new communities, learning disability among new communities in coventry

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  • 7/30/2019 New Communities, learning disability among new communities in Coventry



    CommunitiesLearning disability among new communities in CoventryClare Wightman

  • 7/30/2019 New Communities, learning disability among new communities in Coventry


  • 7/30/2019 New Communities, learning disability among new communities in Coventry



    CommunitiesLearning disability among newcommunities in Coventry.

    Clare Wightman | 2012

  • 7/30/2019 New Communities, learning disability among new communities in Coventry


    Clare Wightman

    Clare Wightman is Director o Grapevine. She is interestedin how we can enable people with learning disabilities to

    be more ully included in their communities. Grapevine is a

    partner in a national project with the Foundation or People

    with Learning Disabilities, which is examining ways o

    achieving inclusion or people with high support needs. She

    is the author oCommunity in Personalisation and Learning

    Disabilities (Tyson 2011). Clare believes that building

    community with and or people is crucial to successul


  • 7/30/2019 New Communities, learning disability among new communities in Coventry



    Background inormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    What are the new communities in Coventry? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Countries of origin 8

    Size 8

    Number of young people from new communities 10

    What is known of the incidence of learning disability

    among young people from Coventrys new communities? 10

    What do we know of the issues they face? 12

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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


  • 7/30/2019 New Communities, learning disability among new communities in Coventry


    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    Background inormation

    Grapevine (Coventry and Warwickshire) is an organisationthat supports people with learning disabilities and their

    carers, in the Coventry area. Its purpose is to reduce the

    isolation and segregation experienced by people with

    learning disabilities and their amilies, so they can lead saer

    lives with greater prospects. Grapevine has a broad work

    programme that includes dierent types o advocacy and

    other orms o support, including support to young people

    with learning disabilities rom ethnic minority communities.

    For several years, Grapevine has been helping young people and their

    amilies to plan or the transition rom school to adult lie. This planning

    and advocacy work was extended to include support to use personal

    budgets, with the help o unding rom the Equality and Human Rights

    Commission during 2009-2011.

    This report is written at the request o the EHRC to begin to assess the

    extent o need or advocacy among young learning disabled people rom

    new communities in Coventry.

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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    What are the new communities

    in Coventry?

    Countries of origin

    Coventry Partnerships Community Cohesion Strategy 2010-2015 says

    newer communities that have settled in Coventry in the last ten years

    include Somalian, Kurdish, Aghani and Iraqi groups. There are currently

    approximately 100 languages spoken in Coventry with Bengali, Polish,French, Kurdish and Panjabi being the top ve languages receiving

    interpreting services.

    In the experience o Coventrys Reugee Centre new community members

    come rom East Arican countries such as Somalia, Zimbabwe, Congo and

    Rwanda, the Middle East: Iran, Iraq (Kurds) and Aghanistan, Eastern

    Europe: Lithuanian, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania and ormer USSR

    countries. O EU migrants Poland is the main source. A key dierence noted

    by the centres Director is that Polish migrants are likely to return home

    but or migrants rom other areas their condence in the value o returning

    home is much lower.

    Coventry Friend provided a drop in service or reugees whose records

    show use by people rom 33 dierent countries o origin. The largest single

    groups are rom Poland and Somalia with the next largest groups Eastern

    Europe and rom Middle East.


    The Community Cohesion Strategy 2010-2015 turns to 2001 census data

    to estimate the proportion o Coventrys population that could be said

    to be rom a new or newer community. The strategy uses the number

    o Coventry residents listed as born outside the UK in 2001 census data.

    According to that source, 13% o Coventry residents were born outside the

    UK with 3.9% or 11,627 people born elsewhere in the European Union,

    most rom the Republic o Ireland, although since 2001 migration will haveincreased the number o people born in other parts o the EU such as


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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    ONS data in 2010 however shows just under a th o the residents in

    Coventry were born outside the UK. This is a relatively high proportion

    when compared with the national rate (11.8%) or the rate in the West

    Midlands region (10.2%).

    Estimates o the proportion o non-British nationals in Coventry show

    growth rom 10% in 2004 to 15% in 2008 and a slight decline to 13.1% in

    2010. Once again the proportion in Coventry is almost double the national

    rate. This group may also include settled immigrants.

    Another proxy used to estimate immigrant population is the fag 4 GP

    registration indicator. This captures economically inactive immigrants and

    dependants and relatively recent arrivals. According to these gures 2.5%

    o residents who registered with a GP in Coventry in 2010 had previouslyresided outside the UK or a period longer than three months. This is more

    than double the national rate and three times the regional rate. These

    gures also show a steady increase since 2004.

    The most recent schools census shows that proportion o children whose

    rst language is other than English in Coventry is 27.7% in state unded

    primary schools and 23.1% in state unded secondary schools. The schools

    census also provides the ethnic composition o the pupil population.

    According to this, 40% o Coventry pupils in state unded primary schools

    and 35% o pupils in state unded secondary schools are recorded as not


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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    Taken together, this inormation demonstrates that Coventry is likely to

    have a signicant number o young migrants and or reugees.

    People do not necessarily have to be recently arrived to be classed as a

    member o a new community. Aghans constitute a new community inCoventry but some Aghans have been here or 10 years or more.

    Number of young people from new communities

    It has not been possible to uncover the number o young people rom new

    communities, broadly dened in Coventry. In terms o reugee groups

    among new communities the usual pattern is or men to arrive rst andamilies to ollow, i at all.

    The City Councils Minority Groups Support Service collects data to show

    the numbers and ethnic groupings o recently arrived pupils. The data or

    2011/12 shows that the largest ethnic groupings were white other (32%),

    Black Arican (21%) and White Gypsy Roma (16%). Just over hal o these

    were EU citizens and only 12% were reugees and asylum seekers.

    There are 10 school aged asylum seekers in Coventry today. MGSS report

    a drop in the number o unaccompanied teenagers. The rising trend rom2001 o pupils who are reugees and asylum seekers appeared to have

    plateau-ed since 2008/9

    What is known of the incidence of learning

    disability among young people from Coventrys

    new communities?

    Data held by city councils Minority Groups Support Service in relation to

    new communities does not include inormation related to special needs/

    learning disabilities unless parents/guardians have alerted an MGSS

    Settlement Ocer during the course o the pre-school admission meeting.

    Where that does occur inormation is passed to the Special Educational

    Needs Team. Many special needs disabilities, particularly those not readily

    recognised in the country o origin, will not be identied by a UK school

    until the child has been in attendance or a reasonable period o time.

    The data held by the Special Educational Needs team is the best indicator

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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    o incidence. Schools data is collected according to ethnicity and or

    language spoken not country o origin, nor recency o arrival.

    Inormation provided by the data team at the Children Learning and Young

    Peoples Partnership (CLYP) based on the DE school census o 2010 shows

    highest incidence among three ethnicities: Pakistani, Somali and Polish.

    329 children rom a Pakistani background were statemented or at School

    Action Plus stage. 103 o these have a moderate learning disability and a

    urther 20 have a severe learning disability. Their ethnicity though does

    not necessarily indicate that they are members o a new community. The

    next largest ethnic grouping is Polish. O 53 pupils in this category 17 have

    a moderate learning disability and 11 a severe learning disability. O 45

    Somali pupils 16 had a moderate learning disability and 9 had a severe

    learning disability. MGSS reports that the numbers o Somali pupils hasallen in 2011-12 however.

    Most pupil numbers in remaining groups with a learning disability were

    less than10 with two exceptions. O 25 Arabic and 30 Tamil pupils 11 each

    were moderately learning disabled and 2 each had a severe learning


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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    Inormation provided by the data team at the Children Learning and Young

    Peoples Partnership (CLYP) based on the DE school census o 2012 shows

    a dierent picture. The highest incidence o moderate learning disability

    is Black Arican (119) closely ollowed by Pakistani (118), other white (56

    23 o whom speak Polish) and then Gypsy Roma (19). Among those with

    a severe learning disability the largest groups are Pakistani (26) and Black

    Arican (18) and or proound and multiple the same groups dominate

    Black Arican (16) and Pakistani (13)

    What do we know of the issues they face?

    The new communities our project have worked with are: Creole, Somali and

    Romani. We ound amilies acing the same barriers to service take up as

    established BME groups plus specic attitude barriers around their culture,

    country o origin, as well as the impact o signicant poverty and inequality.

    In particular, the Roma, mainly clustered in the Hillelds and Foleshill

    areas o the city, are experiencing signicant inequality. There is concern

    that many o these amilies are living in extreme poverty, in substandard

    and overcrowded housing and not accessing health care. All benets or

    a signicant number o the Czech Slovak Roma community within theCity were stopped causing emergency destitution. Also, at the same time,

    there was an increase in the number o reported hate crimes against the

    communities as a whole and an undercurrent o community tension.

    MGSS Data of Gypsy Roma Students in Coventry Schools

    Date Gypsy/Roma students

    2006 192007 72

    2008 103

    2009 178

    2010 208

    2011 220

    The table above shows the year on year increase in the number o pupils

    that ascribe as Gypsy Roma in Coventry schools. It is not known how manyo these young people have a learning disability.

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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    In 2008, Coventry Law Centre commissioned the Centre or Rights, Equality

    and Diversity at the University o Warwick to undertake some research

    entitled Barriers to seeking advice: New Communities in Coventry and

    their experiences o rontline advice services. This research showed

    that many people in new communities do not access mainstream advice


    Grapevines All means all project also ound that mainstream support,

    advice and advocacy services were not reaching those rom new


    As we became a known and trusted ace and engagement deepened, we

    oten had to work with the whole amily and its issues not simply the young

    person with a learning disability. We have provided extensive support to

    advocate at meetings, given guidance on rights and entitlements as well

    as specic language support or a range o needs which have included

    registering a new born child, accessing housing advice and services, support

    to make and keep hospital appointments and help to engage with school,

    and communicate with support agencies. Families seemed to preer to have

    a single worker with multiple skills or roles to multiple workers with single


    What would help amilies and young people with a learning disability get

    the help they need?

    Coventrys settlement ocers employed through

    MGSS can be a source o timely reerral with the

    person or amilys written consent. They can also

    provide some support and acilitation to connect

    with a amily.

    MGSS has a ull-time Roma speaking teacher,

    a ull-time Roma outreach worker as well as

    two part-time Roma outreach workers and amultilingual education assistant.

    Many amilies, especially those with the most

    complex issues like those rom new communities,

    need help with additional things like benets,

    translation, understanding documents, housing

    support, advice on education and reerrals to city

    council departments.

    Families tend to preer to get this help romone source (a trusted worker) rather than

    rom several. In the absence o other trusted

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    learning disability among new communities in coventry


    or appropriate services it may be down to a single worker to help with

    whatever problems are presented. It is not enough to simply signpost. We

    have had to be able to address these other areas o unmet need.

    Our experience suggests two things would help:

    the time and fexibility to get to the root o complex problems and the

    opportunity to develop trusted relationships

    more networked delivery in other words agencies connecting services

    into a single oering which is seamless to the recipient and plays to each

    agencies strengths

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  • 7/30/2019 New Communities, learning disability among new communities in Coventry


    Grapevine, 123 Upper Spon Street

    Spon End, Coventry, CV1 3BQ

    Tel: 024 7663 1040

    Email: admin@grapevinecoventry


    Web: wwwgrapevinecovandwarksorg

    Twitter: @grapevinecov

    Facebook: Grapevine Cov and Warks