new 4 1 listi ft · 2017. 12. 13. · do you know that mothers friend-is applied externally only...

r t I f I f > = 7Print J l r I y U ct ii DENTAL SURGERY tT 1atttt tonsot DENTI5TS OF LODISVIULB KT- 99Offlce L tied door to Government Building 1 ichmSnd Ky Omce hoars 9 to 121 to 4 S novl7ljr v M Blanton < DENTIST r 7Offlce lit Bennett Building 11 IJanly TELEPHONE 19C For Rent Nice store room on Second street suitable for grocery or other line of merchandise Apply to Judge J C Chenault or this office U Newby Carriage Works- A D Estes Prop All Kinds Vehicles Horseshoeing and Repairing a specialty Satisfaction guar ¬ anteed Call and get prices before purchasing anything in this linens We will save you moneyNew Carriage Works Newby Ky ooe G8eOE hI I SS HAVE YOU TRIED OUR Ls Mount in ASA J11i o 1 < It not you are missing one of lifes Mountain Ash Jellico Coal is free from impuritiest and because of its superior burning qualities is the a p = most satislactory Jellico Coal produces lor either CI Grates Stove or Furnace CTry it and we guarantee that all your worry over 41 bad dirty coal will cea- seBeattyville Coal Co S MgrI ave G I r S g- s D aoa r t l bi C A Taylor tt I f has everything the farmer needs e for his t Spring Plowing J ICt t 14He handles the celebrated s r f VULQAN PLOW i 41 and also has Cooking Stoves etc of 33k4f the latest pattern and lowest prices 00 i < Jz 4E01 5 nit Roofing and Guttering a t kSpecialty 11t e Weve Hired 1 Uncle Sam SJtItourIOOds him with us is better than a Govern ¬ ment Bond This is a special offering of mens Spring Suits at 10 adI They are black Thibet for dress wear and fancy Cassimeres and Worsteds in licht medium and dark for business wear They are GUARANTEED ALl WOOl and niade in thoroughly tiptonlate styles What we ask you to do to nte and ask for samples and measure fotanksisaying you saw THIS ad in TILlS taner Chirs is the largest and oldest boose in our line in the South We OWN our building an4 have done business on the SAME SPOT for oVer FORTY YEARS- uesei1CLOT1UNG HATS and FURNISH OKSSfor jnen and boysSIIOKS foreTery boty We PAY EXPRESS on fi worth sed aU fiood SUBJECT TO APPROVAL boob for atJIUHfrreon request Let usliear frpnijou LEVYS Third and Mar- tLOUISVILLE I 1 11 S IJ J 0 J 0 DM oI1NAULTA- TTORNEYB 4T2AW4 RlcrnioNDKgwrucRY Office on Second utreet over Chen ults grocer- yJACKSON ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW RICHMOND KENTUCKY Office in John Bennett old law olllce over Perry Thomas drug store 1 < 1l 1111fi7b 4f Most Select and Largest K fI Yielding Sorts IV ii Mammoth Red Cob White Dent H I JThe UmstjieHinz and most catislactoty urge white Corn offered J GOLDEN KING The but early larga yellow Full stocks of other superior torts Write for list and prices and improve your Crops BLUE RIBBON SEEDS- Are always the most economical to use AXT1UDED GOLD BED1L ST LOVIS INI largest stocks ofVecetable and Flower Seal s Alblb Rape Grus and Clover Seeds Potatoes Cow Peas Soy lieani Millet Sor¬ ghum etc- DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE MAILED FREE WRITE FOR IT TODAY I WOOD STUBBS CO Seedsmen LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY T I SpringStyles Spring is hero and tho time for general decorating Nothing helps the cppear ance of a room more than fresh paper and a new coat of paint or varnish Thats what we want to tell you about Our stock is complete We have new ideas galore In all the world you cant find better or more beau- tifulPAPER than e are carrying this season Then too we employ skilled workmen and that means as much as merely selecting pretty paper One beauty about our superb stork is that of low prices We want you to come and see us investi- gate ¬ t our line and we will promise you that we have the the gooJs and the proper styles We also handle all kinds of Window Shades and fixtures Pictures Oils Varnishe9 Paints etc Give us acallS t tie M Wiliging West Main Street RICHMOND KYI 1 We want picture of your home to appear in our Book History of Rich ¬ mond and Madison county t Ir a a MARKS STIXI ft c Salesman EG BOQQSJ 0011 r 6 CI a r Diamondstj c Watches Cocks Cutglass All kinds of Jewelry S and Precious Stones t fitof cvery description These are some of the V things to be found at Lanes Jewelry Store If your watch or clock refuse to- go take them to Lane he c will fix them If your ring needs resetting take it to V Lanes hell fix that too 1 If yon want anything that It can be found in a first class- Jewelry establishment go c to Lanes He is well fixed in these kind of articles L ELane C Jeweler and Optician > > Wire fence I am agentlorthecelebraled LAMB WIRE FENCE Those wishing to purchasethebest wire fence will call on or address J D LONG ayllOllyr Richmond Ky Ec2ema scald head hives itchlness of the skin of any sort instantly re ¬ lieved permanently cured Doans Ointment At any drugst- oreKILLTHECOUCH AND CURE THE LUNCS II Irn 11 l e DrKings I New Discovery OSLJM1tIONot Priet 50e1DOI free 7ri l i Bisrest and Quickest Cure forU 11 THBOAT abd LUNG 3CBOUB UK orJKOVVr BAO- Zk9tbTaObtockOi Qic J CI L J Y 0 S I rLi sat present 1 nf M t 811i will 4e part at 1205 p mforIrn9nd eat tyville Junction arriving at Irvine 105 Beattyvile24tnd Beattyville Junction at 30p pysi Train No 4 wHlieaye JJeatty vile Junction it 330 p invarrif Ing at Rich mond at735 p ltt Train No 3 will arrive fet Richmond from Versailles at sane time as at present 810 p m Train No 5 will leave Richmond at G30 a m afrlyIng at Irvine at 730 Beattyvilleat 9031 leave Beatty ville at 1000 and arrive at Beattyville Junc ¬ of tion at i20 a in in time for connec ¬ Ie with the L E forJackson fJunction Richmond at 130 p m leaving at 135 p m for Versailles arriving latter point at 325 p m making close con ¬ nection at NicholasviUe and Versailles for trains for Lexington and Cincin ¬ nati and Shelby villa and Louisville Sunday service will be inaugurated first Sunday in June Schedule will be announced later Si HACKER Agent The approachof spring finds us in better condition than ever before to serve the people of Madison and ad ¬ joining counties During the past year onr warerooms have been enlarged and are filled with the nicest and most complete line of earrllles Buggies Depot Wagons Pheatpfl tetcever I placed on display i iJcity in Cen- tral ¬ Kentucky na range in prices from 38 to S130 fmggiesrSoO to S2OO Depot wagons and Carriages 130 to 325 If it is your Intention to purchase a vehicle of any description you should take advantage of the large stock now ondisplay at our shops and call at once and examine these goods and get our prices RIChMOND CARRIAGE WORKS S L Jlidkiu Prop ORDINANCE No person or persons shall for pay on Sunday conduct or carry on or in any way practice the profession ol Bartering in the city of Richmond Anyone violating tho provisions ol this ordinance shall be lined not less than S nor more than 310 for en elk of reuse D R TEVIS Mayor W H WHITE Clerk OLD JOEWfilSKY Hand made Sour Mash Every drop guaran ¬ teed to be pure It is of old style mara ¬ S facture No- BETTER can be found for medicinal pur ¬ poses You want the best Furnished Strictly to Family Trade 10 year old in jugs 400 per gallon 10 bottles 5 I I 4 I Ujugs 2J5C 1 5 1 bottles 31 M New Whisky 180 per gallon Orders promptly filled WILEY SEARCY Prop Old Joe Distillery McIJrajer novlyr Anderson county Ky SOLD BY M R Enright First Street DR LANDMAN Hotel Glyndon I Wednesday May 10 1905 0 LOW RATES From Richmond vi- aSotithern Railway Effective March 1 to May 15 California points Portland Oro Tacoma Wash Seattle ash41 10 Spokane Wash 38 60 Ogden Utah Helena Montana Butte One Montana8710I from March 1st to May 16 at the above rates via the Southern railway and correspondingly low rates will Le made to other points in the Wost and Northwest For maps folders and complete in- formation ¬ call on your local agent 01 address LexingtonKy C 11 HUNGERFOR1 D P A Louisville Ky GBALLEN A GP A St Louis Mo TAK WINtOPCAROW AT HOME Are you a sufferer Has your doctor been unsuc cessful Wocldnt you prefer to treat yourself AT HOME Nearly 1COO000 women havo boitght WIne of Canlia from their druggists and hrvc eurcd themselves at borne of such gdown rhcca hncSsnCJVIlSlless dizziness nausea and despond ¬ fu1essThese Wine of Cardni cures irnen the doctor cant Wine of Cardni docs rot irri ¬ tate tho organs There lane othingtonic and drastic dru5r Ris o6ceEful because cures ia a- 3Mt1r4vfay Wino of Cardni can ffybonpht a from your druggist a Koltte and you can bon this treenttoday Will Mitryat 1 1tees ialrJlI I W I1lr > a giving swpfas5h Ld- Ais0rT t r- J eCO cnt n1ewI S if n h s J I t r MOTHERS DO YOU KNOW- the socalled birth medicines and most remedies for women In the treatment her delicate organs contain more oj strychnineDo > ts ar not permitted to sell narcot poisonsDo 1 rot take internally any medicine tor the pain accompanying pregnancy- Do You Know that Mothers Friend- Is applied externally only the Do You Know tWit Mothers Friend firhas each bottle of the genuine bears the name 01 of The Bradfield Regulator Col Do know that when ou use this remedy during the period of gestation that you will be free of benz healthy hearty and clever children Well these things are worth knowing rhey are facts Of druggists at 100 Dont be persuaded to try a substitute Our little book Motherhood free SHE BRADFIELD REBUUTQ8 CO AUII U a BRIDE SELLS GIFTS A FORMER BELLE TIRES Or BAUBLES AND CASHESS Wealthy and Beautiful Daughter of i J B Potter Sets New Tashlon for the 40jfr3iy DlsposlncII ot RIhTriiIkein New York Young Mrs James Stillman who was a reigning In New York Tuxedo and IIiLI Tin Potter has set a new In selling wedding presents Joung woman one of the most noted of New Yorks fashionable set unlimited wealth at her command S sent to a little secondhand shop In Seventh avenue 48 beautiful pieces of silver to be oId at the highest price obtainableMrs Is the daughter James Brown Potter and Mrs Cora Urquhart Potter the eminent actress Her grandunclp Is Bishop Hnry 0 Potter of the diocese of New York Her husband is James Alexander Still ¬ man son of James Stillman president of tie National City bank the great Rockefeller bank already very Wealthy and prospective heir to mil ¬ lions The wedding was celebrated at Grace church on June 3 1901 but al- ready ¬ the bride has tired of many the glittering baubles that were thexr showered upon her with wishes ceaseless good luck The beautiful young matron was not at all annoyed when the report that many of her wedding gifts were up for sale was repeated to her recently Mrs McNeill she said is dldI posing of those silver articles for mpI They may be duplicate wedding pres ¬ ents But what of that They Igand to me That is all I have to say The silver was sent the other LYme from the home of the Stlllmans to the show of Mrs M McNeill on Seventh avenue Its total value is about 3000 and the only message that went with the consignment was that it was in the way and should be sold as as possible When Mrs Stillman returned re- cently ¬ from Palm Beach Fla she sent for Mrs Radley and sold her a great quantity of evening gowns 1 wonder whether you can take some of these too said Mrs Still ¬ man as she opened the three safes which her wedding presents were Stored Before the eyes of the miring secondhand dealer was spread a great array of silver plates bowls dlshes and pitchers Mrs Kadley gasped I have a lot of duplicates of most of these said Mrs Stillman There Is no room for them here 1 keep them In a safety deposit vault down ¬ town and I have to pay storage on them You may buy them If you like Piece by piece tho strange bargain was made And the 48 rich pieces were delivered at the modest ShopAnne Urquhart Potter the only child of James Brown Potter and the talented actress from whom he tained a Rhode Island divorce on the ground of desertion was one of the prettiest girls In the Tuxedo set She was and still is a great favorite not only because of her beauty but of her charming manner and great good hu- mor ¬ She Is a splendid horsewoman fencer bllllardlst tennis and squash player GOLD SETS A NEW RECORD Treasury Experts Say Output This Year in This Country Will Bo the Greatest Known Washington According to treasury experts there will be a greater produc- tion ¬ of gold this year than ever before In the history of the country Rich veins lyof been discovered in Nevada and the gen ¬ edcml some comment In financial circles A great Increase In the production of gold said Director Roberts of ti mint bureau means the coining of a proportionate number of coins There is no limit et by law upon the amou of gold that may be put In circulation No amount of gold production con lower the value of money so long as the law says that a gold coin shall consist of a specific number of grains of metal The figures for 1904 are not yet aval able but they will probably show A large increase In gold production pos Elbly greater than in 102 which was a most prosperous year for mining Indus ¬ tries In 1902 the production of gold in this country aggregated SO000000 KISES TO COST 75 EACH Philadelphia Man Must Pay for Oscu la pry Joys Ranging from Seal Warm to Merely Formal Phllaaelphla Pa Three hundred dot ¬ lars js the price Pembroke D Harton must pay for four kisses taken from Mrs Harriet J3 MacCartney gradiiat as follows so the woman declared The tlret would make Nethersolels greatest osculatory triumph eeem frigid The second was chaste as that of The third was of a still milder type Toe fourth was a little peck oh the cheel a formal womans kiss Mrs MacCartney told tho court th were worth JIOOCO Harton said they were not worth a cent A Jury in Judge WillbanUs conrt adjudicated this mat ¬ ter and Mrs JtiaeCartney EBJld Uie ver diet was outrageous TheiKbe told about the kisses j S they irereWfcift In9O1wben Har I ton andmhusbanderepaflaIrg I Hi a th < jefarmHalliJltd JJULye t kl te4o lliiai R td b lj d t beer save is jfJ9r k II 4- Ift1d iif Th 4bedusy n c 1 f huIdsI t S cj > II 0 h 0 I desire to say that I am agent for Charles A Stevens Great Style Store of Chicago Everything In ladies custommade cloth suits silk and shirt waist suits and skkl Samples and styles shovn before you order A perfect fit assured and satis ¬ faction guaranteedMrs JamesA Moores is Hobson Building The Original Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat lint lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offced for the genuine Ask for Foleyb Hon- ey and Taraefuse any substitute offered as npi QjLer preparation will give the Bairesatisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and safest for children and d Iicate per ¬ For sale by K C Stockton 22 mob In L1 N Tim Tails ItAr No 3 Cincinnati and Knox Lv li4Gpm Tille ExvesE south bound I24Spm- No2 Knoxville Clnnatl 200 pm Express north bound 205 pm No 4 Knoxville n Ctnnatl 412 a us Express north bound 415 am IfNo 1 Knoxville Clnnati p Expressouth bound 1130 pm No 10 Stanford and Mays 822 a m villa Acom north bound C22 a us No U Stanford and Mays 720 pm vllle Accm south bound 125 pm No V Richmond and Row ¬ land Accm south bound 82Q am No 26 Richmond and Stan 480 p m ford north N> und A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good IfI have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years ptissing gravel 6r stones with excruciating pain says A HThurnes a well known coal operator of Buffalo O I got no relief from medicine until I began tak- ing Foley Kidney Cure then there stilt was surprising A few doses start- ed the brickdustlike substance and now I have 110 pain across my kidneys I feel like a new man It has done 1000 worth of good Foleys Kid ney Cure will cure every form of kid ney and bladder disease For sale by RC Stockton l91in- Announcemcnts InFOR MAYOR We are authorized to announced Ol ARENOB 1C WOODS a candidate for Mayor ofRlch mond subject to the action of the Democratic party S FOR CITY ATTORNEY We are aHthoriied to announce THOS H COLLINS a candidate for City Attorney sub- ject to the action of the Democratic party InFOR POLICE JUDGE are authorized to announce J J QREFN dWe of the Police as a candidate for Judge Court subieet to the action of the Democratic party FOR CHIEF OF POLICE We are athoriied to announce JAMES AILMAK a candidnte for thief of Police the city Sr Lichusond subject to the action of the Democratic party We are anthorlzid to announce CLAUD DEVORE a candidate for the office of Chief of Police of Richmond subject to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce V W STAR DIN a candidate for the office of 1tlef of Police of Richmond subject to the action of the Democattc party IeWe are authorized to announce W M OREEKMORB a candidate for Chief of Police of Richmond subject to the action of the Democratic party bWe are Authorized to announce Mr I T a candidate for the office of Chief of police of Richmond subject to the action of Urn Democratic party FOR COUNCILMAN We are authorized to announce EMIL LOB RISrH a a candidate for the City Connci from the East End precinct subject to tile ac tlon of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce W S OLDHAM a candidate for Councilman fron Precint sublect to the action of thi Democratic part- Ite We are authonzee to announce O W GATES a candidate for Councilman from West Em Precinct subject to the action of the Democra- tic pllty ntWe are authorized to announce COiaMAT NEFF ss a candidate for City Council from Idthe West End precinct subject to the action Democratic party We are authorized to announce RICHARI J as a candidate for the City OJund from tho Unlversltyprecluct subject to the ao 11tlon of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce JOHN A SIERSIION Ii candidate for City Council from the East End precinct subject to the action of the Democratic We are authorized toannouucoWALANG- FORD os a candidate for City unci fro m the University precinct subject to the iictlo of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce ROllER GOLDEN a candidate for Councilman from the University precinct subject to the iictlo of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce AD MIL LEE a candidate reelf ctloirta the oflce o Olty Council of Richmond subject to the tc lion of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce MrT T COVINOTON a candidate for the oWca o i City Council front WeJlt End Precinct aiibjec to the action of the Democratic party edWe are authorized to announce JO A MVKR3 a Candida for lltr Council9 Iron East End Precinct subject to tho action M the- Democrallc party authorized to announce JENNJtfQf 0MAUPIN a candidate for trom Fast End precinct snbject to the actioo i f thi Democratic party WB are authorized tn nnnonncfi A XC1J R candidate for City Council from theEiitt eyala nrecinct subject to the actloR of theSem ocratic party FOB JAILER Ij We are autkHbecl to assosace 1 O ShEARER a candidate for Jailer ot Mails county subject to taut aofth patl fc- sparty FOg XAGIInJA I Weare authorized to smtMMMff MrL D DYKEd jaodldatc Kw ais4eWiottil iflond UWct kr t O tioBofthe poeCraticprty cit tXThL I r i We R anhmu 4Q = I EiaIVhle RIckfls0 54t ° jialus t DemocsI1prYL i- t tIj t < 0 e r 9 J i 1 i i Golden Flora r announce to the public that they received the finest and most beautiful car load ofJ Marble and- Orajte E ever in Richmond Trade at at home where you get the best goods at cheaper prices fiolden Flora East Main Street I r jLouisville andI Nashville R R prepared to quote you rates to Any through tickets and check your baggage Secure sleeping space Oneway tickets on sale dailySpecial Excurson Home Seekers and Colonists Tickets on Sale from Time to Time Through Sleepers Free Reclining Chairs Elec- tric ¬ Lighted Dining Cars WHEN GOING TO TAXI A TRIP Consult your Local Agent who will take pleasure in arranging all details Call on or addressJ W Hamilton Agent L N Richmond Ky WM ONEIL Ticket Seller We have never shown a larger stock of Carriages Surries Baggies and runs bouts than we now have on display In our show room It will pay you to ex amine them before buying We aIs do repairing and rejoining in best nan ners at moderate prices The best rub ber tire npplyed and guaranteed lfor lone Call and see us Richmond Carriage Works S L MidkinVJPdo Mf + CALL AT ++++ JONES JffiRSHONS SALOON PARLOR WREN IN TOWN Coolest and most refreshing of drinks that can be found in the city are dispensed by uptolate and accommo- dation Genuine Saratoga Water Kept on Tap SSSSSSSSfSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Phone 3 Second St 38 DOLLARS S to CALIFORNIAand NORTHWEST From Louisville via the- Henderson Route Corresponding low rates to Wash ington Oregon Utah Montana and pointsif up to and in eluding May 16 1905 Also special Homeseektrss rates to the west and southwest on certain datesIf contemplate a tripask us for rates If you would travel ir comfort see that your tickets read over the Henderson Route between Louisville and St Louis Free reclining chair cars on all of our St Louis trains Direct con nections in St Louis Union Station with all lines to the west and south- west L J IRWIN G P Agent Louisville Ky THE SOUTHWEST A Grand Country for Home- S seekers and Investors ExursiodRates Twice A Month Arkansas Louisiana and Texas or er the greatest inducements for per- sons desiring to own their homes Cheap land producing almost any thing that can be grown anywheiiI- BIJII climate good schools good water r healthful burroundlngs antI a growing country are some of th advantages Unexcelled foi raising fruits anti vegetables for early markets Land that can be bought for 5 to 10 pel acre can be made to yield 100 and 200 per acre in orchard and truck farm First anti third Tuesdays of each morth we sell hnmescekers ticket from Memphis and Cairo at one far pn tripLiterature above country and information about rates will be mailed upon request L O SCHAEFER T P A Cotton Bell Route Cincinnati 0 20000 < c D Arbuckle 0 E Douglas G D Simmons An Announcement to the PublicI anuary 1st 05 Arbuckle Simmons wer Douglas Co The firm win be composed of the three above persons who will be pleased to have their friends call mid see them at the same old stand We want to say to the public that we now have our stock complete We have received a car loadof genuine rostCoiled Spring Steel Wire a car load of the best Wagons made The Studebaker a car load of Olympic Diamond Ranges We want to further say that we buy most of our wi i wagons and stoves in car load lots and if you will com t see us we can sell you the best goods for as little or i than you will pay for inferior goods Seeing is beleivi Come in and you will believe what wehave to say Tinwotk and Guttering and Spouting we make a specialty of Would be pleas have you let us do your worker give you an estimate Respectfully yours C E1Douglus Co I Richmond K 1 r Mahogany Jay t MAHOGANY JAY is a lark bay colt 153 hands high foaled IM will make the season of 1905 at Joe Chonaultd one mile from Richm back of Madison Stock Yards at 15 to Insure Living Colt I Jay flird3OG0 eIreuflOt dams of 46 1I Idam Jay trial 2 55 i 5 George Willie 5191 222 sreof83 in list I I In great brood mare I listI reI Nutbrcnter 2912 cord Z2IK sire of I 207X I Rysettii 2llBon I Ami 214 Nut Iand21 I I 1 1trial 10 sire of 4o dams of ill Dolly Star MS 22SK sire of 2 I dams of list Nutwood ff1 tIs 4 l6OncludfngManager Lochhnrf 28t dansof6B- otiny dam of 2 2 slrescrami dam of2byAber l enS Expert brother to 2llH Little 4th dam Grey Flortzel 5th dam bv Pacolet Cth dam by Old Highlander Jay Bird 5060 sire of 103 including Allerton 209 > i Early Bird 2W Miss JayaUM Hawthorne 206 < Invader 210 Larabie 214K Rose Croix and Ed Winter 212K rite of days of 45 including Crescent Rout 208K AttOka2IO tf Bes ie Drake iOSHQae n Alfred 2 124 Little Dick 212K Dreamer 214M Courier 2 15 Lady Frank his dam produced Barly Dawn24lS Mahogany Jay was worked 60 days as a twoyearold last year and troll mile in 230 the last quarter in 35 seconds That saying sit is alwa Jay Bird1 is not without some foundation in fact is readily cumprehcti when it is recalled that his pet and their descendants have won on the r tracks Conner Memorial 20000 Hawthorne won Horse Review PII 16000 Hawthore second Kentucky Futurity 14000 Hawthorne ti Lpuisville Prize 10000 Hawthorne second Lexington 10001 Bird won Kentucky 1335 Eagle Bird Von Lexington 2805 Moh won Kentucky Futurity 14000 Rose Croix won Knitucky Futni 16000Susie t second Transylvania 10000 Siisin Jay l sec Transylvania 10000 Eagle Flanogan won Kentucky Futurity clGl Nella Jay 2141 won Transylvania 5000 Allerton 209 secomd Stake at Cleveland 5OOOJay Hawker won Luxon ClieiiauU apJ9 4tRichmond Ky REGISTERED TRADE MARK r deSoieNA- ME ON SELVAGE Tho hardships of winter have and now we are prepared tj supply vou with your spring fittings We have purchased an immense line of Dress Fabrics Notions Stocks Ho slery Underwear Zephyrs Gingham Calico and in fact everything pertain ¬ ing to the dresser This stock is of fuperlaUve splendor S Indmalnitnde and one that yon would just enjoy to peruse over Our spring showings are now on exhibition at onr store We would suggest early selec ¬ lions this Season and dont lingorin SS asking about price1 Wo assure r you that our prices ire lower than any house in town Call and ook over the mammoth line and convince yourself of the sin ¬ cerity of this statement Hi ALIs W4In byBonnie r VEGETABLE SICILIAN HairRenewerl Ithen i 75 71 F ffi 71 ffiffi 7Fffi 71 7F F 1TGREAT SACRIFICE worthof Boys and Childrens Clothing at less than manufactur ili ersprices We are badly overstocked this department I We Have Cut the Prices to Core Mothers and fathers we can interest you Boys SuIt short pants c sing frpui ltb 2 nnd3at50cts K Qur3 and 5 Bojs Sufts short paritsat f 2 > Our Buys Long Pants Suits 3415 and f 7 at- E U 250 damsofiso- ladyFrank I Nutbearer nambletonlan Spanter Mambrlno 10 Poon Brown Jug 5by Brown 211K the 3 the passed the I the Come quick and secure bargains L- Our 9 i10nd 12 HoySLonglPant Suits at S 5 g 71OUI I 5This is a great Scrficae Come quick andsecure bargains i LIIIE LOUIS l AND OJ GUS STRAUS I Ttpf 1008 Leading Gbthieri LEXINGTON KENTUCKY I fo 1e gcntS for Alfred JBitftj rlDhn Gos CornPt Cl thln < r for Mn W Kr nw 1 p H m < pring iitJleJ Ri haril Shryock th farapus Biuegrtsa Cutter has oJmr K of our MuuiMt ti h 1 rtm at GIVE A CALL 5 ED6 71 w Sh c 0 ctj L jJ

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Page 1: New 4 1 listI ft · 2017. 12. 13. · Do You Know that Mothers Friend-Is applied externally only the firhas Do You Know tWit Mothers Friend each bottle of the genuine bears thename


t I fI

f >

= 7PrintJ l r Iy U ct


tT 1atttt tonsot


99OfflceL tied door to Government Building1 ichmSnd Ky Omce hoars 9 to 121 to 4S novl7ljr

v M Blanton


r 7Offlce lit Bennett Building11 IJanly TELEPHONE 19C

For Rent

Nice store room on Second streetsuitable for grocery or other line of

merchandise Apply to Judge J C

Chenault or this office U

Newby Carriage

Works-A D Estes Prop

All Kinds VehiclesHorseshoeing and Repairing aspecialty Satisfaction guar¬

anteed Call and get pricesbefore purchasing anything inthis linens We will save you


Carriage WorksNewby Ky


Ls Mount in ASA J11i o 1

<It not you are missing one of lifesMountain Ash Jellico Coal is free from impuritiestand because of its superior burning qualities is the a

p = most satislactory Jellico Coal produces lor either CI

Grates Stove or FurnaceCTry it and we guarantee that all your worry over 41

bad dirty coal will cea-

seBeattyville Coal CoSMgrI ave G


r S g-

sD aoart lbi C A Taylortt

I f has everything the farmer needse for his

t Spring Plowing JICtt 14He handles the celebrateds

r f VULQAN PLOWi 41 and also has Cooking Stoves etc of

33k4f the latest pattern and lowest prices00

i <Jz

4E01 5

nit Roofing and Guttering at

kSpecialty 11t


Weve Hired1UncleSam

SJtItourIOOdshim with us is better than a Govern ¬

ment Bond This is a special offeringof mens

SpringSuits at 10 adI

They are black Thibet for dresswear and fancy Cassimeres andWorsteds in licht medium and dark

for business wear Theyare GUARANTEED ALl WOOl andniade in thoroughly tiptonlate styles

What we ask you to do to nteand ask for samples and measurefotanksisaying you saw THIS ad inTILlS taner

Chirs is the largest and oldest boose in ourline in the South We OWN our buildingan4 have done business on the SAME SPOTfor oVer FORTY YEARS-

uesei1CLOT1UNG HATS and FURNISHOKSSfor jnen and boysSIIOKS foreTeryboty We PAY EXPRESS on fi worthsed aU fiood SUBJECT TO APPROVAL

boob for atJIUHfrreon request Letusliear frpnijou

LEVYSThird and Mar-


1 11





RlcrnioNDKgwrucRYOffice on Second utreet over Chen

ults grocer-


RICHMOND KENTUCKYOffice in John Bennett old law olllce over

Perry Thomas drug store1

< 1l 1111fi7b

4f Most Select and Largest K

fI Yielding Sorts IV

ii Mammoth Red Cob White Dent H

IJThe UmstjieHinz and most catislactotyurge white Corn offered J

GOLDEN KINGThe but early larga yellow

Full stocks of other superior torts Writefor list and prices and improve your Crops

BLUE RIBBON SEEDS-Are always the most economical to use


largest stocks ofVecetable and Flower Seal sAlblb Rape Grus and Clover SeedsPotatoes Cow Peas Soy lieani Millet Sor¬

ghum etc-





Spring is hero and tho time for generaldecorating Nothing helps the cppearance of a room more than fresh paperand a new coat of paint or varnishThats what we want to tell you aboutOur stock is complete We have newideas galore In all the world you cantfind better or more beau-

tifulPAPERthan e are carrying this season Thentoo we employ skilled workmen andthat means as much as merely selectingpretty paper One beauty about oursuperb stork is that of low prices Wewant you to come and see us investi-gate


t our line and we will promise youthat we have the the gooJs and theproper styles We also handle all kindsof Window Shades and fixtures PicturesOils Varnishe9 Paints etc Give usacallS

t tie M WiligingWest Main Street


We want picture of your home toappear in our Book History of Rich ¬

mond and Madison county



0011 r 6 CI a

rDiamondstjc Watches


All kinds of JewelryS

and Precious Stones tfitof cvery description

These are some of the Vthings to be found at LanesJewelry Store If yourwatch or clock refuse to-

go take them to Lane he

c will fix them If your ringneeds resetting take it to VLanes hell fix that too

1 If yon want anything thatIt can be found in a first class-

Jewelry establishment go

c to Lanes He is well fixedin these kind of articles

L ELaneC Jeweler and Optician

> > Wire fence

I am agentlorthecelebraled LAMBWIRE FENCE Those wishing topurchasethebest wire fence will callon or address

J D LONGayllOllyr Richmond Ky

Ec2ema scald head hives itchlnessof the skin of any sort instantly re ¬

lieved permanently cured DoansOintment At any drugst-


II Irn


l e

DrKings I

New DiscoveryOSLJM1tIONot


free 7ri l iBisrest and Quickest Cure forU 11THBOAT abd LUNG 3CBOUBUK orJKOVVr BAO-




S IrLi

sat present 1nf M t 811i will 4epart at 1205 p mforIrn9nd eattyville Junction arriving at Irvine105 Beattyvile24tnd BeattyvilleJunction at 30p pysi

Train No 4 wHlieaye JJeatty vileJunction it 330 p invarrif Ing at Richmond at735 p lttTrain No 3 will arrive fet Richmondfrom Versailles at sane time as atpresent 810 p m

Train No 5 will leave Richmond atG30 a m afrlyIng at Irvine at 730Beattyvilleat 9031 leave Beatty ville at1000 and arrive at Beattyville Junc ¬

oftion at i20 a in in time for connec ¬ Ie

with the L E forJackson

fJunctionRichmond at 130 p m leaving at 135p m for Versailles arriving latterpoint at 325 p m making close con ¬

nection at NicholasviUe and Versaillesfor trains for Lexington and Cincin ¬

nati and Shelby villa and LouisvilleSunday service will be inaugurated

first Sunday in June Schedule willbe announced later


The approachof spring finds us inbetter condition than ever before toserve the people of Madison and ad ¬

joining counties During the past yearonr warerooms have been enlarged andare filled with the nicest and mostcomplete line of earrllles BuggiesDepot Wagons Pheatpfl tetcever I

placed on display iiJcity in Cen-


Kentucky na range inprices from 38 to S130 fmggiesrSoO toS2OO Depot wagons and Carriages 130

to 325 If it is your Intention topurchase a vehicle of any descriptionyou should take advantage of the largestock now ondisplay at our shops andcall at once and examine these goodsand get our prices


S L Jlidkiu Prop


No person or persons shall forpay on Sunday conduct or carry onor in any way practice the professionol Bartering in the city of RichmondAnyone violating tho provisions olthis ordinance shall be lined not less than

S nor more than 310 for en elk ofreuseD R TEVIS Mayor



Hand made Sour MashEvery drop guaran ¬

teed to be pure It isof old style mara ¬

S facture No-

BETTERcan be found

for medicinal pur¬

poses You want thebest Furnished Strictly to

Family Trade10 year old in jugs 400 per gallon10 bottles 5 I

I 4 I Ujugs 2J5C 1

5 1 bottles 31 M

New Whisky 180 per gallonOrders promptly filled


Old Joe DistilleryMcIJrajer

novlyr Anderson county Ky


M R EnrightFirst Street


Hotel Glyndon

I Wednesday May 10 1905


LOW RATESFrom Richmond

vi-aSotithern Railway

Effective March 1 to May 15

California points Portland OroTacoma Wash Seattle ash4110

Spokane Wash 38 60Ogden Utah Helena Montana


One Montana8710Ifrom March 1st to May 16 at theabove rates via the Southern railwayand correspondingly low rates will Lemade to other points in the Wost andNorthwest

For maps folders and complete in-


call on your local agent 01address

LexingtonKyC 11 HUNGERFOR1 D P A

Louisville KyGBALLEN A GP A St Louis




AT HOMEAre you a sufferer

Has your doctor been unsuccessful

Wocldnt you prefer to treatyourself AT HOME

Nearly 1COO000 women havoboitght WIne of Canlia fromtheir druggists and hrvc eurcdthemselves at borne of suchgdownrhcca hncSsnCJVIlSllessdizziness nausea and despond ¬

fu1essTheseWine of Cardni cures irnen thedoctor cant

Wine of Cardni docs rot irri¬

tate tho organs There lane

othingtonicand drastic dru5r Ris

o6ceEful because cures ia a-3Mt1r4vfay

Wino of Cardni can ffybonphta from your druggist a

Koltte and you can bon thistreenttoday Will Mitryat

11tees ialrJlI I W I1lr >a giving swpfas5h Ld-

Ais0rT t r-

J eCO cnt n1ewIS if

n hs

J It r

MOTHERS DO YOU KNOW-the socalled birth medicines andmost remedies for women In the treatment

her delicate organs contain more oj

strychnineDo >

ts ar not permitted to sell narcot

poisonsDo 1

rottake internally any medicine tor thepain accompanying pregnancy-

Do You Know that Mothers Friend-Is applied externally only the

Do You Know tWit Mothers Friendfirhaseach bottle of the genuine bears the name 01

of The Bradfield Regulator ColDo know that when ou use this

remedy during the period of gestationthat you will be free of benzhealthy hearty and clever children

Well these things are worth knowingrhey are facts Of druggists at 100Dont be persuaded to try a substituteOur little book Motherhood freeSHE BRADFIELD REBUUTQ8 CO AUII U a



Wealthy and Beautiful Daughter ofi J B Potter Sets New Tashlon

for the 40jfr3iy DlsposlncIIot RIhTriiIkein

New York Young Mrs JamesStillman who was a reigningIn New York Tuxedo and IIiLITin Potter has set a new

In selling wedding presentsJoung woman one of the most notedof New Yorks fashionable setunlimited wealth at her command Ssent to a little secondhand shop InSeventh avenue 48 beautiful pieces ofsilver to be oId at the highest price

obtainableMrsIs the daughter

James Brown Potter and Mrs CoraUrquhart Potter the eminent actressHer grandunclp Is Bishop Hnry 0Potter of the diocese of New YorkHer husband is James Alexander Still ¬

man son of James Stillman presidentof tie National City bank the greatRockefeller bank already veryWealthy and prospective heir to mil ¬

lions The wedding was celebrated atGrace church on June 3 1901 but al-


the bride has tired of manythe glittering baubles that were thexrshowered upon her with wishesceaseless good luck

The beautiful young matron was notat all annoyed when the report thatmany of her wedding gifts were upfor sale was repeated to her recently

Mrs McNeill she said is dldIposing of those silver articles for mpIThey may be duplicate wedding pres ¬

ents But what of that They Igandto me That is all I have to say

The silver was sent the other LYmefrom the home of the Stlllmans to theshow of Mrs M McNeill on Seventhavenue Its total value is about 3000and the only message that went withthe consignment was that it was inthe way and should be sold asas possible

When Mrs Stillman returned re-


from Palm Beach Fla she sentfor Mrs Radley and sold her a greatquantity of evening gowns

1 wonder whether you can takesome of these too said Mrs Still ¬

man as she opened the three safeswhich her wedding presents wereStored Before the eyes of themiring secondhand dealer was spreada great array of silver plates bowlsdlshes and pitchers Mrs Kadleygasped

I have a lot of duplicates of mostof these said Mrs Stillman ThereIs no room for them here 1 keepthem In a safety deposit vault down ¬

town and I have to pay storage onthem You may buy them If you like

Piece by piece tho strange bargainwas made And the 48 rich pieceswere delivered at the modest

ShopAnneUrquhart Potter the only

child of James Brown Potter and thetalented actress from whom hetained a Rhode Island divorce on theground of desertion was one of theprettiest girls In the Tuxedo set Shewas and still is a great favorite notonly because of her beauty but of hercharming manner and great good hu-



She Is a splendid horsewomanfencer bllllardlst tennis and squash



Treasury Experts Say Output ThisYear in This Country Will Bo

the Greatest Known

Washington According to treasuryexperts there will be a greater produc-


of gold this year than ever before In

the history of the country Rich veinslyofbeen discovered in Nevada and the gen¬edcmlsome comment In financial circlesA great Increase In the production

of gold said Director Roberts of ti

mint bureau means the coining of aproportionate number of coins Thereis no limit et by law upon the amouof gold that may be put In circulationNo amount of gold production conlower the value of money so long as thelaw says that a gold coin shall consistof a specific number of grains of metal

The figures for 1904 are not yet avalable but they will probably show A

large increase In gold production posElbly greater than in 102 which was amost prosperous year formining Indus ¬

tries In 1902 the production of goldin this country aggregated SO000000


Philadelphia Man Must Pay for Oscula pry Joys Ranging from Seal

Warm to Merely Formal

Phllaaelphla Pa Three hundred dot ¬

lars js the price Pembroke D Hartonmust pay for four kisses taken fromMrs Harriet J3 MacCartney gradiiatas follows so the woman declared Thetlret would make Nethersolels greatestosculatory triumph eeem frigid Thesecond was chaste as that ofThe third was of a still milder typeToe fourth was a little peck oh thecheel a formal womans kiss

Mrs MacCartney told tho court thwere worth JIOOCO Harton said theywere not worth a cent A Jury in JudgeWillbanUs conrt adjudicated this mat¬

ter and Mrs JtiaeCartney EBJld Uie verdiet was outrageous TheiKbe toldabout the kisses j S

they irereWfcift In9O1wben HarI ton andmhusbanderepaflaIrg I Hia th <jefarmHalliJltd JJULye tklte4o lliiai R td b lj dt beer save is jfJ9r k II 4-

Ift1d iif Th4bedusy n c

1 fhuIdsI

t S

cj >II


h 0

I desire to say that I am agent for

Charles A Stevens Great Style

Store of Chicago Everything In ladies

custommade cloth suits silk andshirt waist suits and skkl

Samples and styles shovn before you

order A perfect fit assured and satis ¬

faction guaranteedMrsJamesA Moores is

Hobson Building

The OriginalFoley Co Chicago originated

Honey and Tar as a throat lint lung

remedy and on account of the great

merit and popularity of Foleys Honey

and Tar many imitations are offcedfor the genuine Ask for Foleyb Hon-

ey and Taraefuse any substituteoffered as npi QjLer preparation willgive the Bairesatisfaction It is mildly

laxative It contains no opiates andsafest for children and d Iicate per ¬

For sale by K C Stockton22 mob In

L1 N Tim Tails

ItAr No 3 Cincinnati and Knox Lvli4Gpm Tille ExvesE south bound I24Spm-

No2 Knoxville Clnnatl200 pm Express north bound 205 pm

No 4 Knoxville n Ctnnatl412 a us Express north bound 415 am

IfNo 1 Knoxville Clnnatip Expressouth bound 1130 pm

No 10 Stanford and Mays822 a m villa Acom north bound C22 a us

No U Stanford and Mays720 pm vllle Accm south bound 125 pm

No V Richmond and Row ¬

land Accm south bound 82Q a m

No 26 Richmond and Stan480 p m ford north N > und

A Thousand Dollars Worth of


IfI have been afflicted with kidneyand bladder trouble for years ptissinggravel 6r stones with excruciatingpain says A HThurnes a well knowncoal operator of Buffalo O I got norelief from medicine until I began tak-

ing Foley Kidney Cure then therestilt was surprising A few doses start-

ed the brickdustlike substance andnow I have 110 pain across my kidneys

I feel like a new man It has done1000 worth of good Foleys Kid

ney Cure will cure every form of kidney and bladder disease For sale byR C Stockton l91in-



We are authorized to announced Ol ARENOB1C WOODS a candidate for Mayor ofRlchmond subject to the action of the Democraticparty



We are aHthoriied to announce THOS HCOLLINS a candidate for City Attorney sub-

ject to the action of the Democratic party

InFOR POLICE JUDGEare authorized to announce J J QREFNdWe of the Policeas a candidate for Judge

Court subieet to the action of the Democraticparty


We are athoriied to announce JAMESAILMAK a candidnte for thief of Policethe city Sr Lichusond subject to the action ofthe Democratic party

We are anthorlzid to announce CLAUDDEVORE a candidate for the office of Chief ofPolice of Richmond subject to the action ofthe Democratic party

We are authorized to announce V W STAR

DIN a candidate for the office of 1tlef ofPolice of Richmond subject to the action ofthe Democattc party

IeWe are authorized to announce W MOREEKMORB a candidate for Chief of Policeof Richmond subject to the action of theDemocratic party

bWe are Authorized to announce Mr I Ta candidate for the office of Chief of

police of Richmond subject to the action ofUrn Democratic party


We are authorized to announce EMIL LOBRISrH a a candidate for the City Conncifrom the East End precinct subject to tile actlon of the Democratic party

We are authorized to announce W SOLDHAM a candidate for Councilman fron

Precint sublect to the action of thiDemocratic part-

Ite We are authonzee to announce O W GATESa candidate for Councilman from West EmPrecinct subject to the action of the Democra-tic pllty

ntWe are authorized to announce COiaMATNEFF ss a candidate for City Council from

Idthe West End precinct subject to the actionDemocratic party

We are authorized to announce RICHARIJ as a candidate for the City OJundfrom tho Unlversltyprecluct subject to the ao

11tlon of the Democratic party

We are authorized to announce JOHN A

SIERSIION Ii candidate for City Council fromthe East End precinct subject to the actionof the Democratic

We are authorized toannouucoWALANG-FORD os a candidate for City unci fro m

the University precinct subject to the iictloof the Democratic party

We are authorized to announce ROllERGOLDEN a candidate for Councilman fromthe University precinct subject to the iictloof the Democratic party

We are authorized to announce AD MILLEE a candidate reelf ctloirta the oflce o

Olty Council of Richmond subject to the tclion of the Democratic party

We are authorized to announce MrT TCOVINOTON a candidate for the oWca oiCity Council front WeJlt End Precinct aiibjecto the action of the Democratic party

edWe are authorized to announce JO AMVKR3 a Candida for lltr Council9 IronEast End Precinct subject to tho action M the-

Democrallc party

authorized to announce JENNJtfQf0MAUPIN a candidate for trom

Fast End precinct snbject to the actioo i f thiDemocratic party

WB are authorized tn nnnonncfi A XC1J Rcandidate for City Council from theEiitteyala nrecinct subject to the actloR of theSem

ocratic party


We are autkHbecl to assosace 1 OShEARER a candidate for Jailer ot Mailscounty subject to taut aofth patl fc-sparty

FOg XAGIInJA IWeare authorized to smtMMMff MrL D

DYKEd jaodldatc Kw ais4eWiottiliflond UWct kr t O

tioBofthe poeCraticprtycit tXThLI r i

We R anhmu 4Q = IEiaIVhleRIckfls0 54t° jialus tDemocsI1prYL i-


tIjt < 0e




1 i iGolden Flora rannounce to the public thatthey received the finest andmost beautiful car load ofJMarble and-



ever in Richmond Trade atat home where you get thebest goods at cheaper prices

fiolden FloraEast Main Street



jLouisville andINashville R R

prepared to quote you rates to Anythrough tickets and check

your baggage Secure sleeping spaceOneway tickets on sale dailySpecialExcurson

Home Seekers andColonists Tickets

on Sale from Time to TimeThroughSleepers Free Reclining Chairs Elec-


Lighted Dining Cars


Consult your Local Agent who willtake pleasure in arranging all detailsCall on or

addressJW HamiltonAgent L N Richmond Ky

WM ONEIL Ticket Seller

We have never shown a larger stockof Carriages Surries Baggies and runsbouts than we now have on display Inour show room It will pay you to examine them before buying We aIsdo repairing and rejoining in best nanners at moderate prices The best rubber tire npplyed and guaranteed lfor

lone Call and see usRichmond Carriage Works

S L MidkinVJPdo

Mf+CALL AT ++++



Coolest and most refreshingof drinks that can be foundin the city are dispensedby uptolate and accommo-dation

Genuine Saratoga Water Kept on Tap


Phone 3 Second St




NORTHWESTFrom Louisville

via the-

Henderson RouteCorresponding low rates to Wash

ington Oregon Utah Montana and

pointsif up to and ineluding May 16 1905

Also special Homeseektrss rates tothe west and southwest on certain

datesIf contemplate a tripask usfor rates If you would travel ircomfort see that your tickets readover the Henderson Route betweenLouisville and St Louis

Free reclining chair cars on all ofour St Louis trains Direct connections in St Louis Union Stationwith all lines to the west and south-west L J IRWIN G P AgentLouisville Ky


A Grand Country for Home-S seekers and Investors

ExursiodRates Twice AMonth

Arkansas Louisiana and Texas orer the greatest inducements for per-

sons desiring to own their homesCheap land producing almost any

thing that can be grown anywheiiI-BIJII climate good schools goodwater r healthful burroundlngs antIa growing country are some of thadvantages

Unexcelled foi raising fruits antivegetables for early markets Landthat can be bought for 5 to 10 pelacre can be made to yield 100 and

200 per acre in orchard and truckfarm

First anti third Tuesdays of eachmorth we sell hnmescekers ticketfrom Memphis and Cairo at one farpntripLiterature abovecountry and information about rateswill be mailed upon request L OSCHAEFER T P A Cotton BellRoute Cincinnati 0



D Arbuckle 0 E Douglas G D Simmons

An Announcement to the PublicIanuary 1st 05 Arbuckle Simmons wer

Douglas Co The firm win be composed of the threeabove persons who will be pleased to have their friends call

mid see them at the same old stand

We want to say to the public that we now have ourstock complete We have received a car loadof genuine

rostCoiled Spring Steel Wirea car load of the best Wagons made

The Studebakera car load of

Olympic Diamond RangesWe want to further say that we buy most of our wi i

wagons and stoves in car load lots and if you will com t

see us we can sell you the best goods for as little or i

than you will pay for inferior goods Seeing is beleivi

Come in and you will believe what wehave to say

Tinwotk and Gutteringand Spouting we make a specialty of Would be pleashave you let us do your worker give you an estimate

Respectfully yours

C E1Douglus CoI

Richmond K 1


Mahogany Jay t

MAHOGANY JAY is a lark bay colt 153 hands high foaled IMwill make the season of 1905 at Joe Chonaultd one mile from Richm

back of Madison Stock Yards at

15 to Insure Living ColtI

Jay flird3OG0eIreuflOt dams of46


IdamJay trial 2 55


George Willie 5191222 sreof83 in list



In great brood mareI listI

reINutbrcnter 2912

cord Z2IK sire of I207XI Rysettii 2llBon I

Ami 214 Nut




10 sireof 4o dams of ill


Star MS22SK sire of 2


dams of


Nutwood ff1 tIs 4


Lochhnrf 28tdansof6B-

otiny dam of2 2 slrescrami damof2byAber l enS

Expert brother to


4th dam Grey Flortzel5th dam bv PacoletCth dam by Old Highlander

Jay Bird 5060 sire of 103 including Allerton 209 >i Early Bird 2W MissJayaUM Hawthorne 206 < Invader 210 Larabie 214K Rose Croix

and Ed Winter 212K rite of days of 45 including Crescent Rout208K AttOka2IO tf Bes ie Drake iOSHQae n Alfred 2 124 Little Dick212K Dreamer 214M Courier 2 15 Lady Frank his dam produced BarlyDawn24lS

Mahogany Jay was worked 60 days as a twoyearold last year and trollmile in 230 the last quarter in 35 seconds That saying sit is alwaJay Bird1 is not without some foundation in fact is readily cumprehctiwhen it is recalled that his pet and their descendants have won on the r

tracks Conner Memorial 20000 Hawthorne won Horse Review PII16000 Hawthore second Kentucky Futurity 14000 Hawthorne tiLpuisville Prize 10000 Hawthorne second Lexington 10001Bird won Kentucky 1335 Eagle Bird Von Lexington 2805 Mohwon Kentucky Futurity 14000 Rose Croix won Knitucky Futni16000Susie t second Transylvania 10000 Siisin Jay l sec

Transylvania 10000 Eagle Flanogan won Kentucky Futurity clGlNella Jay 2141 won Transylvania 5000 Allerton 209 secomdStake at Cleveland 5OOOJay Hawker won

Luxon ClieiiauUapJ9 4tRichmond Ky


Tho hardships of winter haveand now we are prepared tj

supply vou with your spring fittingsWe have purchased an immense lineof Dress Fabrics Notions Stocks Hoslery Underwear Zephyrs GinghamCalico and in fact everything pertain ¬

ing to the dresserThis stock is of fuperlaUve splendor

S Indmalnitnde and one that yon wouldjust enjoy to peruse over Our springshowings are now on exhibition at onrstore We would suggest early selec ¬

lions this Season and dont lingorinSS asking about price1 Wo assurer you that our prices ire lower than any

house in townCall and ook over the mammoth

line and convince yourself of the sin ¬

cerity of this statement






HairRenewerlItheni75 71F ffi 71 ffiffi 7Fffi 71 7FF

1TGREAT SACRIFICEworthof Boys and Childrens Clothing at less than manufactur iliersprices We are badly overstocked this department IWe Have Cut the Prices to Core

Mothers and fathers we can interest youBoys SuIt short pants c sing frpui ltb 2

nnd3at50ctsK Qur3 and 5 Bojs Sufts short paritsat f2> Our Buys Long Pants Suits 3415 and f7 at-

E U 250










Brown Jug








theCome quick and secure bargains L-

Our 9 i10nd 12 HoySLonglPant Suits at S5 g71OUI

I 5This is a great Scrficae Come quick andsecure bargains iLIIIE



Ttpf1008 Leading Gbthieri LEXINGTON KENTUCKYI fo 1e gcntS for Alfred JBitftj rlDhn Gos CornPt Cl thln <r for Mn W Kr nw 1 p H m

< pring iitJleJ Ri haril Shryock th farapus Biuegrtsa Cutter has oJmr K of our MuuiMt ti h 1rtm at GIVE A CALL


ED6 71w

Sh c 0

ctj LjJ