new grants model aka future vision. why future vision? manage growth introduce sustainability...

New Grants Model Aka Future Vision

Upload: jennifer-allison

Post on 26-Dec-2015




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New Grants Model

Aka Future Vision

Why Future Vision?

• Manage growth

• Introduce sustainability

• Improve speed of processing

• Simplify grant process

• Reduce administration costs

How does Future Vision change things?

• Majors on sustainability

• Number of grant types down from 12 to 3

• Vocational training teams introduced

• Group study exchange ceased

District Designated Fund (DDF)

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Funds donated and invested, $110,000

Funds invested Funds invested Funds available to use in full

District grantsProperties of district-grant activities include:  

• Local or international service projects • Total budget below $30,000• No partnership or international requirements• Application process totally in-District• Scholarship scope widened• Vocational training teams any team size or duration

First the proposal

March to June 2013

Club proposals

July 2013 Proposals collated, projects to support determined and block grant application to Evanston sent

July/August 2013

TRF send money to District, we publish the supported project list

Getting the money!!

...and then the paperwork

It really isn't that difficult but it's even easier if you talk to us


Global grants

• Have a minimum budget of US$30,000

• Support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes

• Align to 1 or more of the 6 Areas of Focus

• Apply to graduate scholarships

Global grants - structure

• Respond to identified community needs

• International partnership between Rotary club(s) or district(s) in 2 or more countries

• Include active participation from both Rotarians and community members

• Be sustainable, include plans for long-term success after grant funds have been spent

• Include measurable goals that are demonstrated through progress reports

Applying for aGlobal Grant

Again, there are 2 stages:

•Proposal – same form as for District Grant

•Global grants – uses an online application process accessed through Member Access on the RI website. Each club member named on the application will need to create an access account through the Member Access at


Areas of focus•Peace and conflict prevention/resolution

•Disease prevention and treatment

•Water and sanitation

•Maternal and child health

•Basic education and literacy

•Economic and community development

But clubs must be qualified

•Foundation Seminar November 2012 and this seminar attendance out of the way

If your club had attendance at both these all that’s left is:

•Submit club MOU

What does District Foundation have to

do?• Work with you to get proposals that fit the

eligibility criteria

• Collate proposals

• Determine DDF required to support the proposals

• Determine which (if any) proposals we don’t have the funds to support

• Publish our shopping list

• Provide ongoing support

Oh yes, also we need the money

• Club annual giving is still the only source

• Recent years income has reduced year on year –

that would jeopardise everything if it continued

• By giving, clubs stay part of the Rotary family

• Be in it to win it!! The funds are there

And now Questions and Answers