nautical surveying instru -...

India and French Silks, 'etc. (ope and Brothers H 'vefor sale at No. 202, Market-street, Black and colored Senshaws, Plaid Lute- Strings, and Fancy Silk Wsistcoa^ing, 1st & 2d Chop India S ; lk Hd'kfs; & 5-4 do. Shawls, Sewing Silks, Damask & Serge Silk Sua wis, E-.tra Long and Habit Gloves j SilkHsiery, Linen Cambrics',—Flag. Brown, Blue, Red, ami ..Yellow Bsndannbes, Suspender 1 ?, Man- chestry, Sniffs, Cambric Muslins, and Shirt, ings, &c. &c. « Also just received) 23 bales Calcutta Goods, Entitled to drawback. Gurrahs, I Checks, 9 8 & 5-4 Sawne, \ Custas, En.erties, j Mamoop'ies, and Cossas, ' Baftaa. At very low prices for cash or notes. Sept 30j_ i_ eolOt Patton and Jones, No, 93, Market street, Baltimore, ami No. 44, Market street, Philadelphia, Have received oy the late arrivals from London a id Liverpool, a complete assortment of Eight Dai and Table CLOCKS, Horizontal, Patent Lever, Chronometers, and common Gold and Silver WATCHES, And Clock and Watch-maker's Tools and Materials. Which they offer very !:,•# for cash, or ac- in towr., jbth mo. 5. eol2t_ George Hoffman 'Mat received by the several arrivals, upwards of 300 packages well selected FALL GOODS, Which being mostly bought at short credit, and selected by careful hand3 will be found cheap. Also suited to the export trade, 20 trunks London Cambrick Chintzes, 12 do. French Pullicat H'dkts. 5 do Madr's do. 4 do. Ginghams, 5 do. Rich Fancy Muslim, T do. Colored Cambric, Y d o Printed Cambric Robes, 10 chests Uiinothj's, 9 cases Shirting Cottons, 35 do. Super Men's Hats, 1.2 bales Becking Baize, 6 do. Super Cloths and Cassimeres, 2 do. Scarlet Flannels. October 1- cl6t-eo6t W. Li 6i J. .iarney Have for sale. Direct BillS on London, at 30 days sight. Also, The Cargo of the Snow Paragon, E. Eveleth, master, from Trieste and Sicily, Ctnsisti g of, Faro k Marsala Winas, Hollow Glass Ware, PlatiUas, Britannias, Cftvallinos, Listadoes, Checks, Ollandinas, Bastoneinas, f jieMarbled'Castile Soap inte Currants, Sweet Almonds, Black &, col Sewing Silk, Florer tine!^ Green Silks &c ^^^^^^^^^^ Also, 118 boxes superior quality Havanna Sugars, and a tew pipes old Madeira Wine. Si pt 19. (Uw.eolm John Kobmson, Ko 216, MjniET-siiiEir, Mas imported per ships Otheih, Fume and Akc* ona, jrum Liverpool, a well fleeted aid t general assortment of X FALL GOODS, MATTURS' is 1 UPHOLSTERERS' TRIM- MlhGS tsV. isfc. Men's and Women's Coarse and Fine Hats, and trim's neatly assorted Fancy Hats, in so':all cases. Which are offered for sale, on the most jcajouable terms. Sept 25. d.0 -eolOt "Plated WareT - Charles L. Ucehme Has just received an assortment of Plate J M .Is ; Consisting of Coffee and Ten Pots, Sugar Dishes, Slop Basons, and Cream Pots in Sets, Castors, Candle Sticks, Brackets, Bread and Fruit Baskets, Saks, Snuffers and Trays, Coasters, fee. &c. And on hand, Of his own manuiactoiy, newest paterr.i, and warranted sterling Silver, lea Sets of various fashions, Plain and Gilt ; Spoons of every description, together with a general & extensive assortment of Jewelry, Gold 0i I Silver Watches, Silver Mounted Swords and every other article in his tins. TO LET, A new two-story Brick Dwelling in North Charles-Street and adjoin rig the residence of Mr. George Crosdale, apply as above. October 14 eo8t _ Shoe Threat!, English Bend LEATHER, &e. t "John S. keck and Co. TANNEHS and CU)>RIERS, No. 6.., MARKET-SPACE, Have for sale, Prime English Bend Sole Leather, in ranges and squares, Tanners and Curriers' Knives, and a gene- ral assortment of Leather. A LSO, Huir for Piaisterers. And have imported in the Fair American from London SHOE T H R E A D , of t h e b e s t quality. October 1. d3t eo9t Just R< ceived, Per ship Wi'linm Wilson from Amsterdam, and for sale by the subscribers, 300 brfxes red crust Cheese, one Cheese in each box, 100 do. Parte Grasse do. do. l5 bah s orown Flemish Sheetings. In Store, IS hales white and brown Fiandcr Sheet- ings, o do. light Holland Sail Duck, 2 boxes he&vj do. do. 13 biles Gunny bags ; 2 boxes Tapes and Bh \ s, Platillaa, B •) tag' us, Creas, Esto- p.llas, Listadui s, Checks, No 2, Book Che ks, C so. bi rghs. ,4 e si.,ns, Sic. 1-2 pint Tumblers JMndder, Black Lead Crucibles, Fishing - and jje.-*ing Twine, Holland Gin, Gin cases and Vort Wine in boxes, and Spanish Cigars. ALSO, 250,000 wt. ColTee, 800 boxes Havanii Sm ar, A n d 42 bales I Toll i ! tn.n. VON KAl'JTF & BBUNE. October "-. y»,i.. e Uu t Nautical & Surveying Instru- ments, for Sale. jf Alien and Co. CORNEE OF WATEB *5D FREDERICK" STIEEIS NUAR T.-B CI'SIOM HOUSE, Have receive^ from, London, per the Juniata, Best Brass Sexi ants, Pock* t do lately in vented and *re liarkably well adapted tor land as well as marine surveying, common and Tangent Quadrants, all of which a -a accurate ly divided by an engine constructed on the principle/if that of Ramsden's. Also, Storm and Hanging Compasses, a variety of choice day and night Telescopes, Maps, Charts, and Navigation Books ; also Theodolites, Mea- suring Chains, cases of Drawing Instruments, Circumferei tors. Spirit L'vels, Military Spy- Glasses, and Microscopes ; also, the Nautical Almanac tor tSOT, and 1808, East India Pi- lots' Directory, &c. October- 12- eo6t|| COLORS. The military gentlemen of Baltimore, are respectfully informed, that they can be gup- plied with Silk Standards, Cavalry and Divi sion Colors, of evary description, on the shortest notice, finished and delivered in com- plete order, at No 60, comer of Atbermarle and the lower Bridge streets. Also, Colors for the Navy, on the most reasonable terms, by REBECCA YOUN'G. Sept 16. e Baiderston and Comthwait, 51, Countv wharf, HAVE ON HAND, Brown Sugars, 1st and 2d quality, Loaf and Lump do. best Green Coffee, Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson Skin Teas, of die first quality, Allspice, Pepper, N ittmgs, Ginger, Fig Blue, Indigo, Madder, Star' h, Copperas, v- Iurn, Raisins, Bed Cords and Leading Lines, 3 tons patent Shot, B. B. Nos. 1, 'J and 3, Bar Lead, 30 dozen Twilled Sieves, 20casks 6d.8d. 10d. and 12d wrought Nails ; 100 do 3d.4d. 6d. §d. lOd. l.'d. 8t 20a cut rlo. 20firkins good Butter Jn nice shipping order 200 barrels fresh Frederick county Flour, 100 barrels Pork, All of which will be sold on accorr modating tetf >s. 10th mo. 5th. eo8t trench Evening School. THE School is divided into two classes which meet alternately every other evening. Gentlemen who cannot attend regularly either class, may come occasionally, when their an- gigeinents will allow. MKlHOIi OF TEACHING. To lessen as much as can be dune the la hor the study of an unknown tongue, every begin er is assisted in reading &, construing-, until he can translate fluently by himself, and to facditate the knowledge of the grammar, a selection is made of the most essential practical rules which joined to the frequent repetitions of the phraseology con- tained in Mr. Dufi«f 's work, tend consider, abiy to accelerate the attainment of the lan- guage. J. BROWN. No. 8, Water-street, between South and Calve»t-str*et». S<MM IS. eolltH w lJliain CO.L No. 46, NORTH HOWAUP STREET, Mat imported per late arrivals ft m Liverpool and London, a general assortment of Fail Goods, viz : Cloths and Cassimer"s, superfine &. com- mon, Coatings, plain, napt, and moleskin, Plains, Kerseys, aul Kendal Cottons, Blankets, Rose, Striped, and Point, Flannels, and Bockingbaise, Manchester Con.s, Velveteens, and Thick- sets, Bombazettes, Wildbores, Durants, and CalimaneCi s, Hosiery, Worsted, Lambs Wool, and Cot- ton, &.C. &c. Alsoj-st received, Calicoes, India JMuslins, B-mdanoes, Sewing Silks, German and Irish Linnens, Threads, Pins, &e. Sept. 34 eo David \Vaifield, No ?83, BALTIMORE-STREET, Has Imported by the late arrivals from Liver- pool, and otherwise rece vi d for sale, A General Ass^rtmtr 1 of SEASONABLE GOODS: mptftt which are, Superfine and common Cloths; Cassimeres, Swandowns, Flanneis, Coatings Bay set.. Flush- ings, Blankets, Mains, Kerseys & Half thicks ; Manclusln, assorted ; Cot tor', Worsted and Sili: Hosiery ; SU'fis, assorted ; Irislr Linens, Brown Hollands, hedtickens of all qua iti< s ; a good assoitnier,t,ct Buttons, Threads, Sew ing S ; lks, S.C.; #lench Silk and K'ni ' . l o w s ; Sarsenets, Peah.ns, andSattins r Frencil Cam- brics ; German Linens ; India Muslins, Checks and (.email; Bandannas, &c. &;e Sept. il. d4t-eol6t Haziehurst, Brothers and Co. Huve received by the George and Albert from Tonni gen, A general assortment of Gentian Linens, Consisting of Creas a la Morlaix, | White Rolls, Dowlas, Checks, Platillas Koyal, L'utadoes, Bretannias, I Quadruple Silesias, Rouans, | Checks, No. 2, &c. Also, an invoice of Sheathing CopperWCut Nails. On Buna, Sheet Lead, Bar do. Pig do Grind Stones, A.'ustard in bottles, Crown Glass in crates of 12 Tables, Porte rand Wine Bot» ties, Copperas, L. P. Madeira Wine in pipes, hhds. and qr cast s, Chatnpaigtie. Wine of superior quality, An invoice of Cotton Hosiery and Black Lace, HtO logs St D»mingo Mahoganv, So tuns Logwoed. Sept 38. col2 240 pieces Russia Duck Of the 1st quality, just received per schr Hero, captain Smith, trom Boston, and for GQIP fov BUFFUM & GOODHUE. No. 84, Bow!y ? s wharfs d4teoot Sept 26. For Sale, . SKINS. 1280 RACOON, 600 FOX, 100 W I L D C A T , 3 For sale on accommodating terms. A-plv to KELLER a. FORMAN. Ootobtr 1£.j aeawf West-Indies. A most valuable COFFEE MOUNTAIN is offered for sale in an adjacent i:d;u'.d from this continent, remarkable for its siluDrity, and richness of soil, containing about 36i) En glish acres of prime land for the gr vvth of Coffee, situated in the most favored quarter for seasonable weather of any in the island, and where the crop of this most valuable pro- duce never fails, at th« distance ot 5 J. miles from the chief city, an.! at about 1J miles fr .m a considerable seaport, where merchant ves- sels of the largest bu.rtb.4ii enter si id anchor- in safety. On the premises are all the valuable and useful buildings, barbacus, bason, Ike Uc. re- quisite for storing and preparing at the present moment for Market, abrfve one huiulre ? and fifty thousand weight of Coffee, besides a most convenient airy ho ise for the residence of a family, akitohen, Negro houses, Ste. &c The Plantation is well watered, having the- advantage of a never failing spring, and is most de'ightfuliy situated atthe emrinre of a plain on sloping hills, contiguous to one of l!w first sugar plantations in the island, besidi s being .only 3 miles distance from a watering place, much resorted to on account of the cs- lebrity of its waters .'ind oaths ; about 140 acres are. in the highest stale of cultivation onwheh are planted above KO,000 Coffee trees grow- ing in the most luxuriant stale, besides Plantans, Bananas, and other r.egi'0 provisi- ons in abundance This property will he sold with its gang of Nagrbes, e^nsijting of 75 pri • e Blacks in- eluding males females and their ten children, born on the plantation, ai f we\. seasone d to the place. No less than 57,000 lbs Coffee was gtl thereel lasi crop, and no doubt hut 0.000 will be made this pending crop, probaoi- more, and that hereafter one year with another the plarttatlo' i . its presni.statewi!'. yield a crop of 12O000 minds coffee, whieliat the actu !al price it now sells for in the colony alluded jto, say 24 dollars per Cwt. wool I g ve a re- venue of 27,000 lollarsper anu.'m, exclusive of the cost to town. B) augmentingthe num pero* roes, it can be madaij very soon t« yield 'OOOOO pounds coif -e annually, the 220 un- c u i i..v.ed a - res being all wood lands This .' ind of property is not liable to any tax'-sortyt'ies whatever, eitherun the lands, produce or Negroes. Fo- turthi r particulars and terms, wttieh are rerj advantageous, and well worth the at- enti'Ti of any person htivingc* mnnani 1 of casH for the flr»t payment, as the 1 subsequent hist 1 ments will chiefly he paid out of the crops Ajiply to GEO. F &LF.M. WAfiFIF.I.D N. B. The property is ullered for sale in or- der to resind a partnership 'Oct. 14. .dSteo O, Cornelius and John Comegv s, No. 90, Market-street, Have receiveu by the late arrivals, thair usual supply ot FALL GOODS, Consisting of Superfine, second ^ low-priced Broad Cloths, Double-milled Drabs and Cassimeres, Blue, urab and mixed Plains, Coatings, plain and nappi-d, Bookings, Flannels and Fearnouf hts, Hose, striped and point rlankets. Kerse\s, HalfrhicW and Kendal Cottons, Hosiery, Manchestry, &c- *c. 20 cases fine Hats, And a variety of Goods particularly calcula- ted for exportation. Sept 1 eo'iw Win. Norns, Jim TEA DEALER AM) GJKCER, No 64, M ARKET-S I UEEI , H \ just rece ve*'Jaf sate, lo li'ids. of superior q .aiity Jamaica Sugar, 7 do. St. Croix do. 50 ba^rs boa tiful Green Coffee, 25 boxes .viuscatel haisins, 100 do. Bloom do. 50 dozen Windsor Shaving Soap, 2oo lb Fresh Cloves, to kogs iiesh Split Peas, 1( S boxes do. Mou <t and Dipt Candles, 1000 baskets fine T.ible ...dt, 64 ketis of very fine and small Twist To- bacco suitable lor retailing. 5>o .vt.' Spanish Hlotant Indigo (very fine) 100 cannisters Treble strong Powuer, con- taining one pound each. Who /las in store, Fine old Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon and Port Wine, by the ar. cask, demijohn or gaN loii; old Cogniac Brandy, and o d rum, l>y the qi- cask or gallon ; Allum and Copperas, in bids an I kegs •. Imperial, Hyson, \ouog Hyson and black Te^s, ot the be -t quality, wholesale and retail, with a large supply of well cliosen Grocij-ies, which will be sold on pleasing terms. N. B. Having on hand a larger quantity of Groceries ihan I vtish to keep, will dispose of them at reduced prices, for cash. Octobei 14. eo8t ivledical Lectures A course of Lectures on Anatomy and Sur. gerv, with a few .discourses on the elements of Midwifery, will be given this season by j . B. Davidge ; anil A conrse on Chymistry, by J. Sliaw. The course or. Anatomy mli be mndered more full and complete, by a series fi pre- lections, on the functions of some of the most important organs ot the bod by J Cocke. Tne above lectures will commence on the first Monday in November next -O. tober i4. eolstN Lor Sale, A FARM on Elk Ridge, about 13 or 20 miles distant (rom Baltimore, within.a mile of the Frederick town Turnpike Road, with a eomfortabU Dwelling, and other out houses, a lime kiin, and a quantity ol Fruit. It con tains .iOO acres with srifiir ie<icy of wood for tbe support of the place, and will make an excellent Graziig Farm. Also, 29b acres within 6 miles of liaitimore, nearly two-thirds of which is in wood. For terms, which will be accommodating, apply at Mr William Child's store, Nu. tiU, Buwly's wharf. Sept 23. colm Just Received From Philadelphia, and far sale by GEORGE HtLX, A Chemical Catechism, Or the Application of Chemistry to the Arts, for the use of Young People, rlists, Trades- men and the amusement of Leisure Hour^, to which is added, a vocabulary of' Chemical Terms, some «siful Tabtes, and a variety of useful h amusing experiments, byS.PARKES, I Manufacturing Chemist. £? This edition is embellished with an elegantly engraved copperplate Frontispiece of the economical Laboratory of James -v ood- 1 house, M D, april 2'i «o Wm. Wilson and Sons, flaie imported for sale, Rose Blankets, assorted in small bales^ Carpets, Ii'ish Linens and Lawns, Madder, j% N Dry White Lead, Sheathing Copper, 16 to 36 oz. Patent Copper Nads, Japanned *Vare, 6d i* 8d fin« drawn Nails, German steel, 100 crates Earthenware, And a few pipes London Particular Madei- ra Wine, part thereof is old ami tit tor us;, yvhieh will be disposed of on accommodating terms, to close the sales. Sent 39. d6t-eo6t Received this Day, AND FOP SALE BY COLE & I. B&NSdL, MAUKE I' STKEET, N'O 1 7 4 , Price three dollars in boaVds. I'liu L I F E O F George Washington, By DAVID KAJISJV, M D. Author ol th? American Revolution. Tins work is neatly printed in 1 vol con- tains 376 pages 8 vo, embellished with an e- legunt likeness ol the revered Washington. lb;- i xalted character of our late Oe'oved President, Si the superior, ami ackaow'edged talents of Ramsay the >' P iybius of Aaieric i," will entitle this work to the attention of the Patriot and the Scholar) October 13. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ d4t eo4t Fitch Hali, Jim- 81, BOWI.Y'S W - ARF, HAS FOR SALE, Boston No 1, Beet', Cod Fish, in boxes. Young il son Tea, Whale Oil, Lisbon Len.mons, Rice in while and half tierces, and a few boxes of lea China October 13. d4l eo4t 11 olLRY bfORL\,'' No. 1.6, Market-Street. WAKING tS" L O V E i ' T Have receivea by late arrival, from London and Liverpool, via Isev-York, a gi nerai ana sec.sonaoh assor trneiit of HOSIERY GLoVe..-, ic. viz. Men's, Women's i. ChnUren's black, white and colored V- oisteii Hose Mi n's lan.b's wool and milled Hose & Half H s^ Men's and Women's white and black Silk Hose, am. plain Do. do. alio Children's fine white Cotton liose Do do. do raw Silk do. Men's and Women's Fleecy Waistcoats, DraW' r», Hose, Grotves an.: Socks VV men's exu'a lo^.g Sdk Sleeves and Mitts lir do. do and SI.OI-L best white and co- loused K d Gloves, Mena lJrawa l'an Gloves Do. uo. do Beaver do. Do. F.wn i o. o packages »: ite Cotton Hose, entitled to debenUne, wmcu will be Sold low at a short ciecut. Also, ^ew-York and Philadelphia Patent Sua- penders. ,j' ;\ew York, New-J jrsey, Newark, Albany arid Troy jiank .\oUs inpayment lor Goods, or ducounteu at a moderate premium. Oct. id. eo4t Wales and Clopper Haie on hand, for •>'<.,e, 20 pjpes '.oideaox anu Cognac Brandy 20 pip. VVci.ip v.. in 2 cases Lutigee; Siseersoy and Bandano WanukercUiefs 4 bales Karradury and Soersuckers 2 b^res Manioony ( '/ ifie above entitled to debenture J i0 bags Calcuita VV uue ^ugal i'i h.iiail mix • Playing Cards, assorted Jt> boxes Cotton 150 o:.rre;s -No i anu . Beof iOJooxe.' mould an spermaceti Caudles 30 casks L.i seed Od, ot superior quality 5 tuns assorted Cordage Hyson and liyson Skin Tea Bar and Sheet Lead, and square Iron. Oej- lb. eo8tf. Gerard Tcepken o t.o. Offer for sale ut their H'arehouse, No. 65, Bow- iy't wharf, Brown Rolls, Hessi.u.s, 'l'icklenburgs, Os- naiiirgs, Burlaps. Holland and Russia Can v:s, for hear) and light sails, Two and 'lliree Bushel Bags, hue Green West lnuia Cofiee in li-i- s, fine Brabaiid Laces, &c. Octobei 10. eolCt William Ashman, No. 'J29, Market-street, Wishes to inform his old customers and the public, that he continues to keep a general assortment of SHOt-S. at the most reduced prices by wholesale and retail. TO RUN J, For one or more years, A good Stand for at.y kind of business, next door to the above. Apply to VV. A S H M A N . Oalober 7 eolOt William Cochran 3c Brothers Ha*ve imported by the several arrivals from London and Liverpool, their^uaual supply of Fall Goods, Consisting if Superfine, second and low priced Cloths, Double Milled Drabs and Cassimeres, Blue, white, drab and mixed Plains, Plain and Napped Coatings, Kersey's and Half Thicks, Flannels and Booking Baizes, Manciestry, Hosier) and Sniffs, Coarse Huts, assorted in sunall cases, Florentines, Collar and Bonnet Velvets, Sewing STlks, Gloves, Buliulis, &.C. O ctober 2. eo!2t Havanna Sugars. Just received and will be landed immediate, ly, from an board the brig Rising Sun, 150 boxes white > Havanna SUGwRS, of 100 do. brown 5 8"°' ^ quality. Wnich are offered for sale. For terms, ap- ply to • I S A A C TYSON. October 16. dj.-eoM Wine, &.C, 6 pipes L P. Madeira Wine, old and fit for immediate use, 2 hhds. (3adoaen1 Castor Oil, 16 hhds. Poloinak Tobacco, 100 bbls sui.erfiittiaiiii fine Flour, Just received and for, sale by JAMEs Bi'.UNDIGE, 95, Body's wharf Oct. IS, . d3teoJt lOSditto wihte Wii e de Grave, i. he West- lOOiXitto Cordials, well assort [ inoia maf- BaltirhoreafidReistef's-Town Turnpike Road Office. THE President and Managers require the payment of the third instalment of five dollars on eat.h share of that part of the original st'-ck, which was taken on the 8th o January last, to be inkde at the bank of Baltimore, the first day of December next. By order, J O H N F HARRIS. Sec'y. October 19. eotlstb • Cordial fXistUkxy, No. 17. SECOWD-STHEET, BALTIMORE. JOSEPH FKELFT ReRpi-ctf illy Informs Tils friends and the public in general that he keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of CORDIALS, of all kinds, which he will dispose of, whole- sale or aetSil, on the most moderate terms. Conn'.i'v merchants and ethers who may fi vor him with their eumstohV, will every reason to be satisfied with his prompt attenti- on, and with the qualities and prices of his Liquors. ON HANI), A quantity of BOkDK >,UX WINE, in casks, from five to ten Jnlh -s a cask. HE HAS ALSO FOR SALE, 30 cases first quality Medoc, of the veai' 18' I. Ii 0 ditto Red Wine, -j Suitable for e. t lie '" f ed. J kct. Co: dial in barrels, suitable for retailei-3, 3 pipes L P. Madeira VV r ine, received by the Wolf from Charleston*; • S e p t e m b e r 1G\ ?aw "James Ninde, \Vateh-Maker, No. 70, Market street, Having received by the Fair American from London, an additional importation. Is enabled to offer ver itmfor cash, Horizontal, Seconds, and Plain G.I land SilveT W A T C H E S , to gether with an elegant ass- rtment ot fashion abh- Uohl Seals, Kejs, Chains and Jewelry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'aw 1 '< ""bllkRlFFALTY. Beale Spurrier, With some assurance of s u n p o r t , offi-j-g himself as < candidate for the office of Sheriff •it the newt election : he const ives himself competent' to the duties of the oflh e, and re- sycctfullysnliofts the patronage of the voters of liaitimore county and cilv. Should the su'lVa'. rs of his fellow-citivens place Mil) ia office, he will keep in grateful remembrance the source from whence lie obtained it : and although he has not pledges to offer that lis official conduct shall i,ive universal satisfac- tion, is yet wiling" to sii, that his discretion- ary powers shall b,'- esercised with moderati- on, a 1 d that he never w'rtl be the instrument by which a sacrifice* of feeling or property shall be made to gr-tily the caprice of any in- dividual September 23. TfoF2m Nonce is hereby Given, That the subscriber : ntem!s applying to the judges of Washington county court, at the Oct iber term, for the henefit of the insolvent laws, passed in 1805 and '8'6 This is a circumstance which the subscrib- er much egrets but after f.avuig used eve. ry exertion in his power to avoid it, lie has not been able to si creed. Although he las met with many losses, yet his properly at a fair valuation, would still be nearly equal to his debs, but as his creditors have refused to take property in that way, he must submit— be must saciifire the fruits ot 10 years in- dustry—and he still hopes it will be in his power some day, to settle every claim, frvp lie shall alwais consider himself bound ia honor, to pay every cent, if ever in bis power, THOMAS KENNEDY Washington Count", Mi! A u g . '.'S- ' s w 3 m INoiite is hereby Given, "•"hat the snbscri 1 rr intends applying to the judges of Washington county court, tt the next October It, m, for the benefit of the in- solvent laws passed in ;8C5, and 1806, to re- lieve him trom debts for wh ch he is liable, and which he is splable to nuv. >' JOHN'KENNEDY. Washington county, Sept 9, 18C7. 3aw2m|| Notice is hereby Gi' en, That I intend two months after the date here- of to petition Baltimore county court, or one of the judges thereof for the benefit of tho insolvent .laws of the state, to relieve me from, dents which I am unable to pay J \ M E S RICHARDSON. October 5, 1807. e«2m Notice. The Subscriber is under tbe painful neces- sity of'notifiing his creditors, of his intention toasply to Baltimore County Court, or in its recess, to one oftbejitdges thereof, fjr the be- nefit of the insolvnntljw or this state. NICHAEL MACKEY. Oct 5 eo2in Notice to ail rny Creditors. From the many losses sustained as security', I am redu.ed to the necessity of applying to the honorable I he judges of Baltimnre county court, lor the In m hi of the insolvent laws of 8uo and 18(6. V.'hirh application will r>a made in two months from the dale !u;i> f j or as soon thereafter as the court shall be in session. » JOHN W'LMOT. B*limore county, October 2, 18t)6—eo2m Notice' is hereby Given, That tne subscriber intends fepplyiFg to BaL. tiniore county court, at its next sittings, or in its recess, to one of the judges thereof, for the benefit of the. insolvent laws of M a n I and MATTHIAS RICH. Sept. 18.'1807. _i 1 ~li+_ iNoLce. The subscriber is compelled to nntify hi* creditors of his in ten'ion to apply to Balti- more county court, at its nest session, or in its recess, to one of the judges t'lereof, ror tlie benefit of the insolvent Laws of tins state. JAMES WEST. Sept 22. d2m JNotice is hereby given, to ail my creditors, that I am under the painful ne- cessity of apply ing to the judges of Baltirrove countt court, or to son e one of tf>( m, for tlip benefit of the act of assembly passed at No- vember session 1805, entitled an act for the r lie! of sundry insolvent debtors, as also of of the supplement thereto, passed at the last session. ABRAHAM FULLER Sept. 7. dim PRINTED AND PC I LUSHED BY~ JOHN HRWES, Opposite the Pat Oftire, i-i. Paul''t-Lane. BALT1MORR.

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Page 1: Nautical Surveying Instru - · A new two-story Brick Dwelling in North Charles-Street and adjoin rig

India and French Silks, 'etc. (ope and Brothers

H 'vefor sale at No. 202, Market-street, B l a c k and colored Senshaws , Plaid L u t e -

St r ings , and Fancy Silk Wsis tcoa^ing, 1st & 2d C h o p India S ; lk Hd 'kfs ; & 5-4 do. Shawl s , S e w i n g Silks, D a m a s k & S e r g e Silk Sua wis, E- . t ra Long and Habi t Gloves j S i l k H s i e r y , L i n e n Cambr ics ' ,—Flag . B r o w n , Blue , R e d , ami ..Yellow Bsndannbes , Suspender1?, Man-ches t ry , Sniffs, Cambr ic Mus l ins , and Sh i r t , i ngs , &c. &c.

« Also just received)

23 bales Calcutta Goods, E n t i t l e d to d rawback .

G u r r a h s , I Checks , 9 8 & 5-4 Sawne , \ Cus tas , E n . e r t i e s , j Mamoop'ies, and Cossas , ' Baftaa.

A t very low pr ices for cash or no tes . S e p t 30j_ i _ eo lOt

Patton and Jones, No, 9 3 , Market street, Baltimore, ami No. 44 ,

Market street, Philadelphia, H a v e rece ived oy the late arrivals from

London a id Liverpool, a comple te assor tment of E i g h t Da i and T a b l e

C L O C K S , Hor izon ta l , Pa tent Leve r , Chronomete r s ,

and common Gold and Silver

W A T C H E S , And Clock and W a t c h - m a k e r ' s

Tools and Materials. W h i c h they offer very !:,•# for cash , or ac- in towr., j b t h mo . 5. e o l 2 t _

George Hoffman 'Mat received by the several arrivals, upwards of

300 packages well se lected

F A L L GOODS, W h i c h be ing mostly bough t at short c red i t ,

and se lec ted by careful hand3 will be found c h e a p .

Also suited to the export trade, 2 0 t runks London Cambrick Ch in tzes , 1 2 do. French Pull icat H ' d k t s .

5 do M a d r ' s do. 4 do. G inghams , 5 do. Rich Fancy M u s l i m , T do. Colored Cambr ic , Y d o P r in t ed Cambric Robes ,

10 chests Ui ino th j ' s , 9 cases Shir t ing Cot tons ,

3 5 do . Super Men's Ha t s , 1.2 bales Becking Baize ,

6 do. Super Cloths and Cass imeres , 2 do. Scar le t Flannels .

October 1- cl6t-eo6t

W. Li 6i J. .iarney Have for sale.

D i r e c t BillS on London , a t 30 days s ight . Also,

T h e Cargo of the Snow Paragon, E. Eve le th , mas ter , from Tr i e s t e and Sicily,

Ctnsisti g of, Faro k Marsala W i n a s , Hollow Glass W a r e ,

Pla t iUas, Br i tannias , Cftvallinos, L i s t adoes , C h e c k s , Ollandinas , Bas tone inas ,

f j ieMarbled 'Cast i le Soap inte Cur ran t s ,

S w e e t Almonds, Black &, col Sewing Silk, Florer tine!^ Green Silks &c

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Also, 118 boxes superior qual i ty Havanna Suga r s ,

and a tew pipes old Made i ra W i n e . Si p t 19. ( U w . e o l m

John Kobmson, K o 216, M j n i E T - s i i i E i r ,

Mas imported per ships Otheih, Fume and Akc* ona, jrum Liverpool, a well fleeted aid t

general assortment of X


MlhGS tsV. isfc. M e n ' s and Women ' s Coarse and Fine Ha t s ,

and trim's neatly assor ted Fancy H a t s , in so':all cases .

W h i c h are offered for sale , on t h e most jca jouable t e r m s . Sep t 25 . d . 0 -eolOt

"Plated WareT -

Charles L. Ucehme Has just received an assortment of

Plate J M .Is ; Consisting of

Coffee and Ten Pots , Sugar D i shes , Slop Basons , and Cream Pots in Sets , Cas tors , Cand le S t icks , Brackets , Bread and Fru i t B a s k e t s , S a k s , Snuffers and T r a y s , Coas te rs , fee. &c.

And on hand, O f his own manuiacto iy , newes t pa ter r . i ,

and war ran ted s ter l ing Silver, l e a Sets of var ious fashions, Plain and Gilt ; Spoons of every description, toge the r with a genera l & extens ive assor tment of J e w e l r y , Gold 0 i I Si lver W a t c h e s , Silver Mounted Swords and every other article in his t ins.

TO LET, A n e w two-story Brick Dwel l ing in Nor th

Char les-Street and adjoin rig the res idence of M r . George Crosdale , apply as above.

Oc tobe r 14 eo8t _

Shoe Threat!, English Bend LEATHER, &e.t

"John S. keck and Co. T A N N E H S and C U ) > R I E R S ,

N o . 6.., M A R K E T - S P A C E ,

Have for sale, P r i m e Eng l i sh Bend Sole L e a t h e r , in ranges

and squares , T a n n e r s and Cur r i e r s ' Knives , and a gene -

ral a ssor tment of Lea the r . A LSO,

H u i r for P ia i s te re rs . A n d have impor ted in t h e Fair Amer ican

from London S H O E T H R E A D , of t h e best qual i ty .

O c t o b e r 1. d3t eo9t

Just R< ceived, P e r ship Wi ' l inm Wilson from A m s t e r d a m ,

and for sale by the subscr ibers , 300 brfxes red crus t Cheese , one Cheese in

each box, 100 do. Pa r te Grasse do. do.

l5 bah s orown Flemish Sheet ings . In Store,

I S hales whi te and brown Fiandcr Sheet ­i n g s ,

o do. light Holland Sail D u c k , 2 boxes he&vj do. do.

1 3 b i les Gunny bags ; 2 boxes T a p e s and Bh \ s, Plati l laa, B •) tag ' us, C r e a s , Es to -p . l l a s , Listadui s, Checks , N o 2, Book Che ks , C so. bi rghs . , 4 e si.,ns, Sic. 1-2 pint T u m b l e r s JMndder, Black Lead Crucibles , Fishing - and jje.-*ing T w i n e , Holland Gin, Gin cases and Vor t W i n e in boxes, and Spanish Cigars .

ALSO, 250,000 wt . ColTee,

800 boxes Havanii Sm ar , A n d 4 2 bales I Toll i ! tn.n.

V O N KAl 'JTF & B B U N E . October "-. y»,i.. e U u t

Nautical & Surveying Instru­ments, for Sale.

jf Alien and Co. CORNEE OF W A T E B * 5 D F R E D E R I C K "

S T I E E I S N U A R T.-B C I ' S I O M H O U S E ,

Have receive^ from, London, per the Juniata, Bes t Brass Sexi ants , Pock* t do la tely in

ven ted and *re liarkably well adap ted tor land as wel l as mar ine surveying, common and T a n g e n t Quadran t s , all of which a -a accura te ly divided by an eng ine cons t ruc ted on the p r inc ip l e / i f tha t of Ramsden ' s . Also, Storm and H a n g i n g Compasses , a variety of choice day and n ight Te lescopes , M a p s , Char t s , and Navigation Books ; also Theodo l i t e s , Mea­sur ing Chains , cases of D r a w i n g In s t rumen t s , Circumferei to r s . Spir i t L ' v e l s , Mili tary Spy-Glasses , and Microscopes ; also, t h e Naut ical Almanac tor tSOT, and 1808, Eas t India Pi -lo t s ' D i r ec to ry , &c. October- 12- eo6t | |

COLORS. T h e mili tary gen t lemen of Bal t imore , are

respectfully informed, t ha t t hey can b e gup-pl ied wi th Silk S t anda rds , Cavalry and Divi sion Colors, o f evary descr ip t ion , on the shor tes t not ice, finished and del ivered in com­ple te o rde r , a t N o 60, c o m e r of Atbermar le and t h e lower Br idge s t ree ts . Also , Colors for the Navy, on the mos t reasonable t e r m s , by

R E B E C C A YOUN'G. Sept 16. e

Baiderston and Comthwait, 5 1 , Countv wharf,

H A V E O N H A N D , Brown Suga r s , 1st and 2d qual i ty , Loa f and L u m p do . b e s t G r e e n Coffee, Impe r i a l , Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson

Skin T e a s , of die first quality, Allspice, P e p p e r , N i t t m g s , G inge r , F i g

B lue , Indigo, Madde r , Star ' h, Copperas , v-Iurn, Raisins, Bed Cords and L e a d i n g L ines ,

3 tons pa ten t Shot, B. B . Nos. 1, 'J and 3 , Ba r L e a d , 30 dozen Twi l l ed Sieves, 2 0 c a s k s 6d .8d . 10d. and 12d wrough t Nails ;

100 do 3 d . 4 d . 6d. §d. lOd. l . 'd . 8t 20a cut rlo. 20firkins good B u t t e r J n nice shipping o rde r

200 barrels fresh F rede r i ck county Flour , 100 barrels Pork ,

Al l of which will be sold on accorr modat ing tetf >s.

10th m o . 5 th . eo8t

t rench Evening School. T H E School is divided into t w o classes

which mee t al ternately every o the r evening. Gent lemen who cannot a t tend regular ly ei ther c lass , may come occasionally, w h e n thei r an-g i g e i n e n t s will allow.

MKlHOIi OF TEACHING. T o lessen as much as can be dune t h e la

hor the study of an unknown tongue , every begin er is assisted in reading &, construing-, until he can t ransla te fluently by himself, and to facditate the k n o w l e d g e of the g r a m m a r , a selection is made of t h e most essential practical ru les which jo ined to the f requent repet i t ions of the phraseology con­ta ined in Mr . Dufi«f 's work, tend cons ider , abiy to acce le ra te t h e a t ta inment of t h e lan­g u a g e . J . B R O W N .

No . 8, W a t e r - s t r e e t , b e t w e e n South and Calve»t-str*et».

S<MM IS. eo l l tH

w lJliain CO.L N o . 46 , N O R T H H O W A U P S T R E E T ,

Mat imported per late arrivals ft m Liverpool and London, a general assortment of

Fail Goods, viz : Cloths and Cass imer"s , superfine &. com-

mon, Coat ings , plain, napt , and moleskin, Pla ins , Kerseys , a u l Kendal Cot tons , Blankets , Rose, S t r iped , and Point , Flannels , and Bockingbaise, M a n c h e s t e r C o n . s , Velve teens , and Thick­

se t s , Bombaze t t e s , W i l d b o r e s , D u r a n t s , and

CalimaneCi s, Hosiery , W o r s t e d , L a m b s Woo l , and Cot­

ton, &.C. &c. Alsoj-st received,

Calicoes, India JMuslins, B-mdanoes, Sewing Silks, German and Ir ish L innens ,

T h r e a d s , P ins , &e. Sept . 34 eo

David \Vaifield, N o ?83, B A L T I M O R E - S T R E E T ,

H a s Imported by the late arrivals from Liver ­pool, and o therwise rece vi d for sa le ,

A General Ass^rtmtr1 of

S E A S O N A B L E G O O D S : mptftt which are,

Superfine and common C l o t h s ; Cass imeres , Swandowns , Flanneis, Coatings Bay set.. Flush­ings , Blankets , Mains, Kerseys & Half th icks ; M a n c l u s l n , assor ted ; Cot tor', W o r s t e d and Sili: Hosiery ; SU'fis, assorted ; Irislr L inens , Brown Hol lands , h e d t i c k e n s of all qua iti< s ; a good assoitnier , t ,ct But tons , T h r e a d s , Sew ing S ; lks , S.C.; # l e n c h Silk and K'ni ' . l o w s ; Sarsene ts , Peah.ns, andSa t t ins r Frenci l Cam­brics ; German Linens ; India Musl ins , Checks and ( . e m a i l ; Bandannas , &c. &;e

Sept . il. d4 t - eo l6 t

Haziehurst, Brothers and Co. Huve received by the George and Albert from

Tonni gen, A genera l a ssor tment of

Gentian Linens, Consisting of

Creas a la Morlaix , | W h i t e Rol l s , Dowlas , Checks , Plati l las Koyal, L 'u tadoes , Bretannias , I Quadruple Silesias, Rouans , | Checks , No. 2, &c.

A l so , an invoice of

Sheathing CopperWCut Nails. On Buna,

Shee t L e a d , Bar do. P i g do Grind Stones , A.'ustard in bott les,

Crown Glass in crates of 12 T a b l e s ,

Porte r a n d Wine Bot» t ies,

Copperas, L . P . Made i ra W i n e in p ipes , hhds . and

qr cast s, Chatnpaigtie. W i n e of superior quali ty, A n invoice of Cotton Hosiery and Black

L a c e , HtO logs St D»mingo Mahoganv, So tuns L o g w o e d .

Sept 38. c o l 2

240 pieces Russia Duck Of the 1st quality, j u s t received per schr

H e r o , captain Smith, trom Boston, and for GQIP fov

B U F F U M & G O O D H U E . N o . 84, Bow!y?s wharfs

d4teoot Sept 2 6 .

For Sale,

. S K I N S . 1280 R A C O O N ,

600 F O X , • 100 W I L D C A T , 3

For sale on accommodat ing t e rms . A-p lv to K E L L E R a. F O R M A N .

O o t o b t r 1£.j a e a w f

West-Indies. A mos t valuable C O F F E E M O U N T A I N

is offered for sale in an adjacent i:d;u'.d from th is cont inent , r emarkab le for its si luDrity, and r ichness of soil, containing about 36i) En gl ish ac res of p r ime land for the gr vvth of Coffee, s i tua ted in t h e most favored q u a r t e r for seasonable wea ther of any in the island, and w h e r e the crop of this most valuable pro­duce never fails, a t th« dis tance ot 5 J. miles from t h e chief city, an.! at about 1J miles fr .m a considerable seaport , where merchan t ves­sels of t h e la rges t bu.rtb.4ii en ter si id anchor-in safety.

On t h e premises are all the valuable and useful bui ldings, barbacus, bason, Ike Uc. re­quisi te for s tor ing and prepar ing at the p re sen t m o m e n t for M a r k e t , abrfve one huiulre ? and fifty thousand w e i g h t of Coffee, bes ides a most convenient airy ho ise for the res idence of a family, a k i t o h e n , Negro houses , Ste. &c

T h e Plantat ion is well wa t e r ed , having the-advantage of a never failing spr ing, and is most de ' ightful iy s i tuated a t t h e e m r i n r e of a plain on sloping hills, contiguous to one of l!w first s u g a r plantations in the island, besidi s be ing .only 3 miles dis tance from a wa te r ing p lace , much resor ted to on account of the c s -lebri ty of its waters .'ind oaths ; about 140 acres are. in the highest s ta le of cultivation o n w h e h a re planted above KO,000 Coffee t rees g row­ing in t h e most luxuriant s t a le , bes ides P lan tans , Bananas, and o ther r .egi '0 provisi­ons in abundance

This proper ty will he sold wi th its gang of Nagrbes , e^nsij t ing of 75 pri • e Blacks in-e luding males females and the i r ten ch i ldren , born on the plantation, aifwe\. seasone d to the place. N o less than 57,000 lbs Coffee was gtl thereel lasi c rop , and no doubt hut 0 .000 will b e made this pending crop, probaoi- more, and that hereaf ter one year wi th another t h e plarttatlo' i . its p resn i . s ta tewi! ' . yield a crop of 12O000 m i n d s coffee, wh ie l i a t the actu !al price it now sells for in the colony al luded jto, say 24 dollars p e r Cwt . wool I g ve a r e ­venue of 27 ,000 lol larsper anu . 'm, exclusive of the cost to town. B) a u g m e n t i n g t h e num p e r o * roes , it can b e madaij very soon t« yield 'OOOOO pounds coif -e annually, t h e 220 un-c u i i..v.ed a - r e s being all wood lands

This .' ind of proper ty is not liable to any t a x ' - s o r t y t ' i e s w h a t e v e r , e i t h e r u n the l ands , produce or Neg roes .

Fo- turthi r part iculars and t e r m s , wttieh are r e r j advantageous , and well worth the at-• enti'Ti of any person htivingc* mnnani1 of casH for t h e flr»t payment , as the1 subsequent hist 1 ments will chiefly he paid out of the crops Ajiply t o

G E O . F & L F . M . W A f i F I F . I . D N . B. T h e property is ul lered for sale in or­

d e r to res ind a par tnership ' O c t . 14. .dSteo O,

Cornelius and John Comegv s, No. 90, Market-street,

Have receiveu by the late arrivals, thair usual supply ot

F A L L GOODS, Consisting of

Superfine, second ^ low-priced Broad Cloths, Double-mil led Drabs and Cass imeres , Blue , u rab and mixed Plains, Coat ings , plain and nappi-d, Bookings , Flannels and Fearnouf h t s , Hose , s t r iped and point r l a n k e t s . K e r s e \ s , HalfrhicW and Kendal Cot tons , Hosiery, Manches t ry , &c- *c. 20 cases fine Ha t s ,

And a variety of Goods particularly calcula­ted for exportat ion.

Sept 1 eo ' iw


N o 64, M ARKET-S I UEEI , H \ just rece ve*'Jaf sate,

l o l i ' ids. of super ior q .aiity Jamaica Sugar , 7 do. St. Croix do.

50 ba^rs boa tiful Green Coffee, 25 boxes .viuscatel ha is ins ,

100 do. Bloom do. 50 dozen Windsor Shaving Soap,

2oo lb F resh Cloves, to kogs i iesh Split Peas ,

1( S boxes do. Mou <t and Dipt Candles , 1000 baskets fine T.ible ...dt,

64 ketis of very fine and small T w i s t T o ­bacco suitable lor retailing.

5>o .vt.' Spanish Hlotant Indigo (very fine) 100 cannisters T reb l e s t rong P o w u e r , con­taining one pound each.

Who /las in store, Fine old Made i r a , Sherry , Lisbon and

Por t W i n e , by the a r . cask, demijohn or g a N loi i ; old Cogniac Brandy, and o d r u m , l>y the qi- cask or gallon ; Allum and Copperas , in bids an I kegs •. Imper ia l , Hyson, \ o u o g Hyson and black T e ^ s , ot the be -t qual i ty , wholesale and retai l , with a large supply of well cliosen Grocij- ies, which will be sold on pleasing te rms .

N. B. Having on hand a l a rger quanti ty of Grocer ies ihan I vtish to keep , will dispose of them at reduced pr ices , for cash .

Octobei 14. eo8t

ivledical Lectures A course of L e c t u r e s on Anatomy and S u r .

ge rv , with a few .discourses on the e lements of Midwifery, will be given this season by j . B . Davidge ; anil

A conrse on Chymis t ry , by J . Sliaw. T h e course or. Anatomy ml i be m n d e r e d

more full and comple te , by a ser ies fi pre­lections, on the functions of some of the most important organs ot the bod by J Cocke.

T n e above lec tures will commence on the first Monday in November next

-O. tober i4 . e o l s t N

Lor Sale, A F A R M on Elk Ridge , about 13 or 20

miles distant (rom Balt imore, w i t h i n . a mile of the F rede r i ck town T u r n p i k e Road , wi th a eomfortabU Dwel l ing , and other out houses, a lime kiin, and a quanti ty ol Frui t . I t con tains .iOO acres with srifiir ie<icy of wood for tbe support of the p lace , and will make an excellent Graz i i g Fa rm. Also, 29b acres within 6 miles of l ia i t imore, nearly two- th i rds of which is in wood. For t e rms , which will be accommodat ing, apply at M r Will iam Child 's s tore , Nu. tiU, Buwly's wharf.

Sept 2 3 . c o l m

Just Received From Philadelphia, and far sale by

G E O R G E H t L X ,

A Chemical Catechism, Or the Application of Chemistry to the A r t s ,

for the use of Young People , r l i s t s , T r a d e s ­men and the amusement of Leisure Hour^, to which is added , a vocabulary of' Chemical Terms, some «siful Tabtes, and a variety of useful h amusing exper iments , byS.PARKES,

I Manufacturing Chemist. £ ? Th i s edition is embel l ished with an

elegantly engraved copperplate Front ispiece of the economical Laboratory of J a m e s -v ood-

1 house , M D , april 2'i «o

Wm. Wilson and Sons, flaie imported for sale,

Rose Blanke t s , assorted in small bales^ C a r p e t s , Ii'ish L inens and L a w n s , M a d d e r , j % N D r y W h i t e L e a d , Shea th ing Copper , 16 to 36 o z . P a t e n t Copper Nads , Japanned *Vare, 6d i* 8d fin« d r a w n Nai ls , German s t e e l , 100 cra tes E a r t h e n w a r e , A n d a few pipes London Par t i cu la r Made i ­

r a W i n e , pa r t the reof is old ami tit tor u s ; , yvhieh will be disposed of on accommoda t ing t e r m s , to close the sales .

S e n t 3 9 . d6t-eo6t

Received this Day, AND FOP SALE BY COLE & I. B&NSdL,

M A U K E I' STKEET, N'O 174, P r i ce t h r e e dollars in boaVds.

I ' l i u L I F E O F

George Washington, B y D A V I D K A J I S J V , M D .

Author ol th? Amer ican Revolut ion. T i n s work is neatly pr in ted in 1 vol con­

tains 376 pages 8 vo, embel l i shed wi th an e-legunt l ikeness ol the r eve red Washington.

lb ; - i xal ted cha rac te r of our late Oe'oved Pres ident , Si the superior , ami a c k a o w ' e d g e d ta lents of Ramsay the >' P iybius of Aaieric i ," will entitle this work to t h e at tent ion of the Pa t r io t and the Scholar)

Oc tobe r 13. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ d 4 t eo4t

Fitch Hali, Jim-8 1 , BOWI.Y'S W - ARF,

HAS FOR SALE, Boston N o 1, Beet', Cod Fish , in boxes . Young i l son T e a , Wha le Oil , Lisbon Len .mons , R ice in w h i l e and half t i e r ce s , and a few

boxes of l e a China Oc tober 13. d4 l eo4t

11 o l L R Y b f O R L \ , ' ' No. 1.6, Market-Street.

W A K I N G tS" L O V E i ' T Have receivea by late arrival, from London and

Liverpool, via Isev-York, a gi nerai ana sec.sonaoh assor trneiit of

H O S I E R Y G L o V e . . - , i c . viz. Men ' s , W o m e n ' s i . ChnUren 's black, whi t e

and colored V- oisteii Hose Mi n's lan.b 's wool and milled Hose & Half

H s^ Men's and W o m e n ' s whi te and black Silk

Hose , am. plain D o . do. alio Chi ldren ' s fine wh i t e Cotton

l iose D o do. do raw Silk do . Men's and Women ' s Fleecy Wais tcoa t s ,

DraW' r», Hose , Grotves an.: Socks VV men ' s exu 'a lo^.g Sdk Sleeves and M i t t s lir do. do and SI.OI-L best whi te and co-

loused K d Gloves, Mena l J r a w a l 'an Gloves Do. uo. do Beaver do. Do. F . w n i o. o packages » : ite Cotton Hose , en t i t l ed to

debenUne , w m c u will be Sold low a t a short ciecut .

Also, ^ e w - Y o r k and Phi ladelphia P a t e n t Sua-

penders . , j ' ; \ ew York, N e w - J j r sey , N e w a r k , Albany arid Troy j iank . \ o U s i n p a y m e n t lor Goods , or d u c o u n t e u at a modera te p remium.

Oc t . id. eo4t

Wales and Clopper Haie on hand, for •>'<.,e,

20 pjpes ' . o ideaox anu Cognac Brandy 20 pip . VVci.ip v.. in

2 cases Lu t igee ; Siseersoy and Bandano WanukercUiefs

4 bales Karradury and Soer sucke r s 2 b^res Manioony

( '/ ifie above entitled to debenture J i 0 bags Calcui ta VV uue ^uga l i'i h.iiail mix • Playing C a r d s , assor ted Jt> boxes Cotton

150 o:.rre;s -No i anu . Beof iOJooxe . ' mould an spermace t i Caudles

30 casks L.i seed Od, ot super ior quali ty 5 tuns assor ted Cordage

Hyson and l iyson Skin T e a Bar and Shee t L e a d , and square I ron.

Oej- l b . eo8tf.

Gerard Tcepken o t.o. Offer for sale ut their H'arehouse, No. 65, Bow-

iy't wharf, Brown Rol ls , Hessi .u .s , ' l ' icklenburgs, Os-

na i i i r g s , Bur laps . Holland and Russia Can v : s , for hea r ) and light sails, T w o and ' l l i r ee Bushel Bags , hue Green W e s t lnuia Cofiee in li-i- s, fine Brabaiid L a c e s , &c.

Octobei 10. eo lCt

William Ashman, No. 'J29, Market-street,

W i s h e s to inform his old cus tomers and t h e public, tha t he continues to keep a genera l assor tment of S H O t - S . at t h e mos t r e d u c e d prices by wholesale and re ta i l .

TO RUN J, For one or more years,

A good Stand for at.y kind of bus iness , nex t door to the above. Apply to

VV. A S H M A N . Oalober 7 eolOt

William Cochran 3c Brothers Ha*ve imported by the several arrivals from

London and Liverpool, their^uaual supply of

Fall Goods, Consisting if

Superfine, second and low priced C lo ths , Double Milled Drabs and Cass imeres , B lue , wh i t e , d rab and mixed Pla ins , Plain and Napped Coat ings , Ker sey ' s and Hal f Th i cks , Flannels and Booking Baizes , M a n c i e s t r y , Hosier) and Sniffs, Coarse Huts , assorted in sunall cases , Florent ines , Collar and Bonnet Velve t s , Sewing STlks, Gloves, Buliul is , &.C.

O ctober 2 . eo !2 t

Havanna Sugars. J u s t received and will be landed immed ia t e ,

ly, from an board the br ig Ris ing Sun, 150 boxes whi te > Havanna S U G w R S , of 100 do. brown 5 8"°' ^ quality. W n i c h are offered for sale. For t e r m s , ap-

ply to • I S A A C T Y S O N . Oc tober 16. d j . - eoM

Wine, &.C, 6 pipes L P . Made i ra W i n e , old and fit for

immedia te use , 2 hhds . ( 3 a d o a e n 1 Castor Oil ,

16 hhds . Poloinak Tobacco , 100 bbls sui.erfiittiaiiii fine Flour,

J u s t received and for, sa le by J A M E s B i ' . U N D I G E ,

9 5 , B o d y ' s wharf Oc t . IS, . d 3 t e o J t

lOSditto wihte Wi i e de Grave, i. h e W e s t -lOOiXitto Cordials , well assort [ inoia maf -

BaltirhoreafidReistef's-Town Turnpike Road Office.

T H E Pres ident and Manage r s requi re t h e payment of the thi rd ins ta lment of five do l la rs on eat.h share of tha t pa r t of t h e original s t ' - ck , which was taken on t h e 8th o January l a s t , to be inkde at the bank of Ba l t imore , the f irs t day of D e c e m b e r next.

By order , J O H N F H A R R I S . S e c ' y .

October 19. e o t l s t b

• Cordial fXistUkxy, N o . 17. S E C O W D - S T H E E T , B A L T I M O R E .

J O S E P H F K E L F T ReRpi-ctf illy Informs Tils friends and t h e

public in general that h e keeps constantly on hand a general assor tment of C O R D I A L S , of all kinds, which he will dispose of, w h o l e ­sale or aetSil, on the most m o d e r a t e t e r m s . Conn'.i'v merchan ts and e t h e r s who may fi vor him with the i r eumstohV, will e v e r y reason to be satisfied wi th his p rompt a t t en t i ­on, and with the qual i t ies a n d p r i ces of h i s L iquors .

ON HANI), A quanti ty of B O k D K >,UX W I N E , i n

casks , from five to ten Jnlh -s a cask. HE HAS ALSO FOR SALE,

30 cases first quality M e d o c , of the vea i ' 18' I .

Ii 0 dit to Red W i n e , - j Suitable for e. t lie ' "

fed. J kc t . Co: dial in bar re ls , suitable for retailei-3, 3 pipes L P. Made i r a VVrine, received b y

the Wolf from Charleston*; • Sep tember 1G\ ? a w

"James Ninde, \Vateh-Maker, No. 70, Market street,

Having received by the Fair American f rom London, an additional importat ion. Is enab led to offer ver itmfor cash, Horizontal, Seconds , and Plain G. I l a n d SilveT W A T C H E S , t o ge the r with an e legant ass- rtment ot fashion abh- Uohl Seals , K e j s , Chains and J e w e l r y . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'aw 1 '<

" " b l l k R l F F A L T Y . Beale Spurrier,

W i t h some assurance of sunpor t , offi-j-g himself as < candidate for the office of Sheriff •it the newt election : h e const ives h imse l f competent ' to the dut ies of the oflh e , and r e -sycctfullysnliofts the pa t ronage of t h e vo te r s of liaitimore county and cilv. Should t h e su'lVa'. r s of his fellow-citivens place Mil) i a office, he will keep in grateful r e m e m b r a n c e the source from whence lie obtained it : a n d al though he has not p ledges to offer that l i s official conduct shall i,ive universal sa t is fac­tion, is yet wiling" to s i i , that his d i sc re t ion­ary powers shall b,'- e se rc i sed with m o d e r a t i ­on, a1 d that he never w'rtl be t h e i n s t r u m e n t by which a sacrifice* o f feeling or p r o p e r t y shall be made to g r - t i l y t h e caprice of any i n ­dividual S e p t e m b e r 23. TfoF2m

Nonce is hereby Given, Tha t the subscriber : n tem!s applying to t h e

j u d g e s of Washington county cour t , at t h e Oct iber t e rm , for the henefit of the insolvent laws, passed in 1805 and ' 8 ' 6

This is a c i rcumstance which the subsc r ib ­e r much egre t s bu t after f.avuig used e v e . ry exert ion in his p o w e r to avoid i t , lie h a s not been able to si c r e e d . A l though he l a s me t wi th many losses, yet his p roper ly at a fa i r valuation, would still be nearly equa l to h i s d e b s , but as his c red i tors have refused t o take property in that way, he mus t s u b m i t — be mus t saciifire the fruits ot 10 years i n ­dus t ry—and he still hopes it will b e in h i s power some day, to set t le every claim, frvp lie shall a lwa i s cons ider himself bound i a honor, to pay every cent, if ever in bis p o w e r ,


Washington Count" , Mi! A u g . '.'S- ' s w 3 m

INoiite is hereby Given, "•"hat the snbscri1 r r in tends applying to t h e

j u d g e s of Washington county cour t , t t t h e next October It, m, for the benefit of the in­solvent laws passed in ;8C5, and 1806, to r e ­lieve him trom debts for wh ch he is l i ab le , and which he is splable t o nuv.

>' J O H N ' K E N N E D Y . Wash ing ton county, Sep t 9, 18C7. 3 a w 2 m | |

Notice is hereby Gi' en, Tha t I intend two months after the da te h e r e -

of to petition Baltimore county cour t , or o n e of the j u d g e s thereof for the benefit of t h o insolvent . laws of t h e s t a t e , to rel ieve m e from, dents which I am unable to pay

J \ M E S R I C H A R D S O N . October 5, 1807. e«2m

Notice. T h e Subscriber is u n d e r t b e painful n e c e s ­

sity of'notifiing his c redi tors , of his in tent ion toasply to Balt imore County Cour t , o r in i t s recess , to one o f t b e j i t d g e s thereof, f j r the b e ­nefit of the insolvnntl jw or this s tate.

N I C H A E L M A C K E Y . Oct 5 eo2in

Notice to ail rny Creditors. From the many losses sustained as security ' ,

I am r e d u . e d to t h e necessity of applying t o the honorable I he j u d g e s of Bal t imnre county court , lor the In m hi of t h e insolvent laws o f

8uo and 18(6. V.'hirh application will r>a made in two months from the dale ! u ; i > f j or as soon thereaf ter as the cour t shall be i n session.

» J O H N W ' L M O T . B* l imore county, October 2, 18 t )6—eo2m

Notice' is hereby Given, T h a t tne subscriber intends fepplyiFg to BaL.

tiniore county court, at i t s next s i t t ings , or i n its recess, to one of the j u d g e s thereof, fo r t h e benefit of the. insolvent laws of M a n I a n d

M A T T H I A S R I C H . Sept. 18. '1807. _ i 1 ~ l i + _

iNoLce. T h e subscriber is compel led to nntify h i *

creditors of his in ten ' ion to apply t o Bal t i ­more county court , at i ts nest session, or i n its recess , to one of the j u d g e s t'lereof, ro r tlie benefit of the insolvent L a w s of t i n s state. J A M E S W E S T .

Sept 22. d 2 m

JNotice is hereby given, to ail my credi tors , that I am under t h e painful n e ­cessity of apply ing to the j u d g e s of Balt irrove countt court , or to son e one of tf>( m, for t l ip benefit of the act of assembly passed at N o ­v e m b e r session 1805, ent i t led an act for t h e r lie! of sundry insolvent debtors , as also of of the supplement t h e r e t o , passed at the l a s t session.

A B R A H A M F U L L E R Sept. 7. d i m


Opposite the Pat Oftire, i-i. Paul''t-Lane. B A L T 1 M O R R .