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BSMH 3073 [HOW TO BE AN EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATOR] 1.0 INTRODUCTION One of the essential skills for any entrepreneur is negotiation. How well you can negotiate a favorable agreement or deal for your business can often spell the difference between failure and success. Negotiation can occur between you and your employees, your vendors, your customers, or even your investors. Despite the possible sense of intimidation or distaste many business owners might have around negotiating, it is a productive skill that will enable you to build your business in positive ways and it does not have to be approached as an adversarial tactic to be endured. Here we would like to mention about an effective negotiator and we are convinced that “negotiators are not born; they are made.” Clearly, there are some people who seem to have been born for that. The innate talent of a salesman who is capable of improvising, for example, can save situations where negotiators have been exhausted or stymied. Nevertheless, to be an expert negotiator capable of achieving the best that could be hoped for means keeping in mind that negotiations must benefit both parties and this is the result of reflection, analysis and practicing various techniques and methods habitually. Of course, 1

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One of the essential skills for any entrepreneur is negotiation. How well

you can negotiate a favorable agreement or deal for your business can often

spell the difference between failure and success. Negotiation can occur

between you and your employees, your vendors, your customers, or even

your investors. Despite the possible sense of intimidation or distaste many

business owners might have around negotiating, it is a productive skill that

will enable you to build your business in positive ways and it does not have

to be approached as an adversarial tactic to be endured. Here we would like

to mention about an effective negotiator and we are convinced that

“negotiators are not born; they are made.” Clearly, there are some people

who seem to have been born for that. The innate talent of a salesman who is

capable of improvising, for example, can save situations where negotiators

have been exhausted or stymied. Nevertheless, to be an expert negotiator

capable of achieving the best that could be hoped for means keeping in mind

that negotiations must benefit both parties and this is the result of reflection,

analysis and practicing various techniques and methods habitually. Of

course, they can be learned and practiced. Let’s not forget that an effective

negotiation is composed of 10% technique and 90% attitude. A negotiator

must have cognitive intelligence to comprehend complex ideas, to reason

based on facts and to plan a course of action. Cognitive intelligence is

intellectual abilities such as logic, reason, reading, and writing, analyzing and

prioritizing. These go on in your own head and utilize only the neo Cortez,


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not the emotional centers of the brain. These do not involve any people

skills, can solve a math equation by you, or write an essay by yourself. Other

than that, without doubts, biologically realized cognitive intelligence is the

most complex property of human mind and can be perceived only by it. Our

problem is what we call or may call cognitive intelligence. From the formal,

computational perspective, cognitive intelligence is always one of ill-defined

concepts. Its definitions are immersed in numerous scientific contexts and

mirror their own historical evolutions, as well as, different "interests" of

researchers involved. Its weakness is usually based on its abstract multi-

faces image and, on the other hand, a universal utility character. There are

some characteristics will explain about an effective negotiator.


2.1 Negotiator Should Be an Emotionally Intelligent Negotiator

Cognitive ability refer the type of intelligence commonly measured by

psychometric tests) predicts individual performance in many related

contexts. Beside this, in particular situation or context, individual negotiator

is expected to react the same way with the confines of bounded rationality in

the similar kinds of biases and decision making, (Fulmer & Barry, 2004).

However in the scholar journal state that individual differences do impact

negotiation outcomes but they hold the limited interest due to demographic

factors. It is common true that organizational have the ultimate power to

analysis the individual differences and peek the right person in order to get


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better result in negotiation. On the other hand, if the intelligence will affect

the negotiation result it is the right way to identified how the smart

negotiators react in order to implement negotiation and improve skills. The

scholar also state that cognitive ability an ability and emotional intelligence

impact a negotiator's information acquisition, decision making, and tactical

responses, both directly and in concert with situational/contextual factors.

Beside this, cognitive ability involves the ability to plan, solve problems,

think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from

experience. The cognitive ability is applied in negotiation process, where by

integrative negotiation; the both parties will try accomplishing the result

together. In order to achieve it the negotiator needs cognitive ability to

gather information and share it. Beside this, cognitive ability also able to

influence performance in various situations beside predicts behavior and

outcomes in complex negotiation process, (Fulmer & Barry, 2004). On the

other hand the effective negotiator can use the cognitive ability in four

process of negotiation which is information acquisition, decision making,

choice of tactics and the ability to influence emotions of the negotiation

opponent in order to get success in negotiation process. Furthermore, the

high cognitive ability also will help the negotiator to be effective where they

are able to predict decision making performance even in extremely

unpredictably changes. Beside this, the cognitive ability also will help the

negotiator to be effective where in bargaining situation; cognitive ability will

offer negotiator advantages in information gathering and decision making,


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particularly in complex situation. The cognitive ability will contribute to

effective negotiator in information acquisition where it increases the capacity

to learn and process relevant information more quickly and accurately. It is

proven that, higher cognitive ability will boots up effective negotiator where

it deliver to rapid learning about the underlying interests of one's negotiation


Effective negotiator also can use cognitive ability to perform accurate

judgment and decision making in before and after unexpected changes in

negotiation process. Beside this the cognitive ability helps the negotiator to

be effective where they can perform with rationality and with bias avoidance,

able to identified own errors and mistakes more quickly. Apart from this,

cognitive ability also leads to effective negotiator where it cultivates them to

adapt in complexity during the negotiation process. It is clearly can been see

in negotiation situations involve vary in complexity where parties are

negotiating for complex multi issues involve rapid, unexpected changes in

circumstances, require high-level and swift information processing, and

require attention to multiple sources of information simultaneously. So it is

proven where the effective negotiator should use cognitive ability to adapt in

rapid learning and information processing during negotiation process. So we

can conclude that effective negotiator will use cognitive ability in information

acquisition and be stronger in structurally complex negotiation situations.

Beside the cognitive ability, the emotional intelligence also can

contribute to effective negotiator. Emotional intelligence will be beneficial for


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negotiators because it provides greater sensitivity to emotional cues, it may

minimize the negative effects of emotion on decision-making, and it

facilitates the implementation of emotion based tactics in negotiation.

Effective negotiator are able to manipulate other parties emotion level where

in negotiation table an emotionally sensitive opponent might observe that

the focal negotiator becomes visibly upset the longer the negotiation

continues or reacts overly emotionally to some particular comment of

events, clues that there is time pressure or some other constraint on the

focal negotiator that has not yet been revealed in conversation. Besides

increasing the ability to perceive emotion in others, emotional intelligence

may also reduce the likelihood that one's own emotions will interfere with

accurate perception of information in a negotiation to effective negotiator.

We can conclude that an effective negotiator can use it to gather more and

richer information about their opponent's underlying interests and contextual

constraints than less emotionally intelligent negotiators. Emotionally

intelligent also allow the effective negotiators will more accurately evaluate

risk, leading to better decision-making performance within a negotiation

context. Apart from this, effective negotiator which have emotional

intelligent will be more aware of any possibly more likely to take advantage

of opportunities to actively influence or manipulate the emotions of

opponents to their own advantages. It is clearly can see those effective

negotiators whom have emotionally intelligent are more successful in

inducing desired emotions in negotiation opponents. We can conclude that


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an effective negotiator must have cognitive ability and emotional intelligence

to comprehend complex ideas, to reason based on facts and to plan a course

of action.

2.2 Negotiator Should Have Situational Power

Good negotiator personalities can be recognizing as having important

effect on negotiation. In a bargaining situation personality is believe to be

related with other important aspect such as situational power. This can help

negotiator to simulated external validity. Usually without experience the

actual cognitive manipulation mostly will vary widely across the negotiator.

In bargaining situation a negotiator without experience can affect the


Individual differences identified by measuring a broad range of

personality characteristic with variety of techniques. During negotiation,

negotiator proposes and evaluates sets of issues such as price, quantity,

delivery terms, and guarantees that contribute to the possible outcome. A

negotiator must base their cognitive intelligence in order to support their

evaluation regarding the issues. Continuously, in certain situation preference

for no settlement must be measured in order to identify negotiator’s

resistance point where the negotiator refused to accept the deal

(Greenhalgh, Neslin, & Gilkey, 1985).

Outcomes can be determined by directly by personality, perceived power

and preference. Power and personality can affect negotiation outcome and


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preference effect outcome indirectly. A powerful negotiators comes with

good quality of cognitive intelligence usually has a high utility resistance

point because they having high utility of alternative dealing with other

parties. Personality could influence preference because individual difference

in a negotiator preference structure reflecting the factors of their values.

Because of complexity of real world of negotiation, it is necessary to

measure a broad range of dimension. The three general categories of

relationship orientation, cognitive orientation, and persistence as a guideline

for ensures of personality range of negotiators. Besides, tactical skills among

negotiator based on situational power involve the ability to persuade the

other parties. When one party can deny their outcome and one party has

better alternatives and willing to walk away.

2.3 Negotiator Should Be Confidence

When negotiating, always consider the roll confidence plays in the

negotiation. By doing so, negotiator will create more negotiation

opportunities. Confidence is necessary in any situation involving

negotiations. Confident make negotiator become more strategic in planning

and effective in executing negotiations. Confidence comes over time

although some seem naturally blessed with it. Confidence plays a critical role

in any negotiation, regardless of where it takes place. Anything a person

entering a negotiation can do to boost his or her confidence is a good thing.


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Something as simple as participating in negotiation training may work to

minimize the disadvantage of negotiating on someone else’s home turf.

According to the Brooks and Schweitzer (2011), show that

nervousness is harmful to negotiator performance. In the author’s

experiments, authors induced either nervousness or neutral feelings and

studied behavior in negotiation and continuous shrinking pie tasks.

Compared to negotiators experiencing neutral feelings, negotiators who feel

nervous expect lower outcomes, make lower first offers, respond more

quickly to offers, exit bargaining situations earlier, and ultimately obtain

worse outcomes. The relationship between anxiety and negotiator behavior

is moderated by negotiator self-effectiveness, high self-efficacy mitigates the

harmful effects of nervousness.

Strategies, frameworks and research that will allow negotiator to

negotiate with multiple opponents on a number of issues. Negotiator should

confidence to ensure that negotiator negotiate successfully and, just as

importantly, consistently. The confidence is one of most important and

necessary to manage conflict and resolve disputes. Confidence can influence

negotiator opponent's behavior.

When a negotiator has confidence in the negotiation process, he or she

would avoid making lower first offers. A negotiator who has confidence

won’t easily step in for the offer that could actually be made for a higher

stake. A confident negotiator won’t easily back off from the negotiation

process. This is because, when the negotiator has confidence in him, the


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negotiator will try to stand till the final offer being made. A confident

negotiator will not commit for a less profitable negotiation. When a

negotiator is not so confident in him, he will tend to make less profitable

negotiation as he is not sure of the negotiation process. Thus, confidence is

very important for a negotiator, as every decision is based on the confidence

level of the negotiator himself.

A well-prepared negotiator will come to the table fully prepared, and

his speech will be smooth and articulate. Clear, concise articulation will get

the point across and negotiator’s words will be easy to understand without

being patronizing. The more confident negotiator sound, the more

confidence the other parties will have in him. Thus, well preparation and

confidence is very important for an effective negotiator.

2.4 Negotiator Needs To Create Trust Around Another Party

Trusts play an important role in business-to-business negotiations by

effective negotiator. An effective negotiator needs to have ability to create

trust around another party. In negotiation, two parties with opposing interest

come together to make a decision. To overcome this situation, an effective

negotiator needs to create trust around another party to make sure they

come to compromise as soon as possible. Trust can influenced opposing

party and make a strong relationship between the two parties. An effective

negotiator not only made to build trust and strong relationship between the

business firms but also with the persons who represent the firm. A negotiator


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who has a cognitive ability to bring trust can bring confidence to opponent

party and bring satisfactory settlement in negotiation. Negotiator can get

trust from another party by providing fact and reliable information according

to the problem that need to resolve (Elahee & Brooks, 2004). According to

the journal, the amount of an information sharing information by a negotiator

will make sure the relationship range between two parties. Information that

provide need the state clearly about the expectation of parties and justify

their expectation. Trust brings by the effective negotiator make sure there

are less complex and more efficient outcomes. Trust with negotiator will

brings high aspiration around another party. Moreover, high level of trust

makes the communication level with two parties improve. When the trust

between the negotiators increases it will make an ethical negation happen to

overcome a problem faced by two opponent’s parties. Ethical issues have a

positive linked with trust. The amount of trust of opponent parties will

estimate the ethical behavior of other parties. When a negotiator failed to

build a trust it will create another party to use unethical techniques to make

final decision. The unethical activities for example provide false promises,

false information, inappropriate information gathering, and

misrepresentation of the position to another party (Elahee & Brooks, 2004).

These activities will bring conflict around two parties when the truth is come

back. Other than that, this situation brings a negative image about our

organization in business world. So that is very important for an effective

negotiator to create trust around others parties in negation proses. When a


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negotiator successfully get trust from another party, it will make the

negotiation prose’s become so simple. It’s because trust can make the

understanding level between two parties increased. When an effective

negotiator brings trust around another party, it can help the parties

continuously dealing with the organization in future. From the view of

cognitive intelligence, an effective negotiator need to bring trust from

another parties to make sure he or she got the ability to make an negotiation

successfully and make a decision that can fulfill two parties needs. Trust

plays an important role to bring an effective negotiator in cognitive

intelligence proses. A negotiator who can create trust within another party

can categorize as an effective negotiator in negotiation proses.

2.5 Negotiator Should Be Good Decision Makers

One of the characteristics of effectiveness negotiator is good decision

maker. Problem-solving and decision making are important skill in

business and life. Decision making is important especially in management

and leadership. An organization’s successful or failures in achieve their

goals and aims in depends on the decision making. In negotiation,

decision making is an important element to negotiator to solve the

problem or dispute that arises between both parties. In bargaining

negotiation and integrative negotiation, the outcomes are heavily

depends on both parties desire and needs and the both parties’ resistance

point and how both parties cooperate with each other to achieve their


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preferred goal. In this situation, the negotiator must give more attention

on decision making to help the parties to attain their goals especially in

context of cognitive. Negotiator must think creatively and critically to find

the solution and not only depend on evidence and facts. Negotiators

might be termed a social contextualize view, a psychological factors that

influence judgement and decision making in negotiation. The decision

making process might be influenced by external factors of negotiation

such as what the other negotiation’s result, the negotiator’s thinking

approaches, how the parties that involved in that particular negotiation

accept the final decision (Kramer, Pommerenke, & Newton, 1993).

Negotiator must be cognitively intelligent to make a decision that is

different from other negotiators in order to be an effective negotiator.

When a negotiator is make a decision, it is important to take into

consideration the impact of the social environment within which

negotiations are characteristically embedded. A common feature of many

real- world negotiations is the fact that they occur in the context of pre-

existing social ties and relations. In negotiation, there are frequently

involving decision makers who share membership in the same social

group or organization (Roderick M. Kramer, 1993). At this point, the

negotiators have not to be bias on make a decision. He or she must make

the decision according to the facts, problem arising and solution for both

parties, and the outcomes that affect the negotiation. Furthermore,

negotiator also must carry out the problem in term of cognitive thinking,


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where the solution of problem can also be a new version in negotiation

process. A good decision making requires a mixture of skills. The skills

that involve are creative development and identification of option, clarity

of judgments, firmness of decision and effective implementation. In order

to be an effective negotiator, a decision maker should have all the skills

that mention above. In a research that been conduct in California about

the relationships between negotiator sex and the likelihood of being

deceived in strategic interactions, gender stereotypes suggest that

women are more gullible than men, so a rational analysis of negotiator

behavior predicted a greater propensity to deceive when negotiating with

women than men. This problem is arising due to the level of cognitive

intelligence between man and women. Normally, women tend to think a

problem in a small perspective and more focus in specific angle or view of

that problem. In contrast, man will look out the problem in several

contexts and also think about the impact of decision making in future.

This problem should be avoided to the decision maker in negotiation to

become an effective negotiator. Another important element in negotiation

is ethical decision making. To be an effective negotiator, a negotiators

need to take an ethical decision making. In addition the ethical decision

making are important because when conduct a negotiation, the

negotiator not only have to consider the both parties’ desire ,needs and

outcome, and their resistance point, but also the ethical decision. An

effective negotiator not only makes decision based on fact and evidence,


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but he or she also needs to look up the ethical of decision that has been

made in the context of rules and regulation. In the decision making

process, it is important for negotiator to define and clarify the issue.

Cognitive process also influences the negotiator’s decision making.

(Roderick M. Kramer, 1993).An effective negotiator must able to solve the

dispute among two parties through a creative and critics cognitive. He or

she not only must depend on facts, evidence and trusty of parties to

make decision but also need to think the impact and possible of the

problem solving. Moreover, social context that consist of social

identification and interpersonal accountability might affect the outcomes

that negotiators try to achieve during a negotiation. Interpersonal

accountability affects directly a negotiator’s cognitive intelligence. It

pretend the negotiator’s abilities in make decision creatively and critically

(Kramer, Pommerenke, & Newton, 1993).



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As a conclusion, characteristics of a negotiator are most important to

be an effective negotiator in an organization. Characteristics such as decision

making, trustworthy, confidence, cognitive ability, and power and personality

are making a negotiator to be successful in their negotiation process. I have

demonstrated that there is evidence to support the proposition that more

principled negotiator traits are likely to be more effective than aggressive

ones. Negotiators have to be prepared for competitive counterparties and for

the value-claiming phase of any negotiation. Finally, I have questioned

whether the typical one-day commercial mediation model gives participants

much opportunity to engage in integrative negotiation. I have suggested that

it does not and that, at least in some cases, this is to be regretted. I have

proposed one or two ways in which even the slightly adventurous mediator

might look to flex the model and I have challenged the mediator community

to come up with more. If they accept this challenge commercial mediation

can, also see it, truly take its place as a technique for conflict resolution

rather than remain as just a step within litigation.



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Baker, J. A. (2012). The ultimate negotiator and counselor. Texas Bar Journal,

75(5), 1-3.

Elahee, M., & Brooks, C. M. (2004). Trust and negotiation tactics: perceptions

about business-to-business negotiations in Mexico. Journal of Business

& Industrial Marketing, 19(6), 397 - 404.

Fulmer, I. S., & Barry, B. (2004). The smart negotiator: Cognitive ability and

emotional intelligence in negotiation. The International Journal of

Conflict Management, 15(3), 245-272.

Greenhalgh, L., Neslin, S. A., & Gilkey, R. W. (1985). The effects of negotiator

preferences, situational power, and negotiator personality on outcomes

of business negotiations. The Academy of Management Journal, 28(1),


Kramer, R. M., Pommerenke, P., & Newton, E. (1993). The social context of

negotiation: Effects of social identify and interpersonal accountability

on negotiatior decision making. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 37(4),

633- 654.