natural treatment for fibroadenoma - had a fibroadenoma (fa) which was a bit larger...


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Page 1: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma



Page 2: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

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Page 3: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both


Hi there gorgeous. Amy here!

First of all, I want to welcome you into our loving Body in Balance com-

munity. Know that we are all here to support and help you live a

healthy, happy life.

A few years back I struggled with different kinds of breast lumps myself.

I know how scary they can be.

I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5

cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both breast

and painfully swollen breast glands.

Luckily, for the majority of women surgery can be avoided through some

simple dietary and lifestyle changes. Once I eliminated a few things from

my diet and increased my intake of fresh, whole foods the FA reduced in

size, my breast glands went back to their normal size, and the pain dis-


Through this book, I want to help you achieve the same. It is possible,

however, know that it will take some time. It took about two weeks to

get rid of the swollen breast glands and intense pain that came with

that and then another few months to shrink the FA completely.

Ever since, I have been free from any breast lumps and bumps.

And what’s even better, not only was I able to shrink these lumps, I also

improved my high cholesterol level and heart rhythm disorder I inherit-

ed from my father’s side and lost a few pounds too. All thanks to a few

simple lifestyle and dietary changes.

Win-win. No more lumps and I have never felt as good as I feel today.

So let’s get started. Before we dive into the natural treatments, I first

want to explain briefly what FAs are and how they are diagnosed.

Furthermore, I want to talk about the conventional way of treatment

(surgery), as for some of you this will be inevitable if the FAs are causing

too many issues or when the doctor is not sure whether or not the lump

is a benign tumor.

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If, at any time, you have questions, need feedback or just want to have a

chat, don’t hesitate to contact me through the following email address:

[email protected]

Also, don’t forget to join my Facebook group or like Body in Balance on Facebook or Google+ to get more tips, tricks and recipes to live a happy lifestyle and make the best out of life.

Page 5: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

What are fibroadenomas?

Fibroadenomas (FA) are benign, solid breast tumors that most often occur

in adolescent girls and women under 30 years old. There is no known

cause for FAs, although there may be a link to genetic problems or repro-

ductive hormones and poor dietary habits.

An FA is composed of breast gland tissue. It is also made up of surround-

ing tissue that helps support the tissue of the breast gland.

FAs more often occur during a woman’s reproductive years. They can

grow bigger when a woman uses hormone therapy. They can also enlarge

during pregnancy, and they can shrink after menopause when hormone

levels decline.

They are considered among the typical breast lumps that occur in women.

Treatment could include monitoring to detect the FA’s feel or size, surgery

or lifestyle changes to eliminate it, or a biopsy to evaluate it.

FAs tend to occur more often at an earlier age in African-American women

than in Caucasian women.


Usually, FAs are single lumps. However, some women may have more

than one lump and they may affect both breasts. The lumps may be:




Easily be moved under the skin

A FA can feel like a marble in your breast as you press on it. They vary in

size from being imperceptible to be felt (detected by only ultrasound or

mammogram) to 3 inches (or 8 cm) or more in diameter.

Contact your doctor if you notice:

Breast bruising for no reason

Nipple discharge or nipple changes

A lump previously checked by the physician that has changed or grown

Any new lumps on the breast

Page 6: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

Tests and Exams

After a physical examination, one (or more) of the following tests are con-


Breast Ultrasound

If you are below the age of 30, the doctor may suggest a breast ultrasound

instead of a mammogram to evaluate the lump. Denser breast tissue in

young women makes mammograms harder to interpret. The ultrasound

can help the doctor find out whether the lump is filled with liquid or is

solid. A mass filled with fluid is more likely a cyst, while a solid mass is

likely an FA.


This exam utilizes X-rays to produce a mammogram (image) in your

breast tissue’s suspicious areas. On a mammogram, an FA normally ap-

pears as a breast mass with round, smooth edges, and is different with

the surrounding breast tissue.

Breast Ultrasound Mammogram

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Tests and Exams


A biopsy may also be done for the diagnosis to be more definite. A biopsy

is a tissue sample taken from the body to examine the tissue more close-

ly. The various types of biopsies include: open surgical, stereotactic, and

ultrasound-guided biopsy.

With open surgical biopsy as the least preferred as it involves removing

the FA and invasive surgery. Until recently, most FAs were removed using

this biopsy method.

Open surgical removal of FAs may include the removal of nearby breast

tissue which can cause scarring and breast disfigurement. This process

also requires stitches and an incision 1 to 2 inches long.

Luckily, techniques have improved over the years, and less invasive tech-

niques such as a stereotactic or ultrasound-guided biopsy are available

now (see pics below).

Ultrasound-guided biopsy Stereotactic biopsy

Younger women from their teens to the early 20s may not have to under-

go a biopsy if the lump disappears on its own or if it does not change for

an extended period of time.

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Conventional Treatments

Surgical Removal

Let us first take a look at the conventional treatments and what the op-

tions are. If the biopsy indicates a fibroadenoma, the lump may be re-

moved or left in place.

However, before you decide to undergo any of these invasive techniques or

surgery, you should consider simple dietary and lifestyle changes first un-

less you experience severe discomforts of course.

You and your doctor can discuss action on what to do with your lump –

whether or not to get rid of it. Some reasons to have the lump removed

through surgery are:

Severe pain or other symptoms

Abnormal biopsy results

Concern or worry about cancer

If the lump is not taken out, the doctor will monitor it to see if it grows or

changes. This can be done through ultrasound, physical examination, or


Other Methods

There are also instances wherein the lump is destroyed without surgically

removing it. It can be done through:

Radiofrequency ablation

The process utilizes high-frequency energy to destroy the lump. The doc-

tor uses an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or ultrasound to help tar-

get the energy beam on the lump. The radio waves heat up the lump and

obliterate it without affecting surrounding tissues.


The process utilizes freezing to destroy the lump. A probe is introduced

into the skin, and ultrasound helps the doctor guide the probe to the

lump. Gas is then utilized to freeze and eradicate the lump.

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Conventional Treatments

However, know that surgery or the techniques mentioned above come

with some risks too. They can deform your breast or leave scars.

So before you decide to do any of these, give natural treatments a chance.

Almost all women I know or have spoken to that had FAs (or other non-

cancerous lumps and bumps) were able to heal them self through healthy

food and regular exercise.

Also, these FAs came for a reason. Many women who have them removed

through surgery see them coming back a few months or years later. Why?

Because you didn’t cure the root cause or the underlying reason why the

FA developed in the first place.

That’s why many other women that went the natural route, myself includ-

ed, will tell you to have patience and opt out of surgery or other invasive

techniques if you can.

Changing dietary and lifestyle habits will not only help you get rid of FAs,

but they will also boost overall health and happiness.

“We are what we eat!”

Not sure what to cook or how to cook healthy meals to improve your

health and happiness? Join YourHealhy.Menu for weekly, personal-

ized meal plans; shopping lists; personal support; shop promotions; and

much more.

Page 10: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

The Natural Way Most women, myself included, were able to eliminate FAs through taking

a few dietary and lifestyle change into account.

These natural ways don’t involve invasive therapies or damaging surgery,

and the great news is you can start to heal your body from the inside out

from today.

However, don’t expect significant results from tomorrow. Your body will

need some time to heal itself. The healing process can take anywhere

from a few weeks to a few months.

4 Things to Stop Doing Immediately

While conventional treatments are useful, it’s also a good idea to engage

in a bit of home therapy for your FA. While there are no definite causes

for FAs, it is always a good advice to watch what you eat.

Additionally, as FAs are a common occurrence among women around the

world, there are numerous FA home remedies available to help manage

the condition.

Your diet is of particular importance. Your diet plan for FA will play a vital

role in the development and natural treatment of FAs. Thus, if you want

to improve the condition, it is time to change your diet.

Let’s start with the don'ts. The following are four things that you should

immediately stop doing if you have FAs.

1. Stop Eating Refined Sugar

Simply put, refined sugar is pro-inflammatory and mucus-forming. It also

contributes to lymphatic congestion. Tumors also love sugar, which has-

tens cell division. If FAs are a precursor to cancerous tumors, whether in

the breast or any other part of the body, it is time to stop eating sugar.

Refined sugar is not only limited to the sweet white crystals that flavor

your drink. You should also stop eating simple carbohydrates, which are

also sugar. Such food examples include white rice, pasta, and flour.

Try spiralized veggies instead. They can be eaten raw or cooked and are

actually so much tastier. Click here for more info.

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The Natural Way Plus, say goodbye to those sugar-rich chocolate or candy bars. When

you’ve stopped eating refined sugar products, your body will thank you

for it.

Checkout the snack recipe section on the blog for some healthy snack-

ing inspiration. The no-bake hazelnut bounty bars are one of my favor-


2. Reduce Meat Intake

You should radically reduce (or stop) your intake of meat (especially red

meat), which can lead to the development of FAs or even cancer.

However, meat is a major source of certain nutrients, including vitamin

B12, zinc, iron, and protein. A lot of breast cancer survivors are con-

cerned that consuming red meat may increase breast cancer recurrence


There is evidence that individuals who consume more processed and red

meat may have an increased cancer risk, especially that of colorectal can-


Evidence also suggests that an increased intake of processed meats (such

as bacon, ham, and sausages) and red meat may modestly raise the risk

of death from heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

Based on the evidence, breast cancer suffers or survivors and women

having FAs must strive hard to reduce meat consumption to 2-3 servings

a week to help lessen cancer risk or minimize the size of the FA. Excellent

meat substitutes include seafood, fish, nuts, seeds, lentils, chickpeas and

dried beans.

Oh and if you buy meat, make sure it comes from reliable organic sources

to avoid hormones and antibiotic residues or other nasty chemicals such

as preservatives to end up in your body. Some of them can mess up your

hormone balance and cause or worsen FAs or even induce the develop-

ment of cancer.

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The Natural Way

3. Stop the Production of Excess Estrogen

One way to deal with FAs is to do a liver detox program to get rid of ex-

cess estrogen/androgens. Why estrogen? How is the hormone linked to

FAs? The short answer is that excessive estrogen in the body is known to

cause pain and lumpiness in the breast.

Click here to access a 10-day whole food liver detox program that

won’t leave you hungry or deprive you from the nutrients your body


One of the culprits in the production of excess estrogen is soy, especially

unfermented soy products. What about Asians who consume soy? Why do

most of them project a picture of health?

The thing is, Asians actually do not consider soy as their primary protein

source. They only use moderate amounts as condiments (soy sauce). Plus,

Asian soy products are fermented.

Believe me. The picture we have of Asians eating plenty of soy and being

super healthy is quite different from the truth. I have been living in SE-

Asia for the past two years, so you can take it from me that soy is abso-

lutely not healthy and should only be used in its fermented form and in


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The Natural Way

Soy was one of the culprits for my breast lumps and bumps. When I elim-

inated all soy products, fermented and unfermented (with the only excep-

tion: an occasional teaspoon of soy sauce in stir-fries or dressing), my

condition improved significantly.

After just two weeks all my breast glands went back to normal and no

more pain coming from the swollen glands and FA.

Here are a few of estrogen-encouraging soy’s hidden dangers:

Most of the soy grown in the United States is genetically modi-

fied (GMO). Soy is genetically modified to make the plant resistant to

Roundup, a harmful pesticide. GM soy has been linked to increased

fertility, birth defects, breast cancer, and allergies.

Unfermented soy has natural toxins. Some of these toxins include

goitrogens, saponins, oxalates, hemagglutinin, protease, phytates,

and estrogens, among many others. When eaten in larger amounts,

the natural toxins in soy may be dangerous and can be the onset of

various allergies and diseases.

Soy promotes infertility, hormonal imbalances, and breast can-

cer. Phytoestrogen blocks and mimics the body’s natural estrogen,

thus, disrupting the body’s hormonal balance. In women, a high in-

take of phytoestrogens and subsequent estrogen dominance is linked

to FAs, cancer, menstrual issues, and infertility.

Another food group to watch out for is dairy, which also promotes the

production of estrogen. Moreover, dairy products contribute to lymphatic

congestion, and they are also mucus-forming/inflammatory foods.

To curb the production of more estrogen, you need to do two things:

Reduce soy and dairy intake. Soy also presents some benefits and it

is safe in its properly-fermented, GMO-free, and organic state. Use

soy in moderation. It’s alright to integrate traditionally made soy

sauce, natto, miso, and tempeh as they are fermented. Avoid unfer-

mented soy products like soymilk, tofu, soy meat, soy sprouts or

beans, soy cheese, soy infant formula, and edamame.

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The Natural Way

As for dairy, try to substitute animal milk/yogurt/cheese with

nut milk/yogurt/cheese instead (almond, hazelnut, coconut, cash-

ew milk). You can use coconut milk creamer in place of dairy cream-

er. If you crave for butter, try using vegan butter instead.

FYI: Click here to learn how to make your own nut milk, or here to make

your own nut butter. It is super easy. You’ll see. And the best part , you

are in control of what goes in it. So NO preservatives, colorants, refined

sugar or other not-so-healthy ingredients.

And why not try and make your own cultured dairy-free coconut yo-

gurt? Studies have shown that breast tissues is not sterile. It contains a

host of friendly and not so friendly bacteria.

Research has shown that women with breast cancer had high levels of

Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis, while health-promoting

Lactobacillus and Streptococcus were found in higher numbers in healthy

breast tissues than in cancerous samples.

Scientists in Spain found that probiotic lactobacilli, found in yogurt and

other fermented products ingested by women could reach the mammary

gland to protect women from breast lumps and cancer.

For ice cream lovers, coconut milk ice cream or frozen fruit ice creams are

an excellent and healthy substitute.

Click here for some healthy, dairy-free ice cream inspiration.

Stop using birth control pills. There is a link between FA develop-

ment and contraceptive pill use. Women who start using birth control

pills before they reach the age of 20 have a greater risk of developing


FYI: the copper coil is a safe and hormone-free alternative to birth control

pills. I have been using this for years and no issues whatsoever. You can

ask your physician or gynecologist for more info.

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The Natural Way

4. Stop or Reduce Caffeine Intake

While there is no known cause for FAs or breast cysts, there is anecdotal

evidence that suggests coffee (or caffeine in general) consumption may

cause FAs.

According to Sandhiya Pruthi, M.D., a Mayo Clinic internist, there seems

to be no clear-cut connection between caffeine (coffee) and breast cysts. In

large doses, however, coffee’s caffeine content may influence indirectly re-

productive hormones, which may affect fibroadenomas’ development.

Moreover, some women report relief from breast changes when caffeine

intake is reduced.

Pruthi adds that if you drink several cups of coffee a day and suffer from

unbearable breast changes, you might want to consider drinking caffeine-

free alternatives.

To answer the caffeine and FA link, it may be best if you reduce or stop

your intake of coffee, tea, or chocolate. Yes, even green tea has some caf-

feine content.

Reducing coffee intake was another big step for me in the process to im-

prove my condition. I reduced my coffee intake to 1 cup a day and when-

ever I feel I need a pick-me-up during the day I opt for a coffee alternative

such as hazelnut chai lattes (my fav) or matcha tea.

While green still contains some caffeine too, it is in much lower quanti-

ties. Plus green tea, especially matcha tea, adds tons of beneficial antiox-

idants and other beneficial plant nutrients to help your body heal itself

from the inside out.

However, at the beginning of your healing process, you might want to go

easy on them too. When the FAs reduce in size, you can gradually start to

add green tea to your diet again and see what happens.

For me, green tea didn’t seem to have an influence at all. However, exces-

sive coffee consumption did.

Click here for 5 coffee alternatives you’ll love!

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The Natural Way

2 Things to Start Doing Immediately

There are many things you can do to control your FAs (or shrink them).

One of them is keeping a healthy lifestyle. This can be done by starting

and maintaining an exercise program.

A moderate daily exercise regimen may promote hormonal balance and

weight loss, stabilizing your overall well-being feeling and your mood, as


For me, a daily 30-minute yoga session at home has had a tremendous

effect on my physical and mental health.

A healthy diet is also crucial and you should do the following right away.

1. Start Drinking Green Juices and Smoothies

Let’s face it; vegetables are the best food to eat when you want to achieve

optimum health. Vegetables are also loaded with antioxidants, which fight

the free radicals that may lead to cancerous cell growth later on.

Unfortunately, not every woman loves to eat her vegetables, and if you

want to keep FAs or even cancer at bay, vegetables should be on your to-

eat list.

Alternatively, you can blend your vegetables into juices and smoothies.

This way, you can tolerate your vegetables. Why green juices and smooth-

ies? Their green color alone makes you feel healthy. When you drink the

green stuff, you get a lot of benefits.

Download my FREE green smoothie eBook packed with tips,

tricks and recipes here.

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The Natural Way Chlorophyll in wheatgrass and spirulina

One of the therapies that may help to control FAs is chlorophyll intake, of

which wheatgrass and spirulina are an excellent source. Chlorophyll is a

kind of chemo-protein that is usually known to contribute to the plants’

green pigmentation.

Chlorophyll can be obtained from wheatgrass, green leafy vegetables

(Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, and cabbage), algae

(spirulina and chlorella), and various herbs (damiana, alfalfa, parsley, and


Chlorophyll’s benefits in benign breast disease (including FA) may be

linked to its ability to change liver enzyme pathways involved in the me-

tabolism of estrogen. A product with chlorophyll may be beneficial for be-

nign breast disease, but more studies are needed. Chlorophyll is generally

safe and does not lead to any toxicities or side effects.

Aside from its abundance of chlorophyll, wheatgrass is a natural source

of minerals and vitamins, including:





Vitamins A, E, C, K, and B6

Wheatgrass and spirulina are available in powders to add to your daily

green juices or smoothies, or you can opt for capsules/tablets too.

FYI: make sure to buy spirulina and wheatgrass from a reliable source.

Many cheaper variations are grown in dodgy waters or chemically treated

in China , India or Mongolia. These should be avoided at all cost.

Buy wheatgrass powder here.

Buy wheatgrass tablets here.

Buy spirulina powder here.

Buy spirulina capsules here.

Page 18: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

The Natural Way

2. Start Eating a Whole Food, Organic Diet

Following an organic, whole food diet is one of the leading natural thera-

pies for FAs. The diet should have the right amount of minerals, vitamins,

and nutrients. There may be conventional medical ways to deal with fi-

broadenomas, but lifestyle changes are necessary.

The consumption of fiber is essential in fibroadenoma management. Use

of natural sources of fiber (including fruits and whole grains) is vital to

eliminate excess estrogen, which can be responsible for FAs or other

breast cysts.

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, turnips, and Brussels

sprouts, contain indol-3-carbinol (a compound) that can reduce es-

trogen’s ability to attach to mammary tissue.

Strive to eat at least 2-3 servings of cruciferous vegetables each week. If

possible, eat them daily. You can also have extracts from broccoli or other

kinds of cruciferous veggies.

Again, green juices or smoothies are an excellent way to incorporate cru-

ciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, etc.) into your diet.

A diet low in animal fats and rich in organic whole foods may help you

fight FAs and other breast cysts for good.

Not sure what to cook or how to cook healthy meals to improve your

health and happiness? Join YourHealhy.Menu for weekly, personal-

ized meal plans; shopping lists; personal support; shop promotions; and

much more.

Page 19: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

The Natural Way

While eating no processed foods and eating a lot of fresh vegetables and

fruits are important, there are also other ways of going the healthy way.

Some of them are:


Make sure you are getting a lot of organic and fresh whole foods in your

everyday diet. Whole foods support the human body’s innate ability to

balance itself, and they also provide vital nutrients needed for your body

to thrive.

In your diet, try to include abundant and brightly colored fruits and vege-

tables, meats free from hormones, and healthy fats including coconut oil,

cold-pressed olive oil, and fish oil from deep, unpolluted seas. Avoid or

limit refined foods like white flour or sugar, as such foods deplete your

body of vital nutrients.

Eat Free Range or Organic

As mentioned earlier, you need to eliminate or reduce your intake of meat

(especially red) and dairy. If that’s not possible and you have to eat them

sparingly, go for the organic kind. Whenever you can, consume organic

eggs, vegetables, and fruits.

If you are unable to get the organic vegetables, wash them thoroughly to

remove all traces of pesticide. Use a high-quality vegetable-and-fruit

wash. Click here for instruction on how to remove pesticides.

Garden Organically

It’s also a good idea to grow your own vegetables, so you are certain that

there aren’t any pesticides in them. Learn to plant, cultivate, and grow

them to avoid all fungicide, herbicides, and pesticides.

No garden? That shouldn’t stop you to grow your own food. You can still

use your balcony or windowsill to produce your own fresh, chemical-free

herbs and veggies. Be creative with the space you have!

Click here for more info.

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The Natural Way

Other remedies you might want to consider

Vitamin E supplements

Some women report significant improvement in their pain and tenderness

when taking vitamin E supplements, while others don’t show any signif-

icant effect at all. Instead of going for supplements you could up your vit-

amin E intake through the food you eat.

Foods with high levels of vitamin E include: leafy greens, broccoli, toma-

toes, basil, red bell peppers, asparagus, butternut squash, kiwis, man-

goes, nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil.

Evening primrose oil softgels

Evening primrose oil softgels have shown some great results in alleviat-

ing pain and tenderness. The recommended dose is 2 softgels a day for 3

to 6 months. It relieves the discomforts of PMS, menopause, menstrua-

tion, endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts

Iodine supplementation

Iodine deficiency may play a role in the development of breast cysts. With-

out iodine, the breast tissue becomes more sensitive to estrogens which

may cause FAs. Supplementation with Iodine may improve FAs.

Herbs that alleviate breast pain and swelling

These include dandelion leaves, uva ursi, cleavers, and yarrow.

Poke root oil or castor oil

Poke root oil or castor oil have been used for ages to reduce painful

breast lumps. Rub the oil in like a lotion.

Natural progesterone cream

Many breast cysts or benign tumors are linked to dominant or high estro-

gen levels and low progesterone levels. Many women have experienced

that the application of natural progesterone in a cream or gel routinely

solves painful lumps in the breasts.

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Women with FAs have a slightly heightened risk of developing breast can-

cer later in life. However, this is only on very rare occasions, so there is

actually nothing to worry about as long as you keep a close eye on them,

and eat a well balanced, clean, and healthy diet.

If the lump is regularly monitored and left in place, it may have to be re-

moved at a later time if the lump grows or changes in shape. In very rare

cases, the lump may be cancer, and will call for more treatment.

To help keep FAs in check so that it will not grow any further, dietary

changes are in order.

Thus, you should immediately stop doing four things: eating refined sug-

ar, eating meat (especially red), estrogen production, and caffeine intake.

Meanwhile, you should do two things: eat a whole food and organic diet

and drink green juices and smoothies.

You are what you eat. Thus, if you want to remain healthy and stabilize

the size of your FAs (or shrink them altogether), start making healthy die-

tary and lifestyle decisions and not solely rely on conventional medicine.

If you need some help

There is already a lot of information available in this booklet to get you

started. Think of the things to eliminate starting from today and the

things to add to your diet.

However, if you feel that you need a little bit more help and guidance than

I have some good news.

I created an online 10-day whole food detox program to detox your liver

and body from estrogens, and other compounds known to increase the

risk of FAs and other diseases.

Click here to access a 10-day whole food liver detox program that

won’t leave you hungry or deprive you of the nutrients your body


But wait There is more!!!!!!

Page 22: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both


YourHealthy.Menu for happy, healthy homes

To make things even better and easier, join my YourHealthy.Menu mem-

bership site for weekly, personalized meal plans; shopping lists; personal

support; shop promotions; and much more.

I’ll be only a few clicks away if you need feedback or additional support/


These meals and materials will help, not only you but the whole family

live a happy, healthy lifestyle and get the most out of life. They are easy to

make, super delicious, and highly nutritious. While meat and fish will (or

can) still be on the menu, these will be reduced to an absolutely mini-

mum. Reducing meat intake is not only important when you are fighting

FAs, it is important for everybody.

For more info about the importance of reducing meat intake, read: Eating

Less Meat: Its Importance and Benefits

Click here for more info about


Page 23: Natural Treatment for Fibroadenoma - EatLove.Live...I had a Fibroadenoma (FA) which was a bit larger than an inch (or 2.5 cm) and struggled with several calcifications throughout both

I’m here for you!

Good luck with all your healthy

lifestyle adventures!

For more info, questions or feedback, please

contact me through or find me at:


Email: [email protected]

Google+: Body in Balance


Meal planning: YourHealthy.Menu