net neutrality explained


Upload: grant-wright

Post on 21-Apr-2017




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What is “net neutrality” and why should I care?

Think of this space as “how much info can be delivered to you.”Notice, it’s finite.

You may be under the impression everything delivered over the internethas the same opportunity to get to you as fast as your connection allows.

Not true.

Some companies have struck deals with internet providersto have their content delivered via a “fast lane” of sorts.

And when there’s a fast lane,there’s a slow lane.

The FCC has come in favor of keeping internet bandwidth neutralin attempt to prevent companies from paying for preferential treatment

because they’re worried market forces will compel internet providersto devote more bandwidth to premium content providers able to pay for speed.

Letting Internet providers use “pay-to-play” would put startup sites and smaller companies at a disadvantage.

Today, 2/26/15, day, the FCC enacted its strongest-ever rules on net neutrality, preserving an open Internet by prohibiting broadband providers from

blocking or slowing content that flows across their pipes.

The internet will remain “open.”

Companies like Verizon and Comcast say the cost of playing by these new rules will force them to cut back on investments in new technologies,

“stifling their ability to innovate.”

Don’t believe them for a second.

You know what will drive these companies to invest and innovate, regardless?


An open internet puts everyone in the same boat.

Web developers everywhere must continue to meticulously refine their codeto deliver robust content in as light and efficient manner as possible.

Thanks FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler.

Sincerely,Internet Users Everywhere
