navigating amidst complexity - · national library of indonesia cataloging-in-publication...

Managing an effective process of implementation W O R K I N G T O G E T H E R A N D O R G A N IS A TIO N A L F R A MEW O R K E S T A B LIS H IN G T H E IN S T IT U T I O N A L I M P R O V I N G T H E A P P R O A C H E S T O T H E T A S K Shared focus Partnerships Research design Scaling up Incentives Learning Information Organisational Teamwork Facilitation Governance Guide to implementing effective research and development to improve livelihoods and the environment Navigating amidst complexity Bruce M. Campbell Jürgen Hagmann Ann Stroud Richard Thomas Eva Wollenberg

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Post on 27-Apr-2018




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