need for critical thinking c.ppt

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  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Who needsWho needscriticalcriticalthinking skills?thinking skills?

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    People dont always use critical

    thinking skills It is not uncommon for

    people to say I thought it was no big deal. I just wasnt thinking How was I supposed to know?

    I cant think of everything! My bad Poor decision-makers tend

    to lack reasoning skills People who bounce checks

    monthly, spend the rent at the

    racetrack, get their carimpounded, etc. tend to havepoor reasoning skills (Wenner,2007)

    There is a scientific linkbetween people who are theirown worst enemies andcritical thinking ability.

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Critical thinking defined Norris (1985) who stated that thinking

    critically can be defined as rationallydeciding what to do or believe (p. 40).

    A survey corporate executives revealed

    that the top three characteristics theywere looking for in college graduateswere teamwork skills, criticalthinking and analytic reasoning skills,and oral/written communicationskills (Vance, 2007, p. 30).

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Good decisions require critical

    thinking skills

    Consciously reflect on the choicesyou are making Habitual versus reflective

    thinking Resist intuition and your gut

    responseat least initially Clearly define the issue or decision

    (what is your goal or objective?) Identify criteria for making the

    decision. Consider all the options Weigh pros and cons

    Use a reality check: ask whatmight go wrong?

    Let emotion play a role, but notthe role in making the decision.

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  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    faux hate crime

    (October 24, 2008) Ashley Todd,a McCain supporter from Texas,claimed she was assaulted by a64 African-American male atan ATM.

    She alleged the attacker beather and carved a B on hercheek because she had a McCain-Palin bumper sticker on her car.

    The B was backwards,

    however, suggesting she hadcarved it herself while looking ina mirror.

    She later confessed the wholestory was a hoax and wascharged with filing a false police


  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    lapses in critical thinking by the

    FBI and CIA

    Prior to Sept. 11, the FBIfailed to connect the dots

    The August 2001 memo,titled "Bin LadenDetermined To Strike inU.S. stated that BinLaden hoped to bringthe fight to America.

    Kenneth WilliamsPhoenix memo of July

    10 2001, warned thatBin Laden might beusing flight schools inthe U.S. to train forterrorist attacks.
  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    dont try this at home

    Jackass wannabees try to copyJohnny Knoxvilles stunts MTVs Jackass show, and the two

    spin-off movies, feature Knoxvilleand his pals performing dangerous

    stunts that often result in injury. A number viewers, mainly teen

    males, have tried to imitate thestunts and were seriously injured.

    One boy in Connecticut suffered

    serious burns after trying to copy astunt called the humanbarbecue.

    Another boy in Kentucky was runover by a car while attempting tojump it.

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    When good clowns go bad

    Spunky the clown wasarrested forattempting to smugglemarijuana to aninmate at theGreensville

    Correctional Institute Kooki the clown was

    arrested fordefrauding a 90 yr oldwoman out of$500,000

    Trim Trim the clownwas sentenced to 12years in prison formolesting a 12 and 14year old girl

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    MDs and critical thinking

    Doctor Is Suspended OverErrand

    BostonA Bostonorthopedic surgeon hasbeen suspended from

    practice after disclosuresthat he abandoned apatient midway throughback surgery so he couldgo to the bank to deposithis paycheck.

    (Source: Los AngelesTimes, August 9, 2002)

    Doctor Loses LicenseOver Carved Initials

    New York state has takenaway the license of anobstetrician who carved

    his initials in a womansabdomen immediatelyafter she gave birth.

    (Source: Times WireReports)

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    prayer at the pump

    Rocky Twyman and hisfollowers held a pray-in to askGod to lower gas prices.

    God is the only one we canturn to at this point, saidTwyman. The prices keepsoaring and soaring.

    When the prayer vigil began at4 p.m. Friday, a gallon ofTexaco unleaded gas cost$3.92.

    But even before the prayingstopped, the price droppedthree cents!

    "Prayer works fast," said RockyTwyman

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Women wearing jeans cant be

    raped? 1999: The Supreme Court of

    Appeal in Rome overturned a1998 rape conviction,proclaiming the alleged victimmust have agreed to sex

    because her jeans could nothave been removed without herconsent.

    The court said the allegedvictim, an 18-year-old student,was wearing tight jeans, which

    could not have been removedwithout her consent.

    The accused rapist, a 45-year-old driving instructor, has beenreleased.

    female ministers of theItalian parliament saythey will protest until theruling is overturned

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Earlier this week, police

    officers in the otherwise

    enlightened community,

    home of Harvard university,

    shared their theories on

    pepper spray with a local


    Pepper spray doesnt work

    well on Mexican American

    suspects, the officers said.

    Why? Because Mexicans

    grow up eating too much

    spicy food, and because they

    spend so much time picking

    hot peppers in the fields.

    Massachusetts department says

    officers were wrong to say

    defense weapon doesnt work as

    well on Mexican

    American suspects.

    Cultural insensitivity

    Massachusetts style

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Cultural insensitivity Inland

    Empire style

    (October 2008) DianeFedele resigned from theChaffey CommunityRepublican Womens

    group, after mailingflyers depicting BarackObama on food stamps.

    She explained thecoupon was intended assatire after Obamaclaimed during thecampaign that hedoesnt look like allthose other presidentson the dollar bills.

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt



    Sep 13, 2001: JerryFalwell blamed theACLU, feminists, andgays for Sept. 11th,stating, the pagans,

    and the abortionists,and the feminists, andthe gays and thelesbians who areactively trying to makethat an alternativelifestyle.I point thefinger in their face andsay 'you helped thishappen.'

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt




    think theirthink their

    odds ofodds of

    becomingbecomingwealthy arewealthy are

    better with thebetter with the

    lottery thanlottery than

    with savingswith savings


    Lucky lotto retirement strategy (Coombs, Jan 13, 2006),

    ABC news reported that"one-quarter of Americansbelieve their best chanceto build wealth forretirement is by playingthe lottery, not bypatiently saving and

    investing Among low incomehouseholds the beliefjumped to 40%

    Many families spend $20-50 per week on gamblingand lottery tickets.

    But the odds of winningthe lottery areapproximately 1 in 20million.

    if a family saved $25 perweek for 40 years at a 10percent return, theywould have a nest egg ofnearly $500,000.

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Decision-making taskYou were in a horrendous accident.Only your brain survived. It is sittingin a jar waiting to be transplanted.The doctors have three bodiesavailable to you and you must chooseone of the options .

    1. You can be placed in a stunninglyattractive body. Heads will turn asyou walk by.

    2. You can be placed into a somewhatunattractive body, but it is thebody of a multi-millionaire. Themillionaire's estate will recognizeyou as the true millionaire, giving

    you ownership of all assets.3. You can be put into the body of a

    rather unattractive person. In theprocess, however, for this bodyonly, it is possible for the doctorsto increase your intelligence levelto 180 (genius).

  • 7/28/2019 Need for Critical Thinking C.ppt


    Thinking critically about what you

    really want In a survey conducted

    by the PEW ResearchCenter in 2007, asking18-25 year olds whattheir most importantlife goal was: 81% percent said getting

    rich is their generation'smost important orsecond-most-importantlife goal

    51% said being famouswas their number onegoal in life.

    "Society raised uswhere money isglamorous, andeverybody wants to beglamorous," says JasonHead, an aspiring actor

    who turned 26 justbefore Thanksgiving.