new publications in humanitarian action and the law · new publications in humanitarian action and...

New publications in humanitarian action and the law This selection is based on the new acquisitions of the ICRC Library and Public Archives Air warfare Articles Peter Hostettler, Reflections on the Law of Neutrality in Current Air and Missile Warfare, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 145166. Kenneth Watkin, Targeting in Air Warfare, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 167. Arms Books Yannick Charles, Optimal Navigation for Humanitarian Demining Robots, 2011, 178 pp. Jack I. Garvey, Nuclear Weapons Counterproliferation: A New Grand Bargain, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 240 pp. BOOKS AND ARTICLES ICRC Library and Research Services The ICRCs Library and Research Service is a public resource presently offering more than 25,000 books and articles, as well as 300 journals. The collection focuses on international humanitarian law, the work of the ICRC and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the challenges of humanitarian work and issues of humanitarian concern in war, and the history and development of armed conflict. Other topics include international criminal law, human rights, weapons, detention, and refugees and displaced persons. The ICRC has acquired publications and periodicals since 1863, and holds specific collections including rare documents dating back to the foundation of the organization. International Review of the Red Cross (2014), 96 (895/896), 11511176. Generating respect for the law doi:10.1017/S1816383115000314 © icrc 2015 1151

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New publications in humanitarianaction and the lawThis selection is based on the new acquisitions of theICRC Library and Public Archives

Air warfare


Peter Hostettler, “Reflections onthe Law of Neutrality in CurrentAir and Missile Warfare”, IsraelYearbook on Human Rights, Vol.44, 2014, pp. 145–166.

Kenneth Watkin, “Targeting inAir Warfare”, Israel Yearbookon Human Rights, Vol. 44, 2014,pp. 1–67.



Yannick Charles, OptimalNavigation for HumanitarianDemining Robots, 2011, 178 pp.

Jack I. Garvey, Nuclear Weapons Counterproliferation: A New Grand Bargain,Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 240 pp.


ICRC Library and ResearchServices

The ICRC’s Library and Research Service is apublic resource presently offering more than25,000 books and articles, as well as 300journals. The collection focuses oninternational humanitarian law, the work ofthe ICRC and the International Red Crossand Red Crescent Movement, the challengesof humanitarian work and issues ofhumanitarian concern in war, and thehistory and development of armed conflict.Other topics include international criminallaw, human rights, weapons, detention, andrefugees and displaced persons. The ICRChas acquired publications and periodicalssince 1863, and holds specific collectionsincluding rare documents dating back to thefoundation of the organization.

International Review of the Red Cross (2014), 96 (895/896), 1151–1176.Generating respect for the lawdoi:10.1017/S1816383115000314

© icrc 2015 1151

Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement, Small Arms Survey2013: Everyday Dangers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013, 327 pp.


Kasaija Phillip Apuuli, “International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and the Use ofUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) (Drones) as a Means of Warfare AgainstArmed Groups in Africa”, Uganda’s Paper Series on International HumanitarianLaw, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 109–122.

John Borrie, “Humanitarian Reframing of Nuclear Weapons and the Logic of aBan”, International Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 3, 2014, pp. 625–646.

F. W. De Klerk, “Nuclear Exits: Conference Proceedings: Helsinki, 18–19 October2013”, Medicine, Conflict and Survival, Vol. 30, Supplement 1, August 2014, 80 pp.

Treasa Dunworth, “The Silent Killer: Toxic Chemicals for Law Enforcement and theChemical Weapons Convention”, New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, Vol.10, 2012, pp. 3–31.

Allyson Hauptman, “Autonomous Weapons and the Law of Armed Conflict”,Military Law Review, Vol. 218, Winter 2013, pp. 170–195.

Catherine Jefferson, “Origins of the Norm Against Chemical Weapons”,International Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 3, 2014, pp. 647–661.

Eric Talbot Jensen, “The Future of the Law of Armed Conflict: Ostriches, Butterflies,and Nanobots”, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 35, Winter 2014, pp.253–317.

Frédéric Mégret, “The Humanitarian Problem with Drones”, Utah Law Review, Vol.2013, No. 5, 2013, pp. 1283–1319.

Adebayo Olowo-Ake, “A Short Historiography of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)”, Uganda’s Paper Series on International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 1, No. 1,2013, pp. 101–108.

Robert David Onley, “Death from Above? The Weaponization of Space and theThreat to International Humanitarian Law”, Journal of Air Law and Commerce,Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013, pp. 739–765.

Sjef Orbons, “Are Non-lethal Weapons a Viable Military Option to Strengthen theHearts and Minds Approach in Afghanistan?”, Defense and Security Analysis, Vol.28, No. 2, 2012, pp. 114–130.

Shane R. Reeves and William J. Johnson, “Autonomous Weapons: Are You SureThese are Killer Robots? Can We Talk about It?”, The Army Lawyer, April 2014,pp. 25–31.

Frederik Rosén, “Extremely Stealthy and Incredibly Close: Drones, Control andLegal Responsibility”, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2014,pp. 113–131.

Books and articles


Ladislav Streda and Jirí Patocka, “Incapacitating Chemicals: Risk to the Purpose andObjectives of the Chemical Weapons Convention?”, Kontakt, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2014,pp. 57–63.

Sarah Swart, “A New Dawn in the Nuclear Weapons Debate: A Role for Africa?”,African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law, 2013, pp. 196–218.



Bénédict de Tscharner, Inter gentes: Hommes d’état, diplomates, penseurs politiques,Infolio, Gollion, and Ed. de Penthes, Geneva, 2012, 383 pp.



Mohamed Abdelsalam Babiker (ed.), Enfants-soldats et droits des enfantsen situation de conflit et post-conflit: Réalités et enjeux, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2013,299 pp.

Helene Van Klinken, Making Them Indonesians: Child Transfers out of East Timor,Monash University Publishing, Clayton, 2012, 212 pp.


Maria Achton Thomas, “Malice Supplies the Age? Assessing the Culpability ofAdolescent Soldiers”, California Western International Law Journal, Vol. 44, Fall2013, pp. 1–38.

Diane Marie Amann, “Children and the First Verdict of the International CriminalCourt”,Washington University Global Studies Law Review, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2013, pp.411–432.

Chris Jenks, “Law as Shield, Law as Sword: The ICC’s Lubanga Decision, ChildSoldiers and the Perverse Mutualism of Participation in Hostilities”, TheUniversity of Miami National Security and Armed Conflict Law Review, Vol. 3,Summer 2013, pp. 106–124.

Ann Linnarsson and Vanessa Sedletzki, “Independent Human RightsInstitutions for Children: An Actor for the Protection of Children’s RightsDuring Armed Conflict?”, Human Rights Quarterly: A Comparative andInternational Journal of the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law, Vol. 36,No. 2, 2014, pp. 447–472.

International Review of the Red Cross


Ryan Liss, “The Abuse of Ambiguity: The Uncertain Status of Omar Khadr UnderInternational Law”, Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 50, 2012, pp.95–161.

Conrad Nyamutata, “From Heroes to Victims: An Analysis of the Mutation of theSocial Meaning of Child Soldiering”, International Criminal Law Review, Vol. 14,No. 3, 2014, pp. 619–640.

ElijahOluwatoyinOkebukola, “TrainingChildren forArmedConflict:WhereDoes theLaw Stand?”, International Criminal Law Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2014, pp. 588–618.



Cheryl Abbate, “Assuming Risk: A Critical Analysis of a Soldier’s Duty to PreventCollateral Casualties”, Journal of Military Ethics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014, pp. 70–93.

Charles Garraway, “The Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects from theEffects of Air and Missile Warfare: Are There Any Differences between theImmediate Battlefield and the Extended Battlefield?”, Israel Yearbook on HumanRights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 125–144.

Cecilia Jacob, “Practising Civilian Protection: Human Security in Myanmar andCambodia”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2014, pp. 391–408.

Eva Küblbeck, “The Immunity of Civilians: A Moral and Legal Study of Attackson the Civilian Population”, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies,Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013, pp. 262–295.

Steven J. Rose, “Moving Forward with the Responsibility to Protect: Using PoliticalInertia to Protect Civilians”, Boston College International and Comparative LawReview, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2014, pp. 209–240.

Conflict, violence and security


Nabil El-Haggar (ed.) and Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, La guerre, une véritéhumaine, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2013, 191 pp.

Daniel Feierstein , Le génocide comme pratique sociale: Du nazisme à l’expérienceargentine, trans. Gabriel Périès, MétisPresses, Geneva, 2013, 395 pp.

Hew Strachan, The Direction of War: Contemporary Strategy in HistoricalPerspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013, 322 pp.

Dieter Weingärtner (ed.), Streitkräfte und nicht-staatliche Akteure, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2013, 215 pp.

Books and articles



Frédérick Douzet, “Cyberespace: Enjeux géopolitiques”, Hérodote: Revue deGéographie et de Géopolitique, Vols 152–153, Nos 1–2, 2014, 297 pp.

David C. Gompert andMartin C. Libicki, “CyberWarfare and Sino-American CrisisInstability”, Survival, Vol. 56, No. 4, 2014, pp. 7–21.

Dominic D. P. Johnson and Monica Duffy Toft, “Grounds for War: The Evolutionof Territorial Conflict”, International Security, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2013/2014, pp. 7–38.

Nori Katagiri, “Winning Hearts and Minds to Lose Control: Exploring VariousConsequences of Popular Support in Counterinsurgency Missions”, Small Warsand Insurgencies, Vol. 22, No. 1, March 2011, pp. 170–195.

Shivaji Mukherjee, “Why Are the Longest Insurgencies Low Violence? PoliticianMotivations, Sons of the Soil, and Civil War Duration”, Civil Wars, Vol. 16, No.2, 2014, pp. 172–207.

Michael N. Schmitt and Liis Vihul, “Proxy Wars in Cyberspace: The EvolvingInternational Law of Attribution”, Fletcher Security Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2014,pp. 53–72.



Handbook on Strategies to Reduce Overcrowding in Prisons, United Nations,New York, 2013, 194 pp.


Salman Abu Sitta and Terry Rempel, “The ICRC and the Detention of PalestinianCivilians in Israel’s 1948 POW/Labor Camps”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol.43, No. 4, 2014, pp. 11–38.

Eric Talbot Jensen, “Guantanamo and the End of Hostilities”, Southern IllinoisUniversity Law Journal, Vol. 37, March 2013, pp. 491–512.

Olivier Lahaie, “Prisonniers de la Grande Guerre: Victimes ou instruments auservice des Etats belligérents”, Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains:Revue d’Histoire, Vol. 253, January–March 2014, pp. 3–88.

Kimberly A. Lowe, “Humanitarianism and National Sovereignty: Red CrossIntervention on Behalf of Political Prisoners in Soviet Russia, 1921–3”, Journal ofContemporary History, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2014, pp. 652–674.

Bruce Oswald and Thomas Winkler, “The Copenhagen Process: Principles andGuidelines on the Handling of Detainees in International Military Operations”,Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol. 83, No. 2, 2014, pp. 128–167.

International Review of the Red Cross


Christoph Schütz, “Die Ingewahrsamnahme nicht-staatlicher Kämpfer im nicht-internationalen bewaffneten Konflikt”, Journal of International Law of Peace andArmed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2014, pp. 139–145.



ICRC, Economic Security, 2nd ed., ICRC, Geneva, October 2013, 4 sections.



Razika Fareed, “Wasser als Mittel oder Ziel eines Militärschlags im bewaffnetenKonflikt”, Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 1,2014, pp. 44–51.

Robert A. Francis and Krishna Krishnamurthy, “Human Conflict and EcosystemServices: Finding the Environmental Price of Warfare”, International Affairs, Vol.90, No. 4, 2014, pp. 853–869.

Patrick J. Keenan, “Conflict Minerals and the Law of Pillage”, Chicago Journal ofInternational Law, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2014, pp. 524–558.

Erik Vincent Koppe, “Climate Change and Human Security during Armed Conflict”,Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2014, pp. 68–83.

Laura Puts, “Water on the International Security Agenda: Does Water ScarcityEncourage the Use of Water as Weapon or Target of War?”, Journal ofInternational Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2014, pp. 36–44.

Geopolitics – Africa


John P. Cann, and Bernard E. Trainor, Counterinsurgency in Africa: The PortugueseWay of War, 1961–1974, Helion, Solihull, 2012, 210 pp.

Jean-Pierre Chrétien and Marcel Kabanda, Rwanda, racisme et génocide: L’idéologiehamitique, Belin, Paris, 2013, 379 pp.

Lawrence E. Cline, The Lord’s Resistance Army, Praeger, Oxford, 2013, 226 pp.


Christian Marxsen, “The Crimea Crisis”, Heidelberg Journal of International Law,Vol. 74, No. 2, 2014, pp. 367–391.

Books and articles


Enrica Picco, “The Crisis in the Central African Republic”, Humanitarian Exchange:The Magazine of the Humanitarian Practice Network, Vol. 62, September 2014, 31 pp.

Paul D. Williams, “After Westgate: Opportunities and Challenges in the WarAgainst Al-Shabaab”, International Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 4, 2014, pp. 907–923.

Geopolitics – Americas


José Dario Rodriguez Cuadros, “Le processus de paix en Colombie”, Etudes: Revuede Culture Contemporaine, Vol. 4210, November 2014, pp. 21–32.

Geopolitics – Asia and the Pacific


Louise Tillin, Remapping India: New States and Their Political Origins, Hurst,London, 2013, 268 p.


Jamie Lynn De Coster, “Negotiating the Great Game: Ending the U.S. Intervention inAfghanistan”, The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2014, pp. 73–100.

Alice Ekman, “Chine: Une nouvelle diplomatie?”, Politique Étrangère, Vol. 3, 2014,pp. 9–75.

Marjane Kamal, “Afghanistan-Pakistan: Talibans, le grand retour?”, Diplomatie:Affaires Stratégiques et Relations Internationales, Vol. 69, July–August 2014, pp. 42–63.

David Keen, “‘The Camp’ and ‘the Lesser Evil’: Humanitarianism in Sri Lanka”,Conflict, Security and Development, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2014, pp. 1–31.

Geopolitics – Europe and Central Asia


William W. Burke-White and Mark Fitzpatrick, “Ukraine and Global Order”,Survival, Vol. 56, No. 4, 2014, pp. 65–90.

Lawrence Freedman, “Putin’s World”, Survival, Vol. 56, No. 3, 2014, pp. 7–101.

Hans-Joachim Heintze, “Völkerrecht und Sezession: Ist die Annexion der Krim einezulässigeWiedergutmachung sowjetischen Unrechts?”, Journal of International Lawof Peace and Armed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2014, pp. 129–138.

Iouri Lakimenko, “Ukraine: Premières leçons”, Politique Étrangère, Vol. 2, 2014,pp. 81–121.

International Review of the Red Cross


Geopolitics –Middle East and North Africa


M. Cherif Bassiouni (ed.), Libya: From Repression to Revolution: A Record of ArmedConflict and International Law Violations, 2011–2013, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden andParis, 2013, 933 pp.

Jean-Pierre Filiu and Cyrille Pomes III, Le printemps des Arabes, Futuropolis, Paris,2013, 103 pp.

Otto Höschle, Glutland: Roman, Pro Libro, Lucerne, 2012, 357 pp.

Boaz Yakin and Nick Bertozzi III, Jérusalem: Portrait de famille, Casterman, Brussels,2013, 394 pp.


Charles Abdallah, “Le Liban et la crise syrienne”,Maghreb-Machrek, Vol. 218, 2014,pp. 5–134.

Jean-Paul Burdy, “L’Iran: Nouvelle puissance régionale?”, Diplomatie: AffairesStratégiques et Relations Internationales, Vol. 70, September–October 2014, pp. 40–63.

David W. Lesch, “The Unknown Future of Syria”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 18,No. 1, 2013, pp. 99–105.

Bernard Rougier, “Egypte: Entre révolution(s) et autoritarisme”, Moyen-Orient:Géopolitique, Géoéconomie, Géostratégie et Sociétés du Monde Arabo-Musulman,Vol. 24, October–December 2014, pp. 15–69.

Dorothée Schmid (ed.), “Kurdistan(s)”, Politique Étrangère, Vol. 2, 2014, pp. 9–77.

Steven A. Zyck, “The Humanitarian Situation in Yemen”, Humanitarian Exchange:The Magazine of the Humanitarian Practice Network, Vol. 61, May 2014, pp. 3–23.

Geopolitics – world, minorities


Ray Takeyh, “The ColdWar’s Cold Cases”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 4, 2014, pp.2–42.



Michael A. Grodin (ed.),Health and Human Rights in a ChangingWorld, Routledge,New York, 2013, 647 pp.

Books and articles



Matthew R. Hunt, “The Ethics of Engaged Presence: A Framework for HealthProfessionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Development Work, DevelopingWorld Bioethics, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2014, pp. 47–55.

Brigit Hunt, “Healthcare on the Battlefield: In Search of a Legal and EthicalFramework”, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2,2013, pp. 197–219.



Claude Barbier, Crimes de guerre à Habère-Lullin: 26 décembre 1943, 2 septembre1944, La Salévienne, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, 2013, 449 pp.

Sophie Coeuré, La mémoire spoliée: Les archives des Français, butin de guerre nazipuis soviétique (de 1940 à nos jours), Payot, Paris, 2013, 375 pp.

Joe Sacco and Adam Hochschild, The Great War: July 1, 1916: The First Day of theBattle of the Somme: An Illustrated Panorama, W.W. Norton, New York, 2013, 24 pp.

Anthony Saunders, Trench Warfare: 1850–1950, Pen and Sword Military, Barnsley,2010, 231 pp.

Daniel Marc Segesser, Der Erste Weltkrieg: In globaler Perspektive, Marixverlag,Wiesbaden, 2012, 249 pp.


Jean-Luc Coatalem (ed.), “L’indochine: Un siècle de présence française au Vietnam,au Laos et au Cambodge: Des premières expéditions à la défaite de Diên Biên Phu1858–1954”, Géo Histoire, Vol. 14, April–May 2014, 120 pp.

Hervé De Weck, “Histoire militaire, 1914–1944: La Suisse et la guerre:Sturmgeschütze”, Revue Militaire Suisse (RMS), 2014, 63 pp.

Eric Meyer (ed.), “Spécial seconde guerre mondiale (2[èm]e partie): La Libération:De l’insurrection de Paris à la victoire de 1945”, Géo Histoire, Vol. 16, August–September 2014, 117 pp.

Eric Meyer (ed.), “La première guerre mondiale: 2[èm]e partie 1914–1918: Au coeurdes grandes batailles”, Géo Histoire, Vol. 13, February–March 2014, 128 pp.

EricMeyer (ed.), “Spécial seconde guerremondiale (1re partie): Le débarquement: Le 6juin 1944 et la bataille de Normandie”, Géo Histoire, Vol. 15, June–July 2014, 138 pp.

Pierre Purseigle, “The Great War”, International Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 2, 2014, pp.249–439.

International Review of the Red Cross


Human rights


Human Rights Watch World Report 2013: Events of 2012, Human Rights Watch,New York, 2013, 665 pp.

Carlos Fernandez de Casadevante Romani, International Law of Victims, Springer,Heidelberg, 2012, 274 pp.


Eliav Lieblich, “Quasi-hostile Acts: The Limits on Forcible Disruption OperationsUnder International Law”, Boston University International Law Journal, Vol. 32,No. 2, 2014, pp. 355–409.

Jake William Rylatt, “An Evaluation of the U.S. Policy of ‘Targeted Killing’ UnderInternational Law: The Case of Anwar Al-Aulaqi (Part II)”, California WesternInternational Law Journal, Vol. 44, Spring 2014, pp. 115–147.

Michael N. Schmitt, “Extraterritorial Lethal Targeting: Deconstructing the Logic ofInternational Law”, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2013,pp. 77–112.

Humanitarian aid


Alex J. Bellamy (ed.), “Special Issue: Humanitarian Action and the Responsibility toProtect”, Global Responsibility to Protect, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2014, pp. 117–263.


J. Benton Heath, “Managing the ‘Republic of NGOs’: Accountability andLegitimation Problems Facing the UN Cluster System”, Vanderbilt Journal ofTransnational Law, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2014, pp. 239–293.

Peter Maurer, “Challenges to Humanitarian Action in Contemporary Conflicts:Israel, the Middle East and Beyond”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2014, pp.175–180.

Amanda Murdie and Dursun Peksen, “The Impact of Human Rights INGOShaming on Humanitarian Interventions”, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 76, No. 1,2014, pp. 215–228.

Neil Narang, “Humanitarian Assistance and the Duration of Peace after Civil War”,The Journal of Politics, Vol. 76, No. 2, 2014, pp. 446–460.

Books and articles


Chiara Ruffa and Pascal Vennesson, “Fighting and Helping? A Historical-Institutionalist Explanation of NGO-Military Relations”, Security Studies, Vol. 23,No. 3, 2014, pp. 582–621.

Hugo Slim and Emanuela-Chiara Gillard, “Ethical and Legal Perspectives on Cross-border Humanitarian Operations”, Humanitarian Exchange: The Magazine of theHumanitarian Practice Network, Vol. 59, November 2013, pp. 6–9.

Gerd Stolz, “Der Johanniter-Orden und die Malteser in ihrem Einsatz 1864in Schleswig-Holstein und Dänemark”, Natur- und Landeskunde: Zeitschrift fürSchleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Mecklenburg, Vol. 120, 2013, pp. 174–197.

Raphaël Van Steenberghe, “The Notions of the Responsibility to Protect and theProtection of Civilians in Armed Conflict: Detecting Their Association and ItsImpact upon International Law”, Goettingen Journal of International Law, Vol. 6,No. 1, 2014, pp. 81–114.

ICRC – International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement


ICRC, Safer Access in Action: Case Study: Afghanistan, ICRC, Geneva, October 2013,18 pp.

ICRC, Safer Access in Action: Case Study: Lebanon, ICRC, Geneva, October 2013,31 pp.

ICRC, Safer Access in Action: Case Study: South Africa, ICRC, Geneva, October2013, 16 pp.

ICRC, Safer Access: A Guide for All National Societies, ICRC, Geneva, October 2013,84 pp.

Pascal Grellety Bosviel and Sophie Bocquillon, Toute une vie d’humanitaire: 50 ansde terrain d’un médecin-carnettiste, Elytis, Bordeaux, 2013, 237 pp.

Toni Pfanner (ed.), The Empress Shôken Fund: A Century of Japanese Beneficence,Joint Commission of the Empress Shôken Fund, 2012, 111 pp.

International criminal law


Thorsten Bonacker (ed.), Victims of International Crimes: An InterdisciplinaryDiscourse, T. M. C. Asser Press, The Hague, 2013, 399 pp.

Vivienne O’Connor, Prosecution of Rape as a War Crime, INPROL, July 2012,13 pp.

International Review of the Red Cross



Margaret Ajok, “Amnesty and Transitional Justice (TJ) in Uganda”, Uganda’s PaperSeries on International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 13–30.

Robert Cryer, “The Role of International Criminal Prosecutions in IncreasingCompliance with International Humanitarian Law”, Israel Yearbook on HumanRights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 247–272.

Viviane E. Dittrich, “La Cour spéciale pour la Sierra Leone et la portée de sonhéritage”, Etudes Internationales, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2014, pp. 85–103.

Paul Eden, “The Role of the Rome Statute in the Criminalization of Apartheid”,Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2014, pp. 171–191.

Manuel Galvis Martínez, “Forfeiture of Assests at the International Criminal Court:The Short Arm of International Criminal Justice”, Journal of International CriminalJustice, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2014, pp. 193–217.

Jonathan Hafetz, “Diminishing the Value of War Crimes Prosecutions: A View ofthe Guantanamo Military Commissions from the Perspective of InternationalCriminal Law”, Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 2,No. 4, 2013, pp. 800–824.

Jan Arno Hessbruegge, “Justice Delayed, Not Denied: Statutory Limitations andHuman Rights Crimes”, Georgetown Journal of International Law, Vol. 43, No. 2,2012, pp. 335–385.

Bienfait Kujirakwinja Kalinda, “L’immunité de juridiction pénale des membres dupersonnel militaire d’une opération de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies:Cas de la MONUSCO”, Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé, Vol. 4,2013, pp. 549–594.

Fannie Lafontaine, “La compétence universelle et l’Afrique: Ingérence oucomplémentarité?”, Etudes Internationales, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2014, pp. 129–151.

George R. Lucas, “Automated Warfare”, Stanford Law & Policy Review, Vol. 25,No. 2, 2014, pp. 317–339.

Frédéric Mégret, “Cour pénale internationale et néocolonialisme: Au-delà desévidences”, Etudes Internationales, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2014, pp. 27–50.

Theodor Meron and Fatou Bensouda, “Twenty Years of International Criminal Law:From the ICTY to the ICC and Beyond”, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of theAmerican Society of International Law, Vol. 107, 2013, pp. 407–420.

Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen and Alona Hagay-Frey, “Silence at the NurembergTrials: The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg and Sexual Crimes AgainstWomen in the Holocaust”, Women’s Rights Law Reporter, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013, pp.43–66.

Yaël Ronen, “Israel, Palestine and the ICC: Territory Uncharted But NotUnknown”, Journal of International Criminal Jjustice, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2014, pp. 7–25.

Books and articles


Joshua L. Root, “New Frontiers in the Laws of War: Some Other Mens Rea?The Nature of Command Responsibility in the Rome Statue”, Journal ofTransnational Law and Policy, Vol. 23, 2013–2014, pp. 119–156.

Michael N. Schmitt, “Narrowing the International Law Divide: The Drone DebateMatures”,The Yale Journal of International LawOnline, Vol. 39, Spring 2014, pp. 1–14.

Marta Sosa Navarro, “A Hybrid Strategy to Prosecute the Waging of War”, SpanishYearbook of International Law, Vol. 17, 2011–2012, pp. 73–93.

Dominik Steiger, “A Steady Race Towards Better Compliance with InternationalHumanitarian Law? The ICTR 1995–2012”, International Criminal Law Review,Vol. 14, No. 6, 2014, pp. 969–1027.

Alexander Wills, “Old Crimes, New States and the Temporal Jurisdiction of theInternational Criminal Court”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol. 12,No. 3, 2014, pp. 407–435.

Karl Zemanek, “War Crimes in Modern Warfare”, Swiss Review of Internationaland European Law, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2014, pp. 207–240.

International humanitarian law – general


Michael Bothe and Karl Josef Partsch, New Rules for Victims of Armed Conflicts:Commentary on the Two 1977 Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of1949, 2nd ed., Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2013, 843 pp.

Stefania Baldini (ed.), Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law: BelgradeNational Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 16 December 2010: InternationalSeminar, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, 2011, 135 pp.

Claudia Tofan (ed.), International Humanitarian Law: Recent Case-Law andMaterials: Part 2, Global Law Association, Tilburg, 2012, 596 pp.

René Van Der Wolf (ed.), Laws of War and International Law, Wolf LegalPublishers, Nijmegen, 2013, 3 Vols, 402, 321, 446 pp.


Eyal Benvenisti and Amichai Cohen, “War is Governance: Explaining the Logic ofthe Laws of War from a Principal-Agent Perspective”, Michigan Law review, Vol.112, No. 8, 2014, pp. 1363–1415.

Kristin Bergtora Sandvik, “Regulating War in the Shadow of Law: Toward a Re-articulation of ROE”, Journal of Military Ethics, Vol. 13, No. 2, July 2014, pp. 118–136.

John Cerone, “The Legality of the Killing of Osama Bin Laden”, Proceedings of theAnnualMeeting of the American Society of International Law, Vol. 107, 2013, pp. 47–51.

International Review of the Red Cross


Morris Davis, “The United States and International Humanitarian Law: Building ItUp, then Tearing It Down”, North Carolina Journal of International Law andCommercial Regulation, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2014, pp. 983–1028.

Regina Ingrid Díaz Tolosa, “Aplicabilidad en el ámbito interno y en tiempos de pazde las normas de ius cogens del derecho internacional humanitario”, EstudiosConstitucionales, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2012, pp. 281–321.

Jean-Marie Kamatali, “The Application of International Human Rights Law in Non-International Armed Conflicts”, Journal of International Humanitarian LegalStudies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013, pp. 220–261.

Nicolas Lang, “Initiative der Schweiz und des IKRK für die bessere Einhaltung desHumanitären Völkerrechts: Rede auf der 24. Tagung zumHumanitären Völkerrechtdes Deuschen Roten Kreuzes in Ettlingen am 21”, Journal of International Law ofPeace and Armed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2014, pp. 60–64.

Ryder MacKeown, “Legal Asymmetries in Asymmetric War”, Review ofInternational Studies, 2014, pp. 1–22.

Agnieszka Szpak, “The Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission and CustomaryInternational Humanitarian Law”, Journal of International Humanitarian LegalStudies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013, pp. 296–314

Lesley Wexler, “New Frontiers in the Laws of War: International HumanitarianLaw Transparency”, Journal of Transnational Law and Policy, Vol. 23, 2013–2014,pp. 93–117.

International humanitarian law – conduct of hostilities


Charlotte Lülf, Modern Technologies and Targeting Under InternationalHumanitarian Law, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, 2013, 59 pp.


Kristina Benson, “‘Kill ’Em and Sort it Out Later’: Signature Drone Strikes andInternational Humanitarian Law”, Global Business and Development Law Journal,Vol. 27, No. 1, 2014, pp. 17–51.

Laurie R. Blank, “Extending Positive Identification from Persons to Places:Terrorism, Armed Conflict, and the Identification of Military Objectives”, UtahLaw Review, Vol. 2013, No. 5, 2013, pp. 1227–1261.

Michel Bourbonnière and Ricky J. Lee, “Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello Considerationson the Targeting of Satellites: The Targeting of Post-Modern Military Space Assets”,Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 167–217.

Books and articles


Jonathan Crowe, “International Humanitarian Law and the Challenge ofCombatant Status”, International Law Annual, Vol. 2, 2014, pp. 17–22.

Yoram Dinstein, “Issues Relating to the Use of Civilian ‘Human Shields’”, IsraelYearbook on Human Rights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 273–291.

Ophir Falk, “Permissibility of Targeted Killing”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism,Vol. 37, No. 4, 2014, pp. 295–321.

Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, “The Role of Necessity in InternationalHumanitarian and Human Rights Law”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2014,pp. 225–251.

Monika Hlavkova, “Reconstructing the Civilian/Combatant Divide: A Fresh Look atTargeting in Non-International Armed Conflict”, Journal of Conflict and SecurityLaw, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2014, pp. 251–278.

Asa Kasher, “Combatants’ Life and Human Dignity”, Israel Yearbook on HumanRights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 219–246.

Martijn Jurgen Keeman, “Is Formalism a Friend or Foe? Saving the Principle ofDistinction by Applying Function Over Form”, Journal of InternationalHumanitarian Legal Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013, pp. 354–389.

Seth Lazar, “Necessity and Non-Combatant Immunity”, Review of InternationalStudies, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2014, pp. 53–76.

Jeff MacMahan, “New Frontiers in the Laws of War: Proportionate Defense”,Journal of Transnational Law and Policy, Vol. 23, 2013–2014, pp. 1–36.

Jeremy Rabkin and John C. Yoo, “A Return to Coercion: International Lawand New Weapon Technologies”, Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2014,pp. 1187–1226.

Shane R. Reeves and Jeffrey S. Thurnher, “Are We Reaching a Tipping Point? HowContemporary Challenges are Affecting the Military Necessity-Humanity Balance”,Harvard National Security Journal Features, 2013, 12 pp.

Sean Watts, “Law-of-War Perfidy”, Military Law Review, Vol. 219, Spring 2014,pp. 106–175.

Frederic Wiesenbach, “Uncertainty on Somalia’s Beaches: The Legal Regime ofOnshore Anti-Piracy Operations”, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol. 19,No. 1, 2014, pp. 85–112.

International humanitarian law – implementation


Kasaija Phillip Apuuli, “The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region(ICGLR) and the Implementation of International Humanitarian law (IHL) in the

International Review of the Red Cross


Great Lakes Region”, Uganda’s Paper Series on International Humanitarian Law,Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 49–70.

Aharon Barak, “International Humanitarian Law and the Israeli Supreme Court”,Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2014, pp. 181–189.

Laurie R. Blank, “Investigations into Military Operations: What Impact onTransitional Justice?”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2014, pp. 85–104.

Robert W. Heinsch and Katja Schöberl, “Die Verbreitungsarbeitsstrategie desDeutschen Roten Kreuzes”, Journal of International Law of Peace and ArmedConflict, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2014, pp. 108–112.

Wolfgang S. Heinz, “Ein Überblick zum UN-Menschenrechtsschutz und seinenBezügen zum humanitäres Völkerrecht”, Journal of International Law of Peaceand Armed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2014, pp. 113–120.

Thordis Ingadottir, “The Role of the International Court of Justice in theEnforcement of the Obligation of States to Investigate and Prosecute SeriousCrimes at the National Level”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2014, pp. 285–302.

Joshua Kelly, “Re Civilian Casualty Court Martial: Prosecuting Breaches ofInternational Humanitarian Law Using the Australian Military Justice System”,Melbourne University Law Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2013, pp. 342–371.

Paul David Mora, “Jurisdictional Immunities of the State for Serious Violations ofInternational Human Rights Law or the Law of Armed Conflict”, CanadianYearbook of International Law, Vol. 50, 2012, pp. 243–287.

Alyssa K. Prorok and Benjamin J. Appel, “Compliance with InternationalHumanitarian Law: Democratic Third Parties and Civilian Targeting in InterstateWar”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 58, No. 4, 2014, pp. 713–740.

Nakitto Saidat, “The Role of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region(ICGLR) in the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL): A Caseof Uganda”, Uganda’s Paper Series on International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 1,No. 1, 2013, pp. 71–100.

International humanitarian law – law of occupation


Jay Butler, “Responsibility for Regime Change”, Columbia Law Review, Vol. 114,No. 3, 2014, pp. 503–581.

Keren Greenblatt, “‘Gate of the Sun’: Applying Human Rights Law in the OccupiedPalestinian Territories in Light of Non-violent Resistance and Normalization”,Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2014, pp. 152–190.

Yaël Ronen, “Blind in Their Own Cause: The Military Courts in the West Bank”,Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2013.

Books and articles


International humanitarian law – type of actors


Gregory Raymond Bart, “Special Operations Forces and Responsibility for Surrogates’War Crimes”, Harvard National Security Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2014, pp. 513–535.

Shannon Bosch, “Private Security Contractors and Neutral Relief Workers: AnUnlikely Marriage?”, African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law,2013, pp. 163–195.

Patrick Gallahue, “Targeted Killing of Drug Lords: Traffickers as Members of ArmedOpposition Groups and/or Direct Participants in Hostilities”, International Journalon Human Rights and Drug Policy, Vol. 1, 2010, pp. 15–33.

Todd C. Huntley and Andrew D. Levitz, “Controlling the Use of Power in theShadows: Challenges in the Application of Jus in Bello to Clandestine andUnconventional Warfare Activities”, Harvard National Security Journal, Vol. 5,No. 2, 2014, pp. 461–512.

P. R. Kalidhass, “Determining the Status of Private Military Companies UnderInternational Law: A Quest to Solve Accountability Issues in Armed Conflicts”,Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2014, pp. 4–19.

Steven R. Kochheiser, “Silent Partners: Private Forces, Mercenaries, andInternational Humanitarian Law in the 21st Century”, The University of MiamiNational Security and Armed Conflict Law Review, Vol. 2, Summer 2012, pp.86–109.

Tomas Macura, “Accountability and Protection of UN Peacekeepers in Lightof MONUSCO”, Die Friedens-Warte: Journal of International Peace andOrganization, Vol. 88, Nos 3–4, 2013, pp. 143–156.

Kate Neilson, “Ending Impunity: Bringing Superiors of Private Military and SecurityCompany Personnel to Justice”,New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 9,2011, pp. 121–159.

Vijay M. Padmanabhan, “Cyber Warriors and the Jus in Bello”, International LawStudies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 288–308.

Faiza Collab Patel, “The Regulation of Private Military and Security Contractors”,Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law,Vol. 107, 2013, pp. 199–210.

Anton O. Petrov, “Non-State Actors and Law of Armed Conflict Revisited:Enforcing International Law through Domestic Engagement”, Journal of Conflictand Security Law, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2014, pp. 279–316.

Dave Wallace and Shane Reeves, “Non-State Armed Groups and Technology: TheHumanitarian Tragedy at Our Doorstep?”, The University of Miami NationalSecurity and Armed Conflict Law Review, Vol. 3, 2013, pp. 26–45.

International Review of the Red Cross


International humanitarian law – type of conflict


Collin Allan, “Direct Participation in Hostilities from Cyberspace”, Virginia Journalof International Law, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2013, pp. 173–193.

Céline Bauloz, “The Definition of Internal Armed Conflict in Asylum Law: The2014 Diakité Judgment of the EU Court of Justice”, Journal of InternationalCriminal Justice, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2014, pp. 835–846.

Jack M. Beard, “Legal Phantoms in Cyberspace: The Problematic Statusof Information as a Weapon and a Target Under InternationalHumanitarian Law”, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 47, No. 1,2014, pp. 67–144.

William H. Boothby, “Methods and Means of Cyber Warfare”, International LawStudies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 387–405.

Robert M. Chesney, “Postwar”, Harvard National Security Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1,2014, pp. 305–334.

Geoffrey S. Corn and Tanweer Kaleemullah, “The Military Response to CriminalViolent Extremist Groups: Aligning Use of Force Presumptions with ThreatReality”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2014, pp. 253–283.

Justin A. Fraterman, “Criminalizing Humanitarian Relief: Are U.S. Material Supportfor Terrorism Laws Compatible with International Humanitarian Law?”,International Law and Politics, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2013, pp. 399–470.

Michael J. Glennon, “The Road Ahead: Gaps, Leaks and Drips”, International LawStudies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 362–386.

Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, “Territorial Sovereignty and Neutrality inCyberspace”, International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 123–156.

Eric Talbot Jensen, “Cyber Attacks: Proportionality and Precautions in Attack”,International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 198–217.

Jann K. Kleffner and Heather A. Harrison Dinniss, “Keeping the Cyber Peace:International Legal Aspects of Cyber Activities in Peace Operations”,International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 512–535.

Claus Kress, “Der Bürgerkrieg und das Völkerrecht”, Juristen Zeitung, Vol. 69,No. 8, 2014, pp. 365–373.

David Kretzmer and Aviad Ben-Yehuda, “‘Thou Shall Not Kill’: The Use of LethalForce in Non-International Armed Conflicts”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 2,2014, pp. 191–224.

Logan Liles, “The Civilian Cyber Battlefield: Non-State Cyber Operators’ StatusUnder the Law of Armed Conflict”, North Carolina Journal of International Lawand Commercial Regulation, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2014, pp. 1091–1121.

Books and articles


Konstantinos Mastorodimos, “Belligerency Recognition: Past, Present and Future”,Connecticut Journal of International Law, Vol. 29, 2014, pp. 301–326.

Jody M. Prescott, “The Law of Armed Conflict and the Responsible CyberCommander”, Vermont Law Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2013, pp. 101–145.

Tom Ruys, “The Syrian Civil War and the Achilles’ Heel of the Law of Non-International Armed Conflict”, Stanford Journal of International Law, Vol. 50,No. 2, 2014, pp. 247–280.

Joachim Sanden and Sascha-Dominik Bachmann, “Hybride Bedrohungen”,Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2014,pp. 120–128.

Marco Sassòli and Anne Quintin, “Active and Passive Precautions in Air andMissileWarfare”, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 69–123.

Michael N. Schmitt, “The Law of Cyber Warfare: Quo Vadis?”, Stanford Law andPolicy Review, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2014, pp. 269–299.

Raphaël Van Steenberghe, “Les interventions française et africaine au Mali au nomde la lutte armée contre le terrorisme”, Revue Générale de Droit International Public,Vol. 118, No. 2, 2014, pp. 273–302.

Paul Walker, “Organizing for Cyberspace Operations: Selected Issues”,International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 341–361.

David Wallace and Shane R. Reeves, “The Law of Armed Conflict’s ‘Wicked’Problem: Levée en Masse in Cyber Warfare”, International Law Studies, Vol. 89,2013, pp. 646–668.

Kenneth Watkin, “The Cyber Road Ahead: Merging Lanes and Legal Challenges”,International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 472–511.

International organizations and NGOs


Yann Kerbrat (ed.), “La responsabilité des organisations internationales: Unétat des lieux à l’issue des travaux de la Commission du droit internationaldes Nations Unies”, Belgian Review of International Law, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2013,205 pp.

Olivera Simic and Melanie O’Brien, “‘Peacekeeper Babies’: An Unintended Legacyof United Nations Peace Support Operations”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 21,No. 3, 2014, pp. 345–363.

Richard J. Wilson and Emily Singer Hurvitz, “Human Rights Violations byPeacekeeping Forces in Somalia”, Human Rights Brief, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2014,pp. 2–8.

International Review of the Red Cross




Joshua Dalton, “A War of Perception: The Struggle for Legitimacy, Influence andPower Through Media in Post-2001 Afghanistan”, Central Asian Survey, Vol. 33,No. 3, 2014, 17 pp.

Missing persons


Helen Keller, “Enforced Disappearance: Challenges to Accountability UnderInternational Law”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2014,pp. 731–808.

National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


Katarína Cizmáriková and Bohdan Telgársky, Red Cross in Slovakia: 1989–1992,Vydavatel’stvo Matice Slovenskej, Martin, 2013, 132 pp.


Guy Mettan, “150 ans d’action humanitaire: 15 témoins racontent”, Votre Croix-Rouge: Magazine de la Croix-Rouge Genevoise, June 2014, 72 pp.

Natural disasters


Carlos R. Fernández Liesa and J. Daniel Oliva Martinez, El derecho internacional y lacooperación frente a los desastres en materia de protección civil, Dirección General deProtección Civil y Emergencias, Madrid, 2012, 86 pp.


Marc Hecker, “Le tsunami numérique: Gérer les catastrophes naturelles à l’heuredes réseaux sociaux”, Etudes: Revue de Culture Contemporaine, Vol. 4207, July–August 2014, pp. 9–18.

Books and articles




Andries Odendaal, A Crucial Link: Local Peace Committees and NationalPeacebuilding, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, DC, 2013, 183 pp.

Katharina Ziolkowski (ed.), Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace:International Law, International Relations and Diplomacy, NATO CooperativeCyber Defence Centre of Excellence, Tallinn, 2013, 746 pp.


Gustavo Alvira, “Toward a New Amnesty: The Colombian Peace Process and theInter-American Court of Human Rights”, Tulane Journal of International andComparative Law, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2013, pp. 119–144.

Gerhard Anders (ed.), “Transition and Justice: Negotiating the Terms of NewBeginnings inAfrica”,Development andChange, Vol. 45,No. 3,May2014, pp. 395–630.

Andreas von Arnauld, “Accountability of Peacekeepers”, Die Friedens-Warte:Journal of International Peace and Organization, Vol. 88, Nos 3–4, 2013, 233 pp.

Sévane Garibian, “Ghosts Also Die: Resisting Disappearance Through the ‘Right tothe Truth’ and the Juicios por la Verdad in Argentina”, Journal of InternationalCriminal Justice, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2014, pp. 515–538.

Andrew G. Reiter, “Examining the Use of Amnesties and Pardons as a Response toInternal Armed Conflict”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2014, pp. 133–147.

Protection of cultural property


Kevin Chamberlain,War and Cultural Heritage: An Analysis of the 1954 Conventionfor the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and Its TwoProtocols, 2nd ed., Institute of Art and Law, Builth Wells, 2013, 247 pp.


Afolasade Abidemi Adewumi, “War Time Pains, All Time Pains: Spoilage of CulturalProperty in Mali”, Art Antiquity and Law, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2013, pp. 309–321.

Sigrid Van Der Auwera, “‘Culture for Development’ and the UNESCO Policy onthe Protection of Cultural Property During Armed Conflict”, InternationalJournal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2014, pp. 245–260.

International Review of the Red Cross




Ron Eyerman (ed.), Narrating Trauma: On the Impact of Collective Suffering,Paradigm, London, 2013, 296 pp.

Public international law


Florent Compil Garnier, La coutume dans tous ses états: Actes du colloqueinternational des 15 au 17 juin 2010 à l’occasion de la célébration du 500eanniversaire de la rédaction de la Coutume d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand/Riom,La Mémoire du Droit, Paris, 2013, 414 pp.

Robert Kolb, The International Court of Justice, Hart, Oxford, 2013, 1307 pp.

Eduardo Szazi, NGOs: Legitimate Subjects of International Law, Leiden UniversityPress, Leiden, 2012, 310 pp.


Daniel R. Brunstetter and Megan Braun, “From Jus ad Bellum to Jus ad Vim:Recalibrating Our Understanding of the Moral Use of Force”, Ethics andInternational Affairs, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2013, pp. 87–106.

Terry D. Gill and Paul A. L. Ducheine, “Anticipatory Self-Defense in the CyberContext”, International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 438–471.

Anders Henriksen, “Jus ad Bellum and American Targeted Use of Force to FightTerrorism Around the World”, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol. 19,No. 2, 2014, pp. 211–250.

Boris Kondoch, “Jus ad Bellum and Cyber Warfare in Northeast Asia”, Journal ofEast Asia and International Law, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013, pp. 459–478.

George R. Lucas, “Legal and Ethical Precepts Governing Emerging MilitaryTechnologies: Research and Use”, Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2014,pp. 23–33.

Larry May, “New Frontiers in the Laws of War: The UN Charter, Human RightsLaw, and Contingent Pacifism”, Journal of Transnational Law and Policy, Vol. 23,2013–2014, pp. 37–67.

Alison Mitchell, “Distinguishing Friend From Foe: Law and Policy in the Age ofBattlefield Biometrics, The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 50,2012, pp. 289–330.

Books and articles


Hitoshi Nasu and Donald R. Rothwell, “Re-evaluating the Role of International Lawin Territorial and Maritime Disputes in East Asia”, Asian Journal of InternationalLaw, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014, pp. 55–79.

Donald L. Potts, “U.S. ad Bellum: Law and Legitimacy in United States Use of ForceDecisions, Military Law Review, Vol. 219, 2014, pp 196–246.

PhilippRotmann (ed.), “Major Powers and the Contested Evolution of a Responsibilityto Protect”, Conflict, Security and Development, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2014, pp. 355–564.

Jake William Rylatt, “An Evaluation of the U.S. Policy of ‘Targeted Killing’ UnderInternational Law: The Case of Anwar Al-Aulaqi (Part I)”, California WesternInternational Law Journal, Vol. 44, Fall 2013, pp. 39–72.

Michael N. Schmitt, “Extraterritorial Lethal Targeting: Deconstructing the Logic ofInternational Law”, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2013,pp. 77–112.

Carsten Stahn, “Between Law-Breaking and Law-Making: Syria, HumanitarianIntervention and ‘What the Law Ought to Be’”, Journal of Conflict and SecurityLaw, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2014, pp. 25–48.

Matthew C. Waxman, “Self-Defensive Force Against Cyber Attacks: Legal, Strategicand Political Dimensions”, International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, pp. 109–122.

Refugees/displaced persons


Angus Francis (ed.), Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons in the Asia PacificRegion, Ashgate, Farnham, 2013, 252 pp.

Institut International de Droit Humanitaire de San Remo, Flussi migratoridall’America Latina: Diritto, politiche, prospettive: Atti del Seminariointernazionale 22–23 novembre 2010, Roma, Istituto italo-latino americano:Iniziative italiane per il bicentenario dell’indipendenza dell’America Latina,Institut International de Droit Humanitaire, San Remo, 2011, 199 pp.

Bernard Ryan (ed.), Extraterritorial Immigration Control: Legal Challenges,Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2010, 449 pp.

Anneke Smit, The Property Rights of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons:Beyond Restitution, Routledge, London, 2012, 257 pp.


Alex Danilovich and Sabina Insebayeva, “International Humanitarian Law andRaison d’État: The Balance Sheet of Kazakhstan’s Ratification of the GenevaConvention on Refugees”, International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol. 26, No. 1,2014, pp. 112–129.

International Review of the Red Cross


Katharine Derderian, “Changing Tracks as Situations Change: Humanitarian andHealth Response Along the Liberia–Côte d’Ivoire Border”, Disasters: The Journalof Disaster Studies and Management, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2014, pp. 673–689.

Anja Collab Klug, “Regional Perspectives on Refugee Protection”, Proceedings of theAnnualMeetingof theAmericanSocietyof InternationalLaw,Vol. 107,2013,pp.357–370.

Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia, “Social Policy or Reparative Justice? Challenges forReparations in Contexts of Massive Displacement and Related Serious HumanRights Violations”, Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2014, pp. 191–206.

Roger Zetter, “The Syria Crisis, Displacement and Protection”, Forced MigrationReview, Vol. 47, September 2014, 47 pp.



Matthias Basedau and Birte Pfeiffer, “Bad Religion? Religion, Collective Action, andthe Onset of Armed Conflict in Developing Countries”, Journal of ConflictResolution, July 2014, 30 pp.

K. Benson, “The Chaplaincy Exception in International Humanitarian Law:‘American-Born Cleric’ Anwar al-Awlaki and the Global War on Terror”, BuffaloHuman Rights Law Review, Vol. 20, 2013/2014, pp. 1–36.

D. Brian Dennison, “The Resonance of Christian Political Conceptions withinInternational Humanitarian Law”, Uganda’s Paper Series on InternationalHumanitarian Law, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 157–172.

Walusimbi Abdul Hafiz, “Protection of Civilians during Armed Conflict in IslamicLaw”, Uganda’s Paper Series on International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 1, No. 1,2013, pp. 135–156.

Sea warfare


Peter Dombrowski and Chris C. Demchak, “Cyber War, Cybered Conflict, and theMaritime Domain”, Naval War College Review, Vol. 67, No. 2, 2014, pp. 71–96.



Godard Busingye, “The Global Fight Against Terrorism and the Application ofInternational Humanitarian Law”, Uganda’s Paper Series on InternationalHumanitarian Law, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 123–134.

Books and articles




Michelle Farrell, The Prohibition of Torture in Exceptional Circumstances,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013, 277 pp.



Maria Holt and Haifaa Jawad, Women, Islam, and Resistance in the Arab World,Lynne Rienner, London, 2013, 211 pp.

Anne Theobald, The Role of Women in Making and Building Peace in Liberia:Gender Sensitivity Versus Masculinity, ibidem, Stuttgart, 2012, 141 pp.

Tina Wallace (ed.), Aid, NGOs and the Realities of Women’s Lives: A Perfect Storm,Practical Action, Rugby, 2013, 240 pp.


Lina M. Céspedes-Báez and Nina Chaparro González, “Metodologias en el estudiode la violencia sexual en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano, ColombiaInternacional, Vol. 80, January–April 2014, pp. 19–56.

Christian Ingrao, “Les femmes dans le système nazi”, L’histoire, Vol. 403, September2014, pp. 40–65.

Charlotte Isaksson, “Fighting for Gender Equality: Why Security Sector Actors MustCombat Sexual and Gender-Based Violence”, The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs,Vol. 38, No. 2, 2014, pp. 49–72.

Zoe Marks, “Sexual Violence in Sierra Leone’s Civil War: ‘Virgination’, Rape, andMarriage”, African Affairs, Vol. 113, No. 450, 2014, pp. 67–87.

Mahesh Menon, “Sexual Violence in the Course of Armed Conflicts: ThinkingBeyond Gender”, AALCO Journal of International Law, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013, pp.189–201.

Veronica Nakijoba, “The International Crimes Division of Uganda and Reparationsfor Victims of Sexual Violence in Northern Uganda”, Uganda’s Paper Series onInternational Humanitarian Law, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 31–48.

Frances Nguyen, “Untangling Sex, Marriage, and Other Criminalities in ForcedMarriage”, Goettingen Journal of International Law, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2014, pp. 13–45.

Nicola Pratt, “Reconceptualizing Gender, Reinscribing Racial-Sexual Boundaries inInternational Security: The Case of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on

International Review of the Red Cross


‘Women, Peace and Security’”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2014,pp. 772–783.

Jean de Dieu, “The Evolving Status of Conflict-Related Rape and Other Acts ofSexual Violence as Crimes Under International Law”, Journal of InternationalLaw of Peace and Armed Conflict, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2014, pp. 83–92.

Fabrice Virgili (ed.), “Les lois genrées de la guerre”, Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire,Vol. 39, 2014, 329 pp.

Lauren Vogel and Louise Porter, “The Roles of Women in Contemporary Politicaland Revolutionary Conflict: A Thematic Model”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism,Vol. 37, No. 1, 2014, pp. 91–114.

Books and articles