new pt3 english exam.docx

1 English Language Examination Form 1 FIRST END TERM EXAMINATION 2015 ENGLISH PAPER 1 FORM 1 (1 HOUR 30 MIN) A. Put i n a, an o some in t!" #$%n&'. [10 Marks] e.g. an egg 1. _ f lour  2. _ ba nana 3. __ book 4. _ a pple 5. _ o ven 6. __ ju ice 7. __ bag . _ o live !. _ oil 10. __ "oll . Un "$ in" t! " *o "*t +o . [10 Marks] 1. #$s% & e' ar e going ( o )a(c* ( *e fil+ ,- ransf or+er (onig *(. 2. -onn/ *as los( (*e )a(c* (*a( #*e% s*e' likes +os(. 3. -*i s is a se cre ( be( )ee n /o u an" #% + e'. 4. -*e (eac *er aske" avi" a n" le elia n% av e #/ou % us' fin is*e" (* e )ork8 5. 9rancis *as a ca(. e (ak es #i( % (*e+' for a )alk ever/ +orni ng. 6. a+es an " *ave no ( ea(en an/ (*ing si nce #)e% ( *e/' lef ( our sc* ool (*i s af(ernoon. 7. #-*e/ % - *e+' )ere g oo" frien" s in ( *eir sc *ool "a/s . . -*o se are (* e oran ges (* a( s*e brou g*( # us% )e'. !. Ma"a+ osep* ine is a (eac*er . #e% :*e ' (eac*e s us b an ;an guage . 10. M/ na+e is Mic*elle. #Me% ' co+e fro+ <anga -a "a. ,. N%-" t!" t! in' in &it* !"n #" $o+. [10 Marks] 1. ///// 2. ////// / 3. ////// /  

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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English Language Examination Form 1




(1 HOUR 30 MIN)

A. Put in a, an o some in t!" #$%n&'. [10 Marks]

e.g. an egg

1. _____ flour 

2. _____ banana

3. _____ book

4. _____ apple

5. _____ oven

6. _____ juice

7. _____ bag

. _____ olive

!. _____ oil

10. _____ "oll

. Un"$in" t!" *o"*t +o. [10 Marks]

1. #$s% &e' are going (o )a(c* (*e fil+ ,-ransfor+er (onig*(.

2. -onn/ *as los( (*e )a(c* (*a( #*e% s*e' likes +os(.

3. -*is is a secre( be()een /ou an" #% +e'.

4. -*e (eac*er aske" avi" an" le elian% ave #/ou% us' finis*e" (*e )ork8

5. 9rancis *as a ca(. e (akes #i(% (*e+' for a )alk ever/ +orning.

6. a+es an" *ave no( ea(en an/(*ing since #)e% (*e/' lef( our sc*ool (*is af(ernoon.

7. #-*e/% -*e+' )ere goo" frien"s in (*eir sc*ool "a/s.

. -*ose are (*e oranges (*a( s*e broug*( #us% )e'.

!. Ma"a+ osep*ine is a (eac*er. #e% :*e' (eac*es us ban ;anguage.

10. M/ na+e is Mic*elle. #Me% ' co+e fro+ <anga -a"a.

,. N%-" t!" t!in' in &it*!"n #"$o+. [10 Marks]

1. ////////////// 2. ////////////// 3. //////////////  

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English Language Examination Form 1

  . ////////////// 5. //////////////  

,. Fi$$ in +it! t!" *o"*t +o. [10 Marks]

-*is is an

#1' _________ recipe (*a( an/one #2'_________ prepare. ( is a #3'____________ spag*e((i.

9irs( *ea( (*e #4'___________ in (*e #5'___________. "" (*e +us*roo+s%

#6'____________ an" #7'____________. #'__________ for ()o +inu(es an" a"" (*e rice.

#!'_______ i( )ell. =ou #10'_________ ge( i( )rong>


• :ieve

• -oas(er 

• ug

• ?efrigera(or 

• :ink 

• @o(

• Aabine(

• @an

• Bas cooker

• 9auce(



can +us*roo+ cook can( peppers

s(ir bu((er saucepan eas/ (o+a(oes

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English Language Examination Form 1

D. it" t!" '"nt"n*"' in t!" *o"*t o". [20 Marks]

e.g.C onDsa(Dc*airD*eD"o)nD(*e

e sa( "o)n on (*e c*air.

1. )alkD"ogDforD(akesD:*eD(*eDa


2. (oDcookDMu+DD*elp


3. frien"DisD:ara*sDbes(DMa/


4. leaveDD(enDa(D*o+e


5. *ur(D-*eD*i+selfDbo/


6. )orkDDinD(*eDsc*ool


7. (*eDnDi( isDsu++erD*o(


. ba(*D()iceDD+/ pe(Da )eekD"og


!. n +/DDliving roo+D*aveDsofaDa se( of 


10. )a(c*ingD-ED likeDever/ nig*(


11. "ancer D/ou DareD aD is


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English Language Examination Form 1

12. arc*i(ec( . Ds*e Da DisD an


13. are D)e D:co((is*. Da


14. Dpolice Dcan Dis D(*e Dp*one


15. bus D"river Denr/ Da Dis


16. canF( DGob Dpla/ Dgui(ar. D(*e


17. +obile D9rank Da( (*e +o+en( Dc*eckingD is D-i+s


1. +us( D/ou D(*e Ds*opping D"o


1!. so+e(i+es D*o+e Din (*e evening D)orks DGen Da(


20. go Dever/ D(o (*e club D(*e girls D:a(ur"a/


E. Un"$in" t!" *o"*t +o. T!" i't on" (0) !%' #""n on" o ou. [10 Marks]

;ions live in fa+ilies. -*e/ are (*e secon" (0) $%"4$%"'t #large' big ca(

species in (*e )orl". -*e +ales are (1) #i"4#i"'t ( ) (*an (*e fe+ales an"

(*e/ *ave (2) $on"4$on"'t ( ) *air on (*eir *ea"s. Mos( lions live in sou(*ern

frica. -igers live in fores(s. :o+e (igers are (3) #i"4#i"'t ( ) (*an lions. -igers

are rare in (*e )il" because people *un( (*e+ for (*eir fur. ;eopar"s an" jaguars are

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English Language Examination Form 1

ver/ si+ilar% bu( leopar"s live in frica an" sia an" jaguars live in cen(ral :ou(* +erica.

;eopar"s are () '-%$$"4'-%$$"'t ( ) (*an jaguars. o)ever% leopar"s are (*e (5)

'ton"4'ton"'t ( ) cli+bers a+ong big ca(s. aguars *ave () $on"4$on"'t

(ails. :no) leopar"s are (*e (6) %"4%"'t ( ) big ca(s. @eople *un( (*e+ for (*eir

fur. -*e/ live in *ig* +oun(ains. A*ee(a*s are (*e (7) %'t"4%'t"'t ( ) ani+als.

-*e/ are )ell kno)n for (*eir *un(ing as (*e/ are (8) 9ui*&"49ui*&"'t ( ) (*an an/

lan" +a++al. A*ee(a*s also *ave ver/ goo" e/esig*(% )*ic* +akes (*e spo((ing of pre/ (10)

"%'i"4"%'i"'t ( ).

F. Fi$$ in +it! t!" *o"*t %nton-'. [10 Marks]

e.g.C ( is ver/ *o$ in +int".( is ver/ !ot in 'u--".

1. e )as t%$$ an" t!in.


2. -*e *ouse is n"+ an" *$"%n.


3. :*e )as '% an" u$.


4. -*e "og )as '-%$$ an" +!it".


5. :ue )alke"'$o+$




@repare" b/% A*ecke" b/% Eerifie" b/%

 ____________ ______________ _____________ 

#B?= -=' #;M &HH &HH' #HAI$;<H J BH;$'

Hnglis* -eac*er ea" of Hnglis* @anel ea" of ;anguage epar(+en(

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English Language Examination Form 1