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  • 7/29/2019 new project on m&a



    We have been learning about the companies coming together to from another

    company and companies taking over the existing companies to expand their


    With recession taking toll of many Indian businesses and the feeling of

    insecurity surging over our businessmen, it is not surprising when we hear

    about the immense numbers of corporate restructurings taking place,

    especially in the last couple of years. Several companies have been taken

    over and several have undergone internal restructuring, whereas certain

    companies in the same field of business have found it beneficial to merge

    together into one company.

    Corporate restructuring refers to a broad array of activities that expands or

    contracts a firms operation or substantially modify its financial structure or

    bring about a significant change in its organizational structure and internal

    functioning. It includes mergers, takeovers, acquisitions, slump sales,

    demergers etc.

    Mergers, acquisitions and restructuring have become a major force in the

    financial and economic environment all over the world. Essentially an

    American phenomenon till mid-1970s, they have become a dominant global

    business theme since then.

    On the Indian scene, too, corporates are seriously looking at mergers,

    acquisitions and restructuring which has indeed become the order of the day.

    The pace of corporate restructuring has increased since the beginning of the

    liberalization era, thanks to greater competitive pressures and a morepermissive environment.

    Mergers, acquisitions and restructuring evoke a great deal of public interest

    and perhaps represent the most dramatic facet of corporate finance. This

    report discusses various facets of mergers

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    The present study is an attempt to check the performance of merger and acquisition

    deals in India. With the following objectives

    *To examine the rationale behind mergers & acquisitions.

    *To understand the advantages & disadvantages of mergers & acquisitions in India.

    *To examine the need for growth through mergers & acquisitions.

    *To examine the growth of M&A in Telecom Sector in India.


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    Mergers & Acquisition have gained popularity throughout the world in the recent

    times. They have become popular due to globalization, liberalization, technological

    developments & intensely competitive business environment. Mergers and

    acquisition are a big part of the corporate finance world. This process is extensively

    used for restructuring the business organization. In India, the concept of mergers and

    acquisition was initiated by the government bodies.

    The trends of mergers and acquisitions in India have changed over the years. The

    immediate effects of the mergers and acquisitions have also been diverse across the

    various sectors of the Indian economy. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have been

    around for a long time and has experienced waves of popularity during these times

    and they are very much an important part of today's business world. They have also

    become increasingly international which can be due to the rising global competition.

    The popularity of cross-border M&A's makes it important to look at them from an

    international perspective

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    Another case study parallel to this report could be examined further to get a more

    detailed result. More parameters could be used even in the same report to reach a

    different more in-depth conclusion. However the study could not be done on all the

    cases of mergers and acquisition for the selected time period, which would have

    given a more in-depth look on the results.

    Further studies may help to develop some alternate measures of merger-related gains

    as financial measures have limitations to capture the full impact of merger on

    corporate performance. However, a study providing detailed insights into the reasons

    and patterns of post-merger corporate performance across the types of mergers and

    industry would be useful.

    The recent research shows that management cannot rely solely on mergers &

    acquisition as a source of growth and profitability. A case study based research

    parallel to this study could be initiated to get nearer to reality show.

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    GC Cables & Broadband Servics is a "Category A" (all India) ISP licence

    holder. It offers its Internet, broadband and cable services under an exclusive

    arrangement with the company IndusInd Media and Communications (IMC),

    using their existing cable network across India.

    IMC commenced operations in 1995 and has built up India's largest cable television

    (CATV) network. It currently provides multi-channel transmission services under the

    brand name INCableNet and ranks amongst the 12 largest cable TV operators in the

    world in terms of subscribers. In addition to Mumbai, IMC's network covers 11 major

    cities in northern, southern and western India viz: Delhi,Agra, Hyderabad, Banglaore,

    Ahmedabad, Nasik, Belgaum, Indore and Nagpur. IMC is well advanced in its plan

    for development of Pay TV platform with Interactive TV/internet capability.

    In cognizance with the Company's plans for technological convergence, GC Cables

    & Broadband Servics has joined hands with IMC to provide Internet, broadband

    and cable services over the existing cable network.

    Users across Mumbai will thus have access to high-quality Internet services round the

    clock.The Company plans to provide this service in 49 cities across the country

    The proceeds of the investment are being used for enhancing the broadband

    capabilities and expansion to other cities.

    Servicing over 25,000 users covering SOHOs, corporates, cyber cafs and cable


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    The success of any research depends upon a well structured methodology. It is vitalfor any researcher to formulate a research friendly methodology that can provide

    maximum information at a given time constraint.

    This dissertation is about the growing trend of mergers and acquisitions activity in

    India's corporate scene. The subject of the dissertation is spurred from the research

    done for my own understanding of the topic. My own interest in this domain was

    influenced by "economic growth of India "and "mergers and acquisitions". The

    findings in the thesis are very much representing an inductive research.

    Inductive reasoning/research is known as "bottom up approach". Where result and

    hypothesis is based on specific observations to broader theories and generalizations.

    This suggests that the findings, hypothesis, observations and conclusion in the

    dissertation are based on the collected data. Since it would be impossible to conduct a

    survey or questionnaire based research on mergers and acquisitions in India .So, in

    order to understand the behaviour of Indian organizations and industries on mergers

    and acquisitions with respect to growth and market capitalization it is important to do

    a thorough study of already available data on M&A`s in India .The inductive

    approach means that the mergers and acquisitions trends and effects on Indian

    economy could be approached freely, and allowed to be explore the data fully.

    The success of any research depends upon a well structured methodology. It is vital

    for any researcher to formulate a research friendly methodology that can provide

    maximum information at a given time constraint.

    The research based analysis and study of mergers and acquisitions is based on

    collection of data, organization of data and integration of the information on mergers

    and acquisitions. Data collection is the most pivotal step in the success factor of the

    research because it leads to more legitimate and credible results. The research study

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    is based on several mergers and acquisitions in number of industries whether they

    were both successful and unsuccessful in the last decade or so. In the research

    analysis the focus is more on the recent decade's activities of mergers and

    acquisitions in India.

    The social sciences are methodologically getting very diverse because of the use of

    qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Quantitative methods

    include hypothesis testing, observational studies, re sampling, regression analysis and

    high dimensional level analysis and others. Qualitative methods include the

    phenomenology, case studies, grounded theories and ethnography and others. After

    the analysis of the existing statistics and literature and also the analysis of the leading

    economists the the approach is both Quantitative and Qualitative. As it is based onsecondary search, all the selected data is from rigorous analysis of articles from

    journals, books, internet and magazines.

    As the research is based on both Quantitative and Qualitative .so, the theoretical

    evidences and empirical data are mainly from the research papers, articles and by the

    highly respective economic research, thesis and journals.

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    In a general sense, mergers and acquisitions are very similar corporate actions - they

    combine two previously separate firms into a single legal entity. Significant operational

    advantages can be obtained when two firms are combined and, in fact, the goal of most mergers

    and acquisitions is to improve company performance and shareholdervalue over the long-term.

    The motivation to pursue a merger or acquisition can be considerable; a company that

    combines itself with another can experience boosted economies of scale, greater sales revenue

    and market share in its market, broadened diversification and increased tax efficiency. However,

    the underlying business rationale and financing methodology for mergers and acquisitions

    are substantially different.

    A merger involves the mutual decision of two companies to combine and become one entity;

    it can be seen as a decision made by two "equals". The combined business, through structural

    and operational advantages secured by the merger, can cut costs and increase profits, boosting

    shareholder values for both groups of shareholders. A typical merger, in other words, involves

    two relatively equal companies, which combine to become one legal entity with the goal of

    producing a company that is worth more than the sum of its parts. In a merger of two

    corporations, the shareholders usually have their shares in the old company exchanged for an

    equal number of shares in the merged entity.

    A takeover, oracquisition, on the other hand, is characterized the purchase of a smaller company

    by a much larger one. This combination of "unequal" can produce the same benefits as a merger,

    but it does not necessarily have to be a mutual decision. A larger company can initiate a hostile

    takeover of a smaller firm, which essentially amounts to buying the company in the face of

    resistance from the smaller company's management. Unlike in a merger, in an acquisition, the

    acquiring firm usually offers a cash price per share to the target firm's shareholders or the

    acquiring firm's share's to the shareholders of the target firm according to a specified conversion
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    ratio. Either way, the purchasing company essentially finances the purchase of the target

    company, buying it outright for its shareholders.

    In this context, it would be essential for us to understand what corporate restructuring and

    mergers and acquisitions are all about.


    Mergers involve the mutual decision of two companies to combine & become one entity.

    The combined business can cut cost of operation & increase profit which will boost shareholders

    value for both groups of shareholders. In Merger of two corporations, shareholders usually have

    their shares in the old organization & are exchanged for an equal numbers of shares in the

    merged entity.

    According to the Oxford Dictionary merger means combining of two companies into one.

    Merger is a fusion between two or more enterprises, whereby the identity of one or more is lost

    and the result is a single enterprise. In merger the assets and liabilities of the companies get

    vested in another company, the company that is merged losing its identity and its shareholders

    becoming shareholders of the other company. All assets, liabilities and the stock of one company

    are transferred to Transferee Company in consideration of payment in the form of:

    Equity shares in the transferee company,

    Debentures in the transferee company,

    Cash, or

    A mix of the above modes.

    In the pure sense, a merger happens when two firms, often of about the same size, agree to go

    forward as a single new company rather than remain separately owned and operated. This kind of

    action is more precisely referred to as a "merger of equals." For example, both Daimler-Benz and

    Chrysler ceased to exist when the two firms merged, and a new company, Daimler Chrysler, was


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    Acquisition in general sense is acquiring the ownership in the property. In the context of

    business combinations, an acquisition is the purchase by one company of a controlling interest in

    the share capital of another existing company.

    On the other hand, Acquisition means the purchase of a smaller company by much larger one. A

    larger company can initiate an Acquisition of smaller firm which essentially amounts to buy the

    company in the face of resistance from smaller companys management. Unlike Mergers in an

    Acquisition the acquiring firm usually offers a cash price per share to target firms shareholders.

    Acquisition means an attempt by one firm to gain majority interest in the another firm called

    target firm &dispose-off its assets or to take the target firm private by small group of investors.

    A company can buy another company with cash, stock or a combination of the two. Another

    possibility, which is common in smaller deals, is for one company to acquire all the assets of

    another company.

    An acquisition may be affected by;

    (a)agreement with the persons holding majority interest in the company management like

    members of the board or major shareholders commanding majority of voting power;

    (b)purchase of shares in open market;

    (c) to make takeover offer to the general body of shareholders;

    (d)purchase of new shares by private treaty;

    (e)Acquisition of share capital through the following forms of considerations viz. means of

    cash, issuance of loan capital, or insurance of share capital.

    There are broadly two kinds of strategies that can be employed in corporate acquisitions. These


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    I. Friendly Takeover:-

    The acquiring firm makes a financial proposal to the target firms management and

    board. This proposal might involve the mergerof the two firms, the consolidation of two

    firms, or the creation of parent/subsidiary relationship.

    II. Hostile Takeover:-

    A hostile takeover may not follow a preliminary attempt at a friendly takeover. For

    example, it is not uncommon for an acquiring firm to embrace the target firms

    management in what is colloquially called a bear hug.

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    Merger and acquisition activity in the United States has typically run in cycles, withpeaks coinciding with periods of strong business growth. U.S. merger activity has been marked

    by five prominent waves: one around the turn of the twentieth century, the second peaking in

    1929, the third in the latter half of the 1960s, the fourth in the first half of the 1980s, and the fifth

    in the latter half of the 1990s.

    This last peak, in the final years of the twentieth century, brought very high levels of merger

    activity. Bolstered by a strong stock market, businesses merged at an unprecedented rate. The

    total dollar volume of mergers increased throughout the 1990s, setting new records each year

    from 1994 to 1999. Many of the acquisitions involved huge companies and enormous dollar

    amounts. Disney acquired ABC Capital Cities for $19 billion, Traveler's acquired Citicorp for

    $72.6 billion, Nation Bank acquired Bank of America for $61.6 billion and Daimler-Benz

    acquired Chrysler for $39.5 billion.
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    Although they are often uttered in the same breath and used as though they were

    synonymous, the terms merger and acquisition mean slightly different things.

    When one company takes over another and clearly established itself as the new owner, the

    purchase is called an acquisition. From a legal point of view, the target company ceases to exist,

    the buyer "swallows" the business and the buyer's stock continues to be traded.

    In the pure sense of the term, a merger happens when two firms, often of about the same size,

    agree to go forward as a single new company rather than remain separately owned and operated.

    This kind of action is more precisely referred to as a "merger of equals." Both companies' stocks

    are surrendered and new company stock is issued in its place. For example, both Daimler-Benz

    and Chrysler ceased to exist when the two firms merged, and a new company, DaimlerChrysler,

    was created.

    In practice, however, actual mergers of equals don't happen very often. Usually, one company

    will buy another and, as part of the deal's terms, simply allow the acquired firm to proclaim that

    the action is a merger of equals, even if it's technically an acquisition. Being bought out often

    carries negative connotations, therefore, by describing the deal as a merger, deal makers and top

    managers try to make the takeover more palatable.

    A purchase deal will also be called a merger when both CEOs agree that joining together is in the

    best interest of both of their companies. But when the deal is unfriendly - that is, when the target

    company does not want to be purchased - it is always regarded as an acquisition.

    Whether a purchase is considered a merger or an acquisition really depends on whether the

    purchase is friendly or hostile and how it is announced. In other words, the real difference lies in
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    how the purchase is communicated to and received by the target company's board of directors,

    employees and shareholders.



    There are three main types of mergers which are Horizontal merger, Vertical merger &

    Conglomerate merger. These types are explained as follows;

    1. Horizontal Merger:-

    This type of merger involves two firms that operate & compete in a similar kind of a

    business. Horizontal merger is based on the assumptions that it will provide economies of

    scale from the larger combined unit. The economies of scale are obtained by the elimination

    of duplication of facilities, broadening the product line, reduction in the advertising cost.

    Horizontal mergers also have potentials to create monopoly power on the part of the

    combined firm enabling it to engage in anti-competitive practices.

    Examples: -

    Mumbai - Glaxo India Limited and Smith Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals (India)

    Limited have legally merged to form GlaxoSmithKlinePharmaceuticals Limited
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    in India (GSK). A merger would let them pool their research & development funds

    and would give the merged company a bigger sales and marketing force.

    Merger of Centurion Bank & Bank of Punjab.

    Merger between Holicim & Gujarat Ambuja Cement ltd

    2. Vertical Merger:-

    A vertical Merger involves merger between firms that are in different stages of

    production or value chain. A company involved in vertical merger usually seeks to merge

    with another company or would like to takeover another company mainly to expand its

    operations by backward or forward integration. The acquiring company through merger of

    another units attempt to reduce inventory of raw materials and finished goods. The basic

    purpose of vertical merger is to eliminate cost of searching raw materials. Vertical merger

    takes place when both firm plan to integrate the production process and capitalize on the

    demand for the product. A company decides to get merged with another company when it is

    not in a position to get strong position in a market because of imperfect market of

    intermediary product, scarcity of resources.

    Example: - Among the Indian corporate that have emerged as big international players is the

    Videocon group. The group became the third largest colour picture tube manufacturer in the

    world when it announced the purchase of the colour picture tube business of France-based

    Thomson SA, which includes units in Mexico, Poland and China, for about Rs 1260 crore.

    3. Conglomerate merger:-

    Conglomerate mergers means mergers between firms engaged in unrelated types of

    business activity. The basic purpose of such combination is utilization of financial resources.

    Such type of merger enhances the overall stability of the acquirer company and creates

    balance in the companys total portfolio of diverse products and production processes and

    thereby reduces the risk of instability in the firms cash flows.

    Conglomerate mergers can be distinguished into three types:

    I. Product extension mergers These are mergers between firms in related

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    business activities and may also be called concentric mergers. These mergers

    broaden the product lines of the firms.

    II. Geographic market extension mergers: These involve a merger between two

    firms operating in two different geographic areas.

    III. Pure conglomerates mergers: These involve mergers between two firms with

    unrelated business activities. They do not come under product extension or

    market extension.


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    There are many reasons or factors that motivate companies to go for mergers and

    acquisitions such as growth, synergy, diversification etc.

    1. Growth: One of the most common reason for mergers is growth. There are two

    broadways a firm can grow. The first is through internal growth. This can be slow and

    ineffective if a firm is seeking to take advantage of a window of opportunity in which

    it has a short-term advantage over competitors. The faster alternative is to merge and

    acquire the necessary resources to achieve competitive goals. Even though bidding

    firms will pay a premium to acquire resources through mergers, this total cost is not

    necessarily more expensive than internal growth, in which the firm has to incur all of

    the costs that the normal trial and error process may impose. While there are

    exceptions, in the vast majority of cases growth through mergers and acquisitions is

    significantly faster than through internal means. Mergers can give the acquiring

    company an opportunity to grow market share without having to really earn it by

    doing the work themselves - instead, they buy a competitor's business for a price.

    Usually, these are called horizontal mergers. For example, a beer company may

    choose to buy out a smaller competing brewery, enabling the smaller company to

    make more beer and sell more to its brand-loyal customers.

    Example- RPG group had a turnover of only Rs. 80 crores in 1979, which has

    increased to about Rs.5600 crores in1996. This phenomenal growth was due to the

    acquisitions of several companies by the RPG group. Some of the companies

    acquired are Asian Cables, Calcutta Electricity Supply and Company, etc.

    2. Synergy: Another commonly cited reason for mergers is the pursuit of synergistic

    benefits. The most commonly used word in Mergers & Acquisitions is synergy,
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    which is the idea of combining business activities, for increasing performance and

    reducing the costs. Essentially, a business will

    attempt to merge with another business that has complementary strengths and

    weaknesses. This is the new financial math that shows that 1 + 1 = 3. That is, as the

    equation shows, the combination of two firms will yield a more valuable entity than

    the value of the sum of the two firms if they were operating independently.

    Value(A + B) > Value (A) + Value (B)

    Although many merger partners cite synergy as the motive for their transaction,

    synergistic gains are often hard to realize. There are two types of synergy one is

    derived from cost economies and other one is derived from revenue enhancement.

    Cost economies are the easier to achieve because they often involve eliminating

    duplicate cost factors such as redundant personnel and overhead. When such

    synergies are realized, the merged company generally has lower per-unit costs.

    Revenue enhancing synergy is more difficult to predict and to achieve. An example

    would be a situation where one companys capability, such as research process, is

    combined with another companys capability, such as marketing skills, to

    significantly increase the combined revenues.

    3. Diversification : Other reasons for mergers and acquisitions include diversification.

    A company that merges todiversify may acquire another company engaged in

    unrelated industry in order to reduce the impact of a particular industry's

    performance on its profitability. The track record of

    diversifying mergers is generally poor with a few notable exceptions. A few firms,

    such as General Electric, seem to be able to grow and enhance shareholders wealth

    while diversifying. However, this is the exception rather than a norm. Diversification

    may be successful, but it needs more skill and infrastructure than some firms have.

    4. Economies of scale: Yes, size matters. Whether it's purchasing stationery or a new
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    corporate it system, a bigger company placing the orders can save more on costs.

    Mergers also translate into improved purchasing power to buy equipment or office

    supplies - when placing larger orders, companies have a greater ability to negotiate

    prices with their suppliers. This refers to the fact that the combined company can

    often reduce duplicate departments or operations, lowering the costs of the company

    relative to theoretically the same revenue stream, thus increasing profit.

    5. Increase Market Share & Revenue: This reason assumes that the company will be

    absorbing a major competitor and increasing its power (by capturing increased market

    share) to set prices. Companies buy companies to reach new markets and grow

    revenues and earnings. A merge may expand two companies' marketing and

    distribution, giving them new sales opportunities. A merger can also improve a

    company's standing in the investment community: bigger firms often have an easier

    time raising capital than smaller ones.

    Example-Premier and Apollo Tyres,

    6. Increase Supply-Chain Pricing Power: By buying out one of its suppliers or one of

    the distributors, a business can eliminate a level of costs. If a company buys out one

    of its suppliers, it is able to save on themargins that the supplier was

    previously adding to its costs; this is known as avertical merger. If a

    company buys out a distributor; it may be able to sale its products at a lower cost.

    7. Eliminate Competition: Many mergers and acquisitions deals allow the acquirer to

    eliminate future competition and gain a larger market share in its product'smarket. The downside of this is that a large premium is usually required to convince

    the target company's shareholders to accept the offer. It is not uncommon for the

    acquiring company's shareholders to sell their shares and push the price lower in

    response to the company paying too much for the target company.
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    8. Acquiring new technology: To stay competitive, companies need to stay on top of

    technological developments and their business applications. By buying a smaller

    company with unique technologies, a large company can maintain or develop a

    competitive edge and vice versa.

    9. Procurement of production facilities: Procurement of production facilities may be

    the reason for acquiring company to go for mergers and acquisition. It is a kind of

    backward integration. Acquiring Firms will take the decision of merging with another

    firm who supplies raw material to acquiring firm in order to safeguard the sources of

    supplies of raw material or intermediary product. It will help acquiring firm to bring

    economies in purchasing of raw material. It will also help to cut down the

    transportation cost.

    Example- Videocon takes over Thomson picture tube in China to procure supply of

    picture tube required for producing television sets.

    10. Market expansion strategy: Many firms go for mergers and acquisitionsas a part

    of market expansion strategy. Mergers and acquisitions will help the company to

    eliminate competition and to protect existing market. It will also help the firm to

    obtain new market for promoting their existing or obsolete products.

    For example, Lenovo takes over IBM in India to increase market for Lenovo products

    like desktops, laptops in India.

    11. Financial synergy: Financial synergy may be the reason for mergers and

    acquisitions. Following are the financial synergy available in case of mergers andacquisitions;

    I. Better credit worthiness- This helps companies to purchase good on credit,

    obtain bank loan and raise capital in the market easily.

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    II. Reduces cost of capital- The investors consider big firms as safe and hence they

    expect lower rate of return for the capital supplied by them. So the cost of capital

    reduces after merger.

    III. Increase debt capacity- After the merger the earnings and cash flows become

    more stable than before. This increase the capacity of the firm to borrow more


    IV. Rising of capital- After the merger due to increase in the size of the company,

    better credit worthiness and reputation the company can easily raise the capital at

    any time.

    12.Own development plans: The purpose of mergers & acquisition is backed by the

    acquiring companys own developmental plans. A company thinks in terms of

    acquiring the other company only when it has arrived at its owndevelopment plan to

    expand its operation having examined its own internal strength where it might not

    have any problem of taxation, accounting, valuation, etc. but might feel resource

    constraints with limitations of funds and lack of skill managerial personnel. It has to

    aim at suitable combination where it could have opportunities to supplement its funds

    by issuance of securities; secure additional financial facilities eliminate competition

    and strengthen its market position.

    13.Corporate friendliness: Although it is rare but it is true that business houses exhibit

    degrees of cooperative spirit despite competitiveness in providing rescues to each

    other from hostile takeovers and cultivate situations of collaborations sharing

    goodwill of each other to achieve performance heights through business

    combinations. The combining corporate aims at circular combinations by pursuing

    this objective

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    14.General gains:

    I. To improve its own image and attract superior managerial talents to manage its


    II. To offer better satisfaction to consumers or users of the product.

    15.Taxes: A profitable company can buy a loss maker to use the target's loss as their

    advantage by reducing their tax liability. In the United States and many other

    countries, rules are in place to limit the ability of profitable companies to "shop" for

    loss making companies, limiting the tax motive of an acquiring company.

    Ahmadabad Cotton Mills Merged with Arvind Mills ( Rs =3.34 crores)

    Sidhaper Mills merged with Reliance Industries Ltd.(Rs. 3.34 crores)

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    Mergers and acquisitions is the permanent combination of the business which vest

    management in complete control of the business of merged firm. Shareholders in the selling

    company gain from the mergers and acquisitions as the premium offered to induce

    acceptance of the merger or acquisitions. It offers much more price than the book value of

    shares. Shareholders in the buying company gain premium in the long run with the growth of

    the company.

    Mergers and acquisitions are caused with the support of shareholders, managers and

    promoters of the combing companies. The advantages, which motivate the shareholders and

    managers to give their support to these combinations and the resulting consequences they

    have to bear, are briefly noted below.

    From shareholders point of view: - Shareholders are the owners of the company

    so they must get be benefited from the mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and

    acquisitions can affect fortune of shareholders. Shareholders expect that

    investment made by them in the combining companies should enhance when

    firms are merging. The sale of shares from one companys shareholders to another

    and holding investment in shares should give rise to greater values. Following are

    the advantages that would be generally available in each merger and acquisition

    from the point of view of shareholders;

    1. Face value of the share is increased.


    Shareholders will get more returns on the investments made by them in thecombining companies.

    3. Sale of shares from one companys shareholder to another is possible.

    4. Shareholders get better investment opportunities in mergers and


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    From managers point of view: - Managers are concerned with improving

    operations of the company, managing the affairs of the company effectively for

    all round gains and growth of the company which will provide them better deals

    in raising their status, perks and fringe benefits. Mergers where all these things

    are the guaranteed outcome get support from the managers.

    From Promoters point of view: -

    1. Mergers offer companys promoters advantages of increase in the size of

    their company, financial structure and financial strength.

    2. Mergers can convert closely held and private limited company into public

    limited company without contributing much wealth and losing control ofpromoters over the company.

    From Consumers point of view: - Consumers are the king of the market so they

    must get some benefits from mergers and acquisitions. Benefits in favour of the

    consumer will depend upon the fact whether or not mergers increase or decrease

    competitive economic and productive activity which directly affects the degree of

    welfare of the consumers through changes in the price level, quality of the

    products and after sales service etc.

    Following are the benefits that consumers may derive from mergers and

    acquisitions transactions;

    1. Low price & better quality goods: - The economic gains realized from

    mergers and acquisitions are passed on to consumers in the form of low

    priced and better quality goods.

    2. Improve standard of living of the consumers: - Low priced and better

    quality products directly improves standard of living of the consumers.


    Merger or acquisition of two companies in the same field or in diverse field may involve

    reduction in the number of competing firms in an industry and tend to dilute competition in the

    market. They generally contribute directly to the concentration of economic power and are likely

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    to lead the merger entities to a dominant position of market power. It may result in lesser

    substitutes in the market, which would affect consumers welfare. Yet another disadvantage may

    surface, if a large undertaking after merger because of resulting dominance becomes complacent

    and suffers from deterioration over the years in its performance. Following are some

    disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions;

    Creates monopoly- when two firms merged together they get dominating position in the

    market which may lead to create monopoly in the market.

    Leads to unemployment-Raiders shouldnt have the right to buy up firms they have no

    idea how to runthe employees who have spent their lives building up the firm should

    be making the decisions.

    Raiders become filthy rich without producing anything, at the expense of hardworking

    people who do produce something.

    M&A damages the morale and productivity of firms.

    Corporate debt levels have risen to dangerous levels.

    Managers pressured to forego long-term investment in favour of short-term profit.

    Shareholders may be payed lesser dividend if the firm is not making profits. There may

    be a possibility that shareholders would be paid less returns on investment if the company

    is not earning enough profit.

    Corporate raiders use their control to strip assets from the target, make a quick profit,

    destroying the company in the process, throwing people out of work.


    1. Search for merger partner- The first step in mergers is to search for merger partner.

    The top management may use their own contact in the same line of economic activity or

    in the other diversified field which could be identified as a better merger partners. Such

    identification should be based on the detail information of the merger partners collected

    from public and private sources.

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    2. Agreement between the two companies- The beginning of actual merger procedure

    starts with agreement between the merging companies, but mere agreement does not

    provide legal cover to the transaction unless it is sanctioned by the Court under section

    391 of Companies Act 1956.

    3. Scheme of mergerThe scheme of merger should be prepared by the companies which

    have taken decision of merging. There is no specific form prescribed for scheme of

    merger but scheme should contain following information;

    Particulars about the merging companies.

    Main terms of transfer of assets and liabilities from transferor to transferee.

    Conditions of conducting business.

    Particulars about share capital of merging companies specifying authorized

    capital issued capital and paid up capital.

    Description of proposed profit sharing ratio and any condition attached to it.

    Conditions about payment of dividend.

    Status of employees of the merging companies and also status of provident fund,

    gratuity fund or any funds created for the benefits of existing employees.

    Treatment of debit balance of merging companies.

    Miscellaneous provisions covering income tax dues, contingencies and other

    accounting entries.

    4. Approval of Board Of Directors for the scheme- The scheme for merger must be

    approved by the respective Board Of Directors of transferor and transferee companies.

    5. Approval of scheme by financial institutions- The Board of Directors should in fact

    approve the scheme after it has been approved by the financial institutes, debentureholders, banks which have granted loans to the companies. Approval of Reserve Bank of

    India is also needed.

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    6. Application to the Court- The next step is to make an application under section 39(1) of

    Indian Companies Act 1956 to the High Court for getting permission for merging

    between companies.

    7. Approval of scheme by the Court- On the receipt of the application for merger theCourt will decide whether to approve the scheme of merger or not. Once the Court has

    approved the application then firms can merged.

    8. Transfer of assets and liabilities- The High Court has the power to give order for

    transfer of any property from Transferor Company to Transferee Company. By the virtue

    of such order assets and liabilities of the Transferor Company shall automatically stand

    transferred to Transferee Company.

    9. Allotment of shares to shareholders of transferor company- By the virtue of

    sanctioned scheme of merger, the shareholders of Transferor Company are entitled to get

    shares in Transferee Company in the exchange of ratio provided under the said scheme.

    10.Intimation to stock exchanges- After merger is effected; the company which takes over

    assets and liabilities of the Transferor Company should apply to the Stock Exchanges

    where its securities are listed, for listing the new shares allotted to the shareholders of the


    11.Public announcement- Public announcement of merger is mandatory as required under

    SEBI regulations. The Transferee Company shall appoint merchant bank to make a

    public announcement of merger on the behalf of Transferee Company. Public

    announcement shall be made at least in one national English daily one Hindi daily and

    one regional language daily newspaper of that place where the shares of that company are

    listed and traded. Public announcement should be made within four days from

    finalization of negotiations or entering into any agreement of merger. Public

    announcement should contain following information;

    Paid up share capital of the transferee company, the number of fully paid up and

    partially paid up shares.

    The minimum offer price for each fully paid up or partly paid up share.

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    Mode of payment of consideration.

    Salient features of the agreement, if any, such as the date, the name of the seller, the

    price at which the shares are being acquired, the manner of payment of the

    consideration and the number and percentage of shares in respect of

    which the acquirer has entered into the agreement to acquire the shares or the

    consideration, monetary or otherwise, for the acquisition of control over the

    transferee company, as the case may be;

    Objects and purpose of the mergers and acquisitions and the future plans of the

    transferor company for the transferee company. Provided that where the future plans

    are set out, the public announcement shall also set out how the transferor proposes to

    implement such future plans.

    The date by which individual letter of offer would be posted to each of the


    The date of opening and closure of the offer and the manner in which and the date by

    which the acceptance or rejection of the offer would be communicated to the share


    The date by which the payment of consideration would be made for the shares in

    respect of which the offer has been accepted.

    Approvals of banks or financial institutions required, if any;

    Such other information as is essential for the shareholders to make them informed

    about the offer.

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    Mergers and Acquisitions process requires highly skilled and qualified group of advisers.

    Each advisor specializes in a specific aspect of the merger and acquisition process. The role

    played by such advisers or professional experts are as follows;

    1. Investment bankers: Investment banking is one of the most important department in the

    process of mergers and acquisitions. It is fee based adviser department which works with

    the company that wish to acquire other company or with industries that wish to purchase

    a smaller industry. The main role of investment banks is to provide finance for mergers

    and acquisitions transactions.

    2. Lawyers: The legal framework surrounding a typical transaction has become so

    complicated that no one individual can have sufficient expertise to address all the issues.

    In large and complicated transactions, legal teams consists of more than one dozen

    lawyers each of them represents specialized aspects of law. Lawyers are expected to

    perform all legal proceedings.

    3. Accountants: Services provided by accountants include advice on the optimal tax

    structure, financial structuring and performing financial due diligence. A transaction can

    be structured in many different ways, with each having different tax implications for the

    parties involved. Tax accountants are vital in determining the appropriate tax structure.

    Accountants also perform the role of auditors by reviewing the transferor companys

    financial statements and operations through a series of interviews with senior and middle

    level managers.

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    4. Valuation experts: They may be appointed either by the bidder or the Transferor

    Company to determine the value of the transferor company. They build models that

    incorporate various assumptions such as costs or revenue growth rate.

    5. Institutional investors: They include public and private pension funds, insurance

    companies, banks, mutual funds. Collection of institutions can influence firms action.

    They invest their money in the company.


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    1. Factors responsible for successful mergers and acquisitions

    The success of merger depends upon many critical factors but the main factor is that Transferor

    Company should buy Transferee Company at right time, at right place and at right cost. Just

    because of company is for sale and another company can afford buying that company is not good

    reason to do a deal. The success of mergers and acquisitions depend on how realistic deal makers

    are and how well they can integrate two companies while maintaining day-to-day operations.

    There are several key ingredients that need to come together for merger and acquisitions to be


    I. Strategy- Strategy is the basis for any merger and acquisition. Company should be able to

    express in one sentence the motive behind merger and acquisition. If the transferor

    company is not able to express the motive for doing a deal for merger then the deal should

    not be done. There are many strategic reasons to buy a company some of them are listed as


    Acquire Innovative technical skills.

    Obtain new markets and customer.

    Enhance product line.

    II. Motive- Buying company i.e. transferor company does not know reasons why another

    company is being sold. It should ask reasons for selling the company. Transferor Company

    should also try to know what selling company knows about the business that they are not

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    telling potential buyers. After knowing all reasons for selling a company buying company

    would be in a position to decide whether to go for a deal or not. If they are going for deal

    then buying company should decideappropriate price for the deal. Buying company should

    also examine its own motive for wanting to acquire the company, whether it is good asset

    for the company that would enhance the market of buying company.

    III. Price- A low price does not always equate to a good deal, but higher the price; it is fewer

    cushions for unexpected problems. Buying company is often forced to pay more price than

    they want to pay for the deal. In a competitive situation the buying company needs to

    decide how much it is willing to pay and not exceed that level, even if it means losing the

    company. However, in any merger and acquisition there is a pricing range, based on

    different assumptions of the future performance of the merger and acquisition. The buying

    company has to decide the price to offer for the deal, or how risk will be divided between

    shareholders of merging company. .

    IV. POST MERGER MANAGEMENT- For a merger to succeed much work a remains after

    the deal has been signed. The strategy and business model of the old firms may no longer

    be appropriate when a new firm is formed. Each firm is unique and presents its own set of

    problems and solutions. It takes a systematic effort to combine two or more companies

    after they have come under a single ownership.

    V. DUE DILIGENCE- Due diligence means, A large part of what makes a deal successful

    after completing it, is what is being done before completing it. Before the closing of the

    deal, the buyer should engage in a thorough due diligence review of the sellers business.

    The purpose of the review is to detect any financial and the business risk that the buyer

    might inherit from the seller. The due diligence team can identify ways in which assets,

    process and other resources can be combined in order to realize cost saving and other

    expected synergies. The planning team can also try to understand the necessary sequencing

    of events and resulting pace at which the expected synergies may be realized.

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    Factors responsible for failure of mergers and acquisitions

    As there are many factors responsible for success of mergers similarly there are many factors

    responsible for failure of the merger. The main factor is buying wrong company at wrong time,

    at wrong place and by paying wrong price. If the process through which merger is executed is

    faulty then it will affect merger adversely. Historical trends show that roughly two thirds of big

    mergers will disappoint on their own terms, which means they will lose value on the stock

    market. Some of reasons for failure of mergers and acquisitions are listed below;

    I. Payment of high price- The merger fails when the maximum price is paid to buy

    another company. In such situation shareholders of Transferee Company will receive

    more cash but the shareholders of Transferor Company will pay more cash. As a result

    of this deal for merger will fail.

    II. Culture clash- Lack of proper communication, differing expectations and conflicting

    management styles due to differences in corporate culture contribute to failure in

    implementing plan and therefore, failure of mergers and acquisitions.

    III. Overstated synergies: - An acquisition can create opportunities of synergy by

    increasing revenues, reducing costs, reducing net working capital and improving the

    investment intensity. Over estimation of such synergies may lead to a failure of this

    merger. Inability to prepare plans leads to failure of mergers and acquisitions.

    IV. Failure to integrate operations- Once firms are merged management must be prepared

    to adapt plans in favour of changed circumstances. Inability to prepare plans leads to

    failure of mergers and acquisitions.

    V. Inadequate due diligence- The process of the due diligence helps in detecting any

    financial and business risks that the buyer might inherit from the seller. Inadequate due

    diligence results in the failure of the mergers and acquisitions.

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    India's mobile telecom sector is one of the fastest growing sectors. Unlike in the 1990s when the

    mobile phone was an elitist product, mobile operators now tap a mass market with mass

    marketing techniques. "Unified licensing" rules allow basic and mobile operators into each

    other's territory, and have ushered in perhaps the final phase of industry consolidation.

    It seems that only companies with deep pockets can effectively compete as primary operators

    mobile markets. Economies of scale, scope, and end-to-end presence in long-distance as well as

    local telecom, are desirable.

    There are, besides, new challenges. Operators are having to find new growth drivers for the wire

    line business. There are problems of getting broadband to take off, of technology choice, of when

    to introduce new technologies, and of developing a viable business model in an era of


    This report analyses the changing features, opportunities and challenges facing the basic and

    mobile telecom services business. It covers the regulatory environment, markets, new services

    and revenue sources, tariff structures, economics of the industry, investment and technology

    issues, and the current and emerging competitive environment.

    Growth of mobile technology

    India has become one of the fastest growing mobile markets in the world. The mobile services

    were commercially launched in August 1995 in India. In the initial 5-6 years the average

    monthly subscribers additions were around 0.05 to 0.1 million only and the total mobile

    subscribers base in December 2002 stood at 10.5 millions. However, after the number of
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    proactive initiatives taken by regulator and licensor, the monthly mobile subscriber additions

    increased to around 2 million per month in the year 2003-04 and 2004-05.

    Although mobile telephones followed the New Telecom Policy 1994, growth was tardy in the

    early years because of the high price of hand sets as well as the high tariff structure of mobile

    telephones. The New Telecom Policy in 1999, the industry heralded several pro consumer

    initiatives. Mobile subscriber additions started picking up. The number of mobile phones added

    throughout the country in 2003 was 16 million, followed by 22 millions in 2004, 32 million in

    2005 and 65 million in 2006. The only countries with more mobile phones than India with

    156.31 million mobile phones are China408 million and USA170 million.

    India has opted for the use of both the GSM (global system for mobile communications) and

    CDMA (code-division multiple access) technologies in the mobile sector.

    The mobile tariffs in India have also become lowest in the world. A new mobile connection can

    be activated with a monthly commitment of US$ 5 only. In 2005 alone 32 million handsets were

    sold in India. The data reveals the real potential for growth of the Indian mobile market.

    Next generation networks

    In the Next Generation Networks, multiple access networks can connect customers to a core

    network based on IP (internet protocol) technology. These access networks include fibre optics

    orcoaxial cable networks connected to fixed locations or customers connected through wi-fi as

    well as to 3G networks connected to mobile users. As a result, in the future, it would be

    impossible to identify whether the next generation network is a fixed or mobile network and the

    broadband wireless access would be used both for fixed and mobile services. It would then be

    futile to differentiate between fixed and mobile networksboth fixed and mobile users will

    access services through a single core network.

    Indian telecom networks are not so intensive as developed countrys telecom networks and

    India's teledensity is low only in rural areas. 670,000 route kilometers ofoptical fibres has been

    laid in India by the major operators, even in remote areas and the process continues. A rural

    network based on the extensive optical fibre network, using Internet Protocol and offering a

    variety of services and the availability of open platforms for service development, viz. the Next
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    Generation Network, appears to be an attractive proposition. Fibre network can be easily

    converted to Next Generation network and then used for delivering multiple services at cheap


    Cellular Service Providers

    As on Apr 2007 India has 167 million mobile phone subscribers. Out of this 125 million are

    GSM users and 41 million CDMA users.

    BSNL, Bharti Airtel, Hutch, Idea, Aircel, Spice and MTL are the main GSM providers in India.

    Reliance Communications and Tata Indicom are the main CDMA providers in India.

    Bharti Airtel

    Airtel is providing cellular services in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Andhra Pradesh,Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,

    Maharashtra, Goa, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, UP and West Bengal. Airtel is the

    No.1 cellular service provider in India using GSM technology. Airtel has 23% market share in

    India with a total subscriber base of 38 million.

    Reliance Communications

    Reliance has both CDMA and GSM networks and total subscriber base of 29 million or 17%

    market share. It has GSM network in Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Kolkata, North East,

    Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. Reliance has CDMA networks in other states andcities.

    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)

    BSNL is a state owned telecom company which has GSM presence in almost every cities and

    towns. BSNL has 27 million subscribers with a market share of 16%.


    Hutch is another emerging GSM provider in India with coverage in Kerala, Mumbai, Delhi,Kolkata, Chennai, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Punjab with a total subscriber base of

    27 million.

    Tata Indicom
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    Tata Indicom is a main CDMA provider in India with 16 million subscribers all over India. Tata

    Indicom has presence in almost every states and cities in India

    The leading cellular service providers have the following number of subscribers:

    Service Provider No. of CDMA Subscribers No. of GSM Subscribers

    Reliance 2.75 crores 38.76 lakhs

    Tata 1.07 crores

    Airtel 3.37 crores

    MTNL 24.98 lakhs

    BSNL 2.44 crores

    Hutch 2.44 crores

    Idea 1.3 crores

    Spice 25.56 lakhs

    BPL 10.62 lakhs

    Aircel 48 lakhs

    Bharti Airtel has the largest customer base with 31% market share, followed by Hutch and BSNL

    with each holding 22% market share.

    The 2007 budget has brought further relief to the customers with the reduction in the tariffs, both

    local and long distance, and with slashing down the roaming rentals. This is likely to lead to even

    more people going for cellular services and more and more use of the value added services.

    However, landline telephony is likely to remain popular, too, in the foreseeable future. MTNL,

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    the largest landline service provider, has recently taken some bold initiatives to retain its market

    share and, if possible, expand it.

    Revenue and growth

    The total revenue in the telecom service sector was Rs. 86,720 crore in 2005-06 as against Rs.

    71, 674 crore in 2004-2005, registering a growth of 21%. The total investment in the telecom

    services sector reached Rs. 200,660 crore in 2005-06, up from Rs. 178,831 crore in the previous


    Telecommunication is the lifeline of the rapidly growing Information Technology industry.

    Internet subscriber base has risen to 6.94 million in 2005- 2006. Out of this 1.35 million were

    broadband connections. More than a billion people use the internet globally.

    The value added services (VAS) market within the mobile industry in India has the potential to

    grow from $500 million in 2006 to a whopping $10 billion by 2009 (Music, games to drive

    mobile VAS growth).

    Merger or Acquisition in TELECOM Sector in India


    Indian Telecom Industry:

    One of the fastest growing sectors in the country, telecommunications has been zooming

    up the growth curve at a feverish pace in the past few years. The year 2007 saw India achieve the

    distinction of having the world's lowest call rates (2-3 US cents), the fastest growth in the

    number of subscribers (15.31 million in 4 months), the fastest sale of a million mobile phones (1

    week), the world's cheapest mobile handset (US$ 17.2) and the world's most affordable colour

    phone (US$ 27.42).
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    Indian telecommunication firms added 5.19 million new subscribers in April 2007, taking

    the total user base above 212.02 million.

    Wireless service providers continued to dominate user growth by adding 5.15 million

    subscribers in April, while 40,000 new fixed-line users signed up.

    At 500 minutes a month, India has the highest monthly 'minutes of usage' (MOU) per

    subscriber in the Asia-Pacific region.

    India is emerging as a forerunner in using the cell phone as a tool to access the Internet,

    with one in every 11 people logging on to the web across the world through mobiles

    turning out to be an Indian.

    The country's telecom sector will see investments up to US$ 25 billion over the next fiveyears, projects global consultancy firm Ernst & Young.

    India is expected to register handset production of over 51 million units in 2007 to record

    the highest growth in the Asia-Pacific region, according to technology research firm


    India produced nearly 31 million mobile phones in 2006 worth about US$ 5 billion. The

    production of handsets is set to increase by 68 per cent in units and 65 per cent in value

    terms in 2007. By 2011, production volumes are expected to reach nearly 95 million units

    at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent.

    The retail market for mobile phones -- handsets, accessories and airtime -- is over US$

    15.6 billion and growing at the rate of 15-20 per cent.

    Massive infrastructure needs in India might provide a potential private equity role. A

    recent study by telecom regulator Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has

    estimated that the country will need about 350,000 telecom towers by 2010, as against

    125,000 in 2007.

    With a CAGR of 46 per cent, India has emerged as the fastest growing market in the data

    centre-structured cabling market in the Asia Pacific region, according to Access Markets

    International (AMI) Partners, a US-based consultancy agency. The data centre structured

    cabling market is expected to grow from US$ 19 million in 2005 to US$ 125 million in

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    2010. The overall structure cabling market is expected to grow from US$ 127 million in

    2005 to US$ 345 million by 2010 at a CAGR of 22 per cent. .

    In May 2007, Indian GSM mobile phone service providers signed up 5.1 million

    customers, taking total users to 130.6 million, the Cellular Operators' Association of India


    The combined revenue of all operators from their mobile businesses would more than

    double to US$ 33.1 billion by 2010, from about US$ 12.8 billion in 2006.

    The total revenue of all telecom operators is also set to nearly double to US$ 43.6 billion

    in four years, from US$ 22.5 billion in 2006. The revenue share of mobile business would

    rise to 76 per cent in the same period, from 57 per cent currently. India, which is adding

    over six million mobile subscribers every month, has surpassed Russia to become the

    third largest mobile market in the world after China and the US. The total mobile

    subscriber base in the country is likely to reach 425 million by March 2010 with Bharti

    Airtel (GSM) and Reliance (CDMA and GSM) emerging as the top two mobile operators

    in terms of number of subscribers.

    The mobile industry should continue its strong growth. The countrys telecom regulator,

    the TRAI, says that the rate of market expansion would increase with further regulatory andstructural reform. The adoption of Unified Licensing, a change in the Access Deficit Charge

    regime, increased sharing of infrastructure and coverage of new areas by operators will

    contribute to ongoing growth.

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    A very large market with significant growth potential

    Source: I nforma, Analyst consensus.

    The Indian telecom industry has lots of scope as only 13% of the mobile market is penetrated

    and it still has a vast potential which is untapped. When this untapped mobile market is

    compared with the growing population the scope further widens as India is the 2nd most populous

    country in the world.















    Population (Dec-06)







    120108 107

    78 77





    Mobile Penetration (% as of Dec-06)

    India is the worlds 2n


    o ulated countr

    .. where the mobile penetration

    remains low

    Penetration expected to exceed 40% by FY2012 and exceed 50% in the longer term

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    1.1 Indian Mobile Market

    India is divided into 23 license

    territories or CIRCLES for the purpose of

    mobile service.

    Circles are categorized as follows

    Metros ( 4 largest cities )

    A circles (state with highest earning


    B Circles

    C Circles (state with least earning )

    Each Circle typically has 5-6 Operators.

    Private GSM Operators on 900MHz.

    1 Government Owned GSM Operator (BSNL/MTNL)

    1 active private GSM operator on 1800MHz

    Circle by- Circle Breakdown

    Key Facts

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    1-2 CDMA operators on 800MHz.

    2. History of Hutch

    Hutchison Telecom is a global provider of telecommunications services. It has significant

    presence in nine countries and territories, and are market leaders in many of them. Hutch

    currently offer mobile and fixed-line telecommunication services in Hong Kong, and operate or

    are rolling out mobile telecommunication services in Macau, India, Israel, Thailand, Sri Lanka,

    Ghana, Indonesia and Vietnam. Hutch was the first provider of 3G mobile services in Hong

    Kong and Israel and operates brands including Hutch, 3and Orange.

    Overall, the offer encompasses voice services (including a range of enhanced calling

    features), broadband data and multimedia services, mobile and fixed-line Internet and intranet

    services, IDD and international roaming services, bandwidth services and data centre services.

    Together with its regional partners, Hutchison Telecom is a key player in the multi-

    market telecommunications industry, with a growing customer base of about 30 million as of 31

    December 2006

    2.1 Strategies of Hutch

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    The guiding strategy of Hutch is to focus on mobile telecommunications services markets

    which offer the best growth potential. Hutch enters these markets either through greenfield

    developments or by acquisition, and brings our strengths in network and product development,

    branding and customer service to create market leaders.

    Hutch believes that a combination of strong economic growth and favorable demographic

    profiles in these markets will result in sustained growth in demand for our services. Many of its

    markets are still significantly under-penetrated, and offer tremendous scope for future growth.

    For example, in India the combination of vast population and a very low penetration rate creates

    an enormous growth opportunity for accessible and affordable mobile services.

    Elsewhere - most notably in Hong Kong and Israel - the penetration of mobile services

    has reached higher levels. As an early developer and market leader in 3G technology, Hutch is

    ideally positioned to benefit from these trends. The companies that comprise Hutchison Telecom

    enjoy a leading position in many of the markets in which Hutch operate.

    In all its markets, Hutch will leverage its experienced management team and our track-

    record of successfully developing and operating mobile telecommunications businesses to

    continue to grow and diversify our turnover and profits. In addition, Hutch will continue to

    selectively acquire or invest in new businesses, in new markets as well as in countries where

    Hutch is already present.

    2.2 The Evolution of Hutch Essar

    1992 : Hutchison entered India in partnership with Max

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    1994: C. Sivasankaran sells 51% stake in Delhis sterling cellular to Essar Group

    1995: Hutchison max mobile goes live in Mumbai; Essar Cellphone Starts Service in


    1996:Swisscom sells 49% stake in Essar cell phone to Hutchison

    1998: Max Analjit Singh sells 41% stake in Hutchison Hong Kong

    2000: Hutchison acquires 49% stake in sterling cellular buys Kolkatas Usha Martin


    2001: Hutchison Buys 49% stake in Gujarats Fascel gets license for Karnataka &


    2003: Aircell Digling becomes part of hutch

    2004: Essar picks France Telecom 9.9% Stake in BPCL Communication

    2005: Hutchison Essar signed an agreement to acquire BPL for Rs.4400 crores and Essar

    Spacetel, paving the way for nationwide coverage in India. Essar Telecommunication

    holdings buys Max Telecom ventures 3.16% stake in Hutchison Essar for Rs 657crore.

    Orascom Telecom became a shareholder in Hutchison Telecom

    2006: Hutchison Essar received licences to operate in six new licence areas, positioning it

    for pan-India coverage.Kotak sells 8.3% stake to Analjit Singh for Rs 1019crore.

    Hinduja sells 5.11% stake to Hutch for $450 million. Hutchison wants to exit.

    2. 3 Why is Hutch ready to sell?

    Hutch is ready to sell its stake in Hutch Essar, India due to the following reasons:

    To help recoup its investment in 3G in mature markets - Hong Kong and Israel

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    Tussle between Essar and Hutchison:There were also differences between Hutchison and

    Essar over the merger of BPL Mobile with Hutch. The Essar Group acquired BPL Mobile

    and merged it with Hutch Essar to raise its stake in the latter to 33 per cent. Some

    differences over valuations and sorting out regulatory hurdles in the key Mumbai telecom

    circle are believed to have contributed to the dispute.

    Enterprise Value is 22-24 times is EBIDTA in as compared to its investment initially.

    3. Potential Suitors for the Bid

    Suitor # 01: VodafoneArun Sarin, CEO

    Background: Largest mobile company - 29 billion

    Financial Health: Huge revenues - 29.35 billion in 2006, Net Loss

    of over 21.8 billion - under fire from shareholders

    Presence: Across 26 countries. Partner networks 34 countries,

    Subscriber base of 190 million

    Why is Hutch-Essar important: Limited presence in Asia: 3.3% in

    China, Other markets like the UK, Germany and Australia saturated.

    Suitor # 02: Reliance CommunicationAnil Ambani, Chairman

    Background: Hutchison Essar fit well , commitments from large

    banks, teaming with Carlyle Group.

    Financial Health: Third Quarter 2006-07 revenues of Rs. 3.525

    crore, PAT702 cr.

    Presence: CDMA -21 circles, 25 million subscriber base. GSM3.5

    million subscriber in 8 circles.

    Why is Hutch-Essar important: Undisputed leader in India 50

    million subscribers. Save $ 5 billion on capex and opex5 years

    Suitor # 03: RuiaRavi Ruia, Vice Chairman

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    Background: Flagship business is steel, refinery, just started

    operationsearly entrant into cellular telephony, decade experience.

    33% stake in HEL.

    Financial Health: Steel and refining expected to generate Rs 45000-

    50000 cr

    Presence: 16 circles vis HEL.

    Why is Hutch-Essar important: Headstart with 33% holding, secure

    best valuation

    Suitor # 04: MaxisJamaludin Ibrahim, CEO

    Background: Malaysia's largest operator 7 million subscribers, $

    13.5 billion 100% Hutch-Essar buyout said to have dropped out of

    the race.

    Financial Health: 2004-05, revenues stood (Rs. 8,060 cr) PAT (Rs.

    2,164 cr)

    Presence: Malaysia, Indonesia and in India via Aircel74% stake

    Why is Hutch-Essar important: Indian operation7 circles, subscriber

    base 4.2 million.

    Suitor # 05: HindujaAshok Hinduja, Executive Chairman

    Background: Held 5.11% stake in Hutch-Essar, sold in mid 2005-06

    for $ 450 million

    Financial Health: Revenues of $ 11 bn, raising cash is no problem

    Presence: No global presence, 5.11% stake was a courtesy the

    Hindujas presence in Gujrat circle.

    Why is Hutch-Essar important: Looking at (finally) expanding in

    India, biggest opportunity in Indian Telecom

    Suitor # 06: Verizon WirelessIvan Seidenberg, Chairman and CEO

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    Background: USs Second Largest cellular operator, CDMA

    technology, 57 million customers, 44% JV with Vodafone .

    Financial Health: Revenues of $ 32.3 billion, Operating income of $

    7.38 billion.

    Presence: Restricted to US.

    Why is Hutch-Essar important: Any presence outside a saturated US

    market is welcome

    4. Vodafone Details

    The beginnings of Vodafone can be traced to a small UK company called Racal

    Electronics that was founded in 1985. The chronological history of Vodafone can be inferred as


    -It is the largest mobile operator in the world with barely any presence in India. Vodafones

    presence was via a minority stake in Indias Bharti Airtel.

    - If Vodafone needs to maintain its competitive edge it was very clear that they needed to have

    a clear and identifiable India strategy.

    - Buying Hutch Essar gives Vodafone instant access to about 23 million mobile users in India.

    - Building such a big user base would have taken Vodafone a long time to build.

    - As one analyst said that Vodafone paid a high price for the strategic value of Hutch Essar and

    that is the key to understanding Vodafones India strategy.

    Vodafone can now bring its expertise and services from other countries to India. Over the past

    couple of years Vodafone has sold its stake in Europe and Japan and refocused its energy in

    countries where mobile and telecom services are on a huge growth curve. These countries

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    include Turkey, Egypt, South Africa and that trend clearly shows that Arun Sarin, a seasoned

    telecom expert knows where the future revenue streams for his company is located.In order for

    Vodafone to scale it needs to resolve and come up with solutions for the infrastructure

    bottlenecks in India. Bharti Airtel and Vodafone are reportedly going to share their network

    infrastructure. This sharing of network will help Airtel and Vodafone penetrate into the rural

    areas, where Bharti Airtel is spending about a couple of billion dollars this year.

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    Why India?

    CY2006 CY 2010

    Mobile Voice, Mobile Data, Fixed Voice, Fixed Data

    India being the second largest growing economy and also the telecom markets are growing at a

    faster pace. The sustained economic and telecom market are the major drives for Vodafone to

    enter the Indian Emerging Market.















    2006-2015 real GDP growth (%)

    2006-2015 real GDP growth







    $22.5 Bn

    $43.6 Bn19% CAGR



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    4. 2 If India, then why eyeing ONLY Hutch?


    Vodafone eyed Hutch for the following reasons:

    The 2nd Largest customer base i.e. following BSNL (PSU)



    32,466 29,980 25,55123,308

    12,442 10249 4,513

    Market share


    22.8 21.1 18.0 16.4 8.8 7.2 3.2

    No of


    23/23 23/23 23/23 22/23 13/23 20/23 2/23


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    It decent market share, though not in the top three. But acquiring the top three market

    share leaders was just not possible.

    No. of circles covered by Hutch also made a lot of difference as the penetration level in

    the mobile market is an important criteria for any telecom company in todays

    competitive scenario. This means there was not immediate necessity to spend on the

    infrastructure requirements.

    The technology under Hutch purview was GSM, which was a perfect fit for Vodafone.

    The other reason for Hutch being targeted by Vodafone is as under:

    Subscribers 22. 27 million 16.39% of mobile market;

    biggest private GSM operator

    after Bharti

    New Subscribers 1 million every month Just behind market leader


    ARPUs* Rs. 374 Just behind market leader


    Circles 16 11.65 % over national GSM


    Revenues Rs. 5,800 cr Present in all top circles

    * ARPUsAverage revenues per user

    5. Hutch Vodafone Synergy

    Hutch-Essar has a strong presence in India so Vodafone would have a strong base. These

    are the following ways Vodafone will capitalize on the Hutch-Essar position:

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    5.1 Distribution:

    - They have very big advantage in terms of distribution as they have 1800 branded shops all

    over India & still the previous owners of HTIL was aggressively expanding the distribution

    network. The model of hutch consists of 1000 exclusive dealers for contract & 300,000 retail

    outlets for prepaid.

    - Now Vodafone will capitalized more on these aggressive strategy by investing more on the

    existing model develop by hutch. Accelerate distribution rollout in line with network roll out

    plans Proven retail experience in over 7000 retail stores globally Vodafone is a world class

    brand & the brand name will help Vodafone.

    5.2 Network:

    Overall coverage of Indian population below 40% today

    - Network performance comparable to major competitors in Hutch Essar 16 circles-Hutch

    Essar network fully EDGE enabled

    - BPL 3 circles: continued aggressive roll out of network

    - Spacetel 6 circles: secure spectrum, build network and launch service

    - Complete nationwide fibre backbone27,000 km today

    5.3 Infrastructure:

    Infrastructure sharing MOU with Bharti to enable industry leading cost structure for sites.

    MOU outlines a process for achieving a more extensive level of site sharing

    - sharing of tower, shelters, civil works, back-up diesel generators, power supply and air


    - separate electronics, spectrum and backhaul transmission

    -benefits expected to commence during 2007

    MOU covers both new and existing sites

    Around 1/3 of current Hutch Essar sites shared with other Indian mobile operators

    Longer term anticipated to result in approximately 2/3 of total sites shared

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    Significant capex and opex savings achievable for Hutch Essar

    US$1bn opex and capex savings over first 5 years

    opex saving improves EBITDA margin by c.1.5%

    5.4 Targeted sharing of active infrastructure:

    - Current regulatory consultation on broader infrastructure sharing to support rural areas and

    teledensity target

    - MOU with Bharti envisages the scope to include active infrastructure sharing

    - potential to extend agreement to sharing of radio access network and access transmission

    - Potential significant additional savings on capex and opex

    5.5 Brand:

    The Hutch brand is across 16 circles:

    - Strong consumer focus

    - Recognized major business brand

    6. Operational Plan for Hutch Essar

    Vodafone will execute an operational plan to build on the strengths of Hutch Essar in

    order to capture the Indian telecom growth opportunity.

    6.1 Key strategic objectives

    In the context of penetration that is expected to exceed 40% by FY2012, Vodafone is

    targeting a 20-25% market share within the