new order and the holocaust

Bell Work Germany used a new style of fighting which included the use of surprise and overwhelming force. What was it called? Blitzkrieg

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Page 1: New Order And The Holocaust

Bell Work Germany used a new style of fighting which

included the use of surprise and overwhelming force. What was it called?


Page 2: New Order And The Holocaust

Objective: Analyze the totalitarian governments and the effect of the Holocaust

Page 3: New Order And The Holocaust

In 1942, Nazi’s controlled Europe from English channel to Moscow

Nazi were brutal and view the Slavic people as racial inferior

As Nazism spread they enslaved millions

Heinrich Himmler, the SS leader was in charge of dealing with these people

Page 4: New Order And The Holocaust

Hitler was convinced that Jews where the greatest threat to the Germany people

He wanted their complete extermination so he enacted the Final Solution

The Final Solution was the systematic genocide of the Jewish people

Reinhard Heydrich was in charge of the final solution. He formed death squads called Einsatzgruppen that would round up Jews and execute them

Page 5: New Order And The Holocaust

Einsatzgruppen followed the army and killed the Jews and buried the victims in mass grave.

About 1 million were killed this way but the process was too slow

Next they built death camps, 6 in total the largest of which was Auschwitz

By the spring of 1942 the Death Camps were in full operation

The Nazi’s in total kill 6 million Jews as well as Gypsies, Homosexuals, and anyone else deemed inferior

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About 1.2 million Jewish children were killed In all 13 million children were orphaned in Europe

Page 7: New Order And The Holocaust

Japan hoped to use its new territories for raw materials

Japan turn Asia countries into colonies

They forced locals to serve in the military of work on local projects

In Vietnam Japanese took rice from the people and starve millions

Like Germans the Japanese had little respect for local people or their customs

Page 8: New Order And The Holocaust

Rape of Nanjing China; Japanese soldiers looted and killed or raped its people

Japanese used forced labor to kill 12,000 Allied soldiers while building the Burma-Thailand Railroad

Few like the European colonial powers but they liked the Japanese even less

Some worked with the Allies like Ho Chi Minh in French Indochina

Others simply did nothing