national anti-slavery standard, year 1862, oct 11

VOL. XXIII. NO. 22, tDBLISBUD WEEKLY. ON SATURDAY. MffEUICAS ,\NTI-SlAVERY SOCIETY, ,,s > in Humes ... neuvco n>r -• Abraham I-in- flu. and g" f-rward „.j the path of .rial nail of duly !—flu l.i Tile IiiitcjKnekiil. CONSERVATIVE AND RADICAL Selections. THE PROCLAMATION Oh' FREEDOM Wires a great end, which bis been nrduoui strung '-'I '"r Hirnup'1 l"™,11"- 1- ")•* ,•",'", ,„!... i* on- „f profound cxuba.ion. Of inun saii-ia-iion the next ia ion apt ' h" one ot cntici. and cavil " Where is the bl.-i.--l;- -- > - > in... ......l.i in, in.i hav had '"'' " "*k'd fi " ' na ibis/ \\ liv M.u. short MM •• i1,i-;:,de.|uaicioiliec:ti,;oi,ey'i ''- far I )l )' "I"'' 1 :? And tbnslbc Iwncn our thnnka for h great, wise, an whereby lin.ll' the perils of our postlio. nee been swept away. Wo have sli confront, disasters In hear up ngatns , bailie, Li.rili.-iM lo make, and giru o overcome We may have ei\ months < It- jut before «(i 1'iiL the stormy cape „,„ui„l the laws,iro will .vliolo Uovolllli'.liniT 111' ...Inch lih-rty haseonEtcr.' .1 lb.' o UI- -I.I. 1b tic eroua nut r, all \i, „lol-.X this all?" Tbe l'rcsiilenta proclamal ivi-'ller M tho Source of llm Nile " jy thousands as querying " ( Iriumph had passed, " Anil u ., ,„ declare slavery ,„ ,m-v pari of tbecounlry. 1 i] ficlnwnre.aud Missouri, would - it . i, -.. ilh (compensation iik- lo tho few Iboroughly loyal on 'of the Union should likewise mil (he residue so fust as Ibey !p 11 false god orsliippcr it, one failed to bavo any senso of Ibu supposed d.» an mingo. and n-fco wur-d,q.s the form or idol. , it the ining were « very end. .. .. ... ...I-- ol l-l I -l.-'-'i--". "'.' n I .in I intlilulintw »ii!iiini i..rv..""H ...... ...| , ,i .,.- .|.|- such itulilu- '," ... .. .--'' secure justice V ' ,',".. |. ..- M. while the) !" ..-'• iv.-lv t>( «>- wil'j 'l",' ,"",, ;" '' "''"'" "' ,' ..n.h.l.TU ni. wind, 1.. -' civil and political Hut-urn. wore built. 1 be body ia valuablo onl) nt. it bdi ...I soul. »nl !''" '»» - ..„,! ","') lb.- |.l.r..,.l. - ll.-'"- Xhoj ll l'. - '• "- o«'«*» "•» * (era. They .' " wniplup tlw oiiimli' ol ilnnrs i'ii tin- body which it wenrs. Nor i^ it ml, men to forsuctir .irnl b,-tr,iy the ..hicb Invis anil p..noun w<ro Old blind devotion to the inai.riM body ot i«* or ....... «B II ri uiuiln-r. .!.! !-- ;; '- r 'I " .'ally prew. it to her Worn oniil it wns ovdlo Great principles need lo be m-t in in.uiui.ons .o ,„. ,„ !, V1.'„.. slor otli.=r«-ise, they are bill i^rnl.ndicd spirits, hnvitif ...'. biiii.l, by « .,-> <»„ luLor in tl.i- i»Hi,-rinl world. They are da lalem bent and light, ibilt serve no ,n:oii-u,v fl But, when law no lone.-r s-^vi-i r. prin.-ilibj ;! ^ " idlenliefc whose light bus aiidlesticV '"-'"hntotwq.Wtioia bavo divided man hitherlo, iinw llif i^m- thtii li-i> iiri""" " ["1 ;,,l"" |ji-"!""1"?"' Xit™ •Mbrr.n.idivhfbv.Ul.liv.-l ,.l.!«*;. v on one or the olher of (ho two only khIc;, m | Llh |1m,-,s 'SI- I..NM17,.1I'.N V-i: I.-liifTiI V -1' ,'v't-V/Hi-v in- -'T '"', - '.--'A- /'.- ' ;; mil not hu i ;Or,IL si WSUOhtiBR'S VIEWS of Till-: REBELLION I- I).. 1. An. '- ,|„ |!.|.n .-•.. " lhal - ,-i. Ili> caUi :> '' M-Uilct-Ooncm c ConMemt. - .,,,1 of tOO cnltu.1 t-t.Ut-.51r. lUulltlO" 1 „v ipeeeh lu Rootc, dcctoriiig hH urn srmlmUIOn la lined by the Unlo-J "' Ibe 3tnl ni Mil nii'iiintfaiieuf- In spile of llio rel(;ii driven nni foreml out ot Hi- Iiri'iiijflit inln fibn 1-r tin- '; '" and their mir-M.. p .-.,. - if l,!',',',,^'.' (.!'i-hifli".t.l.' n't tin.- rouili tbal nny mnn who ,,1 it [-- ir.l slavery :>* tile greatest mid molt ,,,.,,, |i-v.i,l in iiis linn ...nvi.-iion tlint the policy .1 i.ii.Fin slavery whs not only of Divine origin, u.ii .nit it was one of the greatest evidences of the wi-.leii nnd perrcution of ihnt lireat lining who crente3nll good (loud lnnglilor|—waa nofit for tiny of lliciiiblu' r ..:.-iii..i.K in he -ill "f hia follow-eHi- fl'hiia if one mrui «n'i rniininc n^/nnn nnolhcr lor nn[nllic--r—n new nRninst an old cl.uilidnle—tin; toft w "Id bo tin; elnvery question. The now mnn, "-i jould ho elecii'il, lind nlwnja lo go a atop ier in III in iiin-.;lii.ii IV.r il' lhc in."- mnn went , h-T tlmn tl- "1-1 in Li* b.dii-f in tin- dMiir .'tinr- . .r f n'.nttri.ih" therw w-iinn nit- .if iuiiIimi,, tiuv tl-...„- it. ..-!< ( b-M I'- .1- l-rt....- eot tili^ qui"; fashionable. Hut while -i-.^n.i- "I Vhia r.Trel to soy ih.H tbure were thrno » 1. bbould 'i |.ttei.r.i..- in,. t;n-p.l uf [.....-ornl ptaoe.1 in a ditftrrml poni e.bIIak titan we vbnt rw n sc-k to ehfi'tip: the n-li ri"iihi„ll,-.'',-l.:iV- not thvt-.rv lot!.? it say 1 did it-" ' did not llic^e ...... before Ibey enl should tint, do it tnssable gull, b oldera—you m It i-, iniiio-^ible. can, with enfuti non-alavehohU-r thai h.-nped earnestly nnd heartily. I on "this experiment, that they said lo iheni," Gentlemen, ynu lb.; von will dig n itn- eeii yourselves tiu.l the non-alnve- ilo it. Why do you think sol mak? Ibis " lib-ii'.il eov ' You n v govei .. Ihni .,1-1 I .,,,1.1 nr.rk tliegre...... ipation. There was no probability the rabels .....jlil Inv down their anus :il this threat ot tho President, and ho confidently IBcfcd foiward lo the l«i of January lo see the results anticipated by lira proclamation. IJe wasuot a prophet, nor the son ol a prophet, but lie would propL.-y tlml the brat Of next January would be a " happy New \ car ADDRESS OF TIIF HOCFItXoRS OF TDK LOYAL STATES TO THE PRESIDENT. WASTntiOTOK, '-'. 1662. Tiik following is Ibo address lo Ihe IWiilcntof the t nited Slates ndotiied at a meeting of fiovernora ot ll,,- loyal tlates, 1,-1.1 lo fite iiuasures for tho more active support of tl,- Cov,t cot. at Altoonn, I ena- tylvnnin, on tbe '.Mill day of September, 136'2 : nnl"" 1" ar niul n half spent in conlest ,i.-. gi-uioii.; rebellion n<;»iiisi ""' verniuent of the Uniled Sialic, ibe .lui> ol the loyal Statei and people coiitinnu .ijIiici] lils loyally in Hie re| lie. t-Mumlcl in hlin to dellve In Hid Brooklyn A-mlemy I,- I'reiiil.-nl bus ileterniini'd on a more rau- ,„ited. temporizing proeedure. His proela- freea abnolutely only such slaves aa Aets ol i.uiii-bio.. tli- .Tin,er of rebels, bad already em^dpntel, three months must ye, -n full hundred days from the date o( lb * n—before Ihe proller of Ireedom to all . .._, . gsivolv r-n.nininc ..__ iliatriclB risuielion. will take effect, »u,„e Bay, "Tho proclatnalion is - »»-i- bub4e-a m ira;;.-a,,u,1 I, does not abolt.h Blnvery-it may never Irec a single alave..The rebels' uiay M.cMimb mid return lo loyn.ty i or Ihej IURV be bealen and iheir Sm.cs reared by lorce [heiTnion-, or they may triumph and selucve tbe independence throu.-b f..r,,-u ael ot otl,erwiP.e.!Otha ; Blnvirc m-iv euiK-- Ir-ui tin- contest strong and defiant aa* ever. What will avail, then, the procla- ryby Th-v i. There Ibey I light it ,.;., V,t me, we pec one psn-ty ol the "Second party of llm iiiibghn.1 ean.lle. engaged in tbia great rubidium "gaui-t^ In- au- thority ol tin; fi.iver 'O' *!-\'< " ,r '[' <oi,lli'.lilil— e-'le", il-liln'^-'l •uninorilt.ili- ll pies on which the ;;..«.[ .-lit ol the " "l lli ; :fn.^"' ;" lo. f..|, may L. ley idUIs to the greal principles ol liberty and ,,-y maintain tho iniegrity of tbe ^aiioua the sake of tbose essentisJJJJPd oMrnal if equity, wbo'e observance has nlwr.ya ,d ivho.^O viola the} 1(lr.-bcllion. But, wh -v would doubtless hi this is physically y< te. The dupes ol t „„,u.euien' L Their i.len is Hint a candle should' bi igbled. placed on a candl.-.ti.k, that it may giv ^heTare'the 'uu'n "wiiThoT.l to the f.'onaii.utioi. because it holds lo ihe £ re,t piineiplesol liberty and m.tio- Tiny ijini- ' «"<»"'"» ff "be Na« Union f " Thev accept Conslilulion and Onion, nut ni " ereitious amulets, political charm Itahlialf'.ll'" b 'l" i''''''' "' " '>' " '' ' ^ ,)1^[UTY rovilt f.r lb, rullM.-N KM K. THEBLESSISU^ W I.IML.IH Y tt «el«t a.-.d uur posterity." The fon.tituiiou Is a ny-brni-ch d golden candlcfliek. and upon Hs uri»a burn tne - juaiiee. liberty, law—for coiinou weal. J .rnnn.ulllily.' It is for Ibaau "^"^ cm il. idet! that it originated in bell ill 1 have1 u otliera- M) fl . uiiiuatrueted. perhaps d ,te view is, that Uod knows best, and 1, si ....... j-.l.,.™. believe that in I!.- own lime g llu Kill bring fthuul tha piopet rcmed) and the de- ti ratable ptirnoaeai that for purposes uu rtiu uriug '^, velopuiont of Hid t Do litis pertained lb,,, .„a... of His own nnd ibiit when thea filled ajid aecompliabed, the san soltc ibe mystery. That is th ' llie question. There was but r betier develop ises that __„|„, -.-,!.! i.n-t ibat tbe aecesaion or reve .;„„', ..„„»,!,) by am nee. v. ---em on ibe part r;, :„ tb... ,i;.'-,,„biing a-w.<« ,,,,'- L ii,t..r,,,s ,., the , I;!" ? 'to*™* ,;ir,l,„-bue|,r.-.p.:ru II- v...l « -I"! -ill. al iK-ing tl- cau,, U- --.' .1 v ill less because ol auy act ol Bfigreseio of ibo United Stales " easonl Bo aairl... .. ri llie organisation ol Wh niiise of the dif- liety North and «.« frequenlly urged :l„,|, Hi- Noiilieru n.-pb- ..ould b" mini.- I. —•u and that was with the v' hi tli- In y, the e i-li il,.. Soulb. Men wei :nces to go for peace. 1 to a sound ami perpe .-.ihera who bad lli.'.i^l ,hodid luul been urged. Tl.-y ^ illegal and revululionary to them, by ,'ill ihe North uuThis was the Congress, in theSoulh- I nt all public places led by (!-•:- speciuiia ['-tin- that il would ual peace. But there deeply and maturely i lo tbe polls, ns ibey to their frieuda, wbni .in,.-' This il the way 1 spoke •', ihcm. Ami Tyeiinu-d, Mr. Spralt and Mr. lii.iT.ell ol \ ir- a'(lliia ialler. however, was prec.din- lb. i-vol.i- J have nt,folded the policy ui the new -overt,- l- In every neighborhood, in every town, in ...,,-y district ..r lln- coiiuiry, ll- prevailing cant is that republicanism is a failure. Kdlow-ciiii-vris 1 not slop to reason the questmn as to whether re ia a conflict between free labor and ebivc labor on- thin" 1 do know, that the slaveholders intend shiver,'' -hi.ll lloiirc-h and be perpetuated if aacrn.-y do..a ,-rish r.nd it becomes tho duly of rymau who hives republicanism more than be es slavery (o uccept the issue tendered by (ho Couth. giv. .ig from the polls Lel'lta'DiTd "men who choose go lo (he P»ll>»j Thu result or tins was that not u one-ibinl }i..:,«, j„ nuinv of the .-laits. In otlcr V.-I...,-. a u.aior.ii of vui-is w.:re east, they look ,,,. Dpinion Df ihe whole Slate. It is .i ..v_ i „.:„; ,l.„ rnftjui-ily of votes lown that in Lotlisii en nee io it lhal—at tbe hazard of foreign war superadded to Ibis cruel rebellic ibUcnnism Is to be maintained even . America (applause). We must not toit poor, nuliVring Mexico to become tbe vict ' Napoleon (applause). "'' M.-.i.- ,r o( Ihe [..1 .-ia oiite Mag hicf ol ti. .j.ou-ii.l- and preserved libert" I the people tbei of anarchy or fi „.,... .. n-hinil > n n-nriitioiial p-.wei-s ol i - vigoroo-ly and religiously guarded - the oii.iiii.-.o on which olonu our at, nnd the righlsanil cmsolves, can be saved Irom from the gulf of despotism. u,..s which mttv havo been or which may be duly enacted, and lo ibe lawful orders, of tho President—ecu poratm-; always in our own spheres in the National government-wo mean u. conlinuo in the most vigorous :>..' reisc ot all on, law- ful and proper powers, eonton.ling agmn-sl treason, rebellion nnd the public enemies, and. whether in public life or in privalo slaiiou, supporting the arms, of (he Union until iis cause shall eonqoor-unlil final victory shall perch upon us .J,, or tU luil .title .ii.;, In a Their' 'ear*' n,e c.-.nstaully c rammed, their VI inllan.ed. by tiding* of I ....b--l-;.-.'- V ''' ,T '''- Kl „„W ,o„,h,,t IS cur, n, .,.* "SB by lli Jacks csplu ference ,n South In the n..i.-:bi,-.-hobling -.ales eve.j ...»„ f,ctmnr,.i..,H.I...I thai tl-- laboring. la--e- . n rover menl and ii required but Utile |' " i'. ,.,..,', when lhal was the ,ho heela " of society. I.. -i, I.I tiunl We way. .in- o? lie .^*- We dc,b , h'aTU'en 1 WashinMon 3«7 ™**f .; b" of the President and Cabinet by bare!) two ,nd that Lien. Leo's ve. lorioi.s army is o„ ns .--.n .ii-rif,,' way to ll-: Northern elites 1-vcn .|on | ,,,. r ,.|..r,.,. - ,.„... \l,.i vl;.ii,l ... ',-'"" sacred wbiL .. liberty, instiee, and enmmon weal, of lilt's... we shall not go down on our „.|lu," idol rs and materia iat.:vO"-e -, w tho dork and dishonored ' icrcd enodl.. r.- licit the ihe light of ,. hie. loblid . othci „„ directed labor, it was ,. where il properly b.- after having cut loose l„n:.c-g tho evil, have we I Not at all. He 11,-r llint Ihe M.,i,.;..|„.r. ,.. .. ., Ul,j.,, „...,-...,... rcvob..ion.beeauso.tba,l ipeuing ihe Alrieau , the ueeessity t ,i Id 1 the ,,,n „.',;, a and radlcub . favored up I beof the that the Confed -si Id gi iud abiiil.ilely leiierarvonsiitiilionandlii..-- \ .„!,;,'„ ,„„ i,-b. 1 hosts, a virtual eoaqufst -I Sl.-itcs, before January, is hi no mvi.iia Mthot .,-"?'. ""' *o<-.-.stor(rj,. For, by 'ol the Confiscation Act. expressly rtcog- Ibcir enforcement enjoined upon our (iiili- juvnl r.lh.vrs by Ihe prjelamali-" -I' lates disappears before ihe ndvi ng pbo - „ll-r prineiT I" me min •">• —».;—- m which on.o llie lights ^glonousl. But this describes precisely tho relate of host; who arc tailed eon The telfstyled < tiventv bve yean xrtt.;";; - ;'.':.^,.-' ii»,l,te„v,..r.l ,„„,t .„„,.|.-..,... b»rk»,it ,lu,»l...... .,.) ' "1 '., ul freedom. ,1,, „,,,.,„,.,I. Tl- r.,1,1 »,' |.-1 «-'';"»•; I, ,!.,„ Ilill,. |,r,........l "F™ i.. .I,,,..., ii,,., ,,., ..ri,,.i,ili..'.l ... ... i," I'",'' .,;,.., is-.u-e toonr eovernnn-ni. ,s ol toiii.-,. p'i <»'- „-.,„, co.,1,1 by no meanB havo been excluded, ff of Congress, no conqueror, it wi The most sweep nothing in Ihe n o means un>u *»"" n the struggle, no act io Executive _dr ,,. would Hill wiebl Ibeir Diulst.ns •• pn[ . nnd[ ^jj [,e, Hi v»l .,,...1 ,-, .'-- s-".-'.' »= |"; (Mr Soa,,,.,) 1 '„.T ,1".' ''''..' "„,„,„:„,,, .'"'•''-j """„t,™ „::; ;:-'" "./-': 'v :;i 'i ; ;:::;:t phalically wius a slave aristocracy "' Stalest was anuoui., I fly 'bat every vole «ould be openly polled so that everybody should luow who were and who were not m favor of tbe ,,,,,,-, old concern of old Abe Lincoln. Ah 1 iiv-i-iti:-.'ii=, every man should bli.- gone uj be , then.'and hnve declared his views, and I-.- bis lelb..v-eil,,..„s ... i-u, anilloligblwill, h-u, jo noble n maiiiiV-tatiou. Hut most ot us like to read or and admire ihe deeds and sullermgs ol mar- (yra rather than to become one of the number tSiisi"'; ™;u: L iv. r .!dZ;;„;si inm ether le limn lii a rough rope around ck al ihe dead of night, in a lonely ft a king where the - ip his i„u,;reai wluii^- j,';,;.' " ;-,' v™'~; "^.'.. ^"K^AtTn^iTbim. and extol his conraj afel death in dclense of bis contilry or in obct. j his conscience, (hero ia something sublime aspiring in his fare. But Ihe other process_ uiore than developed ile.ell, h„Mil,li!= bud b„r jv,sl ...u.ioenceel, the twos. bad bill fairly grappled .villi each othet.wt ,-1 I. ->•< !. I'." 'U'l -[." '."".", '- " in Ibe nllaira of Mexico. Now n ia Vrance ......... If Napoleon is sending out eighty or a hundred Ihouaand more men iWre it is not alone lor the pur ,f penetrating to lie: I. of IB payment of moneys due from that govern to citizens of France; but it is for tho purpos lining the iu-lilulions of thai country perrm, nemlv res .he be,t and „„e,t n, of :,„!„„ m ll. downfall of repiihliennisiu bere.^ Mr. Hamilton wer on lo urge thu reposing Ad I, ,,„am-, ,.,.ld pass .ionnl aubmiesion. And impressed with the il reserve ought, until the i siautly kepi on fool, to -my iscd. a eil, equipped .Tills. speech by ijuotinn- Ibe passage, from D Webster—"If Iced,.,,, is lo g.» down on Ibis ..... liueut, let it fall at last, if 1»M it amsl, amid ibe ,,rou,b:s;t monuments ol its own gl very spot of its origin " (applause). u|. Hamilton made similar addresses to the above but tho dressed lo then a si.ll if liit ui t,-e Southern mnn, nt ,',,„,! a of (ho .Male ol l.ouisian, -i the Convention, lucre, migl happen, e eonl itiue :ompelb.'.l say. nyo ; they hi jening now ; and they w pen uiilil Ihf last free spirit rum die South, or until ibis govf.,:-.— - ihem (loud applause). If thus it be true that slavery is Ihe cause o rebel i; if the obj.c. of .be -lav-hohl-rs be of leaving power in tl;" hands ol (be |„,|,l..r- ; il lb- du.ig,r of slavery was so great justify them in Iheir devotion to Ibe instil slrov thu United States, then i say tbnt 1 . ....aged 'my views in regard to that institution ironubliomeoiiiifisi ept on fool, to Inii.«!™r i,..u>.-|. .no intuitu at home, nnd ready fur enierger ..spec, fid I, a-k. .he President io :«!! lor such . jf volunteers for one year's eervica, of not less ™,, one hundred thousand in Ihe aggregate, the quota of eaeb Stale io he raised after it shall have Idled ltd quotas of Ihe requisilior.* already made for vo un- - .-- ...I..,., W-hclieio lhal this would bo .. .Jlitary prudence, while- it would greatly promote Ihe military education of tho people. We hail with hcarti-li graiiiude and encouraged hope the proclamation of (I.e. I'renident, issued on tho 12A inst., declaring cmfim ipal-d tvom their bondage; all persons held ,o stre,,:e or labor as slaves in the, rebel Slates where rebellion shall las! until the tirst Jay oi January en,.n.,g. The light of any person lo retain authority lo compel any portion ol the subjects of the Nnttonal government to rebel against it or to ,, ,,iuiait, its ctieiu,.- iii those who are allowed „,, ,,-^essioa of such authority the right to rebel '-- and therefore the nghl to es.ablish rnib.arv government in a Sift'- TRE COLORED PEOPLE OF BROOKLYN ON COLONIZATION. itEcrisd of tho colored people of Rrool.ln, wai ,, .!„ [,;, I— .-'rr-,"lis. bor.h.on Wed ,, 1 ;.„,,,-"., .ak- iiitoioueideri r, the I're.-i .',..,„-,n-i|-;ii.',i, p-b to.o.anl ^rmM^n ..i „. .ohirv.l people ol (ho Nor. (I- pres-ent crisis -'. W. B. S was chosen^han-num and Theodore \ ooebi- ceere.ary. 1 he ' hurinan. n, takin- (he chair. ,aid that tin: proclamation ol ihe i'r lent was ein-ice' f, eling rnnong (he lr,.-e colored people of the 'Novtb. Tbcyhad been pained o lib V government .. . therein, by appropriate umtii, of proteerion, in order that ri lectnally and morally, of loy uol bo forced into treason, robcll ,'cl all ti ,.„jld have to the loyal peoph ilhatrhe the -(,. nd,. a willing Bjuld have diei the altar Igjiin. pribl-.ini-l- judgmunt, unjust if patriotism, wilt e.b.-. fti - planned by sli The wnnli Ibey tool , there might I bold!) .Hide a I It places our g.>.ci.iin-.itd.~mietly, unequivo- cally on (be fide of ireedom as against slavery. J. EEifcte r. 1?h.. mc I^^Sct'I "c-cdom n.. Ihcii ue.ia.ling. el'.cciuul cu.o V\ halever Btota may be placed on the fsris by blind I co-.ted il- pr laiualion »»...« , Tl. ..- -I r.UI. l"V.,,,p-'l I, Li n. ,:! bapp.eess ol all. II Vur more il.aa l-.rty >ei.™ past, it has -....rail. I. Id a-. f.-.-ht » .ouiil.yl-.a :,l„y,o 'slaver) akin to d.sloya^ „.;..,. ii,. ' .' . South, thon-h <[ id. a.-.wii ;. *••• ^."^"J^sii '""''"l-arTf lh.-'..,-la'„; violence of tli ' - common people induced a decent silence tial reserve. These .are tho men wlm are now n. su...... nr.„lar virtue as conservatives, fbey ha; mid pruilea- enast-rvai ives. ,.-._. ^...- -|..-- I^i't!, , ;::,: ,i ,r;, , ; ::i,.; ;:;,i! J S,S».: in.. ,,..-it .-lul,1. l.rl.vtn, IO Itl '\, ,,.. ! i ,.,,., ..... |.l,-—-1 ,0 HllS'"-."^ „„,,.,-„. .....I...- "••-'> ; ' " ,i ,,. ibe world. Hut when you ,. [• , ', I', wan r.:pri-.lo.:.,.l in the Ilt -,,„i|,, run fpokeli ol In terln ''" I'lfs.i n and ih'ii "I (o tbis hour no man ifled his Voic' in crili.isn. againsl any. of Ihe iu.s ll, a-s -1 Hi- it » sigiuhi:.... ,-ar.l lheeeho...sof those sei ems u, tie: sir ,|„ bonds, in the at (1,,-les i.e bt q„„ ,l„, ,.i, i-are ago w-n "gydnoasl, in heard now saying." We 1. repahl, changed my v ens ,u ,g.., Liu,, sundered my allegiance, it 1 tin nan an) i. ,b,tvrv (loud and e l.riuol applause) Fellow- ,,;,.,,;. Imt-had t..-o ibrongb no -ea.i, lions in ,u, !,,„,, N,„ ,v, II .he men who compelled m- to p.opt.s " h <J.... 1 be nt all thsappmnicl when they v.. -,i,l Inre and "ill suv elsewhere [ a'd'vi.o them" in ndyaneo that if they would fcrci ,,,,n,:,: i-sne ol-.lid.-naltlto .he goven,,,,, ,, ..v., , w.,va bi,..-.-.! in-.- has blessed my lathe and which I have never known but n with blt—in-a, if ihcv bring into cir-""™ tier 'husband, against the ,o,urren-lerhi 5 child, tolbe hardships lie, and (ho perils of bairle, an-l it, lavor ol I u.iislers penniilcl lo re.aiu their slaves. It ,1,1 have been f. '.rial ,l-.i -ion alike a-auisr liuroiin- iestiee. the rights and dignity ol Ibe government, 1 ami wise N ma policy Tho „,,-u,n..( t |,,-r,. =„)-„.(-, sink- at the root of .lo ,-bellion will lend new vigor to the elh.rls nnd new ife and hope lo the hearts ol (he people. Cordially ,. „|..n,. ,,., ,1,.. L'rt.-id-nl respeetbd nssiirn ,f personal and oll.eial confidence, we .... -I,..,,, that the pulley now < crown-d will, suec-s, will give > an-l ,,l,:,u( tielt,rie» over oar ene„„vs,au,l soitt t- i .ut.. ^...^.r.ii. tl,.i (dessing ami lav ,-1- th, uking thai it cubl ._u Inet that we inus 11 you knew all Ibu there was something than the simple dcsi- s'h„l ... ..jrielvca for iceeed. We aow reali.e ,,.. n slroagei- goveinmciK t I do, you would feel (bat re involved in ibis revolution set rid Of Ihe hated Yankee. -ignrated (I L of tho ..w.i many of you dnlcrcd with them in op.u,-., --- ,',i„r,. ibeir power would be pernelo .cy woulduot besiibieclto t ham choice of a free people, in r,eu., bail been the caau ; and be that 1.-- tol fact to-dny does not yet .u.derstai d ,..'.„.,,.. means; and in con?eq - Shirk it if you can, 1 t>\ and except of those wh do those great wrongs . whose coiq.eration Ibo army, they could bn- gtcatly change.1 in aching piel then drew a tr. uve deliberately sou humanity. Gut tbi ,..!,.) I.l-erl,. and^heu it •»--» |" '•""• >"' "' "ill -hi. 'he ,,.c.-.rvHl.VtS ol American instill, il iJutth *'->b.,-P Ibh.-r.i.Ls UL i4erei.tan.oog men. mid took stripes, and shame .1 disloyal a the cum cu.lly iuis- ,, by mm woiua. yt,"'"- -rr .....inrrsyoiican tause llie rebelli -,- .-.-.u. i' eir original position nil.-: of lb. I cited States ,a most we ....- a., ,i- no;:'1 "i'1"":;'' ''-,;,; ^ Twer of the lo, al people supporting tbe government (loud applr "-' -reuv itiuu,,^ U.S-. --- ,maake--aic radi.nls ,^ ,i -hat...- thm so ssi rod ii minions -I.-Jd U-iuudt-a in.c-k l-.t-.- a i--"j l-.'l" nad ireasuu. They who hold lo - *' ( s.itu.o.lis or out Ol theui, -. ois/'a-.n^'ih!'!- 'wb-> b-lieve thai Ihe life ol ,,s v.s.ot'il- world, lies in lerla.n great of „,;3 ^toluliou may (bus b„|,l,,>nless, hroughg laiel.tir-iigh ... '„,„ f:1[( „„„ „,- peoph- ol he Nor „..„„.[ _ib,, ar- Ibe l.rne ...nservalives. Ihet ,„i- ive-uot bi'eau.o the government oi lb. rel,° tholiie of lives. Ihr,-, or,b„,,-d \ J, „„ _,i„ or .oerv;.». . - r- WMft,yrt.««rtA." Uy the salt ot l-i in-ip - ^ „.. >Jul|l1l !ipill „, ,g „s and „,s. ...j. ...„- aeainsl li-s s-li--. ini|.nr.l> and -.,ll,. i.ollv prol-el.-l by the t-onslitution iterved and preserved tbe world, "",' ,. " lillt [„;.,„-- ibe operation nnd devol- A L'ood cause a g ,1 eonsen!.,.. "'" " ^ ,,, t,„„, l-l! to grapple 1,1.. ,;-:,lwil, h ii-ablf. ';;';," ':'".; h „„ Vullj de.slt„v It I.) , „, l.-.iu.-.l 1- bJ,.Ni. artnc ,.,,,..,:,.•- Whe.her tba, ,s lie ,',-, „d,.-,.is inipl-melil of piliilshiuenl has rt1 .,.,,,- L.k the im,ltel-by those ,„ „,. i,,,..,. -I .r„.|l,. .e..t i" ,,„. „|„il 10- e.iull.eiu K I llmi'iois.the wr, sign -I b-i- ::;,." ; ; '; t is not.ii.-rc , - **. a ,-l. v . . ,|, .., ...- baie been sullicenlly eoutilsMiucvd, IIk wl-.b Ira, k o,'ourg,.i,ron„,„ ,s ^ |ae(, (ha, upon (be organ,,:,. lb- lliians bv whi-.h oni fa.beis "-gbl .• pr--- rv ^ -„, -rliui-ll. (1,0 inllueo".- "I i.fli -al ngbl, -I ,„-.,. lid. gov' ;IK e, .,-w ., b..- 1. 11 its, '-= uu"' <l.e;. ... „.|a,- a-s.,il..l l.vlh-o w con at these - n lui i:i| „, „„. itiM ol aerie. oU.ral ..gin ,„a,„lr,,.,.(ben, I. .u. £» -"^ ,„,,Jir . „.,, „, ,,„. the sol .,„„„.„. is to be w,ll ,e l.j in w Ulli[ o( „„, ,,,,,„„„,, ,„ the peoule. Nov ,he radical priocipl.yilei.-a,, A. - k|p m „;,, ar3 age a who would s-el. i„ abolish slavery m (he South ihile 1 would have considered such a man as at leastan impraeii.ablo l.i-ud ol ihe gfietiiai' .;,..- ,1 ; HI ,„.., . ! '"nhZ,.. 1,.. »...,,., ,,ri,,B »» «rp»»- Olb^r only lor nurpn.. a -., o,.|.r..-.,..„. ,, „„ „,-m,l,ro,.» I,. „,,..,,„«>.. i, .,111- 1*. «.> :.„ I.. ... ,1... .....I..,— .I- III--..- "I anoivea uunu,,,,, .- .. , ivil LgHcy of tbe gosput-llie l . .. ,b.l> poi p,o«. .pwonto. W. Mi 11. i,u„... .... ,..J „.. „- "e ""b ""'"";?, ">",'; government the power ol eccotmg ju.uee, libert,- nll ernlvfully r.-ftli« tunt t^ governmeiiv u.« uv«^ and the common welfare; We leave to those s/,-:iill-'l inseryatDes, who have sucked in Oicix doctrint-s. at the breast of sit ...lli- Ihe t-|.i shiver). feared the tv..--iui i.i.i,- nt™ -l-l it of freedom with lhal ol ultofsuehapaviillel. Rut'there is one thing on which you »V«>^J :JSmS Jta SS.Wj of r'p'eople of the ' South were loyal to this government, and always ho did desire to preserve the Union (loud applause). re- Thu question will be, whv,lhou, did they suiter he said : And now, fellow-citizens, the question i: proper, is it practicable to restore things < -voreY It is a lasbioiiabb- tern, hero lo sa' lor (he t on-.itulior, as it is. and for lie Umou^, it was." The Conaumtion aa it is Union .cs it was: No. rtbia was said leeling and em- m- lies- and drew ilown^t ^^ hissed, and the speaker continued.) i"i'avt-L'o the aid of lb. loyal people in reslonag he .,0,-ernnit.n. ot the bulled States. Hut, lellow-eiu- --- il you had the power, and wen, to tender to .,„:.!,,. l be re-slovalioil ol 'be '*;« '' ,l ''• ,„' „,, ,^,a.e of Texas in 1-..1.I w-,.„,l,l no _l you for tho boon (applauso|. t, oeeanse ( cannot measure my conscience »i|'*« *> IhoEO of my neighhur. or of a ninjoril) ol my neighbors. I an. to bo looked upon w th coldness .nleieui and aversion; ,1 lam to be insulted and aoi upon by the children of my neighbors whoa, lu nave dandle, n.kucs ,l,,nl.„ig thai tie . .t.,,,,1.1 at least r-ti, .or me with kindness as (heir fothc.a neighbor and blend; il 1 am to he looked upon as something loath-., because I eantiol be- lcl-e Ibat slavems Ihe b,giuu.r, ihcn.1,,1 all Mliuiale gove iimei.f, if, above all, I cannot say ^ l,„l ,, U,,- ll-.r- l.r- .--- ai-l a'.ns- ...t lo'lhat m-iiluboo, which ougbt to be io il in elmri. because I might say what , inn it what Jellersoo wrote, nSrfl™ 1 „ii"-l great men of lhal day tl I am to be as a traitor, and o'sull'er a traitors doom il thai ,s (o be Ihe „.„„.t,tv. 1,l -.I ".,.. I" "' I,l" rl) [^1( 1!° Z] e-er b* under (be n.e,=si(y ol running a r on no, «reols of the village where Imay happen to bv hatred to the msmut i sla...ry. i ' lend-rorlean,,o.t.,,. ( -.ia n^.,,-.^^ ,v...iiv wilh Ibat CjCntle r„;i,r ..i,i ,,. i»... »,.> " '.f.f' '°>; ilor-l ,-o|,,.. from ....„.,,.,. .....I. ,,„„. '., llM ^erciurv ...New York, amved letter, speaker, counselling him to oppose his miss slaying that DuunM htvsno plow ftr wi* [borough" 1 ^'' , lndin„."and" , „n,b,IBtood the whole '^'w'^'clZ'^^t.x, ,ook the stand, and r^raVl '-rttf! ,,. r, r.. pur. ,i ,n ibis, ibe laud of ibe.r birth, and Ihe ,-,, ,'-er,,.e asked of ll-m should be service in behalf of" (he goven :n(. they were loyal ei.ueas 01 the ,e,„.,r.uo,,t. and should be allowed lo assist her in her strueglc n-aitist her enemies. Let the govern- Lent put arms'.., (he,, hands, and Hod won .1 jee to it thai Ibis system of op|i.c_-,,on against which she is struggling would find ,._- quiem-. and the vielims ef elaverv would proclaim their own emancipation lE The sprote" oncluded by reading n lotlor. wrilter l„ himsell to Senator I'omeruV, proteslmg ngams' the whole scheme lor c.tpairialiag ihe colored people ,rom lie, laud,.! (heir birth, as -y. "'I'-' 111 ; -,d unjust. The sentiments put lorlb n "" r - -.js approval ol (I-: nuUieiii.,. mlJ=Di ll Us'" 1 rrin,ro,,uccd. lo (o ih- colom.alion scheme, he .aid ,t was ,-.,l.,le ...on that the colored people would ,,=ver in large numbers, leave tbi might leave tbe country for ATTACK ON :r. Km COLORED SOLDIER. n Orderly Sergeant rolinu Colored Volu i [ho loulc-r-. Pmsi,- ... litaiiueat Soulh Carobr.a Loiorcu . eiuu,^,- .. S accompanied Ctn. Hunter from Port Koy insultingly addressed yesterday, " r itth sire.., Vrch, b, half ado/eu newl, recruited white Midlers. They averred hat,hey were ^soldiers of McClellan, and did not nlfow 'J'i-if-™ l° ". ., ol, arrived and , crowd had ,u ureak their ben s kept nt hay till poll nersel his assnilants. A cc I, ,.,.,| during il--' "setio. b""° " -.—; '- riv lo-ling man. ol great intelligence, and return. p.. ii: ; ;. - '<v' ';-- ..^ L1wheh was rcenlly Inrlougbed by .en. I no- p. ; seieral we!.-, HU goienunent dec, ,,l I,, jve and pay tbem as member,, ol the United niwW. This ha= new dun, ihe ,e,; iu-en. has returned to duly. colored l.r.. al I „eu .s fast filling up. vers stales tbnt ot the lal Re Coloretl Volunteers one ce nush with the rebels near nt. menl Soulb Cai pnny has had cave the couuiry io. in... .-—~ -- ---- ., Q„. r„,-,i, L.e being mobbed. „ibt-rs, ,, hopes o ."„» .11 over ,t. «,„.„, ,o «« of .to pl.remdjo^fj.en* ^ ,JJre>,„, to „,li„«. ,'i.ntfal for ,,,e 1're.iJenl'a |,rocl,i,nsl,ou th The Wiping has been shown us as the cortificalo f Gen. Hnntlr upon tbe cbaraeler of Sergeant l-.I Kofiim i, Cm, In,. colored"men tire (airly meenbera of the U."sVarmy,'.l may be as well lo remark tbal Ibe early Zouavo regiruenLs of tha French army were blaxk and that ihe Turcos, composing some of the eghting m that ser,.ee, are also an-, ^bc African race are also largely em- ployed as soldiers in the English array stationed iri the West Indies.—Philadelplm Fn"> Od. 1,

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National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1862, Oct 11


Page 1: National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1862, Oct 11




,,s > in Humes ... neuvco n>r -•

Abraham I- in- flu. and g" f-rward '

„.j the path of .rial nail of duly !—flul.i Tile IiiitcjKnekiil.




Wires a great end, which bis been nrduoui

strung '-'I '" r Hirnup' 1 l"™,11"- 1- ")•* ,•",'",


,„!... i* on- „f profound cxuba.ion. Of inun

saii-ia-iion :the next ia ion apt ' . h" one ot cntici.

and cavil " Where is the bl.-i.--l;- -- > - > "«

in... ......l.i in, in. i hav had '"'' " "*k'd fi " '

na ibis/ \\ liv M.u. short MM •• '

i1,i-;:,de.|uaicioiliec:ti,;oi,ey'i ''-

far I )l

)' "I"''1

:? And tbnslbc

Iwncn our thnnka for h great, wise, an

whereby lin.ll' the perils of our postlio.

nee been swept away. Wo have sli

i confront, disasters In hear up ngatns

, bailie, Li.rili.-iM lo make, and giru

o overcome We may have ei\ months <

It- jut before «(i 1'iiL the stormy cape

„,„ui„l the laws,iro will

.vliolo Uovolllli'.liniT 111'

...Inch lih-rty haseonEtcr.'

.1 lb.' o

' '

UI- -I.I. 1b tic

eroua nut

r, all

\i, „lol-.X

this all?"

Tbe l'rcsiilenta proclamal

ivi-'ller M tho Source of llm Nile"

jy thousands as querying " (

Iriumph had passed, " Anil u

., ,„ declare slavery

I,„ ,m-v pari of tbecounlry. 1

i] ficlnwnre.aud Missouri, would- it . i, -.. ilh (compensation

iik- lo tho few Iboroughly loyal

on 'of the Union should likewise

mil (he residue so fust as Ibey

!p 11 false godorsliippcr it, one

failed to bavo any senso of Ibu supposed d.»

ill. in an mingo. and n-fco wur-d,q.s the form or idol.

, it the ining were « very end.

.. . .. ... ...I-- ol l-l I -l.-'-'i--". "'.'

n \ I .in I intlilulintw »ii!iiini i..rv..""H

...... I ...| , ,i .,.- .|.|- such itulilu-

' '' -

'," ... ...--'' secure justice

V ' ,',"..i |. ..- M. while the)

!" ..-'• iv.-lv t>( «>- wil'j ' l " ,' ,"" ,, ;" ! '' "''"'" "'

,' ..n.h.l.TU ni. wind, 1.. -' civil and political

Hut-urn. wore built.

1 be body ia valuablo onl) nt. it bdi

...I soul. »nl !'• '" '»» -


lb.- |.l.r..,.l. - ll.-'"-

Xhoj ll l'. - '• "- o«'«*» "•» *

(era. They .' "wniplup tlw oiiimli' ol ilnnrs i'ii

tin- body which it wenrs. Nor i^ it

ml, men to forsuctir .irnl b,-tr,iy the

..hicb Invis anil p..noun w<ro Old

blind devotion to the inai.riM body ot i«* or .......

; «B II ri uiuiln-r. .!.! !-- ;; '- r 'I ' "'

.'ally prew. it to her Worn oniil it wns ovdlo

Great principles need lo be m-t in in.uiui.ons .o

,„. ,„ !, V1 I.'„.. s .

lor otli.=r«-ise, they are bill

i^rnl.ndicd spirits, hnvitif ...'. biiii.l, by « I .,->

<»„ luLor in tl.i- i»Hi,-ri n l world. They are da

lalem bent and light, ibilt serve no ,n:oii-u,v fl i

But, when law no lone.-r s-^vi-i r. prin.-ilibj ;! ^ "idlenliefc whose light bus


'"-'"hntotwq.Wtioia bavo divided man hitherlo,

iinw llif i^m- thtii li-i> iiri""" " [" 1 ;,,l"" |j'


Xit™ •Mbrr.n.idivhfbv.Ul.liv.-l ,.l. !«*;. v

on one or the olher of (ho two only khIc;, m


- |1m,-,s 'SI- I..NM17,.1I'.N V-i: I.-liifTiI V .-1'

,'v't-V/Hi-v in- -'T'"',

- '.--'A- /'.- ' ;;

mil not hu i


I- , I).. 1. An.


'-,| L

„ |!.|.n .-•.. " lhal-

• ,-i. Ili> caUi :>L


M-Uilct-Ooncm c ConMem t. -

.,,,1 of tOO cnltu.1 t-t.Ut-.51r. lUulltlO" 1

„v ipeeeh lu Rootc, dcctoriiig hH urn

srmlmUIOn la lined by the Unlo-J "' Ibe 3tnl

ni Mil nii'iiintfaiieuf- In spile of llio rel(;ii

driven nni foreml out ot Hi- I

Iiri'iiijflit inln fibn 1-r tin-[

'1 ';


and their mir-M.. .. p

.-.,. - if

l,!',',',,^'.' (.!'i-hifli".t.l.' n't tin.- rouili tbal nny mnn who,,1 i

it [-- ir.l slavery :>* tile greatest mid molt

,,,.,,, I|i-v.i,l in iiis linn ...nvi.-iion tlint the policy

.1 i.ii.Fin slavery whs not only of Divine origin,

u.ii .nit it was one of the greatest evidences of the

wi-.leii nnd perrcution of ihnt lireat lining who

crente3nll good (loud lnnglilor|—waa nofit for tiny

of lliciiiblu'r..:.-iii..i.K in I he -ill "f hia follow-eHi-

fl'hiia if one mrui «n'i rniininc n^/nnn nnolhcr

lor nn[nllic--r—n new nRninst an old cl.uilidnle— tin;

toft w "Id bo tin; elnvery question. The now mnn,

"-i jould ho elecii'il, lind nlwnja lo go a atop

ier in III in iiin-.;lii.ii ; IV.r il' lhc in.1 "- mnn went

, h-T tlmn tl- "1-1 in Li* b.dii-f in tin- dMiir .'tinr-

. .r f n'.nttri.ih" therw w-iinn nit- .if iuiiIimi,, tiuv

tl-...„- it. ..-!<(

b-M I'- .1- l-rt....-

eot tili^ qui"; fashionable. Hut while -i-.^n.i- "I

Vhia r.Trel to soy ih.H tbure were thrno » 1.1bbould

'i |.ttei.r.i..- in,. t;n-p.l uf [.....-ornl

ptaoe.1 in a ditftrrml ponie.bIIak titan we vbnt rw n

sc-k to ehfi'tip: the n-li

ri"iihi„ll,-.'',-l.:iV- not thvt-.rv lot!.?

it say 1 did it-" ' did not

llic^e ......

before Ibey enl

should tint, do it

tnssable gull, boldera—you m

It i-, iniiio-^ible.

can, with enfuti


:. thai

h.-nped earnestly nnd heartily.

I on "this experiment, that they

said lo iheni," Gentlemen, ynu

lb.; von will dig n itn-

eeii yourselves tiu.l the non-alnve-

ilo it. Why do you think sol

mak? Ibis " lib-ii'.il eov' You n

v govei

.. Ihni .,1-1 I

.,,,1.1 nr.rk tliegre......,

ipation. There was no probability the rabels

.....jlil Inv down their anus :il this threat ot tho

President, and ho confidently IBcfcd foiward lo the

l«i of January lo see the results anticipated by lira

proclamation. IJe wasuot a prophet, nor the son ol a

prophet, but lie would propL.-y tlml the brat Of next

January would be a " happy New \ car .



'-'. 1662.

Tiik following is Ibo address lo Ihe IWiilcntof the

t nited Slates ndotiied at a meeting of fiovernora ot

ll,,- loyal tlates, 1,-1.1 lo fite iiuasures for tho more

active support of tl,- Cov,t cot. at Altoonn, I ena-

tylvnnin, on tbe '.Mill day of September, 136'2 :


ar niul n half spent in conlest

,i.-. gi-uioii.; rebellion n<;»iiisi ""'

verniuent of the Uniled Sialic, ibe .lui>

ol the loyal Statei and people coiitinnu

.ijIiici] lils loyally in Hie re| lie.

t-Mumlcl in hlin to dellve

In Hid Brooklyn A-mlemy

I,- I'reiiil.-nl bus ileterniini'd on a more rau-

,„ited. temporizing proeedure. His proela-

freea abnolutely only such slaves aa Aets ol

- i.uiii-bio.. tli- .Tin,e r of rebels, bad already

em^dpntel, three months must ye,

-n full hundred days from the date o( lb

* n—before Ihe proller of Ireedom to all

. .._, . — gsivolv r-n.nininc

..__ iliatriclB

risuielion. will take effect,

»u,„e Bay, "Tho proclatnalion is - »»-i-

bub4e-a m ira ;;.-a,,u, 1 I, does not abolt.h

Blnvery-it may never Irec a single alave..Therebels' uiay M.cMimb mid return lo loyn.ty i

or Ihej

IURV be bealen and iheir Sm.cs reared by lorce

[heiTnion-, or they may triumph and selucve tbe

independence throu.-b f..r,,-u ael ot otl,erwiP.e.!Otha;

Blnvirc m-iv euiK-- Ir-ui tin- contest strong and

defiant aa* ever. What will avail, then, the procla-


Th-v i.

ThereIbey I

light it

,.;., V,t

me, we pec one psn-ty ol the

"Second party of llm iiiibghn.1 ean.lle.

engaged in tbia great rubidium "gaui-t^ In- au-

thority ol tin; fi.iver 'O' * !-\'< " ,r '['.


<oi,lli'.lilil— e-'le", il-liln'^-'l • '•uninorilt.ili- ll

pies on which the ;;..«.[ .-lit ol the l

", " l






lo. f..|, may L.ley :

idUIs to the greal principles ol liberty and

,,-y maintain tho iniegrity of tbe ^aiioua

the sake of tbose essentisJJJJPd oMrnal

if equity, wbo'e observance has nlwr.ya

,d ivho.^O viola


1(l , r.-bcllion. But, wh-v would doubtless hi

this is physically y<

te. The dupes ol t



Their i.len is Hint a candle should' bi

igbled. placed on a candl.-.ti.k, that it may giv

^heTare'the 'uu'n "wiiThoT.l to the f.'onaii.utioi.

because it holds lo ihe £ re,t piineiplesol liberty and

m.tio- Tiny ijini- ' «"<»"'"» ff "be Na«

Union f "

Thev accept Conslilulion and Onion, nut ni •


e re I it ious amulets, political charm

Itahlialf'.ll'" I b 'l" i'''' 1

'''"' "






' ^,)1^[UTY rovilt f.r lb, rullM.-N I I

"- KM K.

THEBLESSISU^ W I.IML.IH Y tt «el«t a.-.d

uur posterity." The fon.tituiiou Is a ny-brni-ch d

golden candlcfliek. and upon Hs uri»a burn tne

- juaiiee. liberty, law—for coiinou weal.

J .rnnn.ulllily.' It is for Ibaau"^"^

cm il. .

idet! that it originated in bell ill 1 have1 u

otliera- M) fl . uiiiuatrueted. perhaps d

,te view is, that Uod knows best, and 1, si

....... j-.l.,.™. believe that in I!.- own lime g

llu Kill bring fthuul tha piopet rcmed) and the de-



'— ratable ptirnoaeai that

for purposes

uu rtiu uriug '^,

velopuiont of Hid t

Do litis pertained lb,,, .„ a ...

of His own ; nnd ibiit when thea

filled ajid aecompliabed, the san

soltc ibe mystery. That is th

'llie question.

There was but

r be tier develop

ises that

__„|„, -.-,!.! i.n-t I ibat tbe aecesaion or reve

.;„„', ..„„»,!,) by am nee. v. ---em on ibe part

r;, . :„ tb... ,i;.'-,,„biing a-w.<«,,,,'-

:L ii,t..r,,,s ,., the , I;!" ? 'to*™*

1 ,


, ;ir,l,„-bue|,r.-.p.:ru II- v...l « -I"!

-ill. al iK-ing tl- cau,, U- --.' .1v

ill less because ol auy act ol Bfigreseio

I of ibo United Stales"

easonl Bo aairl... ..

ri llie organisation ol

Whniiise of the dif-

liety North and

«.« frequenlly urged

:l„,|, Hi- Noiilieru n.-pb- ..ould b" mini.- I.

—•u and that waswith the v'

hi tli- In

y, the e

i-li il,.. Soulb. Men wei

:nces to go for peace. 1

to a sound ami perpe

.-.ihera who bad lli.'.i^l


luul been urged. Tl.-y ^

illegal and revululionary

to them, by

,'ill ihe North

,uu . This was the

Congress, in theSoulh-

I nt all public places. led by (!-•:- speciuiia

['-tin- that il would

ual peace. But there

:deeply and maturely

i lo tbe polls, ns ibey

to their frieuda, wbni

.in,.-' This il the way 1 spoke •', ihcm. Ami

Tyeiinu-d, Mr. Spralt and Mr. lii.iT.ell ol \ ir-

a'(lliia ialler. however, was prec.din- lb. i-vol.i-

Jhave nt, folded the policy ui the new -overt,-

l- In every neighborhood, in every town, in

...,,-y district ..r lln- coiiuiry, ll- prevailing cant is

that republicanism is a failure. Kdlow-ciiii-vris 1


not slop to reason the questmn as to whether

re ia a conflict between free labor and ebivc labor;

on- thin" 1 do know, that the slaveholders intend

, shiver,'' -hi.ll lloiirc-h and be perpetuated if

aacrn.-y do..a ,-rish : r.nd it becomes tho duly of

rymau who hives republicanism more than be

es slavery (o uccept the issue tendered by (ho



.ig from the polls

Lel'lta'DiTd "men who choose go lo (he P»ll>»j

Thu result or tins was that not u one-ibinl

,-}i..:,«, j„ nuinv of the .-laits. In otlcr

V.-I...,-. a u.aior.ii of vui-is w.:re east, they look

,,,. Dpinion D f ihe whole Slate. It is

.i ..v_ i „.:„; ,l.„ rnftjui-ily of voteslown that in Lotlisii

en nee io it lhal— at tbe hazard of

foreign war superadded to Ibis cruel rebellic

ibUcnnism Is to be maintained even .

America (applause). We must not

toit poor, nuliVring Mexico to become tbe vict

'Napoleon (applause). "''

M.-.i.- ,r

o( Ihe [..1 .-ia

oiite Maghicf ol ti.

.j.ou-ii.l- !

and preserved

libert" I the people tbei

of anarchy or fi

„.,... .. . . n-hinil i

> n n-nriitioiial p-.wei-s ol i -

vigoroo-ly and religiously guarded- the . oii.iiii.-.o on which olonu our

at, nnd the righlsanil

cmsolves, can be saved Irom

from the gulf of despotism.

„ u,..s which mttv havo been or

which may be duly enacted, and lo ibe lawful orders,

of tho President—ecu poratm-; always in our own

spheres in the National government-wo mean u.

conlinuo in the most vigorous :>..' reisc ot all on, law-

ful and proper powers, eonton.ling agmn-sl treason,

rebellion nnd the public enemies, and. whether in

public life or in privalo slaiiou, supporting the arms,

of (he Union until iis cause shall eonqoor-unlil

final victory shall perch upon us .J,, or tU

luil .title , .ii.;, In a

Their' 'ear*' n,e c.-.nstaully c rammed, their VI

inllan.ed. by tiding* of I ....b--l-;.-.'- V ''' ,T '''-


-Kl„„W ,o„,h,,t IS cur, n, .,.*"SB

by lli


ference ,n I

South In the n..i.-:bi,-.-hobling -.ales eve.j ...»„

f,ctmnr,.i..,H.I...I thai tl-- laboring. la--e-

. n rover menl and ii required but Utile

,|' "

, i'. ,.,..,', when lhal was the

,ho heela " of society.

I.. -i, I.I



.in- o? lie .^*-

. We dc,b

, h'aTU'en1

WashinMon 3«7 ™**f .;


of the President and Cabinet by bare!) two

,nd that Lien. Leo's ve. lorioi.s army is o„ ns

.--.n .ii-rif,,' way to ll-: Northern elites I 1-vcn

.|on | ,,,. r ,.|..r,.,. - ,.„... \l,.i vl;.ii,l ... ',-'""

sacred wbiL ..

liberty, instiee, and enmmon weal,

of lilt's... we shall not go down on our

„.|lu," idol rs and materia iat.:vO"-e

-, w tho dork and dishonored '

icrcd enodl..

r.- licit the

ihe light of

,. hie. loblid

. othci

„„ . directed labor, it was

,. where il properly

b.- after having cut loose

l„n:.c-g tho evil, have we I Not at all. He11,-r llint Ihe M.,i,.;..|„.r.

,.. , .. ., U l,j. :,, „...,-...,...


ipeuing ihe Alrieau ,

the ueeessityt,i Id

1 the I,,,n „.',;,

a and radlcub

. favored ,

up I be I

of the

that the Confed -si Id gi

iud iabiiil.ilely


\ .„!,;,'„ ,„„ ,i,-b. 1 hosts, a virtual eoaqufst

-I Sl.-itcs, before January, is hi no mvi.iia


Mthot .,-"?'. ""' *o<-.-.stor(rj,. For, by

'ol the Confiscation Act. expressly rtcog-

Ibcir enforcement enjoined upon our (iiili-

juvnl r.lh.vrs by Ihe prjelamali-" -I'

lates disappears before ihe ndvi

ng pbo -

„ll-r prineiT I" me min •">• —».;—-

m which on.o llie lights ^glonousl. I

But this describes precisely tho relate

of | host; who arc tailed eon

The telfstyled <

tiventv bve yean


ii»,l,te„v,..r.l ,„„, t.„„,.|.-..,... .» '

™ b»rk»,it ,lu,»l...... .,.) ' "1 '.,

ul freedom.

,1,, „,,,.,„,., I. Tl- r.,1,1 »,' |.-1 ,«-'';"»•; I, ,!.,„ Ilill,. |,r,........l "F™

. i i.. .I,,,..., ii,,., ,,., ...ri,,.i,ili..'.l '



. ... 1 1 ... i," I'",''

.,;,.., is-.u-e toonr eovernnn-ni. ,s ol toiii.-,. p'i <»'-1

„-.,„, co.,1,1 by no meanB havo been

excluded, ff .

of Congress, no

conqueror, it wi

The most sweep

nothing in Ihe n

o means un>u *»""

n the struggle, no act

io Executive _dr

,,. would Hill wieblIbeir Diulst.ns ••

pn[. nnd[ ^jj [,e,

Hi v»l .,,...1 ,-, .'-- s-".-'.' » =|";

(Mr Soa,,,.,) 1 '„.T ,1".' ''''..'

"„,„,„:„,,, .'"'•''- j

"""„t,™ „::;

;:-'" "./-': 'v :;i



phalically wius a slave aristocracy "'

Stalest was anuoui., , I [ Ifly 'bat every vole

«ould be openly polled so that everybody should

luow who were and who were not m favor of tbe'

,,,,,,-, old concern of old Abe Lincoln. Ah 1

iiv-i-iti:-.'ii=, every man should bli.- gone uj be

, then.'and hnve declared his views, and I-.-

bis lelb..v-eil,,..„s ... i-u, anilloligblwill, h-u,

jo noble n maiiiiV-tatiou. Hut most ot us like to

read or and admire ihe deeds and sullermgs ol mar-

(yra rather than to become one of the number

tSiisi"'; ™;u:L



inm - ether le limn lii a rough rope around i

ck al ihe dead of night, in a lonely

ft a king where the —


ip his i„u,;reai wluii^- j,';,;.'



pv™'~; "^.'..

^"K^AtTn^iTbim. and extol his conraj

afel death in dclense of bis contilry or in obct.

j his conscience, (hero ia something sublime

aspiring in his fare. But Ihe other process_


I uiore than developed ile.ell,

h„Mil,li!= bud b„r jv,sl ...u.ioenceel, the twos.

bad bill fairly grappled .villi each othet.wt

,-1 I. ->•< !. I'." 'U'l -[." '."".", I'-

1 "

in Ibe nllaira of Mexico. Now n ia Vrance .........

If Napoleon is sending out eighty or a hundred

Ihouaand more men iWre it is not alone lor the pur

,f penetrating to lie: I. of

IB payment of moneys due from that govern

to citizens of France; but it is for tho purpos

lining the iu-lilulions of thai country perrm,

nemlv res .he be,t and „„e,t n, of :,„!„„ m ll.

downfall of repiihliennisiu bere.^ Mr. Hamilton wer

on lo urge thu reposing


I, ,,„am-, ;

,.,.ld pass

.ionnl aubmiesion.

And impressed with the

il reserve ought, until the i

siautly kepi on fool, to


iscd. a eil, equipped

.Tills. .

speech by ijuotinn- Ibe passage, from D

Webster—"If Iced,.,,, is lo g.» down on Ibis .....

liueut, let it fall at last, if 1»M it amsl, amid ibe

,,rou,b:s;t monuments ol its own gl

very spot of its origin " (applause).



u |. Hamilton made similar addresses to the above

but tho

dressed lo

then a si.ll

if liit

ui t,-e Southern mnn, nt

,',,„,! a t of (ho .Male ol l.ouisian,

-i the Convention, lucre, migl

happen, e

eonl itiue


say. nyo ; they hi

jening now ; and they w

pen uiilil Ihf last free spirit i

rum die South, or until ibis govf.,:-.— -

ihem (loud applause).

If thus it be true that slavery is Ihe cause o

rebel i; if the obj.c. of .be -lav-hohl-rs be

of leaving power in tl;" hands ol (be

|„,|,l..r- ; il lb- du.ig,r of slavery was so great

justify them in Iheir devotion to Ibe instil

slrov thu United States, then i say tbnt 1

. ....aged 'my views in regard to that institution


ept on fool, to Inii.«!™ ri,..u>.-|.

.no intuitu at home, nnd ready fur enierger

..spec, fid I, a-k. .he President io :«!! lor such .

jf volunteers for one year's eervica, of not less ™,,

one hundred thousand in Ihe aggregate, the quota of

eaeb Stale io he raised after it shall have Idled ltd

quotas of Ihe requisilior.* already made for vo un-

- i .-- ...I..,., W-hclieio lhal this would bo

.. .Jlitary prudence, while- it would

greatly promote Ihe military education of tho people.

We hail with hcarti-li graiiiude and encouraged

hope the proclamation of (I.e. I'renident, issued on tho

12A inst., declaring cmfim ipal-d tvom their bondage;

all persons held ,o stre,,:e or labor as slaves in the,

rebel Slates where rebellion shall las! until the tirst

Jay oi January en,.n.,g. The light of any person lo

retain authority lo compel any portion ol the subjects

of the Nnttonal government to rebel against it or to

,, ,,iuiait, its ctieiu,.- iii those who are allowed

„,, ,,-^essioa of such authority the right to rebel

'-- and therefore the nghl to es.ablish

rnib.arv government in a Sift'-—


itEcrisd of tho colored people of Rrool.ln, wai

,, .!„ [,;, I— .-'rr-, ."lis. I bor.h.on Wed


1 ;.„, ,,-"., i .ak- iiitoioueideri r, the I're.-i

.',..,„-,n-i|-;ii.',i, p-b to.o.anl ^rmM^n..i „. .ohirv.l people ol (ho Nor. (I-

pres-ent crisis -'. W. B. S was chosen^han-num

and Theodore \ ooebi- ceere.ary. 1 he ' hurinan. n,

takin- (he chair. , aid that tin: proclamation ol ihe

i'r i lent was ein-ice' f, eling rnnong (he lr,.-e

colored people of the 'Novtb. Tbcyhad been pained

o lib Vgovernment .. .

therein, by appropriate umtii,

of proteerion, in order that ri

lectnally and morally, of loy

uol bo forced into treason,


,'cl all ti

„ ,.„jld have

to the loyal peoph


the l r-(,.


nd,. a willing B .

juld have diei

the altar



judgmunt, unjust

if patriotism,

wilt e.b.-.

fti -

planned by sli

The wnnli

Ibey tool

, there might I

bold!) I

.Hide a

I It places our g.>.ci.iin-.itd.~mietly, unequivo-

cally on (be fide of ireedom as against slavery.


EEifcte r. 1?h..


I^^Sct'I"c-cdom n.. Ihcii ue.ia.ling. el'.cciuul cu.o V\ halever

Btota may be placed on the fsris by blind I co-.ted il- pr laiualion »»...«, Tl. ..- • -I r.UI. l"V.,,,p-'l

I, Li n. ,:! bapp.eess ol all.

II Vur more il.aa l-.rty >ei.™ past, it has

-....rail. I. Id a-. If.-.-ht » .ouiil.yl-.a

:,l„y,o 'slaver) akin to d.sloya^

i „.;..,. ii,.'

.' '


South, thon-h <[ id. a.-.wii ;.*•••

^."^"J^sii'""''"l-arTf lh.-'..,-la'„; violence of tli '


common people induced a decent silence

tial reserve.

These .are tho men wlm are now n. su......

; nr.„lar virtue as conservatives, fbey ha;

mid pruilea-

e nast-rvai ives. ,.-._. ^...- -|..--












in.. ,,.. -it .-lul, 1.1l.rl.vtn, IO Itl


,,.. ! i ,.,,., ..... |.l,-—-1 ,0 HllS'"-."^

„„,,.,-„. .....I...- "••-'> ; '

' ",i i ,,. ibe world. Hut when you 1

'' ' ',

,'',. [• , ', I', i- wan r.:pri-.lo.:.,.l in the I



.Ilt ,

| u,

. -,,„i|,, run I fpokeli ol In terln


I'lfs.i n and ih'ii "I1 (o tbis hour no man

ifled his Voic' in crili.isn. againsl any. of Ihe|

iu.s ll, a-s -1 Hi- it » sigiuhi:.... I I

,-ar.l lheeeho...sof those sei ems u, tie: sir

„ ,|„ bonds, in the at (1,,-les i.e bt

q„„ ,l„, ,.i, i-are ago w-n "gydnoasl,

in heard now saying." We 1. repahl,

changed my v ens ,u ,g.., -

Liu,, sundered my allegiance, it 1 tin nan an) i.

,b,tvrv (loud and e l.riuol applause) Fellow-

,,;,.,,;. [ Imt-had t..-o ibrongb no -ea.i, lions in

,u , ,!,,„,, . N,„ ,v, II .he men who compelled m- to p.opt.s" h

<J .... 1 be nt all thsappmnicl when they

v .. -,i,l Inre and "ill suv elsewhere

[ a'd'vi.o them" in ndyaneo that if they would fcrci

,,,,n,:,: i-sne ol-.lid.-naltlto .he goven,,,,, ,,


. ., ,w .,va bi,..-.-.! in-.- has blessed my lathe

and which I have never known but n

with blt—in-a, if ihcv bring into cir-""™

tier 'husband, against the

,o,urren-lerhi 5 child, tolbe hardships

lie, and (ho perils of bairle, an-l it, lavor ol

I u.iislers penniilcl lo re.aiu their slaves. It

,1,1 have been f. '.rial ,l-.i -ion alike a-auisr liuroiin-

iestiee. the rights and dignity ol Ibe government, 1 ami wise N ma policy Tho

„,,-u,n..( t |,,-r,. = „)-„.(-, sink- at the root of .lo

,-bellion will lend new vigor to the elh.rls nnd new

ife and hope lo the hearts ol (he people. Cordially

,.|„|..n , 1

,. ,,., ,1,.. L'rt.-id-nl respeetbd nssiirn

,f personal and oll.eial confidence, we ....

-I,..,,, that the pulley now <

crown-d will, suec-s, will give > an-l (

,,l,:,u( tielt,rie» over oar ene„„vs,au,l soitt t-

i .ut.. ^...^.r.ii. tl,.i (dessing ami lav

,-1- th, uking thai it cubl

._u Inet that we inus '

11 you knew all Ibu

there was something

than the simple dcsi-

s'h„l I... ..jrielvca for

iceeed. We aow reali.e

,,.. n slroagei- goveinmciK

t I do, you would feel (bat

re involved in ibis revolution

I set rid Of Ihe hated Yankee.: -ignrated (I


of tho ..w.i

many of you dnlcrcd with them in op.u,-., ---

,',i„r,. ibeir power would be pernelo

.cy woulduot besiibieclto tham

choice of a free people, in r,eu.,

bail been the caau ; and be that 1.--

tol fact to-dny does not yet .u.derstai d

,..'.„.,,.. means; and in con?eq -

Shirk it if you can, 1 t>\

and except of those whdo those great wrongs . whose coiq.eration

Ibo army, they could bn-

gtcatly change. 1in

aching pi elthen drew a tr.

uve deliberately sou

humanity. Gut tbi

,..!,.) I.l-erl,. and^heu it •»--» |" '•""• >"'' "'

"ill -hi. 'he ,,.c.-.rvHl.VtS ol American instill,

il iJutth *'->b.,-P Ibh.-r.i.LsULi4erei.tan.oog men. mid took stripes, and shame

.1 disloyal

a the cumcu.lly iuis-

,, by mm woiua. yt,"'"- -rr

.....inrrsyoiican tause llie rebelli

-,- .-.-.u. i' eir original position .

nil.-: of lb. I cited States ,a most we

....- a., i ,i- - no;:' 1 "i' 1' 1 "":;''

''-,;,; ^Twer of the lo, al people supporting tbe government

(loud applr "-'

-reuv itiuu,,^ U.S-. ---

,maake--aic radi.nls

,^ ,i -hat...- thm so ssi rod ii minions

-I.-Jd U-iuudt-a in.c-k l-.t-.- a i--"j l-.'l"

nad ireasuu. They who hold lo - *'

-. (

is.itu.o.lis or out Ol theui, -.

ois/'a-.n^'ih!'!- 'wb-> b-lieve thai Ihe life ol

,,s v.s.ot'il- world, lies in lerla.n greatof „,; 3 ^toluliou may (bus b„|,l,,>nless, hroughg laiel.tir-iigh ... 1

'„,„ f:1[( „„„ „,- peoph- ol he Nor


„..„„.[ _ib,, ar- Ibe l.rne ...nservalives. Ihet ,„i-ive-uot bi'eau.o the government oi lb.

rel, °tholiie of lives. Ihr,-, or,b„,,-d ,

\ J, „„ _,i„ or .oerv;.»..- r-

WMft,yrt.««rtA." Uy the salt ot l-i in-ip -^ „.. >Jul|l1l !ipill „, , ,g „s and „,s.


...j. ...„- aeainsl li-s i s-li--. ini|.nr.l> and-.,ll,. i.ollv prol-el.-l by the t-onslitution

iterved and preserved tbe world, "",', ,. "

lillt [„;.,„-- ibe operation nnd devol-

A L'ood cause a g ,1 eonsen !.,.. "'"' " ^ ,,, t ,„„, l-l! to grapple

1,1.. ,;-:,lwil, h ii-ablf. ';;';," ':'".;h ,

.„„ Vullj de.slt„v It I.)

, „, l.-.iu.-.l 1- IbJ,.Ni. artnc

| ,.,,,..,:,.•- Whe.her tba, ,s lie

,',-, „d,.-,.is inipl-melil of piliilshiuenl has'

rt1 .,.,,,- L.k I the im,ltel-by those'



,„ „,. i,,,..,. -I .r„.|l,. I .e..t i"' ,,„. „|„il I 10- e.iull.eiuK I llmi'iois.the wr, sign -I b-i-




'; t is not.ii.-rc , i - **.

a ,-l. v . . , ,|, .., ...- baie been sullicenlly eoutilsMiucvd,

IIk wl-.b Ira, k o,'ourg,.i,ron„,„ ,s ^ _


„ |ae(, (ha, upon (be organ,,:,.

lb- lliians bv whi-.h oni fa.beis "-gbl .• pr--- rv^ -„, -rliui-ll. (1,0 inllueo".- "I i.fli

, , , -al ngbl, -I ,„-.,. lid. gov' ;IK e, .,-w. ',

., b..- 1. 11 its, 1'-= uu"' <l.e;.

... „.|a,- a-s.,il..l l.vlh-o w con at these|


n , lui . i:i| „, „„. itiM ol aerie.

oU.ral ..gin ,„a,„lr,,.,.(ben, I. .u. £» -"^,„,,Jir . „.,, „, , ,,„. the sol

.,„„„.„. is to be w,ll ,e l.j in wUlli[ .

o( „„, ,,,,,„„„,, ,„ the peoule. Nov

,he radical priocipl.yilei.-a,, A. -

k|p , m „;,, ar3 age


a who would s-el. i„ abolish slavery m (he South

ihile 1 would have considered such a man as at

leastan impraeii.ablo l.i-ud ol ihe gfietiiai' i

. .;,..- ,1 ,.

I; HI ,„..,.

!'"nhZ,.. 1,.. »...,,., ,,ri,,B »» «rp»»-

Olb^r only lor nurpn.. a -., o,.|.r..-.,..„. ,,

„„ „,-m,l,ro,.» I,. „,,..,,„«>.. i, .,111- 1*. «.>

' :.„ I.. ... ,1... .....I..,— .I- III--..- "Ianoivea uunu,,,,, .- .. — —


ivil LgHcy of tbe gosput-llie l

. .. ,b.l> poi p,o«. .pwonto. W. Mi 11.

i,u„... .... ,..J „.. „- "e ""b ""'"";?, ">",';

government the power ol eccotmg ju.uee, libert,-

nll ernlvfully r.-ftli« tunt t^

governmeiiv u.« uv«^ -

and the common welfare;

We leave to those s/,-:iill-'l ,inseryatDes, who


have sucked in Oicix doctrint-s. at the breast of sit

...lli- „ Ihe t-|.i

shiver). I feared the

tv..--iui i.i.i,- nt™ -l-l

it of freedom with lhal ol


Rut'there is one thing on which you »V«>^J:JSmS JtaSS.Wj of r'p'eople of the

'South were loyal to this government, and always

ho did desire to preserve the Union (loud applause).

re- Thu question will be, whv,lhou, did they suiter

he said


And now, fellow-citizens, the question i:

proper, is it practicable to restore things <

-voreY It is a lasbioiiabb- tern, hero lo sa' lor (he t on-.itulior, as it is. and for lie Umou^,

it was." The Conaumtion aa it is I

Union .cs it was: No. rtbia was said

leeling and em- m- lies- and drew ilown^t^^

. hissed, and the speaker continued.)

i"i'avt-L'o the aid of lb. loyal people in reslonag ( he

.,0,-ernnit.n. ot the bulled States. Hut, lellow-eiu-

---il you had the power, and wen, to tender to

.,„:.!,,. l be re-slovalioil ol 'be ' '*;« '' ,l ''•

,„' „,, ,^,a.e of Texas in 1-..1.I w-,.„,l,l no

_l you for tho boon (applauso|. t, oeeanse (

cannot measure my conscience »i|'*« *> '

IhoEO of my neighhur. or of a ninjoril) ol my

neighbors. I an. to bo looked upon w th coldness

.nleieui and aversion; ,1 lam to be insulted and

aoi upon by the children of my neighbors whoa,

lu „ nave dandle, n.kucs ,l,,nl.„ig thai tie .

.t.,,,,1.1 at least r-ti, .or me with kindness as (heir

fothc.a neighbor and blend; il 1 am to he looked

upon as something loath-., because I eantiol be-

| lcl-e Ibat slavems Ihe b,giuu.r, ihcn.1,,1 all

Mliuiale gove iimei.f, if, above all, I cannot say

^ 'l,„l ,, U,,- ll-.r- l.r- .--- ai-l a'.ns-

...t lo'lhat m-iiluboo, which ougbt to be

io il in elmri. because I might say what

, , , inn it : what Jellersoo wrote,

nSrfl™ 1 „ii"-l great men of lhal day

tl I am to be as a traitor, and

o'sull'er a traitors doom . il thai ,s (o be Ihe

„.„„.t,tv. 1 ,l -.I ".,.. I" "' I,l" rl)


1!° Z]

e-er b* under (be n.e,=si(y ol running a r on no,

«reols of the village where Imay happen to bv

hatred to the msmut i sla...ry. i >«' 'le nd-rorlean,,o.t.,,.


-.ia n^.,,-.^^

,v...iiv wilh Ibat CjCntle

r„;i,r ..i,i ,,. i»... , , »,.> " '.f.f '


ilor-l ,-o|,,.. from ....„.,,.,. .....I. ,,„„. '.,

llM ^erciurv ...New York, amved letter,

speaker, counselling him to oppose his miss

slaying that DuunM htvsno plow ftr wi*





„n,b, IBtood the whole

'^'w'^'clZ'^^t.x, ,ook the stand, and

r^raVl '-rttf!,,. r , r.. pur. ,i ,n ibis, ibe laud of ibe.r birth, and Ihe

,-,, ,'-er,,.e asked of ll-m should be service in behalf

of" (he goven :n(. they were loyal ei.ueas 01 the

,e,„.,r.uo,,t. and should be allowed lo assist her in

her strueglc n-aitist her enemies. Let the govern-

Lent put arms'.., (he,, hands, and Hod won .1 jee to

it thai Ibis system of op|i.c_-,,on against which she

is struggling would find ,._- quiem-. and the vielims

ef elaverv would proclaim their own emancipation

lEThe sprote" oncluded by reading n lotlor. wrilter

l„ himsell to Senator I'omeruV, proteslmg ngams'

the whole scheme lor c.tpairialiag ihe colored people

,rom lie, laud,.! (heir birth, as -y. "'I'-'1 ' 11


-,d unjust. The sentiments put lor lb n ""-


- -.js approval ol (I-: nuUieiii.,.,

,mlJ=D ill


rrin,ro,,uccd. lo

e (o ih- colom.alion scheme, he .aid ,t was

,,-.,l.,le ...on that the colored people would

,,=ver in large numbers, leave tbi

might leave tbe country for


:r. Km


n Orderly Sergeant

rolinu Colored Volui [ho

loulc-r-.Pmsi,- ...

litaiiueat Soulh Carobr.a Loiorcu .eiuu,^,- ..S accompanied Ctn. Hunter from Port Koy

insultingly addressed yesterday, " r itth sire..,

Vrch, b, half ado/eu newl, recruited white

Midlers. They averred I hat,hey were ^soldiers of

McClellan, and did not nlfow'J'i-if-™

l° "..

., ol, I

arrived and, crowd had

,u ureak their ben

s kept 1nt hay till poll

nersel his ass nil ants. A cc


(,.,| during il--' "setio. b""° " -.—; '-

riv lo-ling man. ol great intelligence, and return.

p.. ii: ;.

;. - '<v' ,';-- ..^

L1 , wheh was rcenlly Inrlougbed by .en. I no-

p. ; seieral we!.-, HU goienunent dec, ,,l I,,

jve and pay tbem as member,, ol the United

niwW. This ha= new dun, ihe ,e,;iu-en.

has returned to duly.

colored l.r.. al I

„eu .s fast filling up.

vers stales tbnt ot the lal Re

Coloretl Volunteers one ce

nush with the rebels near nt.

menl Soulb Cai

pnny has had

I cave the couuiry io. in... .-—~ -- ----

., Q „. r„,-,i, L .ebeing mobbed. „ibt-rs, ,, hopes o

."„» .11 over ,t. «,„.„, ,o «« of .to

pl.remdjo^fj.en* ^ ,JJre>,„, to „,li„«.

,'i.ntfal for ,,,e 1're.iJenl'a |,rocl,i,nsl,ou ,


The Wiping has been shown us as the cortificalo

f Gen. Hnntlr upon tbe cbaraeler of Sergeant

l-.I Kofiim i, Cm, In,.


colored"men tire (airly meenbera of the

U."sVarmy,'.l may be as well lo remark tbal Ibe

early Zouavo regiruenLs of tha French army were

blaxk and that ihe Turcos, composing some of the

eghting m that ser,.ee, are also

an-, ^bc African race are also largely em-

ployed as soldiers in the English array stationed iri

the West Indies.—Philadelplm Fn"> Od. 1,

Page 2: National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1862, Oct 11

.- . . « -

l?SEr ;: Iffllll Ills!"] '-"''i"™^"1 "•"'-'

^§S::E^:;::EJH;r "|l'lfl!ll..."11".1111 71 9Hr:Hl;HE:ll;;H:tE'

%'.','-.< i" .M- v.. ; v.-. '.' "r, /

'','., ' _ .. . .';;

;:; j;; t ,v;

..,':im-. ... i ... • ..™ ,, »"'' ;>;"', ;'";,!, ','"'.'.", ',"!



'. ',."',. .


Page 3: National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1862, Oct 11

11.11 II,

ghilniMiitiin ©smfjoitflciitt.

uring this Autumn n

rrnlninni and lllu'ti

icnnof ciTll »triic."

.-, nnn '. .1. .n.] 1 ulcdil ii 1 !«) I" i- ",•' < <' 'he

tin's proclamation unci dsfciit Hie ootl-alavory

uf the Eprerniiicnt, by procuring a rote which


.l.onJ tho whole fv fly »«t grrrti i"'

ml prolonged riwe ring.

A Koib pr-ou [Ui. ToEonor.B I. Covina. B

..,',,., Ill,, following "'' l ",|l,!,r ' : "' :' r-'''

ii n I. iodcmnll) li

,,..i|, ,.. -i. Northern cause."


. \....- .,, (who visiled this cuui.lri

Ml > our) is ««f " lend 1 bul lint " the En.per..let pi

dsown secrcti'."

secrut intentions are I Jo no I

. | ,1 n..i believe lint "'1

.. .1 ncnlion in baualf r-

J,.|| |hl,,.W.J -.,.. '! II.,- ..1I,"1.H- "

1„ , ^i-.ii-iiinli-in .1 (mil

, ,i,.r ..- .-(>.' L ' '"

]:•... klyil.O, I ' ''-'-

Mr- far-!>..-

I. 'M,"« pvoclamati

11 Hi h ! -'

sweep lb.


thereof! Wnil further i'.k


... all

.'-'.11] !•

1-:- pro

i!d ,» and .:

ii.. in



r Ill 1st. the .


.-. ...

lib) , .1.1

.. 1- ,-. Ii

Ml ,1c. 1

. .1

what Ii

in B llilfl


ly irei Clllt*t1; ..„, ,7-1 ,.-. . . ii


.Lin- It- I-- -•' ll "vl ll... ..

nil lie . rult.110 gt He out, an.

.11 II-'.



.". Mr

,H| 1,1


l„ p,.n. ihis (HI 1" sustain the Aduiltiieti

»nt ntlltudo ar.1 policy gives ft"

.,,.:.-I ...:.. i,-l in favor ofin .partial freedom.

'J'tici It ""' !l - " •'

loeunient Cn the contrary, it appears to lue

should accept It, by over! impression, for nil

, should by our praleful acknow

u and ni. ., .1'"."*. commit ibe 1'rcsl.

[.visions. IVrvin- to play

... rcgunl "'

i llkcl) I

. n very clever

. nhcedlo lire

ill l.n.e beer

, ri,i.i,li


i.i ll. -Sr due

ln,l ... .

i .. ..

lli.-ruturo defence .

,.-:.., l.-.-n in (.<.,.- ..f flghiin,: il.h ro.ilett under

th.- I-I-. it Hug. ll ,i I--.-I I .- ii crecfrl over Hi" vl» ln '

"t Mn?«vw ono year sen. In my npmlon. tlrt* war

.1 , .- have I >. n ended I more K 1..- ... .d.-

. .... .ii. .!. rol llic day fof twelve o'clock to-iuot-

V,- V.n-.n-y. .,r Alabama, *<"'l tlnl lliO pending

».'..ii,.,,. t.igeihcr »itl. Hi ><• •!: "'


..n.,- relative !.. r.-.i --'

ll... n..|cr |." ». Im-'il-i)- nn I

Sir. Burnett, ot Kcnluoky. moved tkat a

i0lul<t)ng bo i el. ...I t-. ll. ' ' '


;1 to Iho toromtllce I

r reel ion in the Coo fed'

..t Mr- : Uiote. killed ••• ono of tl.o lwo<l,i V.itn. o. "a. t, liulirr .if «»j lid. Rantt. »n.l

,e nun of en-ai ..I..I-I) He r.uicunn.ftc.1 »1l1i 11,


....... i..


i'.-h I- - -; .-..- -J- '-.- ifii*n..,.l|--„n..

... u.t Mi„;..r.:r,4joi --:,r. gibem WcildcoiU! compa'nin. lit "»i nT«i"Jt n '.

. ri ir»ol

A Coou Joss.—The editor of llio Sar»l..-- .... .. .1...- „t 1 *„(.„«-..-« -*Y«lr,.l*r


i-'• .'



,' • rer had

oiucli lis to bid the alarct risi , i-rec-

u..- of ii..- aid .-I ii." whole mill

hii own destruction, * .....;. 1


I-I.iuptn ih. ,. :..i by

(now >u well hu» In br1nn

ihoul.1 be I,,,-, ih.v ni

I,..-... Let u~ >i) openly «

inwnrdl) Hint the l're»idcnt

..all I..



..... not hit myself

tm. ,„. i preity ini

.! I, .1 . I,

i; 11. W.II.-.I,nnrfor IU proceedings '•<

.. prodded c-haracteriflio digniy

,. |. :.. :i . . ,., ,, .- luool ih" nic.iicK by llio

rlioency ef his remnrks in iotrodueiec tlio speakers.

, I'reach spoke ".'! nnd ivss ioslruclive itobei

„,r.,..,,.\ I •«.>! '>• >|...i-Hi"ii rreposscsslng

m eni-aecc an 1 manner, ho t

, .: m.. -i-.m and was ened lo »ilb -

icmlun. I'r.T)




L,,i, i- huihli", - 'I" - " "ii I" 1

if \iutk fcrloinlnfl to lhi« bMlu-M,

Ih; bupply "' lii« friiriN and c-.-. ln

ralo family coal. As Mr. SUH is slwaj

iril" an well ai " diligent in bmine's," «c trust our rcniisylvaniafrloniLi


ill bt

ll'1 ...

; ; IV „ s) l>nnlnAe.1iSlnie.-).-

.11 he h«i

W. tCliej

o nl Hie me


„tuc.lny .1.1-

probably t

Ml. iuil

eliol.tcd li .. but

. cecal I for


is simply pivpnulei-CrU:

is denl \ I, ii.ii-

ninki! black white. T7„

nil rmaiicfixilioi.; noil

the nnrriiburt' Uiiioii-

Ihe oilier day imprLtom

The prnclnmnlion L.

.1 should i-ev.-i ol the lega

1 says that ditcei

ll.e Soulll, the KOHIO"

f.iriillcc.-ilnctaiif di'luyal

Hon. Callus Sl.dny nihlrcMcd

. tlio Brooklyn Academy of Mus

lit, in support of llio I'roaiileal'

i , \ Ri l.tJOV Tin- AHM"

.'. l-.ll. -1

;; utrnrn


ll.i- .-.:,:ii-

,,. .-, ,;!.. |,"•", ,.: ,"' '..

, rl„.-.., .


h ih dr..- - :

.... : i m . hi . i t' d irkcsl on-

in S.-jlh, in I- I. '"in ih- work ',, which Lincoio

-II..I «iili .....nlenuc Ih.- i. »

ivho 1,11 in- H,...- i.,...:.ih.) ,". '"ic! •-,ll.e in tin- -,."11. V, .-, in :1„i •--.. r . vkni'i

I H,t f.,n„-.v,.( 11,- Tr..,- r-.i.-.-k.,.'. ''. 'I'll

-, S.(l Mm W..!l,-r .isil !..- I. ii . I.i.H.u

:, ac 1iIk- I in a n : ' Xear l.y.

,„.',„[ huh n ir: .... .|.i-u I. . i !pi .,...-. iv|, -,;,! I1--1.....I) .1 Mr- V.i.i.-h-.u

.. ih... I.>:...

Bt (lend) that (ell ha

;:i 1... 1- .. ,

lu is a^ tin

.1... (11 iii-iii -I. ..ihl -',.., ' l,-i I

war cry: It I- "as IC Ih

1.1. 1 ,1 -I-.- h.lllli , , 1 ' • I'll-

1. •1,1. ii.l.nri ih

fact Lioeol


.-,.-,; --M , - V

.„ ...... I.' - -i- r

I I ". T liilV

,! .i.-cn « black man called

Uon. >1r. llulehiuci,


spcnJlng a few days "111

ivil II till-

t H.L'l- t that (the lEt

|,nid for at


is not n dollar in the Treasury to do il with.

name of Hie ConBlilution, of ni.iunnity, and el W1,0 protest nrjalnnt lliia proelflatalion, and pr.

nothing but etil an its lefjitlmnlo rcBult."

Such is the Incguaco ol Norllicrn syn

secession, ami such Hit era! ouli ..

ccsjor lo Ike cent Df Hon.

ooklyn.oiid shortly mteo Is

1 venerable Joalma R.Riddiugaw

ono day In.-rt week. He won in e»od hf

tfhi'oniclo of the Wat,

;,:s. JleCu-.i-UN li'is issued tlio |..llo»i> K o.,h ..-

niug the duty ol llio nrmy toward th. f 1"

"...-,. .1. 1 .1- i.,i!, ;. :.-... !:. n-t.ihui...,,. T

'"»>. '

,',,..,« ol ,, -,, -.1, Mh'iIh-m I.... 1.- .. .in- •

,i„... . „ , ,. „. \ 1 in


. ll 1 -' '.-

|,.U|-nl In.-. III., i:.„ .'.. 1, o.l .,1,1 "ilh |.|

i," Ijui.. II-.,-, mil. at nnj ii... . he -n ai.iltly

.1 ,. . common i.,n. terr.hle p rhi

iv,H foil ,:.. ll.e ;;,.., 1, . Lu: "'.; ' •' " II- " 1! He,- ...m :-.-.., .: l-tl' »-''-


The .:!urU. it the 1.1 breed .'...,. .'i nl .

,,.i.:.-.i- V....V.I ,.„J ..r„.,1..l a-1,,,-- ,1 11,

li".l.,.-.i;,.3 km ; be. 'II.-,-- •! "'

.-nil,' improved,

jusl returned fioi

Ihi/ors «iili

llrni class "f

1 make then.

.,,.., k ! -I. " the dangers Ih

ton. In the Soulb it i-- the enmt

disposed to doubt ih. eGli .., ...

let him rend the [irocccillngi c

from thai den ot human sUicli

docs t.ot Und out the proclnmel

than a bm.r... i II be 1

to eiidenee. W --' '

thcydcclMO thli 10 bo Ike

the duel "I. 1-1 I 1 ,: of Abner 1'upli. till d 2Slli ol Ninlli infi.-

I''i- prueliiiiialioo wmi rend to him, when I

claimed, ' J run now ilk in jmr.', Imrmj seen ll

l«i»iK!/m!.i»in.[rj;.] "

Itlev. Daniel Waldo's JimuIrttWA hir»„i,iij iw lalelj

tlchratcd in Syracuse. This venerabl

.1.1 ,,.. -. |;. ,.i„i; „.l.,-i..,l |.ci I

villi oaoli IVesldcnl . 1 ih Unit, ,1 .-1 1I1

Chaplniu fur Piaoy yca.-s in and i- .--... tl 10

,i„. i:.|.„i.l-,. lahutosuriiiuit!

We hue hod ihe pleasure nl lervicu with Drid.

t. e JV , 1 u„- Department o( tlio Snulb. Vv\

dlovo he U tbo right man ,n ll.e r1"ht place. [Ill

i,i,,„( iho proper method ol naginn the war.whicl

expresses free I. ond oprnly, are su li as ore p

,„;,- grolifylng lo the [rienda ot freedom.

- 1" "?,Z,„'.',!

ii., 1,11

„.- ,,l ncl.i

. ,., ,„.• ... ,

,.',.. u- I-.-. .. i- -.1-1 ll ' I l-r -. 1 -h '« '

\ >. ., In- 1-1 ' and

hfca".i";^'awe all

in--, all be duly Biic„uoi .

Ho. miiitnry operations

it. WlmlfLija Congress and U10

Tho Yankee KOiei ; has

. , .- 1 1 1p'-fa"

slavery throughout tho entire Soot

,. !. .1 1 ;,.,,- (,., 1---,-.: Ih

. r I'upe - Inst .111 , has left 11

present, cntircl) without He meai

„ .u,^„la.;yc..r.»,»:,.-t »'i '

wheo I'upe's infiim

.rbulanci These tl

...-1 Mint the) ,'

ra'.olary doincsli

our (llrilr. nin.h

mils needed, thr

oro Weld.

9 ,.1 ll," ,

Of ll ,.rly and ..

.-. 10 ll-

ni uf ll.e public platfc

lie field of hi' lom. -i-

iplaei -1 A ih

ash. Unit, Boston, early in Noi „, '.

.1.1 rtill be received « ,-ariysntlsfacllnn

1 , rebel ! ,•'

,-H 11, , 1

...... iu

i.:,1 ellhe

'.',..i-.ii :...

....I 1..",'. Hear 1 1, - ltu l-.m.-ud f.--, .iff[ , a l „,,„ 10. II , I am I.- il, on". :...! ....1 •• r,ll„, ,••

.. .....lor I..., l .ili-d ...(........„; by common eon tlonpplau-.-V 1 il.iuk ihi- p.o,-,an;atiou wrlliimed. and


':..:•!-. ' ) -/- i|i -.- • ;.[>u

" ;l;,__

; ,: ."

of La., Iho .

N..i Huune

tViOV,..|..i. 'U- I.

cite o'cluck.

m of the 11 m**, intro

rcsulu'tlon* proclol „ U"

. ll„- free.'..... 1, .-. ..1 . ureuiapjny

,,. , . I.,.,... I ijl. l.ri.l-r,

I ll

lie. dun,, and di|

icr be guilty ut 11

l.a.l a pul

.. .orting the pcoph

of ihe'lJoof..lera.y li. U.ll ..•-,-! illlecr. soldier ao.

-iimrolih ,, f....,.l.i •-. """I; -»;,,,, -jl-ir iiii-uu.r ol ,ni- .

,l.-l,i-iu.- that alt.. «'

1,1 ,'•'( J...,..,. I„.l.n„. Ulcer of ike oiiemi oj" >t ''

^,,.,u„.l...'ve...rUi ,,..., J red,l,u,.lJhe.r...e.:


aivl, hu.-M, 3 -..\ i.ll.-r.r" a bounty of l«ca-,_,

nn.l 1.0 annuity ol lw;*

slaie nml free negro wl

nry. 1SGS. kill one of I

Loon l„relgn Altai

i Mr.Voot.-. "i '1

.1 .i.i.i..,.. by t..u.

, 1. ..,>.. -• A

dullara h

shall, alter tho la; u

onctny. Ile'eir.-l '


1 ovenlog, Oct, I, where ho wis 11|


*f H*

.. .1 i- iv

.. . a g„1 1iin-ikil by a number of hla new

I ifIS,™. inniwfV1

1 . 1'he medal bore nn lis fncon ropfCsentn-l^

(| iu i|.,ii ,.- .. . 1. „;. ,.,.„ |. .,l...r. nilh Ih.-alc.luuT I'hinl..- ..,. .

,... , .„. .,!,,. I I-. .. .-.,...!,[ 1 -i il- !- -I" 1. 11 ,-

; ','


' M :'



»ry is eibaustiJ fur ft nurd lo lose rip tl 011 tlog- ll il..-i'i,

,„. lignaot dcnionu.1.1. Such| I'rcic-niedioUobertSmalUbylhocolorrdcitin-osollogo.lhoworereii

"I . ll",. II, M „ ,,

liail been mitcdvi would have b

have been murow this last amIs now a matte.luergcncy. Th.

. he had al«a,

mder tho ' Uloi-I

1 Minsuas ii yea

n ended.

,.„,:.. 10 !-. 'i I"' ' -.


Tlta ' •

lie.-, ilitt editor of the l^ui.-i



u I-: 6 1-1 STATI

In llio Virginia Senile


a iliu ^d io=u, Mr. fjolhcr, of

let ,.•

lo '- tiding,

(,, .01 Innrnlar]

uAnuiLT ubt.1 ffi|5g




nil. 1 iim' .-ii 1..

KKiIOVAL.-I)r. n. T. UALUKK.Jilfd* W

Page 4: National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1862, Oct 11

gUjScettowfOtts ^Departmentopeneil ungrn- bad n

^^l^r'ln'itlwfc'.W were «« ».!» '<"* '-';"'

,„J frowiy, dealing cards and Ormkllie » dork com


fT ,lllI'.



l̂ ir,. rl Drenl "Fincold Undo.,

,,] V'n .« il- l-.v !.r. bciersgo, when Oiu editor,

ba lliwjei < i| ''" " lf \. and the merchant


Iv"^ /.".'..'iVi '"or i,|." .'"rem the aurly clerk, and-- a stout h'H slrce

no ol lUcae. by 11"

. Tt urns Cold ami

Wo hailed the- man.

nnper, bill I was i

lie medium of ass

ilUefined bulf-fiidi


Nobody wn1 a negro-


l | 1 ,. r . 1 „d..M,,.-ll .l;i>-. -'' '-1 ' 1


l, :,ir..r.l. fl ,«i:MvM-'"''-'rII"" 1 " ;l '



, hcnri ufltic noHon grow* strong 1

1 l,„,v |) ( cti|H , 'K.!iklnTli»nli«rfvii'efoii«'

over could ildlnss be welcomed moru fflndlj-

„„!,<, ai-atrain*.. iw*i ;""*"

n„. ,.-jvt« ih 1. 1v,i-i., 1 .r-i..v. ^b.iii i-i

,,,-, I:1 ,,,C ..fill' NBtinil. H"'"-^ KrC'ilolU <»' »


.,, l„ hi- l,i\niiV"in-'l shad stand

„: i.

ll , ltin,rn.krfW u. e ««a1 i«im»*|K*«



ohn Brent. Sir Blron Riililul|,h


an Bngiisii

.-hicll.bcr llie



n.vit yooei

Ibe wed of ft pi»nl IS," 1S u



,f all pas' "''' f


'""'.', i, i.i' bn*es. Oilier Icnraed .i.e.. .

11 7 """,,i; mvi.-rv ii.a.liilerciit wav. Bo.twb.ut

:^X™^u^< .^^^;,.: ,!.:., «ill the wi.ndLT finaius Ibe same, and

must look "p°" ll '° "ptoduclion "' l,v Bec '1 "

-onrjnual miracle- .

Is "P if"' " '"' ;' ' ' ',' .j"

- Yon re mid to Murker, lo j.0 !0""' '°-nlorrow -

you waul lo eel free, cntoli!


I ..-in t.--i I I'i'll "!' ''"' lies.

''l si-li again." ISi.liliilpll. M"J "P WCnl " ""'

iim pur-.".. England's subsidy-

Ha!,,'-' te..,l, :...! /»>< manners appeared

on - Hi' criniu-il mi'l whispered thanks.

''I, thai nil Ihnl wcciin do1

, "asked Hie Baronet.

, R o walked oil".

" Yet " Broil Brent. Inking n nasal lone.

' Ihm'i a pnp'h.r nigger, n nigger, on- .r

,.„„.,,. ,.,Lc. so,., lb.- l^outlui.r. iryahecl-

,,,,1 ,,„| i.lsv on iim liilill" like a minslnl. Ue

In ,u ft Inui... .i.i- a «».«. •; » li"'-^,;;-,:

nnil uiabo stoui|n.-v.». ^ <-« Bi'I'Mp". "'""'![",',


Ciin« liimaell Irt.- ",ll, il.nt l',.i,m^t.i:U l ral-lsil.

' riant iiKiti'n" 'npli'-' 1•


l"; '"' ll "'"'


- N.v, i;„|.l,

',,..i i:,,-


rof ;

unanlh,; ouiorcr


The iiioiWj' MUaouri v

boai.i ivc-r.; lirej of sk.pp

,H oloBC. U »iw full DcecmbE

lefi us, fell li»cV,nml beached n

.. e of civili7:ilion, in lnilupenilenci

murderer—onlj pupiwed oQ to

(The rollc-wine; morninc lliev

Tbc day, alter (lie eria|) froal

„,-: rt l.elllli"! slilV "1 l " l! —"."- .'

„,,l,|..n inurai,,,, of ll.ot .aim, lmi.nous hl.«.

stonncd 10 noon in a fiuvmy *['»( »" "I"'" IT"T„.,! r


S1 ,vi,!,., Lionel, ol tbt- .M.^oim. II.

for tin* Lrnwiis" "i "i"" 1 -* '"^ '.'',-;';'


r joiirni'V.)

I,. ;.;,,„;, .u

M as ill':


a; n Rte

r lin.l r..|,.

n riinninp dregB. Bleain

.. L.A io t'!i|iirin, Ihnl " Kan

I, if lie ilitln'i elop IryitiR li

it llie Jniniieouiiiry l>y lie K,^.,„

RB r,i(.. No. S. -v.,,,1.1 .

nnku I.i-r lift hereell



lr ;.;^M

i;v;i,i iiu..:,**-™,

..,.,, ,..-„i.t one. ,ir 111.: VL-llowsionu mu'

J..,.,,,,- r il..- Mi^.xiri [..-']"' (J'il ll

^l by land loSt. Lt


Wc could go

conchca. So we soi

our.pnllop of ihree

lliilf-way ncro«.,

ill, onr lior la faat na lite li



tent Ikb.sLs and oontinturl


i[i|ri:il one ovenins s

» town-ft froWM-co...-,

-, dotily public nqonre. a bo*)1 clitircb ftnd

n oflered.,1 for

,,. j,o il


WMl. I ::

lill,. ,1 „

n li.l

" CTUe'ways ol (I

l-'loml af-Llt'l11 Wc-nivll

Ill niiij|.ly,'.


li. „ll Miy i-l

"'r r


Tit.: I .f- and Lellera of Washington IrvinR." by

o folio, ., .-.1,11.- u'f t

'lir^'i'-eat-i !


;i:;; l!:'i!"!;.;v-S



,. .-.f I.,..i...l~ tliro,j;;h 111- iiiiM. K-'Idtn a.f.

|-„|| v .h.-.-' en-.! Hi.Mnlpo, ' ,vhnl a da) for .

."',.-,.:.., „ .,l:e ihe H.eitl In 1 almost

well a

This \k- will n

" I naked


with foreign prejudii

its study, .if?.;.. ii|-

,i" i" m ii*i"ii"'i iJi.". !.-'-t

"V.'i !'i',i','rt-.iiiiii'.-i r lor brute the bar-room ofli-red.

1„ ilr.i'

. iiib-room' we l''1 ilie brute claw drlltk-

i,.„ „ve:ir M.itlt..-. >n«'; over Ilie price of

l.^p and Hie piiee ol " «i«6«™. " n,i lnlk '°« w1""

"n\ ^'tnlfinieu'leii" I'ikc. Ibe loudest of all Ibnt

lilrilnnt ercsv -cini-d lo Urinl and oiynolf nn old

.,.-.,, iili if, nn..' We bud si-n him or hia doublesornc-

Vbere Hut n.-dl.-r of m- eould lil him il pedeB-

,.1 in oar long gallery of memory, trials olio (ak«ii

pains lo rememher, nod Ihsir mnra Ibut iwlyra one

endeavors i

"HaveylliJilnltih. "Shall ... ^ -,--

thrcLMitlbe mmii room; hul b

big room-Liul-Door^-nre ,vhMt ue are best t, e,l 10.

\\vo and a-half bells, one broken-baekel

n wmbatanil deefcc! with an ancient-fringed low,

and an abandoned i.wtli-M.i-l., o»e lorn Blipper, ftttd

aslnve-pipe hole, l',n-i,i,l..:,l ...«r bird-chamber.

We ,,'ir.. about to cast lola (or the half-bed, wlwn

we heard two men enter Ilie next room. The pftrli-

tion was onlv parn-T ].nti..-.l ov-r lath, undent up oa

if a r,order-f...lli'i.i member of I'onfireH bad prac-

i..,-,l .1 it ,virb -i ooivii'-knil... l.eloru a straet-liRbl.

Kvery word of our neighbor. c« I. » 1W-wcr>: lalking of a slave t,.r,-„m. 1 ebnonalc Uieir

oath- tbou-h f«.-l. I'lllrn'.Mii -lo'-, litem injustice.

•-Ei«hl hunilnd .lollar^," tui'J 'he first apeaker,

nnd his voice tlr.nlcd us ns If a ilenil man we knew

bad spoken. Eighi l„,nd,ed-iha, * the top ol my

pile for that boy. Ef he warn I .-0 old and b da I

ona eye poked out. 1 agreo beU be.wulb a heap

il ho again, springing up, as

d increasing, roso nnd fell along the pea 00-

lin't lav on earth so lovingly,

"'if it were in merrin tlnglnnd, where the

int „ re ^n,le,aeu Aliped uproar her,, where ;: ii.| Itr./nl.

.,„ 'anid Biddulph. " Those are fables o the

old. barbarous days, ol ibo Marootia. 1 can t lielieVe

'roi tiTiJl'M Ham they am after.

,h would be bU lino of escape.^^^ |fc>

rcimli. He turned to

s .,nd Hong liimBdf, 1

.ill, ili-lil or. Hi* ground at

„ 1

What '.i.'h..'lii

|>I,;".",!, .'ll



Not ,i

Si 'li.'





:.,, a



iillii«er.l,-' 1



','" .1,1.1 ,,.,




.,1 n'., if S nb,


Hy no


i .,,,.



Uo :

IW, r,.:.i . , lilD nnJ p.vjrJM!mn. «r.d lt..r »oo-

";':!'i;;"S"ib*— .«... .


been enll.-l tie. i.i»» r'

' .

,|,„„..|,tS.OOI) ilill.-n.nt 1. iiel- "I pb'"' •

- 1 " 11 l" ' " " "*-.,

,bM .be *["''',

[7""- c


:;.;-'.':,'.';. .t.""^!;!:^., ." :




, , ,.,„,„ ,,,-.,„ : .i i kinds of

do Lambll.. ..t '"•, M . uumU|;r&^bKUu5W ,. , ,\ ,, |

„.|- ,,.„ bnvelli.-elflilOHil binds ol

„!„„.„', -r aeled, tl,„ ,i;;

l,i ,vdV line"

ih"" eve, ileecived .») Mm ««! of "-beat ever

yielded barley, or a seed of poppy grow

Ju-nilimer? Jins « eyeamore Ir.e ever aprnni

.... neorn or a b.'c.b Ir.e lion, a eliestnul ( A ..»"

ranv e»rrv n,v«, Hie small i-eed of a ayeJimore

, beik to feed iis ni-.llir,£K and o„ ihc way ma,

drop il on Hie ground. The liny -ed may spring <i|

- ' -row where it fell. uiinoMeed. nnd siMy year;

m may Income a ni-.i-mle ;'r.i i r. ', under wind

l( „. fiadt, ofthu valley and ihu.r sbopherda nmj real

.'i'„l',.l'i.l,. ,:,r l: "l:e. in connfclion

,. I. ,- &c illation at (lie I ouri of tii. James :

Mr M. l.iine and Mr. Irving called for him in ft

-ia;.c and Hie, lonmi bim [.repan-d lo nceompaiiy

tb.-cn will, blaek'coal anil black small clothe?, with

knev'bo.-Uea, ft sword and a Hitle black hat. Ihey

looked «o..deringly at Ins drc--.s, so likely w.lh h

odd Ii"iir0 lonllF.i-i. ob-evvation. II- [.ni-.U-l to I,

uold biuekles. ' No fhnm about Ibetn. linndidl ar...

ftrfaUB bv —1 ' To aome observalion aa lo iho pro-

priety of 'his .Irou. I wc.r no man's livery, by' :„,' -aid Mr. lrviu-. tl l.,-el ul a eonrl o-

lo 'avoid awkwardness and ehitllengo ; there

invcincnee in iliand »l all events you don I .......

sword.' 'Oh. now, Irving, aa lo ft sword you

.,.,1 not r.rv-t.'inl to 'em b me about ihal;my latliei

..-ore ft i-wovd before me, by — !' Mr. Irving ax

plained lhat the awo.d belonged to a cos

._^ v... _ na oll ( of place in that dre>a. The

ike Hanilolpb, nnd be unbuckled hi,

-;. ISG FTHNtll'Ki

tl nr.msji b

It IVF.TlliystlJI HEVIE1T (UWrall.

,•3 BlUSEinilH H,H lil.'. r (Tcrrl,

TERM:! lllegulnr I'rlecs).

,,,!' ,,la. io that

Lei ft

indao of

Ci'ini'.l to Mirhe n,......|

word allerivards and lelt

iad ic ftru d, atop pi

iiulely explained

o miss. ' Them

ii,;. iai

wilh h... ....


ot de do^s

..... Wlmill 1

Can von siviiu'i said I ; lor lo mo h was knecl-

No, uiitssa ; or de been across Ihia cr floo for.

Can you riile'C

R«k"'Q I kin, n m-a."

. uu. nt of buying from the hounds,

Tl,.:: black ;li>.k will, lerror.

I.:t„'„i,.. to l.'i.lano "Work for yon. old liny


-sa.H|eoverh,,iea^nid my liro fnen


,nil oni

r'ulano neighed

oofa as I buckled

ids ll



hatllcs the It

itb eager

i irnil

,.l'.',' Alert:..

he hi.tvr.iv.

;ernal Alley,

:ade. I'll take ye:

dimes, nn,l 111 Oil out a blank bill of

,the boy a lour'.i."

We started »t tbe name. This ivru

had observed in Hie bar-room, liar

m erepl from under hia enirn in Lug


pled lb doHlh .-

ihcm on Ihc 1'lniiis.]

The likeness, look

eeounted lor.

"You're looking for y

k. I.

ime who attacked

ne were presenlly

,t, said Biddulph.

j'll be a down on the hunt, ll is one or the

uienta hereabouts. Betides tln-y ,

posse on us. Yon forget we're in a

enemy's country." .

' lo Ibo brink. He stood molionlesa,

e jtial as he eyed me in that terrible pause

:s,';uS'.i,h,.., r,, .«,«,.,. .i.„*

- ill... Ui. nlli.-nlor TI.l-ii make for the

r..™i"™!i i,.-. ,- »,""""t the Tre.nont Oouae, Chicago. Irefti him

have just pitted the "grand climacteric " of life,

have lived these ,iMy-three yenra as a m,u,i.

„ CL. Mv lalhef hud money enough 10 supply all

wants, livcam-e all my wants were, coiupt.-.d in

i,'oril—i. '"':,f ,l i

, a |nr.' 1 retired, I was in, taller-

wit., dnughler, nod be i.llnweil in,' lo l.ececn,.. n

hook-ealcr. I read every new piil.licnlion.Jl -

si that my linn' wt-nld allow, and all my time wan

v own. I' ,.ermine I no one to direct or hinder in.',

ul cured not who eriiie,/.ed me..

1 ruin, l.d ...u-l.

„ gl ,g ll,e libraries of my favonl.-s. I'lnlie elpliu

,a \-w lln.en but visited Po few friends, and

orhe-d so "ul.' f..Mh.. t.nnd watched so little

ith the siek, that my life was one brcjilblcss

Tier mere mental self-suslcnance. Aij-a wo

mpora I have a bead, but my mlelleet se

» v.- eaten ii up !rcli.-.liirship has been in,

','lrv I1..I so much f.,r Ilie linn- of il :m t..i its

aide'|ili,.i.- My lirsl au,l.ili..u "..„ - and lu-i-ll ,..iii, '.ii-,-i-k,Wcn.-li. Ku "ia

nnd llalian. 1 have rcsd snn.e ol their ...

I1-cle. 1 icslnlTic Milton, l'

..„! ;l,i,l,:.i,ciir..''sTeu,1.^l, 1 nearly .-"tnn.illcd

-' last l.jrlv vara it I.:..- b-.-r.

i,« I...,. ..eiir/iea in The Eiiitf

Of my own eoun-

and Longfellowj

rilieb lira. Stowe

,vhi(oanii Ills seeps iu,ii:....B ,


;::t,rr .»=" M£Sta-KJXSS»3£fS:mall sui.are .-tore' or l.ri.k. Willi a lii.l-

I,,,;,,;,',., I, fe,v >,,.'.|s, w-l.iel. bud 1.,,-u |.l:e.',-.l

.,idu the dead by the heathen Irienda, who

icd then, perhaps 1500 or liOO years before,

oeils were carefully sowed by thosie who

found t"hera. What was ,--., tn spring IVom .he

d«t of the dead ! Benu.lul miii-Uomcis u.


went find clover bearing as brml 1'I

I^thoacwheha,,.,,,.,.'!. mi. wreaths by the

,rry childreo now playing m on

' That,at Uu

ieiid, llekev I'.ikey! Mr- Irving, jeaiui

„.or nf l.n,'..(.i,"try. replied w.ih fctaphns

ir is .lei... l;..nd..ll.l., I i.n.'l 'M'.'-s Minister «, »•*,

sia, anil one of lW u.osl dtslinBUiabed oralora of tin

United Ulales.' fcl e time' alierwards Sir. Iryin,

was .li.iin.. ,v ill. ilie Huke ...i"Siis-c..,nnd he impnrei Mel.ane, «ho returiicd ,o l,U 0»n eountrv

Iben, pursuing lus n,.|". ....-.-., le; ... d-d. with a ,,-,i,t

cant smile,' and how is, our friend, He-key I okey .

Novels.—Thoy any that all ihe

fnmwI-h/iV'iuimmu-i.i' iii K-'vl'' I-* tl."'

^d:;, Wdk^r^os.-nin^o the British ««

TiiKGirrrisn UP'

him Weill "lluca nol I ho cliiel took have allies

inder himV Hid n«l Ibiben's pupils print on hia c.n

nsses? Hud nol l.i..vreiice. a : ,i-iains tor In-, back

[rounds! For nn.-ell being ills, .'. ...-./--J'. I eonlen

Sam,:!,-.,„ c.lly f

.1.1, I.

J,seovered"in"ira V.-w" grains of wheat ftnd one or

iwo peas old. wrinkled and as hard as n alone

The ne is wee planted ..uretully under glass oa lb,

-1th of Juno, 1841, and at the end ol thirty day;

ibepo seeds were seen lo spring up into new lite

They had been buried probably :• '".'O year.

T | lnI„ m ibe n of M—s. and lin.l alepl all

,apparently dead, yet alill living in the

. A si


I hand; 1

of Ihe '


y Prvf.


This slum necessity Drillings

-,-,-> ,.|,-,,,it l„'i',c ri.-Ki.

it supply, j,

in, nor. I, 'h

.^. ^s say the Imv.-i.hi

lriii in the cupboard, and so forlh, which I should

like lo order John Footman to lake m hand as 1

esire bim to bring ihe ' oafs and polish, ibe hoots.

,sk tne to pop ft robber under a bed, 10 hide a will

,1,1. h (ib-dl l.e forthcoming in due season, or at my

imo of life 10 write a oauiby-r.ambv love ..-on vers a-

lion between Emily and Lord Arthur I I feel

flthamed of myself, and c^ic-.iiilly when my business

com|>ela me lo do the love passages, 1 blush so,

though nuito alone in my sludy, lhat you would'"

icy 1 waa going <•» in iipouleJty.—Mr. Thackeray,

The Corn/lilt Miuj.rine.

i YEWS PlLLS.-Aro you sick, lenblo, and compbiln-

l.iirr) ticfici'.

in over the beat n

iiid London Times

t Prescoll, Drya

r. Han,„^„„1 1 will dnt."

'"like a sprightly ni. e of


lu-ea-,1 ll.

,) Sl'll.-ll,:'! I

irer, ringing sweetly

rgent whisper. Two.and then all cl

and took deep wnic

aec a i ol.le horeo nob

his should, ii tlirunl a*-'

,e (piiek.l.i-i.e- flab. I

.1 Mi,

r female authors, I u

Sedgewick.ow with grief confess that 1 have been

. .,'n.l,.. il 'nn "i ni, original personal idei

1 to yoi



iu could have enligh

not fuel i

benefit! tvnai h[.uu.jjj u.— -.

ibotisand uneullivnted whom )'


Froni my inmost heart I cannot help feeling that

the condemnation of yoot si rmon fell upon .re here


i';-i :;;; .-.= ':y;;;.ii,;;,i,



c Id allord to sell Ihe

simple enough," he replica; i uaugin. lueiu oi n

wild beiisl sbow.nnn who bad just come from tfwil-

..-..i!;..., n n n, ri. leaving lieneva he purchased ft

it. lies, "duel, be concealed under I

*-is hardly necessary

,|..,1 nn.,C. i


[. iMi-.n.

g lately offere

:hn.aker ofi.r.iB.1! Sw

iked li

|T"l.l:.'.'i.'ll I^TAr.LI-jH-MKST, So. in Union S.juaro,

..thorn so cheap. " Ob, that i

replied; "I bought ihem of ,

,," added the sci

oni-house ollieeri

,„„. brother out from Snerft

menter 'bout nowT I reckon.'said the trader.

"lie wur cotain' , to-- lots with ft man numet

larrun a parden.r ol his'n. Like enough the, ye

M^ToveAinlee ,,,,.I- l.ik. 1 bey onghler rake

down ft most" pile lliai"..

" is ib,-h nnd sn-^ wilh their dimes

seneo t™emlgralion. Now tharsver bill ef sale.all

"B'< And thar's yer money, nil right."


"Thalnre's wut I mil a screeehiu yoc-1 lor

an old, one-eved rigger. Fourleen 1 Ired dollars

—nn all-lired price."

" Eight hundred, you oman." No; fourteen. , er see yer not up (Or taime on

the nig'tr iiue-iion, / know em like ft cbureli

epic" When 1 bought lhat are buy. now com.n'

I seed ho wui a sprighily nigger, one er

jus son what iviinld be ini-lny apt 10 gil

t.aelioii'j, an' he nirikin' tracks, unless l got a holt on

him. So, ses 1 to him,' Hum, you're a sprightly nig-

I,;,'.,,":": \sm VvV,"howM von 1 •

-'' i'; o i '';' W(B»

all |.'-s,,l ., . toft '' ''', »BgiV

you to yen-elf. and cheap lit Ibnt.' 9o jcr see hi

begun lo pay' I got ft boll on bim. Hes i

handy i.t-.r, an' a likely nigger, a,,' a papier n,g

ger. De kin piny on Ihe fiddle -like tuime—pool](hul arc nigger. He kin eul hnir nyryel fry

reg'li black.,

up ihc liitt ten of the

t'wus eomu lime to sell h

„„._ drnwed, nn' his idei's set

.... onbealthy. 1 didn't like to diaftp

bim to the liest, so 1 allowed 'iwaa jerana well to

you hev him cheap Io go d.

work them fi'iicl"

hundred. t?o 1 allow

tie win gelliri

mifi'iicliomsrunnwni niggers. Ihnl atc'.s my

You kin hev it lur notliiii'. Haw I haw !

iim. ! haw I bawl l'uu are one ol iher boya I

dum sorry that are, trick cau'l he did tivicel on

same mggcr. 1 reckon be knows loo much for

sight it ia

ire,.,,,, hia brenfb i

haunches lift, hia wakeAnd Ikcn-Ael 2-hont grand .. «. to see him paw

„i . 1 r,,.-l, up ...i!i "iighl "nil roam upon the ar-

:,.,'l,,.,.r--|., ',,-,' ii- »H Kb ---'' '-.

inko himself, and with a snort -„ gallopieg '">'

iilimay! Aha 1 ft sight to be si-v,



Westoadwat.l.ii.o-.VMl 'U. i.e-.u-owaahftlf-,

,;ay across. The baying came cloter. closer on b.u

T' aerosa., , ,

The buying censed. The whole pa. k drew a long

"They tee him," said Biddulph.

Almo-t a.r.csl A down men- plunges, rulaiio'

\ eiowd of armed men en horseh-nk dftabrii "|> lo

ihj hank two hundred yards above „s It «ai open

ere they hulled. Thoy eou 111 nol - us ..••>'.;

1.0'.Les,.t, tl,., edge ol Ihe slo.-d - : da."

_,t was Slnrker-sprntig Iron, bin saddle. He

pointed his rifle quick and steady Nn.f ai.d mac

'he- fugitive were close to the bank and Ihe thicket

of safe iv.

Al'mosl over as ihe rifle cracked, linn, had turned

lb.' s.miid ,.l lis pursuers crashing Ibroogh Ihe

,-h. - Fulano swam high. Ho bore a proud head

,!t .',,n-.iJus of his brave duty. It was hut n

„t M„ce be bad away, nnd Ihe long

1 his wake still rippled ii';aii."' 'be l.nber Unk.

Wc heard the bullel sing, li missed the man ns

j turned. It struck Fulano. Blood spirted Irom ft

real arlery. He lb.ii".i..-f:d f...,.,i..l. Hum .augh

.uebu-heson ihe bunk, pulled himself ashore, aud

cluleh.d lor the bridle,

Poor Fulano! He flung hia bead up nnd pftwed

the suriHco wilh n groat hibsih. Ho si reamed ft

don lb --ere inn. like lin.l l-iiil'l- i V ol an-ins I. ol In*

-,„n,„,l- mi.riv.'-d iii il." .'hi heroic cause in Lugger-

nel Alley. Wc could see bis agonized eve turn bach

in the socket, sending towards us a glance ol Iai

"'.'.'.l.le horaol ngain ft savior. Ho yielded nnd

-a..l .-lewly away into Ihnl base ditch.

„t llaui win- lie tafof He had disap|,eai-ed in


His pursuers called Ibe bounds, and

nped oil' I.i cliicsc bin, round the slough. u-as safe, lie got oil lo Ireedom. l'rom his

refuge ho wriles lo me lhat lie is " pop'lar ;that

'as sot up a Livery Inslilooiion, and Una ft most

Hil'ul black a growin' up lor me. Ham


but I ulauo g. b, Mnrkcrs

'lb..l.,r.,,l los,

,.„..tpled to death in iho far-away enilon oi the

lively M.nuilaina.

day, who d

,,„:d a;.|. ,„.i. r'tl.-".d e..ry in-, it ,

-r-n i,..j. .....I ll" more I bun;;, red. ,b. i...... I ,

,.- thftt tin- whole et lifodoes not e

Iiaf.iuiel. |.;el.r ih-

f „0;.,:.., ll "I

1 abrogate all ' ' I" I

no objecting loth.- title; l".: c .-

,.) ns Irom some la. In e. ol III.: pos-ent

;ot even know why n woman s':. .1.1 bo

Imly must piiv-e- |K''i :

,,- fh- must l.e C -s. Hil., ami

„br..,l .1,- .hglile-l .!.,/.• of I •<--

. i l.. ..,, .1, g. -il.,and .I-.'., liable.

- a- .1 pond by stenllh. Sho inusl


. an. I go«ip. She must possess

Ihu only reason why his hons

.,,..., during ihe bile gale we

is n heavy mortgagd upou il.

jfovciflii <LilcaniH(i.s.

.,. i, ;.. i, .„ ,. hi .1 (,..- I.undon Esliiliilion

„ are unusually bi;li. i I .'.u J wbs offered ane

oronusloino •'

Iromemloua «atun.potit burst over the city nf

n Sn.iin. lotely, trni"!or...ini; the streeU into

in »Jiii'li mf ny ol Urn inhahitonts were com-

,ni.u lur the. r li>.-

,„.,i..." nmirc H.e Jtriii-b goveruinent to

- , '- ,t: ... i >," was laiely

the Vloutro.-e Ioimi I. '..... i..-,i, L..II niter ii 1'i'ifl

n the subject was Ub! aside,

communi cat ion from Cochin, China, says that

,n plant (jruws spontaneously in ,t '' 1 country,

sd.iO. S150.



-jl,riSS SOPHIA J. BLJSSEI. wdll reopen Ju

, .



it is a mistako,

tbl. ." - " ' ".v""""'-'-'

c and the ..".(I a do I." o .n. " •' "ady lo .b-

v, ,,1,,,.. ,„ ,„iuui'mi 'alt'.' Tl" hike lliai

Z 'il'..- li.ill-,-l.e.l k. pa b.altli) b> Us Ontlcltiligl

,ve denied mysell through hie ll.- bapnir.-o

mg, 1 Oftonot now excuse myscll lor cot

»,|nhl^ to any

.ed rii'd.'-hi",; M.ii.c of Ihe noble works which

„ , or orphan charitable society, or city umsion.'

. think ..f half a .b./.'ii ways m which inytftl-

L been employed lo

itrenglhoa the rise isill" geln'I'lllle

in all-

it I hav

"Waal,:,ef he'

i the cslahot

The AsaociATioji os I

relates the billowing «>

i produecd by ihe

spoke fir*

dBretc llocky

,non Brinlysi" .

" \\ hul n... ,-...-,,- lo do now 1

"Try in abolish i-l,i>-ry in Hani's ease. ComeoTIgobnyhi.n a file.'

'IV,- - em to have business with ilie Murker fun

.."saitTI." A bard lol they nre. Reprctantallvo hrutea I

"1 a„, ,oi,i,i.. Fi'knowK'iJgi: ol all classes on you.

inlinenl," said Biddulph. " Some I like belter lhau

them '


i for the

I. W shi.ll b

t out before many decades."

llicillic-c. I I,. ' ' '.



'ouu"tlX^*'^ eoul.ry "l!) T£

-::"/' .;

:-": ""/<-i'' ' mv .-i ''-"- ^--c-

!-*idepartment iii hni.uii, hie „., ..tding to your :,..'-

and ia-1,'. and then sludy and labor lor Us ndvnnee-

" tuowledgo, virtue and h,. panic-.- ;I/ih.- ."''

,..,. best for yoursBtrW bff lining ">"*' °'J' Vyrjurtelees.

Ol.D T—A wise man will nover rust oul. Af

, „„ ce can move and breathe, he will do -oik

thing for himself, bis neighbor, orp

for poattnty

r lienjnmin Brodi

inofideaa: Whe


Abhorring everything like, toiled or InJet

,r mock jewelry, I" r pure mind and clca

Co will ta.i-e lb.- loot of time lo pass ,e

I, b-iv I..- H. coi', brow as il she slopped oi

,he flowers, and. a- "b- ...uvtS wiih .p.iel grace ani-

.lienity nil will aci-rd ln-r inalmetively the tilte o


If 1 had time and your patience, I could

present ihe other viow of H.e ease, looking upon Ibis

„.,. ,.pun that. Il.t when one constantly

n contact, in cnuubusea, cars, storca. the

ido, places oi public amusenienl, wherever

are generally lound, with those who loudly

c lo llrrmsclvcB Ihu contealed lille, can yon

at the Uisgust it produces '(

n T ...i.'o .tniTnirrr Womak.—Lnmnrtine thus


e ye.

, ,i-neth.isji

bjleoi ll.vei

i still

in',t nriiteil

ires. M. Vei


ii Paris from

_ -The ee-ays of the late Mr. Ruckle n

.,, cellecled nuil [iiiMi.lie.l in a volume. II

he einpuLili-licd csMysielni

•HiBl ,t'l ivil


,..,1 to h.r


,. with

I. lil,

heavenly girts which .li=.tim;a-h n.. „. .,. 1 ( '

raise them above human nujni ",, - ""

enthiiBinam. By commas' i.ju '•' .!"."';',';

I., eiill". I" il"-, -:'" ll,"i-'l,'-- "^"n


"ion than nuiii. Km bus iasm spring

-iim, and s.ill-sacrilieo from Ihc

therefore, more nfttnrally heroic

fire." (I859-G0.)

It was late as we walked along tho streels, chan-

nels of fever ftnd ague now Won up for the winter.

Wo saw a light ihruu-b a shop-door, and hammered

Htoully ior admission.

ling ton ,•!.-, ' ' ^-

.[.iilv and pui

slooiowv. itifaiilde iiiiiil;

reeollectioiis. loo dlslin,

trick of Ihe imagination- ll seemed to nic rather that

cnleebled memory was, by smne sudden impulse, set

actively at work, to recall I lie lorms o

ptest realities, long overlaid, nnd almost lost behind

hcthrongofsubseipienteunis. 1, unea-.n, - wa-

mother ; and whet. I had described my

i wholo mystery WM speedily solved by

discovery that the pattern of the wnU-pspe


:.l'l:tl, i^t k-.:r Jl't l:f- \\.,{-:;,. ..:

ntwork tk. wore I riinklui and loung, Huivard

HiidNewlon, The vigor ol their live never dealeil.

No ruat marred their spirits. It ia a f.obsh ,lea t,.

Buppoaa thai we must lie down nnd dm I- ...,*-

are old. Who ia old? Nol the man "I .-,,. rjj -"

the ilav-li.borer in science, art or I. n, . -

he only who supers Ins clergies ;.. muWaws) •«thospringaof lile lo bceoiue nuilmnl. ---

, .u, .- 1,


handa the hours drag hea,ily, to all thui'.r

ir the garb of gloom. Is ho old 1 is ho act., ei

be b.eatlic Ireclv ami move with iigdily I I la-re

of gray-headed men we sln.uld piclei', in

.....b .. t.^ »n ll.n.,1 .-mm^ ileuieu


than All n:

I wheI God. .-

wo need not deapall ii

a th

Recentlyin iho

1 lrishr

.... Great 1.

,..,.. ..illy for Hi- " oi t-it.njr p.• il.,- i_".ir- c mpiny'8 btvamboalj), wl

iboV-- ii-i; ,-.-ii- -:•.. -J **?:

$\\\\M$W girtvtt'tisemci\tsi.

-itt T~L L I A II S T I L L,



SO. 1ST NOKTn FIFtH StRKET, Pllll^IitlJniA

;, ..',,:.' '", .e.„ifj oo l~dj.

OS-l»P>bn>S «r.f"Uj atlwlhl <•>

TT N n K It _1_ t

i. I, i I. nehly v:i I- : I

ot . ( Uio receipt ut which. I- .1 li- '' pre

Ij.Ii... eu.iducur.g il.c N.Ireturning 10 thi'iu lib

,' '". .'."i"

plllZE MEDAL awarded

on III. is ni

rll Vic


, nqueo

io feai .

""I'l! K-I'll

a lion in iheir path, at a harsh

"'I- \l,.|',.'i -he .- died .'ii, lob, i Telia. Joan o"

' .", . | ... in lialy.ortTu.rluttoeorday,',

,|,,[iinl thai I compare those

"t 1 . iiid I jdiih "'"I I'hnrlotto L'oidny siicrili, ,'d

lit- Iml i lo ir -„ rilice did not iccuil at crime.


' O

ii\ook ihe ,....i,,r.r.l of ilie assas=in

matead nf Ihe sword of the hero. Jean ef Arc used

only the sword of defence ; she was not merely

inspired by heroism, she was inspired by h.od.

j b,.ihersaiid

i= uti ..ul, nn 1 ni"' '"' " ll ' M " l ""-' '

,,,/n,. iw... »! Hue" iflnssi-i svitll ,1 i

invalids Ir all pints ut Ihe world

nrc here nekinu bciUh. Alter imbibing

lipple, which, by the way. ia ycry Ilk, ,oda-

olookftt? Of

,,"l,- iikes], and make a full

ily, will ho spy?—what will- - Brocken

in "the' room where we were seated, »==

lar to thai of oiy nursery in Paddington, which I

of nself. He will .

,.,l,,,d, perhaps, that

iglier than he is, »«»handsome a wood-lot. Now lake Jul

luel Sweih 'ii berg, or n

set mm up Ihere. Or suppose e.,u,p,.'e not..- altcrward- •"

they have enjoyed iho snroo prospect

will see will be as didereni as Homo was from

Leaven or hell, or the last from the IVjeu UlwiuV'

direct and important ellec.,

-ubi.ct ll.eMli.ctor introduces a fuel

gesled to bim by bU profession

is lhat the esereise of the e

Fejee Islander, andall togulber. and let

it appear lb

Young Wombs.—It waa Ihe opi

,t singing hy young ladies, wL

. In bis r* > ibis


jpanled by Geo. Fleury sod M. Uc.cnc.iird

bls*aft f and ll",.u tl"-..tabU.l.meat. lie ..-],

,., o„h I"" or three Imul-J to ,, .ok ult-r lo'L-akl'L-l

en the woter-drl.ikiog ci ,es ne:.,i.;


dly, alter ft walk or driv-. lb- ibn is e ,,,-J si.


-ly hour. The J-luiperur will relDiin " ,Qt> ' '."

,-a ot Vieby, Urlng m as much reUremeot as pout-

EsGUSt.'s Ei.ti nn iji.e,:s.— We

... .;hicb the cln

The Carina

chest by singing i.on-

iheui frnni the d^ea.-H.--

expose them.

press loo n

leldooi fttUtuted o

th«ir edbcatioa.

., I.i.mIoo. in U-.'.l, li.rl.H

&1.,»lti,id.ill a


'Ba" L*"'

TosFSiciCi'i ti,. '/--; ^y;^^.'^!'^

bs£,tSsss:,eMj.'.itt: £..\ w, ^^ .)^


A LAKGE ssaortment ot SALAlb^^SAf ES^ ..


puM [-• nuMdll Ml ':-,

%.:.".. e^iilN ''-,

-!!<> :- "!i- ;;


QlliSnf the MAMMOTH PLN.So.


, ,,'l\.ld

li,b syn

Ilie veied ques-

an and Schleiwig,;,^,:;,;::;;; ,be i.;,,e,,n,i

luel.iea : hul I the royal i

|..,„ luve b-is indue-

itrengthen [leomnrk, whose ^™.l,l,-fi..:i,-.-l. in-1 "enl Ihe s..l[.[.'..n ol 11- nlh ...|ili.i

ilia,", tliit Hie, -h...„|,l .old weiehito I'rmiis tab'

tatiojj aud (aclllatioa policy."


... ,il"u>-t i«i I'-.i-'-:-.;. J™* 1




S'.[ • ;'":-ii!»'

-' "=.Slp
