native americans powerpoint

{ Native Americans Shafin, Jayden, Keith, and Byron

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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{Native Americans

Shafin, Jayden, Keith, and Byron

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Our group is about Native Americans. These include people who are currently living in Alaska and Hawaii.

They have been portrayed in positive and negatives ways which include them being seen as very positive by being intelligent and leaders, but they are also sometimes portrayed as being lazy alcoholics .


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Negatives:Alcoholics.Lazy.Live on reservations and benefits.Positives:Spiritual and wise.Animal lovers, tree huggers, sun worshippers.Storytellers

Some Archetypes of Native Americans

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In films such as the Northwest Passage, Native Americans are the villains, and attacking White settlers. But there are many Hollywood films that offer a more sympathetic picture. Most of the John Ford Westerns show respect and positivity toward American Indians, and they are the heroes of such major films as Broken Arrow and Dances With Wolves.

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Peter Pan is a classic children’s Disney movie that involves Native Americans. A major scene in Peter Pan involves the Lost Boys and Peter Pan celebrating at the Native Americans' camp after Peter rescues Tiger Lily, the daughter of the chief, from Captain Hook. While they are there they sing “What Makes the Red Man Red?”

In most films involving Native Americans, they wear clothes made from animal skins, carry spears, and enjoy fighting with most strangers who come into their land. The warriors fight with arrowhead knives.

In the classic movie Pocahontas the native American’s are portrayed as strong and primitive as they use their brut strength when fighting.

These kinds of representations give a negative view of native American's to the young kids and these ideologies of the director, become the ideologies of the children.

In Cartoons

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Typical featherheaddress

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In recent media there is a love/hate relationship between the America’s and the native American’s.

Although in the 1950s native Americans were represented as villains and hating white/American people.

During this period native Americans were also represented as blood-thirsty savages.

Hollywood tend to ignore the historical values of the native Americans and only portray the negative stereotypes.


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One of the most famous stereotypes about native Americans is that they are alcoholics and that they are lazy

On the other hand elderly native Americans are represented as very spiritual and wise, and you go to them for advice.

Another stereotype of native American's is that they perform black magic


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More Simpsons

Here she is portrayed as a witch and performing black magic, but she is also Portrayed as spiritual and wise

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