nero avendale players guide 2005 v05

1 A Traveler’s Guide to the Kingdom of Avendale Year 605 by Evendarr Reckoning Author Credits Most text written, compiled, and edited by Dan Comstock Contributions from all of Avendale Campaign Staff since March 1997 Copyright © 1997–2005 by NERO® International Holding Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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A Traveler’s Guide to the Kingdom of Avendale

Year 605 by Evendarr Reckoning

Author Credits Most text written, compiled, and edited by Dan Comstock

Contributions from all of Avendale Campaign Staff since March 1997

Copyright © 1997–2005 by NERO® International Holding Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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A Traveler’s Guide to the Kingdom of Avendale

Year 605 by Evendarr Reckoning

Author Credits Most text written, compiled, and edited by Dan Comstock with contributions from all of Avendale

Campaign Staff. Illustrations by Sarah Dahlinger used with permission.

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Table of Contents The State of Affairs in Avendale: An Overview _______________________________ 4

Origins of Avendale _____________________________________________________________4 A Brief History _________________________________________________________________4 Political Climate ________________________________________________________________4 The Armed Forces of Avendale _____________________________________________________6 Manifest Destiny and Expansionism _________________________________________________7 Greystone _____________________________________________________________________7 The Silvermyst Forest ____________________________________________________________7 The Mountains of Nebulonde_______________________________________________________7 Galenson and Brisbane ___________________________________________________________8 The Shaidu Garrison _____________________________________________________________8 Goliath _______________________________________________________________________9 Avendalian Cuisine ______________________________________________________________9 Important People of Avendale _____________________________________________________11

Geography of The Kingdom of Avendale ___________________________________ 15 The Estates of Avendale _________________________________________________________15

Natural Landmarks ___________________________________________________ 16 The Mountains of Nebulonde______________________________________________________16 The Silvermyst Forest ___________________________________________________________16 The Frost Peaks ________________________________________________________________16 Lake Malakar _________________________________________________________________16 Frost Lake ____________________________________________________________________16 The Plains ____________________________________________________________________17

The Barony of Brisbane ________________________________________________ 18 Stormbearer Keep ______________________________________________________________19

The Barony of Galenson________________________________________________ 21

Barony of the Silvermyst _______________________________________________ 23 The History of the Silvermyst Forest ________________________________________________23

The Barony of Nebulonde _______________________________________________ 28 A Concise History of Nebulonde ___________________________________________________28 The Civil War of Nebulonde ______________________________________________________31

The Writings of Avendale _______________________________________________ 34 The Galenson Expedition_________________________________________________________34 A History of Ancient Brisbane_____________________________________________________42 Timeline of the Empire of Brisbane_________________________________________________45 The Malison of Karveki__________________________________________________________47 The Avendale Military College ____________________________________________________50 The Naming of the Estates of Avendale ______________________________________________55 Overview of the Avendale Royal Mages Guild ________________________________________57 The Laws of Avendale___________________________________________________________59 The Final Letter of Tarsus Nightspear _______________________________________________61

Out of Game Footnotebook _____________________________________________ 63

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The State of Affairs in Avendale: An Overview

Origins of Avendale The lands now known as Avendale used to be the heart of a now dead empire called Brisbane. The Brisbane empire flourished under the use of strange formal magics and a powerful line of Emperors. Emperor Justin Brisbane executed many of the gypsies of Brisbane, seeing them as the heart of his nation’s weakness. As the gypsies were exterminated from the lands, they laid down many curses, causing great strife to every nation hence which has attempted to rule it. Over a century ago, Lady Katherine Galenson led her troops into the ruins of Brisbane in search of the crown of Hadran, an artifact which gave supreme power to its possessor. Her expedition was slaughtered by the vampire Karveki, an ancient Brisbanian mage who has lived in the land since the fall of his empire.

A Brief History Avendale was founded in 597 Evendarrian Reckoning by Lady Naomi Avendale, who came in search of her ancestor, Katherine Galenson’s expedition. After founding Avendale as its own kingdom, she was crowned Queen, and led the people of Avendale through many hardships that threatened the fledgling nation. As Avendale grew, it made alliances and eventually integrated the nearby Quentari elves of the Silvermyst forest and the Dark Elves of the mountains of Nebulonde. Avendale remains a Kingdom of change, having survived the death of its former dukes and a rapidly shifting noble hierarchy. The foremost challenge that Avendale faced was the vampire Karveki, who has existed in Avendale for over a millennia. Once an Archwizard of Ancient Brisbane, Karveki became a vampire through a formal magic backlash. Centuries after the Brisbanian Empire had fallen, Karveki lived off the remains of the

dead empire, amassing an uncontested army which would hold the land in check. Karveki was defeated in 604, having murdered both Queen Naomi and her husband, Regent Tavernier Septorian. Duke Frederick Arundel was appointed to the throne by Lady Ellimere Arundel.

Political Climate Avendale’s first ruler was Queen Naomi. Known as the Warrior Queen, she was loved and respected by all. Her reign was beset by both political and martial strife, and it seemed that at many points, the Kingdom would crumble. This was attributed in part to the Curse of Brisbane, which was laid down by the gypsies of Ancient Brisbane. Part of an old prophecy was that no one would rule the lands of Ancient Brisbane until a gypsy had the crown. In an attempt to end the Curse of Brisbane, Niomi tried to join the gypsies. Though she was accepted by the Gypsy

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population of Avendale, the formal magic didn’t work, and her unborn son, Prince Stefanos, became a gypsy. Stefanos was born a healthy gypsy child, ordained to take the crown on his 18th birthday. In 601 ER, Queen Niomi was slain by the Vampire Karveki. She was survived by her husband Tavernier Septorian, who was named Regent by his mother-and-law, Lady Arundel of Evendarr. In April of 604, the kingdom knew both joy and sorrow. The vampire Karveki was finally slain after a grueling campaign to locate and destroy all of his spirit cradles. The next day, Regent Tavernier Septorian was murdered by adventurers and nobles from Ravenholt. He was laid to rest by his people, alongside his fallen wife.

(Thorn Baljar and Tavernier Septorian)

Later that year, Duke Frederick Arundel was appointed by Lady Arundel of Evendarr to rule Avendale. This was seen as the first major move in Avendale rejoining Evendarr. It is felt by many that this transition was inevitable. Most of the Shaidu Garrison, the Royal Guard of Avendale is Evendarrian, and most Avendalians were born in Evendarr. Avendale’s Neighbors Avendale has several neighbors. Avendale lies to the North of Evendarr. Avendale shares borders with Elysia, and Volta. There is the

Kingdom of Rihad in the desert to the west, a merchant land which is ruled by three human Barons. Known by some as the Robber Barons, they have many connections to Avendale’s seedy underworld. Just past Rihad lies the lands of Rockshire. To the north of Avendale, there is Banik-tor, a Dwarven nation that keeps itself isolated. The Dwarven mountains are ruled by a council of Thanes. Avendale keeps up good relations with the kingdoms around it. The North and the South Avendale has expanded north very quickly. Each year, more and more Evendarrians move to the frontier lands, so new cities and roads are constantly springing up. The Kingdom is fledgling, less than a decade old, but it has managed to settle out the south very rapidly. The lands to the north are wild and untamed– the roads still have weeds and roots, and are not very well established. Many roads have no name. As one walks south from the frontier towards the capital, they pass through the gradient into society. The southern lands, away from the frontier, are clearly more 'civilized'. The fields are tilled and fruitful. The large gray stones which have been pushed up by Tyrra to confound farmers have been organized into knee-high stone walls along property lines (these walls make for pleasant sitting at lunch time). Towards the royal estates, cobblestones have been laid for quicker horse-travel. All the royal estates enjoy this luxury, and it gives a sense that one is traveling through thoroughly established lands. In recent years there has been a slowly growing discord growing between the northerners and the southerners. The appearance of the town of Ranier has exacerbated this. The people of the city-lands think the North will “settle out” as the frontier is pushed Nort h, but many people living near the border think that Avendale should just accept their pace of life. Especially in the wilder parts of Avendale, where more Sarr, Barbarians, Scavengers, Half Orcs, and Half Ogres are common, there is a moderate revulsion at the way that the crown

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has handled the expansion. Though they have attempted to make peace with the Minotaur and Barbarian people which live in the grasslands, the people of the frontier are treated much like monsters. The honorable Minotaur are constantly challenged for their land, and the savage Barbarians who practice the forbidden art of necromancy are efficiently slaughtered. Some wonder if Avendale’s push for expansion is really just an extension of the city-land desire to settle and civilize everything. There is a proverb that has become popular amongst the wild races: “When a shepherd goes to kill a wolf, and takes his dog to see the sport, he should take care to avoid mistakes. The dog has certain relationships to the wolf the shepherd may have forgotten.” The Commoners and the Nobility The nobility of Avendale has been in relatively rapid flux in the past decade. Years ago, the Kingdom of Avendale was divided into duchies, ruled by Duke Ishidu, Duke Valerian, and Duke Solomon Kane. As lower Nebulonde joined Avendale, the three Dukes disappeared or were removed from power. The kingdom was then restructured into four Baronies, Brisbane, Galenson, Silvermyst, and Neublonde. Soon after coming to power, the Baronial Court of Galenson asked to be released from their oaths, causing the Barony to fall into unrest. The longtime Baron of Brisbane was involved in the assassination of Regent Tavernier Septorian, and was removed from power.

Despite these disturbances and disgraces, the commoners of Avendale have maintained their trust in the nobility. The commoners have seen

great chivalry and virtue in those who have ascended to the noble caste, and support them wholly. The Adventuring Caste The adventurers of Avendale are seen as a stalwart and elite group. Though many children fantasize about taking up swords and fighting monsters, this desire is generally eroded by reason. Adventuring is an extremely dangerous career, and as such, adventurers are seen as both brave and foolish, powerful and reckless. Adventurers are rich beyond most people’s wildest dreams - the average commoner earns only 3 or 5 silver pieces per day! The lands have been plagued by many hardships since their founding, and the adventurers have always been there to keep the kingdom safe – they are respected and loved by the commoners, though often from a distance. The Avendale adventurers are a community who depend on each other to solve tasks and fight off danger. When the nobility of Avendale gathers to discuss current events, they draw a crowd of adventurers. These large gatherings are held outside the edges of a city. Many adventurers not have regular jobs during the week, and as such are viewed as fair-weather soldiers of fortune. Since most news throughout Avendale is generated during the gatherings, some wonder if anything bad would happen if adventurers weren’t there to provoke it. The gathering of adventurers is like a gathering of clouds in many ways – rain and thunder often follow.

The Armed Forces of Avendale Avendale boasts one of the most well trained armies in Avalon, the Avendale military. At the top of the military, there is an elite group of soldiers sworn to Avendale called the Shaidu Garrison. This force, dressed in green and blue, acts as both a standing army and a national guard for Avendale. The Garrison is composed mostly of former Evendarrian soldiers once commanded by Niomi Avendale, and who have fallen in love with the dangerous frontier kingdom which they defend. The Shaidu Garrison is characterized by courage, loyalty,

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and precision. They are led by the patriot Douglas Shuyler.

Manifest Destiny and Expansionism Every year, Avendale pushes its borders north and west, into the frontier. Currently, this expansionism is pushing itself through plains populated by Minotaur, the honorable bull-people of the grasslands, and the Scorpion Clan barbarians, who until recently served the Master Vampire Karveki. Last year, Avendale began to settle a new city, Greystone. Many Minotaur have tried to adapt and live at peace with the Avendalians, but few have made this transition smoothly. It is thought that Avendale will expand until it reaches the mountains to the North and the desert of Rihad to the west.

Greystone The city of Greystone used to be called Grienkala, an important city in the old Brisbanian Empire. The abandoned city had been ruled by undead and attercob for many years, until the adventurers of Avendale discovered the city and exterminated most of them. Now, more than two thousand commoners live in the great grey stone mansions and buildings built by the long gone Brisbanians. The city is filled with old monuments, crumbling towers, and faded,

cobweb filled buildings. There are still sections of the city which no one has moved into, and the streets aren’t quite safe to venture into at night. At the edge of Greystone, the adventurers gather in the manor houses by the woods to protect the city from the many attackers who would try to violate it.

The Silvermyst Forest The Barony of the Silvermyst Forest is a great wood in the north east of Avendale. The area has long been populated solely by Quentari, but in recent years they have opened up their borders to non-elves. The Silvermyst has fought a long battle against the Lord of the Haunted Wood, a Fae king who seeks to twist and corrupt the forest. The Silvermyst is ruled by Baroness Kittery, an Elven sorceress who has stood by Avendale since its founding in 597 ER.

The Mountains of Nebulonde The Barony of Nebulonde is a chain of mountains in the south east of Avendale. The mountains are populated by Dwarves, Hoblings, and Dark Elves. For a long time, Nebulonde considered itself an empire apart from Avendale, but a drawn-out political struggle has stabilized the territory as a Barony. The Barony of Nebulonde is ruled by the enigmatic Baron Kineda, a Dark Elf.

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Galenson and Brisbane The other two Baronies of Avendale are named Brisbane, for the empire which once rested there, and Galenson, for Katherine Galenson, the first Evendarrian to set up camp in this area. Brisbane and Galenson are in many ways the center of Avendale. Populated primarily by humans, these areas are cosmopolitan and quickly growing. Many Evendarrians move into these areas because they have all the comforts of Evendarr but with the vigor and excitement of frontier territories. Galenson, nicknamed the City-Lands, enjoys a more metropolitan life. The cities of Galenson are bustling with Avendalian colonists who are enjoying lucrative trade, good farmlands, a handful of vineyards, and a relatively safe countryside. Trade taxes are slightly more lenient than Evendarr; many merchants from the surrounding climes come to trade in Avendale.

Brisbane is the more untamed of the two baronies. In recent years, many scavengers, half-orcs, half-ogres, Wild Elves, and Barbarians from the Scorpion Clan have come to live in Brisbane. A few small communities of the honorable Minotaur also live peacefully in Brisbane. It is being heralded as a land where civilization and the wild are meeting in some harmony.

The Shaidu Garrison

The Shaidu Garrison was created in January of 597 as Niomi Avendale prepared for her expedition to the Lands of Brisbane. Most of the core members served under her in the Ducal Army where she held the rank of Major. Upon forming the independent Shaidu Garrison, she gave herself the top rank of General and promoted her core members to higher ranks as well. The core members are the most trusted, charismatic, and powerful of all her Garrison members. The Shaidu Garrison is the armed guard of Avendale. They were founded originally from a famous adventuring party from Evendarr - the Steel Rose – and the Evendarr military. The infamous Shaidu group began originally as soldiers who commissions ended in Evendarr, and they followed Niomi Avendale to aid her family quest and possibly to find their fortunes on the frontier. According to one story, the Company of the Steele Rose had returned from a successful campaign and, after a wild party in one of the taverns, awoke the next morning, their heads throbbing, to realize they had enlisted in the Evendarrian Ducal Military, and were promptly assigned to Major Niomi Avendale. When their commissions ended in the Evendarrian Military, they all followed Niomi to the lands of Brisbane. Led by the patriot Douglas Shuyler, the Garrison is renowned as one of the best trained and most skilled forces in Avalon. Capable of operating as a free-standing army, the Shaidu Garrison is constantly patrolling and defending

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Avendale from menaces both within and outside its borders. The Garrison is very selective, and very few gain entry to their elite ranks. There are currently only 136 members.

Goliath After the final death of the vampire Karveki, rumors abounded of a vampire named Goliath who had his sights set on Avendale. Goliath had been biding his time, waiting for Karveki’s demise while gathering his forces for his assault on the Frontier Kingdom. It is known that the Master Vampire is of Quentari blood, and hails from the Ash forest, but at the time of this writing, not much more is known about him.

Avendalian Cuisine Meals in Avendale The city-lands of Avendale are built mostly in the plains and hills. Crops must stand up to harsh winds and sun, and a long rainy season. As such, food can be scarce or expensive at times. Thanks to a healthy trade relationship with neighboring kingdoms and generally light taxes, there is never a time where the poor go hungry. Eating well in Avendale costs about 3 to 4 silver per day.

The Northlands The barbarians of the north of Avendale live the buffalo of the plains. Some tribes have found fertile ground shielded from the wind by hills

and grow modest gardens, but they are a primarily carnivorous people. Barbarian traders have had no luck in selling buffalo in Avendale – the Avendalians think of buffalo as very tough and plain.

A popular drink in the Northlands is called Aubrash. It is brewed by the Red River tribe, a village of half-ogres. Until 604, the public had not tasted Aubrash, but the Half-Ogres began to sell it in limited quantity. They only sell enough each year to pay the tax on their land, believing it is a ceremonial drink that will be wasted on the commoners of Avendale. Aubrash is a honey-beer which is served warm, and is intended to be passed around a campfire. Those drunk on Aubrash are prone to storytelling and falling asleep. The Silvermyst The Elves of the Silvermyst enjoy the bounties of Tyrra. Many lush gardens grow amongst the verdant forest, and fruit-bearing trees can be harvested for an exceptionally long autumn season. The Elves occasionally feast on venison or various poached birds and ducks, but no meal is considered complete without a fresh salad. Silvermyst wine a brilliant gold in color. It’s taste is complex, but is often summarized as “fruity”. Outside of the Silvermyst, it is the most expensive wine in Avendale, and is often used sparingly at celebrations and ceremonies.

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Nebulonde Mountains The mountains are not good for growing food, and there is little natural wildlife in the austere hills of Nebulonde. Most food comes from the numerous subterranean waterways that wind through the hills. Rice can be grown in the watery basins and valleys, and this has become a staple of Nebulondian meals. The Dark Elves and Hoblings who inhabit this area have developed a taste for riverfish, eels, and mushrooms. Years ago, it was common for goblin meat to be served in many taverns, but it is no longer thought of as civilized to eat any race that can speak. In some parts of the mountains, goblin meat is still popular, possibly as a means of keeping the numerous and ravenous goblin population down. Dark Elven wine is prized throughout Avendale. For a long time, the Dark Elves kept strict laws on the sale of the coveted wine, forbidding it to be traded with those outside of Nebulonde. After Nebulonde joined Avendale, the trade law was removed, and now the fine wine is enjoyed

by wine-snobs all over Avendale. In addition to a warm inebriation, Dark Elven wine produce some hallucinations. The process for making this wine is still a secret to the general public. The Citylands - Brisbane, Galenson, and the Ducal Estates The Avendalian pallet appreciates simple dishes. Avendale favorites include corned beef and cabbage (a dish referred in the common parlance as “Brisbane Boiled Dinner”), chicken, venison, steak, and hamburgers. Many people eat salad, often with ranch dressing or olive vinaigrette. Pasta and stir-fry are also old-country favorites. Bretton’s Special – This dish is named for Bretton Norden, who ordered this meal sometimes six or seven times a day. It consists of pasta with thick meat gravy, stove-top stuffing, a salad, and three loaves of bread. In some lower-class taverns, one can order Minotaur steak, though it will never appear on the menu. The public frowns on the consumption of the Minotaur, likening it to cannibalism. However, there are still several Minotaur that disappear every year into the kitchens of the gutter-taverns of the City-lands. Most Avendalians drink either iced-tea or lemonade with every meal.

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Important People of Avendale Trooper Zigfried Buttons is a member of the Shaidu Garrison. He was young when Avendale was founded, but he took up sword the day he moved into the Kingdom from the capital city of Evendarr. Zig is the nephew of Duke Rendyl Buttons of Evendarr, and proudly defends the Buttons name. He used to be a part of an Evendarrian adventuring company called the Two Copper Hoppers, a group of rogues who excelled at dungeon crawls. After the team leader, Zig’s best friend, died his final death in a trap explosion, Zigfried gave up dungeons and dedicated himself to more idealistic and virtuous causes. Rumor has it that Zigfried Johan Tandrake is a scholar of the Institute of Knowledge. He was a child prodigy and took naturally to magic. Funded by his rich parents, he studied magic at Lake Hollym and quickly attained the title of Wizard. His interests are across the board, ranging from ancient Brisbanian history to Magical theory. Upon earning the title of Archwizard of Rifts and Reason, he took residence in Avendale as one of the head wizards on the council of the Institute of Knowledge. A renaissance man, Archwizard Tandrake has authored academic papers about Ancient Brisbane, Cantrips, Advanced Magical Theory, and The Plane of Reason, to name a few topics. Archwizard Tandrake is the first Tyrran to identify and categorize Aurons, tiny particles of magical energy that he hypothesizes are the fuel of magic. He did most of this research while using a magnifying lens and a Wizard's Sight cantrip, and in doing so, may have permanently damaged his vision. Tandrake bashfully admits that though he is an Archwizard of Celestial magics, he hasn't thrown a spell at a monster in ages, and is probably not fit to be in combat. Archwizard Tandrake takes frequent sabbaticals on the Plane of Reason, where he meditates at the Perfect Venn, an artifact of pure Reason. Johan’s foil and nemesis is Associate Professor Neuman. Associate Professor Neuman is a hobling celestial caster who has an office next to Tandrake’s. Tandrake reports that “I have never met such a bumbling moron.” In narrow contrast, Johan Tandrake is known for his clumsiness, absentmindedness, and proclivity to talk to himself, nay, to have complete dialogues and arguments with

himself. Some say that studying Reason for too long has put rifts in the young Archwizard’s mind. Others are sure the accident-prone professor is actually much more competent than he lets on.

Tatuk is the ex-chieftan of the Red River Tribe, a community of Half Ogres that used to live in the Maul Hills. For years, he aggressively destroyed undead and hunted Necromancers until his tribe was all but killed. Now, as he is slowly becoming elder of the Red River tribe, he has passed along the title of Cheiftan to his son-in-law, Octol. Tatuk hates necromancers, and greatly distrusts earth casters that are not of Ogrish blood. Since the decimation of his tribe, he has moved them south, into the village of Ranier on Half Ogre Hill. August is a merchant from the deserts of Rihad. Though none question that he makes a steep profit in the marketplace, some wonder whether if it is from sales or from his numerous other “business enterprises”. August is an expert at the Rihadi sport of Carving, a ceremonial dagger-duel where strength and size are not nearly as important as speed and finesse. August enjoys visiting Avendale from time to time to challenge people to Carving

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matches, and to engage in ridiculous bets and wagers. August is always looking for a challenge, and has only been beaten by a handful of quick footed and warriors. Nanaki appears to be a barbarian of the Raven Clan, but this is merely a form he occasionally takes while visiting Tyrra. In fact, he is a Dream Elemental who seeks to inspire and challenge Tyrra. He greatly enjoys Tyrra and Tyrrans, and often works to protect them from things which may challenge free will, inspiration, and the irrational. He was instrumental in the capturing and sealing of the ancient beast Ulo Mahdin, the Winter Wind. Nanaki enjoys campfires, philosophical discussion, tavern food, and all things irrational and arbitrary. Bran is a bear-scavenger who leads the community at Ranier. He has the difficult job of acting as liaison between the civilized society to the south and the “beast men” of Ranier. He feels sadness about the irreconcilable difference between the two. Like many scavengers, he has both bear and man within him, fighting for dominance. He has won the respect of many so called beast-men through valor, skill, and wisdom. Lord Jamieson is the Oberon of the Faerie in the Fay country near the Silvermyst. A fair and graceful Sidhe, he is fascinated with Tyrrans and tries to visit Tyrra every so often, usually in midsummer. When boredom takes him, he enjoys hosting formal balls which have often been the talk of the land for centuries afterward. Lord Jamieson enjoys the exchange of gifts, anecdotes, riddles, and thoughtful conversation.

Leutenant Aikthek "Ashen" Zechron: Ashen is a Lieutenant of the Evendarrian army personally assigned to the First Royal Knight of the King Sir Tivorak Nobel. Ashen grew up near Avendale city in the mystic wood as a Mystic

wood elf. As he started adventuring, He spend a time in the Court of Blythdale in the then lands of ET-13 under the occupancy of the Sessuar. Soon he was captured, and after 4 months slavery and being foribly turned into a Human by the Sessuar he escaped. Upon his return to civilized lands he immediately joined up in the Evendarrian army, because he knew that way he would be able to fight the Sessuar soon enough. Within a year he had finished military schooling and was rushed to the lines, as he volunteered for a dangerous mission behind Sessuar lines. After a year of volunteering for every dangerous mission in site, and only resurrecting twice from it, Ashen came to the attention of his supperiors. He now serves directly under Sir Tivorak Nobel, although as to his official duties that still remains unknown.

Ranshal is the leader of the lawful side of the scorpion clan barbarians. His father used to lead the clan in his undead form being controlled by Karveki. When Karveki died so did his father. Ranshal appealed to the clan trying to make them see that necromancy was wrong and so were undead, and started a rebellion within the clan. With Ranshal leading the lawful side of the clan, his undead brother Forthas leads the necromancers. As it stands right now, Ranshal does not look to be on the winning side. Ranshal is young, and still filled with ideals and virtue, he sees the good in everyone and is truly trying to see his clan pull itself out of it's past and into a new future.

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Throm: Ranshals best friend and second in command, Throm is a fierce warrior. Throm speaks with the words of Ranshal and is frequently sent out to make treaties, trade agreements, and any other errands that would normally take Ranshals presence. Throm is also in command of Ranshals army and defenses unless Ranshal directly overrules him. Throm has seen many battles, and Ranshal sees the wisdom in letting his more experienced blood brother run the tactics of his army. Throm has no family, and has scars all throughout his body, he is a barbarian of few words and much action. Forthas This undead leads the chaotic contingent of the Scorpion with a ruthless presence. After his father died he collected together all the most powerful undead and necromancers left, created a new power structure, and started systematically wiping out all the weaker purity-loving barbarians in the clan. Forthas has always hated his younger brother Ranshal and once his father died has savored every minute until he gets the chance to kill the brother that was fathers favorite. Revenge and petty jealousy are Forthas's only apparent motives.

Skucci: Formerly of Relida in the lands of Avendale, Skucci's past is a long and troubled one. While no one story seems to be the same, many years ago the town of Avendale obliterated Skucci and banished him from the lands. After that, stories vary. Eventually he became under the Control of the

vampire Karveki. When Karveki died, Skucci seized the key to the tower of Zavon and fled the town. Now Skucci is in control of the Tower of Zavon, much to the dismay of both Avendale and Goliath. The troubled youth seems to have a wavering rebellion in his eyes that make many think he can be saved. He teeters at the edge of madness, ready to discard the past and the present for the future at the slightest raise of ante. Now Skucci wears the hollowed out skull of a brood queen. Many whisper that this is an all-too-appropriate image – The Brood are from the other spheres, aliens to Tyrra. Skucci sits forever outside of Avendale, opposing it for completely exterior and unknowable reasons. He is proof that power attained quickly leads to madness and corruption. The real question is whether the innocence that he once embodied can be recovered.

Baron-Regent Darius Steele is the second longest serving noble in Avendale, if you count the five years he spent on the road before 604ER. His homeland was Evendarr, he now calls Avendale, usually his estate Arundel, his home. The baron returned to Avendale from Evendarr with his grace the Duke. Since then he was assigned the stewardship of Brisbane. He has always had a reputation for a generous, but stern hand with his people. As a result of his plans, Arundel has become one of the safest and most populous estates in the Kingdom.

He is tallish for a Hobling and a bit more rigid than you would expect one to be, His colors were those of old Avendale and the same as those of the Steele family, Black & Silver. He currently wears the Blue & Gold colors of the Barony of Brisbane and is often seen at the duke's shoulder whispering advice and answering his grace's questions. Get past his stern exterior, perhaps you'll find the warm and loving liege that his court and friends describe him as.

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Simeon Everclear Archwizard of Fire and Brimstone, Emissary of the Institute of Knowldege. Sent to Avendale to oversee operation of the local branch of the Institute's Mage's Guild. The Archwizard is a friendly sort. Be prepared for one of his lectures on the sad state of celestial magic in this age. He is sure to tell you how well-suited you might be for the craft. He has written no treatises in recent years, but his area of expertise is said to be the summoning of elemental energies.

Simon Eluzer: Simon is a celestial mage who was an academy researcher specializing in the study of exotic creatures and monsters. His path crossed with Niomi while she was on maneuvers dealing with a monster problem Simon was trying to study. He sort of tagged along now and again after that since she seemed to have a knack for getting herself and her men involved with the very types of creatures he wanted to study. When Simon heard she was going off to the fabled lost colony, he asked to go with her. “Only as a trooper” she said and thus he joined the Shaidu Garrison as a Researcher and Sergeant in the Shaidu Garrison Infantry. Douglas Shuyler: Douglas was the backbone fighter of the Company of the Steel Roses, and many say the current leader of the Shaidu Garrison. Many know that Douglas reports directly to Lady Ellimere Arundel, Niomi’s Mother, and commands all of the military in their efforts to expand Avendale. Douglas specializes in door battles when fighting indoors. When fighting in field battles he tends to be a little over protective of his commander. Douglas is a fair tempered soldier that, when conversation and authority do not prevail, will just as quickly draw

his sword against an obstacle or command his soldiers to remove it. Minister Obregansss: Lizardkin Elder/Chamberlain of the Council of Chieftains of the Lizardkin. Second to Syluss only in the Council. Syluss is tending to business in Kroger. Currently the Lizardkin are embroiled in a local war with a renegade necromancer named Carix. The minister is the current outside voice of the wetlands. His visits are few, but he probably is coming with important news or business if he is about.

(Rojann the Gypsy)

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Geography of the Kingdom of Avendale

The Estates of Avendale

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Natural Landmarks

The Mountains of Nebulonde are a harsh and unforgiving land. Windswept and austere, the mountains do not seem capable of sustaining life. Underneath the mountains however, a great network of natural caves has housed the Dark Elves of Nebulonde for thousands of years. The cities on the surface have high populations of Hoblings and Dark Elves. Goblins and giant insects live in the wilderness between towns.

The Silvermyst Forest is named for the silver mist that occupied the forest before the Elves settled it. In the early morning, the silver mist can be seen throughout the forest before the daylight burns it away. The Silvermyst is populated mostly by elves, though a few other races have come to live there in recent years. Certain paths and regions of the ancient forest lead into the land of the Faerie. Many fae creatures, both friendly and hostile, inhabit the enchanted wood. Known as the City of Five Families, the city of Mir-Duin lies on the common ground of five estates. The Erin Vorn flows from Mir-Duin, a river of unmatched beauty and purity.

The Frost Peaks lie on the border of Volta. They are known as the tallest peaks in Avalon and are nearly impassable. The Barbarians of the Frost Peaks will guide people through the mountains, for a small price.

Lake Malakar is in the estate of Galenson. The land to the north of the lake is known for the Relida Lode, a silver-mine that lies there which was discovered during Tavernier’s reign. Several mining towns have sprung up to capitalize on the profit that is to be had, and much trade takes place across the placid lake. On

the shores of Lake Malakar lies the city of Relida, a town of mixed race which has stood there since before Avendale was founded. Descendants of the Brisbanian Empire made their way to the shores of the lake, where they founded the small town. Relida was eager to hoist the flag of Avendale when it was discovered in 598 E.R.. In 599, however, the lich-lord Arc Serpentis stormed and burned the city to the ground. The gypsy clan Valar was all but extinguished in this fight, but they persevered and pushed out the Lich.

Frost Lake Is in the northeast of Avendale. Late at night, it is said that lights can be seen under the water. It is now known that this is the remnants of the Vlay, an amphibious race of purple-skinned humanoids. The Vlay were hostile to Avendale and eventually their leaders were killed, their civilization left in ruins.

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The Plains are the flatlands of the valley between the mountains. They are home to the Scorpion Clan barbarians and the honorable bull-men

called the Minotaur. Neither of these peoples hold strict territorial lines, so Avendale has been expanding into this area, towards the mountains which can be seen in the distance to the North.

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The Barony of Brisbane

Cities of Brisbane

1. Easton 2. Moonwood 3. Stonington 4. Winterglen 5. Avon 6. Niomi's Landing

*Aurora The area known today as Brisbane is built atop the ruins of the Ancient Brisbanian Empire. As one walks through the countryside, they will pass numerous ruins, old road markers, and battle-sites. The Ancient Brisbanians quarried a dark gray stone from the earth. With it they constructed buildings of grandeur and elegance. When Avendale settled the area some centuries later, many of these buildings were still standing, and many colonists moved into the old structures. For this reason, you occasionally see farmers living in old wizard’s towers, and merchants

living in the grand ancient guildhalls of Brisbane. The estates of Brisbane, Monay, Arundel, Snapdragon, and Endarr are the richest estates in Avendale. Some would venture that this affluence is because of the lucrative trade market in Snapdragon. These estates sport by cobbled roads, fancy architecture, and a bustling tavern every few miles along the highways. Because of the cobblestone and the ubiquitous cantinas, it is said that while traveling in Brisbane, one travels “faster, cleaner, and drunker”. Locals often

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jest that “in Brisbane, you never arrive so much as stumble in.” Not technically part of Brisbane, but often counted along with it are the royal estates of Trevelyn, Arundel, and Velowyn. These three estates are where some of the nobility of Avendale spends their week. These estates are known for their posh elegance – they boast many neatly trimmed topiaries, marble statues of important Avendalian figures (such as the late Queen Naomi and Regent Tavernier), and a horizon marked with tall buildings. From anywhere in the Royal estates, one can see the spires the Military Academy, from whence the Avendale Military and the Shaidu Garrison train their ranks. To the northeast stands the keep of Desdarra, a key point in the defense of the Royal Estates. In the northwest, the Shaidu Garrison stands, where Avendale’s finest are centered. To the southeast you can see Storm Bearer keep, the home of Thorin, a famous Avendalian Adventurer. The city of Stonekeep is built around the Stone Keep, a proud structure built of large white and black stones. Brisbane’s population is mostly human, but Hoblings are not uncommon. The countryside is kept clean of most monstrous races, but at night the hills are known for bandits, looking to take what they can of fat of the land. Highwaymen are kept in relative control by the Shaidu Garrison, which dutifully patrols the roadways of Brisbane. The children of Brisbane tell many ghost stories about the ruins, and most of the stories are true. Many restless spirits and walking dead arise at night from the many Ancient Brisbanian graveyards. The Brisbanian Empire did not simply disappear, it suffered a long, slow death at the hands of plague, famine, civil war, and the Curse of Brisbane. There was a lot of unrest at the end of the Empire, and some of that unrest echoes into modern Brisbane.

Stormbearer Keep Come visit Stormbearer Keep in the Estate of Arundel, in the Barony of Galenson, in the Kingdom of Avendale, to witness the marvels of Dwarven Architecture. Stormbearer Keep has a population of two hundred fifty, with more than forty family style cottages and five farms. A small population of Dwarves lives within the Keep, building the structures necessary to sustain the servants, guardsmen, and associated livestock. Thorin Stormbearer is a friendly Dwarf, standing a full six feet tall, that is known to carry a store of Weapons and Armor wherever he goes. He is easily recognizable, as he has brown hair, brown beard, brown hat, and carries a sword and shield. The people of Arundel love Thorin with all their hearts and often tell tales of his support and protection when drinking in the tavern. Access to Stormbearer Keep is a rougher than normal ride, but state-protected roads have been carved out of the landscape that lead to the Keep itself, the largest settlement in the estate of Arundel. The Major roads were finished by June of 601 ER, and new patrols were established to protect the people of Arundel, and all travelers from harm. The Keep is surrounded by a Wood Mill, multiple smithies, an Alchemist Laboratory, Comfortable Barracks for the soldiers, stables for the horses, and much more. All of which have the talented look of a Dwarf. Several Water Ducts have been built to

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distribute water among the farmlands, securing a healthier crop. On Sunday there is usually a warrior practice of sorts for the soldiers. Often times Thorin, Orion Denmarsh, Graak and Sammy of the Avendale Vanguard will attend and educate the soldiers in technique. There was said to be one occasion when a soldier thought himself skilled enough to best Thorin in a friendly sparring practice. No one is sure why the confrontation occurred but the soldier challenged Thorin when he stepped up to practice with him. a few words were exchanged, and the leather pads came off the weapons. Within seconds Thorin had struck the soldier a half dozen times, who fell over, bloody and unconscious. Afterward, the soldier apologized for speaking inappropriately and left, never to be seen again in Avendale. Several of his comrades believe he transferred from the Avendale Military to the Evendarr military.

During the Famine times when food was scarce for the Elves of the Silvermyst Wood, Thorin traded goods in Elysia, Ravenholt, and Greyhorn, and Therendry for food for the elves. He often sold his goods to the Shaidu Garrison, and the Nobles of Avendale for not much more than the cost to produce it, which helped the Noble Courts of Avendale since they were foregoing their training to spend the coin on building the estates and protecting the people. When the Dwarven Warlords of Banek’Tor attacked Avendale and hundreds were left homeless, Thorin opened his kitchens to all the people of the lands, and makeshift settlements were erected to house those who were refugees from razed homes. Once again Thorin used his trade agreements with other Duchies of Evendarr to secure food, and clothes necessary to keep well the people who were without homes due to war. Stormbearer Keep has a seamstress who is very skilled in making Shirts. Denise McGrath came to Stormbearer keep in September of 599 ER, and has lived in a small cottage near the keep ever since. Her shop opens two hours before noon and remains open until about dusk. If you wish to move into a cottage at Stormbearer Keep, contact Thorin Stormbearer at any of the Noble Gatherings in person, or send a letter.

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The Barony of Galenson

Cities of Galenson

1. Coventry 2. Valor's Gate 3. Glen 4. Vale 5. Warwyck 6. Hero's Stand

*Avendale City *Cavalier Crossing The population of Barony of Galenson, in the last few years, has swelled. Many of the “wild” races, scavengers, half-ogres, half-orcs, barbarians, and even a few sarr, have migrated to the Eastern Barony. Compared with Brisbane, Galenson is spread out, rural, and untamed. There is more space between towns, and deeper woods in Galenson than Brisbane. The wild races have seen a

natural beauty here that cannot be found in the estates to the west. Some have wondered if the Nobility can control such a population of wild races. Errant tavern-talk claims that the beast-men of Galenson are waiting for a rebellion against society, unified by their love of anarchy. Others dismiss this rumor, claiming

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that they are brought together by their love of peace and the quiet isolation of nature. Galenson’s areas of note are the city of Avendale Proper, better known as Avendale City. This was once the capital of Avendale, before it was moved to Wainsford. Avendale City enjoys a competitive trade market. Nearly anything you can think of can be bought or sold in the marketplace of Avendale City.

In the estate of Huntington, one can find the Royal Bardic Guild. Until 602, Harmonic Magics could not function within the kingdom of Avendale. Centuries ago, the vampire Karveki had placed giant Crystals of Cacophony under the ground which disrupted harmonic magics. This was meant to subjugate the Barbaric peoples of the lands, who were fluent in Harmonics. After these crystals were destroyed in 602, Harmonic Magics returned to Avendale, and the Bardic Guild was founded. To the West lies Castle Archon, in the estate of Lyonesse. This castle houses Avendalian soldiers which guard the Western front of Avendale.

To the North, in the Estate of Valerian, lies the city of Greystone, the current “point of action” in Avendale. Greystone was founded in 602 after a vicious battle with the Attercob that infested it. Once a grand capital of the Brisbanian Empire, Galenson was originally called Grienkala. In Ancient Brisbane, it was customary for wizards to own their own golems. Grienkala was the grand wizard’s city in which they were manufactured. People are moving to Greystone in record numbers, able to live in the now-abandoned once-grand abodes of wizards and nobility. The city’s attercob infestation has been mostly cleaned out, and the ghosts of Grienkala are generally quiet. To the North of Greystone lies Half Ogre Hill, founded by Ashe Blackfist. Originally intended to be a freehold and independent kingdom, Half Ogre Hill has since been absorbed into Avendale. Many of the wild races have congregated here, forming a thriving community called Rainier. Led by a young-but-wise bear-scavenger named Bran, Ranier attempts to live without the trappings of modern life. In 603, Avendale City was beset by the merchants who have helped build the city. Three merchant lords had seized economic control and were funding many underhanded enterprises to take place in the Avendale City. During the same time, the Nightspear clan, a conglomeration of trolls, orcs, and other monstrous races were assaulting civilization, led by the half-troll Tarsus Nightspear. In Summer of 603 The nobility held three gatherings in Avendale City where they attempted to restore order. Two of the three merchant lords were arrested for slavery or counterfeiting, and Tarsus Nightspear was slain, scattering his pack to the four winds. In October of 604, many of dormant golems sprung to life, activated by a defense beacon within the ruins of old Grienkala. Thinking that Greystone was beset by invaders, the golems attacked until the formal magic mechanism could be destroyed.

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Barony of the Silvermyst

The History of the Silvermyst Forest By Douglas Shuyler, Captain of the Shaidu Garrison June 603ER In 597 when Naomi Avendale's expedition traveled to the lands that would later become her Kingdom, the Silvermyst Forest was not much more than a dead forest. After a few months the elves of the group known as the Circle of Ash were visited by what appeared to all as a golden-skinned elf named Rasitin. He was in fact a being of Fairie called a Sidhe who claimed to want to help those in the forest and wished to enlist the aid of these new elves that have traveled to these lands to do so. He brought those elves to the forest of Silvermyst, and showed them what had become of the former elven Kingdom. They went though a

great many tasks to aid in the resettling of the forest and the rescuing of its former Prince Valerian Clearbrook from his twisted existence as the Hunter. Over twelve centuries ago a group of Elves from the far off Kingdom of Quentari arrived to seek new forests in which to settle. The Elves were led by General Valerian and had voluntarily departed their native land to found a new World that would serve as a True home to the Elven people. A representative of the Brisbane Empire warmly greeted General Valerian and peaceful negotiations soon ensued. Emperor Ungaro, a kindhearted ruler, generously granted the Elves permission to settle the then called Silver Spring Forest to the Brisbane's, named after the Silver Mist that enveloped the land prior to the Elves settling it. The Elves named their settlement

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Heartwood and peaceful trade between Heartwood and Brisbane soon commenced and further increased the prosperity of both. Soon thereafter, a Great Spirit Tree rose in the center of the Silvermyst proclaiming to all that a new Wold had been formed and the Elves had found a new true home. At this time the leader of the Elves was named Ernil, or Prince in the common language, and the Silver Spring Forest declared its sovereignty from the Empire only to join again in later years of its own free will. Ernil Valerian led his people for many years until a dark time came. After his life mate suffered her permanent death, Ernil Valerian had attempted to acquire the aid of the Faerie Queen known as the Lady of the Wood in the prospering of the Kingdom. The Lord of the Haunted Wood had begun a war against the Silver Spring Forest several hundred years prior to Valerian arriving, and was still present within the forest. The Lady of the Wood rarely visited the Elves and would only provide limited assistance in their battle against the corrupted Treants, Unicorns, and other animals that the Lord of the Haunted Wood sent against the settlement to destroy the Spirit Tree. The more the Lady of the Wood aided Ernil Valerian and the Elves, the more power the Lord of the Haunted Wood was able to bring to bear to corrupt the Forest, and the people within it. More than half a century passed and the Silver Spring grew to a larger community, once again a part of the Empire of Brisbane. Valerian was almost ready to take his final walk, when the Brisbane armies known as the regiment of Aegis turned to dust after their magic had expired. The Ice Nation Barbarian Clans began attacking not only the great cities of Brisbane, but also the Silver Spring Forest. The Silver Spring was well protected, and at first took few casualties from the onslaught of the Barbarians. After almost a year of fighting, most of the cities of Brisbane had fallen, and the Barbarians were entering the forest in greater numbers, looking to hunt the animals of the forest for food and the elves of the forest that were once part of Brisbane for revenge. The war had taken a toll upon the Forest, with many of its magical

creatures such as Treants and Unicorns being killed. Valerian turned once again to the Lady of the Forest only to be told that if she were to provide assistance the Lord of the Haunted Wood would be permitted greater access and his creatures combined with the might of the Barbarians would certainly corrupt the forest and destroy the Tree. The Lady of the Wood could offer no further help to the Elves against the Barbarians that entered the forest, killing the Elves who had settled it. She vowed to stand with the Forest dwellers until the end though she would bring no more creatures from Faerie to help.

The war with the Barbarians lasted for months, there insatiable appetite for the death of the elves unswerving. The lady of the wood had already departed the Forest, claiming that it was too dangerous, appearing only every week or two for a day at a time to li ft the morale of the elven warriors. Many magical creatures had suffered death as well, and the forest seemed on the brink of defeat. The Lord of the Haunted wood had continued his relentless attacks upon the forest and its people as well. Valerian, while visited by the Lord of the Haunted Wood one night, accepted a proposed truce offered to end hostilities between the corrupted and the living. The Lord of the Haunted Wood also granted some power to Valerian, rumors suggesting that he was given immunity to the normal blades the Barbarians used. With is new found truce and powers granted, Valerian was able to increase moral among his people but as was learned before, one person could not hold

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off an entire nation, almost 50 barbarian clans, by themself. So Valerian accepted a bit more power from the Lord of the Haunted Wood, and transferred that power to his most trusted Knights. Soon thereafter, the Lord of The Haunted Wood revealed his true intentions.

Through lies and deceit the Lord of the Haunted Wood turned Valerian and several of his Knights into corrupted elves. Warping the words of the truce and empowerment, the Lord of the Haunted Wood controlled Valerian and his own Knights to fight against the elven people, killing the adults but not the children. Valerian was soon called the Hunter by the remaining elves who stood against him. His Knights he called the "Ramagra". Over the years that followed, the Lord of the Haunted Wood returned to Faerie to rule the Haunted Wood, and the Hunter continued to kill the citizens of the forest. Few citizens had escaped the Hunters wrath and those few that remained alive lived in the heart of the forest, a community named Heartwood. These young elves were met by the new elves of Avendale, and ultimately were able to defeat the Hunter, restoring Valerian to his old self, uncontrolled by the Lord of the Haunted Wood. The Avendale Elves were aided by the Black Ram, the previous leader of the Corrupted prior to The Hunters appearance. The Black Ram ruled the Ramagra, and over the many centuries he had grown jealous of the Hunter and plotted his demise. It was the Black Ram who had led the Avendale people to the Hunter hoping they would defeat him, and he would then rule the Forest. The Black Ram was correct, the

elves did defeat his rival but at the same time they released him from the control of the Dark Lord. When Naomi Avendale returned to the lands in March of 597 to continue what her ancestor had started, it was her and her people that encountered and restored Valerian to his health. The Silvermyst had already been declared as part of the lands of Avendale. Valerian, upon his return, began to form a household with many of the Elves who had followed Niomi. This caused a division between Niomi and her Nobles and Valerian and the elves. The then Baroness Niomi watched as the appearance of Valerian tore her people in two, and over a portion of land that was still years away from inhabiting fully, just as the Dark Elf Lord Ishidu had done more than a year earlier. After several months of discussion, and what some Evendarrians are calling a truly remarkable action, Baroness Niomi declared the Barony of Avendale to be the Kingdom of Avendale, named herself Queen of its people, and declared Valerian Clearbrook, Solomon Kane, and the Dark Elf Lord Ishidu to be Dukes of the Kingdom. Many speculate that Our Lady Baroness had traveled back to Evendarr to discuss the challenges she was facing with her old liege, Duchess Jane Monay, and that they decided on the course of Avendale. Avendale once again blossomed, and the Silvermyst continued to receive supplies as it had been since the start of the Avendale Expedition in 597ER. Shortly thereafter, Valerian was recognized by Elemental Chaos Knights who captured and later corrupted him. Valerian had been a member on the court of Baron Calypso Sakalid of Quentari before journeying to Avendale, and had a taint of Chaos upon his spirit from a terrible Formal Magic Spell whose casting had gone awry. The adventurers of Avendale were able to rescue Valerian and banished the Elementals from Avendale for a 1 year period. While Duke Valerian was held captive, the members of House Clearbrook traveled back in time, well over 1000 years, and encountered Valerian when he was Ernil of the Silver Spring, but before the fall of his

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reign. They warned him of what was to come and returned to the year 601ER where they had left. Upon there return they found that the history of the Silver Spring Forest had changed dramatically. Valerian had spent much of his time preparing and building fortifications, in an attempt to protect against what was destined to happen. The forest was saved from the Barbarians because of his preparations, but a civil war had erupted and had never been resolved. Upon hearing of the change in the Silver Spring History and recognizing his court from the past, Valerian decided that it was time to defeat the Lord of the Haunted Wood and send him back to Faerie for 12 months. Duke Valerian gathered his court and set out after the Lord of the Haunted Wood. For months they tracked him, engaging in combat against him only to have him rift away each time to Faerie. Finally, in one last attempt, Valerian demands aid from the Lady of the Wood, and she brings his court to faerie, to take the battle to the Lord of the Haunted Wood. Many academics say that when the Lady of the Wood engages with the Lord of the Haunted Wood, they are permitted to bring only the same number of warriors. As the Lady of the Wood counted 15 with Valerians Court, so were there 14 warriors with the Lord of the Haunted Wood in the corrupted forest of Faerie, where one of many final battles between good and evil was fought. In a tremendous battle between highly skilled warriors, The Lord of the Haunted Wood stood with his Black Ram, Ramagra, and Corrupted, only to be defeated by the Silermyst Court. The Lady of the Wood had died first, in what appeared to be a suicide attack upon the Lord but was later recognized as her assuring that they would be able to defeat him when they engaged, as her attack had left him unable to cure himself of her wounds. Balynthalis, Kirath, Bretton, Darius, Konrad, Marius, and T’lania, had also resurrected. All of the Ramagra were dead, but the Black Ram had escaped. Valerian then went to attend his civil war, a war which had kept the Silvermyst divided for too many years.

Valerian challenged the last remaining obstacle in the fight to resettle the forest, the leader of the Goldstones, Jason Goldstone, to a fight to the death. The winner would become the leader, and the other lands would obey. And for the second time in less than a week, Valerian found himself in a fierce battle against an admirable foe. This fight, unfortunately, turned out to be the last for both leaders, as their final blows against each other rendered both unconscious, and both bled to death in font of those watching. Neither person was strong enough to resurrect, as there bodies dissipated and reformed after the healers failed to resurrect them. Valerian Clearbrook’s household whisked away his body to Quentari to be buried, with few of them returning. Jason Goldstone’s body was lain to rest under the Spirit Tree. Niomi took the news of her Duke’s death with great sorrow, and declared that they would never be a divided people again. No longer would the Kingdom of Avendale have Dukes, and all Barons would report directly to her once again. Solomon Kane it is said,

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was gracious to her Majesty for his release form service, and once again began to travel the lands. Duke Ishidu was quite upset and returned to the underground, where it was said that he later died fighting against his Empress who was turned into a Vampire by Karveki. The Silvermyst began a new civil war between the Five dominating Houses of the Silvermyst; Clearbrook, Goldstone, Sommerset, Westwind, and Blackwood. Fighting was contained to the lands of Sommerset in the Northeast of the forest, Goldstone joined forces with the two southern houses, and the Ruling house, Clearbrook, was failing due to the lack of support of those who never returned from Quentari. The civil war ended shortly thereafter, in the Summer of 602ER, when, among other negotiations, Niomi Avendale explained that they would cease their fighting or her forces would cease it for them.

In the Summer of 601, the Queen had put Baroness Kittery Anisia Holindarn in charge of the Forest who took it upon herself to settle the problems. One year after the Lord of the Haunted Wood was defeated, as new one appeared within the Forest, with several Ramagra in powerful undead forms. The

Lord’s return forced the elven houses from their own internal struggle, and caused them to make agreements until his defeat. Within three months the combined forces of the Silvermyst Forest and Baroness Kittery Ann’s court were able to banish the new, still weak, Lord of the Haunted Wood from the Silvermyst. The Black Ram was once again, the only corrupted to escape. What will happen with him is not known but with another year gone by, and the possibility of another Lord of the Haunted Wood appearing in the late spring anything can happen.

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The Barony of Nebulonde

Cities of Nebulonde

1. Ryuuko 2. Kairiki 3. Houjin 4. Ichiban 5. Konzetsu 6. Ushirokage 7. Chikakoto

A Concise History of Nebulonde by Sir Nobunaga Ealbodan January 604 ER (OOG note: compiled by David Epstein, from works by Avendale Staff and NERO® members since 1997) Many years after the Clan Hoyosha left Draelonde they finally found a home when they came to the Frostpeak Mountains, they called it Sanctuary. The mountains were considered impassable by the surface people, but Clan Hoyosha found a vast ancient system of underground tunnels as

well as a monstrous underground lake which was later named Mizumi Jawai (Glass Lake). It took years to make these lands home, but home it did become. The tunnels produced food to be hunted, and the lake produced fish. This is also where something truly monumental happened, because of the marriage of Char and Attelina, a mixture of barbarian and vornae culture soon came to be in Sanctuary and many barbarians who could bear life underground soon lived in Nebulonde, though many felt the call of the wild and ventured to the surface. Through the years this land the dark elves named

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sanctuary grew, Attelina grew old and passed away, and the barbarians that left for the surface returned often and traded with the people of Sanctuary, also bringing stories of the wonders of the lands around them. The friendship between these barbarians grew such that Char made them an honorary Vornae clan, the Frost Tiger Clan. Years passed and Sanctuary grew and the people prospered. New clans were born as was a clan council. Soon a mighty threat came in the form of deep troll invaders. A hard and long war was fought for Sanctuary with the dark elves losing due to the sheer numbers and ferocity of the deep trolls and they had to leave their new home of Sanctuary and venture to the surface in the hopes of discovering new caves to inhabit.

The Founding Nebulonde Warlord Char led his people in humiliation and defeat to the surface and through the hills and forests above ground. His people had been through a lot, leaving Draelonde,

settling in a new place after years of traveling on the surface (and being attacked while this search was going), and then the subsequent loss of a war to retain their new lands and having to once again leave their homes in defeat. Warlord Char was a great man and did not easily accept defeat however and they pushed on hard, battling with the hostile wild and wood elves on the surface. Some histories read that Char conquered several Wild and Wood elven towns to base operations of finding new caves from and that lead to the attacks by the elves. Other histories read that the dark elves traveled through the elven lands and were attacked out of fear. Given the recent defeat and small military forces left to his people, this author highly doubts that Char would attack without provocation and would instead try to save his forces. Also, given the large hatred to wood and wild elves that developed from these events, I’d venture the attacks came from the wild and wood elves as aggressors. Finally Char and his people found a series of secret caves and complex tunnels and caverns beneath a small range of the Frostpeaks. The Clans settled in this area and slowly rebuilt their strength. This area was named Nebulonde, which means Lost Haven. Wars and the return of the Frost Tiger Clan After settling in Nebulonde, the dark elves fought many skirmishes with the wood elves, but soon a new formidable foe arrived. The Ice Nation of barbarians savagely attacked Nebulonde, claiming it in their expansion territory. The Ice Nation was not so powerful as to threaten the great vornae of Nebulonde, but they were powerful enough to keep them from venturing above ground. Soon salvation came in the way of Char’s descendants; the Frost Tiger clan of barbarians had been seeking their allies and finally found them. They had traveled for some time in search of Char’s people to reunite with them and when they finally came they decimated the Ice Nation forces in a fury and settled above-ground from Nebulonde. This was the last thing Warlord Char saw, for he soon died and has forever been remembered as the greatest hero of Nebulonde. Warlord Char’s daughter Miyuki was the new Daimyo (leader) of Clan Hoyosha.

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Soon after the return of the Frost Tiger Clan dwarves were discovered mining in deepest tunnels of Nebulonde, these dwarves were the Nation of Banek’Tor. Both nations claimed the land and this lead to a series of wars that lasted for many years and sparked a fierce hatred of dwarves that lasts to this day in some lesser form. One thing that escalated this war was the practice of slave taking when a battle was won. Nebulonde took some 1,500 Dwarven slaves from the dwarves. The dwarves were fearsome foes, but more or less an equal match for Nebulonde in most skirmishes below ground. Things changed when the surface elves of the Icewood forest that had been skirmishing with Nebulonde for years offered aid to the dwarves and now Nebulonde had a two-front war. Miyuki was a great warrior and leader and lead the Vornae against the dwarves and surface elves. It is said that Miyuki was a fierce warrior like her father and led her people on many cunning and deadly strikes against these foes, but they were clearly outnumbered. This is where our accounts are not too clear. It is indicated that Miyuki’s daughter, Princess Tamarantha Hoyosha was leading scouting parties at this time and was known to be very skilled herself. Tamarantha returned from one such mission to find her mother dead in her chambers, having been impaled on an elven spear. Upon seeing her dead mother, Princess Tamarantha seized the bloody crown and declared herself the Imperial Majestrix, a title not used for a long time. Tamarantha rallied the people and went on a bloody offensive, slaughtering the elves of the Icewood forest and defeating their leader in his own camp in a stunning strike. Even with this momentum, victory was not yet assured to the people of Nebulonde. Fortune favored the Vornae however, as the wild elves and wood elves alliance split because of their losses against Nebulonde. Years later it was learned that to help persuade Nebulonde to wipe away the pesky elves, as Karveki had seen them, the Vampire Lord killed Miyuki with an elven spear. As Tamarantha was reeling with the death of her mother, Karveki seized the opportunity to feast upon her noble dark elven blood. It was then as well that Karveki

had cursed Tamarantha with the Malison of Karveki, known as vampirism... Around this time Niomi Avendale, Queen of Avendale ordered the release of the Dwarven slaves Nebulonde had taken from Banek’Tor. Princess Tamarantha complied with this request by setting out the 1,500 Dwarven slaves in the dead cold of winter with not clothes, food, or weapons and had them traverse the Frostpeak Mountains to return to their homeland. Around 500 of the dwarves returned alive, of the 1,000 that resurrected we are unsure of how many permanently died. In a rage Banek’Tor unleashed it’s full forces in a surprise attack against the Kingdom of Avendale at a weekend Gathering (after sacking a city in Nebulonde on the way). These Dwarves lead a mighty battle by all accounts. Some dwarves were only affected by females, others swung massive damage and others were emotional wrecks over the loss of so many comrades. The Dwarven Nation was fierce in it’s attack, leading to at least half a dozen resurrections of adventurers in these mighty battles intensified into the weekend gathering. Avendale with Nebulonde’s help stood firm and finally repelled the dwarven forces, though not without great loss and danger. After these attacks passed, the dwarves needed time to recover from this massive force sent to Avendale. Given the Dwarven losses at the Avendale battle, as well as the splitting of the elves alliance and thusly that threat gone, Tamarantha was able to focus her attention on the Dwarven nation of Banek’Tor solely. Led by Clan Moikai and their Elite Warriors, Nebulonde defeated the nation of Dwarven Nation of Banek’Tor in a tremendous battle that lasted months. The remaining Dwarves were incarcerated as slaves and remained as such during Tamarantha ’s rule. Through all of these wars, the population of Nebulonde dwindled to frighteningly low levels.

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The Drae infusion In 591 ER a caravan of Drae appeared from the southeast and told a tale of being transformed from Quentari elves into Drae through a powerful Formal Magic Spell in an effort to correct the population problem in Draelonde. These new Drae were discriminated against and disliked by the Drae of Draelonde. The Draelonde clans decided that those of the pureblood, from Draelonde, would from then on be called Vornae, and all other dark elves would be called Drae. The Drae were welcomed into Nebulonde, whose people were more tolerant of other races then their cousins in Draelonde. Tamarantha sent back a few of these Drae to inform all Drae who sought refuge from persecution to come to Nebulonde, the Lost Haven.

The Current Clans and the Power Structure of Nebulonde With this infusion of new blood even more new clans sprung up. The original structure of the Clan Council was revi sed slightly and is detailed below. The four original four ruling clans of Nebulonde retained power. All in all there were eventually 30 clans, the first four were the royal clans (with Hoyosha remaining the most powerful and Imperial clan), then 5-10 were added to the council as ruling clans (but do not hold anywhere near the power of the top 4 royal clans). All of the clans after the 10th are known as Common Clans and hold no power. There also exists Ita, or unofficial Clans who try to gain status as official clans though that is extremely rare. The Ruling Council of Clans is called the Mandarinate. At this time the power structure worked thusly:

1. The Imperial Majestrix (Empress) 2. The Mandarinate (heads of each royal

and ruling clan) 3. The Shogun (Warlord of all Imperial

Troops) 4. Sessho (equivalent of seneschal,

personal advisor to Majestrix) 5. Daimyo (Provincial Ruler, head of a

royal or ruling clan) 6. Clan Shoguns (Warlord of a Clan) 7. Samurai (knight of a clan or lord) 8. Jito (land steward in the service of a

Daimyo) 9. Hatamono (lord or lady) 10. Bushi (common troop) Other Titles of note: Ronin (Clanless samurai, sometimes banded together to form Ita Clans) Jinyan (honorless thugs, normally organized) Wako (Renegade or assassin) The Clans of Nebulonde Hoyosha (ruling clan), Ishidu, Maladorn, Moikai – Royal Clans Shangtou, Nightbane, Teranko, Tien Lung, Zandros, Wu-Qing -Ruling Clans

The Civil War of Nebulonde Vampire Empress Revealed In 597 ER Nebulonde made a treaty with then Lady Niomi Avendale which stated that Nebulonde would administer lands in Avendale above ground with favorable trade agreements in return for the defense of the eastern border of Avendale. The agreement had Nebulonde maintaining sovereignty below ground as an independent nation and becoming a Duchy of Avendale above ground. All peoples above ground would obey the laws of Avendale and all undead soldiers would be destroyed. The Shogun of the empress, the Daimyo of Clan Ishidu became Duke of the aboveground settlement of Nebulonde. Things went for the worse when Empress Tamarantha Hyoshin began acting erratically, and began raising an army not just of Drae but of undead and arresting and executing any and all who spoke against her. Entire families and households were put to death or imprisoned for what would seem

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trivial matters. She banished the head of the College Arcane, Toshihiro Hyoshin for refusing to aid her Necromancers in “converting” the traitors to undead. Duke Ishidu at this point was also exiled out of the lands of Nebulonde for confronting the Empress on her actions. Toshihiro and Ishidu eventually returned and with wide popular support entered into a civil war against the Empress. Nebulonde broke its treaty with Avendale and declared it self independent. Toshihiro entered negotiations with Avendale to return Nebulonde to the Kingdom for certain concessions which were granted. Almost immediately Avendale troops poured into Nebulonde but at the insistence of Toshihiro only engaged in combat with groups of undead not wishing any blood spilled between Avendale and Nebulonde citizens. Eventually the Empress was cornered and it was reveled she was in fact a Vampire under the control of the Vampire Karveki who was using her to cause strife in Avendale. Duke Ishidu died his permanent death in a one on one successful battle against the Empress’ Shogun and Sir Kinieda Ishidu killed the Vampire Empress with a Stake of Woe. After these events Sakura Hoyosha was crowned Empress of Nebulonde and Nebulonde has rejoined Avendale. The agreement provides wide trade concessions to Nebulonde and allows the leader of Nebulonde to create lands within its own borders where only dark elves can go, similar to some of the estates in the Silvermyst that shall remain inhabited only by elves. The Imperial line is preserved by the Hyoshin Clan who arrange marriages to continue the line of succession the event that an Empress is needed once again. Nebulonde, Current (January 604 ER) The Barony of Nebulonde is currently administered by Baron Kinieda Takezu Ishidu. Baron Kinieda has become engaged to the Empress Sakura Hyoshin in 602ER. The Shogun is currently Toshihiro Hyoshin, the uncle to Empress Sakura. After merging with the Kingdom of Avendale, Nebulonde adopted its laws and as such there are no longer fearsome undead armies in Nebulonde, and the Necromancer’s Guild was disbanded. Due to the war with the vampire empress and her fearsome undead, the citizens of Nebulonde are more wary of

necromancy than before and certainly do not wish to see undead unleashed to walk upon their streets again. In addition the people of Nebulonde seem to retain a distrust of dwarves, wood elves, and wild elves due to their centuries of conflict with the above ground inhabitants. Nebulonde shines the brightest of all the lands of Avendale. It has existed for over 700 years, and its art, architecture, and education are a beauty surpassing that of even Quentari’s forest. Nebulonde has many of the finest tradesmen, scholars, and soldiers in the realm, recently expanding its influence upon the whole of Avendale through trade and, education. In 601 and 602 many people included some elements of Nebulonde fashion or its culture into their lives. Nebulonde silk garments are prized by the ladies of Avendale. Nebulonde forged swords are very common amongst military officers. Nebulonde art and architecture has a dominating role in Avendale, second only to the dwarves of Stormbearer keep. Nebulonde’s cultural origins are obviously similar to Draelonde where the original settlers came from. Honor is of course prized above all else, however Nebulonde has a long tradition of etiquette and courtesy called Miyabi. Those of middle or upper classes strive to act in a very diplomatic and polite manner even to those they dislike, in fact the more difficult the situation the more honor is earned in maintaining one’s poise. In addition, due to their heavy trade and commerce, the people of Nebulonde have learned to develop a strict code of ethics and honor. Ones word is their honor, and they demonstrate this by keeping agreements and following their word when given, even to outsiders. Breaking one’s word is considered dishonorable and to quote a prominent merchant: “Do not give your word if you do not intend to keep it, it is easier to not give you word than restore your tarnished honor.” Some view those from Nebulonde as being aloof; however it is simply acting with honor, reserve and dignity. Through their great history the people of Nebulonde have established a land of rich culture, art, and architecture. They have also established a flourishing trading and

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mercantile commerce. All of this has been achieved while still being a land of tradition, honor, and moderate acceptance. People from Nebulonde rarely, if ever, use the derogatory slang word “jochu” towards surface dwellers, nor do they believe that being called a Drae is an insult. They do not use the word Drae in a derogatory manner. Nebulonde’s military forces are fierce elite warriors and their Special Forces and monstrous units are legendary among the Shaidu Garrison soldiers for their strength and perseverance. A point of interest and note is that many have recently adopted calling the race Dark Elves, instead of Drae or Vornae, as there is much confusion to those outside of the race as to the distinction. To many in Draelonde, Vornae is the name for the pureblood Drae, and Drae is the name for all non pureblood Drae such as those that intermingled with surface dwellers and non Drae Elves including all those who have transformed to Drae as well. To most Drae, the term Dark Elf is a universally neutral statement. Of note is that in other lands the race is called simply drae, as they do not have race changed among them. This author believes everything should eventually fade into the background and simply become ubiquitous. Some points of interest Nebulonde is made up of thirteen estates; Hachidou, Hayabashiri, Hourin, Iceweb, Jokaimon, Kazaya, Kosheitaka, Moonguard, Nando, Nebulonde, Oniyado, Takami, Yotsude. The Topaz Throne is the seat of the Empress’ power. Secure within the audience chamber of the Imperial Compound, the throne itself is decorated in gemstones and is breathtakingly beautiful. Powerful enchantments are laid upon it and it is surrounded by a circle of power. The Imperial Compound itself has a powerful Greater Proscribe on it that delimits entrance to only certain races and is guarded by the most elite troops of Nebulonde. The Institute of Knowledge and Redgate Citadel are the two major institutes of learning in Nebulonde. The first teaches scholarly subjects as well as magic (for magic one must be accepted by a master and is taught as individual lessons). The former teaches the art of war. Enlistment at

the University lasts 4-12 years, while Redgate Citadel is 2 years followed by a four year term in the Imperial Legions. Officers study for an additional 2 years before being given a command. Special Forces undergo addition, specialized training. The Domain of the Defiled: A shallow canyon in the shadows of Nebulonde’s second largest cavern, this was where the undead armies of Nebulonde were once kept. Each Clan kept a few dozen to a hundred or more undead in a “stable” there. Since the destruction of the Vampire Huntress and her undead armies, undead are no longer welcome in Nebulonde and this place no longer houses any undead; all were destroyed. Two major rivers flow through Nebulonde Kitaketzu and Minamiketzu, or Northblood and Southblood. They are named such as they are a vital form of underground transportation.

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The Writings of Avendale

The Galenson Expedition Foreword The following chronicle is an accumulation of information pertaining to the lands of Brisbane, which shall be hereafter dubbed as Avendale. This material originates from several sources including a collection of letters, a few ancestral legends, and several personal interviews. The most substantial source of information was an old journal recently uncovered in the archives of the Bardic College in Ashbury. In addition, an essay entitled "The Lands of Brisbane" composed by the Royal Historians Guild of Evendarr has been included to provide supplementary information. I was able to piece together much of the mystery of Avendale utilizing information discovered in these various sources but several questions still remain unanswered. Some of the material is quite sensitive making it politically imprudent to include everything in this chronicle. I’ve made a few assumptions based on the information I found and some of my conclusions are simply conjecture. Consequently, I chose to entitle my work in order to imply that perhaps there is more then one explanation for the strange happenings in Avendale. I have produced this work at the behest of my liege Lady Niomi Avendale, and I shall continue to update this history with any additional findings as new information of this mysterious land is reported. Arthur Montclieve Scribe and Historian of House Avendale _________________________________ Queen Katherine Endarr, a diligent ruler blessed with considerable foresight, was concerned that the once mighty Hadran Empire could pose a future threat to Evendarr. Her Majesty decided that an investigation into this nations whereabouts was necessary to secure the future of the Kingdom. A royal knight of unimpeachable

character was selected to lead an expedition in search of the remnants of the Hadran Empire on March 17, 429 E.R. Lady Katherine Galenson, the great, great, great grandmother of Lady Niomi Avendale, was the very same knight selected by Her Majesty for this most changeling expedition. The expedition traveled north through Ashbury into the lands beyond the Nordenn Vale and purchased provisions at a town called White Sands Ford known today as the city of Ravenholt. Lady Katherine conducted a cursory survey of the region and discovered no evidence of the Hadran Empire. The soldiers did encounter a large tribe of Trolls called the Razorbacks and quickly dispatched these vermin. The Trolls had been assaulting a hamlet of peasant farmers for years, and many of the villagers joined Lady Katherine’s band in hopes of settling a more hospitable land. Shortly thereafter the expedition journeyed west across the Anymdin Mountains into the lands that would become the duchy of Volta. The region was populated by many Human clans calling themselves the Highlanders who were noted for their courage and honor. The Highlanders were at war with a mighty tribe of Orcs called the Bloody Fist, a war which had claimed many lives on both sides. Lady Katherine spoke with the Mowbrays of Clan Kendall and learned that these people were descendants of a lost military campaign of the Hadran Empire. The Mowbrays told many conflicting legends of their ancestors, but all agreed that they had traveled here from lands to the west. The Galenson expedition continued west and finally reached the ancient city of Gorm Kherz in the Kingdom of Niman during the Summer of 429. Lady Katherine spoke with many nobles of Niman and learned that it was originally settled by the rear guard of a huge army from the Hadran Empire some seven centuries earlier. Ancient legends spoke of a great army which followed the course of the River Hadran south to conquer territory for the empire. The rear guard was ordered to secure lands here while the brunt of the forces continued south towards the

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kingdom of Quentari. The Elves eventually defeated these invaders, and the rear guard was stranded in an unfamiliar land. The garrison, cut off from the empire by a Barbarian horde, eventually settled these lands giving rise to the Kingdom of Niman. Lady Katherine departed Niman more determined then ever to complete her mission. She lead the expedition north into the lands which now comprise the duchy of Elysia, since the empire was rumored to endure at the headwaters of the River Hadran. The expedition encountered the Stonewood Dwarves of the Lonestance Peaks weeks later. The Dwarves were a friendly clan, named for their mastery at crafting Stonewood (living trees of stone created by a ritual backlash). She bartered with the Dwarves for additional supplies, and questioned them about the Hadran Empire. The Dwarves had no knowledge of the empire but warned of the Barbarians which lived in the north and of the various Orc clans which had been at war with the Oak Wood Elves for centuries. The expedition reached the plains north of the Shimmerglen Forest, the region formerly known as Brisbane, in early Autumn of 429. Lady Katherine followed the course of the River Hadran north through an arid rocky wasteland towards the foothills of the Frostpeak Mountains. Scouts sighted a large hardwood forest in the north, but they were attacked by a group of Barbarians and forced to retreat. The expedition made camp for the night and was set upon by the Barbarian hordes of the Snake Nation at dawn. The savages caused few deaths but managed to halt any further progress northward. The soldiers fought bravely, yet the Snake Nation outnumbered Lady Katherine’s forces almost ten to one so they withdrew southward. The expedition was overwhelmed in a second attack only days later and Lady Katherine was forced to retreat eastward past a knob of hills. The soldiers eventually reached a river obstructing their path east so they turned south with the Barbarians in close pursuit. Lady Katherine made a stand on the far side of a ford in the river and a grand battle ensued.

The expedition included a legion of cavalry which charged across the ford when the Barbarians arrived. The cavalry charge managed to massacre almost half of the Barbarians, but the remaining savages simply leapt over their fallen kinsmen and decimated the entire legion in hand to hand combat. Fortunately, the charge was sufficient to turn the tide of the battle. The footman held the high ground on the west side of the ford and the Barbarians were eventually vanquished after a grueling fight. Lady Katherine named the crossing Broken Lance Ford to honor her fallen cavalry. Since the frigid waters of the river were choked with ice from the Spring thaw, it was dubbed the Frost River. Lord Salvador Tandon of the Royal Cartographers Guild accompanied Lady Katherine on the campaign and conducted an extensive survey once the Barbarians had been routed. Lord Salvador named the hills in the south the Maul Hills, since the resemblance to a two-handed Maul was apparent when illustration of the hills on his map was completed. Lord Tandon reported sighting Orcs in the hills, but never conducted a detailed survey of the high lands to determine their number. Lord Salvador named the hardwood forest in the northern plains Silvermyst Wood. The name was chosen because the floor of the forest is covered with a beautiful white mist every morning which persists until noon. He theorized that there must be a hot spring somewhere in the heart of the forest which produces the mist, but this was never confirmed. The forest abuts the foothills of the Frostpeak Mountains and extends south into the grasslands. Lord Salvador also reported sightings of fairy folk within the thickets and trees of the forest but never made contact with these creatures. Lord Salvador also discovered a huge black monolith protruding from the plains only an hour’s march from the settlement. The exposed obelisk measured ten feet square and nearly fifteen feet high. However, he suspected that much of the monolith is buried deep within the earth and its total length might never be known. The surface is reputed to be as smooth as well polished

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marble and betrays no mark or flaw even after considerable pounding with hammer and chisel. He suggested that it was an enchanted stone and recommended further investigation by the Royal Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences. Unfortunately, the Detect Magic incantation did not exist at the time the monolith was found so his theory was not substantiated. Rumors that the monolith was cursed spread throughout the settlement, and people generally avoided the area. The obelisk was eventually given the name Tandon’s Rock to honor the cartographer. Lady Katherine established a stronghold called Fort Galen near Broken Lance Ford during the Spring of 430. The settlers worked vigorously under Lady Katherine’s direction and a small village of log cabins sprang up around the fort during the Summer of the same year. The Frost River springs from the icy peaks of the Maul Hills and delivers clear fresh water to the plains below. Farmers started planting wheat and rye in the fields near Fort Galen and found that the rich soil yielded a grand bounty during the harvest. The Frost River continues on a southeast course through the plains and winds through the grasslands to the Broken Lance Ford. Past the ford, the river gives rise to swamplands as it meanders towards the Shimmerglen Forest. Numerous Lizardmen and their ilk were sighted in the marsh but were avoided, since the settlers did not want to instigate a conflict. The river provided settlers with some freshwater game including perch, trout, and bass. Fishing was occasionally hazardous, since Giant Snapping Turtles swim the river’s length. Lady Katherine realized that the expedition could not continue through such hostile lands so far from any source of supplies. Therefore, she used the fort as a base of operations and sent out patrols to gather information about the region. Search parties were dispatched north past the Frostpeak Mountains and west across the River Hadran, in order to locate the Hadran Empire. While managing the settlement, Lady Katherine soon found an appreciation for the region, and vowed that she would tame these wild lands.

The Barbarians of the Snake Nation launched another offensive at the end of the Summer of 430. The fort gates were breached and the Barbarians attempted to steal the Resurrection Stone. Several soldiers were slain during the battle and bravely choose to resurrect at the Stone where they rejoined the conflict once they had adequately recuperated. The Barbarians were finally defeated and Lady Katherine promoted several garrison members for their heroic deeds. Many settlers witnessed the visitation of a large spectral eye on December 3, 430. The ghostly glowing orb slowly floated to the gates of Fort Galen and hovered there for several minutes before drifting off into the night. Rumors that the "Evil Eye" had placed a curse on the stronghold spread quickly, and many farmers insisted that the fort be burned to the ground. Lady Katherine ignored these superstitions but some people were so frightened by the apparition that they decided to abandon their farms and return to more civilized lands. The following year was characterized by thriving success for the new settlement. The Northern Passage provided a deluge of adventurers and settlers from Niman and Evendarr which traveled to the new territory seeking their fortune. The community was expanding quickly, and Lady Katherine was required to devote more time to manage the increasing population. The Barbarians continued to attack sporadically during the following Spring, but the fort braved these raids without much difficulty. Lady Katherine fell in love with lieutenant Jacob Banner and the two were wed on June 12, 431. Jacob was a kind and brave Healer who was much respected by the settlers. The love that Jacob and Lady Katherine shared was quite strong, and she was with child within two months of their marriage. Lieutenant Jacob was appointed Chamberlain of the settlement on September 17, 431. He valiantly defended the settlement and became renowned for his service to the people. The Barbarians attacked the settlement during the Autumn of 431 and managed to breach the gates of Fort Galen a second

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time. A group of the savages succeeded in stealing the Resurrection Stone and attempted to make a hasty escape with the granite slab. They knew that the settlers would have to resurrect many miles south if the stone was stolen, thus weakening the expedition greatly. The Barbarians were chased down by Chamberlain Jacob’s forces and summarily routed. Afterwards, the stone was returned to the settlement intact. A tavern and trading post was established near Fort Galen in July 431, by an enterprising guild of merchants from Niman called "The Greater Nimani Trading Union." The trading post sold essential supplies to the community including tools, crop seed, and of course, plenty of ale. The guild also commissioned the creation of a caravan route called the Northern Passage which crossed Broken Lance Ford and continued along the eastern border of the Shimmerglen Forest to Niman. The Northern Passage ultimately became essential to the success of the settlement. During the Autumn of 431, while a large group of soldiers was away from the settlement, the Snake Nation launched another offensive. The battle was very prolonged and both forces suffered great losses. The Resurrection Stone fell into the hands of the Barbarians for quite some time. Although many soldiers died in defense of the settlement, the only one who died while the stone was in the Barbarians’ hands was a notable figure named Derris Snapdragon. He resurrected at the Royal Academy, and relayed news from the settlement to all who would listen. When Lady Katherine’s forces returned, they united and left the settlement in search of the stone. The weakened Barbarian Horde was no match for the settlers, who took the stone and returned it to Fort Galen two weeks later. Lady Katherine ordered a scouting party to survey the Silvermyst Wood a month later, and the entire group of eight soldiers resurrected at the stone in Fort Galen. Several of these soldiers had a clear recollection of the events leading to their demise and swore that the very forest itself had come alive and attacked the group shortly after they had made camp for the first night. Many members of the expedition

insisted that the woods are a home to the Fae and should be avoided, lest they incur the wraith of the Unseelie Court. Consequently, November 10th, 431 E.R., Lady Katherine proclaimed the Silvermyst Wood a forbidden area that no citizen should disturb. While in the Silvermyst Wood, Chamberlain Jacob contracted a strange disease that none of the local healers could cure. After a short period of extreme illness, Lady Katherine was a widow. For two years, none of the search parties ever gathered any new information about the Hadran Empire. One group of scouts did encounter a nest of Attercob in the plains west of the River Hadran. The scouts managed to slay the Queen and acquire many ritual components from the plunder. Sergeant Ericson, an Elven Earth scholar, put these components to good use and created an Earth Circle in the village to serve as the Healers’ Guild. On May 12, 432, Lady Katherine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, which she named after her liege, Queen Katherine. The next day, her close personal friend Lady Magistrate V'ktara Solonori surprisingly arrived at the settlement. After being warmly received, Lady V’ktara told Lady Katherine of a mysterious dream she had on the previous new Year’s Eve. The dream compelled her seek out her friend for a heretofore unknown reason. The two surmised that her quest was to deliver the child to the safety of Lady Katherine’s family estates in Evendarr. Lady V'ktara departed the territory one week later carrying the daughter of Lady Katherine wrapped in a bundle of blankets. She also brought with her a detailed journal of the expedition written by Lady Katherine which was the source of much information contained in this chronicle hitherto. Lady V'ktara traveled to Ashbury City where the journal was concealed in the archives of the Bardic College, remaining hidden until June 19, 596. Afterwards, Lady V’ktara returned to the capital where she resumed her role as Lady Magistrate. The child was brought to Galenson Hall just outside the ancient town of Velowyn to be reared by her grandfather.

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The reader may notice that the remainder of this chronicle contains considerably less detail. The source of all further information concerning the Galenson expedition was obtained through several personal interviews. The most important of these interviews was with a Biata warrior named Malakar. Malakar is a sergeant of the Royal Army who served under Lady Katherine during much of the expedition and witnessed many of these events. Sergeant Malakar still lives to this day, and currently serves in the Shaidu Garrison Lady Niomi Avendale. Malakar reports that the next obstacle encountered was resistance from several thousand goblins. The vile beasts had managed to prosper and multiply in the vast region of Brisbane. These goblins were characteristically stupid and weak, just as all goblins found elsewhere on Avalon, and could breed at an astonishing rate. The immense size of these goblin hordes constituted a real threat, but Lady Katherine and her troops succeeded in slaughtering the wretches in short time. The next year was troubled by continuing goblin attacks. The few surviving goblins from the slaughters of the previous year managed to reproduce their hordes and renew their attack against the settlers. These vermin perpetrated many crimes such as stealing cattle, burning crops, and killing scores of settlers. Lady Katherine and her garrison dispatched the goblins quickly showing no mercy to the rabble. The few surviving goblins, beaten and abashed, eventually surrendered the southern plains of Brisbane and moved north. The most serious threat to the campaign came from the various Orc clans living in the Maul Hills. Sightings of Orcs became frequent during the Summer of 433, but they usually avoided contact with settlers and it was assumed that only one small clan existed somewhere in the Maul Hills. Occasionally small bands of Orcs would assault settlers but they didn’t murder their opponents or steal their property. Unfortunately, these scuffles were simply a prelude to the terrible war which was to come. Lady Katherine later determined that these were, in fact, scouting parties that had

been sent to monitor her troop movements and assess the strength of her people. The first Orc attack was launched during the Autumn of 433 while much of the garrison was absent. Troops had been dispatched to escort a caravan hauling the fall harvest to Nimani markets, and undoubtedly the Orcs had detected that the fort was poorly guarded. The Orcs painted black and brown symbols of war on their faces and shouted horrible war cries as they charged the battlefield. The attack relied heavily on brute strength since no mages and few healers were found among their ranks. Almost fifty settlers, including women and children, suffered deaths before the Orcs finally withdrew from the fray. The second Orc attack came under the cover of night only days later. Thankfully the garrison troops had returned from their escort mission, or the fort might well have been taken during the assault. Many necromancers were among the attackers, and these vile corrupters of Tyrra caused the brunt of the deaths during the battle. Strangely, the attackers never used undead, but they did utilize other dark powers of chaos to defile the settlers’ bodies and cause grievous injuries. Several Sarr accompanied the Orcs on this nocturnal raid, and some settlers believed that the distant kingdom of Myrr was inciting the Orc attacks.

Fortunately, the Oak Wood Elves came to the aid of the settlers, or all might have been lost for the expedition. Elven scouts detected Orc troop movements and dispatched emissaries to assist Lady Katherine. They graciously provided

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invaluable intelligence reports concerning the various Orc clans of the region, which they had gathered over many centuries. The Elves spoke of seven great Orc clans which exist along with perhaps a dozen or so smaller tribes. The great clans included: Bloodthorn, Derifile, Irontooth, Morgas, Nagrah, Saighdear, and Steelwielder. Of these, it was surmised that the extremely barbaric Saighdear clan perpetrated the first attack on the settlement and the Morgas committed the twilight raid. The Orc clans continued attacking the settlement independently for several months, but Lady Katherine focused her soldiers and overcame each assault without much difficulty. However, a mighty chieftain of the Bloodthorn clan named Ravenin successfully united many of the Orcs, chasing off many of the smaller tribes that would not join him. His forces were mainly derived from five clans: Bloodthorn, Steelweilder, Morgas, Nagrah, and Saighdear. The Derifile clan refused to join Ravenin and were soon slaughtered, while the Irontooth clan fled to the plains beyond the River Hadran. Ravenin fought with much honor and integrity, showing mercy to all of the enemies’ women and children. Some of the younger children he spared called Ravenin the Greenman, a title he later adopted for his own. The Greenman began a long, organized campaign against the settlers. The Bloodthorn clan had organizational skills which other Orcs seemed to lack, and the Greenman used these skills to great advantage. The immense threat of the Orcs was realized over the year to follow, since the casualties that the Orcs inflicted threatened the very survival of the settlement. The settlement was almost overrun in the Summer of 434, and the new Chamberlain was forced to move the attack into the Maul Hills, to an area known as Shattered Gorge. The soldiers suffered great losses, but were able to inflict even heavier losses upon the Orcs. During the attack, the "Evil Eye" by made another appearance, to oversee the battle. The Steelwielder clan, comprised mainly of scholarly Orcs, seemed very agitated at the appearance of the Eye. The Eye seemed to portend good fortune, since

the Battle of Shattered Gorge was won by the settlers. After a brief respite, the Orc attacks began again, but this time the settlers were ready. The Oak Wood elves had supplied a legion of reinforcements, consisting of some of their most elite archers. Many Orc losses were suffered, while the Orcs inflicted very little damage upon the settlement. Finally, the Orcs staged the largest attack of all. In the Winter of 434, the Greenman gathered all of his remaining clan members and attacked the settlement. Many losses were suffered on both sides, but eventually the Orcs were left scattered and useless, and a successful regrouping seemed almost impossible. The Orcs didn’t attack the settlement again, and presumably disappeared into the hills. During the next few months, there were several settlers who turned up missing. Some settlers believed that Orcs were responsible, still others thought that they were simply murdered by other settlers. A few even tended to blame the Evil Eye. None of these theories was ever proven. Beginning in the Spring of 435, Lady Katherine’s settlement encountered considerable resistance from a strange race of semi-intelligent bipedal bovine creatures. The settlers promptly dubbed them Minotaurs, due to their resemblance to the mythical creatures of the same name. Lady Katherine’s initial speculation was that these creatures were another breed of the Scavenger race, and as such she attempted to open peaceful negotiations with their leaders. It was later determined that the Minotaur are another race altogether, characterized by considerable warlike tendencies and general belligerence. The Minotaurs became increasingly hostile and frequently attacked the settlers, so all attempts at reconciliation were quickly abandoned. Malakar reports that the Minotaurs are notably stronger then Orcs and quite a bit more fearsome. Fortunately, the Minotaur herds lacked the numbers and confederation of the Orc clans. The Minotaur attacks were poorly organized and relied heavily on the brute strength of their first charge to achieve victory. Any show of resistance would often

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break their momentum and turn the tide of the battle. The Minotaurs were also forced to withdraw whenever a skirmish lasted more then a fortnight, since their leaders failed to coordinate adequate provisions. The most notable Minotaur battle, which Lady Katherine named "The Ten Day War" was won simply due to superior logistics. Best estimations placed the number of Minotaur herds between five and eight. Four of these herds united and launched a vicious attack against the soldiers. The Minotaurs numbered well over two thousand strong, including several hundred calves. Lady Katherine’s troops suffered heavy losses under the force of the first wave. These losses included the complete decimation of her remaining cavalry. The Minotaurs fought ferociously and showed no mercy to their fallen adversaries, often stampeding over the dead and dying bodies to pursue a new enemy. The garrison was forced to abandon Fort Galen and retreat to the highlands beside the Maul Hills. Fortunately Lady Katherine had foreseen such an emergency and had taken precautions. Stores of food, water, blankets, lumber, spell books, and weapons had been hidden deep within the caves of Shattered Gorge. The foot soldiers formed a defensive perimeter at the entrance to the gorge while archers and wizards took up positions in the rocky cliffs above. The narrow elevated mouth of the ravine prevented the Minotaur from making any brutal charge and hindered them in hand to hand combat. The Minotaurs stomped the ground in rage, kicking up a huge brume of dust, and hurled stones at the soldiers hoping to lure them into a fight on the plains. Yet the soldiers held their ground and a prolonged siege ensued. The Minotaur launched four or five attacks each day and suffered heavy casualties in each wave before finally retreating. After three days the archers had exhausted their supply of arrows and resorted to throwing rocks and start ing rock slides. Unfortunately, some of the rock slides claimed the lives of the foot soldiers. The Evil Eye made another appearance on the morning of the fourth day to survey the battlefield. The apparition floated to the

mouth of the gorge and hovered there for several minutes before drifting away. The reaction of the Minotaur was ominous, as some knelt on one knee to honor the apparition. One herd even withdrew from the area in abject horror and didn’t return until hours after the spectral eye had departed. Wild rumors that the Eye had placed a hex on the troops spread quickly, and arguments as to the powers of the Eye erupted within the ranks. Some soldiers even started demanding that Lady Katherine surrender to the Minotaur immediately, so they could avoid the horrible fate that the Eye had in store for the settlers. Of course this only served to reduce the soldiers morale and create strife. Perhaps that was the very power of the hex fabricated by this Spectral Eye, but Sergeant Malakar suspects it was simply superstition. The various herds began to quarrel amongst themselves after six days of this dreadful onslaught. The morale of both forces was failing, but desperation held the soldiers together. The Darkbone herd departed on the eighth day which reduced the number of Minotaur by almost a third. Several hundred more deserted the field during the evenings of the eighth and ninth days, as conflict between their ranks continued to grow. Lady Katherine lead the soldiers in a charge out of the gorge at dawn of the tenth day, August 14, 434. The sudden charge caught the remaining Minotaur completely by surprise. The beleaguered and famished Minotaurs suffered heavy losses in the first wave and shortly thereafter began a hasty retreat to the north. The valley at the mouth of Shattered Gorge was eventually named "Galenson Field" to honor the hero who lead our forces to victory on that fateful day. Several more Minotaur raids would come in the following months, but this was the last real battle of any significance. Scouting reports indicated that many of the herds had relocated to the northwest to avoid further confrontation. The Stonehoof Minotaurs joined the reclusive Nagrah Orc clan and settled somewhere in the arid canyons of the southwest. Lady Katherine ordered the settlers to rebuild Fort Galen, and her search for the Hadran Empire resumed.

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The mysterious disappearances continued to plague the territory, and the frequency of these occurrences continued to rise at an alarming rate. Lady Katherine vowed to discover the cause of these disappearances and end the settlers plight. Many rumors pointed blame at the strange Evil Eye, while others alleged that the monolith called Tandon’s Rock was causing the trouble. Still others swore that the angry spirits of Silvermyst Wood, now believed to be a haunted forest, were capturing settlers and turning them into Oak trees. Lady Katherine was dubious of such idle chatter and attempted a more practical investigation. The mystery was finally unveiled by Lady Katherine after seven months of exhaustive detective work. The missing citizens had been captured by slavers and secretly transported to Niman for sale. The Greater Nimani Trading Union was actually a front for the slavers, and the nefarious band was captured and sentenced to death for their crimes. This was significant historically, since it was the first time a sentence of death had been pronounced within the settlement. Unified hosts of Minotaurs, Giants, Gnolls, Orcs, and other monstrous races attacked the settlement during November of 435. The army was lead by a non-corporeal undead Minotaur named Vendar. Vendar proclaimed himself the leader of a council calling themselves the Colanta, which had sworn to defend the region from human invaders. The Colanta armies caused considerable damage to the village and slaughtered many citizens in this initial attack. The Colanta continued their onslaught in the following Spring, causing tremendous casualties. Patrols sent into the plains to gather information about the Colanta commonly resurrected, but some survived and reported that the council was comprised of seven powerful undead. Lady Katherine soon declared a state of Martial Law in the territory, and ordered that no citizen travel the plains unescorted. This standoff continued for almost an entire year. Fortunately, a group of stalwart adventurers led by a Quentari Elf named Jayce My'linyen

came to the aid of the settlement, in the Spring of 437. The band called themselves the Twilight Council, and vowed to eradicate the Colanta. They took to the plains in search of the strongholds and spirit bottles of these monstrosities. Two of these excursions were successful, bringing about the end to Gorgrum, a giant skeleton, and Ulaine, an Ogress Wraith Master. The Colanta withdrew from the region shortly thereafter, and Lady Katherine declared an end to Martial Law. Lady Katherine ordered two more search parties into the plains on September 4, 437. The search party that was sent North, led by Sergeant Malakar, never returned. Sometime afterwards, all of the settlers vanished without a trace. On the first day of September 442, almost five years later, Sergeant Malakar returned to Evendarr. He told of how his search party was captured and enslaved by a hostile nation called the Empire of Tarsa. Apparently, this nation is located in a Northwesterly direction from Lady Katherine’s settlement. He escaped, and returned to Fort Galen, only to discover that all of the settlers had disappeared, and the Earth Circle was destroyed. The disappearance of the settlement is attributed to Karveki. It is known that the survivors of his assault were taken to the world of the Marauders, the lupine mercenaries contracted to serve the Master Vampire.

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A History of Ancient Brisbane Foreword The following document has been prepared at the request of Lady Niomi Avendale by the Royal Historians Guild of Evendarr. Lady Niomi commissioned the guild to provide her with information about the lands north of the Shimmerglen Forest known as Brisbane. The material contained within this document is sanctioned for general dissemination. Regretfully, several scrolls concerning these lands have been ordered clandestine by the throne. The Guild charter and Evendarrian law precludes release of any information contained within these documents without proper consent from the throne. Lord Theodore Hammin Senior Guildsman Royal Historians Guild of Evendarr February 9, 597 E.R. ___________________________________ The territory of Brisbane occupies a vast area approximately 20,000 square miles north of the Shimmerglen Forest and east of the River Hadran. The Shimmerglen Forest constitutes the southern fringe of the territory. The border measures perhaps 17 leagues from the northeastern edge of the Shimmerglen Forest on a line north-by-northwest until it meets a spur of the Frostpeak Mountains. The periphery follows this spur of the Frostpeaks northwest-by-west-by-southwest until the range diminishes into foothills approximately 10 leagues east of the River Hadran. Finally, the border follows the course of the river south until it disappears into the Shimmerglen Forest. The southern region of Brisbane is dominated by wide, rolling fields of tall grass and a large knob of hills. The plains are occupied by a sizable hardwood forest to the north at the foothills of the Frostpeak Mountains, but otherwise remain remarkably flat and clear throughout the region. The western stretch of land along the shores of the river and north of the Shimmerglen Forest is rather arid and rocky terrain, teeming with caves and canyons carved by harsh dry winds, while the remaining grasslands are lush and fertile.

In 139 E.R. a brilliant sage named Cobel wrote an essay entitled "The Malison of Karveki" proclaiming that the territory of Brisbane is cursed. Cobel wandered far past the borders of Evendarr to study the various cultures of Avalon, and eventually reached the plains north of the Shimmerglen Forest. He claims to have found evidence of an ancient civilization called the Empire of Brisbane which once prospered in the region. The uncharted territory was dubbed Brisbane by the throne due to Cobel’s findings. The sage speculated that the great dominion of Brisbane was annihilated centuries before the throne of Evendarr was established in a terrible war with a horde of Barbarians from the Frost Peak Mountains. Undoubtedly, these are the ancestors of the very same Barbarians which occupy the region today. Cobel insisted that a terrible curse also had a hand in the ruin of this once mighty empire, and that this curse will plague the region for eternity. Cobel became a raving lunatic shortly after completing the composition, and as such his work has been discounted by most scholars. Many historians are convinced that the legendary palace of Xzaven, an enchanted alcazar of gold and jewels, lies somewhere in the northern region of Brisbane. Many fortune hunters have headed off into these lands seeking the riches and magic of Xzaven through the centuries. Most of these adventurers have never returned, but some have resurrected at Earth Circles in Elysia and Niman telling horrible tales of their trouble in the plains. Many of these stories are greatly exaggerated, but it is clear that the region is quite dangerous and inhospitable to strangers. The plains of Brisbane are home to the Northmen Barbarians known as the Snake Nation. The Snake Nation is comprised of many Barbarian clans, and are among the most fierce warriors found anywhere on Tyrra. Guild records indicate that they once numbered almost one hundred thousand strong spread across the Northlands. The Barbarian numbers have diminished in countless wars with Niman and Evendarr, and current estimates place their population at no more then forty thousand.

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During 429 E.R., an expedition into the region of Brisbane was lead by a royal knight named Lady Katherine Galenson. Lady Katherine was searching for the Hadran Empire at the request of Queen Katherine Endarr, and diverted her course north after discovering the ancient Nimani city of Gorm Kherz. The Nimani people told her that Gorm Kherz was once a military outpost of the Hadran Empire, and they suspected that the dominion still existed somewhere north of the Shimmerglen Forest. The expedition departed Gorm Kherz in the Summer of 429 following the course of the River Hadran northward, and all communication with the group was lost shortly thereafter. Derris Snapdragon, a young Hobling wizard who had accompanied the expedition, resurrected at the Royal Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences during the Autumn of 431 E.R. He had suffered his third death at the hands of Barbarians which had been battling Lady Katherine’s expedition for almost two years. The Barbarians, which Derris disdainfully referred to as "Wilders," had been targeting him for casting celestial magics. Derris resigned from the Royal Army after giving a detailed report of the expeditions movements. Derris reported that the group encountered the Stonewood Dwarves of the Lonestance Peaks on there journey northward, an area which now falls within the Duchy of Elysia. Lady Katherine found these Dwarves to be an amiable people and bartered for additional supplies. The Dwarves warned of the Barbarians which lived in the plains north of the Shimmerglen Forest and of the various Orc clans which had been at war with the Oak Wood Elves for centuries. The Dwarves had no knowledge of the Hadran Empire so Lady Katherine pressed northward into the plains. The Snake Nation Barbarians soon discovered Lady Katherine’s expedition and attacked forthwith without any provocation. Lady Katherine was determined to accomplish her mission, and would not be turned back by these savages. Unfortunately, nightly raids and bloody skirmishes were depleting resources and making further advancement northward impossible. Derris reported that he suffered

his first death in one such nightly raid attempting to prevent the Barbarians from stealing a wagon of supplies. Lady Katherine established a stronghold called Fort Galen in the southeastern region of Brisbane during the Spring of 430 E.R. The settlement fought off numerous Barbarian attacks and continued to gather information about the territory. Progress was slow, and the Barbarians continued their unrelenting assault through the Summer. Derris suffered his second death in a Barbarian raid defending the Resurrection Stone (one of many enchanted slabs of granite used to resurrect dead spirits; the Resurrection Stones were quite useful as they could be transported; unfortunately these artifacts lost all enchantment during the Great Celestial Change of 591). He resurrected on the stone in the middle of the battle and continued to fight until the Barbarians finally retreated. Derris stated that the Barbarians withdrew for several months to lands beyond the River Hadran after this last defeat. The expedition explored the territory of Brisbane during their absence and located some ancient ruins in the northern reaches. Unfortunately, the Barbarians returned by the following Autumn and launched a massive offensive in which Derris suffered another death at their hands. The Resurrection Stone was surrounded by these savages so Derris decided to resurrect elsewhere. Lady V'ktara Solonori, a Stone Elf templar, had a mysterious dream on New Year's Eve, in December of 431. Lady V'ktara had earned considerable distinction as a scrupulously just Magistrate of Evendarr, and her wisdom and logic was seldom questioned by the throne. The vision compelled Lady V'ktara to travel north and seek out her close personal friend, Lady Katherine. Her Majesty Queen Katherine reluctantly granted Lady V'ktara leave to pursue this vision quest, and she departed alone two days later, without much fanfare. Lady V'ktara returned late September of 432 carrying a small child wrapped in bundle. The child, as sworn by the Lady Magistrate and witnessed by Lord Ambrose, was

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entered into the Royal Archives as the true daughter of Lady Katherine Galenson. Lady V'ktara reported that the settlement of Fort Galen was prospering and they had managed to create a permanent Earth Circle at the site. Lady Katherine was in good spirits when last they spoke, and her search for the Hadran Empire had resumed in earnest. Reports indicate that the settlement flourished for several years, and many people flocked to the area to seek their fortune. Unfortunately, all contact with the settlement of Fort Galen ceased during the Spring of 438. A search party lead by Sir Walter Groomswald departed Evendarr City during the Summer of 439. The search party returned during the following Autumn and reported that the settlers had vanished without a trace. The fort was in considerable disrepair and the Earth Circle had been destroyed. The fate of the lost settlement remains a mystery to this day. Between the years of 512 and 537, reports reached the throne that a successful bandit army was staging raids on the surrounding regions. Their base of operations was suspected to be within the Wastelands of the Robber Barons, along the River Hadran, but it’s exact location was never discovered. The bandit leader was so successful that he was eventually labeled The Prince of Thieves, and no one could attest to his exact description. Eventually, the well planned ambushes stopped without explanation. Fortune hunters continue to search the Wastelands for the prince’s secret stronghold, in hopes of finding the vast wealth of stolen plunder hidden there.

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Timeline of the Empire of Brisbane 001 BR Settlement of Brisbane is established, Gregory Brisbane Rules. 98 GK - Chief Maas Brisbane unites House Ramirez, House Calis, House Ravaloch, and House Brisbane under a unified Kingdom. 171 GK - Queen Maris “the enlightened” is coronated 196 BR The Empire of Brisbane is established, Emperor Justin Brisbane Rules 225 BR Justin Perishes in Attack on ‘Empire’. Emperor Coriath Dinalderan become Emperor 250 BR Emperor Coriath Dinalderan becomes deathly ill and Calisto becomes Empress. 256 BR Empress Calisto Ramirez orders the Arcane Seminary to investigate the Tower of Zxaven. 274 BR Arch-wizard Tamir constructs a key to the Tower Zxaven and becomes Grand Sorcerer of Brisbane 380 BR Balengale becomes Emperor of Brisbane, 14 day festival of acceptance. 388 BR Start of The Great Barbarian War, Grand Wizard Erol creates the Golem Formal. Emperor Balengale names Arch Wizard Erol Grand Sorcerer of Brisbane. 406 BR The Golem constructs defeat the barbarian hordes, End of The Great Barbarian War 424 BR The Great Wall of Stone and Lofty Turrets is Built around Devonshire, the Capital City of Brisbane. Emporer Clayton declares that no adversary shall breach the Walls of Devonshire. 643 BR Elves arrive with General Valerian. Emperor Ungaro Ravaloch, a kindhearted ruler, generously granted the Elves title to the Sterling-spring Forest and The Elven settlement of Heartwood is established in the Silverspring Forest. 940 BR House Ramirez celebrates the Birth of Karveki Calypso Ramirez. 947 BR Karveki begins 10 year education at the Arcane Seminary, the primary school of magic in Brisbane. 957 BR Karveki completes education at the Arcane Seminary. 964 BR The Regiment of Aegis, the Brisbane army of Golems, crumbles to dust. 966 BR Karveki creates the celestial Formal Create Bone Golem. Creates legions of golems. 972 BR Start of the Second Barbarian War. Randar the Barbarian launches offensive.

974 BR The Walled City of Cortland Falls to the onslaught of the Barbarian Horde. 975 BR The elven settlement of Heartwood vanishes, General Valerian too! 976 BR Grand Sorcerer Runewind Drenth, Creator of the Boltstorm Formal Cantrip, with the aid of 3 Time Elemental’s, Casts a Time Travel Formal Magic Spell to ‘migrate’ 500 citizens of Brisbane to a planet on the plane of time. Hellmystra is encountered by these people a hundred years later. 977 BR Karveki becomes a Vampire while attempting to cast a formal magic. Karveki is 37 Years old. 979 BR Arianna, Denthur, & Heather become Vampires, Heather turns to dust in sunlight. 980 BR Randar the Barbarian becomes a Vampire; End of The Second Barbarian War 981 BR Karveki creates a Greater Proscribe in Devonshire, trapping the inhabitants within 981 BR Kodiak Barbarians locate a Resurrection Stone 30 Miles North of Malakar Lake. 986 BR Empress Latulorian, Karveki’s Queen, becomes a Vampire 990 BR The Hobling settlement of Bagenland is established 995 BR Grand Sorcerer Runewind Drenth dies his final death. Runewind becomes a Chronicler Elemental. 997 BR Hagalorn becomes a Vampire 1005 BR The Empire of Brisbane collapses 1192 BR Princess Tamarantha leaves Draelonde for frostpeak mountains. 1197 BR The Dark Elf settlement of Cimme rian Hollow is established. 1214 BR The Drae locate the ruins of Devonshire; Princess Tamarantha becomes a Vampire 1215 BR Scorpion Barbarians and Steelwielder Orcs War; Fenric the Orc becomes a Vampire 1217 BR Sir Artemis Meritage becomes a Vampire 1229 BR Shenandoah becomes a Vampire 1263 BR Paris Meritage becomes a Vampire 1300 BR The Kingdom of Evendarr is established 1345 BR A curse befalls the Brisbane dynasty. A Plague strikes and thousands die. 1436 BR Cobel locates the ruins of Devonshire and becomes a Vampire 1339 BR Trolls flee human onslaught of South and move to Brisbane area. 1443 BR Hagalorn and empress Latulorian (Queen) are destroyed by Kitaro (Hobling) with Stake

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1464 BR Goblin join the Orcs in the War against the Trolls. 1466 BR Ogres arrive to help Trolls survive extinction from Orcs and Goblins. 1473 BR Next generation of Troll Warriors come of age for War. 1474 BR The Orc Lord is killed by the Trolls and Orc/Goblin vs. Troll/Ogre battle ends. 1542 BR Merchant Prince Simon Roback becomes a Vampire 1557 BR The Greater Proscribe in Devonshire expires 1569 BR Scorpion Barbarians and Taurus Minotaur war; Jehennum becomes a Vampire 1574 BR Karveki enslaves Trolls to reconstruct the catacombs of Devonshire. 1584 BR Arianna and Denthur visit Sir Artemis Meritage 1666 BR The Trolls are released from service 1729 BR The Galenson expedition reaches the territory of Brisbane (The Date is Evendarr 3/429) 1730 BR Karveki’s Spectral Eye visits Fort Galen. 1731 BR Chamberlain Jacob Banner becomes a Vampire 1739 BR Karveki summons the Marauders; The Galenson expedition vanishes 1897 BR The Avendale expedition reaches the territory of Brisbane. (The date is Evendarr, 3/597) 1897 BR Karveki awakens from the sleep of the damned. 1897 BR Gancis, one of the Colonta, is killed permanently by Niomi Avendale Expedition. The Colonta fade into the background with the death of Gancis. 1898 BR The Were Council appears in Avendale. Karveki avenges his minions. 1905 BR Current Year in Avendale

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The Malison of Karveki The Malison of Karveki, by Cobel, in the year 139 E.R. Ages ago a great dominion called the empire of Brisbane existed far to the north and west of the kingdom of Evendarr. Brisbane was developed by several peaceful nomadic tribes that had wandered Avalon in search of a land to settle. The empire was chiefly composed of humans and Hoblings. The empires laws were built upon the principles of Equality, reason, and peaceful coexistence. All citizens were treated equally under the law and justice reigned supreme. One of the central mysteries of the empire was the mysterious comings and goings of an enchanted tower which would appear unexpectedly only to disappear without a trace days later. The citizenry dubbed this strange spire the Vanishing Tower and Empress Calista Ramirez ordered the Cabinet of the Arcane Seminary to investigate this bizarre mage made thing. Yet despite all their attempts to breech the tower it still appeared and stood unaffected and unable to enter throughout the reign of three emperors. The cabinet of the Arcane Seminary tried subtle magic’s as well as powerful direct magic’s. Yet the gates stood unopened even after an enchanted battering ram was pulled by a full hundred war steeds and launched at the tower. The key to unlocking the tower was only found after many decades of investigation. The Arch-Wizard Tamir, First Practitioner of the Cabinet of the Arcane Seminary unearthed the three components required to construct an enchanted key which would open the gates of the vanishing tower. Empress Calisto Ramirez was so impressed with his accomplishment that in addition to all other titles he held, he granted Tamir one more, that of Grand Sorcerer of Brisbane. A monument to his honor was built and placed in the forecourt of the Arcane Seminary in the shape of a simple spire commemorating his entry to the spire of the Vanishing Tower. On this Monument were inscribed the directions for creating the key so that this lore might never be lost.

Once the tower was entered the mages and sages of the Arcane Seminary began to investigate its properties, its contents, and its history. It was quickly discovered that the Tower was a multi-planar construction that existed simultaneously in varying realities. The creator of the spire was a long dead Dragon Mage named Xzaven and inside its many rooms he secreted much of the arcane lore he had collected in his long life. The tower also contained a series of portals that entered each of the other worlds that the tower abutted. These portals were the primary topic of investigation for the Arcane Seminary. Arch-Wizard Tamir eventually learned to control the portals and enter the other worlds, but many of these worlds were found to be inhabited by hostile and powerful forces which attacked the members of the Arcane Seminary and claimed the life of Tamir himself. It was later learned that Tamir was elevated to an elemental. After this loss the portals were ordered closed and the knowledge of their use restricted by Empress Calisto. The empire used the knowledge gained from the Vanishing Tower to grow and prosper until one century later, in the reign of Emperor Balengale, the Empire of Brisbane had reached a size Unheard of in other nations of Avalon. However after this century of peace and prosperity came war. The Barbarian hordes of the Ice Nation came down from their home in the Frostpeak Mountains and laid claim to the plains where stood Devonshire, the Capitol City of Brisbane. The Ice Nation greatly outnumbered the forces of Brisbane and their warlike ways were unchallenged by the peaceful people of Brisbane. The Citizens could do little but hide while their crops were stolen and their lands ravished. Thankfully the new First Practitioner of the Cabinet of the Arcane Seminary, A great wizard named Erol completed a grand research into the construction of enchanted creatures called Golems. Erol created many differing types of these constructs and marched them before the Emperor to show their prowess in combat. Emperor Balengale was so impressed with Erol’s enchanted soldiers of Iron, Stone, and Wood that he appointed Erol the new Grand Sorcerer of Brisbane and immediately set him to

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building an army of Golems to defend the Empire from the Ice Nation Barbarians. Grand Sorcerer Erol shared his Formal Magic lore with every sorcerer within the Arcane Seminary and together they created a legion of Golems. The golem army they produced was named the Regiment of Aegis and marched out to repel the Barbarian Hordes of the Ice Nation. The Wizards of the Arcane Seminary marched with the Regiment of Aegis in order to instruct their creations. Several members of the Arcane Seminary had actually stored their spirits within the bodies of Golems by a Formal Magic Spells developed by Lord Encrasse, a master healer in the Arcane Seminary. The viscous battles that were fought were known to all as The Great Barbarian War and they raged on for many years even with the Golems and mages in the forefront of the battle. The Empire of Brisbane was finally victorious after suffering major casualties and losing many of their outlying districts. At the last, the Ice Nation withdrew back into the Frostpeak Mountains and Emperor Balengale decided to let them stay there and not assault their homeland. The following centuries again proved prosperous and peaceful for the empire. Infrequent encounters with Barbarians, Minotaurs, Gnolls, and Ogres were easily defeated by the Regiment of Aegis. The people of Brisbane were able to once more expand their knowledge of Magic and science unhampered by these annoying threats. The Empire excelled to noteworthy heights in the lore of Architecture and the arts as well. The Capitol City of Devonshire was surrounded by a colossal stone wall with lofty turrets and gates of High Steel interlaced with mithral. The Regiment of Aegis was employed to use their great strength to operate winches and move huge slabs of granite and marble during the lengthy construction. Twelve long years later the wall was complete and Devonshire stood as a rock against which all attackers would surely be ground to dust. Emperor Clayton proclaimed that no force would ever breech the Gates of Devonshire once this bastion was completed.

A second showcase city was then built, the great city of Courtland which was in the center of the Empire and a masterpiece of marble columns, vaulted arches, wondrous fountains, and beautifully resplendent flower gardens. Courtland became a repository for the fine arts of Brisbane and the College of Minstrels built therein was famed throughout Brisbane and beyond. Immense halls displaying grand sculptures and exquisite paintings were filled with the melodies of the bards as they practiced. The comedies and tragedies of the Courtland playwrights were regularly performed in the great Coliseum before cheering crowds. Three Centuries Later a gathering of Elves from the far off Kingdom of Quentari arrived to seek new forests in which to settle. The Elves were led by General Valerian and had voluntarily departed their native land to found a new Wold that would serve as a true home to the Elven people. A representative of the Empire warmly greeted General Valerian and peaceful negotiations soon ensued. Emperor Ungaro, a kindhearted ruler, generously granted the Elves title to the Sterling-spring Forest. The Elves named their settlement Heartwood and peaceful trade between Heartwood and Brisbane soon commenced and further increased the prosperity of Brisbane. Soon a great Spirit Tree rose in the center of the Sterling-spring proclaiming to all that a Wold had been formed and the Elves had found a new true home. Over time as the Cycle of Ages continued the Great Celestial Change occurred once again and the magic’s that animated the Golems of the Regiment of Aegis faded away and the once mighty construct army crumbled to dust. Many of the citizens were anxious over the loss of their defenders yet still more remained unconcerned as the Empire had not been attacked in centuries and none remembered first hand the ravages of war. Empress Latulorian, a benevolent and prudent ruler, was among those concerned over the expiration of the Regiment of Aegis. Empress Latulorian instructed Grand Sorcerer Karveki to research the creation of new and even more powerful constructs to defend the Empire against all invaders.

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Time was against the mighty Empire of Brisbane though for scouts from the Ice Nation soon reported back to the Barbarian hordes that the Regiment of Aegis was no more. Once again the armies of the Ice Nation arose to try and claim the plains where the Empire of Brisbane lay. The Barbarians, led by a merciless chieftain named Randar, poured out of the mountains in a huge assault less than ten years after the fall of the Regiment of Aegis. Thus began the Second Barbarian War, a war largely responsible for the fall of The Empire of Brisbane. The initial assault was so fierce and the defenders of Brisbane so unprepared that the Ice Nation nearly conquered the Empire overnight.

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The Avendale Military College Section I. - Enrollment The Avendale Military College (AMC) was created for individuals seeking a career as a Commissioned or Non-commissioned officer. Individuals seeking enrollment within the AMC, must go through a strict application process. All applicants need to complete a written test, an official registration form, and receive a written recommendation from an Avendale Officer or Noble. If the applicant is accepted, they are granted the starting rank of Lance Corporal and they will become officially enrolled as a Cadet in the AMC. The Cadet must choose a School of Discipline and complete the necessary requirements within a rigorous twelve week program. If a cadet fails to pass any section of the curriculum, the Officer’s Board will review all appeals and provide all final rulings. Once the curriculum is completed, the cadet is awarded the rank of Lieutenant or Sergeant, within Duke Arundel’s Army. Section II. - Commissioned/Non-Commissioned Officers All Cadets must choose to pursue a career as a Commissioned or Non-commissioned Officer within the Baronial Army. A Commissioned Officer, represents professional soldiers who have earned the rank of Lieutenant or higher. Commissioned Officers work with large numbers of soldiers, concentrating upon field tactics, formations, and battle strategies. Commissioned Officers focus more upon the campaign level, commanding hundreds of soldiers, and providing the logistics and support to run a full scale war. Upon graduation from the AMC, the Cadet is awarded the rank of Lieutenant and will serve a military term of, no less than, one year. The Non-Commissioned Officer represent veteran warriors who have dedicated their lives to field combat, front line fighting, and special missions. The Non-Commissioned Officer commands soldiers from the heart of battle, preferring to lead small units from the field, rather than large divisions from a far away hill or

castle. The Non-Commissioned Officer is dedicated to his men, and often spends a good portion of his life preparing fresh recruits, as well as Cadets within the AMC. The Non-Commissioned Officers are the backbone of the Army, and their combat skill and dedication is the pride of the military. The Non-Commissioned Officer may only achieve the ranks between Sergeant and Centurion, but they do have the option of re-applying through the AMC and achieving Commissioned Officer status. Once graduated from the AMC, the Cadet will achieve the rank of Sergeant, and will serve an Army tour of, no less than, one year. SECTION III. - Schools of Discipline Before officially enrolled, each Cadet must choose a School of Discipline and a specific Division of specialization. There are three Schools of Discipline (Cavalry, Reconnaissance, and Infantry), and each represents a specific segment within the military. Cavalry The School of Cavalry is dedicated to the development of mounted warriors, creating a curriculum that focuses upon both horsemanship and cavalry tactics. The prime requisite for this school is horsemanship, since each soldier must master the art of mounting, riding, and caring for their War Horse. A mounted warrior, skilled in the arts of combat and tactics, finds few equals upon the field of battle. The School of Cavalry is a prestigious organization, dating back to the time of Lady Katherine Galenson’s first expedition. The Cavalry has always remained the most powerful unit within the Army, and because of its importance and time honored tradition, it remains the toughest school to gain admittance. There are three Divisions within the School of Cavalry (Lancers, Cavaliers, and Dragoons) and each are equally important in their function and role. Although each Division have similar primary roles, their training, equipment and specialty skills easily differentiates each group. The Lancers represent the most useful of all Divisions, since these warriors provide the most flexibility to any field commander. Armed with short-bows or crossbows, these soldiers provide

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mobile artillery support for the forward infantry. Bearing a long spear, rather than a traditional heavy lance, these gallant riders also devastate infantry lines with lightning charges and flanking maneuvers. Finally, a long sword/mace and shield allow the Lancer to adequately face the enemy in close combat. Though, typically less armored than the Cavaliers or Dragoons, the Lancers rely upon speed, mobility, and a wide array of weapons to defeat their enemies. Using the sinewy stallions from the southern plains of Niman, the Light War Horses provide the Lancers with an extremely fast mount. Exhibiting excellent endurance and good strength, the Light War Horse easily carries the Lancer over countless leagues, always ready to enter combat at a moments notice. The Cavaliers are the dedicated escorts of the Army, providing fast and strong support along the flanks and unequaled firepower within the front line of battle. Trading some speed for heavier armor, and a stronger lance, the Cavalier still represents the best medium between full-time charger and the Lancer. Armed with a half dozen javelins, the Cavalier storms into any battle and rains death upon the opposing line. Bearing heavy chain, light horse barding, a long sword/mace, and shield, the Cavalier needs the powerful legs and the explosive speed of a Medium War Horse. A native of the northern plains, the wild Bratchy Mustangs are renowned for their aggressive speed, good endurance, and excellent strength. Some Cavaliers claim the Bratchy will not accept a strange rider, only the one who originally saddled the Brachy may ride. Capable of riding for several hours, the Cavalier and his horse are masters of endurance, providing a vigilante and potent guardian for the Army’s flanks and forward lines. The Dragoon are mobile fortresses, renowned for shattering infantry lines and crushing opposing cavalry with frightening alacrity. Covered in thick chain and/or heavy plate armor, the rider and horse are both afforded the finest protection upon the battlefield. Trading speed for power and protection, the Dragoons and their Heavy War Horses are unmatched in direct combat. The great, northern chargers from Volta’s icy tundra, provide the Dragoon with the most powerful horse known to Evendarr. Although the mighty Voltan Charger displays fair endurance and speed, the beast nearly doubles the charging power of any other mount. When mounted, the Dragoon rider sits nearly ten hands higher than

the average cavalryman, creating an imposing sight and an excellent field of vision. Thundering into battle, the heavy lance and crushing hooves of the Voltan Charger rip through entire lines of infantry. Also armed with the traditional sword and board the Dragoon are revered as the epitome of military power and remain the most costly unit to maintain. Prestige coupled with expense make the Dragoon a highly selective and difficult Division to gain admittance and complete their arduous curriculum. Reconnaissance The School of Recon.. is charged with the difficult task of developing living shadows, highly motivated warriors and scouts who have developed the unique ability to silently live off the land and follow the stars for navigation. Originally, part of the School of Infantry, the role of the Scout became increasingly more important, and convoluted to fulfill an increasing numbers of tasks. After realizing that Reconnaissance ruled the frontier lands, a separate school was developed by the AMC, creating an elite organization dedicated to Recon.. Training. Although, Recon.. is the smallest school within the AMC, it graduates the most highly disciplined and mentally conditioned cadets. The ability to easily locate the position of the enemy is the primary role of Recon., which is why Tracking is the primary skill for each division. Additionally, all Recon. soldiers must learn the ability to live off the land, which is why Recon. developed their survival school. Perhaps the toughest program within the AMC, the Survival test pushes the Recon. cadets to the absolute limits, and then leaves them their. With the highest failure rate within the AMC, Recon. should not be considered unless it is your true calling within the military and you are willing to make many sacrifices. The Scouts Division is the oldest of the three Recon. Divisions, representing the true spy and infiltration unit. Lightly armored and unencumbered, choosing leather or possibly no protection, because they typically run ten to twenty miles on a daily basis. Fleet of foot and silent as the wind, the Scouts quickly disappear into their surroundings and return only when they have completed their reconnaissance. As a forward infantry group, the Scouts must be prepared to quickly incapacitate any observing

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eyes and repulse any enemy activity. Preferring to strike, hide, and retreat, the Scouts are an elusive unit which chooses to confuse their enemy and fight only on their terms. Favoring the sword and spear for their lightness, and wielding them with deadly precision, the Scout is a silent threshing machine. Traveling with the guidance of the stars, the Scouts are exceptional cartographers and develop most of the field maps used by the Infantry. Carrying their trusty Travel Pack and living off the land, the Scout is capable of providing, unsupported reconnaissance for several months at a time. While the Scouts work in small disciplined units, the Rangers are singular warriors relying upon their own courage, wit, and control to complete their selected tasks. Master of their own fate, these stealthy frontier warriors provide an invisible escort for most infantry divisions. Capable of withstanding the harsh elements and enduring endless treks across the wilderness, the Rangers are truly invaluable. Each Ranger specializes in their favorite missile weapon, choosing from short-bow, long-bow or crossbow. These master archers rely upon their ranged attack for quick and silent incapacitation, but they are also experts in close combat. Choosing short sword/mace and spear, the Ranger prefer swift and light weaponry, since they are constantly on the move. Light armor is also essential for the Ranger, and chain or leather armor are the two primary choices. Ranger’s must possess a strong intellect and an iron will, since they will face all their challenges alone and without support. Perhaps the most unforgiving and physically challenging of all disciplines, the Rangers are silently feared, respected, and honor by all military divisions.

The smallest Division within the smallest School, the Assassins are considered the most elite company, based upon enrollment alone. Rarely mentioned in open conversation, the Assassins are revered for their dark arts and silent precision. Similar to the Ranger, the Assassin must master all arts of stealth, survival, and endurance, but the greatest asset still remains self reliance. In addition to mastering the primary reconnaissance skills, the Assassin must also learn to disguise their appearance and blend with almost any culture. Often disappearing on assignment for several months at a time, the Assassin must weigh each decision and strategy, since it could be their last. Experts in interrogation, the Assassin is capable of extracting information from most humanoid creatures. Additionally, the Assassin has a special Prisoner of War training, where they are taught to counter the effects of interrogation and torture, by only revealing carefully placed stories and fabrications. Finally, the Assassin is well known for their use of alchemy and poison, and when coupled with their knowledge of weapons and combat, the Assassin becomes the Army’s personal hand of death. The assassin secretly

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attends an underground school, and they are eventually commissioned under the guise of another Division. Only the highest level of command knows who the Army’s assassins are, and even they maintain the anonymity the Assassin needs to perform their deadly tasks. Infantry The Infantry is often described as the backbone of the Army, because of their large numbers, direct role, and thankless task. Originally trained in wholesale slaughter, the Infantry represented the true masters of direct combat and open warfare. However, with Avendale’s varying terrain and dynamic battle conditions, the "modern" Infantry develops a wide array of soldiers. Although, Cadets from other Schools are still unable to match the Infantry in personal combat, the School of Infantry does provide a fairly diverse curriculum. True experts in combat, the Infantry enters combat under any condition and without hesitation. Trusting the leadership of their unit commander, the Infantry is a silent, submissive servant within the field of battle. The primary skill for the Infantry is Military Tactics, since it provides the fundamentals of formation and strategy. All members of Infantry are drilled to quickly form lines, identify and listen for field commands, and quickly react to the changing tide of battle. Of all the Military disciplines, the cadets within the School of Infantry learn to trust and rely upon each other the most. Working with a team approach, the Infantry gallantly takes the field of battle, and rarely leaves a soldier behind. Heavy Infantry is the hammer of the Army, endlessly striking at their opponents with unflagging courage and unyielding vigor. Enclosed in thick plate or heavy chain armor, the Heavy Infantryman is capable of enduring a good deal of punishment, but always preferring to dish out more damage than they take. Armed with a wide variety of weapons, shield, and spears, the Heavy Infantry allows the soldier to choose their style and weapon of specialty. Sleeping with their weapons and armor, the Heavy Infantryman lives for combat and seeks glory upon the field of battle. Trained in Defense tactics and Siege warfare, the Heavy Infantryman is prepared to tackle any task placed before their unit. Aiding in their field warfare, the Heavy Infantryman is instructed in building temporary

fortifications and defensive perimeters. At the end of each long march, the Heavy Infantry unpacks their gear, sets a defensive line, and always creates a fortification from the land. These earthen fortifications, provide good protection and a sense of permanence for the troops, since they are often reused during maneuvers. In summary, the Heavy Infantry is the toughest segment to take the field on foot, and they are responsible for protecting the realm and conquering new domains. The Light Infantry is the fleet footed cousin to Heavy Infantry, since the light foot soldiers rely more upon rapid deployment and critical strikes than massive field combat. Lightly armored to ensure lightning deployment, the Light Infantry stands ready to wreak havoc across the enemy lines. Preferring swords/maces and shields/spears, the Light Infantry is a very effective combat machine, but with a lower threshold for damage and casualties. Specializing in counter insurgency and Guerrilla Warfare, the Light Infantry focuses upon rapid deployment and quick retreats. On many occasions, the Light Infantry will be assigned a series of strikes upon location, to cause confusion and to weaken the enemies morale before the Heavy Infantry finishes the job. With exceptional Endurance and learning the art of Evasion, the Light Infantry is capable of operating for weeks within the field, and never being overtaken by the enemy. Constantly on the march or run, the Light Infantry is extremely mobile and would rarely be found behind a castle wall or fortification. Operating in large numbers, the Light Infantry is often compared to a herd of jackals, bent on raising havoc, ruin, and chaos. The Crossbow Division, represent the toughest missile units, who are skilled in both close combat and artillery tactics. Preferring the short range, stopping power of the crossbow, these warriors must be positioned very close or within the front line of combat. Since they often directly support the Heavy Infantry within the front line of combat, the Crossbow-men are well armored with thick leather or heavy chain jackets and pants. Also bearing a long sword/mace and shield, the Crossbow-man stand ready to defend the line, even when their quiver runs dry. With a deadly ranged attack and high survivability, the Crossbow-man is a crucial addition to any Army. Providing a lethal volley of defensive fire, the Crossbow-men augment the front line of battle and instill terror in the hearts of the enemy.

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Additionally drilled in heavy siege equipment and Artillery Warfare, the Crossbow-men are truly masters of ranged destruction. The Archers are long ranged missile support, that need to be mobile and lightly defended to ensure the maximum damage is done to the enemy. Choosing multiple quivers, over secondary weapons and heavy armament, the Archer relies upon the front lines for protection. Wielding only a sword or mace for secondary weaponry, the Archer is hardly a front line combatant. However, they are absolute masters of the bow, and they provide a deadly stream of arrows across the field of battle. They are unequaled in their precision and lethality with the bow, and they carry scores of arrows to ensure their firepower remains constant and steady. The Archers are instructed in the art of Suppression, where the missile fire is concentrated in a specific pattern and rhythm to stifle the enemies progression and retreat. Experts in Missile Warfare, the Archers move across the field of battle and rip apart the enemy lines with supreme precision.

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The Naming of the Estates of Avendale A collective work by Douglas Shuyler, Captain Shaidu Garrison Contributions made by Untar Lebesco, Staff Reporter Avendale is growing with a steady pace. Not only have the cities become safer and more developed but between alliances and the annexing of conquered territories, Avendale has now almost reached the size of two Evendarrian Baronies. So stand the borders of Avendale. A rough map of the area is included though we caution that cartographers have not had time to pace the bounds and that there is most likely some inaccuracy contained herein. To the South of Avendale lies the northern tip of the Shimmerglen Forest of Elysia. To the East of Avendale lies the Icewood Forest and the Frostpeaks of Volta, Evendarr are beyond. To the North lies the Great Plains of Brisbane until the great Dwarven mountains of Banek'Tor are reached. To the west and northwest are the Maul Hills. This area is known to be controlled by Orcs and Ogres and the taking of this land may have influenced Tarsus the Troll Giant to attack Avendale more ferociously. Further to the West lies the Kingdom of Rijad, a land ruled by Merchant Barons who have come to Avendale on more than one occasion. The first estate settled is Galenson, the home of Avendale City. It is comprised of the initial land taken by the Lady Regent's forces and the land conquered from the Trolls that once served Karveki. Galenson is named in honor of Lady Katherine Galenson the Lady Regent's Great-Great Grandmother who led the original expedition to this area over a century ago.

The second estate is Twilight, directly to the west of Galenson with the Frost River to the north and the tip of Shimmerglen Forest of Elysia to the south. This estate was the land conquered from the Ogre tribe of Grim by the forces of Avendale. The estate was named in honor of the Twilight Council, the adventuring group that Jayce M'Lenyian founded who fought against the Colanta with Lady Katherine Galenson's forces over a century ago. To the west of Twilight sits the estate of Frostpeak which is named in honor of the Frost Giants who live within the land and allied themselves with the settlers of Avendale. In August of 603 ER, the Frostpeak Giants dispatched one of their own to aid Avendale against a Great Troll named Tarsus that had been waging war upon Avendale for more than 3 months. The fourth, fifth, and sixth estates are derived from our alliance with the Dark Elves of the Chimerian Hollow. These estates lie to the east against the border of the Icewood Forest. The northernmost estate is named Moonguard, the central estate is named Nebulonde for the Dark Elves capitol city, and the southernmost estate is named Iceweb. The seventh estate of Avendale is to the north east of Galenson across the Frost River, it is the area conquered from the Gnolls by adventurers from Avendale. It is named Brisbane in remembrance of the empire that once stood in this land. The remaining estates are all land abandoned by the Gnolls as they fled to their allies once they lost the protection of their Colanta, when the undead known as Gancis disappeared after being killed half dozen times by the forces of Avendale. The estate to the northeast of Tandon's Rock is named Solonori in honor of the Lady V'ktara Solonori whose trip to retrieve Lady Katherine's child continued the Galenson line to its present embodiment in Lady Regent Niomi. The area surrounding Tandon's Rock has been given the estate name of Tandon. This

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estate is where Gancis' now empty tomb remains. Between Tandon and Brisbane stands the estate of Endarr, named for the late queen Katherine Endarr of Evendarr who commissioned the original expedition to the area of Avendale some 100+ years ago.. Snapdragon is south of Tandon and Solonori. This estate was named for the Hobling wizard Derris Snapdragon who stood with Lady Katherine Galenson in the past, and stood too with the Avendale Expedition until his final death at the hands of Karveki the Vmapire. Derris helped to lay Katherine Galenson's Shade to rest before moving to Heroes Graveyard. The estate of Monay is bordered by Snapdragon, Brisbane, Iceweb, and Moonguard. This estate was named for Lady Regent Niomi's liege in Evendarr, Duchess Jane Monay. The estate of Oakwood lies to the extreme northeast, east of Solonori and north of Moonguard. This estate was named named for the Oakwood Elves who fought with Lady Katherine against the Orc Clans of the area. Between our southernmost border and our current holdings lies the Kroger Wetlands which is presently held by the Lizardmen of the area. Some of these Lizardmen appear to be friendly but it is known that the Fire Saurians and the Reptilons are not friendly, The Fire Saurians being isolationist and the Reptilons following their leader among the Undead Colanta.

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Overview of the Avendale Royal Mages Guild Mission of the Avendale Royal Mages Guild: The mission of the Avendale Royal Mages Guild is to provide an infrastructure to encourage and support those casters of celestial magic who travel to the Kingdom of Avendale. The Guild exists to organize celestial magics in defense of the land and its people, to provide services of identification, magical construction, scroll making and other celestial arts and sciences. History of the Avendale Royal Mages Guild: Early in the year of 600, Archmage of Shadow Lyonesses was discovered trapped in a magical stasis in the ruins of Fort Locklear. The Archmage had been trapped there since the fall of the Empire of Brisbane and was very thankful for his release. Lyonesses quickly swore his loyalty to Queen Niomi and began to use his awe inspiring celestial power in service of the Kingdom. Queen Niomi Avendale noted a gaping hole in the area of Celestial Magics in her kingdom and appointed Lyonesses as High Guildmaster of her a new Royal Mages Guild. After not a years service in this role, Lyonesses vanished while performing magical experimentations. Witnesses nearby his guildhall reported an awesome roar, followed by a flow of almost tangible inky blackness from the hall, which then faded away in the light. When the strange black fog cleared, the guild hall, the Guild Master and a number of his assistants had vanished, no magic's yet have been able to discern their whereabouts. The guild was in turmoil, and to the forefront of this stepped Mathias Raveloch, he had worked briefly with Lyonesses as an Assistant Guildmaster, and offered to take the reins. The Queen looked at Ravelochs history and record and appointed him to take Lyonesses place. High Guildmaster Mathias Raveloch studied at the College of Celestial Magic of the Evendarrian Royal Academy of Arcane

Arts and Sciences, and at the end of his ten years of study, he became a professor for almost 60 years. Raveloch a human sought to retire. At 102 Raveloch decided that he disliked retirement and wished to go back to teaching. Raveloch Began to teach at the newly founded Avendale Royal Academy. Mathias Raveloch found now that teaching did not have the same draw it once had, and after only three years he once more retired. It was then that he was approached by Lyonesses and asked to be an Assistant Guildmaster, which he accepted. In this capacity High Guildmaster Lyonesses called on him to act as a sort of Liaison to the Evendarrian Guilds and Academy using Ravelochs extensive connections to the advantage of Avendale. Mathias Raveloch has had a much more hands off approach to running the Mage's Guilds. Allowing the Guild masters who run the local guild halls more free will. Raveloch ensures that support is provided when requested, but he allows them their own books and does not centrally manage the guilds business. Raveloch spends a great deal of his time traveling and meeting with mages of other lands, in an attempt to establish a rapport between the guilds of many lands, and allow for a trade of knowledge and information. Working in the Avendale Royal Mages Guild: The mundane day to day tasks of the Avendale Royal Mages Guild do not tend to be overly exciting. Routine identifications, scroll making and for those so skilled, the creation of magical weapons and items through formal magics. On occasion the Royal Mages Guild is asked to help the Avendale Royal Academy in research pertaining to those things of a Celestial nature. The Kingdom of Avendale being built within the ruins of the Empire of Brisbane frequently comes acrossed many strange artifacts, documents and phenomena left by the long gone civilization. At the bequest of the Royal Academy the Royal Mages Guild brings their powers of lore, identification and divining to bear on some occasions. Sometimes, due to the incursion of beasts and creatures both magical and mundane, traps, pitfalls and a multitude of other dangers, a call goes up through the mages

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guild to its members who belong to that hearty class of people, the adventurer. To this end, the Royal Mages Guild tries to recruit adventurers into its ranks, so that those task too dangerous for the common scholar can be undertaken. Likewise in times of wars and battles, the kingdom looks to the Royal Mages Guild to organize the celestial casting adventurers, to bring their awesome might down upon the enemy.

Structure of the Avendale Royal Mages Guild: The Avendale Royal Mages Guild is now in its third year of existence. In its brief time, it has gone through a number of dramatic changes with the Kingdom. Avendale also being a frontier, with many violent and often lethal creatures and events coming forth frequently, the turnover in some of the more frontiers-like estates has been high. Additionally there are a number of new estates and territories that have not yet had a full guildhall built in them and as such a new guildmaster has not yet been assigned. A full guildhall and guildmaster have not yet been established in the Barony of the Silvermyst. Barony of Brisbane: Guildmaster: Estate(s): Jaquard Shones (deceased) Lyonesse, Saxony, Ambrose Zacharia Whells Windmaster Massar Leonaesh Ravaloch Goodi Wenzenslaus Shale, Greylocke Cecil Zans (deceased) Vanguard, Doulton Baroness Kittery Anisia Valinor Holindarn Velowyn Kurtal Nord Arundel, Calabac, Tandon, Trevelyn Trustin Callis Solonari, Oakwood Makash Wardrm Shattered Lands, Huntington Phoebe Llojo Endarr, Snapdragon

Aedric Maldona Frost peak, Twilight Mathias Raveloch Brokenlance, Galenson, Brisbane, Gateway, Monay Barony of Nebulonde: Guildmaster: Estate(s): Narama Kyoto Koshitaka, Hayabashiri Gichi Zenoba (deceased) Takami, Jokaimon Aliza Shones Moonguard, Hachidou, Kazaya Syril Greenewhal Iceweb, Nebulonde Kensa Koshitaka Yotsude, Oniyado, Hourin Leura Leone (deceased) Nando

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The Laws of Avendale Composed by former Sheriff Thorn Baljar Under the Oversight of Lady Regent Niomi Avendale and with the Sage Guidance of the Eminent and Honorable Geomcremto Arson – Incendium - The willful destruction or damage by fire to any property of another or of the state. Also the destruction of ones own property by fire if it is done so for profit and or if some collateral damage or destruction to the property of another or of the state ensues. Accomplice – Conscius - An associate in crime, one who willfully operates, aids or assists in the commission of a crime. Either by action or inaction. The consciusee shall bear the criminal responsibility as if they were the sole participants of said crime. Aggravated Assault - Agravo Adorior - The commission of Assault with the intent of committing additional crimes. Assault – Ardorior - An unlawful attempt or declaration (written or unwritten) on the part of one or several with force or violence or malice to cause unwanted harm or mischief upon another, an attempt or offer to harm another without touching them, as one lifts their arms in a threatening manner to another or strikes at them and misses. Battery – Peratio - The willful and unlawful use of force or violence, constraint or mischief upon the person of another. Bribery – Lorgior - The offering, giving or receiving or solicitation of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of a person in the responsible discharge of his or her public or legal duties. Conspiracy – Conjuratio - A combination or confederation between two or more willing persons for the purpose of committing by their joint efforts some criminal act or some act which is innocent in itself but becomes criminal when done by the concerted action of the conspirators. This crime may be waived by the writ of the hand.

Contempt – Contumeliosis - A willful disobedience of the authority or declaration of nobility or officers in power given the lawful orders for the benefit of the people and the support of the law. This crime may be waived by the writ of the hand. Forgery – Imitor - Falsely making or materially altering by hand or otherwise with intent to defraud, any document or symbol which if genuine might apparently be of legal efficacy or the foundation of a legal claim. Kidnapping – Surripio - The forcible and unlawful abduction and transfer of an individual or individuals from place of residence of a substantial distance from where they were found. Also the forcible and unlawful confinement of an individual. Libel – Diffamo - One person or group of persons issuing or presenting a prejudicial or false statement or accusation pertaining to any other by the use of print, writing, pictures, or signs. It is a crime to print, write, etc. knowingly false statements with the intent to injure the character or image of another. This crime may be waived by the writ of the hand. Mockery of a Noble Title - Deridio Nobilus - To deride, ridicule or obviously and intentionally disrespect the personage, coat of arms or colors of an individual recognized as a noble in the land of Avendale. This crime may be waived by the writ of the hand. Murder – Homicidia - Deliberate action to cause the death (except where sanctioned by legal authorities or official act of war) any individual who falls under the protection of the Laws of Avendale. Necromancy - Morti Magius - The use of any spell, ability or item that calls upon chaos or causes an chaos effect. Also the use of any spell, ability or item that causes the creation or release of undead as well as the use of any spell, ability or item that transforms a living being into undead. The willful and consenting possession of any item that possesses necromantic properties. Perjury – Periuris - To knowingly lie or make false or misleading statements to a noble, magistrate or persons given the

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power to conduct an official investigation or trial while they are in the course of such an investigation or trial. Pretending to a Noble Title - Decipio Nobilus - To knowingly present oneself by document, raiment, statement to be of a noble station. This crime may be waived by the writ of the hand. Slander – Maledico - The speaking of false or malicious words concerning another whereby injuring results to their reputation. This crime may be waived by the writ of the hand. Slavery – Servus - The willful buying, selling, or holding of an individual against their will such that said individual shall have no freedom of action and whose person and services are wholly under the control of another. Treason – Maiestas - The involvement in any action or assemblage for the purpose of rebelling against the state or its lawful governing body or in aiding any other individual or individuals either foreign or domestic to do the same. Theivery – Furtam - To use any portion of or to take possession of the property of another against their will.

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The Final Letter of Tarsus Nightspear The following letter was penned on the morning of the final battle with the half-troll Tarsus Nightspear, the first monster successful in uniting many of the savage races. Tarsus insisted that monsters not forsake their identity by being lured into a convenient peace with the “inquisition”, meaning the civilized races. He saw Avendale not just as an invasion of territory, but as an affront to the wild way of life. His words struck a deep chord with the monsters of the lands, and to this day this letter can be found in the pockets of many who oppose civilization. I write this on the dawn before the first real day of battle. Many have failed before me. Perhaps my name too will be added to the list of those who died on the swords of Avendale. Every history lesson I have learned speaks of the defeat of my people – and we turn, in shame, defeated, back to the wild. And in the wild we wait and grow and prepare, and eventually we become angered by the Great Injustice, and we rally together to do it again. There is no escaping this. Perhaps it seems folly to you, then, that I, Tarsus Nightspear am leading another war.

But know that it is not a war directly on your people or your quiet peace, it is a war of destiny. I am told there is Giant’s Blood within me, and therefore I will be a mark on the page of history. My mark will be a bloody one. We are, as you call us, monsters. We fight because we must – it is what we are. When you mock us, telling us that we only face death if we enter the cities where the adventurers gather, you say it with a grin and a sneer as if we will somehow be intimidated, as if we will somehow be surprised. If you were to see the fight from our side, you would realize that to live the life we do, we must wear our deaths like a badge of honor. Were we afraid of death, we would never enter the field of battle to begin with. We know we will die in battle. It is practically a fact. But from this, we draw strength. We are a stubborn, steadfast collection of people. We refuse to give up. Can you honestly say your people have our courage? Were your races in our position, I doubt you would have the bravery to continue the fight. You are so eager to kneel. That is why you are full of slave races, and no one in history has yet domesticated any of our kind. So perhaps we will die. But we are prepared for this, as it is a fact of battle, a repeated history of our people. Perhaps, say our cynical elders, it is even our heritage. But were we to give up today, or ever, we would never have earned our warrior’s marks to begin with. We will fight for a cause we have never realized. Maybe we will, eventually, win. And if destiny dictates that we shall never win, that does not mean we will give up. Nay, we will fight even harder to embrace our fate. Sometimes an idealistic adventurer will speak of peaceful coexistence with us. “Peaceful Coexistence” is just a clever word for subjugation. Can our races live without knowing the asymmetry of dominance? Can we exist without war? One might as well ask if we can go without food and drink. The eternal fight is to us as honor to a Drae, or a woodland to a Wood Elf. When you ask us

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to live peacefully alongside you, you ask out of a complete ignorance of our people. Our fight is our birthright; it is in our burning blood. It is as essential to us as our spirit. Wild Races of Avendale, and any who have the Wild within themselves, hear my call. I have spoken to the Barbarians, the Scavengers, the Orcs, the Ogres, the Sarr, and the Wild Elves. They speak of a conflict deep within their spirit – on one hand they wish to join the society they feel so alien in, but on the other hand there is a calling within them to take up their weapons and run, free, though the woods, casting behind them the laws, titles, coins, and strange customs that bind them to the “civilized” way of life. I know you live restlessly in Avendale. Join with my cause and I promise you a fulfillment you will not find anywhere else. Fight your own battle. Seize your own territory. Do not be subjugated. We fight the cause for which you secretly yearn. Within you there is a beast that is screaming, stifled, suffocating. Join us and know your nature. Join us and you will be whole. Now we have our numbers. Now we have the rage that will unite us and carry us to the field of battle. We have spent too many winters in waiting – this is our day. On Sunday, we shall meet in battle.

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Out of Game Footnotebook By Dan Comstock (head writer) What Is Plot?

As a writer, it’s easy to mistake the script of an event for the plot of the event. In many ways, the NPC element of the game is all we writers have control over – we can run modules and drop items and give the players an opportunity to engage us, but that’s missing a big piece of the picture.

There’s an expectation in NERO that your registration fee is paying for entertainment. Many people expect the staff and NPCs to put on a show for them sort of like going to a movie. Under this model, the game is really about the stories and conflicts that are presented. The players are more or less passive riders in the plot vehicle that the writers are driving.

My feeling is that the game is partially about all that story stuff we run, and partially about the community that we create. The economy, the noble hierarchy, the formation of teams and guilds, the shady underbelly, the social mixer - these are all elements of this community. It’s important that people realize “plot” isn’t “the only game in town”.

Believing in Illusions

There’s a growing jaded and apathetic attitude in NERO that seems to be gaining speed. You see it all the time. Many people play the game without really emotionally investing themselves in it. They think they’ve seen it all. Their participation is purely superficial. This isn’t necessarily bad, but is counterproductive to a friendly and positive role-play oriented atmosphere.

A while back, some players inadvertently released a powerful and ancient monster from its prison. The PCs watched as it tore off into the woods. “Don’t you care that you just freed some ancient evil?” I asked one player. “Nah,” he said with a shrug, “I’m just on vacation here.” This encapsulates the attitude that seems opposite to interactive theater. What’s the point of running an interactive story if the characters aren’t going to fully participate in it?

Now I’m not saying that to be a good player you have to cry for every dead NPC, play only for the role-play opportunities, and memorize lines from Shakespeare. BUT I do think that players should push themselves to add

to and enrich the atmosphere, rather than being merely participants of it.

The apathetic player has a more or less homogenous reaction to plot. They go on modules because the modules are something to do, and that beats standing around in the field waiting for stuff to happen. They go on the module, kill the bad guy, pocket the treasure, and go back to waiting on the field for the next thing to happen. They seldom feel any sense of accomplishment, progress, or drama, because they haven’t made the effort to be engaged. They’re waiting for plot to entertain them.

It’s really easy to be jaded in NERO. There are scads of characters and teams that feel they’ve seen it all. To this cynical class of players, every villain is just another villain. Every plot is formulaic, predictable, boring. They lament that the game isn’t as exciting as it should be without realizing that their negativist attitude is a major part of the problem.

The real plot, if you ask me, is player’s reaction to everything that’s going on. People who step up to the bat and care about what’s going on around them are providing fuel for the writers, inspiring their fellow players, and enriching the believability of the atmosphere. My favorite players are the ones that really seem to absorb the plot and become a part of it, a character in it, rather than a passive rider.

This is, after all, interactive theater, not a video game. There are tons of video-game elements, but we as players must be careful not to fall into the video-game mentality.

My final advice to the jaded and cynical

population of the game is to actively try to enjoy the game rather than finding faults in it. Try out new ways to play the game, engage in the escapism, and react to the game rather than imposing your views on how it should be run. Focus on why you like the game, and let your disappointment be temporary. Good NERO players have fun at NERO events. You should push yourself to look good, actively participate, and play a memorable character. Bring more to the game than what’s currently on the table and you’ll find yourself enriching and being enriched by the atmosphere. Themes and Motifs of Avendale There are several themes present in the player’s guide that I think of as central to Avendale. These are simply motifs that appear as a part of the backdrop of the chapter, and are in no ways the only conflicts that exist out there.

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They are big ones though. They also represent underlying issues that exist to some extent in real life (at least in my own head). As a director, I love to see people playing off these themes in dramatic ways, and using them as personal conflicts to explore. As players in a game this size, we are engaging in a very comp licated collaborative story. The way that each player interprets and embraces these themes serves as a springboard for other players to react, thereby enriching the whole process. Civilization versus the Wild. Avendale is a rapidly growing kingdom with a huge frontier. There are no real frontiers left in the real world, so its’ hard for us to grasp the implications of this. To the north, (in game) there is a border to the kingdom. Past that line, no land is claimed or charted. The laws and conventions of government simply cease to exist once you travel far enough. Once you’re past the frontier, you’re no longer in society, you’re off the map. Money has no official value. There are no roads. There are no taverns or markets or other civilized luxuries. There are no taxes, no bowing to nobles, and no prisons. It is unknown what is past the frontier. In a world where monsters randomly attack from the wild, where there are continents full of undead, and where there are other planes of existence, the unknown is a potentially very dangerous and lucrative thing. The beings who live in the wild are not socialized. Half-ogres and half-orcs, scavengers, a handful of Sarr, Wild Elves, trolls, goblins, attercob… To these noble savages, the concept of a paved road is baffling – but not more so than wondering why people cobble roads to begin with. They come from an entirely different universe, socially. Meanwhile the “civilized” life has grown above the unrefined, undomesticated world. Tyrrans live in a psuedo-medieval culture – it’s not a far mental stretch from our world. Tyrra has written language, plumbing, and arguably better health care than the real world. Tyrrans experience a bit more physical labor, and a bit more danger than we do in our lives, but like us, the average peasant probably has never seen a goblin. They live a mannered, polite, and civilized life. Many people even know how to read. Those savages out there in the woods, half-orcs and barbarians and whatnot are the fantasy equivalent of those rednecks living in a van by the river, eating squirrels. They don’t bathe. They don’t have laws. They

don’t have chivalry. Hell, there’s not much separating them from animals!

To be a civilized person, you constantly have to be rejecting your primitive impulses. It could be so easy to just sell my house, buy a lot of hunting traps, and tough it out there, and I wouldn’t have to go work a 9 to 5 job for some asshole landlord with a mace. But then I’d be no better than those wild-people, those beast-men… There is an irreconcilable difference between these two mindsets. Poor tumultuous Avendale is trying to extend the civilized mindset into wild regions. There are going to be big cultural implications in this expansion, as worlds collide. Rome had to adapt to all the nations it conquered in order to unify everyone. In doing so, the Romans may have lost some of their “core” identity – how will Avendale face this challenge of colonizing someone not ready for their world? It’s Order and its Chaos and it’s Reason and its Dream. This is what I consider the metaphysical conflict of Avendale because it’s happening in the spirits of people. How can the primitive unite with the civilized? How can the base instincts be refined by society and not squelched by them? The Void of Corruption is the new evil cosmic force. The latest Elemental Package describes a realization by Tyrran mages that they’ve had the cosmology wrong all along. We are afraid of death, of chaos, and of nightmares. Really what we’re afraid of is Void. All this time, those elements have been tainted by Void, the real destructive force that’s been in hiding since as early as the first elemental war, the conflict of essential forces of the universe at the beginning of time. I don’t want to give away too much about this conflict, because a lot of participating in it has to do with learning what it might be. I think Void is a complicated villain and represents a lot of mythology that can be well-adapted to personal character development. The Void is the idea of primal chaos, a raw untapped power that we can achieve great things with – but the chaos is that of an atomic explosion. At what cost will we pursue our goals? The Void is something that many people will have to face in-game, but this is also a more basic personal conflict that people may want to consider in the progression of their characters. How you confront the void is up to you.

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The Mythic Faces of Tyrra –Carl Jung, a pioneer of psychology, wrote heavily about the archetypes, recurring themes and ideas that are omnipresent in the world. Every culture has its own version of Star Wars because the elements of that story are core to human nature.

They say there are about five basic stories. Every story ever told is some version of “boy meets girl” or “boy confronts his father” or something to that effect. Depending on how you cut it, you can also categorize all dramatic conflicts into Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Man, and Man vs. Himself.

The characters of these basic stories are recurring as well. Joseph Campbell categorized them as the Innocent, the Orphan, the Wanderer, the Warrior, the Martyr, and the Magician. I’ve made a slightly different cut and called them the Hero, the Beast, the Wanderer, the Wiseman (aka The Storyteller), the Trickster, and the Watcher. These characters are all over literature, theater, and mythology.

On Tyrra, these intangibles have

substance. Somewhere out there, there is actually a nebulous force called the Trickster, and as people embody it, they bond with it. In moments of extre me heroism, it is possible for a Tyrran (for a brief time) to become The Hero. In moments of elemental wisdom, one can become The Storyteller. The “mythic faces” will be addressed in-game by plot, but they go beyond

just that. These are roles which all of us, as actors, unconsciously slip into at times. I would like us, as players, to recognize and contemplate them when approaching the game.

I will leave the individual interpretation of these “mythic faces” up to you personally. The task is to realize that our characters are more or less embodiments of these various intangibles, and that they play off each other in interesting ways. In many ways the Hero leads the party, the Beast pushes for conflict, everyone looks to the Storyteller for advice, the Wanderer for direction, and the Trickster questions all of it. Getting Into Character

A lot of people say that Escapism is one of the primary reasons they play. To me, the ability to escape the real world is a matter of leaving it, both physically and mentally. Occasionally, I’m blessed with a real in-game moment – a moment where the rules become physics, costumes becomes clothing, and players become their characters. In order to enter this headspace, you really need to be in-character. I’ll share an exercise I use to put myself there.

First, get into costume and makeup. Try to think of this process as a means of “putting on a new self”. People think of their body and their appearance as core to their identity. I feel it’s important to look in a mirror and actually see yourself as a different person. The next step is to isolate yourself. Go out for a walk in the woods or somewhere secluded where you can talk to yourself and no one will hear you. Tell your story, out loud, from your character’s point of view, as if you’re opening up to a stranger. “My name is Malaclypse. I grew up in the town of Relida, at the edge of Frost Lake…” think about your background and the stuff you’ve actually done in-game as one continuum. Weave it into a story that will give structure to your role play. “After my best friend Squire Frakmius died, I vowed I would never let anyone down again. It was such a shock to lose someone so close to me, and it made me bitter towards the court that he was serving when he died. They failed to keep their own teammate alive, how could they possibly defend the Kingdom?” While you tell the story, picture it happening. Invent images for characters in your background, important moments in your life, and the “off stage” cities and lands that you invariably pass through when you’re not at a gathering. Think of everything

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that’s happened to your character up until now as a prologue. Think about it as real. Tell this story in the first person. Visualize it. Internalize it. If you can fool yourself into telling it as if it really happened, you will be in-character. As you finish up this process, walk into town as if you’re just arriving from a long journey. Be sure to avoid out-of-game talk and chatter, as it can jar your sense of reality.