new design of plasma-arc cutters for alloy steels and nonferrous metals

EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE NEW DESIGN OF PLASMA-ARC CUTTERS STEELS AND NONFERROUS METALS A. S. Aderikhin, V. G. Ar'kov, V. I. Kirillov, V. M. Kordakov, and V. I. Pechennikov FOR ALLOY UDC 621.79.034:[669.15+669.2.8] The design of a mechanized plasma cutter 3485M and a hand-held plasma cutter GI~R-50A (Fig. 1) with high service durability under any working conditions has been developed* at the VNIIPTkhimnefte- apparatury [1 ]. Technical Characteristics of the Plasma-Arc Cutters Power, kW ........................... Working current, A ................... No-load voltage, V ................... Thickness of metal cut, mm: alloy steel and brass ............... 50 copper ............................ 35 Diameter of tungsten electrode, mm .... 4-5 Ftow rate of cooling water 8-10 External dimensions of arc head, mm ... 500 • 160 x 100 Weight of arc head, kg ................. 1.3 GER-50A 3485M 56 120 250-500 300-500 180 300 120 70 5-8 8-10 280 • 145• 60 4.7 The construction of cutters GI~R-50A and 3485M is identical. Figure 2 shows the construction of the head of the hand-held plasma-arc cutter GI~R-50A. The tungsten electrode 3 is secured in the guide sleeve 2 by a cam type clamp 4, permitting conven- ient and reliable fixing of electrodes having a wide range of diameters without the necessity of taking the cutter apart. The fixing unit of the interchangeable plasma-forming tip 6 to the current-carrying part of the bur- ner housing has only one rubber seal, which simplifies the mortaring of the tip and increases the reliability of the joint. The interchangeable forming nozzle 7 is mounted on the tip by means of a press-fit cone per- mitting rapid replacement of the nozzle. Current is supplied to the cutter by copper leads 8, soldered to the connections 9 through which water is supplied and discharged. The cooling system, while being rela- tively simple, ensures reliable cooling of the current-supply means, nozzle, housing, electrode fixing unit, and partly the electrode itself. Argon and nitrogen are suppffed to the pro- tective chamber by the pipe 10. Centering of the electrode relative to the nozzle and adjustment of the optimum gap between the electrode and nozzle are possible by reason of the one-sided selection of the radial gap between the tip and the cap nut 5 fixing it to the housing. Axial feed of the electrode for adjusting the optimum gap Fig. 1. Hand-held plasma-arc cutter between the nozzle and electrode is by rotation of the nut 11 GI~R-50A. *A. V. Ba~yrev and I. G. Kladnitskii assisted in the work. r 9 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 [~'est 17th Street, New York, ] I [ N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without I [ ] permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. I I 345

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Page 1: New design of plasma-arc cutters for alloy steels and nonferrous metals


N E W D E S I G N O F P L A S M A - A R C C U T T E R S


A. S. A d e r i k h i n , V. G. A r ' k o v , V. I . K i r i l l o v , V. M. K o r d a k o v , a n d V. I . P e c h e n n i k o v


UDC 621.79.034:[669.15+669.2.8]

The design of a mechan ized p l a s m a cu t t e r 3485M and a hand-he ld p l a s m a cu t te r GI~R-50A (Fig. 1) with high s e r v i c e durab i l i ty under any working condit ions has been developed* at the VNIIPTkhimnef te- appa ra tu ry [1 ].

Technica l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the P l a s m a - A r c Cut ters

Power , kW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Working cu r ren t , A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No- load vol tage , V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Th ickness of meta l cut, mm:

a l loy s tee l and b r a s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

D i a m e t e r of tungsten e l ec t rode , mm . . . . 4-5 Ftow r a t e of cool ing wa te r 8-10 Ex te rna l d imens ions of a r c head, mm . . . 500 • 160 x 100 Weight of a r c head, kg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3

GER-50A 3485M

56 120 250-500 300-500

180 300

120 70

5-8 8-10

280 • 145• 60 4.7

The construction of cutters GI~R-50A and 3485M is identical. Figure 2 shows the construction of the

head of the hand-held plasma-arc cutter GI~R-50A.

The tungsten electrode 3 is secured in the guide sleeve 2 by a cam type clamp 4, permitting conven- ient and reliable fixing of electrodes having a wide range of diameters without the necessity of taking the

cut te r apar t .

The fixing unit of the in te rchangeable p l a s m a - f o r m i n g tip 6 to the c u r r e n t - c a r r y i n g pa r t of the b u r - ne r housing has only one rubber sea l , which s impl i f i e s the mortaring of the tip and i n c r e a s e s the r e l i ab i l i t y of the joint . The in te rchangeable fo rming nozzle 7 is mounted on the tip by means of a p r e s s - f i t cone p e r - mi t t ing rap id r ep l acemen t of the nozzle . Cur ren t is suppl ied to the cu t te r by copper leads 8, so lde red to the connect ions 9 through which wate r is suppl ied and d i scha rged . The cooling sys t em, while being r e l a -

t ively s imple , ensures r e l i ab l e cooling of the c u r r e n t - s u p p l y means , nozzle , housing, e l ec t rode fixing unit, and par t ly the e l ec t rode i t se l f . Argon and ni t rogen are suppffed to the p r o - tec t ive chamber by the pipe 10.

Cente r ing of the e l ec t rode re l a t ive to the nozzle and adjus tment of the optimum gap between the e l ec t rode and nozzle a re poss ib l e by r eason of the one - s ided se lec t ion of the rad ia l gap between the tip and the cap nut 5 fixing it to the housing.

Axial feed of the e l ec t rode for adjust ing the optimum gap Fig . 1. Hand-held p l a s m a - a r c cut te r between the nozzle and e lec t rode is by rota t ion of the nut 11

GI~R-50A. *A. V. Ba~yrev and I. G. Kladnitskii assisted in the work.

r � 9 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 [~'est 17th Street, New York, ] I

[ N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without I [

] permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. I I


Page 2: New design of plasma-arc cutters for alloy steels and nonferrous metals

Fig. 2. Head of hand-held p l a s m a - a rc cut ter G]~R-50A: 1) housing; 2) guide sleeve; 3) tungsten e l e c - trode; 4) cam type clamp; 5) cap nut; 6) p l a s m a - f o r m i n g tip; 7) in- terchangeable nozzle; 8) c u r r e n t - ca r ry ing lead; 9) connecting piece; 10) gas pipe; 11) nut; 12) pin.

sc rewed on the guide s leeve . Due to the pin 12 and a keyway in the guide s leeve , the e lec t rode is p revented f rom rotat ing during feed. Center ing and adjustment of the neces sa ry gap between e lec t rode and nozzle is done in accordance with a gauge inser ted in the opening of the tip in place of the nozzle.

The a r r angemen t of the gas and w a t e r - c a r r y i n g pipes and the construct ion of the handle with push- button switch ensure convenient visual observat ion of the cutting p roces s .

Lengthy se rv i ce of the p l a s m a - a r c cut ters GI~R-50A and 3485M under production conditions have shown them to be re l iab le and convenient in operat ion. The total annual saving resul t ing f rom their in t ro - duction at 12 plants has been more than 85,000 rubles .



Author ' s Cer t i f ica te No. 241573, Izobre tenie , P romysh lennye Obraz t sy , Tovarnye Znaki, No. 14 (1969).