new members orientation packet - members orientation...

1 NEW MEMBERS ORIENTATION PACKET A Church where the saints have a past and sinners have a future.” Senior Pastor Cubit Malone 1101 Historic Goldsboro Boulevard Sanford, FL 32773 WELCOME TO GREATER PROVIDENCE WORSHIP CENTER The decision you have made to accept our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as your personal savior and become a member of Greater Providence Worship Center, is a very important one. Through your commitment, you are saying that you are willing to let Jesus Christ be the Lord of your life. This requires Prayer, Fasting, and Studying the word of God. To start you in that direction, Greater Providence Worship Center offers new membership orientation to aid and help you in your Christian growth and development. You are encouraged to complete the orientation schedule as listed in the information packet. We look forward to your fellowship and pray that you will find the Greater Providence Worship Center family the kind of Christian family in which you will become an active participant and grow and develop as a Christian. The goal of the GPWC orientation is to enlighten and provide spiritual information to new members that would help to develop a steadfast relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The new Members are expected to attend all study sessions. This will enable the new Members to be eligible to become official members of auxiliaries and participate actively in other ministries. Your servants in Christ, Senior Pastor Cubit Malone

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“A Church where the saints have a past and sinners have a future.”

Senior Pastor Cubit Malone

1101 Historic Goldsboro Boulevard

Sanford, FL 32773


The decision you have made to accept our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as

your personal savior and become a member of Greater Providence Worship

Center, is a very important one. Through your commitment, you are saying

that you are willing to let Jesus Christ be the Lord of your life. This requires

Prayer, Fasting, and Studying the word of God. To start you in that direction,

Greater Providence Worship Center offers new membership orientation to aid

and help you in your Christian growth and development.

You are encouraged to complete the orientation schedule as listed in the

information packet.

We look forward to your fellowship and pray that you will find the Greater

Providence Worship Center family the kind of Christian family in which you

will become an active participant and grow and develop as a Christian.

The goal of the GPWC orientation is to enlighten and provide spiritual

information to new members that would help to develop a steadfast

relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

The new Members are expected to attend all study sessions. This will enable

the new Members to be eligible to become official members of auxiliaries

and participate actively in other ministries.

Your servants in Christ,

Senior Pastor Cubit




1. Overview and Instructions

2. Objective and Goals

3. Nature of the Church

4. The task of the Church

5. The Church Covenant

6. The Church Ordinances

7. The Church Doctrines

8. Biblical Stewardship

9. Church Etiquette

10. Ministries



What is the Church?

1. The Church is the household of God (Ephesians 2:19).

2. The Church is the temple of God (2 Corinthians 6:16-18).

3. The Church is the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19).

4. The Church is the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13).

5. The Church is the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-15).

What is the meaning of Church Membership?

A Church is a fellowship of Believers, voluntarily banded together to carry out a

specific purpose and program.

The Christian Church is a fellowship of baptized believers in Christ, voluntarily

banded together because of their love for Christ.

1. It was established by Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:19)

2. It was built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:13-18)

3. He gives the church authority (Matthew 16:19)

Church Membership places upon us obligations:

To make the church and its work first in our lives.

To use our time and our talents for the glory of God.

To support the work of the church with our presence, our influence and our means.




The study of Christian theology will help members develop a biblical system of

beliefs about God and his relationship to man. The Holy Spirit will God and his

relationship to man. The Holy Spirit will guide the Christian in the growth of his

theology. (John 14:26)


The study of Christian ethics will help the members grow in Christian character and

the ability to express and apply it in every relationship of daily living.


Helps Church members discover meaning and value in their Church life.


When Church members know the why and how of Church policy and organization,

They are more likely to be motivated.


New members need to know about the beliefs, programs, and activities of the Church.

This is necessary for them to become involved and productive members. Church

leader’s need proper training to properly lead, weak leaders will cause programs to be

weak. Church training is the answer to a Church’s needs.


A. It infuses the Church with doctrinal convictions.

B. It conserves the results of evangelism.

C. It cultivates Church fellowship.

D. It provides the Church with informed members.

E. It develops skilled workmen.

The Church must have a genuine love for people, believing that Jesus is

the only way to the abundant life.

John 10:10- “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am

come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”



Denominational Name

Baptist or the New Testament

Founder’s Name

Jesus Christ

Date of Origin

A.D. 31

Church Mark 3:13-19


Gregory, First

A.D. 590


Martin Luther

A.D. 1520


Henry, Eighth

A.D. 1534


John Calvin

A.D. 1536


Robert Brown

A.D. 1580


John Wesley

A.D. 1740


Alex Campbell

A.D. 1827


Joe Smith

A.D. 1830

Christian Science

Mary Eddy

A.D. 1884

THE NATURE OF THE CHURCH (Negative view points).

1. It is not a new name for Israel.

2. It is not the kingdom.

3. It is not a building structure.

4. It is not a democracy or a dictatorship.

5. It is not a state of national organization.

6. It is not what the Roman Catholic say.

7. It is not what the Liberal Theologians say.

8. It is not what the Neo-Liberals say.

9. It is not what the Neo-Orthodox say.

10. It is not what the Neo-Evangelicals say.


The Church

1. Christ established the church during his ministry. He was the head and gave His

promise of perpetuity and blessing (Matthew 16:18, 18:17, 28:20, Ephesians



1 Corinthians 12:28, Colossians 1:18).

2. The Church is a local body of baptized believers (John 4:1, Matthew

28:19, Acts 2:47; 5:14; 14:23; 15:41; Romans 16:16, Revelation 1:4)

3. Each Church governs its own affairs under the leadership of the Spirit, it

receive Members, withdrew fellowship from the disorderly, and restored to

fellowship those who repented (Matthew 18:17, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26,

Ephesians 3:21).

4.To the Church Christ gave the ordinance and the Great Commission, and thought

It he is to be glorified (Matthew 28:19-20, 1Corinthians 11:23-26, Ephesians


The Security of the Believer

1. God promises and gives eternal life (John 3:16, 18, 36; 5:24; 6:27 1John 2:25

Titus 1:2)

2. The believer has everlasting life (John 3:18, 36; 5:24; 6:47; 10:27-28)

3. Christian do not keep themselves (1Peter 1:3-6; Jude 24-25; John 10:28)

Second Coming: Matthew 24-25; Luke 21; 1 Corinthians 14; 1 Thessalonians

4:13-5:11; Revelation; Acts 1:9-11; John 5:28-29; 14; 1-3.

Jesus Christ, the living Word of God’s full revelation of himself. The Bible is

our only record of His incarnation and atonement. As a summary on Christian

doctrine, we thus can say that Christians accept the Bible as the whole Word

of God and the whole Bible as the Word of God. Praying for God’s leadership

and giving out best effort toward understanding, we seek to teach everything

that the Bible teaches. Our doctrines are based on the Scriptures, not on man-

made traditions.


1. To watch over one another in love (1 Peter 1:22)

2. To pray for one another (James 5:16)

3. To aid in sickness and distress (Galatians 6:2; James 2:14-17).

4. To cultivate sympathy and courtesy (1 Peter 3-8)

5. To be slow to take offense, always ready for reconciliation

(Ephesians 4:30-32).


We moreover engage that when we remove form this place will, as soon as

possible, unite with some other Church, where we can carry out the spirit of

this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.


The second ordinance of Jesus Christ, The Lord’s Supper, is an ordinance in

the Christian Church, because:

1. Our Lord ordained its observance when he said, “Do this in

remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) and is remembered of Apostle Paul

as having said the same, “Take, eat; this is my body which is broken

for you. Do this in remembrance of me. …This cup is the new

covenant in my blood. This do as often as you drink it, in

remembrance of me.” (1Corinthians 11:24-25).

2. The Bread and Wine is to be taken in memory of the Lord Jesus.

3. It symbolizes the Lord Jesus’ body and spilled blood.

4. The Lord’s Supper is the occasion in which believers are to remember

the suffering and death of Jesus.

5. The Lord’s Supper is not a time to feast but a sober serious meditation

and memory of the Lord Jesus’ love and sacrifice for the salvation of


6. To use the Lord’s Supper for any other purpose is to disobey the

commandment of the Lord.

7. The Lord’s Supper is also the occasion of formal fellowship in the Chrisitian Church. At Greater Providence Worship Center, we

commune every 1st

Sunday of each month using wafer tabs and grape juice for wine. This affirms our Christian relationship in the church.



St. Matthew 26:26-30

St. Mark 14:12-26

St. Luke 22:14-20

1Corinthians 11:22-30

Of The Freeness of Salvation: We believe that the blessings of salvation

are made free to all by the gospel. (Revelation 22:17) And the Spirit and

the bride say, Come. And let him that hearth say, Come, and let him that

is a thirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Of Grace in Regeneration: We believe that regeneration or the new birth

is a change of heart wrought by the Holy Spirit, whereby we become

partakers of the divine nature and holy disposition is given, leading to the

love and practice of righteousness. (2Corinthians 5:17) Therefore, if any

man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;

Behold all things are become new.

Of Faith and Repentance: We believe that repentance and faith are sacred

duties; brought into our souls by the regenerating Spirit of God; which

convinces us of our guilt, danger, and helplessness because through

Christ is where our salvation lies. We turn to God with genuine remorse,

confessing, and asking for mercy; at the same time heartily receiving the

Lord Jesus Christ as our Prophet, Priest, and King and relying on him

alone as the only and all sufficient Savior. (Romans 10:9-1) If thou shall

confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart

that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.

Of God’s Purpose of Grace: We believe that election is the gracious

(merciful) purpose of God, according to which he regenerates, sanctifies

and saves sinners It is perfectly consistent with the free agency of man

and in no way interferes with the salvation of any individual. (Romans

8:28-31) Moreover, whom he did predestinate them he also called them

he also justified them he also glorified. What shall we then say to these

things: If God be for us, who shall be against us?

Of Sanctification: Sanctification is the process by which regenerated

persons are gradually transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus

Christ. The Word means first to be set apart to a holy use, and second to

become actually holy. Sanctification simply means carrying the Holy

Spirit in our hearts. It also means to be guided by the Holy Spirit through

the Word of God, self-examination, self-denial, watchfulness and prayer.


The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more

until the perfect day. (Proverbs 4:18).

Of Civil Government: We believe that civil government is of divine

appointment for the interests and good order of human society and that

magistrates are to be prayed for, consciously honored and obeyed; except

only in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Lord

of the conscience and the Prince of the Kings of the earth. (Matthew

22:21) Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are unto Caesar;

and unto God the things that are God.

Of the Righteous and The Wicked: We believe that there is a radical

(extreme) and essential difference between the righteous and wicked in

his sight. Those who continue in sin and unbelief are in his sight wicked

and are under condemnation (punishment). This distinction between the

righteous and the wicked holds in and after death, and will be made

manifest (to show or made known) at the judgment when final and

everlasting awards are made to all men. (Malachi 3:18) Then shall ye

return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him

that serveth God and him that serveth him not.

Of Christian Education: We believe that Christianity is the religion of

enlightenment and intelligence. In Jesus Christ are hidden all the

treasures of wisdom and knowledge. All sound learning is therefore a

part of our Christian heritage. The new birth opens all human faculties

and creates a thirst for knowledge. An adequate system of school is

necessary to having a complete spiritual program for Christ’s people. The

cause of education in the kingdom of Christ is coordinated with the

causes of missions and general benevolence and should receive along

with these the liberal support of the church. (II Timothy 2:15) Study to

show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be

ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Of Social Service: We believe that every Christian is under obligation to

seek to make the will of Christ relevant in his own life and in society; to

oppose in the spirit of Christ every form of greed, selfishness and vice

(sin); to provide for the orphaned; the aged; to seek to bring industry,

government and society as a whole under the principles of righteousness,

truth and brotherly love. To promote these ends, Christians should be

ready to work with all men of good will in any good cause, always being

careful to act in the spirit of love.

The improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness

among men must finally depend on the regeneration (being born again)

of the individual by the saving grace of God in Christ Jesus. (Matthew


25:35-36) For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye

gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; Naked, and ye

clothed me. I was sick and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came

unto me.

Of the Return of the Lord: We believe that the New Testament teaches in

many places the visible and personal return of Jesus to this Earth. “This

same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like

manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” The time of his coming is

not revealed of that day and hour knoweth no man, not the angels of

heaven, buy my father only (Matthew 24:36) It is the duty of all

believers to live in readiness for his

Works to make manifest to all men the reality and power of their hope in


Of the World to Come: We believe that the end of the world is

approaching; that at the last day Christ will descend from Heaven, an

raise the dead from the grave to final retribution; that solemn separation

will them take place; that the wicked will be adjudged to endless

punishment, and the righteous to endless joy’ and that this judgment will

fix forever the final state f men in Heaven or hell, on principles of

righteousness. Matthew 25:31-46. And these shall go away into

everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life of eternal.


1. The Tithe is the Lord’s

The tithe belongs to God. It is Holy: (Leviticus 27:30) says: “And all

the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or the fruit of

the tree, is the Lord’s: it is holy unto the Lord.”

2. God commanded us to Tithe.

We are commanded to bring the tithe into the storehouse, according

to (Malachi 3:10).

3. Tithing Is An Act of Love.

We measure our love to Christ by our obedience in our giving. Jesus

said in (John 14:21), “He that hath my commandments, and keepth

them, he is that loveth me.”


4. Tithing Recognizes God’s Ownership of Our Lives.

The Tithe was described in (Proverbs 3:9) as “The first fruits,”

meaning that we are to give God the first harvest “Honor the Lord

with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase.”

5. Tithing Is Simply Good Business.

It teaches us discipline, financial responsibility, accountability… it is

good stewardship! When you give for the right reasons, you are going

into business with God. He becomes your partner. And when you

invest one-tenth or more of your income with God, he promises to

open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that

there shall not be room enough to receive it.

6. Tithing Will Help Rebuke the Devourer (Malachi


All of us need help in this area. Being faithful to the Lord, being

honest with him, and giving cheerfully and liberally will help us live

more frugally, teach us work principles, appreciation for what we

have, and better financial judgment.

Giving My Offerings Each Week Helps Me Grow and Abound in


I need to learn to grow in the grace of giving, increasing my personal

investment in the work of the Savior. (II Corinthians 8:5-9) says, “The

same grace also,” “And this they did, not as we hoped but first gave

their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God. In so

much that we desired Titus, that as he had begun, so he would also

finish in you the same grace, also. Therefore, as ye abound in

everything in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all

diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace

also. I speak not by commandment but by occasion of the

forwardness of others, and to prove the sincerity of your love. For

ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was

rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty

might be rich.”

7. Giving Tithes and Offerings Faithfully Each Week Helps Make Me

a Better Christian.


Each of us should be challenged in this grace of giving. Our

giving should indicate growth.

CONCLUSION: There are two basis reasons why any child of God who

sees these truths will not obey him in giving his tithes and offering and

missionary offerings:


Some say they know they should, but just can’t afford to tithe and give.

It is a lack of faith, because they do not believe God when he says he

will pour out his blessings upon us. (II Corinthians 9:8) says, “God is

able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having

sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”


Jesus said in Luke 6:46, “And why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not

the things which I say?” James 4:7 says, “Therefore, to him that

knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is a sin.”

Some would rather spend God’s tithes upon themselves than bring

them to God and invest them in winning souls


1. I am a temporary tenant of this world. This temporary tenancy is

all- inclusive—my body, my family, my personality, my material

possessions, my job, my citizenship, and my leisure time.

No one can rightly say that anything in this world is “his.” One

generation lives and either abuses or utilized its opportunities, but it

passes away, and another generation comes on the stage. Life for all of

us is uncertain, transitory, and temporary.

2. My tenancy is subject to termination at any moment, with or without

due notice.

Death is life’s greatest certainty; the time of death life’s greatest

uncertainty. Death may come accidentally with sudden, blinding force

or slowly and steadily in a terminal illness. No one’s lease on life is

permanent. The past is a memory, and the future is a hope. Only the

present is ours to use.


3. I must make the best possible use of my tenancy – utilize to the

fullest what God has invested in me.

While it is true I am responsible only for the talents invested in me, it

is also true that I am indebted to me, the best possible use of those

talents, whether they be one or two or five.

I accept this assignment knowing that a one-talent man, fully dedicated,

may accomplish more than the five-talent man partially committed.

4. Faithfulness, not “success” is the key virtue.

“…it is required in stewards that a man be found

faithful” (I Corinthians 4:2)

5. I must give freedom of opportunity and encouragement to each

individual to achieve his maximum unselfishness in proportion to the

potential God has invested in him.

God desires fulfillment for all persons, not just one. I must never be

jealous of others’ accomplishments nor stand in the way of their

efforts, even though similar achievements may not be possible for


6. I must give a final reckoning of how I use what is entrusted to me in

my tenancy.

“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God”

(Romans 14:12)


I accept as Church ordinances only those things ordered by Jesus

Christ which symbolizes the depth, burial and resurrection of Christ,

namely – Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. (Romans 6:3-5; Corinthians

22:23-26) The quotation, “Let a man examine himself and so let him

eat…” is a statement addressed to a Church and has no reference to

non-Christians and non-Church members.( I Corinthians 11:28)

I believe that the salvation of God is eternal… (John 3:14-18;

10:28-31; Romans 8:1, 33-39; Hebrews 11:13,32,33)

I believe in the second coming of Christ. (Acts 1:11) The immortality

of the human should (Daniel 2:7) (I Corinthians 15:53-55) The

resurrection of the body (I Corinthians 15:44) The final judgment of a

just God (Matthew 25:41-46) and the never- ending punishment of

sinners and the eternal bliss of the saints (Matthew 25:34-36)



Church Attire: Using Good Judgment

Remember the time when people put on their “Sunday Best” to go to church? In fact, dress clothes were often referred to as ‘Sunday

Clothes.” This is not all that common today; in fact, all too often the

dress in our temples has become too casual. In all areas of our lives, we

should offer Christ our best; and the same is true of our dress. We

should dress modestly, not in a flashy way that would bring attention

to ourselves and certainly not in a provocative or alluring way. Yes,

God did say come as you are, but He was referring to your Spirit. Let’s

give God our Best at all times.

Eating During Service:

While parents sometime bring snacks or juice along for children during

service, such activity is disrespectful of the sacred services and can be

disruptive to others in attendance. If a child has an immediate need for

nourishment, they should be feed before or after services. At the very

most, a bottle may be brought for a very small child or baby. We

should not be bringing in coffee cups, soda, tea, or juice bottles

either (bottle water is acceptable) these items are being left behind and

are causing a pest problem. Eating snacks is totally inappropriate in

the sanctuary. By the way, NO GUM CHEWING… (mints are


Walking During Service:

Sometimes we have a need to move about in the sanctuary, but, during the delivery of the Holy Message should not be one of those times (only

in emergency). Walking or talking during the delivery of the message

can be disruptive to others and distracting to the Man or Woman of

God.. If we must walk, let us try to refrain from doing it at an

inappropriate time i.e.; during Prayer, Scripture Reading, The Living


Come Early: Rushing into the building at the last minute or late, disrupts

the service.

Take a place/seat toward the front of the sanctuary; leave the rear seats

for those who must be late and for visitors. This is common courtesy.


Be Devout – The Church building is not a place of amusement. You

come to worship God, not gossip, nor whisper, or sleep. God’s house

deserves the utmost respect.

Always remember that strangers are guests of the church members. Treat

them with the same courtesy you would if they should visit your home.

Please restrain from out of order conduct.

“…That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house

of God, which is the church of the living God…” (I Tim. 3:15)