national tribune (washington, d.c.). (washington, dc) 1884...

THE GRAND ARMY, The Committee Decide to Press the Mexican Pension Bill. HEADQUARTERS BULLETIN. Sons or Veterans Grand Army UIuc Look. Toledo, O., Dec 20, 1SS-1- . Communications from several of the Grand Army Committees, concerning matters within their own particular province, have readied Headquarters the past week. The most im- portant of llicfc was the information from Gen. Geo. S. Jlcrrill, Chairman of tho Pension Com- mittee, to the effect that the Committee had decided to press petitions for the passage of the Mexican Pension Bill and its Amendments. This information was most gratifying to the Commander-in-Chie- f, who warmly approves this action upon the part of the Committee, deeming such legislation tho only practicable measure of relief now proposed before tho United States Congress. From Gen. Wagner, of Pennsylvania, Past Commander-in-Chie- f and Chairman of tho Committee on SOXS OF VETERANS, information conies that ho has addressed a Cir- cular Letter to members of the Committee and national officers, accompanied by copies of tho Rules and Regulations of the various Orders of Sons of Veterans, asking for suggestions .and recommendations bearing upon the adoption of such common form of work for this important young Order as shall be acceptable to tho vet- erans of the Grand Army, in whose name they are organized. Gen. Wagner heartily concurs in the recommendation of Commander-in-Chie- f Konntz that the work of the Committee bo conducted by correspondence, and that the final action "of the Committee bo postponed until the meeting of the Grand Encampment at Portland. This will be a great saving of expense to the Grand Army, and the work will be quite as satisfactorily and systematically done, under Gen. Wagner's comprehensive management. GRAND ARMY BLUE BOOK. Gen. R. B. Bealh, Past Commander-in-Chie- f, Las about completed the Grand Army Bine Rook, upon which he has been engaged some time, and it will be ready for issue about Jan. 1. This work applies to tho Rules and Regula- tions, the system of notes generally used in law books giving to each section or article of the Regulations, in a series of foot-note- s, all decisions or opinions issued thereon from 2a-tiou- al Headquarters. By this system the reader of the Regulations will see at a glance whether any decision has been given on the point before him, and ir so, it will be found in full immediately following. In addition to the law points, Comrade Beath Las added explanations or suggestions, and cites the action of the National Encampment on a number of disputed points. The preface gives a brief sketch of the forma- tion of the G.A.R., ascribing to Dr. B. F. Ste- phenson the honor of being the founder of the organization. Experienced comrades who have seen proofs of this Blue Book speak of it in Ligh terms as a valuable and useful coutribu-tio- n to the working forces of the G.A.R. Commander-in-Chie- f Kountz, who has ex- amined the work and speaks of it in the high- est praise, says it will be invaluable to every oflieer and comrade who wishes to become thoroughly familiar with the laws and usages of the Graud Army of the Republic. Certainly there is no comrade of the Order more compe- tent to handle a work of such importance. Comrade Beath having contributed so materi- ally to the compilation and perfection of the Rules and Regulations now governing the Grand Army of the. Republic Matfmee. DEPARTMENT NEWS. ARKANSAS. II. H. Davis, West Fork : Officers of Post No, 14 : Commander, G. S. White; S.V. C.ILRemy; J. V. C. II. II. Davis ; O. D., J. 31. Phillips ; Q. 31., H. "W. Gilbreath; Adj't, S.D.Giibrcath; O. G., John Rutherford; S. 31., John Allen; Q, 2L S., It. A. Caldwell. CALIFORNIA. Thos. Yost, Hollisicr: Officers of Jesse L. Reno Post, No. 58: Commander, Thomas Yost; S. X. C, AVm. luibtman; J. V. C, W. II. Kenny; Q. 31., Henry Fmbly; Q. 31. S.. C. G. Cargill; Chap., II. 3L Campbell; O.D.,Wilber McCobb; O. G., John "W. Spader; Adj't, D. K. Sanford; Delegate, F. A Cunning; Alternate, D. K. Sanford. CONNECTICUT. Chat;. Burton, Daniclsonville: Officers of Mc- Gregor Pott, No. 27: Commander, Benj. Knapp"; S. V. C, Silvanus M. Woodward; J. V. C, Nathan Scavey; Q. 31., Eugene S. Nash; Surg., Henry Stephens; Chap., Rev. James Dinswcll; O. 1)., Ailelbcrt A. Perkins, O. G. .William II. Hammond. Representative to State Encampment, Vine Frank- lin ; Alternate, John W. Randall. GULF. V. Simpson, New Orleans: Officers of Howe Post, No. 43: Commander, "W. Simpson; S.V. C, R. IJ. Edgcworfh; J.V. C, Clms. Ii. Wise; Chap., Jas. E. Chaffee; Surg.. Geo. C. 3riller; Q. 3L, John Hurst; O. D., Henry Street; O. G., Ed 3Iorosini. ILLINOIS. E. Ryncarson. Brimfield : Officers of G. L. Fort Post, No. 177: Commander, G. L. "Wetherwax ; S. V. C, Capt. P. ft. Needham ; J.V. C.,Wm. Kellcy ; Q.3I., E. Ryncarson; Surg., Wm. Van AVermor; Chap., Richard Pacey ; O. D G. C. Guycr; O. G., E. P. Grcggs; Delegate, Lieut. II. J. "Wyman ; Al- ternate, 31. P. fteed. A. 31. Cook, 3IcLean : Offi- cers of Harrison Wood Post, No. 173: Commander, F. A. Ey&tonc ; S. V. C, Lafayette Archer; J.V. C, W. C. Arnold; O. D., T. II. Stones; O. G., A. 31. Cook; Surg., W. T. Gibbs; Chap., 31. G. naughey; Q. 31., S. L. Loach. Daniel Long, Urbaua: New officers of Post No. 129: Com- mander, James S. KcCullough; J. V. C, P.. S. Lanham; S. V. C, Eli J. Hcler: Q.3L, I. B. Smith; Chap., Rev. A- - C. Byrlcy; O. D., Charles Schlorf; O. G., Jesse Albright; Surg., Bcnj. F. 3Iiehael. Delegates to Department Encampment Bcnj. F. Michael and I. B. Smith. Alternates D. D. Can- non and Eli J. Heller. Our Post is in a flourishing condition with a membership of 135. T.S. Potter, Dixon: Officers of Dixon Post, No. 209: Com- mander, C. W. Dey; S. V. C. D. Heat on; J. V. C, II. W. Eaton; Adj't W. II. Preeeott; Q. M., G. G. Mcsser; O. IX, J. lumbal; O. G.. J. Shclhammer; Q. SL S., J. Merritnan ; S. 31., B. F. Stewart; Surg., D. IL Law; Chap., J. Guthrie. L. A. Banks, Arrow- -smith; Officers of "W. H. Harvey Post, No. 15: Commander, A. B. Bcanaman; S. Ar. C, AVm. Spen- cer; J. Ar. C, I. A. Whitman; Q. 31., Geo. Ullmcr. L. D. Simmonds, Quincy : Ofiiccrsof John Wood Pobt.No. 90: Commander, Col. W. AV. Berry; S. V. C, L.D. Simmonds; J. A'. C, H. A. Stewart ; Chap., J. P. Beers; Q. 31., David 31. Belt; Surg., Dr. R. Y McMahon; O. D., F.I). Nichols; O. G.,3Iartin L. Currier. Delegates J. P. Beers and Geo. AV. Murphy ; Alternates J. R. Hume and F. B. Nich- ols. John II. Hawley, Greenville: New officers of Colby Post, No. 301: Commander, U. B. Bowers; S. X. C. John II. Hawley; J.V. C, Geo. Johnson; Surg., AV. II. H. Bceson ; O. D.. James Sanderson; O. G., John Baughman ; Q. 31.. It. K. Dewey ; S. 31., L. Adams: Q. 31. S., C. AV. AVatson ; Chap., J. B. AVliile. Delegate to Grand Lodge at Peoria, J. B. AVhite; Alternate, AV. IL H. Bceson. INDIANA. John AV. Acoarn, Bedfonl: Officers of E. C. New-lan- d Post, No. 217: Commander, J. H. Crim; S.V. C, A. J. Todd; J.V.C., J.Teague; Q. 31., J. W. Martin; AIj't, E. IL 3Iurphy; O. D..D. R. Bouden; O. G., R. Fibber; Chap., H. Nitingale; S. 31., E. Johnson; Surg., J. Faubion; Q. 31. S., G. II. Stcphenbon. Richard E. Lee, Stockwell : Carrol Post was instituted at this place Oct. 21 with 3C charter members and the following officers : Com- mander. John A. Bacr; S.V. C, Geo. AV. Johnson; J.V. C, Benj. AV.Cohee; Adj't, Geo, Rogers; Surg., Jas. 31. Fickle; Chap.. Frank Mikels; Q. 31., AVm. F. Pierce; O. D., Richard E. Lee; O. G., Hiram Brooks; S. 3L, Amos Travis. IOWA. J. B. Carter, Shenandoah : Officers of Burnside Po.t, No. 50: Commander, J. B.Carter; S. AT. C, J. S. Elliott; J. V. U. Joseph Stokes; Chap., G. L. Skaggs; Q, M., G. R. Taylor; O. IX, C. P. Colo-new- s; O. G., Geo. Patterson ; Adj't, T. P. Latimer. KANSAS. D. E. Stevens, Norton : Officers of Capt. Jarvis Post. No. 209: Commander, J. It. Hamilton; S. Ar. C, D. E. Stevens; J. A'. C, G. N. Kingsbury ; Surg., Dr. R. U. AVhite; Chap., L. C. Baur ; Q. 31., Wilson Adams; O. IX, F.L. Eibert; O. G., C. ftnmngc. A. E. 3Iagoffin, Lyons: Oilicers of Kit Carson Post, No. 20: Commander, A. IS. Magoffin; S. V. C.. J. T. Godfrey; J. V. C, AV. H.AVoIfe; Surg., G. AV. Newman ; Chap., Rev. IL P. Smith ; Q. 31., J. Gold-in- g; O. IX, C. 3L Rawlings; O. G., AV. 31. Coen ; Adj't, Rev. B. F. Powelson. Delegate to State En- campment, Rev. I). F. Powel-so- ; Alteniaate, C. 31. Rawlings. G. A. Nicholetts, Humboldt: Officers of Vicksburg Post, No. 72 : Commander, Joseph Andrews; S. r. C, AVm. Rath; J.V. C. J. ILOsbom; Q. 31., James B.Young; Chap.,AV.B. Chamberlain; Suit?., 12. N. AVert; O. IX, C. A. .Fronk ; O. G., P. AV. Jury. The Post has now 123 members, and is in first-cla- ss working order. J.T.Taylor, Garnett: New officers of Rufus Gil-patr- ic Post. No. 180: Commander, James A. Bell; S. V. C., J. T. Taylor; J. V. C, J. N. Clinc; O. D., Robt. Roach: Surg.. Tlios. Lindsev; Chap., J. H Beatty; Q. 31., G. AV. Young; Adj't, J. L. Ker-- elieral; O. G., Thomas Clark. Clias. Disbrow, Clay Center Post, No. 88: Commander, R. V,r. Jen- kins; S.Ar. C, E. C.AVilson; J.V. C, It. 3Iiller; Chap., Rev. T. K. 3IiIIer; Surg., Dr. M. Kozcll; O. D., C. Disbrow; O. G., O. P. Tollcs; Q. 31., John Loader. Delegates to State Encampment, John Myers and David Gaston; Alternates, IL A. Lewis and John Burdick. KENTUCKY. New officers5' of 3L G. Bryant Post, No. 30. Flip-pi- n: Commander, George P. Stone; S. V. C, C. A. 3rcCuc; J.AT. C, John 3L Holland; Adj't, E. A. Ptirccll; Surgeon, AVm. A. Simons; Chaj)lain, J. II. Evans; Q. M.. George T. Frnim; O. D., B. P. Cosly; O. G., A. Cross: S. M..J. II. Short; Q. 31. S., 3Ioses Roar; Adj't, E. A. I'urcell. MAINE- .- F. E. Spragiic, Corinna: Officers of J. Knowlcs Post, No. 52: Comimiudcr. F. E. Sprague; S. V. C, Abncr Brooks; J. A". C, Win. Bond ; Q. 31., G. AV. Hiiiikor; Surg., C. T. Tcwksbury; Chap., J. B. Crocket; O. IX, II. AV. Ellis; O. L.,'1 Libby. New officers of S. J. Oakes Post, No. 121, Old-tow- n: Commander, T. AV. Torrey; S. V. C, G. AV. Sopcr; J. AT. C, I. A. Spencer: Chap., B. F. Rose; O. IX, T. 31. Goodwin ; O. ., It. Stillings; Q.31., O. E. AV. Hinkley; Sing., II. 31. Tozicr. MARYLAND. Hiram 3Iurphy, Gosnort: New officers of AVin-clie.-t- cr Post, No. 333: Commander. Hiram Mnr-ph- y; S. V. C, AVm. 31. Lund ; J. A. C, 3Iarcus L. Rogers; Surg.. John 31. Carlton; Chap., J. A". Guthrie; Q. 31., Win. R. Dagley; O. IX, James R. Fritls ; O. G., IX E. Sccresl; Delegate, G. Buskirk; Alternate, John 31. Carlton. MASSACHUSETTS. E. E. Kdon, 15. Bridgeport : Officers of Lustin Dimiek Post. No. 121: Commander, E. 15. Edson ; S. V. C, P. AV. Poole: J. Ar. C, B.T.Baker; Q.3I., 3f. S.Curtis; O. IX, E. R. 3Iagown; O. G., II. A. 3Iillett; Chap., R. Churchill ; Surg., B. F. Elliss. Amos Bliss. Harrcn: New officers of Clara Bar- ton Post, No. C5: Commander, It. P. Bestick; S. V. C, L. L. Gngc; J. AT. C. Amos Bliss; Q. M., John Thayer: Surg., J. II. Brown; Chap., J. G. Leach; O. IX, JI. iU. Converse: O. ., b. Ji. liruige; dele- gate, F. II. 3roore; Alternate, J. H. Goodhue. AVm. Cmuz, 3Icdflcld: New officers of 3Io-sC- Ellis Post, No. 117: Commander. 3Iaj. J. II. Gould; S. V. C.AVm. F. Guild; J. A. C..J. II. Pcmber; Surg., Dr. J. 11. Richardson; Q. 31., Jos. Clark; Chnp., Lowell Babcock : O. D., N. F. Harding; O. G., AVm. II. Bullnrd ; Adj't, I'. C. G rover ; S. 31., AVm. Crane ; Delegate, J. II. Pcmber; Alternate, Dr. J. II. Rich- ardson. Ira S.Smith, Plainville: Officers of Geo. II. 3raintein I'ost, No. 133: Commander, AVm. II. AVade; Surg.. Edward I. Davis: J. Ar. C, II. E. Coombs; Adj't, Ira S. Smith; Q. 31., AVm. A.Blake; Surg., Chas. O. Jack-o- n ; Chap., Jas. R. 3Iathew-so- n; O. D., Chas. A. Coombs; O. G., Chas. A. Es- - leeck. II. I). Thavcr, 3Iilford: New officers of 3Iaj. E. F. Fletcher Post, No. 22: Commander. Ed- ward 3IcKay; S. Ar. C, Jos. Hancock J. Ar. C, Granger II. Libby; Q. 31., B. IL 3Iontague ; Surg., Dr. J. 31. Eaton; Chap., Austin Howard; O. IX, Henry A. Point; O. G., Rufus Daniels ; Delegates, Thos. Cr.yne and Henry 31. Fisher: Alternates, E. D. Lathrop and James Kelly. F. C. Luce, New Bedford : Officers of Post No. 1: Commander, Fred A. AVashburn; S. AT. C, Roland AV. Snow; J. A'. C, Spencer C. Chamberlain: Q. 31., Lemuel C. AVood; Surg., George P. G;flbrd; Chap., Freeman C. Luce; O. IX, Freeman R. Cottle; O. G., Jos. Donaghy; S. G., HcnrvC. Farnham; Delegates, F. C. Luce. N. II. Greene, L. T. Parlow, and George P. Gilford. MICHIGAN- .- Officers of Jeffords Post, No. 82: Commander, Elbridgc Potter; S. X. C, H. II. Sparks; J. V. C, J. II. Harper; Q. 31., AVm. Boston; O. D., James S. Perry; O. G., Geo. AVellman; Chap., H. W. Hewes. The Post is in :i prosperous eon Jilion, bciiuj out of debt and continually increasing in member- ship. II. 15. Plant, Nunica: Officers of Bartholo- mew Post, 2o. ISC: Commander. John Eccotl"; S. V. C, John D. Picket; J. V. C, J. Howaid; Q. 31., J. N. Nellhorpo ; Surg., G. J. 3Ioorc; Chap., Rev. G. S. 3Iaitin ; O.D.. Joel A. Bond ; O. G., J. Ward. D. 11. Smith, Coldwater: Officers of Butter-wort- h Post, No. 109 : Commander, Norman A. Rey- nolds; S. V. C. A. 3lilus; J.Ar. C. Geo. Dickey; Surg., C. II. AVoodeox; Q. 31.. P. Cavanaiigh; Chap., AVm. Hurst; O. IX, Brooks Anisden ; O. G., Frank Eaton; Adj't, E. Collar; Busier, It. L. Parker. Delegates to Department Encampment to be held at 12ast Saginaw A. 31ilns, G. B. Tomp- kins, J. T. Burns. Alternates T. J. Fegles. D. B. Purington, D. S. Harris. The Post lias a member- ship of 153, and is in a flourishing condition. MINNESOTA- .- A "Comrade," Kasson: Officers of Burnside Post. No. 32: Commander. G.B.Arnold; S. Ar. C, L. II. Bardwell ; J.Ar. C, 31. It. Drcschback ; Chap., Robert Tavlor: O. D.. Chris Nelson; O. G., Sol Dart; Q. 31.. II. S. Works. Edwin B. Force, Duluth : Officers of "Willis A. Gorman Post, No. 13: Commander. Edwin I). Force ; S. Ar. C, John Burns ; J. A C, AVilliam F. D.ivey ; Q. 31., Chas. A. Nichols; Surg., C. AV. Harvey; Chap.,' Henry A. Kirchli; O. IX, 3farion Daniels; O. G., AV. II. Pride. Representatives to Department Encamp- ment Thomas. Contral, John Barnes, Silas 31. Pel-Io- n. Alternates 3Iarion Daniels, John T. Russell, C. AV. Harvey. MISSOURI. A. C.Barnes, Pleasant Hill: Officers.of Burnside Post, No. IS: Commander, E. A. Von do Tc!d; S. Ar. C, Rev. E. AVilson ; J. A C, AV. D. Kirkpatrick; Surg., Dr. AV. II. H. Cundifl'; Chap., J. A. AMnsaut ; Q.3I., F. T.3IcCollougb; O. IX, John F. Cordell ; O. G.,Abrin 3Iitchell. Delegate to Department Encampment John Dunlap; Alternate F. T. 3rc- - Collough. John B. Burris, Lexington: Officers of Jas. A. 3Iulligan Pot. No. 11 : Commander, Chas. Schacfermeyer ; S. Ar. C, AVm. Reams; J. A C, Jno. 3Iauard; Chap., John Shinn ; Surg., II. AV. Turner; O. IX, John B. Buriis; O. G., Chas. Bar-tc- ls ; Adj't. Chas. Pirncr. NEBRASKA. R. Dexter, Ashland: Officers of Rob't 31cCook Post, No. 31 : Commander, J. P. Brooks; S. V. C, S. I). Hall ; J. T. C, P. Howe ; Q. 31., Jessie 3Ioon ; O. D., R. Dexter; Chaplain, David Anderson. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New officers of 3Iajor Jarvis l'ost, No. 12, Clarc-inon- t: Commander, C. L. Severance; S.V. C. 11. R. Whipple; J. AT. C, S. C. Towne; Q. 31., 15. S. Carleton; Surgeon, N. L. Davis; Chaplain. A. P. 3Iesser; O. IX, C. H. Kellcy; O. G..AV.C. Williams; Delegates. AV. AV. Dodge, G. A. AValker, and II. C. Fay ; Alternates, L. D. Hall, A. P. Carpenter, and C. S. Noyca. NEW MEXICO. J. II. Bognrdus. AVailacc: New officers of Scrg't Ben Hopper l'ost, No. 4: Commander, James L. 3Iorris; S. Ar. C, T. W. 3TcIlnin ; J. X. C Ben Barker; Chaplain, E. J. Edgar ; O. IX, AVarrcn II. 3foocrs; O. G., Joseph IX Campbell ; Q. 31., George H. 3Ioorcs; Adj't, J. II. Bogardus; S. 31., J. II. Hedrick; Q. 31. S., Orrin J. Brown. NEW YORK. Officers of Post No. 327. Brooklyn : Commander, II. 31. Calvert; S. X. C, J. II. Johnson ; J. X. C, J. H.Stoolhbfi'; Q. 31., Willis 3IcDonald; Surg.,T.AV. 'Eopham.Id. D.; Chap., R. B. Gwillum; O. IX, A V. J. 3IcKclvey; O. G., IX L. Staple. Delegates to .Department Encampment, G. F. Tait, Rev. J. I. 31. Foster; Alternate!. B. R. Corwin, T. B. Gates; Trustees, AV. 15. Carshaw, A. Jacobs, G. AV. Araii Mater. P. S. Clark; Delegates to 3femorial Com- mittee, A. II. Frost, II. AV. Knight, G. B. Squires. A. B. Foster. Dexter: Officers of Post No. 183: Commander. Albert B. Foster; S. Ar. C, II. U. Dor- chester; J. A'. C, W. 15. Hillikcr; Q. 31.. Geo. AV. AVood; Chap.. Green It. Penny; Surg.. Charles Douglass; O. D., Joseph 3rarks; O. G., Wm. Rice. Officers of 3IeKean l'ost. No. 2S8, at Broadal- - bin: Commander, Addison A.Gardner; S. Ar. C, 3Iiner Fox; J. X. C, Daniel Rose; Q. 3L, Zadock Satterlee; Chap., Conrad lliukle; O. I)., Jacob 15. Lasher; Surg., Isaac 3Ianehestcr; O. G., Norman R. Fox. Delegate, C. Hinkle; Alternate, John R. McCrossen. AV. B. Stoddard, Norwich: Officers of E. B. Smith l'ost: Commander, AV. B. Stoddard; S.V. C., Henry II. Halbert; J. V. C, John Grid-le- y; Q. 31., George Jacobs; Surg., IL II. Beceher; Chap., Rev. Z. IL Pyler; O. D., AV. A. AValworth; O. G., Orrin Potter. OHIO. J. L. AVyley, Greenville: Our Post here recently met with a the shape of a fire, which did considerable damage; but we have now fixed things up andareprosperingfinely. " Old Aret.," Akron, sends us the following list of the officers of Buckley Post, No. 12: Commander, Geo. Billow; S.V. C.Elias Frnunfelter; J.V. C, J. II. 3forri-so- n ; Q. 31., C. D. Sleese; Surg., Dr. Darius Ro we; Chap., AV. II. Rothriek; O. IX, E. F. Taggart; O. G., A. II. A'ordcman. Delegates to Department Encampment, T. D. 3IcGillieuddy, A. L. Conger and Geo. AV. Crouse; Alternates, Elias Frnunfelter, Dr. B. I). Brasherc and John Limbric. AVe now have a live membership of 250 good and true com- rades F. K.Carson, West 31nnsfield: New offi- cers of Henry Harriman Post, No.331 : Commander, F. K. Carson; S. AT. C, AVm. II. Bushong; J. Ar. C, Robert Smith; O. IX, I. C. Calbert; Chap., II.Bal-ling- er ; O. G., S. 1'. Atkinson ; Q. 31., II. 3f cDonald ; Surg., J. R. Skidmore. Officers of J. 31. AVells Post, No. 151, Columbus: Commander, 15. C. Beach; S. V. C, N. B. Abbott; J. Ar. C, It. S. 3Ic3Iains; O. IX, D. S. AVilder; Surg., L. T. Guerin; Chap., AV. E. 3Iooro; Adj't. Chas. II. Parson; Q. 31., II. P. Judd; O. G D. S. Hershiser ; S. 31., II. A. Turner; Q. 31. S., AVm. 3rcDona!d. Delegatca to Depart- ment Encampment at Akron in February: C.N. Bancroft and C. C. White; Alternates, Geo. AV. Snyder and Phineas Pease. Officers of J. C. 31c- - Coy I'ost, No. 1, Columbus: Commander, Henry 31. Neil; S. X. C, AV. 31. Armstrong; J. X. C, U. B. DuBarry ; Surg., Dr. Geo. S. Stein; Chap., Rev. N. S. Smith O. D., Chas. Bryson; O. G., C. F. Q. 31., AVilliam Eby. Delegates: 31. II. Neil, Geo. Cunningham, li. D. 3IcCarter, Jos. Ames, Geo. K. Nash, A. T. AVikoil", W. J. Elliot, D. F. Pugh and 15. Patton; Alternates, S. E. Browne, David Lanning, Romeo Gregg, John Sad- ler, Geo. N. Smith, AV. J. Cannitz, 15. Chapman, Charles Bobbins ami O. R. Brake. Wm. F. Bar-- nmn. North Fairfield : Officers of Tod Lee l'ost, No. 503: Commander, AVm. F. Barnum; SV.C., Porter Knight; J. X. C, John Cmwford; Surg., Heibcit Burwell; Chap., Perry Jones; O. IX, Dwight Kel- logg; O. G., Freeman Hackett. Delegate to Slate Encampment, Julius Bliss; Alternate, Luzerne Anibden. S. 31. Buckmastcr, Canal Fulton: Off- icers of Canal Fulton Post, No. 3S5: Commander, S.3L Buckmastcr; S. Ar. C. Daniel Ilaunon; J. X. C. G. F. Becker; Q. 31., S. F. Kliug; O. IX, H. Be-var- d; O. G Charles Gramcr; Surg., J. S. Green; Chap., AV. G. 31yers. Delegate, S. 31. Buckmastcr; Alternate, D. J. AVilhelm. AV. L. Mallow, New Holland : Officers of AV. C. Ferguson l'ost, No. 251: Commander, C. H. Thomas; S.V. C, Thos. Lewis; J. X. C, B. F. Ianquery : Adj't, AVcs. AV. Gooley; Q. 31., AV. L. TJnllow; Chap., R. G. Andrews; Surg., A. H. AVilkins; O G., J. T. Johnson ; O. D 31. H. Ciark. T. J. Piatt, Plainfield: Officers of AV. a AVorkman Post, No. 323: Commander, T. J. Piatt; S. Ar. CSitmucl AViugins; J. Ar. C Edward AViggins; Adj't, Joseph Love; Q. 31.. E.G. Abbott; Chap., Thos. J. Cook; O. D., David Doling; Surg., AV. II. Jennings; O. G J. B. Bassctt; Q. 31. S., Ralph Barcroit; S. 31., N. II. Bassett. Delegate to Dej)artment Encampment, E. G. Abbott; Alter- nate, .James Cioss. PEHNSYLVANIA- .- II. AV. Fox, Lykens: Officers of Po3t No. 232: Commander, R, F. 3Iarlz; S. V. C, J. L. Shaud; J. X. C, AVm. 3Iartz; Q. 31., II. AV. Snyder; O. IX, H. AV. Fox ; O. G., B. AVclkcr ; Surg., Geo. SrcClel-lan- d; Chap., J. AV. Smith. Council of Administra- tion, J. B. 3IcCoy. Delegates, A. F. Thompson, J. DeSilva and J. B. 3IcCoy; Alternates, II. W. Sny- der, AVm. Thomas and Geo. Irving. A. C. Leon- ard, Lancaster: Officers of Admiral Reynolds Post, No. 405: Commander, AVash. II. Hambright; S. V. C, Rob't C. 3IcDoiinell; J. V. C, Smith Swords; Chap., A. C. Leonard ; Surg., Dr. J. S. Smith; O.D., Howard H. Betz; Q. 31., Linltatltvon: O. G., Harry Blickendaffer. lIlLFassctt, Franklin: Officers THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE: WASHINGTON, tD. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1884. of 3raj. W. B. Mays Post, No. 220: Commander, L. II. Fassctt; S. V. C, Geo. D. Applegarth; J. X. C, F. 11. Brown; Surg., I. St. Clair; Chap.. Rev. Theo. Back; O. D., C. It. Levier; Q. 31., B. 15. Swan; O. G., C. 3Ioorc. Delegates to State Encampment, AV. C. Howe, C. S. 3Iark and Charles 3Iiller; Alter- nates, J. I'. Bar, E. B. Swan and AVm. Richards. Geo. II. Dull, Fayette City : Officers of J. 31. II. Gordon Post, No. 3C0: Commander, 15. AV. AVhite; S. A'. C, Geo. II. Dull, sr.; J. X. C, Lcwcllyn A'aughn; Chap., John AV. Chalfanl; Q. 31., Zimri Farqiihar; Surg., James Towers; O. D., Michael Z:ifoot; O. G., E. R. Therkield. POTOMAC Kit Carson Post has chosen the following officers: Commander, 3Iaicus S. Hopkins; S. Ar. C. Itobcrt II. 3Iorton; J. X. C, Geo. H. Cooper; Q. 31., Jas. AV. Wisner; Surg., Dr. J. J. Purmau; Chap., John AVilliams; O. D..AV111. A. Fuss; O.G., 15. II. Curry; Delegates to Dcjmrtment Encampment, Jos. Dick- inson, L. B. Cutler, J. II. Jenks, 31. X. Casey, 15. G. Iloll'mnn. John Cameron, I' A. Butts, John 3Iid-dleto- n, F. AV. 3Iitchell, II. AV. Jackson. AV. AV. 3Iacy, J. AVm. Palmer, Daniel O'Neill, AV. II. AVeb-stc- r. and B. T. Rhodes; Alternates, R. II. 3Iorton, J. L. Hcuiiel, R. St. G. Dyrcnforth, Z. 15. Thomas, F. II. Smith, AV. C. Tyler, J. A. Stewart, S. 31. Cordon, G. II. Cooper. J. S. Garrison, Chnrles Loclller, C. I f. Ijiwrence, Richard 3Iiddlcton, Stewart A'nn A'liet, and John AVcidinan. The visit of Du 1'ont Post, No. 2,of Wilmington, Del., to AVashington on Satur- day last was made the occasion ofa hospitable recep- tion by Lincoln and Kit Carson Posts. The visitors arrived at 9 o'clock a. in. in charge of the following officers: Commander, AVm. Emmons; S. X. C, AV. AV. Simpson ; J. Af. C, 31. B. Bullock ; O. D., P. B. Ayres, and the Post Guard, commanded by Capt.AV. O. Conner and Lieut. Zerbey. They weic received by Lieut. Stanton, of the Navy, and Commanders Pipes and Bcrger,of Lincoln and Kit Carson l'osts, and connniftees, consisting of Comrades Turnbull, Hibbard, Nelson and others. The visitors were breakfasted by the two Posts, and were then quar- tered in the Union A'eteran armory, 3fasonie Tem- ple, and were conducted to Du Pont Circle to wit- ness the unveiling of the statue by Lieut. Stanton. During the afternoon, under command of Comrade Pipes, the Post called upon Secretary Lincoln, who received the comrades very cordially. They also called on Gen. and 3Irs. Logan at G o'clock, wheio they received a. hearty welcome. Remarks were made by Commander Pipes and Ayers, army songs weic sung, and airs played by the visitors' band. A banquet at Abncr's followed, at which were pi cs-cn- t. Past Department Conimnnder Gibson in the chair, Past Department Commanders Burdctt, Hawkes and Royec. Speaking and music was kept up until 10 o'clock, the visitors taking the cais at 11 o'clock, much pleased with their enter- tainment. TENNESSEE. John AAr. Curtis, Athens: 6n the 5th inst. Jnmcs A. Garfield Post, No. 25, was organized at this place with 17 charter members. A'. F. 3IcCarron is Com- mander. TEXAS- .- A " Comrade," Galveston : New officers of Ed- mund J. Davis Post. No. 2: Commander, Thco. Hitchcox; S. V. C, AV. A. Stannard; J. X. C, J. 31. Sinuns; Adj't, F. K. Sturgis; Q. 31.. D. 31. Baker; Surg., R. F. Cordna; Chat)., II. J. Bell: O. IX, James Rogers; O. G.. R. IlofH; S. 31., B. F. Disbrow ; Q. 31. S., J. 31. AVhclan. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. J. S. Brown, Adjutant, Sedgwick Post, No. 8, of Spokane Falls, recently mustered Thomas Drury l'ost, No. 21, with 18 charter members anil the fol- lowing officers: Commander. II. C. Alerriain ; S.A C, IX Eisner ; J. X. C, AA Peasnor ; Adj't, J. Stratford ; Q.3I., J. AA Oxley; Chap., 31. C. Blaine; Surg., AV. O. Fowler ; O. IX, A L. Boyd ; O. G., T. AA'oolly; S. 31., G. II. Conner; Q. 31. S., S. G. Far-rel- l. The Post was named in honor of the late Capt. Drury, 2d U. S. Inf., whose services in the army dated from Jan. 7, 1842, and who had, up to the date of his death, completed nearly 10 years continuous service. WISCONSIN- .- L. A. Phctteplacc, 3Ienasha: Officers of J. P. Shephard I'ost, No. 41: Commander. L. A. Phctte- placc; S. "V. C, J. N. Daniels; J.V. C, Arm. E. AVhcelcr; O. D., J. C. Underwood; Surg., Dr. G. AV. Dodge; Q. 31., E. O. Richardson; O. G., Fred. Grecnwold; Chap., C. F. Augustine. Ofiiccrsof J. B. AA'yman Post, No. 32, Clinlonville: Com- mander, F. 31. Guernscv; S.V. C, Frank Youngs; J. Ar. C..AV. AA Townscnd ; Surg., BenSchemincr; Chap.. IL R. Jones; O. IX, AV. H. Ellsbury; O. G., J. C. Von Orman; Q. 31., E. Janes. Delegate to State Encampment at 3Iadison AV. L. AVooden ; Alternate Alex. Peterson. AA B. AA'ebster, Dclavan :. Officers of Geo. II. Thomas l'ost, No. 6: Commander, 15. Dewey; S. A'. C, C. Ajinwagoncr; J. X. C, E. Brown ; Q. 31.. S. L. Brown ; O. IX, Thomas Sargent; O. G., A B. AA'ebster. Tho Post is in a flourishing condition with n membership of 65, and has about S100 in the treasury. WYOMING. A correspondent, Gainesvilc: Officers of AVm. B. Lawicnce l'ost, No. 301 : Commander, C. II. Hall; S. A7. C, A. A. Chapman; J. Ar. C, Allen AVceks; Q. 31., L. G. Simons; Surg.. George Rowin ; Chap., R. AV. Cornwell; O. D., G. AA Knap; O. G., George Flint; Delegate, 3Iat Gabney; Alternate, Harri- son Pond. PASSED THE GRAND GUARD. Surg. Pierce or the With 111., Joins the Iinhiblo Hosts. Gen. J. C. Smith, Stale Treasurer of Illinois and Lieutenant Governor-elec- t, delivered the eulogy at AVarrcn, 111., Nov. 110, (the anniver- sary of the battle of Franklin,) Over tho re- mains of Surg. Ryron G. Pierce, of tho 9Gth 111., from which we extract tho following eloquent and appropriate tribute: To the remnant of that glorious old regiment, my old comrades, the gallant men I see before me, who weic a part of the Doth 111., 1 desire partieulaily to address the few remarks 1 now wish to make. I well icmember the deceased and the lime he joined his regiment in the AVinter of 1802, when near Nashville, Tcnn. Each soldier present will recall the valuable services of the Doctor during tho try- ing campaign to Duck River after Aran Dorn; each will think over the kind words and tho prompt medical lelicf afibrded by our Surgeon as weary, fool-sor- e and biokcu down wo trudged along through that inclement weather. A'e all recall his close attention to duty during the Tullahoma cam- paign and its final ending in that terrible battle of Chickamauga, which in many respects was the greatest battle of the late war. I can sec him now, as on the day after that battle he probed a wound or amputated a limb. I see before him, awaiting their turn, many who long sinco have passed over to the silent majority Henry 3Iaek, Steve Black-ston- e, Thomas Johnson, L.C. Crowell. Corp. Thos. Porter, Lieut. Geo. F. Barnes and S. B. Funk, and of tho'-- e who are present to-da- y, our gallant stand- ard bearer, James Hicks; Sergts. AV. II. Bobbins," II. S. A'anDcrvort and Alviu J. Francisco. I re- member his services' at Lookout 3Iotmtain, Mission Ridge, Chattanooga and Buzzard Roost, whilst wo all recall his faithful and earnest labors during the Atlanta campaign up to and including its final ending at Franklin and Nashville. How during the march lip would be called upon perhaps to prescribe for a Dan Sullivan, Ben. AVoodworth, Henry Godding, 15. A. Charter, Tom. Sherk, Baser, or some other bravo soldier; dicss the wounds of a Beri Scrviss, patch thu face of a Harry Barnum, or minister to the dying wants of those torn and destroyed by the shrieking shell or whistling bullet. I remember well being under tho care of Drs. Byron G. Pierce and Fred. AV. Byers when my own wounds were probed and dressed at Kencsaw 3Iountain, and how tender and careful each of them were. Those brave comrades, Geo. AV. Pcpoon, Dan. AV. Dimmick, AVailacc Tear, Jos. L. Pierce (brother of tho late Surgeon), Thos. II. Mnynurd, and many others present, can attest the constant caicand watchfulness of our deceased comrade on all occasions during the weary march, the exposed bivouac, or dreadful battlefield. Need I mention more? Oh, no! His memory is deeply engraved upon our hearts, and there it will remain till life shall be no nioie. Have you thought of it, my dear comrades, that on the 21st anniver- sary of your storming the bights of Lookout 3Ioun-tai- n, when you placed our starry banner high above the clouds, up, up, in Iheblue vault of heaven itbclf, or as you su opt down into the valley of Chat- tanooga and over the slopes of 3Iission Ridge; that on the anniversary of those gicat achievements, which brighten the pages of our country's histoiy, and of which you arc apart, the imprisoned soul of our departed comrade was struggling to rend tho bonds of mortality and soar away above the bights wheron you planted the flag of your country, and rise btill higher, even into that glorious heaven itself? Anothr thought, my dear comrades, and I have done. Has it occurred to you that you are called upon to render the last honors to our departed Sur- geon on this 30th day of November, th 20th an- niversary of one of the moat important battles of the late war, the battlo of Franklin, a battle in which you shattered the rebel forces of Hood, kill- ing, wounding and capturing 13 general officers, a greater casualty than befel them even at Gettys- burg? How befitting the day that we should lay him to rcbt, a soldier's day in which lie bore his pait, and pei formed a man's duty to his country and his God. Lay our Surgeon gently down, let the sod rest lightly upon his bosom, for his spirit h:is gone to join the Grand Army in bivouac on the other bide of the dark river. He is now in camp with our brave comrades who have gone before. He has rejoined the field and btafi'of tho glorious old 9Gth 111., and Quailcrmaster Serg't AVm. L. Bean, Serg't-3Iaj- or Francis Qulnn, that Christian boldicr Col. e L. Clarke, the brave commander Gen. Thos. E. Champion, while the hundreds of bravo men and officers of the line, stand ready to greet him and give him a soldier's welcome. They have already passed tho Grand Guard and preceded us over "tho valley of the shadow of death," and our late Surgeon Byron G. Pierce adds yet another link to the invisible chain which binds us to that glorious band of comrades in the eternal realms above. Coiihiunptlon Cnred. An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East India missiouary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a po3itivo and radical cure for Nen'ous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motivo and a desiro to relieve human sulfcring, I will send free of charge, to all who desiro it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, AV. A. Noyi;s, 149 rower's Block, Roches- ter, N. Y. RELIEF CORPS NEWS, Gleanings from -- National Headquar- ters Notes from the Departments. Headquarters Woman's Relief Corps, Toledo,' O. Kath B. Siir.nwoon, National President. Emma D. Siblev, National Secretary- - Toledo, O., Dec. 16, 1SS1. This is, or ought to be, an exceedingly busy time iu all Christian households; the time of all others when woman's deft fingers are quick- ened in their labors by pure, unselfish love, friendship's esteem, or tender sympathy for some one dependent tho season of Christmas preparation. Is there, I wonder, of all the holidays of tho year, ono that brings such vividly bright memories as this'glad Christmas time? From our earliest recollections, when littlo brains wcro set whirling with delight over tho won- derful stories of jolly Old Santa Claus and his " eight tiny reindeer," wo have ever associated it with joyful surprise, iu which mother or sister had somo mysterious hand. I pity tho man or woman who does not anticipate somo little gift in remembrance of that day, or who has outgrown tho beautiful custom of wishing a "Merry Christmas" to somebody; or, still more, one who forgets that tho day comes with a double blessing that of giving as well as re- ceiving. AVho knows but somo little act of gen- erosity on your part may let in tho sunlight o'er some cloudy life, and make somo careworn, troubled face smile where only tho shadows of grief has rested, aud the heart, grown heavy and cold, grow soft and warm by this trifling show of human sympathy. Eut tho Woman's Keliof Corps needs no such injunction. Throughout tho vast territory of its blessed work, whether in tho mountains of the Allegauics or tho Uockics, on the shores of our lakes or on our broad prairies, echoing from ocean to ocean, comes to the needy and helpless under their care, as witii ono voice, "A MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL I" 111 Massachusetts tho AVoman's Relief Corps all over thcState have been summoned, through a formal invitation extended by Mary E.Elliott in behalf of the Hoard of Arisitors for December, to assemble at the Soldiers' IIomo,Chelsca, on tho ovening of Dec. 22, to make a morry Christmas for tho old veterans assembled there, to whoso care and comfort the ladies are contributing so much. Mrs.M. Susie Goodalc, President of tho Department of Massachusetts, presides at the entertainment given in the evening, and every member in attendance is expected tocontributo something to the Christmas tree, or some fruit or delicacy to the hospital. God bless tho veterans and their devoted friends of the Relief Corps. ORGANIZING BELIEF CORPS. Applications for charter issued during tlio week are to Comrades Jeno I. Green, of C. E. Lawton Post, Newport, R. I.; M. I. Uuchherr, of Rochester Post, Water Cure, Pa.; Samuol L. Hart, Commander of Lambert Booman Post, Flemington, N. J.; A. AV. Eck, Adjutant, Geo. Hancock Post, Wolverine, Mich., and to Mrs. C. A. Rose, Hollenbcrg, AVashington Co., Kan. In States having no Department organiza- tion, and the work, therefore, nndcr the direct supervision of the National President, tho fol- lowing Corps are reported as the latest insti- tuted: Ryerson, No. 4, of Tuckorton, N. J., with .'11 charier members, and officered as fol- lows: Pros., Mcllio D. Downs; S. Ar.-P- ., SaUio Elackmare; J.V.-P- ., Sarah J. Lippincott; Sec, Sarah L. Moroy ; Tretis., Rebecca Jones; Chap., Mary E. Moroy; Con., Harriot Chatten; G., Lizzie Grant. The-- installation service was performed by Post Conlmaudor Samuel AV. Downs, who is a warm friend to tho cause aud has greatly assisted iu many ways in bringing about the formation of the Corps, which, ho writes us, starts off under most favorablo auspices, tho ladies thoroughly in earnest. Ho predicts a live Corps, which, will do tho Post a great deal of good. 0. P. Morton Corps, of Joplin, Mo., was in- stituted Dec. 8 by Mrs. J. 13. Rush, President of Frank P. Blair Corps, Galena, Kan., a full report of which will be given later, and at KANSAS CITY, MO., the placo of the next Grand Army Encamp- ment, and whero a Convention is also called to form a Department of our own Order, tho ladies have displayed unusual promptness in tho work of organizing. An application for- warded only a few days since, for an auxiliary to McPhcrson Post, lias beon returned signed, charter has been granted, and tho Corps will be regularly instituted at once, and, thereforo, ready to receivo the delegates to Convention. A Kansas City paper, commenting upon the meeting at the ollico of James G. Young, notes tho election of oflieers, as follows: Pros., Mrs. Emma L. Lindsay; S. V.-P- ., Mrs. Hattio M. Warner; J.V.-P- ., Mrs. Alma 11. Orr; Sec, Mrs. Bessio E. Young; Trcas., Miss Marva Mount; Chap., Mrs. Prudio Bunn; Con., Mrs. Salina F. Allen ; G., Mrs. Manila Snedager. CHARITY IN ATERMONT. At St. Johnsbury, Vt., a new Corps, under the title of Chamberlin, No. 4, has inaugurated its work of charity by caring for tho family of an old veteran, who died a short timo ago. " There are fivo in the family, who aro all ill just now," writes tho President, adding that " much as the ladies desire tho pretty new badges and other Corps supplies, tlioy cheerfully do without them, as all tlio funds at hand will bo required to alleviate tho distress of their worthy wards." Tho efficient Secretary says: " The ladies aro much interested and anxious to help the work along, and now that wo aro aroused we liopo to kcop steadily increasing in numbers and good works. Surely the field is a largo one, giving an opportunity to all, not only tho relatives of soldiers, but all lojval women, aud I am happy and proud to say that I am a representative of both, having many relatives in tho army. A brother was left down there at Cold Harbor, and I am suro my heart responds to tho sentiments of our motto, Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty." GALLANT RHODE ISLAND. In Rhode Island, whore our work has lately been so vigorously taken up, wo aro particu- larly strengthened and encouraged by tlio hearty indorsement of the representative Grand Army men of that Department. General Or- ders, No. F), of Department Commander A. K. McMahon has for its first paragraph tho follow- ing generous notice: The attention of I'ost Commanders and comrades is called to the organization known as the AVoman's Belief Corps, which is auxiliary to the G. A. It. It has a national organization, and Corps aro being organized in every State and Territory where the Grand Army exists. It is doing a noble work in relieving the wants of the widows and orphans of our old comrades, and we would heartily recom- mend that each Post tako suitable steps towards organizing Corps throughout this Department. Pull information can be obtained by addressing Miss Emma D. Sibley, National Secretary, Toledo, Ohio. OVER THE ROCKIES. National Hcadquartors aro in receipt of Cir- cular Letter, No. 1, of Mrs. Ida E. Lincoln, Chief Instituting and Installing Oflieer for tho Department of Utah, Idaho', and Nevada, dated December 2, and addressed to tho comrades of tho G.A.R. of that Department, whoso slio earnestly solicits in extending tho work of our Order. Mrs. Lincoln is an ablo exponent of tlio cause, aiid will accomplish much good by her facilo pen. Tho aims and objects of our Order are in hor letter thus clearly defined: The AVoman's Belief Corps Is auxiliary to the Grand Army of tho Republic, admitting to its mem- bership the wives, mothers, and daughters of alt old soldiers, and all ladies of good character, who aro loyal to the Hag. 'JJhe object of the Order is to inculcate tho great principles for which you so bravely fought, and, as its name implies, to tako upon itself the work of relieving distressed sol- diers anI their families, nnd the widows and or- phans of those who Lave already fallen in the ranks. As in the days of (rial, bo now, tho loyal women of tho Nation aie coining nobly to the ic-li- cf of those in need. FROM MAINE TO OREGON. General Order, No. 2, of Mra. President Emily V. Littlofiold, Department of Maine, an- nounces tho organization of Corps No. 8, of Scarsport, and contains information relative to inspections, quarterly reports, etc. General Order, No. 2, Provisional Depart- ment of Oregon, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock, Presi- dent, lias also been received and means busi- ness. Like her far-awa- y Eastern sister, Ore- gon furnishes her record of now recruits; Corps No. 5, at McMinnvillc, having just beep formed Mrs. M. P. Cooper,. President; Mrs. Susio Talmago, Secretary. Oflieers of tho sev- eral Corps will bo installed by tlio Senior De- partment officer present, and Mrs. Julia A. Gault, of Corps No. 5, is appointed Assistant Inspector. Attention is very properly called to important points in Corps work. - rJ ,,! , S-v " . fT. Aa. J TnE TEN CENT FUND. Further contributions for the relief of army workers, and acknowledged in behalf of these devoted women, by Mrs. Gannett, Chairman of Relief, or the National President, have been received since last report, as follows: For Miss Carroll R. Anderson Post and Corps, York, Neb., $5.20; McKcan, Smithport, Pa., $3.55; Charles Chipman Post, Sandwich, Mass., $2.25, Greenwood Post, Canon City, Colo., $2.50; Tod Relief Corps, Youngstown, O., $0.30; Medford, Mass., Relief Corps, 1.11. For Mrs. Bicker-dyk- e Cedar Vale, Kau., $2. For Miss Carroll and Mrs. Bickerdykc Chas. Dcvcus Post, Ox- ford, Mass., $1.50; Russell Post, Hamilton, 111., $1.50; Sac Post, Sac City, Iowa, $1.25; Lawn Ridgo Post, Lawn Ridge, III., $1.25; P. Kearny, Yankton, Relief Corps, $2; Larrabcc Post, Rus- sell. Kan., $3; Stoinwehr Post, N. Y., $(5.60; Stanficld Post, Casov, 0., 55 cents; Levi Morso Post, Now Milford.'Pa., $1.10; Post 109, Stan-woo- d, Iowa, $1; Denver, Colo., Post, $3.C0; Fairmount, Neb., Relief Corps, $1; L. G. Ire- land Post, Sibley, Iowa, $2.G0; Junction City Post, Junction City, Kan., $1.50; Hazlitt Re- lief Corps, Zancsville, O., $2; Loorais, Quincy, Mich., Post, $3.30; Hobbie Relief Corps, Stam- ford, Conn., $2.50; AVhito Pine, Colo., Post, $1.75; Ezra Bachcllor Post, North Brookfield, Mass., $2.80 ; George G. Meade Post, Passaic, N. J., $6; Richmond Post, Dallas Center, Iowa, 90 cents; Lander Relief Corps, Lynn, Mass., $5; W. AV. Hoyt Post, Corning, N. Y., $1.80; Relief Corps, No. 7, Pattcnsville, Iowa, $1.01; Capt. C. F. Coleman Post, Monument, Colo., $1.20; Comrade J. D. Pulsipher, Allegan, Mich., 25 cents. Nothing better shows tho SPIRIT OF THE GIVERS than is evinced by the good words from a num- ber of Colorado comrades in forwarding their offerings of love. Adjutant Daniels, of Farra-g- ut Post, Denver, in sending $3.60, ho wishes it were a hundred times larger, and Comrade J. Harrison, Post Commander, in addressing the National Treasurer (Mrs. L. A. Turner), says, specially referring to Miss Carroll : BREAD FOR THE LIVING. The great services to humanity and our country of the noble woman iu whose behalf this Post has received your circular, demands the liveliest grati- tude and the most complete acknowledgement. The fact that Miss Carroll is dependent and that her great services have been thus and so long ig- nored, speaks but poorly for tho claim of ours to be regarded as the exception among Republics a gratelul one. The fact that it was not for hope of any reward, that any citizen of the Republic may be proud of abilities and the opportunity for their exercise in its behalf, does not, of itself, in any de- gree compensate. If we cariupt heap grati- tude upon the 300,000 whose lorl lives went to purchase anew our liberties, whoso blood cements anew the members of Union, there are still tens of thousands whoso claims arc to-da- y lingering in the shadow of scllish legislation along with the slow justice that Anna Ella Carroll may not live to see, but which should write upon the grand monument the nations will one day rear to universal freedom: "It was bread that was asked for by the living; we give this stone to the dead." My Post is small and feeble. I think there were perhaps 13 members present when the appeal was read. AVe are working men, and the old slave hunting spirit of capital in com- bination, which is fast reducing us to poverty and has frightened out of many tho faith that should unite us for the general good, has left us little to give, but we send our mite with a Godspeed. Forsyth Relief Corps, Toledo, O., has been inspected by tho Department Inspector, Mrs. Battels, of Akron, who expressed herself grati- fied with its general condition. Its cash ex- penditures for widows and orphans' charity for tho past year were reported as about $600, in- dependent of clothing and supplies upon which no valuation has been placed. Akron is the placo of meeting for the Annual Encampment, G.A.R., and Department Convention, W.R.C., and Mrs. Battels reports that amulo arrange- ments will bo made for the caro of all. Maumee. Department Gleanings. DEPARTMENT OF MAINE. Mrs. Emily V. Littlcfield, Department Presi- dent of Maine, writes : I am pleased to report the organization of Free- man McGilvery Corps, No. 8, at Searsport. This Corps was instituted Oct. 3L by myself, assisted by the Department Conductor, Nettie F. Scavey. There were 29 members present, nnd keeping the charter open four weeks increased the number to 51. Tho following oflieers were duly installed : Prcs., Margaret A. Snrgcnt; S. Ar.-P- ., Hattio E. Iluutoon; J. V.-P- ., Abbie P. Sawyer; Sec, Helen A. Stearns; Trcas., Cynthia AV. Hopkins; Chap., Emily It. Young; Con., Orilla A. AVhitcomb; G., Rilla S. AVhittccn. The ladies of this Corps wish- ing to start outfice of debt, and at the same time to accept no pecuniary aid from the Post, notwith- standing the comrades stood ready with open purses to help, arranged a program to be carried out on the evening of the installation of oflieers, including a fine supper, which their friends were invited to pai take of at a small sum. The tables were most bountifully supplied, and even after all had been served there were many good things left. These wcro then disposed of to the highest bidder, Comrade Ulack acting as auctioneer, and S6 addi- tional receipts turned over to the ladies. Altogether it was a perfect success, and the ladies have money left in their treasury. I have since thought tho example set by this Corps might be successfully followed by others. It takes a little energy, but they will feci amply repaid. DEPARTMENT OP WISCONSIN. To the Editor: Henry Dillon Relief Corps, No. 11. Lone Rock, AVis., was organized Nov. IS, with oflieers as follows: Pros., Susan Hill; S. V.-P- ., Flora B. Garrison ; J. Ar.-P- ., Carrie AV. Bowers ; Sec, Laura R. Burnham ; Treas., Ellen J. Tracey ; Chap., Helen Bancroft; Con., A'iola E. McMerlin; G., JanoT. Hood. The oilicers were installed by myself in the presence of Commander AV. AV. Itun-ya- n, Post 21, acting as Conductor, and Commander Pcarce, of Post 185, as Chaplain. After installation the comrades served refreshments without the aid of the ladies. The Post and Corps are earnest workers. I also organized Geo. AV. Potter Relief Corps, No. 12, Nov. 20, at Cadott, AVis., with 19 ladies present. The following are the oflieers elected : Pros., Emma C. Downing; J. Ar.-P- ., Rena AVilliamson; S. Ar.-P- ., Ellen Shepherd ; Sec, Phi-lan- da AV. Clark; Treas., Mary Young; Chap., Adelia Perry; Con., Katie Hauser; G., Hannah Dewitt. They were installed Thanksgiving Eve, followed by recitations and supper furnished by the ladies. To make my appointment at Cadott, I had to rido 16 miles through a snow storm in a buggy, but tho warm welcome I received more than repaid me. Clara B. Sloane, Department Preaident, La Crosse, AVis. ALL ALONG THE LINE. Buckley Reliof Corps, Akron, Ohio, is now tho largest in tho State, having outstripped Forsyth Relief Corps, Toledo. At a recent meeting the Department President, Mrs. Myers, was present, accompanied by Mrs. Ebersole, Dopartmcnt Treasurer, and complimented tlio ladies greatly upon their work aud rapid growth. Tlio Ohio G.A.R. contributed a bounteous Christmas to thosoldiors' orphans at tho Xenia Home, over 600 in all. Mrs. Elizabeth Mansfield Irving, of Toledo, gave somo thrilling recitations at Georgo H. Thomas fair at Music Hall, Cincinnati, and lator has been making an inspection tour of Ohio Corps. A joint Camp-fir- e given by Tod Post and Relief Corps, Youngstown, Ohio, was a grand success. Tod Post and Corps aro now occupy- ing ono of tho finest halls iu tho State, com- plete and perfect in every arrangement and detail, consisting of a largo Post room, library, bauquct hall, drcssiug rooms, store-room- s, china closets and kitchen fully equipped, including an ologant range and cooking utensils. Mrs. Annio AVitteumyer's new book, "AVo-men- of tho Reformation," with introduction by Mrs. Kato B. Sherwood, is now in the hands of the printer, and will bo issued shortly. It is as interesting as a romance, and as stirring as truth must always be, sympathetically told. A "menu" suppor given by tlio new Susquo-hann- a (Pa.) Corps realized $10. Tlio G.A.R. boys aro so proud of their Corps thoy had to say so. Hence tho amount of fines. A picturo of Mrs. Annie Wittcnmyer, National Chaplain, AVoman's Relief Corps, who instituted tho Sus- quehanna Corps, adorns the hall. Shiloh Relief Corps, Elkhart, Ind. (Dopart- mcnt Headquarters), has given a successful Camp-fir- o. Tho Corps is flourishing, and ad- ding to its membership steadily. Mrs. Eliza- beth Bcardsloy, so justly popular in G.A.R. circles, has been unanimously Presi- dent. Eliza P. Scofiold, Stamford. Conn.: Hobbio Relief Corps, No. 2, has just paid $120 for hall rent for tho Post with which it is conuccted and $10 towards buying an organ for tlio hall. Tho Corps has also expended $66 in reliof. At the election held on tho 2d inst. the following oilicers wero elected: President, Eliza P. Sco- fiold; S.V.C.,MaryA.IIoyt; J. V. C, Mary A. Paight; Treas., Dora Albin; Chap., Sarah A. Ferris; C, Minnie Wilscr; G., Anuio Morrcll ; Sec, Lucy M. Toms. Annio E. Sackott, Port Chostor, N. Y.: Chas. Lawrcuco Relief Corps recently presented tho Post with which it is connected with a hand- some Biblo, Mrs. M. E. Wakefield, tho Presi- dent, making tho address. A COUSIN OP JOHN BROWN. John Tlrown's body lies in the grave But bis soul goes marching on; Glory, glory, hallelujah. His soul goes marching on. Mrs. Lelia P. Roby President of Abraham Lincoln Relief Corps, Chicago, writes us of tho initiation at the last meeting of tho Corps of Mrs. Nauoy Curtiss, a dear old lady of 62 years, who wa3 sent out first as a missionary and teacher of tho colored people of the South, and subsequently became an army nurse. Sho is a cousin of John Brown. Her husband, a sol- dier, died last year. She says she feels at homo now she can work for tho soldier. REUNIONS. W. H. Glass, Allensvilc, Pa., writes that the sixth annual Reunion of the 49th Pa. was held at Lewiston, Me., last month and was very largely attended. The following oflieers were elected for the ensuing term : Pros., A. C. Green- land ; V.-P- ., I. N. Ritner; Sec, Jas. B. Dowing; Ass't Sec. and Treas., J. L. Barton; Chap., AVilliam Eamshaw, D. D.; Surg., J. D. AV. Henderson, M. D. Maj. J. C. Wambold, Newark, N. J., wtUcs that tho 1st H. Y. Engineers held their fourth annual Reunion at tho Academy of Music at Newark last mouth, and a most enjoyable timo was spent. Chas. T. Emery, Boston, Mass.: On tho 4th inst. tho members of tho 3d Cav. held their 20th Reunion at Young's Hotel in this city. AVilliam A. Heflher, Philadelphia, Pa., writes that tho Reunion of the 73d Pa. was held in that city on Thanksgiving Day, and was an occasion of great pleasuro to tho many veter- ans who participated. Heroes, Xot Ilesgars. Elmira (iV. Y.) Tiding. Tho newspapers who are engaged in heaping ridicule on the pensioners of the lato war, and placing them in the category of Government dcadbcats, had better stop for a brief time and refresh their memory with tho days when their editors wero cither fleeing to Canada to escape conscription, or in somo northern saloon were cursing the Government for removing the shackles from the black S3rfs. These men who aro now jeered at for being pensioners wcro tho men who followed the flag of the Union through deadly carnage and wero left upon Southern battlefields maimed for life. If it were not for their valor, their patriotism, their sacrifices, their devotion to tho Union, freedom of speech would bean unknown quan- tity in this year of our Lord 1631. The pittance that the Government pays these lioroes is but a mere bagatelle in comparison to the loss of health and limbs they underwent while battling to uphold tho Coustitution and tho Union. Politicians can steal the Government poor, but when a man who stood up as a target lor rebel bullets asks for a pension he is pointed at as a beggar or a dead beat, when, in fact, he is a hero worthy of a Nation's lasting gratitude, and as worthy to wear orders of decoration as the famed knights of old. This Nation can never forget the men who, when ils enemies tried to tear its flag down and sever the tics of tho Union, left tho pur- suits of civil life aud marched to its defense, and the political party that forgets them had better make preparations for its funeral. Doesn't Think the CaTalry Should Hare all the Credit. To the Editor : As one of your regular subscribers I read your valuable paper with tho deepest interest, and am glad to see the comrades throughout the country taking such an interest in its welfare as to keep up their contributions to tho columns of "Fighting Them Over" so regularly; to me a most inter- esting feature of tho paper. It is well, however, that history so written should bo correct. In your issue of Dec. 4, Comrade AVarren C. Hursh, Co. G, IstN. J. Cav., claiming merit for the cavalry arm of the service in the series of engagements beginning at Cedar Mountain and ending with the second Bull Run, (and no one who knows their hard and gallant service will withhold it,) says: "Had it not been for our cavalry at Cedar Mountain, Banks would have been routed long before noon." Now, for tho cavalry to claim merit at the expense of their comrades in the other branches of the service is not just ; and in this instance tho representation of facts made is far from their actual occurrence. Gen. Banks with his Corps was in bivouac at Culpeper Court-hous- e when, on the morning of Aug. 9, 18G2, tho fol- lowing order was received from Maj.-Ge- n. Jno. Pope, commanding tho Army of Virginia, and taken down in writing at the time by Ass't Adj't-Ge- u. Louis H. Pelouze, of Gen. Banks's staff: Cuxpeper, 9:45 a. m., Aug. 9, 1S62. Gen. Banks to move to the front immediately, assume command of all forces in the front, deploy his skirmishers if the enemy approaches, and attack him immediately as soon as he approaches, and be from here. As I was present at tho time the order was Tcceived, I can bear testimony to tho accuracy of tho above, as I heard the order and have a distinct remembrance of it as above. Now to tho point for the facts as they actu- ally occurred. In obedienco to the above order Gen. Banks at ouce put his Corps on the march to tho front; the distance to Cedar Mountain, or where the battle was fought, was about seven miles. Starting at 9:45 in the morning it was already high noon before he reached it. The writer mado tho march with him. On reach- ing the field we found the cavalry in line and their skirmishers exchanging an occasional shot with tlio enemy. Gen. Banks deployed his lineatonce Gens. Crawford's and Gordon's Brigades on the right, and Geary's and Prince's Brigades on the left. In this position every- thing remained in perfect quiet until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when, the enemy showing a disposition to advance, an attack was made, in obedienco to orders, "immediately." Gen. Crawford mado a gallant and successful charge, and had our thin line had any support tho advantage thus gained could have been followed up, and history to-da- y would record Cedar Mountain as a gallant victory to the Union arms. As it was, the fight was a gallant one; no braver troops cvor engaged an enemy on auy field, but odds wore too heavily against them; and tho desperate valor with which thoy fought is shown by tho fact that, though so much outnumbered, when darkness came the enemy had but acquired tho ground where our lino first formed; and tho two armies wero so mixed up that many on both sides found themselves in the enemy's lines, and wero captured, Gen. Crawford himself only escaping a like fato by tho merest chance. Now, if Gen. Banks did not nor could not reach tho field until high noon, possibly later, and the engagement did not commence uutil 4 o'clock in the afternoon, how could tho cavalry or any other body of troops have saved him from being "routed long before noon"? The cavalry won glory enough without anv of its number attempting to win more at this lato day. Its glory is too grand and glorious to need any embellishment, and the 1st N.J. is entitled to a full and honest share. Henco I infer Comrade Hursh, in writing from memory alone, has erred. I writo from data taken from my diary written at the time, aud only stato tlio facts. AV. Simison, Co. E, 9th N. Y. S. M., New Orleans, La. The Gunboat INsex. To the Editor : In your issue of Nov. 13 Henry J. Lyda, in his account of tho capture of tho Arkansas by tlio Essex, states that tho gunboat Essex was tho only vessel of any kind that over passed tho batteries of Vicksburg in daylight. Allow mo to correct him in this statement. AVhile our regiment was encamped four miles bolow ATicksburg, on tho Louisiana side, about the 1st of February, 1SG3, wo wero startled by tho thundering of all the big guus at sunriso ono clear morning while wo wero cooking and eating breakfast. Wo at once turned our eyes towards the city, which was in plain sight, and saw a big, black steamer rounding tho bend in front of tho city. Sho headed for tho shore, Tunning into tho steamer City of Aricksburg, lying at tholcvco; backed out and headed down stream past tho lower batteries, and successfully made a landing in front of our camp, whoro she lay all day for repairs. It was the ram Queen of tho AVest. Shortly afterwards sho went below and was captured at Red River. J. R. Tisdale, 29th Mo.,.ChiIlicothe, Mo. YOUNG ZtfEN! IULVD THIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltai- c Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afllicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and man- hood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheu- matism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. Writo them at once for illustrated pamphlet free. Ladies who would retain freshness and vi- vacity, Don't fail to try " Wells' Health Ke- - nower. "Eough on Corns," for Corns, Bunion3. 15c e "Buchu-paiba,- " Great Kiduoy and Urinary cure. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Sexual De- bility, cured by " Wells' Health. Eenower." $1. crntiB all .DISEASES OP TH3 I KTPNEYS. UVxlU, BLADHE3, AND DEINAET 03GAK3. DHOST. GBAVSIi, DIAESTES, BBIGST'S DISEASE, PAIN3 nr THE BACEC, XOHC3 OR. STDS. NSIIVOTJS if"1. KIDNEY'S mImsbx DI rnmmm, B7 tho ttso of tlm ESKEDT, tho r3 btomocn. una ujwci3 spescuiy regain jjf, their Btroneth. and tho blood 13 v? paiiacd. rar-- Iti3prono'!iaocdty hundreds of tho best doctors to bo tho OITLY CtntU fcr ail tlnda ofKidney Diseases. It is purely vegetable, and curc3 when, other medi- cines fcjl. Over ICO Physicians in the Stato of Bhodo Island on record testifying in ito dvorand-whopxe-Ecrib- it regularly . It iaproparcdexprefBlyfor these diseases, end has never been Irnown to tail. Ono trial trill convince yea. 20Tal0 by ell druggists. ESIC2 $1.20. Bend lor Pamphlet of Testimonials. , SVSTC'S Si S 2323-2- 7 CO., PROVIDENCE, R. 1. ! A.W. Erown. EB., of Providenco, H. I., Bftyar I liavo tued JTCZVU'H Sidney and Liver KaffiDT In my practico for tho past sixteen, years, and cheerfuRy recommend it as bcinfj a safe and reliable remjdy." 8 , G. A. R. OVERCOATS AND CAPS. This cut represents TJ S. Cavalry Overcoats, sky blue or dyed dark blue for firing squad or funeral escort, ready for immedi- ate delivery, at one-ha- lf value. Send for circular, in- cluding G. A. R. clothing and regalia. mm s mm 45 S. Second St., Philadelphia, Pa. 5 ATpntinn tbf TCntinrinl Tribune. G. A. R. IViE&iGmAL Record Book. R To preserve history of every comrade. Every jy j ft Post should have one. Most suitable gift of citi- zens to Posts. Send two stamps for sample page Rl ! 11 mil tffl ""T land circular to COL. It. Vrtig20 F. HILL (author of G.A, R. Tactics), Kalamazoo, 3Iich. Mention The National Tribune. GGft&D "We want an agent in every Post to sell our new picture Jr "The Poldicr's Record nnd Cer- tificate for the G.A.R." The finest work of the kind ever issued. Sells at Sight. -- j&mi42S Great inducement to AKents.writa lS.Ln ff'BI 1 o rrrc Vi tarmo' 2fTl Zf U11VC IU hU4t7 fTHE PETTIBONE M'F'G CO., Cincinnati. O. Mention The National Tribune. Ef miSEsinaG 3AL INSTRUMENTS MUSIC 4L. Merchandise of ALU binds a so'cl at wnolosale prices. jDont I X I lailtosendtoThe People's nMMQIOSI CIIBSI V llrtSICC M J3. T. KOOX & SONS. M& bwk W v236 State-st- ., Chicago, Ilf. HEADQUAUTEKS for G.A.R. Goods, Charles or:h Tilth Slrcet. Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. (Post 160.) Send for catalogue. BiktMT finely Prepare for CamDaie:n of 1884 V ?As5t3 Every l!l.NI sijid send tor oar XEVi JeX&M 1.L.L.U01.K-V1C.- U UAl.lMXi Oi FRli-- l RaMH SM3TDIIRr"i:NTO C2fcf Uniforms, Eiiuipmcnts,etc.,tLad v a nun itsi Daim kriioix t j i Mll ITt-inj;-i1 OMiU l.'iUCJlii CHBJSSOH & LEE3 IB SaDMerj, Reo t & Son Eie Co. .... wV .wm... .- - w...w.Ewt ...a HOBERT BATY, rvrrifTrnrp civ SSd Artificial Limbs and Ap paratus, 167 Wisconsin S!., Milwaukee, AVis. I J Elevated Feet for biiortened Limos, J Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Belts i j and Elastic Hosiery. Limm Fca- - Pwr-:- s- msiied os GovEKXMisrrOnDEKS. Best of references given. Catalogue sent free on applica tion. i53f: es tstho 3 ftrtc? n I BCS?S 'EMayrasHA.vBLzisa n umts uk Aro RUPTURED or DEFGRMHD "will hear of something greatly to their lntrest by addressing. Chas. Truax & Co., 81 HandQlph-atChiceeo,H- l. NEXT YEAR'S READING! SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO GET IT! Periodicals Clubbed With The National Tribune. "We have succeeded in making very advantage- ous arrangementjwith the publishers of the lead- ing periodicals of the country to club with The National Tkidcne, so as to furnish that and any other periodical together at a great reduction of cost. Many of the best publications, such as Harper's Magazine, "Weekly, liazar, and Young People, and the Century Magazine, are olfered with The !Na-tio- kal TKincxE at nearly or quite the same price) they cost alone. Look at this : Regular Club Price. Bate. American Agriculturist SI 50 $2 00 Atlantic Monthly 4 GO 4 25 Country Gentleman 2 50 3 CO Detroit Free Press 100 2 CO Harper's Illustrated Weekly 4 00 4 20 Harper's Illustrated Bazar. 4 00 4 20 Harper's Illustrated Young People 2 CO 2 60 Harper's Monthly Magazine 4 CO 4 00 New York Tribune 1 CO 2 00 Scientific American 8 20 3 60 Century Magazine- - 4 00 4 50 st. icliolas.. ....... .. ...................... ......... o IaJ o ou Peterson's Magazine....... 2 00 2 50 Toledo Blade - 1 CO 1 DO Inter-Ocea- n 1 00 1 S5 Globe Democrat - 1 00 2 00 Courier-Journ- al 1 50 2 23 Kansas City Times - 1 50 2 30 Ohio Farmer-- 1 25 2 00 Kural New-York- er. 2 CO 2 75 Lippincott's Magazine. 3 00 3 25 Sunday Magazine .... 2 75 3 25 Godey's Lady's Book 2 CO 2 50" Wide Awake 3 CO 3 50 Dcmorest's Magazine 2 00 2 50 Ball oil's Magazine- - 1 50 225 The periodicals will be sent promptly on receipt of the money. The above are among the many best publications', although we are aide to club with others. "Write us for terms with any periodical not on this list, and we will emote you club rates. Remittances must accompany every order, and should always be sent Draft on New York. Money Order, Postal Note, or Registered Letter, addressed to THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, "Washington, D. C. GAR. RECORD. An Extraordinary Offer. The National Tkibcxk has secured control of n. O. Teed's superb "G.AJI. Record," which has heen so much admired by comrades everywhere. This U a genuine work of art, being printed from, a steel plate engraved by the best artists in tho country. In the center u a blank for the military record of the owner, to be attested by the officers of his Post- -' Around this are spirited pictures of war scenes all executed in the highest style of bank- note engraving. A vignct of Lincoln on the left hand and a representation of the G.A.R. badgo on the right are real artistic gems. "When tho blank: in the center is filled out in a fine engrossing hand with the name of the soldier, his rank, company and regiment, nnd the battles he participated in, wounds, and other facts of his military history, it will make a magnificent ornament for the parlor and an invaluable heirloom for the owner's chil- dren. It has never been sold so far for less than $2, but we will send it, securely packed in a tube, to any address for a club of 10 subscribers to TnS National Tribune; or we will send it and The National Tribune for one year for $2. This is a splendid chance to get this superb work of art cheap. Address THE NATIONAL TRIHUNK, Washington, D. C

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Page 1: National tribune (Washington, D.C.). (Washington, DC) 1884 · tion of the G.A.R., ascribing to Dr. B. F. Ste-phenson


The Committee Decide to Press the

Mexican Pension Bill.

HEADQUARTERS BULLETIN.Sons or Veterans Grand Army UIuc Look.

Toledo, O., Dec 20, 1SS-1- .

Communications from several of the GrandArmy Committees, concerning matters withintheir own particular province, have readiedHeadquarters the past week. The most im-

portant of llicfc was the information from Gen.Geo. S. Jlcrrill, Chairman of tho Pension Com-

mittee, to the effect that the Committee haddecided to press petitions for the passage of theMexican Pension Bill and its Amendments.This information was most gratifying to theCommander-in-Chie- f, who warmly approvesthis action upon the part of the Committee,deeming such legislation tho only practicablemeasure of relief now proposed before thoUnited States Congress.

From Gen. Wagner, of Pennsylvania, PastCommander-in-Chie- f and Chairman of thoCommittee on


information conies that ho has addressed a Cir-

cular Letter to members of the Committee andnational officers, accompanied by copies of thoRules and Regulations of the various Orders ofSons of Veterans, asking for suggestions .andrecommendations bearing upon the adoption ofsuch common form of work for this importantyoung Order as shall be acceptable to tho vet-erans of the Grand Army, in whose name theyare organized. Gen. Wagner heartily concursin the recommendation of Commander-in-Chie- f

Konntz that the work of the Committee boconducted by correspondence, and that thefinal action "of the Committee bo postponeduntil the meeting of the Grand Encampmentat Portland. This will be a great saving ofexpense to the Grand Army, and the work willbe quite as satisfactorily and systematicallydone, under Gen. Wagner's comprehensivemanagement.


Gen. R. B. Bealh, Past Commander-in-Chie- f,

Las about completed the Grand Army BineRook, upon which he has been engaged sometime, and it will be ready for issue about Jan. 1.

This work applies to tho Rules and Regula-tions, the system of notes generally used inlaw books giving to each section or article ofthe Regulations, in a series of foot-note- s, alldecisions or opinions issued thereon from 2a-tiou- al

Headquarters.By this system the reader of the Regulations

will see at a glance whether any decision hasbeen given on the point before him, and ir so,

it will be found in full immediately following.In addition to the law points, Comrade BeathLas added explanations or suggestions, andcites the action of the National Encampmenton a number of disputed points.

The preface gives a brief sketch of the forma-tion of the G.A.R., ascribing to Dr. B. F. Ste-phenson the honor of being the founder of theorganization. Experienced comrades who haveseen proofs of this Blue Book speak of it inLigh terms as a valuable and useful coutribu-tio- n

to the working forces of the G.A.R.Commander-in-Chie- f Kountz, who has ex-

amined the work and speaks of it in the high-est praise, says it will be invaluable to everyoflieer and comrade who wishes to becomethoroughly familiar with the laws and usagesof the Graud Army of the Republic. Certainlythere is no comrade of the Order more compe-tent to handle a work of such importance.Comrade Beath having contributed so materi-ally to the compilation and perfection of theRules and Regulations now governing theGrand Army of the. Republic Matfmee.


II. H. Davis, West Fork : Officers of Post No, 14 :Commander, G. S. White; S.V. C.ILRemy; J.V. C. II. II. Davis ; O. D., J. 31. Phillips ; Q. 31., H."W. Gilbreath; Adj't, S.D.Giibrcath; O. G., JohnRutherford; S. 31., John Allen; Q, 2L S., It. A.Caldwell.CALIFORNIA.

Thos. Yost, Hollisicr: Officers of Jesse L. RenoPost, No. 58: Commander, Thomas Yost; S. X. C,AVm. luibtman; J. V. C, W. II. Kenny; Q. 31.,Henry Fmbly; Q. 31. S.. C. G. Cargill; Chap., II.3L Campbell; O.D.,Wilber McCobb; O. G., John"W. Spader; Adj't, D. K. Sanford; Delegate, F. ACunning; Alternate, D. K. Sanford.CONNECTICUT.

Chat;. Burton, Daniclsonville: Officers of Mc-Gregor Pott, No. 27: Commander, Benj. Knapp";S. V. C, Silvanus M. Woodward; J. V. C, NathanScavey; Q. 31., Eugene S. Nash; Surg., HenryStephens; Chap., Rev. James Dinswcll; O. 1).,Ailelbcrt A. Perkins, O. G. .William II. Hammond.Representative to State Encampment, Vine Frank-lin ; Alternate, John W. Randall.GULF.

V. Simpson, New Orleans: Officers of HowePost, No. 43: Commander, "W. Simpson; S.V. C,R. IJ. Edgcworfh; J.V. C, Clms. Ii. Wise; Chap.,Jas. E. Chaffee; Surg.. Geo. C. 3riller; Q. 3L, JohnHurst; O. D., Henry Street; O. G., Ed 3Iorosini.ILLINOIS.

E. Ryncarson. Brimfield : Officers of G. L. FortPost, No. 177: Commander, G. L. "Wetherwax ; S.V. C, Capt. P. ft. Needham ; J.V. C.,Wm. Kellcy ;Q.3I., E. Ryncarson; Surg., Wm. Van AVermor;Chap., Richard Pacey ; O. D G. C. Guycr; O. G.,E. P. Grcggs; Delegate, Lieut. II. J. "Wyman ; Al-ternate, 31. P. fteed. A. 31. Cook, 3IcLean : Offi-cers of Harrison Wood Post, No. 173: Commander,F. A. Ey&tonc ; S. V. C, Lafayette Archer; J.V. C,W. C. Arnold; O. D., T. II. Stones; O. G.,A. 31. Cook; Surg., W. T. Gibbs; Chap.,31. G. naughey; Q. 31., S. L. Loach. DanielLong, Urbaua: New officers of Post No. 129: Com-mander, James S. KcCullough; J. V. C, P.. S.Lanham; S. V. C, Eli J. Hcler: Q.3L, I. B. Smith;Chap., Rev. A-- C. Byrlcy; O. D., Charles Schlorf;O. G., Jesse Albright; Surg., Bcnj. F. 3Iiehael.Delegates to Department Encampment Bcnj. F.Michael and I. B. Smith. Alternates D. D. Can-non and Eli J. Heller. Our Post is in a flourishingcondition with a membership of 135. T.S. Potter,Dixon: Officers of Dixon Post, No. 209: Com-mander, C. W. Dey; S. V. C. D. Heat on; J. V. C,II. W. Eaton; Adj't W. II. Preeeott; Q. M., G. G.Mcsser; O. IX, J. lumbal; O. G.. J. Shclhammer;Q. SL S., J. Merritnan ; S. 31., B. F. Stewart; Surg.,D. IL Law; Chap., J. Guthrie. L. A. Banks, Arrow-

-smith; Officers of "W. H. Harvey Post, No. 15:Commander, A. B. Bcanaman; S. Ar. C, AVm. Spen-cer; J. Ar. C, I. A. Whitman; Q. 31., Geo. Ullmcr.

L. D. Simmonds, Quincy : Ofiiccrsof John WoodPobt.No. 90: Commander, Col. W. AV. Berry; S. V.C, L.D. Simmonds; J. A'. C, H. A. Stewart ; Chap.,J. P. Beers; Q. 31., David 31. Belt; Surg., Dr. R.Y McMahon; O. D., F.I). Nichols; O. G.,3IartinL. Currier. Delegates J. P. Beers and Geo. AV.Murphy ; Alternates J. R. Hume and F. B. Nich-ols. John II. Hawley, Greenville: New officersof Colby Post, No. 301: Commander, U. B. Bowers;S. X. C. John II. Hawley; J.V. C, Geo. Johnson;Surg., AV. II. H. Bceson ; O. D.. James Sanderson;O. G., John Baughman ; Q. 31.. It. K. Dewey ; S. 31.,L. Adams: Q. 31. S., C. AV. AVatson ; Chap., J. B.AVliile. Delegate to Grand Lodge at Peoria, J. B.AVhite; Alternate, AV. IL H. Bceson.INDIANA.

John AV. Acoarn, Bedfonl: Officers of E. C. New-lan- dPost, No. 217: Commander, J. H. Crim; S.V.

C, A. J. Todd; J.V.C., J.Teague; Q. 31., J. W.Martin; AIj't, E. IL 3Iurphy; O. D..D. R. Bouden;O. G., R. Fibber; Chap., H. Nitingale; S. 31., E.Johnson; Surg., J. Faubion; Q. 31. S., G. II.Stcphenbon. Richard E. Lee, Stockwell : CarrolPost was instituted at this place Oct. 21 with 3Ccharter members and the following officers : Com-mander. John A. Bacr; S.V. C, Geo. AV. Johnson;J.V. C, Benj. AV.Cohee; Adj't, Geo, Rogers; Surg.,Jas. 31. Fickle; Chap.. Frank Mikels; Q. 31., AVm.F. Pierce; O. D., Richard E. Lee; O. G., HiramBrooks; S. 3L, Amos Travis.IOWA.

J. B. Carter, Shenandoah : Officers of BurnsidePo.t, No. 50: Commander, J. B.Carter; S. AT. C,J. S. Elliott; J. V. U. Joseph Stokes; Chap., G. L.Skaggs; Q, M., G. R. Taylor; O. IX, C. P. Colo-new- s;

O. G., Geo. Patterson ; Adj't, T. P. Latimer.KANSAS.

D. E. Stevens, Norton : Officers of Capt. JarvisPost. No. 209: Commander, J. It. Hamilton; S. Ar.C, D. E. Stevens; J. A'. C, G. N. Kingsbury ; Surg.,Dr. R. U. AVhite; Chap., L. C. Baur ; Q. 31., WilsonAdams; O. IX, F.L. Eibert; O. G., C. ftnmngc.A. E. 3Iagoffin, Lyons: Oilicers of Kit Carson Post,No. 20: Commander, A. IS. Magoffin; S. V. C.. J.T. Godfrey; J. V. C, AV. H.AVoIfe; Surg., G. AV.Newman ; Chap., Rev. IL P. Smith ; Q. 31., J. Gold-in- g;

O. IX, C. 3L Rawlings; O. G., AV. 31. Coen ;Adj't, Rev. B. F. Powelson. Delegate to State En-campment, Rev. I). F. Powel-so- ; Alteniaate, C.31. Rawlings. G. A. Nicholetts, Humboldt:Officers of Vicksburg Post, No. 72 : Commander,Joseph Andrews; S. r. C, AVm. Rath; J.V. C. J.ILOsbom; Q. 31., James B.Young; Chap.,AV.B.Chamberlain; Suit?., 12. N. AVert; O. IX, C. A.

.Fronk ; O. G., P. AV. Jury. The Post has now 123members, and is in first-cla- ss working order.J.T.Taylor, Garnett: New officers of Rufus Gil-patr- ic

Post. No. 180: Commander, James A. Bell;S. V. C., J. T. Taylor; J. V. C, J. N. Clinc; O. D.,Robt. Roach: Surg.. Tlios. Lindsev; Chap., J. HBeatty; Q. 31., G. AV. Young; Adj't, J. L. Ker--elieral; O. G., Thomas Clark. Clias. Disbrow,Clay Center Post, No. 88: Commander, R. V,r. Jen-kins; S.Ar. C, E. C.AVilson; J.V. C, It. 3Iiller;Chap., Rev. T. K. 3IiIIer; Surg., Dr. M. Kozcll; O.D., C. Disbrow; O. G., O. P. Tollcs; Q. 31., JohnLoader. Delegates to State Encampment, JohnMyers and David Gaston; Alternates, IL A. Lewisand John Burdick.KENTUCKY.

New officers5' of 3L G. Bryant Post, No. 30. Flip-pi- n:

Commander, George P. Stone; S. V. C, C. A.

3rcCuc; J.AT. C, John 3L Holland; Adj't, E. A.Ptirccll; Surgeon, AVm. A. Simons; Chaj)lain, J.II. Evans; Q. M.. George T. Frnim; O. D., B. P.Cosly; O. G., A. Cross: S. M..J. II. Short; Q. 31.S., 3Ioses Roar; Adj't, E. A. I'urcell.MAINE- .-

F. E. Spragiic, Corinna: Officers of J. KnowlcsPost, No. 52: Comimiudcr. F. E. Sprague; S. V. C,Abncr Brooks; J. A". C, Win. Bond ; Q. 31., G. AV.

Hiiiikor; Surg., C. T. Tcwksbury; Chap., J. B.Crocket; O. IX, II. AV. Ellis; O. L.,'1 Libby.

New officers of S. J. Oakes Post, No. 121, Old-tow- n:

Commander, T. AV. Torrey; S. V. C, G. AV.

Sopcr; J. AT. C, I. A. Spencer: Chap., B. F. Rose;O. IX, T. 31. Goodwin ; O. ., It. Stillings; Q.31., O.E. AV. Hinkley; Sing., II. 31. Tozicr.MARYLAND.

Hiram 3Iurphy, Gosnort: New officers of AVin-clie.-t- cr

Post, No. 333: Commander. Hiram Mnr-ph- y;

S. V. C, AVm. 31. Lund ; J. A. C, 3Iarcus L.Rogers; Surg.. John 31. Carlton; Chap., J. A".

Guthrie; Q. 31., Win. R. Dagley; O. IX, James R.Fritls ; O. G., IX E. Sccresl; Delegate, G. Buskirk;Alternate, John 31. Carlton.MASSACHUSETTS.

E. E. Kdon, 15. Bridgeport : Officers of LustinDimiek Post. No. 121: Commander, E. 15. Edson ;

S. V. C, P. AV. Poole: J. Ar. C, B.T.Baker; Q.3I.,3f. S.Curtis; O. IX, E. R. 3Iagown; O. G., II. A.3Iillett; Chap., R. Churchill ; Surg., B. F. Elliss.

Amos Bliss. Harrcn: New officers of Clara Bar-ton Post, No. C5: Commander, It. P. Bestick; S. V.C, L. L. Gngc; J. AT. C. Amos Bliss; Q. M., JohnThayer: Surg., J. II. Brown; Chap., J. G. Leach;O. IX, JI. iU. Converse: O. ., b. Ji. liruige; dele-gate, F. II. 3roore; Alternate, J. H. Goodhue.AVm. Cmuz, 3Icdflcld: New officers of 3Io-sC- EllisPost, No. 117: Commander. 3Iaj. J. II. Gould; S.V. C.AVm. F. Guild; J. A. C..J. II. Pcmber; Surg.,Dr. J. 11. Richardson; Q. 31., Jos. Clark; Chnp.,Lowell Babcock : O. D., N. F. Harding; O. G., AVm.II. Bullnrd ; Adj't, I'. C. G rover ; S. 31., AVm. Crane ;Delegate, J. II. Pcmber; Alternate, Dr. J. II. Rich-ardson. Ira S.Smith, Plainville: Officers of Geo.II. 3raintein I'ost, No. 133: Commander, AVm. II.AVade; Surg.. Edward I. Davis: J. Ar. C, II. E.Coombs; Adj't, Ira S. Smith; Q. 31., AVm. A.Blake;Surg., Chas. O. Jack-o- n ; Chap., Jas. R. 3Iathew-so- n;

O. D., Chas. A. Coombs; O. G., Chas. A. Es--leeck. II. I). Thavcr, 3Iilford: New officers of3Iaj. E. F. Fletcher Post, No. 22: Commander. Ed-ward 3IcKay; S. Ar. C, Jos. Hancock J. Ar. C,Granger II. Libby; Q. 31., B. IL 3Iontague ; Surg.,Dr. J. 31. Eaton; Chap., Austin Howard; O. IX,Henry A. Point; O. G., Rufus Daniels ; Delegates,Thos. Cr.yne and Henry 31. Fisher: Alternates, E.D. Lathrop and James Kelly. F. C. Luce, NewBedford : Officers of Post No. 1 : Commander, FredA. AVashburn; S. AT. C, Roland AV. Snow; J. A'. C,Spencer C. Chamberlain: Q. 31., Lemuel C. AVood;Surg., George P. G;flbrd; Chap., Freeman C. Luce;O. IX, Freeman R. Cottle; O. G., Jos. Donaghy; S.G., HcnrvC. Farnham; Delegates, F. C. Luce. N.II. Greene, L. T. Parlow, and George P. Gilford.

MICHIGAN- .-Officers of Jeffords Post, No. 82: Commander,

Elbridgc Potter; S. X. C, H. II. Sparks; J. V. C,J. II. Harper; Q. 31., AVm. Boston; O. D., James S.Perry; O. G., Geo. AVellman; Chap., H. W. Hewes.The Post is in :i prosperous eonJilion, bciiuj outof debt and continually increasing in member-ship. II. 15. Plant, Nunica: Officers of Bartholo-mew Post, 2o. ISC: Commander. John Eccotl"; S.V. C, John D. Picket; J. V. C, J. Howaid; Q. 31.,J. N. Nellhorpo ; Surg., G. J. 3Ioorc; Chap., Rev.G. S. 3Iaitin ; O.D.. Joel A. Bond ; O. G., J. Ward.

D. 11. Smith, Coldwater: Officers of Butter-wort- h

Post, No. 109 : Commander, Norman A. Rey-nolds; S. V. C. A. 3lilus; J.Ar. C. Geo. Dickey;Surg., C. II. AVoodeox; Q. 31.. P. Cavanaiigh;Chap., AVm. Hurst; O. IX, Brooks Anisden ; O. G.,Frank Eaton; Adj't, E. Collar; Busier, It. L.Parker. Delegates to Department Encampment tobe held at 12ast Saginaw A. 31ilns, G. B. Tomp-kins, J. T. Burns. Alternates T. J. Fegles. D. B.Purington, D. S. Harris. The Post lias a member-ship of 153, and is in a flourishing condition.

MINNESOTA- .-A "Comrade," Kasson: Officers of Burnside

Post. No. 32: Commander. G.B.Arnold; S. Ar. C,L. II. Bardwell ; J.Ar. C, 31. It. Drcschback ; Chap.,Robert Tavlor: O. D.. Chris Nelson; O. G., SolDart; Q. 31.. II. S. Works. Edwin B. Force,Duluth : Officers of "Willis A. Gorman Post, No. 13:Commander. Edwin I). Force ; S. Ar. C, JohnBurns ; J. A C, AVilliam F. D.ivey ; Q. 31., Chas.A. Nichols; Surg., C. AV. Harvey; Chap.,' HenryA. Kirchli; O. IX, 3farion Daniels; O. G., AV. II.Pride. Representatives to Department Encamp-ment Thomas. Contral, John Barnes, Silas 31. Pel-Io- n.

Alternates 3Iarion Daniels, John T. Russell,C. AV. Harvey.MISSOURI.

A. C.Barnes, Pleasant Hill: Officers.of BurnsidePost, No. IS: Commander, E. A. Von do Tc!d; S.Ar. C, Rev. E. AVilson ; J. A C, AV. D. Kirkpatrick;Surg., Dr. AV. II. H. Cundifl'; Chap., J. A. AMnsaut ;Q.3I., F. T.3IcCollougb; O. IX, John F. Cordell ;O. G.,Abrin 3Iitchell. Delegate to DepartmentEncampment John Dunlap; Alternate F. T. 3rc--Collough. John B. Burris, Lexington: Officersof Jas. A. 3Iulligan Pot. No. 11 : Commander,Chas. Schacfermeyer ; S. Ar. C, AVm. Reams; J. A

C, Jno. 3Iauard; Chap., John Shinn ; Surg., II.AV.Turner; O. IX, John B. Buriis; O. G., Chas. Bar-tc- ls

; Adj't. Chas. Pirncr.NEBRASKA.

R. Dexter, Ashland: Officers of Rob't 31cCookPost, No. 31 : Commander, J. P. Brooks; S. V. C,S. I). Hall ; J. T. C, P. Howe ; Q. 31., Jessie 3Ioon ;O. D., R. Dexter; Chaplain, David Anderson.NEW HAMPSHIRE.

New officers of 3Iajor Jarvis l'ost, No. 12, Clarc-inon- t:

Commander, C. L. Severance; S.V. C. 11.R. Whipple; J. AT. C, S. C. Towne; Q. 31., 15. S.Carleton; Surgeon, N. L. Davis; Chaplain. A. P.3Iesser; O. IX, C. H. Kellcy; O. G..AV.C. Williams;Delegates. AV. AV. Dodge, G. A. AValker, and II. C.Fay ; Alternates, L. D. Hall, A. P. Carpenter, andC. S. Noyca.NEW MEXICO.

J. II. Bognrdus. AVailacc: New officers of Scrg'tBen Hopper l'ost, No. 4: Commander, James L.3Iorris; S. Ar. C, T. W. 3TcIlnin ; J. X. C BenBarker; Chaplain, E. J. Edgar ; O. IX, AVarrcn II.3foocrs; O. G., Joseph IX Campbell ; Q. 31., GeorgeH. 3Ioorcs; Adj't, J. II. Bogardus; S. 31., J. II.Hedrick; Q. 31. S., Orrin J. Brown.NEW YORK.

Officers of Post No. 327. Brooklyn : Commander,II. 31. Calvert; S. X. C, J. II. Johnson ; J. X. C, J.H.Stoolhbfi'; Q. 31., Willis 3IcDonald; Surg.,T.AV.'Eopham.Id. D.; Chap., R. B. Gwillum; O. IX, A V.J. 3IcKclvey; O. G., IX L. Staple. Delegates to.Department Encampment, G. F. Tait, Rev. J. I. 31.Foster; Alternate!. B. R. Corwin, T. B. Gates;Trustees, AV. 15. Carshaw, A. Jacobs, G. AV. AraiiMater. P. S. Clark; Delegates to 3femorial Com-mittee, A. II. Frost, II. AV. Knight, G. B. Squires.

A. B. Foster. Dexter: Officers of Post No. 183:Commander. Albert B. Foster; S. Ar. C, II. U. Dor-chester; J. A'. C, W. 15. Hillikcr; Q. 31.. Geo. AV.AVood; Chap.. Green It. Penny; Surg.. CharlesDouglass; O. D., Joseph 3rarks; O. G., Wm. Rice.

Officers of 3IeKean l'ost. No. 2S8, at Broadal- -bin: Commander, Addison A.Gardner; S. Ar. C,3Iiner Fox; J. X. C, Daniel Rose; Q. 3L, ZadockSatterlee; Chap., Conrad lliukle; O. I)., Jacob 15.

Lasher; Surg., Isaac 3Ianehestcr; O. G., NormanR. Fox. Delegate, C. Hinkle; Alternate, John R.McCrossen. AV. B. Stoddard, Norwich: Officersof E. B. Smith l'ost: Commander, AV. B. Stoddard;S.V. C., Henry II. Halbert; J. V. C, John Grid-le- y;

Q. 31., George Jacobs; Surg., IL II. Beceher;Chap., Rev. Z. IL Pyler; O. D., AV. A. AValworth;O. G., Orrin Potter.OHIO.

J. L. AVyley, Greenville: Our Post here recentlymet with a the shape of a fire, which didconsiderable damage; but we have now fixedthings up andareprosperingfinely. " Old Aret.,"Akron, sends us the following list of the officers ofBuckley Post, No. 12: Commander, Geo. Billow;S.V. C.Elias Frnunfelter; J.V. C, J. II. 3forri-so- n

; Q. 31., C. D. Sleese; Surg., Dr. Darius Rowe;Chap., AV. II. Rothriek; O. IX, E. F. Taggart; O.G., A. II. A'ordcman. Delegates to DepartmentEncampment, T. D. 3IcGillieuddy, A. L. Congerand Geo. AV. Crouse; Alternates, Elias Frnunfelter,Dr. B. I). Brasherc and John Limbric. AVe nowhave a live membership of 250 good and true com-rades F. K.Carson, West 31nnsfield: New offi-cers of Henry Harriman Post, No.331 : Commander,F. K. Carson; S. AT. C, AVm. II. Bushong; J. Ar. C,Robert Smith; O. IX, I. C. Calbert; Chap., II.Bal-ling- er

; O. G., S. 1'. Atkinson ; Q. 31., II. 3f cDonald ;

Surg., J. R. Skidmore. Officers of J. 31. AVellsPost, No. 151, Columbus: Commander, 15. C. Beach;S. V. C, N. B. Abbott; J. Ar. C, It. S. 3Ic3Iains; O.IX, D. S. AVilder; Surg., L. T. Guerin; Chap., AV.E. 3Iooro; Adj't. Chas. II. Parson; Q. 31., II. P.Judd; O. G D. S. Hershiser ; S. 31., II. A. Turner;Q. 31. S., AVm. 3rcDona!d. Delegatca to Depart-ment Encampment at Akron in February: C.N.Bancroft and C. C. White; Alternates, Geo. AV.Snyder and Phineas Pease. Officers of J. C. 31c--Coy I'ost, No. 1, Columbus: Commander, Henry31. Neil; S. X. C, AV. 31. Armstrong; J. X. C, U.B. DuBarry ; Surg., Dr. Geo. S. Stein; Chap., Rev.N. S. Smith O. D., Chas. Bryson; O. G., C. F.

Q. 31., AVilliam Eby. Delegates: 31. II.Neil, Geo. Cunningham, li. D. 3IcCarter, Jos.Ames, Geo. K. Nash, A. T. AVikoil", W. J. Elliot,D. F. Pugh and 15. Patton; Alternates, S. E.Browne, David Lanning, Romeo Gregg, John Sad-ler, Geo. N. Smith, AV. J. Cannitz, 15. Chapman,Charles Bobbins ami O. R. Brake. Wm. F. Bar--nmn. North Fairfield : Officers of Tod Lee l'ost, No.503: Commander, AVm. F. Barnum; SV.C., PorterKnight; J. X. C, John Cmwford; Surg., HeibcitBurwell; Chap., Perry Jones; O. IX, Dwight Kel-logg; O. G., Freeman Hackett. Delegate to SlateEncampment, Julius Bliss; Alternate, LuzerneAnibden. S. 31. Buckmastcr, Canal Fulton: Off-icers of Canal Fulton Post, No. 3S5: Commander,S.3L Buckmastcr; S. Ar. C. Daniel Ilaunon; J. X.C. G. F. Becker; Q. 31., S. F. Kliug; O. IX, H. Be-var- d;

O. G Charles Gramcr; Surg., J. S. Green;Chap., AV. G. 31yers. Delegate, S. 31. Buckmastcr;Alternate, D. J. AVilhelm. AV. L. Mallow, NewHolland : Officers of AV. C. Ferguson l'ost, No. 251:Commander, C. H. Thomas; S.V. C, Thos. Lewis;J. X. C, B. F. Ianquery : Adj't, AVcs. AV. Gooley;Q. 31., AV. L. TJnllow; Chap., R. G. Andrews;Surg., A. H. AVilkins; O G., J. T. Johnson ; O. D31. H. Ciark. T. J. Piatt, Plainfield: Officers ofAV. a AVorkman Post, No. 323: Commander, T. J.Piatt; S. Ar. CSitmucl AViugins; J. Ar. C EdwardAViggins; Adj't, Joseph Love; Q. 31.. E.G. Abbott;Chap., Thos. J. Cook; O. D., David Doling; Surg.,AV. II. Jennings; O. G J. B. Bassctt; Q. 31. S.,Ralph Barcroit; S. 31., N. II. Bassett. Delegate toDej)artment Encampment, E. G. Abbott; Alter-nate, .James Cioss.PEHNSYLVANIA- .-

II. AV. Fox, Lykens: Officers of Po3t No. 232:Commander, R, F. 3Iarlz; S. V. C, J. L. Shaud;J. X. C, AVm. 3Iartz; Q. 31., II. AV. Snyder; O. IX,H. AV. Fox ; O. G., B. AVclkcr ; Surg., Geo. SrcClel-lan- d;

Chap., J. AV. Smith. Council of Administra-tion, J. B. 3IcCoy. Delegates, A. F. Thompson, J.DeSilva and J. B. 3IcCoy; Alternates, II. W. Sny-der, AVm. Thomas and Geo. Irving. A. C. Leon-ard, Lancaster: Officers of Admiral Reynolds Post,No. 405: Commander, AVash. II. Hambright; S. V.C, Rob't C. 3IcDoiinell; J. V. C, Smith Swords;Chap., A. C. Leonard ; Surg., Dr. J. S. Smith; O.D.,Howard H. Betz; Q. 31., Linltatltvon: O. G., HarryBlickendaffer. lIlLFassctt, Franklin: Officers


of 3raj. W. B. Mays Post, No. 220: Commander, L.II. Fassctt; S. V. C, Geo. D. Applegarth; J. X. C,F. 11. Brown; Surg., I. St. Clair; Chap.. Rev. Theo.Back; O. D., C. It. Levier; Q. 31., B. 15. Swan; O.G., C. 3Ioorc. Delegates to State Encampment,AV. C. Howe, C. S. 3Iark and Charles 3Iiller; Alter-nates, J. I'. Bar, E. B. Swan and AVm. Richards.Geo. II. Dull, Fayette City : Officers of J. 31. II.Gordon Post, No. 3C0: Commander, 15. AV. AVhite;S. A'. C, Geo. II. Dull, sr.; J. X. C, LcwcllynA'aughn; Chap., John AV. Chalfanl; Q. 31., ZimriFarqiihar; Surg., James Towers; O. D., MichaelZ:ifoot; O. G., E. R. Therkield.POTOMAC

Kit Carson Post has chosen the following officers:Commander, 3Iaicus S. Hopkins; S. Ar. C. ItobcrtII. 3Iorton; J. X. C, Geo. H. Cooper; Q. 31., Jas.AV. Wisner; Surg., Dr. J. J. Purmau; Chap., JohnAVilliams; O. D..AV111. A. Fuss; O.G., 15. II. Curry;Delegates to Dcjmrtment Encampment, Jos. Dick-inson, L. B. Cutler, J. II. Jenks, 31. X. Casey, 15. G.Iloll'mnn. John Cameron, I' A. Butts, John 3Iid-dleto- n,

F. AV. 3Iitchell, II. AV. Jackson. AV. AV.3Iacy, J. AVm. Palmer, Daniel O'Neill, AV. II. AVeb-stc- r.

and B. T. Rhodes; Alternates, R. II. 3Iorton, J.L. Hcuiiel, R. St. G. Dyrcnforth, Z. 15. Thomas, F.II. Smith, AV. C. Tyler, J. A. Stewart, S. 31. Cordon,G. II. Cooper. J. S. Garrison, Chnrles Loclller, C. I f .Ijiwrence, Richard 3Iiddlcton, Stewart A'nn A'liet,and John AVcidinan. The visit of Du 1'ont Post,No. 2,of Wilmington, Del., to AVashington on Satur-day last was made the occasion ofa hospitable recep-tion by Lincoln and Kit Carson Posts. The visitorsarrived at 9 o'clock a. in. in charge of the followingofficers: Commander, AVm. Emmons; S. X. C, AV.AV. Simpson ; J. Af. C, 31. B. Bullock ; O. D., P. B.Ayres, and the Post Guard, commanded by Capt.AV.O. Conner and Lieut. Zerbey. They weic receivedby Lieut. Stanton, of the Navy, and CommandersPipes and Bcrger,of Lincoln and Kit Carson l'osts,and connniftees, consisting of Comrades Turnbull,Hibbard, Nelson and others. The visitors werebreakfasted by the two Posts, and were then quar-tered in the Union A'eteran armory, 3fasonie Tem-ple, and were conducted to Du Pont Circle to wit-ness the unveiling of the statue by Lieut. Stanton.During the afternoon, under command of ComradePipes, the Post called upon Secretary Lincoln, whoreceived the comrades very cordially. They alsocalled on Gen. and 3Irs. Logan at G o'clock, wheiothey received a. hearty welcome. Remarks weremade by Commander Pipes and Ayers, army songsweic sung, and airs played by the visitors' band. Abanquet at Abncr's followed, at which were pi cs-cn- t.

Past Department Conimnnder Gibson in thechair, Past Department Commanders Burdctt,Hawkes and Royec. Speaking and music waskept up until 10 o'clock, the visitors taking thecais at 11 o'clock, much pleased with their enter-tainment.TENNESSEE.

John AAr. Curtis, Athens: 6n the 5th inst. JnmcsA. Garfield Post, No. 25, was organized at this placewith 17 charter members. A'. F. 3IcCarron is Com-mander.TEXAS- .-

A " Comrade," Galveston : New officers of Ed-mund J. Davis Post. No. 2: Commander, Thco.Hitchcox; S. V. C, AV. A. Stannard; J. X. C, J.31. Sinuns; Adj't, F. K. Sturgis; Q. 31.. D. 31.Baker; Surg., R. F. Cordna; Chat)., II. J. Bell:O. IX, James Rogers; O. G.. R. IlofH; S. 31., B. F.Disbrow ; Q. 31. S., J. 31. AVhclan.

WASHINGTON TERRITORY.J. S. Brown, Adjutant, Sedgwick Post, No. 8, of

Spokane Falls, recently mustered Thomas Druryl'ost, No. 21, with 18 charter members anil the fol-lowing officers: Commander. II. C. Alerriain ; S.AC, IX Eisner ; J. X. C, AA Peasnor ; Adj't, J.Stratford ; Q.3I., J. AA Oxley; Chap., 31. C. Blaine;Surg., AV. O. Fowler ; O. IX, A L. Boyd ; O. G., T.AA'oolly; S. 31., G. II. Conner; Q. 31. S., S. G. Far-rel-l.

The Post was named in honor of the lateCapt. Drury, 2d U. S. Inf., whose services in thearmy dated from Jan. 7, 1842, and who had, up tothe date of his death, completed nearly 10 yearscontinuous service.WISCONSIN- .-

L. A. Phctteplacc, 3Ienasha: Officers of J. P.Shephard I'ost, No. 41: Commander. L. A. Phctte-placc; S. "V. C, J. N. Daniels; J.V. C, Arm. E.AVhcelcr; O. D., J. C. Underwood; Surg., Dr. G.AV. Dodge; Q. 31., E. O. Richardson; O. G., Fred.Grecnwold; Chap., C. F. Augustine. OfiiccrsofJ. B. AA'yman Post, No. 32, Clinlonville: Com-mander, F. 31. Guernscv; S.V. C, Frank Youngs;J. Ar. C..AV. AA Townscnd ; Surg., BenSchemincr;Chap.. IL R. Jones; O. IX, AV. H. Ellsbury; O. G.,J. C. Von Orman; Q. 31., E. Janes. Delegate toState Encampment at 3Iadison AV. L. AVooden ;Alternate Alex. Peterson. AA B. AA'ebster,Dclavan :. Officers of Geo. II. Thomas l'ost, No. 6:Commander, 15. Dewey; S. A'. C, C. Ajinwagoncr;J. X. C, E. Brown ; Q. 31.. S. L. Brown ; O. IX,Thomas Sargent; O. G., A B. AA'ebster. Tho Postis in a flourishing condition with n membership of65, and has about S100 in the treasury.WYOMING.

A correspondent, Gainesvilc: Officers of AVm. B.Lawicnce l'ost, No. 301 : Commander, C. II. Hall;S. A7. C, A. A. Chapman; J. Ar. C, Allen AVceks;Q. 31., L. G. Simons; Surg.. George Rowin ; Chap.,R. AV. Cornwell; O. D., G. AA Knap; O. G., GeorgeFlint; Delegate, 3Iat Gabney; Alternate, Harri-son Pond.

PASSED THE GRAND GUARD.Surg. Pierce or the With 111., Joins the Iinhiblo

Hosts.Gen. J. C. Smith, Stale Treasurer of Illinois

and Lieutenant Governor-elec- t, delivered theeulogy at AVarrcn, 111., Nov. 110, (the anniver-sary of the battle of Franklin,) Over tho re-

mains of Surg. Ryron G. Pierce, of tho 9Gth111., from which we extract tho followingeloquent and appropriate tribute:

To the remnant of that glorious old regiment, myold comrades, the gallant men I see before me, whoweic a part of the Doth 111., 1 desire partieulaily toaddress the few remarks 1 now wish to make. Iwell icmember the deceased and the lime he joinedhis regiment in the AVinter of 1802, when nearNashville, Tcnn. Each soldier present will recallthe valuable services of the Doctor during tho try-ing campaign to Duck River after Aran Dorn; eachwill think over the kind words and tho promptmedical lelicf afibrded by our Surgeon as weary,fool-sor- e and biokcu down wo trudged alongthrough that inclement weather. A'e all recall hisclose attention to duty during the Tullahoma cam-paign and its final ending in that terrible battle ofChickamauga, which in many respects was thegreatest battle of the late war. I can sec him now,as on the day after that battle he probed a woundor amputated a limb. I see before him, awaitingtheir turn, many who long sinco have passed overto the silent majority Henry 3Iaek, Steve Black-ston- e,

Thomas Johnson, L.C. Crowell. Corp. Thos.Porter, Lieut. Geo. F. Barnes and S. B. Funk, andof tho'-- e who are present to-da- y, our gallant stand-ard bearer, James Hicks; Sergts. AV. II. Bobbins,"II. S. A'anDcrvort and Alviu J. Francisco. I re-member his services' at Lookout 3Iotmtain, MissionRidge, Chattanooga and Buzzard Roost, whilst woall recall his faithful and earnest labors during theAtlanta campaign up to and including its finalending at Franklin and Nashville. How duringthe march lip would be called upon perhaps toprescribe for a Dan Sullivan, Ben. AVoodworth,Henry Godding, 15. A. Charter, Tom. Sherk, Baser,or some other bravo soldier; dicss the wounds ofa Beri Scrviss, patch thu face of a Harry Barnum,or minister to the dying wants of those torn anddestroyed by the shrieking shell or whistlingbullet.

I remember well being under tho care of Drs.Byron G. Pierce and Fred. AV. Byers when myown wounds were probed and dressed at Kencsaw3Iountain, and how tender and careful each of themwere. Those brave comrades, Geo. AV. Pcpoon,Dan. AV. Dimmick, AVailacc Tear, Jos. L. Pierce(brother of tho late Surgeon), Thos. II. Mnynurd,and many others present, can attest the constantcaicand watchfulness of our deceased comrade onall occasions during the weary march, the exposedbivouac, or dreadful battlefield.

Need I mention more? Oh, no! His memory isdeeply engraved upon our hearts, and there it willremain till life shall be no nioie. Have you thoughtof it, my dear comrades, that on the 21st anniver-sary of your storming the bights of Lookout 3Ioun-tai- n,

when you placed our starry banner highabove the clouds, up, up, in Iheblue vault of heavenitbclf, or as you su opt down into the valley of Chat-tanooga and over the slopes of 3Iission Ridge; thaton the anniversary of those gicat achievements,which brighten the pages of our country's histoiy,and of which you arc apart, the imprisoned soul ofour departed comrade was struggling to rend thobonds of mortality and soar away above the bightswheron you planted the flag of your country, andrise btill higher, even into that glorious heavenitself?

Anothr thought, my dear comrades, and I havedone. Has it occurred to you that you are calledupon to render the last honors to our departed Sur-geon on this 30th day of November, th 20th an-niversary of one of the moat important battles ofthe late war, the battlo of Franklin, a battle inwhich you shattered the rebel forces of Hood, kill-ing, wounding and capturing 13 general officers, agreater casualty than befel them even at Gettys-burg? How befitting the day that we should layhim to rcbt, a soldier's day in which lie bore hispait, and pei formed a man's duty to his countryand his God.

Lay our Surgeon gently down, let the sod restlightly upon his bosom, for his spirit h:is gone tojoin the Grand Army in bivouac on the other bideof the dark river. He is now in camp with ourbrave comrades who have gone before. He hasrejoined the field and btafi'of tho glorious old 9Gth111., and Quailcrmaster Serg't AVm. L. Bean, Serg't-3Iaj- or

Francis Qulnn, that Christian boldicr Col.e L. Clarke, the brave commander Gen. Thos.

E. Champion, while the hundreds of bravo menand officers of the line, stand ready to greet himand give him a soldier's welcome.

They have already passed tho Grand Guard andpreceded us over "tho valley of the shadow ofdeath," and our late Surgeon Byron G. Pierce addsyet another link to the invisible chain which bindsus to that glorious band of comrades in the eternalrealms above.

Coiihiunptlon Cnred.An old physician, retired from practice, hav-

ing had placed in his hands by an East Indiamissiouary the formula of a simple vegetableremedy for the speedy and permanent euro ofConsumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma andall Throat and Lung Affections, also a po3itivoand radical cure for Nen'ous Debility and allNervous Complaints, after having tested itswonderful curative powers in thousands ofcases, has felt it his duty to make it known tohis suffering fellows. Actuated by this motivoand a desiro to relieve human sulfcring, I willsend free of charge, to all who desiro it, thisrecipe, in German, French or English, with fulldirections for preparing and using. Sent bymail by addressing with stamp, naming thispaper, AV. A. Noyi;s, 149 rower's Block, Roches-ter, N. Y.


Gleanings from --National Headquar-

ters Notes from the Departments.

Headquarters Woman's Relief Corps,Toledo,' O.

Kath B. Siir.nwoon, National President.Emma D. Siblev, National Secretary- -

Toledo, O., Dec. 16, 1SS1.This is, or ought to be, an exceedingly busy

time iu all Christian households; the time ofall others when woman's deft fingers are quick-ened in their labors by pure, unselfish love,friendship's esteem, or tender sympathy forsome one dependent tho season of Christmaspreparation.

Is there, I wonder, of all the holidays of thoyear, ono that brings such vividly brightmemories as this'glad Christmas time? Fromour earliest recollections, when littlo brainswcro set whirling with delight over tho won-derful stories of jolly Old Santa Claus and his" eight tiny reindeer," wo have ever associatedit with joyful surprise, iu which mother orsister had somo mysterious hand. I pity thoman or woman who does not anticipate somolittle gift in remembrance of that day, or whohas outgrown tho beautiful custom of wishinga "Merry Christmas" to somebody; or, stillmore, one who forgets that tho day comes witha double blessing that of giving as well as re-ceiving. AVho knows but somo little act of gen-erosity on your part may let in tho sunlighto'er some cloudy life, and make somo careworn,troubled face smile where only tho shadows ofgrief has rested, aud the heart, grown heavyand cold, grow soft and warm by this triflingshow of human sympathy.

Eut tho Woman's Keliof Corps needs no suchinjunction. Throughout tho vast territory ofits blessed work, whether in tho mountains ofthe Allegauics or tho Uockics, on the shores ofour lakes or on our broad prairies, echoing fromocean to ocean, comes to the needy and helplessunder their care, as witii ono voice,

"A MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL I"111 Massachusetts tho AVoman's Relief Corps

all over thcState have been summoned, througha formal invitation extended by Mary E.Elliottin behalf of the Hoard of Arisitors for December,to assemble at the Soldiers' IIomo,Chelsca, on thoovening of Dec. 22, to make a morry Christmasfor tho old veterans assembled there, to whosocare and comfort the ladies are contributing somuch. Mrs.M. Susie Goodalc, President of thoDepartment of Massachusetts, presides at theentertainment given in the evening, and everymember in attendance is expected tocontributosomething to the Christmas tree, or some fruitor delicacy to the hospital. God bless thoveterans and their devoted friends of the ReliefCorps.


Applications for charter issued during tlioweek are to Comrades Jeno I. Green, of C. E.Lawton Post, Newport, R. I.; M. I. Uuchherr,of Rochester Post, Water Cure, Pa.; Samuol L.Hart, Commander of Lambert Booman Post,Flemington, N. J.; A. AV. Eck, Adjutant, Geo.Hancock Post, Wolverine, Mich., and to Mrs.C. A. Rose, Hollenbcrg, AVashington Co., Kan.

In States having no Department organiza-tion, and the work, therefore, nndcr the directsupervision of the National President, tho fol-lowing Corps are reported as the latest insti-tuted: Ryerson, No. 4, of Tuckorton, N. J.,with .'11 charier members, and officered as fol-lows: Pros., Mcllio D. Downs; S. Ar.-P- ., SaUioElackmare; J.V.-P- ., Sarah J. Lippincott; Sec,Sarah L. Moroy ; Tretis., Rebecca Jones; Chap.,Mary E. Moroy; Con., Harriot Chatten; G.,Lizzie Grant. The-- installation service wasperformed by Post Conlmaudor Samuel AV.

Downs, who is a warm friend to tho cause audhas greatly assisted iu many ways in bringingabout the formation of the Corps, which, howrites us, starts off under most favorabloauspices, tho ladies thoroughly in earnest. Hopredicts a live Corps, which, will do tho Post agreat deal of good.

0. P. Morton Corps, of Joplin, Mo., was in-

stituted Dec. 8 by Mrs. J. 13. Rush, Presidentof Frank P. Blair Corps, Galena, Kan., a fullreport of which will be given later, and at


the placo of the next Grand Army Encamp-ment, and whero a Convention is also called toform a Department of our own Order, tholadies have displayed unusual promptness intho work of organizing. An application for-warded only a few days since, for an auxiliaryto McPhcrson Post, lias beon returned signed,charter has been granted, and tho Corps willbe regularly instituted at once, and, thereforo,ready to receivo the delegates to Convention.A Kansas City paper, commenting upon themeeting at the ollico of James G. Young, notestho election of oflieers, as follows: Pros., Mrs.Emma L. Lindsay; S. V.-P- ., Mrs. Hattio M.Warner; J.V.-P- ., Mrs. Alma 11. Orr; Sec, Mrs.Bessio E. Young; Trcas., Miss Marva Mount;Chap., Mrs. Prudio Bunn; Con., Mrs. Salina F.Allen ; G., Mrs. Manila Snedager.


At St. Johnsbury, Vt., a new Corps, underthe title of Chamberlin, No. 4, has inauguratedits work of charity by caring for tho family ofan old veteran, who died a short timo ago." There are fivo in the family, who aro all illjust now," writes tho President, adding that" much as the ladies desire tho pretty new badgesand other Corps supplies, tlioy cheerfully dowithout them, as all tlio funds at hand will borequired to alleviate tho distress of theirworthy wards." Tho efficient Secretary says:" The ladies aro much interested and anxiousto help the work along, and now that wo aroaroused we liopo to kcop steadily increasing innumbers and good works. Surely the field isa largo one, giving an opportunity to all, notonly tho relatives of soldiers, but all lojvalwomen, aud I am happy and proud to saythat I am a representative of both, havingmany relatives in tho army. A brother wasleft down there at Cold Harbor, and I am suromy heart responds to tho sentiments of ourmotto, Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty."

GALLANT RHODE ISLAND.In Rhode Island, whore our work has lately

been so vigorously taken up, wo aro particu-larly strengthened and encouraged by tliohearty indorsement of the representative GrandArmy men of that Department. General Or-ders, No. F), of Department Commander A. K.McMahon has for its first paragraph tho follow-ing generous notice:

The attention of I'ost Commanders and comradesis called to the organization known as the AVoman'sBelief Corps, which is auxiliary to the G. A. It. Ithas a national organization, and Corps aro beingorganized in every State and Territory where theGrand Army exists. It is doing a noble work inrelieving the wants of the widows and orphans ofour old comrades, and we would heartily recom-mend that each Post tako suitable steps towardsorganizing Corps throughout this Department.Pull information can be obtained by addressingMiss Emma D. Sibley, National Secretary, Toledo,Ohio.

OVER THE ROCKIES.National Hcadquartors aro in receipt of Cir-

cular Letter, No. 1, of Mrs. Ida E. Lincoln,Chief Instituting and Installing Oflieer for thoDepartment of Utah, Idaho', and Nevada, datedDecember 2, and addressed to tho comrades oftho G.A.R. of that Department, whoso

slio earnestly solicits in extending thowork of our Order. Mrs. Lincoln is an abloexponent of tlio cause, aiid will accomplishmuch good by her facilo pen. Tho aims andobjects of our Order are in hor letter thusclearly defined:

The AVoman's Belief Corps Is auxiliary to theGrand Army of tho Republic, admitting to its mem-bership the wives, mothers, and daughters of altold soldiers, and all ladies of good character, whoaro loyal to the Hag. 'JJhe object of the Order is toinculcate tho great principles for which you sobravely fought, and, as its name implies, to takoupon itself the work of relieving distressed sol-diers anI their families, nnd the widows and or-phans of those who Lave already fallen in theranks. As in the days of (rial, bo now, tho loyalwomen of tho Nation aie coining nobly to the ic-li- cf

of those in need.FROM MAINE TO OREGON.

General Order, No. 2, of Mra. PresidentEmily V. Littlofiold, Department of Maine, an-nounces tho organization of Corps No. 8, ofScarsport, and contains information relative toinspections, quarterly reports, etc.

General Order, No. 2, Provisional Depart-ment of Oregon, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock, Presi-dent, lias also been received and means busi-ness. Like her far-awa- y Eastern sister, Ore-gon furnishes her record of now recruits; CorpsNo. 5, at McMinnvillc, having just beepformed Mrs. M. P. Cooper,. President; Mrs.Susio Talmago, Secretary. Oflieers of tho sev-eral Corps will bo installed by tlio Senior De-partment officer present, and Mrs. Julia A.Gault, of Corps No. 5, is appointed AssistantInspector. Attention is very properly calledto important points in Corps work.

- rJ ,,! , S-v " . fT. Aa. J


Further contributions for the relief of armyworkers, and acknowledged in behalf of thesedevoted women, by Mrs. Gannett, Chairman ofRelief, or the National President, have beenreceived since last report, as follows: For MissCarroll R. Anderson Post and Corps, York,Neb., $5.20; McKcan, Smithport, Pa., $3.55;Charles Chipman Post, Sandwich, Mass., $2.25,Greenwood Post, Canon City, Colo., $2.50; TodRelief Corps, Youngstown, O., $0.30; Medford,Mass., Relief Corps, 1.11. For Mrs. Bicker-dyk- e

Cedar Vale, Kau., $2. For Miss Carrolland Mrs. Bickerdykc Chas. Dcvcus Post, Ox-ford, Mass., $1.50; Russell Post, Hamilton, 111.,$1.50; Sac Post, Sac City, Iowa, $1.25; LawnRidgo Post, Lawn Ridge, III., $1.25; P. Kearny,Yankton, Relief Corps, $2; Larrabcc Post, Rus-sell. Kan., $3; Stoinwehr Post, N. Y., $(5.60;Stanficld Post, Casov, 0., 55 cents; Levi MorsoPost, Now Milford.'Pa., $1.10; Post 109, Stan-woo- d,

Iowa, $1; Denver, Colo., Post, $3.C0;Fairmount, Neb., Relief Corps, $1; L. G. Ire-land Post, Sibley, Iowa, $2.G0; Junction CityPost, Junction City, Kan., $1.50; Hazlitt Re-lief Corps, Zancsville, O., $2; Loorais, Quincy,Mich., Post, $3.30; Hobbie Relief Corps, Stam-ford, Conn., $2.50; AVhito Pine, Colo., Post,$1.75; Ezra Bachcllor Post, North Brookfield,Mass., $2.80 ; George G. Meade Post, Passaic,N. J., $6; Richmond Post, Dallas Center, Iowa,90 cents; Lander Relief Corps, Lynn, Mass., $5;W. AV. Hoyt Post, Corning, N. Y., $1.80; ReliefCorps, No. 7, Pattcnsville, Iowa, $1.01; Capt.C. F. Coleman Post, Monument, Colo., $1.20;Comrade J. D. Pulsipher, Allegan, Mich., 25cents.

Nothing better shows thoSPIRIT OF THE GIVERS

than is evinced by the good words from a num-ber of Colorado comrades in forwarding theirofferings of love. Adjutant Daniels, of Farra-g-ut

Post, Denver, in sending $3.60, ho wishes itwere a hundred times larger, and Comrade J.Harrison, Post Commander, in addressing theNational Treasurer (Mrs. L. A. Turner), says,specially referring to Miss Carroll :

BREAD FOR THE LIVING.The great services to humanity and our country

of the noble woman iu whose behalf this Post hasreceived your circular, demands the liveliest grati-tude and the most complete acknowledgement.The fact that Miss Carroll is dependent and thather great services have been thus and so long ig-nored, speaks but poorly for tho claim of ours tobe regarded as the exception among Republics agratelul one. The fact that it was not for hope ofany reward, that any citizen of the Republic maybe proud of abilities and the opportunity for theirexercise in its behalf, does not, of itself, in any de-gree compensate. If we cariupt heap grati-tude upon the 300,000 whose lorl lives went topurchase anew our liberties, whoso blood cementsanew the members of Union, there are stilltens of thousands whoso claims arc to-da- y

lingering in the shadow of scllish legislationalong with the slow justice that Anna EllaCarroll may not live to see, but which shouldwrite upon the grand monument the nations willone day rear to universal freedom: "It was breadthat was asked for by the living; we give thisstone to the dead." My Post is small and feeble.I think there were perhaps 13 members presentwhen the appeal was read. AVe are working men,and the old slave hunting spirit of capital in com-bination, which is fast reducing us to poverty andhas frightened out of many tho faith that shouldunite us for the general good, has left us little togive, but we send our mite with a Godspeed.

Forsyth Relief Corps, Toledo, O., has beeninspected by tho Department Inspector, Mrs.Battels, of Akron, who expressed herself grati-fied with its general condition. Its cash ex-penditures for widows and orphans' charity fortho past year were reported as about $600, in-

dependent of clothing and supplies upon whichno valuation has been placed. Akron is theplaco of meeting for the Annual Encampment,G.A.R., and Department Convention, W.R.C.,and Mrs. Battels reports that amulo arrange-ments will bo made for the caro of all.


Department Gleanings.DEPARTMENT OF MAINE.

Mrs. Emily V. Littlcfield, Department Presi-dent of Maine, writes :

I am pleased to report the organization of Free-man McGilvery Corps, No. 8, at Searsport. ThisCorps was instituted Oct. 3L by myself, assisted bythe Department Conductor, Nettie F. Scavey.There were 29 members present, nnd keeping thecharter open four weeks increased the number to51. Tho following oflieers were duly installed :Prcs., Margaret A. Snrgcnt; S. Ar.-P- ., Hattio E.Iluutoon; J. V.-P- ., Abbie P. Sawyer; Sec, HelenA. Stearns; Trcas., Cynthia AV. Hopkins; Chap.,Emily It. Young; Con., Orilla A. AVhitcomb; G.,Rilla S. AVhittccn. The ladies of this Corps wish-ing to start outfice of debt, and at the same timeto accept no pecuniary aid from the Post, notwith-standing the comrades stood ready with openpurses to help, arranged a program to be carriedout on the evening of the installation of oflieers,including a fine supper, which their friends wereinvited to pai take of at a small sum. The tableswere most bountifully supplied, and even after allhad been served there were many good things left.These wcro then disposed of to the highest bidder,Comrade Ulack acting as auctioneer, and S6 addi-tional receipts turned over to the ladies. Altogetherit was a perfect success, and the ladies have moneyleft in their treasury. I have since thought thoexample set by this Corps might be successfullyfollowed by others. It takes a little energy, butthey will feci amply repaid.

DEPARTMENT OP WISCONSIN.To the Editor: Henry Dillon Relief Corps, No.

11. Lone Rock, AVis., was organized Nov. IS, withoflieers as follows: Pros., Susan Hill; S. V.-P- .,

Flora B. Garrison ; J. Ar.-P- ., Carrie AV. Bowers ;Sec, Laura R. Burnham ; Treas., Ellen J. Tracey ;Chap., Helen Bancroft; Con., A'iola E. McMerlin;G., JanoT. Hood. The oilicers were installed bymyself in the presence of Commander AV. AV. Itun-ya- n,

Post 21, acting as Conductor, and CommanderPcarce, of Post 185, as Chaplain. After installationthe comrades served refreshments without the aidof the ladies. The Post and Corps are earnestworkers. I also organized Geo. AV. Potter ReliefCorps, No. 12, Nov. 20, at Cadott, AVis., with 19ladies present. The following are the oflieerselected : Pros., Emma C. Downing; J. Ar.-P- ., RenaAVilliamson; S. Ar.-P- ., Ellen Shepherd ; Sec, Phi-lan- da

AV. Clark; Treas., Mary Young; Chap.,Adelia Perry; Con., Katie Hauser; G., HannahDewitt. They were installed Thanksgiving Eve,followed by recitations and supper furnished bythe ladies. To make my appointment at Cadott, Ihad to rido 16 miles through a snow storm in abuggy, but tho warm welcome I received morethan repaid me. Clara B. Sloane, DepartmentPreaident, La Crosse, AVis.

ALL ALONG THE LINE.Buckley Reliof Corps, Akron, Ohio, is now

tho largest in tho State, having outstrippedForsyth Relief Corps, Toledo. At a recentmeeting the Department President, Mrs. Myers,was present, accompanied by Mrs. Ebersole,Dopartmcnt Treasurer, and complimented tlioladies greatly upon their work aud rapidgrowth.

Tlio Ohio G.A.R. contributed a bounteousChristmas to thosoldiors' orphans at tho XeniaHome, over 600 in all.

Mrs. Elizabeth Mansfield Irving, of Toledo,gave somo thrilling recitations at Georgo H.Thomas fair at Music Hall, Cincinnati, andlator has been making an inspection tour ofOhio Corps.

A joint Camp-fir- e given by Tod Post andRelief Corps, Youngstown, Ohio, was a grandsuccess. Tod Post and Corps aro now occupy-ing ono of tho finest halls iu tho State, com-plete and perfect in every arrangement anddetail, consisting of a largo Post room, library,bauquct hall, drcssiug rooms, store-room- s, chinaclosets and kitchen fully equipped, includingan ologant range and cooking utensils.

Mrs. Annio AVitteumyer's new book, "AVo-men- of

tho Reformation," with introduction byMrs. Kato B. Sherwood, is now in the hands ofthe printer, and will bo issued shortly. It isas interesting as a romance, and as stirring astruth must always be, sympathetically told.

A "menu" suppor given by tlio new Susquo-hann- a

(Pa.) Corps realized $10. Tlio G.A.R.boys aro so proud of their Corps thoy had tosay so. Hence tho amount of fines. A picturoof Mrs. Annie Wittcnmyer, National Chaplain,AVoman's Relief Corps, who instituted tho Sus-quehanna Corps, adorns the hall.

Shiloh Relief Corps, Elkhart, Ind. (Dopart-mcnt Headquarters), has given a successfulCamp-fir- o. Tho Corps is flourishing, and ad-ding to its membership steadily. Mrs. Eliza-beth Bcardsloy, so justly popular in G.A.R.circles, has been unanimously Presi-dent.

Eliza P. Scofiold, Stamford. Conn.: HobbioRelief Corps, No. 2, has just paid $120 for hallrent for tho Post with which it is conucctedand $10 towards buying an organ for tlio hall.Tho Corps has also expended $66 in reliof. Atthe election held on tho 2d inst. the followingoilicers wero elected: President, Eliza P. Sco-fiold; S.V.C.,MaryA.IIoyt; J. V. C, Mary A.Paight; Treas., Dora Albin; Chap., Sarah A.Ferris; C, Minnie Wilscr; G., Anuio Morrcll ;

Sec, Lucy M. Toms.Annio E. Sackott, Port Chostor, N. Y.: Chas.

Lawrcuco Relief Corps recently presented thoPost with which it is connected with a hand-some Biblo, Mrs. M. E. Wakefield, tho Presi-dent, making tho address.

A COUSIN OP JOHN BROWN.John Tlrown's body lies in the grave

But bis soul goes marching on;Glory, glory, hallelujah.

His soul goes marching on.Mrs. Lelia P. Roby President of Abraham

Lincoln Relief Corps, Chicago, writes us of thoinitiation at the last meeting of tho Corps ofMrs. Nauoy Curtiss, a dear old lady of 62 years,who wa3 sent out first as a missionary and

teacher of tho colored people of the South, andsubsequently became an army nurse. Sho is acousin of John Brown. Her husband, a sol-dier, died last year. She says she feels at homonow she can work for tho soldier.

REUNIONS.W. H. Glass, Allensvilc, Pa., writes that the

sixth annual Reunion of the 49th Pa. was heldat Lewiston, Me., last month and was verylargely attended. The following oflieers wereelected for the ensuing term : Pros., A. C. Green-land ; V.-P- ., I. N. Ritner; Sec, Jas. B. Dowing;Ass't Sec. and Treas., J. L. Barton; Chap.,AVilliam Eamshaw, D. D.; Surg., J. D. AV.

Henderson, M. D.Maj. J. C. Wambold, Newark, N. J., wtUcs

that tho 1st H. Y. Engineers held their fourthannual Reunion at tho Academy of Music atNewark last mouth, and a most enjoyable timowas spent.

Chas. T. Emery, Boston, Mass.: On tho 4thinst. tho members of tho 3d Cav. held their20th Reunion at Young's Hotel in this city.

AVilliam A. Heflher, Philadelphia, Pa., writesthat tho Reunion of the 73d Pa. was held inthat city on Thanksgiving Day, and was anoccasion of great pleasuro to tho many veter-ans who participated.

Heroes, Xot Ilesgars.Elmira (iV. Y.) Tiding.

Tho newspapers who are engaged in heapingridicule on the pensioners of the lato war, andplacing them in the category of Governmentdcadbcats, had better stop for a brief time andrefresh their memory with tho days when theireditors wero cither fleeing to Canada to escapeconscription, or in somo northern saloon werecursing the Government for removing theshackles from the black S3rfs.

These men who aro now jeered at for beingpensioners wcro tho men who followed the flagof the Union through deadly carnage and weroleft upon Southern battlefields maimed for life.If it were not for their valor, their patriotism,their sacrifices, their devotion to tho Union,freedom of speech would bean unknown quan-tity in this year of our Lord 1631.

The pittance that the Government pays theselioroes is but a mere bagatelle in comparison tothe loss of health and limbs they underwentwhile battling to uphold tho Coustitution andtho Union.

Politicians can steal the Government poor, butwhen a man who stood up as a target lor rebelbullets asks for a pension he is pointed at as abeggar or a dead beat, when, in fact, he is a heroworthy of a Nation's lasting gratitude, and asworthy to wear orders of decoration as thefamed knights of old.

This Nation can never forget the men who,when ils enemies tried to tear its flag downand sever the tics of tho Union, left tho pur-suits of civil life aud marched to its defense,and the political party that forgets them hadbetter make preparations for its funeral.

Doesn't Think the CaTalry Should Hare all theCredit.

To the Editor : As one of your regularsubscribers I read your valuable paper withtho deepest interest, and am glad to see thecomrades throughout the country taking suchan interest in its welfare as to keep up theircontributions to tho columns of "FightingThem Over" so regularly; to me a most inter-esting feature of tho paper. It is well, however,that history so written should bo correct.

In your issue of Dec. 4, Comrade AVarren C.Hursh, Co. G, IstN. J. Cav., claiming merit forthe cavalry arm of the service in the series ofengagements beginning at Cedar Mountain andending with the second Bull Run, (and no onewho knows their hard and gallant service willwithhold it,) says: "Had it not been for ourcavalry at Cedar Mountain, Banks would havebeen routed long before noon."

Now, for tho cavalry to claim merit at theexpense of their comrades in the other branchesof the service is not just ; and in this instancetho representation of facts made is far fromtheir actual occurrence. Gen. Banks with hisCorps was in bivouac at Culpeper Court-hous- e

when, on the morning of Aug. 9, 18G2, tho fol-lowing order was received from Maj.-Ge- n. Jno.Pope, commanding tho Army of Virginia, andtaken down in writing at the time by Ass'tAdj't-Ge- u. Louis H. Pelouze, of Gen. Banks'sstaff:

Cuxpeper, 9:45 a. m., Aug. 9, 1S62.Gen. Banks to move to the front immediately,

assume command of all forces in the front, deployhis skirmishers if the enemy approaches, and attackhim immediately as soon as he approaches, and be

from here.As I was present at tho time the order was

Tcceived, I can bear testimony to tho accuracyof tho above, as I heard the order and have adistinct remembrance of it as above.

Now to tho point for the facts as they actu-ally occurred. In obedienco to the above orderGen. Banks at ouce put his Corps on the marchto tho front; the distance to Cedar Mountain,or where the battle was fought, was about sevenmiles. Starting at 9:45 in the morning it wasalready high noon before he reached it. Thewriter mado tho march with him. On reach-ing the field we found the cavalry in line andtheir skirmishers exchanging an occasionalshot with tlio enemy. Gen. Banks deployedhis lineatonce Gens. Crawford's and Gordon'sBrigades on the right, and Geary's and Prince'sBrigades on the left. In this position every-thing remained in perfect quiet until 4 o'clockin the afternoon, when, the enemy showing adisposition to advance, an attack was made, inobedienco to orders, "immediately."

Gen. Crawford mado a gallant and successfulcharge, and had our thin line had any supporttho advantage thus gained could have beenfollowed up, and history to-da- y would recordCedar Mountain as a gallant victory to theUnion arms. As it was, the fight was a gallantone; no braver troops cvor engaged an enemyon auy field, but odds wore too heavily againstthem; and tho desperate valor with which thoyfought is shown by tho fact that, though somuch outnumbered, when darkness came theenemy had but acquired tho ground whereour lino first formed; and tho two armieswero so mixed up that many on both sidesfound themselves in the enemy's lines, and werocaptured, Gen. Crawford himself only escapinga like fato by tho merest chance.

Now, if Gen. Banks did not nor could notreach tho field until high noon, possibly later,and the engagement did not commence uutil 4o'clock in the afternoon, how could tho cavalryor any other body of troops have saved himfrom being "routed long before noon"?

The cavalry won glory enough without anvof its number attempting to win more at thislato day. Its glory is too grand and gloriousto need any embellishment, and the 1st N.J. isentitled to a full and honest share. Henco Iinfer Comrade Hursh, in writing from memoryalone, has erred. I writo from data taken frommy diary written at the time, aud only statotlio facts. AV. Simison, Co. E, 9th N. Y. S. M.,New Orleans, La.

The Gunboat INsex.To the Editor : In your issue of Nov. 13

Henry J. Lyda, in his account of tho captureof tho Arkansas by tlio Essex, states that thogunboat Essex was tho only vessel of any kindthat over passed tho batteries of Vicksburg indaylight. Allow mo to correct him in thisstatement. AVhile our regiment was encampedfour miles bolow ATicksburg, on tho Louisianaside, about the 1st of February, 1SG3, wo werostartled by tho thundering of all the big guusat sunriso ono clear morning while wo werocooking and eating breakfast. Wo at onceturned our eyes towards the city, which wasin plain sight, and saw a big, black steamerrounding tho bend in front of tho city. Shoheaded for tho shore, Tunning into tho steamerCity of Aricksburg, lying at tholcvco; backedout and headed down stream past tho lowerbatteries, and successfully made a landing infront of our camp, whoro she lay all day forrepairs. It was the ram Queen of tho AVest.Shortly afterwards sho went below and wascaptured at Red River. J. R. Tisdale, 29thMo.,.ChiIlicothe, Mo.

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CAPS.This cut represents TJ

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Record Book.

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Most suitable gift of citi-

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R. Tactics), Kalamazoo,3Iich.

Mention The National Tribune.

GGft&D"We want an agent in every Post tosell our new pictureJr "The Poldicr's Record nnd Cer-

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Periodicals Clubbed WithThe National Tribune.

"We have succeeded in making very advantage-ous arrangementjwith the publishers of the lead-ing periodicals of the country to club with TheNational Tkidcne, so as to furnish that and anyother periodical together at a great reduction ofcost.

Many of the best publications, such as Harper'sMagazine, "Weekly, liazar, and Young People, andthe Century Magazine, are olfered with The !Na-tio- kal

TKincxE at nearly or quite the same price)they cost alone. Look at this :

Regular ClubPrice. Bate.

American Agriculturist SI 50 $2 00Atlantic Monthly 4 GO 4 25Country Gentleman 2 50 3 CO

Detroit Free Press 100 2 CO

Harper's Illustrated Weekly 4 00 4 20Harper's Illustrated Bazar. 4 00 4 20Harper's Illustrated Young People 2 CO 2 60Harper's Monthly Magazine 4 CO 4 00

New York Tribune 1 CO 2 00Scientific American 8 20 3 60Century Magazine- - 4 00 4 50st. icliolas.. ....... .. ...................... ......... o IaJ o ouPeterson's Magazine....... 2 00 2 50Toledo Blade - 1 CO 1 DOInter-Ocea- n 1 00 1 S5Globe Democrat - 1 00 2 00Courier-Journ- al 1 50 2 23Kansas City Times - 1 50 2 30Ohio Farmer-- 1 25 2 00Kural New-York- er. 2 CO 2 75Lippincott's Magazine. 3 00 3 25Sunday Magazine .... 2 75 3 25

Godey's Lady's Book 2 CO 2 50"Wide Awake 3 CO 3 50Dcmorest's Magazine 2 00 2 50Ball oil's Magazine- - 1 50 225

The periodicals will be sent promptly on receiptof the money.

The above are among the many best publications',although we are aide to club with others. "Writeus for terms with any periodical not on this list,and we will emote you club rates.

Remittances must accompany every order, andshould always be sent Draft on New York. MoneyOrder, Postal Note, or Registered Letter, addressedto THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE,

"Washington, D. C.

GAR. RECORD.An Extraordinary Offer.

The National Tkibcxk has secured control ofn. O. Teed's superb "G.AJI. Record," which hasheen so much admired by comrades everywhere.This U a genuine work of art, being printed from,a steel plate engraved by the best artists in thocountry. In the center u a blank for the militaryrecord of the owner, to be attested by the officers ofhis Post- -' Around this are spirited pictures of warscenes all executed in the highest style of bank-note engraving. A vignct of Lincoln on the lefthand and a representation of the G.A.R. badgo onthe right are real artistic gems. "When tho blank:in the center is filled out in a fine engrossing handwith the name of the soldier, his rank, companyand regiment, nnd the battles he participated in,wounds, and other facts of his military history, itwill make a magnificent ornament for the parlorand an invaluable heirloom for the owner's chil-dren. It has never been sold so far for less than $2,but we will send it, securely packed in a tube, toany address for a club of 10 subscribers to TnSNational Tribune; or we will send it and TheNational Tribune for one year for $2. This is asplendid chance to get this superb work of artcheap. Address