new dark new goods new fall 12jcjf - … · boo and...

r- At NEW DARK GINGHAMS 12JcJf VEILS fasf ore nguin the rage They nro wiling liko hot chkoa in Now York W liuvo them in nil colors nt 2ftc to S25U rANEW BELTS Vo urn showing some advance styles in Belts nt COc to 200 SEVERANCE STANFORD KENTUCKY f 4gANQIUJ KY Burr 4 loot I DELICIOUS Ice Cronm Soda nt Pennys Drug Store = PERSONALS J UflB RUILBY illn Cincinnati > IfliW to tho wife of Mrs Bourne I n llllOUnd boy T1MH H C RUBY several days 111th hto daughter in Marloh sounty 4MK WIWSBVBRANCD It bnek from n k stay In the eiliM buylllg good M IIUnN to tho wtrooe D F Thomp rfof the Pro churarillo section a PllR A 0 ALWHti has joined her Hllilwrnl at PtnovIUo to remain ovoral MMka Midi DOHA IHNCH to visiting Mlwos jiMlcne Curran and Alma Earl ut Ctn ¬ cinnatiV MAIIIH ANn NIROINIA MA iiONY were guests of Crab Orchard frJandMUBflus J M ALVHR80N and It 11- CoIToy attended tho hop at London Fri ny night p Misa VITA BRADY of Covtngton hall returned homo after n visit to Mlle Ma M iy Phillips MKs J K VANARSDALU returned to jLoulivlllo Saturday after n visit to Irknds hero Miss88 MARY AND SALIIB Bunnnrr have returned from a visit to friends nt Harrodsburg i Miss ALUB VANARBDALB of Louis ¬ 11Ic is with Miss Mollie Brooks at Arab Orchard JwMiu A H SBVBIUNCE and family of CorbIn have been with Mr and Mrs wilt Severance MRS J U llOLD RAN and chlldren of Somerset were guests of Mrs Henry Holdcrman MRS WILL SEVERANCE returned Sat- urday ¬ from n protracted visit to hoc homofolks In Shelby MR AND MRS T T MARTIN ot Lox ¬ ington wore guests of his parents Mr and Mrs Alex Martin GBOROB G MBNBKBB arrived Friday night from Joplin Mo where he has spont moat of the summer 1 M lIlH 1 M HUEY and Alfred Pence arc In Cincinnati buying dead loads of dry goods and furniture MRS RUSSRLL DILUON has joint her husband at Aliccton She was accom ¬ panted by Miss Dclphia Ncwjnnd- MB88U8 HotiT GAINes W B Jarvis I and Russell Dillion are attending the I camp meeting at Aliccton this week MRS JERRY SMITH and children re ¬ M turned to Jcllico Saturday after n visit to her mother Mrs M M McKinney I Miss ANNA NEWLAND of Crab Or ¬ chard is tho guost of Mrs Mitch t Bailey on Maple Ave Danville Her aid REV J W HAGIN wife and child- ren who have been spending the sum ¬ mer with Mr J F Cash and family 1returned to Covington Friday I MRS R B WILKINSON and two pret ¬ ty littlo daughters Bessie and Willie of Stanford are with her sister Mrs D G Portman Liberty News liON HARVEY HELM attended the Shclbyvillo fair and was warmly con ¬ by his many friends on win- ning ¬ tho Congressional nomination Mns KATE GANN NashvilleTcnn and Mrs Willie Coulter and son Master Tellius Coulter of Yosemite wero tho guests of John W Ends and family Ma A C DUNN who has been down for two months with malarial fever was able to bo in town yesterday and his friends were glad to see him out MRS H D GREGORY and children who have been spending tho summer with her father Judge James P Bailey returned to Covington Friday Miss POLLY TRAYLOB of Stanford is tho pretty guest of Miss Katie Simp ¬ son Richmond nvcnuo Mr Henry of Stanford was in our town SaturdayLancnster Record Miss HELEN TIIURMOND has been chosen ns teacher of tho fifth grade In tho Somerset High School Mrs II will arrive this C Wray of Stanford week to visit Mrs Edwin P Morrow Soraerset Mountaineer MRS J F HOLDAM of Stanford Mrs Mason Morris of Crab Orchard Miss Ella Morris of Eminence and Wade Perkins of Crab Orchard will attend tho fair as guests of Miss Mar ¬ guerite SaUce Mrs AC Hill of Stanford is visiting her parents Mr Mrs L B and Mrs John Mershon Cook and daughter Mrs J H Shanks of Stanford will be the of Mrs M Owens during the fairSomer et Journal MR JOHN P JONES of Mt Sterling is hero on business MRS WOODIB HALE is visiting roll atives at Somerset IIAYS F08TBR spent several days with Lebanon friends Miss NANNIE PRBWITT of Louisville is with Mrs C B Tate MHSDAMBS T P HILL and Julia P Chase are at Olympian Springs Miss 1hiiBi BATSMAN of Bradford yule ia the attractive guest of Mist Mario Muttony MIL J W COCKINO of McKinnqy has gone to Falmouth to too his moth e who Is very III MR EIINBCT WAHRBN of Middles boro spont Sunday with his wife at Eld Joseph Ballou- sLwiiit McllARGUK has arrived from Tyrono Oklahoma and matriculated at the Stanford Male Female ScmJ nary MRS J C McCLARY will entertain tho Ladies Missionary Society of the Baptist church Friday afternoon at 0 oclockMiss HHSSIU T BNOLE IAN left yes ¬ terday for Knoxville where she has a nice KMitIon as teacher in the D D Institute MISSBS EUZAIIBTII ALLEN of Mil Icr burR nnd Fannlo Miller Preston of Ashland are guests of Miss Sallle Taylor Woods Tile Dally Gazette of Augusta Kan ¬ sas tolls of a delightful reception giv- en ¬ Miss Florence Tanner of McKinney by Mr and Mrs J W Rule MUBDAMES TALTON Emmy of Cin cinnati nnd hello Higby and Miss Charlotte Miller of Fort Worth Texas arc guests of relatives hero MBSSRS LEn MRSSBR and James Mc Boo and sister Miss Mollie accom ¬ panted Mlra Martha Hubbnrd to Rich- mond ¬ Saturday to visit relatives liON C A HAHDIN the best Com- monwealth Attorney In the State passed through from Harrodsburg Sun- day to Lancaster to attend court MIt J E CARSON is hero from Bliss Oklahoma looking younger than he did a dozen years ago We aro glad to state that ho is prospering In tho South- west Miss SARA BAUGHMAN entertained a few friends yesterday evening in honor of Miss Anno Peebles of Moorcsville countryhome DURING Mrs Mark Hardins absence at French Lick Springs Mrs Geo Barnes Wearen is housekeeper at the St Asaph Hotel and she is making an excellent one MR ABIIHY M WARREN who is hold ¬ a responsible and lucrative ttositlon with the L at Mobile Ala ar ¬ rived Sunday to visit tho homcfolks who are delighted to have him with them PROF S D KESSNER of Abingdon Va who will teach In the Schoo 1 department or the Stanford Graded School arrived Sunday nnd is getting acquainted with tho patrons of the school LOCALS DAMSON plums for sale at 20e a gal ¬ Ion Mrs J B Paxton A LARGEr of solid silver and sit ¬ ver plated lint ware at Muellers WANTED A good r ndto workon farm Come recommended Dr laugh Reid HEMP Machine No running order and good wheat drill for sale Burdett Powell Huatonville I AM prepared to fill orders for pop- lar and oak shingles Write for prices- E W Creighton Kingsville Ky WANTED Position by young lady as compositor on weekly newspaper Has had three years experience andcan Rive beat references Address INTER- IOR ¬ JOURNAL Stanford Ky TUB election commissioners for Lin- coln ¬ county aro Messrs Jesse C Lynn and T J Hill democrats and lion B B King republican Sheriff 11111 is a commissioner by virtue of his ofllce DUNNMr It Weaver Dunn who Buffered a stroke of paralysis some 10 days ago died last week at his home near Millcdgcvillo aged 75 Ho is survived by his wire Mr Dunn was a clover hardworking man and stood well in his community BANK STOCKI sellat public auction on Monday Sept 10th county court day five shares of stock in the National Bank of Hustonville Salo will take place in front of tho court house at 1 oclock r M W II Harris executor Mrs M B McAlister NEW GOODS r eal- r Coming in ovary tray Come to us for the newest mid best Wo hsivo undo anti are still making great preparations for tho coming Fall lint Winicr Good merchandise is scarcer than in years but wo have ours bought and ran supply you SON IF in need of a good sewing machine seo W II Mueller CHAPES abundances for salo Ed Hubbnrd Stanford GOOD farm band wanted John Tray lor Gilberts Crook Ky You RUNT Three nice rooms Ap I ply to Mrs Leslie Carter Jit IT rained Sunday usual A heavj shower fell yesterday afternoon FOR SAIRMy hbuiohold and kltch en furniture Apply to Mrs W II Shanks 21 WB received Fall lini of rugs and druggets and also u fine Mine of artistic rockers Tribble 1 Ionco 2t Mil M 0 VANDEVBEK Is closing out his stock of goods at the little store on Logan Avenue und is giving some raro bargains KEV JOSEPH SEVERANCE will deliver a temperance lecture at Waynesburg Thursday night and at KIngsvilio Fri day night NOTICE yourschool to W H Wearen at the First National Bank The 5 per cent penalty will be added Sept 10 1906 L RHughes Treas ¬ urer 2t ON account of the Bryan Reception at Louisville Sept 12 the L N will sell roundtrip tickets from Stan ¬ ford at one fare plus 25c Tickets on sale Sept 10 and 11th ALL persons having claims against Lincoln county must file same with county court clerk properly verified nt a date not later than Sept 24 1906 G U Cooper clerk by E D Pennington D CTnc Q C will run n special train to Somerset Thursday and Friday on account of tho fair It will leave June ¬ tion City at 740 and McKinney at 805 each morning Greatly reduced rates are offered TUB musicale at the Male d Female Seminary Friday evening was well at ¬ tended and thoroughly enjoyable Dr and Mrs Fallis gave some diilcultnum- bers ¬ which were well executed and loudly applauded AT a protracted meeting at Ellisburg Casey county Clarence Alstott and Tom Johnson became engaged in an en ¬ counter Johnson slashing Alstott with a knife immediately over the heart leaving a wound about four inches long JUDGE W L DAWSON carrier on R F D Route No2 is enjoying a 15 day rest at the expense of Uncle Sam Tho government gives a 15day lay oil to all carriers who have operated their routes for a year Mr George R En gleman is filling Mr Dawsons place for the present TilE Crab Orchard Graded High School will begin Monday next Sept 10 Prof Nathaniel U Sewell of Lon- don ¬ is Superintendent Mrs Mary J Cochran teacher in intermediate grade and mathematics and Miss Georgia Lewis of this place will have charge of the primary grade and German UNDER tho now Revenue and Taxa ¬ tion law mortgages and liens of the past five years come in for taxation County Clerk Cooper has just gone through his office and finds that these amount to about 650000 which amount will considerably swell tho sum total of taxation of Lincoln county TEMPERANCE meetings wore held in tho courthouse yard Thursday evening and in tho Christian church Friday eve ping Eld Joseph Severance chaplain of tho Frankfort penitentiary was the speaker on tho first evening and Eld John M Lewis on tho latter Both made timely talks and furnished much rood for thought MR W R Any organized a town to be known as Fountain City Oklahoma It is seven miles from Lawton where Mr D will locate Tho capital stock has already been paid in and 150 lots sold Some of tho stock- holders ¬ are such men as D T Chest- nut ¬ formerly of Corbin Rlol Jackson of London W L Moore L D Den horn G A Denham C H Keeton of Williamsburg Mr Denham is very enthusiastic over his prospects in his now home and it would not surprise us to learn soon that ho has become a- very rich man Ho certainly has the energy and knows how to push things 4 I TilE light running Domestic Chain and Lockstich on one machine For sale by W II Mueller JONES KELSAY will give another big picnic at Jones Park near Yoso mite Sept 22 See bills for further particulars MRS FKANCBS E BBAUCUAMP pros ¬ ident of the W C T U of this State will deliver a lecture here this Tues day night and at Turner ville Wed ¬ nesday night TUB attention of the people of Casey is called to my splendid stock of gen ¬ oral merchandise Brand new line of dry goods just in Call and see Mrs Belle Lawhorn Yosemite FAKM SOLDGeorge D Robinson has sold toMrs Jonesof Wayne county his magnificent farm of 225 acres near Hustonvillc at 80 It is hoped that Mr Robinson will buy another farm in Lincoln or at any rato will not move from this county TUB Stanford Graded School will open next Monday September 10 It is the sincere desire of the management that every child of school age in tho district who docs not attend school elsewhere take advantage of the facilities and opportunities offered at this school It is not only a privilege but the duty of every parent or patron to see that their children attend some educational institution Ono of the national perils if not tho national peril is the spirit of indifference to education or rather to thorough and systematic training Too many are content with superficiality Mechanism in method Is supplanting system in education John Philip Sousa sounds the note of alarm when he speaks of musical automatics destroying the expression of soul states For instance do phon ¬ ographs or graphophones and other phones and graphs express the state of soul Does a rendition of Beethoven or Wagner from the Me ¬ tallic graphopone express the inspiring cadences of the human touch Does the reproductin of tho prince of singers give out the same thrill of the human voice with its rythmlcal How No Yet you will find those who say why struggle and spend time and money for musical training when you can get a pianola reproduce for you the work of tho masters You can pay 25 Cor- a graphophone and get the same music that you would get for 2500 spirV on a musical education Can you Where is the cultural value or the soul training This is a parallel case to nil forms of education It is the same in elementary and classical edu ¬ cation Why bo able to do more than read or write Is it necessary to go farther Do you not get all practical value from education when yon have attained the three Rs What do the fathers and mothers say Are you pleased with the short cut methods Are you satisfied with a smattering of tho essentials in mindtraining and soul culture Are you willing to send your boy or girl for a short while and then take a correspondence course or some short cut buy a diploma and get to making money Yes if you wish to make money and unmake mind or if matter be superior to mind Send the boys and girls to school as long as pos ¬ sible Avoid the spirit of commer ¬ cialism in education May we not ar ¬ rive at a higher state educationally if wo persue the course that leads to full development Be not an automaton in your station but be a thinker The end of education is to prepare man to ful ¬ fill the purpose of human existence or to livo completely Wo can best attain this end by taking a full or complete ourso and thus get as much mental and moral training as possible Agitate hat we may educate It does not pay to economize in mind training for this is to stultify the mind If too much conomy be used in training of mind and heart some one else must do our hinking Conservation of energy is rood but deprivation of mind culture is inimical to mental strength and vigor Prompt nnd regular attendance is necessary and close application n sine qlln non if wo hope for the beet things The foregoing written not so much in a monitory way as to give a gentle eminder that school opens next Mon lay and to try to show that it is much better to start with tho opening day Wo therefore urge all to cooperate in securing full attendance from start to finish All who desire to como are invited to bring their children tho first day opens 830 A M 10 J W IRELAND Superintendent NEW FALL SHOES dstderr r Led us show you the new hall styles In Ladies Footwear Variety of styled null prlctt tu stilt nil sum to 84 Special values Itt 2equal to t nlaup 82fiO shoos Itanember Zeiglort have more good qualities than any other shoo made for the price M i i x The famous Shoe for Women i Fall Styles Just Received New Leathers New Lasts See the New 4lCbIlegei Boot S CUMMINSMCLARY f- i STANFORD KY t 4414 I > lHHHHHf + +++ H f ++fri +4 Y1Ffl4 + Fi 14f4 9 v BELTS BAGS BUCK = jj LES BARRETES i AND COMBS ii h New Jluc of Bended Silk and Elastic Belts Prices 25o to 82 A large assortment ot IeRch A New Lot of Belt Buckles at 25c and 50c each Barrettes at25c 35c fund 50c nil styles Fancy Side and Back Combs and Comb Sets at 25c to 2 You are cordially invited to inspect the move nnd nil of our Fall line of > i Ii Dry Goods Notions Shoes 5c and tOe Ware Fff hFf1 F Ff FO L M HUBY CO Dry Goods Notions Shoes 5 and 10 Cent Ware Opera House Block Opposite Court House STANFORD KENTUCKY i 4 IS ttllllll Ofwii HNNMtHfitlif laHy4

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fasf ore nguin the rage They nro wiling liko hot chkoa in Now York

W liuvo them in nil colors nt 2ftc to S25U

rANEW BELTSVo urn showing some advance styles in Belts nt COc to 200


4gANQIUJ KY Burr 4 lootI

DELICIOUS Ice Cronm Soda nt PennysDrug Store =


UflB RUILBY illn Cincinnati> IfliW to tho wife of Mrs Bourne

I n llllOUnd boyT1MH H C RUBY several days111th hto daughter in Marloh sounty4MK WIWSBVBRANCD It bnek from n

k stay In the eiliM buylllg goodM IIUnN to tho wtrooe D F Thomp

rfof the Prochurarillo section a

PllR A 0 ALWHti has joined herHllilwrnl at PtnovIUo to remain ovoral

MMkaMidi DOHA IHNCH to visiting Mlwos

jiMlcne Curran and Alma Earl ut Ctn ¬


iiONY were guests of Crab Orchard

frJandMUBflusJ M ALVHR80N and It 11-

CoIToy attended tho hop at London Friny night

p Misa VITA BRADY of Covtngton hall

returned homo after n visit to Mlle Ma

M iy PhillipsMKs J K VANARSDALU returned to

jLoulivlllo Saturday after n visit to

Irknds heroMiss88 MARY AND SALIIB Bunnnrr

have returned from a visit to friends ntHarrodsburg

i Miss ALUB VANARBDALB of Louis ¬

11Ic is with Miss Mollie Brooks atArab OrchardJwMiu A H SBVBIUNCE and family ofCorbIn have been with Mr and Mrs

wilt SeveranceMRS J U llOLD RAN and chlldren

of Somerset were guests of Mrs

Henry HoldcrmanMRS WILL SEVERANCE returned Sat-



from n protracted visit to hoc

homofolks In ShelbyMR AND MRS T T MARTIN ot Lox ¬

ington wore guests of his parents Mr

and Mrs Alex MartinGBOROB G MBNBKBB arrived Friday

night from Joplin Mo where he has

spont moat of the summer1 M lIlH 1 M HUEY and Alfred

Pence arc In Cincinnati buying dead

loads of dry goods and furnitureMRS RUSSRLL DILUON has joint her

husband at Aliccton She was accom ¬

panted by Miss Dclphia Ncwjnnd-

MB88U8 HotiT GAINes W B JarvisI

and Russell Dillion are attending theI camp meeting at Aliccton this week

MRS JERRY SMITH and children re¬

M turned to Jcllico Saturday after n visitto her mother Mrs M M McKinney

IMiss ANNA NEWLAND of Crab Or¬

chard is tho guost of Mrs Mitcht Bailey on Maple Ave Danville Her

aidREV J W HAGIN wife and child-

ren who have been spending the sum ¬

mer with Mr J F Cash and family

1returned to Covington Friday

I MRS R B WILKINSON and two pret ¬

ty littlo daughters Bessie and Willie

of Stanford are with her sister Mrs

D G Portman Liberty NewsliON HARVEY HELM attended the

Shclbyvillo fair and was warmly con ¬

by his many friends on win-



tho Congressional nomination

Mns KATE GANN NashvilleTcnnand Mrs Willie Coulter and son MasterTellius Coulter of Yosemite wero tho

guests of John W Ends and family

Ma A C DUNN who has been down

for two months with malarial feverwas able to bo in town yesterday and

his friends were glad to see him outMRS H D GREGORY and children

who have been spending tho summer

with her father Judge James P

Bailey returned to Covington Friday

Miss POLLY TRAYLOB of Stanford is

tho pretty guest of Miss Katie Simp¬

son Richmond nvcnuo Mr Henry

of Stanford was in our

town SaturdayLancnster Record


chosen ns teacher of tho fifth grade In

tho Somerset High School Mrs IIwill arrive thisC Wray of Stanford

week to visit Mrs Edwin P Morrow

Soraerset MountaineerMRS J F HOLDAM of Stanford

Mrs Mason Morris of Crab Orchard

Miss Ella Morris of Eminence and

Wade Perkins of Crab Orchard will

attend tho fair as guests of Miss Mar ¬

guerite SaUce Mrs AC Hill of

Stanford is visiting her parents MrMrs L Band Mrs John Mershon

Cook and daughter Mrs J H Shanks

of Stanford will be the of MrsM Owens during the fairSomer

et Journal

MR JOHN P JONES of Mt Sterlingis hero on business

MRS WOODIB HALE is visiting rollatives at Somerset

IIAYS F08TBR spent several dayswith Lebanon friends

Miss NANNIE PRBWITT of Louisvilleis with Mrs C B Tate

MHSDAMBS T P HILL and Julia PChase are at Olympian Springs

Miss 1hiiBi BATSMAN of Bradfordyule ia the attractive guest of MistMario Muttony

MIL J W COCKINO of McKinnqyhas gone to Falmouth to too his mothe who Is very III

MR EIINBCT WAHRBN of Middlesboro spont Sunday with his wife atEld Joseph Ballou-

sLwiiit McllARGUK has arrived fromTyrono Oklahoma and matriculated atthe Stanford Male Female ScmJnary

MRS J C McCLARY will entertaintho Ladies Missionary Society of theBaptist church Friday afternoon at 0

oclockMissHHSSIU T BNOLE IAN left yes ¬

terday for Knoxville where she has anice KMitIon as teacher in the D DInstitute


IcrburR nnd Fannlo Miller Prestonof Ashland are guests of Miss SallleTaylor Woods

Tile Dally Gazette of Augusta Kan ¬

sas tolls of a delightful reception giv-


Miss Florence Tanner of McKinneyby Mr and Mrs J W Rule

MUBDAMES TALTON Emmy of Cincinnati nnd hello Higby and MissCharlotte Miller of Fort Worth Texasarc guests of relatives hero

MBSSRS LEn MRSSBR and James McBoo and sister Miss Mollie accom ¬

panted Mlra Martha Hubbnrd to Rich-


Saturday to visit relativesliON C A HAHDIN the best Com-

monwealth Attorney In the Statepassed through from Harrodsburg Sun-day to Lancaster to attend court

MIt J E CARSON is hero from BlissOklahoma looking younger than he dida dozen years ago We aro glad tostate that ho is prospering In tho South-west

Miss SARA BAUGHMAN entertained afew friends yesterday evening in honorof Miss Anno Peebles of Moorcsville

countryhomeDURING Mrs Mark Hardins absence

at French Lick Springs Mrs GeoBarnes Wearen is housekeeper at theSt Asaph Hotel and she is making anexcellent one

MR ABIIHY M WARREN who is hold¬

a responsible and lucrative ttositlonwith the L at Mobile Ala ar¬

rived Sunday to visit tho homcfolkswho are delighted to have him withthem

PROF S D KESSNER of AbingdonVa who will teach In the Schoo 1

department or the Stanford GradedSchool arrived Sunday nnd is gettingacquainted with tho patrons of theschool


DAMSON plums for sale at 20e a gal ¬

Ion Mrs J B Paxton

A LARGEr of solid silver and sit ¬

ver plated lint ware at Muellers

WANTED A goodr ndto workon

farm Come recommended Dr laughReid

HEMP Machine No runningorder and good wheat drill for saleBurdett Powell Huatonville

I AM prepared to fill orders for pop-lar and oak shingles Write for prices-E W Creighton Kingsville Ky

WANTED Position by young lady ascompositor on weekly newspaper Hashad three years experience andcanRive beat references Address INTER-



JOURNAL Stanford Ky

TUB election commissioners for Lin-


county aro Messrs Jesse C Lynnand T J Hill democrats and lion BB King republican Sheriff 11111 is acommissioner by virtue of his ofllce

DUNNMr It Weaver Dunn whoBuffered a stroke of paralysis some 10

days ago died last week at his homenear Millcdgcvillo aged 75 Ho issurvived by his wire Mr Dunn wasa clover hardworking man and stoodwell in his community

BANK STOCKI sellat publicauction on Monday Sept 10th countycourt day five shares of stock in theNational Bank of Hustonville Salowill take place in front of tho courthouse at 1 oclock r M W II Harrisexecutor Mrs M B McAlister


rComing in ovary tray Come to us for the newest mid best Wo hsivo undo

anti are still making great preparations for tho coming Fall lint Winicr

Good merchandise is scarcer than in years but wo have ours bought and

ran supply you

SONIF in need of a good sewing machine

seo W II Mueller

CHAPES abundances for salo EdHubbnrd Stanford

GOOD farm band wanted John Traylor Gilberts Crook Ky

You RUNT Three nice rooms ApIply to Mrs Leslie Carter Jit

IT rained Sunday usual A heavjshower fell yesterday afternoon

FOR SAIRMy hbuiohold and kltchen furniture Apply to Mrs W IIShanks 21

WB received Fall liniof rugs and druggets and also u fine

Mine of artistic rockers Tribble 1

Ionco 2t

Mil M 0 VANDEVBEK Is closing outhis stock of goods at the little store onLogan Avenue und is giving some rarobargains

KEV JOSEPH SEVERANCE will delivera temperance lecture at WaynesburgThursday night and at KIngsvilio Friday night

NOTICE yourschool to WH Wearen at the First National BankThe 5 per cent penalty will be addedSept 10 1906 L RHughes Treas ¬

urer 2t

ON account of theBryanReceptionat Louisville Sept 12 the L Nwill sell roundtrip tickets from Stan ¬

ford at one fare plus 25c Tickets onsale Sept 10 and 11th

ALL persons having claims againstLincoln county must file same withcounty court clerk properly verified nta date not later than Sept 24 1906 GU Cooper clerk by E D PenningtonD

CTncQ C will run n special train

to Somerset Thursday and Friday onaccount of tho fair It will leave June¬

tion City at 740 and McKinney at 805each morning Greatly reduced ratesare offered

TUB musicale at the Male d FemaleSeminary Friday evening was well at ¬

tended and thoroughly enjoyable Drand Mrs Fallis gave some diilcultnum-bers


which were well executed andloudly applauded

AT a protracted meeting at EllisburgCasey county Clarence Alstott andTom Johnson became engaged in an en ¬

counter Johnson slashing Alstott witha knife immediately over the heartleaving a wound about four inches long

JUDGE W L DAWSON carrier on RF D Route No2 is enjoying a 15day rest at the expense of Uncle SamTho government gives a 15day lay oilto all carriers who have operated theirroutes for a year Mr George R Engleman is filling Mr Dawsons placefor the present

TilE Crab Orchard Graded HighSchool will begin Monday next Sept10 Prof Nathaniel U Sewell of Lon-don


is Superintendent Mrs Mary JCochran teacher in intermediate gradeand mathematics and Miss GeorgiaLewis of this place will have chargeof the primary grade and German

UNDER tho now Revenue and Taxa ¬

tion law mortgages and liens of thepast five years come in for taxationCounty Clerk Cooper has just gonethrough his office and finds that theseamount to about 650000 whichamount will considerably swell tho sumtotal of taxation of Lincoln county

TEMPERANCE meetings wore held intho courthouse yard Thursday eveningand in tho Christian church Friday eveping Eld Joseph Severance chaplainof tho Frankfort penitentiary was thespeaker on tho first evening and EldJohn M Lewis on tho latter Bothmade timely talks and furnished muchrood for thought

MR W R Any organized atown to be known as Fountain CityOklahoma It is seven miles fromLawton where Mr D will locateTho capital stock has already been paidin and 150 lots sold Some of tho stock-holders


are such men as D T Chest-nut


formerly of Corbin Rlol Jacksonof London W L Moore L D Denhorn G A Denham C H Keeton ofWilliamsburg Mr Denham is veryenthusiastic over his prospects in hisnow home and it would not surprise usto learn soon that ho has become a-

very rich man Ho certainly has theenergy and knows how to push things


I TilE light running Domestic Chainand Lockstich on one machine Forsale by W II Mueller

JONES KELSAY will give anotherbig picnic at Jones Park near Yosomite Sept 22 See bills for furtherparticulars


ident of the W C T U of this Statewill deliver a lecture here this Tuesday night and at Turner ville Wed ¬

nesday night

TUB attention of the people of Caseyis called to my splendid stock of gen ¬

oral merchandise Brand new line ofdry goods just in Call and see MrsBelle Lawhorn Yosemite

FAKM SOLDGeorge D Robinsonhas sold toMrs Jonesof Wayne countyhis magnificent farm of 225 acres nearHustonvillc at 80 It is hoped thatMr Robinson will buy another farmin Lincoln or at any rato will not movefrom this county

TUB Stanford Graded School willopen next Monday September 10 It isthe sincere desire of the managementthat every child of school age in thodistrict who docs not attend schoolelsewhere take advantage of thefacilities and opportunities offered atthis school It is not only a privilegebut the duty of every parent or patronto see that their children attend someeducational institution Ono of thenational perils if not tho national perilis the spirit of indifference to educationor rather to thorough and systematictraining Too many are content withsuperficiality Mechanism in methodIs supplanting system in educationJohn Philip Sousa sounds the note ofalarm when he speaks of musicalautomatics destroying the expressionof soul states For instance do phon ¬

ographs or graphophones and otherphones and graphs express the

state of soul Does a rendition ofBeethoven or Wagner from the Me ¬

tallic graphopone express the inspiringcadences of the human touch Doesthe reproductin of tho prince of singersgive out the same thrill of the humanvoice with its rythmlcal How NoYet you will find those who say whystruggle and spend time and moneyfor musical training when you can geta pianola reproduce for you the workof tho masters You can pay 25 Cor-

a graphophone and get the same musicthat you would get for 2500 spirVon a musical education Can youWhere is the cultural value or thesoul training This is a parallel caseto nil forms of education It is thesame in elementary and classical edu ¬

cation Why bo able to do more thanread or write Is it necessary to gofarther Do you not get all practicalvalue from education when yon haveattained the three Rs What do thefathers and mothers say Are youpleased with the short cut methodsAre you satisfied with a smattering oftho essentials in mindtraining and soulculture Are you willing to send yourboy or girl for a short while and thentake a correspondence course or someshort cut buy a diploma and get tomaking money Yes if you wish tomake money and unmake mind or ifmatter be superior to mind Send theboys and girls to school as long as pos ¬

sible Avoid the spirit of commer ¬

cialism in education May we not ar ¬

rive at a higher state educationally ifwo persue the course that leads to fulldevelopment Be not an automaton inyour station but be a thinker The endof education is to prepare man to ful ¬

fill the purpose of human existence orto livo completely Wo can best attainthis end by taking a full or completeourso and thus get as much mental andmoral training as possible Agitatehat we may educate It does not pay

to economize in mind training for thisis to stultify the mind If too muchconomy be used in training of mind

and heart some one else must do ourhinking Conservation of energy is

rood but deprivation of mind culture isinimical to mental strength and vigorPrompt nnd regular attendance isnecessary and close application n sineqlln non if wo hope for the beet thingsThe foregoing written not so muchin a monitory way as to give a gentleeminder that school opens next Mon

lay and to try to show that it is muchbetter to start with tho opening dayWo therefore urge all to cooperatein securing full attendance from startto finish All who desire to como areinvited to bring their children tho firstday opens 830 A M 10

J W IRELAND Superintendent


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Led us show you the new hall styles In Ladies Footwear Variety of

styled null prlctt tu stilt nil sum to 84 Special values Itt 2equal to t

nlaup 82fiO shoos Itanember Zeiglort have more good qualities than any

other shoo made for the price


i i x

The famous Shoe for Womeni

Fall Styles Just Received NewLeathers New Lasts See

the New 4lCbIlegeiBoot



t4414 I > lHHHHHf + +++ H f++fri +4 Y1Ffl4+ Fi14f49v





New Jluc of Bended Silk and Elastic Belts Prices 25o to 82

A large assortment ot IeRchA New Lot of Belt Buckles at 25c

and 50c each

Barrettes at25c 35c fund 50c nil styles

Fancy Side and Back Combs and Comb

Sets at 25c to 2

You are cordially invited to inspect the move nnd nil of ourFall line of >

iIiDry Goods Notions Shoes 5c and

tOe Ware

Fff hFf1 F Ff FO

L M HUBY CODry Goods Notions Shoes

5 and 10 Cent WareOpera House Block Opposite Court House

STANFORD KENTUCKYi 4 IS ttllllll Ofwii HNNMtHfitlif laHy4