nets, hit day «batyou wantto know about ftprice jr* iron bed · mination of the state dental board...

nets, HOT LONG WORDS, Hit «BAT YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT UK SEinil DENTAL SITUATION Because we are giving the people the right kind of den- tal service to which they are entitled; because we are mak- ing a most remarkable suc- cess along those lines; be cause our business is grow- ing faster than that of any other dental office in the Northwest; because we see fit to employ only the high- est type of graduate register- ed dentists in this office and tell the people about it; be- cause of all these things we are compelled to stand for a lot of vilification and mud- slinging from disgruntled and jealous competitors. Ap- parently unable to compete with our high type of dental work, they resort to a lot of long words in a vain attempt to discredit us. We often wonder whether they them- selves really know just what they are talking about in DR. L. R. CLARK some of their outbursts. Bat in spite of all this we will keep right on fighting the giod fight till every man, woman and child in Seattle and sfcfaity knows just what kind of dental work they are en- tfcfcd to for their money and then where they can get it. !? long as we stand right with the people we should worry «|at jealous and narrow-minded competitors may think or Bj. And that we do stand right with the people ia evidenced |j the fact, as stated above, that our businesa ia growing so fc* that we have just had to double the aise of our offices md add another high grade, graduate registered dentist to m staff. These Are the FACTS Every operator in this office is a graduate registered Aatist ?a man of the very highest type obtainable. Every in thia office has graduated from the best dental alleges. Every operator in this office has passed the ex- mination of the state dental board and has his certificate fan the state dental board hanging right on the wall in front of his dental chair. When you come here you have ftg satisfaction of knowing that your work will be done by I nan who knows his business and knows how to do your work the way it should be done, and not by any chance by s student or bungler. We use the very best materials that money can buy? Materials that will turn out the kind of work that we can iSord to go behind with our ironclad guarantee of satis- faction. And we do guarantee our work with an IRONCLAD GUARANTEE which means something, which ia signed both by die operator who did the work and by L. R Clark, D. D. &. owner and manager of this office, a man who is thor Mghly responsible. This guarantee means that if for any iMoo your work is not entirely satisfactory we will make k light You positively cannot, under any circumstances, get \u25a0satisfactory dental work done here. Our prices are always the lowest, as it is a rule with this office, from which we will permit no deviation, that we will not be underbid on price. Our methods are the most scientific and up-to-date pain- ks> methods that human ingenuity has been able to devise. We eaa aad do extract teeth and perform the most difficult dental iterations positively without hurting the patient a bit. We km hundreds of testimonials on file in our office from the hut citizens of Seattle and vicinity which will bear out this ?Mement And we ask you In all seriousness when the very best fatal service here costs no more, and in most cases less, ?by should you take chances on the other kind? TEETH PULLED FREE each morning from 8:30 to 10 to demonstrate our painless methods. REGAL DENTAL OFFICES Dr. L. R. Clark, Manager. HOS Third Ave. N. W. Corner Third and Union. FRURE SHARKS BUSY AT f. M. C. A. rotfr# not!" Thss you are supposed to stand y look? while tbe rent of the »hoot your name at tot the war » lively, snapping MUHL 618 PIKE ST. '*\u25a0 !*?( Talk for fhe Stal \u25a0wsalaa la WaU Payer. » Ml. 9 3c 7ic . 25c r .rr? u : 50c $1.00 $2.00 ttji"*' » CULTS sr2f!I n niEiiEi) p*pr.ii< l5BI? IE» OATNCtU ""CRISTA WAI.TOV KTC. Chunglllee CHISTBii tfKDICI.IE CO. 115 W.lfr Way Wm hav« Chln«»« Koott, V**«tabl«. Curt® all chronic Ifataata and 4ia- or4«rt of rn«n \u25a0 ? womin. »up«rlorlty of ?"M toVr«X r ,*lt TriJ "' *n " *' V" "" -A. LUNDBERG CO. u * thihu Arsaca ! meeting of the accountancy classes of the Y M. C. A b«-gan their so- cial and business meeting at the association building Wednesday night. The meeting wm to reorganize the classes and arrange the sea son's schedule A lorial meeting 1* to be heM at every Tuesday, and a new class Is to start Friday evening, September 24. AUTO VICTIM DIES C. J. Falrhurst. whose auto ran Into William E Moore, salesman for a Portland publishing house, Is still out on his personal recogniz- ance today, altho More died yes- terday afternoon, suffering from a fractured skull and bruises, sus- tained In the accident, whl-h oc- curred Tuesday morning. SEATTLE WOMEN MIGHT TELL HAIR SECRET A rreat m«ny Heattle women[. who ha- " an abandance of beautiful hslr know «bout a remarkable heir form uln wht<-h every w«»nan oosht to know about. For s number of years Seattle dru*gt»te have been contln ually <-sl>d upon t'i ml* this form- nla T'ndoubterfly the 'me of this formula largely the aerret he»>itv- end l«»'irlan'» of < * h *' very many Keattle women «.nd men too Tha formula cMIWH Pf mtn'ea of hav r-.m. <" 1 <*\u25a0 " ' ?»?">»> a rte < omponee and one-half drs'jnm menthol crys'ala Home people add a ten onful of D' r ""v.w y N , Yr>rk phy«l<*l«n N T. % rhemlat were r<-<-entlV consulted ie. gsrdlng the efftca. ? f thts "il.ture and 'hev both »ay they know of not In* better to destroy dandruff. "11rn- Ulate hair growth. *" d vlvnra Ui tli« ICMIp. \u25a0 tOD fflllllilf nlir, mskt the hair fTuffy and give It lu.ter Anv <ti"KKl«' can furnish you the Ingredients which you can ml* at horn* or will mix tn«m for yo.l Apply to the aralp night and morning and rub In with tha finger tip*?Adv«rtlMin®nt. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "Nothing la so timid as cap- ital and nothing is so easily able to take care of what it has. A hostile spirit manifested In legislation buttons up the pockets of those who control wealth." Tardy?About tbe Third Day of School STAR?THURSDAY. SEPT. 9. 1015. PAGE 7. RUSSIANS TAKE 8.000 PRISONERS PKTROGRAD. Sept. 9. ?Aaitro (Wraan forcea Irving to ouat the Kuaalana from Gallcla have been iharply defeated before Tarnopol Tvo German divisions and an Aua- trtan brigade. preparing to make a dedalve attack, and reinforced with light and he**y artillery. w«r« fore- atailed by Rusalan forcea and "com- pletely defeated." the official atate- ment today »ald The Teutonic loaaea were 200 officers and *.000 men captured, many killed and wounded, and SO guna, 14 of them machine guna, and other booty taken The victory waa acctalmed here by great crowda They cheered It aa an "omen of au<"i-e«a for the Lit- TAR RAPS RECALL AND THE I. AND R. commerce law and Its enforcement contains one of the most useful les- sons to those who would defy the people In the pride of Intrenched l< wer. It msy take years, bt!t all the people cannot t>e fooled all the time. - " "Corporations have been driven out of politics, and while, of coarse, corruption Is not ever absent, the danger of plutocracy has disap- peared and the purification of poll- tics has constituted a real reform for which all good c|tlr»ns must be grateful." "We must grant Increased rates to the rallronds when the condi- tions require It, and grant them quickly. Millions own their stock. They employ millions of m«<n." "We should repeal the full crew bills that Imposo upon the rallroa'l companies the burden of employlnK unnecesrary labor." "No change in our sorial condi- tion. It seems to me, has been more beneficial on the whole, to th* worklngmen, than has this resor' to the power of combination among them." "We should know that the unions hare com* to stay snd to remain powerful factors In the progress of the community. But evil tenden e|e» have appeared In such combl- nations Just as In combination of capital " But the chief ground for criti- cising the recent policy of trades unions Is the fact that the power they have legitimately acquired hy combination nnd have properly used for the betterment of their conditions, they are now attempt- ing to abuse by seeking to place organized labor In a privileged class." ' The duty Imposed upon the peo pie In legislating by Initiative and referendum Is so much more bur- densome than that Imposed by the representative system In selecting agents to do this work that the ma Jorlty of the voters too frequently refuse to perform their electoral duties, and thus leave to a minority of the electorate the deridnn of Im- portant questions submitted hy referenda " "It la jnst as absurd to propose to build a bridge without engineers, to build a house without an archl tect or a competent contractor, ns to propflM detailed b-glalatlon hv votes at a popular election." tie Father the riar »ho Ita* now taken charge of the nrmlen Stmilar *ucce**ea were recorded el*«where, with mora than 2,000 prisoner* captured The Rtiintan force* not onty re- pulsed the German* at many point*, but likewise delivered auccea*ful iounter attack* No German move- ment* about Itlga were reported. Ruioina Now Purau* The Rnsolan* are now pursuing the retreating Teuton*, and have re- oo-Mpied position* along the Heretb The ctar wired hi* felicitation* upon the Tarnopo! victory. "On the Km* !>« Inn front, practlc- ularly In the Groeaeckau and Seu- Reut railway station* region.'' *ald the official statement, "the enemy'* advance >ai checked. We retreat- ed from the right bank of the Lautae. Enemy Losses Big "In the Trokl lake region we were fiercely shel.ed end bombards with KM bomb*. Kant of Orodno, enemy at'acks continue, with heary loner* to the enerar. South of the Nlernen the enemy I* directing heavy at- tack*." Are You One oMhem? Thousands Suffer With Catarrh and Don't Know It Is yonr breath foul? In your nose stopped* Do you snora at night? Do )"ti n great deal* Do > «»u have fr«qutn( paTns In tha forehead? Do you bftfa pain* MfMfl II a e>*»- Are vou losing your sense of smell? I\u25a0 there a dropping In tha throat? Ar« you losing your ??'nie of taste? Arc you gradually g«lllnf deaf? T>o you bear bussing sounds* Do you have ringing '? ' * * I* ther* *mlllUfi Mure lie <?«?( Vlld «»f Thil \nful < atarrli aud Had llreafb. a constant hud taut# In the vfwtith? Do you have a ha<klng couch? I>o you cough at night? Do you take cold easily? If so. you have catarrh. Catarrh !\u25a0 not only dangeroua In thla way. but It cause* ulceration", d»ath and decay of bones. loss of thinking and reasoning power. kills ambition and energy, often muioi lo«» of app*tlta. Indignation, dyspep- sia, raw throat, and reaches to gen- eral debility. Idiocy and Inaanlty. It needa attention at on^e. In order to prove to all who are suffering from this dangetouH and loathsome disease that Uauss' Ca- tarrh Cure will actually rurn any of catarrh quickly. f win send a trial package by mall free of all cost Hcnd nia your nam* and addrsss today, and tha treatment will be sent von by rettirn mall. Try It It will positively cure so that you will ha welcomed Instead of sfiunned by your friends Fill out frea coupon here- with snd mall today. ? FREE'] c \u25a0 Thia coupon ia irond for nna trlnl purkftfr* of Oauea' f'om* * P blued I'atnrrh Cure, mallei fro* In plain pn«ka*o Hlmplv n R fill In your nurna and *ddreea on lines balow and mail In ' C. E. GAUSS, 7438 Main St., p N Marahall. Michigan a Nam* * g Rtrast or \u25a0 PI r r r>. No n If rin executive officer Is dlshon est he can, In effoct, be rocalled by Impeachment or by criminal trlnl and conviction, and sentenced to th« penitentiary. Under the sys- tem of recall, even Lincoln would nava been recalled." \u25a0 City State Jj GEE! LEAVE BARK AND 80 TO TACOMA; CAN YOU BEAT IT? Tapt. Salvator I.umberas of thr I'eruvtan bark llelfaat. In port front i Callao, ha* lo*t 14 member* of hi* Peruvian crew. They took Kreneh, leave Tue*<!ay night, and yeeterdi* t'apt. lyUmSeni* appealed to the |v ! ruvtaa con*ul here for assistance i The crew la believed to be In Taro- ma. and I'nlted Htates authorities are on their trail. If found, they will either hive to return to the »htp or be deported They left without their wsgea. There had been no trouble. CHARGE SHORTAGE IN HIS ACCOUNTS VANCOUVER, n C. Sept. John Heap*, prominent in the bust ne»* affair* of thi* city, and *on of one of the founder* of the Heap* Lumber Co., face* charge* prefer- red by James Muir. for I'rather & Co of Seattle. Il«ap«, former sec- retary-treasurer of the Columbia Tru*t Co . I* connected in the com- plaint with alleged money short - age*. It I* believed * shortage of se»- era) thousand dollar* will be re- vealed. following an examination of the book* of the insolvent Columbia Tru*t Co. NEW TOnK, Sept. 9 Oustave Stahl. German reservist, who plead- ed guilty to perjury In *wearing that he *«w four gun* mounted on the I,u*ltanta before *he called out of New York, wa* sentenced today to 18 month*' Imprisonment. Wesley Gore, Evsrstt, arrested a* cattle thief. URIC ACID SOLVENT For Khemnaflam find Kidney Trouble SO Cent Bottle (32 Dotes) FREE Just because you "tart the day worried and tired, stiff legs and arms and muscles nn aching head, burning and bearing down palna In the back?srora out before the day begins, do not think you hate to ?t«y In that condition Those sufferers who ars In and out of bed half a doaan times at night will appreciate the rest, comfort and strength our treatment gives For any form of bladder trouble or weak .ess. Its action la really won- derful Be strong. well and vlgoroua, with n< inoie pain from stiff lolnts. wore muscles, rheumatic suffering, aching bS' k or kidney or bladder trouble* . ? Williams Treatment conquers kltlnrf snd bladder dlseaeea, rbni- mat lam and all wrlf acid froublra, no matter how chronic or stubborn If you have navar used The Wil- liams Treatment, we will give one ROc bottle (92 dosea> for your own use free Contains no alcohol or hablt-formlng drug. Does not affect tha heart Send thla notice, with your name and address, and 10c to help pay dis- tribution expenses, to The I>r. D. A Willis ma Company. Dept. 1214. New PoatOfflce Block. Eaat Hampton. Conn You will receive bv parcel poat a regular 50c bottle <33 doses), without charge and without In- curring sny obligations <>n* bottle only to a family or address Rheumatism AHome Cure Given by One Who Had It In th« aprln* of I waa at tfkad by Muinilir and Inflammatory fthaumattam I atjffarad aa only thou# vho hava it know, for ovar thra* >*ata I triad iam*dy after ram*d', and dortor aftar doctor, but ?uch rallaf a* 1 received «as only temporary Finally. I found a lfH« edy that cured ma completely. and 1t haa nevar returned I hava atv»»n It \u2666on number who were terribly af flirted an<l tven bedridden with Tlheumatlsm. end It effected a rura In every case 1 want a vary auffarar from any form f»f rheumattr* troubla to try thle mat \e|oue haallng power I>on't send >\u25a0 f #nt. elm plv mall your namo and ad dram and I %% 111 »and It free to try \ft*r > nti he\e iilt «nd It has IfOVH Itself |# b# thst 1081 looked f«-r niMin of curing your Hhauma- Ham, you inay aend tha prloa of it. nna dollar, but, understand. 1 do not want your tnonav unless you ara per- fectly satisfied to send Ift Isn't that fair** WTty suffer eny Ton*er whan positive rallaf le thus offered you fraa? Don't dalay Write today. Mark FI Jackeon. 1178 ? Qurney Did*.. Byrarue*. N T GOEBEL PICKED US CHOICE FOR VICE PRESIDENT Action of the American Banker*' arftoclatlon on the report of the nomination* commute* was scbed- uled to take place late Thursday afternoon. ?* the last business to be i ran san-ted by the aaaodatlon at It* 4let annual contention, which b** been In »e**lon here all week. Peter W. Goebel of Kansas City, Kan . wa* nominated for the office of vice pre*ldent of the association Hi* opponent was So! Wexler of New Orleans. Goebel got 29 vote* in committee, as against Wexler'a IS. Unanimous for Lynch Jame* K. Lynch of San Francis- co wa* unanimously chosen presi- dent. The executive council will choose the association's treasurer at a meeting Thursday evening N. P. tailing of New York city I* the moat prominently mentioned candidate for thla place. Tliton of Pell City, Ala,, and E. M. Wing of La Crosse. Wis., are the other can- didates. Kansas City Next? Th«» secretary alio will bo choaen by the executive council, and it la considers! unlikely that any can- didate will oppose the re-election of Col. Fred E. Kama worth of New York. Kansas City, Mo.. It la expected, will be choaen for the next conven- tion. alt ho Atlantic City, X. J., Is a contender. MOOSERS MUST LEAVE DOCTRINES BEHIND, SATS TAFT Former President William H. Taft arrived here Wednesday night and spoke of the political future of the republican and other parties for lIUB. at a reception In bla honor given at the New Washington ho- tel under auspices of the Young Men's Republican club. - Speaking of the organliatlon of the progressive party, he declared that a "formidable member of the old party" strayed from the fold and "mixed together with some sound principles a crazy quilt of tnlllenlal nostrums, fads and pro- posals. dangerous for free constitu- tional government." He said pro- gressives would be welcome In re- publican party, but they must for- get progressive doctrines. "It Is a perversion of popular government," he said, "when one who Is elected on the republican ticket herds with democrats or pro- gressives In the llnlted States sen- ate and house of representatives. "The keystono of the progreaatve structure la the recall of Judges and Judicial decision*. To this the republican party Is opposed, and when forruer progressives become republicans they give up this and many other progressive doctrines equally grotesque." 1,000 MORE KIDS School opened Tuesday with a total of 81,105. as compared with 80,045 for the first day last year, showing a gain of 1.080. More stu- dents enrolled Wednesday. KILLED BY BUST WOODHOUSE-GRUNBAUM FURNITURE CO. Use Your Credit?We Charge No Interest Only Two $2.50 It I Days More y* , JJJ ft Price Jr* ? Iron Bed Sale Friday and Saturday wind up our y t Price Sale on Used Iron Beds. These Beds are from our Exchange Department, but all are in good condition, and most of them have been refinishcd. The Sale Price represents about 1-3 of their actual value. 7 Haamlaaa Tapaatry Ku*a. ' 8 '"f h . r f 4, 1 Aimlnatar Haamlaaa Wilton Valval Ruga. (11l ?!»>? Hpa.lal to rloaa ?5* 5 *? ?,?*' alza larga Una of pat- out rrlday #Q 7C C"' medallion camera. larna for your aale.-tion In the and Kalurday ? O *' A..7 iln *°.?^", r " new ehadea and rolora War* i-«" * **' \u25a0 it A u aUs titS "-'? L ob jr^_Sl4j2s \ r hattle Acenta f>>r the Kamou* fnnlar In golden ??c»l l< K MICAI." Mill liana*?tha beat finish: haa II lar«t« Kanirn U.'it litalna and «*p»rlanra hava drawera and rood > r pr-. lui ed All Inner llnlmra pnrralaln alied baveled plate enameled. ao a? to prevent ruat. No un- r " l . .J®*,!, r " alghtly atova plpa allowing on aurfara of prl<*» 115.»«. fpe- Heater ra«ular the Itanga ftnld on ih* -a.I. el POWH»U ' I*l ?1. V SL I! <Gf larmi Hoo DOW*. IIM rM WEEK. fll QC Pri«» II SO BpaclH. Qg_ Tour old atova taken In trad*. laaJO Trlday »Dd Saturday ® rr - (jriinbaum « ~ Furniture (bias- H Furnltur* 416 TO 424 ? Pik,e vTtrect- $1 " VANCOUVER, B. C? Sept. B.? How Walter a miner, working a claljn in the lonely wilds ?t the north end of Vancourer Is- land, came to a sudden death by a premature blait, was told here to- day by Fire Warden T. D. Harris, who, walking hi* patrol, round the miner lying at the entrance to the mine funnel.

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Page 1: nets, Hit Day «BATYOU WANTTO KNOW ABOUT ftPrice Jr* Iron Bed · mination of the state dental board and has his certificate fan the state dental board hanging right on the wall in


Because we are giving thepeople the right kind of den-tal service to which they areentitled; because we are mak-ing a most remarkable suc-cess along those lines; because our business is grow-ing faster than that of anyother dental office in theNorthwest; because we seefit to employ only the high-est type of graduate register-ed dentists in this office andtell the people about it; be-cause of all these things weare compelled to stand for alot of vilification and mud-slinging from disgruntledand jealous competitors. Ap-parently unable to competewith our high type of dentalwork, they resort to a lot oflong words in a vain attemptto discredit us. We oftenwonder whether they them-selves really know just whatthey are talking about in

DR. L. R. CLARK some of their outbursts.

Bat in spite of all this we willkeep right on fighting thegiod fight till every man, woman and child in Seattle andsfcfaity knows just what kind of dental work they are en-tfcfcd to for their money and then where they can get it.!? long as we stand right with the people we should worry«|at jealous and narrow-minded competitors may think orBj. And that we do stand right with the people ia evidenced|j the fact, as stated above, that our businesa ia growing sofc* that we have just had to double the aise of our officesmd add another high grade, graduate registered dentist tom staff.

These Are the FACTSEvery operator in this office is a graduate registered

Aatist?a man of the very highest type obtainable. Everyin thia office has graduated from the best dental

alleges. Every operator in this office has passed the ex-mination of the state dental board and has his certificatefan the state dental board hanging right on the wall infront of his dental chair. When you come here you haveftg satisfaction of knowing that your work will be done byI nan who knows his business and knows how to do yourwork the way it should be done, and not by any chance bys student or bungler.

We use the very best materials that money can buy?Materials that will turn out the kind of work that we caniSord to go behind with our ironclad guarantee of satis-faction.

And we do guarantee our work with an IRONCLADGUARANTEE which means something, which ia signed bothby die operator who did the work and by L. R Clark, D.D. &. owner and manager of this office, a man who is thorMghly responsible. This guarantee means that if for anyiMoo your work is not entirely satisfactory we will makek light You positively cannot, under any circumstances, get\u25a0satisfactory dental work done here.

Our prices are always the lowest, as it is a rule withthis office, from which we will permit no deviation, that wewill not be underbid on price.

Our methods are the most scientific and up-to-date pain-ks> methods that human ingenuity has been able to devise. Weeaa aad do extract teeth and perform the most difficult dentaliterations positively without hurting the patient a bit. Wekm hundreds of testimonials on file in our office from thehut citizens of Seattle and vicinity which will bear out this?Mement

And we ask you In all seriousness when the very bestfatal service here costs no more, and in most cases less,?by should you take chances on the other kind?

TEETH PULLED FREEeach morning from 8:30 to 10 to demonstrate our

painless methods.


HOS Third Ave. N. W. Corner Third and Union.

FRURE SHARKS BUSY AT f. M. C. A.rotfr# not!"

Thss you are supposed to standy look? while tbe rent of the»hoot your name at tot

the war » lively, snapping


'*\u25a0 !*?( Talk for fhe Stal\u25a0wsalaa la WaU Payer.

?« » Ml. 93c7ic

. 25cr .rr? u

: 50c$1.00$2.00


CULTSsr2f!I n niEiiEi) p*pr.ii<



tfKDICI.IE CO.115 W.lfr Way

Wm hav« Chln«»«Koott, V**«tabl«.Curt® all chronicIfataata and 4ia-or4«rt of rn«n

\u25a0 ? womin.

»up«rlorlty of?"M toVr«Xr ,*ltTriJ "' *n " *'V" ""

-A.LUNDBERG CO.u*thihu Arsaca

! meeting of the accountancy classesof the Y M. C. A b«-gan their so-cial and business meeting at theassociation building Wednesdaynight.

The meeting wm to reorganize

the classes and arrange the season's schedule A lorial meeting

1* to be heM at every Tuesday,

and a new class Is to start Fridayevening, September 24.

AUTO VICTIM DIESC. J. Falrhurst. whose auto ran

Into William E Moore, salesmanfor a Portland publishing house, Is

still out on his personal recogniz-

ance today, altho More died yes-

terday afternoon, suffering from a

fractured skull and bruises, sus-tained In the accident, whl-h oc-curred Tuesday morning.


HAIR SECRETA rreat m«ny Heattle women[. who

ha- " an abandance of beautiful hslr

know «bout a remarkable heir formuln wht<-h every w«»nan oosht toknow about. For s number of years

Seattle dru*gt»te have been contlnually <-sl>d upon t'i ml* this form-nla T'ndoubterfly the 'me of thisformula l« largely the aerrethe»>itv- end l«»'irlan'» of < * h*'

very many Keattle women «.nd mentoo Tha formula cMIWH Pf "«

mtn'ea of hav r-.m. <" 1 <*\u25a0 "' ?»?">»> a

rte < omponee and one-half drs'jnmmenthol crys'ala Home people adda ten onful of D'r ""v.w y

N,Yr>rk phy«l<*l«n N T. %

rhemlat were r<-<-entlV consulted ie.

gsrdlng the efftca. ? f thts "il.ture

and 'hev both »ay they know of not

In* better to destroy dandruff. "11rn-

Ulate hair growth. *"dvlvnraUi tli« ICMIp. \u25a0 tOD fflllllilfnlir,

mskt the hair fTuffy and give

It lu.ter Anv <ti"KKl«' can furnish

you the Ingredients which you canml* at horn* or will mix tn«m foryo.l Apply to the aralp night andmorning and rub In with tha finger



"Nothing la so timid as cap-ital and nothing is so easilyable to take care of what it has.A hostile spirit manifested Inlegislation buttons up thepockets of those who controlwealth."

Tardy?About tbe Third Day of School



PKTROGRAD. Sept. 9. ?Aaitro(Wraan forcea Irving to ouat theKuaalana from Gallcla have beeniharply defeated before TarnopolTvo German divisions and an Aua-trtan brigade. preparing to make adedalve attack, and reinforced withlight and he**y artillery. w«r« fore-atailed by Rusalan forcea and "com-pletely defeated." the official atate-ment today »ald The Teutonicloaaea were 200 officers and *.000men captured, many killed andwounded, and SO guna, 14 of themmachine guna, and other bootytaken

The victory waa acctalmed hereby great crowda They cheered Itaa an "omen of au<"i-e«a for the Lit-


commerce law and Its enforcementcontains one of the most useful les-sons to those who would defy thepeople In the pride of Intrenchedl< wer. It msy take years, bt!t allthe people cannot t>e fooled all thetime.

- "

"Corporations have been drivenout of politics, and while, of coarse,corruption Is not ever absent, thedanger of plutocracy has disap-peared and the purification of poll-tics has constituted a real reformfor which all good c|tlr»ns must begrateful."

"We must grant Increased ratesto the rallronds when the condi-tions require It, and grant themquickly. Millions own their stock.They employ millions of m«<n."

"We should repeal the full crewbills that Imposo upon the rallroa'lcompanies the burden of employlnKunnecesrary labor."

"No change in our sorial condi-tion. It seems to me, has been morebeneficial on the whole, to th*worklngmen, than has this resor'to the power of combination amongthem."

"We should know that the unionshare com* to stay snd to remainpowerful factors In the progress ofthe community. But evil tendene|e» have appeared In such combl-nations Just as In combination ofcapital


But the chief ground for criti-cising the recent policy of tradesunions Is the fact that the powerthey have legitimately acquired hycombination nnd have properlyused for the betterment of theirconditions, they are now attempt-ing to abuse by seeking to placeorganized labor In a privilegedclass."

' The duty Imposed upon the peo

pie In legislating by Initiative andreferendum Is so much more bur-densome than that Imposed by therepresentative system In selectingagents to do this work that the maJorlty of the voters too frequentlyrefuse to perform their electoralduties, and thus leave to a minorityof the electorate the deridnn of Im-portant questions submitted hyreferenda "

"It la jnst as absurd to proposeto build a bridge without engineers,to build a house without an archltect or a competent contractor, nsto propflM detailed b-glalatlon hvvotes at a popular election."

tie Father the riar »ho Ita* nowtaken charge of the nrmlen

Stmilar *ucce**ea were recordedel*«where, with mora than 2,000prisoner* captured

The Rtiintan force* not onty re-pulsed the German* at many point*,but likewise delivered auccea*fuliounter attack* No German move-ment* about Itlga were reported.

Ruioina Now Purau*The Rnsolan* are now pursuing

the retreating Teuton*, and have re-oo-Mpied position* along the Heretb

The ctar wired hi* felicitation*upon the Tarnopo! victory.

"On the Km* !>« Inn front, practlc-ularly In the Groeaeckau and Seu-Reut railway station* region.'' *aldthe official statement, "the enemy'*advance >ai checked. We retreat-ed from the right bank of theLautae.

Enemy Losses Big"In the Trokl lake region we were

fiercely shel.ed end bombards withKM bomb*. Kant of Orodno, enemyat'acks continue, with heary loner*to the enerar. South of the Nlernenthe enemy I* directing heavy at-tack*."

Are You OneoMhem?

Thousands Suffer With Catarrh andDon't Know It

Is yonr breath foul? In your nosestopped* Do you snora at night?Do )"ti n great deal* Do > «»uhave fr«qutn( paTns In tha forehead?Do you bftfa pain* MfMfl II a e>*»-

Are vou losing your sense of smell?I\u25a0 there a dropping In tha throat?Ar« you losing your ??'nie of taste?Arc you gradually g«lllnf deaf? T>oyou bear bussing sounds* Do youhave ringing '? ' * * I* ther*

*mlllUfi Mure lie <?«?( Vlld «»f

Thil \nful < atarrli aud Had llreafb.

a constant hud taut# In the vfwtith?Do you have a ha<klng couch? I>oyou cough at night? Do you takecold easily? If so. you have catarrh.

Catarrh !\u25a0 not only dangeroua Inthla way. but It cause* ulceration",d»ath and decay of bones. loss ofthinking and reasoning power. killsambition and energy, often muioi

lo«» of app*tlta. Indignation, dyspep-sia, raw throat, and reaches to gen-

eral debility. Idiocy and Inaanlty. Itneeda attention at on^e.

In order to prove to all who aresuffering from this dangetouH andloathsome disease that Uauss' Ca-tarrh Cure will actually rurn any

of catarrh quickly. f win senda trial package by mall free of allcost Hcnd nia your nam* and addrssstoday, and tha treatment will be sentvon by rettirn mall. Try It It willpositively cure so that you will hawelcomed Instead of sfiunned by your

friends Fill out frea coupon here-with snd mall today.

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C. E. GAUSS, 7438 Main St., pN Marahall. Michigan

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Rtrast or \u25a0

PI r r r>. No n

If rin executive officer Is dlshonest he can, In effoct, be rocalled byImpeachment or by criminal trlnland conviction, and sentenced toth« penitentiary. Under the sys-tem of recall, even Lincoln wouldnava been recalled."

\u25a0 City State Jj


CAN YOU BEAT IT?Tapt. Salvator I.umberas of thr

I'eruvtan bark llelfaat. In port front iCallao, ha* lo*t 14 member* of hi*Peruvian crew. They took Kreneh,

leave Tue*<!ay night, and yeeterdi*t'apt. lyUmSeni* appealed to the |v !ruvtaa con*ul here for assistance iThe crew la believed to be In Taro-ma. and I'nlted Htates authorities

are on their trail. If found, they

will either hive to return to the»htp or be deported

They left without their wsgea.

There had been no trouble.


VANCOUVER, n C. Sept.John Heap*, prominent in the bustne»* affair* of thi* city, and *on ofone of the founder* of the Heap*Lumber Co., face* charge* prefer-red by James Muir. for I'rather &

Co of Seattle. Il«ap«, former sec-retary-treasurer of the ColumbiaTru*t Co . I* connected in the com-plaint with alleged money short -


It I* believed * shortage of se»-era) thousand dollar* will be re-vealed. following an examination ofthe book* of the insolvent ColumbiaTru*t Co.

NEW TOnK, Sept. 9 OustaveStahl. German reservist, who plead-

ed guilty to perjury In *wearing

that he *«w four gun* mounted onthe I,u*ltanta before *he called outof New York, wa* sentenced todayto 18 month*' Imprisonment.

Wesley Gore, Evsrstt, arrested

a* cattle thief.


For Khemnaflam find Kidney Trouble

SO Cent Bottle (32 Dotes)FREE

Just because you "tart the dayworried and tired, stiff legs andarms and muscles nn aching head,burning and bearing down palna Inthe back?srora out before the daybegins, do not think you hate to?t«y In that condition

Those sufferers who ars In and outof bed half a doaan times at nightwill appreciate the rest, comfort andstrength our treatment gives Forany form of bladder trouble orweak .ess. Its action la really won-derful

Be strong. well and vlgoroua, withn< inoie pain from stiff lolnts. woremuscles, rheumatic suffering, achingbS' k or kidney or bladder trouble*

. ? Williams Treatment conquerskltlnrf snd bladder dlseaeea, rbni-mat lam and all wrlf acid froublra,no matter how chronic or stubbornIf you have navar used The Wil-liams Treatment, we will give oneROc bottle (92 dosea> for your ownuse free Contains no alcohol orhablt-formlng drug. Does not affecttha heart

Send thla notice, with your nameand address, and 10c to help pay dis-tribution expenses, to The I>r. D. AWillis ma Company. Dept. 1214. NewPoatOfflce Block. Eaat Hampton.Conn You will receive bv parcelpoat a regular 50c bottle <33 doses),

without charge and without In-curring sny obligations <>n* bottleonly to a family or address

RheumatismAHome Cure Given by One Who Had It

In th« aprln* of I waa at

tfkad by Muinilir and Inflammatoryfthaumattam I atjffarad aa onlythou# vho hava it know, for ovarthra* >*ata I triad iam*dy afterram*d', and dortor aftar doctor, but?uch rallaf a* 1 received «as onlytemporary Finally. I found a lfH«edy that cured ma completely. and 1thaa nevar returned I hava atv»»n It

\u2666on number who were terribly afflirted an<l tven bedridden with

Tlheumatlsm. end It effected a rura Inevery case

1 want avary auffarar from any form

f»f rheumattr* troubla to try thle mat

\e|oue haallng power I>on't send >\u25a0

f #nt. elm plv mall your namo and addram and I %% 111 »and It free to try

\ft*r > nti he\e iilt «nd It has

IfOVH Itself |# b# thst 1081 lookedf«-r niMin of curing your Hhauma-Ham, you inay aend tha prloa of it.nna dollar, but, understand. 1 do notwant your tnonav unless you ara per-fectly satisfied to send Ift Isn't thatfair** WTty suffer eny Ton*er whanpositive rallaf le thus offered you

fraa? Don't dalay Write today.

Mark FI Jackeon. 1178 ? QurneyDid*.. Byrarue*. N T


arftoclatlon on the report of thenomination* commute* was scbed-uled to take place late Thursday

afternoon. ?* the last business to beiran san-ted by the aaaodatlon atIt* 4let annual contention, whichb** been In »e**lon here all week.

Peter W. Goebel of Kansas City,Kan . wa* nominated for the officeof vice pre*ldent of the associationHi* opponent was So! Wexler of

New Orleans. Goebel got 29 vote*in committee, as against Wexler'aIS.

Unanimous for LynchJame* K. Lynch of San Francis-

co wa* unanimously chosen presi-dent.

The executive council will choosethe association's treasurer at ameeting Thursday evening N. P.tailing of New York city I* the moatprominently mentioned candidatefor thla place. Tliton ofPell City, Ala,, and E. M. Wing ofLa Crosse. Wis., are the other can-didates.

Kansas City Next?Th«» secretary alio will bo choaen

by the executive council, and it laconsiders! unlikely that any can-didate will oppose the re-election ofCol. Fred E. Kama worth of NewYork.

Kansas City, Mo.. It la expected,will be choaen for the next conven-tion. alt ho Atlantic City, X. J., Is acontender.


Former President William H.Taft arrived here Wednesday nightand spoke of the political future ofthe republican and other partiesfor lIUB. at a reception In bla honorgiven at the New Washington ho-tel under auspices of the YoungMen's Republican club.

- Speaking of the organliatlon ofthe progressive party, he declaredthat a "formidable member of the

old party" strayed from the foldand "mixed together with somesound principles a crazy quilt oftnlllenlal nostrums, fads and pro-posals. dangerous for free constitu-tional government." He said pro-gressives would be welcome In re-publican party, but they must for-get progressive doctrines.

"It Is a perversion of populargovernment," he said, "when onewho Is elected on the republicanticket herds with democrats or pro-

gressives In the llnlted States sen-ate and house of representatives.

"The keystono of the progreaatvestructure la the recall of Judgesand Judicial decision*. To this therepublican party Is opposed, andwhen forruer progressives becomerepublicans they give up this andmany other progressive doctrinesequally grotesque."

1,000 MORE KIDSSchool opened Tuesday with a

total of 81,105. as compared with80,045 for the first day last year,showing a gain of 1.080. More stu-

dents enrolled Wednesday.



Use Your Credit?We Charge No Interest

Only Two $2.50 It IDays More y* , JJJftPrice Jr*?Iron Bed

SaleFriday and Saturday wind up our yt Price Sale on Used Iron Beds. These Bedsare from our Exchange Department, but all are in good condition, and most ofthem have been refinishcd. The Sale Price represents about 1-3 of their actual value.

7 Haamlaaa Tapaatry Ku*a. ' 8 '"fh. ,®r f4,

1Aimlnatar Haamlaaa Wilton Valval Ruga.

(11l ?!»>? Hpa.lal to rloaa ?5* 5 *? ?,?*' alza larga Una of out rrlday #Q 7C C"' medallion camera. larna for your aale.-tion In theand Kalurday ? O *' A..7 iln *°.?^", r "

new ehadea and rolora War*

i-«" * **'\u25a0 it A u aUs titS "-'? Lobjr^_Sl4j2s

\ r hattle Acenta f>>r the Kamou* fnnlar In golden

??c»l l< K MICAI." Mill liana*?tha beat finish: haa II lar«t«Kanirn U.'it litalna and «*p»rlanra hava drawera and rood

> r pr-. lui ed All Inner llnlmra pnrralaln alied baveled plate

enameled. ao a? to prevent ruat. No un- r" l . .J®*,!, r "

alghtly atova plpa allowing on aurfara of prl<*» 115.»«. fpe-Heater ra«ular

the Itanga ftnld on ih* -a.I. el POWH»U ' I*l ?1. V SL I! <Gflarmi Hoo DOW*. IIM rM WEEK. fll QC Pri«» II SO BpaclH. Qg_Tour old atova taken In trad*. laaJO Trlday »Dd Saturday ®

rr -(jriinbaum «

~ Furniture (bias- HFurnltur* 416 TO 424 ? Pik,e vTtrect- $1 "

VANCOUVER, B. C? Sept. B.?How Walter a miner,

working a claljn in the lonely wilds

?t the north end of Vancourer Is-land, came to a sudden death by apremature blait, was told here to-day by Fire Warden T. D. Harris,who, walking hi* patrol, round theminer lying at the entrance to themine funnel.