new england sports survey: a fan opinion poll · new england sports survey: a fan opinion poll ......

New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll Conducted and Sponsored by Channel Media & Market Research, Inc. August 2016

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Page 1: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll

Conducted and Sponsored byChannel Media & Market Research, Inc.

August 2016

Page 2: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution


Channel Media & Market Research, a leading data collection and market research organization, conducted an independent study among residents of New England about their opinions about the professional sports teams in the region (a similar study was conducted in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015). The focus of this study was to determine respondents’ opinions about issues related to the Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution.

Channel Media & Market Research wanted to examine what teams and players fans admire, how they rate each organization, what they believe could be improved, which sports radio and TV personalities and shows are their favorites and to poll the fans on important issues related to these teams. More than 14,600 people participated in this research and this is again one of the most extensive sports surveys ever done in the New England region. This report contains the results of the questions each survey participant answered and provides a unique look into what the fans of New England really think about the teams they follow.

Note: As in previous years respondents do NOT answer detailed questions about teams they do not follow at least half the time.


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How the Study Was Conducted:

This study was executed between August 14, 2016 and August 22, 2016. The survey was conducted online using independent list sources (none of which was associated with any team, television and/or radio station and was NOT the same sample utilized in previous surveys). Respondents were invited to participate in the survey via an email invitation and each participant could only access the survey once.

In total, the average survey lasted 17 minutes. A drawing for a number of $250.00 Visa gift cards were used to encourage response. The results for the 14,624 qualified surveys are contained in this report.

All Respondents in This Study:

Were from one of the following states: CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, or VT

Followed at least one professional sports team at least HALF of the time

Were males/females over the age of 18 years (one per household only)

Completed the entire survey (partial surveys were eliminated from the results)

Note: Where applicable results from this survey are compared with previous years


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A Note About Surveys:

A Note About Surveys:

Market research is utilized to collect data at a specific moment in time. It is a realistic look at the opinions, comments and attitudes of a given population at the time the survey is taken. When using market research it is important to note that it is not an exact science and often is subject to respondents’ emotions at the time of the survey or polling. Market research is an excellent tool for understanding how specific groups of a population think and act and how changes/modifications made based on their responses can affect their future behavior.

The base sizes of this survey make this research significant and this survey has a margin of error of +/- 3% and confidence level of 98%.


Page 5: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Favorite Sports Team:

Which of the following is your favorite sports team? (Please select only one)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

2013(N= 13,457)

2012(N= 7,236)

New England Patriots 49% 45% 42% 44% 42%

Boston Red Sox 26% 24% 30% 33% 32%

Boston Bruins 16% 23% 21% 17% 11%

Boston Celtics 8% 6% 6% 7% 10%

New England Revolution

1% 2% 1% 2% 5%

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Ownership Performance Over Past Year:

Source: Channel Media & Market Research

Which of the following teams’ ownership do you believe has done the best job with their team over the past year? (Please select only one)


2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

2013(N= 13,457)

Robert Kraft with the New England Patriots 67% 65% 43% 33%

John Henry, Tom Werner with the Boston Red Sox 19% 4% 18% 32%Wycliffe "Wyc" Grousbeck, Steve Pagliuca and Boston Basketball Partners with the Boston Celtics 8% 15% 7% 5%Robert Kraft with the New England Revolution 4% 8% 3% 3%

Jeremy Jacobs with the Boston Bruins 2% 8% 29% 27%

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Leadership Performance:

Note: In 2013, 2014 and 2015 Larry Lucchino was the leadership response for the Boston Red SoxSource: Channel Media & Market Research

Which of the following teams’ leadership do you believe has done the BEST job over their most recent season? (Please select only one)


2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

2013(N= 13,457)

Bill Belichick with the New England Patriots 70% 69% 36% 31%

Danny Ainge with the Boston Celtics 13% 14% 10% 6%Dave Dombrowski with the Boston Red Sox 13% 2% 16% 28%

Cam Neely with the Boston Bruins 2% 9% 35% 33%Brian Bilello with the New England Revolution 2% 6% 3% 2%

Page 8: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Coaches/Managers Most Admired:

Which of the following coaches/managers do you ADMIRE the most for the way they coach/manage (and/or coached/managed) their team? (Please select only one)

8Source: Channel Media & Market Research



2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

2013(N= 13,457)

Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots 66% 59% 46% 43%

Brad Stevens of the Boston Celtics 20% 16% 4% N/A

Claude Julien of the Boston Bruins 5% 12% 28% 21%Jay Heaps of the New England Revolution 5% 7% 3% 2%

John Farrell of the Boston Red Sox 4% 6% 19% 25%

Page 9: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Management Performance:

Note: In 2014 and 2015 Ben Cherington was the managing response for the Boston Red SoxSource: Channel Media & Market Research

Please rate the job you believe each of the following have done running/managing their team… (N= All respondents who rated each a 6 or 7 “excellent”)


2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

Bill Belichick with the New England Patriots 85% 81% 63%

Dave Dombrowski with the Boston Red Sox 40% 8% 12%

Danny Ainge with the Boston Celtics 39% 37% 27%

Cam Neely with the Boston Bruins 16% 26% 49%Brian Bilello with the New England Revolution 9% 24% 19%

Page 10: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Management Performance: Detailed Ratings

2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research

Please rate the job you believe each of the following have done running/managing their team…


7: Excellent

6 5 4 3 2 1: Poor

Bill Belichick with the New England Patriots 52% 33% 12% 1% 0% 1% 1%Dave Dombrowski with the Boston Red Sox 11% 29% 39% 16% 4% 1% 0%Danny Ainge with the Boston Celtics 9% 30% 38% 15% 6% 1% 1%

Cam Neely with the Boston Bruins 5% 11% 22% 28% 20% 8% 6%Brian Bilello with the New England Revolution 4% 5% 29% 44% 12% 4% 2%

Page 11: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Could Only Follow One:

If you could only follow ONE of the following teams, which one would it be? (Please select only one)

11Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

2013(N= 13,457)

2012(N= 7,236)

New England Patriots 48% 47% 45% 43% 44%

Boston Red Sox 26% 23% 27% 30% 29%

Boston Bruins 16% 21% 19% 17% 13%

Boston Celtics 8% 7% 8% 9% 11%

New England Revolution 2% 2% 1% 1% 3%

Page 12: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Team Made Better in Past Year:

In the past 12 months, which team has done the BEST job making their team better? (Please select only one)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2016(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

2013(N= 13,457)

New England Patriots 35% 49% 42% 17%

Boston Red Sox 31% 5% 15% 55%

Boston Celtics 27% 29% 17% 5%

Boston Bruins 4% 10% 23% 20%

New England Revolution 3% 7% 3% 3%

Page 13: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Change in Past Year:

In the past YEAR, do you believe the [INSERT TEAM]…


Are changing for the better

Have pretty much stayed the same

Are changing for the worse

Boston Celtics 80% 14% 6%

Boston Red Sox 71% 18% 11%

New England Patriots 50% 48% 2%

New England Revolution 42% 40% 18%

Boston Bruins 13% 35% 52%

2016: N= 14,624Source: Channel Media & Market Research

Page 14: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Team Most Likely to Win a Championship:

If you could only select one, which of the following teams do you believe has the BEST chance of winning a championship? (Please select only one)

14Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

New England Patriots 79% 71% 59%

Boston Red Sox 11% 5% 8%

Boston Celtics 5% 7% 4%

Boston Bruins 3% 12% 26%

New England Revolution 2% 5% 3%

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About the Teams

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About the Boston Red Sox

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Follow the Boston Red Sox:

How often do you follow the Boston Red Sox?


2016 N= 14,624Note: Only respondents who followed the Boston Red Sox at least half the time (N= 10,968) responded to the next series of questions about the Boston Red SoxSource: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

100%, all of the time 18% 15% 18%

75% to 99% of the time 28% 24% 27%

50% to 74% of the time 29% 33% 24%

25% to 50% of the time 12% 20% 20%

Less than 25% of the time 7% 5% 7%

Never 6% 3% 4%

Page 18: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Boston Red Sox: Overall Grade

What grade would you give the Boston Red Sox for the… (Please select only one)


2016: N= 10,968 Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2013 mean= A

2014 mean= C

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

2016 Season

3% 7% 18% 22% 32% 11% 3% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0%

2015 Season

0% 2% 2% 7% 9% 6% 8% 16% 19% 10% 8% 1% 12%

2014 Season

1% 2% 5% 10% 13% 17% 18% 22% 5% 4% 2% 1% 0%

2013 Season

32% 35% 14% 7% 6% 2% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0%


2015: C-

2014: C

2013: A

Page 19: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Boston Red Sox: Changes in Past Year

In the past YEAR, do you believe the Boston Red Sox…

2016: N= 10,968Channel Media & Market Research





0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Are changing for the worse

Have pretty much stayed the same

Are changing for the better

Page 20: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Boston Red Sox:

How would you rate each of the following by the Boston Red Sox?


2016: N= 10,968Source: Channel Media & Market Research

7: Excellent

6 5 4 3 2 1: Poor

The decision to move Hanley Ramirez to first base 24% 44% 21% 9% 1% 1% 0%

The decision David Ortiz made to retire 20% 19% 12% 17% 6% 12% 14%

The signing of David Price 16% 27% 26% 15% 8% 5% 3%

The decision to keep John Farrell as manager 6% 10% 19% 22% 14% 11% 18%

The decision to keep Clay Buchholz 3% 4% 11% 25% 18% 15% 24%

Page 21: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Boston Red Sox: Top 5 Most Admired Players

Which player on the Boston Red Sox do you MOST admire for what they contribute to their team? (Please select only one)

. 21

2016 N= 10,968 (Note: All Boston Red Sox that were on the team for the 2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Dustin Pedroia was selected as the most admired playerSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Xander Bogaerts

Rick Porcello

Dustin Pedroia

David Ortiz

Mookie Betts

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2016 Boston Red Sox: Player that Exceeded Expectations

Which player on the Boston Red Sox has EXCEEDED your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 22

2016 N= 10,968 (Note: All Boston Red Sox that were on the team for the 2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Xander Bogaerts was selected as the player that exceeded expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Hanley Ramirez

Rick Porcello

Steven Wright

David Ortiz

Mookie Betts

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2016 Boston Red Sox: Player that Did Not Meet Expectations

Which player on the Boston Red Sox (for whatever reason) does not/did not meet your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 23

2016 N= 10,968 (Note: All Boston Red Sox that were on the team for the 2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Hanley Ramirez was selected as the player that did not meet expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Junichi Tazawa

Henry Owens

Pablo Sandoval

Clay Buchholtz

David Price

Page 24: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Boston Red Sox: Player Desired

What ONE player would you like the Boston Red Sox to acquire the MOST? (Unaided write-In responses)

. 24

NOTE: In 2015 David Price was selected as the player most desiredSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Jonathan Papelbon

Mike Trout

Clayton Kershaw

Zach Britton

Chris Sale

Page 25: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Boston Red Sox: Top 5 Possible Improvements

In your opinion what could the Red Sox do to improve their team? (Unaided write-in responses)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Stop committing to large contracts for unproductiveplayers/get out from under/dump/trade away large


Keep Ortiz involved in the organization/team in someform/way

Use/committ/groom the farm team/system to bringup/mentor/stick with young players

Reliable/stronger/better/deeper starting pitching/solidstarting rotation

Reliable/stronger/better closing and middle reliefpitching

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About the New England Patriots

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Follow the New England Patriots:

How often do you follow the New England Patriots?


2016 N= 14,624Note: Only respondents who followed the New England Patriots at least half the time (N= 12,724) responded to the next series of questions about the New England PatriotsSource: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

100%, all of the time 57% 46% 42%

75% to 99% of the time 22% 28% 26%

50% to 74% of the time 8% 11% 10%

25% to 50% of the time 5% 9% 11%

Less than 25% of the time 4% 4% 8%

Never 4% 2% 3%

Page 28: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

New England Patriots: Overall Grade

What grade would you give the New England Patriots for the… (Please select only one)


2016: N= 12,724Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2013 mean= A

2014 mean= C

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

2015-2016 Season

15% 35% 27% 15% 3% 2% 1% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0%

2014-2015 Season

41% 32% 13% 6% 5% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

2013-2014 Season

16% 22% 27% 18% 8% 7% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

MEAN GRADES: 2015-2016: A-

2014-2015: A

2013-2014: A-

Page 29: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

New England Patriots: Changes in Past Year

In the past YEAR, do you believe the New England Patriots…

2016: N= 12,724Channel Media & Market Research





0% 20% 40% 60%

Are changing for the worse

Have pretty much stayed the same

Are changing for the better

Page 30: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

New England Patriots:

How would you rate each of the following by the New England Patriots?


2016: N= 12,724Source: Channel Media & Market Research

7: Excellent

6 5 4 3 2 1: Poor

Their support of Nate Ebner’s decision to take part in the 2016 Olympics in Rio 56% 21% 9% 11% 1% 2% 0%

The signing of Martellus Bennett 27% 34% 21% 15% 2% 1% 0%

The decision to trade Chandler Jones 13% 12% 23% 25% 13% 6% 8%

The signing of Nate Washington 8% 21% 26% 31% 10% 3% 1%

Page 31: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Tom Brady Suspension Decision:

How would you rate the decision Tom Brady made to take the 4-game suspension for "deflategate?

. 31

2016 N= 12,724 Channel Media & Market Research








0% 10% 20% 30%

1: Poor






7: Excellent

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Tom Brady Suspension Decision:

I believe that Tom Brady looks guilty because he accepted a 4-game suspension?

. 32

2016 N= 12,724 Channel Media & Market Research








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

1: Completely disagree






7: Completely agree

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Tom Brady Legacy:

I believe that Tom Brady's legacy will be changed because he accepted a 4-game suspension?

. 33

2016 N= 12,724 Channel Media & Market Research








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

1: Completely disagree






7: Completely agree

Page 34: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Jimmy Garoppolo Record:

In your opinion, what do you think the New England Patriots' record will be with Jimmy Garoppolo after the first 4 games?

. 34

2016 N= 12,724 Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

0 and 4

1 and 3

2 and 2

3 and 1

4 and 0

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Quarterback Decision:

How would you rate the decision that the New England Patriots made to stand by Tom Brady as their quarterback in Week 5 no matter how Jimmy Garoppolo performs in Games 1 through 4?

. 35

2016 N= 12,724 Channel Media & Market Research








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

1: Poor






7: Excellent

Page 36: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

New England Patriots:

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about New England Patriots?


2016: N= 12,724Source: Channel Media & Market Research

7: Completely


6 5 4 3 2 1: Completely


I have 100% confidence in Tom Brady as the quarterback of the New England Patriots 79% 8% 9% 3% 1% 0% 0%

I believe that Roger Goodell should be replaced as the commissioner of the NFL 73% 9% 4% 6% 2% 3% 3%

I am very relieved that "deflategate" is over 52% 19% 5% 15% 2% 1% 6%

I think Bill Belichick knew that footballs prepared by the New England Patriots staff were purposely being deflated in the 2015 AFC Title Game 10% 7% 6% 13% 6% 11% 47%

I believe the NFL has handled the "deflategate" situation well 2% 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 77%

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2016 New England Patriots: Top 5 Most Admired Players

Which player on the New England Patriots do you MOST admire for what they contribute to their team? (Please select only one)

. 37

2016 N= 12,724 (Note: All New England Patriots that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Tom Brady was selected as the most admired playerSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Malcom Butler

Jamie Collins

Julian Edelman

Tom Brady

Rob Gronkowski

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2016 New England Patriots: Player that Exceeded Expectations

Which player on the New England Patriots has EXCEEDED your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 38

2016 N= 12,724(Note: All New England Patriots that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Julian Edelman was selected as the player that exceeded expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research







0% 10% 20%

Rob Ninkovich

Danny Amendola

Rob Gronkowski

Julian Edelman

Dion Lewis

Malcolm Butler

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2016 New England Patriots: Player that Did Not Meet Expectations

Which player on the New England Patriots (for whatever reason) does not/did not meet your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 39

2016 N= 12,724 (Note: All New England Patriots that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Stevan Ridley was selected as the player that did not meet expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Nate Solder

Aaron Dobson

LeGarrette Blount

Brandon LaFell

Scott Chandler

Page 40: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 New England Patriots: Player Desired

What ONE player would you like the New England Patriots to acquire the MOST? (Unaided write-In responses)

. 40

NOTE: In 2015 JJ Watt was selected as the player most desiredSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Von Miller

Odell Beckham Jr

JJ Watt

Antonio Brown

Luke Kuechly

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2016 New England Patriots: Top 5 Possible Improvements

In your opinion what could the New England Patriots do to improve their team? (Unaided write-in responses)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Lock up/solidify/sign contracts/give contracts toproven/solid/productive players

Acquire a reliable/strong/consistent running back

Improve/stronger rush defense/aquire top/solidpass rusher

Aquire a top/strong/deep threat wide receiver

Better/consistent/stronger/solid offensive line

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About the Boston Bruins

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Follow the Boston Bruins:

How often do you follow the Boston Bruins?


2016 N= 14,624Note: Only respondents who followed the Boston Bruins at least half the time (N= 8,187) responded to the next series of questions about the Boston BruinsSource: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

100%, all of the time 10% 14% 11%

75% to 99% of the time 22% 27% 26%

50% to 74% of the time 24% 18% 17%

25% to 50% of the time 11% 11% 10%

Less than 25% of the time 14% 12% 15%

Never 19% 18% 21%

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Boston Bruins: Overall Grade

What grade would you give the Boston Bruins for the… (Please select only one)


2016: N= 8,187Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2013 mean= A

2014 mean= C

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F


0% 1% 2% 6% 9% 19% 23% 14% 15% 3% 1% 5% 2%

2014-2015 Season

1% 3% 7% 6% 21% 9% 12% 17% 10% 4% 7% 3% 0%

2013-2014 Season

4% 15% 35% 18% 14% 6% 4% 3% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0%

MEAN GRADES: 2015-2016: C

2014-2015: C

2013-2014: A-

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Boston Bruins: Changes in Past Year

In the past YEAR, do you believe the Boston Bruins…

2016: N= 8,187Channel Media & Market Research





0% 20% 40% 60%

Are changing for the worse

Have pretty much stayed the same

Are changing for the better

Page 46: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Boston Bruins:

How would you rate each of the following by the Boston Bruins?


2016: N= 8,187Source: Channel Media & Market Research

7: Excellent

6 5 4 3 2 1: Poor

The decision to sign Torey Krug to a 4-year contract 20% 26% 29% 16% 5% 4% 0%The decision to allow Dennis Seidenberg to become an unrestricted free agent 18% 21% 9% 22% 15% 8% 7%

The decision to keep Claude Julien as head coach 16% 13% 16% 12% 9% 14% 20%

The decision to not sign Chris Kelly 15% 18% 19% 23% 10% 6% 9%

The decision to make Don Sweeney General Manager 8% 15% 26% 18% 16% 10% 7%

The decision to not sign Loui Eriksson 6% 11% 12% 31% 14% 3% 23%

The decision to sign Kevan Miller to a 4-year contract 2% 6% 19% 30% 20% 18% 5%

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2016 Boston Bruins: Top 5 Most Admired Players

Which player on the Boston Bruins do you MOST admire for what they contribute to their team? (Please select only one)

. 47

2016 N= 8,187 (Note: All Boston Bruins that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Patrice Bergeron was selected as the most admired playerSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Loui Eriksson

Torey Krug

David Pastrnak

Brad Marchand

Patrice Bergeron

Page 48: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Boston Bruins: Player that Exceeded Expectations

Which player on the Boston Bruins has EXCEEDED your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 48

2016 N= 8,187(Note: All Boston Bruins that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 David Pastrnak was selected as the player that exceeded expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Ryan Spooner

Torey Krug

Frank Vatran

David Pastrnak

Brad Marchand

Page 49: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Boston Bruins: Player that Did Not Meet Expectations

Which player on the Boston Bruins (for whatever reason) does not/did not meet your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 49

2016 N= 8,187 (Note: All Boston Bruins that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Milan Lucic was selected as the player that did not meet expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Jonas Gustavsson

Matt Beleskey

Tuuka Rask

Zdeno Chara

Jimmy Hayes

Page 50: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Boston Bruins: Player Desired

What ONE player would you like the Boston Bruins to acquire the MOST? (Unaided write-In responses)

. 50

NOTE: In 2015 Jonathan Toews was selected as the player most desiredSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Kevin Shattenkirk

PK Subban

Patrick Kane

Jonathan Toews

Steven Stamkos

Page 51: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Boston Bruins: Top 5 Possible Improvements

In your opinion what could the Boston Bruins do to improve their team? (Unaided write-in responses)

51Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Better/stronger/solid goalie/back-up goalie

Get a strong/solid/consistent shooter

Wiser/better decisions withcontracts/salaries/signings

Acquire bigger/stronger/better/improvedefense/defensive players

Committ to/have patience with/give youngerplayers more playing time

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About the Boston Celtics

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Follow the Boston Celtics:

How often do you follow the Boston Celtics?


2016 N= 14,624Note: Only respondents who followed the Boston Celtics at least half the time (N= 8,337) responded to the next series of questions about the Boston CelticsSource: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

100%, all of the time 13% 12% 9%

75% to 99% of the time 32% 34% 30%

50% to 74% of the time 12% 11% 13%

25% to 50% of the time 15% 14% 17%

Less than 25% of the time 11% 13% 16%

Never 17% 16% 15%

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Boston Celtics: Overall Grade

What grade would you give the Boston Celtics for the… (Please select only one)


2016: N= 8,337Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2013 mean= A

2014 mean= C

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

2015-2016 Season

8% 13% 16% 32% 15% 7% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0%

2014-2015 Season

10% 6% 17% 24% 18% 12% 5% 4% 0% 2% 1% 1% 0%

2013-2014 Season

0% 0% 2% 3% 13% 12% 19% 27% 7% 2% 2% 3% 1%

MEAN GRADES: 2015-2016: B+

2014-2015: B+

2013-2014: C

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Boston Celtics: Changes in Past Year

In the past YEAR, do you believe the Boston Celtics…

2016: N= 8,337Channel Media & Market Research





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Are changing for the worse

Have pretty much stayed the same

Are changing for the better

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Boston Celtics:

How would you rate each of the following by the Boston Celtics?


2016: N= 8,337Source: Channel Media & Market Research

7: Excellent

6 5 4 3 2 1: Poor

The decision to sign Brad Stevens to a contract extension 60% 23% 10% 5% 1% 1% 0%

The decision to sign Danny Ainge to a contract extension 45% 37% 12% 3% 2% 1% 0%

The decision to sign Al Horford 35% 34% 21% 8% 2% 0% 0%

Their decision as of now (August 2016) to not make another MAJOR trade or acquisition 15% 14% 29% 28% 5% 3% 6%

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2016 Boston Celtics: Top 5 Most Admired Players

Which player on the Boston Celtics do you MOST admire for what they contribute to their team? (Please select only one)

. 57

2016 N= 8,337 (Note: All Boston Celtics that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Isaiah Thomas was selected as the player most admiredSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

David Lee

Evan Turner

Jae Crowder

Avery Bradley

Isaiah Thomas

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2016 Boston Celtics: Player that Exceeded Expectations

Which player on the Boston Celtics has EXCEEDED your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 58

2016 N= 8,337(Note: All Boston Celtics that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Isaiah Thomas was selected as the player that exceeded expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Tyler Zeller

Avery Bradley

Evan Turner

Jae Crowder

Isaiah Thomas

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2016 Boston Celtics: Player that Did Not Meet Expectations

Which player on the Boston Celtics (for whatever reason) does not/did not meet your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 59

2016 N= 8,337 (Note: All Boston Celtics that were on the team for the 2015-2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Rajon Rondo was selected as the player that did not meet expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

James Young

Marcus Smart

Kelly Olynyk

David Lee

Jared Sullinger

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2016 Boston Celtics: Player Desired

What ONE player would you like the Boston Celtics to acquire the MOST? (Unaided write-In responses)

. 60

NOTE: In 2015 LeBron James was selected as the player most desiredSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Blake Griffin

DeMarcus Cousins

LeBron James

Jimmy Butler

Kevin Durant

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2016 Boston Celtics: Top 5 Possible Improvements

In your opinion what could the Boston Celtics do to improve their team? (Unaided write-in responses)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Stronger/better/bigger/more dominant center

Continue to build around the young core of players

Improve scouting/better scouting oftalent/potential talent

Find a way/more ways/make it more attractive forplayers/free agents to want to play in Boston

Acquire/add an additionalmarquee/"name"/impact player or two

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About the New England Revolution

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Follow the New England Revolution:

How often do you follow the New England Revolution?


2016 N= 14,624Note: Only respondents who followed the New England Revolution at least half the time (N= 3,215) responded to the next series of questions about the New England RevolutionSource: Channel Media & Market Research

2016(N= 14,624)

2015(N= 14,217)

2014(N= 13,516)

100%, all of the time 6% 7% 5%

75% to 99% of the time 5% 6% 5%

50% to 74% of the time 11% 10% 11%

25% to 50% of the time 22% 19% 20%

Less than 25% of the time 21% 23% 25%

Never 35% 35% 34%

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New England Revolution: Overall Grade

What grade would you give the New England Revolution for the… (Please select only one)


2016: N= 3,215 Source: Channel Media & Market Research

2013 mean= A

2014 mean= C

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

2016 Season 1% 4% 2% 9% 25% 8% 6% 21% 15% 3% 1% 4% 2%

2015 Season 9% 18% 10% 36% 17% 4% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 9%

2014 Season 3% 2% 27% 22% 35% 3% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 3%


2015: B+

2014: B

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New England Revolution: Changes in Past Year

In the past YEAR, do you believe the New England Revolution…

2016: N= 3,215Channel Media & Market Research 65

Page 66: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

New England Revolution:

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about New England Revolution?


2016: N= 3,215Source: Channel Media & Market Research

7: Completely


6 5 4 3 2 1: Completely


I think interest in soccer in this country is increasing 46% 32% 10% 4% 3% 4% 1%

I am more interested in the New England Revolution now than I was 5 years ago 45% 9% 18% 10% 7% 8% 3%

I would be more interested in going to see the New England Revolution if their stadium was in a location that was easier to get to 34% 19% 16% 13% 7% 3% 8%

I am in favor of the trade of Charlie Davies and a 2018 third round pick to the Union for money and a first round 2018 pick 10% 7% 11% 35% 17% 12% 8%

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2016 New England Revolution:Top 5 Most Admired Players

Which player on the New England Revolution do you MOST admire for what they contribute to their team? (Please select only one)

. 67

2016 N= 3,215(Note: All New England Revolution players that were on the team for the 2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Charlie Davies was selected as the player most admiredSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Andrew Farrell

Jose Concalves

Lee Nguyen

Diego Fagundez

Chris Tierney

Page 68: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 New England Revolutions: Player that Exceeded Expectations

Which player on the New England Revolution has EXCEEDED your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 68

2016 N= 3,215(Note: All New England Revolution players that were on the team for the 2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Diego Fagundez was selected as the player that exceeded expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20%

Jose Concalves

Je-Vaughn Watson

Chris Tierney

Andrew Farrell

Diego Fagundez

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2016 New England Revolution: Player that Did Not Meet Expectations

Which player on the New England Revolution (for whatever reason) does not/did not meet your expectations? (Please select only one)

. 69

2016 N= 3,215(Note: All New England Revolution players that were on the team for the 2016 season were eligible for this question)NOTE: In 2015 Lee Nguyen was selected as the player that did not meet expectationsSource: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Jose Goncalves

Bobby Shuttleworth

Lee Nguyen

Donnie Smith

Juan Agudelo

Page 70: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 New England Revolution: Player Desired

What ONE player would you like the New England Revolution to acquire the MOST? (Unaided write-In responses)

. 70

NOTE: In 2015 Cristiano Ronaldo was selected as the player most desiredSource: Channel Media & Market Research







0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Ignacio Piatti

Jermaine Jones

Sebastian Ciovinco

DeAndre Yedlin

Steven Gerrard

Clint Dempsey

Page 71: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 New England Revolution: Top 5 Possible Improvements

In your opinion what could the New England Revolution do to improve their team? (Unaided write-in responses)

71Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Spend money on better/stronger players

More marketing/branding/promotion outsideMA/Foxboro area

Get/acquire solid midfielder

Get/acquire more offensive players/stongeroffensive strategy

Have a "soccer only" stadium/change thestadium/smaller stadium

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About the Media

Page 73: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Favorite Play-by-Play Announcer/Color Analyst: TV

Who is your favorite local television play-by-play announcer or color analyst? (Unaided write-in)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research







0% 10% 20%

Tommy Heinsohn

Mike Gorman

Andy Brickley

Steve Lyons

Jack Edwards

Dennis Eckersley

Page 74: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Favorite Play-by-Play Announcer/Color Analyst: Radio

Who is your favorite local radio play-by-play announcer or color analyst? (Unaided write-in)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20%

Sean Grande

Dave Goucher

Cedric Maxwell

Bob Beers

Scott Zolak

Page 75: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Favorite Local TV Sports Personality:

Who is your favorite local TV sports personality? (Unaided write-in)

75Source: Channel Media & Market Research







0% 10% 20% 30%

Charlie Moore

Bob Neumeier

Lou Merloni

Dale Arnold

Mike Felger

Tom Caron

Page 76: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Favorite Local TV Sports Reporter:

Who is your favorite local TV sports reporter? (Unaided write-in)

76Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

Mike Lynch

Joe Amorosino

Levin Reid

Steve Burton

Dan Roche

Page 77: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Favorite Local TV Sports Show:

What is your favorite local TV sports show? (Unaided write-in)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30%

NESN Sports Update (NESN)

Quick Slants (Comcast SportsNet)

Behind the B (NESN)

Felger & Mazz (Comcast SportsNet)

Sports Tonight (Comcast SportsNet)

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Source: Channel Media & Market Research

Favorite Local TV Pre/Post Sports Show:

What is your favorite local pre/post TV sports show? (Unaided write-in)






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Bruins Overtime Live (NESN)

Patriots All Access (WBZ-TV)

Red Sox GameDay (NESN)

Patriots 5th Quarter (WBZ-TV & TV38)

Red Sox Extra Innings Live (NESN)

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Favorite Local Radio Sports Personality:

Who is your favorite local radio sports personality? (Unaided write-in)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research







0% 10% 20% 30%

Marc Bertrand

Dale Arnold

Scott Zolak

Lou Merloni

Tony Massarotti

Mike Felger

Page 80: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

2016 Favorite Local Radio Sports Show:

What is your favorite local radio sports show? (Unaided write-in)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Toucher and Rich

Ordway, Merloni & Fauria

Dale & Holley

Zolak & Bertrand

Felger & Mazz

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2016 Favorite Local Sports Writer:

Who is your favorite local sports writer? (Unaided write-in)


Source: Channel Media & Market Research








0% 10% 20% 30%

Alex Speirer

Steve Buckley

Jeff Howe

Chad Finn

Dan Shaughnessy

Mike Reiss

Chris Gasper

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About the Respondents

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State Location:

In which of the following states do you live? (Please select only one)


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research







0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%




Rhode Island

New Hampshire


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Are you…


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%



Page 85: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution


Which of the following categories includes your age?


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research








0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%


18 to 24 years

25 to 34 years

35 to 44 years

45 to 54 years

55 to 65 years

Over 65 years

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What level of education have you completed? (Please select only one)


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research









0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%


Some high school or less

High school graduate

Some college

College degree

Some graduate school

Graduate degree

PhD and beyond

Page 87: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution


Which of the following categories includes your household income (before taxes)? (Please select only one)


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research









0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%


Under $30,000

$30,000 to $50,000

$50,001 to $75,000

$75,001 to $100,000

$100,001 to $150,000

$150,001 to $200,000

Over $200,000

Page 88: New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll · New England Sports Survey: A Fan Opinion Poll ... New England Patriots, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics and New England Revolution

Marital Status:

Which of the following categories best describes your marital status? (Please select only one)


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research






0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%


A member of an unmarriedcouple




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Do you currently have children…


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research





0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%



Yes, over 18 years of age

Yes, under 18 years of age

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Employment Status:

Which of the following categories includes your current employment status? (Please select only one)


2016 N= 14,624Source: Channel Media & Market Research








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


Not employed outside the home


Not employed at this time




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Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? (Please select only one)


2016 N= 14,624 Source: Channel Media & Market Research








0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%



Pacific Islander/Native American

Asian/Asian American

Hispanic or Latino

Black/African American


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More Information:

For More Information: To find out more about this study, cross-tabulations/break-outs, individual team data not shown here and/or future waves of this market research please contact Jennifer Patterson at [email protected] or Susan Mulcahy at [email protected] or 508-624-6013.

About Channel Media & Market Research: Founded in 2004, Channel Media & Market Research, Inc. is a full-service market research and data collection firm. The company specializes in market research and data collection for a wide variety of markets worldwide. Our market research services utilize the latest research techniques in both qualitative and quantitative surveys. Channel Media & Market Research conducts more than 100 studies per year in over 30 countries and offers primary research and secondary research solutions to meet the individual needs of our clients.

Channel Media & Market Research, Inc. 144 North Road, Suite 1300 Sudbury, MA. 01776 Phone: 508-624-6013