naxal reconstruction of stories


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TYBMM Journalism, Editing project of reconstruction of stories of Naxals and layout. Comments most welcome on [email protected]


Page 1: Naxal Reconstruction of Stories






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Page 3: Naxal Reconstruction of Stories


Increasing Naxal InfluenceThe greatest internal security threat

THE CONTRADICTION:(left)The rising threat: young naxalites under training, (right) decreasing strength of the CRPF.

India, despite being a very vast coun-

try, has been able to maintain its demo-

cratic status since independence in 1947,

whereas its neighbours hither to been un-

able to prove their regard for democratic

values. Not that the democratic states of

India has never been threatened, but it

has succeeded in quelling the disruptive

forces both from outside and inside from

time to time.

Nobody can deny the fact that India

has left no stone unturned to deal, with

external threats like jihad terrorism and

internal threat like Maoism-whether the

Indian state has been succeed in tackling

these two threats up to a satisfactory

level or not is a matter of debate.

Maoism that has acquired a bad name

for itself is in fact another name for Nax-

alism that came into existence as an ide-

ology over four decades ago. Naxalism

owes its name to the place of its origin-

Naxalbari, a village in the northern part

of west Bengal. In Naxalbari, a militant

section of the communist party of India

(Maoist) - CPI (M), led by charu majum

dar and kanu sanyal, attacked the police

on May 25, 1967 to avenge the death of

farmer, killed over a land dispute. The

same year, the Naxalites organized the all

India coordination committee of commu-

nist revolutionaries (AICCCR), and later

on broke away from the CPI (M). The

believers in the ideology formed the

communist party of India (Marxist

Leninist). Initially, they confined their

activities to west Bengal only but gradu-

ally, they expanded their reach and

spread to other parts of India. It is due t

their strong presence in the rural parts of

central and eastern India that vast

swathes of the country are collectively

referred to as the “red corridor”. As if

2009, the Naxalites or Maoists are active

across approximately 220 districts in

twenty states of India.

In recent times Maoist are focusing on

recruiting school dropouts especially

from the tri junction of Orissa, Chhattis-

garh and Andhra Pradesh. Their recruit-

ment mainly focus on tribals from Koyas

in Koraput, Vanda in Malkangiri, Paraja

in Kandh, Bhuyan in Sundergarh, San-

thal in Mayorbhanj.

In recent times Maoist are focus-

ing on recruiting school dropouts espe-


The extremists take young

boys and girls from indi-

gent families, give them

rudimentary education

and enlist them as politi-

cal members of CPI - M

An Intelligence official

Page 4: Naxal Reconstruction of Stories

Top Maoist Sabyasachi

Panda’s wife heldWife of Top Maoist leader Sabyasachi

Panda, and other two co- workers of

Milli Kishore Jena and Sangram Bhol ,

were physically produced before the

Banpur Court with tight security on Fri-

day. Earlier the hearing was conducted

through Video Conferencing. Police

force were deployed in the way from

Bhubaneswar to Banpur.

About 6 Inspectors, 9Sub-Inspectors and

17 ASIs were deployed headed by DSPs

of Khurdha and Balugan. The Court was

examined thoroughly by the anti bomb

squad .The out side of the court was

crowded to see Milli Panda. Dharnurd-

har Das, father of Milli was present in

the Court.

As the sections mentioned in the Charge

sheet are important and not coming

under Banpur Court , the Magistrate

Rina Choudhury shifted the case to

Khurdha Additional District Judge

Court for hearing.

It is to be mentioned here that on 14th

January this year evening the Police had

seized maoist posters from a Bolero

No- OR 02 BA 5327 and arrested

Kishore Jena and Sangram Bhol. Basing

on the information from them, the Po-

lice had arrested Subhashree Panda alias

Milli from a rented house at Hansapal

that night. Milli were produced before

Banpur Court. The investing Crime

Branch submitted their Charge Sheet on

13th July.

“She is a prize catch. Her arrest is a

severe jolt to the Maoist movement

in Orissa,” a senior police, request-

ing anonymity, told “The ET”.

Siddhartha Panda, brother of the

dreaded Maoist leader, however said

the couple had snapped links with

their respective families since long.

Siddhartha, a native of Nayagarh, is

a local BJD leader.

cially from the tri junction of Orissa,

Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh. Their

recruitment mainly focus on tribals from

Koyas in Koraput, Vanda in Malkangiri,

Paraja in Kandh, Bhuyan in Sundergarh,

Santhal in Mayorbhanj.

According to intelligence officials The

extremists take young boys and girls

from indigent families, give them rudi-

mentary education and enlist them as po-

litical members of CPI – M” After brain

washing the youngsters for years they

gain a sense of empowerment and be-

cause of their extremist activities they

turned into professional revolutionaries.

The indoctrination of children begins

from the age of 14, initially they are

given a mere job and gradually are

trained into a hard core Maoist.

According to police estimates there are

300 to 500 hardcore Maoists in Orissa. A

few days ago, again an armed Maoist

killed a teacher suspecting him to be a

police informer in Gotiguda.

The incident took place in night, when

over 30 Maoists attacked the school and

asked Ghasi Kendruka, (35), to come out

and slit his throat in nearby mango or-

chard. After which they left posters and

letters claiming their responsibility and

manage to escape, said the official.

They are no more restricted to a partic-

ular area. They are spreading their web as

far as possible. recently they called a

week long bandh in tribal districts of

Gadchiroli and Gondia, bordering Chhat-

tisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra

Pradesh- to commemorate the death an-

niversary of Naxalite founder, Charu Ma-

jumder, who died in police custody in

1972. They distributed pamphlets and

leaflets in the area and warned the people

do not defy the bandh call. They have

“appealed” to the locals to ensure that the

bandh is a success.

Another case in Bihar, where, Maoist

killed seven cops in which the improper

reinforcement of CRPF is blamed. This

was the second Maoist strike. In another

attack in south Chhattisgarh, five security

men including three border security force

troopers died at the hands of the rebels.

The Bihar conflict, in which nine police

men were injured, to place 160 kms

southeast of Patna. Four security who

took part in combat are missing. The en-

counter continued for more than 6 hours

in a hilly forested area. “A CRPF unit has

been rushed to the Sheetalkorasi hills to

secure the bodies of the seven police men

killed in the encounter and recover the

missing police men”, said Lalan Prasad;

Munger Divisional Commissioner.

More than the men weapons and the

helicopters - all of which the centre

promised to increase in the fight against

the Naxals- it’s the ideology that matters

the most. Prime Minister Manmohan

Singh who chaired the Chief Ministers’

meets in New Delhi to find ways to

tackle the Naxal, where Bihar CM Nitish

Kumar and his Chhattisgarh counterpart

Raman Singh presented their theories to

tackle the issue. Nitish was adamant,

“Naxals cannot be overpowered with

guns”. Singh was equally unbending,

“Only guns are the answer”.

Nitish underlined that “Naxals are a

part of our society even though they have

been misled into following the path of vi-

olence”. He further claimed that “En-

forcement action alone leads to wider

alienation, making heroes out of the ex-

tremist organization and leads to only

symptomatic treatment, leaving the un-

derlined diseases to reappear in a more

virulent form”. Singh, however, have op-

posite claim. Recently, Mamata Banerjee

made a visit to Lalgarh where she got

stuck on her own comment after she

made a statement in Lalgarh claiming

Azad’s death as “murder”.

“Whatever I have said in Lalgarh I

have said as a Trinamool congress chief.

But I am proud that I have visited Lal-

garh”. Incidentally, after this, the top

Maoist leader Kishenji, alias Koteswar

Rao, hold news agency that he would

prefer a three month ceasefire by both

sides and talk for peace on this Mamata

said, “if they(Maoists) responded to the

president’s and PM’s appeal its good for

country. Let the problem be solved

through the democratic process”. She

also hinted at her willingness to mediate

with the Maoist. “All problems should be

settled through negotiation”, she said.

Wife of CRPF jawan

sheds tears over her hus-

band’s dead body

Whatever I have said inLalgarh I have said as a

Trinamool congress chief.But I am proud that I have

visited Lalgarh.

Mamata Banerjee

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The Red Corridor: Naxal affected areas all over in India.The demand of the situation is a multi

pronged approach. If the violent inces-

sant of the Naxalites are to be con-

demned, every critic of the government

ought not to be labeled as a Maoist.

There is absolutely no sense of being a

pro or anti Maoist. The situation calls for

a very objective approach. All the aspects

of the Maoist phenomenon should be ex-

amined and understood well. All possible

measures should be taken to put an end

to this social aberration. The Naxalite

should be convinced to join the main-

stream and the authorities should explore

the possibilities of accommodating the

Naxalites a radical party in the medical

process. The Naxalites should follow the

path of the left parties which opted for

the democratic method and came to

power in Kerala and West Bengal. They

should give up day dreaming about

India’s transformation into an Indian

Marxist State.

Naxal violence in Orissa from the year 2003-07