national championship tournament a-b.doc  · web viewthe novel concerns the homeless baseball team...

NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY APRIL 19, 2003 Packet by University of Michigan A and B Toss-Up Questions 1. It features a discussion of the Grand Marshall watching a beautiful nun wash her own entrails in a bathtub. The protagonist later hears the story of a group of girls who had sex parties, earning the execution of the ringleader. This novel begins in second person, and later shifts to other voices like He and She. The closest the unnamed narrator gets to the title location is a rock where women burn incense when they want to have sons. The author based the story on his own quest to find the mythical Lingshan. FTP, identify this poetic novel, the best known of the 2000 winner of the Nobel Prize, by Gao Xingjian. Answer: Soul Mountain 2. If the film is coated with a metal along a few micrometers of its length, it is known as a Notarys-Mercereau microbridge or proximity- effect type of this device. A drop of lead-tin solder around a niobium wire creates the SLUG type, while the simplest type is called the Anderson-Dayem bridge. They are useful in determining absolute voltages and absolute temperatures by measuring emitted radiation frequencies, and at a minimum of six picoseconds, they are the fastest known switching devices. FTP, identify these connections between superconductors through which their namesake effects are observed. Answer: Josephson junction (do not accept Josephson effect ) 3. As chair of the President’s Committee on Economic Safety in 1934, this social reformer was instrumental in the creation of social security. Truman appointed her to the U.S. Civil Service Commission and in 1910 she became head of the New York Consumer’s League. However it was role investigating the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire that brought her recognition as a fighter for the rights of workers and led to her nomination as State Labor Commissioner for New York in 1929. FTP, name this woman who, from 1933 to 1945, served as FDR’s Secretary of Labor, the first woman cabinet member. Answer: Francis Perkins 1

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Page 1: NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT A-B.doc  · Web viewThe novel concerns the homeless baseball team the Rupert-Mundys and the untold story of the Patriot League. FTP, identify this


APRIL 19, 2003

Packet by University of Michigan A and B

Toss-Up Questions

1. It features a discussion of the Grand Marshall watching a beautiful nun wash her own entrails in a bathtub. The protagonist later hears the story of a group of girls who had sex parties, earning the execution of the ringleader. This novel begins in second person, and later shifts to other voices like He and She. The closest the unnamed narrator gets to the title location is a rock where women burn incense when they want to have sons. The author based the story on his own quest to find the mythical Lingshan. FTP, identify this poetic novel, the best known of the 2000 winner of the Nobel Prize, by Gao Xingjian.

Answer: Soul Mountain

2. If the film is coated with a metal along a few micrometers of its length, it is known as a Notarys-Mercereau microbridge or proximity-effect type of this device. A drop of lead-tin solder around a niobium wire creates the SLUG type, while the simplest type is called the Anderson-Dayem bridge. They are useful in determining absolute voltages and absolute temperatures by measuring emitted radiation frequencies, and at a minimum of six picoseconds, they are the fastest known switching devices. FTP, identify these connections between superconductors through which their namesake effects are observed.

Answer: Josephson junction (do not accept Josephson effect)

3. As chair of the President’s Committee on Economic Safety in 1934, this social reformer was instrumental in the creation of social security. Truman appointed her to the U.S. Civil Service Commission and in 1910 she became head of the New York Consumer’s League. However it was role investigating the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire that brought her recognition as a fighter for the rights of workers and led to her nomination as State Labor Commissioner for New York in 1929. FTP, name this woman who, from 1933 to 1945, served as FDR’s Secretary of Labor, the first woman cabinet member.

Answer: Francis Perkins

4. His sister Phisadaie was abducted by the Dioscuri and his son Polypoetes survived the Trojan War and buried Calchas. He was present at the Calydonian boar hunt and once stole a head of cattle from Marathon. The son of Dia and Ixion, he loves Butes, but helped kidnap Helen, leaving her with Aethra. When he tried to secure Persephone from the underworld he was trapped when Hades feigned hospitality and bade him to sit in a throne from which he was never to emerge. This Lapith king also riled up the centaurs at his wedding to Hippodamia. FTP, identify this best friend of Theseus.

Answer: Pirithous or Peritho ö s or Peirithous

5. In The Education of Henry Adams, this term was employed to denote one kind of Roman governing power. Marx used this term to denote a kind of glamour surrounding useless goods. Coined in 1887 by Alfred Binet, it was picked up by Kraft-Ebbing and Havelock Ellis to imply moral degeneracy via learned association. The most famous use was in Freud’s Three Essays on Sexuality, which traced its origins to the male’s horror at the female lack of a penis, leading to a substitution of another thing. FTP, identify this term defined as an irrational attachment to an object.

Answer: fetish


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6. The narrator writes a letter to Mao Zedong in response to this novel’s climax. A dwarf replaces the Babylonian Gil Gamesh after the attempted murder of Mike “the Mouth” Masterson, while other characters include Spit, who was banned for depositing the contents of his sinuses on the ball, and John Baal, who never hit a homerun while sober. The novel concerns the homeless baseball team the Rupert-Mundys and the untold story of the Patriot League. FTP, identify this Philip Roth novel narrated by Word Smith, which shares its name with a phrase coined by Francis Marion Crawford.

Answer: The Great American Novel

7. Overproduction of endolymph in this organ can lead to a condition know as Meniere’s disease. Here, shearing causes stereocilia to pivot at their base, which in turn causes the opening of ion channels and release of neurotransmitter. A gelatinous, spiral shaped mass, its over twenty thousand outer hair cells are rooted in the tectorial membrane. These cells amplify tiny movements of the basilar membrane of the cochlea; if the movement of this membrane is too harsh, its hair cells can die, leading to deafness. FTP, name this organ of the inner ear where sound waves are transformed into nerve impulses.

Answer: organ of Corti

8. The fall of Longwy and Verdun, and the Argonne forest caused the defenders, who were reinforced by the arrival of the marquis de Beurnonville, to make a stand between the Aisne and Auve rivers. Fighting began at “La Lune” tavern, but it was a heavy fog and the steady artillery fire of the French guns that truly saved the day. When the defenders under Kellerman and Dumouriez let out a cheer of “Vive la Nation,” as the Prussian guard advanced, the Duke of Brunswick withdrew from the field in, FTP, what 1792 engagement, a failed attempt to reestablish the rule of Louis XVI.

Answer: Battle of Valmy

9. One man by this name produced fantastic Italian landscapes like The Storm and was known by the moniker “Francisque.” The other, studied under Delarouche and produced early portraits like The Naval Officer, though he gained fame for an 1848 work, now lost, that Gautier praised for its sympathetic depiction of rural life. That canvas, The Winnower, was followed by others like The Walk to Work and Man with a Hoe. Often suspected of being a socialist, he left Paris after a cholera epidemic forced him to move to Barbizon. FTP, identify this realist painter best known for Angelus and The Gleaners.

Answer: Jean François Millet

10. In aphorisms 333 and 334 the author asserts that the “greatest part of the spirit’s activity remains unconscious and unfelt,” while 77 through 98 assert that art’s function is to prevent mankind from dying from the truth. Originally composed of four books, its publication ended a two year hiatus that began following the writing of The Wanderer and His Shadow. Number 341, “The Greatest Weight” is the first mention of the Eternal Recurrence, while the final aphorism is the prologue to Thus Spake Zarathustra. FTP, identify this work by Friedrich Nietzsche that contains the assertion that “God is Dead.”

Answer: The Gay Science or Der Frohliche Wissenschaft

11. Chapter 35, “Fever and Rest,” ends with the suicide of Harold Biffen, who leaves a note quoting the novel’s most sympathetic figure. When Dora and Maud come to live with their brother, his desire for money increases. Soon he has abandoned the disinherited Marian Yule for Amy Reardon, the wife of his foil, Edwin, a part-time clerk who treats writing as a craft, but can’t get a break. The novel ends with Jasper Milvain’s triumph symbolizing the compromises that artists have to make. FTP, identify this 1891 work named for a lane synonymous with hack writers, a novel by George Gissing.


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Answer: New Grub Street

12. To make this molecule, bactoprenol chauffeurs N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid through a membrane. Lysozyme continually breaks its NAG-NAM connections, while penicillin binds to proteins that provide cross-links between strands, and thus causes the cell to lyse when it tries to reproduce. Gram negative bacteria use lipoprotein anchors to hold it to the outer membrane, while Gram positive bacteria are surrounded by about forty layers of this molecule, which is also known as murein. FTP, name this polymer that makes up prokaryotic cell walls.

Answer: peptidoglycan (accept early murein)

13. Following his father’s failed bid for power during the Heiji revolt, this man was banned to Izu province where he seduced Ito Sukechika’s daughter and subsequently joined forces with Hojo Tokimasa. Though he eventually subjugated the ex-emperor Go-Shirakawa, it took other members of his clan including Yoshitsune to destroy Kiyomori, and the leaders of the Taira, at Dannoura in 1185. FTP, identify this first shogun of Japan who led the Minamoto family to victory and established his bakufu at Kamakura.

Answer: Yoritomo Minamoto

14. This work interprets the revelation in the tower in anal terms, referring to the quote "I am like ripe shit, and the world is a gigantic asshole." In the chapter “First Mass and Dead Ends”, the author describes the subject’s dread at performing his first mass before his father. Other sections such as “The Meaning of Meaning It,” and “Faith and Wrath” discuss the title figure’s crying out to St. Anne. The author also discusses Cranach’s portrait of the titular figure and his time at Wittenberg. FTP, identify this work written by Erik Erikson that portrays the inner psyche of the founder of Protestantism.

Answer: Young Man Luther

15. Both Tales of Burning Love and The Antelope Wife detail tumultuous relationships, while Jacklight is collection of poetry and The Blue Jay’s Dance is non-fiction. The half-blood Fleur Pillager is the main character of Tracks, and she also appears in collaborative efforts, like The Crown of Columbus, written with her husband Michael Dorris. Focusing on the culture of the North Dakota Chippewa in works like The Bingo Palace and Love Medicine, FTP, identify this Native American author of The Beet Queen.

Answer: Louise Erdrich

16. Its epigraph, revealing the title character has no family and has time to wander among men, is taken from Robert Burton. The second edition ends with “L’Envoy,” an elaborate apology for previous sections, including “The Angler,” “Traits of Indian Character,” and “The Spectre Bridegroom”. It begins with “The Voyage,” and other essays include “Westminster Abbey” and “English writers in America.” It is best remembered for introducing Katrina van Tassel, Brom Bones, and Rip van Winkle. FTP, identify this work with “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” a work by Washington Irving.

Answer: The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gentleman

17. The Pólya constant is a measure for a given number of dimensions that this process will return to the origin in a lattice. In graphs, it is aperiodic if the graph is bipartite, and it is irreducible if the graph is connected, while it is called ergodic if the graph is connected but not bipartite. Google's PageRank uses one while crawling the web, and it is a Markov process because the next state is not dependent on any previous move. Seen in Brownian motion, this is, FTP, what type of process by which the next movement of a particle or object is dependent on probability alone.

Answer: random walk


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18. He secured the banishment of Hyperbolus and after inheriting a family fortune rose to prominence by arguing against the policies of Cleon. His final campaign was thwarted by the arrival of Gylippus, the death of Lamachus, and a loss at the river Assinarus. He is a character in Plato's Laches and is paired in Plutarch's Parallel Lives with Crassus. FTP, name this very superstitious Athenian who opposed Alcibiades over the Sicilian Expedition but ended up leading that expedition, and who gave his name to a peace agreement in the middle of the Peloponnesian War.

Answer: Nicias

19. Pierre Janet used a copper shoe with a window in it so one could be viewed without interference. The most famous 19th century instances of them were those of Marie de Moerl and Louise Lateau, who were defended in a pamphlet by Lord Shrewsbury. Rita of Cassia had the only one that emitted a fetid odor, while Lucy of Narni had one that smelled like perfume. St. Catherine of Siena prayed that they should go away, while the first recorded instance of them was St. Francis of Assisi, who appeared with wounds as if made by nails. FTP, identify this condition of having the wounds of Jesus.

Answer: stigmata (accept stigmatics)

20. Eduard Lalo wrote a "Norwegian" one for orchestra in 1879, while Charles Stanford wrote a whole set of Irish ones. The word derives from a Greek word for a professional dramatic reciter of Homeric poems, and the word came to mean a free-form composition. The comic story of a man getting a job on a construction site during the Depression was Fantasia II’s setting of the jazz piano concerto that is the most famous American work in, FTP, what musical form that includes Liszt's Hungarian ones, Rachmaninoff's on a theme of Paganini, and Queen's Bohemian?

Answer: rhapsody

TB1. It can often be found in ultrabasic igneous rocks, such as serpentitites and carbonatites, as well as in hydrothermal veins and metamorphosed carbonate sediments. Normally white or colorless, it has a rhombohedral or hexagonal symmetry and a highly ordered arrangement of cations, which distinguishes it from a randomly substituted calcite. It is commonly found, however, in limestone and in the rock which shares its name. FTP, identify this white or colorless carbonate mineral with chemical formula CaMg(CO3)2, which shares its name with a range of the Alps in northeastern Italy.

Answer: dolomite

TB2. It forms part of an island group with the Ilhas Desertas, the Ilhas Selvagensas and Porto Santo. The Romans knew about it but it had to be rediscovered by Zarco and Texeira in the 15th century. The British briefly occupied it in the 19th century and used its main port of Funchal, and the Spanish ran it from 1580 to 1640, but otherwise since Henry the Navigator's time the Portuguese have controlled, FTP, what island near Morocco that is best known for a very nice kind of wine.

Answer: Madeira

TB3. The Minuet in this work features a trio that, unlike many of the composer’s other pieces, is not self-contained. This is followed by the finale marked Spiritoso that, oddly enough, treats a Croatian folk song. The Adagio introduction is monumental, but shifts to a wistful Allegro D major marking that could be a farewell to foreign fans. Written during the composer’s second stay in the title location, it is part of a twelve-work cycle alternately called the “Salomon” symphonies. FTP, identify this work, #104, Franz Joseph Haydn’s final symphony named for a certain British city.

Answer: London Symphony (accept early Symphony No. 104)


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APRIL 19, 2003

Packet by University of Michigan A and B

Bonus Questions

1. Identify the following about a Renaissance sculptor and his works FTPE.a) He is best known for his sculpture of the Four Crowned Saints, but this Florentine sculptor also

created an important image of St. Luke that suggests movement and brilliantly compensates for a foreshortened lap.

Answer: Nani di Banco b) Nani di Banco’s Sacra Conversazione, his image of St. Luke, and the Four Crowned Saints are

located in this building that also houses statues for the Florentine guilds by men like Ghiberti and Donatello.

Answer: Or San Michelec) His relief of the Assumption, which was finished by his student della Robbia, is located on the

Porta della Mandorla of the Santa Maria del Fiore designed by this man better known for his dome of the Florence Cathedral.

Answer: Filippo Brunelleschi

2. Identify the following about a school of economics FTPE.a) This group of economists included such members as James Meade, Roy Harrod and Richard

Kahn. They met regularly in the 1930s at the namesake school. Answer: Cambridge School or Circus

b) This woman, a leader of the Cambridge School, was the teacher of Amartya Sen. Her magnum opus is The Accumulation of Capital.

Answer: Joan Robinsonc) The Cambridge School met primarily to discuss this work, perhaps the most famous work of John

Maynard Keynes.Answer: The General Theory of Money, Interest, and Employment

3. Identify the following about a British author and his work FTPE.a) This author, lamented in an elegy by Thomas Tickell, wrote essays like Chevy Chase and The

Children in the Wood, but gained immediate notoriety with his publication of the heroic couplet poem The Campaign.

Answer: Joseph Addisonb) This publication, which first ran from 1711-1712, and was later revived in 1714, featured Addison

writing under pseudonyms like Roger Freeport, Will Honeycomb, and Roger de Coverley.Answer: The Spectator

c) First produced in 1713, this neo-classical work features the title character’s daughter Marcia and her love for the Numidian prince Juba. It ends when he commits suicide rather than submitting to Caesar.

Answer: Cato


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4. Entropy is a pretty important variable in chemistry. Identify the following FTPE.a) This quantity is calculated by subtracting the product of the system’s entropy and temperature

from the system’s internal energy.Answer: Helmholtz free energy

b) This law states that any irreversible cyclic process must have an increase in entropy, or mathematically, that the cyclic integral of the change in heat divided by temperature is always less than zero.

Answer: Clausius inequalityc) If one simply derives entropy from the ideal gas law, this paradox results. However, it can easily

be resolved by letting the particles be indistinguishable.Answer: Gibbs’ paradox

5. Behind every successful, or unsuccessful, 17th century monarch was a good minister. Identify the following powers behind the thrones FTSNOP.

a) (5 points) The preeminent premier, this first minister of France under Louis XIII broke the military power of the Huguenots and the nobility while playing both sides off each other during the Thirty Years’ War.

Answer: Cardinal Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieub) (5 points) Originally a staunch opponent to Charles I, he gained notoriety for his brutal use of

force in Northern England and Ireland. He was impeached by Parliament and beheaded in 1641.Answer: Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford (accept either name)

c) (10 points) As Gustav II’s right-hand man he launched governmental reforms that made Sweden the peer of any European power. After Gustav’s death he won big with the Peace of Westphalia and ran Sweden while Christina was a minor.

Answer: Count Axel Oxenstiernad) (10 points) He kept the future Charles II from renouncing Anglicanism or launching attacks

against Cromwell, allowing for the eventual Restoration; he was the chief author of the Declaration of Breda and the Act of Oblivion.

Answer: Sir Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon (accept either name)

6. Identify this Minor Prophets from descriptions FTPE.a) This prophet was famously sculpted by Donatello. He said “Cast your eyes over the nations and

be amazed, astounded. For I am doing something in your own days that you would not believe if you were told it.”

Answer: Habbakukb) This book foretells the destruction of Nineveh, because even following Jonah’s preaching, they

turned away from God.Answer: Nahum

c) In this book, the prophet compares a plague of locusts and famine to the attack of Israel’s enemies if they do not repent. The book describes the moon turning to blood.

Answer: Joel

7. Name these favorite Romantic piano pieces FTPE.a) Between 1830 and 1835, Mendelssohn composed eight books of short pieces with this mildly

oxymoronic name.Answer: Songs without Words or Lieder ohne Worte

b) This piece in C minor concludes Chopin's Opus 10. It is probably his most famous piece in its form and was supposedly written in response to Russia's 1831 attack on Warsaw.

Answer: Revolutionary Etude or Etude in C minor Op. 10, No. 12c) This four-movement Schubert fantasy in C major from 1822 gets its peripatetic name from

Schubert's song of the same name that is one of its melodies.Answer: The Wanderer Fantasy


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8. Identify these works by Alexander Solzhenitsyn FTPE.a) Published in 1952, this is his first novel. Personally sanctioned for publication by Krushchev, its

protagonist is Shukhov.Answer: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich or Odin den Ivana Denisovicha

b) This series of historical novels traces Russian history in the manner of War and Peace. Its first two volumes are August, 1914, and November, 1916.

Answer: The Red Wheel or something Russianc) This novel depicts life in a sharashka, a prison for education people. The main character Nerzhin

encounters the idealistic Lev Rubin as well as state counselor Vologin.Answer: The First Circle or V kruge pervom

9. [Moderator: Give the team the handout at the back of the packet.] Visual bonus: Name these structures on the bottom surface of the brain FTPE.

a) Identify the lobe of the brain marked “A”.Answer: temporal lobe

b) Identify this nerve or set of nerves marked “B”.Answer: olfactory tract or bulb or nerve (accept cranial nerve I)

c) Identify the artery marked “C”.Answer: left vertebral artery

10. The British lost control of all but two forts around the Great Lakes. Their attempt to surprise the leader of the insurrection resulted defeat at the battle of Bushy Run. Identify the following FTSNOP.

a) (10 points) Identify this Indian rebellion that began in 1763 in the upper Midwest.Answer: Pontiac’s Rebellion

b) (5 points each) The rebellion began in May with an attack on this major fort located between Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair that lasted until November before Pontiac withdrew. Name the city/fort and its commander.

Answer: Fort Detroit or Fort Ponchatrain and Major Henry Gladwinc) (5 points each) This Pennsylvanian fort survived the rebellion after reinforcements won a victory

at Bloody Run. Name the fort and the victorious commander at Bloody Run.Answer: Fort Pitt and Colonel Henry Bouquet

11. Identify the following about a Sumerian God FTPE.a) The son of Ansar and Kisar, this god of the sweet waters knows all, and is one of the creators of

mankind, whom he later saves by telling Utnapishtim about Enlil’s designs.Answer: Ea

b) Perhaps Ea’s most famous feat is the killing of this god, the consort of Tiamat, who symbolizes the primordial abyss and from whose clay man was fashioned.

Answer: Apsu or Absu or Abzuc) Along with the mother goddess, Damkina, Ea gave birth to this deity, whose consort was

Sapanitu; he was later responsible for killing Tiamat and Kingu.Answer: Marduk


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12. Identify the following about some Russian psychologists FTPE.a) His first work was The Psychology Art. He tried to use Marxist social theory to do psychology,

culminating in his Thought and Language, published posthumously in 1962.Answer: Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky

b) Lev Vygotsky’s most important idea was this, which is the distance between the level of skill a child exhibits in problem solving versus the level of skill a child exhibits when under the guidance of an adult.

Answer: zone of proximal development or ZPDc) This Russian behaviorist, influenced by the work of D. I. Pisarev won the 1904 Nobel Prize in

physiology and medicine for his work on the digestive tract.Answer: Ivan Pavlov

13. Identify the following about a weirdo author and his weirdo work FTPEa) This work, originally intended to be a parody of the author’s physics teacher Monsieur Hebert, is

an absurd retelling of Macbeth set in Poland. Upon its 1896 premiere in Theatre de L’Oeurve, riots broke out.

Answer: Ubu Roi (accept Ubu Rex or Ubu, King)b) This midget was known for walking around Paris dressed as a cyclist with two pistols and a green

umbrella. He is the author of Messalina, or The Garden of Priapus, a work on “pataphysics”, and the aforementioned Ubu Roi.

Answer: Alfred Jarryc) Jarry appears drinking absinthe at a party in this novel by Andre Gide, which concerns the writer

Edouard’s relationship with some schoolboys at the Pension Azais.Answer: The Counterfeiters or Les Faux-Monnayeurs

14. Identify these concepts from quantum physics FTPE.a) This law states that if the Hamiltonian undergoes an infinitely slow change, and if the system is

initially in an eigenstate of that Hamiltonian, after the change the system will be in an eigenstate of the new Hamiltonian.

Answer: Ehrenfest theoremb) These three numbers are the coefficients in the equations which can be used to determine

spontaneous emission and absorption rates, and stimulated emission rates.Answer: Einstein coefficients

c) This is the wave equation which describes spinless particles. It is one of the few results in quantum theory which can be easily resolved with special relativity.

Answer: Schrödinger-Klein-Gordon equation

15. The current mess in the Middle East goes back centuries. Identify these players from the early 20th century FTPE.

a) As son of the Hashemite king of Mecca, he aided anti-Ottoman insurrections and was proclaimed king of Syria by Arabs meeting in Damascus in 1918. After the French took Syria in 1921, he became king of Iraq under British sponsorship.

Answer: Faisalb) He restored his family’s power by using Wahhabi Islam and to destroy the rival Rashid and

Hashemite families. His many marriages united tribes to form his nation, while wealth from the discovery of oil enraged his Spartan sensibilities.

Answer: Abd al-ahziz …Ibn Saud c) This agreement to divide the Arab world gave Armenia and much of Kurdistan to Russia, the

Mediterranean coast of Syria and Lebanon to France and Mesopotamia to Britain. Name either of the two negotiators who gave it its name.

Answer: Mark Sykes or Georges Picot


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16. Identify these related sensationalist philosophers FTPE.a) He took a radically empiricist view of the mind in works like Natural History of the Soul and Man

a Machine. He was banished from France and was patronized by Frederick I.Answer: Julien Offray de La Mettrie

b) The main French empiricist, he supplemented Locke in his An Essay on the Origin of Human Knowledge, while his theories of scarcity influenced de Tracy and Say.

Answer: Etienne Bonnot, Abbe de Condillacc) This utilitarian author of The Book of Fallacies argued for a scientific view of human nature in

Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation.Answer: Jeremy Bentham

17. Identify the following about an uprising in Chinese history FTPE.a) Also known as the Pai-lien chao, this movement against the oppressive policies of the Ch’ing

dynasty promised their followers the return of the Buddha and the previous Ming rulers.Answer: White Lotus society or rebellion or whatever

b) The White Lotus rebellion was allowed to thrive primarily because of this corrupt Manchu official who embezzled money and resources earmarked to combat the uprising.

Answer: Ho-shenc) This Ch’ing emperor who replaced Ch’ien lung in 1799 finally crushed the White Lotus uprising

in 1804.Answer: Jen Tsung or Chia Ch’ing

18. Identify the following about a poetess and her work FTPE.a) Born in Senegal in 1753, she was taken into slavery in Massachusetts. After being raised as a

member of a white family, she published her collection, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.

Answer: Phillis Wheatleyb) Wheatley first gained fame for a eulogy of this preacher, writing, “Yet let us view him in the

eternal skies, / Let every heart to this bright vision; / While the tomb safe retains its sacred trust, / Till life divine reanimates his dust.”

Answer: George Whitefieldc) Wheatley’s only poem that discussed her status as a slave was this one, which ends, “Remember,

Christians, Negroes, black as Cain, / May be refined and join the angel train.”Answer: On Being Brought From Africa to America

19. Identify some stuff related to regular languages FTPE.a) It states that if L is a regular language accepted by a deterministic finite automaton, any string of

language L can be broken into the form s = xyz such that x, y, and z fulfill certain conditions. It is useful in proving that a language is not regular.

Answer: pumping lemmab) The basis of the pumping lemma, this law states that if more than k objects are put into k boxes,

then there is at least one box containing two or more of the objects.Answer: pigeonhole principle

c) Considered better than the pumping lemma for proving the non-regularity of languages, it states that L is regular if and only if the set of equivalence classes of the indistinguishability relation of the set of characters in L is finite.

Answer: Myhill-Nerode theorem (accept either name)


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20. Identify the following about a statesman FTSNOP.a) (5 points) This author of Disquisition on Government served as Secretary of War under Monroe

and Vice-President under John Quincy Adams, but may be best known for his debates with Webster.

Answer: John Caldwell Calhounb) (5 points) Calhoun’s former plantation, including his house, Fort Hill, is now the campus of this

university.Answer: Clemson University

c) (10 points) Though once a supporter and friend of Andrew Jackson, their relation was severed when Calhoun joined his wife and other cabinet members in socially ostracizing this wife of the secretary of war for committing adultery.

Answer: Peggy Eatond) (10 points) This essay, anonymously written in 1829, was composed in response to the “Tariff of

Abominations” and fully expounded on the concept of nullification and states rights.Answer: South Carolina Exposition and Protest


Page 12: NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT A-B.doc  · Web viewThe novel concerns the homeless baseball team the Rupert-Mundys and the untold story of the Patriot League. FTP, identify this

Bonus #9: Inferior View of the Brain