nelson mandela quotes final 2 - vip coaching · nelson mandela quotes ... history will judge us by...


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Page 1: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create
Page 2: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create


Dr Bill Price PhD

Master Global Execu�ve Business and Life Coach-Facilitator-

Speaker of Note and Strategist

Interna�onally acclaimed Execu�ve Corporate Sage Coach,

Bill is a master at developing individual leaders of leaders

and their teams to perform at their exponen�al best. His

powerful Neuroscience approach to “being and Doing”

leading shi�s leaders to becoming so focused on fulfilling

their personal best and the corporate's best amongst all the

Complexity of doing business in a disrup�ve age.

Adept a�acking on the most challenging reali�es, Bill's style

is expertly and carefully woven, adapted and honed to suit

the context specificity of each client.

One client said: “Bill makes people and companies fly.”

His reputa�on is based on being thorough, professional,

ethical and excep�onal at who is is and what he does.

Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Price offers your team ROI, VOI and COI.Talk to him and experience the shi�.

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 3: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

Nelson Mandela Quotes 1

DR BILL PRICE Is a Master Execu�ve Global Coach-Facilitator and Strategist.Bill focuses his coaching , facilita�on ,diagnos�cs and strategic skills set, on C- Suite leaders and their Execu�ve TeamsHe has coached and has over 18,000 one-on-one logged audited hours with the above men�oned niche over the past 24 years.He is an Interna�onal Member of the FORESIGHT Futurist Group in the UK and focus his trends analysis in Africa on the unfolding of Leadership, entrepreneurialism, customer focused connec�ons and Future-Focused (TM) Educa�on. Bill has a Honary PhD and a second Academic PhD in management sciences with specific focus on integrated execu�ve coaching of African Leaders in a Global context.Is a Fellow of the Ins�tute of Company Directors South African (IoDSA) where he served on the training commi�ee for Directors.Qualified in Neuroscience Coaching for Leadership and is a Interna�onal Master Prac��oner in Neurolinguis�c Science technologyHe is a South African Member of the Singularity University and looks at Disrup�on in ac�on in the world of work.

His journey has included:The coaching of:Ÿ CEO transi�ons and exitsŸ Merges and acquisi�onsŸ Board audits and profilingŸ Context Specific Designed Profiles Ÿ and 360 Feed-In interven�onsŸ Climate and Organisa�onal Profile developmentŸ Transi�ons from small companies into

Interna�onalGroups Africa Royalty

Dr BillPrice coaches Board Effec�veness, alignment and empowers them toward world class excellenceTalk to him now

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 4: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

Nelson Mandela Quotes 1


This is a very prac�cal book not just to be read but to be personally integrated into your being of who you are.Its a book with exercises to help you discover that.

You are invited to read each quote and then complete a Self Coaching Exercise


If you complete the Self Coaching Exercises of each SECTION,on line, via the link at each exercise, you will receive one free on line coaching session with Dr Bill. This is valued at $1000!

I am wondering what the mo�va�on would be to not want to do that?I am wondering if you will be dedicated enough , disciplined enough, to complete the exercises on line and receive the most powerful incisive coaching experience with me?

I assure you that the huge value add you will receive in the person to person session will far outweigh any ques�ons you may have or reserva�ons. It will far exceed you r highest expecta�ons and values I promise.

Dr Bill Price

You have been challenged!

Dr Bill Price helps your Execu�ve team to Calibrate your strategic impact on your customers world and roll out along with people resources. Its �me to discover the gaps and shi�s that will cause strategic deflec�on.Talk to him now

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 5: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

Nelson Mandela Quotes 1

I have had the honour favour and privilege to coach over 18,000 one-on-

one sessions with C- Suite leaders of interna�onal and na�onal and local

business, NGO's, commerce, Government and African Royalty and have

been there watching in real-�me as decisions are make both good and


I have been there to measure with the coachees their results and have

coached re-alignment but also have been there when their summits are

achieved. Dreams do come true! Both in business and in personal lives,

they really do manifest in their life�mes.I have learned many many

lessons and have been influenced by the greatness of legacy and passion

and vision of others.

I have discovered that coaching….. professional, incisive, commi�ed,

excellent coaching does have a sustainable impact on thinking and

delivery of the inner expecta�ons of leaders and ordinary people.

The coaching has helped me to discover my niche to help leaders of

leaders to achieve their summits in the life �me. The focus areas of

leading, living and loving are the main cri�cal areas that i have seen the

most shi�s and gains in over the years hence the quotes on Leading,

living and Loving. Make them your own.

Thanks for the journey with you


Dr Bill specialises in Company DNA (Dynamic Latent Ability) Diagnos�csMake contact to find out moreabout this worthwhile interven�on

011 894 3465 | [email protected]


Page 6: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

Regarding forgiveness...

It is in your hands, to make a be�er world for all to live in it.

I have a special a�achment to people who befriended me during �mes of distress.

I'm not a saint unless you think St is a sinner who keeps on trying

Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.

In my country, we go to present first and then become president!

No one born ha�ng another person because of the colour of their skin, or the background or

their religion.

We must strive to be moved by generosity of spirit that will enable us to outgrow the hatred

and conflicts of the past.

The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every �me we fall.

“We must all strive to be inspired by a deep-seated love of our country, without regard to

race, color, gender or sta�on in life.”

There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I could

not and would not give myself up to display.

Only free men can nego�ate. Prisoners cannot enter into contracts will stop

They must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate they can be taught to love, for love

comes more naturally to the human heart then is possible.

You will achieve more in this world through acts of mercy than you will through acts of


The habit of a�ending to small things and of apprecia�ng small courtesies is one of the most

important blocks of a good person.

Of course we design educa�on and we think it's a good thing, but we don't have to have

educa�on in order to know that you want certain fundamental rights, you have got

aspira�ons, you have got claims!

Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Price offers Mastery Classes for C-Suite leadershipAllow your Team the opportunity to be influenced and impacted by excellence and professional vital and relevant leadership empowermentContact him now

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 7: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create


Follow the linkt to do the survey online

h�ps:// (copy and paste this link to your browser)

Having read and pondered on the above-men�oned quotes……What are the 4 to 5 KEY

words that pop up in your mind?

Re-write a belief you have, based on the collec�ve quotes and the

5 key words you have chosen

Having read and pondered on the above-men�oned QUOTES and the

answers in Q1 and Q2, what do the key words and Belief really mean to


It means………………

Take some �me each day for the next 4 days to reflect on this

exercise and make amendments and then write your version of a

brand new quote

Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Price can coach your Execu�ve Team to align theirpersonal capacity, competency and skills-set to the Strategic roll out. Its execu�on that ma�ers and results that are focused on with in your �me lines.Stop was�ng �me and money on other less impac�ul and non sustainable processesContact him now011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 8: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children!

Money won't create success. The freedom to make it, will.

Educa�on is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

It's through the educa�on that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the

son of a line worker can become the head of the mine.

I am the product of Africa and the long-cherished view of rebirth that can now be realized

so that all of the children might play in the sun.

There can be no keener revela�on of a society soul, then the way in which it treats its children.

The children and people who sleep in the streets, reduced to begging to make a living, are our

tes�mony of an unfinished job.

It's an achievement for a man to do his duty on the irrespec�ve of the consequences.

It was during those long and lonely years that my hunger for freedom of my people became the

hunger for the freedom of all people.

Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it's an act of jus�ce. Like slavery and apartheid,

poverty is not natural.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over. A brave man is not he who does not

feel afraid, but you conquers the fear that he faces.

There is no passion to be found in playing small-in se�ng for a life that is less than the one that

you are most capable of living.

It always seems impossible un�l it's done.

We must use the �me wisely and forever realise that the �me is always right to do the right


Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Price is a strategic Sage-Guide, that guides C-Suite leaders and their Teams, to achieve their personal and business exponen�al best, summits in their life �me.Let him guide your team to the manifesta�on of yourcompany dream in a sustainable measured journey.Its called success!Contact him now011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 9: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

Difficul�es break some men that make others.

No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying.

When I walked out of prison, that was my mission-to liberate the oppressed and the

oppressor both of them.

When the water starts boiling it is foolish to tone of the heat.

You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

Significant progress is always possible if we ourselves try to plan every detail of our lives

and ac�ons.

It is what we make it out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one

person from another .

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him

in his language, that goes to his heart.

A�er climbing a great deal, one only finds that the mini molehills to climb.

Our human compassion binds us the one to the other-not in pity or patronizingly, but as

human beings who have learned how to turn our common suffering into a hope for the


Forget the past.

Money will not create success, the freedom to make it will.

To deny people the human rights is

to challenge the very humanity.“ One of the things I learned when I was

nego�a�ng was that un�l I change myself I

could not change our lives.”

Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Price specialises in Personal Self mastery Development of Execu�ves with the P.O.E.M. (TM) and L.E.E.E.P.P.P.P.(TM) Diagnos�c tool.Let the Neuroscience of leading help you and your team.Talk to him now

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 10: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create


Follow the link to do the survey online:

h�ps:// (copy and paste this link to your browser)

Having read and pondered on the above-men�oned quotes……What are the 4 to 5 KEY

words that pop up in your mind?

Re-write a belief you have, based on the collec�ve quotes and the

5 key words you have chosen

Having read and pondered on the above-men�oned QUOTES and the

answers in Q1 and Q2, what do the key words and Belief really mean to


It means………………

Nelson Mandela Quotes

You can choose over the next 4 days to reflect on this exercise and

make amendments and then write your version of a brand new


Dr Bill Price is an outstanding, one of a kind, speaker of note, that, includes and helps audiences integrate what he says while he says it.A unique approach to audience influencing like none other .Impact and influence your team.Contact him now011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 11: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

I am fundamentally an op�mist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say.

Part of being op�mis�c is keeping one's head pointed towards the sun, and 1 feet moving

forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested but

I would not and could not give myself up to that despair. That way lies defeat and death.

When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to himself his people and his

country then he can be at peace.

A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long

way in making the world a be�er place we so passionately dreamt of.

For to be free is not merely to castoff one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and

enhances the freedom of others.

Don't judge me by my successes, judge me by how many �mes I fell down and got back up


There is no passion to be found playing small-in se�ling for a life that is less than the one

that you have been called to live.

Man's goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never ex�nguished.

I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make one see problems

from all angles and perspec�ves.

When people are determined they can overcome anything.

A good head and a good heart

always formidable confident

Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Coaches C- Suite Execu�ves and their Teams toward their exponen�al best both personally and for the company.Talk to him .

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 12: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create


Follow the link to do the survey online:

h�ps:// (copy and paste this link to your browser)

Having read and pondered on the above-men�oned quotes……What are the 4 to 5 KEY

words that pop up in your mind?

Re-write a belief you have, based on the collec�ve quotes and the

5 key words you have chosen

Having read and pondered on the above-men�oned QUOTES and the

answers in Q1 and Q2, what do the key words and Belief really mean to


It means………………

Nelson Mandela Quotes

You can choose over the next 4 days to reflect on this exercise and

make amendments and then write your version of a brand new


Bill can coach your Company Strategy and link all resources to the roll out over period of two years to achieve your dream and vision.He believes in a journey and not a quick fix solu�on. Talk to him now

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 13: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create







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Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Price is available to do Culture and climate diagnos�cs with your execu�ve team in 90 minutes!Find out more about this

011 894 3465 | [email protected]

Page 14: Nelson Mandela Quotes Final 2 - VIP Coaching · Nelson Mandela Quotes ... History will judge us by the difference we making in the everyday lives of children! Money won't create

Nelson Mandela Quotes

Dr Bill Price Speaker of NOTE to Boards, Execu�ve teams, and ConferencesTalk to him

011 894 3465 | [email protected]







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