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Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Receive full college tuition for four years, a stipend for books, uniforms, extra monthly allowance, and the best time of your life....

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Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Receive full college tuition for four years, a stipend for books,

uniforms, extra monthly allowance, and the best time of your life....

NROTC Scholarships... You want to become an officer?

The NROTC Program was established to educate and train qualified young men and women for service as commissioned officers in the unrestricted line Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve. As the largest single source of Navy and Marine Corps officers, the NROTC Scholarship Program plays an important role in preparing mature young men and women for leadership and management positions in an increasingly technical Navy and Marine Corps.

Selected applicants for the NROTC Scholarship Program are awarded scholarships through a highly competitive national selection process, and receive full tuition, books stipend, educational fees and other financial benefits at many of the country's leading colleges and universities. Upon graduation, midshipmen are commissioned as officers in the unrestricted line Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve.

The NROTC Scholarship Program is available to qualified students who graduate from high school before August 1 of the year they intend to start college.

Students selected for the NROTC Scholarship

Program make their own arrangements for college enrollment and room and board, and take the normal course load required by the college or university for degree completion. Additionally, scholarship midshipmen are required to follow specific academic guidelines.

Full information concerning the NROTC Scholarship Program is available from any of the colleges and universities with NROTC units or from Navy and Marine Corps recruiters. A list of colleges and universities is available on our website at


What to expect from NROTC. Curious to know what happens next...

What is expected of me in NROTC? NROTC midshipmen are required to complete the course of study prescribed by the col lege or university that they attend. Midshipmen are also required to take several naval science courses in addit ion to their col lege's prescribes course load. Due to the increasing complexity of today's Navy, Navy opt ion midshipmen are required to complete the equivalent of two semesters of calculus before the end of their sophomore year and two semesters of calculus based physics before the end of their junior year.

What happens after graduation? Upon graduation, NROTC Scholarship Program midshipmen are commissioned as Ensigns in the Naval Reserve or Second Lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserve. Midshipmen without scholarships may also receive a commission through the Col lege Program. Col lege Program midshipmen must serve at least three years of act ive duty service i f they accept a commission. The service commitment t imes vary according to what community in which the graduate has selected to serve.


General Information for Applicants on a 4-Year National Scholarship

(1) Citizenship. All scholarship applicants must be a U.S. Citizen either by birth or naturalization. If the applicant is a naturalized citizen, proof of citizenship must be included in the application.

(2) Age Requirements. All applicants regardless of scholarship option must be 17 years of age by September 1st of the year starting college and less than 23 years of age on June 30th of that year. Applicants must not have reached their 27th birthday by June 30th of the year in which college graduation and commissioning are anticipated. Applicants who have prior active duty military service may be eligible for age adjustments for the amount of time equal to their prior service, on a month-for-month basis, for a maximum of 36 months, provided they do not reach their 30th birthday by June 30th of the year in which graduation and commissioning are anticipated.

(3) All applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalency certificate by August 1st of year of entrance into the Four-Year NROTC Scholarship program.

(4) Applicants must have no moral obligations or personal convictions that will prevent conscientious bearing of arms, and supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, or domestic.

(5) Applicants must have no criminal record of military or civilian offenses.

(6) Student applicants with 30 or more semester hours or 45 or more quarter hours of college credit upon application or students already enrolled in NROTC College Program are not eligible for the Four-Year NROTC Scholarships; these students should see the professors of naval science at the host university's NROTC unit to discuss other scholarship opportunities.

(7) Applicants will have a military service obligation of 8 years, five of which must be served in an active duty status.

(8) Applicants must apply to and gain admission to their five NROTC college choices listed on their application (notification of admission must be received before scholarship can be activated).

(9) Active duty Navy applicants are ineligible to apply for NROTC program. Active members of other branches of the military may apply if granted a conditional release. Individuals who are scheduled for boot camp may apply provided they complete all required application evolutions (i.e. officer interview, signed statements, test scores, etc.).

(10) Applicants may start the process of applying during their second semester of their junior year of high school. Before the application can be finalized and forward for selection consideration, they must ensure that a copy of their complete transcript s including their entire junior year is forwarded to their NROTC Recruiter for submission.

(11) If an NROTC midshipman is disenrolled voluntarily or disenrolled for academic or disciplinary reasons after completion of the first year of study, they may be required to serve a minimum of two years of active enlisted service or making monetary payment.

(12) Applicant’s Physical (Medical) Qualification. This is not required during the selection process; however, the applicant must be certified to be medically qualified for Naval or Marine Corps service before the scholarship can be activated.

(13) Applicant’s Height and Weight Standards. Applicants should meet height and weight standards in accordance with OPNAVINST 6110.1 in order to be considered eligible for the NROTC Program. Height/Weight waivers may only be submitted if an applicant is within body fat standards and regularly participates in physical and athletic activities.

(14) College SAT/ACT Scores. Qualifying scores on Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT):

a. Navy (including Nurse-option):

(1) SAT: 530 Critical Reading; 520 Math

(2) ACT: 22 English 21 Math

b. Marine Corps option:

(1) SAT: 1000 composite

(2) ACT: 22 composite

c. Valid Test Dates for any application is the December before the selection cycle begins and expires two years after. For example: Fall 2010 application cycle tests are from December 2008 to December 2010.

d. SAT/ACT Math and English / Critical Reading scores can be from different tests; applicants can combine best Math with best English / Critical Reading scores to achieve qualifying scores.

e. If applicant is in the top 10% of his/her high school graduating class, the SAT/ACT test scores can be below the above stated minimum to apply; however, the tests must have been taken within the two year time frame of the application period and a letter from the high school’s registrar verifying ranking status has to be submitted.

Marine Corps Option

In the NROTC Marine Corps Option, you wil l receive signif icant f inancial assistance for your education at one of over 150 top universit ies and col leges throughout the United States.

The scholarship includes money for almost al l areas of school expenses including tui t ion, books, fees and uniforms, along with extra costs associated with being a ful l- t ime student.

As part of the program, you wil l part ic ipate in Naval Science classes and spend your f i rst two summers learning about the Navy and the Marine Corps. Then in your third summer you' l l spend six weeks attending Marine Off icer Candidates School in Quantico, Virginia.

After graduating col lege and successful complet ion of the program you wil l earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps.

For further information or assistance see the Marine Corps Off icer web site or contact Marine Corps Off icer recruit ing.

NROTC’s Four-Year Scholarship Academic Tier and Majors for College Applicants...

The Navy is preparing our off icer corps of the future to meet the dynamic chal lenges in the next generat ion of technology and leadership. In structuring our academic programs to meet these chal lenges, undergraduate academic majors for NROTC Navy opt ion midshipmen are divided into three categories or t iers: Tier 1 - engineering programs of Navy interest, Tier 2 - other engineering, math and science programs, Tier 3 - Foreign language and remaining academic programs. In order to keep pace in this high tech and diverse environment, approximately 85% of Navy Option NROTC scholarships offers wi l l be awarded to students interested in complet ing a Tier 1 or Tier 2 academic major.

T ier 1 Academic Majors

Aerospace, Aeronaut ica l , Ast ronaut ica l Engineer ing

Chemica l Engineer ing

Elect r ica l Engineer ing

Mechanica l Engineer ing

Naval Arch i tecture & Mar ine/Naval Engineer ing

Nuclear Engineer ing

Ocean Engineer ing

Systems Engineer ing

T ier 2 Academic Majors

Agr icu l tura l /B io log ica l Engineer ing & Bioengineer ing

Arch i tectura l Engineer ing/Arch i tectura l Engineer ing

Technolog ies

Astrophys ics

B iochemist ry , B iophys ics & Molecular B io logy

Biomathemat ics & Bio in format ics

B iomedica l /Medica l Engineer ing


Cel l /Cel lu lar B io logy & Anatomica l Sc iences

Ceramic Sc iences & Engineer ing

Chemist ry

Civ i l Engineer ing

Computer Engineer ing

Computer Programming

Computer Sc ience/ In format ion Technology

Construct ion Engineer ing

Elect ron ics & Communicat ions Engineer ing

Engineer ing Mechanics

Engineer ing Phys ics

Engineer ing Sc ience

Genera l Engineer ing

Genera l Sc ience

Industr ia l Engineer ing

Manufactur ing Engineer ing

Mater ia ls Engineer ing

Mathemat ics

Meta l lurg ica l Engineer ing

Microb io log ica l Sc iences and Immunology

Min ing & Minera l Engineer ing

Nuclear & Industr ia l Radio log ic Technology


Petro leum Engineer ing

Pharmacology & Toxico logy

Phys ics

Phys io logy, Patho logy & Related Sc iences

Polymer/P last ics Engineer ing

Quant i ta t ive Economics

Stat is t ics

Text i le Sc iences & Engineer ing

Students in terested in pursu ing T ier 3 academic majors should

examine the oppor tun i t ies avai lab le in the Navy ’s Language Ski l ls ,

Regional Exper t ise, and Cul tura l Awareness (LREC) Program.

Navy’s Language Skills, Regional Expertise, and Cultural Awareness (LREC) Program.

Annually, the Navy wi l l offer this program to 20 - 30 students. The NROTC LREC program does not require attainment of a specif ic level of language prof ic iency.

Regions/cultural areas and languages avai lable for study are l isted below. Selected languages and regional/cultural areas must be related.

Regional/Cultural Areas

Afr ica East Asia/China Middle/Central/Lat in America Middle East Russia/Eastern Europe South Asia Southeast Asia Southwest Asia

Foreign Languages

Arabic Cambodian Chinese French Hebrew Hindi

Indonesian Japanese Kurdish Malay Pashto Persian

Portuguese Russian Serbo-Croatian Somali Spanish

Swahil i Tagalog Thai Turkish Urdu Vietnamese

• The Navy wi l l act ivate scholarships upon the sat isfactory development of a degree plan with the host NROTC unit and university and upon enrol lment in the assigned academic major. NROTC midshipmen may lose their scholarship i f they request a change from Tier 1 or Tier 2 major to a Tier 3 major. Similar ly, Tier 3 LREC majors may lose their scholarship i f they depart their course of study prior to graduation.

• Academic majors l isted in each Tier may vary year to year dependent on the Navy's requirements, however once accepted into an academic major and Tier, a student’s Tier status wi l l not change.

• A student may request a modif icat ion from their or iginal academic major. Changing from a Tier 1, Tier 2, or LREC major requires approval from a formal panel and wil l be based on the needs of the Navy.

What is Naval Aviation?

Naval Aviat ion is renowned for the demands i t places upon i ts f lyers. The ski l ls and concentrat ion required to land a high-performance jet on board an aircraft carr ier deck pitching in the black of night, or to track a submarine whi le f ly ing at only a few feet above stormy seas, are not only l inked to a sol id academic background or to top physical condit ioning. There is more to i t than that; i t requires a combination of talents and dedicat ion that many people possess, but few are chal lenged to use to ful l measure.

What is Submarine Warfare?

Midshipmen who select Submarine Warfare can look forward to a chal lenging career as a member of an el i te, technical ly advanced, mult i-mission community. Newly commissioned Ensigns wi l l f ind themselves serving on board the most capable submarines in the world today. Upon commissioning every Ensign selected for Submarine Warfare wi l l attend one year of advanced nuclear power training, start ing with six months of classroom training at Nuclear Power School (NPS) in Charleston, S.C.

What is Special Warfare?

The newly commissioned off icer from the NROTC program may elect to pursue a career in Naval Special Warfare, which is the smallest of the unrestr icted l ine communit ies. The Special Warfare Off icer concentrates on the development of ski l ls in the areas of unconventional warfare, counterinsurgency, coastal and r iver interdict ion, and tact ical intel l igence col lect ion. To enter this career area, the off icer must meet the various physical prerequisi tes, volunteer for hazardous duty, and request to be selected to receive Basic Underwater Demoli t ion / SEAL (BUDS) Training.

What is Surface Warfare?

Surface Warfare is the "tradit ional" community within the Navy that employs surface ships for the missions of forward naval presence, sea control, and project ion of power ashore. Surface Warfare Off icers (or SWOs, pronounced "swohs") are the men and women who, as junior off icers just out of col lege, lead the sai lors within the many special ized divisions of a ship's crew. Surface Warfare Off icers are Navy off icers whose training and primary dut ies focus on the operat ion of Navy ships at sea and the management of various shipboard systems. Their ul t imate goal is to command a Navy surface ship.

~ John F. Kennedy ~ “ I can imagine no more rewarding career... and any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life

worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: “ I served in the United States Navy.” “

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Nurse Corps Scholarship

In the Navy Nurse Corps, provide high-quality nursing care for Sailors, Marines and service members — and their families — wherever duty calls. Doing everything a typical nurse would do: - Check vitals - Treat wounds - Manage triage - Lift spirits, restore hope and mentor others Then step outside of your comfort zone. That could mean taking part in humanitarian relief efforts as well as outreach programs in this country and around the world. Collaborating with physicians, surgeons, cardiologists and fellow nurses as colleagues and equals. Developing the leadership skills that will set you apart. As a Navy Nurse, you’ll elevate your credentials and set the standard as you: - Utilize some of the most advanced technology on the planet - Work at the best military nursing facilities on shore, at sea and in the field - Team with top health-care professionals on the highly respected Navy Health Care team

NURSING SPECIALTIES: Navy Nursing offers an amazing scope of career opportunities. Not to mention, the chance to mentor junior team members and potentially teach others. Navy Nurses can focus on any of more than a dozen sought-after practice areas, including: Ambulatory Care Critical Care Emergency Room/Trauma Medicine General Medicine General Surgery Neurosurgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Oncology Orthopedics Pediatrics Perioperative Nursing Psychiatry Recovery Room/Post-Anesthesia Care Specialty Surgery

All Nursing Option applicants must gain admission to a university that has an NROTC affiliation and offers a state - approved or National League of Nursing (NLN) approved bachelor's degree in nursing. If you are selected for to receive the scholarship, all scholarship awardees must major in a nursing degree program leading to BSN. Upon our college graduation, Nurse NROTC Scholarship Program midshipmen are commissioned as regular officers in Navy Nurse Corps.

NROTC Units are located at more than 156 colleges and universities across America...

Auburn University (N)

University of Arizona (N)

Arizona State University

University of California at Berkeley

University of California at Los Angeles

University of Southern California

University of San Diego

San Diego State University (N)

University of Colorado

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

George Washington University

Florida A&M University (N)

Jacksonville University

University of Florida (N)

University of Southern Florida

Georgia Institute of Technology

Morehouse College

Savannah State University

University of Idaho

Illinois Institute of Technology

Northwestern University

University of Illinois (N)

Purdue University (N)

University of Notre Dame

Iowa State University

University of Kansas

Southern University and A&M College (N)

Tulane University

Maine Maritime Academy

Boston University

College of Holy Cross

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Michigan (N)

University of Minnesota (N)

University of Mississippi

University of Missouri (N)

University of Nebraska (N)

University of New Mexico (N)

Cornell University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (N)

University of Rochester

State University of New York Maritime College

Duke University

North Carolina State University

University of North Carolina (N)

Miami University (N)

Ohio State University (N)

University of Oklahoma (N)

Oregon State University

Carnegie Mellon University

Pennsylvania State University (N)

University of Pennsylvania (N)

Villanova University

The Citadel

University of South Carolina

University of Memphis

Vanderbilt University

Prairie View A&M University (N)

Rice University

Texas A&M University

University of Texas (N)

University of Utah (N)

Norwich University (N)

Hampton University (N)

Norfolk State University (N)

Old Dominion University (N)

University of Virginia

Virginia Military Institute

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

University of Washington

Marquette University (N)

University of Wisconsin (N)

(N) Indicates a nursing program is offered.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)

Allen University

Clark Atlanta University

Dillard University

Florida A&M University

Hampton University

Howard University

Hutson-Tillotson College

Morehouse College

Norfolk State University

Prairie View A&M University

Savannah State University

Spellman College

Southern university and A&M College

Tennessee State University

Texas Southern University

Tuskegee University

Xavier University

For Navy or Nursing Option Scholarship questions or application guidance, contact an NROTC Recruiter or Candidate Guidance Officer at [email protected] or 1-800-NAV-ROTC ext 25166/27272/22929/22356.

For Marine Corps Options, contact your local NROTC Marine Corps Recruiter.

H T T P S : / / W W W . N R O T C . N A V Y . M I L /