nazi terror and ss

Two students in the class have been Two students in the class have been asked by Mr Cassidy to inform on the asked by Mr Cassidy to inform on the behaviour of the other students in behaviour of the other students in the class and will report back to me the class and will report back to me after class. These students have after class. These students have been told not to tell anybody else been told not to tell anybody else (even fellow informers) what they (even fellow informers) what they are doing. are doing. How does this make you feel? Happy? Annoyed?

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Page 1: Nazi Terror And SS

Two students in the class have been Two students in the class have been asked by Mr Cassidy to inform on the asked by Mr Cassidy to inform on the behaviour of the other students in the behaviour of the other students in the class and will report back to me after class and will report back to me after class. These students have been told class. These students have been told not to tell anybody else (even fellow not to tell anybody else (even fellow informers) what they are doing.informers) what they are doing.

How does this make you feel?

Happy? Annoyed?

Page 2: Nazi Terror And SS


Hitler’s dictatorship-how he Hitler’s dictatorship-how he kept control of Germanykept control of Germany

1.1. Explain how the Nazis used Explain how the Nazis used fearfear and and terror terror to maintain to maintain their control over Germans.their control over Germans.

2.2. Explain why the Explain why the SSSS and and GestapoGestapo were so important. were so important.

Page 3: Nazi Terror And SS

Key QuoteKey Quote

“ “Terror is the best Terror is the best political weapon for political weapon for nothing drives nothing drives people harder than people harder than a fear of sudden a fear of sudden death.”death.”

Page 4: Nazi Terror And SS

How did Hitler keep control of How did Hitler keep control of Germany?Germany?

The Police State’s aim is to control

EVERY aspect of people’s lives

Everyone was scared of being arrested by the Gestapo and being put

in a concentration camp.

Use of Terror

Secret police (Gestapo) would spy on and

arrest enemies of the state.

SS were responsible for running the

concentration camps.

Page 5: Nazi Terror And SS

What was the SS?What was the SS?

Private bodyguards for Private bodyguards for Hitler & NSDAP leadersHitler & NSDAP leaders

Expanded from 500-Expanded from 500-50,00050,000

Elite squadron – Elite squadron – AryanAryan ‘supermen’ (until 1936 ‘supermen’ (until 1936 fillings banned!)fillings banned!)

After June 1934, Night After June 1934, Night of Long Knives became of Long Knives became main instrument of main instrument of terrorterror

Page 6: Nazi Terror And SS

What was the Gestapo? What was the Gestapo?

Originally Prussian Originally Prussian secret policesecret police, run by , run by GoeringGoering

June 1936, became June 1936, became branch of SS run by branch of SS run by HimmlerHimmler

Tapped phones, Tapped phones, intercepted mail, intercepted mail, received received denunciationsdenunciations from from informersinformers



Page 7: Nazi Terror And SS

How useful were informers?How useful were informers? NSDAP had strong local structure – Gauleiters NSDAP had strong local structure – Gauleiters

responsible for Gau, divided into towns, streets & blocksresponsible for Gau, divided into towns, streets & blocks Activists were ‘eyes & ears’ of PartyActivists were ‘eyes & ears’ of Party Reports compiled on any form of opposition – telling Reports compiled on any form of opposition – telling

anti-Hitler jokes, refusing to give Hitler salute, not flying anti-Hitler jokes, refusing to give Hitler salute, not flying Nazi flagNazi flag

Gestapo headquarters

Page 8: Nazi Terror And SS

What were concentration What were concentration camps?camps?

Began as temporary prisons in disused Began as temporary prisons in disused warehouse or temporary enclosureswarehouse or temporary enclosures

Political opponents & ‘Political opponents & ‘asocialsasocials’ imprisoned’ imprisoned Slave labour used to manufacture weapons or Slave labour used to manufacture weapons or

work on work on public works schemespublic works schemes

Page 9: Nazi Terror And SS

Did the Nazis obey the law?Did the Nazis obey the law?

Existing police forces, courts, laws Existing police forces, courts, laws remained in forceremained in force

Police put under command of Police put under command of Himmler & SSHimmler & SS

Judges swore oath of loyaltyJudges swore oath of loyalty People’s Court & Special Court tried People’s Court & Special Court tried

political opponents & political opponents & traitorstraitors

Page 10: Nazi Terror And SS

How did the Terror State Work?How did the Terror State Work?Start here: Gestapo Spies inform on you

You are woken up by the Gestapo at 1 am in the morning and told

that you have 5 minutes to pack your bags.

You are arrested and thrown into a cell at the police


Days or maybe weeks later you are

interviewed and asked to sign form


By signing this form you are giving your

consent to be put into a concentration camp.

You are handed over to the SS who

run the concentration


You are imprisoned for up to six months doing hard physical


When you are released you tell

everybody what has happened to you


Page 11: Nazi Terror And SS

How did the Terror State How did the Terror State Work?Work?

Everyone knew someone who knew Everyone knew someone who knew someone else who had been in a someone else who had been in a concentration camp.concentration camp.

Favourite Saying amongst Germans:Favourite Saying amongst Germans: ‘Speak through a Flower.’‘Speak through a Flower.’

800,000 Germans were imprisoned from 800,000 Germans were imprisoned from 1933 – 1945 as ‘Enemies of the State.’ 1933 – 1945 as ‘Enemies of the State.’

500,000 were executed by being shot in 500,000 were executed by being shot in the neck.the neck.

Page 12: Nazi Terror And SS

Enemies of the StateEnemies of the State

CommunistsCommunists Social DemocratsSocial Democrats JewsJews Trade Unionists.Trade Unionists. Work ShyWork Shy HomosexualsHomosexuals GypsiesGypsies

Germans who Germans who bought from Jewsbought from Jews

PacifistsPacifists Radical Christian Radical Christian

OrganisationOrganisation Anyone who Anyone who

criticised Hitler or criticised Hitler or the Nazi Party.the Nazi Party.

Page 13: Nazi Terror And SS

Enemies of the StateEnemies of the State

A list of German A list of German women who were still women who were still purchasing goods purchasing goods from Jewish shops.from Jewish shops.

Printed to scare or Printed to scare or terrorise other people terrorise other people into not buying from into not buying from the Jews.the Jews.

Page 14: Nazi Terror And SS

David Low, ‘Who is it for this time?’, 1942.

Page 15: Nazi Terror And SS

Terror/ police state- keeping control

The Nazis controlled all information

• In schools• In the media (radio/

newspapers/ cinema etc)• Through youth groups• Through the SS &


“ “Terror is the Terror is the best political best political weapon for weapon for nothing drives nothing drives people harder people harder than a fear of than a fear of sudden death.”sudden death.”

Many Germans didn’t know what was really going on. They were afraid to speak out because the Nazis encouraged people to inform on anybody who didn’t support them- and these people would be arrested.

Page 16: Nazi Terror And SS

The policy of using threats to discourage opposition was widespread.


Leaders made it clear in their speeches that all _____would be ______._______ in posters, newspapers, radio and films contained veiled threats.

The ___ was a _______ presence in public places and at marches and rallies.

The _______ was greatly feared.

There was a _____of ____and informers in factories and public places.

Gestapo; propaganda; SS; threatening; opposition; crushed; network; spies


Page 17: Nazi Terror And SS

How did Hitler keep control of How did Hitler keep control of Germany?Germany?

Keeping Control of Germany

Everyone was scared of being arrested by the

Gestapo and being put in a concentration camp.

Hitler Youth & the Young Maidens.


Mass Rallies, Posters and Propaganda films.

The Nazis controlled and censored the radio

& newspapers.

School children were indoctrinated with Nazi

ideas at school.

The Terror State

Secret police called the Gestapo would spy on and arrest enemies of

the state.

SS were responsible for running the

concentration camps.


Creating Jobs

Ripping up the Treaty of Versailles.

The Police State’s aim is to control

EVERY aspect of people’s lives

Page 18: Nazi Terror And SS

Your taskYour task

Read the sources on the sheet and Read the sources on the sheet and answer the questions on the task answer the questions on the task sheetsheet

Sources Task sheet

Page 19: Nazi Terror And SS

Your taskYour taskImagine you are a German citizen who hates Imagine you are a German citizen who hates the way Hitler and the Nazis are using terror to the way Hitler and the Nazis are using terror to govern the country. You want to smuggle a govern the country. You want to smuggle a secret message out to the rest of the world secret message out to the rest of the world describing how awful the situation is. You make describing how awful the situation is. You make contact with a local anti-Nazi agent who tells contact with a local anti-Nazi agent who tells you to write down the facts on a slip of paper you to write down the facts on a slip of paper that can easily be memorised and destroyed! that can easily be memorised and destroyed! Write a summary of the individuals and Write a summary of the individuals and methods used to terrorise ordinary Germans in methods used to terrorise ordinary Germans in no more than 75 words. Can you memorise your no more than 75 words. Can you memorise your secret message?secret message?