new deal policy h ile r n u llifie d w d is b h...

W D ISB H Ncwly-I Dcacrt in East Colorado, Western Konsas WHEAT • LANDS DENUDED Pneumonia Strikes Inhabitants ■ Of-BtriekVu Arear gtX-^DloH r-ffsjYoreiHMsiir' »y mmcE THojirsoN- SPlaNCFIEUD, Colo... MurcU 23 (Ll!)~Scorcn ot m«~ anJ women: today nbanJoncd a 2.000.000 ncrc d«s.‘»ert thftt a tew ilays nRO wiia a regim'ot frulUul farms. Tlity flcJ from a aceno of Jls- oaler tina dentli, (JcfcateJ by na-, . .lurtf.Baa, Uielt:owii..lm:k.ot-forc-| HiKliL 'A otranKO Utjoose. "Justl . puoumonla." «lt>KKcd ihcir trail. Wlicrc fortltc wJientlanda tind rich paaturca onco 'lay. Uiera •iiMlnJu oiiry~lnllo"nfi«r mile of milcoU bnrrcDS, denuUeU by the tluat atomm which for Uaya ravog' Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained In the r^ploa embrticlng several .— counUcs.ot-caat«ni Colonulo an<l wontem Kanaos to f«^ l o. alnffle liorsf.------------------- Six human-bclnirn nucoumbc (toll blown from liio farmu of Co!0‘ ratio, wcatcm Kanaaa antJ tlic Olf laiioma and Texas piuibandlca. An esllmateil lOO othorn ' . ill of duat pneuindnln. Scores of catUa and other livcatock died of, --It-Tha wlnda.whlcli toro-tho gnxMl HOOVER ATTACKS NEW DEAL POLICY . JN^STROMGUBLAST Prindpals at Vital Finds- No~Merit~ ini Dy GEOnCB E. IfEI.MEK SACRA.MENTO. Cal„ March 23 ittlli — Herbert Hoowr today de- clared.that Ihc.Rcpubllcan party fucca.lta Kreatcat.crlala «lnci> tho daya of Abraham Lincoln, and callud upon the youth.of Uie party to nave the nation.from un-Amcr> 1tan Rovummcnt.- '^T bly. the fomier I'reaidcnt agahi. |broI(e hUf political Alienee to de- mand a rejuvenation of the party' a unity of In defense' I of Amcrlcun prlnclplea “Jeopard- ized dally by reRlmentallon 'and' hureaycM tic. domination." Innhw DmiocratH The rc-blrth of the Hepubllcanl !patiy.-ho-ttald,- -.'•transcend# - any pcr.wnal intercut or the aelflah In- itcrcst of any Rroup," ond It ia the younjr men and women of tlie par- H ile r N u llified Peace Proposals, =^ance_fear]^ MMOIE= M ust Seek N ew Basis, Laval Inform s Parley Rooaevclt Program for Work Pr.ojcota Passed by Upper Chnmbet. INFLATION MOVE AIDED drift from natlonol rooorlnga, . Ho excoriated the Dcmocratlcl hualncaa, ftrinnclal. relief,, labo^J^n^^ ■:v‘ prulrltj .nnii fielda' blushed crops from the-ground. , . BlUowy .clotidfl'of;,yellow .duat, aprvad over the nrca today, with. Sprinsfleld—the—centcr—of*- thej atonu. . Farm Pnctlcc* lilam«d - .--•The-yheat-farmera!-practice- burning' off stubble' afler-tho bar-, veal and tho •tupilng o f Aodlandal r to e -WEMGI State Hunting Evidence's of ;-'.Eomanco; Dofo7 iflo Sure J---------- -— Of-Innooonoc:—^— SAN JOSE, Cftl... March 23 It/.n ' -=-Whlle David A'. Lamaon read and wrote In the. aecluslon of hla cell, today, atate nttomeya and defence; counael .traced .Ilia .movemenLi In! the months Immediately preceding! the death of Mra. Allene Thorpe; •Lameon. , . . : .Tlii> datea In-whlch both’aldoa es- pecially were Ihtercated were Jonu-j • ary-2.-12. and ir.'and H ay 21. 1933.'- — . • : -.................. On thole days a man Jwawn varl-{ ou3l>‘ .aa:Jamea Clifford OQd J. C. —Cllffotd. .................... -- HgfiSflatTpoli^ea and~Il(!cl'arcd the present adnilnlatratlon had made Uio people "pawnB of a centralized, and Judr.pcrpetuiiUng government.': iHLvdemnndod a return to "econom- jic.common" and to th,> fun- Idamcnlul aplrlt. of Vfrce m «j onj women." ....... Text ofMwwaw----------- Mr. Ildovcr'a mea.tuKc followa:' ■'Mr, Sherrill Halbert, prealdcnt, "California Republican Aaaembly, •'Sdcramcnto, California. "Dear Mr. Halbert: , "I am glad to comply with yoiirl ref|uest for: a mosMge to your irortheonilng meeting. ' .‘.iTho Republican iwr'ty today haa - -- ----------- ...... ...- to It since the daya of Abra- ham Lincoln, That-reaponalblllty is to-raiae.Hie-standard In defense of fundamental- American- princlplea. ic-muac-fumlah -1110 ' raUylnir •txilnl for all those who believe In tliese princlplea..ami are detdnnlned to diifoatttosi}; who' arc reaponatblc for'tbelc daily Jeopordy.' - - llitn ReglmentaUon •irThc'AmcHcan,pwpieUavcdl*j lrOcUy .befor«-tb«m th«'.'Iwuo ' of .u.; :;^..l‘y_>uu*.iLiiEr.N/E.v _fC(jp.vrli;hU- PARIS. Mnrdi 23 (U P )—Tlie tri-party conversations among Franco, Great Briliiin ntijl Italy, ended at 5:10 p, m. -I Tlionias Atnendmonl' Expected - T T" ---------------- u uc uroppea m uonlerence With House . WASHINGTON. March 23 (Ui!l_ Foqner President Herbert C. ver today summoned younR Re. publicann to rejuvenate tliclr party and crush an "un.Amcrlcan" gov- ernment. Hlii mes.iage. a letter ad- drcaaci toaCnllfomla-nopubllcnn' aaembly. wjia lntcVprete<l by aomc 110 a bid for the presidential, noml-: nation- ne.ti year. Althoug illrgclf'djo n ^ lie fiiig . jfr. Hoover'll unf|uallfled I tJirce.{JOK-er meeting wus set for April 21 at, denunciation o f New Deal pollclest was ■aimed at congresii, the White I Houscrantl-uttlmntcly-rtl-llKnD3(r national olccflon. The defeated i candldato of 1032 challenged Uie'^ winner to defend hla-program •Polltlcnf Judgment wan divided" among. Republlcana on the cffcc-' llvcnen.1 of Mr. Hoover’a challenge, i Democrnta generally were acorn-; ful,-but-nono-lgnored-Mr.-Koover’sr 1032 poll of olmoat 10,000.000 votes. 1 KooseveU May ItepJi- I The^ was widespread belief In! Itho capital that President Rooae. |velt might reply. Eventa preceding today's politi- cal geaturo-rcvpal.-'obBcrvcro bfr. lived, •fliifficient of Mr. Hoover-a strategy, to. demonstrate, tliat -hla, It was said :atresa, Italy. . I’ AIMS, jri.rcli :>:t ( n * ) — I'Vatirc- al iii l.’i.v field lliiil <!i-i’iiiaii.v's ri'nrniiiiiii-iit ili'i ...........+.1- +. . + ;Britain' Drafts »y II. O. THOMl'SO.V ! WASHINGTON. March 23 -.Hi.-,I t.. 54,880,000,000 .'.■s rnillilK-,! a po- iu"irc it s liii! billion dollars in infla- v,.iv ■■ - - ' • it’ on.-'va.-i.passed by.Uifl.8oaato._... f.,n'iL'u afic; an aggressive drive -by administration-,leaders .had___ iiimiLiit.llii' fniKi.t Ilf -I ..(iiifi.r wilh A iii Imimv Kdi-n. H il_EeflceJSeasion4iiS *- ny FItKDKKICK KUK . ; (CopvrlRbt. 103.', L'ulted Pr LONDO.V, March 23.01—Great! Qrltalti today wonted-out a plan aerlen o f cnnferencen which [Bwept away the last of the sen- nmroiRiacic^— ^— ----------- I The vote %va^ G 8 to 10. ' Tho worii/t bill w;aa approved by reiarv. , ' Itouliovenilen, <k'1ayu and partisan Ijival. It w.1.1 asNc-rtpil. toM nri-,<ll»puti-ii. and befoie Sen. Hu'ey P. • 'tain anit Italy. It would bu necr.i- 1-nng. D.. La„ could rdurn to Iho nnr>'to neoi: a now b3;il.i ^3^di1cfl!l.'ca|tlt:ll 10 offer -further obstruc- 8lnn with Germany. :tlonn. The,.conference, an . Important;. Coes to Conferanee I sir! Th,. meuMire. deulred by Prcal- J j*’® *‘?i'.'L"JLl'Ll''.^j!:l!iH!ii£l'iIll;John.SlmDn..i3rlll3h_fDtiilj:ajieeru-j!*-y’t «'>.o"WH.l9.cury. molntalning-nndi- perfecting system of orderly Individual lib. undor-coaaUtutlonally-condui ____ rtyl lolly—conducted! gpvcnunentroriot.rcjcctihff It In' Ifavor of thu newly, created oyat«m ;0f regimentation and bureaucratic :domination In which men and wom- o.aro not huutera of government lut are the pawns or dependenta of' ,..ccRtnUlzed andl potentially self*! lerpetuatlng government. That Is.l [Khali we 00 a nation stand -ound(»yMa of^AniiTleanism. galn^ hig the great powera of progress .toh£rent-iii-lt-_iQrrccUaB-abuflos ".Continued on .Page 8. Comma 1) M Y M PLANE ' Suttor ln.San-rronflsco with his! wlfe."r.Tli4Tfltato.ljaaraubpo'i^o(jl the hotel rccorda. It was iatlmalcd' an attempt mlght-be made to prove . that who stayed at th'e •i-hote^wM-LnmBOn.''-pereiiae'^ouMrt; ••Other Woman” Cited May ,21 waa a|x daya bcfora th death of Mra. Lamflon la her hon —otPtao'SlnnfordTmtvcraitjrcainpy :ln ttisJwD..trlala.tii .whlch.Lojptfc — Offielala - todajT'said- ouggostlons that the oommerco ------- "myatery plnno" fly w 4<unu<> iwui .jbeen yetoed_ becauao . the flight nci^lCM' rlaJL.aid| year • -tho at«te‘r:caae boa rested____ _ - -logaUaa» thaUlw-WB* .Jatoroatod In I another woman and that the couple who. onco were the.prldo of Uie Stanford campus had quarreled. Tho second trial waa reccaaed un- til” Monday yeaterday while Dr. Frederick ThJciwher. atato crlmln* ologlst, waa atlll on the stand ua- dergoing a aearching luH bitter* cross^xa'rolnatloh dh Wa teatlmmy - of finding blood npota in. tho Lam- BARNHART SEES, LICENSE RUSH Wonders How. Ho Can Handle ' Last-filinQto’Filoup ? •' Wlth-but one moro.week re- malniog befo>^> the Seadlino la -reached for the use bf lOSi mo- tor - ve^ilelo'pTatesr'AMOTor ■ j; ir'Bam hart, In chargo of Bale#; ■ la hla 'office la going to bo able to tako caro , of the ni»h. / ; ; He sdld today that he' had sold. less than 1,000 , 8«la..ot - pUtM-out W-imtlclpated 8,000,. and that Marcb ai. which U » woek from' tomomw,. ivaa •iho Joat day t^t:mptor^vpUcJM_L FLOOPa'BBEAS IJiVEE ■'eourd'IeCTlIj^.'bo bpwlciJroQ^o jrFiom-Bolaa.comcs tho newr ' tbattheuseasorof.Adacouaty hat aaked Oovens'or Rost to;ex*' tend tho deadline 30 days, but th« chief cxecuUvo la slIe»t.on - -tJi*;que*UoBf—* -----— ;r Robot Ojaft ’8 Proposed Jauntl •"To Hawaii Vetoed; Snow , Quits Post- Cheater A. Snow. dolIa^a•, man .who waa‘ In.' cliargo of , _ ooant t«ta -of -the.’ .plane' knufpped-with-avrobot-pilot'and 4‘roctton.V- radio..oo'mpoM,; telcr Imerce .bureau. Apparently he wa^ piqued because permission for the ■Hajvaiian flight waa denied. His roaignatlon doubtless wUl bo ac cepled. , Don’t SfflW Recopda Offlclala Aaid that difference! over, conduct, of the experlmenta luul developed for ooma time be- tweea Sno^ vaad--thorn. • -Hiey Ipolnlod out they., were making laclentlfic -rcaearch ...... They will continue at Intcrvala Inlo the 1030 campaign. •• 1 , It«'-liouM and aeaotc Ihave not produced a united front nor-a-uniformly-acceptable -pro. gram. As titular leader 'of the ;party organlaitton. Mr. Hoover has ■offeroai -the-gold' ataridard- and lawmiomnenl -of'recovtry'cxpori- Imentatton.oa a prof^m with which Ithe-RepubllcaaflMiijgiit 'defcatCtha NwJJeal party. - • ASKIAXPMffl Merchants W ill Confer With State Ohlefa; MiUer’fl - ^Vicws M ny Prevail " — By ni;V,\ G. rUNKE BOISE. March.23 iUl’l—Idaho’8 lira tax "battle" raged on today. With no actUement of. the pro- blem'-of how tlio-tAX BhalJ-tM-eol- leetcd coming froitt the state bouse, Bolao merchonta gatliertd tn a mass meeting today to decide Wlmt course they would tuice. The out- come of tho meoUng.wao.that.the mercliont's bureau leglslallve com- mitteo will -confer with Governor Itoss, Attorney General.Bert Miller and CommUaloner of Plaaace ‘Bct rpcncer - "'.7 . Juryi wm^ Adillt Hiilcr.:ur«'‘nnilon't‘» lia\-o'ibe“'govcri-- - - - It w-aa learned that Britain hncl]j,„„,I^ j Tueo.lay, began Bt>'--"1 of relief." :u.kcd Uv;l"cl>C'J‘'l<;<l5onf«rijnco o t . , j . , 3 „> >• ^ ‘ now goc» to, conference with the ,Jritlsh, ,1-rench and Italian foreign, ^ Clark. Hrltiah amban- Jnn, 21. It accompanied Kdon AlexLil|, ^ftor ilifteroncea In the bill a luence f What Is regarded Eiirope^nlnce lh<j_confw.w-. for Monday and Tuesday .Buron-JCmatantln-von Simon, British foreign -E,™--------------K™mnn„-,-.,rKtnrnin— perhaps (he most Important meeting In ----urninging^tlio-uxniUtlce te-M-hNlrjIrd- Berlin liy Chancellor Adolf UlUer. ,U>^ hlH-rorcign-mlninter:;Sir'>fohn-{ -........ ............ -ry, and SImoii'n chief aid, Aniliony Edeti, lord privy seal. European peace hopes, .totjerlog na, a reniilt of.thb-NwU jejurmaraonV«l«Jreefl,-'vlll-fomi tho vital bn«U-of roufcrenee. • A p(^llmlnar>* allied confem I?arls today. • - 7 - • > being held nt Times Marks^ 3 dth. Anniversary Today !.ed;calilnK,for..fluch_a.mcctUig Im'-i imedlately. • - ............... ---• * \V{U Continue Schedule In the meontlme. merehanta will contimio^to,coliect the. tox.aa_thc iKlieJiilejKlilca.ttiiiyJnttugurfttc«i:' will jiot attempt to restrain the tax. The merchant'a plan of aaaeaa* ment,calls for no'tox on sales to ir«n ta ' l' ceafoa iales'Yrom 'is' to.03 conta,-«tc. They'd’eclded'to| pie have become more or less used to paying tliatwny.” . ■ The maas meeting waa called to bring together Miller and Dlefea- dorf for a solution to tho ttoubie which threatened a buyers'.strike. Both men gave their oplnloua of the law. MlUer Win. Point , Wilier, howcver..* to have on.hla point that the tax.could }t bo collected- on sales of leas ___ ___ __________________ ,thaft_50,a«l*idefcndorf.aaid_hA |OM3^rwcir3TCi«vrr7^e7^5iar|TUlireaoiitM~nrd"ri6rchanB'*^IaH , -Oougtau-.-tran^rt plane jwhlch h(ia-been uaed tor the-teats ;muflfJ>e-remrned-to Traaacoatlh- cntal ‘Western Alr*ays. -.The equipment will be inatalled In .a ford trt>motored plane'-be- longing to thft department for nei,v iteau betwetfn the Florida''o6aat ,and -Bormudo. They will be under nupervtsKn o f Vidal.and Capt. A l- fred -W.- Hegenbereer. - Bimllar equipment will be in- stoUod. o&-a-.>»ta*Ajnerlcaa-. way*j)lane, - which, will shortly undertake a-aurvey of a rOuto ■' Urf-Far R j t over the PacUlc. ' "Since.ron-Amerlcan.latcsda' undertake, thla i«rlC'.,a prominent official oald, "there la ja reason wljy-r.Uierdepttrtment-obonW-TUB: oomp:tltk».^ ond.updertake. unneceaottty :riaka.';-.. _ BCriHEVILLE."Arlt.'llarch'23 (W —A. la ^ ' bitak'ln' the’ Little river floodway. levee a'mlle aoutii of.R^verval^ Jn •cMUhi Polnietl county, apreod ,lloodnraters ovenat leoat 20,000 acretof lasd to^oy and threatened to Inundate ttie town of {Continued o a - I^ ^ a. Cojum 3) Pioneer .Offers -New “ Way Back When’ -Data of-City In connection with tho onniver-j sory-today of tho publication ofl the firot Jaaue of The Times on March 23, 1M5, John E, HoycB. nloneor engineer, hoa collaborated In aupplylng aome fn »h Informu- tkm on oarJy-dny Jilatory__of_thls eijmrhtiolty-. ' _ " '7 - Many of tho factfl have not 7icr<f- tofore, been publlahed. -ond Uiolr appearaaco. In thia lasue odds a new chapter to the lilatory of thia ompVe. -ond-wlll-Mrve -to-supply the ntmoaphere seeded to contem- plate th« aplrlt"of the community which- led up to the foundlag of The' Time# 30 yeora ago. ■-i-Oa :ilarch'."23, "1B05.":,20.000 irM ofland with water rlghla, , as aol>t at a ntonater drawing here. . .-r^VliTer.'Wfta in -tha main .canal; --nnrt- Thc»e-mea -wer« P. S. A..Biehel Mr. Haye« and, Walter G. Filer. Hie section selected; 10, a school sectloa in towoaWp, 10, aouth. range 17 onat. waa chosen b^use, title • couM be secured >at once Ifrom the sUte obd'thus tlUe couM be pused on to the purohoiMr o f, lota. Negotiations for <he purcbasc| Of sectloD' 1 0 .......................... .. mtrs! BEVERLY HILLS. Calif.— _ wn.n abooting off the other -day about holding companies. Mr. RoonevcU and lota of foliuj -may tl.lnk-they-areTUncolled- .for, but the-folka-workiog-'ifor ■'em think mighty well of ‘emi It's Uie «kl fault of. nyt calling' lAg your Bhots, by naming tho bftd_onej, ,ond no^abMtlng Into the wlwle coveyi. -I tell you onother----------* a feilw wtmta to keep.c and thj"- ■*-'---- things body knows Just exacUy what it , -Would-do;-'-and- cvery-.i«rwa - thinks ho Imowa ewwUy what it would do. All 1 know It’a' easier to print than to make by >-work.=3ui-1>1eaa»-dan't.-wrile -wire fully-lucky, and ifa a secret you Bbould cherlflh and not let .even j"our-gmndchUdrcB-"know. • about .It.'Youta.,.............. in conforviice the re- .1-,,-,, oiiitc n.-vi..iici« i>nvui....................... KOCfl back tO . if";!'” «5.. Tli..Fr,ncl.-BrlU.h prapa..!. lo .MppUo... ordlnar- lly a formality. Koll.owlog odoptlon ilicftted tho diplomatli . -- would be worked out n.i followa: ........ WIU Meet Hitler , 1—SJr Jolin^Slmon, foreign nec- irelaiy, Iciiven f o r BcHln by nir- ]plane at 10:15 a. m. tomorrow .for,, n„nci[,atlon in luilkn-Mondav and .Tiirndnv wiih.V'--'^. j Adolf,■HiUcr: Houoe-.fonrignature.- IThcy cnvi.nago Cermnni ________ trnnco to tho League of Ntitiona, her adlierunco-la eoalom-Kuropo.m and Danubian security trentlea. and .Tu.,a,y w.lh:};" " ':1 T ' - Indicated that Lavai held , 2—Anthony Eden, .lord' privy „ ^ Bossibuity't^l Pranwl »Clil..aecompaalcB^8lmDn nad then oppow iwfornit mwrtlog et foreign mtni*taraxrcnui Brt- tate.-«It«tj^.aad France'tmUl thei n -m,'» Ntttlda*-.couacH..ttt'an many-s violatlon'of the. V e riillS I mnv or may not toke up the ,u Th. m«.tln. ha. .^here were 12 men at the firat ce lodoy. by Sen. Elmer Thomaa; D.; OUli, ' under which the.cureney could be cxpnnded'by 51.000.000,Mo; -------- No vole was taken and It waa :lodicatcd It would bo eliminated In conference:- The' -a^mlnlstraUoa'' choae that method rather than cll may Gcrmon crisla. The meeting has been called, by French demand. It 1. « ■EWnth wc.pon .g^m t C iri |«»Vh UmS. Ih. m.ethc mnny. envisaging proapect of o Lnirtrced LavaV ' ‘ voto denouncing.Gcrmany..and on.! raging all Cormana. 1 paased ‘ ment Imaka a fight which ,could-bar* anolher lonff d«\*y; - ^ ------ - ........Aoceptab?«to'F;p.-A- ,ThebOI.Mpit»«>dbyihe^ttati wltix the exception of the -mornu amendm'eat. la acceptable to the lTn>it«rHoiaw-|gg-cMn»r^ r--.- .-j cariy out tie preoldenfa original .' , lintcntlona.of tranafe'rrjng 3.500,000 Iperaona from direct reUef to work- '( relief.projecta.-....................... , - The flnoi acehea In the senate as (ConUnufdon^gc^Colunml) . tjo-followed'by-tt-hlg- confcrcnco'ln London, with Germany, Britalrf. Fnincc. Italy, Runsla ' and other countries repre.iented, to do the real work ot consolld.nttng peace. Ramsay MacDonald, prime min-| later, la considering attending Uicj regarded as .significant. Itint Finance Minister Germain* .Martin waa called into the defense Icouncll meeting. It was his Jobj Ito tell the council'means-of flnanc-l ;ing Uie ciut of nnUrglng-lho-Armyl ^nee Sbl^Sldh t“ -^nlAnThonyEden Sln‘s“Stl^lSt mlQlster.'he also will bo at the lOotho meeting- and-the-parjey wiill ibocoroo one of premiers aa well ■foreign secretaries. iSPKlN- (Continued.on Page ^ Column fi) Heiress’ Charities ,G uf;Po^ Giaiiit Fortuiae by-Qne-Tliird <Cepyrloh(. 1939, United Pkm )] SOUTH A M ^ t i, • England,- March 23 ftlneeas Ba^:' bara Hutton _Mdlvohl has dla'-j po»d oiil»utloae.thlrii‘ of licK reported;-«0,000,00 Inheritance' through'donations since ahe ber calncuo£.'ag»^'ai-year^*■atto,^ the: United Pitas'leoraed-today as: the u ^ e rlc u i heli«si-saLU<!d'-for-^| home to arnnn divorce from j»rlot«-Alactrtl(MroBL—rr/.' —•The^prloc^'-^-flMn'olol-MvIS'- 6n har« Inforoud. hef»'that if' her :ch&rlUei^ c o A tl^ ;UMhe pre•entt*t^!tl^e‘b•l4nce.of-hei^ fortuBfT.wlU-dlsap]^ In.about' 30yean,: ■ :• — *• The.jibuthful heirtas-departs ln-:,(^atert -■•Becrccy^vla- the. kitchen - ^ atai» 1and; tn~ alley— ' from her Looon hotel and went, to- Southampton,: where,, aho ' -■ boardednhe-TJronea- tor' New" .JXorltj > - . Th.e’ •princess,- wbBae.fortune comes m m a chain of five-ond-' ', t«-c e n t, atorfea,-has'donatW.' •or.-looned- « , 000.000 In' the. ^laat.yeorr ln addlUSn to tuna,* . tlons- afid-rgUta , o f . * 11.000,000 “ onthe day she .qim# of ag^ ','- ■ ^ gy*v^bU»er ‘peo;?'- out'.Anyttuog from*.three^flg- iurft.'i)OB^tal.bllls-torarrean on'. instsllBienU'.-.- on mottKOged-. hmoui’.are-uld 'on <ber. «nlers.- •vWhUe^-lnVLbndon.', Prlncaa- Barbara openW about 200' letr ters-a .'day .and. check*l»lh6«j’. .■wUo; aike<-and-:dc8cnrtti -aid. • ^ EWYAVIATOR FlSTOOtt Piano’ Ootdes. Apart. on* Test FUght of-Now-Typ.o Battle Onift minutes- later hotrlflod -«n-lookera lifted ,a manglod^body from the wreckage.--— ' - t — . • percd-tho victim., Tbat-was-the .death of Jjune# (Jimmy)-: CoUina,' formtr t/nlted Stotea navyjeaf pilot and oad of nw:tywjj|ane, to-teit it.for.ttje navy. .It.withstood.nine -of:'the. lO )re*cnt>ed'. power dives. .'On the JOtli Jt fold^- to b »e rewtved , |i,800.\-«*=-5w,-: .irortc. eab^h :td: maintain Ms wlfa and (woTchUdrenv'whlle-be htmwtraa-aa-gviauoff.t^tfe - ~ |Fodcrali;.Oburt-Eulcs-:l'Spito!l Tax-Ajitnst-U^^ a.r'Stato NEW ORLEANS. March 23 atH* —Loulalona newapaper publlahora have won their fight to prevent en- forcement.of Sen. Huey P. Long's •'aplU'; tax. ' . . .A three-judge federal court latel yeatcrdoy decided the ta x ---- - ' constitutional.. Act 23 of the-regular session of 19legtslature of 103«, which levied per3.ot^morc.thaa.,20.000_coplc8_____ _ per week-eirculationi waa unani- mously declared in vlolaUon of both the state and federal conatl- tuUotifl. - At tho. time the tax waa passed Senator Long referred to 11 "as a " c on newspaper lies," - He hoped: . taxing the tflvcnues of the news-' papers ,toBt6p,tbelr-crttIeUm othU dictatorship. .The court, held the - ta x ' « w r b n f' because -1C- dlscrimtnated against the ntno. plaintiff newipa- pers, thercby.Tlolatlng “section 8 of 1 article 1 0 - ^ the conatltutton* of thIa ctate.'’-'^'tre8paasbg-"i tbe' cona____ tion or the United.Statea are »e-| cured to:ovtty-lndivtdual .agninstl state'action;-. ' ' ' amp .Df’DisTB^^. SAN ■FBAK61SC0.March Globe..»trelc^ today.-lnter* eeputd an.-SOS.sent by, the S..&' HaU^-4n-the Cblna se*. near Fu- ehowi. rThe liaers PmUent-Uc- lOnley-and Preaidettt-Hoovvr were tnatnicted lo tiy - t0;C0nUct- Ue detennlne her present cm- .............. power ponfercnce, . -- icharged with the minslon of toning idown Francc'a nrgiy reaction to ICerman’armameat. ................ Britain feam that the Incrcoalng Ignivlty of tho situation may cn- Icourage the Littin Entente nations [^•nnjimanla. Czcchoslovakla-. and ! Ju^slaVia—tq start plans for mo- 'biiizaUon, to b« announced If Hungary or Bulgaria foilowa Ger- .mony's^example-^ln-tlofyiag—the j)eacft trea'tles.: JAPAN REASSUIIEO TOKU. March 23 (UI*i-F6rpign Mlnlster_Kokl Hliotn assured;a diet cbm'mltlee today that Ge'rmany Intentions o f,attempting to **- frtrmoi-.^iilK.mtu l»l» . by Japan under a Lcaguol of Nations mandate.* ' Hirota said-that his lnfomatlon| (Contlaued on Page 2, Commn 9) Busy Program.fl^eidaled-for— v-i= Next WeehVrino'Jlrta--------- ' , Exposition IRIVITABLE, IFormer TT. B^-Ha^nga^h Envoy | Bays Qcrmany W ill Brins: Ooafliet bylMO CHICAGO, March, 23 (tU’l • ^ e ^ lan/s rearmament has made war , lovltable in- Eiirope by IWO, iNlchoku noosevelt, former United !stateg mlniater td'-HuogaiyV aaW today la «n-nddress before-the-ChJ- cago Council of Foreign Relatlona. •The map of the< Balkans. like ,lhn map of the rest of Europe,''.he aald, ••woa re-drawn after the World.wor..but,“ " ' llott territoiy hare never ^venoip Itheir ^blUon to regain Jt _ ' _ I or. n*_.- .Datloni'^'may ,be --------- .,„,-to.-tunr-Tn<>r6-Sha mor^ toward the Reich for leader- ahlp follow•Geriuny'a ample Is rearming and in' " i Oermtny.'.', defyla*;U>e.peace.treaUe«i'.:.c .•^R<»»eteit.^ff«L_at:tlia.;Iden .that Germany does BOt,want<war. He aai&, the. entire Hitler pBUoMi pby Is-pradlbated m -the J<^'tbat . KIMBERLY, .March 23- — ••— Monday.wUl.ace. Ihe.opcnlng-1..^ of tho Kimberly fine arts exhlbU - - lion, which will be conducted la '.- the. hlgh-acbool.gynina^uiQ.aod' will feature UlS-orifflnm-oUipdlnt'—r-— ^ from 40 Idabo-oad, Utah a f.-—rT=!~ Openbg day wlU be iollowed tar women'a club day, Tuesday. V ' naaday-ia-r—■— ..... .......... iGrftngcT#'_-' :t1fr,lamato:y-w,iiuMi»-wty,-iuia ________ _ lurday.'ieactiera'and thutces'day. '. V| ; Admission to the event will be 'V| "■•pt. L. A.-Tbomos - , ..... ______ ,.-achooia.~:apoo»or ilhc exhibit which has &— ......... l.from.Hci' Hlghli^u on tie program of eventa for thS week will be con- certs by the.Kimberly high ocbool orchestra: bas'd,' glee - club’ and' string ensemble, the Albka 'nor- mal-school glee club., and addresses by Jobn W. Condle, state-super- tntcndent o f public Instruction: Dean J.Tt. NlAoIa, University of , Idaho, southern; branch; Pres^*' • ,H..Sn>'dcr, of Albion state nornuU. ' • .yjf I yhopi r Suj^CX^.^ Whiting . ^ ^ [SuVt.-TbomflAJOmberly.', • ____ fl .Fdhtu^ for-Monday will be-«a-^~ tertoinment at'8 p. m. supplied by, ' - Kimberly sohool talent,‘ £nd oon^. . - .eluding witSi the address of. Ur. Whiting. On the program -wUl bo tho orCMst^ bond' ond girl's' (Contlnued'-on-Poge 2,-Column 7 )‘ - Twin Falls Roid' - ; ^ . 0is'tncf;.Upheld~ hB0I8E,--MBiidj:;-«--rtteecJal)=c-: Jud^ent of -the; lowtt*;. court' In ' faTpr.of tHe ,T«rti?,FBU» W g ta ^ ir'v in .■!- sUtuted tay.tbaicu^ugti tUgtiwi^ diatzict.MoldBi: an laccotmtitTg. and \. Judg^t^ upheld .bjr:the;-'

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Page 1: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained

W D I S B HNcwly-I

Dcacrt in East Colorado, Western Konsas


Pneumonia Strikes Inhabitants ■ Of-BtriekVu A rea r g tX-^DloH

— r - f f s j Y o r e i H M s i i r '

» y mmcE THojirsoN- SPlaNCFIEUD, Colo... MurcU 23

(Ll!)~Scorcn ot m«~ anJ women: today nbanJoncd a 2.000.000 ncrc d«s.‘»ert thftt a tew ilays nRO wiia a regim 'ot frulUul farms.

Tlity flcJ from a aceno of Jls- oaler tina dentli, (JcfcateJ by na-,

. .lurtf.Baa, Uielt:owii..lm:k.ot-forc-| HiKliL 'A otranKO Utjoose. "Justl

. puoumonla." «lt>KKcd ihcir trail. Wlicrc fortltc wJientlanda tind

rich paaturca onco 'lay. Uiera• iiMlnJu oiiry~lnllo"nfi«r mile o f milcoU bnrrcDS, denuUeU by the tluat atomm which for Uaya ravog'

Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained In

the r^ploa embrticlng several .— counUcs.ot-caat«ni Colonulo an<l

wontem Kanaos to f«^ l o. alnffleliorsf.-------------------

Six human-bclnirn nucoumbc

(toll blown from liio farmu of Co!0‘ ratio, wcatcm Kanaaa antJ tlic Olf laiioma and Texas piuibandlca.

An esllmateil lOO othorn ' . ill of duat pneuindnln. Scores of catUa and other livcatock died of,

--It-Tha wlnda.whlcli toro-tho gnxMl


Prindpals at Vital

Finds- No~Merit~ ini


ittlli — Herbert Hoowr today de­clared.that Ihc.Rcpubllcan party fucca.lta Kreatcat.crlala «lnci> tho daya of Abraham Lincoln, and callud upon the youth.of Uie party to nave the nation.from un-Amcr> 1tan Rovummcnt.-

‘ '^T

bly. the fomier I'reaidcnt agahi. |broI(e hUf political Alienee to de­mand a rejuvenation of the party'

a unity of In defense' I of Amcrlcun prlnclplea “Jeopard­ized dally by reRlmentallon 'and' hureaycM tic. domination."

Innhw DmiocratH The rc-blrth of the Hepubllcanl

! patiy.-ho-ttald,- -.'•transcend# - any ■ pcr.wnal intercut or the aelflah In- itcrcst of any Rroup," ond It ia the younjr men and women of tlie par-

H i l e r N u l l i f i e d P e a c e P r o p o s a l s , = ^ a n c e _ f e a r ] ^ M M O I E =

M u s t S e e k N e w B a s i s ,

L a v a l I n f o r m s P a r l e y

Rooaevclt Program for Work Pr.ojcota Passed by Upper



drift from natlonol rooorlnga, .Ho excoriated the Dcmocratlcl

hualncaa, ftrinnclal. relief,, labo J n ^


prulrltj .nnii fielda' blushed crops ■ ■ from the-ground.

, . BlUowy .clotidfl'of;,yellow .duat, aprvad over the nrca today, with.

— Sprinsfleld—the—centcr—of*- thej atonu.

. Farm Pnctlcc* lilam«d - .--•The-yheat-farmera!-practice-

burning' off stubble' afler-tho bar-, veal and tho •tupilng o f Aodlandal

r to e

- W E M G I

State Hunting Evidence's o f ‘ ;-'.Eomanco; Dofo7iflo Sure J---------- -— Of-Innooonoc:— —

SAN JOSE, Cftl... March 23 It/.n' -=-Whlle David A'. Lamaon read and wrote In the. aecluslon of hla cell, today, atate nttomeya and defence; counael .traced .Ilia .movemenLi In! the months Immediately preceding! the death of Mra. Allene Thorpe;

• Lameon. , . .: .Tlii> datea In-whlch both’aldoa es­pecially were Ihtercated were Jonu-j

• ary-2.-12. and ir.'and H a y 21. 1933.'- — . • : -..................

On thole days a man Jwawn varl-{ ou3l>‘ .aa:Jamea Clifford OQd J. C.

—Cllffotd. .................... --

HgfiSflatTpoli^ea and~Il(!cl'arcd the present adnilnlatratlon had made Uio people "pawnB of a centralized, and Judr.pcrpetuiiUng government.': iHLvdemnndod a return to "econom- jic.common" and to th,> fun- Idamcnlul aplrlt. of Vfrce m «j onj women."....... Text ofMwwaw-----------Mr. Ildovcr'a mea.tuKc followa:'

■'Mr, Sherrill Halbert, prealdcnt, "California Republican Aaaembly, •'Sdcramcnto, California."Dear Mr. Halbert: • ,

" I am glad to comply with yoiirl ref|uest for: a mosMge to your irortheonilng meeting. '

.‘.iTho Republican iwr'ty today haa- -- ----------- .........- to It since the daya of Abra­

ham Lincoln, That-reaponalblllty is to-raiae.Hie-standard In defense of fundamental- American- princlplea. ic-muac-fumlah -1110' raUylnir •txilnl for all those who believe In tliese princlplea..ami are detdnnlned to diifoatttosi}; who' arc reaponatblc for'tbelc daily Jeopordy.' - -

llitn ReglmentaUon•irThc'AmcHcan,pwpieUavcdl*j

lrOcUy .befor«-tb«m th«'.'Iwuo ' of

.u .; :;^ ..l‘y_>uu*.iLiiEr.N/E.v _fC(jp.vrli;hU-

PARIS. M nrdi 23 (U P )— Tlie tri-party conversations among ■ Franco, Great Briliiin ntijl Italy, ended at 5:10 p, m.

-I Tlionias Atnendmonl' Expected - T T " ----------------u uc uroppea m uonlerence

W ith House .

WASHINGTON. March 23 (Ui!l_ Foqner President Herbert C. ver today summoned younR Re. publicann to rejuvenate tliclr party and crush an "un.Amcrlcan" gov­ernment. Hlii mes.iage. a letter ad- drcaaci toaCnllfomla-nopubllcnn' aaembly. wjia lntcVprete<l by aomc 110 a bid for the presidential, noml-: nation- ne.ti year.

Althoug illrgclf'd jo n ^ lie fiiig . jfr. Hoover'll unf|uallfled

I tJirce.{JOK-er meeting wus set for April 21 at,

denunciation o f New Deal pollclest was ■aimed at congresii, the White I Houscrantl-uttlmntcly-rtl-llKnD3(r national olccflon. The defeated i candldato of 1032 challenged Uie' winner to defend hla-program •Polltlcnf Judgment wan divided"

among. Republlcana on the cffcc-' llvcnen.1 of Mr. Hoover’a challenge, i Democrnta generally were acorn-; ful,-but-nono-lgnored-Mr.-Koover’sr 1032 poll of olmoat 10,000.000 votes. 1

KooseveU May ItepJi- I The^ was widespread belief In!

Itho capital that President Rooae. |velt might reply.

Eventa preceding today's politi­cal geaturo-rcvpal.-'obBcrvcro bfr. lived, •fliifficient of Mr. Hoover-a strategy, to. demonstrate, tliat -hla,

It was said :atresa, Italy.

. I’ AIMS, jri.rcli :>:t ( n * ) — I'Vatirc- al iii l.’i.v field lliiil <!i-i’iiiaii.v's ri'nrniiiiiii-iit ili'i

...........+.1- +. . +

;Britain' Drafts

»y II. O. THOMl'SO.V ! W ASHINGTON. M a rc h 23

-.Hi.-,I t.. 54,880,000,000.'.■s rnillilK-,! a po-iu"irc it s liii! billion dollars in infla-v,.iv ■■ - - ' • i t ’ on.-'va.-i.passed by.Uifl.8oaato._...

f.,n'iL'u a fic ; an aggressive drive-by administration-,leaders .had___

iiimiLiit.llii' fniKi.t Ilf -I ..(iiifi.rwilh A ii i Imimv Kdi-n. H

il_EeflceJSeasion4iiS *-ny FItKDKKICK KUK

. ; (CopvrlRbt. 103.', L'ulted Pr ‘ LONDO.V, March 23.01—Great! Qrltalti today wonted-out a plan

aerlen o f cnnferencen which

[Bwept away the last o f the sen-nm roiR iacic^— ^ — -----------I The vote %va G8 to 10.' Tho worii/t bill w;aa approved by

reiarv. , ' Itouliovenilen, <k'1ayu and partisanIjival. It w.1.1 asNc-rtpil. toM nri-,<ll»puti-ii. and befoie Sen. Hu'ey P. •

'tain anit Italy. It would bu necr.i- 1-nng. D.. La„ could rdurn to Iho nnr>'to neoi: a now b3;il.i ^3^di1cfl!l.'ca|tlt:ll 10 offer -further obstruc- 8lnn with Germany. :tlonn.

The,.conference, an . Important;. Coes to ConferaneeI sir! Th,. meuMire. deulred by Prcal-J j* ’® *‘?i'.'L"JLl'Ll''.^j!:l!iH!ii£l'iIll;John.SlmDn..i3rlll3h_fDtiilj:ajieeru-j!*-y’t «'>.o"WH.l9.cury.

molntalning-nndi- perfecting system of orderly Individual lib. undor-coaaUtutlonally-condui


gpvcnunentroriot.rcjcctihff It In' I favor of thu newly, created oyat«m ;0f regimentation and bureaucratic : domination In which men and wom- o.aro not huutera of government lut are the pawns or dependenta of' ,..ccRtnUlzed andl potentially self*! lerpetuatlng government. That Is.l

[Khali we 00 a nation stand-ound(»yMa of^AniiTleanism. galn hig the great powera of progress

.toh£rent-iii-lt-_iQrrccUaB-abuflos ".Continued on .Page 8. Comma 1)


' Suttor ln.San-rronflsco with his! wlfe."r.Tli4Tfltato.ljaaraubpo'i^o(jl

the hotel rccorda. It was iatlmalcd' an attempt mlght-be made to prove

. that who stayed at th'e •i-hote^wM-LnmBOn.''-pereiiae'^ouMrt;

••Other Woman” Cited May ,21 waa a|x daya bcfora th

death of Mra. Lamflon la her hon —otPtao'SlnnfordTmtvcraitjrcainpy

:ln ttisJwD..trlala.tii .whlch.Lojptfc

— Offielala - todajT'said- ouggostlonsthat the oommerco -------"myatery plnno" fly w 4<unu<> iwui

.jbeen yetoed_ becauao . the flight nci^lCM' rlaJL.aid|


• -tho at«te‘r:caae boa rested____ _- - logaUaa» thaUlw-WB* .Jatoroa tod In I

another woman and that the couple who. onco were the.prldo of Uie Stanford campus had quarreled.

Tho second trial waa reccaaed un­til” Monday yeaterday while Dr. Frederick ThJciwher. atato crlmln* ologlst, waa atlll on the stand ua- dergoing a aearching luH bitter* cross^xa'rolnatloh dh Wa teatlmmy

- of finding blood npota in. tho Lam-


Wonders How. Ho Can Handle ' Last-filinQto’Filoup ?

•' Wlth-but one moro.week re- malniog befo> > the Seadlino la

-reached for the use bf lOSi mo- — tor - ve^ilelo'pTatesr'AMOTor ■ j ;

ir'Bam hart, In chargo of Bale#;■ la hla 'office la going to bo able to tako caro

, of the ni»h. / ; ;He sdld today that he' had

sold. less than 1,000 , 8«la..ot - pUtM-out W-imtlclpated 8,000,.

and that Marcb ai. which U » woek from' tomomw,. ivaa •ihoJoat day t^t:m ptor^vpUcJM_L FLOOPa'BBEAS IJiVEE

■'eourd'IeCTlIj^.'bo bpwlciJroQ^o

jrFiom-Bolaa.comcs tho newr ' tbattheuseasorof.Adacouaty

hat aaked Oovens'or Rost to;ex*' tend tho deadline 30 days, but th« chief cxecuUvo la slIe»t.on

- -tJi*;que*UoBf—* -----— ;r

Robot O ja ft ’8 Proposed Jauntl • "T o Hawaii Vetoed; Snow

, Quits Post-

Cheater A. Snow. dolIa^a•, man .who waa‘ In.' cliargo of

, _ ooant t«ta -of -the.’ .plane' knufpped-with-avrobot-pilot'and 4‘roctton.V- radio..oo'mpoM,; telcr

Imerce .bureau. Apparently he wa■ piqued because permission for the ■Hajvaiian flight waa denied. His roaignatlon doubtless wUl bo ac cepled. ,

Don’t SfflW Recopda Offlclala Aaid that difference!

over, conduct, of the experlmenta luul developed for ooma time be-

■ tweea Sno^ vaad--thorn. • -Hiey Ipolnlod out they., were making laclentlfic -rcaearch ......

They will continue at Intcrvala Inlo the 1030 campaign. • • 1 , It«'-liouM and aeaotc Ihave not produced a united front nor-a-uniformly-acceptable -pro. gram. As titular leader 'of the ;party organlaitton. Mr. Hoover has ■offeroai -the-gold' ataridard- and lawmiomnenl -of'recovtry'cxpori- Imentatton.oa a prof^m with which Ithe-RepubllcaaflMiijgiit 'defcatCtha NwJJeal party. - • ”

A S K IA X P M ff lMerchants W ill Confer With

State Ohlefa; MiUer’fl - — ^Vicws M n y Prevail " —

By ni;V,\ G. rUNKE BOISE. March.23 iUl’l—Idaho’8

lira tax "battle" raged on today. With no actUement of. the pro-

blem'-of how tlio-tAX BhalJ-tM-eol- leetcd coming froitt the state bouse, Bolao merchonta gatliertd tn a mass meeting today to decide Wlmt course they would tuice. The out­come of tho meoUng.wao.that.the mercliont's bureau leglslallve com- mitteo will -confer with Governor Itoss, Attorney General.Bert Miller and CommUaloner of Plaaace ‘Bct

rpcncer - "'.7 . Juryi wm Adillt Hiilcr.:ur«'‘nnilon't‘» lia\-o'ibe“ 'govcr i-- - - -It w-aa learned that Britain hncl]j,„„,I^ j Tueo.lay, began Bt>'--"1 of relief."

:u.kcd Uv;l"cl>C'J‘'l<;<l5onf«rijnco o t . , j . ,3 „> >• ‘ now goc» to, conference with the, Jritlsh, ,1-rench and Italian foreign, ^ Clark. Hrltiah amban- Jnn, 21.

It accompanied Kdon AlexLil|, ^ftor ilifteroncea In the bill aluence f

What Is regarded Eiirope^nlnce lh<j_confw.w-. for Monday and Tuesday

.Buron-JCmatantln-von Simon, British foreign

-E,™--------------K™mnn„-,-.,rKtnrnin—perhaps (he most Important meeting In----urninging^tlio-uxniUtlce te-M-hNlrjIrd-

Berlin liy Chancellor Adolf UlUer.,U> hlH-rorcign-mlninter:;Sir'>fohn-{

-........ ............ -ry , and SImoii'n chief aid, AnilionyEdeti, lord privy seal. European peace hopes, .totjerlog na, a reniilt of.thb-NwU jejurmaraonV«l«Jreefl,-'vlll-fomi tho vital bn«U-of roufcrenee. • A p( llmlnar>* allied confem I?arls today. • - 7 - • > being held nt

Times Marks^ 3 dth.Anniversary Today

!.ed;calilnK,for..fluch_a.mcctUig Im'-iimedlately. • - ...............- - - • *

\V{U Continue Schedule In the meontlme. merehanta will

contimio^to,coliect the. tox.aa_thc iKlieJiilejKlilca.ttiiiyJnttugurfttc«i:'

will jiot attempt to restrain the tax.The merchant'a plan of aaaeaa*

ment,calls for no'tox on sales to i r « n t a ' l ' cea foa iales'Yrom 'is ' to.03 conta,-«tc. They'd’eclded'to|

pie have become more or less used to paying tliatwny.” . ■

The maas meeting waa called to bring together Miller and Dlefea- dorf for a solution to tho ttoubie which threatened a buyers'.strike. Both men gave their oplnloua of the law.

MlUer Win. Point , Wilier, howcver..* to have on.hla point that the tax.could }t bo collected- on sales of leas

___ _____________________ „ ,thaft_50,a«l*idefcndorf.aaid_hA|OM3^rwcir3TCi«vrr7^e7^5iar|TUlireaoiitM~nrd"ri6rchanB'*^IaH, -Oougtau-.-tran^rt plane jwhlch h(ia-been uaed tor the-teats ;muflfJ>e-remrned-to Traaacoatlh- cntal ‘Western Alr*ays.-.The equipment will be inatalled

In .a ford trt>motored plane'-be­longing to thft department for nei,v iteau betwetfn the Florida''o6aat ,and -Bormudo. They will be under nupervtsKn o f Vidal.and Capt. A l­fred -W.- Hegenbereer. - •

Bimllar equipment will be in- stoUod. o&-a-.>»ta*Ajnerlcaa-. way*j)lane, - which, will shortly undertake a-aurvey o f a rOuto ■' Urf-Far R j t over the PacUlc.' "Since.ron-Amerlcan.latcsda' undertake, thla i«rlC'.,a prominent official oald, "there la ja reason wljy-r.Uierdepttrtment-obonW-TUB: oomp:tltk».^ ond.updertake. unneceaottty :riaka.';-.. _

BCriHEVILLE."Arlt.'llarch'23 (W —A. l a ^ ' bitak'ln' the’ Little river floodway. levee a'mlle aoutii of.R^verval^ Jn •cMUhi Polnietl county, apreod ,lloodnraters ovenat leoat 20,000 acretof lasd to^oy and threatened to Inundate ttie town of

{Continued o a - I^ ^ a. Cojum 3)

Pioneer .Offers -New “Way Back When’

-Data of-CityIn connection with tho onniver-j

sory-today of tho publication ofl the firot Jaaue of The Times on March 23, 1M5, John E, HoycB. nloneor engineer, hoa collaborated In aupplylng aome fn»h Informu- tkm on oarJy-dny Jilatory__of_thls eijmrhtiolty-. ' _ " '7 - Many of tho factfl have not 7icr<f- tofore, been publlahed. -ond Uiolr appearaaco. In thia lasue odds a new chapter to the lilatory of thia ompVe. -ond-wlll-Mrve -to-supply the ntmoaphere seeded to contem­plate th« aplrlt "of the community which- led up to the foundlag of The' Time# 30 yeora ago.

■-i-Oa :ilarch'."23, "1B05.":,20.000 irM o fland with water rlghla,

, as aol>t at a ntonater drawing here. ..-r^VliTer.'Wfta in -tha main .canal;


Thc»e-mea -wer« P. S. A..Biehel Mr. Haye« and, Walter G. Filer. Hie section selected; 10, a school sectloa in towoaWp, 10, aouth. range 17 onat. waa chosen b^use, title • couM be secured > at once Ifrom the sUte obd'thus tlUe couM be pused on to the purohoiMr o f , lota. Negotiations for <he purcbasc| Of sectloD' 1 0 .......................... ..

mtrs!BEVERLY HILLS. Calif.—

_ wn.n abooting off the other -day about holding companies. Mr. RoonevcU and lota of foliuj

-may tl.lnk-they-areTUncolled- .for, but the-folka-workiog-'ifor ■'em think mighty well of ‘emi It's Uie «kl fault of. nyt calling' lAg your Bhots, by naming tho bftd_onej, ,ond no^abMtlng Into the wlwle coveyi.- I tell you onother----------*

a fe ilw wtmta to keep.cand th j"- ■*-'----thingsbody knows Just exacUy what it ,

-Would-do;-'-and- cvery-.i«rwa - thinks ho Imowa ewwUy what it would do. All 1 know It’a' easier to print than to make by

>-work.=3ui-1>1eaa»-dan't.-wrile -wire

fully-lucky, and ifa a secret you Bbould cherlflh and not let

.even j"our-gmndchUdrcB-"know. • about .It.'Youta.,..............

in conforviice the re- .1-,,-,, oiiitc n.-vi..iici« i>nvui.......................KOCfl back tO .

i f " ; ! ' ” «5.. Tli..Fr,ncl.-BrlU.h prapa..!. lo .MppUo... ordlnar-lly a formality. Koll.owlog odoptlon

ilicftted tho diplomatli . -- would be worked out n.i followa:

........ WIU Meet Hitler ,1—SJr Jolin^Slmon, foreign nec-

irelaiy, Iciiven fo r BcHln by nir- ]plane at 10:15 a. m. tomorrow .for,, n„nci[,atlon in luilkn-Mondav and .Tiirndnv wiih.V'--' . j Adolf,■HiUcr:


IThcy cnvi.nago Cermnni ________trnnco to tho League of Ntitiona, her adlierunco-la eoalom-Kuropo.m and Danubian security trentlea. and

.Tu.,a,y w .lh :};" "':1T ' - Indicated that Lavai held, 2—Anthony Eden, .lord' privy „ ^ Bossibuity't^l Pranwl

»Clil..aecompaalcB^8lmDn nad then oppow iwfornit mwrtlog etforeign mtni*taraxrcnui Brt-

tate.-«It«tj^.aad France'tmUl thei n -m,'» Ntttlda*-.couacH..ttt'an

many-s violatlon'of the. V e r iillSI mnv or may not toke up the,u Th. m«.tln. ha. .^here were 12 men at the firat

ce lodoy.

by Sen. Elmer Thomaa; D.; OUli, ' under which the.cureney could becxpnnded'by 51.000.000,Mo; --------

No vole was taken and It waa :lodicatcd It would bo eliminated In conference:- The' -a^mlnlstraUoa'' choae that method rather than

cll mayGcrmon crisla. The meeting has been called, by French demand. It1. « ■EWnth wc.pon .g^ m t C ir i |«»Vh UmS. Ih. m.ethc mnny. envisaging proapect of o Lnirtrced LavaV ‘ ' ‘ voto denouncing.Gcrmany..and on.! raging all Cormana.

1 paased ‘ ment

Imaka a fight which , could-bar* anolher lonff d«\*y; - ------ -........Aoceptab?«to'F;p.-A-

,ThebOI.M pit»«>dbyihe^ttati wltix the exception of the -mornu amendm'eat. la acceptable to the lTn>it«rHoiaw-|gg-cM n»r^ r--.- . -j cariy out t ie preoldenfa original .' , lintcntlona.of tranafe'rrjng 3.500,000 Iperaona from direct reUef to work- '(relief.projecta.-....................... , -

The flnoi acehea In the senate as (C onU nufdon^gc^C olunm l) .

tjo-followed'by-tt-hlg- confcrcnco'ln London, with Germany, Britalrf. Fnincc. Italy, Runsla ' and other countries repre.iented, to do the real work ot consolld.nttng peace.

Ramsay MacDonald, prime min-| later, la considering attending Uicj

regarded as .significant. I tint Finance Minister Germain* .Martin waa called into the defense Icouncll meeting. It was his Jobj I to tell the council'means-of flnanc-l ;ing Uie ciut of nnUrglng-lho-Armyl

nee Sbl Sld ht“ -^nlAnThonyEden Sln‘s“Stl lStmlQlster.'he also will bo at the lOotho meeting- and-the-parjey wiill ibocoroo one of premiers aa well ■foreign secretaries.

i S P K l N -

(Continued.on Page ^ Column fi)

H e i r e s s ’ C h a r i t i e s , G u f ; P o ^

G i a i i i t F o r t u i a e b y - Q n e - T l i i r d

<Cepyrloh(. 1939, United Pk m )] ■ SOUTH A M ^ t i , • England,-

March 23 ftlneeas Ba^:' bara Hutton _Mdlvohl has dla'-j po»d oiil» lrii‘ of licK reported;-«0,000,00 Inheritance' through'donations since ahe ber calncuo£.'ag» 'ai-year^*■atto, the: United Pitas'leoraed-today as: the u^erlcu i heli«si-saLU<!d'-for- | home to a rnn n divorce from j»rlot«-Alactrtl(MroBL—rr/.'—•The^prloc^'-^-flMn'olol-MvIS'- 6n har« Inforoud. hef»'that i f ' her :ch&rlUei c o A t l^ ;UMhe pre•entt*t^!tl^e‘b•l4nce.of-hei^ fortuBfT.wlU-dlsap]^ In.about' 30yean ,: ■ :• — *•

The.jibuthful heirtas-departs ln-:,(^atert -■•Becrccy^vla- the. kitchen - a ta i» 1 and; tn~ alley— '

from her Looon hotel and went, to- Southampton,: where,, aho '

- ■ boardednhe-TJronea- tor' New" .JXorltj > - .

Th.e’ •princess,- wbBae.fortune comes m m a chain of five-ond-'

', t« -c en t , atorfea,-has'donatW.' •or.-looned- « , 000.000 In' the. ^laat.yeorr ln addlUSn to tuna,*. tlons- afid-rgUta , o f . * 11.000,000 “ onthe day she .qim# o f ag^ ','- ■ gy*v^bU»er ‘peo;? '-

out'.Anyttuog from*.three^flg- iurft.'i)OB^tal.bllls-torarrean on'. instsllBienU'.-.- on mottKOged-. hmoui’.are-uld 'on <ber. «nlers.- •vWhUe^-lnVLbndon.', Prlncaa- Barbara openW about 200' letr ters-a .'day .and. check*l»lh6«j’. .■wUo; aike<-and-:dc8cnrtti -aid. •

E W Y A V IA T O RF l S T O O t t

Piano’ Ootdes. A p a r t. on* Test FUght of-Now-Typ.o ■

Battle Onift

minutes- later hotrlflod -«n-lookera lifted ,a manglod^body from the wreckage.--— ' -t —. •

percd-tho victim.,Tbat-was-the . death of Jjune#

(Jimmy)-: CoUina,' formtr t/nlted Stotea navyjea f pilot and oad of

nw:tyw jj|ane, to-teit it.for.ttje navy. . I t . withstood. nine - of:'the. lO )re*cnt>ed'. power dives. .'On the JOtli Jt fold^- to b » erewtved , |i,800.\-«*=-5w,-: .irortc.eab^h :td: maintain Ms wlfa and(woTchUdrenv'whlle-be htmwtraa-aa-gviauof f. t^ t f e - ~

|Fodcrali;.Oburt-Eulcs-:l'Spito!l Tax-Ajitnst-U^^ a.r'Stato

NEW ORLEANS. March 23 atH* —Loulalona newapaper publlahora have won their fight to prevent en­forcement.of Sen. Huey P . Long's •'aplU'; tax. ' . .

.A three-judge federal court latelyeatcrdoy decided the ta x ---- - 'c o n s t i t u t io n a l . .

Act 23 of the-regular session of 19 legtslature of 103«, which levied

per3.ot^morc.thaa.,20.000_coplc8______per week-eirculationi waa unani­mously declared in vlolaUon of both the state and federal conatl- tuUotifl.- At tho. time the tax waa passed

Senator Long referred to 11 "as a " c on newspaper lies," - He hoped:. taxing the tflvcnues of the news-'

papers ,toBt6p,tbelr-crttIeUm othU dictatorship..The court, held the - ta x ' «

wrbn f' because -1C- dlscrimtnated against the ntno. plaintiff newipa- pers, thercby.Tlolatlng “section 8 of 1 article 1 0 - ^ the conatltutton* of thIa ctate.'’- '^ 'tre8paasbg-"itbe' cona____tion or the United.Statea are »e-| cured to:ovtty-lndivtdual .agninstl state'action;-. ' ' '

am p .Df’ D i s T B ^ ^ .SAN ■FBAK61SC0.March

Globe..»trelc^ today.-lnter* eeputd an.-SOS.sent by, the S..& ' HaU^-4n-the Cblna se*. near Fu- ehowi. rThe liaers Pm Uent-Uc- lOnley-and Preaidettt-Hoovvr were tnatnicted lo t iy - t0 ;C0nUct- Ue

detennlne her present cm-

.............. power ponfercnce, . --icharged with the minslon of toning idown Francc'a nrgiy reaction toICerman’armameat. ................

Britain feam that the Incrcoalng Ignivlty of tho situation may cn- Icourage the Littin Entente nations [^•nnjimanla. Czcchoslovakla-. and ! Ju^slaVia—tq start plans for mo- 'biiizaUon, to b« announced If Hungary or Bulgaria foilowa Ger- .mony's^example-^ln-tlofyiag—the j)eacft trea'tles.:


Mlnlster_Kokl Hliotn assured;a diet cbm'mltlee today that Ge'rmany

Intentions o f ,attempting to**- frtrmoi-.^iilK.mtu l»l»

. by Japan under a Lcaguol of Nations mandate.* '

Hirota said-that his lnfomatlon| (Contlaued on Page 2, Commn 9)

Busy P rogram .fl^eida led -fo r— v-i=Next W eehV rino 'J lrta--------- '

, Exposition ■


I Former TT. B^-Ha^nga^h En voy | Bays Qcrmany W ill Brins:

Ooafliet b y lM O

CHICAGO, March, 23 (tU’l• ^ e ^ lan/s rearmament has made war

, lovltable in- Eiirope by IWO, iNlchoku noosevelt, former United !stateg mlniater td'-HuogaiyV aaW today la «n-nddress before-the-ChJ- cago Council of Foreign Relatlona.

•The map of the< Balkans. like ,lhn map of the rest of Europe,''.he aald, ••woa re-drawn after the World.wor..but,“ " '

llott territoiy hare never ^venoip I their ^blUon to regain Jt _ ' _ I o r . n * _ . -

.Datloni'^'may ,be--------- .,„,-to.-tunr-Tn<>r6-Shamor^ toward the Reich for leader- ahlp follow•Geriuny'a ample Is rearming and in' "

i Oermtny.'.',

defyla*;U>e.peace.treaUe«i'.:.c .•^R<»»eteit.^ff«L_at:tlia.;Iden .that Germany does BOt,want<war. He aai&, the. entire Hitler pBUoMipby Is-pradlbated m -the J<^'tbat

. KIMBERLY, .March 23- — • •— Monday.wUl.ace. Ih e .op cn ln g -1..^

o f tho Kimberly fine arts exhlbU - - lion, which will be conducted la '.- the. hlgh-acbool.gynina^uiQ.aod' will feature UlS-orifflnm-oUipdlnt'—r-— ^

from 40 Idabo-oad, Utah a f.-—rT=!~

Openbg day wlU be iollowed tar women'a club day, Tuesday. V 'naaday-ia-r—■— ..... ..........iGrftngcT#'_-':t1fr,lamato:y-w,iiuMi»-wty,-iuia ________ _lurday.'ieactiera'and thutces'day. '. V| ; Admission to the event will be 'V|

"■•pt. L. A.-Tbomos -, . . . . . ______ ,.-achooia.~:apoo»orilhc exhibit which has &— .........l.from.Hci'

H lgh li^u on t ie program of eventa for thS week will be con­certs by the.Kimberly high ocbool orchestra: bas'd,' glee - club’ and' string ensemble, the Albka 'nor­mal-school glee club., and addresses by Jobn W. Condle, state-super- tntcndent o f public Instruction:Dean J.Tt. NlAoIa, University o f ,Idaho, southern; branch; Pres^*' •

,H..Sn>'dcr, o f Albion state nornuU. ' • .yjf I yhopi r Suj^CX^.^ Whi ting .

[SuVt.-TbomflA JOmberly.', • ____fl .Fdhtu^ for-Monday will be-«a-^~ tertoinment at'8 p. m. supplied by, ' - Kimberly sohool talent,‘ £nd oon^. . - .eluding witSi the address of. Ur.Whiting. On the program -wUl bo tho orCMst^ bond' ond girl's' (Contlnued'-on-Poge 2,-Column 7 )‘ -

Twin Falls Roid' - ; ^. 0is'tncf;.Upheld~

hB0I8E,--MBiidj:;-«--rtteecJal)=c-: Jud^ent o f -the; lowtt*;. court' In 'faTpr.of tHe ,T«rti?,FBU» W g ta ^ ir'v

in . ■!-sUtuted tay.tbaicu^ugti tUgtiwi^ diatzict.MoldBi: an laccotmtitTg. and \. J u d g ^ t ^ upheld .bjr:the;-'

Page 2: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained

----------P a g f l - T w o - - T T )A H O - t :V E N lN G - T IM E S . - T - W IN - F A L L S . - ID A H O -S^tnrrtny, Mnron j

I t i

'Boosevelt Program fo r Work Jro jccta Passed by Upper


Ueatera Itetura Mr. Ana Mrs. Qcrt KcMcr have

rclurnctl from n vlalt^to~Lo* An­geles and olhar sauthcm Calirot' nla polnU.

, ^Conllnued Proa Pace One)It ncted on the hugo appropriation

- bill were OramaUc bul were plny- e<l only bc/oro parUally filled gnl' Icriu.

- a. o. p. vot« y «Eleven RcpubUuuui, _onc. Pro-

^rcflsivc hn«l oco Farmer-Liiborito voted wlUi the odmlnlfltrtttion In

.-4avor-of-.llio .hUl-wlU».-M-Dcnio-

Sluter Vlslt4 iirn. Kowftnl I’orter. formerly

Ulos Irln UlncU, and <lausl)t<'r, Donna Morle, Los Angclcn, • IcU ycatcrilay for their borne iifter vbiltinB Mm. Porter'fl nUitcrii, Mr«. Omnr Klrtley, and <Mm, Roy KInft.

M yjproprinyoha eominlltec, AniuLnom lniiirc^^ejaf'thc

a.ieU On Job ■■ M. -UolIcf._luallcc _or_U)c

hnj-recovernt nymcicnUy rrom-<»-*fewt-i»ttBcK » f inftncingr to n jum lo hjn duties at hiu iofflco wliich Ife iinUiitulna wUh'lhc ' ■ iCitc Ilrm of Jtccnc M.'VVIP

.................. „ .. ..iKlnal 1-he had to withdraw It bccniuic a p&lr with Sea. Bronaon CulUne,

, 'R .. N. i t . but laUr tranirerrwl . _thc Sea. Robert Carey. IV.

Wyo.. and let bis vote stand.Ten RepuMleons ond sbc DeniO'

crats .voted ofolnst thb bill - —jUjpoaaoRC.-, -r—

—T- -ForcstaUs Dttoy-In order to forc«UUl on effort

to delay the works bUta by a mo­tion lo reconsider a «ct week, Sen. Bennett Champ Ctark, D„ iSo., moved for- reconalderaUon os noon aa the bUI woa paaaeo.

.........Mnjority LeAder Joneph T. lUjb-. iw m then moved to lay that mo­tion on tbc table and that wa« done.

llio maneuver made it 'Impoa----- Alble for“ Senator'■LonB'."'foi 1“

ataaee, to reopen the Issue by ' ~ rcconaldemtSon motion next week.

Clark tokl the Mnate, bbwovw, -tbftt-tt- ■

M c C a ^ ,1 . in confer­ence, ho would address the senate at length on .that propoalUon. The UcCtuTon nmcndment ncccpled m the last flurry before posoace ofthe bUI. provides that -----

, meat of atate supervisors---------cr relief offlcIals-reetlvlng W.OOO or more in salary oholl be aubU<. to aenato '

:----—i.pO PB ,-BonA »-A i’rRo.v&-•WA5HINGTON;TMaren 23 niw

, —The roll call on senate poasnBo o f the ?4,880,a00,000 work-rellef bUI:

• For—ca.Democrats — 05 — Adams, As-

' hurst. Bachmon.' EoUey, • Bank­head, Barkley BUbo, Blade. Bone,

•' Burke, Clarity Con-_B^ n ^ B ulow. Burke, Clark, Con- _________ - r -•niOly, Coolldcc, CopelaSd. Diclrich. Hero from llnliey

—Dnrfyrrrictcher.—Georffih-Gcrry, —ilr.. oadJMut-JiGutfey, Harrison,- Hftteb, Hayden,

. lOng,. Loncgnin. ..MoJoney,. Mc; Adoo, aieConan, McGill McKel*

-lor.— Minton, -Murphy,— Murray. .Nelly, 0 ‘Mahlnoy, l*lltmna, Pope, Kadellffc. Reynolds Robinson, Russell, Scttwclloabach,. Shops>ard. Bmlth, TtJoniiia^ot Oklo,, T b o r^ o f utoh; avammelUTrumon. . Vnn Nuyn. Wagner, Walsh, CoatJgna,

. Wheeler.Republtcana — (11) — AwaUn,

Borali. .Clipper, Cousena, Frasier, .Ciboon,- JohmwQ,' McNary,--Nyc,

■ProtfrcMlve—(1)—IJX........ .Farmer-Labor — (1) — , Ship*

steatlAsnlnst the bUl-dO). ^ , Democral*~(0)—Bulkley, Bynl,

Dooahey.'-GIass, Core. Tydlngs.- Ttepu^cana — (10)— Borbour,

Dlck&iBon, Hale, HaatlnB«,'Key», - • - • TowTiBead,


<U1*J—The history oI the W.- 8S0,000,003 work-rcllet bill:

.------ jan.-3 — Prealdeat Roosevelt,— {a hla annual messajo to con* •

Bress, InJ-*. cown his policy,for qultUnc the •’dole" In favor of

. worlt-rcllef.' •Jan. 24 - r House,. 32t» .to 78,.

passed the bill after only two <Iaya’ debate and wlthout chauRO from the odmlnlotraUon form.

• Feb. H — Senate appropria*.^ llt lo a s waunltteereported, :tho.

Feb. 15—Senate'tejaii.con- . Bideratton of the bllL. . '

Feb. 21—Senate approved.----- lo“<3.'UrcTJcCnmra piwalllnU“------ waRB-wnendmcnt'a^r-*

Feb.,23—AdmlnlJitmtlon lead-era sent', the bill baek to tho

. nppMorlallons committee for. a

March 6 — Committee re-..... .reported tho-bill;-adding. oUocftr■ ' Uoa o f funds to" appeoM crit­


McCarran amendment.March 10 — Senate rejected

tho amendment to reduce the appropratiOD to $3,880,000,000.

March 21 — Scaato defeated, 43 to ^ the Borah omeadment

• to restore tho Borah ameadmeaL March 23 — Senate paiwed

..the bill and sent it to eonfer- cnce_wJU»..ihe house— -.

News in Briefri of tb* Ct«)OnR T^mn imr (0 m il dtparimtflt rr bjr-t»l»phon«. Th» nu



iK ProfrMloiml niodri According to word rccclved 1

Tlio Times from-San Jose, Call Mini Alici> Dunn, formerly of thb clly, ill now cnfftiRcd as-a profea- fllonnl moilcl at the Mitrk nopklns, Palace , iuid St.. Francis-hotels In Sanl-'raneia'co.---

CniuU Case Mnndny Trial of n damftKe suit brought

by J. N. Molyncux ,np»ln*t the Twin Fnlts CnnnI company -wilt open at 10 a. m. In district court Monday, wllh Judge Adam B. Bar? clny prcaldlnp.

Receive* Dirth News 'Roy O. Culler has received wqrtl

of-the-blrth-of-B «Jn to Mr.-and Mrs. Iflnnd, at • Smith Center, Kanaas. Tho mother, who was thu Wrmcr- Miaa • D«rolhy CutlcrT

former Twin Fnlla re.ildcnt.

To rocatello . nOMF. Marrh 23 (UTI—llnlv to-

Is in Pocatello wliero slie Is 'tendloR a SouUieaatem Idaho . ference. Mrs. Villa is on the staff ofU io Idaho'rower'conjpany.'.S^ie wls necompftnled.Uyjic'r.OnuEhtcr, Irene Villa.

Netopew ffroup of- Camp-Fire Rlrls met at the home of Lucille Thomas yesterday afternoon. A report vhts made on the sale of doughnuts and Imnpsaclui were dis­tributed.' Tho next meeting wiU be lield'at'the home of Doris Anne Sherwood.

reporting: tlie. roada In »p l....flTmnti-rT rpyw th,. high­

way Is open clear throutf: (o Horse creek at the foot of GiUena sum­mit Mr.'Olmsted, asiMclatcd .wlU)

_ .. __ - .......... -.. Wallacemoyed today from 220 Eighth ave­nue,' In -a

formerly oceuplcd by Dr.

Wallace home Is to bo occiipled by J. W. Taylor, district oales ---------- for Ctevrtlet, It ----

Sponsor.Card Party. _ ______MemberSvOf tho Supremo Forest ' ‘ I circle and their friends

will bo eater^ned at a card party Iucsdair_CTciiiag-atltho,Ilogcraot» hoOel. I3aeh member Is requeotod to brlBg aa article wrapp^ for mlseellaneoua auction to be sold to the htgbeat blddei. Prizes will be given .and refruhments semd. Tickets may be bought - In the lobby.

;PeUlI6as'Cou^rL. P. 8tumpf,-through.hls-attor-

aey, O. P. Duvall. Twin Palls, has filed a petition-la probate court aeeklns an order esubllahlng rce- ord-tltle- to'community properly held by lilmMlf sad'by his wife Mrs.' Cora B. Stumpf, wbo'died Oct. 13.1031. It; eonslflta o{ lot 7 of blocW X-lnXlncoln whool addition No. 3. Twin Falla. Thursday, Apri 23TT««“ hCTh''Bel ainhc'datc’ for hearing on tho-peUtlon. Named os

iralsors are J. E. White, G. Tappralsors are J. E. White, ( Hunt-ioid'aaudBnnW'’-T “

U Mfn M»et

(he extremTUes, , and depleting treatmeat of gunshot, and other wouxwln.JivB. J?:cln.oi:_mulicia,vPlQ- turea .were shown .aad, dlscuaaec generally nt a rpeclnl meeting _oi the'South'Sldo Mcdlcal'soclctynt the Park hotel last evening. Dia-

lln lead the dlacusslon.


LONDON,. March 23 (Uin— Europe's armament crisis has brought about recognition of Soviet Ruaala by another great

, power—the world famoua Lon- , don .TImea.

For J7f■ . Bolsh'cvUt_____ ____

. cver'coajwrratlve. has refrained ■ 'from' sending a staff corres,

pondent to Moscow. But It will 'aend one with Anthony Eden,-lord privy seal, when,he goes to'Moscow next week to negoU-

, ate with ,the RusaUm govern- laen'L

-^ lood Threatens- _'::Z;-::..'Death'fo Chinese

.. NANKINO, M a«h 23 ^ •TLousanda oT famUlea aJoag the

, TriJow river, wen threatened with - bome< aad cropa today by a

steady rlae In the river knowa as - ' ‘Chlaa’* aoTTW."

Tho awoUen water# already . . . . at the f i » t llae of dykes, go. Bi6u«*ad«-wai die..

= - S E A !

(Continued From P ^ e One) i come from Ambaas.-idor \

Dlrksen In'a' Jlscent conference.Tho foreign minister spiritedly

idcnleil rumors of a Cornutn-Japa-. •30 hlllance.

. -■•EKItANUSOF-a’E-VCE'.:___LONDON, March 23 il'.ln-Tht

Journeys of Foreign Secretary Sir -John-aimon-nnd-lx>rd-I>rivy-r--’ JUitlMniacdaa=tff=Burop<ian-e.. :.Li!b uro "errands of pcace." Stan-

r.Baldwln,-10rd •prcaideat-of.the.. mrtl, nnliModaxJnja - ..........Albert hnll.

lie said Iheir vlAlla to Berlin....Moscow wcro to find out from "the

who have tho power-to

parts regarding limitation of .... He reiterated Britain's dealre >r pence but said that dlnarmii-

ment. was further nwny , ilmn the

A rm y Cluss'of 1011 Sammoned — To Colorsfas Mcnsnro'of

------ ^Precnullon!^------

day:Ia»a of 1011.

The Italian army will approxl mnlc 000,000 men ^ eonseque:

Tlic nnnounccmcnfcomclminimedi

■~Lct"U"bo' clear,**"he - shontcd ■Our desire for pcace and Euro

pean collaboration Is'aboveall back- :d up by several mllllcas of steel bo'yonila."

A t another point he said:......... Italy Prepared

"I dealre to soy to the whole ■-what*

soever will find us unprepared.'—Tho-call to-tho colors.takesJa.all ltallan.1 bom in 1011 who are now kround 24. Two divisions of these lien were' called to* the cblors'dur- ng tho Abysnlnlnn crisis.

Only on Tliuraday, Mussolini de-

,iio new .ckiss of will jcport 'or a ycaj's compulsory' service. •'

I t was explained that retention ( the 1013 men waa due to the

'XJlltlcat-slluation.; __Fivcautlonary Move

-Today's^car - irecauUonary.Today's calf Involves about-160,-

of the 1011 classwho -V hen tho AbysslRlan mobillza-

was decided upon, two'r dlvlslona.were

placc them.•A brief-dramatto communi

cave, the newa of today's coll.. Bald:--

•The head of the government In bla capacity as minister of the arm ed-forcea has ordered a call to orma:.of the entire class of 1911 The meosare la of a precautionary character.".


Merchaata J f f iU C on fcr lW U h State-Ohiofsj Miller's


-(Cciatln^"*' FromJage One)

mild that his Qtand'was taken be caiuio he wanted to be fair.*; But Dlcfendorf also, said tha

Miller- was Iho'kgaJ-advlacr-fo the sUlt^ _ '■Hr-ls-matteniejrand* t nvc to abide by his opinion," the mlastoner “ ’ •*lid. ''It Is the atti grneral'a duty to Interpret the lav

"A ll I am InUrestcd In la get Ing the tax money. The. law soyi I have to collect two per cent or all sales but It does not say wha schedule 'I am to odopt"

No FracUettal Ta*Miller waa emphatic'as to hov;

the law should be Interpreted. "Any school kid can figure <

fEXODllSSlRTlNG^ F R l« iE A

rarmcrB\J,baadon .Nowly-Mado • Desert in Bast'Colorado,’ Westcm-Kansoa

(Continued FVom Page One) tho havoc wrought by _lbe winds. The soli had nothing tin*anchor It.

Physicians and -11?' workers continued a herloc flgbt against hunger and disease, handicapped • y laslc o f funds, hampered by

Ighwayo cbokcd wlth'dust drifts. In a SprlngfieUl morgue- loy


death cerlltlcal;s on file In ca.40 atlrlbuled death to

■tpcfeumonI»rWduc<d-ly~lrTKatIon ' ■ tho lungs from the constant —or*tJnr“ anFt-p«rticles

Shirley Temple’s gloriuun smile sheds lU lustre over "Tho LltUo Colonel," th« (lew feature at the Orpheum starting Buadoy. Lionel Itiirrjnoro U featured wllh the Uttlo favorite. Toolght.for.tha last., tlmefl Myma Loy and Cary Grant aro f»tarod at tho Orpheum ‘ “ Wlnga In the Dark.” ' -


for a riin of three days only.

l i p j M~10VIE4 )(-STAR

Jack.MnlhaU, Oaco Oolebrit;!0£ Scrceo; £Ist&iZ>ebts'

■ • Of $305,012

TomV tJnlt PrewV '____________iD.-JVtnrch 23 IlUa -Jt'8 not only the extras, eatlccd from tank towns by gltstenlng' lopes of screen success, • vho fxir-- nlsh the sorrowful stories In'Holly*' wood.

SomeUmcs.-the-pathetic:.yams. )mo from those whose heads;onco.

the film flrmiment and. whose pockctbooks bulg-

Tho name of Jack Mulhall, time Bcreeh celebrity, today added to'the IbK-of former stars whose success hai dwindled. Mul- hair filed a petition la voluntary baakruptcy lUitlng (335,012.20 in debts and only $Q,«0 assets:. One .obligation alone, according to Unlhall'a petition, amounted to <210.000. fie didn't ckiborate on the debt, however.

Recently Noah Beery,-. former ocrccn.Vlllala. .admittedJn an an­swer filed to a suit seeking pay- -ment of- a- doctor’s-bill,- that he was so broke he had to type the document himself..

_____ the past two weeks, twoother victims bad been burled 'at Lamar. ’Their death ccrtlfkntea gave "dust oa a contributing fac­tor." but physicians erplained that both had been .recovering from pneumoBla when Uic dust atormn atwbk-causing death.

Som-Throats Itampant— ~ Sorp ,throdts‘ wcre'Tthc- role

among tliose wbo stsyed in the region. Men and women npoko In whispers, their throats ck>gged with. dust. ■

As- the exodus from the . . continued, dbxeas of ranch homes stood deaolato- and untcnanted, the drifting sand piled obQut the doorateps, the hams drifted 'jo the caves..n6mojmall outbuildings, al­most completely hidden In the drifts, and form- animals : stand­ing-with drooped heads, their tails toward tho north, from which thel irevaUbur wlmlir~havu couie:----- ^

Ready to give any possible aid .ere Gov. Edwin C. Johnson of

CoV>ra<k»-and .other slaHL.oXflclnbH But- there was nothing they

could do. Aa Uie governor himself put-its...‘.’Only znoifllure can help, and wo can't .provklo that.'.’ . -


Jictttfers-Oheckiii^tin-Eecnpts A fter Sale o f Varied '

-------ArtiiierH cro------

-^Ireno-Dunne,- the -moHon-pichire star, aought help from the courts today to get )Q,000 she charged ad Imrarttneo'compimy'Jalled'to'pny her for some Inpured Iw ch y stolen from hir last sumrrier. ' '

•Mto'DuuiiexIuu'ijUd-sho uuttfled - npany, a British coaccm, lm»

. . ely afUc tho- jewelty, was stolen, and that, they refused to pay-wp*oirhcrpoIIi^.- —

•=» the ate

Evelyn I^yo and F/lti Hort- ner as the'most fambua song* blid In the world and herman­ager In "Erensong,’* tho.dellght- Tul-raDjUeai romaneo p&ylng at' the' Idaho theater Sunday, Men­to r and^Tueada^^Ailded enter*.

.... forwarded to the nation­al organization to defray a part of the'mdlo bro.ndcaatlBg.expense.

ge WllllsVoa In chargo of ,______Iquo auction which wan con­ducted by Vr. J. Hollenbeck at his laalcs'groundit. .The. auctioneer.,vol- '.4totc£mUiia-flcndcca_todi>>L.n«Jie did 00 Wednesday, when tho'sale luxd to - bo postponed on account r f inctemcnt-weather. Itecelpts that occasion totalled (57. ’

One liunared and eighty Twin FolM 'merehants arid numcrour ranchers contributed the merchan. dlse for the auetions,'and-on'sale ivero_nrtlc‘ of sc^ to an. automobile.

Mayor Duncan McD. Johnston Inaugumted today’s selling with ~ brief speech, and knocked down three dozen eggs to FteU Drake,

Sresldeot of tho local club, on bln Id of n : ,

Mario Dressier, veteran' motion plc- tura actross,.wss fitting and prop*

• ■ • rhad-ae:Trr*“»uporlor‘ courfjnage'had"ae= cldod 16day in overruling obJectloMof the actress' sister, Mis^ l^alta-anthbny of tondon.-' --------- -


Ingln"thoftCtftjai-«4tat<>-aDd.. . that Miss Goothony's allowance be TritaicW-tenpb™rflyr^“^ ' ‘ ,‘ ‘‘-

--------------------- L A S T T IM E S ' TO D AY I ---- — —


MIAMI. Fla., March 23 (Uni— The Pan-American Olpper, 10-ton ••fl>Hng teat tube,” returned to tho Intcmational airport hero .today after establlabing a new official world's record for long rtingo seu- plarc flights. . . • '

The tUigBhIp fit the Pan-Amer-

hours and lO'minutea.It came down-wlth-moro.Uian

500 galloas o f gasoline, sufficient to tarry the plane another 550 miles;

Tho distance coi-ered on the . atop flight. Is aeVeral hundred ralla grcBtcr. than .the distance from Calfomla to Uooolnlu, long­est ovcr-watcr spaa on tho pro- posed Oriental ^ lino via Hawaii and tho PhUipplaes. It Tijas '300 miles longer than tho most' wide­ly separated shore-txvnhoro poInU of the. Atlantic. '

lected. That Is reasonable because the ccnt Is the smallest piece of change we have.

•This trouble has come ■ about through .one error. ,You have tliought that means lo col­lect on all gross s.iles. It does not mean that It means all gross sales upon which a tax can be collected.

"Our buyers do Dot have to'sub­mit to. an unjust tax. There are sUIl maU order h o w ^ you know,

for the lnxp.iy;r and tlie-little Xd-IbwT....■------- ------ -T. .....- •

•‘\Ve have a sales tax which im- pdnes 2-pcr 'cent on any sale. There ' a-provlslon in that law wblcli —VS you shall not apply any frao- Uonal part of a ecnt.-'Unller your schedule y'oif'offend the law by chargtag a cent on the IB, 17 and 20 cent sale. Evferybody knows I f

The odds aglnst any siagle num ber winning any time .the boll is whirled on a Monte Carlo roulette wheel are 37 to’ 1. A winner r«- cclves 30 taoes the amount of his atakfi. -.

Seen TodayCrowda Jaxoinlng tlio J. C.

'Penney"'company "stbro \;thls morning at aaatbcr anniversary celebratlao, where a monster citko was out and dlstributod.- Thla was Ihls.newspaper’a birth­day also. We take this occasion to exohange felicitations. . . . Authentio report o f a Jersey cow, which' , meandered down Main avenue ycsteiday; It nosed about the parked cars, quite un-' disturbed by the traffic. . . . Notation to this department pointing out that t% Idaho plan levies a sales tax, puls the money Into the state treasury, Is then paid out to those on the roHs and geUi book -Into tho channels of trpde, making local business better, and In reality

■ ig'ft'a'^Huciror'niore'bcnc*n - — '-------------

m m m :Jolin 'H ^oa,' Pioneer, Ehpnccr, J ' ' ' Offers New ’‘'W a y BM k -'

W hen” Data ‘

........ orlgutol' COBL . . .Twin FolUi, Uic host city todoy -to twu gieupa-of-youngrChriat*- Ian workers, in Uie prcaence

-here-of-largo-numbers-af-Ep-. worth iesguc asd'Chrlallan En­deavor members.-

(Cootinued From Pago One) tlKi- Intersection 'of Shoshone and Main,' were surveyed on April 23, 100<, a plat was made, an(} filed

In' Ubton,' tho county, aent - of Cassia county., (Tho Twin x'alls.imct. was 5vltliln_CasBlo,county.al___that tinv as 'IV/ln'Falls county was not crcated until February, 10071—------ ' ----------------- -------------

KliERLYOPENSl l l f l O N D S Y

Bnay . Program Schednled for 1. _ :N c«-W eek 's Pino-Arts- - -


(Continued From t’age Oae) c lubr'iils ' SljHen'-GcTOWTRidgfl; way, Tom Arnold, Thelma Melgardand Harold KIrklln.-----------------

On-Tuesday at 1 p,_ m. the pro­

of tho Albkm state glee club, for' the women’s clubdoyjD.UtfOlnraj.nJ,__________

S( Day Wednesday at the same- hour,

senior 'doy will be cmphaalMd by as.iembly singing, numberfl by the siring enaemble. piano' boKj by Maxino Mason and the' address

tho proaentotlon o f a musical pro* gTpm at_8-p. m., combined with a' declamakoiv oonteot between Futir.-o Farmera of Burley; Filer. Jerome. ICimberiy, Murtaugh and Twin Falls.. Between 1 and 4 j)^m. Friday, the district contest. wlU bo held, and will be a session openlMgrai '8 p.-rn. ono'iict play eoaleata will be conducted .Satur­day at 8 p. m.-------- ... ~ ■ -•iy_ih«..finai

thero ,_ kKatlon by r lets,"

—The -Twin'- Falls ••fnvestmcnr company's office waa erccted dur-' ' Ing tho latter part o f July, 100<. ,

-Hayes’ engineers camp wa.-» erecteo;at-Uie aoutfaeaat-cor«er-cf— tl«r-towMlti5“ ln“ <»rIy "May. 1004.Tho Old nock Creek Croaslng had , been lie camp'slto at other per­iods prk)r to y , 1001.

— The first aehool was locate<l ot Ninth avenue-and Tenth street . souQt. (Seo old map for location).-.--rBob..McCoUum’sJ>ouaa_waaJ)Cf----Ing conatnicted la October. 1B0<.

—nr. Oouchek arrived during '" the third week In October, 1001.' .

—On November- 4, 1904. the . acbool_^coi8us showed 09' chlWren of school 0 ready to bo taught.

—On;SopU!mbcr.28, 1004,-a col* -• loetlon-of jBOO.waa'ralsed among the 40 perwas avaUablo for.the

confltructtnjj. n ' i

d ay-o f'th o - exhibit "wcclcrat-a program' especially lo r teacbero and -tnistcca.- -tho -orchciilrarTjand and .string ensemble will ] entcrtalhment, and State . . Condlo 'Will deliver tbe principaladaress.,.aftcr being. nrcaeatcd-Jjy Supt. Tboma^. of the'Kimberly

- J K E R - ^ O H N S D X . :



Saperior Quality, Workmanship and MateBall.

Soldby*EoHabl«: . Comfctoat Dftaler -


"J IY S T B K Y W O M A N " KOB» Bwit« . Jeha SallUsr

- ailb«n XeUad

>Jhutl*rs ef M SPf" Vo. S

“ iWtiijr -

You will, too, when-you ex> amlDO our Good Used Cara. ■ .You'd never imagine you -could get so'much value so Inexpensliely.

’20 OUs Coupo_____ __..522l•31 <ajevrolet Sedan •_____4321’33 Ghirwatoii CiiImj 'w-__»C2l'20.Ford .Fordor^________4 ia•so Ford Coupe _

730T 'S ^ ~y'gM6r-:

'34 Ford Coupe,• 0,000 miles’34 Ford E>e Fordor---- .>>5050■31 Bulck,Se«faa —.i— ..1425’28 Chevrolet Coupo--------JIOO-■•28 Chevrolet Coach >—— $125'27 Chevrolet COhch ...> 05'27 Chevrolet Touring•31 Ford Tlucle.^____•34 Fc)rd Truck, stako body U7S

Tho purpotfe. o f this llrat


road.'— The ilrst elecUon was held on

Nov.-8..1I)04^in.Uie.M..T..lUcora .. building Just about-finished-at the - -tlmoi- T?»o- result-waA—133 -reflU------tarcd and 01 voted as foItew«; He-pu .licann,-<lO,-D-on ,o-epa-t s.— 7,-----Soclnllatfl, 7. P/ohlblUon. 1 . . , ___ ...

— 'Tho flrat scliool was atartrd ist after- tbc--holIda>-a. 1«M—H7-7- . Thornton waa the teacber hav­

ing, been drafted from Caasln . county superintendency o f schools as,there,waa not another teacher available a l Uiat time.

— 0 . II. BaTber founded the Weekly Tlmea-and was Hs-publUih—

for a number of yeara.

— RalIoen-Tlrcd-BkiyoIe«,'~SU.OO- a«d~up.“ Equlp»cnt to sulfCJoy-*" stein Cjclc^^


•need nDoUi«r -rnn oa U>« b«ak-'S nDoUi«r -_________r«S&r. 'Onrtls Toner «u.. .. eoaiant aiA ti

•^tJNC LE 'JO & K ’S—


'^“Seitei’ i r ’tho“ 0 «ile»a '’ “

No. 8 "Retum.of Chanda".

■ Oomodj'-Cartoon-Nein

S DAYSl StarU Tomarroirl

- - - I t ’s A. BoaaaUbnljl

•SI-Ford Plckui ’33 Chevrolet Pid *34 Ford Pickup .

0. Ford. Truck.. Ford.'servlco'8a Good iu t^ '- .'. ____ '.Car.Ita^

u n io n 'm q t6rCOMPANY-

• ■Toqr rOBO Dettlw ■■-Twto'Mii'Mata. •

' It's buirlns your csnl

Vbu can'* g «t awsy rrbmHi

■' . It 'f your own pletura . « I ( v t s r i p h l e

...vlull .' C«hs>U< ffc lM f iMiesia



NOTE : l i* . ; An In Pan, oM We N oyer Balso Onr g riew! _

ftlDDIES 1 0 0 ^ AstTLtsl Vic : '-' rStatoSaleSTTu-Jldnttelc.-

Page 3: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained

~ Sntiinlnj', Mnrcli sil, 13;i5 .IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FAIJS. IDAHO

B R A D D Q C K M E A m m i . A S K ¥ ^

i i l N l K E Su f f i


•Vdtoran Jimmy ScorcsAiniiziBg .p Conquest to,Olimax Lons • '. r .Oomoback.Tyail

.............. — By JACK CUDDY -NEW YOriK, March 23 lUtl—

.Vctcrnn James J. BradJocU bCock] -------- totlny nfl~n~glortflea 'eontonacr~li

' tli'n]ne>room after' hla amazlnR-----^nquonL-oMiighl^'toulod'Art-I.cia'

. j Ity Iftflt "nlkbt—(I omnaUlnK upacl

...................... ely cui'm eat And polatota for' :

wife nnil Uirco klda after oevcn fu­tile ycara of rlns warfare, still

- ......................... »r-.of=ir.ooa:fror-. 2lca volecn pounding In hlB cnrs ti• day ds he went itunnlDc for a till• wllU Max acliracUDE.

• Schmellng Next,. BchmcJJnff, who prccJpJUilcd the

. current renaissance In the fight f:ainc. Is the lone barrier between

------ BmddocH .and-ft'cmck- at Mftxic. Bner’« . tlUe: .now. that Primo Car-;. . ncra liaa Ccaefted Madison Square

. Garden and slcned to- figh t: Joe t«ula for the Twentieth Century

____ dull._____________ ■....... .. ..........Anil Scmiieimff will meet plenty

of trouble In Uie 28-year-6lU New ■ Jorsoy ocrapper whose pile driving

clsloii. Hnnillcappcd ^ aRc unci _wclfiht_aml_a_a;lOil_unilcol<?cJa

the bcttlHB, Bmddock baiihed and . ballcrcti the Jowlnh Californian un­

til tlifi . 10.»3 paying cuntomera ■ >d_whttf Itept Him otn.Ills'

feet.____Staogeni Laiky

______Bradd!:^:l;..ono_ot_tlic ..lianlcst■.punchers In Uio rinp. roclccd and

.......ntnRucrcd-Lasky-jio-oftcn that the.Wcatcncr never, attained the form shown In previous bouts.

LiuiUy outwelKhed Jimmy :07 pounds to 182’ . and is three >-cani youDcer: but Art won only four

- rounds nRtiinst- 1 -for- his rcjuven-■ alcd opponent. One of these, tlie

____ llllli...\vaa..av.-Mdcd_LaaKy_by_ItcI-■— crco Arthur Donovan bccause of

Braddock'n foul. There were nc- hnockdowna; but both were bleed-

M I D l S I M i: .IN iA .y .n N A L S

•niT(f-8irui5-^d=x<£iiKyrrt'6ta-Wit nose and a (;ash In' his left brow.

■ ond Bmddock from « ripped chock. FlBhUnR from n crouch nBaJast

the uprlgnt BmdJock. l>aaky did ' not Bhow- hlfl‘ usual 'orUstry-wlUj

the left .hook. .Soma. thouRht . hla• poor showing resulted from- lack , of condition after bis.reeent attack

of Jnfluchza. " ' . : ' ' ,■ Bell Saves L a tky”

It was the Callfomlan’a firet 15-• rounder, but It w w only the scc-• ond loner distance bout-for Jim- ~;iny; and moat experts thou«ht'thc

--------art Jns-Art-sh6uld-r"-'»

n j- i icN n v M cLiaioiiE ' EN nOl;TE TO NEW YORK,

-irarch- 23-tCTO— Putting-tUi> sport'shot here and there after two months,'10 days; S hours. 0 nilautcs nnd 31 second in Piori- d a . ( I ’ got that way cloekloff CampbellX:- .

Down anund the camps they •ay'tho N « r York QlanU are really-off Diezy Dean . . . aod for no reason, exccpt that In an exhibition frame he tried to bit.

>lo-of’OianU in-the hood iiuL-—

'• th'o-longor route. . .• T .10 beO- saveiL. .lAaky.. -In -the : Blxtli'after ba had-been sent recl- . inff bya barrase of amaahlns lonir-

.....ranKeTlKhtatand.Icftato-tho-heBd.;In the nUi,'Art-again » « ■ out on his: fiet,.but Braddock.-waa too


J I N t M U E•. Cftssia, M inidoka Tcama W ill

■ ':Cdmp«to~in SnaKo VaUoy.” ' .;Diamond .O ccu lt!... -

■ BURLEY, March 23 (Spocl'al)-:-----^Eritranco'bf^iirley-^ata-Rupert

baseball teams In , the alx-<lub• Snake River Valley league..........

___nounccd hero loday-l , .. . ^•- The newlifdilaLlonJ*. expected -Uf provide fast- dl^^ond ^^ts. for

. mer's'Khedule, airice other jeoiM

,n rjforta to toepx a..-cl;#lt....... --------------------

. " Opens May sTentative openins of the

was set for . May 0. although a league meeting March 31 wUl make

• definite plans.J. R. L^erlght, Eup«rt. wM chos­

en as one of the two, vice jirealdenU of the Snake-River Valley-organl-

• cation. > Charles clbsonrPocaUUo.: Ispresldent; A.J. Davls.atackfoot,

' SAN FRANCISCO, Uarcb 33 !* (U£>—I t ralned all night afid north-

■ T'-Kl— - California's ftcheslJJorM race.p ,^ ja g^ 00::8ay'MMdows 'E'Tltn, Pocate»(r'l*''<wra»yM reaiP

ilerflll- Boyle, BJackfoot: Buttyr, Pocatello; Ray.-,'Regan,

• Shelley. aad-A.'.J.-Davl8,;Stcriing.

I T E i l i f f i :

• - -inAMI.^ PUL;. Mareh.M'JrtU!)-; ;■ WBrif.Oa™«r, vetenuj Jockcy.’ to*

■ ■ ' day-HgTiga>' -------------------

'r75 S ^ i«S n ^ ^ tew «5 i^ tor----- •tcrj:crenwtnlhetf“ !^*«9V l^ ,**^

■ ‘T 'a olfcnse.occumd whM'Fur* fiber,vOom'er'- ------- * *—

.• Brannoto ana ------------- -- --‘1 . . , Uitf,':to;4niw5him lpclt;;,»^rfjb<^^ ' - ‘ : oddsion 'favcriU, was disqualified

.. as winner on a claim of foul by ..i^liard, .-j.- ____

G i a n t s A r e “ O f f ” D i z z y ;

F o r ' T h o s e ^ B e a n ^ B a i l s

Kansas City Staga'Lince and McPhorEoo Rofinora P lay . >

For Title Tonight ^

DENVER, Colo., Itarch 23 (lU!) —When tho "cease firing" signal ls_civcn..hcre_taaighC-at-Uic -Na

• ‘ -Ar-u.-retejnptonjihlp

of tlio’ natioh's outstandlne tenniswtinmvc-drawi“ to-an~crtd"aa‘aKansas City, ilo., Stage Lines, orGlobe__Refill cra..--o^McPhct8ohKan.v-wllI iM^crotvned "king.’-*' ^

Forty-si* of tho leading teams of the country entered Ihe tourna­ment which fltnrtcd last Monday, Today ull had met defeat with the exception of the Stage Lines and Rflftnera who marched through .the scm j/innls last nlsht.yl,tlLa_clcan

Defeat Universal___ ____The Globe. Refiners clashed with

Universal Pictures of Hollywood. Calif., and were on, the long'end

' n 40 to 20 count,Itansos City Stage' Lines defeat­

ed tho defendbg champlona, Ttil- --1 Dianiond-X- OUtrf,'30 'ttf 27: : '

Tonight the two teams wUl clash In the city auditorium at 6;30 p. m. to decide the championship; By virtue o f their impreulve .victory over tbo Tulsa D-X.Oilers, the SLaKO. Lincra.-wcrc-filveiuUie.Iav-

red edge to eatablbh themselves !i the cliamplono.Unlvcraal and tlw) Tulsa

, lay Jor mini place in a ]Inary meet at'7:30 p; m; '

The Unlvcroal Plcturc atars, — tlio initial game .of the night, jLatled-jtmnf nnfl )nd_tAllli«rt .n 20 to 14 lead at the half.

Stiira Stage'Duel Joe (College)-Portonbor^,-vir-

nnille forward of-Ihc'Kiinnaii ag- gregntion; -Titagrd—a“Tducl“ wllh Chuck rij^tt. perennial all-Amer- lenn"UnIv«n>iirfortt-anI,'lhrouglibut Uio. gahio and literally pulled-hl/ team through to victory via Iho hard route.

Callfomiara held.the margin ten­aciously until the final.four .min­utes, when the Kansans made Uielr dc.ipetatc bid for victory.

IN FLAG BAHLEConnio Bcliovcs Philadelphia

‘ American Lcagfucrs Mny Go Placcs

By STUAIIT CAMKUON Unltrd rrran .Sporl* Kdllur


Challenge(Copyrlglit, JDS.1, Unlied

' I ’ret*) •HOLLYWOOD, Jlnrch 23

il'.h—Chleo Marx, one of the four Slarx brothers. - today hurled a pinochio challenge to tlK' world, ofler hearing that Homer Weinberg, Buffalo, N. Y. Jeweler, had won the na­tional plnoclile playing cham-' pionahlp. .

Chieo, since he gave up bnckgnmtnon, ban bceome-aa- expert at pinochle—he nays no himself—an<l hns offer<‘ii

-l->-r»ofll-^S5.(H)*-can- -hrar-R'mnfirrg:----------------

ibove the sod.todny thlnUs hl« clnbli may ko placcw thiii yrur. ThIb i«~to *.lay iKiii Connio Muck, the t^-ycar-l old pilot of the l'hllaclel|ihla Atb-i letlcn. Ill convlnci-d that he hnn u‘ flr«t division club.

''Yoii'wlll see." ho naid al'm'6rn-|Ing pructlee,. ••that ivu really do| not have sorlouii pracUcen In the iii''rnlnK,^V.(;Jiavc_tlia_gawa-ui lodlird ami the youngHterH wiiUi- , , j want_lo, and. the older'oneii-wliu "ObcaLij^atntc.S—TilIcliolders,—

Entertained nt Varied Social Affairs

think they ought t . nn extra hour or,two of work. Hut Ifs nil very Informal.'”

JtooliJo on rim t l-'lrsl liaso waa covi-rod by AleX|

llrtoUfl of 12ngl«;wood. Tex., whoi,

Xtej"™™E?n“ ' r f ™ ivW iV i;-i™;,7'„ru,:"Hooks Li okeh.'- Mack jwi.l. "I championship bn.iUct-

?Tho‘;;^[rilt;;;;^d^b'::‘- *‘ noon, member of, theIsqund wer; gucnts of the Rotary

ablcu—five who were with me. lant'ofI year. There's MciTltt Caln,_^ Buckley, phy-kley.

Uierc-n Marcum-gohn Marcum of.Up <i.->nelng tear compo.ied of Kmlncnce. Ky.) and Altey Beiilun.,nnrbara AV«t. Mnulle cix. Leona Al{^_nrc rlcht-hanilora. • IWhltw-orlh, I» ls Sullivan. Lucy

Sweet. Cladyii C<mdIo. Jnnet Kelt «inil—MiWrcri—Barrrtt:—Mtrr“Jano—

\Vhat, no lefl-tianiierii i

J Voung .Soiithpitw 'Daven wa.n ac .............. ......-r ' good, young leftl;Dorothy.-Caao. Albion Normol, —

.hundtr. Bill Tom BeimelL He'B:iinng a nolo,"■ ;.................. - ................!.mly .18. But I think bu'a due toj Rntertnin nt Dinner •latay, And Verney Wllnhcre. whosi Wcdncoday cvcnlng^.iUa_Joaenh-.____(22.- nut T-have iiiflat hopeirforVrc^im i anil Mrs. Hcnrj- Davcn 'George. Caatcr._.Ilc'a a right-[ontorUinod at - " ..... "

a couplo-o . ■ Jim- hfielder, -was .christ«ned - that

_way . Hla name Is not-Joacph;. . . They say Charley Gelbert's bravo tight to make a eomobaeU'

-atahortstop.wilb-tho-Carda-w.ilU •eml In tallure That Injured teg is Ibo- reoaon.; . . - - <

_______L-ChallcngM.CopThey still kkl.Ben Chapman

’ Of the Yankees about the day ho' challenged a/an In the left field Btandr ond It tumed out. to bo a

. cop.,. . The Boaton Braves have Baho ituth, but they haven't got

nn Infield . . 'Not around bcc- ond. anyhow . . . They tell you In'Florida that'Daffy Dean'may' win ’ moro games this season than Dbuy . . '. But Dizzy .al­ways'.wfll bo' the' drawing- card.'. . . Spcaldng of tlie Glanta be*'" Ing sore at Dizzy because he en­joyed a .bit of Ucan-bftlllng-at-

.TfthaarV Where's McGrnw s

Connie Sees Flag ' -Connio Mack-la-dreamlng-of -grabblng-that flag although .the veteran - manager of the A'a -wen’todrait Ili-rrWhen Pj-anklo- -Frtech ■ tlraf brolic Into . Jnajot' league boMball-bo-was.a cow-

rhanded-airitch-hltter.'.-. .•.••.TOk!a~ .is to say. he batted ^os>handed. and-'from-.'cltbcr aIdtt'.of':the platff . . . He stlll.baU right'or left . and five other'Cardinals similarly aro affllctcd. . ■ .. (Copyright. lOSa, Un»«d Proas)

when they canltnllMd In a brace of Tulsan fouia and nulled ahead to Uie-Bcore"ofllit(. T)urincUie remaining few minutes of the first stanza, tho MLisourlaos drove througti .lo"-'tAHy“ -elght--more points, while tho Oilers scored only once. Tbo half, ended Itr-ll, Stage Lines. - .

-Incrtaaori^id . .In the second porhxl'the Stage

Liners continued to lacreaae their lead and led by-14 pokiU, with but

The Oklahomans started A brief ............................*ltera, but tho KawMS Cltlons

not to be.denied and retained i___point lead until .PJckell, lanky. Oil­er center, canhed-ln on-<v charily loHs."The Tree ' throw ' made the count 30-27, Stage Lincs. Where U rcmftlncd,XoiL:lha.duratloa...QC-ihoffwno- •• .......; •

picl Shikat'Pins: J Polish-Grappler.

NEW YORK; March 23 lOI!'— Dick- Shlkat,-Philadelphia, threw Prank. Bronowicz, Poland: Jim Henry,' Oklahoma.' threw Pat Mc- Clarey, Ireland; Dick Daviscoort, Califomla, ''threw Harty Jacotei,: California; Herbie Freeman, N e ^ york.-r:thro^M -TJ«?yj»«.‘ T i I vsourl; .Sammy Nicbbls, California, threw Curlw Donchln, New York; Leswr Ryanr Ireland, thrbw Bob BJake,*TaiAs6u rL ~ ::-:c :r .~ = r“

P I C A R O M Sday by tho CIcarwatcr Rlver “Val­ley Cbnservatlon league.

• - Demands Vote . It demands submission' of. tlic game commiaaion bill.sponsored In the ; legislature .by Bep. L .-H . Thornburg, D„ Shoshone. Rep. Thornburg's colleagues kiled the jnaaaure, _

Bpatticrii': Oalifohiia~Play<jrB Sun Themselves Tlrodlio

. CHARLESTON,,S.C.. March 23 <ttE>—Henry- Picard, Horsbey,- Pa., pro, was sllll out In.frost today in the golf tourna­ment. •• •

Picard left after the third round _y.thrce.strokOfl^wlth a-308.-Har- oid-UcSpculdenr‘ iaiDsai;Clty,-was aecond wltli 211. Harry Cooper, Chicago, Johnny RevolU, Milwau­kee,;-nnC Paul Rwnyan. WhU« ^ihs,-N ." Yq: wcro:tlcd-forthlni

-Girard-: aald r todBy.;that - If :ithe petition-passes: necssH^y acrut^ ioy as to legality of signora, voters' petitions' will be sent out to all counties. _T<^>.pcr_centjp^Uw_,eIcc-

A G A lA fm O iSl i i f l i i i

Mnd .8|M)o t«r -Hclrad to Win Bay.'Meadowa. Hiiadicap

On'Soj^, Track

jKcuivon.. , * .. ' 'V .- *ThaS'aat crowd was allent all the

heavier,'mere experienced vislton scored at will., using-passes' and hmnlng>.ptaya to keep the count-on the :seoroboard steadily .aouhtlDg toward a rccord mark. • ..But\when'-the- tenacious UelJI eleven awrod, taking advantage ot ----------- - fatigue,--the crowd

around tiio.‘ barD>f Urk.' SUa:# ‘> llason of New '-Yoilc, - who - owns Head'Play,;the horsa whleta-juit mlMed wlnnlng Uie to tu ck y der- by'^to - lW ^ ln '.onis^': the moat apectacAilorrrinltbea’ In the historyof .that fa m O u s -T M * - '•

B^'^M^dder^--_ . .. Head Play;-9-y«mi old,, la ^n- " — — * ‘-^ t-m ud4er« on


IrVe’^ r i i 'r i r t D j t . ^ b

-;=Ergbt^lurM«-wero 'Mraed nlght4^torLiB . thft-nUo' aodi as «lffhth.nce.;3tao ovaroJght.-antdaa sJVth ;:»iobab1o-r«Jto Mead Play. 7-S;'Tttp:Roi<.t5*2{rLiidysmao and Bluebeard, coupled- ai ;the-.Wl R. CtfirontiyV8:2rTlmc'Soppiy.': 5-15 Gusto,'M ji-Dark;-Winter. J M ; TOomaivnie, 15-L- •

RSAp THE TOIES iWANT A0S« wli________________________;The Anserieana'-wllI malce^thelr

a'ext ai>pearahce Saturday; March 30,. iigtdut'AU-Ja^-.'tn- tha vast Meyi stndlum at TdWo. -?. •

Savoldi. Wms'bvet 0 ‘ > . C ^ c a g b•.-dAKLANDr»iarc«T!toa!F=365 • Savo1dl,:;MlchIgan.;:defeat^ ^ c . lErad -Uye'nik-ChtoftgorWllltcrJ^xvU.' New.iYorK'ilefeatM Mike';Uaxurkl,------------ i;'-Stanl«y..'Pinto,?. Ohl-

' Haas • ' -

g«Jcfl:-BeaOtnsberg.-NcwVorki'de;...... ... • — ' -San; m a -;

ERCCCXTON'S CBGW' BTAOSO. . PRINCETON. N.' J.—Princeton OTnrenityj~vmity creV' showed turprlaing strength (n Ita flr>t drill on Lalco' 'Caraegie' tfila,;year. £:nough timtMr has-turned-out to eomposb fdtir shells. >

..........Moteaiw^Woted::aa»fo' >pee . akatcntjtcta ln:Ua diSly »rac-:. Uoa.'Ue:U thovni'ben.'with a. b e ^ ..nbrtara-^.of-^emlcateT

-whleb. • wben: .palnt«d: bn Vhto' -'baKSlent'noOT.^vesa'aurtaoe-

comparable tflth Ice In allppert-' riPM. Thi*.product b kno\m as

At top, the official tugs and iiullH to get Joe DubcU buck In-tho-rlng-ln »-nu»teh.wllh.Iv«»i»-V».myhon»-irr-Nmr-Yorlc-BelowrthjHf."^l

rcforea U throun for a lo»n when hn tonglnt with cx-cluuiiplon Jim ..Browning (foreground), nnd .Dan O'Muhoucy. on Ihn aumo bill, ,

G a m e C o m i t i i s s i o n B a l l o t

A s k e d i n i n i t i a t i v e M o v e

BOISE, liareh 23 (UH)—Secre­tary -of-Stato -Franklin- Girard to­day was examining an Inltlatlvo }miUdh'"prc8enlcd';by” 2irT:cwIo: town and Grangevllie votera de­manding-submission of .the -.ntat* game commission bill at the next general election In November, 1030.

The'sportsnvn'a'Initiative raove, tho {irat of iU kind in ldabo^An- — ----------------Tto'tJIrtird'yeBlct^

tora who voted for governor In the lust ::.general • clecUon-mustr- Ihon

Tho Initiative attempt la the lat- ■ In tho effort by sports-

ivo deparimental chiefs.........Sportimon Want Olll

le bill offered by Thort waa endoraed at a statewide aportsmen'a meeting hcr«. at which tho United FUh-and Game asaO» xlatlon-of -Idaho-wan iormed to push the campaign. Object , ot the measure- la . to divorce flah andgome -Jfom-politJesi: ___'-':Tbo-,-i>npos3d'blU asks a five- ,-nan comaUslen-repreacntlng tha five geographical districts into which the Btate would be. ap- (wrtloned.

. By II. L. PEItOYLONDON (lII!l--Tho. chances of

His Highness the Aga Khan wln- nlng'.the’.'derby'

Uh,y W.mA>l>«Klyto'.four agalnsL- -.. alone - ,already.

blaced J8.000 to win-him ,J12,0p0 !f on* of the jnllllonalre indCan Prince'a entries gets home-firat lo the world's greatest nee, to bo run at Epaom.'June S. -

A t present the'-Aga. Khaa has five.entries In the race..-They are Th^t. Vermeil n,-Bahram, Hin­doo'.Holiday • and • Halran. - •

Twin-Falla bowlers will seek six awards id t<i*o divisions today and tomorrow •. in. the 'first hondlcap tournament o f .tho- season 4>aro'. - »T h r ■

Qurxi ©f-icrcnce.quite possible that two Ihese will run,':'

B a ^ m , .ft.^brilli^gt^^.o^yetg-

Kalru^-and i Lbrd.' Derbies', Bob-

Tea- to- Me- coukt probably .had about Theft,: and very long, odda ow .offered' against • VcrmeU " and HindoorHoiW. • - ' •I £ntrles for.the derby, were made rnahy. months ago. r There' are. at present 1S( of-them, but the field will probably beTeduced to around “ *.or' the-day of.the r^eo.

• KlBg-^;S.Entriea

singles and doubles, according , to Fred Stone, director of tho Twin Palls alleys. Prizes .will, bo award­ed for- first, teeond and third place winners in each event.

The »1JS0 ;catranco .feo will ,v divided half toward the prius and half toward the- bowling expense.'

.''Scratch'-' In tha tourney waa set at 180, with each bowler. getting 00 per cent of his handicap dif-

•^.KlngiCeorge-'ha*: three Bo^e.,vDundee..' Mnrcnnt Parrlead," aScT.slx'Americana

ailit6tli{7lina-^i7Br:&oIlhT~^ dorirtis-rGlomeyr^-Aaslgr“ • -JMrs.'.TVashlngtdn.’Slnge&sUlffhtoa Tor,co)tj. J.,.E.., Widener-HSatot

Fresh Fox.

1^,-and.IlMdqlph .U.';

■ I S i E H EJ i l l C S f - J I E E I

liitnder. Me conion from Citllfomln. Played ivllh I’ortlan'd,'In the Coant league, latil year. And there'

dinner*-nt the -Fremst.-id home tor the winning team. Covem were.laid for Coach — Kenneth BarrcCt, Coach Ccorgo

ily.oUier pitcher b.Leroy-itahiif-lcrs. Graham Davcn. Eralo■ Cran--- fey. who wiui with -ua luat yenr.jor. Gadth Brown. Sonny Acaltur'rl, He'll occmed nil right ao far." .-iMayo Smith-nnd David -Keaton;— —me:Atnictlcirrinrn!Ht7TxccprrDriqchool\colonTrrcd-nnd-gni>v w c r e - Hooks at flrat In plucc of Foxx.lused .table dccorotiona and

hno returned lo catcWng, i.i aiPlaccn wero marked by -miniature

Willlums at second; Pinky Hlgglni at third, and Krlc McNair at nhort. Tho outfield has liob Johnson nt left. Roger Cramer at ccntor, and Bd .Colemttnjn. right.. They, arc hold-overs. As ii flnil.Blrlng alter- nolo outfielder Mack looks U %Vnlly Moaen who waa purchased from Calvenlon last fall.

Wcdne.idny night. Dean Hart­well. manager of Palm Cardens, entertained .a t'a daneo In honbr'-' of the txuikclball boys.

Mombers of the squad who grad- - untc thin spring are:-Llalon Frerh-' aUd.- Willard Milnord. Don -WbU- cm. Cmhom Daven, QarUi Brown ‘ and Mayo SittUh. *. •

Oafo-Mon-Takc-Firflt-OMncs; Drop FtQalo by Narrow

Four-Pis Margin

Brown WinsHOUSTON, March 23 (UD—Or<

vllle • Brown,-.-Texas. T-XhrcwrJ5aa— O'Connor; Ireland; Paul Jones. IKiaion, threw LVcii}tt'KlHKontir~ FlorIda:.Petogchu&. Callforoia. de- - clsloned -George .Wagner, - Now • York; Georgo Hill, Canada, threw Emca t. Kelly. .California-___________

Buhler's, Cafo bowlerfl annexed tho opening two games last- night from Highway, with the. service station boys* coming back la the th!rd_Ult_ta.avcrt_ajhutoutJ}y_o margin o f four pins.—

Art Boone's 547 took high three- game hnnora, and his 210 slnglp toUI.,8corca:.,-

lIIQinVAYNeaby.............131 1B7 m — 4<0Ainsworth....— 120 147 134~ <110ilcDottald- ■■ ■'

'CniCAODCOLFl>OarS 'MECCA - CHrCAGO-^hleago' Is listed as - home by more prominent golf .pros . now than at any other thne In his­tory. Tommy Armour.. Horton. . Smith. Dick M elt Harry Cooped Abo'Eiplnou, and Joik Hut^iaon ' hang up tbeir, and Har> old McSpaden and Ky Laffoon aro expected to da so soon............. -


___ ;....730 770 7i>0—3308“ nmt.T.,

McDougal______17a.'JB3.m-r 482•Eaylor .._-........'._202 175 lOC— 533A;-Boona -------100 210 108-^ 547


get free boaru and room was the 'vital .question In. wUbur-.Vlnccnt'a______ :mind. Then suddenly an Idea, vlncent,-paroled from Bridgewater-.-'. state farm, went .to Seiedtmaa ciarence-W.-Nlcks*wm's:hom«and:rr:T:pounded, on; the-door at an early------- ^

■ l< n » ' ar-. . . , i

mbjd was cleared. ,


(jleniL, Oouto to

m p l « Le&f MU«

fihowinjr the championship form that haa made'him K topnotcher, James Caras, 1033 natlopal Utle runneruD at pockaf Wlliarti,. for- - - eastern states champkm and

n'exHll;d-Moser»;.'.In addition to.a dcfmonstratkui of

Ult' with- FMd--8ciuuirii^in' ]TRuth'MisCiBnlirHoM^alk-___

na.;-women's, professional. pocket blUianU .champion of. the. world, will-appear-at-ihe4Ip*;, M . ' ' 29.'.' - : •;.*

. Statuea-ot iS.freatFrenebtaMn. rtwWch .! «orj;cenUirlea occupied « place'ot 'honor at tha; 'OuU«au at VerBOlJes, haW bepa removed-Bnd — -wnted .to the-itowns;of.t^jo

..._-.142 168 ICl—.401 ----130 106 140— .<41

0 OT7-782—248S

TORONTO, OnL, March 23 (W —Glenn- Cunningham's margin .of vlctoHea ovu- Gene-Venake waia-ln> c r e a ^ by ona today-.aftcr a'dls* plrited mile race the Maple'. Leaf-(fames, which proved that-the mighty Kansan can beat tho Pennsylvania »tar. without c ertlng-himself. - '

He won. In 4:17 VS. which w _ r^«toW'tenpar«d with-his prevl- is perfo'mancea.' this' seoM'n-.that

Daley, Detroit .unlvenity, •third. ,--- ChucK Hornbo8tieT''qr-tedlaaa

Wour.-. Manhattan., rollege,-,New York, third.:' ; ' j , ■ , '

l lE A P O P A im s .roR wmcBiij. . NEW -YORK--ir For.:pfotoeUba

a i ( ^ t luJnry-loBlx-^l^blke nice .cmkup^ head-KuahM almlltr to foorbal}- Bea oro^lng; used 1 the.iideis. i:hi«e oC them w m ill played' durlnj;.:>hp-' t o w t ' i »


It .was. armnged- and his .

i t ' s N m r l y

- - T i t t l e

Into topnotcb coadlt^^'v

Twm W W I . A1I<

Page 4: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained

- ID A H O - F .V F N T W f i - T T i 'T i 'S r T W IN - F A H i i r T T IA 'H n ^ -SmrtnrrJtocli'2-1.-W35-

■ BecoM ClDKi Mml

BDDBCatrTlOB AATrOUjr Carrl.M'nynlii-^in Ailviine*

"iVy Mnt'l. witliln f.Ui.o <.ii. Vi-i.r, J5t( Ily »lall. Oulalcl* lil;>li(i ()ii« Year. i< «

............... .... I 'S K i s a.laiS.Uuirloii Lnwi nf.l'laho .nitiloO IlierctO by Cnapitt

--------- ----------THIRTIETH-ANNIVERSARY:-------------• Today marljs iVe thirtieth anmversary of the

■ iounding orThe I'unes. .First as a weekly, theii as a t\vice-a-wcck*pub-

lication,. this newspaper served up until April........ 11, 1918j when it entered the.afternoon daily•

4)ublishcd-ror-nearly-l-7-field and hasJbmi. _yea:

More than six thousand issues of The Times have been published since that first issue which curae,f.3m the presses back on March 23, 1905, in the rising village o/ Twin Falls, and today

• this newspap er lool^s forward to a greater^ fu­ture tlian-wareven dreamc'd of by the optimists o f 30 years ago.

The files o f The Times, preserved all these years, carries the day by day history of the Twin Falls country.’ Excerpts from the early is­sues (27 yeare ago) and from the more recent

—oncs-(-15-ycar&-ago)-ar.Q-carried-daily,.,nn thispage under the heading “ History ol Twin Falla^ County,” and serve to l^eep the present genera­tion informed of the develojjment o f ’ the coun-

n f y ‘Xri‘d * th c n r ir6 iiia ~ w lu o irb -e ca iireT iiilo s to n o r in - the progress of, county and.empire.

____This!-anniversary, date was commemora'ied._not_Jon^

ning Tijnes in its Progress and Development number which told the story o f the present Twin Falls empire and heralded the installation o f modern press and other equipment made necessary by the rapid expansion of this news-

of this~birth'dav 'date. T h e ' Evening Times pauses in humble recognition of the efforts of its founders, extends to all its na-

‘ trons, past and present, whole-hearted appro* ciation .for their, loyalty throughout the years and prophesies increasing progress for itself alongr watlutho-other-institutions in the com- TOunity. . , , d

Remember back when nations acquired new territory by exploration,, in the days before j)uhitive expeditions?

o*e5g HEA

. IIEIIB TonAV CJALI3 IIISNDKllfOn. prvltr aatf

i3, «rark> ■■ a alllt ulIL ak* imtf krr 'I»>yfar-«I4 bralktr. I’ UIL.

IkHr lavaltd falkcr. — aTUVE ttRTl'im. «ka alaa

«forh> la (kr Mill. aak« UaU <a Ikarry kla. 8k* drlaya-slflas Ik* aaanrr. Mraankll*. ak* MrfU

* caBrlnAfa Uriaa'aI Calkrr. ROmCUl

I l»ra kU job. Hr tVOUi:U aaolkir nlll I

naiDfd - JBai»r - Wllklna • icld

hEI“ .room. Doctor Carr wao Ihcro BDil Mr«. IkJAytra vru there.

Galo and Jaslo and Uio men wbc hncl carried Stere bom« waited side tbo clotod door. Jtupcr plained tlint Blsro bad b«oo de> fondins lilmaelt from tbo leador ot ibo cnoR tbat bad brokea up pir mill workera' meellDt^'aelllnB Hit

It ot-tlie flsbt, too. until, anotbcr tbo e&Qi;. comias t>P from b»

bind, bad Btrtiek StcTo with a club Kvcrrono bad fled tbeo, Jaipcr

said, 'lie blmaeK bad allpped door.

acBlnat Joo Qllla^plc. ToBCtber tliey bail made their < . iiexf boggea." walted-wlth—qthgra- wbo bad RBtbercd tbere.

■•nut what about SloToJ'bCCKOd.

"I'm ^ m ln ' to iliat.” Jasper wcnr”on.~“Wo‘ walt«(rn~wJitlB‘ biir

All ot a BUdden someone *aya.' *I iroader what bo-

imc of Siovor"None o( ua knew. 1 remem'

' Gale

SlcTO on tbo bead and seola' bim fall. ' 'Maybe be’a'iititl tbcr^* 1 aald. 'Mnybo be didn't RCt.out.'

"Wc decldcd wc d better ko back and look. Sure enoueb. there b«

I—lyin' on (ho flobr junt wlicrr Ho'il fatltn. He wno rolled orer. sort of. and tliere was blood on Uie otdo ot hla face. Ills eyea nsf ahut burtilfl'Ucnrfwad'be.iitn'.-:— :

“Joe went back and cot eomo ot tbo otlifrg to help anil wii rlr.rfd ip the niretcher wc brouBht hltr:

Wo Ii 1 bur-

----------A -W O RD -FO R-TH ET«tM YCharles Lathrop Pack, president of the American

Tree Association, and life-long -worker for forest r..-conservatibn,-is-not-frightened by .charges pf..mili- "tarisnr arising from ‘ the~army’s' supervision of the

C. C. C.In a letter to Secret4u-y o f W ar Dern, Mr. Paclc

urges that the corps be .continued in army hands. ~ He points out that there are two distinct jobs in con,-

nection with the direction o f the corps. .One is the management of the men in the camps,

Tierformed by army officers; the other, is the dircc- t i ^ oflh,e”men "in reforestation and similar projects by'trained forestere. ;

•Extensive surveys made by the American Tree Association, he says; have convinced-him that‘the army is doing its share o f the job efficiently.

ot'tho bora.Doctor Cari^“ .

That wo* tbo story. Doeio’r Carii bail been at worU'bcbtnd Uio eloicd door e«er ilnco. .

Jonle vald. nnxlounlr. *'lt‘a tnkin’ long time."Yob. U wna Uklns n lonR- time— 1 eternity. .Qalo preuicd ber

banda tosetber until tbo Vnueklcs Blood -ont-whltB.—Shfl-eaw-Staw* tnen nsaln nn Im hn<l InnWyil lylnp on Uie alre(cber.''eo wliKo exrepi- for the ugly, dark stain. Sbe heard bis mother"# tortured cry.

fOSlR louehed Oalo'B onn., “Donn ' -take Jt BO bard,-honey.- rbo Bald:

’‘Stevo'a coin' to be all rleht" -

. "Ob. Joalo-lt bo sbouldn-l—1' Tbo dDor.oi-t)»':^nKmi opened-

then and Doctat-^rr^&mo out Doctor 'Carr, whose red (aee wai usually BO Jolly, waa not smlllDS- -•'Doctor—r

The phyalelaD shook bta bead -Very .aerleua," bo'aald. "Very afr rloua.-

“But Doctor—"“Tbere’a nothing tner# w#

do.” the physician cald. **1 ba«ea't given up hope, but Ura. Meyer* should bdTo'eomeono wltb'ber'tli'e rest ot the nlshL“

**Josl,e. will,you Btop and tell Mary wberff-'I amT*—"Ot-eourB*."!-------------------

The doctor Karo. Gate -ln8tru^

this." be.satd. "Poor wonwa—do what you can for bar.”

“Yea. doctor."- - “I. hflTo.another case to go to,'

tbo doctor went on. “ Ijl^ look Jn -A^iQ on my way baet“. **You mlRht want n man handy,*’ Jasper WllUoa.aald to aaio.-*-!’!! wait In tbe kitchen.

•Thank yon,- Jasper."-------------

Stera's mother was kiic(>n"bcaiao-tbo- bed,- ' her -head presBcd aRatnat ber son's arm, 8ie*e’a eyes were closed and be looked as tbouRh he were flteei> Ins. There waa ft bandaee across bis forehead.'. Onle Bnfd. “Mrs,. Moyorn,. I ’m ,s<> loR to stay wlib you tonigbt''

Tbo woman did not look

.............. sobbed. "Oh. aalo. theywouldn't tako him from met He's all 1 bave—Steve-my babyl", Her BhQuidora.rosciand.Iell.flpaa.

lodlcally. Gale's fingers pressedtbo band la iiera. ..What waa 'tiicrc

) sayT - -Presently. Mrs. Moyers simlght-

finod.drled-hor-eyes.— -------------. -The doetor’o coming back,” Calc told ber. - .

•“Yes. I know.**Gale waa never to fornct that

TlcH— the bouBOComplctely ullcnt. tbe room wlUi Its sparse, ouat turnlablnRU. tbo a ln R le .llK b t sbntlco Bo 'llmt tbo Klare woulrt not fall ob 'tiie bed. She was neror -to -forBct-Slove^lying-so itlll airalnBt tho pillows, nls mother at .the bedside..bent and

There wna BteTo'a desk with the books he hod been reading. Therc-WM ibo-pamlo ho nnd bcon telllnr. Gale about earlier In 4he creninc—a silly bit of cardboard bo" had plckcd up"*aom«wbi!re. ‘ nd there wan a baseball* aod n worn pDlr of boxing gloves. Steve's sweater on a chair; The dresser with the brushes she had given bIm once for ChrlBtmas.

Once Mrs. Meyera tt>okcd across nrtho'Klrl and nald. ebo1iinjt.‘ ’ 'U'

he'd want you—It be knew.'Gale rono and went to the older

woman's Bide. ''It only there something wo could dol" she said.

•'Yes, H onlyjhero was— I'* i[Tie" long—liouro'“draKBed~o'8.

Toward morning tho bush wa

-bi;oke&.Jiy..a-bird’s .eong. Tn» :carollnfc . nntf. --.waflnc-ctllT. seemed brutal, tlow could tbert be gaiety la tbe world with Stevt eloae to deatbT ,

A little, inter Jasper Wlljclav came to the door. Gale rose ana auBworcd bis Questions. No.* tiicfe was no ebange’ so far as the; could tell. Gale asked Jasper II ho would like some coffee offered to make it for bim. Ut said DO, It she'd show blm wberc U wna kept'bo'd make tbe coIlM himself.


under- tho Mr*.Moyers leaned forward. “Stevel' she aald. "speak to me. Ob. sajBomethlns!"-__ Ritiwlv Blefe’a cyelldallllckerea:.opened. For a moment bo stared blankly, tbeo recognition auntInto-hls-eyee.------ • —

"Mother—*•— Ills’ -mother-aald.. /•Yes.— ling?” Thoro were tears cheeka but aho waa smlltng. "What Is IIT la Uierd anytblai I can do, anytblns you want— I”

"Mother."' Tho whisper was stronger o6w.-*'ToirCatft^"

"Bnt she's ber«. Btevel" Ura. Meyers tnniod toward tho clrL "See— Bhe's right hero." '

Galo said. "Oh. Stevel could not go on.

"Ydn'ro—all rlgha ""Vos. ot cbDr8& And so. are

.ja> At least yoa're eaing'to be. -Ob;-Steve. yon-tnoBt^orfy—and- get wclU. Wo— we seed you aol".

Steve'S' lips moved faintly bat ] words cams.' Qalo. .on Ooi

knecfl now, wont on svlftl;,

you. !•—1 want to have tho wed* ding right away. Tomorrow It the doctor-aays- It's- all rlghL -Wo'll bo married here lii thhi ro<im. I'll get—Uie—ileenso— I'll-a «o -About, ovorytblocf*- Stove, against tho. plllowt. smiled. "Tomorrow." ho sold. "Mother—did you boar?"

"Yes, darling. And I'm as happy for yon. Happy for' botb oC yo'ul I'm— •• She bent hei head so that be could not seojieitoawr.................... ' '— iiTomorrow—.'-I-Slevo-xapoAloil.- nnd tll^n a moment later, "Tired. Guess I'll Bleep— "

•Xh-al'B-rrsliU"-Ifhe were a cbt'.-i again. Ills mother went on soothingly. " gei yonr- rcstr-It's-what- yon-nbed. You want to get all the rest yoo can ~"

Tbo words drlftdd -to-an-cndi Stev<;'s eyes'*, were closed now. Tbe coverlet, over hla chest, rose and fell. Slowly. Faintly. A lock ot his hair bod fallen on his tore- bead and It gave bim a little, boyish look. Steve's face wa* serene and-pcacefuL Tbo eoTcrlel

motion was scarcely aotleeablo, Momenta Ueked by. The bird the iree<top aang onco more.

The sky grew lighter. tlnt<a roay flush. And Steve Meyers nplrlt dcpartcd thla rcsUess world;

- (To n« Cbntlnned)


THE N EW S-----An ifitcluslve ISvenlnc Tlmea Daily Report on the Fast'Tnovlnt; Bveata in tho Nntlon'a Capitol By nn expert Interpreter luid Comnsetttatoc - ...J(Copyrl£ht. 1035, By.Paul,ilaIloo)____

It is'probabIytnie"tliat't]ie C. G.-.C.viinder army a r g u m e n t .................. -...conU'ol;:-could-be-perverted into'.a militarisiic out-i^wAsmN^^^

• kind! has happfe'ned.’ __■ • Mr. -PaclTraows Elie aetails of the

^—*^jnDr^ uiKinf ■case about asimud-fillnslni; rni ocrloualy

o f weight

is-been-au--_-Aii-apptopiiatjon-of-^14)>000-lias- thorize'd io r an investigation o fIh e price.of cot-

■ ton. How about iin in v^ga tion of th*e price of v.investigations? ' ....... ..........

To them. It'han somo of tho eie- mcnta of. rclaUvcly Good political f.un..

ACCIDENT PREVENTERS Dr. Frederick W. Bancroft, associate professor of

clinical surgery at ColumlDia University, reveals that there is a movement among medical men to foster the establishment of a long chain of medical first-

'a id stations along American highways for tiraffic ^apgj ent victims. ' ~ „

I'Tequency 01 such a c c i^ iu ^ e points’ oul, makes

Unnoliced , naUonally, Ohio' Governor.- :-DaTcy v and ; JleUefcr llopldno-luivo been shooUnK paper wada* at eacU oUior for months. It bcRan v/ben llopklna dcmiuidcd, noon after Davcy’a InnupumUon, that Ohio pay ft larfrcr perccntnRC of relief costs. Hopkltia wrote ncorclilnff lettera to Davey which were nn.iwerc(J ot a similarly rb' Injf tempcraiure.

GOING UP •Hopkins pointed out the federal

.ivemment paid 78,'S3, 60 and 7d per cent or the Ohio'relief load In

monthly, or about 20 per cent

aid treatment to victims. A series o f first-aid stations would save many ,lives and prevent much suffering.

It might also have another good* e ffect The pres­ence of such.U chain of dressing stations might snock

- ---Us iKto realizing ho\\''intolerable bur traffic accident • to ir really is: _ - . .

Properly shocked, we might some day be stirred -T-—irib-taidng-action that would make highway traffic --■-saler. -- -

In view o f Uie status o f a modem European -monarchrthat-dcmahd of-25-cents-a day-salary-—

by-thc'ljdy.kirig pfSiam.^eems outrageous. • -

.^1 wo hope is that pas^g? o f the four-bil- ■ libn-dollar biJl w ill mean as much relief for the ' . people as it does for the adrbinistraticn.,..

India'isn’t the only place they, have ?*untouch-- ables.” -Ask any American borrower. . •

I by oharfli................. . . ra«that the Ohio relief set-up was In' efficient, full of red tape and run by Washington, althouQh the state had the responsibility. He asked Hopkins to tako It .over two weeks ago. At that time. Hopkins fused on the ground that It the sUte’s Job to r in relief.

The situation attracted national attention only when Hopklnr pleked’ up a mud-ple full of.srAft charges and hurled It at Oavey and •'certain hloh officials,'' saylho they : wsr«-«haklna down bushes* men, and Oavey replied with - charBS of libel. .~-Th«-assumption at fe d e r rcllcr.hNdquarters Is-that several people may net soiled In .the cur­rent melee, tu t no one wlll-get hurt.

SICNIFlCANCr.Everyone e:\ t to the ^vem -

ment known th has been a cer- tdln amount- of favorlUsm, inefft- clescy and red tape In relief. Stich things are always bard to prove, but - all admit they exist TTiey

could hardIy-‘bo'avoided'" In” the cmcrgcacy hondllar o f tittt much MODoy.-Tho only ftTRument lalbout how

mucli money la Inefficiently npcnt.~ •- own Idcg-nBout

thoL -You may bo mire, liowcvcr, thot snoopy conprenamcn and oUj- crs imvo not b «a able to find very tuucli la provnblo fortn. else there would have been n congrcnelona]


POUTJCS ........ ■ . . -- Another reason there has not

been an Investigation Is that congressmen generally. believe Hopkins (whom they do not Hkc) has tried hard to bp fair- minded. He has not been en­tirely free from political Influ- cnee, but neither has he been noticeably amenable to It,

For instance, Hopkins has not played ball directly with Post­master General Farley at any time, although occasionally-h« has felt what might be called the Farisy’ Influence, as relayed -tff—ti^ jb y-th q .hlghejt-tTiIrd

w-lt-«nd-Hopklns hopes tho,p...... .......general never will find out; but one Influentlat FERA official, (an engineer) i» not only » Re­publican, but enc« organized a Hoover club.

TACTICSHopkins' .tactics’ oro‘ : shrewdly

deslfrncd to keep hta own feet dry Ho has stopped every previous puWicliy irurKe about B iaiA Rraft Iw aunounclnfi auspicious drcnm- Biancea bUnaclf, before .osyooe elBo could. Ho h u oct up a tbla skeleton orRaiilzation here, em- ploy)t>s COO persona.* He baa pnjioed Uie mponslblllty for the flnal.aondnbg.of.thg moaey.over to UHc states. Tbls decentmlbses bl»;««pon»iWlIty for graft. Ucdci' such ft system', Uiero can be a maximum of graft. wlUi (i mln* tmum of notice. This Is .admitted privaUly by the ITKRA officials, but they Inoist It Is the only way to get quick .action and preserve 8tnl4ss: rfjrhta. • - . ..

Contract this wlUi' the PWA

/old RTsft throui:h n highly ollzeO WAslilngtOQ set-up, ‘ ....... ' : red tupo to tho

point where the tfflclcncy o f his organlzatloa la curtailed If not deatroyed. - ..

DISAPPOINTMENT Much or tne opposition to the

pending bank bill 'haa como lm> lerceptlbly from banking sources.

A -committse representing - th*powerful .American Bankers’ aoss- .'...:jn has been holding a series of quiet •• confertmees-wlttj-Governer Eccles of - fedsr^ reserve. The bankers wanted .certain.changes and suceeededrln -gaining t aomi, but the biggest change they got wi^ona,;e*ee»slw«ly_dUJast« them.

This relates to open market op­erations, Tho bankers contended that bank goveiTiors should have---- ir to ^irect any government p r ftgrfl-fTTS.' ThsVthouaht tho bill should b« liberal- lied in that respect

Instead, the houie banking and currency: commlllee"ellmlnatied entirely the authority of devemors In that respect As It stai ds noW, the bill gives the federal ixscrve board full authority over open market operations, providing that It consult a committee of flvo bank governors.

There was a time when bank* .■* had some influence In Wash* Ington.

BKAME 'TrcnnuTy officials finally

becoming shametaceil about. U

. *n vjcw 01 eveiyuiing too umt- od States haa said to tbe world about tho saacUty of trcaUca and latematlonaJ debts, the treasuTy refusal to pay Panama her canaj rent in gold makes the state de­partment feel foolish.

Tbo trttisury^n worried hbout tho effect a Panama pay* mcnt would .have oa .the larger quesUaa of fofclfni holders o f Ub- m.y. bonds, but' tho treasury law­yers will get arotmd that . -

Jubilee Balls Will - Be-‘Court* AffairsI/5NDON (HEI — King 0<^e'B

dislike'of danclDg is the ream that the silver'JubUeo balls to be held At DucUngham Palace wlU be “ccrurt'' balls, and not,“stat«'’ af- folrn. .,A t sUte balls It Iji the fixed rula

that the first dance Is a quodrlUs led-by the king and queen. At court bolts such formality U dis­pensed with and, imleas ho wishes, tho Icing need not dance at alL


- I'ollttf Cuiumlssloner Uwls a..Volcntlae of New .York, refuse* to get panlcky >OTer as naonymoos threat ta.hUoai> bis dauchten in retallftUoa for hls-acUylt^ln roimWgn.p-vJoo7.£d-rickel lead era for toe current swe*pli£r InwSstlgatlon Into conditions. Uo'b pictured here acting as peivonal bodyguard to his daughter Mlrlaai at church tvlthout help from tho fo^oe.

ra tF T c irJ lcK iilc c , tlic • lunii w lio Imd Xinl-eliAlco ^jn’ fl-'iiioiister laud’ ilrnw- dngZconduclcd . jiCEO-.-J0..ycnni ngo twlay, wlicn nwrc' ■tlian 20,000 ' acrc.s ■were tlispnsiul of, oliosc lliu fiudtli half oi! tiic souUicu.Ht . (|Uiirtcr o£ scctioii 12, lowii-

- whip -1 ly rnngc 17.— -TliU is - l«o u lc t l-.hcvcii iiiilc.s HoiiHicnst oE .

iicrcs oi: llic propptly i.s ownetl 1 )y l l ic ' .Twin CoopuruUvclor«lmrdK, ami llijj. oliier -10

-iiercK -iH oujHrtriiy L . Slur- . tin, ftccojrfing to the pint.

Girl Scientist Can — - Identify Graases-AMHERSTr-Maas.—

Elfrlede Klaucke- can Identifygrasses by their "flngerpHnta.’

A t a forthcoming confcrtnco at . .'ossachunctts Stato college here, she will explain the method by

and strain of soy gras.'! by ntU^-, hac a half-inch poruon of the blade under a inlcroscopc.

--------------- ---------------to proveot 'Increaalng Importance In de­termining stniimi of grasses on putUn^ greens o f golf courses. :>08lUvo identification will, ellm- nate guess wortc in ndmlnl{ilering o the cultural needs

gmsses. / ----

There arc moro physlclaiUJ- In Wnahlnffton, D. C , la- proportion to Its Bred and population, than in any other Ame:^can city.--'•• -

H I S T O R Y Of Twin 'Fafis Cfty & County


Bringing with him reports of on excellent trip, W. F. Alworth, preslilcst o f rtho county farm bur- etiu,' returned yesterday f r o m . Wnahlngton. D. C., where ho con- ferred-wlth Secretary o f Agricul­ture K. T. Meredith. relaUvo to reclamation Jtuids,, and,, from Chicago, where he went as a delegate to the national convention

_________ ________________ h Mr.tplth fhft-

feellng-thnt - ta fB tsineeratnr:riir~heartily in sympathy with tho west and Its rcclaroatioa needs. Meredith Vow hecn In this port of sev­eral tlmea and has a genuine Inter-

_ f t jn /twvMnpmfnt fif thi» T ni._neau irtiet near Buhl oa well aa ' other irrlgatea dlslricta.......

27 7 E A B 8 AGO------ •

A t a meeUng of Ihe W. C. T. U. • Tuesday afternoon, plana were for­mulated for a union meeting o f the churchc# of Twin Falla for the pro- ' motion of Christian citizenship and also a meeting for mothers only. Tho-aext jncetlng.-will. be ..held. Tuesday, April 2, at 3 p. m. at Mrs. Garlock'a home. .

ucnciit- « i - UIO—vuMiuiiu — vijurvii;-----------MlM MyrUo McManls.-Boyd-H.-----------Fuller. J.-T; BalBbrtdgerMrH--fiaT----------

I R I G E CLASSSpodnl'Senlor Ooorso -Oponed

A t Ohio School on Kcqucst -Of-StudoBts

'OXFORD,' o; nil!r— siudcntii nuppllea with the Impetus for de­velopment- at Miami university here of a department which trcata

problems of marriage rela-

. .. ,_____ „ course'L1 'air"6 uPrrrowth of lectures on "The Fnm- lly" which hod been given by So­ciology Profcaaor Head Pain for a n«mtjer-or-yenrffrpror<ia3or Boln, working against a natieaal back­ground of increasing divorce and apparently changed outlooks., or monilH,"thl«rycnr ■ rc-namcd~hl: course, VThe Family and Marri- nge."

Tripled EaroOmeat.' - ' Tlio enrollment'trtpled. Then, ..

group of students, most of them cniraged to M-eds,-MuBht to enter the course. Professor Bain could not allow them credlta «hi.co_ they were .wltboul .nsju^edpre^ulsli-JoKiTO’

ilUs..----- ---------- ---------of the — .

lor group, petlUoned tho foctUly to design a similar eourno'for seniors.

In consequence, a course hoa- bcen dcalgned for next year, three Iccturcs a week for cretllt. In which scnioTTirabout to' enter life ’ -and marriage, .may enroll.

- Scnlon Attend /Most'of the seniors are attend­

ing Professor Baln'a lectures, do- Inff the rcqulrwl reading, and re­ceiving no credit " t o better fit themselves 7or mainrlagc." '

Tho lecturca include: 1—Hlatory ot the growth of the sex relations. 2—Social factora, that-moUe for dlnorRonlratlon o ftho 'family. 3— Mcnta] hygleno'of thb'ftimlly'for parcata and‘ chlWrcn.-4—Probltms of courtship and the first year of mnrrlage. 5—ProblcmJi of chlld- parcnt relotlona. - -........- --

Mrs. R ' D. W llllow cnterUlned Uio Friday afternoon bridge club ' last week. ____________ • '. ■


—.Octavine—I—For'persons who believe that'

human destiny It guided by the planets, the dally, horoscope la outlined by a noted astrologer, in addition to Information of general interest, it outlines in-

-formation'of3peclaMnterett to- pcrsons born on the designated -dates.'------------------------ ’------

things which may come to your at* tcntloa today. The morning Is too --8Blmlfltlc.-.-Tlilng8-ar<> not-really—

hod an they loolc. The afternoon la bad for all clerical work or pa- pero. You-may lose thlnga and bo - confused in tho afternoon and'cve-'- nlng. - . .

nirthdato •Vou should-llko' to place‘Ihlngs

side by side for comparison. You

2T.T03g.-- There t

July 10 and Sept 0 thrpugh OcU 12. There is n aerloua vein In yo'ur Ilfo from 8cpt 23 through Dec. 21, 103J;. You abould have a period of financial advancement from' Nov. .aa lhrough-Dc«.-2.— ; ;----------• Danger Nov. 1-5,103C.Socially 'favorable June 10-13, ■

1035. - -“ Wrltc'lcttcra on April 10,'11 nnd


Readers desiring ndditlonal Information regarding their, horoscopea are invited to com­municate with Octavlna In caro of^thls-newspaper^Enclote a 3-ccnt stamped self-addressed

“ envelope;...................

Wolvca' teeth, ground - Into' a pAwdcr,- wece taken aa a euro for pleurisy not 80‘.many yean ago.'-


Page 5: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained

Suttirdny, Jlnrclr23, 1935. IDAHO EVENTNG-TIMES. T\\T:N .FALLS. IDAHO

SO '-CrETY 'you Are Invited t

rbooe BH o<'tnrt>'lbtso arm. 'r Social' Itoma


Tlio Junior Music club met lu t evcnUiff at the studio of MIm Groce Dryoht tor a celcbniUon at Uie 2Q01U amUTcnuiry of the birth of tho composcr, Johann Sebiutlan Bach.

Tho program IncluJ^ "Minuet und Trio," Dsch. by P fjp y Cav- nnnKh and Mary Franceo Dates'at two pianos; comet oolos, "Gnlcty Fotha." Hartley, oni) ''Mothct Ma- chree," Balt, by Hugh Jbalynrdc- compunled by Mrs. I. E. Jonlyn;

—' 'Min u « ti—Bach,-by—VIvlan-Hmiti; vocnl 0OIO8, .“The Uwony Breantcd Pearl." Hoblnflon.' and-"Hear Me Yo Wlndfl and Waves,” Handel,' by


___ i-JosJynr..................... , -O. P. Duvall; ‘ 'Ulnuet,'’ Bactf,

■ PcpKV C*vanoRh; “Two Part In-■ vcaitlon" and "SoireEBletto," Dacb,

by Mary Froncea Batea: vocal #0-■•Bvlvla."-QlQV.aDtnltJ^nadLn

Neryro splrilual, by Mra. SuvalL FollowlnjT the brief bualneao flea-

filon, presided over by McClain ■ Johnston, -prcBldent, a largo birth- (lay caho with 20 lighted candlea commcmoratlnfr Bach’a birthday won cufand'scrved.- -


In honor of the tenth birthday " •• vMrs.Wol-

(I at a tho*_________ Iff. Eleven

ended tho 6 o’cloek dln- Tho table was centered wltlt

ft Inrgo birthday caUo decorated In .. _grecn.Mid..whlte,lmidJlBht(^„wlUj

plnkjiMffTMR candles. Green and yellow. JjcstB_fnic(L_wIth:-Ew)ler

coraUohfl. Anelda Bartlett receiv­ed tho prlzo for the coatcstB. which

..preceded the Uieatcr party. Mrs. Hanrmrd was assisted by Mn.'W.

----KellrnndMlaa-MarKartt-Kelly.-Bc-Bides tho bonoree. thoso present In-

.-. cludcd-rEllcea—Peteraon.; Jtomona Ilanoard. Anelda Bartlett, Marjorie

---Diraiond.-Patty-Keny.-Ruth-Flla- (Tcrald, Marpnref 'Warrcn, Vera

— Gooaman, ShirtcyTjQflKm'and Aiin Allen. .

. . . .. #. ...CI.UB H01.DS...... ...... 'ELECTION OF OtTICEnS

Lend-A-Hand club held an elec­tion of officers at tho home of

1. E. W. Cbllins yesterday aXter-

• Mm. F.-n. Dnrilnp, reporter. Mrs.; BccUloy and Mrs. ARnca HlRgen- botham were appointed delecatei,

. to Uio Fwlemtlon, and Mrs. Waller v;Tumi>r ond'Mra.' Collins, nllfr.-,

natcs.Fourteen' members and Uirce

- f^ciits.-Mrs.-L.' R.-}{ouUior,-Mrs. H; G. Jackii and Mrs, M. T. An- lauf. attended tl>o meeting. Mrs. Ilciithpr *ind Mrs. JacUa were wcl* comed aa new members. The hoate.ns, aoalsted. by Mrs. D. H. StoUesbury, served refreshments.


At tho meeting yesterday aft­ernoon at.tlio home of Mrs. E, G.

-- Bracken'mano-'WCTo-niado-for'the entertainmont'for Mrs: Pearl C. Coolc, national president, who will arrive tomorrow, by members of

- tho Dan McCoolt clrcle.'-Ladles of- tho Grand Anay of the Rej

He. A social sour followed tho_ Jncsa..acMltm..Tm-whlto_c]cpl

waa received by Mrs. Ida ^ ... Hostesscfl were Mrs. Sweet, Mni. P.Snodgmas, Mra.Ellmra Carlson and Mra. Uiura Whitney. Gucats wero-Mru.. Craig Bracken, Mias Ruth Sno<lgmsa and Mlsfles Eileen, Madelelno and Adda Mao Bracken.

Start yonr baby clilclcs on Olebe . A-1 staHeS Jt’B bettii. Clobi Stod

tt Feed Co.—Adv. ■

■“CalendarStar Social club will meet

Monday at 2 p. m. for a drsacrt luncheon and card party at tho homo of Mra. P. E. Haasch. 211 Ninth avenue north. ■Alfniem-' bera of tho Eastern Star-are welcome. • • •

* * * ’ .Twin Fallo Chapter number,

. 20,' .Order. of-tha..Eafltern. Star, - wilt entertain post matrons and

PIIIST PKFJiBVTEItlAN----0. L. Clarlc. poator '

.3 'a. m.—Church acltool for all. E. V. Lamoa. superintcndcht.

; l l a.'m.^MomlDg.wQrfiblp. An- Uiern. ’Teor Not O Itruel:’* duet, •iMy Faith Loolc* Up to Tbea;” "In Summer," "Eatrellitu" are Inctud- ed-in the organ numbers. Sermon. ■Tbe Call to Conoeeratkm'' by pas­tor. No meeting of • the young follu.ln their own room. They will attend tiio convention In Uio First Christian church, at thq usual ntng hour. . ‘ v

day. In the Masonic temple.

. GOLDEN KULE— - COMMUNl V . -----

H. J. Roynolds, Putplt Supply tlnd

■ Oiarlollo Itelderien; Sunday '_.. School Superintendent Bible ochoot ct 10 a. m. A cla


.William Basil Voung, minister 0:45 a.' tn.—Church schoof. T, l .

Wltlms,- nuperlntcmlent. -Ctnwios for ttll ngofl.

.m;—Public worahlp. Dele- ■ • ini

...... .. .................... 1 a b.R«v..0corRO Rooebery will be speaker. ' Tho musical program wllUlnclude tho following num­bers:. “Christian. Uio Mom Brcolis SweeUy O'er Thee,” by H. R. Shel­ley. Fred Lathcm and Mliwi Mabk;

will slae.R.Bclectetl,number........C:30,p. m.—Tlio EpworU* league

devotlonoi service. All young pco- |aff^cTitcmamB-=TUMWhcrcrTirc

Mrs. Pearl C. Coott, jiattonal president, of the.Loillen of tho Grand Army of tho Republic, will be served Sunday evening otfl:lC at tho Park hotel. Sher-

“ mainirtjrnacoln drclea aro.ln- .Vltod to ■ altend,'_omcers nouiice. Me‘rnl>ers wishing awatlons' aro asked lo pli

oming message at 11. o'clock. lc,‘ "Ropcntaaco Unto Life.” jpic for Morch Slat, "How the rt I « Changed," a chart


ContpIJmenting Mrs. Bari Bick­ford, Mrs. C. A. Bickford enter- tnlned yesterday afternoon at a mtncettaneoua- Bhower' and V d cs - sort bridge luncheon a t her home: Gucata were seated at threo quar­tet tables centered with crystal vnsea of pink and blue sweet peas. Menu and placo cards also reflect­ed. tho.color.8chomo.-Prlz«s-w«ro won by Mrs., MiloJtlcko and Mra. Eldon Rilcj.'. Tha. traveling prize

a n iR a i o r t h e a s c e n s io n .- ■ EPISOOPAI •.......Rev. V. E. Newman, rector

0:<5 a. m.—Church school. Dur­ing tho woraWp'period ■ o£ ■ ■ school lL(nt. T, M. Robvrtfon, perlntcndent will give a talk

R. P. Douglas, pastor Cburch school 0:40 ju m. George

. ' a r b 0 rg, superintendent. The opening «erclscs will bo dlrcctcd by Mrs. A. D. Bobler. -~WCrninir ~ i l - n:~Tnntevr~nmry Van Engclen will bo our gueat irpealtcr. Subject, "Tho New Testa­ment aa I t Denotes on .Organiza­tion and as It Denotes an Organ- Lim." — - - • - .

Voung pcopi< ‘fl . scrvlcc, G:1C

Fear and Superatilion.'11 a. m.—Morning prayer and

sermon. In lho nbaence of the-nse- tor, 6. E, Barnwell, of Gooding, will conduct the nervlcc. Tho rec­tor wilt hoW services in Buhl and Jerome Su-duy morning and will bo in Shoshone in tho

1-bjr-:don. Following cards Bette June Tarr, dressed in pink, and wheeling a earrtage decorated in the same shade, presenttd tho honoreo with many lovely gifts. Cuentji bcaidcs tho bonoree were. Mni. Earl Sltid- moro,-Mr«.-Rlelco, Mrs. .Evon-Torr, Mrs. Richard Hunt. Mrs. Wayne parish, Mrs. Riles, Mrs. -B. I/.-Pnt- xlcI{..Mrri._Suctl,.Skinner, Moi,.R. M. Kimboll and Mrs. Weldon.


Complimenting Mra. O. C, Cole­man, formerly Hiss Helcn-Runcoe, Mrs. E. L. Rogers entertained at a mlscelloneouj sh®'"'**' “ L hoino’ bhTourlh avohu'6 west, yes­terday afternoon. Tho eight guesls spent ' the aftcirfoori' ht 'pinochle;

10 a. m.—Sunday sc11 a. m.—Morning worahlp. Ser-

non by Uie pastor.7 p. m.—Young People’s roeet-

CHRIBTJAN Corner Shoshone and Sixth W. E. AnOeraon, minister

0:45 ft. m.—Bible Bchoot:-F. Slnctc, superintendent._10:43.0~ in.—Lord'ii.Suppor~andsermon;- subject, "Man nod His Moflter." Jiinior'churehrBtudleo ta audsUoa-Xrulb'-


inp 7

Era pastor.-..7:30-VV«Unesday — Proyor moet* Ing. Bring Blblta. Come prepared ti) review the life'nnil'worVofUic Aposllo Peler.

am iST lAN .SCIENCE "Matter" wleblbJueabellReMP-Il

. "Matter" will bo the subject of the Les.wn-Sermon In oil Cliurchcs of Chrlflt, Sclcntlat. Golden Text is from Hobakkuk 2:lO: "Woo unto him that sallh to thti wood, Awake; to tho dumb storic. Arise,'it shall leachl-BehcUdr-lUs4ald.ovor-wlUi

ltd and decora- gold and nllver ond thero Is breath at all In Uie midst of IL".

Among the citnUona from tbe BIblo Is Uio following:' “Jesuu an­swered. .Verily, varlly,. I say. unto

— . E «ep t a man be bom ofFor j; E. Williams of the spirit, he e^notter Into.Uie klngdnm.of.Cod.«Tliat which'is born of the fte.ih IS'ficah; and that Which is bom of tho Spirit Is spirit" (John 3:5, 0),

Malad'Rites-Held ■

BURLEY, March 23 (Special)— Funeral services for John B. Wil­liams, who died Tuesday, la Poca­tello, wero held in Malod ThortKlay In the L..D. S. church. ’ Mr. Wil- llama had Ijeon a resident of Burley ror-itrycanc-HmJicd-otnJirtraijrwhilo en route to Molad.after suf<

an.attack of a heart ailment he hdd been subject to for

____ time fipd for, which' he hadbeen recel / ng. treatment at the Coltagc.hoapltaL.- ------- -------

-WOMAN'S-CLUB MEETTS MAROA, March 23 (Special)—

Tho Maroa .Woman’s :ciub met at tho homo of Mrs. Ethel Park. ThuradftyafU!moon.'Tho president, Mrs. Mao Huffman presided. The meeting opened wlUi community alnging and 20 nembcrn answered the roll coll. Visilors v/ere Mrs. Vera Hardesty and Mrs., A. Me- Klnley. Tho whlto elephant was won by.Mrs. Clam’Shuo. Tbe next meeting will be with Mra.^YlUiam: son &hd there will bo election of of- flccm. At tho close o£ the.afternoon; a dellcloua pot.luck luncheon served. ,

for all ages. All children ner- Give your children the ad­

vantage o f an early Icnowledgo of Uie Bible.

11:30 0. m.—Morning worship. A pleasani devotional service of wor- shlp'aind'praIfle.-Scrmon'"by' 'thotiaalor. ......... ' ..........

2:30 p. m. — BcUiel Temple bnJodcast over KTFI. The pastorspeaking. - .....................-. fl p. m.—Young People's .meet­

ing. A pleasant and. friendly serv* Ico - lor . young people. Virginia Mort. leader.

7:3Q p. m.—EvongcUsUo service. Good music .and singing, Sermon! by tho pastor. "DcnominaUonal Doctrines or the Bible." :'■8 p; m. Tucsdayand Tbufaday— Bethcl .TempJo Bible-Bchool.--You are welcome. Brlifg Bible and note boolc-------------------- •........ ; - • •

ST. EDWARD'S CATHOUO-Falhcr-Hi'E.Tleltnian.-pMtor.Sunday niasapa nt.9 ohd 10 oT r

. Week day maises'ai 8

CH O SENATIE ITwin FttUa (Jttaliflcs-Cast- of

Play and Four Indiviiluals For District Contest

BPW HEAOSCM M tA01FSOFG.tR :Mr, and-Nra.-Murrny-Jfn.ien-e

IcrUiini-d at 11 bri<lir’ pnrly Wi-il- -u-.uliiy evening. I’rizu wcnfln Mr. and Mrs. Evcrctl CrifflUi. lUss Mil Fowlu.i nnd Tum Chiireli. .. - -- -

.Mr.-i: \r. W.Talmcr; Mrni'OcorRi --OJilrfHi-t ''I’miftfiihl' i f r i W ill •

In preparation for the district dcclamutory at Kimberly next week, cntranbi from the tiub- dlstrlct coraprl.ting Twin Fulls, Flier, Murtnu(!h and Hnnacn high achool.< had been chosen today.

Wlnnera were: .Ono-aot p 'V ----"Will o', the

Wlap,” Twin Falls, Franccs Erb- !anil.jMlUL-Clarh.-Manna-£Lillu Alice' Leslie nnd'Xols ' Anderson, cast members, directed by Mra.

Kllnk; MrsTLfii Dcwcy and Mr«.jt.ewlii, Uupcrt. has callcd if. C. Van Eiiirdcn entcrLilned al!?’ ” “ ''K Uu»l'i;^'«a brldiic-lunelK'on Wednesday at NaUoiml .Hotel. Sbclecn tablcnl were iit pliiy with prlzeif going In Mra, Walter ClirysUrr, Mrs. Ircl

■ and Mrn.,I':nrl-Burns

AKnSTt< Extemporaneous---- A ____ ____Evans, Twin Falls, first; Helen Mlnnick,'Hansen, .second.

Oratorical—Bob Stephan, Twin Falls, first; Beth Hall, Murtaugh,

Falls, first; Jtarlan Bccoad.

Virginia Lee.-Mur.

. secono.All first and second place wln-

. trn wilt take part In Uio district Subject, contest at Kimberly

. re.- Oralor- Hanacn; and

dramatic.leal. Louis Hall,Maurice Klaas. Filer; ..............l/ols Eishcr. Murtaugh, and June Groves, Hansen; bumorous, Mau- rino Luke, Flier, and Jcanine

r M l l E l i . T O F E IE B B E RIl|>uclul

Mrs. RuthTcrhunc, Rupert, out-of-town guest.

Bert Tucker, Jlmmlo lllgglns. Bin Buxton auil Ralph Brosn ar- rivoii In BurK'y WcOm-Bdny lo visit ihelr pah;nt.i. They are sludentn at

Ith Cltirk. Nnrma FiiHrr. t?tah Stntr Arrlriilliiml cnllpc.-, ............................ .. -A. T. Coo.- bl/ihftp Of Unity \var<l

L. D. S, church, and Mrs. Margaret

.. -.......— .............. id Pro-feimloiinl Women's cliibii lo eon-, vene tomorrow at 1 p ,ni. at Uio Park liolifl, Tlio piirjionc o f Ui«' mcellng in to erivito InU-r.'sl In Uio nntlonai convention to be held in SoatUc In Ju-.v iiml the Aliinka lour, which will follow ihii con­vention. ■

rrlncipAl iipeakcr

JJuticyr-wero-morriwl-Weti— R,nesdsy-in-the L,-D.-S.-teraplc In Logan. They .will mntie Uielr home " I a farm near Burley.

Mrs. H. F. Andrew entertained <llnner Tuesday evening for her ■ xlub. ~ ■ ..................

GueBt o f Dan McCook Circlo Here

I Is Ml.lit Helen Tafl, Al-progn Won.gram will be prcnenlod •Slwitbono-club.-Table-.-

Jjclng 1

Mra, Pearl C, Cook. ChicaKo; na­tional prc.ildont of Uiu Ivulics of the Grin<l Army of the Republic, iirrlves tomorrow to be u guest of the Dun MeCook CIrclc. Mrs. Co<ik Is making an official tour of the wi-stci-n iiHiica, Including Monlann,

Oregon. California, ' nd Idaho,

, ........... llic MoGookimMonnjCli'oltv-iu.idvlliK -a dlnner-tomorrow— Uuiierl at p. ni. al the Park hotel. At ....... '■ "

......—....... uvvn ir»m Hurley,'ivnrniif.. i|i.imrl»i--ia-««»<T»’Urv...lB . . .Rupeit, SiuMtoiic,- Je-rbmc7 C:oOO-\'>vlilg'a liiricireori at her country Ing. Bubt and Twin Falls arc ex-.lumic-In honor of Mni: Ccwk and the ' pccted to attend the ineeHng. dc|i;»rliafnt officer;!,

Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Kunau, nd Mrs. 1), 0. McCiillocli. and nd Mrs. Bob Pence. Mrs..

Rntpli MIe/irnhn and S. H. Kiimiii' rrcelved Uie prlrxir. ; ]

Men tcachera of the'Miiler school; entertained tlie women teachers atj ft party Thursday evening at Uie| home of Emery Barruu, principal.’ Competitive games were played with prizes going to Miiis Murjorie Wright and Miss Tliercsa Woot- jStenhulme;

Relief SocleUcs of-the three L.

Mn. "Tlia Apollit'cnry," Lolii Tumliiy.

The Children ’s Choice, j _

The Bisbee StudioSpecializing in Fine Portraits

Bisboo Buildinff, Twin Falls

Raile.^ director: cast._ Rois T^n-

1:30 p. m.—Session of tho Cbrls- Uan Endenvor convcnUon.

7:30 p. m.—The clo.ilng servlcco of Uie c'onvcnUon.

lcc>’.-Junu~Cravas, .Elmn-Gnlley; Flier, "Tho Maker of Dreams," Winifred Fryer, director; - cast, 'ilttrgnrtt—CoflC. L-j?arint

.‘Miiry. of..Nazarcth"_at. Uic lOrat ward meeting, and Mrs. Sylvia Bartow gavi). the 'biography Madame Schumimn-Hrmt[, '

- H o m e - E c ^ ^ t u d e n t s - mon

Attend' Convention

liraco Uolt IcOhe (ioclai service lesson on "Samuel G. llowc" al the Sccond word meeting, and Mra. Re­becca Harris gave a Uootc of Mor-

...... ........ ...... hiuslc-and ;freuhmentfl.

The public la cordially welcome to-all-servlc«s;

L full Ipel revival every night at FlfUi avenue and ThlN street uast.

Wb arc expecting Rev. A. J. Brown, Boise, Monday evening, March 25._Mr. Brown In fleld_rep- rencntaUvo of Uio Assomblleo of C£)<l. • ' .

Evangelist, Ruby E. French.

Mission ConferenceAn all-day Homo Mia-iton con

fcrcnctf wan held Thurndoy at the Mcnnonllc church In Twin Falls with the 'Filer church participat­ing! Topics rctaUng to Uio, cbftracter and llfo of tho chureh and' its. members 'were presented by Mrs. Sidney Olson, Flier, Mrs. J. C. Porterfield, Rev. T. D. \Valk- er and M. E. Calllcottc. 'nio' next conferacQ will be held In Flier la May. Plans are imdcrway for on

The honey locust luui a better yield than Uie beil of sugar co itfl beans ore about'26 per cent

BURLEY, March 23 (Special)— Ten-mcirtt>cni of the Homo Eco­nomies-plub-left: today. for-Pooiltl- lo (o attend tbe district convcnUon of Southeastern Idaho Hbme Eco. nomlca ctulja. Those attending from Burley are: Jeanne G.islam- blde, Nellie SmlUi, Margaret Mer­rill, Mary Huston, Thoo Grow, Jeaneltn R'cdfleld,-RuUi Grohoaliy. Juanita,. Wolfe,-Eva-.Ycamaii. .and: Leona Peterson.- AUas Ruby Poole, and iUss Dohri Bockwllz, class ad-' 'liiera, wilt occompany the trlrls.Tlic program iar tlie day Incluu-

d: Club reports on year's acUvi- lies; dlRcuuslon on bow clubu of the

can excltangc . ideas than onco a year; talk on “Girls'' Problems" by Mlsn Drew.-dean-of- glrJs ot Southern Branch; club' lunchcon at noon, and cxhlbltion- and trip through unlvemlty campuii' conducted by students.

■In cliarge ot the Third wanl meet- Ing and gave a biographical sketch of Emily Dickinson.

s Lowest-Cost Loan Ever Offered in Twin“Fall^

e ‘in.atrlpped of ita

n H H vn a H H H

Own< rs ot good’ modem rcBliIencca s Twin Falla msy now procure ft- Ucs

- AND-ONE-HALF PlJIt CE.VT,, Includlag boUi Inlcrcat and brohcr.ige. Ste ua for partlculnra.'Thls money may t>e had for new construction or for refinancing. This rale 1s. available on loans not exceeding lO'/o at appraised vnlue of. tho security. Rates are slightly higher fur larger ndviineea, On a loan of two'-Uilnls of security vnlue, tho rate la T'/c, Including com­mission. MonUiIy repayments oii a S2000.00 loon src tlO on

• principal, plus on net balnnces....... — - -We have a few choice residence locations on Lincoln. Bii- '

cinc SPORTS pnocK mplete, Dlagmmmed Mariyt

. PATTERN,D330.......--This 1s a »llek-1ooUafr frock /or, cvciy dayUm'o occasion. NIco pleat- eil:BleOT«:oro.cut ln'ono;vlUi Uia smart shoulders. But look, U you will, at the bilcki Buttons tnvct-

_Jng.ri8hl,down fronuicclciilnioat to hem—with ft UtUo pleat for com- foH in walklner-. It'a.ffood for a Ronjo of golf—good for tniTcl, of­fice-or whool; for street ckithes ora’ going, m'oro and more sportay UUi ypar, .‘Zoii coQ make It easily, io rttw ." wuhabto slllc or one of Uift.-sHfait soorBuckers, - ginghams or oUie'r cottons. Tho pockcts pre- tend-'t5. h&ve flaps, .whereas they arc .merely , cut la one;aod fokled .......Bo-guro to chooffc gaily col-

■ ••Pattern 0330 may . bo ordered onlyrln sizes'1 2 . 1 C . 18. 20, 32, Si. 30, 33 and 40. - Size 10 requires

urda 80 inch , fabric.- - d BTFraEN, CENTS In coins

teia. B « sure lo write pUiitnly your• MAMEi; ADDRESS, tho STYLE

, >njUBER and SIZB'o<-«acb.pat- ‘~. 'tcni.• lire . JUST,'outl'oiJRSPiUNG

*^ '.„P A T T »IIN ‘.:B001t_I»-a, writ*bUFubloa Parody or-saiart styles to belp.:you ..plan.-. »hd tnftk* your s p ( ^ firordnb^ Forty pages full of atyl# new* of Interest to every iKunatu.l-. ; xtunalsff .ideslgu or

•tho, boiiM, and-for town.wearl Amooff Um apoftial arttclea are d»-;aerlptiwaraeapnnrfabr>e>

. iw .tf ld re a the small cbUd. SEND SOUR'COPY-NOWI PRICE


Send your prder to Jdaho Bv#- Ding Time# Patterp DepartmenLTwla raUt Idaho.-: : ........... —

/ . . . The . . .

CROM W ELL TA ILO R IN G - v-vGOMPAOT^S^ : - - , T: SpedaL Representative


M O N D A Y ,;M A R C H 27th. v ith a.coo^ldto showing ot-fino vrctole&s for.

■Men's'Sprinfl’ doU ipB l

. U r.'U anball-is . ^ d a D j f ’-.tniiBed-in-iUting.Ttm -- ; satisfoetorily in' m ^o -to -n easm ' cloUira. ;

~ S 6e T&is Oatatandiag -OlotMn g L ise In ' " V J765r*fitortjH S5H iyr

A olden11ul€^ ^ C . C . A i u i e r e o n • • : C 6 .

A r e i n e s e i w o S a n h e G i r l ?One blond and one brnhet, one fair of skin and the other dark ^ o u ld MiHiccnt Graves, missing, stenographer,>i>05Sib1y bo the mysterious Phyllis Faulconery sought by police in conncc-

. tion with the strange-events in-the-home:o£'wealthy, prominent" Ja r^ Happ? What wja Milhccn] ;;sCCTet7_ Why had. she disappeared? You’ll nd the answers Jn the thrilUhs new 8cnaly.*.1he Dark, Blond,” beffinning';._.

March 27th in the


Page 6: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained

: e M s s i E i m z s i m i £ > M

aiz uaya, per iina per uay~— «c Three days, per Ilflo perTtlayL-Cc~ day, per Unc______ -------

■ Minimum Two Uncs MUiimum ClintRa 23c

Clnmiried Display Ralca oa Uo- queal.

In neceptinj; copy for clnaal- field adMrUiiemcnU for publlca. Uoa In Iho Idaho Evcnlnj; iTltncn. • Iho Tlmca Publlahii Cotnpony apTca to avoid erm aa far aa poulbic, but wbcn

,iloca_oKiirIn OD ndvcrtiaeracnC. Bfxinnlbllitv of tha Tltrirji Piih- llahtnc Company eoaacs' ......nrtirpuBlicauon'.-u-yifl-ndvei tiaer does hot eall lu aitenllob to tha error: • •- All Clasalflcd Ada ar« ro-

•Irlclcd to their proper claw.' fletttlem-nnd'lho-IdahtrBvratnir ' Times .reacrvca .lha . rlBhL, to chnnge tho wording of an ad. vertlaemcnt t f , by dolnc bo a Clearer meanlnc will rcault. ' :..Claaal£Icd:\ila'.wblcli caxry i letter and box number Inatcnfl of the name of the odvcfllaer bust bu answered by letter Fleaao do not.aaU for Uie otime of the advprtlser which la abao- liitrly confidential In such cnsca.



Spring is. just around the corner . . . and with its approach -will come the an­nual house-cleaning activities . . . and those activities will -uncover the collec> tions of knickjki;iacks in cellars and attics . . . and many of those knick-knacks will p 'ove of worthwhile value to many per _ sons . . : but thev*ll_havf! tn he marlfp.tpH.

V and~we~8ufegest't^hat~thT'quicl t arid easiest way to turn, them into cash is to

- a d v e r t i s c ' t h e m ' i r r t h H ^ l l E y s i f i 'e d '^ l u T n n r

of the Idaho Evening Times.


t ItiMlneM rirmv

lacrosa.___ ^Ip a iN'

kk.W«.(3S3 irom-telepliono hldg_-_ aAHDEL. I-'JNB TiULORS

P A IN T IN G — DEOORATINQI IMlniln^, nuLiide and In.ilde, and iKnl'sHmlnin ^ E.'L. Shnffer. Phone ij203-J.

ToM^s Markets and EiBanciaLNewsl iv e s to c k

■ CHICAGO l iv e s t o c k ’ •' CHICAGO, March 23 ll'.H-, ilofii

’1,000; slciuly, nominal top SD.UO cwnipiirrU with JP.IO ,Frld:«y.- Gittlo 300; cftlvM 200; coinjwcd Friday Ituii wcclc.rew cliolcc urn' prlriin /cd' steers' und. .yearlln};: ilcncly lo 29 ccnta tower; other; no.itly .10 in 73 ccnLi lower: In- itancca $1 down: prime • 130(3 ll>. itccrfl SU.20, but pnJCtlcnl top foi ilrletly choice weighty steers JH

■ wncrenly-20 to-79"cetitJi DJilly 'SO.T.I ccnU down;

:nVy; hcrf b'utla 2.'.-30 ccnts' off • -n 10 fiO_ccatiLlQW<:c

2,uou:. lor.V^Mayr-tcciHnr ta-mba-stendytb shndc low'cr, used nin'oi) ,23 Ic

lower; week’s lamb closing top S8.23, lo\

before CbrlstmiLi; weck'i



FOR SAIJ'T-Uiiod plumbing fix-| ,turi-B. I'riccd Irnv. Krcngfl'n Hard-] jware.i LADIKS’ I-'INIO SILK IIOSIC, al TRVt pprfcct; .T palr.q 51.00. post- ;p it<l: :<iUi:iractl>in k M in riin tc 'd 'KCONOMV-ilOStKUY CO.. As\w iboro.-K.-C.----------------------------

:-~A1JTQM0BILE8t: -.iM'diLI-:T us SOPl’LY

need)!.- -We-have,-nrtt, - rnll nt..Pfl:i

our seed , vlwt-you „ "Ploi Crovvura',

WANTED TO BITV -1000 cura lo wrcck. Fannora' Auto Supply Uaed Parta Dept. Phone 225-W.

-More Cash Money-FOR YOUJl CAR! • —See Mo First—

Jno. B. White Co;-m 2nd North

clinrgc tor scttln^.glaaa. Bring li your sash or drive your car In Protect your health. Save on vnu: furl bllla Phone 3. Uoon'a. •

Residence Property F O R S A L E

Wc-Own nnd Off.-f fur Sale the . . . . - I ' o l l u w l n g ; --

Room Hoiixc, modern In ovcrj' detail, with i-nclosrd iileoplni; porch, one of the best lociillnna

-in tOwnranonrSlioslnTie Street luuble

wIM ho


Small houiic and lot wlihiri cll Kmllii 52.'5,00 down linil'SIO.OO

111. Write Uo)c 171J caru '< Timea.

FUUNITORE WANTED — Wi buy used'fumlturo,' coal ranges, stoves nml Ico boxes. Wo pay cash. Plinne 0. Mooa'a


enUi Jtidlclal District, of.jwr.. iMint. j-iive<i ....... jjouu.uuj State of Idaho, l;i and for Twin

O.Uoow Uquih.-. with Ulh. located -U lU lfl-ilU -A ' “

i,jA. S. Jfftrtyn.'Plaintiff.



I FOR SALE — Old Jype' GrrnV Nortlicm . Seed Beans, raised . Inl Hazclton district by T. J. Pool nnd; L. Iv. Johnston. SI.OO cwt. • Inrjulro JJoan. CIrowiTS' Wnrehousr. Hare)- ton or,Twin Fnlls.

FLTRNITITRE FOR SALI3—New nnd uacd-rm 'Coal ranges, clectrle ranges, coni ttovca. circulate

and 071 respectively.

FARM S FO R R ENT------------ Four-acre tmct,________ T, H, nnndy.-l.mUa

' of Sugar Factory.


Twenty acres with two-i house, nlfnlfa, fence. Price *500.

of original cost, ,"4 W.'mitl, »; K. of Buhl. Communicate with H. C. Howell, Band Box Cleaners.

Trsdts Baby Chlclia and Custom Ilalehlng for grain, poultry, eggo,

Eocond-Hand Goods. Phone 73.

WANTED TO RENT■ About SO acres of .good land with

• ^nouRh water. WlU pay conh rent in advance. H.- Kuroae. Dctweilei

■ Place, Filer, Route 1.

LOST—Blue and Brown scarf n I. O. O. P. Hall Wed. night Pleas rctum~lb'JanltornCT.~0. Q,‘ F.'liiii:


..d California'Atito Certiflente ol Registration to. P.. O-Floyd, SaU.

»y between Stngc Depot nnd A. Plclcfttts Cardens. • Rcwai^.

Phone 0285.R<. • .


. A lovely ino<lcr . unfurnished. .'.Mrj

Phoni- 0 5 1 M , , •

SPECIAL OIL permanent. J1.50, _LNatural J2.00. 23a_Glh_A.vo.. E.

. .-Phono IGCO. Mra..Benmer. -- D 0aS,-PETS. ETO.-


western Teachers Agency, Sail

rate. Free enrollment!.' . Address Envelopes at homi

sparctime: J5 to Slff weekly. En —perieneeT^unbecesaary:— Dignified

Work. Send stamp for particulars. HAWiaNS, DepL 42, Box liammond, Ind.

Lndlcs, copy names, addresses, tor mail order firms. Good pay. Ex­perience unnecessary, no canvass­ing. Write: stamped envelope, UNITED ADVERTISINO.IJH De- ICalb Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y.


. MAKE $30.00 to «60.00 weekly

• Outfit-free. Write IDAHO BE- ----- •*-Ni:VOLENT SOCIETY, Biackroot,Idaho..-;

S ITU AT IO N S W ANTEDAn all-around butcher wishe

. Job- in or near Twin Fallf.. Writ< Box 170C core of Times. ., '. Booltkreper nnd stenographer de iilrwt ixiW or part time -worW. Phon

•0103-Jl. ■ . . ■.'Harried Man. anxious lo worli

Tio children. Have own house --Wrtt» Bos- 172R cans of Times.


Fdn RENT, No HunUng..N(.. Trcnpacalng algns for sale. Idaho

Evunins Time*. 'iMUST '3ELL chcap, 10 marble

machines. Good .money makers. iHqover,Cabins No. 2,''So. Wain. . .

__________________ibd other____Mold furntshingi^Atpon's. Phone

FOR SALE—A c ............SCO in bulk, liny wtmt you need,

bring back wiiut you have lo ft Wo loan you a brush to put It on free. ilcMurty—House—Pninl.— 4-Hour Enamel, Floor nnd Linoleum Var­nish .dr>-s >n 'lwo liourn.'We also hava a. largo atoclc.of Wall.Papci

I house, preferably with plot . Would pny G rooni yrnr'a rent In advance. 1302-W.



STANLEY C. PHILLIPS ■ Twin Falls Mortuary '

'bone 33. . Twin Falla, Idaho

•Pcavey-Tabei' • Company, Inc,

rilONE 201


WASHING MACHINES — Used hlng machiaes; gasoline

priced to sell at once.'— all

W ANTE D TO R E N TYputig couple with stead)' Job in

J13I,1.3n. IrlfUil. title Intorcst urn said Defendiints.Tif. hi following df.icHbi-il

W ANTE D —Mlscellnneoits

—'or-thi'TVe.'ii' Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter-(Wu Of-W^ ot NW>1.'3WU) of Sec­tion twenty-eight (2a>. Town­ship' ten (10) SouUi, Range Seventeen (17). East of the

Meridian, .and being tenAV(intoa_Dia_CripplCd_iiE_Dcad _acr^i5nf_05L.< .r3cs...Phone OSOJ. Ed Roberta.- ^ T o ^ lb c r witli

water stock •'WANTED ~\VlMiat. Barley and atn lo clean and treat Dlngel and

Smith Seed Co.

ESTIMATES gtadly given on all kinds of. Job Printing at Oftico ' Idaho Everting Times.--------r-

AVAJ^TEl^FuraituTo repairing, upholstering, window shade work. Cress & Bniley Fumlturo Ci). Phone esi. ,________ •

WANTJ2D FOR CASH .. . Tea Cars—Any aiuko.'. •• John O'Connor'Used Car Co. S18 Shoshone S t Phone ll^O.

AttGhtion.FarmersI--'\V .-\r<* Xnir (.’nntnctin'cGARDJ5NJSEANS”NQUTinUII*.-K lN '<r«; CO. Office,: 'I'wiii' Knlls F.-c.l

nnil iTri* liniltlinL'“ PHoha H I - ■■ Tivln Fails. Idaho

The Roads arc open "to Miiglc Hot Springs. Must have chain- Take the Rogerson Road,. . .■“ t y p e w iu t e r s .r e n t e d . bi

AH-mok«fc-ld*bo~Typ- .w^ritcr...Eycha^e...OPDoaHn ..Post-omcomiQi

CARBURETORS: -C a r t> iircta lartJi and service. F. O. II. Moto;

Jcnacc._23a_ShQflhono„St— W. Twin Falls.

MATTRESSES renovated, and rccovcrcd. Clean wool carded. 20c ib. Washed and carded 30c. Fural- lure upholAtering. T w in Falit Mattress Factory. Piiono 51-W.


Onion 'beed, domestic and Im­ported ,'DIngel and Smith'Secd Co,

TRY the Globe Seed and Feed Co.; belore buying your field seeds, -ilfalfti, clovers nnd gnumcs.'

W IL L JJELL.OR TRAD E .ve ncrcs with .Improvements ' Twin Falls on' Blue LJikc

Blvd.', North. Inrjulre of ■ owne Box COO. Twin'Falls.

"NewTofTRecord• MitrrJago Llcctisc

District Court

Walter NaJer vs. Rolwrt Bodon- hamer seeking J2000 damages or ccount of Injurle.i nnd costs al. ■ged to have resulted rrom.or

altercation which took place Jon 0 In a local hotel corridor. Nndei asks for S73 for room, board and

iLlS, ■

FOR SALE—Onion Seed. Ding- feldfr & Balish. 203 5th Ave. So.;-! Phone 080. ■ ■ j - ( I

■TJtEBI BARLEY — W ln incd • •ted; lit the Kimberly Hleva-'

lor doctor's fees; S50 .f wages: SI35D actual

darringes; and $300 exemplucy damages,- Hls attorney-ls O. P. Duvnll. Twin Falls. '


E. E. Overman. Low'- High Preclp.

FOR SA'LE —. I'rtcratloti s7ed,C.j!'’ ‘' ’’^ '.........'atat raised rrom Ccr:ificU.Sc'ea,:x"''“ ' ^ ------free from wild oats. A. W. DcVis-.D'-’"''*-''' ....

r. ml E„ i \ So. of Filer. ' ...... ...f 6b- -s a l k ,-—--Norihnjp'''i:!n«'[{,^iiflpcii....

G.arden Seed. Also Onion. Secd.iKiins-**Culli orjf>aciiftge. Borns =n;S

r.-zr.H4-----3S— -.0«:

High Purity State Tejted Seeds. I " All kinds: alfalfa, clover, garden,!}

Twln'Fftlls.,Idaho..PHone ipr.: %nfRAT—Irx-lii -DleJtlow,-

. FOR. SALP — Krcngel Colot ...wheel.corrugtttani.-Gunranteed ..- icorrugste nay alfalfa or sod. LowiDlngman.

prices. I&cngel’a Shop. 'of East end of Main.

and .Myrtle I. Bitter, husband iiiurwin>r-AT- thur L. Swlm .d: Co., ati'-ldiiho CoriHwitlon; G. D. Thompson. Rec-lver of The First NaUonal Biink of Tv -ln FulUi, Idulw. u defiiaei Natloiml bunking ns- Boclallon. Defendants,

hulk-5?77WSH(tr-istc-l7nllr-«8:(ro= iiuilc native cwca 53:OD'.to 53.

iirc'inllni: lu tiuallts-anil weight; /.•;ling iambs $5-50,30 mostly.

'^ .PO RTLAN D LIVESTOCK. ' I* O H T L A N D. /Ltarch 23 (L'.l!)

—Hoga: Compftred. wi'Ck ago. un­even, early bulk 170-215 lbs. 50,33- 59.30; top Sl).30; cloning Sales 50.10 down; 233-310 ib.l. '58,25-50,00; Irite sales' 58,75 down. 330-300 Ib/i. 18,00: light llghti $3,25-58.30, fow early uiwnrd to Sa.OO;- alaughtcr'-.pig*. down t( $8,00; packing shwH" $7.00-57.23, smooth sorts to $7.75; feeder plgi


, CHICAGO. .March-, 23- (UD_ Profit-tailing'nttractcd by a week

almost continually rislni; prices it wheat down S to I ’ l cent n

bushel on the board of trade to- day, .May futures closing at .04ents.------ ----- :-------------Selling spread to com n.ti( oats,

lowi-r'arid'tho latter'off to 1 lyU.- •_andicatlo

.TifiacHJ-'tO-ofriT'lnKirihal' the wheat pit, although al. . _

ports indicated; that much moistyrc •- - !cded In 'most winter wheat

I to - raise -g. fair, crop.-par-rajTCT

this :wcclfs:Uuat.fltarm.-......July wUccit .v.-aa under pressure

by profit-taking lon'gs.'Commission houses'itoa*in«tem'intcresUi'iioldr TUcril. wafl.:a’.Hlllc. local buying.' More dust fltorni reports camo in fronvKaMfliiH,M)ul-fuiied to have Lhelr usual Influence on prices.

Cattle: Compareil week ago. . levenly lower. Bulk steers $7.23- 5S.73, few loads 58,8.'>-50-10, iH-st JpaUUSi: .............. . heifers JIT.00-S7,50.- con down to .53.00, cutlery kinds dow

$3.50 iiud under; low cutler an.!«S^9:73rconT=-T)CCT

e of u OrdeiUniiiT nnd by >f Sale iMUed out at tli lllttil Ci>«n. in the ivl)OYc rntUlrd ictio'n, dated the 0th day uf ^larcl

11)33.. wherohi Uio .abuvo-Plalntifribtulnifl a jiidgn......................... ,............

leviediaitu of

ihares of .Ih o Tv,-ln Fails

Canal Company,-ajid oil water rightjf held in connection with sold land.

Together.with the tenements, hereditaments ond oppurten*

.nncea„Uierclo _bclonging-or..aQ. iny wiso upporUinlnff.- PUDLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY

GIVEN: That I will on Uie 1st day of April, 1033. at the.hour of J:00 'clock p. m. (MountAin-Tlme) of lid day. at the EJiat front door of

.he Court Hiiuse of the County of Twin Falls; state of IdaJio. sell ot public auction, to the hlgUcat bid. dec for cash, lawful money of Uie tlnlte<l States,.all the riglit, .tlUe, intcrcal-and-cIalm-of-lhe-nboYe

imed Defendants., of, in-and to .V jjtove'di'ijcrlbcd real ealnte. to­

gether WithrUii.costs, that.have nc. TwIn'Falls. Idaho, ihli

the pih day of March, 4033.' ___E..F. J »R A T E a - .- -.......

Slmrlff of Twin Falls County. Idaho

OODKN IJVESTOCK ' OGD!.:.-J.-.March 23 (f.l!) (USDA)

—Hogn: for week, 2S-35c Jower; lalo bulirijefll'drU'clnu $8.50-53.73; mixwl-kinds-nround- $s.23'downi packing sows $0.50-$7.00.

Cattle: for week, 2.374; most ;lftssff-strong,-to 23c Jilghurr"I>oU

,VP or more! load good Utah -iteers; also load. Idiihos $0.00:'few ;holco . in Utah 510,00; best local steers in odd lota $8,30-J10; bulk mod. and ijooii loeul fit(;cra uiin~]rcTfcrjrj(r5o-$'3T23: bad' light Idaho feeder steers 5G.00; 4 loads Idaho stoeken.$O.SO; v[ood nlaugb.• ----- vs curly in week $5.50-50;

;le hlgiicr; late sales mostly $5,60 down; com. nnd med.'cows $3.50-$5,50: . lower grades down- wiird to 52,25; med. nnd good bulls mdaUr'J3.7S-J3.00;- .com,-:: kinds down- to •$3,00; Rood'and clwlcc

..ilers $a.50-58.(H); lower grades $-«,00-$0.00.

Sheep; lor week. 5,748; slightly lower; mod. and good Irueked-ln

lbs $S,50-50,.’10; few Iota 1 $3,50.-----------................. —


blrthd.iy.. .■'.-wVnierlca ia going-thfotigh-a'

'bad nuurler of an hour," Mel- lon-s statement, sa id , ■•but eventually, with courage, fnllh und effort, the country will come out all right,"

Hopkins AssignsFunds for Idaho

WASiflNGTON. March'23 (tn* — Relief AdminlstralorHarry.L. Hopkins today had allott«\l Idaho $333,043 for unemployment .aid the '.halt.


It includtfd $173,000 gen- . ‘Iltf, 5125,000 drouth relief.

$2(1,500 Iranslenl’ can.-. $3,KM «iu-. cation.rellef, and $3,503 for student Bill. Hopkins made the second March grant only after the legia- ' tur« had provided stntc funds to

igment federal allocntlons. ■ .

Defense Rests in . *. Trial of Gunman

•CHICAGO, .Msrch 23 il'.i;i-The 'fenso rested it tv ie totlay in

-.w tHol of John Paul Chas; -*-ho Is clurK«><rwlth muhlrrlng Federal Agent Samuel P. CSw'lcy. T" li'velopnienl came suddenly aft., tesllmnny. by Chase that aeveral 'iniea he . plcadixl -with his :hlcf George (Baby Face) NelfKw

,;o •'surrender before they get |yoi|,"

Ctuuo pinned hli Iwpea. for. ac­quittal on a plea Uw-Jt he fired In

.gun battle at Barrington. III.. !only after he had been fired upon 'an.I without.knowing. that.hU.os-, s-iiianls were federal agents. If iie can establWi in ihc njinds of. th..’ jurx' tlut h firm'd ,in. .■»eif de- fenSk-. hi' may o.icap-.' v.-lth hli life,*

:ows $l,25-$l.75. relatively ned, to good cows $5.00 t(» 50.50 mil above, iiesl dairy type ilround $5.00: BaUKagc bulls $3.30 to S-J. beef, bulls $3,00-55,50; good to ;holce : vealers $7..'.0-Jt>,00;;o med, $l,00-$7.00; stock .......and calvcs $5,00-$0.50. few feed-

• .ileera 57.00-57.50; stock holt­'s $4,00-55.73,.cows $3.00-54,00.Sheep; Compared week'ago, ui

. 'enly •iteatiy.'GooiI to choice woii eU lambii $0,05-$3.00, com. to me... $l'.-.;5.$6.-25; twnl shorn lambs Sa.fiO, med, kinds $.1,50-$5,75, com. dowr to. $4;. good-spring-liimhi $D,00- 50,50. throwoutii $U,00 - 57.00;

:liter 'CTTfS-S3j}Q.$f";.;^i3cHj-

day; llght-JIchts and b'ulehi 40c lower; packing bows weak .to. 2Co uff; $11.30; l97-2io:Ib. butchem; mid-week bulk $0."' scattered • lonuri J0.70. few- I $0.00; few local-fed tnitk-lns $0.15.

Cuttle: for five days: compared St Friday: slcers 50c spotji nu

lower;-flhe-oli>cU'uiicVMiy weak 25-500 o{{; bulls weaSi to 25c o teors now /nostly $1.00-?1.23, spots uore, under year's high tlmo early

car good 803 ib.'Orcgo'n yearlings imd.toad.783 th. Idahosv-med. u>

d heifers 57-58,23: good yiiung ■a quoted toward $7.00: cuttcV-

bulls 53,30-55.50.------Calves: compared last Frldoy;

mostly steady except choice veul- .TS. 6O0 higher; fed .choice 170-203 lb, vealcra ,$10.00. med. to'.gj>oa $tt-

Sheep; for five daya: 5.250; com- . »red laat Friday: fed iambs 23- 50c, apots more lower; lop $7.50,• Jlk com. to good $0-$7.35, aorled;

’ Uhle. good.cbolcc. 0(f. ih.' aprinu •mbs $3.50 alralght

DFA’VEfl I4VEST0CK jaftgavER . CQiQ. MwAaa..!!=catllc : receipts 7f; -nominal, beef steers ?9-$I2.85; cowa and heifers $< to $0.83; calvas $5 to $10.50; feeders and atockers S4 to $3; bull* $4 to $5.23.'

Sheep: 0,l00; no early sal.

a iW IN TAULHCHICAGO, March 23 a'.lli—Grain

riiiige close:- • • - • - .Upeu High I.OW CIo«M) ,

«Tipat—Nflw: •' ............... .May ....05 05 0414 05 July ..„0I » ; Di^i 01 O l'l- ’A -Sept;—.01?; -Oia;‘"OOi^'' 00s ;'

■3gpC-T7 O.ttn-^yct May .„.l-

—C8t— 43-; 4314

I - N. .V.-STOCKS I23 ir.rj -NEW YORK. March

Tlie market closed lower. • ■ •Aloaka Juneau...,,..... - ...... lO’ iAlUc<l. GJienilcB.1.:.;.-,..... _____ 150',Allla Chalmers......... ...... 14 iiAmerican Can—no sales. .American' Radiator......... ll^ iAmerican Smeltlng.;.„..,._„_: 34 • Amepican ,Tclcphoue/.._.'....;...J02',l,American Tooacco, B... ...... -70?Armour ............. .....',..;_i,'.,__ _Anaconda Copper................ OijAtChlsonl^Topeka't'Sanlii Fo SOUAtlantic Rvflnlng................. 22‘ iAubumrM0t0TS==Baltlhioro nnd Ohio...,

I. Case Co.... ..... ............ 40',Chi. Mil,, St. Paul & Pacific l\Chrj-slo'r Corp..... ................ 34*Coca_Cola—nn sales..

Common. &_aoutlicm_.CoatlQcntol Oil. of Dctawuro IS'i;Com • Products...... ..............«4?iDuI*ont .-de Ncmoura...,;.,;,-..:.,: 80«

Electric Power * Light,,;, Fmc Film.Ccnerol F.lectric.... .........Cepemi Foods,;.... ..........General Motors..............Goodyear "Tire................[ntemntlonai Hnrvestei InternatJanal. TuiephoncJohns Mnnville,,.........Kennccott Copper......L<Kiv.';s.In<________Montgomery Ward.,..,...Kajdi Moloni...........National Dalry-Produc Snt'l Distlller-

28 >4

■ M l D E S v .i D O L L i L l E

NEtV'YORIC.' Mnrch'23 (l',nt — Sloclts, bonds and cbmijiodltifs d< ellned iri light trading loday,

Sloclcs lost fmctlons to more thnn.a point..llailroad-bohili-'tMM.- fairly- well but- others were down

luntsexeepl U. S. ki

Stocks'dlspliiyetl some resistance rmrtrrcgrilnrtjptmtrifrtinnilTfiTJTr

thcrtfarnr-wtttoutipicittip'- in- tmdi“ ''Ing,

antes ipproximnlcd 300,000. tlie laiiL Saturday. Curb anica

. .. ....lOO shares comparol with OO.OOO-uharen- Inst- Bilturdov, '—0OTt'“ J6nes prcUmlniiry closlnj;

ihowert-lnrttintrim 90,84, . . . . . railroad. 28,09: oK 0,14;

itlllty, ICJIS. off 0.13. - .

nwmges';Otf " '-

- - - BO.NDS................NEW YORK.-March. 23 i i u ; i '

The bond market Imd n qultl nnd idy week-end 'se.ssion today, lured, by further advances In

second grade ralli-uad jsaues. , Fraction advances were nliown

, (ja;I tiraorc. & OlUo,3s. u ....................--' • Alleghany Corp. 5s of 1040 « l 50.

Chicago & Norlhwestem convertl-i hlr.4a;a,ftl.a.2i;...NBw-Vtvrk-C«ntnvl------

ond Southern Ci s at50ii

-.37% '371-i 0074 30TI,.. UOX

Sept. Bjirlej-=iNen:i-. May .,..n5u.U July „..50B

r.7»i r.7aj- 5a'-j, ‘ 07^ •

CASH OllAIN C H IC A G O , -March 23 (IU!I-

'heal: N >. 1 hard St.03s;; No. 2: $1.03fi. •

Com: No. 3 yellow BOi;c; ] S6?-;-aaiic.

.Oats: No. a.whila 47Vic. aye: no snle.-i.

Z3Lirioy;:4udUbU:M»4l.20~ Timothy; $llh80-$I7.8.’5.Clover seed: $13,25-$10.25.


-‘SAN- PRANCISCO,-March'23 L',l'.»—Butter: 02 neow 30c; 01 ncor !Oi{,e: 00 score 20c; 80 «core.28l4i Egf.T): large 21%c; medium III 14 W.c. .

Pcnna. R. R.............J. C, Penney Co....Pure Oil...Radio.' Corp.....nadio Keith Orpheum. Rcynold/j,Tobatco-B.„Safcwny Stores........Scars Roebuck-.-.....Shell Onion Oil.........Simmons Co............Socony -Vacuumr,;......southern. Pacific-----Standard Brands__ ;..Stnndard Oil of Calif..........Standard Oil of New Jer.iey'37^iTexan Corp... **"•Trnns-America ..... ..................Union Carbide »nd-Cnrbon.:..-..--lQy.TnilOi|-pa'(:lffc“ ..........—United Aircraft........United Corp...............U. 9. Steel, common,...VVnrnoi*-Bros,.......... .Wentem“ Unlonr;";;,~., Westiiigimuse-Klectrie,F, W. WiJolworlh Co.,,-,,

,N. V. CURB eXCNANGE -American Super Power... . 1Cltlea Scrvlce. common.......1Electric Bond and Share...6Ford Motor Ltd............. • 7

---------;tOST\T,*GEtES------LOS ANGEC.ES. March 23 <t;,n)— '

ButUr*. »xlra J8o; prime limta 27i up Ic; undcrgrado 20t4c.. Eggs: large and medium . ui :hunBcd;_ small 2Hjc. down ^c.

■ ClIICAfiO •. CHICAGO, March 23,IUR)-EegS, itcftdy; 22.8a3-caaes; extra .-'firuia' Jlc; fresh graded flrsui 20v4c; rent rccelpta lO-jic.. . .- .

Butter firm; 7,105 tubs; t ratJi 3le; extruu'3Uic: -firstJi 30- '•■Jic; neconda 20- ; ^ e : npcclnli 3i7r-32ucr- - -— • '

' SUGAR NEW YORK.,March 23 llil!) —

Sugar-closoa.l-to-2-point3-bigher Spot 2.15. May.2.13-1.4, July 2.18- ,10. Sept,,Dcc. 2.30-.31, Jun. 2.2a-.24. Sales .1100. tons.

INVESTMENT TRUSTS Ftmd. inv. .$1,0CI-Mnd. Trwat.' A........... ;..L..._.,$3.75Corp. Trui .Jl.Bff

• Inc., .$1.28


ID.U10 FALLS. March 23 (US D A )^ r id u y ' quotalfona: .Idaho upper vftlley, 'Twin Fnlls-Buriey points Russets growers nates bulk percwt. delivered warehouse. U. 8, No,-i:«-G0-tOT05-tcnt».— U.-SrN(r

20 to 25 cents.

'n e w ’ -YORK PCITATOES , ..NEW.YOIUC-iUcciC 23-llUU__

I'^tAloes dull; Long Island ,70c-$l ha^; New Jersey 75-85.'centa.bog: .Southern $l,83-$2.00 hox:lIalne 70t to Sl,5S per 180 lb.s,; Idubo $1.80 to $2.10 box;. Bennuda $15.50 lo ' bbl,

c iitavG o 1'o t a t o e .s CHICAGO. March 23 Po.

tatoes: supply liberal; demand and trading alow; market dull on Round Whites, firm on Russets. lVijic;)rijin Round Whites.03-07hc ,' rnir quality C2^^c; Michigan Rus­set numls C5c: idnho-nus3cts, l>cat $1,55-$1'.00; ■ •

Arrivals 41, on track 255, ahlp- mtats OaX ■

,We tJtan and'lr«Bt-5»»In. Q.obe Seed & Feed Co,—Adv.


, .lo.vno lilb^'tCIPAl. BO.VDS

lO Aiio row;ER CO. p r e f t h r c d s t o c k -

GltMN FTTDllES , : ,

SUDLER'WEGENER & CO., INC. .Flnt Nattnnal nanit Duliain^ .

nolso_ _____________ rhune^lpO-.— ------— .Trtnxg-EUi'.S BUILDING • ' _


Voric Cenlral,:.,Packard Motors.....raramount Publix,,,,

.. ni>>5 ,. 34%

....... 12?J

..... . !■»____ 14-

.. ll’.i

. ___St Price nwmnilly-poiver.......met farlJier good demand, the 514a rblng ulmoiit 2 points to ftrourul 3H.

held steady around preVlou.i clon­ing levcb, while forelfm oWlga:- tlons showed a firmer tone, with advances in German and Bdglirn ' loans featurlnj;.

Local Markets"" ! '

.. r.3-'!i

United - Foiindvra


Sudler, Wfgeoer'a Comnanv Klka Brdj. - Phene 010

Stock food. 100 lbs. ■ _■ p 'm Stock food. 500 Iba. r ,, } |

' ' Ponllrj-Colored hens; over 4 lbs,-.;____ 13cColored hens, under 4 lbs._____l ieLeghorn hens--- --------- --------UcColored,roaaiers. over'4 lbs. _ l4o Cleared broilers, l i;-J iba. ...._Ho Coghom'brbllersTnb-up Cotercd fryers; pver 2 lbs.___-14o

• WOOL . BOSTON,-March 23 (aiU — Thi movemcnt-of wool' market has been fairly good In the past week, according lo today’i port.of .the U. S: agriculture

Strictly combing Ohio and slmlJnctlceceajjai • .......................‘•irifmirift—ci.........,t 20-27 cenOi Iri Uie grease, ..

58a. C0sri4;bl6b'd;'nt 27-27U centJ about steady on 50s, -ai-blood, 0 2e'20^J,-and falirly firm on'48a; 6O1 •i-blood. at 2314-2* cents.-Bulk .verage to good French combing ■4« nnd finer territory \yools and verage twelve months Texas wools lad a good call at 00-G3 cents, coure<l basis,' Av'erage combing

48J>, 50s, M blood, semibrlght and UiB heavier bright fleeces moved la fairly large volume ftt -tlAZ cents,

lured basis.

The following market quoutlona are corrected daily by the' idnlio Evening Tlmea and represent tho nvernge prices paid,-accordlac to the best available informnlioo. Tlio .p.ricefl.nre-aubJcct.lo.cimnge>Ilh.i.'___out.». hoa'cver. — -Kenders—nrc-un:ca“X0'^vfllch” th'5------national mnriiets with which theso local markets will rise anil fait.

UUVINO PRICKS---- W en t -


Markol 1____S. C. N.-No. rn

U.S. G.'N. N6.'2's'Small Reds Not a's __v Si— ll .R'cda No.'2-8 . . „

Mill FeedsBran, 100 lbs. ......BranV;«H)'lba/,-.i





Extra ■'niilleo, medium BtandaxdsBakers..............Eggs, iaKraaed,.ln.trado~.

I'otatoc*Russels, No.- i-bullt- lo----

growers ............... ...... t■Russets, No. 2-bulk lo

Uventoek- ' Choice light butchers, 180 to ” 210 poah(lera';;, —,- jiuujiman .....................w.owO'ifcrwelRhl butehtra, 210 to ■

250 pounders ______ $0.75.J3,00Overweight buUhera. 200 to'


Handy & Harman quote bar silver, (per ounce): New York'fJO ctnt» unchanged. Newly mined ellslb* for treasury purchase 04 cents, ; «- changed, tondon 27% pence, ur 3/10,penny;.:... . ..

Tfarden Bean Gontracte: We. will start writing contracts Mon-I .

day, March 25th, and have all yarie- ■ ,:ties to offei; you. Tlie man wh(j a.ijjs ; early has tile ’better. opp'ortimitK.o {'

;’oice. ■ -------- -

Garden Beans look niprs-proniis- 'mgr than most crops for this year . at the prffient time;

ISBELI^SEED-eOr4th Avenue Squth — .Truck Lano — Twin PallB

Page 7: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained
Page 8: NEW DEAL POLICY H ile r N u llifie d W D IS B H … · 2014-12-12 · Stocic Grazlni; Gone • Not cnoufli gTftJW remained

- IDAHO-EVENING -TIMES.-TVVm-FAI-J-;Sr^DAH6 :.r- ~.5n(iifairyri^rnfcir23nD35r~

^NEWOEALPLftNSEx-Presidcnt Tlnda N o 'M e rit

In Domocratio Policica For Recovery

(Continued From Pnpc One) wlilcli nrlsc within It. wldcnlnR the

. *i;curit>'.and .............Alone be bulliled-upon It?

r«N>Oom Ilumperrd “ Bcrore un is the iiink Into which

Ilrat one Rrcnt nation olter unolhtr nbroail I* fftlUnpr. America muit

— looir toanyrnff m tUu pain.: lo ' ilio' creative Impulacii'or frco men tind womcn.,bom or.thc mosL enlcrpri*-

•• — l:Jc~In lFo‘—tnr-nna-Bcir;Tcttttnr'Blo^Jc~Jworld, for nroductlvo genlua. for

Tinmlr rggnvory^fQP_rgatnralLnn_nr normal Jobs, for incrcnjieU ulornl- ardn o( l|vln{;. for reform of abuse ot Kovemrnentnl or economic jdok* cr*. and for advance from outworn Riodea of thought. The freedom ot men to thlnkr to act, to aclilovc, In

"2. The Amerlcaa people have rlRht- to determine for thrmselvcs

.. -UiU fundamcntnl liwue. and It 1b ■ iwlely through the Bopubllcan

• ly' \.hat It can bo ptcBcntcd tor <te- tcrmlnatlon at tbo bnllot box. To nccompllfih this tho counlt^ Is In need of a rejuvenated and vigorous nepublicoa organlzftUon. The re­birth of tho -Rcpubllcnn party;

— .tmnBcends-Juiy personal tnterc ‘ '.... the selfish IntercBl'of ony g

That organization will be atronRcr If, like your own Bcwilona, 11 springs from the people who bO' Jlevo in Ihcflo principle#. '

Scorcs Itepudlatlon • .*’3. It Is well that tho younff ...v..

—-aiut;wonjen-of-tho‘nopubllcan "par-gt t n'l ottonti n ^oi

parent The most solemn govern- inent oblisatlons have been repud­iated. Tbo nation la faced with the Brcatest debt.ever, known to our country. The currency hu been reniJtired uncortaln. Tlio govom- ment haa been centrallred. under an eaoanous bureaucracy In Wiuih' InRton'l'hlcU has dictated ana

• llmUeti tho proJiicUon of our In duatrles. Increasing the costs and prices of their products with In­evitable (iecreojied ----------

orjrani__ — .. _____ _____'Sntall buaine.u nien luvo been dls- abiod and cruahed. Class conflicts

~ T H '=~gownimanmuurrEoaa~ business In competition with ... citizens. C 111 z 6 n If have been: coerced, threatened and penalized for offenses unUnown to all our

~xotrecptin)nibertyrTn6"co'ijria“are proclalmlnsr rcpeoted vlolallooa "

, the coaBtltuUon. ' .•------— "roodUt«troclIbn- - ‘ 'Bceause of food destnicllon and

restraint on farm proUucUoo. for> elgn food Is pouring Into our porta.purchase of which should . bave been made from our /armere. The cost of living b steadily advancing.

-irai%-lKaptO-Tlrt-TIepcnJeiil—upbn " tho povomment for relief than ever'

before. Recovery Is still delayed.. The productive genius .of^our peo­

ple, which ia tho -sole road to re- —.covfity-and-to Increaaed standards

o f living. Is being stifled, Iho na- — tlon-lnipovcHshcd inatead of en*• riched. The theories of thls'admln- Stratton do not worlc. They.

•A. The people hMo ly to' chonp

. . Uio duty, o r _____ r ___can party to offer that opportu-

hepcopl......... . .......... bppbrtunlty to' chanpc these poll'

clca. It.Is Uio duf - 'f. the Hepubll-

tilty. And beyond. Innlatencfl upon ~AlMerlcan fouadallonfl -of-;5ovcm- -rn)fntrl(-lB-tbo duty-of-tha party-la

Insist upon reollsUc methodj oC ro< covery, real Jobs for labor and real

.mosUels for. tho . fonder. Tbose .. methods lie In ' removlnir. tho

sluiolclcs and uncertainties from en­terprise, After nearly alx.years of

. deprcasion, liquidation, restriction •- o f alt manner of purchases and

Improvemchta, we stand on , the —lhre«hold of a great lonvard,.eco­

nomic movement, If only Uis partt« lyslag cffects'of xnlataken govern* mental policies and Activities may bo rtmovcd.

-Brjrw More Production , "The present conception of a

’“ tJBtat^eeononiyljased-UpoHTitffWt^ , must In all common sense bo

only through uso of every tantrument'science gave, to us, through lowering of

' through higher real wages lo the . ^ rorker and real return to the

farmer.• ‘JStfectlve reform of abuses In business and finance must be un­dertaken through rcRulntlon and not. through ^uccnucmtic dlelAtlon or government operation. Protoc-

Prize PUzzle '••^ancAGO.- JHAreir23'frrr- —Dctoctlve hendquarlers. al­ways Inisy with momentous .niynterlc*,.waa stopped In Its stride today by the prlza puKle of months. ■ •

It was Just a bundle, found- -bya telephone lincman ln nn i^ley. but the bundle con-Ulncd;. ___.

- One pair of pink- nlllc bloomers, one lacb night­cap. one n.iwcd-off sliolgun- and a compiele layette for a doll.


Business Scssioa and Oholce Of Leaders Marks Today's

• Gathcrinffs

RagSrto^Riches " Figure Regains

Mental Clarity

uMu.j- UUII/llUUCUpublic Idol.'Frank Grege.i, G7, tlie sandwich man who rose to rlehca ovtmlght. waV ed fr Cellcvuc hospllol today, hla sBunlnwa meeilng this'aftemoon

.at tlic MelhodLnt liplscopal church

moved.. Government expendllurcsiOfflcew were l i be clecteJ for thel.-hijV ^which, if coritlnued on the pres-,coming year. | Uui.Cregos was' nltlfully an-tnt-scnle.-can create-only -banlt:! ' covering hoc a3. econo-; to gtt buck W work-toruptcy or cnlaniliou.i infintlnn mic ond n-liglous problems w ilt| ......... .........................mtiwt.bfl curtallcd...............

*Nan-rarlliuin Iteliet "The e{/«llvo partlclpntion ' -lato ^ff-......... - ............

nductvd 1__ __ ____[niy*T\nittcmJuncyrR«vrAi(di'ew’|Wnmcr. district Auperlntcndent, [„

of'Twln Fans, and Rev. E. U Whllc.l

... ..gft-ilrnv-wlion-ho-' $-13,000 In bonds he the MOW as he iihuf-

fled the atreets-a^

Nutlonui Figure On 3 Gregi's was Juat

iwoiMt.broUcn oldjnaa wearily trudging the streets of New

in-fcltef-under non-partl.Mh ivdnjln-! TJmoffcnv's p ro^ n i will or>en intralors must be rc-cotnljllnhed no,wlth.3undny school followed by thiit wiisle, extrnvngnnce, and poll-!j«omlng worship wlUi a special tics may-bo eliminated nnd the peo-j.Tcrmon delivered

raifeguftrda to the , Individual:20)^o3ing the three-dny confer- , town's darling and

'"H lg tN sh t of the iasUtute was] ” But^m^iner'food U i«-& in j^ h e l, l Inst uvcnlnf'-nl! tho Mcpiodifll church. V'fma clothes woro too much. Ills now

Induced dclu.’llona Incrvan- until, on tbo

his mind

Agalnflt the dlsToc.idons'of advanc­ing Induslrj', national cnlnmlty nWd old uge 1)0 dljKovered. Butthese problenm of business, agrlcul-;*"'- — ....... -'••••• *'-• . eo-ie muuceu ueiilure, nnd l.ibor becomc much caniorl'ij-'” " J»r«>^cnt of Uie Twi> Falla] ij,_ grandeur

ot ™ , t e j „w . t o ;r .b .!3 ,° Iwas given by Rev. Wllllaro Basil

loclie.1 the Iral advancement of J?,“5Ufa nnd the attainment of security r%. ** ' -•unci cnnlcntment. In the Amorlcanii-S^^n*’ n! ui home-for that is the ultimate e x V " " “ " ‘ ” "preailon of American life. Dut!, thclr solution v.'lll,no\ be found In', vlulnllon of the foundallons of hu-

lIlHTly. •Cllea Objective*

—"3,-11.18 well that wo pauflft

Keildall. DuhJ. retiring denn of ';|Uie Methodist InsUtuto, who la

leaving soon for Altunk.i. was pre­sented a gift in recognition of, his work and Intercat'ln tlie organiza­tion. '.

The program Included mu.ileal numbora - ■ ' ........‘

. wish to Bccure. from tlie vast complex of invisible govern- meotfll. rrnnnmlc and sitolnl-fopoca wUUli dominate our clvlllintlon,

and Martha Aabury. -played vlolm solos and ......were led by MIm Ctarlco Saunders. A -ou ^ i pep talk was given by Rev. RoseMrry.

s i s w m o i f f i i z g

Tlint ifl Uie unit of American life. Itiiiio ihrec-day meetlnjr The ban- 13 the moral nnd spiritual as well asln“ “ t w [” fX w ? d by claws Ihe economic unit. With It, Inde-I^ Ti.ta“ l o r t E rniruZ?hti" t 0 «• ffl- with dovoUonals follow-

IhonMlon. jcd by regular classes,.....— i,.i, ..i.kiuii, „y rojrumr classes.The fundamental protection of. Tho Institute lias been atlende<l

.............. - ........- '■ - - - .r«entatlves from townai-dbtrlct extending from

.......|>. «.«w\.klUUthese homes lies in the spirit oslby 100 repr«ent(itlves'from towna

"• the letter- of tho bill of In the «ut-dbngnts. with the support;5 from the Cosllcford lo Pocatello, framework, of tlio conatltutlon.They miist bo given peace with the world. There must bo confidence In;

theaeihomcfl.'- ' ........ .*..........."Unsharkln- Genius ......

'Indrcascd atandards of living, leisure, ond security can come toIhat-homo-through-unanAcUIlngniie'

genius- of .our pec ‘

E J M i

The^ttdvanL....................must bo translated into Incrcalalng health and education .for the ehil- drtn. There must b« constantly Improved safeguards to the fom* ily from the dUlocatlons of eco­nomic Ilfo and of old ago.

■•W^ thB growth of great Indus-

from..... ............... r______ — mustbe liberal In reward to those who add Mfvlce, mattTlaV o r . »p5ritua\ .H', Thoaa-de­serve t » reward who do not con­tribute or.wbo-gain from czplolta- Uon of them. Tbo windows nf these homes must be 'bright with hope. Their, doora open outwo^lo~lnlUallve;"enterprlBe‘.-----------nlty; unbounded, by regii

with A look."• —And.- (itrungcly -enough.-r the- old man who-confronted-hint ' dropped dead, poaltlve proof lo Crogcs o£ his mcATlanlc powers.



nines,? o f Two Other P. F. A. Speakers Halts Vcrdict V — In Contest

with two of the four Future Farmer contestants nbsent _be- cause of illneiui, no decision was given lost night at the public speaking content before the open meeting of Twin Falls Cmogc, held la the 1. 0. O. F. hhil.'— Leonard. Arrlagtoa—apolco •-on ••The New Day In American Ag­riculture"' and Bill Wilks ori!Hora«-M«uMme-Powet----- ThehEconomic Relation." Ho»-arU An>nla and James Waite wlU give


Annexes rira t Ploco In Each Division at Sub-District

Grange Included a humorous read­ing by Grant Snwycr, danio num- twr, by JCBn Fcti&iuatn.'.a' comk debate, ‘ 'Resolved: That tlio male Is more' handsome than tho fe - nialo,"-by-J. F. Cordes and Tom Speedy, affirmative and MarVey Hale and C. I-'. McClaln7 negallvo.

.................... tho-

numberu prenonted by a Jnsz band Including Mrs. R. C. Warlc, ,Mra. O. T. Kosler.'Mrs. W, E. Woods, Mm. W.- 1. SackcU, Mrs. W. R. Bell.-' Mrs; J r S.'TcMliuaeo.'. Mrs. '. R. DeAtley;. Mias .McrlovNcl- >n nnd Alisa Blrdclla McClain.At the close of'the evening

box mjpper'wM acrvc t. ,

Hauptmann Offers —Farewell to Man-

Cnstlc/ord antf Bulil Students W in Entrance to DistHct

Declamatory Mcot

r t k i n g r t o r C f i a i r

(Uri—Eight days ago oevco men were In the death-house of ntatc'prison. werethree. Bruno Richard Haupt­mann lust night 'watchcHl the fourth man dUappear throughthe little door lcj»dlng to the chair, through which ho . him- uclf muat go unlcas courts Iti- tervnne.

CASTLEFOSD, llnrch 23 .fSpc- clal)—Buhl negative nnd offirma- tlvo debate teomn von first place L' t:ic sub-dLitrlct ’ declamation co'ntcat here yesterday, ond Buhl also took first place In Uie drama*, lie division. Caflticfoixl won first place In the humorous divlilon." -sald-trtst^n-Cod.-" Barth-aicd-

l i N iAnnual'Banqnot Ei£hli£;ht o f

Second D ay a r Sonthem ' Idaho Oonvontion

A banquet this evening at the Hat-.Obriatlnn .rhufch-»iU-mark

of .Lbe.highUghLs.of.Ui«-aouth* .... Idaho Chrlalian Endeavor so­ciety convention which opened hero last night, and will conclude-to­morrow.

Hoflt groups.are the youngpeo- ple from the Christian, Presbyter* tan ana'Br«Chren'churchoL The attamlonco at various sesalona wiil awmge 200, it Is atated.

Rev.- David- Nutting, . Rupert,

Member# of the victorious' de- Mte temn; which waa directed by ilLna'Ivali Stout,' w'cro; affirma­tive, RUA.1CII Smith, Barbara Prlt- cliard.and ,Wrlght'Carli-nogaUvo, Wayne King, William Roberlii*andWOlard H a rd e r . .....................- Both first and-MCond place win­ners in the speaking divisions will tfiter the district contest at Klm- l)crly March 20 and ao. TBcy were Elaine. AIIm , Buhl, first In dra­matics. ond Margaret Fallnor, Coatieford, nccond: Helen Darrow, noatlcfoni; first In humorous, and Donovnjl"Duncan.'^Uilhl. sccbn'dT Ruth WalpOlerCasUeforo,-who was

and'BOClallsm. TocTay there must be'------ ,, ..... —- - ..... ................rcatoraUon of faith, the'«movdro/l DciJ'gotQn-will attend churches

of thclr choice, tomorrow morningfear and uncertainty tliat these: IdcaJs and these hopes will be open to those who,strive..........Keep InlUntlvo Fre«, “To.the young-menjind.women

It Is v l f a n ® thclr opportunity In Ilfo ahall be preserved: that the

and there will be prayer. praUcond

There will bo n muslcn,l progrom dt 3;X0. p. m.. officers will meot n’ -1 p. ni. AiS'thcre wlinw awn- ventlon session at 0:30 p. '

Itndio UroUdcaiit .A TticJlo bioaclcaat « planned

for 7:10 p. m., and the final con­vention session wUl be addressei!srasf-issf a

Ited: thaCihey shall have tho rlghtr_,™ ‘ .,,, /-■ t n «»i. 1, U mukt.lBdr_ ....... ...... hopies ___________and nchfbvo-thelr own position- In the world.

•Theie arc a host ot pioWemn to solVO'lf we attain these Ideals; but again I repeat, that Uic'first condl

this afternoon apeukeni . . . ___.Norman Rlcdeacl, Wendell; Rtv. Roy Titus. Buhl: Dorttthy Cook, Wendell; Betty Kunkel, Amsler- _ . . . . . . .

EXIDE “Biattery S e r v i c e 1

■ '4en(!rfttor.,St«rtcr, Im itlaii . and.Mttfpieto.RopairiDff,

■ • Motor~ and Amrnluro ..— . EowindiDfif Specdomoter Eopalrinff

Kyle M. Waite- Electrician


H A R R Y NELSON Twin Falls



•M..P. CULLEY.— - •Runert____- .

W ith instiranco ■ p r o s -

istcnco •upon firiondal

strength, i t is natural that they, ahoiild turn to the

FARSlElBS AU TO M O B ILE '•■ -IN S U R A N C E ® *'"-**


N. "E. WOOD ^Gooding

A. I. SUGG Jerome


LOU TTP.T.T.Ptt Twin Falls

D- N.' ENGLEBRIGHT . F iler; • ••

■ H. 0. BYR AM ------ H azelton" *•'

BrHOesVa* tetiranoirflnJte" E. L . LynchBuhl r . --------

• •W .S. McGOW EN— B u h l.,-

f i . A . -ANDERSON ; Btirioy_-

■ L . A , l iE N O H . - Enpett

■ lUouptnitLnn's cou n 9 e l lndl-~ cated they .'could not argue his appeal until the OctobcrHerm' of the court of crrors'anJ'ap* peals'. . .

Group Meeting Held By Cassia .Unions

BURLET. March 23 (Sncclal)—

- SOCIALITE KI1.L3 SELF NEWTON, Mass,; March 23 O )

—A young woman Identified as Marlon Wall«er Herbcrt; deacrthed by-pollco-aa-iu-graaddaughUr-or Hiram .WaiKer, the whisky mag- nato. conunltlcd ssulcldc yesletdny by plunging a knife Uirought her tliroat, It was-revealed today.

liamo, Negro. He will watch them gi). to death, too. Last night ho shook hands with Kiirth Barth, '22. a German.

a'group'meeting Tuesday nt the C rls tl^ church In Burley with Mrs. Llo>'d Driskcl, Burley, pre­siding.-• Invocatlon-ww given by-'Mni. C. C.'Arras and community sing­ing was. followed by a aolo- by Mrs. Cora Rhode. Other numbers by Mrs. A. ic. Cilohrlflt, by boys' trio, by Mrs. June Peck. Supt. Ccor-- -------



Duncan McD.




I£ ce-elcctcil-JQliustou wiU voutiiiHc liis constnictivc - proKressive policy in Itic inlnrcsis ot Twin Falls. He w ill tlo cvcryiiiinff in lii.s Jiowcr to .spcurc the liard-surfneinB o£ Jiliie Lciljps IJouIcvnnl, tliji-j complctinp the paving o f tho main arteries 'of the -i iiy. .lolmsloil 1.h siiicerc' iu t''c belief llin t.under Iiis (libclion t h w plnii.'i inny he’ ex­ecuted'properly •wiilioiit i Ijc ut'otl o f ndililionnl cxpenBo' to tlie Inxpnycr. ‘

■ - f - ~ B e ~ S u r e - ¥ 6 i i ^ ~ E e g i s t e i v d -

■ Yqum ust rc ffis tcrif youThavo-moWd'slnce' the last - c i t y election. You must reg; lst(jr if-yon did not v 6t«

In tho-last cily-election.-Ecgister at iho O ily Hall.



CongressTodayi ly Unlied r rm

. ,, ^ S.EJ/ATE........... . .Meets at 11 a. rh. to continue de­

bate on work relief hill.' MOUSE

In rccess until Monday.


L.eali-AyIor,-;Olea Davis,- Charle# Peterson nnd Eva Yeoman.'

Rachel Schomlcx'took flret-ln; . 10 humorous: Brucc Painter, first In oratorical: Melba Parker, flrol in dramatic, ftnd Victor Silica, firn{ ■ In' cxtemporaneouji. Scoond 'ices were awarded Frances . latbum, - humorous: Sterling

MacITarlanc, - oratorical; -Mildred Barrett. dromnUc, .and Clifford Lloyd, extemporaneous. . Besides Llio teams from Burley ond. Al­bion, teams from Oakley, Declo and Heyburn participated.


nor,. Glenns. Perry—

- — FARM W0RK_EB-DlE8.~"r“ BURLEY, itarc^23 (Spccial)-:r ,u

ruoeral~arrangcmchtij • are ’ b c l « mado for Lyman WlUon, 00, fan? — laborer who died yeaterday at a Burlcty-bDspiUil .Irom ..pneumon^- Hls home wil« In California. Tli6 bodyresta at the Johnson mor­tuary. • _

W A YWill'Soon iBe Here

ITAYll 'Soon H eHere J 7 “--- ^

A '

HEYBURN. March 23 (Spcclnl); Sludenla of Burley high school ’ were awarded finit place In each" of Uie nnealdBg-dlvlDloas In. the. nub-dbitrlct contest here ycstcr-. doy. Tllblon high acliobl took sec. ond. In cach event- Both fln t and second'plnco-wlnnera will cnttr' tho'district.'contest at Kimberly ilarch 29 nnd 30.

Kirsten Hitensity

47 Times Brighteru w S P lS l i T h a n Conventional Neon!compete-ja Uio di.iirtct c o n t e s t . - ' . • • ' • ■The cast Iccludpa Melba Parker,|





Write Your Ideas of Why the Whole Town’s Talking' About the New Master DeLxixe Chevrolet




........ - G L E R ^ ^ G .■CHEVROLET T W IN FALLS a

There's a ,

GIBSONdi£ d M g;:toiit

e f v e l r y p o t o t b o o k

Find out how easy it is to..o>ylabar:, Gibson. -Sec libw little it costs'

; you and how much you will savev-