nature-eco themed creative writing prompts. september 2019....nature-eco themed creative writing...

Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019. 1. Save Japan’s Dolphin Day Your a young dolphin swimming to your school, when you see a huge net looming ahead. You narrowly manage to avoid being tangled up within the fishing net. You speedily swim off. You stop for a rest to get some air, but realize your lost! Describe how you find your way home to your dolphin family. 2. World Animal Remembrance Month Write a blog post/diary entry from the perspective of a war pigeon who’s just survived its latest messenger mission over enemy lines. It’s message saved the lives of hundreds of troops! 3. Another Look Unlimited Day! A member of your family likes to hoard plastic straws. They are not convinced about the potential straws have to damage the environment and hurt wildlife.Write a short story (perhaps think of aesop’s short tales that had a moral ending) that will convince her/him to responsibly dispose of their straws, or to repurpose them into something useful. And to stop hoarding the straws! 4.Wildlife Da y Your an intrepid wildlife explorer, documenting your animal adventures with the world. You come across a clearing amongst the thicket of the rainforest. Animals of all sizes are sat in a circle having a council! Somehow you can understand what they are saying, and you listen sadly to all their woes and tales of extinction. Their voices lull you to sleep, and when you wake up everything is quiet, except for the sound of crickets.Slowly you realize what you have to do to make humans understand that animals are an essential part of the web of life! You spring up and start documenting your discoveries. What do you communicate with the world? 5. Save the Koala Month Write a poem about why the Koala bear needs to be saved.

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Page 1: Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019....Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019. 1. S ave Japan’s Dolphin Day Your a young dolphin swimming

Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019.

1.Save Japan’s Dolphin Day Your a young 


swimming to 

your school, 

when you see 

a huge net 


ahead. You 


manage to 

avoid being 

tangled up 

within the 

fishing net. 

You speedily 

swim off. You 

stop for a 

rest to get 

some air, but 

realize your 

lost! Describe 

how you find 

your way 

home to your 



2. World Animal Remembrance Month Write a blog post/diary entry from the perspective of a war pigeon who’s just survived its latest messenger mission over enemy lines. It’s message saved the lives of hundreds of troops!

3.Another Look Unlimited Day! A member of your family likes to hoard plastic straws. They are not convinced about the potential straws have to damage the environment and hurt wildlife.Write a short story (perhaps think of aesop’s short tales that had a moral ending) that will convince her/him to responsibly dispose of their straws, or to repurpose them into something useful. And to stop hoarding the straws!

4.Wildlife Day Your an intrepid wildlife explorer, documenting your animal adventures with the world. You come across a clearing amongst the thicket of the rainforest. Animals of all sizes are sat in a circle having a council! Somehow you can understand what they are saying, and you listen sadly to all their woes and tales of extinction. Their voices lull you to sleep, and when you wake up everything is quiet, except for the sound of crickets.Slowly you realize what you have to do to make humans understand that animals are an essential part of the web of life! You spring up and start documenting your discoveries. What do you communicate with the world?

5.Save the Koala Month Write a poem about why the Koala bear needs to be saved.

Page 2: Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019....Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019. 1. S ave Japan’s Dolphin Day Your a young dolphin swimming

6.Barbie Doll Day! Your a toy designer and you’ve come up with an eco-warrior Barbie/Ken doll! Describe what eco-friendly material she/he’s made with and what eco-adventures the doll goes on.

7. International Vulture Awareness Day. You find an injured vulture near your home. Your community hates vultures and your family would forbid you to take care of it. But the vulture seems tame and you make friends. What happens next?

8.International Literacy Day. You start a new job teaching cats to read. It’s your first day and your terrified but excited! What happens next?

9.Teddy Bear Day You rescued a tame,dancing bear from a traveling circus.You’ve been hiding it in your bedroom cupboard for a few days, but your parents are beginning to be suspicious of the growling and scratching noises. What do you do?

10. You think up a machine that could be used to put out the Amazon rainforest fires efficiently and quickly. Describe your device and how it would work?Be creative and imaginative rather than thinking your design isn’t realistic!

11.Remember Freedom Day (US) Your a young chimpanzee living in a city zoo. You day-dream each day about your previous life free in the congo rainforest, before your home was deforested. Describe your day dreams of freedom.

12. Video Games Day (US) You wake up and astonishingly everything around you is pixelated! You realize your in your favourite game 'Eco-Warriors Go! You now have the chance to compete all the eco missions, and levels that were too difficult using just a games

13. Roald Dahl Day You’ve probably heard/ read/watched the film of Dahl’s story ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. Write a newspaper report entitled ‘Fantastic Mr Bumble-Rat saved his village from a Tsunami!’ What did fantastic Bumble-Rat


14.World First Aid Day Your a wildlife doctor based in Africa and specialise in minibeasts. One day someone brings in a bug, that needs first aid, which you have never seen before! As you put one of its legs in a splint, you think to yourself that this discovery will change the world. Life on

15. Greenpeace Day Your an alien from a nearby galaxy, and news of earth’s nuclear weapons testing, has reached your planet’s news. You decide to take it upon yourself to go to earth and stop nuclear testing, before it's too late! Write up your mission and what you will do on earth.

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controller!. What do you do first?

earth will be changed forever! Describe this extra special minibeast!

16. International Day For The Preservation Of The Ozone Layer Your a little ball of gas that lives way up in the atmosphere. You and your gassy friends make up the ozone layer; the gas layer that protects earth from harmful sun rays. Your favourite pastime is to look down on the earth and wonder. Describe what you see and wonder?

17. Compose an acrostic poem using the word ‘POLLUTION’

18. World Water Monitoring Day Your a microscopic amoeba floating around a river when you come across a bright green substance, there’s a large tin-can nearby, lying on its side, with a skull and crossbone painted on!Suddenly you feel yourself growing huge!You have legs and can breath out of the water! What happens next?

19.Talk like a Pirate Day. Surprisingly you meet a scruffy looking parrot perched on a wall. It has a patch over one eye! It starts talking to you in an odd fashion ‘’Avast ye! Batten down the Hatches!’’ Intrigued you ask the parrot what it means, and you settle down for a pirate talking lesson. Describe your lesson with the parrot!

20. Think up a riddle with a ‘turkey’ or ‘horse’ as the answer!

Page 4: Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019....Nature-Eco Themed Creative Writing Prompts. September 2019. 1. S ave Japan’s Dolphin Day Your a young dolphin swimming

21. UN International Day of peace The trees around the world have had enough of deforestation, logging and burning of the rainforest! They don’t want the destruction of trees to continue. Neither do they want to start a war. The head tree, the wise Oak comes up with a peace-treaty. Describe the Oak trees peace terms.

22. World Rhino Day When Marco Polo (1254-1324) the adventurer and writer, first saw a Rhino he thought it was the legendary unicorn! Write a paragraph that could be added to Polo’s book, describing the unicorn-rhino.

23. Recycle week (UK) Your favorite teddy accidently got tossed into the recycling truck! Describe your teddy's adventures and what it discovers at the recycling centre!

24. National Bluebird of Happiness Day (US) Today your brimming with happiness and joy! You’ve been waiting for this moment for so long! It's going to be so awesome with the bluebirds and…. Describe the rest!

25. Create a ‘shape’ poem with a wind turbine as the topic.

26. Johnny Appleseed Day (US) Your a crisp, granny smith apple hanging out on your parents tree. Suddenly a hand pops up and plucks you off the branch! What

27.Sea Otter Awareness Week You open up a sea otter cafe for the local marine wildlife. Whats on the menu for the sea otters, including their neighbouring species?

28. International Rabbit Day Your a white rabbit and you’ve just escaped from an animal testing facility.You hop along the roadside. A car slows down and someone gets

29. World Rivers Day Your on a homeschool field trip.Your whole family is canoeing down the river. Your canoe suddenly flips over, and your absolutely astonished to

30.Invent your own awareness day that celebrates an unusual animal, plant, or an environmental issue. Describe what people could do on that day

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happens next?

out. What happens next?

see the fish are doing….. what?! You flip back up right, in disbelief! What did you see?

to celebrate and raise awareness. Bonus points for being comedic!