new leader group murray:march 14

LEADING LIKE A PRO Susan Murray, Eastern School District

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LEADING LIKE A PROSusan Murray, Eastern School District

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Our Goals today:What do you stand for?

Change Savvy Leadership

Defining Professional Capital

Teaching Like a Pro...Leading Like a Pro

Are you the next CEO?

Driving Change

The Professional Leader

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“It’s all about relationships”

“The things we think and do not say.....

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Relationships first...

Successful change is about feeling, not just thinking. Heart and head, not just head, is another of Kotter’s key principles for successful change. People change when they see a truth that influences their feelings, a vivid picture of the opportunities ahead that connect to the head and the heart. Less when they read analysis that shifts their thinking. We shouldn’t be tempted to produce report after report because they’re mostly head and little heart. The glove shrine was so successful because people could see and feel how much money the company was wasting. For more information read: The Heart of Change, 1–15, 179–185 Order your copy of Accelerating Change >>>


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Change Savvy Leaders

■ Careful entry into the new setting■ Listening to and learning from those who have been there longer■ Engaging in fact finding and joint problem solving■ Carefully (rather than rashly) diagnosing the situation■ Forthrightly addressing people’s concerns■ Being enthusiastic, genuine, and sincere about the change circumstances■ Obtaining buy-in for what needs fixing■ Developing a credible plan for making that fix

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The Skinny of LeadershipKeeping it simple

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The “Skinny” of Leadership

Render the complex actionable

The essence of what you need to know to get success

Deliberate practice, reflection and ongoing learning make things easier

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MORAL IMPERATIVEWhat do you stand for?

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The Power of Professional Capital

“Change leaders have to become experts at fostering professional capacity within their schools, in clusters and networks and the system as a whole”

Fullan, 2013

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Quick Think...Quick Write...

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T E A C H I N G L I K E A P R O !

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Teaching like a Pro...

Undertaking difficult, inspiring work

constantly trying to improve practices

working with all the collective might and ingenuity of professional colleagues to do so

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Teaching like a Pro...Continuously inquiring and improving one’s own teaching

Planning teaching, improving teaching and doing teaching not as an isolated individual but as part of a high performing team

Being a part of a wider teaching profession and contributing to its development

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How about... “Leading Like a Pro”?

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To succeed in life you need two things: ignorance and confidence.–Mark Twain

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Are you the next CEO?The power of high potentials

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Higher Lower

Higher Mid-career

Late Career

Lower Early-career

Late Career

Rela%onship  Between  Career  Stage  and  Capability/Commitment  (Fullan,  2013)



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The X Factors...

Four Common Factors of High Potentialsa drive to excel,

a catalytic learning capability,

an enterprising spirit, and

dynamic sensors that detect opportunities and obstacles.

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The Anatomy of a High Potential

Deliver strong results—credibly.

Master new types of expertise.

Recognize that behavior counts.

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Are you ready to lead?

What is your passion?

Are you ready for high potential status?

Is this what you really want?

Performance always counts; your behaviors matter more and more as you grow

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Over the years, I have listened to the narratives of many stars, and I have learned that the only true failure is not having attempted a developmental journey. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the unknown. Excellence is not an event — it needs to become a mindset. It is doing common things in uncommon ways. It is the desire always to do things better. To be successful, we must break out of our comfort zone and learn to become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown —— of how to hold the tension of opposites.

Ket de Vries, 2012

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Investing in Professional Capital

Moving beyond the role of enthusiastic amateur

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The 5 C’s






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A Strategy for Change

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The Professional Leader

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A Leader...Is humble and reflective

Leads meaningful, accomplishable work

Enables development

Promotes a sense of camaraderie

Recognizes and deals with resistance

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A Leader...Gives people respect before they have earned it

Has impressive empathy

Does everything possible to make people more lovable and deals firmly with what is left over!

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Are you a change leader?

Deepen your moral imperative

Focus on a small number of ambitious goals

Build and extend a guiding coalition

Toughen your resolve

Practice impressive empathy

Push, pull and nudge.......and......

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What’s your strategy?

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It’s Okay to be Assertive

Sometimes the status quo needs a wakeup call....You may have to kick start success!

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Implement and sustain change

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Case Study

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CAPACITYA focus on teams

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Stages of Team Development

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Tuckman, 1965

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Go Team?

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Stage 1: Forming




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Stage 2: Storming




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Stage 3: Norming


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Stage 4: Performing




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Survey: Where is your team?

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True Teamwork

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Next Steps

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Thank you!