national security of pakistan economic, water, energy and food security by arshad m. abbasi

National Security of Pakistan Economic, Water, Energy and Food Security By Arshad M. Abbasi

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National Security of Pakistan Economic,

Water, Energy and Food Security


Arshad M. Abbasi

Security: Definition Security is one of the primary concerns

of individuals and states at individual level security refers to the security of life, equal opportunity and security of opportunity.

At state level security means that internally state is secure from rebellious tendencies and externally it is secure from potential aggression. States vie with one another to get security. While discussing security of states concept of security dilemma is important.

Security dilemma can be explained as: security of one state is perceived to be insecurity of other state. If one state builds weapons potential for its security, its neighboring or rival state take it as a threat. The example can be applied to the US and China, India and Pakistan, Russia and the US and so on.

In order to control the fall-out of security dilemma states engage in negotiations. So in a way dialogue is also a method to ensure security. The example is confidence building measures between India and Pakistan. Other states also engage in such an exchange, example is trade ties between the US and China although both states are locked in disputes on Taiwan and South China Sea.

Changing Concept of Security Security like any other concept is a

dynamic concept i.e. it keeps changing with he passage of time. When we say that the concept of security is changing, it means that the means and methods to achieve and maximize security are changing. This change of security is linked with states.

Traditional and Nontraditional Security Traditional security refers to the aspect of security

exclusively linked with force and use of force. Here states would defend themselves by increasing their military strength. The approach was that offense is the best defence. The outcome of that approach was security dilemma discussed in the previous slide.

As the concept of security evolved, the concept of nontraditional security emerged. Nontraditional security does not only relate to the military aspect. In this concept comprehensive approach of security is that there are other areas of security such as: human security, political security, environmental security, economic security and social security. This concept along with different types was first formalized by the UN in 1995.

National Security National security as the title suggests is

concerned with a nation’s attempts and efforts to achieve and ensure security

National security is understood as a state’s measures to ensure that its borders are secure from external invasion. On another plane, national security is defined as state’s policies to ensure peace within its borders.

There are elements which are posing threat to the territorial integrity of a state. This threat comes from the very citizens of that state. Ethno-linguistic and sectarian violence in Pakistan is an example of threat coming from within state.

Social security and the types of security discussed above are also an important component of national security. A state is secure when its citizens are satisfied with their existence and they have trust in their leadership. People feel secure only when they can excel in their lives without any discrimination and threat. It is the responsibility of state to protect individuals from excesses. Otherwise it would be what a political scientist Thomas Hobbes described as: “war of all against all”.

National Security of Pakistan Developed states have documented

description of national security. In the US the document “National Security Policy” is such a document. The document is prepared and issued every now and then.

Pakistan has recently adopted this approach with he present government coming in. these days National Action Plan (2015) and National Internal Security Plan-NISP (2014) are the attempts in this direction

Both NAP and NISP make it incumbent on the government of the day that it should make all efforts to provide security to the citizens of the country. The plans also put out government’s resolve to eliminate the foreign involvement spreading terrorism in Pakistan.

Economic Security Economic security has assumed utmost

importance these days. Nations and individuals hare realized the vitality of economic security. Economic security refers to the overall prosperity of a state. A state is prosperous when its citizens are well-off.

Pakistan unfortunately is in the dire straits in terms of its economic security. On human development index the country fares poorly. In the first decade of the present century Pakistan’s growth rate was hovering 6 to 8 percent. But in last few years it has dropped down to 2 to 3 percent.

The outcome of economic insecurity is that Pakistan has to incur debts from IMF, Word Bank and other international donor agencies. Bilateral loans from different countries is another fall-out. Currently every Pakistani child is indebted with thousands of dollars.

Economic insecurity generates political insecurity both within the country and vis-à-vis the rest of the world.

In terms of internal situation people resort to violent tendencies. We have witnessed increase in street crime rendering the common man more insecure.

In terms of Pakistan’s relations with the rest of the world, the image of begging bowl presents a challenge. The nations and institutions which help us economically dominate our foreign policy choices. It is natural that if a country offers you a debt, then you have to listen to it.

Energy Security Pakistan has become a country with

chronic energy problems. The load shedding in gas and electricity has become a fixture in our daily lives. A country with such critical energy shortage renders itself to be insecure.

The direct fall-out of energy insecurity is that it gives birth to economic insecurity. When our factories and industrial units face power shortage, then overall economy is affected.

Pakistan has won GSP-Plus status from the European Union. GSP-Plus status means that Pakistani products will gain entry into the European markets thus allowing Pakistan to increase its exports. Now the situation is that after securing this concession, the industrial sector in Pakistan does not have sufficient energy to produce gods to meet the demands of the European markets.

Energy insecurity has compounded the task for economic recovery in Pakistan. The present government has announced energy policy after assuming office, but the test is to implement that policy. The primary target of this policy is to end load shedding in next five years.

Water Security

Pakistan has become a water stress country with 1100 cubic meter water per capita. In 1947 Pakistan was a water sufficient country with 6 thousand cubic meter water per capita. In few years Pakistan would be a water scarce country with less than a thousand cubic meter water per capita.

The scenario painted above present a herculean task of overcoming the water shortage. Pakistan is an agrarian country with half of its work force engaged in agricultural sector. The availability of water for crops is vital.

The statement made by Khawaja Asif, our Minister for Water and Power is alarming. He stated recently that within next six years Pakistan will face sever water shortage. Keeping this statement in view coming from a responsible official in the ministry of water and power we have to brace up for ensuring water security.

Water security has become an issue in the whole world. The primary reason is environmental degradation. It is said that the third world war would be on clean and drinking water.

Pakistan is in the need of efficient water management policy. Otherwise the people of the country would have to face draught like situation which can be witnessed din Thar right now.

Food Security

A nation’s health and strength is proportionate with the health of its individuals. Currently Pakistan enjoys food surplus, but at times it faces shortage in one or the other cereal food item.

The example of natural or artificial food crisis is price instability. Items of daily use either become too expensive, or they simply disappear from market thus causing short-lived food crisis.

But water woes, energy crisis and economic instability of the country can result in sever food insecurity. The resources for food are the produce of agricultural sector, and water shortage can dry up our fields.

Recommendations and Way-forward Challenges in ensuring national security are

tough, but still Pakistan has the capabilities to cope with crises in its national security.

What is needed is that effective implementation of policies and measures.

We have a lot many ideas and policies, but they look good only on paper. The spirit to work with vigor and wisdom has to be injected to make these policies work.

Our leadership has to realize that time is running out and the need to act is urgent.

Pakistan has to form result-oriented policy to come out of debt trap. This requires economic prosperity which can be ensured once the country comes out of the morass of corruption..Good governance is another area where the country needs to move with agility.Pakistan has to overcome its energy crisis which is crippling the economy. We have to build dams and other water security measures have to be conceived and implemented. Politics has to be done away with which stands in the way of dam construction.Pakistan has to get rid of old techniques to ensure water waste. A lot of water gets wasted which is a bad omen for a country which is already water stress.Pakistan has to be beware of India which is building water reservoirs on river Indus and other allotted rivers to Pakistan under Indus Water Treaty. We have to take effective measures to guard against Indian designs.In terms of food security Pakistan has to implement efficient measures such as quality seeds, stock and marketing. The farmers need to be educated so as to enable them to equip themselves with modern agricultural tools and instruments

If all these measures and policies are implemented in letter and spirit, then these crises scan be overcome. Government of the day has to develop national security plan which touches on all aspects of security including nontraditional security aspects. Pakistan has to act with resolve and prudence in order to be a nation which can be counted with respect and importance in the comity of nations.