new biophysical techniques and their application to the study of

Biochem. J. (1985) 228, 281-295 281 Printed in Great Britain REVIEW ARTICLE New biophysical techniques and their application to the study of membranes Dennis CHAPMAN* and James A. HAYWARD*t *Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London NW3 2PF, U.K., and tDepartment of Biochemistry, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794, U.S.A. Introduction Our present-day views of the structure and dynamics of biological membranes have evolved through the application of biophysical methods. Recent advances in the correlation of function with biomembrane structure have followed closely upon new developments in methodology and instrumentation, particularly in the field of spectroscopy. While much progress has been made in the study of lipid dynamics, little information is available on the structural dynamics of membrane proteins. The limits of the advances made in this field can be illustrated with the proteins involved in ion transport. The intramembraneous structure of the ionophore gramicidin A, a polypeptide only 15 amino acids in length, has been the subject of considerable debate for many years (Urry et al., 1971; Veatch et al., 1974; Lotz et al., 1976; Nabedryk et al., 1982; Wallace, 1984). Elucidation of the molecular dynamics of ion transport by gramicidin, which is perhaps the simplest model for intramembraneous proteins, is a logical first step in determining the mechanisms by which ions negotiate the dielectric barrier of biological mem- branes. As yet, the mechanistic proposals for gramicidin-mediated transport are largely specula- tive (Mackay et al., 1984). The complexities exhibited by gramicidin-mediated transport are minimal, however, when contrasted with the structurally complex proteins involved in active transport of ions and in the formation of gated ion channels. To these considerations we need to add that membrane protein structures may undergo conformational cfianges with variations in pH, temperature, the concentration of metal ions and 'trigger' molecules and, in some cases, under the influence of light. Recently, new techniques have been introduced into membrane biochemistry which may reveal the Abbreviations used: Tc, main gel-to-liquid crystal phase transition; TI, spin-lattice relaxation time; T2, spin-spin relaxation time; Hi,, hexagonal phase; s.t., saturation-transfer; F.t., Fourier-transform. influence of these environmental changes upon the dynamics of membrane proteins. Considerable advances have already accumulated from the application of these methods to investigations of the static and dynamic order of membrane lipids and their influence upon protein structure and function. The purpose of this Review is to present the insight provided by the application of new methodologies to biological and model mem- branes. Information on dynamic behaviour as revealed by spectroscopic studies will be con- sidered in relation to the results obtained by static structural methods. Generalizations on the structure of biomembranes The fluid dynamics of membrane lipids are emphasised in the currently popular 'fluid mosaic model' of membrane structure (Singer & Nicolson, 1972). This paradigm summarizes the results of may previous investigations and envisages mem- brane proteins as floating in a two-dimensional lipid bilayer. The lipids and proteins are thus seen to diffuse freely within the plane of the bilayer. This emphasis on intrinsic mutability accommo- dates the great variety of molecular species present in biological membranes, and permits the selective modification (via protein insertion) of the bilayer permeability barrier without profound structural alterations. This model has proved useful for emphasizing the dynamic character of biological membranes, yet it is deficient in the light of many subsequent studies. (i) Although the proteins in many biomem- branes are arranged in a random fashion within the membrane plane, differentiated regions of some membranes contain specific proteins arranged in a non-random two-dimensional matrix. The spatial organisation of biomembrane components can, in fact, assume all degrees of order from an essentially complete disorder, to the quasi-crystalline order exhibited by the purple membrane (Henderson & Unwin, 1975). A recent example of the remarkably regular array which the proteins in some biomem- branes can adopt is seen in the electron micro- Vol. 228

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Page 1: New biophysical techniques and their application to the study of

Biochem. J. (1985) 228, 281-295 281Printed in Great Britain


New biophysical techniques and their application to the study of membranes

Dennis CHAPMAN* and James A. HAYWARD*t*Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London NW3 2PF,

U.K., and tDepartment of Biochemistry, State University ofNew York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook,NY 11794, U.S.A.


Our present-day views of the structure anddynamics of biological membranes have evolvedthrough the application of biophysical methods.Recent advances in the correlation of functionwith biomembrane structure have followed closelyupon new developments in methodology andinstrumentation, particularly in the field ofspectroscopy.

While much progress has been made in the studyof lipid dynamics, little information is available onthe structural dynamics of membrane proteins.The limits of the advances made in this field can beillustrated with the proteins involved in iontransport. The intramembraneous structure of theionophore gramicidin A, a polypeptide only 15amino acids in length, has been the subject ofconsiderable debate for many years (Urry et al.,1971; Veatch et al., 1974; Lotz et al., 1976;Nabedryk et al., 1982; Wallace, 1984). Elucidationof the molecular dynamics of ion transport bygramicidin, which is perhaps the simplest modelfor intramembraneous proteins, is a logical firststep in determining the mechanisms by which ionsnegotiate the dielectric barrier of biological mem-branes. As yet, the mechanistic proposals forgramicidin-mediated transport are largely specula-tive (Mackay et al., 1984). The complexitiesexhibited by gramicidin-mediated transport areminimal, however, when contrasted with thestructurally complex proteins involved in activetransport of ions and in the formation of gated ionchannels. To these considerations we need to addthat membrane protein structures may undergoconformational cfianges with variations in pH,temperature, the concentration of metal ions and'trigger' molecules and, in some cases, under theinfluence of light.

Recently, new techniques have been introducedinto membrane biochemistry which may reveal the

Abbreviations used: Tc, main gel-to-liquid crystalphase transition; TI, spin-lattice relaxation time; T2,spin-spin relaxation time; Hi,, hexagonal phase; s.t.,saturation-transfer; F.t., Fourier-transform.

influence of these environmental changes upon thedynamics of membrane proteins. Considerableadvances have already accumulated from theapplication of these methods to investigations ofthe static and dynamic order of membrane lipidsand their influence upon protein structure andfunction. The purpose of this Review is to presentthe insight provided by the application of newmethodologies to biological and model mem-branes. Information on dynamic behaviour asrevealed by spectroscopic studies will be con-sidered in relation to the results obtained by staticstructural methods.

Generalizations on the structure of biomembranesThe fluid dynamics of membrane lipids are

emphasised in the currently popular 'fluid mosaicmodel' of membrane structure (Singer & Nicolson,1972). This paradigm summarizes the results ofmay previous investigations and envisages mem-brane proteins as floating in a two-dimensionallipid bilayer. The lipids and proteins are thus seento diffuse freely within the plane of the bilayer.This emphasis on intrinsic mutability accommo-dates the great variety of molecular species presentin biological membranes, and permits the selectivemodification (via protein insertion) of the bilayerpermeability barrier without profound structuralalterations. This model has proved useful foremphasizing the dynamic character of biologicalmembranes, yet it is deficient in the light of manysubsequent studies.

(i) Although the proteins in many biomem-branes are arranged in a random fashion within themembrane plane, differentiated regions of somemembranes contain specific proteins arranged in anon-random two-dimensional matrix. The spatialorganisation of biomembrane components can, infact, assume all degrees oforder from an essentiallycomplete disorder, to the quasi-crystalline orderexhibited by the purple membrane (Henderson &Unwin, 1975). A recent example of the remarkablyregular array which the proteins in some biomem-branes can adopt is seen in the electron micro-

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graphs of whole cells and thylakoids of thephototrophic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonous viri-dis, shown in Fig. 1 (Welte et al., 1981; Welte &Kreutz, 1982).

(ii) In many biomembranes the intrinsic proteinsare not free to diffuse readily in the plane of themembrane, but are fixed in position as a result ofeither (a) high protein concentration, (b) proteinaggregation (Naqvi et al., 1973), (c) lipid domainformation, or (d) the interaction of the intrinsicmembrane protein with underlying cytoskeleton(Nicolson, 1976).

(iii) Whilst the lipid hydrocarbon chains inbiological membranes are often in a fluid,- disor-dered state, in some biomembranes (e.g. Achole-plasma laidlawii and Halobacterium halobium) largeamounts of ordered lipid are present (Steim et al.,1969; Chapman & Urbina, 1971; Jackson &Sturtevant, 1978).

Despite the great variability in biomembranefunctions and the inadequacies inherent in anymodel, some generalized features common to allbiological membranes are apparent. The profilesof electron density across biomembranes exhibit apair of high electron-density peaks which areseparated by a low density trough; these character-istics are diagnostic for lipid bilayers (Blaurock &Wilkins, 1969).

Biological membranes exhibit obvious func-tional asymmetries in the homeostatic main-tenance of their surrounded volume; the inside ofany cell or organelle is different from the outside.Transport of molecules across the membrane mustbe directional and any given receptor, enzymicallyactive site or immunological determinant is foundon only one side of a membrane. In contrast to theabsolute asymmetry of membrane proteins, mem-brane lipids exhibit partial asymmetry in that mostlipid species are found in both halves of the bilayer,but often at different concentrations (Bretscher,1973; Rothman & Lenard, 1977; Op den Kamp,1979). The origins, mechanisms for maintenance,and functions of lipid asymmetry are poorlyunderstood. Given these general comments, let usnow examine some of the details of biomembranestructure and dynamics.

Lipid organization and lipid dynamicsMagnetic resonance studies

N.m.r. is an extremely powerful spectroscopicmethod because of its ability to focus on nuclei of asingle species whilst other nuclei remain spectro-scopically 'transparent'. Only those species with anet magnetic moment will interact with animposed magnetic field; hence, IH, 2H, 13C, 14N,19F and 31P are the principal probes used in n.m.r.studies of biomembranes.

Proton resonances were employed in the earlyn.m.r. investigations of membranes (Chapman &Salsbury, 1966; Veksli et al., 1969). These initialstudies demonstrated the increased extent ofmotion and rotational isomerism which occurswhen phospholipid molecules are heated above thetemperature of the main gel-to-liquid crystal phasetransition (Ta). Selective deuteration of the fattyacid chains permitted a clear distinction of theresonances associated with the hydrocarbon andhead group regions.The principal difficulty encountered in the use

of proton n.m.r., the resolution of multicomponentand overlapping spectra into assignable reson-ances, was eliminated by the introduction ofdeuteron resonances and deuterium substitution(Oldfield et al., 1971). For a 2H nucleus, there aretwo allowed transitions which give rise to aquadrupole splitting of the n.m.r. absorption line(Fig. 2). The separation between the two peakmaxima is dependent upon the angle formed by theaxis of the applied magnetic field and the principalaxis of the electric field gradient tensor at thedeuterium nucleus. The deuterium n.m.r. spectrumis, therefore, highly orientation-dependent; thisangular dependence is conveniently expressed asthe order parameter, Sm0,. For the hydrocarbonregions of lipid bilayer systems, Sm0,. has a value of1 for a trans arrangement with respect to rotationabout C-C bonds, and 0 if equal proportions oftrans and gauche isomers are present. Therefore,the deuterium n.m.r. resonances yield directinformation about the degree of packing of the acylchains, i.e. the static order. Such information ismore difficult to obtain from n.m.r. probes whichdo not possess a quadrupolar moment. In addition,when contrasted with other non-n.m.r. physicalprobes, the deuterium label is non-perturbing.Several excellent reviews are available whichprovide detailed discussions of 2H n.m.r. and itsapplication to the study of membrane lipids andtheir dynamic dependence upon temperature,chain saturation, lipid-protein interactions, cho-lesterol and counter-ions (Seelig & Seelig, 1980;Griffin, 1981; Davis 1983; Smith & Oldfield,1984). We provide below a brief description ofseveral key experiments.

Although isotopic enrichment methods enablethe resolution of resonances derived from differentpositions within a single molecular species, theinterpretation of spectra arising from a distribu-tion of inequivalent sites can be difficult. In thecase of unaligned membrane samples, and forpolycrystalline solids, the so-called 'powder spec-trum' is obtained and consists of the superpositionof the spectra contributed from molecules in everyorientational plane. These spectra are inhomo-geneously broadened when phospholipids are



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Application of new biophysical techniques to membrane research

Fig. 1. Electron micrographs of membranes of the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis(a) Freeze-fractured whole cells. The etched surfaces show a hexagonal lattice. The interparticle distance is 13 nm.The particles are formed by a reaction centre surrounded by several antenna-pigment complexes (from Welte et al.,1981). (b) Negatively stained, isolated thylakoids. Even without image analysis, the particles are seen to consist of acentral peak, surrounded by a ring. The bars represent 0.1 jIm (from Welte et al., 1981).

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Liquid crystal



E.s.r. spin label

Liquid crystal




Fig. 2. Comparison between the n.m.r. spectra obtained from a terminally deuterated phospholipid and the e.s.r. spectraobtained from a spin-labelled fatty acid (12-doxylstearate) in phosphatidylcholine

The spectra demonstrate the effects of temperature and the inclusion of a membrane protein, cytochrome oxidase,on the lipid order of the bilayer interior. The quadrupole splitting of the n.m.r. line is decreased by increasedtemperature or the addition of a membrane protein. In contrast, the e.s.r. spectra are similar for the liquid-crystallinelipid in the presence of the protein and for gel-state lipid. The spectra representing protein-containing samples wereobtained at the same temperatures used for the liquid crystal samples (after Kang et al., 1979).

perturbed by phase separations, regions of highcurvature, interactions with ions, cholesterol orproteins, formation of non-bilayer structures andin mixed-membrane systems (e.g. in eukaryoticcells with multiple intracellular membranes). Mostnuclei in which dipolar relaxation mechanismsdominate yield essentially featureless powder spec-tra (for exceptions see Sternin et al., 1983), but thesharp quadrupolar splitting of the deuteriumnucleus yields the characteristic powder lineshapedominated by two peaks (the 'Pake doublet').Extraction of the oriented domains can be accom-plished by a deconvolution technique, 'de-Paking',which is applicable to the membrane systems listedabove (Bloom et al., 1981).

Calorimetric studies demonstrated that theenthalpy changes associated with the gel-to-liquidcrystal transitions of phospholipids are lower thanthe enthalpy changes associated with pure hydro-carbons (Phillips et al., 1969), suggesting that the

hydrocarbon chains in the bilayer core are not asdisordered as they are in a pure liquid hydrocar-bon. Spin-label experiments (Hubbell & McCon-nell, 1971), which yield an order parameter directlycomparable with that obtained by n.m.r., con-firmed the restrained mobility of the methylenegroups in the bilayer core (relative to an isotropicliquid), but indicated a gradient of flexibility thatincreased along the long axis of the acyl chain fromthe headgroup region to the hydrophobic core.Order parameters obtained with specifically deu-terated phospholipids confirmed the flexibilitygradient (Seelig & Seelig, 1974), although, whenjuxtaposed with the e.s.r. results, some detaileddifferences are revealed. Deuterated phospho-lipids yield Smo,. values that are approximatelyconstant until the ninth or tenth carbon atom butthen drop precipitously, while the spin probesdetect essentially continuous mobility and polaritygradients. The n.m.r. data also suggest an inequiv-



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Application of new biophysical techniques to membrane research

alence of the two acyl chains, perhaps due to asharp bend in the first segment of the acyl chainthat is esterified to the middle carbon atom ofglycerol (Seelig & Seelig, 1974). This difference inalignment, which persists along the entire chain,may contribute to the increased mobility exper-ienced by the terminal methyl group. The generalprofile of the flexibility gradient has been verified,by using a variety of probes and methods, in manyartificial (Levine et al., 1972; Stockton et al., 1976;Oldfield et al., 1978; Seelig & Browning, 1978;Davis et al., 1979; Skarjune & Oldfield, 1979;Browning & Seelig, 1980; Seelig & Seelig, 1980)and biological (Oldfield et al., 1972; Stockton et al.,1977; Fretten et al., 1980,; Sauerheber et al., 1980;Hayward et al., 1982) membranes. Measurementsof membrane 'microviscosity', as determined bythe rate of depolarization of the fluorescence of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, described an averagehydrophobic environment (including non-mem-braneous environments) and are insensitive tofluidity gradients.As opposed to static order, information about

membrane dynamic order (i.e. the rate of molecu-lar motion) is more frequently determined fromn.m.r. spectra, especially for the non-deuteriumprobes. Measurements of relaxation times, theperiods required for a system of spins to return toequilibrium after being perturbed by an appliedradio frequency, yield correlation times for molec-ular motions. The range of spin-lattice relaxationtimes, T2, and the spin-spin relaxation times, T2,vary with the nuclear species; hence, the range ofcorrelation times amenable to experimental studywill also depend upon the type of n.m.r. probeemployed. For deuterium probes, the window ofcorrelation times falls conveniently within thelimits of motional rates expected for membranesystems (Smith & Oldfield, 1984). Relaxation ratesmay be determined by analysis of 2H spectral linewidths or, more directly, by frequency-pulsemethods. A powerful combination of these twoapproaches may be found in the quadrupolar echoFourier transform method (see, e.g., Rice et al.,1981), wherein the 2H n.m.r. line shape is analysedas a: function of the separation, in time, of tworadiofrequency pulses that are out of phase withone another (Davis, 1983). Thus, 2H n.m.r. spectraprovide information about both the type of motionand the rate of motion.

T, relaxation measurements of 13C-enrichedlecithins above the T, indicated that the lipidspacked most tightly at the glycerol group (Levine etal., 1972), and that motion also increased in thedirection away from the glycerol moiety toward thetrimethylamino group. More recently, the in-creased resolution afforded by high magnetic fieldstrengths has permitted the resolution of numerous

carbon resonances using natural-abundance, pro-ton-decoupled I 3C n.m.r. (Brainard & Cordes,1981). The line widths of resonances for carbonatoms in the head group region were found to beindependent of cholesterol content; this result is instrong contrast to the well-documented orderingeffect of cholesterol on the acyl carbons above theirtransition temperature.The individual headgroups of different phos-

pholipid classes may be distinguished in 2H n.m.r.spectra, and their motion appears to be relativelyindependent of the molecular structure in thehydrocarbon region (Smith & Oldfield, 1984). Thezwitterionic dipoles of the headgroups of phospha-tidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine lie flatwithin the bilayer plane (Seelig & Seelig, 1980),while the head group of galactocerebroside isessentially perpendicular to the membrane surface,projecting into the aqueous phase (Skarjune &Oldfield, 1982).The effects of lipid unsaturation on membrane

dynamics are of special interest because a largeproportion of naturally occurring phospholipidsare unsaturated in one (usually at the sn-2 positionof glycerol) or both acyl chains. Measurements ofthe quadrupolar splittings of the variously deuter-ated positions of saturated and unsaturated lecith-ins indicate that the profile of the flexibilitygradient is not appreciably affected by unsatura-tion (reviewed by Davis, 1983). The profiles are,however, shifted toward more disorder, consistentwith the lowering of the phase transition tempera-ture (Ladbrooke et al., 1968). In contrast, thequadrupolar spin-lattice relaxation times are signi-ficantly shorter in the region of double bonds(Brown et al., 1979), corresponding to increasedmotional rates.Most phospholipids spontaneously form bilayers

upon dispersion in aqueous media; however, avariety of non-lamellar structures may be formedwith specific lipids under specific conditions. Theindividual structures of non-bilayer conformationsmay be identified unequivocally by X-ray diffrac-tion (Luzzati & Husson, 1962). Recently, theinverted hexagonal (H,,) phase has been thesubject of much attention because of its suggestedrole in secretion and membrane fusion and intransbilayer lipid transport (Cullis & de Kruijff,1979). 31P n.m.r. spectra yield an essentiallydiagnostic pattern for membrane systems contain-ing hexagonal phase lipid. The added dimension ofrotational motion that occurs along the cylindricalaxis of the HI, phase gives rise to a slightlysharpened lineshape but with an axial powderpattern that is in the sense opposite to that of thelamellar powder pattern (Cullis & de Kruijff,1978). In the presence of biphasic (hexagonal-lamellar) systems, it is difficult to separate quanti-

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tatively the components of the 31p spectra. 'De-Paking' of these spectra will permit resolution ofthe spectral properties of each phase, and theintegrated intensities would provide a measure oftheir relative amounts (Sternin et al., 1983). Thistype of quantification is a necessary prerequisite tothe unequivocal assignment of biological relevancefor hexagonal phase lipids.

Perhaps the best studied component ofmamma-lian membranes, cholesterol is the most abundantsterol in animal tissues and an important determi-nant of their fluid properties and permeability. Itsamphiphilic structure consists of a hydroxyl grouporiented at the aqueous interface and capable ofhydrogen bonding to the glycerol ester oxygen ofphospholipids, a rigid planar ring that renders amonomolecular film virtually incompressible(Chapman et al., 1969), and a short alkyl side chainthat may contribute to the increased fluidity of themembrane interior (Taylor & Smith, 1980). EarlyI 3C n.m.r. studies of model membranes performedby Opella et al. (1976) indicated that the isopropylsection of the side chain had considerable ro-tational freedom, while the sterol ring itselfunderwent highly anisotropic motion. Resultsobtained by deuterium n.m.r. (Oldfield et al., 1978)indicate that the sterol molecule undergoes rapidaxial rotation (greater than 107 s-'), together with aslight off-axis 'wobble', which vary as a function oftemperature and lipid bilayer composition. Manystudies have been made of the modulation of lipidchain ordering by the presence of cholesterol inlipid bilayers. The initial proton n.m.r. studies(Chapman & Penket, 1966) demonstrated that,above the Tc, addition of cholesterol inhibits themotion of the hydrocarbon chains of fluid lipidbilayers. In the 2H n.m.r. experiment, this resultsin a 2-fold increase in the quadrupolar splitting atequimolar ratios of cholesterol to phosphatidylcho-line (Oldfield & Chapman, 1972; Rice et al., 1979).Below the T,, however, cholesterol prevents lipidhydrocarbon from crystallizing into the moreordered crystalline or gel phases. The latter effect isseen as a maintenance of the 50kHz quadrupolarsplitting in the presence of cholesterol upon coolingbelow the T, as compared with the broad,featureless spectrum that is obtained for gel-statephospholipids in the absence of cholesterol. Below- 60°C, the spectra both with and without choles-terol appear rather similar; the breadth and shapeof both spectra suggest that the only motion nowoccurring is slow axial diffusion.The advantages of spin label techniques and

e.s.r. spectroscopy are a high sensitivity and acapacity to observe motion occurring over a widebiologically relevant time scale [10-'1-10-7s forconventional e.s.r. and 10-7-10-3 S for saturation-transfer (s.t.) methods]. The spin label approach

requires the addition of an exogenous spin label,and therefore risks perturbation of membranestructures by the probe. Nitroxide spin probes aremost frequently employed in membrane studies;the small size of the functional group may limit itsperturbation of membrane structure. The methodis in its third decade of application to the study ofmembrane dynamics, and many detailed reviewsare available (e.g. Gaffney, 1974; Berliner, 1976,1979; Marsh, 1981; Marsh & Watts, 1982). Aformal description of e.s.r. lineshapes is beyond thescope of this Review. It is worth noting, however,that the appearance of the nitroxide spectrum (Fig.2) is determined, in part, by: (a) the polarity of theenvironment surrounding the probe, (b) the type ofmotion exhibited by the probe, (c) the rate ofmotion, (d) the orientation of the probe (actuallythe X orbital in which the unpaired electronresides) with respect to the magnetic field, and (e)the extent of paramagnetic interactions.The polarity-dependence of the e.s.r. spectra of

nitroxide-labelled fatty acids and phospholipids,reflected in the coupling constant which is derivedfrom the distance (in G) separating the hyperfinepeaks, has been utilized to examine the membranepolarity profile in chromaffin granules (Fretten etal., 1980) and platelets (Hayward et al., 1982). Incontrast with the flexibility gradient reported byspin probes, membrane polarity reaches a mini-mum value at approximately the twelfth carbonatom, and is essentially constant to the end of theacyl chain.

Barring their dependence upon the frequency ofmotion, nitroxide linewidths have an especialutility in estimating the degree of paramagneticinteractions. Such interactions occur when spinlabels are homogeneously distributed at highconcentrations (usually taken for membraneprobes as greater than 1 molecule of spin label/100molecules of lipid), but may occur at lower probeconcentrations if the distribution of the probe isnot homogeneous. This capacity to detect inhomo-geneous distributions of the probe has beenexploited in the study of phase separations inmodel and biological membranes, and was thebasis for the study of lipid diffusion (e.g. Scandellaet al., 1972) in biological membranes.

Gains in spectral resolution and detectabilitymay also be achieved by isotopic substitution ofe.s.r. probes. Perdeuterated nitroxides yield signal-intensity enhancements of up to 5-fold; a further 5-fold enhancement results from 15N substitution ofthe deuterated analogue (Beth et al., 1981). Theseprobes should have significant advantages inmembrane studies wherein lineshapes may bedistorted by sequestration of the probe. Underthese circumstances, the utility of lower probeconcentrations rests in the limitation of paramag-



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Application of new biophysical techniques to membrane research

netic interactions. Recently, it has become possibleto analyse the intramembraneous collision fre-quencies between unlike molecules by the use of'4N and l5N spin probes (Davoust et al., 1983a,b).Thus, it has been demonstrated that, although aprobe attached near the methyl terminus of a fattyacid explores a large volume, it collides with verylow probability with a probe attached near thehead-group region of a phospholipid. In contrast,the similarly labelled methyl ester does collidefrequently with the polar head groups, indicatingthat the methyl ester is not as stringently pos-itioned within the membrane. Hence, spin-labelledfatty acids, but not the corresponding esters, maybe employed to investigate the effects of pertur-bants on membrane structure. Whenever possible,the phospholipid spin analogues should be used inorder to obtain the best representation of thebehaviour of membrane phospholipids.

Lipid motions in membranes are, in general,sufficiently rapid to enable their analysis by con-ventional e.s.r. methods. However, the develop-ment of saturation-transfer methods (Thomas etal., 1976) has permitted detailed analyses of slowermotional regimes, and has particular application tothe study of membrane proteins and motionallyrestricted membrane lipids. The method enablescharacterization of different types of motion;rotational diffusion along the different nitroxideaxes may be independently assessed. Quantitativeanalysis of anisotropic motion, however, is limiteddue to the deficiency of theoretical simulations ofthe effects of anisotropic motion on s.t.-e.s.r.spectra, although these studies are graduallyprogressing (Robinson & Dalton, 1980; Johnson etal., 1982). Notwithstanding these limitations, st.-e.s.r. may be quite effectively utilized as a sensitiveprobe for changes in molecular dynamics, particu-larly for lipids in the gel phase. For a variety ofphospholipids in their gel phase, the effectivecorrelation times determined by s.t.-e.s.r. formotion of the long molecular axis were approx.10-4 s (Marsh & Watts, 1980). The co-operativeonset of a rapid, anisotropic long-axis rotation ofphospholipids was demonstrated to coincide withthe pretransitions of phosphatidylcholine- andphosphatidylglycerol (Watts & Marsh, 1981).Those phospholipids which exhibit a pretransitionare characterised by an increase in rotationalcorrelation times of roughly two orders of magni-tude when heated through the pretransition.

Other spectroscopic methodsFormerly the domain of chemical spectroscopy,

i.r. spectroscopy has found increasing applicationto biological systems because computer methodspermit the subtraction of the overlapping waterabsorbance in aqueous samples. Dispersive and

Fourier-transform (F.t.) i.r. spectroscopy providenon-perturbing measurements that are sensitive tomotion on time scales more rapid than n.m.r. ore.s.r. (reviewed by Fringeli & Giinthard, 1981;Amey & Chapman, 1983). The impact of F.t.methods on i.r. spectroscopy is essentially similarto that observed for n.m.r. in the 1970's. Spectraare signal-averaged in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Presently, complete spectra may beobtained at the rate of approximately l/s, but it islikely that developments in instrumentation willpermit spectra to be recorded at an even faster rate.The more commonly used i.r. spectra para-

meters are the frequency maxima and the half-band widths of the individual vibrational modes.Frequency maxima are determined by the natureof the vibrational mode and the vibrating group.I.r. analyses of phospholipid/water systems haveshown that the gel-to-liquid crystal transition isaccompanied by an abrupt change in the methyl-ene band parameters (Asher & Levin, 1977;Cameron et al., 1980; Cortijo & Chapman, 1981).The C-H and C-2H stretching frequencies provideinformation on the proportions of trans and gaucherotamers and have been used to monitor changes inlipid conformation. The temperature profiles ofthe band-maximum frequencies for the methylenestretching vibrations of dimyristoyl- and dipalmi-toyl-phosphatidylcholine are shown in Fig. 3. Thismethod detects co-operative transitions at 23°Cand 41°C, respectively, in agreement with theresults obtained by a variety of other physicalmethods.The widths of the individual i.r. contours result

from rotational, translational and/or collisionaleffects. Thus, the half-band widths monitor thefreedom of motion within the immediate environ-ment of the absorbing group. The half-band widthsare sensitive indicators of the changes thataccompany lipid phase transitions, but they arealso sensitive to other changes that do notintroduce gauche conformers, such as a decreasedfreedom of librational or torsional motion (Casal etal., 1980). I.r. spectra sense the lamellar-hexagonaltransition of phosphatidylethanolamine (Mantschet al., 1981), and show evidence of increasedconformational and motional disorder in the acylchains when present in the hexagonal phase.Perturbations by cholesterol may also be observedby the i.r. method. Elevation of the cholesterolcontent increases the number ofgauche conformers(i.e. decreases the order) below Tc, and decreasesthe number ofgauche conformers (i.e. increases theorder) above the T,. The magnitude of these effectsincreases with cholesterol concentration. At veryhigh cholesterol concentrations, there is almost notemperature-dependent change in the relativepopulations of the two conformers.

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I--, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.5:1

C) ~~P0 o L-DPPC

E 2924

w ~~~~~~~~~~1.5:t

2920 _ < - L-DMPC_

20 40 60Temperature (OC)

Fig. 3. Temperature-dependence of the maximum wavenumber of the CH2 asymmetric stretching vibrations in (a)dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (DPPC) and (b)dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (DMPC) at the

molar ratios indicatedThe temperature-dependence for the pure lipids isalso given (from Cortijo et al., 1982).

Cameron et al. (1980) have used F.t.-i.r. spec-troscopy to study the pretransition observed incalorimetric studies of saturated lecithins. Thepacking of the acyl chains was monitored by thespectral parameters for the methylene scissoring,rocking and wagging modes. When heated throughthe pretransition, there was a progressive increasein the rates of axial motions. Most interesting,however, were the spectral changes consistent witha crystal-lattice phase change from an orthorhom-bic subcell (below the pretransition) to a hexagonalsubcell (above the pretransition). More recently,these investigators (Cameron et al., 1983) haveexamined the effects of membrane isolation on thethermal behaviour of phospholipids from Achole-plasma laidlawii. Growth of this bacterium in amedium supplemented with perdeuterated myris-tic acid and an inhibitor of endogenous fatty acidsynthesis permits the enrichment (up to 95%) of thephospholipid fraction. These deuterium-labelledbiomembranes provide a means of resolving theC-2H stretching absorption band from the C-Hbands arising from endogenous proteins (cf. Lee etal., 1984). Analysis of the temperature dependenceof the C-2H stretching bands of A. laidlawiiconfirmed the previous observation (Chapman &Urbina, 1971) that the membranes of these cellsare highly ordered at the growth temperature, and

that only a small proportion of the lipid is in theliquid-crystalline state. However, in the isolatedmembranes a much higher proportion of the lipidswere in the fluid state at the growth temperature,indicating that the conformational order of mem-brane lipids may be altered by the isolationprocess.

Additional i.r. bands may be used for probingthe polar region of the membrane; the bulk of theacyl groups are electronically decoupled from thepolar head groups so that perturbations in the twomembrane regions may be well resolved. Thecarbonyl stretching bands of phospholipids arecomposed of two vibrational components whichmay be unambiguously assigned to either the sn-lor sn-2 position (Levin et al., 1982). Theseassignments permit investigations of conforma-tional rearrangements within the interfacial regionof phospholipid bilayers. Addition of cholesterol topure phosphatidylcholine systems appear to reducethe conformational inequivalence between the twocarbonyl groups by specifically perturbing the sn-2chain (Bush et al., 1980). Other vibrational modesassociated with the polar head group include C-Nand phosphate stretching. Fringeli & Gunthard(1981) have used polarization i.r. and orientatedphospholipid multilayers to examine the crystallin-ity in the polar region of a homologous series ofphosphatidylethanolamine through phosphatidyl-choline. Crystalline substances yield sharp absorp-tion bands with strong polarization effects. In-creasing the number of N-methyl groups decreasedthe crystallinity of the polar portion of themolecule, consistent with the lower T, valuesobserved for phosphatidylcholines.

Membrane protein structures and dynamicsStatic studies of protein structures

Crystallographic techniques, which reveal thegreatest structural detail for soluble proteins, arenow being applied to the problem of membraneprotein structure. A major problem in the applica-tion of these techniques to membranes is thatintegral proteins are in contact with both polar andnon-polar environments. This bi-polar environ-ment must be reproduced in the crystal in order tomaintain conformation and thereby complicatescrystallization (see Michel, 1983, for a discussionof crystallization of membrane proteins). As yet,only matrix porin (Garavitio & Rosenbusch, 1980)and photosynthetic reaction centres from a purplebacterium (Michel, 1982) have been crystallized informs suitable for high resolution analyses.

Matrix porin, a major component of the outermembrane of Escherichia coli (Di Rienzo et al.,1978) in which it forms ordered, two-dimensionalarrays, was crystallized from detergent solutions



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(Garavito et al., 1983). Large quantities of deter-gent remained associated with the crystallineprotein; however, the structural resolution was towithin 0.29nm and reproduced the hexagonalarrangement found for the protein in phospholipidbilayers (Dorset et al., 1983). Much more complexcrystals were obtained for the reaction centres ofRhodopseudomonas viridis (Michel, 1982). Theisolated and crystallized complexes contain fourdifferent protein subunits. The complexity of thisreaction centre, two copies of which are present ineach asymmetric unit of the tetragonal unit cell,poses a formidable crystallographic challenge.Three-dimensional crystals of bacteriorhodopsinhave also been obtained (Henderson & Shotton,1980; Michel & Oesterhelt, 1980), although theirsmall size and the presence of structural defectspreclude high-resolution X-ray crystallographicstudies. The results of crystallographic attemptsthus far suggest that only those proteins known toform two-dimensional crystal-like arrays withinmembranes have a sufficient propensity towardsself-ordering to form three-dimensional crystals.

For those proteins that do not form orderedarrays, neither in three dimensions nor within themembrane plane, X-ray diffraction can be usedonly to obtain a profile of electron density in thedirection perpendicular to the membrane plane.Such profiles are generally prepared from wetpellets. A large number of membranes, especiallythose specialized membrane systems in which asingle protein predominates (such as myelin,purple membranes of halobacteria, vesicles ofsarcoplasmic reticulum, rod outer segments andclathrin-coated vesicles), have been characterizedby these methods (reviewed by Makowski & Li,1983). The results are generally interpreted interms of protein disposition relative to the lipidbilayer. They have also been used to determine thedimensions of protein subunits that project beyondthe membrane surface [e.g. the calcium ATPase ofsarcoplasmic reticulum (Brady et al., 1982)].

In the absence of three-dimensional crystals, agreat deal of effort has been focused on the study ofpreformed two-dimensional arrays of membraneproteins. Some of these arrays appear to occurnaturally in differentiated membrane regions (e.g.bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane) whileothers have been induced in model systems [e.g.vesicles isolated from sarcoplasmic reticulum (Dux& Martonosi, 1983a,b) and acetylcholine receptor(Klymkowsky & Stroud, 1979)]. The diffraction ofX-rays, which are scattered by electrons, is notpossible with such a thin crystal. Under thesecircumstances, diffraction patterns are best ob-tained from neutron and electrons, for which thescattering centres are the atomic nuclei. The three-dimensional image reconstruction of the purple

membrane, obtained by Fourier analysis of elec-tron micrographs prepared from unstained sam-ples, has contributed more to our knowledge of thestatic structure of a membrane protein than anyother single method (Henderson & Unwin, 1975;Unwin & Henderson, 1975).The amount of structural detail revealed by this

method is dependent on structural preservation ofthe sample while in the electron beam. The use ofelectron-opaque stains must be avoided in order toaccess the non-surface structure of the protein.Extremely low electron doses limit the damageinduced by the electron beam. The damageassociated with dehydration of membranes invacuo is prevented by immersion of the sample in aglucose solution before dehydration. This is essen-tial, as X-ray diffraction patterns showed thatdrying causes shrinkage as well as disordering(Blaurock, 1975) of the purple membrane lattice.The reconstructed images are extracted from acombination of micrographs and electron diffrac-tion patterns. Fourier analyses of the electronmicrographs provide the phases of the Fouriercomponents of the structures while the correspond-ing amplitudes are derived from the electrondiffraction patterns. Contour maps show theatomic densities of the membrane protein inprojection; a three-dimensional map is derivedfrom serial contours obtained by tilting thespecimen in the electron beam.The combined map for bacteriorhodopsin con-

tained seven rods of density, 3.5-4.Onm long (i.e.sufficient to extend completely through the mem-brane), which may be recognized as the a-helicalsegments identified by X-ray diffraction (Hender-son, 1975). Three of the rods are perpendicular tothe plane of the lipid bilayer, while the other fourare tilted slightly. Their relative tilts are consistentwith a structural stabilization by helix-helixinteractions; this notion finds support in thecapacity to regenerate the native structure fromproteolytic fragments of bacteriorhodopsin (Liaoet al., 1983). Attempts have been made to fit theamino acid sequence (Ovchinikov et al., 1979;Khorana et al., 1979) to the three-dimensionalstructure (Engelman et al., 1980; Jap et al., 1983)and a better resolved projection map has beenobtained (Hayward & Stroud, 1981). Despite theseadvances, the available data do not permit anunequivocal description of the structure of thisprotein nor its mechanism of proton translocation.The necessity of a well-ordered, two-dimen-

sional lattice has limited the number of structuresstudied by these techniques. Three-dimensionalreconstructions have also been prepared for nega-tively stained gap junctions (Unwin & Zampighi,1982), crystalline lattices of cytochrome oxidase(Deatherage et al., 1982a,b), the acetylcholine

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receptor (Ross et al., 1977; Kistler & Stroud, 1981;Kistler et al., 1982), and reconstituted vesicles ofmatrix porin (Dorset et al., 1984). Micrographs ofnegatively-stained specimens yield informationabout the stain-excluding portions of the struc-tures. Crystallographic analyses of protein struc-tures reflect static structures; positional assign-ments of individual amino-acid sidechains mustawait improvements in the isolation of three-dimensional crystals. When interpreted in the lightof crystallographic results, dynamic spectroscopicstudies may soon provide detailed views of thestructural fluctuations which are associated withthe function of membrane proteins.

Early i.r. studies (Susi et al., 1967; Timasheff etal., 1967) of the amide I bands demonstrated thesensitivity of the band maximum frequency to thesecondary conformation of proteins. Measure-ments performed in H20 and 2H20 discriminateamong ot-helical, parallel and anti-parallel fl-sheetand random coil conformations. Investigations ofthe purple membrane using conventional andpolarized i.r. spectroscopy have focused on thehelical nature of the protein and its orientationrelative to the membrane plane (Rothschild &Clark, 1979; Cortijo et al., 1982; Krimm &Dwivedi, 1982). The unusually high frequency ofthe amide I band suggests some distortion of thetransmembrane helices (Rothschild & Clark, 1979;Cortijo et al., 1982), and has been interpreted torepresent the tilting of the peptide groups awayfrom the helical axis (Krimm & Dwivedi, 1982).The presence of appreciable fl-sheet conformationis indicated by the amide I shoulder at 1639cm-1(Cortijo et al., 1982; Jap et al., 1983), and issupported by measurements of u.v. circulardichroism (Jap et al., 1983). Our second-derivativei.r. analysis (Lee et al., 1985) reveals a contributionat 1635cm-1 that may be assigned to fl-sheetstructure (Fig. 4). Jap et al. (1983) have proposedthat the accumulated spectroscopic evidence ismore supportive of a structural model consisting offive helices and four strands of f-sheet.

Glycophorin (MN glycoprotein) is the majorglycoprotein of the human erythrocyte membraneand is composed of 131 amino acid residues with 16attached oligosaccharide chains (Segrest et al.,1973; Tomita et al., 1978). The N-terminus hasbeen shown to contain a stretch of about 30residues with a high proportion of hydrophobicamino acids and not a single charged residue(Segrest et al., 1973). A recent F.t.-i.r. spectrosco-pic investigation (Mendelsohn et al., 1984) ofglycophorin reconstituted in phosphatidylserinehas revealed the presence of significant fl-sheetconformation (10% of total). The major vibrationof the amide I band occurred at 1653cm-l,indicating a primarily a-helical and random coil

1700 1675 1650 1625 1600 1575

Wavenumber (cm-')Fig. 4. (a) Difference i.r. spectrum ofpurple membrane in2H20 buff7er after subtraction of 2H20 buffier backgroundabsorption, showing the amide 1r band ofbacteriorhodopsin,and (b) second-derivative spectrum of purple membrane

from (a).(b) reveals the band at 1635 cm-'1 which is attributedto #l-structure. (D. C. Lee, J. A. Hayward, C. J.Restall & D. Chapman, unpublished work.)

backbone. This study supports an earlier sugges-tion (Schulte & Marchesi, 1979), based upon c.d.,that the protein contains 27% a-helix, 10% f-sheetand 63% random coil conformations.

Dynamic studies ofprotein structuresApart from those methodologies which reflect

the rates of protein diffusion, there are fewtechniques available that are sensitive to thealterations in protein structure that accompany theprocesses mediated by membrane proteins. Inorder to elucidate the mechanisms by whichmembrane proteins function, molecular rearrange-ments within the structure of the protein must beinvestigated. Bacteriorhodopsin offers a uniquesystem for kinetic analysis because (a) its aminoacid sequence is known and its static structure isperhaps the best-characterized of all membraneproteins, (b) its activity is light-driven, eliminatingthe need to correct for the presence of activatingmolecules or triggers, (c) the chromophore (retinal)provides an endogenous indicator of the distinctstages in proton transport, and (d) the decay ofthe reaction intermediates is inhibited by lowtemperature.

Conformational changes, in both the retinal andthe protein, have been detected during the photo-cycle of bacteriohodopsin by F.t.-i.r. (Rothschild &Marrero, 1982). The assignment of spectral peaksto specific protein and chromophore groups was



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Application of new biophysical techniques to membrane research

made possible by comparison with resonanceRaman spectra which reflect only chromophorevibrations (Rothschild & Marrero, 1982). Identifi-cations of the chromophore vibrations in the F.t.-i.r. spectra were confirmed by the similarity in thepeak frequencies in the Raman spectra and thechanges in both types of spectra that accompanieddeuteration of the purple membrane. Comparisonsbetween F.t.-i.r. and Raman spectra for retinyli-dene model compounds (Siebert & Mantele, 1980)permitted identification of the C=N stretch mode(approx. 1650cm-') for the Schiff base formed bythe linkage of retinal to a lysine residue. Cyclicalshifts in the frequency of the C=N vibration, whichcorrelated with the specific stage of the variousfrozen reaction intermediates, were due to alter-ations in the protonation state of the Schiff base(Rothschild & Marrero, 1982). Furthermore, thefirst intermediate (K610, where the number refersto the absorption maximum) displayed a shift ofthe protonated C=N vibration to lower frequency,which was interpreted as due to an increase in thedistance between the Schiff base proton and itscounterion. A simple model of proton transloca-tion was proposed in which the first step of thephotocycle involved a movement of the Schiff baseproton away from a counterion. The appearance ofa band at 1760cm-1 upon formation of the last(M412) intermediate in the photocycle providedevidence for protonation of a protein carboxylateresidue. At this stage of the photocycle, the Schiffbase is unprotonated (Bagley et al., 1982), suggest-ing a direct kinetic link for proton movementbetween the chromophore and the protein in thelast stage of the photocycle.

Kinetic i.r. spectroscopy has been applied tobacteriorhodopsin and the results discussed interms of a possible involvement of carboxylategroups in the proton-pumping mechanism (Siebertet al., 1982). The sample is excited by a xenon flashand absorption changes measured by an i.r. beam.The resulting i.r. difference spectra reveal confor-mational changes of the i.r. active groups. Isotopic(2H) labelling of retinal was used to identifychromophore bands and to distinguish them fromprotein bands. Protonation of two carboxylateresidues was monitored by a change in the kineticsignal over the range 1735-1775cm-'. Using thismethod, the kinetics for the rise and decay of oneof the protonated states could be correlated withthe rise and decay of the M412 intermediate, andwas assumed to represent the counterion for theSchiff base discussed above.The dynamic structure of bacteriorhodopsin has

also been studied by 2H n.m.r. following thebiosynthetic incorporation of 2H-labelled aminoacids (Keniry et al., 1984). The spectra consistentlyexhibited two components, a sharp central compo-

nent and a broad powder pattern, although therelative intensity of the two components variedwidely. The authors ascribed 90-95% of theintensity of the central component to surfaceresidues undergoing fast isotropic motion at themembrane surface. Essentially crystalline aminoacids were made manifest by the spectral com-ponents with large quadrupolar splittings due tomotion constrained by the bilayer and/or theinteraction between helices or between proteinmolecules. The experimentally obtained percen-tage of residues located on the surface wascorrelated with the value predicted by varioustheoretical models proposed by other authors. Allof the models yielded significant correlations withthe experimental data, but specific models gavebetter fits than others. Aggregated sheets of purplemembrane did not exhibit a sharp component,indicating that the surface residues had becomeimmobilized. In sum, these experiments demon-strate that the dynamic structure of membraneproteins is sensitive to its environment and, byextension, to physiological changes in state.

Protein rotational and lateral diffusionThe concept of rapid diffusion of membrane

proteins, which was emphasized in the earlymodels of membrane structure, was supported by astudy of the visual pigment of retinal discmembranes (Cone, 1972). Rhodopsin contains thechromophore, 11 -cis-retinal, shared by bacterior-hodopsin. The presence of this chromophore andits arrangement within the membrane planepermits study of its rotational diffusion by the rateof decay of dichroism induced by a flash ofpolarized light. Cone (1972) showed that thecorrelation time for rotational diffusion of rhodop-sin was about 20ps, indicating that the protein washighly mobile. Within a year, however, similarstudies with bacteriorhodopsin (Naqvi et al., 1973)showed that in the purple membrane this proteinyielded correlation times about 1000 times longer,i.e. it was active yet immobile. This result clearlyindicated that protein mobility is not essential forfunction.Naqvi et al. (1973) also pointed to a new

technique that permits the analysis of rotationaldiffusion for proteins that do not possess anintrinsic chromophore. This involved the attach-ment of an artificial probe, such as eosin, to theprotein of interest. Today, most procedures formeasuring rotational diffusion utilize tripletprobes, the most useful ones being the halogenatedderivatives of fluorescein, tetrabromofluoresceinand tetraiodofluorescein. These probes resistphotodecomposition and have a high quantumyield for formation of the triplet state. Formeasurements of lateral diffusion, probe molecules

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are used which decompose irreversibly after ableaching pulse of high-intensity light. This featureis best exemplified by fluorescein and rhodamine.Time-resolved laser-flash (Cherry et al., 1976;Hoffman et al., 1979) and time-averaged (Murrayet al., 1983) methods have been employed to studythe diffusion of a variety of membrane proteins(reviewed by Hoffman & Restall, 1983).A detailed examination of rotational diffusion

has recently been made for the Ca2+ + Mg2+-ATPase from rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum (Res-tall et al., 1985a). Curve-fitting analyses of both thetotal emission and anisotropy decay revealedcomplex kinetics inconsistent with a simple modelfor protein movement. The simplest model consis-tent with the experimental data requires fourexponential components to define the decay of thetotal emission. The anisotropy decay can beinterpreted by a model in which the phosphores-cent probe, or a small protein segment on whichthe probe is located, reorients on a sub-js time-scale about an axis attached to a larger segment.The larger segment reorients on a time-scale of afew ps about an axis fixed within the frame of theATPase. A fraction of the protein molecules arerotationally immobile on a sub-ms time-scale,while the rest rotate on a time scale of 100-200usabout the normal to the lipid bilayer. Addition ofan excess of calcium ions has been found to cause a20% decrease in the time-averaged phosphor-escence emission anisotorpy over a range oftemperatures (Fig. 5; Restall et al., 1985b).Anisotropy decreases with increasing temperature


10 15 20 25Temperature (IC)

Fig. 5. Temperature-dependence of the phosphorescenceanisotropy of erythrosin-labelled Ca2++Mg2+-ATPase asmeasured by a time-averaged technique (Murray et al.,

1983)Addition (lower curve) of a 0.05mm excess of Ca2+to a sample of labelled sarcoplasmic reticulumcontaining EGTA (upper curve) decreases theanisotropy reported at all of the temperaturesinvestigated (Restall et al., 1985b).

because of the enhanced fluidity of the bilayer.Under these conditions, no effect of calcium on thelipid fluidity was detected by measurements of thefluorescence depolarization of the lipid probe,diphenylhexatriene. The results suggest calcium-mediated change in the conformation of thecalcium pump.The mobility of this calcium pump has also been

studied by s.t.-e.s.r. (Hidalgo et al., 1978) usingvesicles of sarcoplasmic reticulum, and yieldedcorrelation times of 60s at 4°C. Mobility of theprotein was eliminated by cross-linking withglutaraldehyde. A similar result was obtained forthe reconstituted protein in a pure phospholipidbelow its Tc, conditions under which enzymeactivity is strongly inhibited.

Measurements of the lateral and rotationaldiffusion of proteins in biomembranes providegood evidence that, from a dynamic point of view,biological membranes exist in different statesranging from 'rigid', through 'intermediate' to'free'. Rigid systems, such as bacteriorhodopsin inthe purple membrane, are typically constrained bythe formation of well-ordered protein arrays or bythe viscosity of the surrounding lipid. Intermediatesystems may be characterized by peripheral molec-ular assemblies, adjacent to the plasma membrane,which anchor the intramembraneous protein andthereby inhibit its motion. When reconstituted indefined lipid systems (above their Tc) in whichperipheral membrane assemblies are absent, anincrease in their rotational mobility is expected.Free systems may be characterized by the lack ofadditional membrane structures and a fluid lipidphase.

Protein-lipid dynamicsThe potential interactions between membrane

lipids and integral proteins and the degree to whichintegral proteins can perturb a lipid bilayerstructure have been the subject of much discussion(Gennis & Jonas, 1977; Chapman et al., 1979).Early e.s.r. experiments (Jost et al., 1973) lead to amodel in which a single layer of lipid molecules wasmotionally restricted by interfacial interactionswith membrane proteins whilst results obtained byi.r. (Cortijo et al., 1982; Dluhy et al., 1983; Lee etal., 1984) demonstrated that there is no increase inchain order (i.e. no decrease in the C-H or C-2Hstretching frequency) induced by the presence ofintegral proteins in lipid dispersions above theirTc. Several 2H-n.m.r. studies of model systems(Oldfield et al., 1978; Rice et al., 1979; Paddy et al.,1981) have indicated that a variety of proteins donot order the lipid. The observed 2H-n.m.r. spectraof protein-lipid recombinants are virtually identi-



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cal with those obtained for pure lipid bilayers or forintact cell membranes (Kang et al., 1979; Gally etal., 1980). Moreover, the 2H-n.m.r. results andrecent e.s.r. results (Paddy & Dahlquist, 1982)suggest that in many systems there is rapidexchange 106-107 s-' or greater) between the bulkbilayer lipid and the lipid adjacent to the proteinsurface. This rate of exchange is comparable withthe rate for lateral diffusion in fluid bilayers(Scandella et al., 1972).The discrepancy between the e.s.r. and n.m.r.

results may be ascribed to differences in the time-scale limits of the two methods. Motion fast on then.m.r. time-scale may be slow on the e.s.r. time-scale. Detailed theoretical analyses (Hoffman etal., 1981; Pink et al., 1984) have reconsidered theresults obtained by probe (e.s.r. and fluorescence)methods for delipidated sarcoplasmic reticulumand recombinant systems containing the calciumpump. These studies conclude that (i) the ATPaseoligomers are randomly distributed in the fluidphase, (ii) oligomers may contact each other at allconcentrations, implying that there is no perma-nent annulus of lipid surrounding the protein, and(iii) the motion of probe molecules may berestricted by proximity to protein, but the motionof unlabelled hydrocarbon chains is not affected.The picture that emerges is one in which there areno long-lived lipid molecules surrounding mem-brane proteins above the T,. Lipid molecules areseen to exist in a highly dynamic state, and collidewith the irregular surfaces of proteins at rapid(106-107 s-1) rates. An alternative interpretationhas been proposed by Marsh (1983).


The bilayer arrangement of lipids is perhaps theonly organizational feature that is common to allbiological membranes. Despite the regularity of itsstructure, it appears remarkably mutable and maybe described by a broad range of dynamic states.For technological reasons, lipid structure anddynamics have been the focus of most biophysicalstudies over the last two decades. However, newdevelopments, particularly in the fields of spectros-copy, permit examination of the more biochemi-cally relevant structures, membrane proteins. Anappreciation of mechanistic proposals for theactivity of membrane proteins is greatly enhancedby the determination of its molecular structure athigh resolution. Combined studies, utilizing someof the methods we have outlined for determiningthe static and dynamic structure of membraneproteins, hold great promise for the delineation ofenzyme and transport mechanisms and theirrelationship with membrane lipid composition.

We thank our colleagues Drs. C. Restall and D. Lee forhelpful discussions and the Wellcome Trust (D.C.) andthe Muscular Dystrophy Association (J.A.H.) for finan-cial support. We are grateful to Christine Hall for herable assistance with the manuscript.


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