new fic, chapter 1

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Chapter 1

That was one hell of a shopping spree I sighed as I sank into the soft couch beneath me. Seriously, my feet are killing me.

Another reason to buy new shoes! Marit quipped with a theatrical wink as she set her bags on the floor. She let out a contented sigh and gave a friendly wave to the waiter to alert him to our presence, as if our pile of shopping bags wasn't conspicuous enough. You happy with your new purchases?

Yes, almost as happy as I am to have a cup of coffee I smiled at our waiter as he approached the table. He was about 19, had just shaken his teenage spots and was attempting, poorly, to grow some stubble. The outline of a black teeshirt with a heavy metal band logo was visible underneath his surprisingly well ironed white shirt. He smiled broadly at us, perhaps thinking that our recent outlandish spending extended to tips as well. I placed my order for a skinny cappuccino and Marit ordered her usual usual flat white, cheekily adding a cinnamon roll to the end. I wondered, not for the first time, where she put the extra calories.

As she rooted through our shopping bags, I took a minute to look at her. It was probably the first time I had really taken in the sight of her since she stood, all shiny smiles, waiting for me at Heathrow airport exactly six weeks ago. Her head was covered in tight brown curls, cut short and chic. The elfin cut suit her perfectly, although, before a special night out she would insist on it being straightened by someone else into a sleek bob. It took hours and was known by our friends as Marit's Salon. Before any special engagement someone would enquire sarcastically whether Marit's Salon was open and she would always reply enthusiastically Of course darling! Bring wine! That would be all the invitation our little gang needed to pile into someone's cramped flat for pre-party drinks before hitting the tiles.

Marit was pretty with delicate features and naturally plump lips that I had always envied. Her slender figure was as a result of winning the genetic lottery rather than any attempt at exercise. To all intents and purposes I should have been green with envy but her laid back, friendly attitude made it impossible to hold any kind of grudge. Her thoughtful intelligence had lead her to follow her father's footsteps into the world of theatre. He had been a lighting designer who had worked across Scandinavian theatre and I knew that his heart would have been bursting with pride to see her latest achievement, as a producer at the Donmar Warehouse in London. Hell, I could barely contain my glow that my very best friend had accomplished what she had set out to do when she enrolled as a student in London over a decade ago. Her steely determination had seen us both through some serious heartbreaks, and kept us in touch despite being on opposite sides of the globe. I was as happy now in her lively company as I had been on the first day we met, at kindergarten, when she reached out her hand and led me from my quiet spot alone in the classroom out into the bustling playground.

I was broken from my daydream by our waiter as he returned to our table with our order. Special occasion is it? he asked as he nodded towards our stack of carrier bags.

My friend here has nothing but the shirt on her back Marit said, she is utterly unprepared for the fashion capital that is London. I had to take her out shopping you see, it was an act of sheer charity.

You're a saint I added, dryly. Marit grinned across the table at me. The waiter, bemused, set down Marit's cinnamon roll and strolled back to the counter, none the wiser.

So chica, now you've got the threads, the great job and, fingers crossed, the amazing flat. She must have sensed my right eyebrow slowly raising up as she instantly corrected herself Ok, well the flat is more like a cupboard with a bathroom on the side, but hey, it is amazing that you are buying a property in London outright. You are like... she gesticulated rapidly while she thought ...Euvengy Lebedev or something.

The result of a modest inheritance, sensibly invested, Mar. I smiled back at her.

Investment, inshmestment. . Her words were light and humorous as usual but I detected the hint of pride in her smile. I was moved by seeing her reflect to me the pride I felt so naturally for her.

We sat together, enjoying our coffees and resting our bones. Occasionally we shared a knowing look whilst we people-watched through the cafe window. An outrageously beautiful woman walking hand in hand with an octogenarian warranted a subtle shake of the head from Marit, the spectacular spandex gym bunny won a wiggled 'no-no' finger from me. Three cute, suited guys caused us to catch each others eyes and share a well practised, knowing look. Mostly though, we sat in a comfortable silence. God it was good to be living in the same city as my best friend again, it really had been too long.

Marit, Hi! A well-spoken British voice dragged me out of my happy trance. I looked up to see a tall man with light brown hair and piercing green-blue eyes grinning down at my friend.

Tom! Hello! She stood up and hugged the man in a warm, friendly embrace. She turned quickly, a little too quickly, to me and said This is my friend CJ I told you about, she looked down at me, and gave me that knowing look that we had shared only moments before and I swear I saw her mouth turn up at the sides.