nbraska fors t sric how to select an arborist or tree ... damage 2... · how to select an arborist...

The Nebraska Forest Service: Enriching lives by protecting, restoring and utilizing Nebraska’s tree and forest resources. NEBRASKA FOREST SERVICE Storm Damage Series #2 How to Select an Arborist or Tree Service A s storm cleanup progresses, Nebraska communities deal with the problem of removing and repairing severely damaged, surviv- ing trees. In most cases, this work should be done by professional arborists. Hiring an arborist deserves careful consideration. A qualified arbor- ist will do tree work properly and safely. An unqualified person may damage the tree further and more importantly, may not be insured, leaving the liability burden to the client. This liability can run into tens of thousands of dollars. Here are points to consider when hiring an arborist: Check the phone directory’s Yellow Pages or do an Internet search on “Tree Service” for a listing of businesses that do tree work in your area. A listing in a directory indicates some degree of permanence. Also check company websites for association memberships, licenses held and insurance information. Reputable arborists will not “top” a tree. It spurs growth of epicormic shoots and robs a tree of the ability to produce food. Be cautious of any arborist who advertises “topping” as a service. Topping, as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture, is the “indis- criminate cutting of branches to stubs or lateral branches that are not large enough to assume the terminal role.” Topping is not an approved tree mainte- nance practice. Other names for it are “heading,” “tipping,” and “rounding over.” Ask for proof of certifica- tion by either the Nebraska Arborists Association or the International Society of Arboriculture. Certification is not required by the State of Nebraska, but it indicates that the arborist has a high degree of knowledge. • If the arborist is not certified, determine if he or she is a mem- ber of any profes- sional organizations, such as the Nebraska Arborists Association, the International Society of Arboriculture or the National Arborists Association. Membership Chain saw work and removing branches that can’t be reached from the ground should be done only by professional arborists. NFS

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Th e N eb ra s k a Fo re s t S e r v i c e : E n r i c h i n g l i ve s by p ro t e c t i n g , re s t o r i n g a n d u t i l i z i n g N eb ra s k a ’s t re e a n d f o re s t re s o u rc e s .


Storm Damage Series #2

How to Select an Arboristor Tree Service

As storm cleanup progresses, Nebraska communities deal

with the problem of removing and repairing severely damaged, surviv-ing trees. In most cases, this work should be done by professional arborists.

Hiring an arborist deserves careful consideration. A qualified arbor-ist will do tree work properly and safely. An unqualified person may damage the tree further and more importantly, may not be insured, leaving the liability burden to the client. This liability can run into tens of thousands of dollars.

Here are points to consider when hiring an arborist:

• Checkthephonedirectory’sYellowPagesordoanInternetsearchon“TreeService”foralistingofbusinessesthatdotreeworkinyourarea. A listing in a directory indicates some degree of permanence. Also check company websites for association memberships, licenses held and insurance information. Reputable arborists will not “top” a tree. It spurs growth of epicormic

shoots and robs a tree of the ability to produce food.

• Becautiousofanyarboristwhoadvertises“topping”asaservice. Topping, as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture, is the “indis-criminate cutting of branches to stubs or lateral branches that are not large enough to assume the terminal role.” Toppingisnotanapprovedtreemainte-nancepractice. Other names for it are “heading,” “tipping,” and “rounding over.”

• Askforproofofcertifica-tionbyeithertheNebraskaArboristsAssociationortheInternationalSocietyofArboriculture. Certification is not required by the State of Nebraska, but it indicates

that the arborist has a high degree of knowledge.

• Ifthearboristisnotcertified,determineifheorsheisamem-berofanyprofes-sionalorganizations,suchastheNebraskaArboristsAssociation,theInternationalSocietyofArboricultureortheNationalArboristsAssociation. Membership

Chain saw work and removing branches that can’t be reached from the ground should be done only by professional arborists.


I t i s t h e p o l i c y o f t h e U n ive rs i t y o f N eb ra s k a – L i n c o l n n o t t o d i s c r i m i n a t e b a s e d o n age, ra c e, e t h n i c i t y, c o l o r, n a t i o n a l o r i g i n , ge n d e r, s ex , p reg n a n c y, d i s a b i l i t y, s ex u a l o r i e n t a t i o n , ge n e t i c i n f o rm a t i o n , ve t e ra n’s s t a t u s, m a r i t a l s t a t u s, re l i g i o n o r p o l i t i c a l a f f i l i a t i o n .

in professional groups does not guarantee quality, but indicates professional commitment.

• Askforcertificatesofinsur-ance,includingproofofliabil-ityforpersonalandpropertydamageandworkers’com-pensation. Contact the insur-ance company to make sure the policy is current. Under some circumstances, you can be held financially responsible if an uninsured worker is hurt on your property or damages a neighbor’s property.

• Askforlocalreferences. Take a look at some of the work and, if possible, talk with former cli-ents. Experience, education and a good reputation are signs of a good arborist.

• Don’trushintoadecisionjustbecauseyouarepromisedadis-countifyousignanagreementnow. Be sure you understand what work is to be done and the cost. It’s generally not a good idea to pay in full until the work is finished.

• Mostreputabletreecarecom-panieshavealltheworkthey

canhandlewithoutgoingdoor-to-door. People who aren’t competent arborists may solicit tree work after storms, seeing an opportunity to earn quick money. Storm damage creates high-risk situations for both workers and property. Legitimate arborists never ask for payment in advance.

• Ifpossible,getmorethanoneestimatefortheworktobedone.

• Aconscientiousarboristwillnotuseclimbingspikesexceptwhenremovingatree. They open unnecessary wounds that can lead to decay.

• Goodtreeworkisnotinexpen-sive. A good arborist must carry several kinds of insurance and pay for expensive, specialized equipment. Beware of estimates that fall well below the average. There may be hidden costs or the arborist may not be fully insured or trained.





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Above: Reputable arborists carry insurance and use expensive, specialized equipment.

Below: Professional arborists won’t use climbing spikes or improper bracing or pruning techniques, all of which will harm a tree.




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This series is based on a previous storm damage series researched and written

by David Mooter.