negotiation skills - by abd al-rahman habiba

Negotiation Skills Practical Guide

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Negotiation Skills - By Abd Al-Rahman Habiba

Negotiation SkillsPractical Guide

Page 2: Negotiation Skills - By Abd Al-Rahman Habiba

Negotiation Skills: Table of content1. Introduction2. What is Negotiation? And Its Reasons..3. Customer Attitude4. Negotiating with your client Process5. Negotiation Strategies6. Common mistakes to be avoided in negotiation7. References

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What is Negotiation?Simply it is the process of getting what you want from another person.The truth is we negotiate every day, everyone in their every day lives is a negotiator.

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Negotiations occur for several reasons: • To convince people to take your side of an issue• To agree on how to share or divide a limited resource• To resolve a problem or dispute between the parties• To sell a product or service

• Sales negotiation

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Customer Attitudes• A customer’s attitude toward your product or service generally falls

into one of four categories.....• Objection• Indifference• Scepticism• Acceptance

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Customer Attitudes

Objection• Customer displays opposition to your product.


• Customer shows a lack of interest in your product because of no perceived need for its benefits.


• Customer is interested in a particular benefit, but doubts whether your product can really provide the benefit.


• Customer agrees with your benefits and has no negative feelings toward your product.

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Negotiation Process





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Negotiating with your client Process

Before negotiation begins...

-Avoid negotiating unless you have had an opportunity to fully present your products and services.-Understand the objections raised by your prospect and identify what your prospect or customer’s main points of interest may be based on these objections-Be prepared to illustrate how your offering will benefit them and quantify the value they will get (if possible)

-Be prepared to be patient (which can lead to higher trust between you and your prospect)-Be confident in the value your product or service will provide your prospect-Be prepared to work toward a solution that works for both you and your prospect- Know in advance at what point the negotiation is no longer beneficial to you and your organisation and be prepared to walk away

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Negotiating with your client Process

During negotiation...

-Use open ended questions to confirm your understanding of their needs.-Be prepared for tactical responses from clients.-Don’t rush to fill pauses with more talk – be comfortable with moments of silence

-Listen-Be prepared to make slight adjustments for your client if possible -Be prepared to work toward a solution that works for both you and your prospect- Try to identify small things you have both agreed on to help develop positive momentum – summarize these agreements periodically

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Negotiating with your client Process

After the negotiation...If you are able to make a sale…-Summarize verbally and/or in writing the details of what you and the client have agreed on.-Thank the client for their time and reinforce the purchase decision -For your next negotiation, review the points that seemed to help move the negotiation process forward – study them, know them, use them

If you did not make a sale…-Sincerely thank the client for their time -Avoid appearing annoyed or disappointed-Give the prospect an “out” or an opening for them to come back to you/your organisation in the future

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Negotiation outcomes

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Negotiation Strategies• There are various well tested strategies that can be used to achieve a

win-win outcome…1- Good Guy/Bad Guy:The good guy / bad guy is an internationally used strategy. One member of a team takes a hard line approach while other member is friendly and easy to deal with. When bad guy steps out for a few minutes, the good guy offers the deal that under the circumstances seems too good to refuse. Bad guys usually comprise spouses, lawyers etc.

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Negotiation Strategies• There are various well tested strategies that can

be used to achieve a win-win outcome…• 2- Vinegar – Honey:Start with the cheapest possible product or service but one which still has benefits for the prospect.

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Negotiation Strategies• Keep in mind…• Keep It Light• You never want to let negotiations become too tense. Always

feel free to smile and inject some humour in the conversation. • Lightening up the mood can ingratiate you with your client

while also conveying your negotiating strength. • If you do not appear to be taking the negotiation as a do or

die affair, your client may conclude that you are ready to move on if s/he does not cooperate and based on that s/he may decide to be cooperative.• Wear a suitable suit.

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Common mistakes to be avoided in negotiation• Inadequate preparation• Use of intimidating behavior• Impatience• Loss of temper• Talking too much, listening too little, and remaining indifferent to

body language. • Arguing instead of influencing.

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Any Questions ?

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The EndThank You

Abd Al-Rahman Habiba