new releases and backlist fall 2017 foreign rights catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and,...

Foreign Rights Catalogue New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Coming up x-mas 2017: The Film

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Page 1: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The



New Releases and BacklistFall 2017

Coming up

x-mas 2017:

The Film

Page 2: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

3 Characters The heroes of Globi Verlag

4 How Globi came to be The history of Globi Verlag

New Titles – all6 Globi Classics Globi and the Crazy Machine

8 Globi Cook Books Globi's Big Breakfast Book

10 Globi Non-Fiction Globi in the Mountains

12 Globine Globine and the Cow Race

14 Papa Moll Papa Moll and the Flying Dog

Backlist16 Globi Classics

26 Globi Cook Books

32 Globi Non-Fiction

38 Globine

42 Papa Moll

51 Board Books




Globi was born in 1932. He was an instant suc-cess at children‘s par-ties. The first book about his adventures – 'Globi‘s Trip Around the World' – was published in 1935 and started an incredi-ble success story. There has been a new Globi book every single year since then (87 so far), and all kinds of other Globi merchandise.Globi is a creature of fable, neither human nor bird. A friend to all chil-dren, he appeals to both boys and girls. And he is also able to communi-cate with all animals.

Papa Moll, an ageless character, is a family fa-ther who always wants the best. Exactly this in-tention causes series of mishaps, which make generations of readers laugh since 65 years.The likeable antihero is also an allrounder who succeeds to master the self-inflicted trouble to-gether with his wife, three kids and a dachs-hund in creative ways.

Globine is a perky and unusual girl. She lives in a tree-house that she has built herself near a small town. Her friends, an owl and a squirrel are her neighbours in the same tree. Globine al-ways finds adventure and solves problems by using her wits as well as listening to her heart.

Glöbeli is Globi’s little friend. Together with his companion, a puppy-dog, he goes on small adven-tures on the farm, the playground, the lawn or in the rain. There is a lot to discover for Glöbeli as well as for little kids. The little stories are ideal to be read to the young audience.


Globi is 85

already and

celebrated his


on the 24th

of August!

Page 3: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

A fairy-tale career – from marketing figure

to nation-wide starCome with me and I’ll show you some-thing that only I know. It was in 1932 that Globi extended this irresistible invitation, and with his sense of fun he promptly won the heart of every Swiss child. Globi, a birdlike creature with a large yel-low beak, dressed in a beret and wide, checked trousers, was created as a marketing figure to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Globus, a Swiss depart-ment store. The highlight of Globi’s early career as a busy promotional figure was his success as the hero of a full-length picture-book. Globi’s Trip around the World (Globis Weltreise) was published in 1935 and Globi has starred with many further volumes since then.

A nation-wide Globi movement

Globi was the brain-child of J.K. Schiele, the then head of the Globus store’s ad-vertising department. He had merely wanted to create an easily recognisable figure to introduce all the activities plan-ned for the store’s 25th anniversary; in-stead, he started a nation-wide move-ment. During the first years of his life, Globi often mixed with the general pub-lic and the children at that time were thrilled to meet him – it must be borne in mind that when they were growing up there was no television, no walkman and little child-orientated entertainment. These public appearances triggered a veritable Globi movement: a monthly magazine for children, Der Globi, was published and the first Globi club was founded; this was followed by 699 fur-ther clubs with a grand total of 9'000 members. The fact that Globi regularly received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows

how firmly he had established himself as an essential part of Swiss family life. Towards the end of the 1950s Globi en-ded his career as an advertising figure and concentrated fully on his role as the hero of children’s books.

Globi-Verlag founded as a specialised publishing house

After Globi’s Trip around the World in 1935, a new Globi book was published every year. Even in 1943, at the height of the Second World War, 90'000 Globi books were sold. It became apparent that it would make sense to establish a special publishing house. On 21 Sep-tember 1944, the Globi activities were moved out of the Globus store’s adver-tising department and integrated into a specialised publishing company. Every year more than 160'000 Globi books and some 110'000 fairytale tapes are pur-chased by and for Globi fans.

The secret of Globi’s success – he’s just like you or me

Globi’s character, his humour and his style account for the extraordinary suc-cess he has enjoyed for so many years. Globi’s character immediately appeals to children, they can readily identify with him. Globi also helps children under-stand how far they can go, particularly as he occasionally goes beyond such li-mits in his merry pranks. The fact that the Globi Books illustrations can be in-dividually coloured and the verses easily learnt by heart has also contributed to Globi’s success. The Globi idea is time-less, because Globi acts according to the real wishes and needs of the chil-dren at any given period.

How Globi came to beGlobi Verlag


→ Globi books are available in German and some of them also in English and French.

Page 4: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Globi is ambling through the town, on his way to the mountains for a leisurelyhike. A woman hurrying past him drops something without noticing – her wallet.Globi runs after her at once and hands it back to her. The woman is a science pro-fessor at ETH university. Because he has been so helpful, she takes Globi ona guided tour of her place of work. At her lab, she shows him her invention, calling it »an extraordinary machine« and smi-

ling. Suddenly, the two of them realise they have been shrunk to tiny size – the lab cat pressed a button by mistake! A turbulent and fantastical journey be-gins, with danger lurking around every corner. Spiders and cats are of incredi-ble size now, while most things are sim-ply out of reach. There is adventure ga-lore, with the pair soon becoming a shrewd team. The stories all take place on and around the ETH campus, so Globi helps children approach a very real sub-ject in a most imaginative way. The bookhas been developed in cooperation with ETH (the Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology).

Globi and the Crazy Machine

Globi Calssics – Volume 87

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17,5 x 24 cm | 3+ | 2017


Page 5: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Globi's fifth cookery book is all about the most important meal of the day – breakfast!

Globi's Big Breakfast Book contains lots of delicious recipes and answers nume-rous questions, e.g.Did cavemen use to have breakfast, too?Why is breakfast so important to us?

Where in Switzerland do they bake what sorts of bread? And is a rooster really necessary for hens to lay eggs?

Globi's Big Breakfast Book

World Rights available128 pages | bound | 17,5 x 24 cm |5+ | 2017


Globi Cook Books

Page 6: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Globi meets Zima, the chamois – in the city centre, of all places. She is lost and would like to go home. Globi accompa-nies her back to the mountains. Once there, they set off on a hike and Globi be-gins to immerse himself into the diver-sity of the alpine world, getting to knowits fauna and flora.He is practising his map-reading, finds out about hiking trails and their mark-ings and learns about life and work in the mountains. Zima, the cheeky and cheerful chamois, is with him all the way, which, of course, makes saying good-bye all the harder.

The book touches upon all subjects rel-evant to the mountains and their inhab-itants. At the same time, practical infor-mation is imparted in an entertaining way. Globi's book is ideal for families spending time in the mountains, with a wealth of information, ideas and amaz-ing stories. A sound and fact-filled Globi non-fiction book, its illustrations ac-companying the text nd providing detail. With an additional chapter containing information for adults. Developed in co-operation with the Swiss Alpine Club SAC.

Globi in the MountainsGlobi Non-Fiction

World Rights available128 pages | bound | 17,5 x 24 cm | 5+ | 2017


Page 7: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Cheeky Globine lives in a tree house near the village, with the squirrel Ma-thilda, and Rudy, the owl. Everybody is preparing for the cow race, which is liv-ening things up considerably in the little village. But the extraordinary sum pro-mised to the winner makes the vil-lagers greedy. Everybody wants to win. Friendship, consideration and loyalty are being replaced by dogged training and squabbling. Meanwhile, Globine is

trying to turn easy-going Olga into a racing cow. Can she do it? And who is going to win? Globine is in her element.

Globine and the Cow Race

Globine – Volume 3

→ 2 Backlist titles on page 40 f.

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 17,5 x 24 cm | 6+ | 2017


Page 8: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

How everything began, and how Chip the dachshund found the Moll family.The Moll family live in a nice detached house. When Mama Moll leaves to spend the weekend with friends, Papa Moll takes over at home. Unfortunately, there is no water from the taps, and at the chocolate factory, Papa Moll's work-place, things aren't going well, either. What's more, the Moll children, Evi, Will

and Fred, fall out with the children of Moll's boss, and then there is the trou-ble with the flying circus dog … how on earth is Papa Moll going to get a grip on the situation?→ Adaptation of the Papa Moll cinema film script→ All film characters are part of the story

Papa Moll and the Flying Dog

Papa Moll – Volume 30

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 x 18 cm | 6+ | 2017


Page 9: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Globi ClassicsBacklist

Page 10: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


Globi, philosopher and inventor, discovers the world of sports and throws himself into sprinting, weight-lifting, horse-riding and swimming. However, he’s in for a few surprises ...

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ 1948 / reprint with new text in 2006

Volume 15Globi the Sportsman

Travelling across the continent, Globi has to prove him-self as a cowboy, a sheriff and in other jobs, before fi-nally reaching his goal: the Wild West!

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1980

Volume 47Globi in the Wild West


Globi buys a farm, some land and lots of animals. From morning to night he’s at work, doing the traditional chores: milking, cleaning the stables, sowing and har-vesting.

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17,5 x 24 cm | 3+ | 1941 / reprint with new text in 2007

Volume 8How Globi became a Farmer

Globi finds a magic ring and enters a fantastic world of funny insects, cheeky dwarves, hungry giants and dan-gerous pirates. It’s a good thing that it all turns out to be a dream!

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1942 / reprint with new text in 2005

Volume 9Globi in the Land of Fairy Tales

Looking for the princess’s lost pearls on the seafloor, Globi meets King Neptune – and is given another as-signment. Soon, he gets into trouble with horrible pi-rates, witnesses a fight between a whale and a shark, and encounters an unpleasant giant squid and lots of other sea creatures. Finally, after many challenges and with the help of a friendly dolphin, he manages to bring the pearls back to their grateful owner.

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ 1958 / reprint with new text in 2003

Volume 25Globi’s Adventures on the Bottom of the Sea

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1982

Volume 49Globi and the Cavemen

It starts at the History Museum: in broad daylight, Globi encounters dinosaurs of all sizes, a mammoth and sev-eral Stone Age cavemen - some of them less than friendly!

Page 11: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2009

Volume 51Globi’s Trip through Switzerland

The first Globi book to appear in English. Globi spends his holidays in Switzerland. Traveling by train from one end of the country to the other, Globi learns all about the Alpine Republic.

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1985

Volume 52Globi joins the Fire Brigade

The secret wish of many children comes true for Globi: He’s a fireman now, and he sets to with a will!

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1988

Volume 55Globi with the Air Rescue Service

When a friend of his has a bad fall while mountain-climb-ing, Globi tries to help. Soon, he’s in training as a res-cuer and a pilot. Every day with the Air Rescue Ser-vice is packed with exciting situations: people and ani-mals have to be saved.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1991

Volume 58Globi and William Tell

Travelling through space and time, Globi encounters William Tell, the Swiss national hero, and joins him in his fight for freedom.

World Rights available – Rights sold to: Romansh100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1993

Volume 61Globi in the Swiss National Park

Globi travels to the countryside in search of peace and quiet. But once he arrives, there is still too much going on! Then he learns about the Swiss National Park and sets off at once.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 1999

Volume 67Globi the Sports Reporter

Globi becomes a sports journalist.Globi realises that sports reporters have access to all sporting events. He rather likes the idea and decides to become a sports reporter there and then.

Page 12: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2008

Volume 76Globi and the Polar Explorer

Globi and Dr. Hansen undertake an expedition to the Arctic and Antarctic. Through their journey they meet people and animals that illustrate the effects of climate change.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2006

Volume 74Globi’s Journey through the Alps

Full of curiosity and keen on adventure, Globi embarks on a big trip through the Alps. He crosses five Alpine countries, seeing the sights and having fun.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2010

Volume 78Globi at the Airport

Globi has to care for a little lion tamarin from Brazil named Leo who has to stay in quarantine at the airport. Along with caring for Leo, Globi learns a lot about the inner workings of the airport.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2007

Volume 75Globi and the Rhinos

Globi escorts Najma, the little rhino, back home to the African Savannah. The two of them meet many animals in the Savannah and find themselves in exciting situa-tions. Globi even helps apprehend a criminal.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2011

Volume 79Globi at school

Globi responds to a Help Wanted Ad and lands a new job. For a whole year, Globi ist the right hand man of Tobi Gerber, the school maintenance man. Together with Tobi, the children, the teachers an day care staff, Globi has all Kinds of adventures.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2012

Volume 80Globi on Pirate Island

While cleaning out the attic, Globi discovers the logbook of his great grandfather, the captain of a merchant ship. This inspires him to seek a long lost pirate treasure!

Page 13: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2013

Volume 83Globi's Television Adventures

On his way back from the shops, Globi meets a camera team shooting a feature about Swiss Television's 60th birthday. A camera-man stumbles, and Globi saves his expensive camera from getting smashed. That is how his new adventure begins.

World Rights available 128 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2012

Volume 81Globi: The Most Famous Stories From 80 Years

«There is so much to do and see, won’t you come and play with me?» With these words, in 1932, the character of Globi introduced himself to the world of children’s lit-erature. For this big anniversary album, the best stories from each book have been selected.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2014

Volume 84Globi the Smart Farmer

At the weekly market, Globi meets a weary old farmer. Globi visits his farm and quickly realises that it has seen better days. With lots of zest and imagination, and with the help of all the animals, there is renovation, repair and rebuilding.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2012

Volume 82Globi in the Heart of Switzerland

Polishing rocks, saving a little calf that has fallen off a cliff, travelling with a pack mule or trying to dissuade an eagle from eating marmots – Globi is never short of ideas, and his explorer's spirit never tires. Can he actu-ally persuade that eagle?

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2015

Volume 85Globi in Ancient China

Globi visits an exhibition about China. Looking at a pic-ture of a dragon, he falls asleep, dreaming himself back to ancient China. He meets a little dragon who has lost his mother. Globi helps him look for her. Their search takes them to a fascinating world. At the end of the story, the little dragon's mother is magically brought back to him.

World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2016

Volume 86Globi and the Great Gold robbery

What is happening on Paradeplatz, in the heart of Zu-rich? An explosion, people are running away and there is general confusion. There has been a bank robbery. Globi joins the police in their search and hears: There is a lot of gold missing. During the hunt for the robbers, Globi also learns about police work and he meets some interesting experts. The book has been developed in cooperation with the Zurich City Police.

Page 14: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Globi Cook BooksBacklist

Page 15: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

In Globi's fourth cookery book, children learn to recognize edible wild plants and to cook with them. Globi demonstrates how to look for plants correctly and what may be picked or harvested. And how to cook nuts, mushrooms and so on. Step by step, a wide choice of recipes – some of them quite unusual – is explained and clear instructions are given. Information about special plants and a wealth of fas-cinating facts complement the recipes.

There is a glossary included in the book as well as a plant identification book supporting gatherers and clearly poin-ting out the risks involved.

→ Approved by Tox Info Suisse, Zurich

Switzerland has got a varied cuisine. With this cookery book, children can dis-cover old Swiss specialities steeped in tradition and learn how to prepare them. There are more than 50 recipes from all cantons collected here – all of Switzer- land's primeval cuisine – from Argovian carrot tartlets to veal stew Zurich style; from roesti to fondue. Cooking is like performing magic!Every step is explained with an illustra-tion and clear instructions. Levels of dif- ficulty are shown by the number of chef's hats for every recipe.

There is also a list of the most popular sausages, a page on the famous Basler Läckerli biscuits, another on cheeses, on herbs, on different sorts of cabbage and on a host of other things culinary and fascinating.26 male and female chefs have given Globi their secret recipes, among them many professionals who have been awar- ded multiple prizes – a real Swiss star parade: Erica Bänziger, Alexander Ru-fibach, Charly Gmünder, Silvia Man-ser, Rolf Della Torre, Andreas Caminada, Tanja Grandits, Philippe Chevrier, Ivo Adam, Albi van Felten.

Globi's Wild Cuisine

Globi's Swiss Cookbook

With Glossary and Flora More than 50 Recipes from 26 Chefs

World Rights available 128 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 5+ | 2014


World Rights available 184 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 5+ | 2015

Page 16: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Loaves of bread, pies (to be baked on baking trays), cream cakes, chocolate truffles and pastries cannot only be baked in bakeries but also at home – provided one gets clear instructions! In this book, Globi shows children how to create 60 local specialities from all Swiss regions. Colourful and funny pictures il-lustrate step-by-step recipes.Baking is fun! For everybody, not just for mothers! This cookery book for children

includes 60 delicious recipes, savoury or sweet, easy or demanding, unfamiliar or well known. Everybody will find some-thing suitable: for parties, for a weekday dinner or for unexpected guests.

Vegetarian cooking and eating is deli-ciously varied, fun and exciting. Working closely with the Hiltl Restaurant in Zu-rich, Globi compiled 60 recipes as well as a wealth of interesting nutritional in-formation for this book.

The book begins with a funny episode ex-plaining how Globi and Hiltl got to know each other. The following pages contain 60 clearly described recipes created and tested especially for Globi by real Hiltl chefs. There is everything from colorful drinks, a rich selection of appetizers and main courses to imaginative desserts.

Each recipe begins with a list of ingredi-ents. Step by step illustrated instruc-tions with integrated text make vegetar-ian cooking child’s play. Each recipe also includes all the relevant informa-tion pertaining to nutrition, calories and allergies. Culinary jargon is explained in the ex-tensive glossary. Additional texts cover further aspects such as: 'Clever shop-ping', 'cooking tips', 'Recycling' etc.

The book is designed for 6 to 12-year-olds, schools, kindergardens, daycare centers, and everyone who cares about a balan- ced, varied diet.

Baking with Globi

Globi's Vegetarian Cookbook

60 Recipes, Savoury and Sweet, from All Over Switzerland Fun in the kitchen for the whole family!

World Rights available 128 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 5+ | 2011

World Rights available 128 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 5+ | 2012


Page 17: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Globi Non-FictionBacklist

Page 18: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


World Rights available 100 pages | bound | 17 × 28,5 cm | 5+ | 2005

Volume 2Learning with Globi – First Aid

Accidents happen every day. Children, too, can find them-selves in emergency situations. The correct response could save lives. But what should be done about a sun stroke? How do you recognize a sprain? In this combi- nation course and reference book, children learn the basics of first aid from Globi and Sami, the little Samar-itan. The book includes case studies illustrating how accidents occur, which kinds of injuries are likely, and what can be done to help.

→ Developed in cooperation with the Swiss Samaritan Society (SSB) → Belongs in every household medicine cabinet

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17 × 28,5 cm | 7+ | 2010

Volume 5Learning with Globi – Building

Globi discovers the World of Building. He visits con-struction sites, meets architects, constuction workers uand many others who give him a taste of what their work is like. Both clear and exciting, the book provides basic knowledge about construction, architecture, pres-ervation and city planning and development. 

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17 × 28,5 cm | 5+ | 2007

Volume 3Learning with Globi – Technology

At home, at school, or anywhere in between, we are sur-rounded by technology.  But how does a computer work? Or a pretzel machine or the internet? How are tunnels built? What happens exactly during an x-ray examina-tion? And what can an intelligent house do? Together with Ueli and Livia Globi discovers the world of technol-ogy. Contents have been approved by experts.

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17 × 28,5 cm | 5+ | 2011

Volume 6Learning with Globi – Chemistry

What are the most interesting and important chemical reactions that children encounter in their every day lives and in nature? Short episodes explain how Globi experi-ences chemistry and learns how it functions. Texts ex-plain exactly how and why things happen. Information boxes supply additional facts. Each chapter is followed by experiments in which children can recreate the chem-ical phenomena simply and safely.

World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17 × 28,5 cm | 5+ | 2008

Volume 4Learning with Globi – About Water

No life without water. But the fact that water cannot be taken for granted everywhere all the time is something that Globi learns in this book. In order to understand the flow of water, Globi follows the Rhein from its source all the way to the North Sea. He visits the experts at the hy-droelectric plants, the purification centers and the sewer system. He sails with a real ship captain. Finally, he learns about the circulation of water and the connec-tions between water, weather and climate. This book il-lustrates how important water is for our planet.  

Page 19: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

World Rights available 96 pages | bound | 17 × 28,5 cm | 5+ | 2015

Volume 8Learning with Globi – Environment

Lots of questions and just as many answers, for chil-dren and adults!Globi asks and explores: Where do T-shirts come from? What does 'fair and sustainable production' actually mean? Why is it better to ride a bike than drive a car? What is 'organic'? And why are there so many hungry children?Globi and his friends go on a day trip, trying to answer these questions. Children get hints on how to act re-sponsibly in a variety of contexts and locations.

World Rights available96 pages | bound | 17,5 x 28,5 cm | 5+ | 2016

Volume 9Learning with Globi – Energy

Subjects like climate change, glacial melting, furious storms and extraordinarymeteorological phenomena are predominant in the me-dia. Globi looks at places where energy is generated by both old and new technology and realises that using up less energy begins at home. The less we use, the less energy we need to generate. Simple, actually. But easier said than done.

World Rights available100 pages | board book with enclosed booklets and folding maps coloured illustrations | 23,5 × 26,5 cm | 5+ | 2014

Technical editing: Swiss Astronomical Society SAG / SASGlobi's Space Atlas

Globi's Space Atlas with its six large folding maps lets children explore the wonders of space. The atlas ex-plains our solar system and contains accessible celes-tial maps as well as a wealth of intriguing information about space in general.


World Rights available100 pages | bound | 17 × 28,5 cm | 5+ | 2013

Volume 7Learning with Globi – Music

Music is all kinds of fun, whether you are listening to it, composing it or watching it performed. Globi takes chil-dren along on a trip to the world of music. A non-fiction book about Globi experiencing music, taking his readers to concerts and learning about a variety of styles from different countries and epochs.


Page 20: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


Page 21: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Globine is a perky and unusual girl. She lives in a tree-house she has built her-self, near a small town. Her neighbours, living in the same tree, are an owl and a squirrel. They are her best friends. One day, there is a great hullabaloo: Mr Rude is standing under Globine's tree. He is accusing her of having stolen a valuable horse from his stables. Globine, how-ever, discovers some hoof marks. 'Ha,

let's see who the thief really is', she thinks. With her two friends, she starts investigating. A second horse suddenly disappears, and a poor local man is sus-pected. There is a big hue and cry in the town. But Globine speaks up for the sus-pect and pretty soon she is on the real thieves' trail – and their identity is a real surprise! A happy ending is guaranteed – thanks to Globine.

The circus is in town, and there is a storm brewing. The circus has arrived! Excitedly, Globine and her friends run to watch the colourful parade. There is so much to see! Globine is delighted to spot her heroine, Fearless Frida, in the pa-rade. In the evening, everything is ready for a wonderful opening night. The lights are blazing, all the seats are taken, there is breathless anticipation all around. The horse act begins, then

there is the lady magician. But when it is the trapeze artists' turn, the wind has be-come so strong that it lifts the big top's roof and rips a tarpaulin clear apart. The situation is getting out of hand. Every-body is trying to run, there is wild chaos. In the next morning's mild sunshine, the extent of the damage is becoming appar-ent. But Globine and her fellow towns-people will not let it bring them down.

Gobine –Where are the Horses?

Gobine and the Circus

Volume 1 Volume 2

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 6+ | 2015

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 17,5 × 24 cm | 6+ | 2016


Page 22: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Papa MollBacklist

Page 23: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

These books contain the collected Moll stories from the children‘s magazine Junior. They are hilarious stories about life with the Moll Family.

A must for all Moll fans,big and small!

Papa MollThe whole Series Numbers 1-6

World Rights availableEvery Volume: 64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+


Actually, Papa Moll just went out to get some salt. However, he brought home something totally different …Papa Moll is off to buy some salt. He grabs his bike and cheerfully sets out. But – oops! His old bone-shaker falls apart right away. When he comes home, he has acquired – to the astonishment of his family – a colourful and amazing snack van. So the whole Moll family gets into the van and into the street food business. A wonderfully amusing story and the first in the series supplemented with original recipes from Papa Moll's Mobile Kitchen!

Papa Molland the mobile Kitchen

Volume 29

World Rights available 64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2016


Page 24: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 1996

Volume 10Papa Moll – Sporting Ace

Papa Moll goes on a diet! Mama Moll in-sists that it‘s time to slim down. So Papa Moll explores the world of sports. As it turns out, he‘s not the born athlete, but it‘s a lot of fun to watch him try!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2000

Volume 14Papa Moll's Trip around the World

The Molls go on vacation again. This time, it‘s a trip around the globe. There‘s a whole world out there with so much to see, dis-cover and experience.

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 1994

Volume 8Papa Moll – Birthday

The family is in birthday fever. Anything can happen on a birthday, and with the Molls, it‘s always funny!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 1998

Volume 12Papa Moll – Experiments

Papa Moll is known for his curiosity and enthusiasm. In this book, he and his family dedicate themselves to the scientific me- thod and perform simple experiments to discover the secrets of the universe!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 1995

Volume 9Papa Moll – Holiday

The whole family goes on holiday in the mountains. They start off with a taxi to the train and end up riding a tractor! And, of course, with the Molls there‘s always plen- ty of action!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 1999

Volume 13Papa Moll – Circus

Papa Moll loses his job. But instead of be-ing discouraged, he throws himself into a new project: his own Family Circus!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 1991

Volume 7The Molls adventurous Trip through Switzerland

This book is all about animals and the Moll family.

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 1997

Volume 11Papa Moll – Animal Stories

This book is all about animals and the Moll family.

Page 25: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2007

Volume 19Papa Moll disovers Art

The Moll family encounters the Art World in all its various forms. They approach the topic by chance or even somewhat naively, sometimes bewildered, but always with an open mind. Each family member finds his or her own personal connection to art. Even Chips, the dog!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2011

Volume 24Papa Moll at the Swiss Museum of Transport

The Molls visit the Swiss Museum of Trans-port in Lucerne. There are many ways to get there, but first they take the train. As soon as they arrive, Chips the dachshund dashes into the museum and the chase begins. There is so much to see and experience in Switzerland‘s most popular museum!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2004

Volume 17Papa Moll on his Alps

The Molls spend a glorious summer at a tiny alpine farm. Together the family has a lot of imaginative fun while learning about the alpine world in all its dimensions. At the end of the summer, they have collected a lot of stories to tell all about their crazy adventures in the mountains.

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2009

Volume 22Papa Moll – full Speed ahead

Papa Moll is the new captain of the freigh-ter «Papadam». Now the Molls embark on an adventurous journey down the Rhein from Basel to the harbour of Rotterdam. Joining the Molls this time: the Dutch sai-lor Jan.

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2006

Volume 18Papa Moll on the Bicycle

Originally, the Molls wanted to fly to the Maldives. When Chips the Dachshund hears that they want to send him to a ken-nel, he flees miserably and cowers in fear. So the family members change their plans and set of on a family bicycle trip with Chips along for the ride.

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2010

Volume 23Papa Moll – Treasure Hunt

Papa Moll tries his hand as a treasure hun-ter. And, of course, everything turns out dif-ferently than he had imagined. Another family adventure which leads the Molls to Egypt and from there on to international fame!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2000

Volume 15The Molls is building a House

The Molls are tired of the noise pollution in their hometown. Papa Moll discovers a di-lapidated house in the country and de-ci-des to renovate it for his family. The chaos and adventures that result from this pro-ject fill the pages!

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2008

Volume 20Papa Moll helps the Vet

Big or small, exotic or native, wild or tame, all animals can count on the veterinarian when they are sick or injured. Especially when Papa Moll is on the job! A chance en-counter in the waiting room catapults him into the position of veterinary assistant.


Page 26: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2015

Volume 28Papa Moll in the Snow

The Moll family are planning to spend their Christmas holiday in a lovely little chalet in the Alps. Once arrived, though, they first have to dig their holiday home out of the snow. And once inside, there is a lot to do for the Molls until they can get a little comfy.

World Rights available 64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2013

Volume 26Papa Moll's Animal Shelter

Papa Moll hears strange noises from the attic – what can they be? The story begins with him discovering a family of raccoons. And it does not take long for several other animals to find their way to the Moll family.

World Rights available64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2014

Volume 27Papa Moll finds new friends

The Moll family meet a cheerful group of handicapped people. Papa Moll manages to accidentally push Peter's wheelchair down a steep slope. Papa Moll wants to apologise, so the family visits the group. They have a great time together.

World Rights available 64 pages | bound | 25 × 18 cm | 5+ | 2012

Volume 25The Moll goes Swimming

Working in the garden can be dangerous – all of a sudden, you've got a crick in your back! Papa Moll can hardly walk, so his whole family set out to accompany him to the spa.


Board BooksBacklist

Page 27: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

With the help of all the animals the horses, cows, sheep and chickens get great new stables and sheds perfectly adapted to their needs.There are flaps and slides on every page, showing surprising variations on the original pictures.

Globi feeds the animals, puts them out to pasture, sets up the biotope, puts up scarecrows, harvests apples. The sheep get shorn and Globi sells home-made delicacies at his farm shop. There are slides and flaps on every page, with surprising variations of the original pictures.

Globi Builds a Stable Globi on the FarmWith Slides and Flaps With Slides and Flaps

World Rights available 16 pages | Board book, with flaps and slides on every page | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2014

World Rights available 16 pages | Board book, with flaps and slides on every page | 17,5 × 24 cm | 3+ | 2014


Page 28: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The


World Rights available16 pages | board book | 18 × 18 cm | 3+ | 2015

Glöbeli in the Rain

Glöbeli, his dog and Mia want to play outside. But – oh dear, it is raining! 'So what', the say, putting on their wel-lingtons and rainwear, and off they go. They meet ducks, frogs and lots of other animals who love rain. But there is also a cat who thinks the damp is awful and prefers to curl up in a dry place.

World Rights available16 pages | board book | 18 × 18 cm | 3+ | 2012

Glöbeli at the Playground

Glöbeli packs his favourite toys and sets out for the playground. There, he meets his friend Mia, who has brought her bicycle. Together with Glöbeli's little dog, they're having a great time.

World Rights available16 pages | board book | 18 × 18 cm | 3+ | 2015

Glöbeli Seeks His Dog

'It's time to bathe the dog', Glöbeli thinks, but the dog prefers to hide. Glöbeli is trying to find his pet and chil-dren will enjoy helping him. The twelve hidden object scenes always include a perky little mouse as well.

World Rights available16 pages | board book | 18 × 18 cm | 3+ | 2013

Glöbeli On the Beach

Glöbeli is on the beach with his friend, the little dog. There is so much to explore and to discover! Relaxed and cheerful, Glöbeli is having a wonderful day on the beach: He creates beach pictures, builds sandcastles, romps with the dog, lets the water tickle his feet and watches animals from the air and the water. And some-times, he settles into his cozy wicker beach chair and basks in the sun.

World Rights available16 pages | board book | 18 × 18 cm | 3+ | 2012

Glöbeli on the Farm

Glöbeli is helping out on the farm. He and his little dog are having a lot of fun, meeting all kinds of animals. Glö-beli helps with the feeding; the cow and her small calf are happy. The chickens share their feed with the swal-lows nesting under the roof. In the pigsty, Globi meets a sow with a lot of piglets that are squealing with hunger. The sheep usually take things easy, but of course they love fresh fodder, too. Glöbeli takes children along to visit a farm

World Rights available16 pages | board book | 18 × 18 cm | 3+ | 2013

Glöbeli In the Meadow

Glöbeli is playing in the meadow. There is so much to explore and to discover!Glöbeli's little dog joins him again for this adventure. They romp in the meadow, discovering all kinds of ani-mals, insects and plants.

Page 29: New Releases and Backlist Fall 2017 Foreign Rights Catalogue€¦ · received fan-mail and, incidentally, re-plied personally to each letter, shows ... mits in his merry pranks. The

Contact:Sindhya BergaminGlobi Verlag / Orell Füssli VerlagDietzingerstrasse 3 CH-8036 Zurich Switzerland+41 44 466 74 33 (PHONE) +41 44 466 74 12 (FAX) [email protected]