new orleans daily crescent (new orleans, la.) 1859-05...

2a t z . r : F )> bro- . 1 b ;j SY6 4 f 4 8 t'Y4hh . Oimq ^up with '% ad!' ftor, thbd 0e0port on ~ha a ia,'aw a _~o Havana. bits eager o, Bboe O1ltea icolsrpe, 3 t bbl tooanota, wbi lky, b kego n>;_ 'Cloud..2bbls 1 inbaU .11,000 buahels 1623 bales of riginal caro of ohs bacon, o 'bs whiask, soc hi h moa p ,Irkg mse, St l ton hamn. I! }.a, knbdsundries. S p Genera1 l .114 DOom•e aro..77 J Poi% Brpn toor..eoo ,i0,.0 do A B James.. .M Uyips 1': • lmba cffee S ler.8 bbls ,b2jntoW SIboxes mdse H K Igtto n lins Bell, nowarr.1 bales of , ottonRlve Battles Sto•dt..l. cotton in to dbase J B Hyde co. to order. <J). Ba PoUllona..462 tons srpl •,atnube.O n ballas t. 900 ny bler..5100 bga Romp.In ballast. .. bblshhdauga bble Sary nfllen.e.6400 bbt ls of r W ,0 Florida..60,600 feet b e Onward. .18 bales cot- P D(toIdfow c..0 sea S4o n.1 cotton. sth o Indopendence... a e,960e bble lime 1 Hol- eoo a11 Co. 9 l0 e & . o.25 e of aO..650 bblo of naval or balesehat Poyro.. s JIla 4 boxeshbts 8 bales .. 7 blsa.-162 deer ebkis 12 .14sreksdo 30 bxa cigars ~seie Canal. bbb charcoal. USly..22 cords wood. .. O9 bblo charcoal. bbl. charcoal, .uho.Gofldssce. .1200 bble of .16,000 feet lotsber to Pit:: W Powsll. Ie `> I otter. lnolaasr to osI m H&roup 34dotot t2 seteAs~ + Ner'woed.17 do 16 -31 Sacks 48010 ..4 do to 1 bhdsongar - ~ ~ at hbI lb~ngawto 9"lln,.2 do fJDo- d ulmo lodrtat & is bb. tmoltases St b~sa llobbltol8 san- _. r.cict 14 rbo petaca ~~brtehba1168bhdasdoga L 0 JAOKSON AND GREtAT NORTHERN S. Fa1 baonth May, .1baes cot- F G11more Aoe..30 obeon d"Alten..22 &0 g; 19..4 Pdo p l Harrbeon..6 8 L 6 ?fl. 29 PriBtfl Cowlwy boo B6adley, At.a.8s by & Catbiaga .4 Carroll, oy A AOL.ta 4$ PPes.o0..S Byltab, Vancs co..3 no 11 G0sp4 Jr. .Toa 167 bales coaoa. ISBT 07 ViSSITs 3 PORT NOT CLEREBD a... naah.." 1 *. ....... d Oduoin e.... . point.lf : ... .............. polot -. . 11Oa........:::::....... p At ~ica 1741 Jto .i Aootdota t D -O... .. :..7l42 ,.t -. ,,...:. 41 v ............. 224 ......... 1 P Y ats ............. pol~d .... :.. Bt:~i Bay army-rickic.....,... Q.paatin .. t ... .. -d .pe ............... poiu! ait rpbbtol ... I.... ,......... & d2 iehie.. ~ ao .............. 3 a. .. .. PR1 W ............. n tt Ahn!I .:....:4dd IolaW71b ......... -6dl ... ... . .............. o ot t Th t ......... .pont 1s1<ni eiiN ........ peidet`Itaree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pain A t n ............... 24 O ol . H e adbam.....plt .."... ... .. ............... - Amsroa i: iTtav:... .,Bi i PBH.tafu *............ ut ' rrii:..... ............... mi i I -.. t .ul .......... potot . 4 .eeran ......... pf . M . .. 86d1 14tU0Zin*.A it e ................ point nnnYp~ooos .124... 8 RnnaOoo. ........ t Y^dmbot. 24*.. .... let~ ,ooao ........... Pit at PF'an eN....... ......... ot `Pea s ............... " nm o..............3142 .toa2 p -o44 ~ . 0 aooa at . ...... 68d4 ftettin point Roins . .. pnt QUA 17deg4.......... P . 21Alt .......... ootoit . Ta oS mm .................... ttm 2 Ptotoa p in Lighlnot ... b.:ot"lom...........14 i aria ........ nt ototttto . Rtni no::.......POlt ti 9 .. P ................. 463A aBrower........... .. .- d F0ro tgo....... polo tAotot ho oloua . . $aa t......0.. 4 lte .... o ... beg o .. oo .po1 Aod...t......... Itojot r, n .4 nt i.............. oint t ............. btoi .oinoko t. polot MRowdelenoe....1. basin Jels....... 40 .. .. Barlx...................astl P Onoot M oot .......... 1... ( , b oth .............. Pi t 1.Jo1nn. pot p -a bs...........l....b o Rohslst .... 2.p Poinp Root Sdutecllan .............. 4Ylfl . ............... Watp pt Rooht ottoot ". 0 Rb...... 2od41 H R tob r ,. .. & in - ototo Ottl~fm. ( o Ltoo o ........ t. 1842 .7ellt Haeh ;...... Pi rta WFry.................LP T Loe Ifmar.............polt Herlet............, l. lo I_gaa ............ .. 4 0 f a ttn . . . . ,2 4 36:43 So ........ ffoth . Tttpp.H .. 3043 too Itoor.thur Tot nt . p.. t int To b ........... boa t h .... 174: Mary ..., . ,,....,,.basinl Ptops .ol . 0244 . oioo...tnt lotdtar I Agttoboot ........ POl U bo ............. o t yt i n th.........b. oio o g . polot Viooo............b Yo sn kt . R. p at Wotala,................b2o o ... 3 tnrr ................. 2be P: N ~ tksf..:.... ....- d3Oatar1 ................. PL~i tm (kee Ram""..... ,.481 Olve nnob::::h ::~~ tic Bglb.ii.i......00,t. 6e Bo~lg: ............ P ntP Bro n..... . ..... bas I t -... Plsrr botll bo Southern Ohfer...... .retne lot rif:....::.......... be ' u' St Ioufa .................. 4d2gouber Iuepede. e,.bas. I BHlrmu.. ........... .4 8fot....... .. 1 2 i Aotooo Spot .- at w roet ................ n Taber. home to Tfum ..................... 3043 5&IS Sea .... .P wdeho POi Toulon................... 1841 Tal ohuoohas ... ..... ,.. .. Point O Tala ec ............ ................ ,1442 uncle Jo. R~~a................pit igit ou. ....esn o Valpanfao ............... : d2 B Yettee..,.........l ... 1 h w Yonng Bagle .. ,.......... 86wetPloorldd.............bbasl Zulme .................. bat t Amanda Spur ............. di s NOTICE. NOTICE. The umerelamed has dspoad of all his r.ght, title and1ntar aetto the buthoesm known!u "DORB'BSOUTHERN AD= VERTIBING AND COLLECTING AGENCY" to the irm of A. B. ETRAWBRIDGB & CO., who will continue it a herto- fore. J. W. DORRE New Orlens, Deeember it, 188. 8OUTHERN ADVEITISBNG AND COLLECTING AGEBNY. evin by purohus •soceeeded to the stol oontrol of thebo h see o "DeDr's Bouthern Advertising ad Colletong Agency," t will be eontiued by the ouderstgoed-by ad with e con. omrnteo, of or pebllshtlg.prtinoipa. A.B. 8TRAWBEIDGE A CO. "lwOl1.B1 Comnaoeoot P place. Now Orleans. Deoember 213, 40. of COOOTNON PLANTERS-I TAKE PLEASURE in eanooeoing that Manr. MANDEVILLE A MoIL- HENNY aremy outhorled getm ino this city t make on.- tra for thoe useof MY INVENTION -- For- Upinnlng up the Seed Cotton on Plantations Into Yarns, And all bulae in relation to Lt Iwill only my hero that I make the same capitl, the same tooetoo, the saome stnm power, the same expenses very n00rly that now rot'. gins andbales the cotton, tospin tt ; that, with the addttton of mnobhiery, eoting ahout half what the in- uosed valueo of the yarns the first0y0r tit hbe, and which is at soded by surplus labor of the plantation, inlittle grls of 8 to 10, women, and old men toeelolent s field hands, I DOUBLE OB MORB THAN DOUBLE THE PLANTER'B NET IN- GOMEL We pin the but Yars in the world I The danger fom fire ofthe gin-houre Isimmensely reduod, with many other advn. tlos ofgreat value. And what is of gret Importance to, thot all this iO fully demoltotrated by its ueossoefol daily operation o the plantation of Col. Ge.. 8, Yorer, near Yaoo City. PIotn desiring morefull partlcars, are referred to my Agents, as aobove. Applcnots for agenoes will please address them, enlosittng tstcmotolec aSyS MAW GEO. G. HENRY. M EBDICD AL ROUSIE, No. 2 O C.tomt one street, near Bo o street--lor the Ore ofOld Chronot, Menoortl, Fbphlet.ood Private D clcas, withoutMto u 0l hindr e obo eooro teop leet. a ed r ed ogreyuhanteed no Tb. h p sttled aeeee which hDamattended Dr. Jamsn' prnc ,--e m est prts ot oe O nUitod States nod Euonp-the any. r- srkable oira he h" afcected, w.hle wern pronounoo d lnoonr. c•teby tho est emien t phyeotanse,1stiieo him ln offring hL etVlreto the oooldnce o the onoortonate. The follot o Ssome of the dseases termed "Porive,- andof thilh. lo eeooaetion w.,th newy dieoovered Reaedies,Dr. James per. m •tlyendralatoioe, onamely: yhilo, p rimroy oondc-y cnd terftp, Ntrlotireo. Coothool t Dtohogo. teite, Gtooorrheo, Noatel nt•emiloo , Peolodioal Aititont offemalet, howve,, oooplictodteyaybe, Dsoof the Bookend Loine, IBe Mm aiMtf of the Bladder antd Kidoey BtRheaotnimi n ydro. o01. enae, lo ese• Tumor endallDlssease of the Skn. Dr.Jamnseduld aleso all the attention especially of thou who henrprInvtey od tmpropoerly ionredthemaotIves a that asect mad setite•' habit which rules the body andmind. unit. Sthem for othtr businesor soooty,v. : Constitutioncl Do. Ooomponcey. The totlovino are eomn of Oeh todod oclnyholy eafeoke prodoo•d by oearly habitt of yot, i We ess of ot.ek sand LImto, Pain in the Head, Dthneooof ViMelon, Loe of Mnolrrs Power, Palpltatioo of the Heart, Dye. p Nlet Nevooieoe, Irrntabillty, ym o Cooon o o. eta Moaetalt, the fearfl efea te n tiohe mind rore to he ieaeded. Toe. oftMemory, Ctontioen ot Idee r Doooceeto 0 kehftd it s Evil Foreboodl~i', Ace oaon to R0ety, Rlf-Diettst, Lon e oltde T dV, etc., re come of the evils AIplonoamletoted wlh ano y of the above symptoms n hood not fal to all .Jmeand blot toreetored to perfect halth ; le no fae edolleay prevent yoou, but apply at oyoe od oun oyoo olftrom thecwfultanod doutotonopoou of thic Wr U of the oranso Immediately cared, oand foll igor Remember, "The MedteolHouse ofDr.Jms" Ita 8tIClntom boow street. PrlVatestode nrate r.omo. re.e..d. Hos of ottondanoe eoleAeltonsstrlotly onfidentstl. P.S.-Beoentoeo of Gonorrohea ouedis twenty-for boonr. Or o Pay, DO. JAMES, dTOy . . tlteooho .teat. BREAD-BREAD FOR THE MILLION. SOUTHERN NECHANICA' STEAM BAKHEY, Oo.P r O1 (io a Frankolin p to! e -D.poo, No. b Poydno Near New Levee arrest J. J. DANIELS A BON, Pioprteto,. Pilot Bind, Noay Bread,Sooho, Sogar aod iotter (Crooer,, Wlo. Breoo, etc., ett.., warrnted orth. moat uperio. qoollty. an ttelowest market rices _- N+ AR to loft exabove will bepromptly ad corretly MO Oh.. hooo ooRt,.,o .p0001 UNEGROES FOR SALE. SI hv.,t reooloed ONE HUNDRED LIKELy NE- iROES Vioghotoad Norhooad, amO. them aome honbuo BA, Uooke. Wasl.r, an.d homr, all of which .0 for eel ooooooomodohhm, tlrm, ftycoli ogood cily Tm Inten dg to pooheo.o voold do well 1 to al at0000s.11, Sorer (, Ootoao and FErphoood..jbno opposite thehones Sf . N tB. SmBth. ef JOSEPH BRUINE. L ^ Q S LF-h 1 AD VIRQIRIL NEGROES FORS LE-The ssnbcrlber has jut arrived with a Gee tatof rollno sod Virginia Negros, forsalo, conatcting of Fild ban dos, Cooke, ashers ndboom: also, two lo or n No. 1 fblrtamith, one odo ooper and ~a. ~ i aripho. r 1.o,.. , non Uon hooo, i Will hobdooy frtoh tote do to 0 lc Mae me, b h 0000on oo Ping oloooooe. B. F. PETERlSON. 15Pordidootreoo, Nov Orioon. - OAT .1/EPARTURLS RnD RIVER. Layvs o, WUDNIDAY, Mvayth at a P. M. a. MIVMSI A Ld.R PAtIET. 'tour' Bo.l-ad, M Sate, Por Caddo, g I IwA. L ae nd Moaiutg'. Laadtlni, cad all Aeaing totSt...n.a On. d Say.., ahaE t c R ri r aid t La .- Tb. S..', "aabo. rb laN Dy . rPsa on,. Adttlg Ageat.I Les . R DNRSDAYj 9 nsat., FOR JRaF. R- 1 REvo JPPS I ., Slblalb St Patl Caddo, Swann e s' . Moorgs, Altay SBhreveport. Grand Bayo. Dampse, Grad N...A. At efard.I an', Barbh, a. l e l et Iatatoadlat. tdlngc a, Sed r.ft.-Tbh n Ight dra.hl packe t rnet, Reuben Shad.. mte, W. C. Shad., ,l.,k, Il pevely lave a above. IFor hpiht or paag, barlig tan accommodadtdv., applyaa beeard. vGINImU (a. DRNM'CZL, 7lB. Adverttdi Agfat Laves .a WI DNUSDAY 2th Nayt, aeP. Y. )• PO RAI4{D EOlO 2,] NATCHI. Lag, wbad, St. Maurlae, Saxon', - d atgm', ,ou 7, Durand's and Baua,., R n ond f (aoe river, Alexandria, N.orm.' R lu0. andall intepaedit hmdl4•l on (Oae and Ltttl lrel-The r., glr packet RLLeg 0. J. Bsllon f wbt1trll lag bove. For It o pasage applyaa YIRGINIUS 0. DENTZRL, SN Addverlwle Ageat. Leaves aon THURSDAY. 9th nt., at P. M. SFOR SHIREVEPORLT, GRAND Bepyu, (Oampte Grand aoo. andAlexa.drll- The e.laet ana ewlflt..aleg Pwaeeger packet ,toamor Judah To-, R.5. Buter, mster, , will leave Ias v• b orfreight r pi l nban Cana. ayN Advrtaltng Agent. Laeavs'on ATURDAY. M ayat P. M. tack tOM.BMR F CO][Idi NATOMI M. , Daaad'. eri ad F Baron' a.din. Mo.t, tha adm arll V mAlexandria, Normana,, Gotoa',, iaund all te.medlte liadlag-The tilttl•ae., ale.- Ra ift.a runninlg lightdrabtl passenge.ertam Plota, Ma, Parker, master, 8am. Larnn, ac.rk, will leave as above, For , elght or p. . applyead. S YIRGINIUS 0. DENTZRL, anl Adver dlng Ageat. Leaves SATURDAY ISh Inast,. at P. M. 'la. 1UIGLAULAARED IUVJCRPAOKMT ___ _ fo Shr,•• f tor p, Granddayou. Jaompt. Grand Etear, AlexaalrIa sad orton's Lending-The .a-w ele• tase•angear packet B. L. Hodge, 0. . Maershall,lJ. 0. Gaeff. clerk, ,wid leave . aloe. For freight O pasag apply oaboard. YIRGINIUS C. DENTZRL, Adaertlslna Afiea. Leave MONDAY. 80th last., at 5 P. M. g RED RI VIR-T.yIg RE'I LAR FAST Weeklypassenger paket telegram--f.r •-~ r srbaepor On, d Bayo.. Coah. ., Camp.e, Orn SE..•, St. Maarlr, Calhou..', Alea.ndrl, Noarma', e' Goaton's'. Bahbl's ad allwaylanding, on Red R.ver-The ew• eletor, fast masnage packet steamer Telefl m A. D. Iene ow, muter, will leaveNew OIans as above . For frehlt or, having aperalor accommdallons, apply on oaard. YIBRGINIUS C. DENIZL, S~Advaetul.g Agent. La.v on TUES AY, Slt la.L. at P. M. G. .geu aa& Bra.' ao-Water Lin. FIoR JEFERSON IR YE T - 4:•r billb (roulgh--The elih(dr~wlng 18 inches), supPerb penagaer steamer Era No. S. John Kous,. mater,will lave as above, carrylng freight and paenger tlbhro. t bar, in fin.e pa.euagor a.- -. oo.odea. Apply an board. YIRGOINIUS C.DENTZEL, h hAdverteisng Aagent. a labg tahken for above the raf to re-ship by Era N o. l hrvbveypart. OUAOHITA RIVEB. Laeves o THURSTDAY. 26th Iaat., a . M. S GOUACISITA AND BLACK RIVER Summer Packete Red Chier John C. Shute master, Ge W. Koun, cler will lave a abore for Camden direct and al way la4nga, Rod continue to maeb regdar trip, during bthe 0.mer andfall, aaving Ine fiat-lesuppacknger erommodatlnne. Apply on board. y3 VIRGINIU C. DENTZEL, ma Aad,Atiin, Aeat. Leaveas every SATURDAY, at6 P. M. New Orla.., .Monroe and Trenton Rclalar Packet. ,• b OI.TRE'NTON, MIONROE, PINE I BLUFFS. C.or.Landtg. Columlbia Harrison. p Anrg, Trinity, enad all itearmatell landlpgs oa On•ehia and llak Rivers-Then.wa, elegant and wift rua- aing paengaer packetIt. W. Eabtae. John W. Tobin, tommander, G P Work, clerk, l ws as above ast o'clock., P. M. For Irhegbt or peaage apnlv on board. VIRGIIN S C. DENTZRL, faT Aartielog Agcat. Freight tA.. faor BSapaBartholomba cadd'Aarbona.wll4 prlvilege ofreshlpplng. o -- AYERtl'U AGUIE CUOK l FOR THUB SPIBDY I e Ir, o Intermittent l ever, orFever and Aid .1 Reail. il Fd.,•b, •hllp Fevr Domb dAg•, Periodial H ... d, or outaas Headache. and Bilowu Fevers, indeed fr the whole eiSLop dlsease originating in bllipry derangement, clawd by the mualari of mliamati countries. No one remedy is loder called for by tdhe ecessities of the American people mane canr and safe cure (or Fever and Agra Sou w are now enabled to efla, wlto a perfect certainty that t will eradicate the disease, and with assurane, founded on proof, that no harm ca arise from t l use in .any .ently. That which protects from or prevents this dio.•er mer be of tmmenele ervsio nthecemmunttlea where itpre.rlls. Preven- thon t better than cure, for the patient escaese the rilk which h mulst run in violed attack Lof this baleful distempr. This LCure" expels the mlbmblob poison oi Fever and LAge from thelsystem and prevents the dve lopment of the disese, if tken ont th at approach of it, premonitory Symptoms. It It no onl the beat reedy ever yet discovered for this class of ec plht'sb but alo the cheapest. The large qlantty e utcD1?l For a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and iI bl- ious districts, where Fever at d Ague prevails, evrybod should have it a use l t Ireely both frcur e .nd t protee, t. t I hoped this price wil place It witbhin the reach of al-the porsswell as the ri. hA Krew s.pertority of this remedy er any other ever dtsoeAred r the A eedy and certein cure f I nter tnitents Is,that It e ant s no Q( nine or mineral, ooe l eequatlyit prodt ee o qu ninmee or other Inlorfooe efacu wateer ob n the cnIst Hut.ln. T ChosOeued by. Itare u lthy tithey bad never had the disease. Fore, and Agueis not alone the consequnenot f the micr- Spoison. A great variety of disorders arise from Its irrl. n0g, which are NeurIlalgi Rheumatism, Gout, Head. Beidnet Toothache, ararche, Catarrh, Asthma, Pcdpb S Painnl Allectdo of the lpleon, Hystercs, Pe i the Howll, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement in the Stomach, alI oC wt h, when ,,dgioating In this causee pot on the intermit- tent ty pe, omeper t ec prodical. This"Care"expeisthe poison from the blood, and eousequently ceuethem all alike. It i. at Invaluable protection to immi rantsandpersons traveling or temporarily residing In the mtlriones districts. It taken oece elonsly,, deity whtin ezpaed to the infectlon, teat will be ez. orotedfrom the system, andca,mot aenumu ate in seufficint enantlty m ipetn inca disease. Hence It is even more valuable forprotetion than cure, and few will over suffer from Inter. Sittente, it theyavail themselve of the protection this remedy Ayeret Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that dtsease within the range of their action can rorely withstand or evade them. Their penetratnlog proper. M• O and cleanse and invigorOe every pwortion o the he- organism, correcting its diseased action and restoring its hma lhy itoelittee Asa consequence ofthese properties, the thaldho is bowed down wi th pain or physiral debility is as. tonished to igd his health or energy restored byeremedy at once so simple asd inviting. Not onlydo they cure the every day cornlalnts of everybody, but also many formida'+io anddangerous diseases, The aegnt below named ils pleased to furnish gratis my Americas Alms- naw, Containing eerllicatle of their cures and directions for their use in the following eomp llot: Coatlivenes, Heartburn, Headahearising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigen. tin, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Ftetalency, Los of Appetite, Jsaudice, and other kindred eompolnts arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its fus- tions. They areanexcellent alterslyte for the renovation of the blood mid the rettoration of tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Iufiuant,•, Hoanenset Croup, Bronchitis, Inetpient Consumption, and for tho relief o. Conusmptive Patients In edvaneed stages of the disease. Bo wide Is the field of its usef nlnss and so numerous are the eases of its enres, that almost every section of the cun ry abounds In persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desp.rato disese.s oe thb lfgs byite rse, When once tried, its superiority over every other medl- cine of Its kind It too apparent to enca e observation, andwhere Its virtues are known, the public no longer hee tvte what anti- dote to employ for the tstretsl lg auddangerous affections of the pulmonay organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remediee thrust upou he commatity have failed and beens d carded, this hagained frends by evryr trial, con- dfrred benefits on the afllinted they can never forget, and pro- doted cures too numerons and too remarkable to beforgotten. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, M.a. Fer sale by J. WRIGHT & CO., Nos. 21 d 151 Chartres street, N, O. Also byHAYILAND, CLARK O HoBE, Mobilean by all Dealers ' g COPARTNERSHIP NOTIC0E-- NEAGLE & CARPENTER, (Successors of the 0rm of W., G.B. N.egle,) Having aso"llted themselves in pertnernhip, would inform the patrons of the old Lm, ad the publia generally, that they wilcontinue to keep constantly on hand a large and assorted stock of FURNITURE, At the Old andWell-KnlUn Stand, Nos. 33. 35 and 37 Royal street, Entrane--No. 37. MATRESSES, FEATHERS, FINE LOOKING-GLASSES, -And Every Description of- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, -- Comprising-- Rosewood, Walnut and Mahogany Chairs andChamber Sets, in great variety. Kpring-Bed Bottoms, REFRIGERATORS, ICE-BOXES, etc., etc ,pGoode pckn•d and nhipped witlh the greatestll care. a n. . AE, I NEAGLE & CARPENTER. new Orleans, April. 155 a23 bonW DIRECT TIAD•..... BALOIL dot Co. KNotice i hrrebygiven, that all lne airwhlch mnay ppeas pon pUyor enh inatlnn Itohed froom the boo-is noflnyioa an.. no•o all clalms which may be esablished by due process l law will be promptly paid, with interest, infull, T7is oeannion is tken toinform ile frlnndn of DIRElT TRAIIR and te conrensnpndennt of Bnylir A Co. thronnihonl Ithe Cotton Districts, that during the coiingi bualnes Aneon,. ndvancen will be mnad as usual in New Orlann onCotton foi direct shipment to Europa. aecomoaned In all canes byg arno neet for the balancnn dnneon nch nhiptaent. Orders for Cotton Bagging will be bl ine by direct lmportatlon romn Calcutta into the port of New O)rleann. Sn soo as the Cotonn already sond can be Ldentlled dnpicate account sale will in every inmnce Abe moade out In .ONDiON by a PuNhlle Accountannt andsent tIo IhCl Intarentnd. To nve drain, PLANTERSwho have .hipped will snd forward theb marks and w.iglht of their Gottonenn dsnch oiher inlormaton ~ o will Ifaclbln the matter. All letters, privalte a well ason b.slno,. relating to the Nnln of Banylor A Co. and "direct rade." n ill be nddread to 'C. . BAYLOR,44 ]LOIMBARn STREln rT, LONDON." Notice ot ILnnolntlon. Notice is hereby givenn bthat atthe termnlna on ofthe epan orIhlp nnow exsllng, naccordng to writien articles f agree- .mnt, ntnen the mnmberofthe Ibn im ofBanylor&Co the same will In disolvnd nd the u.nflnabed l siness pliel It nldnnaten. i. o. BAYLOR. anchester,. Mnrck. 18.3 1 iA•W "0 BLUIIDER P1 - PROPOS 1AA FOR TIIE EREC Ionnol the NEWSPANDS AT THE SIETAIRII RACE COURSE, will be received fron manter builders and coniolct. an up tI the 20th Init. Plans end .patlestlnnns can teln., and any information n el. aive theretol, ill begiven, at the ollne l,.I J. K. DUNCAN A CO, 131 Common ad24•tCarondelet streets. IP ropnanl. wll I.anddressed "'Propo.nln for Eretlinn the MeiLdrle Racea Bad., Box No. 12 Q, Pont-OIce."',my3 l"k1 II-MIPA UN•-OOND-LLR ORE1N SNALWINR- Dtrt•t Importtlon from Rhelm. For a•ne In lots to Iult the trade. Ordan received lnd trnnnnsited by A A. NEVINS o00.. bINo. II rt1.v1r ter.eln. COFF.IC--13 ba•old Government Java.. In .tore and for Wle by S. W LFF' my6 'corner n nn rvlc andl New eI.rve Its. R NY -10 quarter caltks Vineyard Prnriletas, for my16, corner Gravler n•u \ew L.vve cis, STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. MEMPHIS PACKETS. MEMPHIIS PA CKET m.1 LIN E.......... MAIL. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Prompt, Regular and Reliable I THE MEMPHIS AND INEWV ORLEANS PA•KRT COMPANY avn adopted the followein Schedule for the Summee of 1859--one of their baots leavg New OrleUns EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, At P.IL, vh: Stemer Capitol .................. J. D. Clarke, master. MONDAY, May M MONDAY, June I, MONDAY, May 1, MONDAY, June i, MONDAY, Jews' MUIDAY,Jcael7. Steamer Messenger ............ M. Lanshorne, master. WEDNUSDAY, .May FRIDAY, JoeSS WEDNESDAY, Jene 15, FRIDAY, J:e 24. Steamer J. Slmond l.............J. F. Smith, master. FRIDAY, May 17, WEDNESDAY, May 18, FRIDAY,Juoe 17. WEDNESDAY, June S. SWEDNESDAY, June 29. Steamer Belfast.....................W. Wray, muter. FRIDAY, MayOr WEDNESDAY, June 1. FRIDAY, June 10 WEDNESDAY, June L GREAT SOUTHIERN MAIL ROUTE, -- For the- EAST AND NORTH! THROUGH TICKETS via MEMPHIS and NEW ORLEANS PACKETS TO MEMPHIS. -Thence by- MEMPIISANDCHARLESTON RAILROAD Andetaenuons Rilway emneotlens through Eut ,Tenwaete NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, RICHMOND, PETERSBURO, ATLANTA, LYNCHBU NASHBVILE, VIRGINIA SPRINGS, et. - Expre.r mall trans leve Memphis dltly at 8 P. M., makg sureconnections through to New York at lue eoxp andtime than syeother route. dFrom June 1st there will be two through trains leave daily, inPasFc gen Ticketed through. S-.Bsagg e checked through from Memphls, andno charge made for handling. NI'Tiokets goodfor any length of time. Fo freight or p le, and through ticke, applyto J. H. FRELIGH, General Agen, Memphis Packet ORee, St. Charles Hotel, left wing. WM. INSLEE, Passenger Aent. am Meaes ONDAY. M. N, H S 5 P. M. ~ ~l HEmPHIEJ ANYD NEW ORLEANS ___ Pacsket LineP-United State. ss-PFor Mesmphi -the vs.ry Net ad splendid steamer Capitol. J. k. C arR. master, leaveNs above and tvery Monday thee- after. The Capitol takes no tNy freighrt ad but litle throut h freight to craste destyandw1 sty rrive re.glrly at Memphis tI connect with the Thursday*ststsg tsin. For freyight 0 pssaags, to apply J. H. FHELIOR. Agent, Meampht Pckset Offic unR der s theSt. Ckhrltt Hotel. PNttgit a v teonly sty Mstidsys. BThe s ssrsgtotts NET iErth rkegulr packts Tor Sb, AkrR..tsand Whitottvers. p-Adar.' Ektrrsssarrisd regElarly by thIs line. 55717 Leaves on WEDNESDAY, th.I55th, t 5 o'clock P.M. MEMIPHIN AND NVEW ORLEANS U. t mail packe line-For iemphid and th, Sunni~-Th. firt of s. pack., stenil b PIL S. ellger Uptvio Y. Id rure, will take freight from B.e Mot f .62 stret, an willd will reve a above. For freight or passsge apply on board or to J P. FRELIOG. OlIce under the St. CIarl-r Hotel. WbTkis lins conncts5 Napslsn NIh ShINt r WhIR 550 atht rive its n s cat s emphishlth a superior paksets for St Ltuis and Losissllt,. in.Ad s~s' Etpress carried ssgutarly bythi. its.. spiS Lves5 on PFIRIAY. May 27th. tt 5 o'loRkP. It. IatiIEMPHFFPIIS A eD NEW OR- Lbs Rssd.-bshe,.sstss psshilstsssst Jsslsr Simonds, Ostaptti J F. Smittt. .dll lake freight fr the toot of tfrot oheN5, and will Isav.'ae s hve. FoN frigttt psgssaeapjdy board, or H . H. FRRLIOH, ON,.ce ttdse St. tharles Hotel. _Thi. line con51.ts at Napoleon Nwth rneulas pckeht for Wh ns .. d Arkansas titrs, end at Memphis with superior pockt. ifor St. Loutt and .oNtivstllt. JW Adams'Express arried reusIrly by this ine. mali TENS AS. Ltavs It WEDNESDAY, 25ihloasans. at5 P. M. 11 FOR loWdES e IT.hNISASC BAYOUth MlcnN, PlopO,R~stleesttt teotod. C,,ekgt's. Pt. W,.ttat. P~ns~t, nO.11 INOH27 i oih ti Bayous andBlack Rivenr-The Sn snd O5I.Neh lSme, D Ic Nash, E. Jones. mste., J. W. Mone, Slerk, w H leav as above. Sorlfeibght r pai s saN e P 5 SP N h VIROINIUO C. DENTZFL, my23 Adsrt, Annt. Leanveson WEDNESDAY.S ltth Ni St at 5P. N. TRFORL UPPER ANDI LOWER Sllrtt, OGeorge illrr, entIO, we eave chose, inkins rreight sall intermediate loadings on , .- As, and RiO ck rivers. Por i sightr .pony n 1.1N]. *VIItOSNtUO C. IlENTZEL, Ry2N AdverisinlS Agent. ARKANSAS RIVER. 5.5av55 on W5EDNESR Y.25th iv...., t 5 P. M. FOR AISCKANSAS RIVER-FOE Cteo ai Agency, Port Smith, (',ark Spnur,. Letssburg, Ititti RoNl, lo lib band aP l pt . sIt tation light dra.ght sqts-st. Askass ., Jas. M. Sseaottt. maste, will teave an above. For Preight or pstsage apply on hod. VIROINIL'S C. IINNTZEF,, mr2J Ildsscliss-Di, Agent. NEW ROUTE -From- M E PHI S -To the- Ohio Valley, Upper Mlsslisippl, Northern Lakes, THE CANADAS ANDTHE EASTERN CITIES, -- TI, the- GREAT NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN A IR L I N E, -Composed of- THE MEMPHIS AND OHIO -And- I Mobile & Ohio Railroads! TIME SHORTER ANDTHE FARE AS LOW AS BYANY OTHER ROUTE Running Time from Memphis Tothe ufollowing places : From Memphis to Ciro ........................... 11hourts. St. Lou ....................... ...... 20 hours. .. .. Chicago ............. ............. 30hobu s. Loluisvlles ...................... . 30 hours. Cincine nati ........................ 30 hours. .. .. Philtelphite ................ 66to 60 hours. .. New York .................. b60 to 61hours. TILE LIGHTNING EXPRESS TRAIN Laves Memphis daily (Sundalys excepted) at 7:45 A. M., ien- netttig closelyande wth certantty with the iMohile Ohio and the Ilteloi Centrol Retllreed, and woth the Ohio and Missis. sippi to- ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, CIIICAGO, DETROIT, SUSPENSION BRIDGE, NIAO ARA FALLS, BUFFALO, INDIIANA POI.S, CLEVEILAND, PI'ITSURG, PHILADELPHIIIA, BALTIMORE, WASHIINGTON, NEW YORK, etc., er., Coonectng also with the IIANNIIIAL AND ST. JOSEPH IRAILROADI) to I PIKE'S PE AKI -THROUGHII TIt:IKTS to any of the above plaees-- good until usaed-en be obtained at the Depot of the Memphlis Iand Ohio Railrsoad. S Puaetgers desltrng to take this route can purchase Through Tickets. ether by Steamboat or Railroed, for NEtw Orleans, Vieksburg, Natches andall Intermed slte point. For variety ofteenery--pralrie%, tmountains, lakescataracts, cities, falttioabte watering places or summer reortts, to the pleasure seaker, this rote is peculiarly att.ractive; whilst to bsittess min itis by fIr the mos: comfortable, ceri.tit and ex peditioues the country. I. It is the onlyroute from lstemplhs by whilchpa•wnneeer holding through tlickets to New York via t:h!eago can visitthb citiesof Chicago, Detroit, Butfalo and Albany, or via Cincln. nati, ca visitCincinn,te , Cleveland andPittsburg, without ad- ditional expense or fare. 2. It is the only road which oflnre to tile ptesenger the same opportunity for choi:e of routes. At Cairo he c a have the choiece of 14 Different Routes to New York. 3. It Isthe only direct route by which paesengers can v!slt the Niagara Falls, talls ofSt. Anthony, S eratece Springs, Lake OGeorgs, LLake Champlain, AconSpring,, or have ate opportu- nity of esJoytng a view of the magnlicent scenery tobefound on the Upper Lakes, the RiverSt. Lawrence and the White 4. On any ofthe 1I routes northof the Ohio, there are so many daily tratlle that tese.cgcrs ea stop to mstl their conve- elence, without extracharge for fare, and alwayt led superior accommodations. Luxurious Sleeping Cars Are attached to all Night Trainsrunn!ng in connection witth is raeed. Inquire for tickets via the Mlemphis and Ohio and Mobile and Ohbt RoEes. myo S HENRY COFFIN, Superintendent. Tcvearcs bctweee ew OrS es he.Ialetet ec Leol~ttllts The telentr Victrla, ILA. Seltelr malt.r leaves Vticbkshr for Mmuhi , secr TU ESllY at o 12 M o th:e ar- rlvc of thte ctrs ftom New Otrltne. lt,,engcrs tr St. LoUe! nr Loe!stllh by tak.e the 6"t I. t•. trai;of theea.Tks•n Railroad "n. Momnay tvn:ilq, wail co..t: as lrn, v a Yr V'ks- bure with, the Yi,-tor:;. n,, I e fc:t•t t,,,,t .l,,mtt:it , the Vt Ls t t r Illto. l!. t)eSo t to :. ". Luus, ,r t.-t:!:sc •tther.oer toLonu •tllr sl ill.hiinua:i. u e'a' tf STEAMUDBOAT DEPARTURES. OHIO RIVER. (DREAT THROUGH BOUS T ail ointeNpl ORTH and BAB. OLI( IRSLOIVi1LLE anted N. ORLEANS L.IhiTnINa LIZIE. compo.edof thbe fllw ingaiup d passeng pa~ket : Diana............. ....... H. T SbirgegIa uti . Acla ..... . AEd.arowi. manor. Pno1Hw ..................... A McG111, master Woodlford .. n.M 0o0 matlnr .Sen Bfnttgnnmcy.... I. B. RnuseII, muter. S Fanny HtLUhht...... ..... L. B. Dnahem.antter. Em aec ... John F. Leyden, maiter. E. alrl~ld.,...J. H. Fraiwtlinaino. .[ Pssepegen on rely en the aboveboats leavin raeniarly Louisvhhe~e the nli..noii, mkibIg dMiret ielailtIS. at Louisvlle with the OleohteH 11II Packet. JACOB STRADQR nd TELEGE R N., 5, .ad ild paikets e.naatlag t Cia. ainIa ndlt tthe Liltle liai Railuod, sad its ooaiaiitma for I poauls NRuorth .ad Eaet..: Wasbhington. Saltimor, Phil, doiphin Naewyork b osto SaragaI Nianamprll Bfalo, Erie. Clevaigid an&! Caoalumbus. The sboa pnabct are ell know ta the pablio i the swill. at and flunt bodt aflot, n chge a oflafinIo expeii.,e and THROUI TIlCKETS-oodnd til sed, ae ld y tes batsat ainiblibd and uniformnida. BAGOAGE Nat..ked through, nd ebnarge for bhadlig. nar omalbua Waie harged to or Imm the deapos totheboatu. Foeashy information or through tiit.i by pak.ets toLouti. llle ad iainaaii, nad thbas. bythe ulle. Miami Railroad dtd iUt onnaaua .iuo allpoint. Nopihand Naas, applyto JOSEPH B. PAGAUD, TloLetAgent. 8 81. Oheoleqatrbt, born.. Union. mfg Jm on ep~ar cbove 8L, Chsrlsr otel. Lave. ItRIDAY, 2ath In,,., o II P.M. SFOR LOISJIVILLE.-THE LIGHT bcnagbt pnaeogu. packet steamer John, Rain. Wm. Unau,,oodd motor, will leave fortoi above portand all Iltermediate loadings, above. For freibht orpsag~eupply o boand. SO-No s'ateamom consudedengaged ulll paid for. A p an, ofthe cabin an be aaen andsuatroams isenred forspa oathe above tritp by tipolmli.,glsod. apIS rVI:OIAIIU C. DENTZFL. Advlertslig Aglet. LIave on OATURD AY. 20h1,., s1it P. M FOR LOUJISVJLLEi-TlF: IJOOT 1adrulht passenger pacael tnnea Hullltt, and all hiubrmaditi. Imaangdgaubove. n . . F litgrt opta gm applyo board. VIROINIOS C. DENTZEL, nyu9 Advartlsini Aelnt. Lnm,. on MOND AY. JT O.tiL P. N. SFUR LOUIS VILL~k-THE PINE. BEG. ular pasnsngle plcket E. H. Fairchild j I.~IIel.Fmaiinioa,.iiingl t ieae Tr au i.ll and ali ii eamadii. landings. hove bp ForPu nlahtior .luusagu appipya bond. VIRiINIUS C. I0iNTZII.,, SdAdvertising Agent. STEAMERR buLTIC FOR LOUIS. Lltthtoing Line paenger teamr r Battle, Chas. II. MpAlut. musier, will leave far Lo.liill cad all It. termed.ita Inadig.sIhrobihoui theanaIu, asPolles : THUAIiDAY.Junei2. l p5 P . DAT. REDAY June i1,t $rP.Y. TUFOBDAY 3,lL5 l S P.M. TiiURSDA'Y, July 21 ab P.M. AQNo berth bl nsidarldagged untiiypad to. IPguasnuI ru canrely onthe tPtIInIiity of thia boai. oo' p~sm ofher cabincan be marn and staterooms secured by pplbyugon board. VIRGIINIUS C. DENTZEL, a3 Advrteayiin Ageal. SSTEAMEbR EL'LIP'SE FOR LOUIS- lal. eIt-rgulbr Nn- Ohlp.. al d Laulaoile pts. seoget packet-T~he splendid, nowand fast run igpsege lae drpe ar .Spty atr w1.1 leave for Laulviflla and ailolarmndill Iaidloga ibrogh. out the stoop ao follows : t. Leui Naew Orua. SATURDAT, Jont 4, at 1P.M.Y Lu...,. Mu., OIl~ani.MONIiuY It,.Ne S. 151' .61 LLeea.. New Ol,.D. OrnsHUIRIDAY, July }, nil P. Y. lu7"Palllgoys and sbippera can rely on 1ha pumt~uality of this ylntmer. /CyNo berth considered engaged until paid Per. BA pinnf ibo h ,bu can be l ee. and dUterootts acured by appi:gtn r autrd. VIRGINIJS C. DENSZET., m77 Adveirt iei Agent. Iei STIEAMER PACIFIC FOR LO1. viiii-Regular hue Orlilns cad Loeea,aRii ~igbhtnilg Line Pauanuer pcniki Paelif. The splendid, i,. nod talt .ronhig pisengler eleaTer Pa- elflc. Jesse K.Bell, master, will leave to, 1, linvllll sort1 Itredae adng hNI artesesn a oloe itiimaidiruii latlig,, lb ,,iuplau. ihi sean s ola Leves Neiw Oil,,,. MilNl)AY. , Ily Cid, *15 Ii. 51.[ iptyea Nei.OltaY TUdiRI AY Ju,,lb35 all5 P. .M. Liaves Noe 0 FRIIiAY, Jiy 8. at 5 P.M. Leaves New clrlaolla S hTI'RlDAY July 29d, 0125 . M. La,.a Ne wOrleiaU MONDAY, Sy,.. Al, at 5 P. M. Baae$'nsegers and shipper' stn rely on thle plluetullityof c his of ther No birth considered engageshu ficlor. e ad o ilan o . the nbinun Aube Wt std iitlertoms aselred by apply. Fl_ on board. VIRCINIUI7 C. DENTINL, .3 A d voating A Lent. L STIAMIOR. •OODF•WRD VFOR vslle f..ghtnisg Linn pnsenger ptacket aLteMrt n.oolford, otes Erw n, n 'er,will eave for Louise;s D n all tntrmdas lansdings thrb.ghout the sealsen as ol. L se s Ne- 0e Orls as NED'nEAY, May 2.5 at 5iP. M. Leess New Orleans TH U RS ItAy..t "0 9, at 5 P. 3. .seavess Nsew trles. SATURDAY . oelt26, at 5 P. M. Istve. New Orleans s MNltAYJy. J:sly.t 5 . i. Leaves New Ori eanl Tt ESDAY'. y 26 t 5 P. 3!. Leaves New Orleans. TIIHRSDAY, As. Ii, st ! N.3!. Le55eP ,eN Orlets. SA L't RDAY, AsU. 2i, t 5 P. 3. tPeaeNgers asrnl shbippers canrely on the punctuality of th!s Nob-rth considered engae d unti paid for. A plan of thn cabin can be scan al, taterooms secured by applymg on bard. VIROINIUS I. DENTZEL, a9 Advertislin Aieent. - FOI L UIVIL..-it 11,l? draft pa senger packet st.ostr Jolt | RsLns Capt. Wm.Ulderwood. wi itis,,vs for thbe abov Port nid dl in sterned ias, Ilinss ae iolll• : FRIIDAY, . h, .. .. RAT!;RT)Y. June hltl, . .. .. 4O•)Y . ;, . . . TU•SDIN ', Jia- 12th. .. . WEINFOSD •I. Jily 2p th, Amp No osttePr ea,,ln,bra e e. ,5sed ultil pa tl for, A I)aR•rll the eabm;l ca be u and stateraoont secured for an? , heabove tripys byapplving to m2S5 itHOS KEIIFF', 25rt ilerst. SIE.l iER lUIr3. . WARD, C'pt. =las t . \lier. FOR LOUSNVILLR. - Il PAN. mon er packet wilt Leavn ltr h -aboveT Hrt And all intermediats landings as follows: 3 O! I Yl May 3'.' Rt l P. M. TUrEiDbY, Jusne I! hat P. 3.' . WNEN•SIN.kY.., Jutne 29, sat P.M. iR-No ltateroom considErad engaged uInti paid for. frA plsn oft her cabi can be sesn, tnd stale-room secured Ct any of theabove trip, bynnntttli to TiOd. KOEF?. Igent, mZ8 25Orselcr treet. STN:A25IICR llANA FIR LOUIS- VI"l,[F lts auLar NSew Orlleans nd i.ouisilis i itgshtnig Linne PIaenger PaekNt-l1be plen- did, new atrd fast rmu ngpaon.Nter teamer SDltaUt. Ed. T. lueson at, ttlllst, nlll lseave I'or L-iillt and all ilermc litrs landings throgollut the sseon as follows: .... TUESDAY, lMay 31., .... TlIURSDAY, Juno s .s .. .. . S TI:'RD \Y, July 2 . , .. .. MIONDAyII July1. . WEDNESDIAY, Alul. 3... Pastonsgsts sd bipperpstsysrely onl pri.t.e li Anr) bt. etaso+o_.."... h ..... i.. p ..... aiI y of this No I ertilconsiered eng `gd untl paid for. Mi A plmu of I o cabiu canLe. eenl ,.d state-rooms secured, byapplyiug to the agatt, BELL, BUCHIIANAN . t'O., _a .. . . 37 Pdrat ttrtet. FOR OPELOUSAS. Leavssse every WDNF.i)dAY, st i P. M. l FO[I Oli'D]iEOUSAiS-THiE STEAMER .W. S•UssOt l (. E. f.osallieri mater, will Itsla b a above, tupi freighbt for Old ivtr, lhlmtsport lnd lnt lUndte o ll the labestbltd, Ie, s ais, pTlegat- ur Dllnatldsonl lile, Pu mstils ! Rleton Rue ge, Port rueiodt, l' doyou rSsur., It aesnd mouth obf Red RiverLn For ssfreight or peage applyonbtard, urto THUENIDAY, 51t 55olo P. M!., TO YICK111.,U1"11-1 The mnttificent Ul. . ,dilt pacet rks! Durse, Cspt. N. Apt.,isst ewill l rret for DoaldtNNile. Yldtuemlse, p att iouge. PBotHudsRoun, Po. tso, Byo RiSra Lasdys, Port !danmos Na thez, Waterproof , R,,•ney, St. JoSe th. GJao. i, sanrrtWon r sliad tWo tis.of ERBY TUESDAY, at t o'coclk P. M. The Orlsd ItUk connects at V icksburtg th theistsmer Rso tbucm, and sil wtae Ikreight for all landdlsng on the Ylob rsis .. higyo as reenwood. THURSDAY, at 5 o'clockP M. lThe msgnicentl U. S. MIail packet Vinksnt gL Cspt. Cayt. P. 5t. Whls, till lea i for Daisonaouville, Pllemsne mine Baton Rnee , Port Hudson , Ray on Sara, e rd ivg, LFNig, ort A ss Nathe, Waterbpro, rspron l, Rltnns, l. h raJ. eph, isnand lul, Warrenton, Vickllrg •lil•iken'a Bnd, o'clock P. M. Thu tVm UR , NA CHnneZcte s at V stbtrgst Pith steamer DEWD)ROP, and will tke freight for a 1 on the Yazoo river as high up as Greenwood. SATUR~DAY, Rl 5 o'clockY.M. The magnniliant U. S 3(nil plcket IXRehZ, Capt T. h. l.e'ti nd, At il loau for LI sldsnerpielts sillee 55on tsR Peg, tlbrtisTlt, t Sbi ThURe d srtain Ai Fort Ado., Ntuted, Vo t terpreo wil 6t pro nsthh l• sult, Warrenton and Vicktburgl )l, slb k ~ 'RDY P. M. V&RYi Pl1R A o'clocs P. N!. Thes steises NATC!rEp, contssts at Vlotbsr g peith le tailsg oEWIiiOIt, Inn will atss freigbt (or all ls nding• onthe •TsNo rive, nsl big sIp its threenoot, bhofreblNghp tdnorsoranplld psaasadse pskts witll leav y their b gslar deypt s, o irollt tall, ai the hbar esppolotN . Ali litslneaslstuntrued to bhelrstssssillbt promptty and tsithisllt ateddto. Thbsw bolts wllt not berPspsNsibts lbsany lstlusst pasbge INNISltI5g moneyt, wsslry or tlter NllNnb!ll, sntlas 'gale' bills f isdtpig arcsisken, specilyin the lbs t endllItsal.,d tb ghtpsl d; bspsl any t lt -btli-dtposl&d wsith skI its'S by lhn p+.nenc~wa, or cot to ned in theirbaggage.. For freigh$ or psagte apply onb.oard, ol t D. 1R. OAlIROLI, t o., Jell tf Union Row, s.9 t 5rondts t st. G1CW_1TI SO)UTfIF._. ADEASTERNMIN ROUTES. TICKETS TIIROUOH BY FOUR ROUTBS ! FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK I as folIIaws: lip lt. iIRNEAT nOUTIIERIMAIl, ROL'T,, lti't. !.eav- iltg New (triehst by splendid Mobils Ntil ii I.,l Noots Itor rbile:sllhenledallyItarlMIntLbolery byiox, ratinard tCn.'s line o1f f• lasl ils issr Ste011, -roiL MongomtNry tpI New York by Rilroad TWO DAILY TRAINS all th rho-' via t'olulbt and Myl acon or vibt III. a to i .Alts I•Ltenll by Wilm nylon. RlIeini-d, Bnltlmnr.,PhildadlnhHfa anc Now1urk, or bytih• liy mlle if pslendlidils i llers from I'iortsmot tti Baltimore ; In1 by thle VI t giI nia i sl Tenessepe It. R. Route. Lsanv,t' New Orlesss DAIIlY bY the albne ruell for At. lastst; ttllce hy Dbltn, Kloxslle, I.)nl burg, Ihtlbmoud, on to Illtismorsand Noss YorkEt. TIME TIllieUQU tIoNew York hby ether r-bte G;. DAYS, all ofboth rotnes bLy first clus ateIlmers atnd railrolds. RA.TE[I TRO RO I TO BALTIMI)RE,. PIIIIA1IDRIIIIA AND NIS TYORK AS LOW AS liy ANYOTiSE.R RA'IROADI ROUIE. Or by the Clheap Rtoutes, Through by Ytslgobbp CHARLESTON ORSAVANbNAH STEAMSHIPS TO NtW YORK. Leavings New Orleans, Daily by the above lines of Beots to Stsstgsmorys, theb e lto Chbtesstnn or Slssnnah it Railroad. From Citsrisstos or t.sbslttsb tN NtYssk bs splendid Sits". shins, of arpge tpsiet1 bbil[express ly r te IsNttsslith aspts riuretatero mscommodatlons rurpa .tigers Leuving~harles- ton and Savannah EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Passsoers leaving New Orlenst on SRSINAYS or Mr1N- DAYS Nould arrive at Charleston or savallt•na forSATUR- DAYS' S . $1.silsm. Itstlnp New Orleans an TIHURSDAYS or PRIDAY, woutld r, i, tit Charleston or SsvuuLah for tho bWEDNS- D)A YS' s'emuecr. R.:ts llthttgh ly etpt'er the Clharle ton or lsvannahroules, (bosal onluiboats an i sNs in neluded.) olily :9 75 WI• IO'lt Or s by tb 5iltlnl' l lilebr, will be checksd thlnug, Ftoul 5Ntll: me, I to New Yornk. PFr 'isckts 'r; lgh by lthr Rolalt, nui, further infotna- t tos, Ipisly to ' R. O ED, AiS, Az,-, 9 O Grevler elrrlt. New Orle,n+. inrch.G., :t;: , a13 STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. UPPER HI 88I8SIPPI GREAT can- TRALROUTE S a -- Fr all Points- NORTH AND EAST! St. Louis, Cairo and New Orleans RAILROAD LINE STERMEER. One of the following SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAM- RS8 will leave Nwr Orlol as follows : SImperial .............................. pt. C. . Rogor. May 26, Juse 1I, and July and 19, Aug. 6, 24, Sept. 11, 29. J. C. awon..............J............ pt e H. Jou. May 28, June 15, July S and 20, Aug. 8 and2, nSept. I3. olwatha ........................ Capt. E. F. Dx. May 80June, Je 1 July 6 mad 2, Aug. 10 and 28, 8pt. 1. New PFall City .................... Capt. J. D. .Woods. June I and 19, July7 and s2, Aug.1 and 30, Soept. 17. A. T. Lacey......................... .Capt. Geo. Taylor. June S and , July9 and27, Aug. I, Sept. 1 and 19. John Walsh .......................... Capt. Jo. Malay. June 6 and 23, July 11 and 29, Aug. .16, Sept. S aod 21. City of Memphis .................. Cpt. Wno. J. Kounh. June and , July 13nd 1, Aug. 18, Sept. 6 and 23. Wm.M. Morrison..............Copt. Juo. N. Ho•loger. Junoe 9 and , July 16, Aug.2 and , Sept. 7 and 2L . Champion............................. .. Capt. E. . Moor. Joue 1l and 29, July 17L, Aug. 4 and l22, Sept.9 and 27. PameenorR canrely upo the boats lavlng s advertisled and making DIRECT conneatlons at Ca . roand St. Louls -Wil thte-- ILLINOIS CE NTRAL OHIOANDMISRIISr pIP RAILBO A Fares s ChopTime as quick, and with less chants than y ay other roote. tE-'rlICgkTS good ountil aoad. thPeorotrrect Information or Through Tickel apply at the sie el lbs W-RAILROAD LINE PACKETS,I, No. 61 Camp street. corner of 0mnerelal Placa CLIFFORD c. W.YNPl. E. W. GOULD. Superintendent. yG l if Leaven on lTHURDAY, oy 2ny pat P. St Louis. Cairoand New ltrleano Railroad Lleo. S~ OR ST. LOUIN.-tNIONNPe TIN AT I.M LaCairo with the Illlnols Central andat S0. Lest. witb the Oloe A Miolsalppl Rnllroad-The fin rseular ponmsoaer apept aoeamer Imperal, C. S. NRee muater, will .. a.e for St. I.eaul and e .ll.ut.lea.lltae lod•nol0 a absve. For freiht ortbrough t.oket toall points North, East ot West, applyonboard. ,slPaoeoer s and shlpps.s canrely on the punctullty of this stemaor. M-No berth connldered engaged ontll paid for. -Ar plan of the cabi e rn a be aen and staaeroom securedt byspplyingat the lCmpp y's ofes, 8t Camp street, crer of Ceetomelal Place. VIRGINIUS C. DENTZEL. mgyfi Advertisingl Agent. Leaves onSATUIRDAY 2•b ntt.. at P. N. t. Louis, L 'ol,.a and New Orle.ans •ot roal ine. a CFOR ST. LOIIIS.--C NNd" TINOAT Caro kith the Illioois Contralt and at Sl. Loonls hb the Ohe and NMissalisippl Ralroad--Tbhe regular eropaketsteamer J. C.Swon. I H. Joes, toater. wlo leaveloa r oS. Lousl and oil lIterooodl ae oandblal a ab,, lee Forfreight or through tickets to all pohlts, North, East or West, applyon board. iSbsogPa oers anod slhippen can rely on thea puncluslityof -No berth considered enopaged nt:ilpaid for. EN-A plan ol the Coabn can be seen and t•teroome secured by nplyin at the Company'sOdice l Oampstreet ornr oO a Cmmerciae Place.p steetoooo VIROINIUCC. IOKNTZPI., msye Advertsalog AgenL Leaves on MONDAY, J0th lost., at P. M. St. Lauls, :iro tndl New Orleans Ralroaod Line. FOR ST. IoOUoS-CboNNbTIifNa AT Cairo wlth hn IllinlOi Clntrel and at St. Louisl with the Ohiolndolleto'arl poR tonlod--The feos regman passenger packet steamer Hiawath a . F. Die, ms.tor, wll leave fur S,. Louis and oll omtero.edie olando as bove. Por freight or lthrotogh tikef toall poiont Nort, oart or West, tpply on board. thi4Pamsser. ga aod shippers can rely on the punctuality ofl trtNo berth consldreo d engaed dun'tl pld p for. Ap phm or the cbin lan be seen oand state rooms esaecured b npplyri.g at the Company's offce b Camp C treet, Commer VIlGINIUSh C. DENTZEL, tyt23 Advlerosoie .0A0,t. Le.... nn WEDNESDAY, JnsJ 1e, A, 5P. 1. St Latinll, Cairo and Newur Cexnnn Reilrwol Line. I tt IR S3T.LOUIS-s;ONNsECTING AT - Cssiet.iwith the Iliitoiet, stiss, astd,5t St. L.eal. with Ith Ohiss tnd Stttssippi Rltitroad -The .ae, .stslit pt Sugtr pS tetts ,.tmer flttW "511. City, v. HI. Wss.t,smste, iill kcattfor St tIt lisstt all ssterwe. doards tttaditss. ntbovt. Pitr freight or pt.-gt apply on ~k-" Ps,,sagese ans ahippers can rly on the pnnctu~sity of no No berth c ,ulldrrrd engaged nntll onld fur .k A plan of the erllll can nB 8en and rltlterooro seurrd by apply lag st the Companys unlce. 6 cap steet, corner or Comsercsasd'la n. VIRIUINOS C. DISNTZEL, m)21 Adverrllslua Agent. leeit,, PFRIDtAY, US,, itu : P. St. St. Lowx, (airo an't Now )rlrlenna H~tiforI Linn. 13~l T. 1.0 VIN-ItSNlNEUUUUG AT bru the ,il. S nui .itsprul t,.d ints9t. Intd-t -4 the eir Oh-, ii S I , i ,s i R tilr ,spThe. flax rrf'llr Dm-,gare packet steamer A. Lacey, Coo .ru "I',:yl t mwx, rill I~u for St. lnaha t alu~i Illl?:lldd- ate Ixndinia astabte. Nr treighterpsrttg spplty hel,,d. Sy.-Pth nit ,.sTsI thipipsra tsts rely ss lit the lt ptstty of * . t'NOerth s 1 tId ,,ttd rot tuntl p f,,ttor, lIT ph~a of'thershbacan h - and l arttrolms re 1-- byr unpllyin t theCotn!,ny'J ()ill;e, 6l Camp street,, corner of l.onlluercia tere. . IRsSNIUS C. SUNTTZEI,. ______________ in Agent. I.envttstttti YIlt V.37h in,. 5t 5 P. M. F 0 EU LAU ST. L,)UUS I pCKET.-1 b~ ~~1pl~e,, dis.l. Uts, ttnlits,, NsusM~d id, S~m'i~~ ,linrermedir'e Ixnlingr--Tb ale= PC;1 'L"11 rl l tll lll I)II*OI)Br p xelll -tnxme! Ct"C9Lel II illy, Hy. Tipiltsbore, masit, till Iltit as sbospt. Es,, hegh or putas-e appl~ hon ld. miItGtINIUS i. DENTZES,, Ad .dvisitsintgent,. ATTAKAPAS. !,s,,ea every TrESEDAY.,S1'. tpsttts,, iRA' 1aTTAKAPAS.-VI.PLAQUIA E. Inn-The i rrtlnr Attshknpa pscket Ct.,ea, J, k Ma t Laharhe, mluuer will be rex Iy to recalra fritigt every \Midy morsislg, fia St. IsurttSvills New Ibis,,, Jeaseretgtrts', iire tons, Srnsssnkt ntt, llle, C t ttt,, 1tAstll b I s'rw , e`-Iy tsrl s Itise itlss,*dit, portsonthe route, Ao Iut., f t n th d ts her e, oIswiill be promptly attendet t r. Pit x isstt a iii, Ipply os board J. J. Lhstrthit,.stskethi+ tppssianiy of resttlag hit [Istns to ths pislic andlis lrisistsforthelit lil-t pVtrtustge. VItitjNi S Cu. DIT , ENI. m35 Ad vortD iela Agent.. Leven crry SATURDAY, st 3 P. M. IUIS ATrTAKAPAS, I5ERWICE'S fa-. rus;~: Ild i*sxu Il slTT-hb ew an.d replilar P _'t exler necl altler T. D HItt-, .1.,t. Ath isnsp, s,sssei,, Gent lists, J., itirk, till le~ice lur New Inerlx, J Andnll fi tln, adi~tte o ll. Ymlliin ('e . ts,,ii, Ps5,tri,t,,ll, 11 sItttstait, lsstsing, on It osit,. Atitst5t tnls'srtsst't hetc, pp sill bt prompily at. tended t r . F'or Iruf gh or p:,a.=Due xpply onnos, d. VIHKU INLUS ,',IFSTP.. ana [ tit ISIINTU ent, stty'IaN!ern At it mArrssldwsHT. ttttsayitfg in the Attitttpst ,tre Us itt, btsutrts its. -or asboa.a l b ALABASIA RIVER. SOPESYtBLAUUOIN ND CU LLUM Sa~p fPOONilS-To.* , o,,L-Tbo ~ioooa Aol- 000000. 0omi. Abileo,00000, ol~l boos too BsIolon and Cool iioooorlno Olooloo w 1 00000 felob, otolioo f boo,,a Mobile for Iolndon an0 01oiho Springo and Doooopollo every fintnrdly evenig, q, t 4 ."leek, Leweosdoynole ior loolooo sad Cullum Spring. every Wodnea day oooiog, ot 4 o'clock. o i -Sternlog- IIaaves 51,6,, andCullom dprixgs every Tnosddy and Thrre dayoo'oohog, at4 o'oioeko Arriiving (n Mobllo oooy Weodoodao ar ldy on p 6 o'clock. liFor p(boyge, 00 pplyto T. 0. SMITH, 4 Tohoopltoolo, street, ll26 it or 0IMI'BON A COOKSl. Mobil,. CUMBERLAND RIVER. L.eave on WIIINFSDIAV, 25, bib0,.. at 51'. M. OId iorolloOOOg r lr Vooo.oo: i.,. m r T. C. 'S's~ioello , II. 1;. Olo Ihoo master, 0 ll leave on' NlJoili, iiioollooilo 0 0, ibi ,i 0, boo ihoood l'.oiucoboolnd aI l oter ooied o0 ]000slim 0onloOumberland, (Ohio tied Miorhoiooooi riooos coo.oo. Foo foolob or passage piply on board. VIR1IIOIUI C. I1ENTZEI,, mo- 2 Adooo oio'9A Apool. .j-. The T. C. T. oilt late foolghtl for oil b.odin, on lho Te..oo o ritver, with tho privilege of r ooippioo. l.oooooo oio WFbN F S0Dhl 25th'' tbat . P. M. ( (FOIL NA B ,fi VIlle. pell;;l . Liulihlilnd r 'sd -i 501S01k .oLIPi. ~*KiAobovo.o iloii, Ietlliy Oiiro, o ol obloodPdckmnn, New 11a 1r" 1 andl inltlrrlnelit Inllrllll*--ll fine reglllnr p. sel.el-r packet st iimer Nnoopiile, W, 0 d, maselr, leaves No abaF'.lioi or freior iiO l.lOl'i.. P loiioo-i on boo "' o i to 1. IInUIEO't.0 .Oooento my 20 corner of SI. l:orlo amt Perdlido 01e,01. Keji-T Noiobiiio oill peke, Ireiait tbr-oglh ny print oo Iho OO'iniouvo river, woitio thio Prioiooi of'o 00000g or Iorhioopoog0 NEW TOOROUGHII _ - OiUTE 10 tiie NORTI! AND EAST, loollroagl to Vlck burg -A1ND-- SPLENDID PACKETS FOiOM TOIIEE TO 1MIIIPIIS I Spoialo Nootip To Moost. Nei New O. mins s ad St. .on .snd Id. Eoi~lla. and tlle princi- pal Noarthern and E LIBL.T (JllirS TIME AND MONEY SAVED Through to 1Mlemphbio In THRIEE DAYS -To Washington, Boltimore and Noeo bork, i BSX DATS I S1,00,0 VIotolo la, I. A. Wctiooi master, leaves Vickbnrg tor \ltoplli,, everyTioU II AY at 1 021. Siooooer Kate Si'r l abeoo Motooooo, m000r, leos Vioko borgfor o3lo niol e. every1STO7 IAYIst SO ll S0000100 ISOasok PS'oo,C, t-- ster leaves Vtoo rn boodP too lloopbio,ooeoy OIIOSDAT, 011 N. 00 Vpl STiooe ioow, Past x la eglo ant sulorrey bo boon placedrego la lathe trado 0be0.0ou Vlckeburb and Moophbio rlOonio on oiloooo 201,0 000 t0e booSoois o ld No w OrloD ioo Pooloke- iooiog 5.,0br evOly MOolnday, Tlo esday and S otlordao y at 1j 'odl000 . OMoroing at Niploleonthe next dab at 5 l . t., mLo. if ose iooooooooiooo thObl wlih b ll Arkanos and Wilte river Flriglht oooolptelod d pooooooo', tliolkled thrlogh frooo, Vibkbburg or HMiobis to 011 polnol on each oothose rivers oblon tIe boooolo of thetlips o1tl2 Poekeoo. Oloooo 10000010iooO, 000 0100, Ooooo oiO (HliOL o Oooooioog, by1 Ob, Mcmpl lo 0, VioIooboooo Poko,, odith th0 Stag 1 0,ioo t ointog from thotlnoolOtan 0002 00 his ith the bo mpO is mid Chrlleolo- tonRltlronol, 1,e mlobll oood Doil Railroad, and Oh, Packei for SI. loolo nuod Looiaoiiio. Pooooog r, dolirolg to 00,e this roots 0an 1100s NeM Doaoooo on ;,lMondoy sad Fr.dly o000000a on fha Oi .bP. M. Irvin 011 t 0e Nbo lOlri.on, Jo1?0on aod boMat Norloooo Sollooo 0Co., aOrriving atViokoso i ooo0n0i dry ot 0 031U M.,0llEAd 02 0ing on one ofte Vikosburg 00n I Ooooophiso oLo'."St 10 20., arriving at Mes,hils fha srcnnl crcni g ]hereafter at 8 P m " ku direct connection wi:Itfh the uviub train of the emcmds sod Charleston o HilrouloS For Ihboooh ii boos ano tnroilooo itoo'ooolioo alpply lt the obpoo(l the NewI Oloboooo .oooboio anidbioO Nhost0OOhern R001. ro0.d Ciiloopoy, unlor the St. CborlIoosllH , uoot Wo the Tolo oobblh.lio,. 010 it .1 SI4WVI'o0101 _Irr0'VE lIT LblIMi ) THE PEA', .O v ugi .10o.al01011...IC blh.0 a001yf:, NM oo:5 1h " Y.Y. T i"?jLbtii MISCEBLLANJOI. IUPOR'rANT TO P wLANommo. We he bee informed that theeuuel petlee Of toorde•tghear uIpplnes of ot Dr. eOLANE'N Celebrated VNM IIUpW .. Has bees to simply write tr order yermgo.IL T ea Iunt is thamitteid ofthe genuiet Dr. MelNee IYa fege, theyvet y feequetly get oe er other f the moo w ospreepraetine Cealled eermlfog mew ebee the phblS. 1 thereftpu heEi ave tourge upee thM otntr thepe.p hperotowe of htkraebly wtltine the mtebe fet. tll It.d vil their feootor or agente that they wil nott t elve ogebe tho the teethn Dr. MoIw'eo Celebeated VUtmlfe% Iee pared by Fleming Brotherse, PIttehgh. Pa. We would also edvit the sameProteettlef e aotog IeLANE'S Oetbrotod LIVER PILLt . Thu etv peeti of them Pills, use epelle or o fer or Lie mp , neadnl the billous deaemeebs ee prettleat to the aooUh hto. doted the vendors of mony worthless notemuo to ebt(etr theor preprotlte oe Itelle medletu eirtetut. Reoeieeeide Ie Dr. McLANE'l Celebrated LIVER PELE Arethe oritgaol and only roeltble remedy r Ltr mee that has yet been dieworered, and we ergetheplettad moo chant, he veluhi own ad the health of tboh dfoi d on him, to be ecreful to ederlhg. Take meithe Vmtfgeetoe Liver Pills uolve. ynou ar e o te yu gettg thee go D. MeLAIN'R, prepared by PLEMING BROTHD E Plttbeeeh. •• Below we te list oef omedthe ptngeipal wehse gtIs ond desleerinpatoet medtels tu thts ty,on n whom thoe genote Dr. MoLeo'.s elehbettd Ved q ma Llver Pills onalways be obttoed. They arn so et Ite aI respeetible druggUts. Dr. McLANE', Celebrated V NERREI eSO . AND LIVER PILLS. 17g ro o Lst oe and to arrle. J. WRIGHT 00.. 11 td 10t Obaeek ieed. Dr. M0eLANm'L C•lebrated VEREUIIP•I AND LIVER PILLS. 211 gosm toarrive and I store. tOOVIL & READ. II and 1U 0lmrtr Dr. McLANE'R Celebrated VERMwIOgQ AND LIVER PILLS. 0gre to arrive ad in store. G. . pRIeSON O., II Nagudee ebset Dr. McLANRE' Celebrated VERM3l•mB AND LIVER PILL•; 1t0 groee to arrive nd n store. 0. 0. WOODMN. Ceorer Oommon eed MaEngo deals Dr. McoLANE'S Celebrated VERMIrwPU AND LIVER PILLS. I4 gross to arrive ad In store. B. B. WHERLOCK A 00. 0 Meagelm reee. Dr. oeLANE'S Celebrated VE AND LIVER PILLS. A eoneanot etpply always In atoe and for ose by JANES tIYKE Dr. McLANE'S Celebrated VERMtIPIm- AND LIVER PLLFS A coastant supply lt tosm ead for sale by ,. J. HART & 0o., 77 and 7I Trbohoetotle e(ne Dr. MoLANE's Celebrated VzdMtlma[u AND LIVER PILLS. A conatt supply always nste oed for l by BRAD, HEDGES 00.., 18IM Cod ebrt Dr. eoLANE'S Celebrated VER •EINPOUI AND LIVER PILLS. A cotsttat supply lways in stere and for te& by F. P. DOONGE,( m4 Sm&W 9 COhmrtloateea. SANDS' SARMAPARILLA, For Purl ytng the Blood. And for the Cume of SEroralSltubborn lce., Fever Serer, Liver Comoplaint, Cutaneous ~ruptiune, Mercurial Dlers. Salt Rheum, RBhemslltm, Pimple,, Bell., Osneu.I Deblity... No remediall agent was everintroduced that hoe paned mome unlrormly enecr~slat then til. The ssfonud.,.,viotm Ha. buditary ios,,, with1 .. s.Its gl sd.,, contracd .lu,*gn L,,..s hblf PclSou, Lu, beenrestored tohblth sd sigor. The scrofulous, covered with ulcers, Iietsom. to bhlslf and hisattendants,. HAS BEN 1 MADE WHOLE. Hundrd, oLi pli... , .be hadgrouud' bopelu.7 for lyru codler Cutaneool nod Olreldalo, disorders, Churned Rhepm ilul, .. id masy tlber omp:slntps, .orsglog from a dau,0.. .sl.tof the secretive urge..aond the circation. I. were from the Isel odI.seue, saidpow, wish eeo craeld corstp5 otans, gladly tet:I. e tothe .mccy of this Ioli- nbse prep..stion. Prepared and esld by A.B. & D. SANDS. WbIulug. Deg- gists, No. 100 Fults. street, corner ofWilliam, N.. Yoeh. -Per Isl by- J. WRIGIHT CO., No.. 21 .5d 161 Chbrturestrat., F. F. DACONOE, 39 Chyrtres street, N.. Orulso,aud P.UI. McGRAW,` Notches, Mie. uy5ll W NAI8I VOLUMEL,ENLAROIII ANlD lMPXooyy 1TlTE SOUTHERN HOMESTEAD 1 A Lur~s.,Pi,,ICl.. Illos~y.l.5 SARICULTPIA L NDIFAMILY sEWSPAPNU. The rs,.sth Vsls..srthir basluIII I..d polw .. hg JIs., l..I eill l b .nl.n Il ryIIA 1. 1A S,s ndu r Ibe musS .oe w.. .gngpsropeos~. I, will. bt thatsim., be Greatly Ijelutrged, and several new Andl important features added which, togelb with its handsome piquant~ illustrations, moat iucreaes ftspraa nt pepllunrlty. AlGKV'ULTU~i'R-T-Ths, s heretofore, will be the leadin feature 'If thle ""ttomearnnd." and will be Conduted in " 0n ,sr worthyofthe greiat IsL..t It duales tofoster. EveryDS- psrtmetll of Southern. Agriculture will receive due l.ttga, quid sell systemss ofcultivating thesoil, amck-ral aM p, s Ln prat slfern, m lnape slI. .om,.,n d habey beent1st0d plscllenl welmllnd fbsend borthy of ldopllon. A Iarge esepe r.. trlbutll elre Fonstantly wrilng lor UsIi depatmentof . 5 .utmesutad.Y .u , NIl OTIssIsThe ppTlT i.,spU lb., LI scbustantly "Id w... Pxellent lorti5.11 b.l and P1,1,1,51al lfbrmatlinS o.d Is Lnipersally prsnnll SltIts one o the most bsa bslll feg.f the paper (lielimebn oIIelIperlin tltnd Islilu write forIt. p.ITElA. Y bEPATIIENlll-Tlt publ.,pl,.l 5151.5. tbn( the announcement that will ressin the enlsrolof the l.i clsry tolumels.sthalluS.p stPlel," forIPSb , bs l1 be Aeceivd slith ysglenel aysg by her manyadmrirers, anld it warm welcome extended to the es bile w:1011will convey tolte world her beasutiulgame as thoullht. Slveral blletifl Iln yighly It.eresting stories asP iopesl in tiro 5 " Iomeilead"bor 15.,, from the pei of Mpst IIl lSsslRATIO NS-Thu "IIombiSend" wll continueI I.rdtofore I to bh Ill-l'lal d I1 111 hysdsome seIbi lleoss lb. pa lbbd aprb b.1y forits columns, b ~y i competent artist A1 Ne111 ummary of Foreign andDomeItic elbnt., Slap- pepr in each an11h11. A great btlallby of Intlrssllg s.alspau5. u,,lutellige!e, N tc.; T ll nbs b.,ondtb.sed so.s top.,l eysS- smoderate compassl , ,slb yil'llK ofKePllln intesblt p11RK1 I HI POR'blS~lt~ sl tuy, ion wlll begivellltobu set 111prts f or 1659, ft; the editor, are determined theirpya chapllexcel b.lIlitle ps bllcnysua To the Sopther,, People. We flow Offer you It p. Tludicinl which I. permanently etW llyhed I b y.ur midst-devots. 1, th grel t lbtal IntII es.b of the country-wlich has bran prNno sbl.d Juge equa8l, itopt usuerior.Iyl Issssbue. t ntd pppelsu.nes. to t.) emitter paper I. th_ e Uion. We therefores R aYontbem n1.l who desires to aiibdfrlbo fornHAgricultural sod F-,iT Paper outr will byof practical beneft mo hisfarming epsntlorY 1,11 furnis~h to hisfamily illPIeresln1 and useful readi., tg tir the .briar. ra lomealclvd" his opimort. MORN: ANl1 TEIOSIS-The "Seelthe,, Homested" le peR Ilshed weekly, each n~nlllrr containing eiglht large ppagtea, prinlul i fn b ee Lls-lehat syls, and*apcnldialy embellbd I with -it, lagsy, nt thv'llowvinp to~ms-i-vnmr bly It i. adrxpa: ( One copy, -. 2 uyear; r~ix copies, $111 ten coies, $16 (sea s tra copy tothe person gettin g up Ill. C .IAbII rt (X). .Ka9-Scud far specimen nembers, 'proepoetmn Nashville, Te s toP Clubr immt'lately d M Sptf GILD)ING, PLATINGAND BRONZINO BY GAOLVANUI'LAaT Y, with a new Process of TINNING, BY 0. ROUYER, 103 Cbhart- osrreo , near the Orleian BItel Galvanism, l or BuldSS, Slatilob slid IroSoaI.SB a theory far tha realization of which lob; pralelleo is necessary. The uoder BsooS huts ibooe p5-bRx daring thern vIe h. Ine beta BrSBtliSSBd inth is cihy tha he lan realisd It. Hecian addt'ha te co,,,e nce which he IS abbenso torBrents as tomorit, ls dn,.,ot Duly to rho rartI of hiskoowledge anid praetiee, bell nice31 0 tothe ge RnoB,,Sa by is. IrbOity. Ile baB, 1'f instance. for tosIe whS k1,5 beendSSBtloS, res oeied all defctiveB work cent tBiam ibi shop duringhis absenBe roI~llue. '. Rouyer, after mor than two years spent Incostl 1115,- meute, bus xucteede! indiSb, ,Ss, , or rather Invsnting, negR pnraaas for Ilunlnll by manna of pslvnam. Ile will t olefsn SSOSSO.rSko the 555,5inq of BhafrBSB, lbllr, tureens, etc., t: aSll tyl.s, fB*SteBmbosta, botels, in"-hoSOeB, estc.,BIt., etc. 505-Sty 0. RoUYIR. TIoDl As IBBURILAY d6 CO., DEALERS BNNV, t ry dceeriptdoo of I U N B ER, New Basin, cor. Cedar and Juflaar&,v Nsw OeLSANS. THOMAS MURRAY. JNO.O. POOLEY. A16 if HENRY M. I AIRCHILD JRCO., COMMISSIOI AND FORHWARDING M .U CIIARR Wholesal Oro. "nre and dealers is Northern and Westero Producea, Nav Store., etc., etc. No. 68 BOUTH COOSMERUE RTRREE. MobIle, Ale. g?"Cesh ndvencee made onconsignments tousor one frond IniBBSn~RS RORIRBRBIR OF ORBwrs FIIB C. JR JR. ROLLINGC, (SUCCESSORS TO P. ROY,) Wholea~le and Retail Grocerg, AND DEALERSS IN WINES,FOREIGN and DOfIS1rO LIQUORS, No. 4B OLD LEVER BTRRET,'NeirwlOs,, nil IyAW BetweeB BImvlBRIB. OU. SU L IA N N VIL L E da C E ., A U C TIO N E ER.R p -k BSSB a, BOBOSSOOB. ISB1h SSmk,, 1oBS WOBdsIB and ESBna.BIB RSSBSSOSSBR5 10SPBBBBJ aRl.RB JEY"Oucee o 11(ommercll pine. fa f ! L ovuo Y nuo Y STOUT--6 casks Rainbridge''(, WO: ooo'o'o s IS'SBBa SSBd ter s Ble I1 LS.OI S. U UNE M CO., 91 iravIer sCeet.

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Post on 25-Jun-2018




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2a tz .r


F )>

bro- .1 b ;j


4 f 4 8 t'Y4hh .

Oimq ̂up with'% ad!' ftor, thbd

0e0port on~ha a ia,'aw a

_~o Havana.

bits eager o, BboeO1ltea icolsrpe, 3t bbl tooanota,

wbi lky, b kego

n>;_ 'Cloud..2bbls

1 inbaU .11,000 buahels

1623 balesof riginal caro of

ohs bacon, o'bs whiask, sochi h moa p ,Irkg mse,

St l ton hamn. I!

}.a, knbdsundries.

S p Genera1 l .114

D Oom•e aro..77 JPoi% Brpn toor..eoo

,i0,.0 do A B James..

.M Uyips 1': • lmba cffeeS ler.8 bbls,b2jntoW

SIboxes mdse H KIgtto n lins Bell,nowarr.1 bales of

, ottonRlve BattlesSto•dt..l. cotton in to

dbase J B Hyde co.

to order.<J). Ba PoUllona..462 tons

srpl •,atnube.O n ballas t.

900 ny bler..5100 bgaRomp.In ballast... bblshhdauga bble

Sary nfllen.e.6400 bbt ls of

r W ,0 Florida..60,600 feet

b e Onward. .18 bales cot-P D(toIdfow c..0 seaS4o n.1 cotton.sth o Indopendence...

a e,960e bble lime 1 Hol-

eoo a11 Co.

9 l0 e & . o.25 e ofaO..650 bblo of naval

or balesehat Poyro.. sJIla 4 boxeshbts 8 bales

..7 blsa.-162 deer ebkis 12.14sreksdo 30 bxa cigars

~seie Canal.bbb charcoal.

USly..22 cords wood...O9 bblo charcoal.

bbl. charcoal,.uho.Gofldssce. .1200 bble of

.16,000 feet lotsber to

Pit::W Powsll. Ie

`> I otter.

lnolaasr to

osI m H&roup 34dotott2 seteAs~ + Ner'woed.17 do


-31 Sacks48010

..4 do to1 bhdsongar- ~ ~ at hbI lb~ngawto

9"lln,.2 do fJDo-d ulmo lodrtat &

is bb. tmoltases Stb~sa llobbltol8 san-

_. r.cict 14 rbo petaca~~brtehba1168bhdasdoga

L 0 JAOKSON AND GREtAT NORTHERNS. Fa1 baonth May, .1baes cot-F G11more Aoe..30 obeon d"Alten..22&0 g; 19..4 Pdo p l Harrbeon..6 8 L

6 ?fl. 29 PriBtfl Cowlwy boo B6adley,At.a.8s by & Catbiaga .4 Carroll, oy A

AOL.ta 4$ PPes.o0..S Byltab, Vancs co..3 no11 G0sp4 Jr. .Toa 167 bales coaoa.

ISBT 07 ViSSITs 3 PORT NOT CLEREBDa... naah.."

1*. ....... d Oduoin e.... . point.lf: ... .............. polot

-. . 11Oa........:::::....... pAt ~ica 1741 Jto .i n.....phAootdota t D -O... .. :..7l42

,.t -. ,,...:. 41 v ............. 224

......... 1 P Y ats .............pol~d.... :.. Bt:~i Bay army-rickic.....,... Q.paatin

.. t ... .. -d .pe ...............poiu!

ait rpbbtol ...I ....,......... & d2iehie.. ~ ao .............. 3

a. .. .. PR1 W ............. n tt

Ahn !I .:....:4dd IolaW71b ......... -6dl... ... ............... o ott Th t ......... .pont

1s1<ni eiiN ........ peidet`Itaree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,painA t n ............... 24O ol . H e adbam.....plt

.."... ... .. ............... -Amsroa i: iTtav:... .,Bi i PBH.tafu *............ ut '

rrii:..... ............... mi i I

-.. t .ul ..........potot. 4 .eeran .........

pf .M . .. 86d1

14tU0Zin*.A it e ................ pointnnnYp~ooos .124... 8 RnnaOoo. ........ t

Y^dmbot. 24*.. .... let~ ,ooao ........... Pit atPF'an eN....... ......... ot

`Pea s ............... " nm o..............3142

.toa2 p -o44 ~ .

0 aooa at . ...... 68d4ftettin point Roins ... pntQUA 17deg4..........P . 21Alt .......... ootoit . Ta

oS mm .................... ttm2 Ptotoa p in Lighlnot ... b.:ot"lom...........14 i

aria ........ nt ototttto .Rtni no::.......POlt ti 9 .. P

................. 463 A a Brower........... .. .- dF0ro tgo....... polo tAotot ho oloua . .$aa t......0.. 4 lte ....o ... beg

o ..oo .po1 Aod...t.........

Itojot r,

n .4

nt i.............. oint t ............. btoi.oinoko t. polot MRowdelenoe....1. basin

Jels....... 40 .. .. Barlx...................astl POnoot M oot .......... 1... ( , b oth .............. Pi t1.Jo1nn. pot p -a bs...........l....b oRohslst .... 2.p Poinp RootSdutecllan .............. 4Ylfl . ............... Watp ptRooht ottoot ". 0 Rb...... 2od41 H R tob r ,. ..& in -ototo Ottl~fm. ( o Ltoo o ........ t. 1842

.7ellt Haeh ;...... Pi rta WFry.................LP TLoe Ifmar.............polt Herlet............, l. loI_gaa ............ ..4 0 f a ttn . . . . ,2 4

36:43 So ........ffoth .

Tttpp.H .. 3043 too Itoor.thurTot nt . p.. t int To b ........... boa t h

.... 174: Mary ..., . ,,....,,.basinlPtops .ol . 0244 . oioo...tntlotdt ar I Agttoboot ........ POl

U bo ............. o t yt i n th.........b. oio og . polot Viooo............bYo sn kt . R. p at Wotala,................b2o o... 3 tn rr .................2be P:

N ~ tksf..:.... ....- d3 Oatar1 ................. PL~i tm(kee Ram""..... ,.481 Olve nnob::::h ::~~ ticBglb.ii.i......00,t. 6eBo~lg: ............ P ntP Bro n..... ...... bas I t-... Plsrr botll boSouthern Ohfer...... .retne lot rif:....::.......... be ' u'St Ioufa ..................4d2gouber Iuepede. e,.bas. I

BHlrmu.. ........... .4 8fot....... .. 1 2 iAotooo Spot .- at

w roet ................ n Taber. home toTfum ..................... 3043 5&IS Sea .... .P wdeho POiToulon................... 1841 Tal ohuoohas ... .....,.. .. Point OTala ec ............ ................ ,1442

uncle Jo. R~~a................pit igit ou. ....esn oValpanfao ............... : d2 B Yettee..,.........l ... 1 h wYonng Bagle .. ,.......... 86wetPloorldd.............bbasl

Zulme ..................bat tAmanda Spur ............. di s

NOTICE. NOTICE.The umerelamed has dspoad of all his r.ght, title and 1ntar

aetto the buthoesm known!u "DORB'B SOUTHERN AD=VERTIBING AND COLLECTING AGENCY" to the irm ofA. B. ETRAWBRIDGB & CO., who will continue it a herto-fore. J. W. DORRE

New Orlens, Deeember it, 188.


evin by purohus •soceeeded to the stol oontrol of thebo hsee o "DeDr's Bouthern Advertising ad Colletong Agency,"t will be eontiued by the ouderstgoed-by ad with e con.omrnteo, of or pebllshtlg.prtinoipa.

A. B. 8TRAWBEIDGE A CO."lwOl1.B1 Comnaoeoot P place.Now Orleans. Deoember 213, 40. of


HENNY are my outhorled getm ino this city t make on.-tra for thoe use of


Upinnlng up the Seed Cotton on PlantationsInto Yarns,

And all bulae in relation to Lt

I will only my hero that I make the same capitl, the sametooetoo, the saome stnm power, the same expenses very n00rlythat now rot'. gins and bales the cotton, to spin tt ; that, withthe addttton of mnobhiery, eoting ahout half what the in-

uosed valueo of the yarns the first0y0r tit hbe, and which isat soded by surplus labor of the plantation, in little grls of 8 to10, women, and old men toeelolent s field hands, I DOUBLEOB MORB THAN DOUBLE THE PLANTER'B NET IN-GOMEL

We pin the but Yars in the world I The danger fom fireof the gin-houre Is immensely reduod, with many other advn.tlos ofgreat value. And what is of gret Importance to, thotall this iO fully demoltotrated by its ueossoefol daily operationo the plantation of Col. Ge.. 8, Yorer, near Yaoo City.

PIotn desiring more full partlcars, are referred to myAgents, as aobove.

Applcnots for agenoes will please address them, enlosittngtstcmotolec


M EBDICD AL ROUSIE, No. 2 O C.tomt one street, nearBo o street--lor the Ore of Old Chronot, Menoortl,Fbphlet.ood Private D clcas, withoutMto u 0l hindr e

obo eooro teop leet. a ed r ed ogreyuhanteed noTb. h p sttled aeeee which hDamattended Dr. Jamsn' prnc,--e m est prts ot oe O nUitod States nod Euonp-the any. r-srkable oira he h" afcected, w.hle wern pronounoo d lnoonr.c•te by tho est emien t phyeotanse,1stiieo him ln offring hL

etVlreto the oooldnce o the onoortonate. The follot oSsome of the dseases termed "Porive,- and of thilh. loeeooaetion w.,th newy dieoovered Reaedies, Dr. James per.m •tlyendralatoioe, onamely: yhilo, p rimroy oondc-y cndterftp, Ntrlotireo. Coothool t Dtohogo. teite, Gtooorrheo,Noatel nt•emiloo

, Peolodioal Aititont of femalet, howve,,oooplictodteyaybe, Dsoof the Bookend Loine, IBe

Mm aiMtf of the Bladder antd Kidoey BtRheaotnimi n ydro.o01. enae, lo ese• Tumor endall Dlssease of the Skn.Dr. Jamnseduld aleso all the attention especially of thouwho henr prInvtey od tmpropoerly ionred themaotIves a thatasect mad setite•' habit which rules the body and mind. unit.Sthem for othtr busines or soooty, v. : Constitutioncl Do.

Ooomponcey. The totlovino are eomn of Oeh tododoclnyholy eafeoke prodoo•d by oearly habitt of yot, iWe ess of ot.ek sand LImto, Pain in the Head, Dthneoo ofViMelon, Loe of Mnolrrs Power, Palpltatioo of the Heart, Dye.p Nlet Nevooieoe, Irrntabillty, ym o Cooon o o.eta Moaetalt, the fearfl efea te n tiohe mind rore to heieaeded. Toe. oftMemory, Ctontioen ot Idee r Doooceeto 0kehftd it

s Evil Foreboodl~i', Ace oaon to R0ety, Rlf-Diettst,Lon e oltde T dV, etc., re come of the evils wlh ano y of the above symptoms n hood

not fal to all .Jmeand blot toreetored to perfecthalth ; le no fae edolleay prevent yoou, but apply at oyoe odoun oyoo olftrom thecwfultanod doutotonopoou of thic

Wr U of the oranso Immediately cared, oand foll igorRemember, "The MedteolHouse of Dr. Jms" Ita 8tIClntom

boow street.PrlVatestode nrate r.omo. re.e..d. Hos of ottondanoe

eoleAeltonsstrlotly onfidentstl.P.S.-Beoentoeo of Gonorrohea ouedis twenty-for boonr.

Or o Pay, DO. JAMES,dT Oy . . tlteooho .teat.

BREAD-BREAD FOR THE MILLION.SOUTHERN NECHANICA' STEAM BAKHEY,Oo.P r O1 (io a Frankolin p to! e -D.poo, No. b PoydnoNear New Levee arrest

J. J. DANIELS A BON, Pioprteto,.Pilot Bind, Noay Bread,Sooho, Sogar aod iotter (Crooer,,Wlo. Breoo, etc., ett.., warrnted orth. moat uperio. ttelowest market rices

_- N+ AR to loft exabove will bepromptly ad corretlyMO Oh.. hooo ooRt,.,o .p0001


iROES Vioghotoad Norhooad, amO. them aomehonbuo BA, Uooke. Wasl.r, an.d homr, all of which

.0 for eel ooooooomodohhm, tlrm, ftycoli ogood cilyTm Inten dg to pooheo.o voold do well 1 to al at0000s.11,Sorer (, Ootoao and FErphoood..jbno opposite the hones Sf


L ^Q S LF-h 1 AD VIRQIRIL NEGROESFORS LE-The ssnbcrlber has jut arrived with a Geetat of rollno sod Virginia Negros, for salo, conatctingof Fild ban dos, Cooke, ashers nd boom: also, twolo or n No. 1 fblrtamith, one odo ooper and~a. ~ i aripho. r 1.o,.. ,100. th non

Uon ho oo, i Will hobdooy frtoh tote do to 0 lcMae me, bh0000on oo Ping oloooooe.

B. F. PETERlSON.15 Pordido otreoo, Nov Orioon.


Layvs o, WUDNIDAY, Mvayth at a P. M.a. MIVMSI A Ld.R PAtIET.

'tour' Bo.l-ad, M Sate, Por Caddo,g I IwA. L ae nd Moaiutg'. Laadtlni, cad allAeaing totSt...n.a On. d Say..,

ahaE t c R ri r aid t La .- Tb. S..',"aabo. rb laN Dy .rPsa on,.

Adttlg Ageat.ILes . R DNRSDAYj 9 nsat., FOR JRaF. R- 1REvo JPPS

I ., Slblalb St Patl Caddo, Swann e s' .Moorgs, Altay SBhreveport. Grand Bayo.Dampse, Grad N...A. At efard.I an', Barbh, a. l e l etIatatoadlat. tdlngc a, Sed r.ft.-Tbh n Ight dra.hl

packe t rnet, Reuben Shad.. mte, W. C. Shad., ,l.,k,Il pevely lave a above. IFor hpiht or paag, barligtan accommodadtdv., applyaa beeard.vGINImU (a. DRNM'CZL,7lB. Adverttdi Agfat

Laves .a WI DNUSDAY 2th Nayt, aeP. Y.)• • PO RAI4{D EOlO 2,] NATCHI.Lag, wbad, St. Maurlae, Saxon',- d atgm', ,ou 7, Durand's and Baua,.,

R n ond f (aoe river, Alexandria, N.orm.'R lu 0. and all intepaedit hmdl4•l on (Oae and Ltttllrel-The r., glr packet RLLeg 0. J. Bsllon

f wbt1trll lag bove. For It o pasage apply aa

YIRGINIUS 0. DENTZRL,SN Addverlwle Ageat.

Leaves aon THURSDAY. 9th nt., at P. M.SFOR SHIREVEPORLT, GRANDBepyu, (Oampte Grand aoo. and Alexa.drll-The e.laet ana ewlflt..aleg Pwaeeger packet,toamor Judah To-, R.5. Buter, mster, , will leave

Ias v• b orfreight r pi l nban Cana.ayN Advrtaltng Agent.

Laeavs'on ATURDAY. M ayat P. M.• tack tOM.BMR F CO][Idi NATOMIM. , Daaad'. eri ad F Baron' a.din. Mo.t,

tha adm arll V mAlexandria, Normana,, Gotoa',,iaund all te.medlte liadlag-The tilttl•ae., ale.-Ra ift.a runninlg lightdrabtl passenge.ertam Plota,Ma, Parker, master, 8am. Larnn, ac.rk, will leave as above,For , elght or p. . apply ead.S YIRGINIUS 0. DENTZRL,anl Adver dlng Ageat.

Leaves SATURDAY ISh Inast,. at P. M.'la. 1UIGLAULAARED IUVJCRPAOKMT___ _ fo Shr,•• f tor p, Grand dayou. Jaompt. GrandEtear, AlexaalrIa sad orton's Lending-The.a-w ele• tase•angear packet B. L. Hodge, 0. .,lJ. 0. Gaeff. clerk, ,wid leave . aloe. For freight

O pasag apply oa board.YIRGINIUS C. DENTZRL,Adaertlslna Afiea.

Leave MONDAY. 80th last., at 5 P. M.g RED RI VIR-T.yIg RE'I LAR FASTWeekly passenger paket telegram--f.r•-~ r srbaepor On, d Bayo.. Coah. ., Camp.e,

Orn SE..•, St. Maarlr, Calhou..', Alea.ndrl, Noarma', e'Goaton's'. Bahbl's ad allway landing, on Red R.ver-Theew• eletor, fast masnage packet steamer Telefl m A.D. Iene ow, muter, will leave New OIans as above . Forfrehlt or, having aperalor accommdallons, apply onoaard.

YIBRGINIUS C. DENIZL,S~Advaetul.g Agent.La.v on TUES AY, Slt la.L. at P. M.

G. .geu aa& Bra.' ao-Water Lin.FIoR JEFERSON IR YE T -4:•r billb (roulgh--The elih(dr~wlng

18 inches), supPerb penagaer steamer Era No.S. John Kous,. mater, will lave as above, carrylng freightand paenger tlbhro. t bar, in fin.e pa.euagor a.--. oo.odea. Apply an board.

YIRGOINIUS C. DENTZEL,h hAdverteisng Aagent.a labg tahken for above the raf to re-ship by Era N o. lhrvbveypart.

OUAOHITA RIVEB.Laeves o THURSTDAY. 26th Iaat., a . M.

S GOUACISITA AND BLACK RIVERSummer Packete Red Chier John C. Shutemaster, Ge W. Koun, cler will lave aabore for Camden direct and al way la4nga, Rod continue tomaeb regdar trip, during bthe 0.mer and fall, aaving Inefiat-lesuppacknger erommodatlnne. Apply on board.y3 VIRGINIU C. DENTZEL,ma Aad ,Atiin, Aeat.

Leaveas every SATURDAY, at 6 P. M.New Orla.., .Monroe and Trenton Rclalar Packet.,• b OI.TRE'NTON, MIONROE, PINE IBLUFFS. C.or.Landtg. Columlbia Harrison. p

Anrg, Trinity, enad all itearmatell landlpgs oaOn•ehia and llak Rivers-The n.wa, elegant and wift rua-aing paengaer packet It. W. Eabtae. John W. Tobin,tommander, G P Work, clerk, l ws as above ast o'clock.,P. M. For Irhegbt or peaage apnlv on board.VIRGIIN S C. DENTZRL,

faT Aartielog Agcat.Freight tA.. faor BSapa Bartholomba cad d'Aarbona. wll4prlvilege of reshlpplng.o --

AYERtl'U AGUIE CUOK l FOR THUB SPIBDYI e Ir, o Intermittent l ever, or Fever and Aid .1 Fd.,•b, •hllp Fevr Domb dAg•, Periodial H ... d, oroutaas Headache. and Bilowu Fevers, indeed fr the wholeeiSLop dlsease originating in bllipry derangement, clawd bythe mualari of mliamati countries.

No one remedy is loder called for by tdhe ecessities of theAmerican people mane canr and safe cure (or Fever and AgraSou w are now enabled to efla, wlto a perfect certainty thatt will eradicate the disease, and with assurane, founded onproof, that no harm ca arise from t l use in .any .ently.That which protects from or prevents this dio.•er mer be oftmmenele ervsio nthecemmunttlea where itpre.rlls. Preven-thon t better than cure, for the patient escaese the rilk whichh mulst run in violed attack Lof this baleful distempr. ThisLCure" expels the mlbmb lob poison oi Fever and LAge fromthe lsystem and prevents the dve lopment of the disese, if tkenont th at approach of it, premonitory Symptoms. It It noonl the beat reedy ever yet discovered for this class of ecplht'sb but alo the cheapest. The large qlantty e utcD1?lFor a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and iI bl-ious districts, where Fever at d Ague prevails, evrybodshould have it a use l t Ireely both frcur e .nd t protee, t. tI hoped this price wil place It witbhin the reach of al-thepor sswell as the ri. hA Krew s.pertority of this remedyer any other ever dtsoeAred r the A eedy and certein curef I nter tnitents Is, that It e ant s no Q( nine or mineral, ooe leequatly it prodt ee o qu ninmee or other Inlorfooe efacuwateer ob n the cnIst Hut.ln. T ChosOeued by. It are ulthy tithey bad never had the disease.

Fore, and Ague is not alone the consequnenot f the micr-Spoison. A great variety of disorders arise from Its irrl.

n0g, which are NeurIlalgi Rheumatism, Gout, Head.Beidnet Toothache, ararche, Catarrh, Asthma, PcdpbS Painnl Allectdo of the lpleon, Hystercs, Pe i theHowll, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement in the Stomach, alIoC wt h, when ,,dgioating In this causee pot on the intermit-

tent type,

omeper t ec prodical. This"Care"expeisthe poisonfrom the blood, and eousequently ceuethem all alike. It i. atInvaluable protection to immi rants and persons traveling ortemporarily residing In the mtlriones districts. It taken oeceelonsly,, deity whtin ezpaed to the infectlon, teat will be ez.orotedfrom the system, and ca,mot aenumu ate in seufficint

enantlty m ipetn inca disease. Hence It is even more valuableforprotetion than cure, and few will over suffer from Inter.Sittente, it they avail themselve of the protection this remedy


are so composed that dtsease within the range of their actioncan rorely withstand or evade them. Their penetratnlog proper.M• O and cleanse and invigorOe every pwortion o the he-organism, correcting its diseased action and restoring itshma lhy itoelittee Asa consequence of these properties, thethaldho is bowed down wi th pain or physiral debility is as.tonished to igd his health or energy restored bye remedy atonce so simple asd inviting.

Not only do they cure the every day cornlalnts of everybody,but also many formida'+io and dangerous diseases, The aegntbelow named ils pleased to furnish gratis my Americas Alms-naw, Containing eerllicatle of their cures and directions fortheir use in the following eomp llot: Coatlivenes, Heartburn,Headahe arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigen.tin, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Ftetalency,Los of Appetite, Jsaudice, and other kindred eompolntsarising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its fus-tions. They are an excellent alterslyte for the renovation ofthe blood mid the rettoration of tone and strength to the systemdebilitated by disease

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Iufiuant,•, Hoanenset

Croup, Bronchitis, Inetpient Consumption, and for tho relief o.Conusmptive Patients In edvaneed stages of the disease.Bo wide Is the field of its usef nlnss and so numerous are theeases of its enres, that almost every section of the cun ryabounds In persons publicly known, who have been restoredfrom alarming and even desp.rato disese.s oe thb lfgs by iterse, When once tried, its superiority over every other medl-cine of Its kind It too apparent to enca e observation, and whereIts virtues are known, the public no longer hee tvte what anti-dote to employ for the tstretsl lg aud dangerous affections ofthe pulmonay organs that are incident to our climate. Whilemany inferior remediee thrust upou he commatity have failedand beens d carded, this ha gained frends by evryr trial, con-dfrred benefits on the afllinted they can never forget, and pro-doted cures too numerons and too remarkable to be forgotten.

Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, M.a. Fersale by J. WRIGHT & CO.,Nos. 21 d 151 Chartres street, N, O.

Also by HAYILAND, CLARK O HoBE, Mobilean byall Dealers ' g


NEAGLE & CARPENTER,(Successors of the 0rm of W., G. B. N.egle,)

Having aso"llted themselves in pertnernhip, would informthe patrons of the old Lm, ad the publia generally, that theywil continue to keep constantly on hand a large and assortedstock of


At the Old and Well-KnlUn Stand,Nos. 33. 35 and 37 Royal street,


-And Every Description of-HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,

--Comprising--Rosewood, Walnut and Mahogany Chairs and Chamber Sets,

in great variety.

Kpring-Bed Bottoms,REFRIGERATORS, ICE-BOXES, etc., etc

,pGoode pckn•d and nhipped witlh the greatestll care.

a n. . AE, I NEAGLE & Orleans, April. 155 a23 bonW

DIRECT TIAD•..... BALOIL dot Co.KNotice i hrrebygiven, that all lne airwhlch mnay ppeas

pon pUyor enh inatlnn Ito hed froom the boo-is nof lnyioaan.. no•o all clalms which may be esablished by due process llaw will be promptly paid, with interest, in full,T7is oeannion is tken to inform ile frlnndn of DIRElTTRAIIR and te conrensnpndennt of Bnylir A Co. thronnihonlIthe Cotton Districts, that during the coiingi bualnes Aneon,.ndvancen will be mnad as usual in New Orlann on Cotton foidirect shipment to Europa. aecomoaned In all canes by g arnoneet for the balancnn dnneon nch nhiptaent.Orders for Cotton Bagging will be bl ine by direct lmportatlonromn Calcutta into the port of New O)rleann.Sn soo as the Cotonn already sond can be Ldentlled dnpicateaccount sale will in every inmnce Abe moade out In .ONDiONby a PuNhlle Accountannt and sent tIo IhCl Intarentnd. To nvedrain, PLANTERS who have .hipped will snd forward thebmarks and w.iglht of their Gottonenn d snch oiher inlormaton ~ owill Ifaclbln the matter.

All letters, privalte a well as on b.slno,. relating to theNnln of Banylor A Co. and "direct rade." n ill be nddread to'C. . BAYLOR,44 ]LOIMBARn STREln rT, LONDON."Notice ot ILnnolntlon.

Notice is hereby givenn bthat at the termnlna on of the epanorIhlp nnow exsllng, naccordng to writien articles f agree-.mnt, ntnen the mnmberof the Ibn im of Banylor&Co thesame will In disolvnd nd the u.nflnabed l siness pliel Itnldnnaten. i. o. BAYLOR.anchester,. Mnrck. 18.3 1 iA•W"0 BLUIIDER P1 - PROPOS 1AA FOR TIIE ERECIonnol the NEWSPANDS AT THE SIETAIRII RACECOURSE, will be received fron manter builders and coniolct.

an up tI the 20th Init.Plans end .patlestlnnns can teln., and any information n el.aive theretol, ill be given, at the ollne l,.I

J. K. DUNCAN A CO,131 Common ad 24• tCarondelet streets.IP ropnanl. wll I.anddressed "'Propo.nln for Eretlinn the

MeiLdrle Racea Bad., Box No. 12 Q, Pont-OIce."',my3 l"k1

II-MIPA UN•-OOND-LLR ORE1N SNALWINR-Dtrt•t Importtlon from Rhelm. For a•ne In lots to Iultthe trade. Ordan received lnd trnnnnsited byA A. NEVINS o00..

bINo. II rt1.v1r ter.eln.COFF.IC--13 ba• old Government Java.. In .tore and for

Wle by S. W LFF'my6 'corner n nn rvlc andl New eI.rve Its.

R NY -10 quarter caltks Vineyard Prn riletas, for

my16, corner Gravler n•u \ew L.vve cis,




Prompt, Regular and Reliable I


avn adopted the followein Schedule for the Summee of1859--one of their baots leavg New OrleUns


Stemer Capitol .................. J. D. Clarke, master.MONDAY, May M MONDAY, June I,MONDAY, May 1, MONDAY, June i,MONDAY, Jews' MUIDAY,Jcael7.

Steamer Messenger ............ M. Lanshorne, master.WEDNUSDAY, .May FRIDAY, JoeSSWEDNESDAY, Jene 15, FRIDAY, J:e 24.

Steamer J. Slmond l.............J. F. Smith, master.FRIDAY, May 17, WEDNESDAY, May 18,FRIDAY, Juoe 17. WEDNESDAY, June S.

SWEDNESDAY, June 29.Steamer Belfast.....................W. Wray, muter.






And etaenuons Rilway emneotlens through Eut ,Tenwaete






- Expre.r mall trans leve Memphis dltly at 8 P. M.,makg sure connections through to New York at lue eoxpandtime than syeother route.

dFrom June 1st there will be two through trains leavedaily,

inPasFc gen Ticketed through.S-.Bsagg e checked through from Memphls, and no chargemade for handling.NI'Tiokets good for any length of time.Fo freight or p le, and through ticke, apply to

J. H. FRELIGH, General Agen,Memphis Packet ORee, St. Charles Hotel, left wing.

WM. INSLEE, Passenger Aent. amMeaes ONDAY. M. N, H S 5 P. M.~ ~l HEmPHIEJ ANYD NEW ORLEANS___ Pacsket LineP-United State. ss-PFor Mesmphi-the vs.ry Net ad splendid steamer Capitol.J. k. C arR. master, leaveNs above and tvery Monday thee-after. The Capitol takes no tNy freighrt ad but litle throut hfreight to craste desty and w1 sty rrive re.glrly at Memphis tIconnect with the Thursday *ststsg tsin. For freyight 0pssaags, to apply J. H. FHELIOR. Agent,Meampht Pckset Offic unR der s theSt. Ckhrltt Hotel.

PNttgit a v teonly sty Mstidsys.BThe s ssrsgtotts NET iErth rkegulr packts TorSb, AkrR..tsand Whitottvers.

p-Adar.' Ektrrsss arrisd regElarly by thIs line. 55717Leaves on WEDNESDAY, th.I55th, t 5 o'clock P.M.MEMIPHIN AND NVEW ORLEANS

U. t mail packe line-For iemphid and th,Sunni~-Th. firt of s. pack., stenil b PIL S.ellger Uptvio Y. Id rure, will take freight from B.eMot f .62 stret, an willd will reve a above. For freight orpasssge apply on board or to J P. FRELIOG.OlIce under the St. CIarl-r Hotel.

WbTkis lins conncts5 Napslsn NIh ShINt rWhIR 550 atht rive its n s cat s emphishlth a superiorpaksets for St Ltuis and Losissllt,.

in.Ad s~s' Etpress carried ssgutarly bythi. its.. spiSLves5 on PFIRIAY. May 27th. tt 5 o'loRk P. It.

IatiIEMPHFFPIIS A eD NEW OR-Lbs Rssd.-bshe,.sstss psshilstsssst JsslsrSimonds, Ostaptti J F. Smittt. .dll lake freight fr thetoot of tfrot oheN5, and will Isav.'ae s hve. FoN frigtttpsgssaeapjdy board, or H . H. FRRLIOH,

ON,.ce ttdse St. tharles Hotel._Thi. line con51.ts at Napoleon Nwth rneulas pckeht forWh ns .. d Arkansas titrs, end at Memphis with superiorpockt. ifor St. Loutt and .oNtivstllt.JW Adams'Express arried reusIrly by this ine. mali

TENS AS.Ltavs It WEDNESDAY, 25ih loasans. at 5 P. M.

11 FOR loWdES e IT.hNISASC BAYOUthMlcnN, PlopO, R~stleesttt teotod. C,,ekgt's.Pt. W,.ttat. P~ns~t, nO .11 INOH27 i oih tiBayous and Black Rivenr-The Sn snd O5I.Neh lSme, D IcNash, E. Jones. mste., J. W. Mone, Slerk, w H leav asabove. Sorlfeibght r pai s saN e P 5 SP N hVIROINIUO C. DENTZFL,my23 Adsrt, Annt.

Leanveson WEDNESDAY.S ltth Ni St at 5P. N.TRFORL UPPER ANDI LOWERSllrtt, OGeorge illrr, entIO, we eavechose, inkins rreight sall intermediate loadings on , .- As,and RiO ck rivers. Por i sightr .pony n 1. 1N].

*VIItOSNtUO C. IlENTZEL,Ry2N AdverisinlS Agent.


Cteo ai Agency, Port Smith, (',ark Spnur,.Letssburg, Ititti RoNl, lo lib band aP l pt . sIttation light dra.ght sqts-st. Askass .,Jas. M. Sseaottt. maste, will teave an above. For Preight orpstsage apply on hod.VIROINIL'S C. IINNTZEF,,

mr2J Ildsscliss-Di, Agent.


-From-M E PHI S

-To the-Ohio Valley, Upper Mlsslisippl, Northern




A IR L I N E,-Composed of-


Mobile & Ohio Railroads!


Running Time from MemphisTo the ufollowing places :

From Memphis to Ciro ........................... 11 hourts.St. Lou ....................... ...... 20 hours.

.. .. Chicago ............. ............. 30 hobu s.Loluisvlles ...................... . 30 hours.Cincine nati ........................ 30 hours.

.. .. Philtelphite ................ 66 to 60 hours... New York .................. b60 to 61 hours.

TILE LIGHTNING EXPRESS TRAINLaves Memphis daily (Sundalys excepted) at 7:45 A. M., ien-

netttig closely ande wth certantty with the iMohile Ohio andthe Ilteloi Centrol Retllreed, and woth the Ohio and Missis.sippi to-








NEW YORK, etc., er.,Coonectng also with the IIANNIIIAL AND ST. JOSEPH


-THROUGHII TIt:IKTS to any of the above plaees--good until usaed-en be obtained at the Depot of the MemphlisIand Ohio Railrsoad.

S Puaetgers desltrng to take this route can purchaseThrough Tickets. ether by Steamboat or Railroed, for NEtwOrleans, Vieksburg, Natches and all Intermed slte point.

For variety ofteenery--pralrie%, tmountains, lakes cataracts,cities, falttioabte watering places or summer reortts, to thepleasure seaker, this rote is peculiarly att.ractive; whilst tobsittess min it is by fIr the mos: comfortable, ceri.tit and expeditioues the country.

I. It is the only route from lstemplhs by whilch pa•wnneeerholding through tlickets to New York via t:h!eago can visit thbcities of Chicago, Detroit, Butfalo and Albany, or via Cincln.nati, ca visit Cincinn,te , Cleveland and Pittsburg, without ad-ditional expense or fare.

2. It is the only road which oflnre to tile ptesenger the sameopportunity for choi:e of routes. At Cairo he c a have thechoiece of

14 Different Routes to New York.3. It Is the only direct route by which paesengers can v!slt

the Niagara Falls, talls of St. Anthony, S eratece Springs, LakeOGeorgs, LLake Champlain, Acon Spring,, or have ate opportu-nity of esJoytng a view of the magnlicent scenery to be foundon the Upper Lakes, the River St. Lawrence and the White

4. On any of the 1I routes north of the Ohio, there are somany daily tratlle that tese.cgcrs ea stop to mstl their conve-elence, without extra charge for fare, and alwayt led superioraccommodations.

Luxurious Sleeping CarsAre attached to all Night Trains runn!ng in connection

witth is raeed.Inquire for tickets via the Mlemphis and Ohio and Mobile and

Ohbt RoEes.myo S HENRY COFFIN, Superintendent.

Tcvearcs bctweee ew OrS eshe. Ialetet ec Leol~ttlltsThe telentr Victrla, ILA. Seltelr malt.r leavesVticbkshr for Mmuhi , secr TU ESllY at o 12 M o th:e ar-rlvc of thte ctrs ftom New Otrltne. lt,,engcrs tr St. LoUe!

nr Loe!stllh by tak.e the 6"t I. t•. trai;of theea.Tks•nRailroad "n. Momnay tvn:ilq, wail co..t: as lrn, v a Yr V'ks-bure with, the Yi,-tor:;. n,, I e fc:t•t t,, ,,t .l,,mtt:it , theVt Ls t t r Illto. l!. t)eSo t to :. ". Luus, ,r t.-t:!:sc • •tther.oerto Lonu •tllr sl ill.hiinua:i. u e'a' tf



and BAB. OLI(IRSLOIVi1LLE anted N. ORLEANS L.IhiTnINa LIZIE.compo.edof thbe fllw ingaiup d passeng pa~ket :Diana............. ....... H. T SbirgegIa uti .Acla ..... . AEd. arowi. manor.Pno1Hw ..................... A McG111, masterWoodlford .. n.M 0o0 matlnr.Sen Bfnttgnnmcy.... I. B. RnuseII, muter.S Fanny HtLUhht...... ..... L. B. Dnahem.antter.Em aec ... John F. Leyden, maiter.E. alrl~ld.,...J. H. Fraiwtlinaino.

.[ Pssepegen on rely en the above boats leavin raeniarlyLouisvhhe~e the nli..noii, mkibIg dMiret ielailtIS. atLouisvlle with the OleohteH 11II Packet. JACOB STRADQRnd TELEGE R N., 5, .ad ild paikets e.naatlag t Cia.ainIa ndlt tthe Liltle liai Railuod, sad its ooaiaiitma forI poauls NRuorth .ad Eaet..: Wasbhington. Saltimor, Phil,doiphin Naewyork b osto SaragaI Nianamprll Bfalo,Erie. Clevaigid an&! Caoalumbus.The sboa pnabct are ell know ta the pablio i the and flunt bodt aflot, n chge a oflafinIo expeii.,e andTHROUI TIlCKETS-oodnd til sed, ae ld y tesbatsat ainiblibd and uniform nida.BAGOAGE Nat..ked through, nd ebnarge for bhadlig.nar omalbua Waie harged to or Imm the deapos to the boatu.Foeashy information or through tiit.i by pak.ets to Louti.llle ad iainaaii, nad thbas. by the ulle. Miami Railroaddtd iUt onnaaua .iuo allpoint. Nopihand Naas, apply to

JOSEPH B. PAGAUD, TloLet Agent.8 81. Oheoleqatrbt, born.. Union.mfg Jm on ep~ar cbove 8L, Chsrlsr otel.

Lave. ItRIDAY, 2ath In,,., o II P. M.SFOR LOISJIVILLE.-THE LIGHTbcnagbt pnaeogu. packet steamer John,Rain. Wm. Unau,,oodd motor, will leavefor toi above port and all Iltermediate loadings, above. Forfreibht or psag~e upply o boand.SO-No s'ateamom consuded engaged ulll paid for.

A p an, of the cabin an be aaen and suatroams isenredfor spa oathe above tritp by tipolmli.,g lsod.

apIS rVI:OIAIIU C. DENTZFL.Advlertslig Aglet.

LIave on OATURD AY. 20h1,., s1it P. MFOR LOUJISVJLLEi-TlF: IJOOT1adrulht passenger pacael tnnea Hullltt,

and all hiubrmaditi. Imaangdgaubove. n . .F litgrt opta gmapply o board.

VIROINIOS C. DENTZEL,nyu9 Advartlsini Aelnt.

Lnm,. on MOND AY. JT O. tiL P. N.SFUR LOUIS VILL~k-THE PINE. BEG.ular pasnsngle plcket E. H. Fairchildj I.~IIel.Fmaiinioa,.iiingl t ieae Tr au i.lland ali ii eamadii. landings. hove bp ForPu nlahtior .luusaguappipya bond. VIRiINIUS C. I0iNTZII.,,

SdAdvertising Agent.STEAMERR buLTIC FOR LOUIS.

Lltthtoing Line paenger teamr r Battle,Chas. II. MpAlut. musier, will leave far Lo.liill cad all It.termed.ita Inadig.s Ihrobihoui the anaIu, asPolles :THUAIiDAY.Junei2. l p5 P .DAT. REDAY June i1,t $rP.Y.TUFOBDAY 3,lL5 l S P.M.TiiURSDA'Y, July 21 ab P.M.AQNo berth bl nsidarldagged untiiypad to.

IPguasnuI ru can rely on the tPtIInIiity of thia boai.oo' p~sm of her cabin can be marn and staterooms securedby pplbyugon board.

VIRGIINIUS C. DENTZEL,a3 Advrteayiin Ageal.

SSTEAMEbR EL'LIP'SE FOR LOUIS-lal. eIt-rgulbr Nn- Ohlp.. al d Laulaoile pts.seoget packet-T~he splendid, now and fast run igpsege lae drpe ar .Spty atr

w1.1 leave for Laulviflla and ail olarmndill Iaidloga ibrogh.out the stoop ao follows : t.

Leui Naew Orua. SATURDAT, Jont 4, at 1P.M.YLu...,. Mu., OIl~ani.MONIiuY It,.Ne S. 151' .61LLeea.. New Ol,.D. OrnsHUIRIDAY, July }, nil P. Y.lu7"Palllgoys and sbippera can rely on 1ha pumt~uality of

this ylntmer./CyNo berth considered engaged until paid Per.BA pinnf ibo h ,bu can be l ee. and dUterootts acured

by appi:gtn r autrd.VIRGINIJS C. DENSZET.,

m77 Adveirt iei Agent.Iei STIEAMER PACIFIC FOR LO1.viiii-Regular hue Orlilns cad Loeea,aRii~igbhtnilg Line Pauanuer pcniki Paelif.The splendid, i,. nod talt .ronhig pisengler eleaTer Pa-elflc. Jesse K. Bell, master, will leave to, 1, linvllll sort1 Itredae adng hNI artesesn a oloeitiimaidiruii latlig,, lb ,,iuplau. ihi sean s ola

Leves Neiw Oil,,,. MilNl)AY. , Ily Cid, *15 Ii. 51.[iptyea Nei.OltaY TUdiRI AY Ju,, lb35 all5 P. .M.Liaves Noe 0 FRIIiAY, Jiy 8. at 5 P.M.Leaves New clrlaolla S hTI'RlDAY July 29d, 0125 .M.La,.a Ne wOrleiaU MONDAY, Sy,.. Al, at 5 P. M.Baae$'nsegers and shipper' stn rely on thle plluetullity of chis of ther No birth considered engages hu ficlor. e ad o

ilan o .the nbin un Aube Wt std iitlertoms aselred by apply.Fl_ on board.VIRCINIUI7 C. DENTINL,

.3 A d voating A Lent.

L STIAMIOR. •OODF•WRD VFORvslle f..ghtnisg Linn pnsenger ptacket aLteMrtn.oolford, otes Erw n, n 'er, will eave for Louise;s D

n all tntrmdas lansdings thrb.ghout the sealsen as ol.L se s Ne- 0e Orls as NED'nE AY, May 2.5 at 5i P. M.Leess New Orleans TH U RS ItAy..t "0 9, at 5 P. 3..seavess Nsew trles. SATURDAY . oelt26, at 5 P. M.Istve. New Orleans s MNltAYJy. J:sly.t 5 . i.Leaves New Ori eanl Tt ESDAY'. y 26 t 5 P. 3!.Leaves New Orleans. TIIHRSDAY, As. Ii, st ! N. 3!.Le55eP ,eN Orlets. SA L't RDAY, AsU. 2i, t 5 P. 3.tPeaeNgers asrnl shbippers can rely on the punctuality of th!s

No b-rth considered engae d unti paid for.A plan of thn cabin can be scan al, tate rooms secured byapplymg on bard.

VIROINIUS I. DENTZEL,a9 Advertislin Aieent.

-FOI L UIVIL..-it 11,l?draft pa senger packet st.ostr Jolt | RsLnsCapt. Wm. Ulderwood. wi itis,,vs for thbe abovPort nid dl in sterned ias, Ilinss ae iolll• :

FRIIDAY, . h,.. .. RAT!;RT)Y. June hltl, ... .. 4O•)Y . ;, .

. . TU•SDIN ', Jia- 12th. ... WEINFOSD •I. Jily 2p th,

Amp No osttePr ea,,ln,bra e e. ,5sed ultil pa tl for,A I)aR •rll the eabm;l ca be u and stateraoont secured foran? , he above tripys by applving tom2S5 itHOS KEIIFF', 25rt ilerst.

SIE.l iER lUIr3. . WARD,C'pt. =las t . \lier.

FOR LOUSNVILLR. - Il PAN.mon er packet wilt Leavn ltr h -aboveT Hrt Andall intermediats landings as follows:3

O! I Yl May 3'.' Rt l P. M.TUrEiDbY, Jusne I! hat P. 3.'.WNEN•SIN.kY.., Jutne 29, sat P.M.

iR-No ltateroom considErad engaged uInti paid for.frA plsn oft her cabi can be sesn, tnd stale-room securedCt any of the above trip, by nnntttli to

TiOd. KOEF?. Igent,mZ8 25 Orselcr treet.

STN:A25IICR llANA FIR LOUIS-VI"l,[F lts auLar NSew Orlleans nd i.ouisilis

i itgshtnig Linne PIaenger PaekNt-l1be plen-did, new atrd fast rmu ng paon.Nter teamer SDltaUt. Ed. T.lueson at, ttlllst, nlll lseave I'or L-iillt and all ilermc litrslandings throgollut the sseon as follows:

.. .. TUESDAY, lMay 31.,

.. .. TlIURSDAY, Juno s .s .... . S TI:'RD \Y, July 2 . ,.. .. MIONDAyII July1.

.WEDNESDIAY, Alul. 3...Pastonsgsts sd bipperpstsysrely onl pri.t.e li Anr) bt.

etaso+o_.."... h ..... i.. p ..... aiI y of thisNo I ertil consiered eng ̀gd untl paid for.Mi A plmu of I o cabiu can Le. eenl ,.d state-rooms secured,by applyiug to the agatt,

BELL, BUCHIIANAN . t'O.,_a .. . . 37 Pdrat ttrtet.

FOR OPELOUSAS.Leavssse every WDNF.i)dAY, st i P. M.l • • FO[I Oli'D]iEOUSAiS-THiE STEAMER

.W. S•UssOt l (. E. f.osallieri mater, willItsla b a above, tupi freighbt for Old ivtr,lhlmtsport lnd lnt lUndte o ll the labestbltd, Ie, s ais,

pTlegat- ur Dllnatldsonl lile, Pu mstils ! Rleton Rue ge, Portrueiodt, l' doyou rSsur., It aesnd mouth obf Red RiverLn Forssfreight or peage apply on btard, ur to

THUENIDAY, 51t 55olo P. M!.,TO YICK111.,U1"11-1

The mnttificent Ul. . ,dilt pacet rks! Durse, Cspt.N. Apt.,isst ewill l rret for DoaldtNNile. Yldtuemlse, p att

iouge. PBot HudsRoun, Po. tso, Byo RiSra Lasdys, Port!danmos Na thez, Waterproof , R,,•ney, St. JoSe th. GJao.i, sanrrtWon r sliad tWo tis.of ERBY TUESDAY, at to'coclk P. M.The Orlsd ItUk connects at V icksburtg th theistsmer Rsotbucm, and sil wtae Ikreight for all landdlsng on the Ylob rsis.. higyo as reenwood.

THURSDAY, at 5 o'clock P M.lThe msgnicentl U. S. MIail packet Vinksnt gL Cspt.

Cayt. P. 5t. Whls, till lea i for Daisonaouville, Pllemsnemine Baton Rnee , Port Hudson , Ray on Sara, e rd ivg,LFNig, ort A ss Nathe, Waterbpro, rspron l, Rltnns, l. h raJ.eph, isnand lul, Warrenton, Vickllrg •lil•iken'a Bnd,

o'clock P. M.Thu tVm UR , NA CHnneZcte s at V stbtrgst Pithsteamer DEWD)ROP, and will tke freight for a 1 on

the Yazoo river as high up as Greenwood.SATUR~DAY, Rl 5 o'clockY.M.The magnniliant U. S 3(nil plcket IXRehZ, Capt

T. h. l.e'ti nd, At il loau for LI sldsnerpielts sillee55on tsR Peg, tlbr tisTlt,

t Sbi ThURe d srtain Ai

Fort Ado., Ntuted, Vo t terpreo wil 6t pro nsthh l•sult, Warrenton and Vicktburgl )l, slb

k ~ 'RDY P. M. V&RYi Pl1R Ao'clocs P. N!.

Thes steises NATC!rEp, contssts at Vlotbsr g peith

le tailsg oEWIiiOIt, Inn will atss freigbt (or all ls nding•

on the •TsNo rive, nsl big sIp its threenoot,bhofreblNghp tdnorsoranplld psaasadse pskts witll leav

y their b gslar deypt s, o irollt tall, ai the hbar esppolotN . Alilitslneaslstuntrued to bhelrstssssillbt promptty and tsithislltateddto.

Thbsw bolts wllt not berPspsNsibts lbs any lstlusst pasbgeINNISltI5g moneyt, wsslry or tlter NllNnb!ll, sntlas 'gale'bills f isdtpig arcsisken, specilyin the lbs t endllItsal.,dtb ghtpsl d; bspsl any t lt -btli-dtposl&d wsith skI its'Sby lhn p+.nenc~wa, or cot to ned in their baggage..For freigh$ or psagte apply on b.oard, ol t

D. 1R. OAlIROLI, t o.,Jell tf Union Row, s.9 t 5rondts t st.




as folIIaws:lip lt. iIRNEAT nOUTIIERI MAIl, ROL'T,, lti't. !.eav-

iltg New (triehst by splendid Mobils Ntil ii I.,l Noots Itorrbile:sllhenledallyItarlMIntLbolery by iox, ratinard tCn.'sline o1f f• lasl ils issr Ste011, -roiL MongomtNry tpI NewYork by Rilroad TWO DAILY TRAINS all th rho-' via

t'olulbt and Myl acon or vibt III. a to i .Alts I•Lt enll byWilm nylon. RlIeini-d, Bnltlmnr.,PhildadlnhHfa anc Now1urk,or by tih• liy mlle if pslendlidils i llers from I'iortsmot ttiBaltimore ; In 1 by thle


giI nia i sl Tenessepe It. R. Route.Lsanv,t' New Orlesss DAIIlY bY the albne ruell for At.lastst; ttllce hy Dbltn, Kloxslle, I.)nl burg, Ihtlbmoud,on to Illtismorsand Noss YorkEt.TIME TIllieUQU tIo New York hby ether r-bte G;. DAYS,all of both rotnes bLy first clus ateIlmers atnd railrolds.RA.TE[I TRO RO I TO BALTIMI)RE,. PIIIIA1IDRIIIIA


Or by the Clheap Rtoutes,Through byYtslgobbp


Leavings New Orleans, Daily by the above lines of Beots toStsstgsmorys, theb e lto Chbtesstnn or Slssnnah it Railroad.From Citsrisstos or t.sbslttsb tN NtYssk bs splendid Sits".shins, of arpge tpsiet1 bbil[express ly r te IsNttsslith asptsriuretatero mscommodatlons rurpa .tigers Leuving~harles-ton and Savannah

EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY.Passsoers leaving New Orlenst on SRSINAYS or Mr1N-

DAYS Nould arrive at Charleston or savallt•na for SATUR-DAYS' S . $1.silsm.

Itstlnp New Orleans an TIHURSDAYS or PRIDAY,woutld r, i, tit Charleston or SsvuuLah for tho bWEDNS-D)A YS' s'emuecr.

R.:ts llthttgh ly etpt'er the Clharle ton or lsvannah roules,(bosal onluiboats an i sNs in neluded.) olily :9 75

WI• IO'lt Or s by tb 5iltlnl' l lilebr, will be checksdthlnug, Ftoul 5Ntll: me, I to New Yornk.

PFr 'isckts 'r; lgh by lthr Rolalt, nui, further infotna-t tos, Ipisly to '

R. O ED, AiS, Az,-, 9 O Grevler elrrlt.New Orle ,n+. inrch.G., :t;: , a13


GREAT can-

TRAL ROUTE S a--Fr all Points-


St. Louis, Cairo and New OrleansRAILROAD LINE STERMEER.

One of the following SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAM-RS8 will leave Nwr Orlol as follows :

SImperial .............................. pt. C. . Rogor.May 26, Juse 1I, and July and 19, Aug. 6, 24, Sept. 11, 29.

J. C. awon..............J............ pt e H. Jou.May 28, June 15, July S and 20, Aug. 8 and 2, nSept. I3.olwatha ........................ Capt. E. F. Dx.May 80June, Je 1 July 6 mad 2, Aug. 10 and 28, 8pt. 1.

New PFall City .................... Capt. J. D. .Woods.June I and 19, July 7 and s2, Aug. 1 and 30, Soept. 17.

A. T. Lacey......................... .Capt. Geo. Taylor.June S and , July 9 and 27, Aug. I, Sept. 1 and 19.

John Walsh .......................... Capt. Jo. Malay.June 6 and 23, July 11 and 29, Aug. .16, Sept. S aod 21.

City of Memphis .................. Cpt. Wno. J. Kounh.June and , July 13nd 1, Aug. 18, Sept. 6 and 23.

Wm.M. Morrison..............Copt. Juo. N. Ho•loger.Junoe 9 and , July 16, Aug. 2 and , Sept. 7 and 2L .

Champion............................. .. Capt. E. . Moor.Joue 1l and 29, July 17L, Aug. 4 and l22, Sept. 9 and 27.

PameenorR can rely upo the boats lavlng s advertisled andmaking DIRECT conneatlons atCa .roand St. Louls



Fares s ChopTime as quick, and with less chantsthan y ay other roote.tE-'rlICgkTS good ountil aoad.

thPeorotrrect Information or Through Tickel apply atthe sie el lbsW-RAILROAD LINE PACKETS,I,

No. 61 Camp street.corner of 0mnerelal Placa

CLIFFORD c. W.YNPl.E. W. GOULD. Superintendent. yG l if

Leaven on lTHURDAY, oy 2ny pat P.St Louis. Cairo and New ltrleano Railroad Lleo.S~ OR ST. LOUIN.-tNIONNPe TIN ATI.M LaCairo with the Illlnols Central and at S0. Lest.witb the Oloe A Miolsalppl Rnllroad-The finrseular ponmsoaer apept aoeamer Imperal, C. S. NRee

muater, will ..a.e for St. I.eaul and e .ll.ut.lea.lltae lod•nol0a absve. For freiht or tbrough t.oket to all points North,East ot West, apply on board.,slPaoeoer s and shlpps.s can rely on the punctullty ofthis stemaor.M-No berth connldered engaged ontll paid for.

-Ar plan of the cabi e rn a be aen and staaeroom securedtby spplyingat the lCmpp y's ofes, 8t Camp street, crer ofCeetomelal Place.

VIRGINIUS C. DENTZEL.mgyfi Advertisingl Agent.Leaves on SATUIRDAY 2•b ntt.. at P. N.t. Louis, L 'ol,.a and New Orle.ans •ot roal ine.a CFOR ST. LOIIIS.--C NNd" TINO ATCaro kith the Illioois Contralt and at Sl. Loonls

hb the Ohe and NMissalisippl Ralroad--Tbheregular eropaketsteamer J. C.Swon. I H. Joes,toater. wlo leaveloa r oS. Lousl and oil lIterooodl ae oandblala ab,, lee For freight or through tickets to all pohlts, North,East or West, apply on board.iSbsogPa oers anod slhippen can rely on thea puncluslityof

-No berth considered enopaged nt:il paid for.EN-A plan ol the Coabn can be seen and t•teroome securedby nplyin at the Company'sOdice l Oampstreet ornr oOa Cmmerciae Place.p steetoooo

VIROINIUC C. IOKNTZPI.,msye Advertsalog AgenLLeaves on MONDAY, J0th lost., at P. M.

St. Lauls, :iro tndl New Orleans Ralroaod Line.FOR ST. IoOUoS-CboNNbTIifNa ATCairo wlth hn IllinlOi Clntrel and at St. Louislwith the Ohiolndolleto'arl po R tonlod--The feosregman passenger packet steamer Hiawath a . F. Die,

ms.tor, wll leave fur S,. Louis and oll omtero.edie olandoas bove. Por freight or lthrotogh tikef to all poiont Nort,oart or West, tpply on board.

thi4Pamsser. ga aod shippers can rely on the punctuality ofltrtNo berth consldreo d engaed dun'tl pld p for.

Ap phm or the cbin lan be seen oand state rooms esaecuredb npplyri.g at the Company's offce b Camp C treet, Commer

VIlGINIUSh C. DENTZEL,tyt23 Advlerosoie .0A0,t.

Le.... nn WEDNESDAY, JnsJ 1e, A, 5P. 1.St Latinll, Cairo and Newur Cexnnn Reilrwol Line.I


- Cssiet.iwith the Iliitoiet, stiss, astd,5t St. L.eal.with Ith Ohiss tnd Stttssippi Rltitroad, .stslit pt Sugtr pS tetts ,.tmer flttW "511. City,v. HI. Wss.t,smste, iill kcatt for St tIt lisstt all ssterwe.doards tttaditss. ntbovt. Pitr freight or pt.-gt apply on

~k-" Ps,,sagese ans ahippers can rly on the pnnctu~sity of

no No berth c ,ulldrrrd engaged nntll onld fur.k A plan of the erllll can nB 8en and rltlterooro seurrdby apply lag st the Companys unlce. 6 cap steet, corner orComsercsasd'la n.

VIRIUINOS C. DISNTZEL,m)21 Adverrllslua Agent.

leeit,, PFRIDtAY, US,, itu : P. St.St. Lowx, (airo an't Now )rlrlenna H~tiforI Linn.13~l T. 1.0 VIN-ItSNlNEUUUUG AT

bru the ,il. S nui .itsprul t,.d ints9t. Intd-t-4 the eir Oh-, ii S I , i ,s i R tilr ,spThe.flax rrf'llr Dm-,gare packet steamer A. Lacey, Coo .ru"I',:yl t mwx, rill I~u for St. lnaha t alu~i Illl?:lldd-ate Ixndinia astabte. Nr treighter psrttg spplty hel,,d.Sy.-Pth nit ,.sTsI thipipsra tsts rely ss lit the lt ptstty of

* . t'NOerth s 1 tId ,,ttd rot tuntl p f,,ttor,lIT ph~a of' the rshba can h - and l arttrolms re 1--byr unpllyin t the Cotn!,ny'J ()ill;e, 6l Camp street,, corner ofl.onlluercia tere.

. IRsSNIUS C. SUNTTZEI,.______________ in Agent.

I.envttstttti YIlt V. 37h in,. 5t 5 P. M.F 0 EU LAU ST. L,)UUS I pCKET.-1b~ ~~1pl~e,, dis.l. Uts, ttnlits,, Nsus M~d id,

S~m'i~~ ,linrermedir'e Ixnlingr--Tb ale=PC;1 'L"11 rl l tll lll I)II*OI)Br p xelll -tnxme! Ct"C9Lel IIilly, Hy. Tipiltsbore, masit, till Iltit as sbospt. Es,,hegh or putas-e appl~ hon ld.

miItGtINIUS i. DENTZES,,Ad .dvisitsintgent,.

ATTAKAPAS.!,s,,ea every TrESEDAY., S1'. tpsttts,,

iRA' 1aTTAKAPAS.-VI. PLAQUIA E.Inn-The i rrtlnr Attshknpa pscket Ct.,ea, J,k Ma t Laharhe, mluuer will be rex Iy to recalrafritigt every \Midy morsislg, fia St. IsurttSvills NewIbis,,, Jeaseretgtrts', iire tons, Srnsssnkt ntt, llle, C t ttt,,1tAstll b I s'rw , e`-Iy tsrl s Itise itlss,*dit, ports on the route,

Ao Iut., f t n th d ts her e, oIswiill be promptly attendett r. Pit x isstt a iii, Ipply os board

J. J. Lhstrthit,.stskethi+ tppssianiy of resttlag hit[Istns to ths pislic and lis lrisists for thelit lil-t pVtrtustge.VItitjNi S Cu. DIT , ENI.

m35 Ad vortD iela Agent..


fa-. rus;~: Ild i*sxu Il slTT-hb ew an.d replilarP _'t exler necl altler T. DHItt-, .1. ,t. Ath isnsp, s,sssei,, Gent lists, J., itirk, tillle~ice lur New Inerlx, J Andnll fi tln, adi~tte o ll. Ymlliin ('e .ts,,ii, Ps5,tri,t,,ll, 11 sItttstait, lsstsing, on Itosit,. Atitst5t tnls'srtsst't hetc, pp sill bt prompily at.

tended t r . F'or Iruf gh or p:,a.=Due xpply on nos, d.VIHKU INLUS ,',IFSTP..

ana [ tit ISIINTU ent,stty'IaN!ern At it mArrssldwsHT.ttttsayitfg in the Attitttpst ,tre Us itt, btsutrts its.-or asboa.a l b


000000. 0omi. Abileo, 00000, ol~l boos tooBsIolon and Cool iioooorlno Olooloo w 1 00000 felob, otolioo fboo,,a Mobile for Iolndon an0 01oiho Springo and Doooopollo

every fintnrdly evenig, q, t 4 ."leek,Leweosdoynole ior loolooo sad Cullum Spring. every Wodneaday oooiog, ot 4 o'clock.

o i -Sternlog-IIaaves 51,6,, and Cullom dprixgs every Tnosddy and Thrredayoo'oohog, at4 o'oioeko Arriiving (n Mobllo oooy Weodoodao

ar ldy on p 6 o'clock.

liFor p(boyge, 00 pply toT. 0. SMITH, 4 Tohoopltoolo, street,ll26 it or 0IMI'BON A COOKSl. Mobil,.

CUMBERLAND RIVER.L.eave on WIIINFSDIAV, 25, bib0,.. at 51'. M.

OId iorolloOOOg r lr Vooo.oo: i.,. m r T. C.'S's~ioello , II. 1;. Olo Ihoo master, 0 llleave on' NlJoili, iiioollooilo 0 0, ibi ,i 0, boo ihooodl'.oiucoboolnd aI l oter ooied o0 ]000slim 0onloOumberland,(Ohio tied Miorhoiooooi riooos coo.oo. Foo foolob or passagepiply on board.

VIR1IIOIUI C. I1ENTZEI,,mo- 2 Adooo oio'9A Apool..j-. The T. C. T. oilt late foolghtl for oil b.odin, on lhoTe..oo o ritver, with tho privilege of r ooippioo.

l.oooooo oio WFbN F S0Dhl 25th'' tbat . P. M.

( (FOIL NA B ,fi VIlle. pell;;l . Liulihlilnd r 'sd

-i 501S01k .oLIPi. ~*KiAobovo.o

iloii, Ietlliy Oiiro, o ol oblood Pdckmnn,

New 11a 1r" 1 andl inltlrrlnelit Inllrllll*--ll fine reglllnr p.

sel.el-r packet st iimer Nnoopiile, W, 0 d, maselr, leavesNo abaF'.lioi or freior iiO l.lOl'i.. P loiioo-i on boo "' o i to1. IInUIEO't.0 .Oooento

my 20 corner of SI. l:orlo amt Perdlido 01e,01.Keji-T Noiobiiio oill peke, Ireiait tbr-oglh ny print ooIho OO'iniouvo river, woitio thio Prioiooi of'o 00000g or Iorhioopoog0



loollroagl to Vlck burg-A1ND--


Spoialo NootipTo Moost. Nei New O.mins s ad St. .on .snd Id. Eoi~lla. and tlle princi-

pal Noarthern and E LIBL.T (JllirS


Through to 1Mlemphbio In THRIEE DAYS -To Washington,Boltimore and Noeo bork, i BSX DATS I

S1,00,0 VIotolo la, I. A. Wctiooi master, leaves Vickbnrgtor \ltoplli,, every TioU II AY at 1 021.Siooooer Kate Si'rlabeoo Motooooo, m000r, leos Viokoborg for o3lo niol e. every 1STO7 IAYIst SO llS0000100 ISOasok PS'oo,C, t-- ster leaves Vtoo rnboodP too lloopbio, ooeoy OIIOSDAT, 011 N. 00 VplSTiooe ioow, Past x la eglo ant sulorrey bo boon placed regola lathe trado 0be0.0ou Vlckeburb and Moophbio rlOonio onoiloooo 201,0 000 t0 e booSoois o ld No w OrloD ioo Pooloke-iooiog 5.,0br evOly MOolnday, Tlo esday and S otlordao y at 1j'odl000 . OMoroing at Niploleonthe next dab at 5 l . t., mLo.if ose iooooooooiooo thObl wlih b ll Arkanos and Wilte river

Flriglht oooolptelod d pooooooo', tliolkled thrlogh frooo,Vibkbburg or HMiobis to 011 polnol on each oo those riversoblon tIe boooolo of the tlips o1tl2 Poekeoo.Oloooo 10000010iooO, 000 0100, Ooooo oiO (HliOL o Oooooioog, by1 Ob,Mcmpl lo 0, VioIooboooo Poko,, odith th0 Stag 1 0,ioo t ointogfrom thotlnoolOtan 0002 00 his ith the bo mpO is mid Chrlleolo-ton Rltlronol, 1,e mlobll oood Doil Railroad, and Oh, Packeifor SI. loolo nuod Looiaoiiio.

Pooooog r, dolirolg to 00,e this roots 0an 1100s NeM Doaooooon ;,lMondoy sad Fr.dly o000000a on fha Oi .bP. M. Irvin011t0e Nbo lOlri.on, Jo1?0on aod boMat Norloooo Sollooo 0Co.,aOrriving atViokoso

iooo0n0i dry ot 0 031U M.,0llEAd 02 0ing onone of te Vikosburg 00n I Ooooophiso oLo'."St 10 20., arriving

at Me s ,hils fha srcnnl crcni g ]hereafter at 8 P m " kudirect connection wi:Itfh the uviub train of the emcmds sodCharleston o HilrouloS

For Ihboooh ii boos ano tnroilooo itoo'ooolioo alpply lt theobpoo(l the NewI Oloboooo .oooboio anidbioO Nhost0OOhern R001.ro0.d Ciiloopoy, unlor the St. CborlIoosllH , uoot Wo the Tolooobblh.lio,. 010 it

.1 SI4WVI'o0101 _Ir r0'VE lIT LblIMi ) THE PEA',.O v ugi .10o.al01011...IC blh.0 a001yf:, NMoo:5 1h " Y. Y. T i"?jLbtii


We he bee informed that the euuel petlee Ofto orde•tghear uIpplnes of otDr. eOLANE'N Celebrated VNM IIUpW ..Has bees to simply write tr order yermgo.IL T eaIunt is thamitteid of the genuiet Dr. MelNee IYafege, they vet y feequetly get oe er other f the moo wos preepraetine Cealled eermlfog mew ebee the phblS. 1thereftpu heEi ave tourge upee thM otntr thepe.p

hperotowe of htkraebly wtltine the mtebe fet. tll It.dvil their feootor or agente that they wil nott t elve ogebetho the teethn Dr. MoIw'eo Celebeated VUtmlfe% Ieepared by Fleming Brotherse, PIttehgh. Pa.

We would also edvit the same Proteettlef e aotogIeLANE'S Oetbrotod LIVER PILLt . Thu etv peetiof them Pills, use epelle or o fer or Lie mp , neadnlthe billous deaemeebs ee prettleat to the aooUh hto.doted the vendors of mony worthless notemuo to ebt(etrtheor preprotlte oe Itelle medletu eirtetut. Reoeieeeide IeDr. McLANE'l Celebrated LIVER PELEAre the oritgaol and only roeltble remedy r Ltr m eethat has yet been dieworered, and we erge theplettad moochant, he velu hi own ad the health of tboh dfoi don him, to be ecreful to ederlhg. Take meithe VmtfgeetoeLiver Pills uolve. ynou ar e o te yu gettg thee go D.MeLAIN'R, prepared by


Below we te list oef omed the ptngeipal wehsegtIs ond desleer in patoet medtels tu thts ty,on nwhom thoe genote Dr. MoLeo'.s elehbettd Ved q maLlver Pills on always be obttoed. They arn so et Ite aIrespeetible druggUts.


17g ro o Lst oe and to arrle.

J. WRIGHT 00..11 td 10t Obaeek ieed.


211 gosm to arrive and I store.tOOVIL & READ.

II and 1U 0lmrtr


0 gre to arrive ad in store.

G. . pRIeSON O.,II Nagudee ebset


1t0 groee to arrive nd n store.

0. 0. WOODMN.Ceorer Oommon eed MaEngo deals


I4 gross to arrive ad In store.

B. B. WHERLOCK A 00.0 Meagelm reee.


A eoneanot etpply always In atoe and for ose byJANES tIYKE


A coastant supply lt tosm ead for sale by,. J. HART & 0o.,

77 and 7I Trbohoetotle e(neDr. MoLANE's Celebrated VzdMtlma[u

AND LIVER PILLS.A conatt supply always n ste oed for l by

BRAD, HEDGES 00..,18IM Cod ebrtDr. eoLANE'S Celebrated VER •EINPOUI

AND LIVER PILLS.A cotsttat supply lways in stere and for te& by

F. P. DOONGE,(m4 Sm&W 9 COhmrtloateea.


For Purl ytng the Blood.And for the Cume of

SEroralSltubborn lce.,Fever Serer, Liver Comoplaint,Cutaneous ~ruptiune, Mercurial Dlers.Salt Rheum, RBhemslltm,Pimple,, Bell., Osneu.I Deblity...

No remediall agent was ever introduced that hoe paned momeunlrormly enecr~slat then til. The ssfonud.,.,viotm Ha.buditary ios,,, with1 ..s.Its gl sd.,, contracd .lu,*gn

L,,..s hblf PclSou, Lu, been restored to hblth sd sigor. Thescrofulous, covered with ulcers, Iietsom. to bhlslfand his attendants,.

HAS BEN 1 MADE WHOLE.Hundrd, oLi pli... , .be had grouud' bopelu.7 for lyru

codler Cutaneool nod Olreldalo, disorders, Churned Rhepmilul, .. id masy tlber omp:slntps, .orsglog from a dau, the secretive urge..aond the circation. have I. were from the Isel odI.seue, said pow, wish eeocraeld corstp5 otans, gladly tet:I. e to the .mccy of this Ioli-nbse prep..stion.

Prepared and esld by A. B. & D. SANDS. WbIulug. Deg-gists, No. 100 Fults. street, corner of William, N.. Yoeh.-Per Isl by-

J. WRIGIHT CO., No.. 21 .5d 161 Chbrturestrat.,F. F. DACONOE, 39 Chyrtres street, N.. Orulso, audP.UI. McGRAW,` Notches, Mie. uy5ll W


1A Lur~s.,Pi,,ICl.. Illos~y.l.5SARICULTPIA L NDI FAMILY sEWSPAPNU.The rs,.sth Vsls..srthir basluIII I..d polw .. hgJIs., l..I eill l b .nl.n Il ryIIA 1. 1A S, s ndu r Ibe musS .oe w...gng psropeos~. I, will. bt thatsim., be

Greatly Ijelutrged,and several new Andl important features added which, togelbwith its handsome piquant~ illustrations, moat iucreaes fts praant pepllunrlty.

AlGKV'ULTU~i'R-T-Ths, s heretofore, will be the leadinfeature 'If thle ""ttomearnnd." and will be Conduted in " 0n,sr worthy of the greiat I sL..t It duales to foster. Every DS-psrtmetll of Southern. Agriculture will receive due l.ttga,quid sell systemss of cultivating the soil, amck-ral aM p, s Lnprat slfern, m lnape slI. .om,.,n d habey been t1st0dplscllenl welmllnd fbsend borthy of ldopllon. A Iarge eseper.. trlbutll elre Fonstantly wrilng lor UsIi depatment of .5 .utmesutad.Y .u ,

NIl OTIssIsThe ppTlT i.,spU lb., LI s cbustantly "Id w...Pxellent lorti5.11 b.l and P1,1,1,51al lfbrmatlinS o.d IsLnipersally prsnnll SltIts one o the most bsa bslll feg.f thepaper (lielimebn oIIelIperlin tltnd Islilu write for It.p.ITElA. Y bEPATIIENlll-Tlt publ.,pl,.l 5151.5.tbn( the announcement that

will ressin the enlsrolof the l.i clsry tolumels.sthalluS.pstPlel," for IPSb , bs l1 be Aeceivd slith ysg lenel aysg byher many admrirers, anld it warm welcome extended to the esbile w: 1011will convey to lte world her beasutiul game asthoullht. Slveral blletifl Iln yighly It.eresting stories asPiopesl in tiro 5 " Iomeilead"bor 15.,, from the pei of Mpst

IIl lSsslRATIO NS-Thu "IIombiSend" wll continueII.rdtofore I to bh Ill-l'lal d I1 111 hysdsome seIbi lleoss lbbd aprb b.1y for its columns, b ~y i competent artistA1 Ne111 ummary of Foreign and DomeItic elbnt., Slap-pepr in each an11h11. A great btlallby of Intlrssllg s.alspau5.u,,lutellige!e, N tc.; T ll nbs b.,ondtb.sed so.s to p.,l eysS-s moderate compassl , ,slb yil'llK of KePllln intesbltp11RK1 I HI POR'blS~lt~ sl tuy, ion wlll be givellltobuset 111prts f or 1659, ft; the editor, are determined their pyachapllexcel b.lIlitle ps bllcnysua

To the Sopther,, People.We flow Offer you It p. Tludicinl which I. permanently etWllyhed I b y.ur midst-devots. 1, th grel t lbtal IntII es.b of thecountry-wlich has bran prNno sbl.d Jugeequa8l, it opt usuerior.Iyl Issssbue. t ntd pppelsu.nes. to t.)emitter paper I. th_ e Uion. We therefore s R aYontbemn1.l who desires to aiibdfrlbo for nH Agricultural sod F-,iTPaper outr will by of practical beneft mo his farming epsntlorY1,11 furnis~h to his family illPIeresln1 and useful readi., tg tirthe .briar. ra lomealclvd" his opimort.MORN: ANl1 TEIOSIS-The "Seelthe,, Homested" le peRIlshed weekly, each n~nlllrr containing eiglht large ppagtea,prinlul i fn b ee Lls-lehat syls, and *apcnldialy embellbd Iwith -it, lagsy, nt thv 'llowvinp to~ms-i-vnmr bly It i. adrxpa: (One copy, -.2 uyear; r~ix copies, $111 ten coies, $16 (sea stra copy to the person gettin g up Ill. C .IAbII rt (X).

.Ka9-Scud far specimen nembers, 'proepoetmn Nashville, Te stoP Clubr immt'lately d M Sptf


BY 0. ROUYER,103 Cbhart- osrreo , near the Orleian BItel

Galvanism, l or BuldSS, Slatilob slid IroSoaI.SB a theory fartha realization of which lob; pralelleo is necessary.

The uoder BsooS huts ibooe p5-bRx daring thern vIe h.Ine beta BrSBtliSSBd in th is cihy tha he lan realisd It.Hecian add t'ha te co,,,e nce which he IS abbenso torBrentsas to morit, ls dn,.,ot Duly to rho rartI of his koowledge anid

praetiee, bell nice31 0 to the ge RnoB,,Sa by is. IrbOity.Ile baB, 1'f instance. for tosIe whS k1,5 been dSSBtloS, resoeied all defctiveB work cent tBiam ibi shop during his absenBeroI~llue.

'. Rouyer, after mor than two years spent In costl 1115,-meute, bus xucteede! in diSb, ,Ss, , or rather Invsnting, negRpnraaas for Ilunlnll by manna of psl vnam.Ile will t olefsn SSOSSO.rSko the 555,5inq of BhafrBSB,lbllr, tureens, etc., t: aSll tyl.s, fB*SteBmbosta, botels,in"-hoSOeB, estc.,BIt., etc.505-Sty 0. RoUYIR.

TIoDl As IBBURILAY d6 CO., DEALERS BN NV,t ry dceeriptdoo of

I U N B ER,New Basin, cor. Cedar and Juflaar&,v


HENRY M. I AIRCHILD JR CO., COMMISSIOIAND FORHWARDING M .U CIIARR Wholesal Oro."nre and dealers is Northern and Westero Producea, NavStore., etc., etc.


g?"Cesh ndvencee made on consignments to usor one frondIniBBSn~RS RORIRBRBIR OF ORBwrs FIIB

C. JR JR. ROLLINGC, (SUCCESSORS TO P. ROY,)Wholea~le and Retail Grocerg,


No. 4B OLD LEVER BTRRET,'NeirwlOs,,nil IyAW BetweeB BImvlBRIB. OU.SU L I A N N VIL L E da C E ., A U C TIO N E ER.R p -k


RSSBSSOSSBR5 10SPBBBBJ aRl.RBJEY"Oucee o 11 (ommercll pine. fa f !

L ovuo Y nuo Y STOUT--6 casks Rainbridge''(,WO: ooo'o'o s IS'SBBa SSBd ter s Ble I1

LS.OI S. U UNE M CO., 91 iravIer sCeet.