nerve title design

The fonts throughout this title sequence vary massively and there is no clear theme. However, most of the fonts do follow a pattern of being bold and capitalised. They are all (as far as I’m aware) sans serif because they are going for a modern, simplistic but effective look. The bold and colourfulness makes up for having no ‘serif’. Colours vary throughout, (but the large sized cast names are fixed) in contrast with a low key/dark (black) background. With the modern sans serif text, social networking has been incorporated such as the Soundcloud background with the ‘Music by Rob Simonsen’, the snapchat background and the text background etc. Although the cast names are large, the subtitles are small sized. The sequence itself is designed separately from the opening scene of the film – the credits aren’t layered on top of it. The credits/titles appear in tune to the beat of the music. They all appear in different ways; some titles fade in and fade out. Others bounce in etc. When the title sequence

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Nerve title design

The fonts throughout this title sequence vary massively and there is no clear theme. However, most of the fonts do follow a pattern of being bold and capitalised. They are all (as far as I’m aware) sans serif because they are going for a modern, simplistic but effective look. The bold and colourfulness makes up for having no ‘serif’. Colours vary throughout, (but the large sized cast names are fixed) in contrast with a low key/dark (black) background. With the modern sans serif text, social networking has been incorporated such as the Soundcloud background with the ‘Music by Rob Simonsen’, the snapchat background and the text background etc. Although the cast names are large, the subtitles are small sized. The sequence itself is designed separately from the opening scene of the film – the credits aren’t layered on top of it. The credits/titles appear in tune to the beat of the music. They all appear in different ways; some titles fade in and fade out. Others bounce in etc. When the title sequence uses social networking i.e. texting, the title gets typed as if it’s a text message etc. The titles also use a variety of glow effects, colour changes and sparkly movement. The titles are placed various places depending on the background, but they are mainly positioned centrally.

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