEEK 1,100 A clint'ite „f ap oonKi will Lie Jiwiil" 10 siil'MTlli- ol ihnnXsimdii c*artfP«f»-W a , , nre not Milwciilieis. rive rents l, 0 ,.i,iivBt'd for oWUiwy poetry, exeliimge column is two mall . tisprflitU-B .i'lnnin-imlil in ndv.-niee. HAD~0Nje GOOD RESULT. jii ;in- r«j»ort of tfo« health off). ,1 eif.ii'BDu in the Courier lj»B* Hinted that one person 1i Si afraid to rubber on l' l.he Bmaillpos Cstfl of Thanks. We desire to extend our ln-iui Ur,t thanks 1.o 111* n l e n d e aoiK'lptdglitiPtS Wl o 80 Kindly flrse-Uted us during the sitknerB and dejMli of our balowsa eon, Milton, We would B so thank ihe achrol lor the beauiitul Ultouto and the chi ir tor tbu pong service widen W«B to well-rendered. MB, and MKB. WI3.LI.AM FAIMBAIBH, Dry Brook, N. Y. 1H H |K j w t l > fl'l El Oamdeu, I all on U "Church ibe •.•• AD ley Baptism. , ,j in mi invalids iliulr in tin-Ice, , jiinlly 1m inly zed woman of 80 was i.i«i>l!/.oil in II liole cut In the .••uiiace of lho Delaware River at i, laal Sund W woman vrae (jjo i i%igon labelled ..if" if tin' pfirttba |i .,.ICH SOAP. .., ,rnl Review thinks the soap .Ine'sB, and the Wee of H, laover. id It's time to qui* ; arid so (O Thu I'aol Is many people wi'l order or sign a subscription par os1 iiuy kind, dpi because th<y ut bemausolh-y don't want 10 DETaLU. GeorgeVullei a business trip to Mingiiieivllle on Thursday. MIPS Maggie /hippieof Oneonta called (,! 11•! -11l« 11 I i'i3 plaoa U^i. weslc, A. M. Russell of New Kingston was in this place on Friday evening and orgsr- leed a fringing class with about 20 (schol- ars. Movl iig Is I he order of the day in this place for the past week. Augustus Redmond has rented B. Slaw- Bon'Bfarmlu Vega and took possession March 1. Elder Thomas Feltraan lind the mis- fortune to find one of his horses dead when lie ent&rod the stable on Sunday morning, Cause of death unknown, Mrs. D. W. Emory spent last week wlth friends In Dry Brook. S11IIH11 Kelly, Jr., bus engaged his ser- vices for the season to Hylvanus Kelly, beginning March 1. fames Kelly haii purchased a cutter and exercises Ids trotter often. Will Pranks and sister, Viva, of Mer- garotvlllo speutSuaday with their elster, Mrs. Able Fuller, Mrs. Blehat'd Haines visited friends at Arkvllle aud Knlly Oirnei'S last week. Mlaa Lucy Kelly has engaged her sor- vlons l.o W. Morse at Denver for the tea- Bun, and commenced her work March 1. Mies Viola Redmond Is spending a ftw days wiih her sister, Mrs. G. O'Kelly. Mrs, Thomas Felunan is seriously 111. 8. Slauson of Vega called on friends In this place last week. Thoiims Dwil'O and family of Arkvllle visited fi lends in this place last week, Lenndor Loomta aud wlfB have bei u spending a few days with Postmaster M. A. Bellows. Mr. and Mrs. William (Jarey called on fib'iiilB In Kelly Cornere last week. Mr, and Mrs. Pierce have moved from Haloott to this plaoa and are oooiipylrg a I'lul of the house oooupled by Orvllle Ullle, having rented, wo learn, i.hat faim for the season, William B. Kelly and wife of Vega spent 1 timidity with fileuds In this place, Daniel Baufonl lias rented the fa-m of Mrs. Silas Bllsh formerly occupied by Augustus Redmond, Possession glvon Maroli l. at the shore, from tne wagon .,• cabin to be dressed joey. In llglifetl kind of rubes, she WHS rolled In the to the river, where men had -Ut a ,,,,!,- j ut eight feet nj-unre through the i,vit-l!iirl; Ire. Those who had accom- panied her sang hyrmie, while Elder Caleb Shinier, stood waiting for the parly in their bare and dressed In Ulnar,}' robes, which the wind tossed about with abandon. The eldeiB gravely stepped Into the freezing water up to their arm- pits-, the candidate was lilted from the invalid's chair aud handed to them and they Immersed her once. The congre gatlon sang more hymns aud the aged woman was taken back to the cabin to don dry clothing, while the elders, in iheli bare feet, stood upon the Ice and conducted a brief eer vice. The woman was taken to her home, droning some familiar airs on the way. Best Stock Hay $15 1 have just received a large shipment that will be sold at this price tor a limited lime. Prime Cottonseed, per Ion, - - - V' '" Anneiican Ooltonsct'd. per ton, Hominy, per ton, Best Wheat Feed, per ton, Flour, per barrel, - £8 75 23 00 to 21 00 24 00 to 20 00 6 75 PARKER', THE FEED MAN,_MARGAR_n^LLE,Jk_Y. FURS Rjpa.lraJ, Ke-llned, Be-dyed, Kemodeled. GENU i H E FURS ALL. AT ATIBAOHVE PRICES. SSEDE'S,, 42 West 34th Street, E-tablisbed ISM. NEW YORK CITY. TOM WATSON'S MAGAZINE. "The Magi zlno Thut has an Idea Back of It." Unvo you heard that Hon. Thomas E. Watson oi Georgia has begun the publi- cation of a mogaelne? .ijVou kuov; who Mr. Watson l«? He's the nia.n who wrote "The Story of France," "Life of Napoleon," and "The Life and TlmfS of Thomas Jefferson." He was the People's Party candidate for President last year. First number oi Tom Watson's Maga- zine was published Pi-ibruur. 25. For sale ut all IICWB stands — price 10c. By mall, $100 per year. You will miss the most lotereBtiug 120- page magazine in America you fall to get this number, Aek your dealer for Torn Wataon'a Magazine—ot, better still, Bend a dollar for a year's subscription to TOM WATSON'S MAUAZINU. Jai Weet 12nd Street, Now York City, N. V. OTATli OF NEW YOIIK, SUPHEMK O Oonrt, (..'oiniiy oi Delaware. Ttobeii », Smllh vs. Elizabeth A. Dallcy Te Hie above niinierl ilel'eiulant: Vou are hereby summoned to answer the ceniiilalnt In this action, and io serve a cony of vimr answer on tlie plaintiff's attorney wlrhin Iwentviluvs after the service of this summons, exclusive 'of the (lav of service; and, In case ot your failure to appear or answer, judgment, will bo taken against you by default for the relief demanded hi the complaint. Trial I e lie held lu I lie County of Delaware. Dated jits ad day of February, loos. HOUTOM & IVES, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Office and Postolilce Address, Roxburv, Delaware County, N. Y. To Elizabeth A.Dailey, Defendant! The fort-icing suimnuns Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of lion. John P, (Irsnt, Judye of Iho County Court of the Count v of Delaware, N. V., dated tliellli day of I'cnruai'y, 180S, arid filed with the com- plaint In I he olllee of Hits Clerk of Delaware Ooilhly at Delhi, N. V., February 1OI.II.1O0B. BOUTON & IVES, feblTWO I'liiintilf's Attorneys. Ollioe and I'ostolllce Atldl'OSS, Jtoxbury, Delaware County, N. V. Convulsion, FitS, then Epilepsy. Dr. Miles' 1-Lchtorative Nerv- ine has been so successful iaa curing these brain-wrecking diseases that there is every reason to believe that even the most hopeless cases can be benefited, if not fully restored. We will be pleased to refer r.ny one thus afflicted to many who now enjoy the blessing of health, after years of hopeless suffering. "1 have a son that bad tirnin fever when two years old, followed by fits of Iho worst type, and he was pronounced Incurable. 1 spent hundreds of dollars for lilm, without relief, After about fifteen years ho became so bad that we sent him to LongeliH hospital for the insano, at Logansport, Ind. He was there nearly three years, but he con- tinued to grow worse, so wo brought him home July HO, 1001!, in an awful condition, Ho had lost bis mind almost entirely. He hardly know one ot the family; could not. even find bis bod; was n. total wreck. He bad from 5 t o 10 fits a day. We wore urged to try Dr. Miles' Nervine, and before the first bottle was usied, we could see a change for tbo bolter. Wo have given It to him over since, and lie baa bad but two very light spells since last August, 1003, nnd then be was not well other Ways. Wo pronounce him cured, an ha caii work and go anywhere. If any one wishes to ask any questions concerning tills, they are at liberty to do so." E, H. BUNNELL, Lincoln, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine IB sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will beneTlt. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind New Royal SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE BY B. L. SEARLE, Margaretville, N. Y. Just R w o r d bO the public nbinjl. lb le watehHH aud j -weiry - . Does your wwieJi neel clenniiigi' DOCK your watch iiee-J oJliiigV 1 Is your clock dirty:' Docs it stop now iiriil iiioii':' Do you need a new watch or clock ? Are your rings or l>ruocl) settings safoV Are any of the prongs which hold the stone worn off? Is the eye on your watch cliarni or pendant wearing to the danger point? Does your jewelry look soiled or discolored? These are only a lew ihlnga to think shout. Just think what these might cist you If you should let, tboru go too long without, repairing. It, will cost you nothing to havw theat ex«mined at HOWARD L. HEWITT'S, Roxbury, N. Y. Repairing a Specialty. ALL WOKlt GUAFANrEBD. NORTH SOUTH (EAST WEST IWAL'THAM TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY. These are the dnya on which S. W. ETTS, llerinnn Fuller has engaged hlH scr- vlei'H to Joseph Bellows and lute begun hie work, Oscar Kelly assisted George last weak In the wood business, Fuller A CARD. We, the undeiBignetl, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If 11 fails to cure your cough or cold. We alao guarantee a SB-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded, Swart &. Illtt, Margaretvllln; 8, Korn, Arkvllle;'/,.F. Senile, Kolly Corners; W. M. &Q. M. Griffin, Halooltvlllo. A Song of the Mountains, Where the Catskills Lilt Their Summits to the Sun, Words and Mualn by Alex. Granl Jack- son. An a'.traoiivo new song. Ask your music dealer for It or Bond 25 cents ntitl receive a copy post-paid. ALEX GHANT JAOKSON, Margarotvllle, N. Y.' the GltlFFINOORNlCUS Butcher, visits Margaretvllle. Prime Beef, Pork, Lamb, Etc. Choice Western Beef, if you w'sh htm to call send postal curd to him at GrliBn Corners. . . . A. C. FENTOM, Lawyer, Margaretville, N. Y, Office In Myers building. SPENCER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Incorporated.) .. Kingston, N. Y. I'-Iirj'lSENTM Y15AII. 'thorough hist ruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Peninanslilp, Uook-kccplng, Business Arithmetic, Correspondence, Spelling, Commercial Law aud Kngllsh. . . . OPEN ALL YEAR. Pay and Evening Sessions. Admissions at any time. Personal attention is given lo the spe- cial need of each student. Wo have prepared hundreds, who lmvo secured good positions. BOARD AND KOOM S3 PER WEEK. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. JOHN J. MORAN, IvnlnHoiili CHARRLES L. LIELLY. i' 'h' We Sell Them and Repair Them. Repair Work Guaranteed. A FULL LINE OF JEWELRY, SILVERWARE Catskill Mountain Novelties Everything usually kept iu a iirst-eloss Jewelry Store. STEWART, THE JEWELER, NEXT TO POST OFFICE. Deserved Popularity. To cure Constipation and Liver troubles by gently moving the bowels and noting as a the liver, take Little Early Risers. These famous Little Pills are mild, pleasant and harmless, but efieet- Ive nnd sure. Their universal use for so many years la a strong guarantee of their popularity and usefulness. Sold by B. L. O'Connor. llOml The Sunshine of Spring. The Salve that, cures without a sear Is OeWlti'e Wltoh Hazel Halve. Cuts', Burns, Bolls, BrUleea and Piles disappear before the use of this salve as snow before the sunshine of spring, Miss H. M. Middle- ton, Thebes, 111., snye: "I was seriously oflllotod with a fever sore that wan very painful. DoWltt'e Witch Hassel I Salvo cured tne In loss than n week." Get, the genuine. Bold by E, L. O'Connor. Lettuce, Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Oranberrios, Cu- cumbers, Cauliflower, Ripo Tomatoes, Etc, Etc., Etc., in great variety. One of the Largest Stocks in Town to Select from. Fresh Candy. I. LOCKWOOD. Book Binding. T!;e Kingston Freeman Printing Estab- lishment has been lilted with the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Special Blank Books, And for binding and reblndlng Law Books, Magazines, Art Books, and BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, The Lai est Styles, Reasonable Pricee. If you have any books to be bound or rebound, write to The Kingston Freman (Binding Department.) 18 Ferry St., Kingston, N. Y. uijil The Ulster & Delaware Rail- road Company is preparing to issue its annual Summer Book for the season of 1905. which will include a complete list of nil hotels and boarding houses (in the line of its road, and FREE representation may be hnd in this list by sending the following infor- mation i Name of proprietor, post- office address, nearest mil j'ond station, miles from stn,- lion, number accommodated, tonus per week, Any one de'stying to hare tlieir hotel or boarding house rt-|.rcMj-enled in a full page advertisement may do so at n, moderate cost as coin pared with the price charged for other publications of this na- lure. A representative from ih'w offioe will visit the sev- eral towns and solicit advor- llsing, explaining the terms, "|C. All Information for the book should roach this olllee Hot later thnn Mnreh gOlh, N. A. SIMS, (Jeiieral Pasnongor Agent','' Kingston; (fiomlont miu N. V, Get Ready lor Washington. The West Shore Road announces its first finally excursion in Washington Oily for Thursday, February 23, routed via Mm Pennsylvania Road, Through sleep- ing curs will be run from Syracuse and Albany and tickets will be on sale at all stations from Syracuse to Hnverstraw Inclusive, Including iho Wulkill Valley Koad. The maximum fare will be Jilt) with the usual ten-day limit, on llrkots, and stop-overs at Baltimore, Philadel- phia and New York are included. Lay your plans now to take advantage of this trip. Parlor Pride Stove Polish. LIQUID—ItlMUY FOB INSTANT U;.IC. A few drops of Prtilor Pride Stnvo polish gives the stove u brilliant lustre shine, making the stove fit for the parlor, No soiled hands—cany to apply—always ready. ItKjulies uo water or mixing (wafer tmntl In pusto pollHh rusts the stove). No drled-up paste remains after using awhile. Pat'Iol 1 P/Ide good to the hist (hop. Hold by all dealers. Large, sample bottle free (m express or poa- tage to puy) Give inline of your dealer and address Parlor Pride Manufacturing Ci,, BOBtODi MaBB, 2}-l Solid Subscription Bargains At RocK Bottom Prices For the Milne riiiiir.n season ol ri)O.(-05 \vc present the following eerier, of spoclnl subscription bargains. These coirlDlriRtlont and premium offers present incomparable bargains in that which is best in wliuleaomc reading. Three li\compa.rable Svubscriptioa B^rjajna Pearson's Ma^&zirvc, one year . Any one of the following clolh- bound copyright novels worth $1.00) Both for 1.50 j $125 Dorothy Vernon df 1 Indtlon Hall Bv Clmrlis tiUijar 111" .ilustor Christian /) v j)f a ,,- e Corellt iff, "'" , 1 '". lacl! o t l h o KI "H By J>\ Marion Crawford Th(i Vlralnimi., j By Owen ll'urer . ,'« f; 1 isli |; By Wimton Church III 1 ™ Cuvnller -.,By George IK Cnite The IMIaoissippI Ikibblc Bv Emtrtton I laugh The Right of Way by Gilbert I'nr/mr David lhirimi lly Edward Noses Walcoti The Hound of lho Baskervlllcs A. Caiinu Doyll When Knighthood v.ns In Mower By Charles Major Castle Cinneycrow By George Bnrr McCutehean NOTI?., •-These books arc not a trashy edition bill handsome olOlli-bOHtitl books tlioitol them originally published nl IB1.50 We pay lU'llwrv ciiflrgCH, - l''01( HAlihl Itei'lili'lit'iMtiiiliillliioprnp. .xl.v nil lho prliiitlpal lliorouglifare In iliircai'ifvlllii, Apply tu \V, II, AiTiA- uijN, Mnrgarolivlllo, N, V, T"!,,', , ul l' U ( l F THK STATE QIC NEW Huott, AiiUipw sirniiuowiiy, T. (.'. Btraiiuowav, llolcii tllmlHliuiii, .liiineH ],ee rHti-iiiiuowav llitti ll.i, wiiiiiuii lnaafis, TiioiiuiH iliisnii, ir. ItOfltlno Albei'M, lliiw-l Tweedle, Agnes N, I weedle, Alum Vt-ilu Huott, Amies TWuOtllo Miiry MolJoiinlt. bl//le Ijddliiw, Mnry Ooyo I Wl lliiin D.siiMiii, linvld I„ Blomi, Cllll'lt Miv Diiig, Biyitii p, G htlsbno, John ls.«ti'ati8owiiv, .lllineii liiglills, Kobei'l ,'ieiill, Wllllliln Hum' Agnus Hrjott. lSlln Mend. MI'S, Bar Wlillnev Mrs, m, riuTle, Andrew t, Blratigawtty. i,;ii,,;i.' bi'lh l>, simiignwiiy, Wllllinir ,1 Stl'lft BulViiv. iMill'Kiirel K, l-'ell lloflti A. MoPhoi-8011iWrfll tor jJiBH-itiiaoway, wiiiimu uilh-tis, the iiuh'Hof Illinium Hh'imgewiiy, ileiieased, whoad iinuies mill pliuii.'H nl lesldeneo ni'e luikuuwir, Hid helm p Niiimv IjiiildU, (lutitiiatit i wlios i ait ml plni'i'iiiif rimldfiieii arc iniltiiowii: Kiln hllunv liciiiiy Hii-jinguway, iMiu-gavui. K. (iliid.-iUim''. '"'iid llieelliiir;. Tiiiin. ffi WV WliiHigcwiiyiiml AVIIIIinri 1.1, i-mi i , ll! !i ll,ll ,\ 1 >' "I'liHi'i In the Hiiii-niiiitfi'ii ,• •' l " I II- i.'niiiiiy of IH-liiwai-e, le Ii VII n ! u iisli-lllnen f Ii, writing ,-elnlng In |,„t|, nil'iSff U J S W ' "'" ll1 '- V pi-nved HH llm I. n}" ," ' Hl """'(" "J WlllliiniHIniiigowiiY, Ii, ,,r, ' voV, n o'! i" f n '"'llclow-li, (U-tK'iise, 11, i i I'K, . ii ' , I'i'u 1 ' "'y""' "«'" eltrul It. i M I R i "I'I', 1 ! l,n ' " l i " P I - lid Hiuto- gnie s (lilm-, In the villi in nt Hliiinfriril liiln aware ('mm y, tin I in iHttliu- til Aui-11 ioli/?nV b'li o'eliu-K ll llm fni-OlltiS lofl111 I ill v i'i,uiirfn.1 Ihere In nlli-nd llm |,r,,|,M|e nl"tl i, , J ||| ffl' ! mill Inn iiiiienl, "' ""' And It any ul Ilia liOi'Hoiil above mimed hit iiiuli'i- tin iiue id liven y-nne yearn, l -y ,,' Hiiiuli-ci tti npiii-ui by llielr uniiernl itniivdliin If lliey IIIIVII tine, or/If fliey linvn iloR! InI till P!'! 1 !'..",' 1 ."J', lu.'fm-ii.. (lie .-mill refiii-n day mid (iplily In int. tinni-(,'fin- tjin aVii'iiilnfiii'ii'ni,iii"i! itmliil (linii'dliin l,n itipresclil, auiliiul, liirllimii hi Hiinli iii-neeedliinil, ami 111 the event uf llielr neglmi hi- in In|'« to do ho.iv glinrdlnu will lm ii|'|niliiled by llin Biii-reflfito foi-atioti pni'iirmn, i, .i //••'iSNlhmiiivMii'i-i'r, we hiivoiiiiliNiid In. H,.| (lm Hani of (iflloo of our HIIIII HIII-I-II- auii. K'Jlf.'J.' ''I 1 lierimnto affixed, WlhliiHH, JOHN I', LIltANT, HniTliltiitti of S I" SS. n, W '" ""»H, Mils lllfh day nl 1 .Inn |. ,Mh umn, u. A. e^AliHON, J |lJ ' Olel-k In Urn Htii-rogiitn'.'i (inurt. it A ir ' I'i P M " » 2 M I \°hM a » «" 'now ill H, AUt'lllllAbD, Now IClligstun. Our Special List of Periodicals CIO.SK A Pearson's Magazine . , , $i Success . . . , , I Cosmopolitan . . , , j Leslie's Monthly Magazine , , j Good Housekeeping , , , i American J'")' . . , , t CIrw.N «.» Review of Reviews , • , . $2 Outing- 3 Smart Set , , , , i> Independent , , , ', z Booklover'.i Maghzlno . . ,3, Current Literature . , , 0 World's Work . . . , 3 l.lpplncoU'.s . , . , , 2, Spoolo,! Class Country Life In .America Woman's Home Companion , Harper's llnznr , . , , Periodicals nr ni-cniliitnn rnny he seal 10 nnc, or ilirrcroui addresses, nnd mm- lm either new or renown 1 nubscrlpilons, .$2.00 PP,ARSON'S Olio Year 81.001 SUCCESS ." 1.00}• All for, lMl'EhlAI, SIIAITCRI'liAgE j 00 | THE IMI'RItrAl. SHAHpSPRARB Presclila In one oervlcenblo volume iho Uiltty-eluhi ereat vorlis ortholmitiortal uarcl,—i\ta nftlio VI,1UIIII' nine by foijtiqqn lu^liei. Ktr,.ni; |,u. l.i,nii l.lmllii^. (Wo |,,iy delivery ollnrsefl.) $3.on 1.00 1.00 Miigaiilnoroiiiliii'iiliiivoriitniil(il>mlni| I'MIIIIIIII'II a,, ll,''|i,il„Mlr,'illii .vlilril, itiKvrilM-nvn nii'l rnirin fliil lun olwmolor (,f aurl, inni.inal ftronglli in lo hernmn a iinpiiliir licro.of lho Hay, 'I'i,,. 1 ntnipiu ortlirsn 1 i:,\iiHo:ini:uln eliiirae am nre PA l"t'A IN KH!'l"l'l,1,i I'hiin far Ilia uoiiihii! year Inelmle 11 now utrlaa or J,l\"" 1' J 1 ''," aU'JlPP.or.O»iJlHlti K'ttl", mill ti mny ii'rlc-inf llbiiorti S VII er en hy A , ,IW lll-WAItli ? >,', 'n',', 1 ' WKbhBfof'Tlii. Wnrol Tim Worlds'' 1 1! ," I ',' ',"i * I'.'Clnbioiil i'onlnbnior Willi n norlon (if 1 „,' m"' ' , ' lc l,ll °, 1 ' 1 !' (l rt M I'tilH upon sueh seriil- fflyVf .'." » lv " '" [l » """'I oitlr'ivnnniil plot, or ivii'!,','',',',' 1 '' 1 Vl'invlndru iiiiih. F. lOOttltMnHY B.MHII wlllcrcnli niiriv l-innnmr honiol proiiolini'ttl PirtSf '!!X>'"' lv f"' " ni, V 0M r «liniMionSol 11111 very rloh Airiorfon is wlm dwel In 1'nrls for iiliiiiiniiiii'nt'j an to 1 hu( who at lionvt lmvo llm tnVn I. uo: and ctMli aiill-ll oriWi-uoi nliVinl-!,. lVMv ll'.DIUII,,. ,III„ ban in iiri'piirnt nil I'm 'MISOH'II a iroiiioiii (mi .1-HI.H of iiiliid( 1,.milled 1 '•V% ,l /!?/"iJ ollhlt,a,,i/,hr." 'l'imai. mlli'li'ii will si Br' itlca M II fitlsta, ooSll^KipuWloi'l'ly' lo^lay!" 1 " 1 A 'lVii«\'iiliinie got ol tho Works ol EDGAR ALLAN POE TOnUTHMI WITH A yBAR'S aiJBSCKII'TION TO PD*HS0N'S » AN " A VEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO SUCCHSS Tin; POE Sin; l» n lioajitlfui Library Pocket million, printed nil lino paper, clear l)|»','l"ll"l",nil'li,ivcr;,i lorn Hat bat!;, with III III, ami tl,' an. ilior'aporiraU [inrUlgilatilreoiiibellliliticlnit I lie cover 1 each idcely bo,"d. Wo pay delivery eharocn, Special Comblnatrior7 Offers*" PEARSON'S One Yonr jt.ool ,, ,, , , . . „ Succ-ltss " 1,00/ I)otllfo1 *'•*" Any oilier piiblli-allon In t'lniii "A" rnny ho auhnlltiileil lor Rilcocaa. CHEAP, Some of Our Unseasonable Goods. The Big Bargains are Yours. Come In. I'M ARSON'S SHCXKSS lUui'iin's n,t2,\n Any puhlleailon in 1 PRARSON'H Ui-rmcori-'s or SMAIIT SI One S'em- $1.00 1 i.tntAII throe for $31,00 1 . „ , . '-"°i JLL—ZJ-.™'!'. 11 . 1 " 1 '" 1 (f "' Harper'n tlaiar, Olio Your $1,00 1 11 ,. n }.Polli for $2,SI> Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes PEAHSON'S KRVIJIW or ftitvntwa iMIiltl-ltKllllNT Olio Yclir fi.nn ) J.joj" Iliilh for ,$2.7fl One Yenr PEARSON'S ClinllltNT tdTKRATeilK blt.HI.IIt'sMllH'llll-VMAO.UINIl" Anv |inhlleat|on In Class "A Monthly Mouatlne, 3ioo|AII Ihron tor $,1.00 1,001 limy he. »ub.itltut.ed for l.eslln'n I'liARSON'S Suucttea OPTIHI-. 1 Any niher publlrallon In Claan Ono Yonr I'KARSOM'S WoRl.ti'a WOIIK WOMAN'S MriMB CnMrANinn " An)' nulillenlloii In' Clan, "A llornn t'rirnpnnlnn Ono Vonr jt.on) i.on }• All iln-oo fur jrY/,00 .I,™' 1 11 " "'ay lm 'uilinillnli.d fm Onllni;. Gloves, Mittens, Etc. Men's, Boys' anfl Ladies 5 •1 11A l; Ul ilin-ofnr *»,.?.» 1,110 ) may ho ,1, ,ii;„h ,1 for Woman's I'I! ARSONS Wom.ti'n WOIIK CoUNrnv birn in AMKIIICA ' Huccnsn 1 Any imbllemion In Olaan "ll One Your $i,no ;|.oo ipso I,no iniiylieiuilinliiiled lor Wrnlil SKND Ahh ORDKVItS TO Any two class A Current Literature Any two class B ubscription Agency, ^ Jhriarai VII four for $,1,.?H Wtnl;, Sweaters Men's and Boys'GAPS oi. GROCERIES OSBONN &, BUSSY, Margaretvllle H, Y.

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Page 1: New Royal - NYS Historic · PoyaW* in A4v»np«>. ... We, the undeiBignetl, do hereby agree ... if you w'sh

CATSKILL M O U N T A I N N E W S , MDJLY M A R C H a, 1906 ,


Edi tor And P u b l i s h e r .

TMl tM^: ON1C O O I X A R I 'KR V 1 U K , PoyaW* in A4v»np«>.


| Bine II Til." p

j .Inly Ki.lWu, as si-coml-flas-i-iini'll''1

I uffloe al Mwearplvll le , 18. Y.. a d of cii Mnrnli«, iu7(i.]

C I R C U L A T I O N .

T H I S W E E K 1,100

A c l i n t ' i t e „f ap oonKi will Lie Jiwiil" 10 siil'MTlli-ol ihnnXsimdii c*artfP«f»-Wa™

, , nre not Milwciilieis. r i ve rents • l,0 ,.i,iivBt'd for oWUiwy poetry,

exeliimge column is two mall . tisprflitU-B .i'lnnin-imlil in ndv.-niee.

HAD~0Nje GOOD RESULT. jii ;in- r«j»ort of tfo« health off).

,1 eif.ii'BDu in the Courier lj»B* Hinted that one person 1i Si afraid to rubber on l' l.he Bmaillpos

Cstfl of Thanks. We desire to extend our ln-iui Ur,t

thanks 1.o 111* n lende aoiK'lptdglitiPtS Wl o 80 Kindly flrse-Uted us during the sitknerB and dejMli of our balowsa eon, Milton, We would B so thank ihe achrol lor the beauiitul Ultouto and the chi ir tor tbu pong service widen W«B to well-rendered. MB, and MKB. WI3.LI.AM FAIMBAIBH,

Dry Brook, N. Y.

1H H |K

j w t l >

fl'l El

Oamdeu , I all on U

" C h u r c h

i b e •.•• •

AD ley Baptism. , ,j in mi invalids iliulr in tin-Ice, , jiinlly 1m inly zed woman of 80 was i.i«i>l!/.oil in II liole cut In the .••uiiace of lho Delaware River at i, laal Sund W woman vrae

(jjo i i%igon labelled

. . i f"

if tin'

pfirttba |i


.., ,rnl Review thinks the soap .Ine'sB, and the Wee of H, laover. id It's time to qui* ; arid so (O Thu I'aol Is many people wi'l order or sign a subscription par os1 iiuy kind, dpi because th<y

ut bemausolh-y don't want 10

DETaLU. GeorgeVullei a business trip to

Mingiiieivllle on Thursday. MIPS Maggie /hippieof Oneonta called

(,! 11•! -11l« 11 I i'i3 plaoa U^i. weslc, A. M. Russell of New Kingston was in

this place on Friday evening and orgsr-leed a fringing class with about 20 (schol­ars.

Movl iig Is I he order of the day in this place for the past week.

Augustus Redmond has rented B. Slaw-Bon'Bfarmlu Vega and took possession March 1.

Elder Thomas Feltraan lind the mis-fortune to find one of his horses dead when lie ent&rod the stable on Sunday morning, Cause of death unknown,

Mrs. D. W. Emory spent last week wlth friends In Dry Brook.

S11IIH11 Kelly, Jr., bus engaged his ser­vices for the season to Hylvanus Kelly, beginning March 1.

fames Kelly haii purchased a cutter and exercises Ids trotter often.

Will Pranks and sister, Viva, of Mer-garotvlllo speutSuaday with their elster, Mrs. Able Fuller,

Mrs. Blehat'd Haines visited friends at Arkvllle aud Knlly Oirnei'S last week.

Mlaa Lucy Kelly has engaged her sor-vlons l.o W. Morse at Denver for the tea-Bun, and commenced her work March 1.

Mies Viola Redmond Is spending a ftw days wiih her sister, Mrs. G. O'Kelly.

Mrs, Thomas Felunan is seriously 111. 8. Slauson of Vega called on friends In

this place last week. Thoiims Dwil'O and family of Arkvllle

visited fi lends in this place last week, Lenndor Loomta aud wlfB have bei u

spending a few days with Postmaster M. A. Bellows.

Mr. and Mrs. William (Jarey called on fib'iiilB In Kelly Cornere last week.

Mr, and Mrs. Pierce have moved from Haloott to this plaoa and are oooiipylrg a I'lul of the house oooupled by Orvllle Ullle, having rented, wo learn, i.hat faim for the season,

William B. Kelly and wife of Vega spent1 timidity with fileuds In this place,

Daniel Baufonl lias rented the fa-m of Mrs. Silas Bllsh formerly occupied by Augustus Redmond, Possession glvon Maroli l.

at the shore, from tne wagon

.,• cabin to be dressed joey. In llglifetl kind of

rubes, she WHS rolled In the to the river, where men had -Ut a

,,,,!,- j ut eight feet nj-unre through the i,vit-l!iirl; Ire. Those who had accom­panied her sang hyrmie, while Elder Caleb Shinier, stood waiting for the parly in their bare and dressed In Ulnar,}' robes, which the wind tossed about with abandon. The eldeiB gravely stepped Into the freezing water up to their arm-pits-, the candidate was lilted from the invalid's chair aud handed to them and they Immersed her once. The congre gatlon sang more hymns aud the aged woman was taken back to the cabin to don dry clothing, while the elders, in iheli bare feet, stood upon the Ice and conducted a brief eer vice. The woman was taken to her home, droning some familiar airs on the way.

Best Stock Hay $15 1 have just received a large shipment that will be sold

at this price tor a limited lime.

Prime Cottonseed, per Ion, - - - V' '" Anneiican Ooltonsct'd. per ton, Hominy, per ton, Best Wheat Feed, per ton, Flour, per barrel,

- £8 75 23 00 to 21 00 24 00 to 20 00

6 75


F U R S Rjpa . l r a J ,

Ke- l lned , B e - d y e d ,

K e m o d e l e d .


SSEDE'S,, 42 West 34th Street, E-tablisbed ISM. NEW YORK CITY.

TOM WATSON'S MAGAZINE. "The Magi zlno Thut has an Idea Back

of It." Unvo you heard tha t Hon. Thomas E.

Watson oi Georgia has begun the publi­cation of a mogaelne? .ijVou kuov; who Mr. Watson l«? He's

the nia.n who wrote "The Story of France," "Life of Napoleon," and "The Life and TlmfS of Thomas Jefferson." He was the People's Pa r ty candidate for President last year.

First number oi Tom Watson's Maga­zine was published Pi-ibruur. 25. For sale ut all IICWB s tands — price 10c. By mall, $100 per year. You will miss the most lotereBtiug 120-page magazine in America you fall to get this number, Aek your dealer for Torn Wataon'a Magazine—ot, better still, Bend a dollar for a year 's subscription to

TOM WATSON'S MAUAZINU. Jai Weet 12nd Street,

Now York City, N. V.

O T A T l i OF N E W YOIIK, SUPHEMK O Oonrt, (..'oiniiy oi Delaware.

Ttobeii », Smllh vs. Elizabeth A. Dallcy Te Hie above niinierl ilel'eiulant:

Vou are hereby summoned to answer the ceniiilalnt In this action, and io serve a cony of vimr answer on tlie plaintiff's attorney wlrhin Iwentviluvs after the service of this summons, exclusive 'of the (lav of service; and, In case ot your failure to appear or answer, judgment, will bo taken against you by default for the relief demanded hi the complaint.

Trial I e lie held lu I lie County of Delaware. Dated jits ad day of February, loos.

HOUTOM & IVES, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

Office and Postolilce Address, Roxburv, Delaware County, N. Y.

To Elizabeth A.Dailey, Defendant! The fort-icing suimnuns Is served upon you

by publication pursuant to an order of lion. John P, (Irsnt, Judye of Iho County Court of the Count v of Delaware, N . V., dated tliellli day of I'cnruai'y, 180S, arid filed with the com­plaint In I he olllee of Hits Clerk of Delaware Ooilhly at Delhi, N. V., February 1OI.II.1O0B.

BOUTON & IVES, feblTWO I'liiintilf's Attorneys.

Ollioe and I'ostolllce Atldl'OSS, Jtoxbury, Delaware County, N. V.

Convulsion, FitS, then Epilepsy.

Dr. Miles' 1-Lchtorative Nerv­ine has been so successful iaa curing these brain-wrecking diseases that there is every reason to believe that even the most hopeless cases can be benefited, if not fully restored.

W e will be pleased to refer r.ny one thus afflicted to many who now enjoy the blessing of health, after years of hopeless suffering.

"1 h a v e a son t h a t bad tirnin fever when two y e a r s old, followed by fits of Iho w o r s t type , and h e w a s p ronounced Incurable . 1 spen t h u n d r e d s of do l l a r s for li lm, w i t h o u t relief, Af te r a b o u t fifteen y e a r s ho became so bad t h a t w e s e n t h im to LongeliH hosp i ta l for t h e insano , a t Loganspor t , Ind . H e w a s t h e r e nea r ly t h r e e yea r s , bu t he c o n ­t i n u e d to g row worse , so wo b r o u g h t him home J u l y HO, 1001!, in a n awfu l condi t ion, H o had lost b is mind a l m o s t en t i re ly . H e hard ly know one ot t h e fami ly ; could not. even find bis bod; w a s n. to ta l wreck. H e bad from 5 t o 10 fits a day . W e wore u r g e d to t r y Dr. Mi les ' Ne rv ine , a n d before t h e first bot t le w a s usied, we could see a c h a n g e for t b o bol ter . W o h a v e given It t o him over s ince , a n d lie baa bad b u t two v e r y l i gh t spells s ince l a s t Augus t , 1003, nnd t h e n be w a s no t well o t h e r Ways. W o pronounce h im cured, an h a caii w o r k and go a n y w h e r e . If a n y one wishes to a s k a n y ques t ions conce rn ing tills, t h e y a r e a t l iber ty t o do s o . "

E , H . B U N N E L L , Lincoln , Ind. Dr. Miles' Nerv ine IB sold by y o u r

d rugg i s t , who will g u a r a n t e e t h a t t h e f i rs t bot t le will beneTlt. If It falls, h e will refund you r money.

Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind



Margaretville, N. Y.

J u s t R w o r d bO t h e p u b l i c nbinjl. lb le watehHH aud j -weiry - .

Does your wwieJi neel clenniiigi'

DOCK your watch iiee-J oJliiigV1

Is your clock dirty:' Docs it stop now iiriil iiioii':' Do you need a new watch or

clock ? Are your rings or l>ruocl)

settings safoV Are any of the prongs which

hold the stone worn off? Is the eye on your watch

cliarni or pendant wearing to the danger point?

Does your jewelry look soiled or discolored?

These are only a lew ihlnga to think shout. J u s t think what these might c i s t you If you should let, tboru go too long without, repairing. It, will cost you nothing to havw theat ex«mined a t

HOWARD L. HEWITT'S, Roxbury, N. Y.

Repairing a Specialty. ALL WOKlt G U A F A N r E B D .




SATURDAY. These are the dnya on which

S . W . E T T S ,

llerinnn Fuller has engaged hlH scr-vlei'H to Joseph Bellows and lute begun hie work,

Oscar Kelly assisted George last weak In the wood business,


A CARD. We, the undeiBignetl, do hereby agree

to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If 11 fails to cure your cough or cold. We alao guarantee a SB-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded,

Swart &. Illtt, Margaretvllln; 8, Korn, Arkvllle; '/,. F. Senile, Kolly Corners; W. M. &Q. M. Griffin, Halooltvlllo.

A Song of the Mountains,

Where the Catskills Lilt Their Summits to the Sun,

Words and Mualn by Alex. Granl Jack­son. An a'.traoiivo new song. Ask your music dealer for It or Bond 25 cents ntitl receive a copy post-paid. ALEX GHANT JAOKSON, Margarotvllle, N. Y.'

the GltlFFINOORNlCUS Butcher, visits Margaretvllle.

Prime Beef, Pork, Lamb, Etc. Choice Western Beef,

if you w'sh htm to call send postal curd to him at GrliBn Corners. . . .

A. C. FENTOM, Lawyer,

Margaretville, N. Y, Office In Myers building.

S P E N C E R ' S

BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Incorporated.) ..

Kingston, N. Y. I'-Iirj'lSENTM Y15AII.

' thorough hist ruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Peninanslilp, Uook-kccplng, Business Ari thmetic , Correspondence, Spelling, Commercial Law aud Kngllsh. . . .


P a y and Evening Sessions. Admissions a t any t ime. Personal at tent ion is given lo the spe­cial need of each student. Wo have prepared hundreds, who lmvo secured good positions.


Write for Il lustrated Catalogue.

JOHN J . MORAN, IvnlnHoiil i CHARRLES L. L I E L L Y . i ' 'h ' t ipr . ls .

We Sell



Repair Them.

Repair Work

Guaranteed. A FULL LINE OF

JEWELRY, SILVERWARE Catskill Mountain Novelties

Everything usually kept iu a iirst-eloss Jewelry Store.


Deserved Popularity. To cure Constipation and Liver troubles by gently moving the bowels and noting as a the liver, take Little Early Risers. These famous Litt le Pills are mild, pleasant and harmless, but efieet-Ive nnd sure. Their universal use for so many years la a strong guarantee of their popularity and usefulness. Sold by B. L. O'Connor. llOml

The Sunshine of Spring. The Salve that, cures without a sear Is OeWlti'e Wltoh Hazel Halve. Cuts', Burns, Bolls, BrUleea and Piles disappear before the use of this salve as snow before the sunshine of spring, Miss H. M. Middle-ton, Thebes, 111., snye: " I was seriously oflllotod with a fever sore that wan very painful. DoWltt'e Witch Hassel

I Salvo cured tne In loss than n week." Get, the genuine. Bold by E, L. O'Connor.

Lettuce, Celery, Sweet

Potatoes, Oranberrios, Cu­

cumbers, Cauliflower, Ripo

Tomatoes, E t c , Etc., Etc.,

in great variety.

One of the Largest Stocks in Town to Select from.

Fresh Candy.


Book Binding.

T!;e Kingston Freeman Print ing Es t ab ­lishment has been lilted with the l a t e s t Improved machinery for manufacturing

Special Blank Books,

And for binding and reblndlng

Law Books, Magazines, Art Books, and


The Lai est Styles, Reasonable Pricee.

If you have any books to be bound or rebound, wr i te to

The Kingston Freman (Binding Department.)

18 Ferry St., Kingston, N. Y.


The Ulster & Delaware Rail-road Company is preparing to issue its annual Summer Book for the season of 1905. which will include a complete list of nil hotels and boarding houses (in the line of its road, and FREE representation may be hnd in this list by sending the following infor­mation i

Name of proprietor, post-office address, nearest mil j'ond station, miles from stn,-lion, number accommodated, tonus per week,

Any one de'stying to hare tlieir hotel or boarding house rt-|.rcMj-enled in a full page advertisement may do so at n, moderate cost as coin pared with the price charged for other publications of this na-lure. A representative from ih'w offioe will visit the sev­eral towns and solicit advor-llsing, explaining the terms, " | C .

All Information for t h e book should roach this olllee Hot later thnn Mnreh gOlh,

N. A. SIMS, (Jeiieral Pasnongor Agent','' Kingston; (fiomlont miu N . V,

Get Ready lor Washington. The West Shore Road announces its

first finally excursion in Washington Oily for Thursday, February 23, routed via Mm Pennsylvania Road, Through sleep­ing curs will be run from Syracuse and Albany and tickets will be on sale at all stations from Syracuse to Hnverstraw Inclusive, Including iho Wulkill Valley Koad. The maximum fare will be Jilt) with the usual ten-day limit, on llrkots, and stop-overs at Baltimore, Philadel­phia and New York are included. Lay your plans now to take advantage of this trip.

Parlor Pride Stove Polish. LIQUID—It lMUY FOB INSTANT U;.IC. A

few drops of Prtilor Pride Stnvo polish gives the stove u brilliant lustre shine, making the stove fit for the parlor, No soiled hands—cany to apply—always ready. ItKjulies uo water or mixing (wafer tmntl In pusto pollHh rusts the stove). No drled-up paste remains after using awhile. Pat'Iol1 P/Ide good to the hist (hop. Hold by all dealers. Large, sample bottle free (m express or poa-tage to puy) Give inline of your dealer and address Parlor Pride Manufacturing Ci,, BOBtODi MaBB, 2}-l

Solid Subscription Bargains At

RocK Bottom Prices For the Milne riiiiir.n season ol ri)O.(-05 \vc present the following eerier, of

spoclnl subscription bargains. These coirlDlriRtlont and premium offers present incomparable bargains in that which is best in wliuleaomc reading.

Three li\compa.rable Svubscriptioa B^rjajna

Pearson's Ma^&zirvc, one year . Any one of the following clolh-

bound copyright novels worth

$1.00) Both for

1.50 j $125 Dorothy Vernon df 1 Indtlon Hall Bv Clmrlis tiUijar 111" .ilustor Christian /)v j)fa,,-e Corellt iff, " '" ,1'".lacl! o t l h o KI"H By J>\ Marion Crawford Th(i Vlralnimi., j By Owen ll'urer . ,'« f;1 isli|; By Wimton Church III 1 ™ Cuvnller -.,By George IK Cnite

The IMIaoissippI Ikibblc Bv Emtrtton I laugh The Right of Way by Gilbert I'nr/mr David lhirimi lly Edward Noses Walcoti The Hound of lho Baskervlllcs A. Caiinu Doyll When Knighthood v.ns In Mower By Charles Major Castle Cinneycrow By George Bnrr McCutehean NOTI?., •-These books arc not a trashy edition bill handsome olOlli-bOHtitl books tlioitol them originally published nl IB1.50

We pay lU'l lwrv ciiflrgCH, -

l''01( HAl ihl Itei'lili'lit'iMtiiiliillliioprnp. .xl.v nil lho prliiitlpal lliorouglifare In iliircai'ifvlllii, Apply tu \V, II, AiTiA-uijN, Mnrgarolivlllo, N, V,

T " ! , , ' , ,ull'U (lF T H K STATE QIC NEW Huott, AiiUipw sirniiuowiiy, T. (.'. Btraiiuowav, llolcii tllmlHliuiii, .liiineH ],ee rHti-iiiiuowav

llitti ll.i, wiiiiiuii lnaafis, TiioiiuiH iliisnii, ir. ItOfltlno Albei'M, lliiw-l Tweedle, Agnes N, I weedle, Alum Vt-ilu Huott, Amies TWuOtllo

Miiry MolJoiinlt. b l / / l e Ijddliiw, Mnry Ooyo I Wl lliiin D.siiMiii, linvld I„ Blomi, Cllll'lt Miv Diiig, Biyitii p, G htlsbno, John ls.«ti'ati8owiiv, .lllineii liiglills, Kobei'l ,'ieiill, Wllllliln Hum' Agnus Hrjott. lSlln Mend. MI'S, Bar Wlillnev Mrs, m, riuTle, Andrew t, Blratigawtty. i,;ii,,;i.' bi'lh l>, simiignwiiy, Wllllinir ,1 Stl'lft BulViiv. iMill'Kiirel K, l-'ell lloflti A. MoPhoi-8011iWrfll tor jJiBH-itiiaoway, wiiiimu uilh-tis, the iiuh'Hof Illinium Hh'imgewiiy, ileiieased, whoad iinuies mill pliuii.'H nl lesldeneo ni'e luikuuwir, Hid helm p Niiimv IjiiildU, (lutitiiatit i wlios i ait ml plni'i'iiiif rimldfiieii arc iniltiiowii: Kiln hllunv liciiiiy Hii-jinguway, iMiu-gavui. K. (iliid.-iUim''. '"'iid l l i e e l l i i i r ; . Tiiiin. ffi WV WliiHigcwiiyiiml AVIIIIinri 1.1, i-mi i , ll!!ill,ll,\1>' "I'liHi'i In the Hiiii-niiiitfi'ii ,• •' l " I II- i.'niiiiiy of IH-liiwai-e, le Ii VII n ! u iisli-lllnen f Ii, writing ,-elnlng In |,„t|, nil'iSff U J S W ' " ' " l l 1 ' - "» V pi-nved HH llm

I . n}" ," ' H l """ ' ( " "J WlllliiniHIniiigowiiY, I i , ,,r, ' voV,no'! i"f n '"'llclow-li, (U-tK'iise, 11, i i I'K, . ii ' , I'i'u1' " ' y " " ' "«'" eltrul It.

i M • I R i "I'I',1! l , n ' " l i " P I - lid Hiuto-gnie s (lilm-, In the villi in nt Hliiinfriril liiln aware ('mm y, tin I in iHttliu- til Aui-11 ioli/?nV b'li o'eliu-K ll llm fni-OlltiS lofl111 I ill v i'i,uiirfn.1 Ihere In nlli-nd llm |,r,,|,M|e nl "tl i , ,J||| ffl' ! mill Inn iiiiienl, "' "" '

And It any ul Ilia liOi'Hoiil above mimed hit iiiuli'i- tin iiue id liven y-nne yearn, l -y ,,' Hiiiuli-ci tti npiii-ui by llielr uniiernl itniivdliin If lliey IIIIVII tine, or/If fliey linvn iloR! InI till P!'!1!'..",'1 ."J', lu.'fm-ii.. (lie .-mill refiii-n day mid (iplily In int. tinni-(,'fin- tjin aVii'iiilnfiii'ii'ni,iii"i!

itmliil (linii'dliin l,n itipresclil, auiliiul, liirllimii hi Hiinli iii-neeedliinil, ami 111 the event uf llielr neglmi hi- in In|'« to do ho.iv glinrdlnu will lm ii|'|niliiled by llin Biii-reflfito foi-atioti pni'iirmn,

i, . i //••'iSNlhmiiivMii'i-i'r, we hiivoiiiiliNiid In. H,.| (lm Hani of (iflloo of our HIIIII HIII-I-II-

auii. K'Jlf.'J.' ''I1 lierimnto affixed, WlhliiHH, JOHN I', LIltANT, HniTliltiitti of

S I" SS.n,W '" ""»H, Mils lllfh day nl1 .Inn |. ,Mh umn, u. A. e^AliHON, J | l J ' Olel-k In Urn Htii-rogiitn'.'i (inurt. it A ir ' I'i P M " » 2 M I \ ° h M a » «" 'now ill H, AUt'lllllAbD, Now IClligstun.

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