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  • 8/14/2019 New Covenant


    Reasoning The Scriptures

    The New Covenant 1


    By M.S.Mariadas and Y.R.Dinakaran Bible Students, M.B.S.A

    CCCCovenant ovenant ovenant ovenant- Strongs #1242: covenant, testament, and contract.Mt. 26:28Mt. 26:28Mt. 26:28Mt. 26:28 "This is MY BLOODMY BLOODMY BLOODMY BLOOD of the COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT, which is poured out for many forthe forgiveness of sin." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Only two covenants had blood associated with them, the old oldoldold and the NEW NEW NEW NEW.This has to refer to the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT. If we believe that we have our sinsforgiven by the death of Jesus, then it is by the blood of this New Covenant blood of this New Covenant blood of this New Covenant blood of this New Covenant.

    Mk. 14:24Mk. 14:24Mk. 14:24Mk. 14:24 "This is the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of the COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT, which is poured out for many."NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Only two covenants had blood associated with them, the old oldoldold and the NEW NEW NEW NEW.This has to refer to the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT. If we believe that we have our sinsforgiven by the death of Jesus, then it is by the blood of this New Covenant blood of this New Covenant blood of this New Covenant blood of this New Covenant.

    Luke 22:20Luke 22:20Luke 22:20Luke 22:20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the is theis theis the new c new c new c new covenant ovenant ovenant ovenant in my blood, which is poured out for youin my blood, which is poured out for youin my blood, which is poured out for youin my blood, which is poured out for you. NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Jesus tells us that when we drink of the CUP CUPCUPCUP that it is the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of theNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT. This has to mean that we are participating as well asthat we are participating as well asthat we are participating as well asthat we are participating as well asassociated in this New Covenant.associated in this New Covenant.associated in this New Covenant.associated in this New Covenant.

    1 Co1 Co1 Co1 Cor. 11:25r. 11:25r. 11:25r. 11:25---- 26262626 "In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup IS the IS theIS theIS theNEW COVENANT in my blood; do this,NEW COVENANT in my blood; do this,NEW COVENANT in my blood; do this,NEW COVENANT in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's deathuntil he comes. (NIV)

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Jesus tells us that when we drink of the CUP CUPCUPCUP that it is the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of theNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT. This has to mean that we are participating as well asthat we are participating as well asthat we are participating as well asthat we are participating as well asassociated in this New Covenant.associated in this New Covenant.associated in this New Covenant.associated in this New Covenant.

    2 Cor. 3:62 Cor. 3:62 Cor. 3:62 Cor. 3:6 "He hashashashas made USUSUSUS competent MINISMINISMINISMINISTERS of a NEW COVENANTTERS of a NEW COVENANTTERS of a NEW COVENANTTERS of a NEW COVENANT- not of the letter but of the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: The Apostle Paul is telling US USUSUS that we are already ministers of a New that we are already ministers of a New that we are already ministers of a New that we are already ministers of a New

  • 8/14/2019 New Covenant


    Reasoning The Scriptures

    The New Covenant 2


    Eph. 2:12Eph. 2:12Eph. 2:12Eph. 2:12- ---13131313 "Remember that at that time you you you you were separate from Christ, excluded fromthe citizenship of Israel and strangers to the Covenants of PromiseCovenants of PromiseCovenants of PromiseCovenants of Promise, without hope and

    without God in the world. but now in Christ Jesus, you you you you who once were far away have been

    brought near through the BLOOD of CBLOOD of CBLOOD of CBLOOD of Christ.hrist.hrist.hrist." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: The "Covenants of PromiseCovenants of PromiseCovenants of PromiseCovenants of Promise" were the Abrahamic and the Law Covenants.Blood was associated with only two covenants, the old and the NEW NEW NEW NEW. The Old Law Covenant was superceded by the New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant, therefore it has to refer to theBLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT which is Jesus' blood shed on Calvary's cross.This BLOOD of Christ of the NEW Covenant BLOOD of Christ of the NEW Covenant BLOOD of Christ of the NEW Covenant BLOOD of Christ of the NEW Covenant made it possible for the Gentiles to be"brought near" and thus as Gal.3:29Gal.3:29Gal.3:29Gal.3:29 states, "If you belong to Christ. then you are

    Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

    Heb. 7:22Heb. 7:22Heb. 7:22Heb. 7:22 "Because of this oath, Jesus has becomehas becomehas becomehas become the guarantee of a BETTER BETTER BETTER BETTER COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Jesus hashashashas already becomebecomebecomebecome the guarantee of the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT whichis a Better Covenant than the old Law Covenant.

    Heb. 8:6Heb. 8:6Heb. 8:6Heb. 8:6 "But the ministry Jesus HASHASHASHAS received is as superior to theirs as theCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT of which he is mediatorhe is mediatorhe is mediatorhe is mediator is superior to the old one, and is founded on Better BetterBetterBetterPromises." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Jesus has already received a superior ministry and is already the MediatorMediatorMediatorMediatorof a superior Covenant Covenant Covenant Covenant- which is the NEW COVENANT.NEW COVENANT.NEW COVENANT.NEW COVENANT.

    Heb. 8:8Heb. 8:8Heb. 8:8Heb. 8:8 "The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a NEW NEW NEW NEW COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah." NIV

    CommeCommeCommeComment nt nt nt: This is a quotation from Jer.31:31 and the writer of this book is contrasting the ineffectiveness of the old Law Covenant which was not kept, causing God to turnaway from them. It was replaced by the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT founded "not on the bloodof goats and calves" but on the blood of Jesusblood of Jesusblood of Jesusblood of Jesus. Because of this , God forgives the

    iniquity of those who believed on Jesus and remembers their sins no more for they werecovered by the merit of his sacrifice.

    Heb. 8:13Heb. 8:13Heb. 8:13Heb. 8:13 "By calling this COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT- --- NEW NEW NEW NEW, he has made the first one obsolete, and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: The New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant superseded the Old Law Covenant.

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    Reasoning The Scriptures

    The New Covenant 3

    Heb. 9:15Heb. 9:15Heb. 9:15Heb. 9:15 "For this reason Christ IS ISISIS the Mediator of a NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT, that thosethat thosethat thosethat those who are who are who are who are calledcalledcalledcalled may receive the promised eternal inheritance- now that he has died as a died as a died as a died as a ransom to set them freeransom to set them freeransom to set them freeransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first Covenant." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Christ ISISISIS already the MediatorMediatorMediatorMediator of a NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT and for that reason thosehosehosehose (the church) who are called who are called who are called who are called may receive joint-heir ship with Jesus.

    Heb. 9:20Heb. 9:20Heb. 9:20Heb. 9:20 "He said, this is the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of the COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT, which God hascommanded YOU YOU YOU YOU to keep." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Only two covenants has blood associated with them, the old and the New New New New.This has to refer to the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of the NEW COVENANT which we areNEW COVENANT which we areNEW COVENANT which we areNEW COVENANT which we arecommanded to keep.commanded to keep.commanded to keep.commanded to keep.

    Heb. 10:29Heb. 10:29Heb. 10:29Heb. 10:29 "How much more severely do you think a man needs to be punished who hastrampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of the COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT that SANCTIFIED HIMSANCTIFIED HIMSANCTIFIED HIMSANCTIFIED HIM, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace."NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Only two covenantscovenantscovenantscovenants had blood associated with them, the old and the NEW NEW NEW NEW.This has to refer to the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT that sanctified HIMHIMHIMHIM. This Judgment has to be under the New New New New Covenant ovenant ovenant ovenant because it was the Blood of that Blood of that Blood of that Blood of that Covenant Covenant Covenant Covenant that was treated as an unholy thing.

    Heb. 12:24Heb. 12:24Heb. 12:24Heb. 12:24 "To Jesus the MediatoMediatoMediatoMediator of a NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT, and to the sprinkledBLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD that speaks a betterbetterbetterbetter word than the blood of Abel." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: As the under priests in the Tabernacle of old were sprinkled with blood Which sanctified them for that office, so the "little flock" are sanctifiedhe "little flock" are sanctifiedhe "little flock" are sanctifiedhe "little flock" are sanctified by the"Sprinkled BLOODSprinkled BLOODSprinkled BLOODSprinkled BLOOD of the New Covenant of the New Covenant of the New Covenant of the New Covenant that Jesus shed at Calvary making him theMediator of this Covenant Mediator of this Covenant Mediator of this Covenant Mediator of this Covenant.

    Heb. 13:20Heb. 13:20Heb. 13:20Heb. 13:20 "May the God of peace, who through the BLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD of the ETERNALETERNALETERNALETERNAL

    COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of thesheep, equip YOU YOU YOU YOU with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us ususus what ispleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Blood was associated with only two covenants, the old and the NEW NEW NEW NEW,therefore this has to refer to the NEW Covenant NEW Covenant NEW Covenant NEW Covenant because the OLD Covenant is isisisobsolete.obsolete.obsolete.obsolete.

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    Reasoning The Scriptures

    The New Covenant 4

    Jer. 31:31 Jer. 31:31 Jer. 31:31 Jer. 31:31 " The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a NEW NEW NEW NEW COVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANTCOVENANT with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah." NIV

    Comment Comment Comment Comment: Spiritual Israel, the church, is under the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT which began at

    Pentecost. At that time the NEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANTNEW COVENANT did come and it was first made withthose Jews who accepted Jesus as their Messiah, became his disciples and did drink of the cupcupcupcup that Jesus said was HIS BLOODHIS BLOODHIS BLOODHIS BLOOD of the New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant. This New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant New Covenant dealt exclusively with the Jew for approximately three years until the "Gentiles" weregrafted into the "olive tree", Cornelius being the first. In another sense "the time iscoming" when natural Israel and all the world of mankind will also be under this New New New New Covenant Covenant Covenant Covenant in Christ's earthly kingdom.

    Additional comment on Jeremiah 31:31 Additional comment on Jeremiah 31:31 Additional comment on Jeremiah 31:31 Additional comment on Jeremiah 31:31- ---34:34:34:34:

    In regard to Jeremiah 31:31 Jeremiah 31:31 Jeremiah 31:31 Jeremiah 31:31- -- -34 34 34 34 , consider the total context as having already happenedat the beginning of the Gospel Age. The time did come and the Lord did make a new covenant with the houses of Israel and Judah which began at Pentecost when thepromise of the Holy Spirit came upon the early church.This covenant was at first restricted to the Jews until Cornelius, the first Gentile wasaccepted in the fold, some three years after Pentecost. The gospel was preached and thecall went out throughout all Israel. We read in Jn.1:11 Jn.1:11 Jn.1:11 Jn.1:11- -- -12 12 12 12 , "He came to his own, andhis own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he the power tobecome the sons of God.." At that time God did replace that old covenant with a new covenant to all those who believed and they entered into a brand new relationship withGod as his sons. God wrote a new law of love in their hearts. They no longer neededthat another to teach them, for God had given them the Holy Spirit to guide them intoall truth. This is confirmed to us in 1 Jn.2:27 1 Jn.2:27 1 Jn.2:27 1 Jn.2:27 , "But the anointing anointing anointing anointing which ye havereceived of him abideth in youabideth in youabideth in youabideth in you, and ye need n ye need n ye need n ye need not that any man teach youot that any man teach youot that any man teach youot that any man teach you, but as that that that that same anointing teacheth you of all things,same anointing teacheth you of all things,same anointing teacheth you of all things,same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth,is truth,is truth,is truth, and is no lie, and even as it even as it even as it even as it hath taught youhath taught youhath taught youhath taught you, ye shall abide in him". 2Cor 3:32Cor 3:32Cor 3:32Cor 3:3[Forasmuch as ye are] manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written written written written not with ink, but with theSpirit of the living God; not in tables of stonenot in tables of stonenot in tables of stonenot in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of thebut in fleshy tables of thebut in fleshy tables of thebut in fleshy tables of the heart heart heart heart....Those, who believed, had their sins forgiven and their iniquities are no longerremembered because they have been justified by the blood of Jesus ransom sacrifice.

    Rom.4:6 Rom.4:6 Rom.4:6 Rom.4:6- -- -7 77 7 tell us, "Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, Saying , Blessed are they whoseBlessed are they whoseBlessed are they whoseBlessed are they whose

    iniquities are forgiven, and whosiniquities are forgiven, and whosiniquities are forgiven, and whosiniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered".e sins are covered".e sins are covered".e sins are covered". Those Jews of the early churchexperienced all of this before it was extended to the Gentiles.