new insights from navier-stokes modeling of free surface … · new...

New insights from Navier-Stokes modeling of free surface flows J. Kristian Sveen [email protected] Dept. of Mathematics, University of Oslo New insights from N-S – p.1/38

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New insights from Navier-Stokesmodeling of free surface flows

J. Kristian Sveen

[email protected]

Dept. of Mathematics, University of Oslo

New insights from N-S – p.1/38


Navier-Stokes equation

Define a free surface

How to model a free surface numericallyDifferent models reviewed (MAC, VOF, Level-set,SPH ++)

Examples � new insight?Commercial and “academic” codes

New insights from N-S – p.2/38

Navier-Stokes equation

Incompressible fluid: ��� � � ���

� �� �� � � � �

� ��

�� � � � ��

No mass flux across surface:

���� �� � � � ��� on surface


New insights from N-S – p.3/38

Free surfaces

Computational domain discretized

Air above neglected - calculations only in fluid domain


Floryan and Rasmussen [1989], Scardovelli and Zaleski[1999], Tsai and Yue [1996]

New insights from N-S – p.4/38

Free surfaces

Computational domain discretized

Air above neglected - calculations only in fluid domain

New insights from N-S – p.4/38

Free surfaces

Computational domain discretized

Air above neglected - calculations only in fluid domain

New insights from N-S – p.4/38

Free surfaces

interface crosses grid

New insights from N-S – p.5/38

Free surfaces - moving grid

Lagrangian grid aligned w surface

new problem: reconnecting of surface (ex: breakingwave) - large deformations to grid

New insights from N-S – p.6/38

What has been done?

Huge amount of work done fortwo phase flowsrigid boundaries

less for free surfacesOpen channel flows, turbulenceBreaking waves, tsunamis etcDrops and bubbles

New insights from N-S, Free surface flows – p.7/38

Solving N-S

Yacht design for Americas Cup (using Fluent + academiccode (Princeton)):

New insights from N-S, Free surface flows – p.8/38

Tracking the free surface

The free surface movement is not explicit in the N-Sequations

Surface tracked via other approach“Marker And Cell” (google: 575 hits)“Volume-Of-Fluid” (google: 12.400 hits)“Direct Numerical Simulation” (google: 11.700)“level-set”, front-tracking (google: 77.400)combinations of the above

New insights from N-S, Free surface flows – p.9/38

A note on boundary conditions

The implementation of free surface boundary conditionsplay a crucial role in the numerical implementation

Chen et al. [1995] - discussion over symmetry:

SMAC SM New version

Gibou et al. [2002]New insights from N-S, Free surface flows – p.10/38

How to model the free surface

New insights from N-S, Free surface flows – p.11/38


Marker methods



Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)

Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS)

Lattice (-gas, -Bolzman) models + quick note onCellular Automata

New insights from N-S, Free surface flows – p.12/38

Marker methods

New insights from N-S, Free surface flows – p.13/38

Surface Marker techniques


Harlow and Welch [1965]

Massless particles introduced in the fluid

Particles transported according to the velocity field andtracked as part of the solution procedure

Cells with markers are fluid cells, fluid cells borderingempty cells � surface cells.

Extension by Chen et al. [1997] - track only particlesnear the surface

Recent applications: Bidoae et al. [2003],Popinet and Zaleski [2002], Christensen [2001]

New insights from N-S, surface marker – p.14/38

Marker techniques - basics


New insights from N-S, surface marker – p.15/38

Marker Techniques - example

Bidoae et al. [2003] - results used to estimate forces onbuildings subject to Tsunami-impact.

+ investigate different damping mechanisms via breakwaters

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Volume-of-Fluid methods

New insights from N-S, surface marker – p.17/38

Volume-Of-Fluid methods

Idea: introduce scalar defining the filling degree of eachcell

A value of 1 indicates a full cell and 0 that the cell isvoid

Integrated/moved in time by solving a transportequation

Hirt and Nichols [1981], Floryan and Rasmussen [1989] and

Gueyffier et al. [1998], Scardovelli and Zaleski [1999]

New insights from N-S, VOF – p.18/38


Combined w markers: Aulisa et al. [2003] and

“baby-cells” (cells within cells) by Kim and Lee [2003]

Widely used in engineering - Commercial codes suchas CFX and Fluent

New insights from N-S, VOF – p.19/38

VOF - example

Model of oilrig in a wave-tank

wavemaker zoom

courtesy of fluent

Problem: code not verified for this setup

New insights from N-S, VOF – p.20/38

Level-set methods

New insights from N-S, VOF – p.21/38


Osher and Sethian [1988], Osher and Fedkiw [2001],Sethian [2001], Osher and Fedkiw [2003],Sethian and Smereka [2003]

Applications and extensions, see forexample Iafrati and Campana [2003], Bourlioux [1995],Sussman and Smereka [1997], Sussman and Puckett[2000], Sharif et al. [2001], Tsai [2002]

Also in combinations w. markers or VOF

New insights from N-S, level-set – p.22/38


Idea: introduce scalar

which is a distance functionshortest distance in the domain to the fluid surfaceimplicit representation of the interface

integrated/moved in time by solving a transportequation

Problem: Level-set methods do not conserve mass

New insights from N-S, level-set – p.23/38

Level-set, explicit surface

Following Osher and Fedkiw [2003]

In one spatial dimension, divide the real line into threedistinct pieces:

1−1 8−8

We refer to

� � � � � �

as the inside portion and the rest asbeing outside

The two points� � � � � �

can now be called an interfaceexplicit representation

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Level-set, implicit surface

Implicit representation - we define the interface as anisocontour of some function

The zero isocontour of

� �

�� � �� � �

is exactly

� � � � � �

New insights from N-S, level-set – p.25/38

Hybrid particle level-set method

Foster and Fedkiw [2001], Enright et al. [2002, 2003]

combines “surface marker”-technique with level-set.

Solves the problem of mass conservation

(...+ view in real time)

New insights from N-S, level-set – p.26/38

Level-set - new insights

Frequent use in special effects in movies

In use in fields such as: Imaging, vision, graphics,computational mechanics

Science (fluid mech): codes verified againstexperiments, theory and other numerics

Long time evolution often neglectedTypically only one test-case and few parametersconsidered

Promising results (as all new methods tend to give)

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Smoothed particle hydrodynamics

New insights from N-S, meshless – p.28/38

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics


Introduced by Gingold and Monaghan [1977]

Originally used to model astrophysical processes

Free surface flows by Monaghan [1994]

New insights from N-S, Meshless, SPH – p.29/38

SPH - Idea

Continuum approximated by a finite number of particles

Properties of a fluid at any point estimated by taking aweighted average over a surrounding volume

� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �



New insights from N-S, Meshless, SPH – p.30/38

SPH - basics

Mesh-free method

Particles carry all computational information

Field variables found by averaging (smoothing) fieldvariables over region of interest

Spatial derivatives of field variable � interpolatingformula analytically differentiated

New insights from N-S, Meshless, SPH – p.31/38

SPH - new insights?

Large amount of publications - few on free surfaces.

Courtesy of Fontaine [2000] (see also Monaghan [1994])

New insights from N-S, Meshless, SPH – p.32/38

Direct Numerical Simulation

New insights from N-S, Meshless, SPH – p.33/38

Direct Numerical Simulation

Huge amount of work done in the absence of freesurface (primarily on turbulence)

Free surface turbulence:Shen et al. [1999, 2002, 2003], Pan and Banerjee[1995], Fulgosi et al. [2003]

Typically related to modeling drag on ships andoffshore structures

Multiphase flow: see for example Tryggvason et al.[2001] - (not free surface)

New insights from N-S, DNS modelling – p.34/38

DNS - example

Shen et al. [1999]:

surface layer of a shear flow

linearized surface (no-slip condition)- no waves

New insights from N-S, DNS modelling – p.35/38

What have we learned?

New insights from N-S, DNS modelling – p.36/38


Large number of publications on numerical methods,comparatively few on “new insights”

Codes typically tested on a few “special cases”The “broken-dam” syndrome

Long time evolution often neglected

Only a few parameters checked

Good models for surface waves?

New insights from N-S, DNS modelling – p.37/38

Summary contd

Increased use of “Physical Modeling” in movies andcomputer games to create “real” behaviour

Physical modeling in animated movies:

Foster and Fedkiw [2001] New insights from N-S, DNS modelling – p.38/38


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