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Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability

in the Himalayas






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After the inaugural session, the

first technical session started at 2.00 pm

after lunch. The session was chaired by

Lt. Gen. (Rtd) Dr. M.C Bhandari and co-

chaired by Associate Professor, Dr. M.M.S.

Negi from- HNB Garhwal University, Tehri


The session was of 90 minutes in

which eight papers were being presented.

The time allotted for each presentation

was seven minutes. It was decided to take

the question answer sessions at the end of the session.

Following is the details of the presentations:

Dr. Shikha Jain was on "Sustainable Development of the Indian Himalayas" Dr. Jain presented a

descriptive study based on secondary data. The paper focused on the vulnerability of Himalayan

region due to natural calamities, cultural diversity & disparity, poor soil and water conservation,

heavy burden on land resources, tourism causing ecological degradation. Dr. Jain suggested an

inter-disciplinary and integrated approach in the sustainable development without compromising

with the future needs.

Dr. Prakash Lakhera presented a paper on "Environmental and sustainable development in

Uttarakhand: Problems and Prospects". The paper highlighted that rented agriculture, scattered

land holding, increasing demand of fuel, fodder, migration, unemployment, natural calamities are

the challenges. Survival of species is the question that we need to respond. Conservation of the

resources has to do with much care. Small and scattered holdings of people have contributed to

the lack of development. For the last 16 years of existence of Uttarakhand - due instability of the

government and lack of focus on development has caused problems.

Dr. Beena Joshi's paper was on "Migration & Unemployment". Families leaving their native land

and moving to other places in search of work and livelihood. She narrated a story of a parent and

a child who had come to visit their native village, to learn from the village, she explained it well.

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Dr. Haripriya presented a paper on "Sustaining Society, Humanity and Environment: Culture in

the Central Himalayan Region". Culture and society is closely related. The culture endorsing both

environment- flora and fauna. Love, affection, care and belongingness of the community,

customs traditions, celebrations- sharing social responsibility, festivals indicate the care for the

community and ancestors supported the family traditions. There is harmonious relationship with

nature- based on love and faith.

The traditional knowledge and superstitions have helped in sustaining the culture and

environment. The moderninsation, excessive tourism, industrialization, globalization, has

adversely affected the traditional culture and environment.

Dr. Ashmitha presented a paper entitled "An Eco-critical Study of Margret Atwood Surfacing". In

this paper the presenter highlighted Margret Atwood's Surfacing observation on changes in the

Canadian ecology due to human interference and insensibility, exploitation of environment in

the name of development. Later she compared the situation with the degradation of Himalayan

ecology due to the Human actions and insensibility, over use of technology etc. The only

solution to this problem is to revert back to the nature.

Paper entitled "Sustainability & Neo-liberalism" by Dr. Bijendra Bisht. In this paper the author

focused that sustainability is in a state of progress, planning and process. And it is in conflict with

neo-liberalism. As Neo-liberalism promotes, privatization and utilisation of resources for human

benefits. The New-liberalism promotes privatization. Market plays an important role instead of

sustainability. The paper suggested that legal actions are required to prevent privatization.

Abdulla H Vahi & Farooq presented a paper on "MANREGA and Sustainability: A study of

Hawalbagh, Almora". The concerns of suitability and issue of drinking water is neglected. Little

work was done to conserve water bodies, grazing fields were destroyed, due to which heavy

outmigration resulted and those who were unable to migrate to other places are dependent on

the government programmes like MANREGA. There is huge gap between planning and

implementation of such programmes.

Dr. M.M. S. Negi presented a paper on "Tribal Community and sustainable development: A study

of Bhotia tribe". The paper described the Bhotias lifestyle and culture. They are the good

example of harmonious utilizations of natural resources without exploiting the environment. The

Bhotias are scattered at foot hill of Himalayas in Uttar Kashi, Chamoli and other districts. Usually

they prefer to make their habitat nearby rivers as they are involved in animal husbandry,

weaving. They go in search of grassland and return after six months to their original habitat. The

high standard of living has led to overuse of natural resources. The development can be

sustained for many more generation. The sustained efforts can help to hand over the good

environment to the future generation. Bhotia use natural resources and also take care of it. The

harmonious use of natural resources can be model for sustainable development for the present


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There was a positive feedback from the chair to each one of the participants who

presented their paper and gave their opinion. They focused on the limitations and pitfalls of the

papers. A good interaction between participants- chairperson was very enriching. They shed

light on flora and fauna with it's rich diversity, and the need for it preservation. The cultural,

traditional and community aspects were touched upon.

He suggested that all need to develop the capacity for public speaking. He sadly

remarked that none of the papers incorporated contribution to the Army and sustainable


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1. Ms. Vandana Bansal :

presentation regarding the human behaviour and activity which is actually deteriorating the

environment. She gave several references from the Vedas concerning the importance of

environment. A different policy of the State Government regarding the betterment of

environment was put forward. The realities behind those policies were also brought into light.

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2. Mr. Mukesh Semwal : The focus of presentation was basically upon culture in terms of

politics. How time and culture come together was discussed. Socio-economic thinking can be

enforced for the betterment of Society and ultimately for environmental conservation was


3. Dr. Krishna: Presentation was based upon the mentality of humans which is becoming more

and more against hills and its residents. Migration and its causes were discussed. He gave his

views about the ladies in hilly areas who have accepted the forests as their parental homes and

are thus attached in close affinity with them. He gave a brief report about the international

conferences such as the Vienna Conference, stockhome conference etc.

4. Mr. Purushottam :

His presentation was based upon developing countries and their vision of environmental

conservation. Policy making and hindrance in the implementation of those policies were also

brought into light.

5. Ms. Madhu :

Presentation was focused upon nature (mother earth) as the need of every human

being. The history of nature is much older than that of the human beings and how a human

being obtains benefit from nature in several forms were discussed. She said although we keep

worshiping nature as God but we are the one to exploit it.

6. Prof. M.M. Semwal : A power point presentation based upon the problems and remedies of

Himalayas and their conservation was put forward with the help of several interesting slides. He

talked about the importance of Himalayas in the protection of human beings, the impact of

Himalayas upon ecology, fragile state of landscape and glaciers too. How their was a great shift

in the Gangotri and Dokriani glacier from 1935 to 2008 was shown through comparative

images. Some frightening facts regarding the endangered animal and plant species were also

put forward.

He shared his concern regarding the problems of migration and the safety of Himalayan

Region. Ultimately he talked about several human follies leading to environmental degradation

which are deforestation, un-planned urbanization, hydropower, roads, land use change etc.

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7. Mr. Naveen Sharma :

Presentation was based on the basic problems of tribes. The policies made for tribal people are

out of their reach.

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1. Manoj Kumar & Prenana Kenthola- "Sustainable Development and Political Concern"

Talked about eastern and western views on environment : how society, culture and

environment are inter-related and socio-political concerns emerge. Study area was Redi village

of Chamoli where chipko movement was started.

2. Dinesh- "Involvement Ethics and Sustainaibility in Himalayas"

Are we ethical in our activities/action

Our area is part of the global community so we have to consider our international


Improvement of flora and fauna

We have to make each stake like Sikkim state which is a model of cleanliness or a

clean state

We should follow green governance

3. Sashi Rawat-

Sustainable development processes need to cater not only to the needs of present

generation but also of our future generations.

Himalaya is also known as water tower of Asia so we need to conserve it

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Migration development model is made for hilly areas

4. Vishakha Sharma- "Public Policies in State"

How policies should be designed for betterment of the country

5. Hardesh Kumar & B.L. Sah- "Assessment of Water Consumption and Responses of People

towards water management in Nainital Town".

Importance of Nainy Lake and Water Management possibilities in Nainital Town.

Save water campaigns, preventing leakage, rain water harvesting, replacement of

traditional taps with tippy taps system (switch system), pricing the real use of value

of water.

Using used water for agriculture, gardening etc. and Utilization of natural water


Water scarcity is increasing in the town due to the irresponsive water management

practices in the town.

6. Mamta Pant & Pragya- /

7. Sanjeev Arya-

Systematic, planned and scientific needful is needed knowledge

Solution : By avoiding plastic material and using handicrafts.

8. Deepak K. Tamta-

Due to the needs of human being we are using land in an unplanned way

Natural resources should be used and in a way we should apply optimum policies.

9. Varsha & Km. Meenaxi Chauhan-

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1. Vandana- f

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9- Ecotourism in sustainable development of Hill Region in Uttarakhand

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National Seminar

Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability in the Himalayas

Day 1: 5th November 2016

Technical Session- I

1.45 pm-

3.15 pm

Conference Hall

Hall I & II


Chair & Co-Chair: Lt. Gen. Dr Mc Bhandari

Dr M. M. S. Negi

Rapporteur: Dr. Neelam Kumari

Dr. Eveleen Benis

Paper Presentation Name of Presenter

Title of paper

1. Shikha Jain Assistant Professor B.S.M. PG. College, Roorkee

Sustainable Development of the Indian Himalayas

2. Prakash Lakhera Assistant Professor Deptt. of Political Science Govt. P. G. College, Lohaghat, Uttarakhand Distt. Champawat, Uttarakhand

Environmental and Sustainable Development in

Uttarakhand Problems & Prospects

3. Beena Joshi Assistant Professor Political Science G.P.G. College Khatima

Migration and Unemployment

4. Hari Priya Assistant Professor, Dept. of English D.S.B.Campus, Kumaun University

Sustaining Society, Humanity and Environment:

Culture in the Central Himalayan Region

(Uttarakhand, India)

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5. Asmita Bajaj Assistant Professor Dept. of English DSB Campus, Nainital

An Ecocritical Study of Margaret Atwood’s


6. M.M.S. Negi Department of Political Science HNB Garhwal University Campus, Badshahithaul Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand

Tribal community and Sustainable Development:

A Bhotia Tribal Community of Uttarakhand

7. Bijendra Bisht Phd research scholar Polical science H.N.B.G.U. Birla Campus Srinagar

Sustainability and Neo-liberalism

8. Abdul Hafiz Wani Research Scholar Department of Economics Farooq Ahmed Bakloo Research Scholar Department of Political Science

MNREGA and Sustainability: A Case Study of

Village Baddi Block Hawalbagh Almora

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National Seminar Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability in

the Himalayas

Day 1: 5th November 2016

Technical Session- II

1.45 pm-

3.15 pm

Conference Hall

Hall I & II


Chair & Co-Chair: Prof Mdhurendra Kumar Dr. Y C Singh

Rapporteur: Dr. Pankaj Upreti

Dr. Suryabhan Singh

Paper Presentation


Title of paper

1. Farooq Ahmad Research Scholar Department of Political Science Asma Research scholar in the Deptt of Education Kumaun University, S.S.J. Campus Almora

Role of Human Activities in Decimating the Forests:

a Study of Almora Forest Division

2. Bhawna Mehra Research Scholar DMS Bhimtal Kumaun University, Nainital

Sustainable Development Model for Uttarakhand

3. Renu Radha Assistant Professor Sri Gurunanak Kanya P.G. College Nanakmatta (Udham Singh Nagar) Uttarakhand

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4. Arti Mishra Research Scholar Dept. of Political Science HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal Prof. M M Semwal Dept. of Political Science HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal

5. Kamna Jain Associate Professor Dept. of Political Science SSDPC Girls (P.G.) College, Roorkee

6. Dhamendra Kumar Assistant Professor Dept. of Political Science SMJNPG College, Haridwar

7. Pooja


8. Deepak Chandra Research Scholar Dept. of Political Science HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand

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National Seminar

Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability in the Himalayas

Day 1: 5th November 2016

Technical Session- III

3.30 pm-

5:00 pm

Conference Hall

Hall I & II


Chair & Co-Chair: Prof. Rajesh Kala Dr. P. Lakhera

Rapporteur: Dr. Sushil Bahuguna

Paper Presentation


Title of paper

1. Vandana Assistant Professor Dept. Economics Sri Ram Singh Dhouni Govt. College Jainti, Almora

M .Ahmed Guest Faculty Dept. Economics Sri Ram Singh Dhouni Govt. College Jainti, Almora

Fakruddin Rahi Guest Faculty Dept. Economics Sri Ram Singh Dhouni Govt. College Jainti, Almora

Human Activity And Nature: An Interdisciplinary

Perspective On Sustainability In The Himalayas

2. Mukesh P. Semwel Dept. of Political Science SRT Campus Badshahithaul Tehri Garhwal

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3. M.M. Semwal Dept. of Political Science HNB (Central) University Srinagar,Garhwal Dev Krishna Dept. of Political Science HNB (Central) University Srinagar, Garhwal

4. Purushottam Dept. of Political Science Bal Ganga University Sendul (Kemar) Tehri Garhwal

5. Ruma Shah Assistant Professor Dept. of Hindi S.B. Singh Govt. College Rudrapur Udham Singh Nagar

6. Navin Sharma

7. M.M. Semwal Dept. of Political Science HNB (Central) University Srinagar,Garhwal

Himalayan Concerns and Sustainable development

of the region

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National Seminar Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability in

the Himalayas

Day 1: 5th November 2016

Technical Session- IV

3.30 pm-

5:00 pm

Conference Hall

Hall I & II


Chair & Co-Chair: Dr. R. Paliwal

Dr. Rakhi Panchola

Rapporteur: Dr. Pragya Verma

Paper Presentation Title of paper

1. Manish Kumar Assistant Professor Dept. of Political Science Pauri Campus HNB Garhwal (Central) University Srinagar Garhwal M.M. Semwel Dept. of Political Science HNB (Central) University Srinagar,Garhwal

2. Arun Research scholar, Department of Political Science, D.A.V. (P.G.) College Dehradun Rekha Trivedi Associate Professor Department of Political Science D.A.V. (P.G.) College, Dehradun

Communitarian remedy for

rampant migration in

Uttarakhand Himalayas

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3. Subhash Research Scholar Dept. of Political Science HNB (Central) University Srinagar, Garhwal M.M. Semwal Dept. of Political Science HNB (Central) University Srinagar, Garhwal

4. Rakhi Pancholya Head Political Science Uttarkashi

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National Seminar

Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability in the Himalayas

Day 2: 6th November 2016

Technical Session- V

09:30 am- 11:00 am Venue: Conference Hall (01) UGC-HRDC

Chair: Prof. M.M. Semwal

Rapporteur: Dr. Mamta Pant

Paper Presentation Title of paper

1. Manoj Kumar Research Scholar Dept. of Political Science HNB, Garhwal University Srinagar, Uttrakhand Prerna Kainthola Research scholar (Political Science) HNB Garhwal University Srinagar, Uttarakhand

Sustainable Development and

Political Concern

2. Dinesh Upadhyay

Environmental Ethics and

Sustainability in Himalaya

3. Shashi Rawat Research Scholar Dept. of Political Science Govt. College Pokhara Pauri Garhwal

4. Vishakha Sharma Research Scholar Department of Political Science SMJN PG College, Haridwar Uttarakhand

Public Policy in Hill State and

Challenges in Implementation of


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5. Hardesh Research Scholar Dept. of Political Science Kumaun University, Nainital B.L. Sah Professor Political Science Director UGC-HRDC, Nainital

Assessment of Water Consumption

and Responses of People towards

Water Management in Nainital


6. Mamta Pant Pragya Verma

7. Sanjeev Arya Vandana Joshi

8. Deepak Kumar Tamta

9. Varsha Research Scholar Dept of Political Science HNB,Garhwal University(Srinagar,Uttarakhand) Meenaxi Chauhan Research Scholar Dept of Political Science HNB,Garhwal University(Srinagar,Uttarakhand)

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National Seminar

Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability in the Himalayas

Day 2: 6th November 2016

Technical Session- VI

09:30 am-

11:00 am Venue: Conference Hall (01) UGC-HRDC

Chair: Prof. Neeta Bora Sharma

Rapporteur: Dr. K.N. Dinesh

Paper Presentation Title of paper

1. Km. Deepmala & Vandana f

2. K.N. Dinesh Role of Socialization in Protecting


3. Pushpesh Pandey/D.C. Pandey

4. Lakhan Chaudhary Human Activity and Economic


5. Vandana Joshi

6. Geeta /B.C. Sah/B.P. Dewali

7. T.C. Pandey

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8. Rekha Nautiyal Assistant Professor Govt. PG. College Uttarkashi


9. Mukta Dangwal Ecotourism in sustainable development of

Hill Region in Uttarakhand

10. Ramna Prasad/ Amrawanshi/


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National Seminar

Human Activity and Nature: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability in the Himalayas

Day 2: 6th November 2016

Closing Session

11:45 am-

1:00 pm




Chair: Lt. Gen. Dr. M.C. Bhandari

Opening Remarks Prof. B.L. Sah

Report of the Convener Dr. Divya U. Joshi

Open house

All Delegates presents

Closing Remarks Chair : Lt. Gen. Dr. M.C. Bhandari

Vote of Thanks Dr. Reetesh Sah

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