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May Sulistyoningsih 1)

Sri Wahyuni 2)

1) Biology Education Department, FPMIPA

2) English Education Department, FPBS

IKIP PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

e-mail: [email protected]

sriwahyuni.said @


Improving the quality of learning is something that cannot be separated from increasing the

quality of the teachers. Through lesson study, it is expected that the teachers can conduct a

further review and improve their performance. Lesson study is a model of professional

development of educators through the assessment of learning in collaborative and sustainable

principles of collegiality and mutual learning to build a learning community. Lesson study

developments which originated from Japan, then spread around the world are amazing. America

has been reviewing and practicing lesson study in the country. Singapore is always ranked high

in mathematics and science subjects as well with high enthusiasm, and keeps spreading lesson

study in the country. In just 7 years, more than 70% of schools in Singapore has been

implementing lesson study, and was followed by other countries, including China, and the UK.

The implementation of lesson study in Indonesia has not touched on the root causes. That lesson

study to be shared should be the needs of schools, teachers, students, communities and

government to overcome the problem of education in Indonesia, which is very complex

academically and in the program. The results of the implementation of lesson study in the United

States and Singapore, a country with good qualification of educational condition, is becoming

better and better after implementing lesson study. This should be the trigger to implement the

lesson study optimally.


Key Words: Lesson study in the world, implementation in Indonesia

A. Preliminary

Challenges in education field today to produce qualified man power are getting hard.

Education is not only to provide the most cutting-edge knowledge, but it must also be

able to establish and build a system of beliefs and strong character individual learners so

that they can develop their own potential and find the purpose in life.

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The process of qualified education is the responsibility of several parties such as

school principals and district education office. The school principal as the direct

supervisor of the teachers needs to regularly observe and supervise the learning process

of teachers in the classroom. His job is not only checking the teacher’s administrative

documents. This action will motivate and challenge the teacher to perform a variety of

teaching methods and well-prepared materials. And finally it is hoped that the teacher

will be able to develop students’ potential to become men who are faithful and devoted to

God Almighty, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and responsible.

Parents’ attention and involvement is also important. Parents need to routinely seek

information on the children progress and problems in the learning processes.

During the process of learning in the classroom, teachers need to give more attention

to the students' conditions and determine the appropriate teaching methods for each

different class. It is important to build in teachers’ mind that their duty is not to transfer

knowledge to students, but rather to inspire students to be more creative and challenge

the students to learn more on the provided teaching materials. Teachers need to prepare

more interesting and challenging teaching materials for the students.

The things mentioned above are attempts to improve the quality of education by

improving the quality of learning. Improving the quality of learning is something that can

not be separated from increasing the quality of the teachers. Efforts to improve the

teachers’ qualification can be pursued with the implementation of lesson study in school.

Through lesson study, it is expected that the teachers can conduct a further review of their

performance in classes. Finally, it is expected that the teachers are motivated to create a

new innovation in their teaching activities.

B. Lesson Study at a glance

Lesson Study in Indonesia evolved through Indonesian Mathematics and Science

Teacher Education Project (IMSTEP) which is implemented since October 1998 in three

IKIP (Teacher Training College). They are IKIP Bandung (now the University of

Indonesian Education, UPI), IKIP Yogyakarta (now the State University of Yogyakarta,

UNY) Malang and IKIP Malang (now the State University of Malang) in cooperation

with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). The general objective of IMSTEP

is to improve the quality of mathematics and science education in Indonesia. The current

developments, Lesson Study activities can be adopted and implemented for any other

scientific discipline or non-mathematics and science.

Lesson study is a model of professional educators’ development through the

assessment of learning in collaborative and sustainable principles of collegiality and

mutual learning to build a learning community. Lesson Study is not a method of learning,

nor is it learning approach, but the lesson study activities can apply a variety of methods /

learning strategies which are appropriate to the situation, conditions, and problems that

the teachers face in classes. Lesson study aims to establish professional development of

educators on an ongoing basis in order to improve the professionalism of educators


Assessment of the learning processes should be done continuously for several

reasons as follows:

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1. There is no perfect learning process, over time, along with the changing culture and


2. The students which are unique with their different characteristics had the right to


3. Learning must consider the balance between increasing the ability of thinking and

establishing good attitude

4. The teaching learning activities should be students-centered learning.

Lesson study is a collective group of teachers and learning specialists or students and

lecturers. Lesson study has three stages, namely planning (planning), implementation

(action) learning and observation and reflection (reflection) of the planning and

implementation of such learning, in order to improve the quality of learning. Lesson plan

done is prepared together, and then it is implemented in class by choosing a model while

the other teachers and learning specialists will act as observers. The observations can then

be analyzed through the stages of reflecting together. The result of this analysis is very

useful input for the teacher’s improvement and the observers can learn innovations in the

lessons made by other teachers.

C. History Lesson Study in Japan Until Today

Lesson was developed in Japan since the late 1900's. Teachers in Japan in this lesson

study activities were planning and assessing learning through observation with an aim to

motivate students. Lesson study in Japan was organized by the teachers in a district or a

group of teachers of the same subject. The most popular lesson study in Japan was known

as konaikenshu which was held at the school and developed since the 1960s.

Konaikenshu means school-based in-service training or in-service education within the

school or in-house workshop. In the 1970s the Japanese government gave great support to

this activity. Schools are encouraged to perform konaikenshu by providing financial

support and incentives for schools that do konaikenshu. Much of this activity was

conducted by the primary and secondary schools. The Japanese government provides

support for benefit of this activity. The qualities of these activities depend on the quality

of school leadership, morale and quality of teachers to build and strengthen friendships

among them, as well as a willingness to do konaikenshu. Although the Japanese

government provides the financial support, but most schools do konaikenshu voluntarily

for its great benefit results.

The development of lesson study in Japan can be summarized from the stream of

Japanese education:

1. Until 1970 was the age of cramming knowledge (period to give priority to science)

2. 1980's-1990's was the age of pressure-free education (The period in which education

is free of pressure are preferred)

3. 1999-2002 was the debate on decline in academic performance (The debate over the

decline in academic quality)

4. 2008 - present is the age of balance and integration (Time for balance and integration)

of the following matters:

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Acquisition vs. inquiry

Teacher-led vs. learner-centered

Receptive learning vs. problem solving

Instruction vs. Construction

Academic vs. Social Competence

We can see from the above summary, the occurrence of different conditions and

lesson study was done adjusted to the existing conditions. Japan's success in the

education through lesson study has made education experts in many countries to learn

from the lesson study in Japan, including Indonesia.

D. Implementation Study of Lesson Study in Other Countries

Development of lesson study in the following countries presented at the The

World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) International Conference 2011,

Enhancing Professional Learning Community for 26 to 28 November 2011, Co-

organizing the University of Tokyo. Recent important things that have been conducted

in several countries can be seen in the following section.

Lesson Study in UK

As presented by Dr. Peter Dudley (2011), Lesson Study in the United Kingdom

(UK) which have been implemented for about 10 years has succeeded in developing

this activity at school level with the financial support from several external agencies

such as the University (Cambridge, Exeter, Queens Belfast), LEA's (school districts),

TLRP (the National Teaching and Learning Research Programme), the National

College for School Leadership, the National Strategies and the General Teaching

Council for Northern Ireland.

Things that lead to outstanding lesson study in the UK are as follows:

1. The existence of multiple perspective which makes the class became more


2. Measures of success are based on external evidence derived from research.

3. The existence of togetherness and sense of belonging that reduce ego


4. Centered on students’ cases which allows teachers to follow the condition of

the students

5. More detailed focus on teaching learning at the micro level: planning and


6. Received training to be able to share with others

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Lesson Study in Singapore

Edmund Lim (2011) states that Singapore has developed lesson study very rapidly

although this country has just implemented lesson study in 2004. The development

phase of lesson study in Singapore is divided as follows: Pioneering Phase (2004-

2006), Growth Phase of LS (2007-2009), Expansion phase of LS (2010-2011).

In the recent expansion phase of the lesson study, there are notes as follows:

1. More than 250 of the 354 schools (this means a total of more than 70%) have

involved the teachers in lesson study activities

2. Opportunity to enhance the development of teacher professionalism has been

given by the NIE, MOE, Principal's Academy, MCI, experts from within and


3. Introduce and implement PLC (professional learning community) to schools in


4. Establishment of AST (Academy of Singapore Teachers) for Master Teachers

5. LS symposium in 2010 and 2011

6. The existence of Principals' LS CoP (Communities of Practice)

7. Research for various subjects

8. The other thing is to use lesson study to introduce and implement the Financial

Literacy (FL). And FL here using PBL (problem-based learning)

9. Its activity is more than just a regular workshop

10. More help for the application and examination of new ideas and also pay

attention to the professionalism of teachers

11. Improve the integration of the lesson study to the subjects and increased

support from colleagues

Fang Yangping (2011), from Nanyang Technological University Singapore,

compares between public lessons in China with LS in Japan, as follows:

1. China identifies the difficulty in subject matter for the sake of lesson mastery,

while Japan gives more focus on curriculum studies and objectives

2. Teachers in China prepare lessons and group discussion. While in Japan, in

the Plan teachers choose or revise the lesson preparation to anticipate students'

thinking and also for collecting data

3. Public learning lesson in China is simulated first few times on the students to

reflect and develop, while in Japan a teacher will become a model and the

other teachers conduct the observation and collect the data that focuses on

ways of students’ thinking and behavior

4. China then conducted a public lesson for the teacher at the school, district,

city, and province and after that the reflection is based on direct observation or

video recordings. In Japan, after learning there will be reflection to share the

data from the learning process.

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Lesson Study in China

Xiangming Chen (2011) stated that lesson study in China is very popular because

of uniformality in political and economic systems, educational administration,

teaching and research activities. There is a tradition of working in a group where the

teachers were divided into various groups to work with certain offices. Easy access to

the group interaction also led to the growth of lesson study. The nature of practicality

in its implementation, lesson study gives attention to the final outcome of the test

results. The support from parents and the teachers teach not only by just talking in


Although lesson study is very popular in China but it does not mean that there is

no problem faced in this program. The Existing deficiencies in the lesson study in

China are based on research that addresses the weaknesses of traditional learning. The

characteristics of lesson study in China are (1) there is a problem-solving orientation,

(2) the existence of continuous research (3) upgrading on the teaching learning

activity, and (4) make a summary of research.

Although there are many problems, but there are some important things to note.

They are:

1. There remains conducive atmosphere to the reconstruction of the school's

culture and vision

2. Establishment of UDS (University District School) as a learning tool

3. The discovery and development of teacher knowledge from teaching practice

4. More focus on students learning

Recent Development of Lesson Study in Japan

Masaharu Kage (2011), from Keio University, presented how to recognize the

involvement of students through the teachers' discourse, which focuses on how the

teachers appreciate the quality of student engagement and the things that happen in the

classroom (Connoisseurship) in learning activities in class. The expected involvement


1. The involvement of behavior: demonstrates the students’ effort, persistence,

and intensity in the learning processes.

2. Emotional involvement: the students show enthusiasm, interest, comfort and

enjoyment the class atmosphere during the learning process.

3. Cognitive involvement: the achievement of learning outcomes, strategies, and

students ability in understanding the lesson.

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Kayo Matsushita (2011) from Kyoto University, stated that the use of

performance assessment, horizontal quality (such as a solution, alternative, etc.) have

the same quality as good as the quality of vertical (column, the scale of attitudes,

etc.). Kayo discussed how LS can contribute to the qualified performance

assessment. The teachers’ task is designing assessment which can give information

on the students’ performance.

Kiyomi Akita (2011) from Tokyo University conducted lesson study at the lab

school at the University of Tokyo. This sustainable implementation of LS is the

result of the full cooperation between the school and Tokyo University. Regularly the

professor of the University of Tokyo scheduled to come to school to discuss the

implementation of the LS with the teachers. The implementation of the LS in

Japanese schools is not an incidental activity, but it becomes routine activity.

Students become familiar with a lot of observers presence in the classroom. Teachers

also are accustomed to be the observable model in teaching activities. Finally, they

will do the reflection after the learning process is completed.

E. Development of the Implementation of Lesson Study in Indonesia

Lesson study in Indonesia has been introduced a long time if it is compared to

Singapore which started lesson study in 2004. In Indonesia since October 1998

lesson study has been pioneered at the three Teachers' Training College of IKIP

Bandung, Yogyakarta IKIP, and IKIP Malang

In 1998-2003 there was an emphasis on pre and in-service education. These

three Teachers' Training College was conducting a revision of the educational

syllabus for pre and in-service education; develop textbooks, lab activities and

development of teaching material. Support from the Japanese government through

JICA was in the form of buildings and facilities including laboratory. This activity

was also accompanied by the Japanese experts and there was also an opportunity to

attend training in Japan for the lecturers in these three colleges. Every year ten

lecturers are sent for training in Japan. The ultimate goal of this training in Japan is

to get to know the education system in Japan and develop digital teaching material.

JICA evaluated the performance of lesson study implementation and considered

these activities successful.

Subsequently, in In 1998-2003 there was an emphasis on pre and in-service

education. The teachers involved in this program were limited for those who teach

science and mathematics. But recently, lesson study is not only for teachers of

science and math but also for the non science and math. Unfortunately, the activity

which is carried out currently is incidental and not sustainable. This deals with the

financial support and the concern from the school leader in implementing lesson


Encouraging developments, although somewhat late, came up when there is a

support from DIKTI. Then in August 2010, UMM JPMIPA compile RIP, TOR and

RAB of LS in Batam along with 11 other universities. The first year (2011)

implementation of the program is limited to two departments at the JPMIPA in

Biology Education and Mathematics Education; the second year (2012) planned to

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extend to PGSD, Indonesian, English and Civics departments. Year three (2013)

further extends to high school partners.

Novice teacher induction program (PIGP) has begun to be developed and

legalized in the education system in Indonesia through Permendiknas No. 27 of 2010.

The absence of an organized system of formal induction is suspected to be one cause

of the low quality of teachers in Indonesia (Subagyo, 2011).

Induction program is a program that provides an opportunity for novice teachers

to be able to develop their competence as teachers and adapt to the needs and culture

of the school in which they are assigned. During this induction period, novice

teachers with mentors are working together through collegiality discussion to

improve the quality of learning developed by novice teachers and to address the

various problems faced by novice teachers.

Induction program (Article 1 paragraph 1 Permendiknas No. 27 in 2010), for the

novice teacher induction program, hereinafter are the orientation activity, training in

the workplace, development, and practice of solving various problems in the learning

processes or guidance and counseling for novice teachers in school in their posts.

In developing a culture of learning and increasing professionalism in fostering

cooperation among colleagues to improve the effectiveness of students learning

during the induction is done through the design activities of Lesson Study (LS).

Lesson Study Design (LS) is used with the consideration that through Lesson Study

(LS) teachers and students will be familiar with the culture of quality improvement

and open minded to critics.

As an illustration, after applying the lesson study, the United States rank at The

Trend International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 does not go up

dramatically. American students' scores rose only slightly to 502 and is ranked 19th

of 39 countries. Yet it is well above the international average score of the 487.

Indonesia scored 403 and was in a position to-35, just over Chile (392), Philippines

(345), Morocco (337), and South Africa (275).

In the TIMSS 2003, the United States was in the 15th position with a score of

504. This achievement has been far from the international average score of 45

participating countries in TIMSS 2003 study, which is only 466. The 8th grade junior

high school student in Indonesia is only ranked 34th with a score of 411, still below

the international average score. In fact, the state of Singapore which is ranked first in

TIMSS is always willing to learn the lesson study. Other Southeast Asian countries

are implementing lesson study in the schools are Thailand and Vietnam

The above description can be the reflection of education in Indonesia.

Indonesia, which had begun earlier than some other countries still has many

obstacles and delays in the development of this activity. Evident shows that in

schools located in cities such as Semarang where the author is domiciled, the echo of

lesson study implementation has not been heard. Activity is still considered an

exclusive lesson study; the school was reluctant to do it. The teachers are reluctant to

be observed, misunderstanding about lesson study perception among teachers,

administrative difficulties, and many more reasons that make a series of reason for

not implementing lesson study in Indonesia. It is in reverse to the condition in

Singapore, in which schools and teachers are competing to implement lesson study.

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F. Conclusion

Lesson study in Indonesia has not touched the root causes. Lesson study needs

to be shared between the needs of schools, teachers, students, communities and

government to overcome the problem of education in Indonesia, which is very

complex, academically and in the program implementation. The results of the

implementation of lesson study in the United States and Singapore, a country with

qualified educational conditions and the condition is much better after implementing

lesson study, should be the trigger of the parties involved to implement lesson study in

Indonesia optimally.


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