new oase store - 21/cortland ny... · at'o. i--' iu the-matter-of urn...

VOJv/2. mmmmmmm^mmmmsBsmmmam JfflP pO^Xh^p jCOUNTYi S'tCANWA^.-TUESDAY,; AUGUST 4, j*,808." •••••>*-• - ~ ' ] Vi'TV' !"*• '. —— sWrf Cortland, Tuesday. Aug. 4, 1868; MM!Hi DIRE* IOKV. Cortiaad Post Office. •AILS ARIUV»: Itnmdu. Albany, Byraouso and Northern Way, at . - N„?&h M «a'pW 'M* W* Syracuse, Uuoust»m»U,»V r ,,?,,, v «, »uu CI.IWH: KOOP. x. 8:10 " m ". Through Mall Nortkat •. -.^J. southern W«, andNew York «nd Bo«< ton, at ut 0:00 A. M. *2 - & r w t o n * * ^ ' p « t W * « • * » . ' W«tV MMia tad M i K » %* - Norwich and Pitcher. Tuesday, TUm- (t»y «nrl Saturday, tit - k. • Virgil, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 0:4 H:» 9: US at . Syracuse Way Mall at Office open front 1:3 day. from 1» M. to 1« 4:00 P. M- 5:40 •' to 8c*3 P. M. Oa Hun- ,C»A.'MJiyiB v P.,M. Time Table. rraitu iKUf (ArtfcWt ttation as JUknts.-** ' Passenger, moving eolith, ... 9:80 A.M. &» P. M. Freight "^77^ . lktD,, freight " " 11:15 A.M. Pamogtr trains on (As KrU BaUway teats Bing- hamton us foUowe: Ttt.nwA*s ri K\ lfcf*. P. &J& A. M., 8:60 P. M.. 1:01 rP. M., fcll fae/engerIrabu on ttoNe* Tort Cenir.U Katlaay IMN Syracuse M folluvit ; EASTWA«D--At 1K» A: X., 4:15 A. M., 7:16 A. M., 10U» A. Mv*»P.M.«*«P,M..»S»P.M. ,. Vta .. W»»TW*BD-ZM«rf Jfca4-At 1*« A. S „ M0 A. M„ 5:4o A. M„ 7:S0 A.'iM.', *00 P. M., 8:80 P. M., 6:80 TaaJ* otfcet Monday, May 11, IBM. Churohes. I'BaeaVMraiui^Jr. M »0o*>JP»»ior—witii corner of iM.urch aud lUllroad streets M m * * every Sun- u*yatllA.iLan4,1MJP..Jl-. ., , IHnuT I. IKUiKiu, Pietor-north corner of Churoh aadJWrojjd alroeta. Service* every Sunday at M; UKi'v»mU4«*^'40 T ^PMW^4omerofChnrch and Kim • l "«V»- t»rirles» nwr*. other Sunday— HnmVfM—O. A l W ^ a j ^ r - i o n t t M d e of Court MiTHODirr-*. ft fVrSPaaior.—New brick Church on Church street. Services ovsry 8ftnd*y>at ^1, f. f t^owc^V'«6i«iil»», PtWot-ine -mna'-eait/ «* H o t « s i » y "'•' •• STRUT'S nanar~B: If. ajwrrVi Proprietor. *A*j*>i lug Court Mouse, Court street^ M»sl«»e**^otrstV^Jm. Jtr, Corner of Main and_Port W»l ,„ ^2^ ProprjeV, i street*. oroir of J ^ t f t t o t Lodges. c X^rrh^ft,WbMi5.^^^^ Lodge room onpoitt* CorOajid Ifotiab. COHTLAKD Itovii. AaoH (.'I(*IT«II. No. 194, F. and A. U. Meeting* on the * f .and Vh. Wedpeadaye of , i. Ii month. Lodge room opposite Cortland Houao. .......... . a T.-Meetlug LIMOOLK T.000K, No. 110,1. O. of O. T.—Meeting! «y-et*Trtnfe Wlowtr^fluHaatrn lib tin; In each month. Initiation* every week room over J. 8. Squlrea' atore. AgrlouUurRl Falm. Cortlantl County Faix, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, Bopl 16,16, nml 17. StAte Fair, Tuesday, Wcdnestlay, Thurs- day and Friday, Oot. 6, 7, 8 and 9. t '•' '" 'i I'OBTPONKD.—A nolo, dawd &ng. \ f ttfnw Judgo MURRAY to District Attorney 'VVA- TKRS, sayg that the adjourned Special Term of the Supreme. Oeurt will be held commen- cing on the Otli of October next, or the drat Tuesday in that month, and Vhat Judge BOARDMAN tflU preside. Tho Goirrt wasox- pected to be holden in September. ^eVa •— M. K, WOOD, at South Cortland, is agent for the "Buokoye Grain Drill and Grass Seed Sowar" and the latest improved "Buckeye Cider Mill and Press," which he will sell at satisfactory prices. It Is hardly necessary to speak particularly of them machines, As thoso who are best acquainted with them concede that they take th« load in their re- spective departments. Horn! in your ortlerW as early as possible.' .. n . i i | . i » » . » . O.NKBUKNi'K MKBTINO.—The CortUwQ District Tlioologital Assueiatiou will mwi |n the Mnriitlion \l. K. Church on Momluy ovo- IUIII; next toi ft* first seiiiiaiiiiual cohven- tion. Rev. Mr. Wn.Lis.of McLean, istode- liver the opening tuldtess. ll«v. Mir. WHi-rie, of CorOAhdville, Is td pre»sh Oh Thesday cyeninf, and Rev. Dr. BRISTOL, of Blnghian- lon, on Wetlneaday evening. 'l'liis boing tiie first meeting of this confer- once year, it is expected to be attended with considerable Interest. Surrogate's Court. IIKKOUK A. V. SMITH, RUIUIOOATK. JUI.T 87.~In tho matter of the last will and testament of David Burr, of Homer, de- ceased. Will proved and letters testamen- tary Issued to E. C. Reed, of Homer. In the matter of the estate of I'hltcim Moore, a minor, of Prebla. Pedtioa and bond il led and letters of guardianship Issntx) to Sarhuel 6. Mooro, ol tYeblo. In the matter of the estate of Amos Moore, of Preble, deceased. Petition for letters of administration filed. •'<•• In the matter of the estate of Kif amir W. Kdgcomb, off Cortland, deceased. Petition filed and order Issued to show cause wlty execution should «ot lwne agalns) tius»wec- utrlx, Tetttrnahle At«ust Rtlt,, «t,tQ f. uM»< atwhlcJitln»eox«tutiixto.>«-cod.(ri! ' ' ' At'o. I--' iu the-matter-of urn lastwill sso) te•urrtetlt , of Thomas 3/lUf>»<«h; of HJaniir*, CiN<^r*AhrtW , ArJ^tt«M^.^Thls'%lt)!|,<,]R^^^ the fall term, of which will couiineiuo on the isAhnAVhVcoMrireleVallf IXie arrange • Hints necessary to keeping 'ft uj^jib" ^pres- ent Btandartl of excellence a* * 'flTfrtWJlaSsi' Academy. Indeed, the, st»i>8 Which have lately Ix-en taken to place it upon a llviuer basis than ovet, rtiid add to its edncational ad vantages, cannot fa I: of their object The reputatioia of the Fncully is all that could he wlshoil. * r Mr. CHAS. K. BABOOOK, A. ft, the Princi- pal, is a graduate »f Hamilton Oollegf, has" had charge of the school flir tho past year, and has proved himself to lie a very success- ful tcaehor, a superior diMpllnarUn and a reilned ohriatian gentleman. . W»fc H- *>¥-r% tho,ne Y »^utMSiL has had much and an unusually stic«ess<rfi experkMtCfta»Afy* c he|:. Miss C. N. rriNdMXk, who hasHfecn tnOs^c teacher for the fast twelve years, ts weir known to possess snpertor «xcellenco in her 1 ' profession. , The; Inducements held out by this ray to those wishing to perfect themselves In education are libera]. The buildings are In good order, and the library and philosophical apparatus in lino condition. u It has never had a class of students- that stood higher both In scholarship and deport, mont than those whd' attended the last year- There is less Intemperance, and there are less inducements to vice than in most other towns where an Academy ts located. The exercises of the Anniversary week which took pjeee Jnne 16, 17, 18 and 19, were fully equal 10 the best Of any previous year In tho history Of the lnt)tlW»tor*t/Tho eliminations were thorough, the speaking and crath^pf A. high ©rd*i,!aad t|u-! mid***' of Prof. A, J!, UFUON, of Ilamilton ^lluge^ waa, M his addresses always are, exceedingly' Interesting andInstructive. ..•!.-. Any Information can bo obtained liy ad- dressing the Principal, or B. F.TIM.IKWHAST, the Praiidont of the institution. JULY 1858 to JULY 1868. Can aapursdn' re-visit tho heme (Jf iiisieiiild- hood and youth—his "happiest time"—after an almost unbrokon absence of fifteen years, and not feel an ovorpowermg realization of tendant changes in cvorythlng caKhly think not./ If so, bis'Sowt must, beidcgd, within him. WtWr o^> )ft ud, durjpg tj^^nj^oj^ preceding, my home \vaa, near the bank of tiie Tlouglinioga, and thfi morning I found myself sauntering down Mill street from tho 1 vlliago toward the localities hallowed by the memories of happy childhood. Passing thf> old Grist Mill, which, with its•surrfmiullhge, shows many marks of the ruthless hand of time, particularly.ii.itpjchange from its timc- ; honored hue dr ''vcnetW red," which gave it for .manyvvears a wide reputation as tho "Jfc^llllavVto a more stylish slate color, . with brown trimmings, I reach and cross the threshold of the old school house, whose glory, alas, has flown, and whoso period of usefulneK4l«»«l»l>l»<".^( Ji«fcH<frJ»$>e who , took their first tottering steps In Intellectual pal lis within its walls, Is at an end. Inside, tho walls, though, to my older eves, strange- ly contracted, still bear mitres widen,'after all these years, grce/ my eyes with tho wel- come of an old and long absent friend. In a corner, roughly scratched with a nail upon a bench, I find my own initials closely con- nected by asigninonnt 'W with those of another, "naJneJoia hero foj;ov<)rn((or) f ,''-^my youthful sweetheart- my earliest love ; and thep sweeps, across my bnaffin^tion,a_v,iskn of k-mournW-VhhorkfWlitAaMen^ WUfch I sadly walked,. whiqh, foUow^d my brokyn, idol to the village cemetery long, long ago ; and, 'waking' from the' dream, I turn hastily to sec if my companion has detected the blush which I know mantles my cheek at %t&qfjtfn of the;'Wfer fel\r a ,;tl.o;fivst al- most, of my life, with which I wet the, damp eardi abovo tiie dead friend of my youth. Fortatiiate'would- ItMie, (wey.iMty^*nly mu- youthful acts a romjMnbrance of which would cause us to bfush. 1* Was broken-hearted then, or at least so I .thought, and I would havo looked with lofty scorn u|X>n any one smile again as I had upon Tier. I nad yot to leant the remarkable elasticity of the human heart, The., old black-board hangs in its wOh'teoT place, a'nd a sm\lc forces Itself to my ing feat of writing tho teacher's namo during recess; bonestri 1 a ^ibrrid' cAricttttrreJ which ho left until aftor the school had as- or's, and Uie«),,M stpod 0»a entire.aftwawow*/ "James Jackson," a warning to all future of- fenders/, diut itime-has behaved yvnlslyva-ith tho oM'siliool nodso, wTlcro my Mete Were first /uirif&ted. The. windows which .Oiici! InyVAWncaSTie' fhTodghSIUIOBV WtermifiAmc' summer afternoons as securely as if grated with iron, have undergone a thorough system of ventilation at the. h boys, and the tloor, tote gloss, etc., is so sunken in places that one treads with caution its broken boards ; all this, Willi the cdmiist unaccountable appear- ance of diminution—oC KtUeneM—which ev- erything wears, making It seem possible for me, standing in the center of tho room, to reach either wall with my outstretched hand, leaves the old school hcJusc .of 1868 but a I ghost of that: of. 1833. With a slgli 1 wander down past the Cath- olic church, a "reconstruction" of a once re- spectable barn, (a scheme of doublfufpollcy,') to what was once the Paper Mill, but lately degenerated into a manufactory Of linseed oil. And here in tho ruined house I must look. toWioft W p i & t l K thtflter, JffnJH. youthful deeds, so unimportant to all, proba- bly, except myself Horethoclmnge is great- est. Nothing remains intact save the endur- ing Jlllg apd3)#i tlfly«>Yi R>tAlFthc grandeur with which my memory clothes them. I find the side-stream from the river, ,"at first sight." whiter skin might ."K liYfo.Jrl*.? i the snrrwum wke-Uiunr^fiyvoupg .araWfllWwhUiertn , y baud* of^rysclusVQUf. covcr'cd V l t l i BrbkV which caa-ies the mijl, and which I was once pleased to call a ''canal,'* 'worthy of nK def- ter name than f/itvA, while thy.river itself, though possessing many'features v' beauty, is yfcl anything lnlt the Tlouglinioga of 'my memory. L w.aa,der that X, jo easily, cast a stouc to Its' opposite bank—a physical feat which, performed by a man, ouce excited my unbounded admiration , but I look at my Urge,'"bony aojid./iy'id' I 'seo^it'tn aoUh* chubby one'which gave huh the stone from the bank so long ago. Yes, it is tiie same river, but its banks seem hardly wide enough t<V*lu*i«llt»v>te5noAf Vfatf %> VWP V*ii love to think of as constituting the beautiful Tiougluiiogo, . H,- :•-.'• y Back of the mill is a row of staunch, gusjrle4 willows wl^ieh^J can oijjyrememberj as little more than bushes, Into whose bran- ches I climbed Iti search'ef a smooth limb from which to make a "whistlo'|to*;tyqlitjtle ; one who scarcely lived U> blow jt; and what i pride filled my breast wilon I presented her one—a triumph,-of'aft'for me—which gave forth two lUslinct tones. I hardly know if her gratitude itself gave me more pleasure than wetiKfbiory of it at this late day. The little white "ebtaeva" turn their silvery I scales to the sun in the "rac» | v»T»3*ya^o*okl, 'the capture of) whose Igreat-grand parents i wa«^ie l rtUsAiiic» ! ofls& mu I amusement to me. ^Choae wero days when : a liMtWte^^P***- W.MA«)Xee | of iffoU pleayira^and jliapojiijip l §A day of • uncommon success among tho little ones of I the finny tribe was ay, gv/i'UV ll lW. wh>j»h • to; eop^raf>ulatCjiu^Mu|f for a season, while the ;16ss or a liooK In" their hidden homes, caused j me houn».qf! UpaWlVlt, sarffT* I snVPAly' » ' llttlo older "boy" now. I dream of greater blessing* -t of Mnuilthiug that sjiall br'nut n«c yevirtof happiness, insteiul of days, and when they all slip from my grasp and arc home on In the remorseless wake of tlmo, they leave IVo <wn ^ ;: DoiiN was handsome, liisky beauty many llttlo favors, hoping thereby tojnnkobettoi friends |of her people Having' found ai 1 IdcaJtiohfoj suit him, he remained a number of days on- gaged with tho other settlors of tho valley in putting:up. h tort house, ftud making cVen,- thing comfortable for tho reception of his bride. He finally made his pieparations to return for her. Young "Sunrise," tho squaw, watched nil his proceedings with much inte- rest! *h"d When 1 he Avne ready' to'depaift slie followed him into the wood and there, before he bade her good-bye, bogged him IVoln her burdened heart not to return to his people, but to take herto,his new houso fo livo with hlra, for she loved him. In vain did lie ex- plain that it .was impossible- »that he was bound to his MARY before he came to the wilderness, and that she must forgot him and botttttJ USeet*tffBrftfeQvItlvVttilta •* welcome on his return: She left him and re- turned mpodliy;<o hqr. lodge; J , i Kverything passed off" smoothly and Joun DORN with b/s wife wero sp.on on. their way to their new home. They arrived safely at the Indian village, but on biqtijry for "Sui],- rise" he was told tha»;sl»*HuWriat>trb»ri SOCTV' slucc morning ; so he again took a canoe and istarted down the stream. He had nearly homo when, ns they swept aforfiliT riTwnrMiT flicXitffiani, a sharp twang echoed among the trees on tho bank, and the next instant an arrow pierced the heart of DORN, and his body fell into the water and floated down the river. A cry -c^f ,agpt\y, rang through the woods nn.<) the nearly fran- tic young widow saw Jthoifonii of the beau- tiful squaw hurrying away among the trees. (lettiHj*'WnthoAhor<; as best she could, she summoned all hor fortitude and hastened down the stream hniil-elto'inbt a white set tier to whom she told her sad story, lie gave the alarm and the body of thf i«tfai-til.; natc man was found and buried near the home whore ho cxr|oj3^d tojmuch happiness. The heart-broken-Widow returned to her pa- rents.' 4t 'was afterwards ascertained that the squaw, after DORN had left her, had cou- ceived the plot of watching im*tll\; TetJirrf flf ,1110 couple, when she would kill the young wife, hoping tuArtftyf* tA Ml -least satisfy her revenge, and perhaps afterwards win the lQveafihlxaeliah&l iwctl Biib missed her aim and killed the object of her love, and tho moment she saw t|io remt|t of hty shot, her reason left her. She wandered about from village to village, a wild maniac, look-, cd upon with aW'C hy her race/Until one win- ter morning BIIC was found dead near the gliivo pj h^velae jlad fyujrdjrefl. , ; f i ..} !. [. II. P. 8. so they hurry by, until uow, in middle-life, «^*^«iiI«^g$8^°rW otlior line of silver In my hair, to remind me evcYttfat M$D°*'^ n ^ "^ X Down IheSuHrbank'beMii'd-the hull, and close by tho water's edge,, still, lies the huge rock beside which I sat ono summer aftlr* noon, and >yrttohf»tli apd .\»ston«d ,to an old neighbor of my lather's, who, while ho toss- ed his baited hook Into the stream, ,fct#()4o) of tho •• rr _ "CRAZY SQUAW Olr riin Urtr.AWAHK." ^^a^,.j^sj»W,ifcc valley of tho Ti- o\ighnloga was 'inhabited by the Lcni-Lc- napes.i pr.Delaware Indians. But the white men from farther east had discovered its raro , beauties andi i total *ealth, and many of the more adventurous pushed on^lnto tlio wilder- ness to settle upon wWaft'trieV hoped would, in their old age, be for them ahonu\ot' ftmpt; contontmont. Many, alas; ^ftftfflyfrnn^ ed. Among ( the, number w^s.^ne daring, handsome young fellow named.f on N DOUN, Just In tiie early prime of manhood, wlib had united tlw s»oij«s b« had -hwut of the beau- tiful valley with his own dreams of a quiet homo of happiness with the daughter of his (father's old friend, MAHV —fftfWtbJio was soon to marry, and started into the wil- derness. IteaeliiUg.. AWhuuAu village near tho banks of tlio rfvor, ho sought a canoe with wTrfcif-tt) run down tlio stream a few miles, and hothsr^Metja yp»Misq»jtAJ, Uio daiighter or'a, Chief; wjio In a.nvanflor char- acteristic of her'race, fell in love with lilui <iii.-.-...i .-, i.,r-. I .... I 1 Messenger Correspondence hkliU/r tfttuwlurd : The "Bankruptcy correspondence" of last week in tho columns'bf the STAXDAUD is I good—too good to be lost. It should not be I allowed to sink into oblivion, to receive only : a casual uoticc from Uie careless reader. What a modest man the correspondent must be ! His effusion written at Buffalo July 14lh, but remaining unpublished jyrjfij jtboy^Wi I j Where could ho havo kept it all this time? I It could not have rsmaipcit ijjdden in the ! young man's bosom—tnc'ristiar receptacle of 'secrets,.. May thu£ods be thanked for grant- iuj? ';Uiln. coUrafts «to take his letter to the printing olllcc, even at the end of two weeks. i Ah! we take back all we have said about : modesty, for in tho "Bankruptcy correspon- dence" itself we ffnfl a sufficient reason for a | delay of two Weeks, oV'eVcn more. ^J-rirtg^j HALL, before whom the motion : was made, decided that the assignees should be confirmed, and on motion of Mr COUCH, o»d so confirm thcra, upon thft. JttoiuidB thah lfc-VoVtrJ-WcWfraTtfis ii/Awtrfofcc Its' nWlc' by the crcditore." The learned arguments of Messrs. (!iifefii)uo Slid SMiTrt, the counsel for the assignees, are wholly lost sight of in the report'of the Bankruptcy correspondent, on the spot, who, wc four, is only blowing his own trumpet. It wiw-'ttot lyodosly, but leap of dotsction that kept. the nmmiserlpt from the pftHWf? 'Wad th'd'Bankruptcy cor- ; rw^uiidei/ii not t<x\d }u»iiic)ula Uiavhe$$aec- ted to see. a certain article this week in the i S't'AMiAui), perhaps we should not. have ; kjarfwii,,th,c lu'tcfsyj locality of ti«! new star. The correspondent seems to have been so much elated over the success of Mr. Couou against a court room .full of opponents, that ho could not read figures aright. The peti- tion opposing the assignees, says "J.," was signed by but 101 creditors, when he ought to know it was signed by 141 in person ; and i the 1 petition' of MESBKNUER'S friends to sus- ' tain thejsajgtffjes w«S t#gftfd$y ^1 t/cdi tors, mostly personally." He might just as well have said idi, stood, it porsujnally, for il would have b'cen biil'JjUlc wither fip;n the truth. "J." knows tliiit 25 did not sign Al pei-sonally, and a little portion rtf the others were sigiied by attorneys whom their princi- pals never saw; oj hsail} e/ i , K Tlio literary ability displayed by the llauk- ruptcy coiTestnj>mlonljit<,wortliy the genius of :x wouldn't he Hiaiator < but In sustaining or defending an election so repugnant to the majority of M»»BiifNYjKKyc(Xtflt(yrii, It might ' have failed to rpcoive tlip altonlion due, but for, juutico bQlug .fiajiejl %% Doubtless "F." littte thought w|icu, imio- cently writing his letter«to the editor, and I which was :ii'teiif9fa»vlfn«iUlisli|HUu the STAN- DARD, that he w«8 J ')*eparing'ih«way.rWr»rjr i impureaiMia penH>uaguaai"d...'' to display his great tolents. ' ' " 'P. AlthouglrWc'lfilvo^^rrooPoftrColumns to I tiW'AjWrti^nde'itabi'^'etid; m 1 , felftMve to j lho Messenger Bankvuptcy we tako no re- sponsibility in tiie matter.' an'd arc'Vinable'to' m as ^rtrs'\h^'t;MfarrIctdi-r J 'ytatoiricntsV ,,,, ., .ft^tvjas,-. . Services at the Cniversalist CUurch next Sniiday at the usual hours by Rev. J. M. AUSTIN. , Thtrradpfy/lajdj Filil*'. qt la^t Wfcik the I warm spell was most effectually broken up I by some glorious showers; ''••"•>•" CHAMHKRLAIN, SMITH & Co. have, lately I ciiv<«od tii«f.hv"t' ojt tlwii:i ibtiadiy and / nu\-> chine shop wi.tll slide, as an olfeclual safe- guard against falling sparks. Lost Saturday, as,Mr- MP NT oojjKitv STI^- VKNS, foriue'rly a' resident of this place and | for a year orWliast of StcLoan, was raising •the fraiuc of a mock nfc'h'ad commenced to 'build, he metwitM : 'rm aricidtmt Which may I yet prove fatal. Ho WJVH assisting to raise ; one of. the beut.s to,its place, and w»s using ;hls riglit shouidcr for tho purpose, when the I hold of tlie'meh was' prematurely loosened, and its entire weight thus'resting on Mr. STKVHNS, ho-was crushed to the earth, some of his ribs being,, broken, one.of his logs smashed, and his back fractured. Mr. B. is not-sensible qf any pain, has his usual appc- itito, but below t^e fracture, in his back there Is no'tWm'ft.'' ttV physicians soy that the latter, •rjart bf this jreojk wiUteU^w.hetherthe 1 Injury proves fatal, although if Mr. S. lives. 'ho cannot bo else than a cripnJ8fJtM»'*' IH ' Tlio horse which we announced last week <»<^l|0»i<fc 1 r¥<»¥*'C HA8 - WOODWARD, was | recovered at B^Aaxntonyiths tkjef having taken hli?fto Dhenau^o FoTktrand sord him |for fifty doljanij l^kjigeJ^escaDingi) I vniMci.-...I ,,i TTWRTrWlr*! FT7S». :,./-,!. ii , Hcoi* (iv MN « n w . - 'f he bbstthiTig of Ae' k^u.4 in exiateuce is v il l A<w«*g honwf gymuasi- qiu, . vheap l milckly arranged, dwabl?, ,om- amorihU as well as useful, it is an article'Uiat many t>i|g*<t to possess, especially thosofoblowing scdontary occnpations. By calling at this oiilec, one can be seen nml the manner ofusiuji? oxplalnod. ...... :..,, IN GENERAL.. I ! . > .-*+• .il t THX BURIAL OF SIR JOHN (SKY) M.OUR i I »d apmetfo^y by Jwig JMlqw, Jf. cr •'. Not a sigh was hoard, nor a ftmeral groan As \ip ihd Salt Rive* Wd scftrrlecli But wo longed to leave the cold corpus alone, For wo heartily wished lie was buried. . ,.0 -J so a HI• '."< <?., .fc 3&11 • ii • Wo burled him deeply on election day, (All our vptoa for U lysses casting) And smiled when wo thought how his New York "frieuds" i " Would pray for his rest everlasting. No Star S^anglocTBfthfior enclosed his Breast, But bi u wet blanket wc found bun,, „„, And he lay like a grayback taking his i-est > With a sccesh flag around him. Jusiasioui;,jolly job wae ; doi«v,-.r' U ;i i,-,. ;'i Salt River the moonbeams reflected, And wo know by I ho booming of Union guns That Grant and "Old Ski" wore elected. i !:•!.[.: i '.. /L-tor&md-pHi*- Republican Ckueu*. At a .ConyentJ ( 9nof ) the^publlW 1 elec- tors of the town of Cortlandvllle held at the Messenger Houso in Cortland village on the Ut das of, August,, 1868, fpr^jthepur^oso ,of choosing six delegates to the Congressional Convention to bo hold at Syracuse on the 6th insi,' fii6 <5orivenrlon was callor/to ©Aler rjy J. C. Pomcroy, Ksq., on whoso motion A. P. Smith was chosen Chairman, and Samuel Adams, was elected Secretary. C. P. Cole named a list of six porsons and moved that they bo chosen as delegates by acclamation. Hon. Horatio Hal lard movdd an amendment that the Convention proceed to elect six dol- egafes 1 by'^kllbl.'Vlric'ri Wei CarriW. ; '•'AiA vote stood as follows: Horate A.' Jarvls '.'..".' 70 A. P. Smith 70 Geo. B. Jones 69 B.iF. Weat|icrv«ixt..t. ... , , . . . > . . .7Q Delos Medraw? .... '...'. I../ . . . .46 I. H. Palmer 56 Dr. H. C. Gazlay ;;,.15 D. H. Burr B8 J. P. Uolmcsi... v 1 WhOreupOn the first six woro declared elected. On motion, Resolved, That the members present at the Convention's0' olnphwoiod WflM'tJro vacan- cy occasioned by the non-attendance of any delegate, , > . , On motion, the Convention adjourned sine die. 11 • • » i. i — FUHNITTHK WAHKHOUSB.—The firm of 8. O. •KWotit A-Od.i MihvW riht'6«d' to and becomo established at their new and spacious Furniture Warcrooms, at 69 86ttth Sallmi street, Syracuse, are frilly prepared to furnish anything that may bo deemed in their lino. Their .assortment is; cempietjj, «hclr. rppms being filled with all the latest styles of par- lor, library, dining-room, chamber and kitch- en furniture, and purchasers will bo amply repaid.-by looking at tllcir goods before pur- chasing elsewhere. Sec advertisement elso- where. ««•« • Bu^r »HK BUST—»The ljxcolsior, the Hero, and the All Riglit Fruit Jars, for sale by ROUSE, HUPBAHD. & Co^ , n8 NEW Itoopis^—NEW MUSIC, ETC.—At No. i Messenger Hall Block, just received. "The Spanish Gipsy/' by Geo. Klliott. " Daisy," by author of " Wide Wide World." "'Douto,'' Longfeflow's tronslatkih-.- '• •' " Life in the Highlands," Queen Victoria, cheap edition. Cheap Edition Woverly Novels. " " Dickens' Works. New Books and music received ns soon ns published, also any Book or Music not in sumk v ill bo, ordered and Airnished at:Abe publishers' prices. Campaign Songs— Campaign Badges, on- tirojy now, at MAHAN'S. » # SHAPES.—They hove those beautiful shades of .\©>flei liavmdol-, BisfoaikJ&Q., Ip-dress goods, at TANNER Bros.' ' THbeitbioWtaKMis iaie constantly arm at Si.Aii-rtcuS StStffKh's. One of said firm is In the city purchasing and sending home bargains in the way of dross goods, of all sTylr% and doseriplions,—PrintSfPopliiis^Al- pacas, Grenadines, French Cambrics. Organ- dies, &c, &c. Also .tamos' Beck's eelehrated (;able SkirMCivoflp^.-.UianxUjoj cheapest; a good tlurty.-.spiing iSkirt al75 cents; young laflw'Walking Skirts it $1.00, and every- thing else equally low. Cull and see them. Storooscopic Viows of the Paris Exposi- tion in-great variety at T. KDWAUDB'S Plio- Ujgraph Gallery, Main' street, Cortland. 88tf COE'S Cotton B.\7.ftA>t, the great popular Itouicdy lor Coughs, Colds, Croup. Whoop- ing Cough and Consumption. Both sizes— ordinary 4 o/.., also mammoth family bottles - for sole by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night without it in the house. 46yl .. > —H—• J »-»-T—»; COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURB will immediately relive and permanently euro the most aggra- vated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, IJour Stomach, Constipation, and all diseases of tho, stomach ana ..bowels. Physicians, cler- gymen, and all who use it, join in unbounded |)jaJ»e,o4 it« grp^t, .virtues- gold by* Dmgr gisWcvCi-ywliere; l^Ico, |1.00." *46yl Fnufrr TREES—A large and oiCCllent as- sortment of fruit and ornamental trues, flow- ers, shrubs, small fruits, &c, &c, for sale on reasonaUjo. M'W'fJT c Vr'*ci[ of, Tenipkhis^aud Oweg6> streets: u43 HOLMHS. CLMAHY & Co. Fnowwrts; ornaments; ribbons, trimmings, &<i, h m of tUC latest styJUjs;, at thti JrfllJilncry Rooms of Mrs. L. BICNMIXICII', lii Scliermor- horn Block. She keeps hats, bonnets, Jock- eys, latHcs' cops,' hair braids, coils, *e., &c. Bleach ing and pressing satisfactorily doiio. •••;••: • ,'• ,;l ,!,•.;' u_tf-' f - - . rtKAt, KBTATB.—I desire to hire a gooa house for the ril&t year. Il^avo; for sale three desirable new dwelling houses, one form of forty acres, good buil(lu>g8 H one, tract of six"teres? atfrl-'biiBirlfigS'rbts m tho corpo- ration, and ten acres, good buildings, and thirty-five ' acres of choice land, lying just beyond corporation limits. Also, a farm of 150 iteres in Freetown. Terms, hi «!H cases, easy, u85 . . ARTHUR HOLMES. CANADA,—Some fine shades of Conodo Gray Onssliheros, and Alsorfgood assortment of Cloths and Cassimercs at prices as low as before the war, can be found at TANNER Bros,' •' MORKJICW goods ot.TANjjsin, Bros.' tliis week 17 TVdir flrnPis wMc-hwWelrf New York every fow weeks buying goods. One of thefirmstarted thiS moTrtifig. - 48 -H-Hr-P- •srs m Cortland Market. OORHBCTSD W»B»LT B T O. W. OOIXINS. , S|)rlii(t, S barrel, Red wlntur V barrel " White winter, f barrel.., Wheat, per b»i. ? »ooi 08 Floui iIOW It 00 IN Duckwhoat, por b» 80 ityo, per bu 1 80 Barley, )>or bu 1 SO Corn, fi bushol 90 (lata, tl huahel, .i»..,'.i If Porlt.V barrel, now.:.-.. ..\,$,... 8S00 Bn *w*JEs1»f^iti:«:::::::::::::: S " Roll, per pound 80 a«gV» doa e .1.48 SaUr* barrel t 80 Uay, |l ton 10 00 llama, $ lb SO HhonWore, V lb 15 l'otatooB, t) buehel (now). * "" llraiih, N bushel, Cb°$oj»V<8&8eji V Wi' •v.- Turkoya,riroaBed% l lt> micke, ilicsKVd (We»», dte8«*4.,.. AppieS.^ried.-... Boof, <li'C»ai'.d, B lb Lard, |»lb ltlacW^»!ioaV!nl«ii Raapbcrrloa, S lb Honor,'W»V.~ ....... '.'. Vlnogar (cldor) per gal lildos,per ib : .... Ram. per lb ,. Porta, each Maplo Sugar, i>er lb :r. J 00 ' ..'.. •jib^: ."I .©: 80 •M 1' 8 511 W 110 00 U 00 IS 60 SIX) 00 1 60 1 66 1 10 80 8*00 80 SS 88 SO ! M IS 00 83 18 1 86 400 S60 10 16 18 36 , SB 86 80 8 100 SomtTiiiNO NBW.—MILLS & WA-SRSK have Jfost received sdnfoUilng now in the* line of iaattV White Tueh Skirts. Thoy Xta oh'eap, durable, and "do up" nicely. Go an4 see them. ,, ,• • i ',M- y FOR SALB.- r 4n Jistenslon TablOr-prlco $10,00, Child's Willow Chair, with playta- blo attached, $3.00. Ono Bedstead, $6.00. Enquire at this tittles.' 4tf il'VfB^ .*•• , j s » »'• "r i M , c.*. HOAOLAND'S Improved Machine for Grind- ing, Mower and Reaper Knives, can be at- tached to any common grindstone. Price, $5.00A>>For sale by B L I S S * KINGMAN, Mow- ing Machine agents, Cortland. 60_ w«w /a<1vcrtif»oiiientt4. ".wn.iy'V. , ,; '-'.,,,'.,,.'.' ".'I,;: ',i.i,i'. FURNITURE! NEW STORK, NEW GOODS, REDUCED PRICES 1 TTAVWaremovedtoonr new and tpaeloue war*. GO South Sallna Street, Washington •look, which we haveflttodup Iu a superior manner, we are now prepared to offer ourenatoinora an extonalvoand wwfcajifftoflatock of rUBNn'WHB of our own man- iiMoniM lioaldOH'k-largo'ssaortmont of the moat deal- lable pattcrim, from tlio aaatomMarkets, consisting of Spit iMlia Chamber f^et*,' Rioi| ( ; PARLOR AND LTBRAHY SUITRB, and an cudlcaa variety of Dining Boom and Kitchen Furniture, spimro BEDS, MATTRESSES, (fed, &0. Onr goods are all thorouglily made, and we tell thorn with a apodal guarantee ha to their quality and finish.,, . OUR WHOI.KHALK DKPARTMBNT IS WKI.L STOCKED. PloaM call and soe ua before you purobaao else- where. , H. C. IIAYDKN & OO. Auguat 1,1888. >I6 —*—-w— 1- ** Eleotion Notioe. Hnmnrr'aOrnos, CORT(.*MI>VII.>,K, I CoaVtAHD OOUMTV, N. Y., Aug. 4,1888. | 'fWTOXICK la hereby givon that tho Oenoral Eloctlou will bo hold iu this county on the Tneadaysuc- llniC tho ir»t Monday of Jft- ALttdtonant-Oovoi WoodfWd; A Canal CoOMulasloner In tho placo of Robert C. Domj^! •'•''• ' ' '.> An Inapector of State Prlaona In the place of Henry A. Itanium; A Clark of tbe Court of Appeala in the place of Patrick-Honry Jones; 1 All whoao terms of office will expire on tbe last day of Jiecombor next. TlilrtT'ttuee Eleotora of President and Vlco-Prosl- mi. of. the United States. A Itepreaentatlve in the Forty-first Congress of tlio ;o first Monday of November next, at which i will bo choaon the following officers, to Itpnbon K. Fenton; placoof Be irhor tn< tho placo of Stewart I. dent United States, for the Twenty-third ^onareaatonal District, composed of the countlea of Cortland and Onondaga. COUNW omoans ALSO TO BS KLKCTSD FOB SAID COUNTT. A Membor of Assembly; A District Attorney in tho placo of Alvnli D. Wa- ters; ' Two Justices of Sessions In the place of Jaraes Comstock and Alexander McVean ; A Coroner in tho place of Daniel W. Burdlck; All whose toims of offloo will expire on tho last day of December next. given In piirsuanco of the notice of State, ....... Shoriff Cortland County. STATU OF NEW YORK, I Orrtcs or TUB SXCIUSTART STATS, > Albany. Augutt lit. OSS.) To <A»!j*«rW«/ Uu County qf Oortkmd .— Slit- Notice Is lieroby given, that at tho Oeneral Klectlqn to be hold iu this State on tho Tuesday auc- c'deonnf the llrst Monday of November next, the fol of Decetnber no: This Botlco Is tho Secretary of annexed. , a copy oi which Is horounto ISAAC W. BROWN, lowing ottlcum are to bo elected, to wit: (lo Mo Woodford A (fovei-nor In tlio place of lioubon IS. Fenton ; A Mouteiiaiit-OovoVnor in the place of Stewart I.. A ('anal Commissioner, In tho placo of Robort C. Dorn; An Inspector of State Prisons In tho place of Hen- ry A. Barnuin ; A Clerk of the Court of Appeals, In the placo of Patrick Henry Jones ; All whoso terms of olllcu will expire on the last day of Dccowbcr next. Tlilrty-threo Electors of Presidont and Vlce-Prosl- dent. of the Tutted states. A Representative in tho Forty-first Congress of the Uuitod-States, for the Twenty-third Congressional District, oompoaed of the Counties of Cortland and Onondaga. COUNTY orricxna ALSO TO BK KLKCTBD K>U SAID COUNTY. A Member of Assembly : A District Attomoy, In tW placo of Alvah 1). Wa- tors; Two Justices of Sessions, In the placo of James Comstock and Alexander MeVcan : A Coroner, lu tho placo Daniel W. Burdlck : All whose terms of office will expire on the Inst day of December next. Inmpcctfnlly youre, Ao., NELSON, Secretary of Stale. COAL! COAL! COAL ! N.XXO'N'& BALLARD, A FEW STKl'S SOUTH OF TUB PASSENGER DEPOT CORTLAND, IV. Y., H AVE Constantly on hand, large quantities of 8CKANTON COAL all sizes from the best mines, JAMESVILLE PLASTEK, WATEE LIME, STONE LIME, AND SALT. COAT. BY THE TON OK OAR LOAD. Water Lime, by the btishel or Barrel, i And (til artioles as cheap as can be bought in this market, Terms- JAB. A. NIXON. ii3 AKOUIH F •Cash. JOSHUA BALLARD. Wanted - ,1011 the Standard and Official Life of HON. SCIIUY- IB (,'OI.VAX, lndieponaable ing of the] .IjMK' (,'or.yAX, Indispensable to a just understand «! political Issues of the day. The best sub- scription book In tho field, and endorsed by the loaders of tbe Republican party. Agents aro meeting with unbounded success In all parts of the North, and justify us in claiming for this great ttandara work a popularity uncuiialleil byauycotemporary biography. Tho claims of this statesman to tho gratitude of tho nation arc so Clearly sot forth In this volume, that none of his admirers can affordtolie without a copy. Scudrotcirculars and soo our liberal terms, and a full description of this groat work. Address miTKD STATUS nmiMnm co.. n4w8 ^-y.Ai/ Brooms Street, New York. FEVER AND AOUE CURED In Si Hours by Fisher's Fever and Ague Pills. uroly vogotablo, and Ico for 80 years. Mr. ivor of tho New York Central Park, has used these Pills In over 800 caeos on omployoos and not ono failure. Price, $1. Forwardod by mall address. Direct, Dr. WM. KI8HBR, 811 n8rol Thoy are porfectly harmloss, puroly vog have been used In private practice for 80 ] J. Ryan, Surveyor of tho New York Cei *-• 800 - tl. to any address. Direct, Dr, Hleockm Street, New York City 0. ».' Pendletoa'e Oallsaya Tonlo Blttars.-Tho world renowned Stomach Bitters. Great lirovunta- Dlsordcred Dl tya llitt tlvo of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, gestlon, Ac, Ac. Roccoiniuendcd by Physicians, idre and usod in tliolr dally practice. Hundreds of letters [lillcloncy, not published, but can Ipal office ana labratory, 18 Doy r particulars all cominunlca- cd. Local Agents wanted. testllylng to their eraclency, not published, but can bo sees at tho principal of* ' * Stroot, whero for further \ ttons aro to be addressed Traveling Merchants supplied on very liberal terms. n8ml. R S O N S Con aml should .oatTiiii. For inclpal of the d^il^'S,^! School, Kdlnboro, P..AI->' i llculars ad. ute Normal llHllll Orrs 4 MoNaught's Imported Spool and Ball Cotton, for Sewing Machines and band use unsurpassed In price and quality. ~ AI.HXANDKIt KNOX, No tit Poarl «Rm8 Street, noar Broadway, New York. City sad Country Property for Sale in every direc- tion. See Stanley Day's Real Kslato Circular, No. t^Brotdway, New York Mailed fros. n8ml FAMILY KHITTINQ KA0HIHB. The family Knitter nuuiufacturod by tbe Hrlil ul Knitting IroiHI knitters to be the best forfamll; Good Atfonts wanted In every Circular. Bridgeport Knlttfn Conn. Is acknowledged by practical '1/ use In the marki ("ounty. Send for use In the innty, Knlttfng Co., Itihlj rkotj >rt,' NTED, by a Mauufacturor, AQBNTS to sell 1 sample. Address, with stamp for circular, E & CO., 41»Ciiostiuit Street, Philadelphia. ii9ml. The Howe Improved Se-rving Jlaohine FOR Families and Manuiaotuy^rs. For tale at II. Brewer Sc Han't*, Ml»8KNOKItHOIj8BlpiOCK, COrttI;AW)f>, N.T. ntBBJR WORLD-RENOWNED Sowing Machines I aro celebrated for doing tho boat work and uslna; a much smaller noedlofpr thesamo thread than any oilier machine. TORY WILL PERFORM jfttl. KINDS of SBW1N6 From thefinestfabrle to the heaviest woolen tfoodf. Tho stitch invented by Mr. Howe and mado on this machine la the most popular and durable, and au sew- IngMachlnos^u^tothe^ol^lnv^dby ' igwav Is also agent for the Natloi omnany of New York. nfm» Mm. "Miss L. E. Hemingway Ts also agent for ilio Ration- al Llfo lusnranoe Oompan * '- Till I & HOWARD. -tfrOU CAN DO ALL YOUR COOKING,. Have time, trouble and money, and avoid heal ing the house In Summer, by using a Kerosene or Gas Stove. Ask for the UNION (Kerosone) c 8TOVK. Thoy are tho host, Tako no other. or VULCAN (Gas) Hunt! for Circular. Also ATTACHMENTS for LAMPS or GAS BURN- BR8, NURSERY TAMPS, KEROSENE GLUE POTS, OH, CANS, KEROSENE OIL, I»AMP WICKS, AXLE GREASE, LANTERNS, . Etc., Etc. At Lowest Cash Prices. ixsowt 206 Pearl stroat, N. Y. Centrally Looated! T. ED-WARDS'S. Photograph Gallery! /"vVBIt MESSENGER BANK, CORTLAND, N. Y. All kinds of Photographing NEATLY EXECUTED Photographs eUgantly colored In Oil, Water Colors, or imtln Ink, and of any size- required. If yon wish for L1KK LIK-K, Photographs, giro us a call. WILL-KINISHBI) A LARGE STOCK OP v PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES always on hand, nl T. EDWARDS. HENRY F. BENTON, (SUCCESSOR OF W. D. TI8DALE & CO.,) TAKALER IN PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER! LATH, SiriNQLJiS, PICKET®, SA SI I, BLINDS, DOORS, Near the Passenger Depot, nl CORTLAND. N. Y. mil*, •Gri-otit A m e r i c a n TCea. COMPANY OUTDONE. Ceo. J. J. BARBER, HdMKR, N. Y., Having perfected arrangemonta with one of tho larges IMPORTING HOUSES, Directly from China and Japan. Is now receivlsg and prepared to sell a Suporior Quality Japan Tea at $1, AND A China Young Hyson Tea at $1, Which he will warrant as good as any that an be pur- chased of tbe American Tea Company at $1.36, or money refunded. ALL OTHER QUALITIES AND PRICKS IN SAME PROPORTION ! bond your orders to BARBER'S GBEAT TEA ST0BE. August 1. 1807. « Dr. Russell J. White, Analytical Fhy«ician, /"XAN BK CONSULTED VJtolli AT HIS OFKICE AS follows: SYBAVVSR-XMPIR1C HOUSE-Saturday, the 18th of July ; Monday, the 17th of August; and Sat nrday, the ldth of September ^VZLY-PXTBRB " //07'jE't-Tuo8day, the 18th //0«JJP.-Wednos- TULLY-rSTKl of August. COB TLAHB-UKSSENOKB day, the lllth of August. MABA THUN-CABLEY //WSW-Thnrsday, the SOtllOf August. BWaHAtlTON-XXCtUHQBUOTKL-Friday, the tlst of August. 'ATIONAI. UOTKL-Vrt&ny, the AUBUBN- 18th of September. IlufTnlo -Principal OOlce, No. MM Franklin strcot, 2 doors above Allen street. Those affected with diseases of the Lungs, dlseasee of (he Llvor or Kidneys, Inflammations, Dropsy. Rheumatism, Asthma, Shortness of Jlreath or Dlm- culty of Breathing, Dyspepsia, Weakness or Nervous Debility, Fits, St. Vitus Dance, Rcstlenesa, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Derangements of the Stom- ach, Billons Affoctlons, Gravel, Scrofula, Fever Sores, Abscesses, Ulcers, Running from the Ears, Inflainmu. Hon of tho Kyes, and al) forms of Cataarh or any •P to diaeasos of women and children. Our system of aro Invited to call Especial attention puld chronic or lingering complaint No charge for consultation. to diseases of women and < treatment is entirely our own, and onr remedies arc prepared by oursolvcs. n42yl FITZGERALD A RICK, 'I-VKALKKS IN BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS! Leather and Finding*, KIT TOOLS AND MACHINERY ! Which will be sold As Imo a« can be bought west of New York/ BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS, Manufactured to order. PV Tlioy also carry on GARRIAO-E TRIMMING, In all Its branchos. Gash paid for HIDES and SKINS. Opposite Messenger Hall Main 8t. CORTLAND, N. Y. Januarr 1. 186a. NEW OASE STORE : .... AND.... :,. .j ;Vi .... 1-EW GOODS . IN MASONIC HALL BLOCK, W E S T SIDE MAIN STREET, CORTLAND, N. Y. Dry Goods 38 per cent. Less than last Soason! K. IV. Johnson Will open on Monday, April », 1808, tho above alor* wllh an onllro now stock of goods recently nurchasod for cash, ahd will bo offered to tho pnhllc at tho lowetl tHflrket ratee. Tho stock is complete In quantity and varloty of STAPLE and FANOY DBY GOODS Dress Goods, Shawls, White Goods, Ladles' Sack- lugs, Trimming*. Ribbons, Laces. Buttons, Hosiery, (Moves, Yankee Notions, " CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, And Tailors' Trimmings, Housekeepers 9 Goods White Qnllts, Table Linen, Towels, Muslin and Lace Cu Window Shades, Ooraices, Denims, Ticks, Stripes, Checks Data, Wick, Twfno, Yarn, Prints, Ginghams, Umbrellas, Parasols, Black and Fancy 8ILKPOPLTNS, b r 0 M 8l,k «» ALPACAS. DELAINES, PlilNTiD BRILLIANTS, SWISS MU8MN8, VICTORIA LAWNS? NAINSOOKS, ORGANDIES, JACONETS, PERCALE ROBES, Linen Ooods, White GroodA Dress OocijlH. &<:., Ac. A good assortmout of TRAVELING BAG8 and BA8KET8, Yory choap. The nnbllc aro rOBpoctfullv Invited to examine goods and prices at this store before purchasing elsownere. 1 havo no old goods to dispose of, bought at high prices. n4l 1808. R. H. Spendley & Co., HATS, Napkins, italu Goods, Shootings, AN ENTIRE NEW- STOCK OF GOODS! AT TIIE STORE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY ALTON & KELLOGG, In McOrawvllle, N. Y. i>. wrcArtK, H AVING purchased the above store, and filled It with an entire now stock of goods, will sell at 90 per cont. less than last season 1 THE ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE IN QUANTITY AND VARIETY, And embraces STAPLE and FANOY DRY GOODS PBBSSOOOm WBJTB GOODS, LADIES' 8ACKIX0S, TBIMMINOS, BJ/MOXS, I. A VES, BUTTONS. HOSIMBY, (110 VES. YANKEE NOTIONS, Cloths, Cassimeres, And TAILORS - TRIMMINGS, HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS ! White Qullto, Table I.lnon, Nankins, Towels. Muslin and Lace Curtain Goods, Window Shades, Cornices. Shootings, Dentins, Ticks, Strlpos, Checks,' Bats, Wick, Twine, Yarn, Prints, Ginghams, Umbrellas, Parasols, Black Dross Silks, Alpacas. DcLalncs, Printed Bril- liants, Swiss Muslins. Victoria Lawns. Nainsooks. Organdlos, Jaconets, .v,i-,. &c. Also, all that Is need- ed in 11 JV r V S a n d Caps, For g e n u ' a n d boya'irToar The attention of hontte kocpeni oalled to my stock of CROCKERY & GLASS WARE Which I am confident will meet lhelr wants I koop constantly supplied with all kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &<:, All of which will be sold at the lowt*t market rat/*. Tho public are respectfully invitod to examine goods and prices al this store before purchasing else- whore. I have no old goods to dispose of. bought al high prices D. W. CARR. McGrawvllle, N. Y. n4» A CENTS WANTED. ALL AGENTH who propose to sell, and all parties who propose to buy a life of GEN. GRANT, should understand, that the PERSONAL HISTORY OF CJJ-ETV. GrIfcAIVT, —BY— ALBERT I). IUC1IAKDHON, AUDUOK OF "FtKLD, DlINUBON AND Kt^UAPK, , ' AND "ItKYOND TUB MIH61IWIIT1." Was written with tfu sanction <tf the illustriout QtM rat, and is tht only fvliy authentic and aulhorittd Hi ography of him, and will contain a maaa of tmpor taut and lnteraftting matter, no other book ha* or can obtain. /HC-BtmilcM of tho t'tuxmditional Surrender and pther lottom and document* from Provident LUi coin, (InnoraU Grant, Buckner, Loe and Others, from the orfhflnalB entrtieted to the author. And matter* of the hhrhcBt Importance, rolating to the civil govern minit rilnce the w»r. never made public. 20 FULL PACE ENGRAVINGS. The Author Is widely known as one of the most truthful as wefl im brilliant writers. Ue was Willi Oeneral Grant during most of his Western CampalL^jH and an a lournalistic writer from " Headquarters in (he Field, wart one of hi* earliest supporters, lie writes from personal observations and from material gathered from channels opened to hlro by O-EN. Q-RANT and his friends. Its contents will prove Its superior- ity over all others. Don't sell or buy an inferior work Look at this first. Complete to 1st of June, and will contain engra- ving* of the Chicago Convention. Circulars sent, and hlghost commissions paid. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. Hartford Conn. Simms & Van Buskirk, House Painters, ORAINERS, Architectural Colorists. IPaiirt mixed to order. Ptrtons wishing OKNVINK ARTICLE*, in the line of colors eetn dejtend on onr erperienee. Shop in rear of Spendley's Store. ado THE GREAT PRIZE. (•Sold iUcdui Ivfltu'hiiic. THE H0V7B IMPROVED FAMILY SBWIXQ MA 0JIINK TKlllMl'MANTl FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS! The Howe Lock Stitch ! . m i l B S E WORLD-RENOWNED Sewing Machines X were awarded tho Highest Premium at the World's Fair In London, _jd are celebrated for using a much smaller nec< for the same thread than any other Machine. Thsy and are celebrated for using a much smaller needle - - - •• "icbli use of seamstresses, dress-makers, TAIIXJRS. MAN n any are adapted to all kinds of family sowing and in lb* UFACTURBRS of SHIRTS. COLLARS. CLOAKS. MANTILLAS. BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS, SAD- DLES, Ac. Thoy work equally well on Silk, Linen, Woolen or Cotton Goods, with silk, cotton and linen thread. Tlfov will quilt, tuck. bom. fcll, cord, braid, bind and porrorm every species of work, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike ou both sides of Trie artlclos sowed. Call and see this Machine at OinrnSUN'S IIMII-K. Cortland. Orders by mail will rocolvo prompt atten- tion. fW A smart, active man, with a team, wanted Im- mediately. A. WEI,CH, Agont, n*7 CortlandCouiity. Geo. Nottingham, I J1IR8T DOOR SOUTH OF THE MESSENGER . HOUSE, Cortland, N . Y . , HAS ALL THE FACILITIES, .,* and tho BEST OF WORKMEN and MATERIAL, for executing lu a mjniior manner, ail orders In the line of CARRIAGE-MA KINO! TRIMMING, REPAIRING, and m.ACKSMITIUNG I All work dono In a substantial mannor; and 10* stylo, beauty of finish, and workinunslilp, he canuol be excelled. Jobbing promptly and satisfactorily Executed I ' m AND CAP«, A* FURS, -AT- WHOMOSAM: & RETAIL.,, W'stocVo? JU8T B0U0HT A VKRT "R 0 * Hats and Caps FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade, Which we can sell at REDUCED RATES! All of our goods are BOUGHT DY THE CASK, S?i?J?MS.^!^* "* w Hve o a r «u«tomers * UOOD AB- SORTMBN'r at uiw rivtiasa. We have a good stock of CJ-Ioves, Umbrellas, C a n e s , « & c , &,o., VBRT CHKAP^ «T Please call and suunlne Ibr yonrselves, at the HAT, CAP, and FUR 8TOR GER BA 11*7 B. OPPOSITE MRS8BN NK K, Cortland N. Y. INSURANCE 1 The Old Ji]tna, OE BABTfOBD, CONN., A 88ETH AT MARKET VALUE 0VEB FOUR MILLION DOLLARS. The Phoenix, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Assota, OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS I T h o TVorth American, OF UARTFOBD, CONN. Assets, FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! These Companies' Insure against Fire, whether I i lightning, or other cause, and the lusured, lu case of loss, may rely upon honor- able treatment In settling claims, and prompt payment. tSar" POLICIES ISSUED FORTHWITH, On application to tho undorelgned, at Cortland, N. Y. Having acted as Agent for tbe /Etna and Phoenix, for ten years anil iipwanis, I tnote them U> lie reliable and honorable In their business. PUT NOT OFF TILL THE MORROW, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO-DAY !" CHARLES FOSTER, Agent. Iff OFFICE 0VEK RANDALL BANK. n4 Fire, Life, AND Accident Insurance. CORTLAND AGENCY! Over H»0,000,000 I> E P R E S E N T K I) ! Niagara Iiisuranoo Company of Now York, ASSETS, 11.800,000 Homo Insurance Company, of New York, ASSETS. Soourity $»,ano,ooo Iii8uranoe Company, of Now York, tl .MO.OUO Phenix Insurance Company, of New York, AKKKTS, . . . ftl.nOO.OOO Home Insurance Company, of New Haven. A«ShTH. ai.wm.nim Insurauoe Company of North Amer- ica, of Philadelphia, ASSETS, $l.KI0,OU0 Corn Exchange Iiisuranoo Company, of New York, ASSETS, (VklO.nOii Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, ASSISTS. »i5,ooo.nrio Travelers' (Accident) Insurance Company of Hartford, ASSETS, $»«,!«» Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co. CAPITAL. «.TOn.t«10 Particular attention given to the Insuring of Dwelling Houeea, Farm B u i l d i n g * and their c o n t e n t s , for ONE, THREE, OR FIVE YEARS, on favorablo terms. 1'AKH 8T00K INSURED AOilKRT DEATH AND THEFT. Policies written and losses promptly paid at my of Ace In Masonic Hall Block, Main street, CORTLAND, N Y. Juno*, If*!. nl BURR * MoGRAW. WANTED. lions. Specimen copies and Terms to Agents, sent free, on application. A reliable, Industrious man, can find Heady employ meut and good pay, by addressing, % •• Soldiers' A Sailors* Publls'g. Co., i.-Vi 180 Fulton Street M*w Tort- SUBS C E113 E ' FOR TUB CORTLAND OO^STANDARD! . BT*Xhe largart newspaper la tils oomatyI.JEI ONLY TWO DOLLARS PBR AJOWKt Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: NEW OASE STORE - 21/Cortland NY... · At'o. I--' iu the-matter-of urn lastwill sso) te•urrtetlt,of Thomas 3/lUf>»

VOJv/2. mmmmmmm^mmmmsBsmmmam JfflP pO^Xh^p jCOUNTYi S'tCANWA^.-TUESDAY,; AUGUST 4, j*,808."

• • • • • > * - • • • • - — ~ — — ' — —

] Vi'TV' !"*• '. —— sWrf

Cortland, Tuesday. Aug. 4, 1868;


Cortiaad Post Office. • A I L S ARIUV»:

Itnmdu. Albany, Byraouso and Northern Way, at . - • • • N „ ? & h M « a ' p W ' M * W *

Syracuse, Uuoust»m»U,»V r ,,?,,, v «, » u u CI.IWH:

KOOP. x.

8:10 • "

m ". Through Mall N o r t k a t • . - . ^ J . southern W « , a n d N e w York «nd Bo«<

ton, at ut

0:00 A. M.

*2 -&rwton**^'p«tW *«•*».' W«tV

MMia tad M i K a» » %* -Norwich and Pitcher. Tuesday, TUm-

(t»y «nrl Saturday, tit - k. • • Virgil, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,

0:4 H:»

9: US

at . Syracuse Way Mall at

Office open front 1:3 day. from 1» M. to 1«

4:00 P. M-5:40 •'

to 8c*3 P. M. Oa Hun-


Time Table. rraitu iKUf (ArtfcWt ttation as JUknts.-** '

Passenger, moving eolith, ... 9:80 A.M. &» P. M. Freight " ^ 7 7 ^ . lktD,, '»

freight " " • 11:15 A.M. Pamogtr trains on (As KrU BaUway teats Bing-

hamton us foUowe: Ttt.nwA*sriK\ lfcf*. P. &J& A. M., 8:60 P. M.. 1:01

rP. M., fcll

fae/engerIrabu on ttoNe* Tort Cenir.U Katlaay I M N Syracuse M folluvit ; EASTWA«D--At 1K» A: X., 4:15 A. M., 7:16 A. M., 10U»

A. Mv*»P.M.«*«P,M..»S»P.M. , . V t a . . W»»TW*BD-ZM«rf Jfca4-At 1*« A. S„ M0 A. M„

5:4o A. M„ 7:S0 A.'iM.', *00 P. M., 8:80 P. M., 6:80

TaaJ* otfcet Monday, May 11, IBM.

Churohes. I'BaeaVMraiui Jr. M »0o*>JP»»ior—witii corner of

iM.urch aud lUllroad streets Mm** every Sun-u*yatllA.iLan4,1MJP..Jl-. ., ,

IHnuT I. IKUiKiu, Pietor-north corner of Churoh aadJWrojjd alroeta. Service* every Sunday at M;

UKi'v»mU4«*^'40T^PMW^4omerofChnrch and Kim •l"«V»- t»rirles» nwr*. other Sunday—

HnmVfM—O. A l W ^ a j ^ r - i o n t t M d e of Court

MiTHODirr-*. ft fVrSPaaior.—New brick Church on Church street. Services ovsry 8ftnd*y>at ^1, f.f

t^owc^V'«6i«iil»», PtWot-ine -mna'-eait/ «*

Hot«s i»y "'•' •• STRUT'S nanar~B: If. ajwrrVi Proprietor. *A*j*>i

lug Court Mouse, Court street M»sl«»e**^otrstV^Jm. Jtr,

Corner of Main and_Port W »l , „ ^ 2 ^ ProprjeV, i street*.

oroir of J ^ t f t t o t

L o d g e s . cX^rrh^ft,WbMi5.^^^^

Lodge room onpoitt* CorOajid Ifotiab. COHTLAKD Itovii. AaoH (.'I(*IT«II. No. 194, F. and A.

U. Meeting* on the * f .and Vh. Wedpeadaye of , i. Ii month. Lodge room opposite Cortland Houao.

. . . . . . . . . . . a T.-Meetlug LIMOOLK T.000K, No. 110,1. O. of O. T.—Meeting! «y-et*Trtnfe Wlowtr^fluHaatrn lib tin; In each month. Initiation* every week

room over J. 8. Squlrea' atore.

AgrlouUurRl F a l m . Cortlantl County Faix, Tuesday, Wednes­

day and Thursday, Bopl 16,16, nml 17. StAte Fair, Tuesday, Wcdnestlay, Thurs­

day and Friday, Oot. 6, 7, 8 and 9. t ' • ' • ' " ' i

I'OBTPONKD.—A nolo, dawd &ng. \f ttfnw Judgo MURRAY to District Attorney 'VVA-TKRS, sayg that the adjourned Special Term of the Supreme. Oeurt will be held commen­cing on the Otli of October next, or the drat Tuesday in that month, and Vhat Judge BOARDMAN tflU preside. Tho Goirrt wasox-pected to be holden in September.

^ e V a • —

M. K, WOOD, at South Cortland, is agent for the "Buokoye Grain Drill and Grass Seed Sowar" and the latest improved "Buckeye Cider Mill and Press," which he will sell at satisfactory prices. It Is hardly necessary to speak particularly of them machines, As thoso who are best acquainted with them concede that they take th« load in their re­spective departments. Horn! in your ortlerW as early as possible.'

.. n . i i | . i » » . » .

O.NKBUKNi'K MKBTINO.—The CortUwQ District Tlioologital Assueiatiou will mwi |n the Mnriitlion \l. K. Church on Momluy ovo-IUIII; next toi ft* first seiiiiaiiiiual cohven-tion. Rev. Mr. Wn.Lis.of McLean, is to de­liver the opening tuldtess. ll«v. Mir. WHi-rie, of CorOAhdville, Is td pre»sh Oh Thesday cyeninf, and Rev. Dr. BRISTOL, of Blnghian-lon, on Wetlneaday evening.

'l'liis boing tiie first meeting of this confer-once year, it is expected to be attended with considerable Interest.


JUI.T 87.~In tho matter of the last will and testament of David Burr, of Homer, de­ceased. Will proved and letters testamen­tary Issued to E. C. Reed, of Homer.

In the matter of the estate of I'hltcim Moore, a minor, of Prebla. Pedtioa and bond il led and letters of guardianship Issntx) to Sarhuel 6. Mooro, ol tYeblo.

In the matter of the estate of Amos Moore, of Preble, deceased. Petition for letters of administration filed. •'<•• •

In the matter of the estate of Kif amir W. Kdgcomb, off Cortland, deceased. Petition filed and order Issued to show cause wlty execution should «ot lwne agalns) tius»wec-utrlx, Tetttrnahle At«ust Rtlt,, «t,tQ f. uM»< atwhlcJitln»eox«tutiixto.>«-cod.(ri! ' ' '

At'o. I--' iu the-matter-of urn lastwill sso) te•urrtetlt,of Thomas 3/lUf>»<«h; of HJaniir*,

CiN<^r*AhrtW,ArJ^tt«M . Thls'%lt)!|,<,]R^^^ the fall term, of which will couiineiuo on the isAhnAVhVcoMrireleVallf IXie arrange • Hints necessary to keeping 'ft uj^ jib" ^ p r e s ­ent Btandartl of excellence a* * 'flTfrtWJlaSsi' Academy. Indeed, the, st»i>8 Which have lately Ix-en taken to place it upon a llviuer basis than ovet, rtiid add to its edncational ad vantages, cannot fa I: of their object The reputatioia of the Fncully is all that could he wlshoil. * r

Mr. CHAS. K. BABOOOK, A. ft, the Princi­

pal, is a graduate »f Hamilton Oollegf, has" had charge of the school flir tho past year, and has proved himself to lie a very success­ful tcaehor, a superior diMpllnarUn and a reilned ohriatian gentleman. . W»fc H- *>¥-r% tho ,ne Y »^utMSiL

has had much and an unusually stic«ess<rfi experkMtCfta»Afy*che|:.

Miss C. N. rriNdMXk, who hasHfecn tnOs c teacher for the fast twelve years, ts weir known to possess snpertor «xcellenco in her1' profession. ,

The; Inducements held out by this ray to those wishing to perfect themselves In education are libera].

The buildings are In good order, and the library and philosophical apparatus in lino condition. u

It has never had a class of students- that stood higher both In scholarship and deport, mont than those whd' attended the last year-

There is less Intemperance, and there are less inducements to vice than in most other towns where an Academy ts located.

The exercises of the Anniversary week which took pjeee Jnne 16, 17, 18 and 19, were fully equal 10 the best Of any previous year In tho history Of the lnt)tlW»tor*t/Tho eliminations were thorough, the speaking and c r a t h ^ p f A. high ©rd*i,!aad t|u-! mid***' of Prof. A, J!, UFUON, of Ilamilton ^l luge^ waa, M his addresses always are, exceedingly' Interesting andInstructive. ..•!.-.

Any Information can bo obtained liy ad­dressing the Principal, or B. F.TIM.IKWHAST, the Praiidont of the institution.

JULY 1858 to JULY 1868.

Can aapursdn' re-visit tho heme (Jf iiisieiiild-hood and youth—his "happiest time"—after an almost unbrokon absence of fifteen years, and not feel an ovorpowermg realization of

tendant changes in cvorythlng caKhly think not./ If so, bis'Sowt must, beidcgd, within him.

WtWr o^>)ftud, durjpg t j^^nj^oj^ preceding, my home \vaa, near the bank of tiie Tlouglinioga, and thfi morning I found myself sauntering down Mill street from tho

1 vlliago toward the localities hallowed by the memories of happy childhood. Passing thf> old Grist Mill, which, with its•surrfmiullhge, shows many marks of the ruthless hand of time, particularly.ii.itpjchange from its timc-

; honored hue dr ''vcnetW red," which gave it for .manyvvears a wide reputation as tho "Jfc^llllavVto a more stylish slate color,

. with brown trimmings, I reach and cross the threshold of the old school house, whose glory, alas, has flown, and whoso period of usefulneK4l«»«l»l>l»<".^( Ji«fcH<frJ»$>e who

, took their first tottering steps In Intellectual pal lis within its walls, Is at an end. Inside, tho walls, though, to my older eves, strange­ly contracted, still bear mitres widen,'after all these years, grce/ my eyes with tho wel­come of an old and long absent friend. In a corner, roughly scratched with a nail upon a bench, I find my own initials closely con­nected by asigninonnt 'W with those of another, "naJneJoia hero foj;ov<)rn((or)f,''-^my youthful sweetheart- my earliest love ; and thep sweeps, across my bnaffin^tion,a_v,iskn of k-mournW-VhhorkfWlitAaMen^ WUfch I sadly walked,. whiqh, foUow^d my brokyn, idol to the village cemetery long, long ago ; and, 'waking' from the' dream, I turn hastily to sec if my companion has detected the blush which I know mantles my cheek at %t&qfjtfn of the;'Wfer fel\ra,;tl.o;fivst al­most, of my life, with which I wet the, damp eardi abovo tiie dead friend of my youth. Fortatiiate'would- ItMie, (wey.iMty^*nly mu-youthful acts a romjMnbrance of which would cause us to bfush. 1* Was broken-hearted then, or at least so I .thought, and I would havo looked with lofty scorn u|X>n any one

smile again as I had upon Tier. I nad yot to leant the remarkable elasticity of the human heart, The., old black-board hangs in its wOh'teoT place, a'nd a sm\lc forces Itself to my

ing feat of writing tho teacher's namo during recess; bonestri1 a ^ibrrid' cAricttttrreJ which ho left until aftor the school had as-

or's, and Uie«),,M stpod 0»a entire.aftwawow*/ "James Jackson," a warning to all future of­fenders/, diut itime-has behaved yvnlslyva-ith tho oM'siliool nodso, wTlcro my Mete Were first /uirif&ted. The. windows which .Oiici! InyVAWncaSTie' fhTodghSIUIOBV WtermifiAmc' summer afternoons as securely as if grated with iron, have undergone a thorough system of ventilation at the. h boys, and the tloor, tote gloss, etc., is so sunken in places that one treads with caution its broken boards ; all this, Willi the cdmiist unaccountable appear­ance of diminution—oC KtUeneM—which ev­erything wears, making It seem possible for me, standing in the center of tho room, to reach either wall with my outstretched hand, leaves the old school hcJusc .of 1868 but a

I ghost of that: of. 1833.

With a slgli 1 wander down past the Cath­olic church, a "reconstruction" of a once re­spectable barn, (a scheme of doublfufpollcy,') to what was once the Paper Mill, but lately degenerated into a manufactory Of linseed oil. And here in tho ruined house I must look. toWioft W p i & t l K thtflter, JffnJH. youthful deeds, so unimportant to all, proba­bly, except myself Horethoclmnge is great­est. Nothing remains intact save the endur-ing Jlllg a p d 3 ) # i tlfly«>Yi R>tAlFthc grandeur with which my memory clothes them. I find the side-stream from the river,

,"at first sight." whiter skin might

."K liYfo.Jrl*.? i the snrrwum

wke-Uiunr^fiyvoupg .araWfllWwhUiertn

, y baud* of^rysclusVQUf. covcr'cd Vltli BrbkV

which caa-ies the mijl, and which I was once pleased to call a ''canal,'* 'worthy of nK def­ter name than f/itvA, while thy.river itself, though possessing many'features v ' beauty, is yfcl anything lnlt the Tlouglinioga of 'my memory. L w.aa,der that X, jo easily, cast a stouc to Its' opposite bank—a physical feat which, performed by a man, ouce excited my unbounded admiration , but I look at my Urge,'"bony aojid./iy'id' I 'seo^it'tn aoUh* chubby one'which gave huh the stone from the bank so long ago. Yes, it is tiie same river, but its banks seem hardly wide enough

t<V*lu*i«llt»v>te5noAf Vfatf%> VWP V*ii love to think of as constituting the beautiful Tiougluiiogo, . H,- : • - . ' • y

Back of the mill is a row of staunch, gusjrle4 willows wl ieh^J can oijjyrememberj as little more than bushes, Into whose bran­ches I climbed Iti search'ef a smooth limb from which to make a "whistlo'| to*; tyq litjtle

; one who scarcely lived U> blow jt; and what i pride filled my breast wilon I presented her one—a triumph,-of'aft'for me—which gave forth two lUslinct tones. I hardly know if her gratitude itself gave me more pleasure than wetiKfbiory of it at this late day.

The little white "ebtaeva" turn their silvery I scales to the sun in the "rac»|v»T»3*ya^o*okl, 'the capture of) whose Igreat-grand parents i wa«^ie lrtUsAiiic»!ofls& mu I amusement to me. ^Choae wero days when : a liMtWte^^P***- W.MA«)Xee | of iffoU pleayira^and jliapojiijipl §A day of • uncommon success among tho little ones of I the finny tribe was ay, gv/i'UVlllW. wh>j»h • to; eop^raf>ulatCjiu^Mu|f for a season, while the

;16ss or a liooK In" their hidden homes, caused j me houn».qf! UpaWlVlt, sarffT* I snVPAly' » ' llttlo older "boy" now. I dream of greater blessing* -t of Mnuilthiug that sjiall br'nut n«c yevirtof happiness, insteiul of days, and when they all slip from my grasp and arc home on In the remorseless wake of tlmo, they leave

IVo <wn ;: DoiiN was handsome, liisky beauty many llttlo

favors, hoping thereby tojnnkobettoi friends |of her people Having' found ai1 IdcaJtiohfoj suit him, he remained a number of days on-gaged with tho other settlors of tho valley in putting:up. h tort house, ftud making cVen,-thing comfortable for tho reception of his bride. He finally made his pieparations to return for her. Young "Sunrise," tho squaw, watched nil his proceedings with much inte­rest! *h"d When1 he Avne ready' to'depaift slie followed him into the wood and there, before he bade her good-bye, bogged him IVoln her burdened heart not to return to his people, but to take her to, his new houso fo livo with hlra, for she loved him. In vain did lie ex­plain that it .was impossible- »that he was bound to his MARY before he came to the wilderness, and that she must forgot him and botttttJ USeet*tffBrftfeQvItlvVttilta • * welcome on his return: She left him and re­turned mpodliy;<o hqr. lodge; J , i •

Kverything passed off" smoothly and Joun DORN with b/s wife wero sp.on on. their way to their new home. They arrived safely at the Indian village, but on biqtijry for "Sui],-rise" he was told tha»;sl»*HuWriat>trb»ri SOCTV' slucc morning ; so he again took a canoe and istarted down the stream. He had nearly homo when, ns they swept aforfiliT riTwnrMiT flicXitffiani, a sharp twang echoed among the trees on tho bank, and the next instant an arrow pierced the heart of DORN, and his body fell into the water and floated down the river. A cry -c f ,agpt\y, rang through the woods nn.<) the nearly fran­tic young widow saw Jthoifonii of the beau­tiful squaw hurrying away among the trees. (lettiHj*'WnthoAhor<; as best she could, she summoned all hor fortitude and hastened down the stream hniil-elto'inbt a white set tier to whom she told her sad story, lie gave the alarm and the body of thf i«tfai-til.; natc man was found and buried near the home whore ho cxr|oj3^d tojmuch happiness. The heart-broken-Widow returned to her pa­rents.' 4t 'was afterwards ascertained that the squaw, after DORN had left her, had cou-ceived the plot of watching im*tll\; TetJirrf flf ,1110 couple, when she would kill the young wife, hoping tuArtftyf* tA Ml -least satisfy her revenge, and perhaps afterwards win the lQveafihlxaeliah&l iwc t l Biib missed her aim and killed the object of her love, and tho moment she saw t|io remt|t of hty shot, her reason left her. She wandered about from village to village, a wild maniac, look-, cd upon with aW'C hy her race/Until one win­ter morning BIIC was found dead near the gliivo pj h^velae jlad fyujrdjrefl. , ; f i ..} !. [.

II. P. 8.

so they hurry by, until uow, in middle-life,

«^*^«iiI«^g$8^°rW otlior line of silver In my hair, to remind me evcYttfat M $ D ° * ' ^ n ^ " ^ X

Down IheSuHrbank'beMii'd-the hull, and close by tho water's edge,, still, lies the huge rock beside which I sat ono summer aftlr* noon, and >yrttohf»tli apd .\»ston«d ,to an old neighbor of my lather's, who, while ho toss­ed his baited hook Into the stream, ,fct#()4o) of tho •• r r _

"CRAZY SQUAW Olr riin Urtr.AWAHK." ^ ^ a ^ , . j ^ s j » W , i f c c valley of tho Ti-

o\ighnloga was 'inhabited by the Lcni-Lc-napes.i pr.Delaware Indians. But the white men from farther east had discovered its raro

, beauties and i i total *ealth, and many of the more adventurous pushed on^lnto tlio wilder­ness to settle upon wWaft'trieV hoped would, in their old age, be for them ahonu\ot' ftmpt; contontmont. Many, alas; ^ftftfflyfrnn^ ed. Among( the, number w^s.^ne daring, handsome young fellow named.f on N DOUN, Just In tiie early prime of manhood, wlib had united tlw s»oij«s b« had -hwut of the beau­tiful valley with his own dreams of a quiet homo of happiness with the daughter of his (father's old friend, MAHV — f f t f W t b J i o was soon to marry, and started into the wil­derness. IteaeliiUg.. AWhuuAu village near tho banks of tlio rfvor, ho sought a canoe with wTrfcif-tt) run down tlio stream a few miles, and hothsr^Metja yp»Misq»jtAJ, Uio daiighter or'a, Chief; wjio In a.nvanflor char­acteristic of her'race, fell in love with lilui

<iii.-.-...i .-, i.,r-. I .... I

1 Messenger Correspondence hkliU/r tfttuwlurd :

The "Bankruptcy correspondence" of last week in tho columns'bf the STAXDAUD is

I good—too good to be lost. It should not be I allowed to sink into oblivion, to receive only : a casual uoticc from Uie careless reader. What a modest man the correspondent must be ! His effusion written at Buffalo July 14lh, but remaining unpublished jyrjfij jtboy^Wi I

j Where could ho havo kept it all this time? I It could not have rsmaipcit ijjdden in the ! young man's bosom—tnc'ristiar receptacle of 'secrets,.. May thu£ods be thanked for grant-iuj? ';Uiln. coUrafts «to take his letter to the printing olllcc, even at the end of two weeks.

i Ah! we take back all we have said about :modesty, for in tho "Bankruptcy correspon­dence" itself we ffnfl a sufficient reason for a

| delay of two Weeks, oV'eVcn more. J-rirtg j HALL, before whom the motion

: was made, decided that the assignees should • be confirmed, and on motion of Mr COUCH, o»d so confirm thcra, upon thft. JttoiuidB thah lfc-VoVtrJ-WcWfraTtfis ii/Awtrfofcc Its' nWlc' by the crcditore." The learned arguments of Messrs. (!iifefii)uo Slid SMiTrt, the counsel for the assignees, are wholly lost sight of in the report'of the Bankruptcy correspondent, on the spot, who, wc four, is only blowing his own trumpet. It wiw-'ttot lyodosly, but leap of dotsction that kept. the nmmiserlpt from the pftHWf? 'Wad th'd'Bankruptcy cor-

; rw^uiidei/ii not t<x\d }u»iiic)ula Uiavhe$$aec-ted to see. a certain article this week in the

i S't'AMiAui), perhaps we should not. have ; kjarfwii,,th,c lu'tcfsyj locality of ti«! new star. • The correspondent seems to have been so much elated over the success of Mr. Couou against a court room .full of opponents, that ho could not read figures aright. The peti­tion opposing the assignees, says "J.," was signed by but 101 creditors, when he ought to know it was signed by 141 in person ; and

i the1 petition' of MESBKNUER'S friends to sus-' tain thejsajgtffjes w«S t#gftfd$y ^ 1 t/cdi tors, mostly personally." He might just as well have said idi, stood, it porsujnally, for il would have b'cen biil'JjUlc wither fip;n the truth. "J." knows tliiit 25 did not sign Al pei-sonally, and a little portion rtf the others were sigiied by attorneys whom their princi­pals never saw; oj hsail} e / i ,K

Tlio literary ability displayed by the llauk-ruptcy coiTestnj>mlonljit<,wortliy the genius of :x wouldn't he Hiaiator < but In sustaining or defending an election so repugnant to the majority of M»»BiifNYjKKyc(Xtflt(yrii, It might

' have failed to rpcoive tlip altonlion due, but for, juutico bQlug .fiajiejl%%

Doubtless "F." littte thought w|icu, imio-cently writing his letter«to the editor, and

I which was :ii'teiif9fa»vlfn«iUlisli|HUu the STAN­D A R D , that he w«8J')*eparing'ih«way.rWr»rjr i impureaiMia penH>uaguaai"d...'' to display his great tolents. ' ' " 'P.

AlthouglrWc'lfilvo^^rrooPoftrColumns to I tiW'AjWrti^nde'itabi'^'etid; m1, felftMve to j lho Messenger Bankvuptcy we tako no re­sponsibility in tiie matter.' an'd arc'Vinable'to' m as ^rtrs'\h^'t;MfarrIctdi-rJ 'ytatoiricntsV

, , , , ., .ft^tvjas,-. . Services at the Cniversalist CUurch next

Sniiday at the usual hours by Rev. J. M. AUSTIN.

, Thtrradpfy/lajdj Filil*'. qt la^t Wfcik the I warm spell was most effectually broken up I by some glorious showers; ''••"•>•" •

CHAMHKRLAIN, SMITH & Co. have, lately I ciiv<«od tii«f.hv"t' ojt tlwii:i ibtiadiy and / nu\-> chine shop wi.tll slide, as an olfeclual safe­guard against falling sparks.

Lost Saturday, as,Mr- MPNToojjKitv STI^-VKNS, foriue'rly a' resident of this place and

| for a year orWliast of StcLoan, was raising •the fraiuc of a mock nfc'h'ad commenced to 'build, he metwitM:'rm aricidtmt Which may I yet prove fatal. Ho WJVH assisting to raise ; one of. the beut.s to,its place, and w»s using ;hls riglit shouidcr for tho purpose, when the I hold of tlie'meh was' prematurely loosened, and its entire weight thus'resting on Mr. STKVHNS, ho-was crushed to the earth, some of his ribs being,, broken, one.of his logs smashed, and his back fractured. Mr. B. is not-sensible qf any pain, has his usual appc-

itito, but below t^e fracture, in his back there Is no'tWm'ft.'' ttV physicians soy that the latter, •rjart bf this jreojk wiU teU^w.hether the

1 Injury proves fatal, although if Mr. S. lives. 'ho cannot bo else than a cripnJ8fJtM»'*'IH '

Tlio horse which we announced last week <»<^l|0»i<fc1r¥<»¥*'CHA8- WOODWARD, was

| recovered at B^Aaxntonyiths tkjef having taken hli?fto Dhenau^o FoTktrand sord him

|for fifty doljanij l^kjigeJ^escaDingi)

I vniMci.-...I ,,i TTWRTrWlr*! FT7S». :,./-,!. i i , Hcoi* (iv MN « n w . - 'f he bbstthiTig of Ae' k u.4 in exiateuce isvillA<w«*g honwf gymuasi-qiu, . vheap lmilckly arranged, dwabl?, ,om-amorihU as well as useful, it is an article'Uiat many t>i|g*<t to possess, especially thoso fob • lowing scdontary occnpations. By calling at this oiilec, one can be seen nml the manner ofusiuji? oxplalnod. • . . . . . . : . . , ,

IN GENERAL.. I ! . > .-*+• .il t •

THX BURIAL OF SIR JOHN (SKY) M.OUR i I »d apmetfo^y by Jwig JMlqw, Jf. cr •'. •

Not a sigh was hoard, nor a ftmeral groan As \ip ihd Salt Rive* Wd scftrrlecli

But wo longed to leave the cold corpus alone, For wo heartily wished lie was buried. .

,.0-J so a H I • '."<<?., .fc 3&11 • ii • Wo burled him deeply on election day,

(All our vptoa for U lysses casting) And smiled when wo thought how his New

York "frieuds" i " Would pray for his rest everlasting.

No Star S^anglocTBfthfior enclosed his Breast, But bi u wet blanket wc found bun,, „„,

And he lay like a grayback taking his i-est > With a sccesh flag around him.

Jusiasioui;,jolly job wae;doi«v,-.r'U;i i,-,. ;'i Salt River the moonbeams reflected,

And wo know by I ho booming of Union guns That Grant and "Old Ski" wore elected.

i !:•!.[.: i '.. /L-tor&md-pHi*-

R e p u b l i c a n C k u e u * . At a .ConyentJ (9nof )the^publlW1 elec­

tors of the town of Cortlandvllle held at the Messenger Houso in Cortland village on the Ut das of, August,, 1868, fpr^jthepur^oso ,of choosing six delegates to the Congressional Convention to bo hold at Syracuse on the 6th insi,' fii6 <5orivenrlon was callor/to ©Aler rjy J. C. Pomcroy, Ksq., on whoso motion A. P. Smith was chosen Chairman, and Samuel Adams, was elected Secretary. C. P. Cole named a list of six porsons and moved that they bo chosen as delegates by acclamation. Hon. Horatio Hal lard movdd an amendment that the Convention proceed to elect six dol-egafes1 by'^kllbl.'Vlric'ri Wei CarriW.;'•'AiA vote stood as follows:

Horate A.' Jarvls '.'..".' 70 A. P. Smith 70 Geo. B. Jones 69 B.iF. Weat|icrv«ixt..t. . . . , , . . . > . . .7Q Delos Medraw?... . ' . . . ' . I . . / . . . .46 I. H. Palmer 56 Dr. H. C. Gazlay ; ; , .15 • D. H. Burr B8 J. P. Uolmcsi . . . v 1

WhOreupOn the first six woro declared elected.

On motion, Resolved, That the members present at the

Convention's0' olnphwoiod WflM'tJro vacan­cy occasioned by the non-attendance of any delegate, , > . ,

On motion, the Convention adjourned sine die.

11 • • » i. i —

FUHNITTHK WAHKHOUSB.—The firm of 8. O. •KWotit A-Od.i MihvW riht'6«d' to and becomo established at their new and spacious Furniture Warcrooms, at 69 86ttth Sallmi street, Syracuse, are frilly prepared to furnish anything that may bo deemed in their lino. Their .assortment is; cempietjj, «hclr. rppms being filled with all the latest styles of par­lor, library, dining-room, chamber and kitch­en furniture, and purchasers will bo amply repaid.-by looking at tllcir goods before pur­chasing elsewhere. Sec advertisement elso-where.

« « • « • Bu r »HK BUST—»The ljxcolsior, the Hero,

and the All Riglit Fruit Jars, for sale by ROUSE, HUPBAHD. & Co^ , n8

N E W Itoopis^—NEW MUSIC, ETC.—At No. i Messenger Hall Block, just received.

"The Spanish Gipsy/' by Geo. Klliott. " Daisy," by author of " Wide Wide

World." "'Douto,'' Longfeflow's tronslatkih-.- '• •' " Life in the Highlands," Queen Victoria,

cheap edition. Cheap Edition Woverly Novels.

" " Dickens' Works. New Books and music received ns soon ns

published, also any Book or Music not in sumk v ill bo, ordered and Airnished at:Abe publishers' prices.

Campaign Songs— Campaign Badges, on-tirojy now, at MAHAN'S.

» .» # SHAPES.—They hove those beautiful shades

of .\©>flei liavmdol-, BisfoaikJ&Q., Ip-dress goods, at TANNER Bros.'

' THbeitbioWtaKMis iaie constantly arm „ at Si.Aii-rtcuS StStffKh's. One of said firm is In the city purchasing and sending home bargains in the way of dross goods, of all sTylr% and doseriplions,—PrintSfPopliiis^Al-pacas, Grenadines, French Cambrics. Organ­dies, &c, &c. Also .tamos' Beck's eelehrated (;able SkirMCivoflp^.-.UianxUjoj cheapest; a good tlurty.-.spiing iSkirt al75 cents; young laflw'Walking Skirts it $1.00, and every-thing else equally low. Cull and see them.

Storooscopic Viows of the Paris Exposi­tion in-great variety at T. KDWAUDB'S Plio-Ujgraph Gallery, Main' street, Cortland. 88tf

COE'S Cotton B.\7.ftA>t, the great popular Itouicdy lor Coughs, Colds, Croup. Whoop­ing Cough and Consumption. Both sizes— ordinary 4 o/.., also mammoth family bottles - for sole by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night without it in the house. 46yl

.. > — H — • J » - » - T — » ; COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURB will immediately

relive and permanently euro the most aggra­vated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, IJour Stomach, Constipation, and all diseases of tho, stomach ana ..bowels. Physicians, cler­gymen, and all who use it, join in unbounded |)jaJ»e,o4 it« grp^t, .virtues- gold by* Dmgr gisWcvCi-ywliere; l^Ico, |1.00." *46yl

Fnufrr TREES—A large and oiCCllent as­sortment of fruit and ornamental trues, flow­ers, shrubs, small fruits, &c, &c, for sale on reasonaUjo. M'W'fJTcVr'*ci[ of, Tenipkhis^aud Oweg6> streets:


Fnowwrts; ornaments; ribbons, trimmings, &<i,h m of tUC latest styJUjs;, at thti JrfllJilncry Rooms of Mrs. L. BICNMIXICII', lii Scliermor-horn Block. She keeps hats, bonnets, Jock­eys, latHcs' cops,' hair braids, coils, *e. , &c. Bleach ing and pressing satisfactorily doiio.

• •••;••: • ,'• ,;l , ! , • . ; ' u _ t f - ' • f- - .

rtKAt, KBTATB.—I desire to hire a gooa house for the ril&t year. Il^avo; for sale three desirable new dwelling houses, one form of forty acres, good buil(lu>g8Hone, tract of six"teres? atfrl-'biiBirlfigS'rbts m tho corpo­ration, and ten acres, good buildings, and thirty-five ' acres of choice land, lying just beyond corporation limits. Also, a farm of 150 iteres in Freetown. Terms, hi «!H cases, easy, u85 . . ARTHUR HOLMES.

CANADA,—Some fine shades of Conodo Gray Onssliheros, and Also rf good assortment of Cloths and Cassimercs at prices as low as before the war, can be found at TANNER Bros,' •'

MORKJICW goods ot.TANjjsin, Bros.' tliis week17 TVdir flrnPis wMc-hwWelrf New York every fow weeks buying goods. One of the firm started thiS moTrtifig. - 48

-H-Hr-P- •srs m Cortland Market.


, S|)rlii(t, S barrel, Red wlntur V barrel

" White winter, f barrel.., Wheat, per b»i.

?»ooi 08

Floui iIOW I t 00 I N

Duckwhoat, por b» 80 ityo, per bu 1 80 Barley, )>or bu 1 SO Corn, fi bushol 90 (lata, tl huahel, .i»..,'.i If Porlt.V barrel, now.:.-.. ..\,$,... 8S00 Bn*w*JEs1»f^iti:«:::::::::::::: S

" Roll, per pound 80 a«gV» doa e .1.48 SaUr* barrel t 80 Uay, |l ton 10 00 llama, $ lb SO HhonWore, V lb 15 l'otatooB, t) buehel (now). * "" llraiih, N bushel, Cb°$oj»V<8&8eji V Wi'


Turkoya, riroaBed %l lt> micke, ilicsKVd (We»», dte8«*4.,.. AppieS. ried.-... Boof, <li'C»ai'.d, B lb Lard, |»lb

ltlacW^»!ioaV!nl«ii Raapbcrrloa, S lb

Honor, 'W»V.~. . . . . . . ' . ' . Vlnogar (cldor) per gal l i ldos,per ib :... . Ram. per lb ,. Porta, each Maplo Sugar, i>er lb

:r. J00'

..'.. •jib^:


.©: 80

•M 1' 8

511 W

110 00 U 00 IS 60 SIX)

00 1 60 1 66 1 10

80 8*00

80 SS 88 SO

! M

IS 00 83 18

1 86 400 S60

10 16

18 36

, SB 86 80 8



have Jfost received sdnfoUilng now in the* line of iaattV White Tueh Skirts. Thoy Xta oh'eap, durable, and "do up" nicely. Go an4 see them. ,, ,,• • i ',M- y

FOR SALB.-r4n Jistenslon TablOr-prlco $10,00, Child's Willow Chair, with playta-blo attached, $3.00. Ono Bedstead, $6.00. Enquire at this tittles.' 4tf

i l ' V f B ^ .*•• , j s » » ' • "r i M • , c . * . HOAOLAND'S Improved Machine for Grind­

ing, Mower and Reaper Knives, can be at­tached to any common grindstone. Price, $5.00A>>For sale by B L I S S * KINGMAN, Mow-ing Machine agents, Cortland. 60_

w « w /a<1vcrtif»oiiientt4. ".wn.iy'V. , ,; '-'.,,,'.,,.'.' „ ".'I,;: ',i.i,i'.



TTAVWa removed to onr new and tpaeloue war*.

GO S o u t h S a l l n a S t r e e t , W a s h i n g t o n • l o o k ,

which we have flttod up Iu a superior manner, we are now prepared to offer ourenatoinora an extonalvoand wwfcajifftoflatock of rUBNn'WHB of our own man-iiMoniM lioaldOH'k-largo'ssaortmont of the moat deal-lable pattcrim, from tlio aaatomMarkets, consisting of

Spit iMlia Chamber f^et*,' •


and an cudlcaa variety of

Dining Boom and Kitchen Furniture,


(fed, &0. Onr goods are all thorouglily made, and we tell

thorn with a apodal guarantee ha to their quality and finish.,, . OUR WHOI.KHALK DKPARTMBNT IS WKI.L

STOCKED. PloaM call and soe ua before you purobaao else­

where. , H. C. IIAYDKN & OO. Auguat 1,1888. >I6

— * — - w — • 1 - **

Eleotion Notioe. Hnmnrr'aOrnos, CORT(.*MI>VII.>,K, I

CoaVtAHD OOUMTV, N. Y., Aug. 4,1888. | 'fWTOXICK la hereby givon that tho Oenoral Eloctlou

will bo hold iu this county on the Tneadaysuc-llniC tho ir»t Monday of Jft-

ALttdtonant-Oovoi WoodfWd;

A Canal CoOMulasloner In tho placo of Robert C. Domj^! •'•''• ' ' '.>

An Inapector of State Prlaona In the place of Henry A. Itanium;

A Clark of tbe Court of Appeala in the place of Patrick-Honry Jones; 1

All whoao terms of office will expire on tbe last day of Jiecombor next.

TlilrtT'ttuee Eleotora of President and Vlco-Prosl-mi. of. the United States. A Itepreaentatlve in the Forty-first Congress of tlio

;o first Monday of November next, at which i will bo choaon the following officers, to

Itpnbon K. Fenton; placoof Be irhor tn< tho placo of Stewart I.

dent United States, for the Twenty-third ^onareaatonal District, composed of the countlea of Cortland and Onondaga. C O U N W o m o a n s ALSO TO B S KLKCTSD FOB SAID

COUNTT. A Membor of Assembly; A District Attorney in tho placo of Alvnli D. Wa­

ters; ' Two Justices of Sessions In the place of Jaraes

Comstock and Alexander McVean ; A Coroner in tho place of Daniel W. Burdlck; All whose toims of offloo will expire on tho last day

of December next. given In piirsuanco of the notice of State, . . . . . . .

Shoriff Cortland County. STATU OF NEW YORK, I

Orrtcs or TUB SXCIUSTART P » S T A T S , > Albany. Augutt lit. OSS.)

To <A»!j*«rW«/ Uu County qf Oortkmd .— Slit- Notice Is lieroby given, that at tho Oeneral

Klectlqn to be hold iu this State on tho Tuesday auc-c'deonnf the llrst Monday of November next, the fol

of Decetnber no: • This Botlco Is tho Secretary of annexed.

, a copy oi which Is horounto ISAAC W. BROWN,

lowing ottlcum are to bo elected, to wi t : (lo Mo


A (fovei-nor In tlio place of lioubon IS. Fenton ; A Mouteiiaiit-OovoVnor in the place of Stewart I..

A ('anal Commissioner, In tho placo of Robort C. Dorn;

An Inspector of State Prisons In tho place of Hen­ry A. Barnuin ;

A Clerk of the Court of Appeals, In the placo of Patrick Henry Jones ;

All whoso terms of olllcu will expire on the last day of Dccowbcr next.

Tlilrty-threo Electors of Presidont and Vlce-Prosl-dent. of the Tutted states.

A Representative in tho Forty-first Congress of the Uuitod-States, for the Twenty-third Congressional District, oompoaed of the Counties of Cortland and Onondaga. COUNTY orricxna ALSO TO BK KLKCTBD K>U SAID


A Member of Assembly : A District Attomoy, In tW placo of Alvah 1). Wa-

tors; Two Justices of Sessions, In the placo of James

Comstock and Alexander MeVcan : A Coroner, lu tho placo Daniel W. Burdlck : All whose terms of office will expire on the Inst day

of December next. Inmpcctfnlly youre, Ao., NELSON,

Secretary of Stale.


N.XXO'N'& B A L L A R D ,



C O R T L A N D , IV. Y . ,

HAVE Constantly on hand, large quantities of 8CKANTON COAL all sizes from the best








Water Lime, by the btishel or Barrel, i

And (til artioles as cheap as can be

bought in this market,

Terms-JAB. A. NIXON. ii3



• C a s h .


W a n t e d -,1011 the Standard and Official Life of HON. SCIIUY-

IB (,'OI.VAX, lndieponaable ing of the]

.IjMK' (,'or.yAX, Indispensable to a just understand «! political Issues of the day. The best sub­

scription book In tho field, and endorsed by the loaders of tbe Republican party. Agents aro meeting with unbounded success In all parts of the North, and justify us in claiming for this great ttandara work a popularity uncuiialleil byauycotemporary biography. Tho claims of this statesman to tho gratitude of tho nation arc so Clearly sot forth In this volume, that none of his admirers can afford to lie without a copy. Scud rot circulars and soo our liberal terms, and a full description of this groat work. Address

miTKD STATUS nmiMnm co.. n4w8 ^-y.Ai/ Brooms Street, New York. F E V E R A N D A O U E CURED

In S i Hours by

Fisher's Fever and Ague Pills. uroly vogotablo, and Ico for 80 years. Mr.

ivor of tho New York Central Park, has used these Pills In over 800 caeos on omployoos and not ono failure. Price, $1. Forwardod by mall

address. Direct, Dr. WM. KI8HBR, 811 n8rol

Thoy are porfectly harmloss, puroly vog have been used In private practice for 80 ] J. Ryan, Surveyor of tho New York Cei

* - • • 800 -t l .

to any address. Direct, Dr, Hleockm Street, New York City

0. ».' Pendletoa'e Oallsaya Tonlo Blttars.-Tho world renowned Stomach Bitters. Great lirovunta-

Dlsordcred Dl

tya l l itt

tlvo of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, gestlon, Ac, Ac. Roccoiniuendcd by Physicians,

idre and usod in tliolr dally practice. Hundreds of letters [lillcloncy, not published, but can Ipal office ana labratory, 18 Doy

r particulars all cominunlca-cd. Local Agents wanted.

testllylng to their eraclency, not published, but can bo sees at tho principal of* ' * Stroot, whero for further \ ttons aro to be addressed Traveling Merchants supplied on very liberal terms.


R S O N S Con a m l should .oatTiiii. For inclpal of the d^il^'S, !

School, Kdlnboro, P..AI->'

i llculars ad. u t e Normal


Orrs 4 MoNaught's Imported Spool and Ball Cotton, for Sewing Machines and band use unsurpassed In price and quality.

~ AI.HXANDKIt KNOX, No tit Poarl «Rm8 Street, noar Broadway, New York.

City sad Country Property for Sale in every direc­tion. See Stanley Day's Real Kslato Circular, No. t^Brotdway , New York Mailed fros. n8ml

F A M I L Y K H I T T I N Q K A 0 H I H B . The family Knitter nuuiufacturod by tbe Hrlil ul Knitting IroiHI

knitters to be the best forfamll; Good Atfonts wanted In every Circular. Bridgeport Knlttfn Conn.

Is acknowledged by practical '1/ use In the marki ("ounty. Send for

use In the innty,

Knlttfng Co., Itihlj



N T E D , by a Mauufacturor, AQBNTS to sell 1 sample. Address, with stamp for circular, E & CO., 41»Ciiostiuit Street, Philadelphia.


The Howe Improved Se-rving Jlaohine FOR

Families and Manuiaotuy^rs. For tale at

II. B r e w e r Sc Han't*, Ml»8KNOKItHOIj8BlpiOCK, COrttI;AW)f>, N.T. ntBBJR WORLD-RENOWNED Sowing Machines I aro celebrated for doing tho boat work and uslna;

a much smaller noedlofpr thesamo thread than any oilier machine. TORY WILL PERFORM jfttl. KINDS of SBW1N6 From the finest fabrle to the heaviest woolen tfoodf.

Tho stitch invented by Mr. Howe and mado on this machine la the most popular and durable, and au sew-I n g M a c h l n o s ^ u ^ t o t h e ^ o l ^ l n v ^ d b y

' igwav Is also agent for the Natloi omnany of New York. nfm»

Mm. "Miss L. E. Hemingway Ts also agent for ilio Ration­al Llfo lusnranoe Oompan * '-

T i l l I & H O W A R D .


Have time, trouble and money, and avoid heal ing the house

In Summer, by using a

Kerosene or Gas Stove.

Ask for the UNION (Kerosone) c 8TOVK. Thoy are tho host, Tako no other.

or VULCAN (Gas)

Hunt! for Circular.



. Etc., Etc.

At Lowest Cash Prices. ixsowt 206 Pearl stroat, N. Y.

Centrally Looated!


Photograph Gallery! /"vVBIt MESSENGER BANK,


All kinds of Photographing NEATLY EXECUTED

Photographs eUgantly colored In

Oil , Water Colors, or imtln Ink, and of any size- required.

If yon wish for L1KK LIK-K, Photographs, giro us a call.



PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES always on hand,








Near the Passenger Depot, nl CORTLAND. N. Y.

mil* ,

•Gri-otit A m e r i c a n TCea.



Ceo. J. J. BARBER, HdMKR, N . Y.,

Having perfected arrangemonta with one of tho larges


Directly from China and Japan. Is now receivlsg and prepared to sell a

Suporior Quality Japan Tea at $1, AND A

China Young Hyson Tea at $1, Which he will warrant as good as any that an be pur­chased of tbe American Tea Company at $1.36, or money refunded.



bond your orders to

BARBER'S GBEAT TEA ST0BE. August 1. 1807. «

Dr. Russell J . Whi te , Analyt ica l Fhy«ic ian ,



SYBAVVSR-XMPIR1C HOUSE-Saturday, the 18th of July ; Monday, the 17th of August; and Sat nrday, the ldth of September

^VZLY-PXTBRB " //07'jE't-Tuo8day, the 18th


TULLY-rSTKl of August.

COB TLAHB-UKSSENOKB day, the lllth of August.

MABA THUN-CABLEY / /WSW-Thnrsday, the SOtllOf August.

BWaHAtlTON-XXCtUHQBUOTKL-Friday, the tlst of August.

'ATIONAI. UOTKL-Vrt&ny, the AUBUBN-18th of September.

IlufTnlo -Principal OOlce, No. MM Franklin strcot, 2 doors above Allen street.

Those affected with diseases of the Lungs, dlseasee of (he Llvor or Kidneys, Inflammations, Dropsy. Rheumatism, Asthma, Shortness of Jlreath or Dlm-culty of Breathing, Dyspepsia, Weakness or Nervous Debility, Fits, St. Vitus Dance, Rcstlenesa, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Derangements of the Stom­ach, Billons Affoctlons, Gravel, Scrofula, Fever Sores, Abscesses, Ulcers, Running from the Ears, Inflainmu. Hon of tho Kyes, and al) forms of Cataarh or any

•P to diaeasos of women and children. Our system of

aro Invited to call Especial attention puld

chronic or lingering complaint No charge for consultation. to diseases of women and < treatment is entirely our own, and onr remedies arc prepared by oursolvcs. n42yl

F I T Z G E R A L D A R I C K ,


B O O T S , S H O E S ,

R U B B E R S !

Leather and Finding*,

KIT TOOLS AND MACHINERY ! Which will be sold

As Imo a« can be bought west of New York/


Manufactured to order.

PV Tlioy also carry on

GARRIAO-E TRIMMING, In all Its branchos.

Gash paid for HIDES and SKINS.

Opposite Messenger Hall Main 8t .

CORTLAND, N. Y . Januarr 1. 186a.

NEW OASE STORE : ... .AND....:,. .j ;Vi ....


Dry Goods 3 8 per cent. Less than last Soason!

K . IV. J o h n s o n Will open on Monday, April », 1808, tho above alor* wllh an onllro now stock of goods recently nurchasod for cash, ahd will bo offered to tho pnhllc at tho lowetl tHflrket ratee. Tho stock is complete In quantity and varloty of

STAPLE and FANOY DBY GOODS Dress Goods, Shawls, White Goods, Ladles' Sack-lugs, Trimming*. Ribbons, Laces. Buttons, Hosiery, (Moves, Yankee Notions, "

CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, And Tailors' Trimmings,

H o u s e k e e p e r s 9 G o o d s White Qnllts, Table Linen,

Towels, Muslin and Lace Cu Window Shades, Ooraices,

Denims, Ticks, Stripes, Checks Data, Wick, Twfno, Yarn,

Prints, Ginghams, Umbrellas, Parasols,

Black and Fancy 8ILKPOPLTNS, b r 0 M 8 l , k « »






White GroodA Dress OocijlH.

&<:., Ac. A good assortmout of TRAVELING BAG8 and B A 8 K E T 8 ,

Yory choap. The nnbllc aro rOBpoctfullv Invited to examine goods

and prices at this store before purchasing elsownere. 1 havo no old goods to dispose of, bought at high

prices. n4l

1 8 0 8 .

R. H. Spendley & Co., H A T S ,

Napkins, italu Goods, Shootings,



ALTON & KELLOGG, In McOrawvll le , N. Y.

i>. w r c A r t K , HAVING purchased the above store, and filled It

with an entire now stock of goods, will sell at 90 per cont. less than last season 1








Cloths, Cassimeres, And TAILORS- TRIMMINGS,

HOUSEKEEPERS' GOODS ! White Qullto, Table I.lnon, Nankins,

Towels. Muslin and Lace Curtain Goods, Window Shades, Cornices. Shootings,

Dentins, Ticks, Strlpos, Checks,' Bats, Wick, Twine, Yarn,

Prints, Ginghams, Umbrellas, Parasols,

Black Dross Silks, Alpacas. DcLalncs, Printed Bril­liants, Swiss Muslins. Victoria Lawns. Nainsooks. Organdlos, Jaconets, .v,i-,. &c. Also, all that Is need­ed in 11 JV rV S a n d C a p s , For genu'and boya'irToar The attention of hontte kocpeni i« oalled to my stock of

CROCKERY & GLASS W A R E Which I am confident will meet lhelr wants

I koop constantly supplied with all kinds of

GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &<:, All of which will be sold at the lowt*t market rat/*.

Tho public are respectfully invitod to examine goods and prices al this store before purchasing else-whore. I have no old goods to dispose of. bought al high prices D. W. CARR.

McGrawvllle, N. Y. n4»


ALL AGENTH who propose to sell, and all parties who propose to buy a life of GEN. GRANT, should understand, that the PERSONAL HISTORY OF

CJJ-ETV. G r I f c A I V T , —BY—



Was written with tfu sanction <tf the illustriout QtM rat, and is tht only fvliy authentic and aulhorittd Hi ography of him, and will contain a maaa of tmpor taut and lnteraftting matter, no other book ha* or can obtain. /HC-BtmilcM of tho t'tuxmditional Surrender and pther lottom and document* from Provident LUi coin, (InnoraU Grant, Buckner, Loe and Others, from the orfhflnalB entrtieted to the author. And matter* of the hhrhcBt Importance, rolating to the civil govern minit rilnce the w»r. never made public.

2 0 FULL PACE ENGRAVINGS. The Author Is widely known as one of the most

truthful as wefl im brilliant writers. Ue was Willi Oeneral Grant during most of his Western CampalL jH and an a lournalistic writer from " Headquarters in (he Field, wart one of hi* earliest supporters, lie writes from personal observations and from material gathered from channels opened to hlro by

O - E N . Q - R A N T and his friends. Its contents will prove Its superior­ity over all others. Don't sell or buy an inferior work Look at this first.

Complete to 1st of June, and will contain engra­ving* of the Chicago Convention. Circulars sent, and hlghost commissions paid. Address


Simms & Van Buskirk,

House Painters, ORAINERS,

Architectural Colorists.

IPa i i r t m i x e d t o o r d e r .

Ptrtons wishing O K N V I N K A R T I C L E * , in the line of colors eetn dejtend on onr erperienee.

Shop in rear of Spendley's Store. ado

THE GREAT PRIZE. (•Sold iUcdui Ivfltu'hiiic.



m i l B S E WORLD-RENOWNED Sewing Machines X were awarded tho

Highest Premium at the World's Fair In London, _jd are celebrated for using a much smaller nec< for the same thread than any other Machine. Thsy and are celebrated for using a much smaller needle

- - - •• " i c b l i

use of seamstresses, dress-makers, TAIIXJRS. MAN n any

are adapted to all kinds of family sowing and in lb* UFACTURBRS of SHIRTS. COLLARS. CLOAKS. MANTILLAS. BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS, SAD­DLES, Ac. Thoy work equally well on Silk, Linen, Woolen or Cotton Goods, with silk, cotton and linen thread. Tlfov will quilt, tuck. bom. fcll, cord, braid, bind and porrorm every species of work, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike ou both sides of Trie artlclos sowed.

Call and see this Machine at OinrnSUN'S IIMII-K. Cortland. Orders by mail will rocolvo prompt atten­tion.

fW A smart, active man, with a team, wanted Im­mediately. A. WEI,CH, Agont,

n*7 CortlandCouiity.



C o r t l a n d , N . Y . ,



for executing lu a mjniior manner, ail orders In the line of



All work dono In a substantial mannor; and 10* stylo, beauty of finish, and workinunslilp, he canuol be excelled.

J o b b i n g promptly a n d sat i s factor i ly Executed I ' m


C A P « , A*

F U R S , - A T -

W H O M O S A M : & R E T A I L . , ,

W'stocVo? JU8T B0U0HT A VKRT "R0*

H a t s a n d C a p s FOR THE

Spring and Summer Trade, Which we can sell at

R E D U C E D R A T E S !

All of our goods are

B O U G H T DY T H E C A S K ,

S?i?J?MS.^!^* "* w •Hve o a r «u«tomers * UOOD AB-SORTMBN'r at uiw rivtiasa. •

We have a good stock of


U m b r e l l a s , C a n e s , « & c , &,o.,

VBRT CHKAP^ « T Please call and suunlne Ibr yonrselves, at the



B. OPPOSITE MRS8BN NK K, Cort land N. Y.

INSURANCE 1 T h e O l d J i ] t n a ,



T h e P h o e n i x , OF HARTFORD, CONN.,



T h o TVorth A m e r i c a n , OF UARTFOBD, CONN.



These Companies' Insure against Fire, whether I i lightning, or other cause, and the lusured,

lu case of loss, may rely upon honor­able treatment In settling claims,

and prompt payment.


On application to tho undorelgned, at

Cortland, N. Y. Having acted as Agent for tbe

/ E t n a a n d Phoenix , for ten years anil iipwanis, I tnote them U> lie reliable

and honorable In their business.





Fire, Life,


Accident Insurance.

C O R T L A N D A G E N C Y !

Over H»0,000,000

I > E P R E S E N T K I) !

Niagara Iiisuranoo Company of Now York,

ASSETS, 11.800,000

Homo Insurance Company, of New York,




Iii8uranoe Company, of Now York,

t l .MO.OUO

Phenix Insurance Company, of New York,

A K K K T S , . . . ftl.nOO.OOO

Home Insurance Company, of New Haven.

A«ShTH. ai.wm.nim

Insurauoe Company of North Amer­ica, of Philadelphia,


Corn Exchange Iiisuranoo Company, of N e w Y o r k ,

A S S E T S , (VklO.nOii

Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York,

ASSISTS. »i5,ooo.nrio

Travelers' (Accident) Insurance Company of Hartford,

ASSETS, $»«,!«»

Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co. CAPITAL. «.TOn.t«10

Particular attention given to the

Insuring of Dwelling Houeea, Farm B u i l d i n g * and their c o n t e n t s , for

ONE, THREE, OR FIVE YEARS, on favorablo terms.


THEFT. Policies written and losses promptly paid at my of

Ace In

M a s o n i c Hall Block, Main s treet , CORTLAND, N Y.

Juno*, If*!. nl BURR * MoGRAW.

WANTED. lions. Specimen copies and Terms to Agents, sent free, on application.

A reliable, Industrious man, can find Heady employ meut and good pay, by addressing, % ••

Soldiers ' A Sailors* P u b l l s ' g . Co. , i.-Vi 180 Fulton Street M*w Tort-

S U B S C E113 E ' FOR TUB

CORTLAND OO STANDARD! . BT*Xhe largart newspaper la t i l s oomatyI.JEI


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