nashville, tonnessee, saturday novembe, … ·...

IXiiiaus J I D CO Kb itSteb:* "•mntn- 1 -iKtsi-.a- tco.. , 01 pmTW t rriy : el »•»• * wf ITcci't^; I !» « .tsitl !<« l-r-"!! w h I C a r i . ^ E |lt»f9. t aiflf- t» •'Sifrra I*--! .iFTrlf*;!.. « -ntf art r £IiJ«t Iii.,1. IB. , iji^.'^.i* rrf -if .-hw .a tor-ouj* I m «r ti)* Uutt m. sa^fi' * u 1 jUif-Oat^ • -n-p.-^HiiO iman- PteWt iiftiBrliS [ t ^ n -M^irtrKtuJ latum iiiuiii It . --thrt^ erf w 1 lai^ " ^ r •muomz ma -- srrt^ I tbt OMI ••Ma a * ;K3S» J i: »-Bil >Hi« I* k't fit.' Fk kbr u IMF- iJK-Y^IJ -Umia ~ ik-Jtam ta ^Slilts*!, Blmr r,"». n* JRAinES.— wjwm. wi -»» fi- ^ Bfm .r'9 » SH ..U 17 t ii f«>- i .M 8 W U T le. _ u^i 'V rium I a 3 1 n 74 College, rgsass. — tTTTv-.-i hr xilenoelh n ;ttRSs ,»• m Lelilne^ rtflswii St i r l W • M L Tie. XFpiiMt roTOtsTs Mtwtt. •tjulj h IrtBco i i t , i t ^ M Ou. Sdlton; J. H. QHATEB, O. B. HZVSBICXBOS. Benors. Calirornim Cor. Xd- fvoi. x v m . I No. IL NASHVILLE, TONNESSEE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1861. T E R M S ~ T f f « D i n a r s a y e a r i > I c ^ U s t P r i i d p l e s , P t l i t j a n d Pnetkt., EXCmsivisH BEPELiED; ^ jUg Atonement to cclelirne that evom ia sjaibol and eipression of repose. No great Six ImpoRint DoctrtaM. B.UTi>T . .iMiUMoN 10I.ITT. , manner «OTthy of prime imporJsa<.e '.Ufn^ca wore Dccestary to prepare the place I. o«»Lrtitoti«?»itli.oii«liiraMT»i<iti. EpJi. It;*.-Tiiat . ^ ^ . ) In rccardance with thi? view i» the whole fi.r t hri.«iian •rrvice.. It needed no ecremo- Turning- to the Jv-ripture record as givea^ tjnor of the Pcripturc?. In ^tho hesinnin-inial citorcisiot: to make it fit either for psalm s^s^-^^iCoLn b^'Erangeli^ts, .Mat; i i r L i l l . Mark xiv. j ^f th* Gospel-by John the Hnpfist iM^trii ony or prayer .Vbotninible idolntrici had i t i j ' i i ™ «f (iad.'iS Hop<'«i>J!""' ' JI Mhe first note that peals fin the a«tor;islied't.orn Witncsfed tlierc bovoBd all donbt. bat 1 Cor xi ttc uJatter would seem to , „ „ of the men of-Indoa is a sumiuon, to n n ". crdot.-,! p<iri6eations were -ciuisite ere "" I'' t-jond a .,aestion Marl the ex-i « „.e kin^d-n, of ion the true T.od r o M be offered, t E«?i.-iwM.c!nnd.«fCim«i..<:nmr«To(«i,pei.. prsssioD ' ThU </iv body—IDT blood—the j jj^^en U at hand." Matt, iii .Vmo.n;r and fcrvit-c well pleasing to Him, through oar Lord when h-r on .lesn-- l."hrL'*t. Haveiuck remembered well , _ , ministTT were iho?o tliat • ucithcr in this mouotain nor yet at Lord - death till eome—the . „raark»bli words to N.^odegin- Kjrept .le.asalem were men to worship the Father 'wrn a^in. he r^^not^er the Lin^' iio^*" To the true worahip«r anv place John iii "1 "His earthW ivork mi.-hi a place fur worship. Kren ih, pD^'ida .if .'^hlvcy Pafroon mit;ht be none • ther ilijti the linose of (Ibd and the gTite of 1 ea\ eij V. I-. r.liu^iy .[ wa.-" a n n o u n c e d that that M.piiid Ij. th-.- place of meeting. Vn othcer «. E«caiMihi.c!niTCO«i>-"tn~'»«<»'nir"T<>'»cnpeo- prrasiuQ i Qis i/i.v u u u j — m i u i u i r u — h e a v e n is at hand tn« .nd , Testament ia mj blood^this da in re- the fir^t teaehin-. of lunmwrlmldalJrmta'l imt*rt im pmincOB) (teacninpi OI dl tb.cinnm»n.f-!membranee of m-.' twice uttered—" ye do tprgj ^n ff;;, put,];^ m«t.afClin«. iwri, th. oriimxuioB. docii-ji«. 1 f^rta the Lord - death till come—the, c.(B^.Mi»raiM»'M«/a»ciuin-hiaj.iB«i<.m,»aui-i, , . VI J i- 1 I- J J- ireraarkanu li™ | and fclood of the /.-rr?—not discerning jj ^e f, but Osn»l. MiJ •chimUiag to no !»» h» tl»» not cortM)^' the Lord'> b o d j \11 p.iint to I'hrist with ' nf fin I IU-ifcnn.fcT:lr»T.I S:Ej.h.i I;C«Lt:lJ:Arw«irt£| , , j / . UOm o m o U is-.; iCr,r. a«. dcfinitcnejs. Not a word IS Said j apponjpHjhed. and the di.eiple^ irdthi red for . 'about l^hriMbn Kellowship from l-eginning .heirfinal instrrK-tion.-pri-r to Hi. a.-<..nsi..ii .TISiTr!:: He give, them thi, eve- -ne,.ornbI mm- •s: Via. «im: so—n-» xxTj; 21; 1 Cor. T a. Th)* "I.^^nr* " " "" J ^ H e glVen (l....iaciBiir!, not » . WB , ihe slightest ir.ea;iin.- except in their Tippli- ^jon iJOo ye into all the world nnd rrc;i-li to,,.re ne ,i,.„. ChrurtV* «lw/A tiU !m> rr,tr»* nipaa : vxd • Ckve**^. {m-iO^ttift^T. « •rmbpl «r dimtrA f-itaSwmJmp: foog^- FASHIOHABLE FBIEITDS. j j g V This should have Uught him that the The hardest trial of those who fall from af-1 w a . ^ be happy is to believe what God has fluene^^and honor to poverty and obsurity, is | g a i d , d o what he command.": But whv thedia^very thMlheatUehmentofsomanyUhouId^ain bo angry with his brother ? in whotii they confided was a pretence, a mask ' What ha\\bcl done to hurt him ? Xothine to gam their own end.«, or was a miserable ' at all : h u ^ i e could not bear to 8 « his shallowness. Sometime, doabtless, it is with ^ brother g o ^ a n d happy. He was envious regret that these frivolous followers of the ' of his brothei\nd we shall soon sec info what world desert those upon whou they have ppeat wiekedne\this bad feeling led him. fawned, but they soon forget them. Flies 1, very sinf^ to indulge angrv feeUng leave the kitchen when the dishes are empty, against anybody, - , - more than all asainst The parasites that . luster about the favorite nur dear relations, ^ o m we .mpht alwavs of furtnne. to gather his gifts and climb by ,„ i.,tc .\nd when \ besnn to bo angr'v his aid, linger with the sunshine, but scatter we do not know where i\rill leave >.ff Th at the approach of a storm, as the leaves cling hvmn sav to the tree in summer weather dot drop off ' ^n^rd ^ Qr,;. .ord.. reminds tli.? Cor X H;. ble>s. i." it not the communion of ihe blood of; jyj ifi f};,, be brea-i which we break, is it not gf„rr.uim, and f.,;th i lion of the br>dy of ( ^ r i ' t \ o r bj^j, „f Thri^tinc -I,. •I,-. I i.. u htl; n \ o'l •r':p!"U« oh-tTv Christ • Th the communion is there anythin;.: in the ' irrnms^'tn'^r* eon necteJ with tki: diet lelelrition of the ordi- naee lo «ai.'irost the notion •>( fellowship with any but the Savior < *n the eootrarv. any such notion .;eem!« ntterlv excluded. Rise ihy are not the seventy present on the occasion ' Honbtle^s nuanv if not all of them j ^^st clear .nd p > were :n.)erusaleui ..I th;., time dra^vn thither i ^n outward npricht /•>. wi'l not by the great rea.,t of the l'a.«sover Will any ^r a'rndV,! • han-e . say that Je,usd«si^ncdtodi.sfellowship ihcm/ Behold the k n-lom r.f r, And liien. who can positively say that Judas Luke xvii -Jl T h e ran«t was not present at the J^upper, as obviously ^^^^ „f eTrernal r.,- w^l! appcan. fn-m Lite ix.i Jl , and that he did ^^^ impcnant demand • 1M .IC,,- CI not th-re seal h,sown everlasting condemna- cirvumcision ,nvrh.n, tion > Would .lesn. f,-lloTrship him ' The „„rircumri-ion, but . r-v. -re.r.'.re thing IS not to be »app..,ed for a moment ^ , ^^ .j,,. And a.s for the disciples, what token of Chri^ vet Sv :,„v , tian Fellowship could the ordinance have neath the skies We arV V-.rti , f I. been to theiB ' They had nothin- to say of the will ot the flesh trnr the t to who-hoQld be present on the o^^-easion- mac, but of ffod ' .l"hn i ] :•• they were only servants of the.Ma.ster. cheer- . „• rnen nnd fully ohedient to his .overe.^m will. .\nd so jjis own ima-e n,r.-- r. n- far from complaining that m.ny a dear disci- I the «aTnc Dirint- '^r w pleat hand, like i.azarns and h^s two sisters ^^^ t.^-i-n: tnd th- :Tiothor of Jesus wei^ not present i yv.ij , they evidently were so absorbed with the i ^^^ f.rn-,,.'" - HaiCc- as to be ,, wie indifferent to any one j , .-ar s„„'- fc. ! else. All thereiore mvc Judas, foriootl the true manna from h. wer ! itorthy pariicip;iiil-s !hat symbolic re past. Th^v fi-llilied I's onlv and simple des^i '-l.-arly ond lu.-tly statei by Dr Bam-?" ()D.- point is .i.Snitely settlcl. The | spiritual fart tha Lor«l * Saj'per > a "imp!*? memorial of the Savior Aronn-i -iu^le StT'ptural tnitb ocir tliou;:ht;t on iho ^abj.-cr nn*t accordingly t'^ej-cfoTo revolve if wc vr-ti].! n-'t ourselves in iLe wkIc 3by>i of t'rrtT Vn-l Jo ihey insist on i (TIMBHt. cmij ' a w <*tiiireiu>» caa psrtwpaur m ihiu ord* aAitt:« thjtt ucrv* m tkua achl pnrsc». The m^mhrr* or qs< rhn«b (tbcmch af th» "^nM* 9uth «ii.i op-lw*^ r»n to roTnmnn»«m ff «BOth»»r anlw by «a iri «if fwirewr aed B«t h% r ^ , for r^kch ciiUTT!}* iQfi^pr2Hl«st. beiax th** gnarJ- :aa rf yantr nf ih* fewt. i* w.ih th® an flwnty to 4i»rtpljitt» Jhp»# who* rRUssTO-hip oriirwirlT ^r*^ ti»m Ihf? rsht. JW t C..r * S-IO. C. Chr-acm E ^ u ^ t» thm fomnriaa af a bruc^tr s mtarbf aiim:ai5Ustor.:attf tbeomnieof t j , :a <wrfai'.ac»im of tha bcr^l «atl n^^nrr^rttoo ol Chr»t. tod ftm<5Mi«Hm frf a -iMift to ktx. raion with rhrT*t, rntn- ••mtioB is \ii» ««rrtr» Omt (m)T tlNfptcra, raa uuvvr ittt> tie^^fn.fii>lxhf preft^^ienM baposm rmsatt bt o»d« bj obAirwu except cMdrm 00x1 ft* ftfc'i." Mart iii: W; amiiyrfif: IB: Mart W; John iii A<n»Ttn: to th» eimm: Hon:, ri Col. ii: IS: Gal. ui tD^ZT. Burriav la wMtmr af oa« dernd ro ma » tte oo!; at'tum . tiac0 Him buml of a JtmI mmo w the only " Ukwi***" or re- pTfMtMicxdixa of -ioflth :n th* vorUi. !br -.t ts (TftSt^i Lke- anfi oi <£K£b. flix Importsas 7actm. I. Ml wteiATS. entUM mid t^ia^rmpMrr of kst bot*. MMftv wnujj (tftzLtrf thia tS» pim^y (i. irst) and i^aAn^ ngtii- SratMm nf ** Baptfstu'* i* tn <fip vr bKm£r»*. whilf* unnr rt tltf> tmu mj wBra th^t tt A aeoo. Csnoa. Amhen, 5t3Bn, Ac.] i, d t n d s r i huMoracs vmaumesksljr ^^ prmiliv* and tp9t(Dii£ hy eh* vaauniem at w waf^r. a* ih® ot Jh#Tnafr».—{Bttuart, KiitoiioB ttLi Wafl.} X Jborif iC iNmi^'i -i ccmm*asmi<ir» • that th» B i ^ iiiira aotfttrsz^has* pimn eortmuatd or crnmpw of. iai/W tesftm, inii thcrv i« txtmont aad tgroiiz th«B. "tt aaai-SM, u* fcr wil».T yrxross to *timini«erpd. C. Ill <»caa4iBrd fr «:nnaaa znicumr'O.'Ir aftns that tb» <7>*r< of '•hp •fie-tnlie' cHnrrhi«» prrdjf fi^mLmtie, 0 ^ rMt«Ml in sfae pcwf]^ ar aad tlm ekmrtAm iqmdcs' nrpH^vs. All relic'^ Miotin^ Um^mtn-.' pa^tn and c^cnasi cr aramcnirjaii 20»eram*Bt», m haaJa of ti^rferrr -^r a fH» m a •«ta>ion.> ar* aail mtii >qnA'tf«m (rmmiM which so ^^fowtiaa cas tawfhn% e»rzat«n«f a. er-^ftaafm /ramei ttq^ht to mrport. rw**- ctaacLtty. aU iba acta an-l onluuzna <it aoch irrrsuioj tea:**' iga^, MBd oni^t ssl to b* rrraiTwi br ti<<; got «hotd< •m'itfrtea ^ in Jirr rtvognispfl a»- •rriptn™ ehoTchMt. rff Utflnr m vfioai auBMtvr^ «rtbe p^ t ^ Qftpcat Chmch. m lh« p a m t m dexDocncc an - rapt^tilCSH j^T^TSSMUt. 1 ga nai?y»y. wrsaniawl cpon prmripigs if^^Mrnrft^nT th**'- «r tba yp»rjfic ahi rdl»i. hartoff iiii^tetu orHaarcb {». tb* mmu^TTt^ can. iuatlj bv eaUnt a go*j>«£ dut-tk, or Cbcmk C3b-rb\ or a brazich of tha Cturck of CVw.'. •thiDS* ^ ^ *Bnp Uirajf. <w\tia! to oth^r " th» oeir r»iupaiiA i.'oiiuaix&^iKa that hsT^ ^cnci «iace :!b- aQii aa i^hnxtian -vhich par» the <iwtria* of the GomfmS thrrvcgh "IJ ^ aemti. p. t3> Six Importmct Principles. I. Thi*ffihu,u><i tb^ unaOujea vith human dPTwr* or ViLuiiJi. «ad arar ha* 'Af rwlic-oa Btrrtarm. » & fbktfte {aa lvf>n*ai aad th* of bapcinr. Aii^l ar» (wt left ta be mfir warf. taux at aiZ eaiou r9'\air« and FLAJ^ cnmmaodf* itt erwnpU*. X To ^'^.tle the pc»«ftt»e re<?airementi» of rhrH»t htto HmU oad I ia tn dea4e hov fiu- Omi»< i* to b^ ahivjwi. aoA la »has pmoU wa vay <k»oi»f him. Hct to to <ibey tsoe '»f tae leaat trf hi« pc(utiT« re^ur*-- gmL« «r to teach niher* itolres one ia the c^ilt nf rip 4. Crery powtiTa low. nr^itaanee or prarSM*e. ta ttie ehsrch tmt vprei**^ iimmiadial (JT ••xampie*!* i* fifr'tmide- B-^a ^Ar 'peezfientkm ^ cae 'Asa; u 'he pnASkxtion ef rr^ry o^Ar «r»» alf hnmaa mverrinitB wn*! t?»lJt;m»!i. ratar.e ttoinu apttnidiae. poumis. tr... ccne pr3rtsr»««l fitrr reliuiot;- tor which no pttirai warract can be rouaii, acd art 1 sn^^e nr» men. •ornrty, t r t-h-irr-h. '-hf v.tbc.r.xy •• tra^ with toe- ardmaoce ir r.r$aatctUk>a ui ins fixzrch i-r kiajyl'^iii. sa to make or '•haag* hi* «itj or-* thxai(Jbr>iS9ther. Ta •nrreader wha: SE haa M^LiUb^. la treicAtry—*o she"®, ft. PmniirLCS fac reuher .-crntial n<>r tJiup-oawt*?. t T!ier». ia DO rtinr^i hat » bode of niiner-ed heH^^^ | Christian FelioTrship as proper) v beioD^injT tO wi»# ha** bi*a tramer*ad bf a duty arpcuii^ ofBcar of > Ser.potrai Chtat-h. i Therw ar*» ao Smpt r»J nriaij»ter«, hm thene who ha*'- Wea doiy ansbonaed ^ a Airptural rhuich. Z. Sg/^ sothini; ertdsit than the Art. that wp teach more hy exanpie thaa by prwept—ther»- SBn»» «o k n j aa we af pnspnate ocr polpti? tor the olBt^i preachia^ef the by tho»« Ybcm w* nrstdrnT dui> hantfaed tssd or»Jalne.| ta the m:nJ«tertairof5ee. it ia e-^tiaU* thas tt e tmrmp^ ^^ oe to a r l ^ tbo»e taarher* t«> aecti{?7 ttesD. whea m kzurw Ou-r irm neither saptiaed anr orriahierL aad eepMrianr «tcc-e they ^-latra to Le. -Mid the acton oor pan in»n a reefssiwaon nf their cixasa. aa-' thaa coaflxa thnr fulloweri emr.. I. Xothnij?car3 be mnre m?Qts«}»teat thsa to admit tikr^r pnwehei i iato ctir onlrnta wi» hold aaii tearh d'*trine«, nr jecsost ci which wtmld exrloiie bnch fn>m ocr ptilpit- aa:i «;hnrrhn anv rsmtatAr nf our own deRrtniaatinn. Thi*. a e e k u s . « erne nf the Old Lasdmarka ef the Bap Uat Chcr>h. $. Thac a body of imm^T^ed beiiew^ ie the hiche*t a»a3«ieaf aatherHy fa the worfd. aad ti*» <7aly tr-brtiaJ Hot txiai of ev«a ol diarrpliae; that the of « '•hurrh are *<- •npertor iaodia* fhn-e o»er tbo»e of asfc^-tjiaanna.^KioTro- tion, eont>P"X nr pre^bj'U'rr—and a.«»o<-i»rinn nr '^arre- u«ia f s a i m r o ^ a mora2ohligaciea<zpoa the rvn^ntaeat pan^ eotfivmcsip them. A. That •iaee rhnr^b Chnet • -us ndepeaJcr^ body, an oae <?hareh caa aST ether to ecdor^ H- acta, amj to Skr ihry ajv §txurt «.^rordazir« with th«- Law« of Chnat. B eoceitjdee a cnemher «n<a»?Jy. ary ethe-chnreh. ear li|»tore luax. il ahe fit. 7. Whimever aar fharrh aeJ* 'a rjoiaiina cf the d}rert»»»t« rt her <m!y law-creer. ae fbcjhi la the !Cew r»*tair#-at. heroiaae xalwHikm.*—her SLt* trntU izkI md. aad aii ethf-r rhnrrhe<«» aad Mwortanfia.* of rharrhe* aad csmT^ct:ca" thfftiiH wHhdmr tbe'rfrfliier^hipfromhrr nittr! «he rep«E-». aad rertdbai her order, or they Decame the parta«cer» vf h<*r ataa. 1 Ttiil IM» ••ecu 1if "P. nr rnnrnn^rn nrrrmTH'tT'ii > "iti m' of appeaj." or ha^ aay ^ithorttr the chn-'-hee, h«t aunptyfcdriemyitmaole—<herefci rt hai» no r^cht to .ftr-xn to Jhe ^horehee or to detuaad ^^pon fi-r mnj pr^'^rt er achetaa arhirh they haT«« ern^paatnl. Htit txny e&ij rarorr- tnead. adrtaa,TOdcrre m ^^erfbrrnMce of daty tn tabaerr^ •ore tn -Jje crest Chr^Jan rolantary prrnHnT* f. Whea any ehtsrh ^leparta fr^ta the or riolaiee thr- Brdtr of the m the jadjonest of th^ ae<i«ciatMn. :r rsa sad »boa!d mihdraw iia S-IIow^hip Att^ her. and !eaT# her hnmii oa^l the repetzts. Thi* ia no taterfrrewe vnh h«r latefBai ID. Bapiiaca ant oot rn>te«tact!«. Sace they aerer had set tedeitieiorel cgggie»-tiea with the JHpapy. they are b w ac i hMahevia the re^tufiatfir^ af the pnneiplea aad ftarxicea Papacy, wheth* »n«d ia Ooma or ia the Prote-taoi that •mxnm otrt cf her. U. W*» fec«U Protvattmlien. m arefl aa tha Befm-anmca of Urr, as baaeti oa the aaatnnpmm that the pmpherie* aod 4ee!ftratiea> of Chriae tet«h«f Sa chcreh are bO**. the* «l•ba^tChxi« iaimpc*ler.ju»dihr 90iCbn»t i M by Pirlne j^ace. tbw aatipraaCTra tf ^ ^ t i r r h . ^^^^^^ ^^^ mainspring of all bis ac- I. animai^^od Njdle. of CJirfstumn u * net rbarelw* tlOHS. Kirmmnvrrnb^'^ymfmsBf* sf than ew Ohmk, bmrc j This b (lemacded by the very luiiure of the .11 ^ ^ | ordinanea. It is a commemorative feast.— i TlHtlMfitSraKEiMofficiiIrrttfaticloachnrchiirepr^. ' Tw^miHiw te * m;rUv r*?**) ndaiMrT—lt«nr« til orT&u]D£<~ tiaumsaBeii t^ w antvpttaed kkI aaaniSBed, aUhonga tnaMTwd njiiii«trT. m imn sui Toii X % shoTvh ba» the n ^ toh^mrMcm* bmofM hmlbn :t f' TTnin!: the Corinthians io these words, 1. ^nd is baptir- l shall be snve.l I-,, h- The cup of blessing which we ,hat believeth not shall be damn.-l M,rk distinctiv are 6or forth a D life Thev":! one and the san e thini- The -i evolved is this V m-n Ic- of Ciirisf 'i^itt .rn h^ir . r' hr.rr s mornf tniPfr''rTrjitiriitTi i Nor is the matte, left here The *o*tTfc of this moral;- relates thai as he w.s wandering round ilioiii ih. f.jsjo'la oil occasion, he heard Ih- soiiii,j ^ir»nL-e enonL'h as he thou'j-ht. .>!!.'• ri.^ Ilr listened and found Iha4 it !in siii^in- He detern in W") lie I" at the breath of winter, and leave it naked to the Stinginj blast Like ravens settled down for a bani|uet and suddenly scared by a noise how <|uickly, at the first sound of calamity, these superficial earthlings are specks on the horixon. Hut a true friend sit« in the centre, and is for all time- •)ur need .inlv reveals him I' ..f II.. '-nstam^ t • nM n- n n . . (,-v. nrMi'j- rr.-iii. •• ' f ' • u ill. sound tn its source, and | '>'ii'ls him more closelv to us - ' . i n - I .i I.e 1 urpose VI length he reach Prosperity and adversity arc both revealers I e.i iht iind wb-t should meel his "'he differenci* heme that iii ihe former our • >e bur lla.elDck, ttiib his liibic and hymn friends kn. w u-. in the latter we know them I l ook .r> l;.:u and more than hundred "nt. notwithstanding the insincerity and M;en seated around liim. srivinc earnest heed , creedincss prevalent among men there is a ; • 1 1 miation to them of the glad tic! deal more of esteem and fellow vearn iov ffoT.- bad thev got their ings than is ever outwardly shown There .-••t V>v wbi to re.Tcl for the place was in are more exanif.les of unadulterated offection. Url> -i.ail,; • Til. y had obtained lamps for more deeds of silent love and inaL'nanimi'v lo ! 'I'l-' n.l |.umn_' them in order, had usually supposed Otir misfortunes . il.i 1. .11, ; place.i tlo iu one by one in an briii^ to our side real friends before un- 'i - Tlicrc lhc\ were, those dumb knoan. lienevolent impulses, where we .• iiii !;ii..p bearers in constant use should not expert them, in modest privacy .. i l ! r iherc we U;a> be well assured enact many a scene of beautifu 1 Wonder, am id 1. -i;;..-! ••!!t;iig I., the l.icutcn plaudits of angels. And upon the whole j ' i ' 4I1-. il - .i.i-n fairly estimating; the olory and the uses, and il ; . I liKiL', thi.-. -imj.'. narrative 'he actual and possible prevalence of the .!• a:. i.aiit in ibo ainn with l«it friendly sentiment, we must cheerily strike -[ > c!- of the Mice. and glory the lyre, .and lift our voice to the favored Th&t .re but DoiST brMtb Maj (ruw lo clBb9 and naked t' To mard.r an.i to death." This was just how it turne(I\put with wicked Cain. lie did not iKilievc^hat his lather told him about the sort of f e r i n e that (Jod would be pleasetl with, but tould do what plea.<<ed himself. When h e f d ^ d that (ioQ did not take notice nf his offerin' as he did of his brother .Vbel s he was no angry with him.»clt for his own sin and follv lut with his kind and pious brother. .Al- though waa so kind as to spesk to him. and try to persuade him to do irhat was right. hi- -iill refused to kill a lamb and kept bis bad feelings. Little children do not let one unkind thought towards your brothers and sisters rest in yonr heart If you have done what is wrong, be angrr willi yourselves, aod ask (iod, for the sake ot Jesus (-hrisl, to forgive you but never indulge an angry feeling against those \ou ought so much to love W II W. NONE BUT THEI. ~ Whom bare I i n ^ w s bnt tbe*! *Bd Ca« ia BUM qpon eant ihat I derm tesUr «IiM.~—Pnim S : U. Lord or eanh. tbf fiminf buxl WrU Uu> hculaotn tmat hallx Wood, thatj^fc, mil tatla t M iovir. le^aironiBg la his power; * .<!! Ihal «rUt» Ui»«ij>» nBKmRht. All tliai charm. Om loadj thought, Friendiphip— tnaMwxidi&c prif* l I.O.I*—a flower tW>mranuli»* . Vet. amid . .o hir. -tionld 1 .tm thr miil. to riian. Wtwt WAT. all tujOT. so n. * Wtu.m bure 1 on rarll bet th«. • Lord or lirareu " onr fiebl Kntlii . world of pur»r tlfiht; There tn tore*, unrloiidvd r^ifru Parted h.-tnd* .hall ln«wt agais : Mvtrr. tttera. aad nropheu lUjrh. Bla^ a ^-lonoos coni}*aii7 . While immortal mtiuc nngs Krinn umiun^bered e^raph »tnnc« . I - that wnrlil i« pajuimi; fiur \ ft il thou .eri atM.til therr W hat nil It* tors to tne ' hnx* 1 of. e-vth hn! thr* - I.'Uil ut eanti uid ItfaTrc IS' t Scs-k* in Its cnl; rest . I lo.t tfc* tn-M nnisevard lured tbt »»o.i«-niic 1 was bl'md thv h^lni: rs* rtinmied loOK n-llpse of py.ry fo* 1 tnowi •s-laf-e ol niy rTrrj bo**, II. If .lar. U:. sinat do'u. ni,» »oiil t" si. What wers eart i or be«Trii t. n Whom hn»e I ti ear-h tK,-' T.^if. TTLE QKOBGIE'S PHAVEK Little^eoiyie. an interestine boy •.! four summers,^d been tanght by his mother to pray, and shVhad often told him ihat to pray to (iod was t.i^lk to him. and tell him just what he wantetf^ At eight, after be had re- peated the Lord'a^raycr, he was accustomed to make a short prwer of his own in which his childish wants w^e expressed in hi- own words Though Gcorg^was a very •i'l TV. T Diakinu It more thaa this W.juid ihev do away with th. in/or/'m.i/r exclusiveness here sppsrent. and instead ot eonfininsr the fel lowship to the Master alone ertend its irms «o as tn embrace al' who bear the name of Christ ' '^nch evi.lently take upon them- selves a fearful respop.sil.i'iit^- They prerume to know whit tbi- ..rlia.iuce slu .aid be evcu better than i.He liim-seit' They thas| exalt their own w.> above that uf the ! Oniniscient. I'oit we annot help thinkint , them on- o!' the r sphere l.ike so many | 'H>mets thev seem t.i have darted off into re- ; jinns unmarked and forbo}.!,.^ We envv | them not. th.iugh v n:a-. asioiji^h and ile ' lipht many by their o-renrrit. course. \or '-an wti follow them . it follow the Master r ITr- .1,-! n , He is thns the sustainer of -h.- '>iv n within us. .\nd brw beautif'nilv tl.'s hibited in the T.ord - Snppr bread and drink the etc-rt fiesh of the son of man un-! Ir^iV h we •' have no life in us .1.1 d v we niu^t tirst A-*-- iJ. require notrrishnien* s imperat.vety '•'. :r.l-, I 'I llf.. 1 - perience the new birih be''^-- w" ; the Lord s feast -- ' i B.VPTI8M AN ADlilSSlr. The July Number ol the Li>u.'.. 'i the orsan of the Knirii!.!! F r.e. m A.- on Latin Christianuv. ••' iDp-ir-- il. mal rites of the Latin ji k i ! The revie-irer says j.j J7. Vkerr Z* H.. i.trni f>/ Utjttiyiu '11. ..'V •< . . tr.uni—tcu!' I'it/o'. -I u f i ^ icatt r* 117" I > fttrt'f najf ulh'r -tt , <i • .< Jticxh-d .f- i i . , IM. To this f rni iL'. Iitc. k, i .,i tter we fancy to | adhere.- and the in-.-- i.,..-: ' veneralile portion of it ihat ; ".i. ,1L uh.-t ; L-it. 1. '• aio'ie li.. .c! !h. Hence we should eschew all thoughts of | e m p i r e - absolutelv ru[ nores any other mo.le .1 this ordinance \ nd we should not dare in-) essentially invalid Tl.e vite any to participate wiih us in it. simply j hand— as a token of our love forthem as rhristians. " T««>"i« >' Such a procedure wonbi be nothing short of<?r ,„„,,.<. '. perverting the ordinance to otir own use, it '""'—has wholly iltcrei i would be changing it.s whole design simply to '' ""uld fairly gratify our own tastts. Tb;s done, the Sap- spirit—preferriBL- mcr.;. (. per IS no lonper the Lord s. bu: our own. It »n.l twith the two e.v-c;.t u is the Lord s ."^upper ..uly -o lon^ as we con- of ^I'lan an ! ihs -e. • ! form to the Saviors own requisitions eon- f®' drops of water are n. « il cernint: it. lie designed it. no doubt, for the stitute for the ihreei.-ii |.iiiii.j benefit of His disciples Indeed, it is Dis rushing river, or ll - wil. i.:ii.:, = i express command that every disciple should East. ob.serve it . and far be it from any to hinder , " when we .Ics.. lol !>• :n i:i them from so doing N o true Christian and tration itself of th.- sa<-a utui .; . no true Baptist, we arc sure, would wish to j their coneomiiant cir. deprive any of s.. exalted and precious a pri- j same contrast appears in ii vile-e. He would all come to the i the church it was .-usiomary I r !i Savior s board who love the .Savior s name ( h a n d s ..n the he...I- I But he would not have them come to their j baptized converts, that th. \ ui:. '5wn condemnation, rr to the dishonor of the j' g ' f ^ of i h c ••Spirit The Master Nay .\11 should possess the re | but the custom of layiiu •juisite "jualiScations that they mav partake j mained. It remaine l. and wa worthily and so n. t only please the Master j and so in the ".reek t'bur. K but eiperitno-j the soui-refreshing benefits tinued—at the designed thu.s lo he conveyed. therefore, any insist on cominii without tbesti .jualifica tionsin or in part, a-s if fht-v were noD essential—the positive c. mmatid of the Mas- ter to the cr.ntrary notwithstanding—dtlty binds him as a lover of f'hrist ami the human S'lul. to bid snch beware .'md he must be faithful to them. Only as he is thns faith- ful ean he escape the charge of complicity with them in their evil conduct. What then are the retjuisite qualifications of a wclorae guest at the Lord's Table This question fairly answered, the whole snb- jeet b evolved. We have then a standard by which all may be judged. He must be a Christian. Flis heart must Love to the l.v -•'^.i.e.l h.s later year- eu.ouuter - lol: o: the slr..n;.' character Ii-'a-i-e> pc ui arl) i!isc.ura-ing. .•• i nii'l ar'i.-d oat tl.e design .•! I.;- 11.11 in th. Iruihs ot the H. •' 1 'v |jticni!\ h< lab.'tcl on. . ' y • I.Ttune, and cteriii •.< i M the r.sults of his elT.'rls -.ij.. .-ippejr n..t as the honored r- :i ib'y haille fiel 1- and the saviour • • u" "i- _'r.-jndesi empires tif this world 'l,. 'aMbful 1'..!'owcr and soMler ..: -1- ' i l •• all 1 as an lioii.-rcd instrument • i:'. I. ^ --[.LORS IO N^HI" JUSQCSS li" i'' ll.- <'^ii-j^tian soldiers et>Iiste'l i.x. . 'ir S..u;lierii Ian.! v. ill imi . 1 j .. lo'ld n|. to us W bo will I . -. : ...: ..i.lj «reaihe tb. I I • r ' 'It ;i!r.. 11..- .-r.-i. In. orriipti p .^ai' le L'lv.n t.i tlu'se who faith • :;ib 1 I - -..ill- • \ !1 hive ..pportuiii J- _rci: J. 'l.o-t enjoy. 1 by llave!.>ck !• •' . II n • inij.r.v. them' -/oV,,i'' A*. UEOEMPTtOK li.-i. iji] .n IS an eshaiistless theme u^,.- "1 II.- It- ir I . •. . n.l tl..-r.-a. ii "t en ale.l lUtc 1- : I.- . | :i.s ani'..: I.,- eounde.l by man •II'- ll 1- 1'- i iiioa'i I" le .1 -i. • 1..1..I.. - i - i . ii. hi ,.|iiesl of Its ..I - 1 - I. h icnoilis .IS surprise the re • II- I I :. a . 'I 1 tit- soiji's ul the upper u p.e i.a., t" el. t-e.-ouiiiii: more and more 111- . - \ . - tl. . I lie w..rk ot" savino men •i-t IS b.'o-iin Tbis 'heme will song, confessinii, after every complaint end«d. that • There -i power to make each hour swe.-i a.s Heaver, .ieiojrne'l it »r .leeti wp roam lo br-inp il home, Vbrtupti few there be thai fend o U e see* loo bigii lor liiiajra .-ius.- bv, .\nd lose what iiaiure toiiD'l us Kor )'fe b.lli here no eltann so .leii- Siiitw an.i fnen.!- ir..|in.l sroodbov. and loved his^rcnis most u nder- VAI.UE o r BAPTIST PRINCIPl^ j j", ,o„etimes h a p p \ d that he needed liev l.r Brown, the Moderator of the Correction : for, like all chikren. be liked lo British I'onirr^rational Cnion, in an address |,ave his own way recently delivered before that body, paid the ' One day, being unwilling t\vie!d to bis following noble tribute to Baptist princi-, ^.other s wishes, she was obU^-\io punish P'*"' him. for she did not wish her buv to Tiiu- modified by Christian charity, the ^o, , ^'..i,, prominen.-c given by the Bapust to the per- ^hen it was time for him to repeat h,s\aver, sonality ,.f tl.r Christian . haracter and pro- ! te could not forsret his nauchiT actionT^nd. lc~M..a. l.e. omes a . aluable force arrayed on , ^ had been taught, he /a/iyli to T.od ai the side nf S -riptural Kvan-elism sgainst ,he following manner, feeling all human traditions, sacerdotal pretensisns and ^^ile verv serions. though h.s Ui.^'uatre wal • 1 lUil.'l 1 ; ssint or antrel in 1.1.-I ' r 111 o Uii.T .n I e r , IlM- U t-.u m much lif -1 I h ive ati jrilerejil in ujeri'^ 11!:» av:ui«i ll it lj«<i thtMi I-T noD<' 1 am .-i?! ;:r€at a " Tit pra;. t-t] for my tellow if-- my pr.'pliot. prie>tati'i i • y. an-i • rowu and tieliv lh<- >;inio fo a ct»untle-- ! ri'?' fiimf'- rtt"-! } \ tht? comfart> ..ll - ti.i ;h\ I •i hy \ m 1 I vins: I ] r»r- " 1 hlcasotl in I heir ilu' •^aoie jr^^'^ 1 sini: not ot Others L'l-i'ltl' n VI fory. ainl rh» r:ii.«.(» •totl for hija 1 il.ev liU'f»s him ba; adults. Confirmati.. taneous with the a. mcrsioD. But the I th' t. ol clill'lr.- witii llielii .•: th' ba| ii-i .11 in Sill' ll tt .'I I U lu 1 l..»r.l .I '-tis ,s thr U'..ruierful (}" m-'r* tiitin-j: name I marvel I • ' hioi I am avhaiueii that li-ii.' UfM' tiyin-j said. •• Oh , M h mtTrv t-» mf .ind uiin«- f'-llin-j It lor- ver - - Vrjivn<rf DID HE DIE BICH P ilf titf,i ll w;t5 fi pad fuDera) l.> me Haul the speaker . • lb*- -^addt*"! I have att4?ndnd for v^at'i Thst rtf ' Ve« - I!.-»w .ii.l ho die ' r.>or p.M.r a> poverty hi- life wa-5 i»no lonu !*tru;ri:l<'with the world, an.l at c\erv dt>iidvaiiiaje. Kurttino mo'^ked him all ihc u-hilewiih irtMed pr«»misc.«. liiat were dej»tincd nev«^r to know fultilmenJ •• Ve! ho wr»< patient and ondannij ' ro marked one of the '^timpanv i'alienf as a <'hri^flan endurioj: as a mar tr\. wa-. an«-w. r Poor man' he wa- worlhy \ het'.cr fate lit- ou-ht tu ha\c -urt fcdcd. far hede«erved "iU'-t css Di 1 hf not su<vee l ' .,ue>tioncd the one wh.t hail sp.'ken <>f his j-ersovernn t^ and cn Inr-in« c N o. «itr h«'po.»r I hafo ast •aaiH Vnfhin«: th:»t h*-" put hi-i liaiid^- to iMor «.nrreed rd \ «.frar.;:o fatalitv ! to attend e\e"v en^^rpriv I wa" vTith hire M HI* la-t m'»ia» UIJI. said another and ihoucrht he died noh No. he has lell nolhintr behind, was re plied •• The heirs will have no eoneern as t«i t h e a d m i n i s t r a l i o n >>f t h e e s t a t e He !» ft a tjood name said one and that IS •'^.•methinc .Vnd a levae\ of n »lde deeds that were done :n tl.e nam*- •>f h u m a c i i y . ' remarked another • Le^son> of patieiK-e in sutlenn;: of hope iM adx'^r-itT heavenly ronfidcnee when no -"inlu-ani" ^el' ;ip«»ii his hewild'Tini: path, was ihe ictnrnony (»f another .\nd hi^h trust manU coara:rc. heroic fortiftide Then hi- dte-i r '-h " wa-^ t h e emphatic •ieclarati.»n richer than the t»iillt.»mire 'tth" went to his lone home the ^aiDe tiav, a mi^^erahle prjuper all bnt his • A sad funeral did you say ' No. my friend it was 'rather & triumphal procession' Not the burial of a human clod, the ceremonial af tendant c»n the translation of an an^ei. I>id not succeed ' U hy his whole life was a Peri«-s rfcl<'!Ma«5tica antidote and ipenstition.« It is the direct antai:oni«t to that official vir ho childish ' Lord, hies? <»^?orpve. and make him pood boj . acd dnc i let him he tureand authority upon which the Church NAU-HTY APAIN. never, DO iievcr. hc^AUM vou ut Rome ha^ ba-cd the prand apostasy. ^^ nau-htr ^ ' from whii h neither the Church of KagUud j, ^ ^^^ tior even the Chun ii I.uiber, U» name no i»rher mau-made churoho, ha."< p u r p u d . or to ma.kc a^e of Georcie ^ prayer ' will pur^'e. itself free On tbi^» principle. perhap« we mQ\ account for the daWD of a new Kcforiaation m Oermnnv hein;: appar- ently identical with the difFusion of Baptist KcnlimcQi-'i in manv of its States, and for PAL^E PBOVKSBS \ yonnz fellow mast ftow his wild oatA In all the wide runpc of trccpted Bnti.^h maxim®, there i? none, take it for ail in all. more thoroufrhly abominable than this one a^ the virulence with which persons who ^^ t^e sowing of wild oaU Look at in tea«'h. and iho>e who adopt them, are per sec a If i and oj«preSs*ed by tjovcrnments in- spired by c'^ le:»ia>tifal jealousies and alarm. ' DEATH OF CHRISTIANS h'^ath !rarner«i thr apf^d in the I'ravr 'like a •4h'>«'k cf r o r n fulW ripe " .\nd ran we n ccp that the r 1 i h..r- are over, that thrv have ne t.i rhc'r r-warl .^a hi-h Here it was toil, and and <irifc. -thrre it i> re?t, and K>\. and p',:acc Here it wa." ?iorm and dark- iLcre .1 i- uucloud»-«l day Here jt was Mfkness and *ijrb n j —there il is untroubled and unbounded fell' ity There the pood-man ,hose special crop they arc, will see that thev finds his reward- the infant released bv the , , j v i i -n l ' thrive, and vou, and nobody, will liave hand of dcith finds escape fr^m all life's ^^^^ ^^^ uii^ri.-s How few arrive at • three score ^^^ ^^ ^^^ years an.l ten Krom the morning dawn of ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ -f ^^^^ our exisicnce.wc walk blindfolded a pathway ^^^^ car^, von can make the ground sweet be.k-.-d in with irravcs. into one of which , ' , - . . T> -HI. " again by your dying day. • Bov? will be s-ioner or later vre shall stumble. Blindly ^^ ^^^ , ^ ^ ^ too. we izrope amon" life s pains and plea.- , j, . ^^t this encouragement to the sow ares when f..ilow,ni: any but the heavenly ^f. ^ j j j i, ^implv devilish, for it pui.le-wben seekinir any but the heavenly ' ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ what side you will, and I will defy you to make anytliing but [a devil's maxim of it - V\"ha' .1 man—be he young, old. or middle- aged—sows that, and nothing else, shall be reap The one only thins: to do with wild , oats is to put them carefully into the hottest part of t.he fire, and get them burnt to dust, every seed of them. If yon sow them, no tiiatter in what ground, up they will come, with long tough roots like cotfch-grass, and luxuriant stalks and leaves, as sure as there is a snn in heaven—a crop which it turns one s heart cold to think of The devil, too. ^ ,3 inheritance Mav we seek not riches—not happines-- n.^t btntr lir.-~not fame, but to .b. our ilaty manfully in the time allotted u«. restin.; a.-sure.l that this is ihe end. whii-h wiU best conipas.s all other en-Is worth onr strn Ino to atlnm W< FIDKUTY OF OUB SERVANTS have seen many anecdotes ' says tiiC \fH7rtn; to prove that we are tfrn„p just where onr fnemies think tis fc-.t/,-. but none more touch nu than the tiro follnwiii;: for the truth of which we v.>ticb temptations and follow the lusts-of his age What are we to do with the wild oats of man- hood and old age—with ambition, overreach iniT. the false weighLs, hanlneas, suspicion, avarice—if the wild oats of youth arc to be sown, and not burned? What possible 4'«- tinction can we draw between them? If we may sow the one. why not the other?—Fmm Turn Brotrn al Oj-ford " THE THEATRE. The Rev James Hervey was once on a journey with a lady who happened to be in Last Friday niL-hi. when the new compa the same carriage, and was erpatiaUnR in a nies came in to Lake the .-ars for Li^rhtwood particular manner on the amtisementg of the in ,,f s„ece«se« In every conflict he came nif Knot Sprites, i: was louiid in an>wer to in ! ,Uge. as in her esteem superior to »nj other the victor and now the victor s crown is on .^mries it bail !'<-cn impossible to purchase pleasures. Among other things, the B»id, j.Iinii- •inc'li adopted or rctaine-l the practic: infants to baptism, f. t it- thc ohtivnt Jrj'i.' art.ou.i r^'iii ,'.. . cioumyr., by separating acl |->slpon giving a new life and meanin;: to th. n confirmation. The two « li the Greek chu.-ch are indissolti' ly founded, are now, throu;;hout We-ti n , Cbristendom, by a ialht.iry .i, ca. !i made to minister to '.he edifi-ati'.n >1 individnal. and completiou of the nb. e tismal ordinance his brow .\nv gasping, soulless, selfish man with a "bare of brains may gather in moncv ,vnd learn the art of keeping it hut one name.l belonzin-.: to Mrs JesseCleve in a hundred leaves the world lK>hind en riched bv their acts of constant ehantv, bene II ill .01. th- t ' . 1 .: I n '• r I; .. «h. iiiu^t ; prill I a tl in a • y 1 • ]. aril I WOMAN 1 1- the ta-k assiuncJ t" . an vau- its .li;jnitv ' Noi t.i !..:i ; ii-tuics n t to fov volenee and encouraoin-; the unfortunate and • t.. lorm th.ise l.y whom h.w- ' tempted tn live a better Ic'l a i l . Ripires L' 'Verne.i ' • i''. -Iiglite-t taint ..f bo,lily ' THE ANOBY BROTITEH ' n wa blankets f.T all of them. .K n u m b e r were . there was the pleasure of thinking on the play ]nickl\ contributed t.y the ladies, A servant before she went, the pleasure ihc enjoytsd b!"-- wrroBTs OF FOB THE 9ALVATIO-V SOLDIERS The name of the Christian hero who save 1 the British Empire in India, his spoll.'s- eharacter, his noble deeds and great sutler ali'l ( bast.- ^cncr .sit', allav t!-o' la Tiolatas a< the law oT Cbriat. Tb« .pmllcaliaii i thr Brier in b« atw^rr^i ta the prohihHiaa of asj oth«r ortl«r. 4. ^vnamhiT afaimid sohtmi to aa a:rai^muwit or trial t n o ^ aad enndiKUd m nolztiiss at tte raws « Chzlat. Bath raaoher ia lafiirttfaiaaT m p a c r l ^ u Chiiit kr the Mi&ftit lAwrnma his W . None btit Christ's disciples are expected to observe i t For them alone it seems to have been institntetl. No others ran be snpposed to appreciate its design, or to take pleasnrp in its perpetuation. We do not hold festivals in honor of any we do not venerate and love. Nor do we habitually celebrate aajCTent in . Christians Bliaatnri»«n<»a«i»SerH«ara!ehnrch. I a. l a Hiamalitullogat ar dtoatrinlj m^oritr cannot .i- sloiis « a a a b i r at an ai?kanri«dge4 eomettmtoarJ .^hozeh. T. So eharefa sianM canm ih* iatun ag or the mm- trnnbUfrnmaBf,* -teArfvchnreh. ^ dooM B adntl lottaeuaamaHtttha n a b m aCneh aehiiRk.iir iaao; I or aphald i a d>aonlB.-tt .hcmU I n ^ sa ampsnrwitkittbatU marta*ariauaaa. BapUM roOer. J. TbhaiaiOttiaia •TmatearlbH tkaWit. —^ ai et amr.nd do not honor the birthday of Voltaire, be tansc they do not venerate his name:' it is for his disciples to do that. England atsd Fraaee do not eeiebrate tie AmiiTera«rjr of Xstional Independence, Ixwanse they IikTe BO viul interest in ii, but we "celebrate it witk ai! doe spirit. So it is for tlw adoring iuKtjpln of Jesus to perpetaate the neaunyeC bite rxperi'iirfd the soul-loTiBr braefits of ings, were still fresh in the minds of the triumph . .-r sense to cheer the scholar men of this generation, when the stirrin. -mkin^ un ier his toil , to console the states scenes enacted on the. theatre of our natuin for tl.e iiifrratitado of a mistaken al conflict, directed the attention . f Chris jenple '.•< >.. c o m p e n s a t e d for friends that tian soldiers afresh to the glorious reeonl ct arc |..-rfi i . i- tor happiness that has passe.l bis life and death. Krom the little volum. away Su. I; i- her . o.-ation. written by Mr. Brock, we make the foil.n ing extract, hoping that it may prove an ;n centive to others to imitate ais example "There is in llangoon a famous heathen while there, and the pleasure of mminating land, broughf to one ofthc ladies of the f«m- on it in hrr bed at night. Mr. Hervey, who ily .a fine lar^c white blanket, and asked her sat and heard her discourse without ioter- if she tbou'jht H would be accepted. AA"hen rupting her, when she concluded, said to her a-LcJ if that wisn.ii the Cue blanket her i in a mild manner, that there was one pleasure master irave her beJore his death, ^moro than besides what she had mentioned, which she tea years' she rcplie.1 that it was, and she had forgot. ' What can that be?" said ahe, yci spotless creature | ' 'a n wa- angry becansc (iod would not thoujht so much of it she had ncr.-/- it . for surely 1 included every pleasure when Ics- than physical beinr ^ aeecf.t his offering of the fruit of the cround but if a soldier, who was goins to fiebt for us, , I considered the enjoymeiSt beforehand at This was very wicked and very foolish of would accept it. she wanted him lo have it-j the time, and afterward : pray what is it?'' him, for It was his own fault that he did net It was aceordiu!rly sent and .accepted* 'Mr. Hervey,with agravelook, and in a mas- offer what he bad been told ho oapht lie' The other is of a different character. Many ^ ner peculiar to himself, replied, "Madam. was like s.ime little children now, who do not letters received from the .'ith rcgitsent, since , the pleasure it will give yon on yonr death- mind what i« said tn them, but do just con- the battle of Manassas, have mentioned it — | bed. A clap of thunder, or a flash of ligbt- iuto refinement , to exalt j trary to what their fathers or mothers or We have also heard it from the lips of Kev i nins, would not have struck her witB more rtue by a soothing care to teachers tell thcin and then are very angry , Purant and (ien Kdwards since their return. gQrprjg^ the stroke went to her verj baart. ' ' • • - l,ec.ause they are not treated as kindly as , We give it in the language of the latter. j She had not one word to say, bat daring the they would wish to be. God knew how angry Sunday morning, afier the 6ring com- . ^st of the journey seemed quite ocespied in Cain felt, and was so kind as to speak to i menced. but before our regiment (the 5th) j thinking upon iL In therl, the conseqnfnce him about it, and ask him why be was so' had entered the battle, 1 met Henry a "er-I gf this, well-timid sentence was, that cbc angry, and why his face was so cast down ' vant belonging to my friend Mrs H. J. Dean, never after went to the play-house, bnt be- lle told him that it was his own fauli. that, of Spartanburg. I was surprUed to see him. , came a pious woman, and a follower of those hisioffering was not accepted—that he should j for the other servant? belonging to the regi ! plc.«urcs which would afford her Jme aatii- have killed a lamb, as his brother Abel had | mcnt were left in camp. He had his young done—and that even now, if he was sorry master s knapsack and blankets strapped on for what he had done he might kill a lamb; his shoulders .' 1 from her. to inspire 'hose incul'-:i"c those doctriue-, t.i .. nts which irenerations •in.l nation- yet uncivilized, will to soften firmness into raerev n lien, .tito 1 anguish of the body, an'l the far wfir-.- an-jui-li .'f the mind . by her tender ness to .l:-arm pa,ssion by her purity lo The couch of the tortured sufferer, the ( ris in of ihc deserteil friend, the cross of I and it would be accepted, and his sin would I I said to him. Henry, you have no pin faction even on her death-bed. t'.r reie. to.l Savior these are theatres in be forgiven her greatest triumphs have been temple deroted io the service of Boodh, ' a'.-bieved Such is her destiny . to visit the which is known as the magnihennt Shivey to attend to the neglected, when Dagoon padoga. ll is deemed the glory o(' ni'<n3ri hs abamlon, when counselors betray, the city. Of a chamber in this building 'when justice prosecutes, when brethren and Hareloek obtaind possession for his own disciples flee lo remain unshaken sind un- parposea. All around the chamber were ; changed, and to exhibit in this lower world •mailer imxgei of Boodh, in the usual posi- a type of that luve, pure constant and ineflfa- ; to defend yourself and are therefore in great H» gtorioss aaae; and it is for tbos^ wbi} ,ti<u>, sitting with their legs gathered up and hie, which in another we are taught to bcliere i was ordered to do, and wa.* happy, while he rocked, and bis conduct i» thp a jtbiration of crtMsed, and tb* bands resting on the lap, iq the test of vintjc.— Shiehcooti'n Mtijtzinr. bitnwlf had disobeye4 God, and wts niset- wbole laments But Cain had a very wicked heart, and danger ; go no farther, take yoirr station he- would not listen to what Ood told him In ' hind a large tree, and be earefal." stead of being sorry that he had not killed^ He replied, " Xo, sir, I can't stay here. 1 a lamb as he ooght to have done, he kept ^ came with Mass Eddie, and lam goinytoitay indulging his ^ngry feelings , and instead of i riyAt behind him at lony <u I l i s c a n d h t liva.'' blaming himself, be became angry with his | He kept his word. Through the whole of brother, whom be ought to have dearly i that fearful day be never faltered in his de- luved. He saw that .\.bel had done what he votion to the youth whosi cradle he had THE HAPPT OLD MAS .—One stonnyion- ter day the Bev. Mr. Tonng, of Jedborgb, was visiting one of his people, aa old nan, who lived in greet poverty ia • lonely eott^e. He fotrad him sitUngwith the Bible open on his k n ^ , bat in outicard eirenmstanoes of great discomfort—the snow drifting thnagh the roof, and under the door, and scarce pay fire on the hearth. " WhU ai* yon abo«t to- >d«y,* Jo'bn 7" was'bis qtiestien on entering. f Ah, said the bappf i ^ t " J m ditimf ^wlo-^ O u t k a d o w tcilk ynaf Obi^

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S d l t o n ; J . H. QHATEB,

O. B. H Z V S B I C X B O S . Benors. Calirornim Cor. Xd-f v o i . x v m . I N o . I L

NASHVILLE, TONNESSEE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1861. T E R M S ~ T f f « D i n a r s a y e a r i>

I c ^ U s t P r i i d p l e s , P t l i t j a n d P n e t k t . , E X C m s i v i s H B E P E L i E D ; ^ jUg Atonement to cclel irne that evom ia sjaibol and eipression of repose. No great

Six ImpoRint DoctrtaM. B.UTi>T . .iMiUMoN 10I.ITT. , manner «OTthy of prime imporJsa<.e ' .Ufn^ca wore Dccestary to prepare the place I. o«»Lrtitoti«?»itli.oii«liiraMT»i<iti. EpJi. It;*.-Tiiat . ^ ^ . ) In rccardance with thi? view i» the whole fi.r t hri.«iian •rrvice.. It needed no ecremo-

Turning- to the Jv-ripture record as givea^ t j n o r of the Pcripturc?. In ^ t h o h e s i n n i n - i n i a l citorcisiot: to make it fit e i the r fo r psalm s ^ s ^ - ^ ^ i C o L n b^ 'E range l i ^ t s , .Mat; i i r L i l l . Mark xiv. j ^f th* G o s p e l - b y J o h n the Hnpfist i M ^ t r i i ony or prayer .Vbotninible idolntr ic i had

i t i j ' i i ™ «f (iad.'iS Hop<'«i>J!""' ' J I M h e first note tha t peals fin the a«tor; is l ied ' t .orn Witncsfed tlierc bovoBd all donbt . b a t p: .nl 1 Cor xi t t c uJatter would seem to , „ „ of the men o f - Indoa is a sumiuon, to n n ". crdot.-,! p<iri6eations were -c iu is i te ere

" " I ' ' t - j o n d a . ,aestion M a r l the ex - i « „ . e k in^d-n , of ion the t rue T.od r o M be offered, t E«?i.-iwM.c!nnd.«fCim«i..<:nmr«To(«i,pei.. prsssioD ' ThU </iv body—IDT blood—the j j j ^ ^ e n U at h a n d . " Matt, iii .Vmo.n;r and fcrvit-c well pleasing to Him, th rough

oa r Lord when h-r on .lesn-- l."hrL'*t. Haveiuck remembered well , _ , ministTT were iho?o tliat • uci thcr in th is mouotain nor yet at

Lord - death till eome—the . „ r a a r k » b l i words to N.^odegin- K j r e p t . le .asa lem were men to worship the Fa the r 'wrn a^in. he r ^ ^ n o t ^ e r the Lin^' iio *" To the t rue worahip«r anv place

J o h n iii "1 "His earthW ivork mi.-hi a place fur worship. Kren ih, pD^'ida .if .'^hlvcy Pafroon mit;ht be none • ther ilijti the linose of (Ibd and the gTite of 1 ea\ eij

V. I-. r.liu^iy .[ wa.-" announced that that M.piiid Ij. th-.- place of meeting. Vn othcer

«. E«caiMihi.c!niTCO«i>-"tn~'»«<»'nir"T<>'»cnpeo- prrasiuQ i Qis i/i.v u u u j — m i u i u i r u — h e a v e n is at hand tn« .nd , Testament ia m j b l o o d ^ t h i s d a in re- the fir^t t e a e h i n - . of

lunmwrlmldalJrmta'l imt*rt im pmincOB) b» ( t e a c n i n p i OI dl tb.cinnm»n.f-!membranee of m - . ' twice u t t e r e d — " ye do t p r g j ^n ff;;, put,];^

m«t.afClin«. iwr i , th. oriimxuioB. docii-ji«. 1 f^ r t a the Lord - death till come—the , c.(B^.Mi»raiM»'M«/a»ciuin-hiaj . iB«i<.m,»aui-i , , . VI J i- 1 I- J J- i r e r a a r k a n u li™ | and fclood of the /.-rr?—not discerning j j ^e f , but Osn»l. MiJ •chimUiag to no !»» h» tl»» not cortM)^' the Lord'> b o d j \11 p.iint to I ' h r i s t with ' nf fin I IU-ifcnn.fcT:lr»T.I S:Ej.h.i I ;C«Lt : lJ :Arw«ir t£ | , , j / . UOm o m o U

is-.; iCr,r. a « . dcfini tcnejs . Not a word IS Said j apponjpHjhed. and the di .eiple^ irdthi red for . ' a b o u t l^hriMbn Kellowship from l-eginning . h e i r f i n a l instrrK-tion.-pri-r to H i . a.-<..nsi..ii

. T I S i T r ! : : H e g ive , them t h i , eve- -ne, .ornbI m m -

• s : Via. « i m : so—n-» xxTj; 21; 1 Cor. T

a. Th)* "I.^^nr* " " "" J ^ H e glVen

(l....iaciBiir!, not » . WB , ihe sl ightest ir.ea;iin.- except in their Tippli- ^jon iJOo ye into all the world nnd rrc;i-li

to e v e r v . r e . , , . r e n e , i , . „ . ChrurtV* «lw/A tiU !m> rr,tr»* nipaa : vxd • Ckve**^.

{m-iO ttift T. « •rmbpl «r dimtrA f-itaSwmJmp: foog^-

FASHIOHABLE FBIEITDS. j j g V T h i s should have U u g h t him tha t the The hardes t t r ial of those who fall f rom af-1 w a . ^ be happy is to believe what God has

fluene^^and honor to poverty and obsur i ty , is | g a i d , d o what he command.": Bu t whv t h e d i a ^ v e r y t h M l h e a t U e h m e n t o f s o m a n y U h o u I d ^ a i n bo angry with his bro ther ? in whotii they confided was a pretence, a mask ' W h a t h a \ \ b c l done to h u r t him ? Xo th ine to gam thei r own end.«, or was a miserable ' at all : h u ^ i e could not bear to 8 « his shallowness. Sometime, doabtless , it is with ^ brother g o ^ a n d happy. H e was envious regret tha t these fr ivolous followers of the ' of his b r o t h e i \ n d we shall soon sec info what world desert those upon w h o u they have ppeat w i e k e d n e \ t h i s bad feel ing led him. fawned, but they soon forget them. Fl ies 1, very s i n f ^ to indulge angrv feeUng leave the ki tchen when the dishes are empty, against anybody, - , - more than all asainst The parasi tes t ha t . lus ter about the favori te nur dear relations, ^ o m we .mpht alwavs of f u r t n n e . to ga the r his g i f ts and cl imb by ,„ i. ,tc . \nd when \ besnn to bo angr'v his aid, l inger with the sunshine, but scatter we do not know where i \ r i l l leave >.ff Th at the approach of a storm, as the leaves cl ing hvmn sav to the tree in summer weather dot drop off ' ^n^rd ^ Qr,;. .ord. .

reminds tli.? Cor X H;. ble>s. i." it not the communion of ihe blood o f ; j y j ifi f} ; , ,

be brea-i which we break, is it not gf„rr.uim, and f.,;th i lion of the br>dy of ( ^ r i ' t \ o r bj^j, „f Thri^tinc



I i.. u htl; n \ o'l •r':p!"U« oh-tTv

Christ • Th the communion is there anythin;.: in the ' irrnms^'tn'^r* eon necteJ with tki: diet l e l e l r i t i o n of the ordi-naee lo «ai.'irost the notion •>( fe l lowship with any but the Savior < *n the eootrarv . any such notion .;eem!« nt terlv excluded. Rise i h y are not the seventy present on the occasion ' Honbtle^s nuanv if not all of them j ^ ^ s t clear . n d p > were :n . )erusaleui ..I th;., time dra^vn t h i t h e r i ^n outward npr i ch t /•>. wi'l not by the great rea.,t of the l'a.«sover Wi l l any ^r a ' r n d V , ! • han -e . say that J e ,usd«s i^ncd tod i . s f e l lowsh ip ihcm/ Behold the k n - l o m r.f r, And liien. who can positively say tha t J u d a s Luke xvii -Jl The ran«t was not present at the J^upper, as obviously ^^^^ „f eTrernal r.,- w^l! appcan. fn-m L i t e i x . i J l , and tha t he did ^^^ i m p c n a n t demand • 1M . IC, , - CI not t h - r e seal h , s o w n everlast ing condemna- cirvumcision a v a i . t h , n v r h . n , tion > Would . lesn . f,-lloTrship him ' The „„ r i r cumr i - i on , but . r -v . -re.r. ' .re thing IS not to be »app.. ,ed for a moment ^ , ^^ . j , , . And a.s for the disciples, what token of Chri^ vet Sv :,„v , t ian Fellowship could the ordinance have neath the skies We arV V-.rti , f I. been to theiB ' T h e y had n o t h i n - to say of the will ot the flesh trnr the t to who-hoQld be present on the o^^-easion- mac, but of ffod ' . l"hn i ] :•• they were only servants of the.Ma.ster. cheer- . „• rnen nnd ful ly ohedient to his .overe.^m will. . \nd so j j i s own ima-e n,r.-- r. n-far from complaining that m . n y a dear disci-

I the «aTnc Dirint- ' r w p l e a t hand, like i .azarns and h^s two sisters ^ ^ ^ t . ^ - i - n : t n d th - :Tiothor of J e sus wei^ not present i yv.ij , they evidently were so absorbed with the i ^^^ f.rn-,,. '" -HaiCc- as to be ,, wie indifferent to any one j , .-ar s„„ ' - fc. ! else. All thereiore mvc J u d a s , f o r i o o t l the t rue manna from h. wer ! i tor thy pariicip;iiil-s !hat symbolic re past. Th^v fi-llilied I's onlv and simple d e s ^ i '-l.-arly ond lu.-tly s t a t e i by Dr Bam-?"

()D.- point is . i .Snitely se t t l c l . T h e | spir i tual fart tha Lor«l * Saj 'per > a "imp!*? memorial of the Savior Aronn-i - iu^le StT'ptural t n i t b ocir tliou;:ht;t on iho ^abj.-cr nn*t accordingly t'^ej-cfoTo revolve if wc vr-ti].! n-'t ourselves in iLe wkIc 3by>i of t'rrtT Vn-l Jo ihey insist on i

(TIMBHt. cmij ' a w <*tiiireiu>» caa psrtwpaur m ihiu ord* aAitt:« thjtt ucrv* m tkua achl pnrsc». The m^mhrr* or qs< rhn«b (tbcmch af th» " nM* 9uth «ii.i op-lw* r»n to roTnmnn»«m ff «BOth»»r anlw by «a iri «if fwirewr aed B«t h% r ^ , for r kch ciiUTT!}* iQfi pr2Hl«st. beiax th** gnarJ-:aa rf yantr nf ih* fewt. i* w.ih th® an flwnty to 4i»rtpljitt» Jhp»# who* rRUssTO-hip oriirwirlT ^r*^ ti»m Ihf? rsht. JW t C..r * S-IO.

C. Chr-acm E ^ u ^ t» thm fomnriaa af a bruc^tr s mtarbf aiim:ai5Ustor.:attf tbeomnieof j , :a <wrfai'.ac»im of tha bcr^l «atl n^^nrr^rttoo ol Chr»t. tod ftm<5Mi«Hm frf a -iMift to ktx. raion with rhrT*t, rntn-••mtioB is \ii» ««rrtr» Omt (m)T tlNfptcra, raa uuvvr ittt> tie^^fn. fii>l xhf preft^^ienM baposm rmsatt bt o»d« bj obAirwu except cMdrm 00x1 ft* ftfc'i." Mart iii: W; amiiyrfif: IB: Mart W; John iii A<n»Ttn: to th» eimm: Hon:, ri Col. ii: IS: Gal. ui tD ZT.

Burriav la wMtmr af oa« dernd ro ma » tte oo!; at'tum . tiac0 Him buml of a JtmI mmo w the only " Ukwi***" or re-pTfMtMicxdixa of -ioflth :n th* vorUi. !br -.t ts (TftSt i Lke-anfi oi <£K£b.

flix Importsas 7actm. I. Ml wteiATS. entUM mid t^ia^rmpMrr of kst bot*. MMftv

wnujj (tftzLtrf thia tS» pim^y (i. irst) and i^aAn^ ngtii-SratMm nf ** Baptfstu'* i* tn <fip vr bKm£r»*. whilf* unnr rt tltf>

tmu mj wBra th^t tt A aeoo. Csnoa. Amhen, 5t3Bn, Ac.]

i , dtndsri huMoracs vmaumesksljr ^ ^ prmiliv* and tp9t(Dii£ hy eh* vaauniem at

w waf^r. a* ih® ot Jh#Tnafr».—{Bttuart, KiitoiioB ttLi Wafl.}

X Jborif iC iNmi^'i -i ccmm*asmi<ir» • that th» B i ^ iiiira aot fttrsz^h as* pimn eortmuatd or crnmpw of. iai/W tesftm, inii thcrv i« txtmont aad

tgroiiz th«B. "tt aaai-SM, u* fcr wil».T yrxross to b« *timini«erpd.

C. Ill <»caa4iBrd fr «:nnaaa znicumr'O.'Ir aftns that tb» <7>*r< of '•hp •fie-tnlie' cHnrrhi«» prrdjf fi^mLmtie, 0 ^

rMt«Ml in sfae pcwf]^ ar aad tlm ekmrtAm iqmdcs' nrpH^vs. All relic'^ Miotin Um^mtn-.' pa^tn and c cnasi cr aramcnirjaii 20»eram*Bt», m haaJa of ti^rferrr - r a fH» m a •«ta>ion.> ar* aail mtii >qnA'tf«m (rmmiM which so ^ fowtiaa cas tawfhn% e»rzat«n«f a. er-^ftaafm /ramei ttq^ht to mrport. rw**-ctaacLtty. aU iba acta an-l onluuzna <it aoch irrrsuioj tea:**'

iga^, MBd oni^t ssl to b* rrraiTwi br ti<<; got «hotd< •m'itfrtea ^ in Jirr rtvognispfl a»- •rriptn™

ehoTchMt. rff Utflnr m vfioai auBMtvr «rtbe p ^ t ^ Qftpcat Chmch. m lh« pamt m dexDocncc an -rapt tilCSH j T^TSSMUt.

1 ga nai?y»y. wrsaniawl cpon prmripigs if^^Mrnrft nT th**'-«r tba yp»rjfic ahi rdl»i. hartoff iiii tetu orHaarcb • {». tb* mmu TTt can. iuatlj bv eaUnt a go*j>«£ dut-tk, or Cbcmk C3b-rb\ or a brazich of tha Cturck of CVw.'. •thiDS* ^ ^ *Bnp Uirajf. <w\tia! to oth^r "

th» oeir r»iupaiiA i.'oiiuaix& iKa that hsT^ ^cnci «iace :!b-aQii aa i^hnxtian -vhich

par» the <iwtria* of the GomfmS thrrvcgh "IJ ^ aemti. p. t3>

Six Importmct Principles. I. Thi* ffihu, u><i tb^ unaOujea vith human

dPTwr* or ViLuiiJi. «ad arar ha* 'Af rwlic-oa Btrrtarm. »

& fbktfte {aa lvf>n*ai aad th* of bapcinr. Aii l ar» (wt left ta be mfir warf. taux at aiZ eaiou r9'\air« and FLAJ^ cnmmaodf* itt erwnpU*.

X To '^.tle the pc»«ftt»e re<?airementi» of rhrH»t htto HmU oad I ia tn dea4e hov fiu- Omi»< i* to b ahivjwi. aoA la »has pmoU wa vay <k»oi»f him. Hct to to <ibey tsoe '»f tae leaat trf hi« pc(utiT« re^ur*--gmL« «r to teach niher* itolres one ia the c^ilt nf rip

4. Crery powtiTa low. nr itaanee or prarSM*e. ta ttie ehsrch tmt vprei**^ iimmiadial (JT ••xampie*!* i* fifr'tmide-B-^a ^Ar 'peezfientkm ^ cae 'Asa; u 'he pnASkxtion ef rr^ry o^Ar

«r»» alf hnmaa mverrinitB wn*! t?»lJt;m»!i. ratar.e ttoinu apttnidiae. poumis. tr... ccne pr3rtsr»««l fitrr reliuiot;-

tor which no pttirai warract can be rouaii, acd art

1 sn e nr» men. •ornrty, tr t-h-irr-h. '-hf v.tbc.r.xy •• tra^ with toe- ardmaoce ir r.r$aatctUk>a ui ins fixzrch i-r kiajyl'^iii. sa to make or '•haag* hi* «itj or-* thxai(Jbr>iS9ther. Ta •nrreader wha: SE haa M^LiUb^. la treicAtry—*o she"®,

ft. PmniirLCS fac reuher .-crntial n<>r tJiup-oawt*?.

t T!ier». ia DO rtinr^i hat » bode of niiner-ed heH^^^ | Chris t ian FelioTrship as proper) v beioD^injT tO wi»# ha** bi*a tramer*ad bf a duty arpcuii^ ofBcar of > Ser.potrai Chtat-h.

i Therw ar*» ao Smpt r»J nriaij»ter«, hm thene who ha*'-Wea doiy ansbonaed ^ a Airptural rhuich.

Z. Sg/^ sothini; >» ertdsit than the Art. that wp teach more hy exanpie thaa by prwept—ther»-SBn»» «o k n j aa we af pnspnate ocr polpti? tor the olBt^i preachia^ef the by tho»« Ybcm w* nrstdrnT dui> hantfaed tssd or»Jalne.| ta the m:nJ«tertairof5ee. it ia e- tiaU*

thas tt e tmrmp^ ^^ oe to a r l ^ tbo»e taarher* t«> aecti{?7 ttesD. whea m kzurw Ou-r irm neither saptiaed anr orriahierL aad eepMrianr «tcc-e they -latra to Le. -Mid the acton oor pan in»n a reefssiwaon nf their cixasa. aa-' thaa coaflxa thnr fulloweri emr . .

I. Xothnij?car3 be mnre m?Qts«}»teat thsa to admit tikr^r pnwehei i iato ctir onlrnta wi» hold aaii tearh d'*trine«, nr jecsost ci which wtmld exrloiie bnch fn>m ocr ptilpit-aa:i «;hnrrhn anv rsmtatAr nf our own deRrtniaatinn.

Thi*. aeekus. « erne nf the Old Lasdmarka ef the Bap Uat Chcr>h.

$. Thac a body of imm^T ed beiiew^ ie the hiche*t a»a3«ieaf aatherHy fa the worfd. aad ti*» <7aly tr-brtiaJ Hot txiai of ev«a ol diarrpliae; that the of « '•hurrh are *<-•npertor iaodia* fhn-e o»er tbo»e of as fc^-tjiaanna. KioTro-tion, eont>P"X nr pre^bj'U'rr—and a.«»o<-i»rinn nr '^arre-u«ia fsaimro^a mora2ohligaciea<zpoa the rvn^ntaeat pan^ eotfivmcsip them.

A. That •iaee rhnr^b Chnet • -us ndepeaJcr^ body, an oae <?hareh caa aST ether to ecdor^ H-acta, amj to Skr ihry ajv §txurt «. rordazir« with th«-Law« of Chnat.

B eoceitjdee a cnemher «n<a»?Jy. ary ethe-chnreh. ear li|»tore luax. il ahe fit.

7. Whimever aar fharrh aeJ* 'a rjoiaiina cf the d}rert»»»t« rt her <m!y law-creer. ae fbcjhi la the !Cew r»*tair#-at. heroiaae xalwHikm.*—her SLt* trntU izkI md. aad aii ethf-r rhnrrhe<«» aad Mwortanfia.* of rharrhe* aad csmT^ct:ca" thfftiiH wHhdmr tbe'r frfliier^hip from hrr nittr! «he rep«E-». aad rertdbai her order, or they Decame the parta«cer» vf h<*r ataa.

1 Ttiil IM» ••ecu 1if "P. nr rnnrnn^rn nrrrmTH'tT'ii > "iti m' of appeaj." or ha^ aay ^ithorttr the chn-'-hee, h«t aunpty fcdriemy itmaole—<herefci rt hai» no r cht to .ftr-xn to Jhe ^horehee or to detuaad ^^pon fi-r mnj pr^'^rt er achetaa arhirh they haT«« ern^paatnl. Htit txny e&ij rarorr-tnead. adrtaa, TOd crre m ^^erfbrrnMce of daty tn tabaerr^ •ore tn -Jje crest Chr^Jan rolantary prrnHnT*

f. Whea any ehtsrh ^leparta fr^ta the or riolaiee thr-Brdtr of the m the jadjonest of th^ ae<i«ciatMn. :r rsa sad »boa!d mihdraw iia S-IIow^hip Att^ her. and !eaT# her U» hnmii oa^l the repetzts. Thi* ia no taterfrrewe vnh h«r latefBai

ID. Bapiiaca ant oot rn>te«tact!«. Sace they aerer had set tedeitieiorel cgggie»-tiea with the JHpapy. they are b w ac i hMahevia the re^tufiatfir^ af the pnneiplea aad ftarxicea Papacy, wheth* »n«d ia Ooma or ia the Prote-taoi that •mxnm otrt cf her.

U. W*» fec«U Protvattmlien. m arefl aa tha Befm-anmca of Urr, as baaeti oa the aaatnnpmm that the pmpherie* aod 4ee!ftratiea> of Chriae tet«h«f Sa chcreh are bO**. the* «l•ba^tChxi« iaimpc*ler.ju»dihr 90iCbn»t i M by P i r l n e j^ace . tbw aatipraaCTra tf ^ ^ t i r r h . ^ ^ ^ ^^^ mainspr ing of al l b i s ac-

I. animai^^od Njdle. of CJirfstumn u* net rbarelw* tlOHS. Kirmmnvrrnb^'^ymfmsBf* sf than ew Ohmk, bmrc j T h i s b ( lemacded by the very luiiure of the .11 ^ ^ | o rd inanea . I t is a commemorat ive feas t .—

i TlHtlMfitSraKEiMofficiiIrrttfaticloachnrchiirepr^. ' Tw miHiw te * m;rUv r*?**) ndaiMrT—lt«nr« til orT&u]D£<~ tiaumsaBeii t ^ w antvpttaed kkI aaaniSBed, aUhonga tnaMTwd njiiii«trT. m imn sui Toii X % shoTvh ba» the n ^ toh^mrMcm* bmofM hmlbn :t

f' TTnin!: the

Corinthians io these words, 1. ^nd is bap t i r - l shall be snve.l I-, , h -The cup of blessing which we , ha t believeth not shall be damn.-l M,rk

dis t inct iv are 6or forth a D life Thev":!

one and the san e thini- The -i evolved is this V m-n I c -of Ciirisf 'i^itt . r n h^ir . r' hr.rr s

mornf tniPfr''rTrjitiriitTi i

Nor is the matte , left here The *o*tTfc of this moral;-

relates tha i as he w.s wandering round ilioiii ih. f.jsjo'la oil occasion, he heard Ih- soiiii,j ^ir»nL-e enonL'h as he thou'j-ht.

.>!!.'• ri. I l r listened and found Iha4 it !in s i i i^ in- He detern in W")


I "

at the breath of winter, and leave it naked to the S t ing in j blast Like ravens set t led down for a bani |uet and suddenly scared by a noise how <|uickly, at the first sound of calamity, these superficial ear th l ings are specks on the horixon.

Hut a t rue fr iend sit« in the centre, and is for all t ime- •)ur need .inlv reveals him

I' ..f II..

'-nstam^ t • nM n- n n . . (,-v.


•• ' • f ' • u ill. sound tn its source, and | '>'ii'ls him more closelv to us - ' . i n - I .i I.e 1 urpose VI length he reach Prosperi ty and adversi ty arc both revealers

I e.i iht iind wb-t should meel his " ' h e differenci* h e m e that iii ihe former our • >e bur l la .e lDck, ttiib his li ibic and hymn fr iends kn. w u-. in the latter we know them

I l ook .r> l;.:u and more than hundred " n t . no twi ths tanding the insinceri ty and M;en seated around liim. srivinc earnest heed , creedincss prevalent among men there is a

; • 1 1 miation to them of the glad tic! deal more of esteem and fellow vearn iov ffoT.- bad thev got their ings than is ever outwardly shown T h e r e

.-••t V>v wbi to re.Tcl for the place was in are more exanif.les of unadul te ra ted offection. Url> -i.ail,; • Til. y had obtained lamps for more deeds of silent love and inaL'nanimi'v lo ! 'I'l-' n.l | .umn_' them in order, had usually supposed Otir misfortunes . il.i 1. .11, ; place.i tlo iu one by one in an briii^ to our side real f r i ends before un-

'i - Tlicrc lhc\ were, those dumb k n o a n . lienevolent impulses, where we .• iiii !;ii..p bearers in constant use should not expert them, in modest privacy

.. i l ! r iherc we U;a> be well assured enact many a scene of beaut i fu 1 Wonder, am id 1. - i ; ; . . - ! ••!!t;iig I., the l . icutcn plaudits of angels. And upon the whole j ' i ' 4I1-. il - .i.i-n fairly estimating; the olory and the uses, and

il ; . I liKiL', thi.-. - imj. ' . narrat ive 'he actual and possible prevalence of the .!• a: . i.aiit in ibo a i n n with l«it friendly sent iment , we must cheerily s t r ike

-[ > c!- of the Mice. and glory the lyre, .and lift our voice to the favored

Th&t .re but DoiST brMtb Maj (ruw lo clBb9 and naked t'

To mard.r an.i to death." This was j u s t how it tu rne( I \put with

wicked Cain. l i e did not iKil ievc^hat his la ther told him about the sort of f e r i n e that (Jod would be pleasetl with, but tould do what plea.<<ed himself. When he f d ^ d that (ioQ did not take notice nf his offerin' as he did of his brother .Vbel s he was no angry with him.»clt for his own sin and follv l u t with his kind and pious brother . .Al-though waa so kind as to spesk to him. and try to persuade him to do irhat was right. hi- -iill refused to kill a lamb and kept bis bad feelings.

Litt le children do not let one unkind thought towards your brothers and sisters rest in yonr heart If you have done what is wrong, be ang r r willi yourselves, aod ask (iod, for the sake ot Je sus (-hrisl, to forgive you but never indulge an angry feeling against those \ou ought so much to love W II W.

NONE BUT T H E I . ~ Whom bare I i n ^ w s bnt tbe*! *Bd C a « ia BUM

qpon eant ihat I derm tesUr «IiM.~—Pnim S : U. Lord or eanh. tbf fiminf buxl WrU Uu> hculaotn tmat hallx Wood, thatj^fc, mil tatla t M iovir. • le^aironiBg la his power; * .<!! Ihal «rUt» Ui»«ij>» nBKmRht. All tliai charm. Om loadj thought, Friendiphip— tnaMwxidi&c prif* l I.O.I*—a flower tW>mranuli»* . Vet. amid . .o hir. -tionld 1 .tm thr miil. to riian. Wtwt WAT. all tujOT. so n . * Wtu.m bure 1 on rarll bet th«. •

Lord or lirareu " onr fiebl Kntlii . world of pur»r tlfiht; There tn tore*, unrloiidvd r^ifru Parted h.-tnd* .hall ln«wt agais : Mvtrr. tttera. aad nropheu lUjrh. Bla^ a -lonoos coni}*aii7 . While immortal mtiuc nngs Krinn umiun^bered e^raph »tnnc« . I - that wnrlil i« pajuimi; fiur \ ft il thou .eri atM.til therr W hat nil It* tors to tne ' hnx* 1 of. e-vth hn! thr* -

I.'Uil ut eanti uid ItfaTrc IS' t Scs-k* in Its cnl; rest . I lo.t • tfc* tn-M nnisevard lured tbt »»o.i«-niic 1 was bl'md • thv h^lni: rs* rtinmied loOK n-llpse

of py.ry fo* 1 tnowi •s-laf-e ol niy rTrrj bo**, II. If .lar. U:. sinat do'u.

ni,» »oiil t" si. What wers eart i or be«Trii t. n Whom hn»e I ti ear-h tK,-' T. if.

TTLE QKOBGIE'S PHAVEK L i t t l e ^ e o i y i e . an interest ine boy •.! four

s u m m e r s , ^ d been tanght by his mother to pray, and shVhad often told him ihat to pray to (iod was t . i ^ l k to him. and tell him jus t what he wante t f^ At e ight , af ter be had re-peated the Lo rd ' a^ r ayc r , he was accustomed to make a short p r w e r of his own in which his childish wants w ^ e expressed in hi- own words Though G c o r g ^ w a s a very




Diakinu It more thaa this W.juid ihev do away with th. in/or/'m.i/r exclusiveness here spps ren t . and instead ot eonfininsr the fel lowship to the Master alone er tend its i r m s «o as tn embrace al ' who bear the name of Christ ' '^nch evi.lently take upon them-selves a fearful respop.sil.i'iit^- They prerume to know whi t tbi- . . r l ia . iuce slu .aid be evcu better than i.He liim-seit' They t h a s | exalt their own w.> above tha t uf the ! Oniniscient . I'oit we • annot h e l p t h i n k i n t , them on- o!' the r sphere l.ike so many | 'H>mets thev seem t.i have darted off into re- ; j i nns unmarked and forbo}.!,.^ We envv | them not. th.iugh v n:a-. asioiji^h and ile • ' l ipht many by their o-renrrit. course. \ o r '-an wti follow them . it follow the Master

r ITr-.1,-! n ,

He is thns the sustainer of -h.- '>iv n within us. . \nd brw beautif 'nilv tl . 's hibi ted in the T.ord - Snppr bread and drink the

e t c - r t fiesh of the son of man un-! Ir^iV h we •' have no life in us .1.1 d v

we niu^t tirst A-*-- i J . requi re notrrishnien*

s imperat .vety '•'. :r.l-, I 'I

llf.. 1 -

perience the new birih be''^-- w" ; the Lord s feast -- ' i

B.VPTI8M AN ADl i lSS l r . The J u l y Number ol the Li>u.'.. 'i the o rsan of the Knirii!.!! F r .e . m


on Lat in Chr i s t i anuv . ••' iDp-ir-- i l . mal rites of the Latin j i i . re. k i ! The revie-irer says j.j J7.

Vkerr Z* H..

i.trni f>/ Utjttiyiu '11. . . ' V •< . .

tr.uni—tcu!' I'it/o'. -I u f i ^ icatt r* 117" I >

fttrt'f najf ulh'r -tt , <i • .<

Jticxh-d . f - i i . , IM. To this f rni iL'. I i tc . k, i .,i

t ter we fancy to | adhere.- and the in-.-- i . , . . - : ' veneralile port ion of it ihat ;

".i. ,1L

uh.-t ; L-it. 1.

'• aio'ie li.. .c!


Hence we should eschew all t hough t s of | e m p i r e - absolutelv ru[ nores any other mo.le .1

this ordinance \ nd we should not dare in- ) essentially invalid Tl.e vite any to part icipate wiih us in it. simply j hand— as a token of our love fo r t hem as r h r i s t i a n s . " T««>"i« >' Such a procedure wonbi be noth ing short of<?r ,„„,,.<. '. perver t ing the ordinance to otir own use , it ' " " ' — h a s wholly i l t c r e i i would be changing it.s whole design simply to ' ' " " u l d fairly gra t i fy our own tas t t s . Tb;s done, the Sap- spirit—preferriBL- mcr.;. (. per IS no lonper the Lord s. bu: our own. It »n.l twi th the two e.v-c;.t u is the Lord s ."^upper ..uly -o lon^ as we con- of ^I ' lan an ! ihs -e. • ! form to the S a v i o r s own requisi t ions eon- f ® ' drops of water are n. « il cernint : it. l i e designed it. no doubt , for the s t i tu te for the i h r e e i . - i i |.iiiii.j benefit of His disciples Indeed, it is Dis rushing river, or ll - wi l . i.:ii.:, = i express command that every disciple should East . ob.serve it . and far be it from any to h inder , " when we .Ics.. lol !>• :n i:i them from so doing N o true Chr is t ian and trat ion itself of th.- sa<-a u tu i .; . no t rue Bapt is t , we arc sure, would wish to j their coneomiiant cir. deprive any of s.. exalted and precious a pri- j same contrast appears in ii v i le -e . He would all come to the i the church it was .-usiomary I r !i Savior s board who love the .Savior s name ( h a n d s ..n the he...I- I But he would not have them come to their j baptized converts, that th. \ ui: . '5wn condemnat ion, r r to the dishonor of the j ' g ' f ^ of ihc ••Spirit The Master Nay .\11 should possess the re | but the custom of l ay i iu •juisite "jualiScations that they mav partake j mained. It remaine l. and wa worthily and so n. t only please the Master j and so in the ".reek t 'bur . K but e iper i tno- j the soui - ref reshing benefits t inued—at the designed thu.s lo he conveyed. therefore , any insist on cominii without tbesti .jualifica t ions in or in part , a-s if fht-v were noD essent ia l—the positive c. mmatid of t he Mas-ter to the cr.ntrary notwi ths tanding—dtl ty binds him as a lover of f 'hr is t ami the human S'lul. to bid snch beware . 'md he must be fa i thfu l to them. Only as he is thns fa i th-ful ean he escape the charge of complicity with them in their evil conduct .

W h a t then are the retjuisite qualif icat ions of a wclorae guest a t the Lord ' s Table This quest ion fa i r ly answered, the whole snb-jee t b evolved. W e have then a s tandard by which all may be judged .

H e must be a Christian. Flis hear t must Love to the


-•'^.i.e.l h.s later year- eu .ouu te r - lol: o: the slr..n;.' character

Ii-'a-i-e> p c ui ar l) i ! i sc .ura - ing . .•• i nii'l ar'i.-d oat tl.e design .•!

I.;- 11.11 in th. I ruihs ot the H. •' 1 'v | j t i c n i ! \ h< lab . ' t c l on.

. ' y • I .Ttune, and cteriii •.< i M the r . su l t s of his elT.'rls

- . i j . . .-ippejr n..t as the honored r- :i ib'y haille fiel 1- and the saviour

• • u" "i- _'r.-jndesi empires tif this world 'l,. 'aMbful 1'..!'owcr and soMler ..:

-1- ' i l •• all 1 as an lioii.-rcd instrument • i : ' . I. ^ --[.LORS IO N^HI" JUSQCSS

li" i ' ' ll.- <'^ii-j^tian soldiers et>Iiste'l i . x . . 'ir S..u;lierii Ian.! v. ill imi

. 1 j .. lo'ld n|. to us W bo will I . -. : ...: ..i.lj « rea ihe tb.

I I • r ' 'It ;i!r.. 11..- .-r.-i. In. orriipti p • .^a i ' l e L'lv.n t.i tlu'se who faith • :;ib 1 I - -..ill- • \ !1 h ive ..pportuiii J- _ r c i : J. 'l.o-t enjoy. 1 by llave!.>ck

!• •' . II n • inij .r .v. t h e m ' - / o V , , i ' ' A*.

UEOEMPTtOK li.-i. iji] .n IS an eshaiist less theme

• u^,.- "1 II.- It-ir I . •. . n.l tl..-r.-a. ii "t e n ale.l lUtc

1- : I.- . | :i.s ani ' . . : I.,- eounde.l by man •II'- ll 1- 1'- i iiioa'i I" l e .1 -i. • 1..1..I.. - i - i . ii. hi ,.|iiesl of Its ..I - 1 - I. h icnoilis .IS surprise the re

• II- I I :. a . 'I 1 tit- soiji's ul the upper u p.e i .a . , t" el. t-e.-ouiiiii: more and more

111- . - \ . - tl. . I lie w..rk ot" savino men •i-t IS b.'o-iin Tbis 'heme will

song, confessinii, af ter every complaint end«d. that

• There -i power to make each hour swe.-i a.s Heaver, .ieiojrne'l it

»r .leeti wp roam lo br-inp il home, Vbrtupti few there be thai fend o

U e see* loo bigii lor liiiajra .-ius.- bv, .\nd lose what iiaiure toiiD'l us

Kor )'fe b.lli here no eltann so .leii-Siiitw an.i fnen.!- ir..|in.l

sroodbov. and loved h i s ^ r c n i s most u nder-VAI.UE o r BAPTIST P R I N C I P l ^ j j", , o „ e t i m e s h a p p \ d that he needed

liev l.r Brown, the Moderator of the Correc t ion : for, like all c h i k r e n . be liked lo British I 'onirr^rat ional Cnion, in an address |,ave his own way recently delivered before that body, paid the ' One day, being unwill ing t \ v i e ! d to bis following noble t r ibute to Baptist p r inc i - , ^ .other s wishes, she was o b U ^ - \ i o punish

P'*"' him. for she did not wish her buv to Tiiu- modified by Christian chari ty, the ^ o , , ^ ' . . i , ,

prominen.-c given by the Bapust to the per- ^ h e n it was time for him to repeat h , s \ a v e r , sonality ,.f tl.r Christian . haracter and pro- ! t e could not forsret his nauchiT a c t i o n T ^ n d . lc~M..a. l.e. omes a . aluable force arrayed on , ^ had been taught , he /a/iyli to T.od ai the side nf S -riptural Kvan-elism sgainst ,he following manner, feeling all human tradit ions, sacerdotal pretensisns and ^ ^ i l e verv serions. though h.s Ui.^'uatre wal

• 1 lUil.'l

1 ;

ssint or antrel in

1.1.-I ' r 111 o Uii.T .n I e r

, IlM-U t-.u •

m much lif -1 I h ive ati jrilerejil in ujeri '^ 11!:» av:ui«i

ll it lj«<i thtMi I-T noD<' 1 am .-i?! ;:r€at a

"Tit pra;. t-t] for my tellow i f - - my pr. 'pliot. prie>tati ' i i • y. an-i • rowu and tieliv • lh<- >;inio fo a ct»untle--

! ri'?' fiimf'- rtt"-! } \ tht? comfart> ..ll

- ti.i ;h\ •

I •i hy

\ m 1

I vins: I ] r»r-

" 1

hlcasotl in I heir ilu' •^aoie jr^^'^

1 sini: not ot Others L'l-i'ltl' n VI fory. ainl rh»

r:ii.«.(» •totl for hija 1 il.ev liU'f»s him

ba; adults. Confirmati. . taneous with the a. mcrsioD. But the I

th' t.

ol clill'lr.-witii llielii

.•: th' ba | ii-i .11 in Sill' ll tt

. ' I I

U lu


l..»r.l .I '-tis ,s thr U'..ruierful (}" m-'r* tiitin-j: name I marvel

I • ' hioi I am avhaiueii that li-ii.' UfM' tiyin-j said. •• Oh

, M h mtTrv t-» mf .ind uiin«-f'-llin-j It lor- ver - - Vrjivn<rf

DID HE DIE BICH P • ilf titf,i l l w;t5 fi pad fuDera) l.>

me Haul the speaker . • lb*- -^addt*"! I have att4?ndnd for v^at'i

Thst rtf ' Ve« -I!.-»w .ii.l ho die ' r.>or p.M.r a> poverty hi- life wa-5 i»no

lonu !*tru;ri:l<'with the world, an.l at c \ e rv dt>iidvaiiiaje. Kurttino mo'^ked him all ihc u-hilewiih irtMed pr«»misc.«. liiat were dej»tincd nev«^r to know fultilmenJ

•• Ve! ho wr»< patient and o n d a n n i j ' ro marked one of the '^timpanv

i'alienf as a <'hri^flan endurioj : as a mar t r \ . wa-. an«-w. r Poor m a n ' he wa-worlhy \ het'.cr fate lit- o u - h t tu h a \ c -urt f c d c d . far hede«erved "iU'-t css

Di 1 hf not su<vee l ' .,ue>tioncd the one wh.t hail sp. 'ken <>f his j-ersovernn t and cn Inr-in« c

N o. «itr h « ' p o . » r I hafo ast •aaiH Vnfhin«: th:»t h*-" put hi-i liaiid^- to iMor «.nrreed rd \ «.frar.;:o fatalitv ! to attend e \e"v en^^rp r iv

I wa" vTith hire M HI* la-t m'»ia» UIJI. said another and ihoucrht he died noh

No. he has lell nolhintr behind, was re plied •• The heirs will have no eoneern as t«i the administral ion >>f the estate

He !» ft a tjood name said one and that IS •'^.•methinc

.Vnd a levae\ of n »lde deeds that were done :n tl.e nam*- •>f humac i iy . ' remarked another

• Le^son> of patieiK-e in sut lenn; : of hope iM adx'^r-itT heavenly ronfidcnee when no -"inlu-ani" ^el' ;ip«»ii his hewild'Tini: path, was ihe ictnrnony (»f another

. \nd hi^h trust manU coara:rc. heroic fortift ide

Then hi- dte-i r '-h " wa- the emphat ic •ieclarati.»n richer than the t»iillt.»mire

' t t h " went to his lone home the ^aiDe tiav, a mi^^erahle prjuper all bnt his • A sad funeral did you say ' No. my friend it was

' r a t h e r & t r iumphal p rocess ion ' Not the burial of a human clod, the ceremonial af tendant c»n the translat ion of an an^ei. I>id not succeed ' U hy his whole life was a Peri«-s

rfcl<'!Ma«5tica antidote and

ipenstition.« It is the direct antai:oni«t to that official vir

ho childish ' Lord, hies? <»^?orpve. and make him pood b o j . acd dnc i let him he

t u r e a n d authori ty upon which the Church NAU-HTY APAIN. never, DO iievcr. hc^AUM vou ut Rome ha^ ba-cd the prand apostasy. ^^ n a u - h t r hes f . c i . ^ ' from whii h neither the Church of KagUud j, ^ ^^^ tior even the C h u n ii I .u iber , U» name no i»rher mau-made c h u r o h o , ha."< purpud. or

to ma.kc a^e of Georcie ^ prayer '

will pur^'e. itself free On tbi » principle. perhap« we mQ\ account for the daWD of a new Kcforiaation m Oermnnv hein;: appar-ently identical with the difFusion of Baptist KcnlimcQi-'i in manv of its States, and for

P A L ^ E PBOVKSBS \ yonnz fellow mast ftow his wild oatA

In all the wide runpc of t rccp ted Bnti.^h maxim®, there i? none, take it for ail in all. more thoroufrhly abominable than this one a^

the virulence with which persons who ^^ t^e sowing of wild oaU Look at in tea«'h. and iho>e who adopt them, are per sec a If i and oj«preSs*ed by t jovcrnments in-spired by c'^ le:»ia>tifal jealousies and alarm. '

DEATH OF CHRISTIANS h'^ath !rarner«i thr apf^d in the I'ravr ' l ike

a •4h'>«'k cf rorn fulW ripe " . \ nd ran we n ccp that the r 1 i h..r- are over, that thrv have

ne t.i rhc'r r - w a r l .^a h i - h Here it was toil, and and <irifc. - t h r r e it i> re?t, and K>\. and p',:acc Here it wa." ?iorm and dark-

iLcre .1 i- uucloud»-«l day Here jt was Mfkness and *ijrb n j —there il is untroubled

and unbounded fell' ity There the pood-man , h o s e special crop they arc, will see tha t thev finds his reward- the infant released bv the , , j v i i -n l '

thrive, and vou, and nobody, will liave hand of dc i th finds escape fr^m all life's ^^^^ ^^^ uii^ri.-s How few arrive at • three score ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ years an.l ten Krom the morning dawn of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ -f ^^^^ our exis icnce.wc walk blindfolded a pathway ^^^^ car^, von can make the ground sweet be.k-.-d in with irravcs. into one of which , ' , - . . T> - H I .

" again by your dying day. • Bov? will be s-ioner or later vre shall s tumble. Blindly ^ ^^^ , ^ ^ ^ too. we izrope amon" life s pains and plea.- , j, . ^^ t this encouragement to the sow ares when f..ilow,ni: any but the heavenly ^f. ^ j j j i , ^implv devilish, for i t p u i . l e - w b e n seekinir any but the heavenly ' ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^

what side you will, and I will defy you to make anytl i ing but [a devil 's maxim of it -V\"ha' .1 man—be he young, old. or middle-aged—sows that, and nothing else, shall be reap The one only thins: to do with wild

, oats is to put them carefully into the hottest part of t.he fire, and get them burn t to dust , every seed of them. If yon sow them, no tiiatter in what ground, up they will come, with long tough roots like cotfch-grass, and luxur ian t s talks and leaves, as sure as there is a snn in heaven—a crop which it turns one s heart cold to th ink of The devil, too.

^ ,3

inheri tance Mav we seek not r iches—not happines-- n.^t btntr l i r . -~no t fame, but to .b. our ilaty manfully in the time allotted u«. restin.; a.-sure.l that this is ihe end. whii-h wiU best conipas.s all other en-Is worth onr s t rn Ino to atlnm


have seen many anecdotes ' says tiiC \fH7rtn; to prove that we are tfrn„p jus t where onr fnemies think tis fc-.t/,-. but none more touch nu than the tiro follnwiii;: for the truth of which we v.>ticb

temptat ions and follow the lusts-of his age What are we to do with the wild oats of man-hood and old age—with ambition, overreach iniT. the false weighLs, hanlneas, suspicion, avarice—if the wild oats of youth arc to be sown, and not b u r n e d ? Wha t possible 4 '«-tinction can we draw between them? If we may sow the one. why not the o t h e r ? — F m m • Turn Brotrn al Oj-ford "

T H E THEATRE. The Rev James Hervey was once on a

j o u r n e y with a lady who happened to be in Last Friday niL-hi. when the new compa the same carriage, and was erpat iaUnR in a

nies came in to Lake the .-ars for Li^rhtwood par t icular manner on the amtisementg of the in ,,f s„ece«se« In every conflict he came nif Knot Sp r i t e s , i: was louiid in an>wer to in ! ,Uge . as in her esteem superior to » n j o ther

the victor and now the victor s crown is on .^mries it bail !'<-cn impossible to purchase pleasures. Among other things, t he B»id,


adopted or rctaine-l the pract ic : infants to baptism, f. t it-thc ohtivnt J r j ' i . ' art.ou.i r^'iii ,'.. .

cioumyr., by separat ing a c l |->slpon giving a new life and meanin;: to th. n confirmation. The two c t « li the Greek chu.-ch are indissolti ' ly founded, are now, throu; ;hout We-ti n , Cbris tendom, by a ialht.iry .i, ca. !i made to minister to '.he edifi-ati ' .n >1 individnal . and completiou of the n b . e t ismal ordinance

his brow . \nv gasping, soulless, selfish man with a "bare of brains may gather in moncv ,vnd learn the art of keeping it hut one name.l belonzin-.: to Mrs Je s seCleve in a hundred leaves the world lK>hind en riched bv their acts of constant ehan tv , bene

II ill .01.

th -

t ' . 1 .: I n '• r I; .. «h . iiiu^t ; prill I a tl • in a • y 1 • ]. aril I

WOMAN 1 1- the ta-k assiuncJ t" . an vau- its .li;jnitv ' Noi

t.i !..:i ; ii-tuics n t to fov volenee and encouraoin-; the unfor tuna te and • t.. lorm th.ise l.y whom h.w- ' tempted tn live a better

Ic'l a i l . Ripires L' 'Verne.i ' • i ' ' . -Iiglite-t taint ..f bo,lily ' THE ANOBY BROTITEH

' n wa

blankets f.T all of them. .K number were . there was the pleasure of thinking on the play ]nickl \ contr ibuted t.y the ladies, A servant before she went, the pleasure ihc enjoytsd



The name of the Chris t ian hero who save 1 the Br i t i sh Empi re in India, his spoll. 's-eharac ter , h i s noble deeds and great sutler

ali'l ( bast.-^cncr .sit', allav t!-o'

la Tiolatas a< the law oT Cbriat. Tb« .pmllcaliaii i thr Brier in b« atw^rr^i ta the prohihHiaa of as j oth«r ortl«r.

4. ^vnamhiT afaimid sohtmi to aa a:rai^muwit or trial t n o ^ aad enndiKUd m nolztiiss at tte raws « Chzlat. Bath raaoher ia lafiirttfaiaaT m p a c r l ^ u Chiiit kr the Mi&ftit lAwrnma his W .

None btit Christ's disciples are expected to observe i t For them alone it seems to have been institntetl. No others ran be snpposed to appreciate its design, or to take pleasnrp in its perpetuation. We do not hold festivals in honor of any we do not venerate and love. Nor do we habitually celebrate aajCTent in

. Christians Bliaatnri»«n<»a«i»SerH«ara!ehnrch. I

a. l a Hiamalitullogat ar dtoatrinlj m^oritr cannot . i -sloiis « aaab i r at an ai?kanri«dge4 eomettmtoarJ . hozeh.

T. So eharefa sianM c a n m ih* iatun ag or the mm-trnnbUfrnmaBf,* -teArfvchnreh. ^ dooM B adntl lottaeuaamaHtttha n a b m aCneh aehiiRk.iir iaao;

I or aphald i a d>aonlB.-tt .hcmU I n ^ sa ampsnrwitkittbatU mar ta* ariauaaa.

BapUM roOer. J. TbhaiaiOttiaia

• T m a t e a r l b H tkaWit.

—^ ai et a m r . n d

do not honor the birthday of Voltaire, be tansc they do not venerate his name:' it i s for his disciples to do that. England atsd Fraaee do not eeiebrate t i e AmiiTera«rjr of Xstional Independence, Ixwanse they IikTe BO v i u l interest in ii , but we "celebrate i t wi tk ai! doe spirit. So it is for t l w adoring iuKtjpln of Jesus to perpetaate the n e a u n y e C

b i t e rxperi'iirfd the soul-loTiBr braefits o f

ings, were still f resh in the minds of the t r iumph . • .-r sense to cheer the scholar men of this generation, when the s t i r r i n . - m k i n ^ un ier his toil , to console the states scenes enacted on the. thea t re of our natuin for tl.e iiifrratitado of a mistaken al conflict, directed the a t tent ion . f Chris j enp le '.•< >.. compensated for f r iends that tian soldiers a f resh to the glor ious reeonl ct arc |..-rfi i . i- tor happiness that has passe.l bis life and death. Krom the little volum. away Su. I; i- her . o.-ation. written by Mr. Brock, we make the fo i l .n ing extract, hoping t ha t it may prove an ;n centive to others to imitate ais example " T h e r e is in llangoon a famous heathen

while there, and the pleasure of mminating land, broughf to one o f t h c ladies of the f«m- on it in hr r bed at night. Mr. Hervey, who ily .a fine lar^c white blanket , and asked her sat and heard her discourse without ioter-if she tbou' jht H would be accepted. AA"hen rupting her, when she concluded, said to her a-LcJ if that w i s n . i i the Cue blanket her i in a mild manner, that there was one pleasure master irave her beJore his death, ^moro than besides what she had mentioned, which she tea yea r s ' she rcplie.1 that it was, and she had forgot. ' What can that be?" said ahe,

yci spotless creature | ' 'a n wa- angry becansc (iod would not t h o u j h t so much of it she had ncr.-/- it . for surely 1 included every pleasure when Ics- than physical be in r ^ aeecf.t his offering of the frui t of the c round but if a soldier, who was goins to fiebt for us , , I considered the enjoymeiSt beforehand at

This was very wicked and very foolish of would accept it. she wanted him lo have i t - j the time, and af te rward : p ray what is i t? ' ' him, for It was his own fault that he did net It was aceordiu!rly sent and .accepted* ' M r . Hervey ,wi th agrave look , and in a mas-offer what he bad been told ho oapht l i e ' The other is of a different character . Many ^ ner peculiar to himself , replied, "Madam. was like s.ime little chi ldren now, who do not let ters received from the .'ith rcgitsent , since , the pleasure it will give yon on yonr death-mind what i« said tn them, but do jus t con- the bat t le of Manassas, have mentioned it — | bed. A clap of thunder, or a flash of ligbt-

iuto refinement , to exalt j t rary to what their fa thers or mothers or We have also heard it f rom the lips of Kev i n ins , would not have struck her witB more rtue by a soothing care to teachers tell thcin and then are very angry , Purant and (ien Kdwards since their return. gQrprjg^ the stroke went to her ver j baart.

' • ' • • • - l,ec.ause they are not treated as kindly as , W e give it in the language of the latter. j She had not one word to say, bat daring the they would wish to be. God knew how angry Sunday morning, afier the 6ring com- . ^ s t of the journey seemed quite ocespied in Cain felt, and was so kind as to speak to i menced. but before our regiment (the 5th) j thinking upon iL In therl , the conseqnfnce him about it, and ask him why be was so' had entered the battle, 1 met Henry a "er-I gf this, well-timid sentence was, that cbc angry, and why his face was so cast down ' vant belonging to my friend Mrs H. J . Dean, • never after went to the play-house, bnt be-l l e told him that it was his own fauli. that, of Spartanburg. I was surprUed to see him. , came a pious woman, and a follower of those hisioffering was not accepted—that he should j for the other servant? belonging to the regi ! plc.«urcs which would afford her Jme aatii-have killed a lamb, as his brother Abel had | mcnt were left in camp. He had his young done—and that even now, if he was sorry master s knapsack and blankets strapped on for what he had done he might kill a lamb; his shoulders

. ' 1 from he r . to inspire 'hose incul'-:i"c those doctr iue- , t.i

.. nts which irenerations •in.l nation- yet uncivilized, will

to soften firmness into raerev n lien, .tito 1

anguish of the body, an'l the far wfir-.- an-jui-li .'f the mind . by her tender ness to .l:-arm pa,ssion by her pur i ty lo

The couch of the tor tured sufferer, the ( r i s in of ihc deserteil f r iend, the cross of I and it would be accepted, and his sin would I I said to him. Henry, you have no p i n

faction even on her death-bed.

t ' . r reie. to.l Savior these are theatres in be forgiven her greatest triumphs have been

temple deroted io the service of Boodh, ' a'.-bieved Such is her destiny . to visit the which is known as the magnihennt Shivey to attend to the neglected, when Dagoon padoga. l l is deemed the glory o ( ' ni'<n3ri hs abamlon, when counselors betray, the city. Of a chamber in this building 'when justice prosecutes, when brethren and Hareloek obtaind possession for his own disciples flee lo remain unshaken sind un-parposea. A l l around the chamber were ; changed, and to exhibit in this lower world •mailer imxgei of Boodh, in the usual posi- a type of that luve, pure constant and ineflfa-

; to defend yourself and are therefore in great

H » gtorioss a a a e ; and it i s for tbos^ wbi} ,ti<u>, sitt ing with their legs gathered up and hie, which in another we are taught to bcliere i was ordered to do, and wa.* happy, while he rocked, and bis conduct i» thp a jtbiration of crtMsed, and tb* bands resting on the lap, iq the test of v i n t j c . — S h i e h c o o t i ' n M t i j t z i n r . bitnwlf had disobeye4 God, and w t s n i s e t - wbole l a m e n t s

But Cain had a very wicked heart, and danger ; go no farther, take yoirr station he-would not listen to what Ood told him In ' hind a large tree, and be earefal." stead of being sorry that he had not killed^ He replied, " Xo, sir, I can't stay here. 1 a lamb as he ooght to have done, he kept ^ came with Mass Eddie, and l a m goinytoitay

indulging his ^ngry feelings , and instead of i riyAt behind him at lony <u I l i s c a n d h t liva.''

blaming himself, be became angry with his | H e kept his word. Through the whole of brother, whom be ought to have dearly i that fearful day be never faltered in his de-luved. He saw that .\.bel had done what he votion to the youth whosi cradle h e had

THE HAPPT OLD MAS .—One s t o n n y i o n -ter day the Bev. Mr. Tonng, o f Jedborgb, was visiting one of his people, aa old n a n , who lived in greet poverty ia • lonely e o t t ^ e . H e fotrad him s i tUngwith the Bible open on his k n ^ , bat in outicard eirenmstanoes of great discomfort—the snow drifting t h n a g h the roof, and under the door, and scarce pay fire on the hearth. " W h U ai* y o n abo«t to-

>d«y,* Jo'bn 7" was'bis qtiestien on entering. f A h , said the b a p p f i ^ t " J m ditimf

^wlo-^ O u t k a d o w tcilk y n a f O b i ^

THE BAPTISni^ " T m h Aciliut tlia WarU."

I fASHrnXE, aATGRDAY, KOT. 16, i l l .

X *

• S d w ' W . a B t t e k . ^ «f tha B«p:iit-

X d i t o r i a l T e l e g r a a f e . ^

fam r n a i i f t a i i Om'tha Fci>. la tnie«t«Tia^ir. C.-Bre. t . JC. Berry inbrms

flrii .ia tb. UaoolatM Sehwl . k

• «»Iy U jwmtf Ud, k u reeitcii ass IiBsdrsd chiptm is JUa a . to aot f u W

; tod. ^ f t i a k a U i TtUtj b ii]u«I «f n Urf ^ ^ i l t e f * , ' ^ ' * - ^ A " ^ »» Crwl-i-ir " S S p C T S j - i a f

jj , BfcrBkR7 i< Cha^dn rf Ik* l l t t Sorlh CwoIJni "^itiiMBt, iBfi ti»t packrt Bnda u l Tr»rts arr

ish b o t M 1» U« iHtmeut. Wlat clwrch 3 la C a i ^ a "wia f«t <ip a nteeiiptiaa to

npf ly It, n j t W ^ t t t vai tL wiH torwira them from dn PalUi*ia*n«i«k Uatott Xca . •

Awitker r a i r a ra&ieiibar i t m f i Wj psptr. h m m of its t n i t o n u »piiit. u d bmoH we tpeak Ai|nratiagl7 af Goiaa T117 n U , we aoit be baaot. X Caioa u b at tiU* Ut* d»j in Tenseuw u d aa uined nlffisrsf * r ttaeola, are oa a p * with n . They Wotid peint oat oar heaie for pilUge •honlii Mr. tiseola'i iroept eoni* into thi> citj, and ud or appriTe tbo tlaagktar af oar Cuailj and frioadt. Tbr Baa who U aot fct <h« Soath la Ihia oiaeri^nfT b af»i3»t It, and lu eaeiny, aad d n e r m to be ueitcii

sBch. We uk ao Ikrm of fttti, aad toachinj thr >irit af rn loa^ca , we copy tlte fallowtcg from a :er jost reeelred tnm A. D. Brooks, of Jackjbort).

'eaneuee , " jomo T-rr griod (?) "Caion" m«a ia the wMteni tof thii rtnaiT iCanpbeUjjbeeasia » deioted i e caaae of Christ, oa lu t Frtilay nisht. that be-e Oders J. BnwIIaf ead J. Batsoa iSoothem ) mm to preaoh at their ehonrh oa the two fol-

io* Uyt, thej »el flro to their charoh and en iIt ctinsiimed it, aad oa Satardaj when the brvth met, their hoaoe wae a bed of ooalj. The brethreu re nometl carried oa their meetini;, bat one of

them tuld mo that he lappoeed there were at. leajt thirty «r forty ensed mea there on both dayt. I write this that may know what kind of things »r« of hero in the thope uf mea, aad thai too profestiSj: Chri.-liaaity."

Another. Amoi P itts, of M^Doaald. Teno., deciioo* to «np

p*irt the "B»ptl»i" loager beeaoje of it J foathcn ftentimontj. Who at McDonald, or who in East Ten w s m . will SlI A. Pottj' place with a Sonthens aiia.

Br«. Jtxo. UAwreace. ^ fwbnm.t Appnreji of oar now tcrmf—e fan peper fine those

who per—jnd re-enlUu into the "OH tjaard." We liere that eriry hdseet oiaa wiH appmre of tht

Al! who owe for 1S«1 will be dropped so the i n t of ianaary. mad the paper will be tnoed for thoM who pey for r=«. We ihaU know who wiatj it eon-liaoed to -heiB far I^IR—iboee who want it to as to be willing to piy for it—Cor piaaty a> nwaey aoa ii in the ooaatry, all who want it can pay. We itiU eipec: to rijit y.>ar section Brother L.

We ere ia recoiot of a letter from Bro. Iiey who twk 1 letter fmm the Spriaj Street Chur-h to the ehnrrh in n^mstoa, T « i l . He has reaehed his tant hime in safety. Owr bntioaa ia H. will fl«d Bro. J. a w.irkiat Boptiet ia the Sabbath School. Uc

E reporu l is i^iatrh without a pa-'tor. Whore ia Bru. ' TttcaerT

JUrioB^Ala., f - n g a A takaa

^ W N r f i ^ r >imi.f«tteu to be loMws, asl'tkea the l | | t i»U S^hrsiaia, ttd of the SMth, mayixirchua t U Se^ipum et whm their t axa t ion ] w t ^ ^ ' thin I M Ultm to |i«nhafe—«( Methodiiti or Skf t^Jts. The Sooth-weitera Pnhliihing Uooie, thinkiaj to deeerra w«n of the denomination, aad to ate it» aeani in the pro«eCTitioo of ono ot the grea'.eit enter pri«i of the day, a; a time when not a pocket Tnta mmmm peikat BtttawoalJ ha pBrehaMd ar panted the Soath, pnrchared a nice fet of itereotype ptatcA

Choice Reai tfiaasi.

••Withoni aparaUe filustr

IVke B l a *


Q«aer»l AnoeiatiKi of Te:

A r m y C o r m p o i d c i c * .

C o u n b i - ^ K j ^ ^ o j . lOib, 1: pEA.i BBO. ( J u i v i s . - — I t i i W e ^

first coafwie t t^ j^portunity, '®f w r i O i l you an account of the battle f o i ^ t ju«i J t i ta this plJiM, on tho Tth i n e t i w l y i a

&oa that day we hara iuued them by thoasasdi Ih t day th«» plaue reached thi> city the Agrat of

the Uethodat Coiiirars, J. B. Ucttnia aad EMer K. B. C. Howell by and thronjh diren and saadry rep-mentationi and falje lasprautons made apon the pab. Ue miail, seeniad erery order ponible from Baptbte aad othcn npon the proBite ^ t ia a few day> the^e orlen woald be lllled aj the platea were then ia tl^ dty. Mr. McFerria promised to delircr first thott. sand or two to the Baptist Colportase Society In Rich

For good and saf i«i»t reasoafl to b o ^ fc» failed to meet this ytU. We propaM tha» the

AS . L ™ ' , . • „ . President call a JBP*«»B eariy i n »P™>)E. . — ^ . ,

the mornins of that day in fomat fon was u. ever on ^ e alcrt^ vrjKgtns aboat in the ^^^ hare eerved the ltoa.Ua , ^^^ ^^^^ .^a t the enemy

.nap. of a small bk.K fly m search of an j- ^^^^ p<«M and dciono«!c« .aterrilUr. Ilarins first ohurche, and brethren can re- , 7

- e l e c t e d her victita, the fly pierce, the body with ' ^ ^ ot, the M ' - o u r . Mdo and - r c j t d y ^ g on Presi-ICol. Tar rnn ' s " t b A r t a n . a , ^ ^ t S e S T a ^ a«4 tan them throush the bloekaJe, and ea the M Jay an kient and IVbtJ conpur i« thi. mggwtion? iWataons L o u u a n a ijattery, «ho were en^

of SepL last issued the Srjt bound Testament e^r ^ o c ^ ^ l j a l a s f e ' b i j t m t m ^ ' — c a m p e d jost orpositc the Memphis and ma3afa:Ui.-ed sonth of Mason and Diioc-a line, aad i " ch litUc impottaoeeto i t .Meanrhile h U e ^ j j soutltora Baptist SabbatABohool Coavoolion. 1 railroad^ dopot. Uen. i'iUo*'«„S8»'--ia a fewaay. afterwards'the irs'- pocket Bible, repeatsKs he fear* tbo which had been under marching

S,rm.,of the destroyers are KifiJylo.1?^ iu hu 'ventiira if held in Heiena thi. fall-TriU ^^^ body, and hi. doom i, certain beyond The a fuilure a . the of fund» » ^ ^^ ^^^ believed, to i l a j f i e ld e jm qawkly hatch into crubi wh<i be.'in t». (.-naw 1 ^ .nceriK^l. and attendance alsa , , 1,. a w a T « the unhappy creataro» fi.-«h. thus re-1 BtvL Tcasdale, the rr>-.i.lent, ha, the.^,foro C ru.-k, ten m.lea nbove here oa the 1 a-dacinghimgr^aaUy. butbjaim.f.mijditwtinbt, |,i»elT»dn«dftp.i»tponemci>t. We thinki>.,w tl.ot do. ah road, ffas laimcdiately Mint over «» keeping dear cf the"tital crj,-ana. a- i f thoy knew I t(ia miuith of April will l-e a miwi fururable reiuiortcments, and t h e General took com-fuU well that t h j crooturo rau&t keep on feeding ^ munth in which to hold the c.tiiversary, and Hcle „,3„J iu person. Immediately itj lh« rear and di.n!stiiii' too, or their own sapplj would ^ ^a the place, unlcm the brethren there ndvise an c^,] Tappin s camp wa» a larj;e stubble-speol Iv fail, just as the ojurer*. while drainit\i.'n other platf, ond a semi-annual mcclinji at s-une q^.jj cilcndiufr bac t to the woods—a qtiar-

moad wtlhia three weeks fram about the middle ofjrricnt, keep "P hia cre.iid with thf wrvrld ton;:' p^jg. U<ui»iana, nceeasible to tiie Ho irar I'is- ^^^ ^ j. ^ river, tho edge of Aagajt:! ' a« thev can. \ \>ater the raterriLSir. a» I Ho:.-»hrad^ nni Barrrle, of .-^usar and Mo ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ravine The Fcdcrrtls were

the pnatrine worm, within crn,r ,ir«r,5.T and j will be the h«ndi«t ,.Ied^'« im^winubla ^ protected by the dense n.>arer mataritv; potaetimea he hi» scronsth left r h i , eiiterr,rise ahonld not be allowed to la.l, or • f , . ..v i j , , ,

t a t . the ehrv«tlU .Uaoe, but out of th.e he , Unsoi*!". however Ion? the wur uudcr..-,owth of the bottom. t ol. Kus-a briyidc—the first in Uen I'tllow s dl-

I ha re not »p«c« to record a tenth gallant deeds ^ r f o n u c d by our men,

'^11 ofitlk* p a r t WMHUniver^y i i » b o r « a i the i g h t . ^ i c y i i i l did well, ;l Majof 'ifo. L e ^ s n d Adjutaat lTlios. Hnt -

of^Gol. R t ^ H ' s regitnent sut^aascd ^ e m a l t The former, after «t»r lines i w * formed, rode repeatedly up to the enemy's lines, and fired ehot after shot with his pistols, retreating to the lines to re-load —A. adTmaewg asain. When the enemy made their chariie—and it was pallantly done—his hor^o became nnmanairable. and he left him and ceiied a market, and fought

" S a k t e t k S c b M l D e p a r t e e s t .


DAYTON, Enrroa.

MEETING AT H E L E S A -"--IHib Board of the Southern IJaptist r^ahhali !?chool Tnion hare had under couaideratinn the propriety of poetponin^ the meetinp of the L'nicn at lUlena, the fourth Sabbath hi the mtintJ-But fin^j*'^ ^'beOmntitgUi'Mi cz rti.'ir^^r to give them any control over the mattpr u>->i n:> decidcd artjon. The awetiaE will prabablv ir.t take place >Ve are EO eonSJenf th!»! thrro will

c have ad pre-

ba! has av oatrni

A r InvT x.

SABBATH EVE51SQ THOUaUTa. i»ai'.. All-

Ttia Haaband'a Ex^ioiile. , love T'Mir « V,**. «•»,

i.n,! c Te Ulm.*-I; fiir it "

he left bim ana pciieu a nm^te^ atiu louS"^'i j ^ a j m ^ h a t wciio not e ipcc toga. W I f t e y i W o IB front' of his men, u n t n K s t ^ i j ^ BarkMaic an the Kubjcot, x right arm was shivered by a ball from the ^ .n^iB the Chnrrfi thire wiM nnt crnfi-mr-tre rirp-enemv . \ d j t Hutchison's horse was fbot | pared for any n«>ctins. Tli««l«Kini Aas auth.mrT under him, and before he could join his men I to apfxnnt the -oni-awnooi. the enemy surroando^i him. and he was ) over the nnn-jal n.eetinc obliged to yield his sword Soon after, as he | A C l n v T ^. C was being U l c n throu;;h the woods to their 1 - ^ n ^ T W l i i IT COST TO SAVE TEE boats, be saw a party of his men, and waved | SOUTHESK B.IPTiST SAJ3BATH SCnocL his bat at them. His L-uard saw this moTc- : '^'"lOX ment, and fired at him. bal he fel! in t ime ' ' f ' - " JfliJ '

, . , , , , , . , , 1 , 1 Cited in soiLe It^lld^ a d.iaht whrJ^er th'^re not to let the ball pass over hini. and then his ' , , • . . , _ , ' danger tiia-i our vruric wiU fail 1 uere it indeed men fired and char'jcd bavuncts—rescued i. l • . / -1 » u I a oontincencT in whn^h it mcsl^lail but tiiat con-anJ brought him back t„ camp, pcrfc-tly ua , t,np.„eT i- 'hardly suppo^He htjjeh le(« ij it 'ojored. I pri,bah!e. It b. thai the l>rot!u-' n acl will

.\5 wc heard in the mor-HCg that <icn Grant refuse or ncsiect to wnd u« the amount* tlicy

T ni j ! lanCTitce is especially ajtrwised to Chris pj^^n, tians. the Holy Spirit spcata oa the wife» i f „ „ t r d„

never cosncJ a butterav, tiie conouaiiO'- prubs | ^^y r 1 1 1 llu.Mo.1.. . ,„,ea Ui. : now Gni h vitak an 1 all, .urn to pu ja m hi. , .^li^ious oUigation we owe to our children v i s t o u - deplojed in the field in tho raage of | ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ , ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^

,en,ptj skitv au 1 come .u: bU. k >!•« like tlu- , i„f„,or to no <»>e o t h e r ^ a n now U- cnocel ,1., „ 1, , , composed of Cols. ^ ^ ^ ^^ " ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ parent. e-i l,v no oilier 1 ime has fullv indicutr.1. n..t ..n u^j^^^.n l'j,.l,ctt and t rceman s rcgimcnLs.

iptrit speaks oa the wife . for^-ildv tl.i- niu-!mtos I'lO dcs;ni. ti< e .,1 ihv> enterprise, but that it ^ thrown on the ex-behalf The husband and h« wife are one. The ^n,, ..n'-ul liahits no? or.-ani^eJ one year or <f<rj, t.m «K>n , ,o i„o l , - f t The ' hcbt then commt^nced in Lniun is must intim,ttc and important, and it is jj,,^ casilr fhev ar» ai-n'iire.! The of Had the ('..nvention vieldpd to the iniimntv • for life; it should therefore be formed with the >ictia.bTwlct.Hia...».«!..tee. |„h.,re.l ».> hard to thwart the orsati/at.on l.y .1 Watsons battery p la j tng upon prayer, prudence, and reflection bat beins form- hutidi sirow and f.-r-l npcn hiui. Iw. to ,,«tpot.e ..00 ..r two jear». this war tlicm. and the roar of musketry was inces-ed, caeh pany shouM strire to make i ta meansof , ii.iruter rt-putiiii.m. ^i.'l l.i» body u „.„am iiave cauzlit ua unpr.'pared. and unable to saui lu llic uicar.timi; Col K n o i Walker hlswBg to the othar. br elosely sltendins tn the ^jftga literally e;iicn up by iliem, au l till- into an h^ve acts.mi>li.«lnd aiiytiiing, and so the enemies, ^ u j Hamiltoii in command of the 15th prtceptsof Uolytfcriplura. -Noj^ym-inshuuld, j n.iten putrid lua^s. under any pretence, marry an oa^rodlj w.fe. for ^ niusir.iu ir. t f iLc ^ <1!. ti c [••".•i it is impossible to obey the precepts of the : J <p<!l, „(• wi'mi" ' under such ciruuiastanees. The husband is to ' love his wife, mit merely for her beauty, her amu-ble temper, or her attention t.> him bat he is t»> lore her for Christ's sake, as a p.irt of HLs mysti-cal body, as dear to hi« heart, aad aripointi-d to rsiCT with Him in tUirr /

The husV.anJ will never love hi» wife as Ije


down frrm a moatti .•uu q«»ife rus;y

Ho. 1 3 3 .

A Jiusty Saw jf.ju will ex'-use ra

riu-iim-tit. inuic up. 1 iliink, on our right t! tiiL mid • omuicnced firini; lu the direction I'l whci'- ihcy supposed the enemy to be iijen ..t.iod there I'or ncarlv an hour in a

this aiiir!! IU. ru-tv -iiin a" t!u- .•aq.entrr il

11 p«rr IVHERR it h;ID hnniT f'>r I feel WV unftt lor I.IIKT Inde. d. I

UUII.- nis:j I'ue I. .J.RJ UJ.. i.. I, li.ird. AUJ shotlld, EXCEPT H« view, her IN C irist. CM-IDCR. , it will re I'iire an eff Tt THROUI h IC .uoh x-

..T J V. ! . I 1 am ALTOGETHER uiif.T»T«ir-l tr» make IVSHLES ICR as one with CHR.S^ .-.nd rem.-Bibers that Jesus ^ ^ ^^ ^ . T .U L.RI H; Kikes untindaess shewn to her, as shewn to ILIM JA J FILLING, 1 niuiend V.-u TLUNI ;UI.i thi self- The wile must be loved not only for her own vawnf^ til! ererv t.«>t!i was visible if this sake, not merely as a woa).aa bat for the s-nkc of short speech had quite Mhaostcvl its siaal! st^.-k Christ, who redeemed her BV H'ls WLKI wh,. OICNERSJ.

r . . . 1 • . L • I • Irue a.s steel is lOres her wtth an infinite lore, and who isj-aloos

Xews f r o m t W T h u r r h e s . AND KlJiD WOKiJB FHOSl FKJEJIDB.

id The ji-o-l ni I't.t " ref carpenter "and 1 T.nist v-i hnve not been s i

of any •lijht shewn or ankindn'^ manifested t.i mrdned by tlie ireneral •orrupiior Oie limes iier Erery husband who pnifosj.cs Ui be a t hris as to forgot \ our .^lare iri it. \ a..kcd tv !>*• tian ihoald view his wife as m Christ and re >->-ause v..,i 1., n,.t f.-! r .

I mnv mU N** Hh}«» w anor-^Mate tn»» fepl'ni'* of a member that Jo«ts of His saint.. ^ ^^^ . , ^ - Us thattoacheih you. ti>uah«th the apy le of llis e..iisu!t.-d in i-ases ..f dij:v Y u ijeiui v .ur ru. eya. ' A<ain< thus, be woald be "tetter able to tincss If this is robe n d n . f r ! I nil^S: w!! bear with hec iciirmities and unpertcti-m., and h'tns vi .i nr. aad eif^. : m. further-.-rr:ce tor , , , , , i I f I. .1 .1 ytmr ru?iiiie».i wii. uui lea*': v»u .is k r,.; -t-wouKl be W t . plead Lr her more earnestly with . „ . . , ;„ „ ,„ r .... it herOod \ lewm-.: he; is t'hrist s, .iK-i ai.o as his [,, .|„. i •> , • ; < rv 1 un n.-t awar-• llesh. he Winild alwivs liave a pTaramnt at tiiat .in instrument ha.s anv riirtil m. chcwt-e hand to coist ever her faaitsi. and his love wuuM " will .i... ,>r i>ul not U. .Vn.l \>!>..- '.-i

plea thiit 1 jLher -aw. ,ii ; . it.-r a-l ' •Iilv i r I. - 'J.e fu'tv ..f i!i- tir.- iSite.' . .- ' i > ;

I'.ro writes

. \ r U :iri';.i KM-wh; h nr.- V.

W V ChaTdo ot

••r\ c

ME v . M N llu- fj '-l

>r.I. njt- !i Hi I !i .av I hi

n:-' ; rosperi d mv n iim«-i

1 jTH :.lld t v . - I

Y IU w'll permit me iiitaincil in niy r.ijiii n. in;,! I d.-.-iee rf j.l.

Kjlli-r hrtj I r, wav and ri turL. 'I

1 (upro\ ed lie.Tltli t.' tl, \ mv Id of lab.T aL-a' ;i


an 1

\ perfect wife is not cover a mnltittrfe of sins to be eipectetl

The hosband shoold be the repr-.-sentative n." Christ to his wife, lovine her as Chris: loves His Church. Uh, what tenderness, what sentleness.


a l'. « -I n ye V

Bro. W. S. Oiaudoia Offers u> aid in snppIHnr »« «5eorpa r^;i«eat-

la tho varioas eimps of iBstraetion aad ap«« theeoasi with BiblKi aad Tracts. prwKhiac to them whilo h. ; b distributint Uio 3eTiptii.-ws. He wiB the | what kindness, what .vmpathy. what condes>-eii chanhea ia the vicialties whence the soldiers come to Uions should be shewn' If Jesus is to be ti.-soiidt faads. We think thai Bro. C. shouH be il I hasbaaJ s pattern, if the husband endeavors t.. Towe l what tho Bethel .*>soratien aBews Bro. Ferd j Irnitate Him. how happv will the wife he mode-far this serrice—!» p«T cMt. of aiaoant eoUeewJ. : comfortaf.le will the holse become—hnw hon Cro. C. will (CO r i ^ t iali th« work with thu aader ; ^ i j ^ e

mamase Ptate ftpp<?ar' T - ui* ^ staniia;. Tie rulmaJs wiU giro him transit | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Himself for her. even

their line, if he wifl expUia to the Japer^itead- , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ or Presideau his musion. | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^

•1 \»;th citht'T* tl.'- UP*'' •vc'iiV- u . ii'li^r* in r- Mf ''.i*** th«»v ••li'i i •

lst'tt«T n thin vnun^-h ilenni--W'>rkm:ir! iiAMu ' ^fv^^rruit-l 4u] i iw'a v- a ' -n -i • few «Jr oi .iQ'i mu»viut.vJ ri - .-i

:ik an 1 i r » I ' -s-ATit • a." ' r -.'. ' t ! . _ i » ,11

meetin:;. Ask hini to les'l m 'Cuvt-r an ! ne *hak»-A hi-H U- v.i r 1-:. .1 - utter'* a ia.lf

mi-"* 'f I r t ' r U' dits .UxiCrr b<»t ro if • in

yLAtzhBw Tarsar. TiIUdBga. Toar fBothor'i MtauxT, If T«eejT«ii, has bc«B mi?

UP -hort u. never takes UU eve frum off her, lU ^Kiarn witii pni V T' V jT-i- i r;

fcii-l. TT. Uu# »xcwdi£*l7. P1cm« forni-.h a- wiih i U t'oth-r fur her. sjniparirisc- tV Im. - in - f t.,- i with t!j»eopy pabluked hf S^Jti XTc iera Cap i with her in every ar.d will aiio^T vhi.-f . r -irV^nr ti«t, sad it sittll appear fsrtkviLh. j aoTthin^ to aiieaaU Ui" fn'ui Ker < ^^nn^.-^wh - t •S''

, 1 Then? is» not a si;:h her but i: u>ccht»-« tlirT»«'tt»il hf^avcn m t Claaa KaUsie*. ^ - i

-r- V re ri'

BrruS-G. Jcakias. Ala.,th. address afthat bn,tberi ^eart. nor ii a pain felt by her. but it enter. who m.akes eleaa malasses is E. L. Taaner. Chenev- nis boBnm. vine. La. AH olierswishiag S3?ar and molasses froK Husban-Js, see vour pattern I/^ik i t the the miU wUl remem'w, wlthottt wtiliag u» as, that we I nieckae^. eentlcTieas, forfiearan.-e. .-vnd osnder have ordered eartagaraad Molasses of U- L. Tacaer,, i,>vo of J^-sas. and see I v t ^..u -^u.-!.' t.i r r. ChsaoToilJe, wir-d the wife of Toiir bosnm. Ijf«'>k a! v .or i* iff. On* of SOO. look a . Uis Oittrch. and »av. Is it posnl.;,

Bro. Jas. JtsDonald of Atlanta proposes to be eae ^ y^y^ wife to he as ficklo. as fciioe. as provok.m:. of &.M to pay per year for Ks TeaneMee Baptist ^ ansrawfttl li s i.-tiur.;:i ' whit 11 • fhinr -JiU dalal! W, Wlieve without a doobt that the f „ „ i „ , . U;., j.,.,.;,. 1

111.4 a. lof nr>t praviii;: -' II- I. :. f.-

; I n..' .Hi L i

. wnat r**.!*"! I'll- r-*ii-soii.

1 II •

SiW -oaU be tbond, laut «a eaaaot accept of the jen er^as prapoaiUa^ If we thall not nee l saoh assist

a r j •,,e_:,e'' an I wh I* Ti>ri

His omes wnnlil t. e

I.. f . -•in an 1

f !>• n. on th " we..k 1 Iller. V .

• 1" • T".'h ::iiuu-. v . • -r'ia::.-

r'. IS Ih . rel'tliei w'

other rs.. .

• r t 1- T- 'i.--

i. n tfel •ioir r it wonUi

Ut, Il I., il..* tU^ll i u. • r isl V "a I. '. pr iTvd Uir .

i' . r »r" f t l i . r-.1 i

, r-f I , urn!!-.



..... . sav. Wliat have vou to be-ir with "OldGaard" of IK.Mfl are troe. - ' . . , " „• , -,

h- ttlev fail n,, the " '""'' papermtshta.wetIstop.nw,fi .r i«w».Idb.abope.;»retoronr, . and then von iniir-i less ems*. Bat averT mail i . hri«»i«f as evidecee that'-sample » oh. •. haT harp tixa **014 vJojrd" ara haokJing oa the it armor f j r a I booses of t'hnstians be. ii ererv husSand charge. The prospeets ot the paper ara brigbteaiay,, ais xnfe as Jesus lov?> His church . if ever - hii.i thank <r!»a. W"dl aot Uro. H^D. be one of SOO to pro- , t^nd cued £bt his wil'e. a« Jcsiw carrs lor Hi-eiir»STwiierail»!orae "OMfiaard?" , char :h, if every h^iaband cmsultcd tlic honor Tbo "Wato Boya e and happinc-is of hiS wife as -I-sus e-m.-Hiii. liie

AT»iarlwj[iMntanderC.jLSr«BheTTTna=heiihi.< Iimorand h.appiness of llischureh Mv t.r.jrii. r ;eil7 week heforw lart, after a march Jf -WJ laiZas oo I j j . ^ ^ ] „„ Vour wite -.v. 'foot fr»m 'Waco ta M.mtoe. Miss., and theace b , car. | ^^ yoarown bodv. as vour ov n self vea. as Chri- t iii, , _ ,0 t i i . dty- The heaiti of the company wa., etee.- , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

pi I I n-

,.f Implist .-abballi .<ct..n>ls—Iviptlsts as mil a.. IVJ. Ilapu.-ts would liar.: rejoiecd |.>.i:l!icr

"Pie names "f eai-h t.f tlutse Uaptlsts. wh.- me: in M-mphis. deserve to !«• written in letters ,.r ei.l.i n;«in the [.arrcs ,.f mntis! HisMrv f..l |,.we.l hv those wh,. mei in futhburt. and Cortin " ''.xpo.ed Mtuatioa, aud fired every round ind Koni.- that aaviHi- is afain fultilU.i ot anuuuniUon thcT had They then charfred

\\«.l..m isjii-utied on the [Kirt of her children l.av.mL. but were rcj.uUcd with a heav^-— l o s s lien- I'llloiv ihcD ordered a retreat,

.;iid our men after pettini: below , the baak-procee.ic-d up tbe river witliin ranjre of our ;:;iu- 111 lilt fort, wheri; they waited for re-I iilt>iv emcuts and ammaaition The enemy, when first at-tacked, numbered and our l.ircc <iid not os-ceed '.i ."lau, and immediately liter our rctruat tlicy were reinforced by 1 "iMi !i..!a IJiid s I'oiiil and 1 ape ij irardeau. The\ ih. u advauccd aad took possession of I'ol Tappan » camp, aod commenced their vforl i l [.laiidc!-. and i'.dlowing their fiendish ;,r .ptuMtics perpetrated deeds lh;it ought to make cverv man blush with shame. Theji set liie to lUc tcnis containing our stck, men. -iiaii\ ol whom were hurned to death, and :.. iii other.- t h e j took all their clothing. .\eri ;lii-ir shirt,-- and -layonetcd those who. I r . - ;ratc «iih di..oa»e were not able to fit lip, an i I.niiie were found with their throaL-

u" Il im .11 iv' car. I have ihis from our . u i . i . i i H h • o a.-iij the fi-ht and taw Uie bick laoti i-c^ore and aftei the actloa, and 1 h.i.. I'lie icaii doubt i f lU- i-.irrcttnesa. .~-ui li ate thi supporter- of the Lnion. T h e n tlie;, l a i r u d . u! l)r llrcclinridj;e s doctrine

11, . ucmy lormcd their line wtth the right win.- re.'.ii. • OD the nvcr, lu Tuppan s camp. .Ill i 'ir.-'l at our men who were a quarter ol' a ii.ii. .ii-o\r tlicui. -\t this time ottr cause scv :ue i desperat-C- aii-1 maujT fell that they li-.-i us badl}. tor the)' had otu

Lp aiMi had turne-i Wutaoua battery on 'I t : »-I M hiic our . jiors lor the first timc-

. \' -1 »• re aa-ler the ,>tars and j-. , • Hnt nt tins time ('roll T^'Ik or

i . i r l I.en Cheaihan, i i take Col. t^mith's t-r- -! '. Iin i I'ol \I: ,rt S iL'th l.naisiana rec-im.'nt .in i esi—nte a tiank movenieni so as t.. t':t k tl.-in in the rear while *ien Plilnw

, i j . 1 Th- 111 in Iron! The plan suc-'ceded li.i!' ho'ir every - ne was cloomv an.i

I.e.t when the rej-.-rt of the first vol-II I "tie irliniu V .-(inimrin.i was !u*ard-

' ' Wi W.'e .••.!,•• and knew that • •'. \ r h-ni n.'niii tr iunpbe.i \n.l i-r iv. ' \!id cverv boat that came


h ! .'i ' ' I t r : ! . : t . . 1

the -Iwellin.- of l>ea •.V i l wll HI' I iv,- !.a I a in

al 'Ut a lli.iDN thin.;-. I lit 'y :;S..ut the el.ii'. b - Tine ni-l'r "> ni-rnl! \ S.-ni.- iTkm:- . *'

rij'-.-tn. I s r. I...1 L-o--. t . ' k i . p an-l tl, _• ..i 1 it lujy d., to >thi rs th, i.iM

Th- -. :! th. . liiir- 1 as -iifferr.) u'lr -iraiii ip.'n il l-.':.i_ r. j-re.» life i 11;

-It U-i-t'. Fni iiitry and t'api I.avvt.ti. iv:i!rv r-'iiip-iMV -iQ.l thoiijli tlu-v liaM- h:t 1

prea, hill.- ei;cept an ...•••asionil -erm-m !'..r V moiitli-. _\et re::ii'.irl_v -x.-ry .'^nM'-ti. -aver ineeiin- aii.l .^undav h

come, the boys are eoniplaiuiti-j u-rcatiy that poit;H.u(d iul UUr, ,1 . , , .1 . L -11 '^ot hannc cmmlted with our creditors. they were not sent over I hope that we will • , ^ , , , , I not know just what the ar:.Ter»tr mav be whirli have a share iQ the ni \ t i ii-ai'cment—for al-1 . • j r 1 \V 1 . i ! IS riquired for thi-t purpose H c J-j n.itwisii . r though our position was .,tic of h o n o r - w e ^^^^^ „ „ n,,u> we are and pavmetit encountered DO .lani-cr an.i n p-ret that we can ,,nf„rt.r<} bv law W'e enn or»t afford sncti a di» not call it o»r n-'.---j' The Memphis papers ' (junur 'tVe .hould l«? de^pi-sed even ty these will publish a list of-.ur killed and wounded, whiwe ueeieet lias ci.uwsd ..ur presenl eiiibarass-

V 'u r s trulv l I . i lMooli ." metitdid we pernrit thin:;* to .-iimc to so~h a piw . I iia this. ^ 'e 'lo CJt supfMise In.ler-J tiiat anv one

of those w.- ».nild think ..f siicli a tlnn:; as cotnpellinc p.-ivment bv pr.»e.-«s of law I'-at

In lookini: over the dicest of let'em fmm the there is a Btronirer power with ns than that of the churches, in the Minufes of of t.ur astocia-j Uw It is the < of t.heir tdaims. unj the tions, we were struck s ilii the coutrajst on seventl nerejtsi/ies of tiie . taimsnla I'tieir worL was wcii points connected with ;he maintcnan.-e and pros | and faithfully don» Thev eipeetpd to l>e paid perity uf :?3bbaih .- choUs. ' when il wa« Ur.ished. riaciia-d and accepted by

And first as u> their maintrn-ine-^ < Ine ehnreh the lioerd Itev bad a ri;:h; t.- Cip.-el it und writes In conseijuence . f the fact that the ! .,.ime of tbem are now in distresfiful need ni it superintendent of our >-"iindav Seh-vil ard nearly 1 TUc Boarl ha.l no doub' con'J pay it when due all the male teaebcr«, were cnl'ivi into the servi.-e , I p t-i the when t'-e Jr..o':i . f la.-! year early in the sprini:. our s. ho«-I did not ct. iate l,ecan t.- .irv up ntrr lesnnrees we hac n--* operation." Am-t-hcr writ*-- ' Our school now ilifEmlrv Tiiere were piedjes made by co H IS flouriahini notiitii.'.iindin:: the number iJ brethren, faithful to tlieij pn.mi.s<-s. a-id with the tcochers who huve Ictl t.- fl j in dcfctK-e of our 1 wealth to make them as fafc as any debic the homes and ]^Ier .s^^ 1 countrv. enouch to have pn*d thn^e nmes o*"pr.

.Aptin as tt- thc.r jr'.speruy f ^ c church 1 the amounts we contr.ictel f-.r Hut the hard writes ' Our .-^unday school has n.>; been s»i , times c-unc. and we Aid Ooi iiiij u. ju-t-s" these numerously attend-.d .as f irmerlv n.,r diies there j promises knew i: n-u.: l-i n isany casee seem to l>e so mucii of in'ere,.; ..n the part of ^cotisistent. in some almcst inip"i^ibir for those those who do ait«'nd This is esj«»c:ally tho ease who made them to redeem iheni c diinlnisht J of late, since manv ..f our teaehcrs and pupils fur as practicable "ur earrrt:: es|w!iise». and have been taken awav bv ibe exi>.-encies of the determined t*. wait for a be'»er croy- The irnr,d publie scrvice A-uoUier antes A? a church j crop has cumc, biit now tiu n ;i.r i.- up*jn n* whieh we have suffered irreatly in •s.ime re-pects fr.tni ^ ij, worse than the drouth "J he i.JiHit-es of two the trying times i.;- n -is v ur > seh.s.I is vear« are ti.".w in man-- ease- -iue If aJl tho*!. more th^n it Kis l-.-en ft-r some yenra. made in cither vcar w-.-re j-n-mptfv jiaid we sh.iuld

Wc submit t.i the t hristum r. uder the .^uest:. n free. Um the t,;.uie Lave of these r. r^rrs v.bieh i* '.?:os: in ar, . rlan.-e prevented th- ir pavinent tlnis far will in many with the^a:i. 11- "n.l the privileces ,,t' the caiscs prercat it still Then many «he made •.hur.-h T ilnr owi. opinion i- the war nrrtl pledj:eh have irone U. the eaiaj-. r.nd can not a .w not ini.-riere witn uie maintenance or tlie pro- he told of oor nei-s^iOew

L.1S 1.-\ n l U'l


•1 .U I

- n - ! • 1 '

i \ ull

-r IV in I

kej-t v.] i n f e i e > i i f i ' 'K

T ; C V I r nii^loT'-t" 1 A ;.i-f.>rt O .1 1: tu.* r l r ' ^ t i . - i n -

r. T tK- r. . . n - 1 ; •! t i f . i l . . r ' _ \ " I I- !. AT ' I'lIlT-'- 1

uptnty of r>ak>i':ith TLf cei>e:? be fx t rcme jn«it>c<l -i' T-->ul:f an- iricxiUitic —Utii'jivns Hrrald


PRESENT PFACE TiOT HESIUADLar The following -jL ilt-nt i artirie

we copv fr'im a l.i: n -niUr • f rh" Lrn^hburj nf^utfi-'Ui

Prace a: t{u« timo w. ] ' i tlfplnnv-hlp event whioh • N fal th- " aih^rn Confod-oracT It TTooId nr>ro than a crra? defeat—ru<'re tu rcrr»'Uod tlian a three years war. Thi» miiv ^vqoi t araii.. ii. ai t" sM'iiiC. liot a

It remains f..r u« thcrfr.'-** rn- ! F? nn trht» anj uX hcnic, JISTJ who OLtt f :IT LL' ^I'nd u « U:*.: thev tur la>!l rear mio tliia. li th.7 will htJt d'> thi!« WT enziliiiT! «»ur w<Tk ran ^o on, sind thiit wit!»«»u: aay hiicriUi-c Tai-:Ui- tir of honor iui» is t^rawaai Be nay ii of-t 10 ftntr nil rr- tli.*! ood hwL—* vriH siaiply tend ii* w r\x- n J u i . ind [H>ru- "f «l.i 'K ha-rt ^ . tndui fir a 'c-i^ r t B .

U thi^ U»o mu-h ' Mar we i;ot > i } ; n i t : c i i a l loa>.?

!f Th»»n' arr anv ^h.' rirn i». .u-i U" :ti t! u-time of our tmaMo. me mnv cr-f^ t lor m -

^ ri' tl.

V . n I »a

.-h-irrh i nnd hard^luT--

;.»r . ij*- '^.•aiii i n '-.n I d


••TM nu rnV

f 1-1

r*?-• w r 'T d • • 'H r,31 nd i:** wif^ u'- ! pr * A'' t to^rwi thjnS

n.f wursxu;- «•» bfc Uss del."

ui«.a t'u: tif ; - a-:

'n rh'' l.i - rSi-

faruii f:»m Pi.

j '. : -- fefwriJ ' hr' ^ 'in

«>t tiinj '

Dl nuiiinfani'O T .' mirl) r-.uu'i uw « -r 1 -ir • iiid vv. r. -.i!'-, .1 -I.-

H.\ V K you e •l ,.u n ri.

I r.r*>l l-in iciele rvia.«i 1.1 -an I.

lent. Bre.'J. J . Eiddle, from oaporar. npon the open _ ^ af^ita, aad «aeh waiting .t™n hhi siek, "nifiTm an.i mam was U k n down tfc. day h. reaeh«l this eity witi a • fest as tha lovo of Jesu- b : let ihsre be no L-U3er moaa chill, aad a 6=aOTl prostratiea bf his entire ( ncs», orcjntempt. or tr.'-atins the wife as an inie systmn. We had the pleasare of a visit of one week j ri«>r, but give h-jn -r unUi her as the weaker ves rn«a him. and ef Ustin? the power of CTa.-k's Sore j fel. Love her in Jesus, l.ivc h. r as .Jesus bid-C m ClitU pni- Thwy worked like a charm, aot onlj ^ ptwrenUas a ntarn, bat effoetinj a eate. When Bro I _ -KidiBlleaforcamp ho declare.! that he felt better Uiao g j p g aOiDITIRS Ji. had ia thrwe months. ULi triea.ii will be happy «». l . n _ - • .i.- .1 . l t

, , _ . , . ' n-.--re are in thi-eitv not less than one thonsan, leara Ihst he has recovered. We have offered to ro- . u , in» ewr .11 of CapL firanberrV. siek I

a ^ e r t h a a IP sea them «at to Um hospital,. m and aJ...ut H.,wUn; Cre^^n. Ky The l-^n-r pi.riion of these are frrrm Tei.xs. and lower >1 s-

^ ^ ^ - h U i n e d if a .opoort is .«arcJ ^ ''-''Pf''^ t^i.'imcnt. are .nGtrin;; „...,t to him byoao or tnoreeharehaaia MidUeor West Tea-! »eveTely- KtUlj one half of them arc on the -.--k nessee. He prefers to give the whole time to the min i list. The CBcccrfpied warehonses in this ci:y ijtr;—is a sradaa*.a ot Caioa Uaiveraitj. We eaajhavc been, andaresdil beini^ fitted ui. for hospitals, eommend him as able to Brre aa j ehn-thtn theSiatt. Fur the want ol" room theto pla<-ts nrc s., crowd-;

not the Lord bleaied the eharches with saoh har- with cots that it is witi: difficulty one caa i a-.s h> -Ihea - i lh .aeh pdee. «.r ernjthins. that; ^ ^ ^ ,,, ...

^^^^ niaisteia. Ihe charchea of Tiancsne hara to choosc 1 , 7 . , „ , " . ,

_ .I.-:. _• . hoantn m sritc of al! the atte-i-.-n f v a far hv. between two a^ematives: sastaia taeir ministers, i sB<rska*p them ia tho State, or we them all leave' inferior medica! staff sr.d rlie nttention rf a .-I-u-s fiirlae*IIUa(vh>ntheTewaBes<ippsrtF.f, aadseeear' of «irr bides, which in iustice t.i t.htin we most say «hax*hcsv«ae sdtar the atherv ev dewa aad be bl«tte.l t vre nerer saw eifuaUed. Niu-hvilie b:is di*nc an.i oBi as tKid baa il£tcrmiaed la^h charchea shall be. | isdoin^ much, hut she b able t<.d-> mireanl

\ n ka<w serenii asef^ miaUtera whose service.. ^ infinitely beiwr than she isdoin.-, Tiiert; are fullv be Kwared u oar chatehis. ^ thi4.-.isd fimaies in this city aad within fiv.

Bio- T. JL B<mH. Aik-mma. or six miles :i-'>lc ro take in an-d aurse from two t-* We e«al» Arkansas this ^ W, have op»n..l' Ij^lT a d «en of these suffering W s . and >ve

r o « s to lb. sink and when - e are not in t j j ^ j .houM be Jone-that it will U a .11-tka esapa w* aaat h. with than, llis feet that wo >, ^ , j .v - r

.. honor to us nnless we d-* this, for the*e ar^ n it «M l.tT. tha m a t direeUjbjaidias to restore to ! . . . .

' b«Uth aad servie. th. iOek and wounded mercenary wildiers bnt thet«,hIeson. of thi, m m tho war !s ever we win visit JOB. I b;.>od of the .•N.ath. who havp tir>Iabtp«roi to in COtii^ta. ' terpose their bre&.sts :u shields hetwei»n this citv

<•1 ^ ft «a«t d t i t r W i ; eo«cli«bIdi win „„ |Mdcon imunhya iu l theiaradin? | hi.nt »«9iUttmJ««iti* ^^^ we d Jt | ^^ .t-!! ra i

^ liy jo«r atfriett. I will b« ih*akflU if j«a woold n- •'iiUn^ to d» fur them? We hii^e wri.;tA'o ar-•MUUB«ttd ft rwBBdy for my eca^"—A ScrruKs. ^ tioies for our citv paper* upoa thU uubject, wLich

'^ka'plwumi* la conmiadiaj whst w« kaow to < m a j have aitracteii the n of oar re:vder3 in •.S««C«r»CHUMd UTerPi!U,!iii;;caaatT, by wMcb thej wiT. have W n apprUed

fit . un-i tii* .•

in Dif ' iic ir-./>ib. u».i-».i. •. U) r-.

I ^ n ...


• U in i 'H ' . .IV tn >•!

lit I.'" -JU-iO f

d-jll 'fi f i-' S.I ail 1 V. r <• I L i .-V .R U . J . IT* relu! liiticrx

• r •tn 1

\S . ) ' 1 ^ of w.'undod

tli-'TN in theiT FIR^T • F ' J r r i .1 !. -'•IL'" ! 1 in the " VaHev . 'ENTED in t h e i r T"'"'ND CXPC^ATIOUH. thcv

] DI.-IR >miifTod TO N RRNRR RNNC TIIAL Uu* thf \ir'tor\ drnrlv Somj'ht

momeni relJe -Uvn u dl .nunvc aiJ ^en-^bie men f^^rrunr? Hit « r ttHI n T h\nrvr tbrro «.r mpUir. jf the truth and . .-ri-. i.-u.-y d tl.- [niKiLioa The ^ ^ ^ ^ iiitanr and would r-r: rui 'v>al!i i« Ji.'hu; : t r i;- .ii :op<-ndcL -''. tije;r proaaif* tf tb« y wcro j'cnnitUni v:id it must '--n: .•'.rriM - h. it Wq rererr t.> . nr aptrni- hn . ».r. n have not d'- n*' • vot .- n ' . irn d • s. in h th:in ent-uph to hh^.rn '.iuit Hits: d ' t v . - : .nif-rd 'hn' '.h'-anollier ye:i.- Hfr-'ti-" r- vr.- h irf» heen uhjortiy ^"^^thrrr "•••d.^'i - I I .ui dependent npon th ' V-.i-th f r ^^.'rr-Jiinc r-nf^^t wri^h r--' - T\ orf> ar- rn 'd tli»'-« . tbe n:itcr;ti pr> iu-'tum- .f t-arin Htir met •••v rntj^'- n • !•. r- Vr ^ n. rhaadijie and ..uia 'nu - . f . irrr de^ - tc. but ; .r a.u.i. u -.•udiJi -a fur . .^-.r'ni* aave come !r«>Jn Ui-' .N-if . i u.- w-c iread .s- ju; .u'^t U » ii i.uO nir

I h

thr r.-n in

fss-.T, .. t.llU .-vtiUl .

I thi

• I I

.mvr>r» rini VOU" irdn-'U

I ' • S 'I !l. »t«- •• Sir It I .

V n I

vri .i

rdrcd o{ our hr^v,' nif^n ^it the dQ?»l MV. h'lndiod -''0 wnundod Their

\trt 'r >ti!!--.i'' line hundrA<l and •ht ' lilt ri wer.' on the fi<»ld T.i. rn'iT: ami ^ome of ..ur cscapcd

• p. r n u

upon tUr tisL? aii-4 sfhich rtd 'rn> "ar

Will, wlii- Il • »r oar hhcfiv i^f -mI which • we have wajthc-l ••

-A. wraj. Uie J':rui:ur0 ;ir..«r.v Ji»c a:'iujanilj-ic ucd

• . ij.t- Uatiii-Tt ' 1 h rod- t \ir li e

;ir> I1J« s-'ap wr)i vhkh , h.i - " a! li* n dp.-itrn

THE WCH-: The J • r

A I tl o r tJABBATIT p c n o o i . s Ih t ti ' tif.««t rt'M- ih«

u.-rd-N.jw. the '

WITTH ;D t h a t iud

•it WI

14 > Oixc Ds-cp ai a I'lii-.. rer vo i. • .

nrti! TT d':in. ! l.ri-rj.: muMv' -s, 1 r.-

Jus; *r* • nr hara-,'.* i' thou::ut. or i cxcl. pu.jaila ioveiy. and viiti v injpur'" ; r I >' r • ind 1 u j's

•T-M*'— I 1 -IMflV-'

• IT _ t \ Il>

i:r . \ t ktn


Kr r i „ . , I .1 1

W - I. n iii.i rl>'

ill mill.

r \ K

iil.i I., tt I.. •• liim:.'s !•• lal'.

nl.-i,.| I.. .1 I t h r o u h V w« .1 I.

..I Vers of Willed tlieir water to an n -i« soon as the I .-••mpletplv th.'r s'a

1 1


1 -

I.I.' I tr-•1 >


h. I r I • it' V I irtv came .lown to

C-I.r liv and tho j confcsf I w..uii l< d and mi.ssinc to r. 1 Th.<y left 1 i.. i;r.ian.l Wc io.tI: a

.111.1 a t!,, - .-iTii .'inl

an.i stao.l r loihin.j


.>- lr..iii 1'

l V 1 111. I,.

iiiti w I. • i ,.'

• - r..r 111.

n- .(• Ill M\

» il, <1,0 ..1 tl,i. ,

it. :»Il. ' r <• raI* [lurj:...^.-


tiit..-!i I ;. I ^h..". in . 1 -ii-r 11.111


TITE l..\ST W.Mt.JTN-O Will our •oit.«.'rih«.r» l. .k t.. th.Ms.» lit.:).- liirur.^.

onoe more' do thfy n;.i n'lnin.i v*.. that vonr l.ia.- "I pa--!iic:'' eipirir! ' >.iaie o^f^ ..11 tw.. t ..tti.T. irum LUiii: i. „ • ; - \ • ; ; tho iiu:nb»_r Wtt rtv ll. .11, . * '.-i liiiar.1 I: is iv.t .ur .-U' : • • -.n fn.m our l.iit tier' .. r.. .i.i. ri' ' .. ' i-

•l-i hnnl in ''l .1 ; tirrr T , ihoc. '

' m? ihc m.»n<»v ' tlf -N.Tir..* .. nii.i . ri>lv %vit;i ' his terms i t n-. paptr e f..nnot pav oui -

. V .11 . sVl f

.1 L <.1 .••V -il' -I ' 1 111

l.i-lu- r-

.--lUc--nir,!.;:.. - .'..r In-

.•.•n.vf jn \ ll.i



W esr^eat mtnm,\-. T.,i.f-., • ni'nt •• i r r iKii. t „ - " . . . . . , . . , I what we do nut receive, u,I can sec i os, tnd tii-. •••ae«ai««i«inai»sBBi«C»r»adUa«d IJTerPi!U,..t!uae^atT, by wbichtheywillhavebepti appri^^^ . . , , , , . , «Uck B> taadlTia thaSowtk ihaold do withoe* Tl.. i . . rasoit tuiist be t.. drop i-!.cl aaii.c, » c h e t.iii. ' r . The r (he pavement we have (mc-essfuny inao.;u ' ' ' fnllawiav M.vto.*. 1... • " • .1.- 1 W^ be promptly to co opertite ^ .if pa;;mc,at oijiirts. V\ c iiavc ii.ven , w

, iadul;;ence [o tJi,.oe :ia*o paid li ntinu.? llici!

IaUo«iaciuuiaha<t.iiaT.dthe serartsteoaahawoi . , . T „ l B « t » b . « « d . T r y i t , « i d l . t e T « 7 £ u n U j i ^ " " . . . , . , ,

^^ r - r they ..-ann.., . . ^ . - t u.- to . ,n„nu. lUcr jvi, •am-Bmt C b a ^ HSxSor, known ...rogdarpby^- or iOt tn mtie. tntothe cot.ntrj-. who mtL-t have ^ ^ , . ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,

_<m» al » Tma. i» lb. fiilHwia -. BUwd Jtoot 1 ounce, j rest, noHai-.!., and narsiDjs for a week or two or ' .• • g ' f ? ^ - ? " ™ " ' UaccuBb to thediKase t ia t is fiatenini; opon them, nisinnnl, l ownr*. Cu th. r«Mr Bp-lB*:b.a iw me' '

VUenel swbiewd tcs a vaut; etnin-Kid two I


I 1

\ a i I. f i 11 n:in_- '"- r I! i- ir lie tha : 1. 'i r..r wh.'iii a

I,. I as«< d ..I -re a tfe.-k [ m.^rc i.r tKciu

I. 1-

11 ih.i: .jn.i

H. 1 li ila r


.-ill » ulla.t

1 : , I ,„ v.

Wiilk.' r i l l .

.111 till- si do r i.-a-l man V

w .o n l..r..r s V.


n • no: ill., liri:

s i i lc in icar aa--M

ihis cr Tl ic j wer •:.t.s. T1...V had the . Jcsu- ali.J iliS Tl'llh

fMadaoffarfacgar^ three wfe>ii""eia>ii i of heet French I thoeg wbe are Barsing them, or the General H.js-: ' " —' -••• i ~! • ' • tondr. tetatSto.wyrira. thee to^ i rk T . W - r I - . i i. . j ores Will remiad jTJu E!ct times <.f tbe eiact il.i% I T ^ f - ^ . pUals, if anv are ki t to suffer there, we sav if , . i .k otb. WhttBewtaBeea daf bs*c*e«zac. '• , % i v • v (when your time ol pnvm.-ut ripire- and then,,*''"" ' aay a« leu , fbr wears happv to state that smce the 1 . . ' , i . , , . i r ; - o VI- • e k « > : I V J J 1, I. icitJUJa; trceplioii, the name will iw daicoQi;nu.-.i I I" their p.acc» l>.o

num. we .-prfainly .-annot puv nur wc.'k ' ^ , , I t t^ keep up tlie n:n»T Iti f.itnre v.*or .icc<^Q ts I

ho live tco far to take a soMier, can aid, i , , ^ • t w«ii !.« I fpt on.v on »onr pftT..?r. these little fi:.:-1

•tSn. V, &«lMica . B M t Twaammt. Tmt t2 far Ttimaan Baf Citt aad ti In platM of

BOO. are receiied. T w tS paji yUm^ u Oetober , ^.t-lS®!—« ao t . wffl'flac. joa amuc th«. '«<Hd

a k a r t ' t B l ^ GtUfk .poI t iaaf ' t fa . i^p t rn i t s -'yMMHiOj-. C u a W ^ a * tMraltx B« masixKd ia

.tsj""!' F""* '«• •^i-i"-- ''- -Sir - .JLHast t tcCJOfaaaicl ikTa.- .. a l U ; . ; ,

^ rtM t t e pwat .e Iiopfwc kis fmgK i r t n ha imiewl the fiid aksM, and siae. we

f f t r tiihn sin for , - m a r i t t . ^ k t i* d M n M » b m^fMit-

\img1tiep' (iMtiw S S i i S f e f f f-itM. 'ISJii

• j f o s f f ^ ^ Si. ni " ^ - bkMf MMff f a ^ liaA V f ^ t V*

pablicatjoo of the Brst article, hundreds have been U,- , .,, . ^ • ri. , , . , . i w e hope liooc wid compiaiti of iiiis r jni The takan into warm couiiern hoaet. aod sctjres are I ,. ^ , / , , . . . , ., „ . , . credit systeBi has already cirt"! a lull 2n.iwin bcIsctaknidaHr. Brethren from the conntry—I „ . . , , . , , tune, aad we ;we wijinc to rn" a new lilan hers come m TOUT baszy or camasre at once and , " ' „ . • . . L- . , 1 11'luiiEit-s^

tUB one tmx Let as do something-irortby of IS-tf smx aaeh taiked of hospitalitj—aad eom* pruiapt- > . tytotlureUef of tiiepoorsafferinijsoiaitr. | Tiu: m v ihk y i o r t rviti-To PttremU awi KtUtioas w n-ac i.v TUE K clDu. r.—T•ae fuU-jwin,.; i. the first

iva^ 1,1 have a con - .ind if i-i vc'

•n Cranl. « h.i I. ft I' nu n di.i not make au

ai .-ounl" of battles, but nianv .Ice.l- of [..allanfr*

fort Nearly every one of I .1 h.>rs.- killc.l under him.

11 is.rll Fr.'.'.man, Pickett, Wrip-bt. .-^iiiiil. an .n . l C.-iI \'ant:han. of the 1 two, -in.i srrar^rr to not a Co-- -rri.'i;-iv hurt, and when trvinc to

T-.i'lv iht ir i;.cn ihe\ rode up and down tbcir Iiiif- iir.:ini: th.-m bv every incentive, (ten I' ll .W !..o covercd himself with honor, ft.r h.' tbro'j,:h the thirkest of the fipbt. ai, i r.ii . ifi ill" men from one end of the line lo ill., other And atter they had brok en an.i w. r. in confusion, lien ('lieathim ad-dressed them a few words, and drawing his -worn pr.'udly exclaimed, "then follow me

J and I will lead yoi: to death or ne tory " < Inc loud, loni cheer burst from oar lines.

^ and they rushed on to wipe oat the disprace of retreat, and drive Ihe enemy from the fi. I I They went up to their boats, and many of their nien were t i l led on the etape plont They cat their fables, and pre-cipliately retreattd A ;:re«t many were

'y of dciils The s.-ul is a V-f>'ater miracle ""

in a man than all the miracles wrou.:bt amon;: men. It is not in the rower of any ^' 'd'y We whipped

from the fruitful deymts ..| V:intfs :.r<ido.'i.. a I >ur ertensiv? i-omincr.'.al and tinun.'iaj or-cratiors with the Kurt>l":'ali w.iri.i. h.- be.»u ctjadu.'Ied through (.. -1!. au.i N.-nJiern it,i;rucies In sh.irt, the \ antccs iiai.' :.ccn our ' aD'i bankers in ."iil thin..:-, an 1 [. i • annuaJ •oniribuuirs u, I iniiujiiu i' ji: i t'd., i tiVf wealth U. tli(» txt.-r,- 'hundr-d> ..f

We !.av.- hr\rTi i .laddmwn ^hirh hs'Vi nindf taorr liian oTrn 'tir ne-xr-x**

were sJaves to h obvKjo«4. ^r.m iJ.ip bri. t r -hearwuaJ of on

deaiahlo Cu CIS inal th. iliM-jis.' whi.-h we liu\e t*, err a doz " " "ccp-scai.-.i au.l Icsp-ratc oa,., and wili

rv.[Uirc time ana raJ',-;.l reu,-d...... J-.r its p^ri-a ucnl cradi, alK.n 1: . .n-i-.. . d •no in a m,.nth -r with mild si-l.iti.v.. Ti,. [.,'i-i -nI -J,., whi. h

Ihoun.l as t.. I'..- N .rtli !..iv., pr,.ttv rffwtaal-- -.-nt iL-nin^r ns, were c.,mpnsrd jlv br.,kcn. !..i; tie niu-er.-ial r..nd !inan-

1 men ill the Western .\rmy The | eial licnrocnt* -rrould , f l | , .ri in the T \ J • 1.. .1 fr.-Mi :i f..r.-e and nnni-J event of siioden 'Vir . r, .ulj ni-iUe

"usst . i l tribut-iff 1. in.- \V,-rr pva-r cnj . , ^ declan-d tl. Ill i . - . . . i : ir.. r. r:.. »„u.J j., N the n-ji". d.kv Icr i.e.". [ .-re:. ! .. so, an.i c.uin.,t i.e l-r... 1, ..n I ... , » , ; , |„ .-ause th.-_v loni. •! . ll!,;- ; ,. r •,, W> ft n, in_v other •|.iir!.T l', . Tl..- ..r . 'v-has jnsr .-..ntinn.-.l 1, n.- ei, .u_!, lii.alce .,l,vi, ts to our senses ,.nr and hnmiliat.ri: -1, petHlen*-.. up .n Ih." Vortii it rontiiiiie l-.a,-eniiuirh now tj- e r a ! le us u. wi i* .>ut th i . ' Upi.n us as a pei-plr an.! "stibi-«ii .inr ommcn-in. indepoi.dtn.e It iuu.«> (SiUUIjuo unial are able that i? '.-sM-uu-il I-. il irvc s.sippj and cat , j^.ple

Hut. aNiTc nil »f iiiii.<ii .-..fiuntj.- unril the N )rtM and forei;:n ar^ .j' th<ir dejK!od-enco ap- n ih^ t'T'-at «Uple« of nnr < V«nfoderafV f fur naUoaa! irell and until the Md eba.nnc!« t » tfirmenl oj of eommerce ai>d trad'* brrwet»n tiii« contmcnx pearl of dav'

!' Sal t.TiU • ' il.

'abi.alh .'"c .it siiirui.:-:: r- itirjbuTe. to I.,try a^lut; 11,. L j r u 5 1 .HI

;n:i r. .ti:,,: nn-1 hoT.ef'il j .»r:ion ot .mr r Hi. ry (.'hi ..--liaii j-.n-tit fi-c'.s L. B j ' , ditb.-uli stvl dpsiml ie t.> mate .'»iit i ok-crvancc ;^rcca ;. • ii:; i,'i''.,!r ihat all their neiier (ct- m;— muy iim.-i i! alone the f.atllltay , f ;l ,.- liuU r a' !• may dl-c-l "h- ..1 tb- \ouii;. •1 aii scn-c 01 li L.- ia}. n<. -. m: I todiutr.

• annol fctt.-r ihc lestle.- i ,l ,, l, auu ilr.i PA. k .j; -h, 51! I: b..i.icroa> .ilii-j ni.,uil. ii:;ir V. .Ol I,, r,nj; . , ,. sun la sbiuiii,;. Il :, ^n.-e of lu-u-c, T \ c -

sotneiiii-,c- 'h-,- * i .i ii.c 1 riL ' : ,1-. I'-e --al.'.-., . I • IU-. i. t .. ^ L:.-ri- i.t.n I ...ti -! . L me? I- 1 ou-

Ir. Il .m-r',

in n 111 n 11 \ r< nC'.l CMIIC Ono of t l •,r 1 ki-.l that it W3= n«e

' • 11- ifrjt schcmc V.iil

.K..1 , ,-11 b.

•.>ln ' •hi'..!.

'.t,- I' ih -

at le le -, „i .

It , -

I.. It t lEiat the death oi' -•.'tie

uol aiitouiiccd in a noSIceln.- ..f n.,[ ii.-a::e t.i stan-l nj. for 1 ihe times thai tiie

an raiihr-iliie-', lo the c j rc May an neii.-raru.u fully cjual to them, a:;^

< i is entitled to ai tl.. ihs r; be r

• TLie IS the breath of ll .d, the beau j i j of m m the wonder of anp;cls. and tht- cn

• S a - - ' H n ^ Pa ra te Tax... J n ^ O i m t e ^ n ( t > h i I r < > i t . Jk.

I«iu4«»TiKto,armdl®yceL,Alkaiww,mBchim. this eoogre-stlcB rtpreis their heartfch somw t W. Ctapbell, JiBaoaa,tmpio<ed; Cal.ltiiktthis s^taratioo utnecsnar;. and in

t n g s a l a h m Who, TezM, coBmlaKiqs; | ad*r m ftrnignr^tutojoiii h b

'it with hamble sombmisszoQ to the wiU of Uim 'wltoIeTeWi-vhoiB lie chuteQeth,'"

. Tb* M*Qb;ion* beiag Bsaainoasljr pawed, the repBt cootinaeK " Dr. Airrows then <fr/tr!rnfa f n w t r , uhl tii« diiperKii" T.

smarting rod. cowardly foe," for men never fought more bravely in any cansft. And in the former

Thc-Cineinnati Timn says McOlcllan is part of the 6 f h t they otitgeneraled xis. As bound to make a speedy attack on the rebels many h i r e remarked, (rod wis on onr side, i i Maaasiss. l i e cannot avoid it if he would, j and hut for His aid, I confess 1 do not see " His army," says that paper, "cannot be fed ' how valor and personal bravery eotild have without an unobstructed Potomac." j gained the victory.

lili'le -V - -i er> , I be 11 ..tni . I • idem trar-iil o th i>it lu.; . the i.-r-. I ;.; -..jij,;. priate eonir.:i-.i..:i,.,i|ip Sci i.uii, ml rai.. tli.rary tb.- i n..i met i \ [.rehel.dc l ni l| • i> i-uls, ai; til.-,..<• ^kiiluiiv wirf of ihc swift flvin.-tffwards itiOL-real en.i oi clotlic the ,.>l! s men; •

iiles-iiic 1- en--l!r:ii


:. a

;nt-. 11 I

I I I . --a-i i \ -r ei .I-ii,- IT

1 II I-TtTL, 1 en HlLl, hours r,n ! -V ."aOi. !lii o .>c*r\ ;. nP • V, I U I hut uit:u*u 1 I I . -'d amontrst t h e ^ ; ,.-lis a.-^j.u.-Latiyti.


j-»vful litid irailek-tb',; li^ivti.l o"

and Kurope an- compJeteiy broken ap and chanc-1 (irccioti. rceoliL-L-!.ous. e i Those esseanal rn.1.-. will Im-acoomplished in themselves with the lass than twelve m-,jna.» from this time I!y next' hoars of , h;i.:i......l ti fall we shall b; able to i-janufaeture evervthin^ i . i i. l , . ,

I 1 , r , , , I ' tnal t m t h to the mind, with the lir. ' |..rn i which wo liavo her.-tLji'..rc drann et-lasirciy from j . the N.irth Fon-it'n -os.scls will find th«r wuy to ! r.-.-ohc, with the Sr.i ycjni.i..-.>or ports, and empty their rich treasures of mer ' intinite. thu neri .al . the rv. i chandiie itito .lur treat cities When those The simple mcl.-dii-s of ti e irreat objects are ii.-<-nmpb.sbed. we shall then be ) '"ati ScL.-ol bl.;udcd w lb ih-? -ufi . n prepared for pea.-e <>urindecendence will bsai- icliaounent of a mothers vtm-e. eomo iioatn _ compUshed in fact, and we shall lie.-in to reap the I down over life's trotibled flood tbrnti'-h ibe rich fruits of our p™«.ni dorioas Strucgie. l ^ t U ^ k ye.r.,. to ihnl l , in t i e W r s of ' . ,u.ei us. therefore, take fresh courare anil endure to ,v,. u . , , • u j the end I'resent pea. . would le attended with " " ^ but a few temporary- advantages l! would re-j " l u l » r y cmou^.ti. Kev« our gallant men fr-im the hardships of the | camp and the risks ..f the battlefieli It tmaid ! The Monti:jmery .Vui'i Kiy; , Vi'c b u r . f be pratifyinp toour mothers nod dauirijters by r»- j some planters who declare tbcv will not rlst. ' tumiD* to them their sons and brutlwra. Uutafl . , , , , . -this would be but llead fcea fruit which woaJ-i uim ' b l o c L a d c is raisr-.i lo ashes upon our lipa It woold be that ease t before plint'jr.c time We sbonld not won icr

x r s , - f i ^ ^^ ta t the of pisnt in? cotton tf it eannot t-c pu:

Some few charches in Vir;nnia nnl North Ca-roliaa have a prayer meetioc everv f'abbait for the aoldierK Every ctiorch ia the tisiith ahould imitate ^em. Mothers who have given op their sotu, ehikiren who have pven up their parents' aod aisurs wbo hate piven up their brother* for the bsttle-Seld would approve sach a measun.

I am very glad that ISrv. Graves is do'ugso mneh to lapply our artny with God'* word. E m j Mldier shiold a Testuueoc. I t wooU eafry immense mitral power into oar ormv.


chased fav the coamiertua! world at laruc or 2f the rommereia^ world does not wish i" b a y ' ' Let otir pU'Dlcrs raise provbiom. — They already Itave enough cotton to look at I f the outside world can get along without cottoa, otir o t o people ettrely can. Bnt to

ray the least, we haTS " " hand now to last the Confederate Stales sev-eral years.


Th» Fetea l r n n Rnytl &od j

hft-re b'liae other q s thear Ue ked Mcure i

The mr»t rirni. U the witi I iiiiiD is 1 f iichfullj thejr 4 < the and I c ineasBj Ou F]j •irtempb- i

if-Aiiin;* frti UicUttiiad. The xt .•ff i . t; t!M !L < iitxi&nu'ija t)u iMft ridt ui Ku.l I rt.rh. liic I»thcr|

vcn hut] t l-um ihr . ..ji.-t Bl.d ; titbit-luiiUi: -1! -t tt.f P" pi •

Thr lrii i.ntph| - M o i . d . t

I. t m ri.fd Utitll'Hj

; uUf t. jU- t l r: inri* ••ann..! N

• r curM* lii^tioilj r mtlnt Uii

> <1 t.ato ; . . .Tl . f t l

nirii «»t t.ti*? ThI lum ».hai. tn\i

\ 'jir^v luhh \\ -ndu L.lij

tl (irh i.r'Tal.-*-u .1-

llu* XlrsupUi: ' i f tlif» fQen'.tu TLI - . • • hti.i I ij;' '

In annti..T ctf tA.ii» of Vs ; iri. ^ uthcJ lii-.rf nr Ut'.ftri i-reatrr l-er^a T ^r hjirdrTii fiij Imtii m IU. n^

Thrn G- nfi^ tsill.t'r*'-*!!*u m 1 Lt p liU* I wirt) hc | \ ti.«»|K!tch«: , , !.ilodl

i (if tf<dill| .!.• of

a tii—! ''^f-rvwil Ulf > • •/^.'ird with d j Uctt:.-- a- hM| r'»iriround "vcri in tTJiiaiui'

r\,i- f-ltjl M.-'-'irdun. ' » t l

». il riH mnfH^d np td! I

liut ixi-l I n nu.- pu'tctfl

Thf e.nrinT i i rft k hatrlr j t lca\ r ftir

V ... l.vW. f . t l i j t T''

I »i 'irrui! I A l«.iiir KiSjal

< nji- tnvipi ' . -I' lijda^iirtfii^ I bP l..n]T -jii

r'-oin-in. •Tnj- .d tt»cir| } r. ' urJ • . -I .'m-i * ' m»nlii 1 li.- fr iwjv* <iTl I

i P'lnnnt laj JjUoTTinr fanj

!l UHiiJ

> timers '.* f J Atn-fiddf I

^ Allium tri'Wtii. wt j i.f^uae fa: -;.iril uiii .-.•ttntrr und 1 ri 1 iini ' - • . tti D.T I

rn< j'mtila, v alr-nd*

utii pr 'i.d iJ t;*; IftJMiri'd {

S.d'1 • r.. 1 Lhai.k vr>i : »'. it.Mirit I i...ll

11. t xoa J «liar- wid


• ialc ' wiTidU-v-tseel lu th-ii rt^ij

»: diatde : tr'tti, difi*-• Mi Tiiti

Hi. IT Wsth] •..-J.l and • rrfv 1,.. r* trihi;|

I .'irre nd :ii.d «»U.I*rl ^ud tiAni I. * iiiii?.1|

' I Tit" ihr losij

r rXiUf in h |

Uca^ b^mHf \ ^ r~.m '

i,.„,p« I i.,iCiiii jar-,| iriampll bauleani]

ulr.-uiiy t | ( im

.-Taniiayt ?nartl,

l!ur.U ^iriBcS

Thei T w o '

Uland I arrived ("airo. were I General |

H-ei The

Scaatarl mu.ile a I

The Itram id Frrneh) New

i n b h a t h tfa«

I tiM Co iaa mcmth.

ar. .-iji-.

f S A - T s x n a a u n a o i .

?nT itATtt rs^ • then? i» irnt

I j indsed , l in t tixm-

! » » t i l ^ i ^ t c n a i n

aiOMunu Jiwy aiaeli o l lihcun

d h i m . n o <ii» ! maTT be nrhieh

13u out wiiih u r . u t d p i y m t n t

•oeii s f a r s n by those

f tn .1 f n s a tha taBT one

ch a t iua^ u of law. line

I t imn tha t of t i e anti Uifl

l i l Wiirs »a« well ^ m i tn b» p r o i *

lonrptwl by o i p r c t k , a o j .

ni nn<l a i it. r tt mften sfae. <if lidt j e a r

rKsil nil Mrioiw made by En«i

. ami »i i l i t h a | u r <lvbi» l a Uia

t i l » » OTBT, But tJia b a n l to p n w t t e s a

•n msay easem »nH- fijT t h a w Wij liiiauniiu'ti

aaem, and emf . The p m d

| t ( upun ua. i r !ud i p imlcn of CKa

a - If a a Ulnso ^ paid, v a ihattld

• iuc i i h a r a will io BBtny

| m a n 7 msrln and can out aow

I e d T o a t b e * irim ' to wmd 113 what

(ilia, i f du-y • t mrr w i t i « i n

> uf s e a m nr ' i l L-act

azal watrry irtU l.-ae ttiir Jac , l a d

r a Tr^ o r zwu. t not crpect this

i^j u d s> 13 tkU kit ikdr nun-

I thsin nr '.rfimpjaiii. would ps tC. 'm

hari? btffn f intsnd ibat the

Vaiiia .liiaU i rf Ihrse -rh,! Uttb

ely tn ke«p i t in I iof r i j s i r u»

tt, tttti (TOT f t m r mSdeiirr.

X C l).

stmaaLs. i lc f i t r ibet t h e

c!::-.'!!* Fn d i r s e

i i o f AuiEiuar » fti r m r f w in f» r -

t'» B a y tij aii ffl' « n r rape.

ittifT, a i uncn r m a k a A i h b s t h

tog c k t U r s a , so k m a y imoe i lUem

i J a t j . cir a t I sas t . I youn i ;

iid t e d i a m . Tmi ! tiMf aadhauiU.

Sf ime thne j tSo b r Toii tiiu b r i g h t ^ a m t t c !^b !« t t i i

tn aial:£ a p e u -1 j t r isnn fit" (J'td'^t o l eamea to j o a r

r n imi taWs oc -f r i i c r o i r c a s r t c -ftare ilia plea»<iTC!>

rnt«re«t o f t h r .<ii' ibaqiuit-iiia

a l (tf htrmt -j iu iu tcd ir i l l i In-

«ha « w s f t «in2-i c t , . t k c a p p r o -

trtJiaw tfee Tc-[ ilu! j o j a Scum, t i c

i ; t iMr3>>iy ap-r-cTf t t inc»(M)d.

| l o z a u r e a wi th tlm a n d shajwii

I oianarranct!, 1 rfcr resTs. i i k o

I t l i a l auiOiury ' t h e | 4 u i u b ^ I t h e atn<t

> BUaeruUQU lii^u a n d • tmleiesa

^ a d r t a i t u f j p i r -I t i e fin* fiirau-

I first j e a m i o j e r a a L t i ia e r c r M ' n f thfi S a b -

l l h t h e !K«ft e n -. COQIft ttosdoz

t f i rmigh t h e i i a o c i of q a i e t

, i r i t i t e n d e r

W e h e a r o f r wfl{ n o t p l a n t

t i s i a u c d

I n o t i r o n d e r " ^ a t a t h e

: bB {rar-t i d a t l a r g e ? —

I a o t w n h to p a r u d o B s . — an t o l o o i i t -

t o i o n

S E C l f f i M i i i ^ f f i f i i l N T T. T^IjIBBINQ. noUB^ >m a' 'statcmVot in ano ther

B I N A I A M . : liVi-

Conrederate t t x u a a j W j a ^ while engaged i s reHetiiig the Proay , ffoaodtd, a n d wi» then flrsd a a d a l n n d c a e d - ' -y

FOOT Federa l . t e w i e r j pumiti thfl a m r a l o f the Confederate ^ i a i m t ^ h M f t - , regarded the P i o i i j ' e B g n a k of d i « t n » . I t m i M

l e ^ t h e Feae ra lb ta are losing aU » e B « , o r ^ l i -t h a F e d a o d f M t b a n l e e s r a d p o n e a i u m of

F a n B o y d a a d Bewi&rt , the I b ^ TCneb of the

Oett 1»TB teertad a i a i i a a i a a m n g expeditiun i atanity. j B n a O T x e k f a ^ c o ^ r t o N Ge^r naHeck h a . arrirod a t W a ^ m g U , ^ ^

^ ^ Z S T o T f i ^ T ^ t m h baa ere t h » taken a ccauaand « t b o r d n . . t e to Mc- _ _ _ _ ^ f«el • « « « a t tack . : ° r i l a n , •»ho is careraUy p r e p a r ^ a l o t cf h a j b r« . i i 3c , i . so mu.-h

I h . n>o.t n a p l e a n n t fcatare of this w e c l » I fi>r«^ a a i « a t « t a i n . n « them with t e r i e w . ,n nn- -n e w ^ i a t h e Eas t Tenne^ee . T h e ' »on..e W i e . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

s a e e e n f u l is«ae oT a project v h i e h coold only be consummated a t such a lacTi&ce of p r i a d p l e and consutency. Thoagh delay should h a t e resulted,

, bet ter f a r in our opinion, tha t we shonU h a r e c»lumn t h » * - « A 9 w h i t hosiUe d < ^ 5 t r a U o n , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ of the woid of Goa, t h a n t h a t w a i made towards onrself b y the employees of t!,,, ^^^^ ^ accomplid.ed by Soo t l i u i . Methodist- PabBshinsr Hotisa on SAtar purehaaer of a copy of d a y « f laat w e e t Aa to hew far the "A^cut Teetament issu'ed by the Methodist Con-t h a t " H o u s . " w a . respoBsib'-a for this n n ^ ^ m l y ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^e is i n t rw ion on our privacy, each can tV rm his own ^ ^ ^ „ ,n t r ibn te blocd money to aid in the sob-opinion, we have pret ty d e a r l y iaJ icated oura ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^.try't liberties.

N e w s Items. vicKXnu' HRMWUON-

THE F B D E B A L S S O T Y I W L i H B H O F B O H T H M B f l b b t

OOVTSHOB T h e followii)! : c i t r a c t f o r m s t b e c o n c l u d -

T h c N e w OrhMtM B^ g i v e , a l ong a n d in >ng p o r a o n of H i s E i e c l k n c j GOT. P i c k e n s ' t e r c i t i n g ^ t m t o f t h e E n f i e l d r i f le a n d f a M e s s a g e to t h e U s i s l a t n r c o f S o u t h C a r o -b r e b a j o n o t m a n u f a c t o r y e s t a b l i s h e d in t h a t l ina . W e r e g r e t t h a t we h a r e n o t room f o r j J ^ J V A I , OF A ' ' ^ S S E I . c i t y b y M e s s r . . Cook I B r o t h e r . ^ T h e s e c n - ' t h e e n t i r e J l e s s a g . , i t is to t h e l a . t d c g r w ! WITH ABKS ASD A3NNMMOH. t e r p r i s i n g m a n n f a c t u r e n s s U r t e d t h i s e s t ab - a p a t r i o t i c a n d s t a t e s m a n l i k e d o c u m e n t . W e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ COKTEDKRATE NCTOBT 1 5 l U h m e n t e inec t h e war , in t h e face of t h e d o no t r e m e m b e r to h a v e Fcen so c lear a n d ! KEKTUCKY-

g r e a t e s t d i s c o u r a g e m e n U a n d u n a i d e d b y s u c c i n c t a s t a t e m e n t of t h e e x c c l l c n c c a n d c a p i t a l i s U . B y h i s own sk i l l a n J i n f r e n u i t y ' a d v a n U g c s of o u r own pc,<uliar >«)eial o rgan i - KICUMOND, XOT. 1 2 . - T h e r c IS no iatell igenM r J — rorsion oi nis own anu uw c o u u i r j s iiiAmicw. ; —r j " - . — ^

This U s t o u t r a c e lurainst the laws of c W t T and ^vi^^t bo thought of the Hible Board o f | a n d s u c h m e c h a n i c a l a i d as h e cou ld com l a t i o n as t h e fo l lowing p a r a g r a p h s s u p p l y , from the. l inooin fleet here tha t as pubUc. - o

the S ju thc rn a^pt is t C^)arcntion, when by patrin^ m a n d , M r . Cook h a s s u c c e e d e d in m a k i n g the T h e y c v i n r c m o i e o v e r , ibc G o v e r n o r s capa has been made in l and in^ tha t wc k n ^ of his hoi i P ^ ^ rewnt fu l m e l f a ^ ™ the of Dr , ^ ^ ^f ^^^ Testament, they allow , necessa ry m a c h i n e r y t o t u r n o u t first c lass c i ty for p h i l o s o p h i c g e a e r a l i z a t i o n e . ,aa l lT The news t-f l ieaufcrt being destroyed « uncei- afe

— . h ' n tha tn-' <>f war -cmes. h e « i n thems. lve. Ucomo accesi-iry to « nefarious a H e now o c c u p i e s a l a r - c b u i l d i n c wi th h i s h i g h o r d e r of a d m i n i s t r a t i v e ta l- ta.u 'i C n i o t t m e a i a t h a t « « t i o n h a » n o t a c ^ i a s , t d . y s h o w s . w h u . t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ion t h H a H have a common o r ^ n . In f . c t . . . W e scarcely think, moreover, when ^n t T The . o r r c p o n d c n c e between the C. fiH'fi iii T^ in fiTt VUVMUX* »i«110 **w» » . . m . * t . . * L .

last proceeding merely U . k s like an attempt of oa r p l i a n t

of the We have fur ther new, to the r e p o r t ^

were ^ W ^ ^ ^ ^ . r a a l a leading from Chat tarxosa to Uemsia , - ^ r-, . • J T l U A ^ n d . " T h e ^ at tempt. , we are sor r r to say, ^ on makinu of n . y d , wuole c o m ^ b«*t b a t a qoe«tionable pnu'WHlinii. ba : (o do so

w e n on

- ^ e c e w f n l m severalinataceea Two bridges | They mis t ike the s l a old mouse tha t is ^^^ ^^ cahmir ies ia rrh,. h i l l the « t a t - Kuad, between Hiiu!3B>ld, Ga., and . not to be en t rapped i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ woi.M K- ti pie , f ua-

-^'•'^aitaooopi' the Unas bri<te> over the Hiw3--«.e.' There has beets sn . . iher sodden r u e m to Prto- , p ^ ^ b l e iinpertinem-o—an outr^ce a r .nst <h.-t h i . side of i i a X T i a e ; the bridge over Moesy mac, oTeraowi...g the Ion.- brid-e a t \ \ ashrngt.™. , ^^ j„ppr!cty and p.ilili,- dc,-en,-y Tl. •>= mat-

t i e other B d . fX Knoxvllle, in Jefferson The / W a i r r i v o j »t New ^ "rl^ the ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ c « n t T were bnraed. An a t tempt was also made ' with th^^e day", t i t e r adri.-cs from E u r o p e T ^ , ^ r e t i u o n with (he m<«t . i ta l mur, >v, of .-verr ta b u m the bridge a t S t rawberry Plains. Jefferson i only i tcnu of interest l y h e r , t h e n m » a l m U f - ^ Soathera Confedem

. . . i ..I I '-.....;., t.f rhM l'rivT,t*.»>r >umter_ . . . * . oi'mntT, liefendin^

and i!i p«^ndenr

oountry B s t ru jy le for liberty and indft

H O f c e t s q u a r e , e m p l o y s 5 0 0 o p e r a t i v e s , a n d en t War snd Gen. Winder commanding the Depart-very soon, a c c o r d i n g to t h e h e will be ; - T h e r e i . no t the ^ . " / o f l U ^ m r n X p u S i . h « i i n " ^ .

The lat ter was instmoted to make a . lot of the prisoners who are to s a n d for

,, Southern privateers, who a rc condemned to ' T h i s c c t e r p r i s e is w o r t h y of t h e h i - h e . t ' a re vas t ly d o f c f t i v c in all t hose . jua l i f i es nc-

c o m m e n d a t i o n T h e p r o j e c t o r of t h i s sue-1 ccssa ry fo r effect ive mi l i t a ry o r g a n i M t i o n . The Philadelphia lot fefl to Co l Cerconm of the

What \rf» vptitiii^te

it* li in

and the cnard w a . shot a n d kiUed whils t ; erpool ol the Cnpuiia of Privateer Sumter , , ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ j o j ^ ^ ^ theref-rc mere'y u. t i t • n o nei^rhborhood was a lanaed I the annvun men: ib»f the T a n s .S .W^ un iw the , ^ ^ ^ ,

and the people arrived in time to extinfiui^h the i aJ-T-Uon t o - e t cottcn from America, rr levanev to the p.,b>ie and that an a^reeuieut h a i t een arrived ul on the | ^ ^ ,,,

The telegraph wires were cut and destroyed i | furnish the ment:s of oar oTrt, v.ndi.-.-it^.n !r .u. On UondET momini; tl>e Urae bridge, 2L«) feet In I'im-innari on the niizht of itic M ins t , A mean, covert. u^Berhind. <tr>e! . orner i t t i. k^

Ions, t tn n i l c s this side t f Bristol, was also Lowe a.Ti U n t m w.rc a r rwted . a t the Spencer I ( j j which l>r M.-Kerrin h a j lion.ircJ ui, f. r l .amad. Humors c i m e here that threats had been lioosc. "Hieir w i i FEAR-CHED and between , ,reek» pant, we - f -. T.t <II.-l. N t rade to a v > Chattanooga to the ffames. These T ' " ' and letter*, <i-rcra1 to parties in the. tooth, i f j ^ n H ^ t h grca; per^inn! «it:»fa. t: .n >i>n w. th ine i e a m j t be borne. They teach as that fur- chieil.7 in New tiriei.iis, found, -Vmongst them aim at a higher e n d the t ooneiiiiiticn cannot be pra.:ticed with safely w - r t lerters f n . u all the heavy bankers in that Almrat every !..»cnlar ex. h i n i e th \ : . om,-? mi.. W e nmst now ' eity Thev elaime l fc. he Uritish subjects. our hands in th-*.* t in i - j f imi«ho« .(i- m.w .-.m

-CrjIaiToc. «n.ll»t »D1. tb» .iatf»<jr*iir." ""ht- Iwinker, . f M. l.ile, recently returned th i ' ve h u e i.i-; n. a in. « The »xfety of the honest, Ear.,f.e, an 1 ; to dre.vl is not tU» .W p . - u . -

t ionshaU be taken promptly. I T„E V.U.IVXIE.. M . U N - A correspon-, and not A fore.-.TI f..-. Kverv ... r • - . A h u - ^ D a h k r t e n gun burst at Columbus on den: of the tr .arl«-Hm r..,.r,Vr, writing from \ u any nam.? or n i t : res: l.i..: . r ' T r - rv

M mdar^ U a p t Leifcr. Li«it . .-^now.ien., gio'^- t..e l„U..w,n.- in relation to the n l , who wiU do an .ict or ^.-rJ n... Aid fa/beiL Polk, Corporal Hortinser, and «is "e^.iaa... m -MarvUiid • There is asa ins t t h - hon. ' - - ' '

, I j o r less their t ruth and reform his 1.; ."i

a ) ri Mutii.n np i in i t error or miMtatemcnt,

S u c h men . i r . c r v e a c iv i r c rown. u l a t ions w i t h d i s p l i n e d o r d e r - ' " . t h e h i - h e s t r a n k are condemned to answer fcr the -n . ^T^ » r p peop le so e s s e n t i a l l y m t l t f a r y tn i ^ ^ ^ T H E M o . ^ r ( BOP - T h e l U t o n K o u g c O a - t r a i n i n g as arc t h e s l a v e h o l d t n g ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Cogswell, Wncox, Wood-

r c t t e and Comet , of the Tith, says : „ c e of t h e S o u t h , ruir. Ward, Ueut . Cola Krown and Neff Majors. T h e cold w e a t h e r of t h e pa,<t few d.-iys W h e r e v e r slave,-! ex is t , wi th t h e dist inc t ive Ucvere, Vodges. and Capts. Kuck lan i

. . ni l>r M- IVrrin a copy of the foregoing on \\ cU!o>daT afternoon with the followinj; note -

, Ul A t,.rtii> lViu.i-.uiso IIOC.SE, I r a u s e s t h e c s n e to y ie ld m e r e a b u n d a n t l y , u ^ r k s of a s epa ra t e race, it is a p r iv i l ege a n d ifewman and Jeffer Wednesday Kvening ) and t h e p l a n t e r s of t h i s p a r i s h h a v e t h e i r r ank to be f ree . T 'nde r these c i r c a m s t a n c c p . T h e r e U n o t h i n g n e w from Bcanfur t

i Ui, 1. r . icn d rv.,ueBt^ that I»r MoFcrrin ,^,11 ,v.rr« at work d a y a n d n i s h t , h u r r y - <. i ,crminat i - the d o m i n a n t race b a t Vcn i in. , N o r U - « » n e of C«n. Cheatham . «riil en, l...e<l a p.-ru!.al. and should he Jq a n t i c i p a t i o n of ea r ly '^ou. an never

.., rr^tir or inaceuracy of statement ^ • , ' . f r ' J" ' the lower ^ l r l t a m r e ' \ n i i.. matters ..f faot, sod will notify the

!iv1-r-iriu-i .if Ilie samo l>ef.ire live o clo-^k this .•v.T nc t •• i-irr<>. tt-l hef.-yrc coing to press.

•K... Tov i iu . • 1 c l:ar.. r-v - ^ e d

c r m i n a t c the d o m i n a n t race b a t .Mcmms, .-xor lo —vmc o. r o e r m a n e n t l v . u b j a i r a t c i t . W h e n ^talT rejK,ro an engagement on l londav ^ v o n d

, • J » , . „ \iavfield between Bowen 8 Ikiuham 8 and-Martin . :ita of M.e!Cty is occup ied b y an ® « latter



..thin:; .h

•f the — I "... ; n ! .1 th priratCT, bp-Me. wnundin- several. G e a Polk , exageration in th- account of KeJ.-ral viUian- of the Southern mlV.i.-ra.

rasaiined and his c lothes ' t^m off " ^ r y i n n d I tiav- ,een and conversed put under hesvr f..r l u , £ The Memphis j 0 j«c i r»eo rTesuouden t savs over with a n u - U r -Jt reiu-ecs. who have come over y„,r, and .hoald I - iteeniv , . I ..u- ..n-

of the enemy were kiCed a t the batOe of Co- ^ ' j P '

in>t . s a j T h i s a j t i c l c tTf salt

r e m a r

J " " .

c m m a n d per .«ok be fo re the end of t h i s ^ittord >nppor t .• ,.,. 1,, . „ m o n t h ' J n c of our firtnM, wilSi the do - ign

„n the Mi^s-mri shore, and of p r e v e n t i n g s]>c.n!at iou. po,-itirol_v reOi.-cs M.ivtieKi as W.IS fapp.-w.-d to sell more t h a n five m< k - to one m m , and la(„

regiments, and 2,1X10 Kederalf, in which t!ie latier were routed an.' nnrsw! to Padurah 1 here are

l i i ieal c . , ua l i t y or power , t h e e n t i r e r n l i ng r ace ^^ a , a m e r c h a n t can be b r o u g h t i n to acti.:^ servioc for r iP j i n r - ^ ^ ^ ^

T h e -Macon of . - ^a tu ida j the 2d ^ p re t ens ion to po- ^^^^ ^ y z 1 . ..T- rwiwnr tr..» nntirrt rnMnf* r a r e

c f A x m s

i s UK TJlfc. O R E A T B A T T L E AT C O L U M B U a

k c l ycsterda% at the ra te >f about one pose? of de fence , w i t h c s t d r a w i n g m a t e r i a l l y ^ ^ report this morning the arr.vnl of a dav l i is t h o u - h t t h a t it will f r - m the p r o d u c t i v e field l abor necessa ry t o at Savannah, freiphtod .r.tV an a t .und

• - - ' • . . . -f^ ird s u p p o r t a.nce of BTOS and ammanition- Thw r . w. u ful-Mtli . . . r . ;h wc hav. a, t na i l y cal led i n t o mi l ly confirmed by our difpatches fron, l i .ri .mond

t a ry set vice t h e la rges t f.nrcc. in p r o p o r t i o n and .\aL'usta This intelligence will . I.eer the known in mode rn t imes , hearts .,f oar friend.s throuthout the i ..nw i e r . . v

Iambus. T i e r ? ' a r e •_•>» prisoners a t Columbus, naivenn.-. an.l t re tabl .n i with emotion over half uf whom are wcundoa. ••arhanti.-s I alm.'st shudder to r t

One stnirle fact wit! serve as a specimen

.-If cttv u .

OUT t ab j ujiation. H c canru.t alh.rd our liberties bat— varv pttsN-o.f is in

In another column will be found in tere . t inc dc P ^ L>ne stngle lact wiii serve a . a specimen, to accord m >r,. l i l - r , ! t.-r:n. ' i". tails of this fiere-' and «u>OTinarv cooflc-. in " aa lo r - .una f . , ti-ue thai i: is Sut a spe. , either f . ..ur o-vn .-.uzen.. ..r f ' .r. . r,.-. • which Southern valor a a a i a t r iumphed The men p:..riy • ( S-.-iles' " . lead rah.ts who It was un.ler the i i . ' l ien . M i , , .-ir • .. • mora we hear of this un«pee- .ed conflict, the m.-ned the unfor tunate p.-.po we r m e w - e U a j o -- tt-. -Srea terhecam-^ its imporance . I t was one of • I-'ce in low t : .nd, b u m . 1 the hoa ,e , t e« i ol eqaiv.-v.-a! p...i-i..n -rV - • -r-> :

the hardes-. f imiht battles of the war, a t d bn l - ! ^ "ti^---" ^ P a M U h i n ; IT . .I • -n . .: l iant in i t . r e s u l t field.-., and wT-e than all. carried off one of the their loyilty to tha .-viaUi i IK — t i

There is now no <iU«tiun of Fremont bcin..' .vo^na Lidics u, their den. where she was outraged a v - r m e n a w -r« ma le m ..n . . .ne t sedc i in his ctimmand b» Gen, Hunte r The • b- of tl'e ^ » wr i t - r wh , app-tre-I to s a n f a a a b « n a m Q s t u n p . . p u k r i H i e w i U i h i , m - n , p r . 3 « n e e h y a r e L t : . v e . . f theafiUctedgir l ,hi^^^^ wr i t in ; aSvt- •hari.-.n.- .- a - , , , . - M: •with whom he appears to have been a favorit- a y..ani: ,.i educan..a and until lately a that he retained ia die employ I A lUspatch from S p n n r f e l d to Ao ?L Louis ffe- I Cadet at West R..mL Pf you c ^ i m ^ . mersly men of N..rthern .viii,.:iil,..-s

pu.Wi-oa dated W i s.tys i:.e somewha— - ' _ . - T h e feelinu ran intensely h i f h dur ins the j Miry iander , , , ,

whole of l i s t evening and thcra were meetings : can b^ wii! I - v...,ice-l ,.n the p i ths and The diK:t..r wn,:c .r •.. . . r aimo-t evervwhere. The various ban.L. ,..renade.l ' " n . l a l s when Maryland i , rriieved. No .juarter le t ter , rep'.vui.: i.. the C.eacrai and wherover he aopcaro i , he w:^ » J ' ' ' ' . .i:.-a::e,l {.cph-. The harba--reetcd with c h e e n Though a f t e r n o t i f r i n ; Gen. , " - " - r ^ . r , give. Hunter , as his order directed, he had no b n ^ - r cnmrna-id -iver t i e tiv«ps. he spent s-^veral hour , a u . h a d..iv to ouaianiiy a military ne-essitv out a . an ,.!

, ; F ,1,. ..,.„„., I tiiat me I INM mai-vh inu. Mary cenuous MIL

• te I •

, I-.


levi in j i that n o * anim.tia the • who entertained th.- t most t eml ' l e vengeance that the Smthe rn f .r.:. i - r . . !

\rk.w!Ha» repimeul, w.ih Wal be mus t In a plant .-r In New Orl . 'a i i s f i ' ty i'.t,.rv. h.uj l>een en.-amped jnst is a? mo-L a? caii l .e b o u - l i i l.\ ou.- tn-in

^\ 'hc^e i.- Pr. ' fesKor Tli . . inasscy

T.. iliis the ( 'hai-Ic-t ' . i i Mer.-ury . . f l h c Ttli re-

plies T h e M m . 1 l.a.s a l r eady furni . -hod the

i n f u r m a h u n ,.f P r o f Til• • V v s s v . V w h e r e a b o u t s l i e i,H not i J l c Mis va luab le ser l i i c.s h a i e been ciiga:;ed by "lie of the m.^'t el i terpn-i i i . . - I l . .u>e- in Char ies t .u i f T lh. ' e r f e t i . ii uf .'^ali W. i rLs on a c ran . l ale T h e ar t i r l . ' , hi wever . .•aiiiiol be made in a .hiv


:.ii:i'.a.. f..r days, an-l were under !•• '1 ..ri i!i . day of hattle Karly in

J -1.- .-n-inv "'MM. strftn;:, lan.led sev T, '!i" Mis!...nn »^ and m..\

-..-n -I a Ti.:oruu^ fire on the Keciment ' • .r ^ . ' r z a d e s.»ra.» .^'I'l s t o u i . com

I ' l - k - - - . and Walker 's Ten '11 • w r." inimediat.'Iy ord.'r--l ..T.r lo: fi .uihi ,:ajlimtly a ^ i m - t so i ' . . r - . t r i : the^r ammunition was

to our popu l a t i on vet the provis ion .-rops ol all k inds , ;n these (".lut.-derate S ta tes , never wore e q u a l l e d by whai t in. th i s year been p a r n e r c d fo r c u r use. T h e ro\ .-rs. ' of t h i s is iLc ease ID all folates wher . tlu-re is uo fuiidriraental d ivis ion of ,.] W h e r e all arc t h e o r e t i c a l l y e q u a l , vsh.. follow ihe lower p u r s u i t " ot sn-eicfv mu.-t I k - cou r iHa t ed and when t h e v arc prcsse.! int. . l a r - e arii.u-s t h e y not only ere ate a 1 .-avy esp.-Ms.' l . be siipf lied by r ap i -

Thi» steamer entered Ssvannnh in tl .- ••( ih<-enemy s fleet

P.I. H-UOM., Noy l is—Tbe sli-nnier I purehaacd in Scotland by Confederal, .vcn^ f nved at Savannah to-day

ItirnaoM.. Nov 1.3—The s-r. rr-iai. ..I " e Navy has reeeivad a dispateli anni uc ini: th. rival of a steamer frem Knclnni. «itL c r o s . .aii. muuitaon, A'c

From Augusta. .\r..t-sr.,. Nov l i -The (^harU-si..t. • • • -irr ..1

tliis m . imin ; lesmii from a frien.I iu-i arriv,-: i( cur

all I .inven haek wilh , ..• v.T_-i- .if t!ie river, whe r.'

.,ie a «t ip.i ti.:

hot 111.. - . 1 i


rri. 1 II.

w i t h t h e i r b a y . > -

atham'» l . r l j ...

lones ..f th.^

Ch. th •

I '

artemr>tin/ i.. !ii-.-t . - h a r ^ . It WIS in." -f .i

It H -etu!. to be as M-.-Torrin that we ha i Ha ustrati .n . .1.. .11. a u i . i .li^ -

in makin.^ a p e r » n n l examination of the croun 1 ^ si .ui.t mai-.n .nu, Mary cenuous i. ,anner of . iealmr . n .,.,s.n..n, , ahnut the - i tv , CO be prepared for a bat t le . 'and i n , , hv wh.-h h - m a n a . - l t - . r . accordance with a wri t ten request fr<.-..n all the ! (ien 1 - e ! - e n ehar^c l witi, the .ximm.nd th- stat^-ments of h,s ,,ia o . n-.-r \ i . 3 r i s u l i e r ( « n e r a U h c r e , h e r e m a i n e . i t h r o u : r h i . ' o f the ath of Virdnia . and at as time unhappily h « r , t h - r m r - . - M ih ... . . -

.Ml l ihe last;.« Wi., in l^arlest i io. Gen. Jack s e n d the mti-re..' m t'.is - . l a " - -v r - - - -I'-.-rtrtment of the doee the n.-i»«aco from oar a m -le I • i-

M i n e d i i p a U n i d i t . and an at tack was h.mrlTCI \ ailrv. and hii... t a s - a ...lumand all ' ^ ^ ^ A ^ n h,- 1»- M K r — . . - i - h I pected, b u : nothi-as: more occurred than the firicg , .a W c , : e m \ ;r,;ici i, I on our p icket , on two different roads, j The Liverp.K)l /".nr s.avs t aj-t. s^ymmes. of the j the ' t h in"t. in

The enemy a re now encamped on the old Wilson I -Stini-JT who arrived in Uverpool in the j nieatio-i in the u .ir Creek b a t i k g round Gen. Fr.^mont is prepar ing. .hi; . ,-si ,n Vt-.v t . r t as Capt, Ilanni-^ • • to leavB fiir ? t Louis, and w^I go as toon a» i .,i the r..val naTv ' i.. the .apt • -General Pope arrives, who has h^-cn sent for. and ' ^^^^ j ^ ^^^ - ' a -ppia i i.^citc thinks the i • , would be obiice.! i-in wm take Genera] , „mmand till tk-n. Hunte r sets , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^,ua. ln.n hlockad | • here. ic^ New t'r'.Hiics, will ivader i : scarcely po«i.i i

bis to auunt i -n .HfH a ian.T •! a hl.M-k.i-!- I T.> th:« l>r Mr-K-rr-n tri.i-

•ill. r

aicht, to lead the army in case of an at tark, -••i. , . the tiuops slept un their arms, lia.ny .iS.-en'r-i ; son ha., h.-en assiined

ick was h .mr lTc i \ ailry

aa.t uut.

I ii_ U..1 r the .|.1» tlie va'.ir .f .or

lu-i h f...~ II... U.-.-.sians. tl -tl .; ! , . j i r . r - it-.ev

. .ii: -.- all I i f k rulo_-.- in a r>-. r: n a-- Ih-ih.; a re-. l lar

' .. : I \ US' -nmnttrv .> .!i.-imtuli"i! -•V.'ra.i ..! ar

, 1 minihar- ..I » I'hev loan r wav in ti.K ha.*te, op the n . - r

tal i~t- I 111 i'i.-\ l e a n - a va.-uum in p r o d u r -live lab. .r t h a t dc ra i i ces the in te rn . . ! r e l a t i ons - - ^

, , , . . . forces. Beaufort was desertt-i. and virtcnlly in , I - 1 L i- b.-.w,-,-!! ean- ta l an.l l abor . an.l th i s is more w eeL b u l . IS we hav . said be tore , D>.,wi. n eap . i a i ao p«»e»sion of the enemy a ' , . .u l C h r i s t m a s a ful l supply at r ea sonab le J. 'cpl.v fel t^lhat i cv.-t, t he d i rec t e x p e n s e s lo r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ j . r i -es may b . - e spo . u-J ""r-ni the s . . u t h Caro t h e i r s u p p o r t i been made, except by a few thu-^ini; exeur.i..oi. liiia . - ah W o r k s T h . m a n u r a r t u r e .if -al t W. t ! , ii.- i., a - r e a l e s t e n i every f r e e m a n s The eaptured lln^. lVts.-y .Vji ics ,W L.eei. iToajiht

- l.iii a ( . r i \ i l e j : f . l eas t lc . wi th a r m e d t.i Chariottun Acut.sTi, No l a — . \ special .lispalch In.m

.-savannah, ann. nees the arrival ..f Capi . \nder »on with the lonfedera te steamer fn.m with large qnantitiei. of arms and ammunition

I'rotn JtlBsourt and JLrfcaraiu.. ' LITTI.c Riv-k. NOV 11 — m e » . « e t i e e r io«l in

from Fort Smith, reports that »ien Hunter with

'.ni t he S-tiith Caro m a n u r a r t u r i - .if -al t

. | u i r i - a [..-I1...1 ..( abou i sixty d a y " T b e i.iith I ar . . l iua Sa!t W o r k . h,iv. been in pro-ri-ss al .oul half l h a t lim.-

T h . savs

K i - h m . nd h'"-/uir: r S a t u r d a y .

•Ml thev i.a.l r«-.-enUv

•-tin,; ill t:: we-

ref.'v u. -' , I ai. 1

M. l 1 !. iv« left - a.-res I r',- . r^iu p,i-iic stricken .-.1-.. vvt -.: a'.

.f .Ha-l U-;ike sw O"

• onr . -an

t 'n iyersal cliwm prerai ls thmn J i c u t the camps A batt le win ondoahtedly oc.™- ere long,

Our t r t jops will meet the enemy Srmly, but they a m d iahaar tenc i and h a t e their cntl.oiia«ni The biidr :car-l.*wii.> muld not have been indue -ti ^ rcmnin. and who wiii soon dishanii, as the terms of thei r enl i j tment pe rmi t accumpany G e a Fremont, an.l olmi the entire staff, ineladin{; • leneral AshNith. .-.•mmander of the 1st Divisi..Q Gen, Freiaptit will permit -no dcmocstmtioh f ^ m the tr. tops on his .departure "

Fremont beiom ti ikin- his departure issiie-1 the Cdlowin:: £irex»!I order ai -die tro.jps

SrtujsuFiEi-u, Mil. Nu*. 'Z. IStil- >

A -. iali.T •! a I at some of the nr:n.::p-ai --"•-.uihem p . r t i '

T h i G.nemai t i Co. .ai'-r. i/u' nf th« l i fciy^ l i e n .Mit.-noil. tbe .V.-r-n.-TT!:.--.' il- . i - r u !. i- r - , «rne-d- . aus?—•- iirl-.-: in •[ ^ni.-n .iirh <


THJ i E M P U O Y E E S U i.' TUK SOt ,TIl i_a .N M E T H O D I S T PV I. i.i.-in i t O t t s K A-N D THK T-nNPJBS3EE B ^ P - r t d V

" I a«.ert t h a ' i . - . - r . - i ! t. •• -bp pmnl..v.-.»s th 1- t'"- 'v -iM • -at.- til • .. .th M a:..-,- i i • - • - >

I .»f .il."loyalIV It use,; u..; !«• o . " i : - • '

. . T, -t - - _ - • - ' • a e^T.*sl;n• .^r .-vi lrn i

We e.'O'i.lentlv t . l>i" -•..-ic-s: man v -i. — .utrui.-rsy aa ui c -aj • 1 -••••

i .-.!! Tr'Hi ( ' . . imabas i..» th.v r ,l..l-,n (i 1 inme. of th." . ilv » IS 1 l.-.l HI th.» fa--e l»v a Ntinni.* niit.kei • in I .f r intain S-aSiirran" althoil.-'i

w ui.! iM.l pr. ve in..rUil .V .1 r.'|. r; •.:iat t 1

• w -r in l- 1 • • r •••.u-;.l' r.-.l •! .t.--.

-- j cn iU-u jan j u s t t h r o u j : h Irom 1 incoto s doiuiuio i i s hni i i rs t h e rol lowii .c r e p o r t , i ur r<-nt thcr.- when he lef t T h e s u p p o s i t i o n was i h a l t h a t ihe Vankei. tleel b a d (:oue to .s-avannah or l>run»wn-k, Ga G r e a t die>al Isla. t o .n ex i s t s amoni ; ihc f r i e n d s ol -M.-I ' l e l l au at \ \ a ,"binutou T h e K r t m o u t lae ii.jn a rc par t i . - i i iar ly a e i n e . and ii is po»i t ivc lv siatc. l t ha t .Met le l lau in t ends to reM»;n h 1" known t h a t an atta.-k was d e s i g n e d upon . .ur iin.-s >i Manassas ou I ' l l . lay iasl The . Iilirc I ' edera l a rmy n a - unde r l i iarchiui; or .1. r-, -l iil t'-r ^..iit. i inkiiowu rcasou ttic at I L n a- I p..lie.i. I ' lovisii .o.- lor the army ar. verv seari-e in W ash in;; l..n. l u a c c u n t ot I he bb . i readv to go for th t.. the tield for dc fcncc ao.l for bor...r while l a b o r e r s on t h e soil re-main to L-aiher und L-arner up the pr. .du,-c of the ea r i h

T m . - war is a .j-r.-at . -a lami ty . b u t if t h i s n ir shal l en.I as tl-. re i- ev. ry p r o s p e c t t h s t ^ it will do ».y maVinc us irot only po l i t i r a l l y „ p m e n t s and'ovnr one hundred pH-.-.-. uf i n d e p e n d e n t . •• o„- tn.i-i d eadU enemies , l^nt , ,9 now on the battle field ol Uak Hill . ..ninir rci.illv i i i . lependent aUo and . at t h e ^ j ^ j r ^ j [mymg funned » juncrton ui th Me "anic t ime sbnll level. .n our own a r t i s an Gulloch ha-i fallen back U> the jirkanssh Stale ski l l »nd nierbi .ni . al la i .or so as to place us line to fortify tlierc Their united force am..uni» eu t i reW beyond t h e i r "ubs idy h e r e a f t e r t h e n , j I itid.-ed will It pr t .ve HI i b c e n d . a publ i i h i e . s i n e

W e » i rivil ir-i t i .

, to ii.iiod, credited, bowever, is n.'i irenerally

I.:. M i - •1 H R.

L.1 ( 1' Tl. 11 r. It


.•!!.-. t..

. 1. I,

Soidiers af f i e Sfisiouri J n n j -Aineeabiy tu orders, this day I take leave .if

you. .Althoach our army has been of sudden

•Jie a n .'I the »..-•.!- iv • invofcH 'n .-.ri--r - • - ' .less a n ! ir-r,-. '

Wc »U > H tii-i • Iloom- h->d vn!.i-n - • . the most v-loi.-n-thes.. sentiment" iii everv

. .n .T - - -A- - .,! --r r-f.-lv!i»i; a vi-it fr-m -i - • . iipi..v..-. ..f :!•. ^•utli-•-a i ' i.".!. rcf.resent^ ini; alai ."T e re r r •1,-1 :.-TT-i.-r,t of th tt est:»bh"h ai-nt. f r .m rh-- pr i*. ".iij U.y that p a p - r ' The ohj-ct of their ti-si: wna to demand :tn .-xpUr.alK-n ..f p'ssa.:.^. which 11 «e.ETR.S lis M c F e m n tn them from a sh'Tt 1 neenrred. were e-T-ec;a"-.

gnrwth , wc have zro-wn up together, ami 1 Lavi- art;.-Ie .-f '.urs in our last j-aper a.I:i..in2 the ' riote tor thf i r bcnor -Utu • lieeome famil ier with the brav.: and eeneiwi- whi--;; lt,i i just issue.! from r'le pr-SF ^ Uio heads ..f tiie ."»».i£Uerr, spirit, which JOB hrina to tho .laSiacfl of yi or (jj^t e»»hmei.t : I. rl: 1- i H<-siw in th,- dis.-har.;" . 1 conntry , and whii-hmakes me untieipate for yoo c It Ls as if the r.?ry-.yp-st h »d two.™-) ul-'-•ir.-d t the \ ! .r • .v r hri i l iaM carecE Cuat iaae AS voa have besnn , AND hv N-DECUN the DARKCEW, »hi. U hr,«»led .'ver tl 1 [-J.^ IJ.. ..J^I, TA , give to my successor, the same eordial an,, EN- XR^RR^ET^T^F I ' T - ; ' ;

have eo.-ouraged , i , i p w.! slniild r.-!nrd u . " '''' ' r tr..;t. ; tutiou, -tt,"!,-!ined l.y j .1..

i ine f.^r pnbli.- eti.i- n . 'd th.-'m t^-a: ^4.7/r-.-a.-i? (Arsi | es-mpte.1 1

d that « «ri..TPii I


in.J..d .n -i." li

.•f 1 1

•1 I'l eke: .v th. Halt 1. : 11 1 -,-1, u r II , . w »wn 1 Mall th.- K ' •V-enth M

i.'I . r ' c : 1.. .11,-• 1 w.' in i.' r.- 'tl • • ' Tli. Tw. . nl: K-th 1 - t) . ur'.V a- 1-:

' a r r t . ^•iT..'., . > ..I • -1.

, . 1* a tn , -li t ' „• T . v . n ' -

Ian-' a r r t . ^•iT..'., . > ..I • -1. . ma -1.

ia \ ,.r.-

u il. . h .ok

.,.! . 5-t'ti-r

an-! Ha- fire. 1 . p an .i . r . . inpelle.l

that th.- \ s" -.1:1 l l t l . n . ( tl,. wouit.l.-.l w h f .utid."! a.i.l Kd w . r i - 1 '.-rrv ihl » ni . i rnin; :

be left fr.-e to . icv. ' lop our own cii l sh-.w wher.- t he re i" an in

f.Ti .r 1-3'-. -1 "peie t \ an.l a h i g h e r a n d p r i v i le-.-e i r.iee .-rn- n . - . ins t i tu t ional re

isji S la t . - mav 1-.- i-stabli.-be.l upon n s e r v a t i v e p r i n c i p l e " i . l tn t i f ied with all t h e j n,

L-n at .-ml- of trutb, j u s t i e e and s t ab i l i t y . Hot ii' «.• I:i;l 11; th is , then the re is n.. h o p e f, r a 1; t .Ti i inent -f S t a t e . T h e only a.l , X flit e ill - a l . s t ^ n . e whu-b wc have made over

p u -

.-"th .)f ......t*"!, .41 the rr^.d.-!.. • ••• n ...unit n#.aT Tn " F . ...i:, nf k1 Mli l i-n-:*!.-.!. l,aZllla:i. f<.n:« ... ..I •

1. remr- 1 tT,..ii',l: aa-l day^ rto 11.* .rf N. vr-nil jr. El ..tNi 1 '1 1. - ' I

.-v,rc<- .ui-l B«a<l«il •ee.l ' vi^r- -. -..'.

.l*v», acd Uiai diuigbter t i r rnt . - J ' -.11 ..f 1',

%\\smss B c p a r t m t u t .


•-oi.niit..' a

ack l;*pobli.-;in

thnsUstie support with which you 1 ^ _ me. E m a l i t e the splendid ex jmple whieh y. u aboct the trrinip.'i have already bef..r« you. and let me remain I . a. printing am, pr-jud .jf the c h l e army which I had thir< P r McKerrin t -u i n ' m t-a-, r-.-ar:: l.^clr> 1 t c es-mpte.1 tn j Bir labcredto brioi; t,.;:et.her. and they w-err ..f e.-or-u. acrriev, d that a sti^mit I ,,f

Soldi-?I». 1 resret to leave you most sinr.-re'y of Clack K.?puLlicanu-m t.i ..uid rest upen their j f ^ . ^ pai.|-e e.-ni I thank yr-u for the r e p i n l and itonSdonce y. n Eiir fame. We eaT;. d iLeir a t a n t i i n u> aiuj-Ji.-r 1 a -tre!! fei.-n-! have invariably shown to m e I deeply regret tha t in the sr-me article which w-.-nld a I Ishal lnt- thavB the honor to lead y . ia to the^ictery once explain what was really inten.led .md fully which yon are jus t about to w-ji, but I sha.1 c b i m divest is of tbe . tfi-nsive .•..ostruction a h i . b th. \ ' to share -ivith yna in the joy of every triumph, an.i bad been taught tij p-.t o^w.n It j t rus t always to be fraternally rcmembcn-d by my 1' is only just.i--» t - there y e n n ; m-n to state

that with .-nly e r e ^v.-^ r-inn they .-..ndn. i;-.! l J C FcsyoTT, iliem^elve.. I'ke itectl.- . e-.. and seec.etl pleatie-l '

Mai. Gen. C S. .^rmy. ifcit thr- pa-sa :. vi!i' .Vnt-thcr .iis-citeh to the same par.^r an-l of in.- ihtta.. a-lmii

kil!."! : -1; .. t: ..- ) - ii--nt w a-;tlt "n ;.--. iitii .11 tit.- n-j i 1

in * M f! '-v -'f

ir-ti 'iiiu Bar St".! Ill 1 i" r»'

1...H Ph • i - . -r'Vim'-nr

1 T.i. ' . • ! --•.•.•r lv—:ii-"'ir •

rnn'lr*"i an-i

I. .at II.e . k l l lu - t i t

i'l,.-e Hint Sa t l ie


h i ' w<'' many r Iiial.i.- Kt.l.-. 1 T

\ in h . . - | t..l

1 in . I n i i " - i f i ; l ' y l r . . k . - n 1 •i-' Mn-sa.-t-i r I • 1 h c • r

i - i t i r a . l e - H >. ,ve The

. .aui.- I. a I. akv r i n a l

theni I

-"•rtli -1.

vr--n-';.-nl . n of r It I

•»f onr ancn^t'^r" wfi.-* the muni i innl rTcvernmcnt ol

• r H O W TO BEITD MOITET tt t* po4wibU. profOTf a chrejt or .ir*ft. u-

om or«l«J . •l;«u ooi, h^Tc M>Bir auiiridujd u Ui-'u »"c r,-r.-.-"ent:n._- p - r i u a n e n t lo -a! i n t e r e s t s - - i " - and aepo.„ „ .1. th, r . - -

I n-u-ad 1 f r r r a t Un(ie.l ^ ^ ^ t ^ »rr n.rmu.iu nuuufj L a • 4 - r . ' t.irv n i i e r - T h ; - <ioVrrn lasJiin- 10 r^arh u , pprtift.mi*- . r t h . - • r

. . , I w t i e ^ iBd wtl! «T»:UU«» ftir n>r .mtvnnt lU m.nner r . •r- }.v the N o r t h

r r n


.N.>w \ - A

t> 11- -I 'f It

rtM« rr; n j t.> lUc "rrk ' -poiul ' ' nt ui

1 .


i>f num c-Tirr;

Th in

N . i r t b r r -iti- n t

Thr rons^ rva t iTc d: r h ' h cn<io:»vorCd

t- n ' j l r d r t u o c r - j c j s- nl! puch itOT

• n ( o r r u p t i o n . "ar Sf» the

t^nr. r re t l t h e i r <ioverti i.H at»d 1! wo fail . w:th

I ns»d^ liPi I* ai oar r^i.

niiHM)' 1

-ral Iv . rv vo lu i io r

ar^ No ••lU miuip nrrr'-slM ^nts-rtH mot.r j io.' hj iniul, unUl ft ttrtiftcMtc riVf-fTfu. -Uuw^ Uutt it*

a. If' -r-f • l-r. n^T

r r ic lotor* vr -e^ raurJt« in thi> tujumti. rvi^ j-i 1 : Trum

UpOQ th. •'pVit-f rrt »>>« tj.


•• thr «•! riH. : jt. mst'i ti!i4 tbf rtut^

ly ni:>> mMi ju ii:*- ^^^ UiiM'- ' fju-h I

I t^rrvat ivp r l r t n o n t * to Fare ns . then . 2, M-H

Tb.- M'' .f r ;i

M tl. . .1 .T r lot .1 t .

•jiiuf nJ-

I t h e t-irrr-t i

Um \

currc-^pon' ion! will I 'nrni^h a .I'M

dl-ri^ler tv Ui.h I i» •t•ll lh ' ' • t he I p|»cr I 'o loniae on I i1h maui i n n . K n t * ot ilu-\\ p^rtruy*"! . l o f l h c r w' t l i

drnf nn-l 1' t h - 1 v.i.Hr

cotnoaiiif'nrf m arm*.

• 1 ^ivcn lin^nvce ti-• rrroT;itu»y» srhitjh r^ ' I ie^ l

I r-.•.•D'f h.s-n airy don^'un*.IL;; 1 decdn;: > : ing t ) b*? kn.»-(rn hv bfirn and n i * ' ^ Sutif,h»»m T-rm-'i;-' - ' ' . i i i 7 d . J . . r i ha 1- • • .. ti*- •! ir's.. - I >r .-i-- "i vlisvt l*iih!i»hmT II

samTtlate v i l h thr zivi-sW tha Mhwmz ^^ ne. e^j^itr ..f t-h^v.^hw- hard Mmz- a . e t w m p : i dr-ua . in teUi^ceresq^^- t in ; : m i U u r y a C i r4 our..eil 1

S f a t h e m birtlj. zlr^ •• '•oncTTttuL-T'o th«: t-r-*'! ihcTH; a.-, iix^i if

13 tLii regif'n. infomiAtii^Q bxn W a r^ooiTcu Iie^

fr-jifc (iifferent s o u r e r , ikat Price wo* at Cx--

• rc ciuHi iienerally of all IVrLiiiisscans, aad

on the a t^uru ice which f e:tn tsurjdy a ra. -,0

vHle, ThurwUT Uie 3U5 alL, with man, and tifyo^ tL^ii u .11 Ur ccli^-se t!ie iaiptTtic arti'-lt: thU side of tkvS piacc with m> ' > ^

moce, with A e intention of mar^hln:; on Spring K: iLni: , ili^ r a i n - ,.- : v —A U r - e tielii and uffering as ha tde on t s e oKi Wibn-n mcet:n;: xrvs held it

'^rt'S.t—^'-i' »f witn-'s*'^-' • i- - w 4er uf niL>r

Nnw It will I. '.<*^rvt'l Ui; i of ' ' r r* n -

are. we ar.» w d l i n j • • a-irn;- 1 able. Hut thT'* n-T.-r t.i".

:iil:> -my


I •lit 1-

l i - -har j i ' : !i • l>:irt.Tl''.'' .u " t'li-'iiiV a.D'i

.ir* h- • n , ,

I,. .1.. -e!-!..- .1 .va, 1 .*! in 1...

r-* - t. .1 O.J I.e.-. Ill-w.L- a; '.tl.-

was reuik.-n . .1 ti.r'...;;h..ut

V 1- a m Lite.- ..f mulun.l that ll.'T

ir U- I'te: \ a t i . . - . a l ^ '...i;ik- ar . llu l .Tr event.- ivhi.-h f . ' l lowed It t ) u l 'I .iti!\ nitiele.-n hiii,dr.-.l wh. . e rosscd ti e r n e r a i - l wer. eii-,-i..-.-.l in the ba t t l e , i h e r e

k . ! l . - . l and mis.-ini; - . - l en l i uud rcd . an.l

b, re IT 11 >>e no b . pe f o r a n indepcn Cr. e r e p u b l i . o't t h i s . o n t i n e n i . and

• nd ivi" .lo"p.-.ndin..'ly t u r n to s.n l n . ." . ' 'ivt-d f".>rnis of t b e old

rl, '

1.1 tt-i« J Iv '.ir._-.- Ihn iiz-Tiiiv ."f ef view 1 ni.>"t r e s p e c t f u l t V(..i ....-ten'.- tlif p.»w»^r he S ' ' i h ron i -h

ar< W'.titnieil ir.-d an !

n ' 111 • | M \

N-itu-nal I t . ."pita! .11. hu li

ni'iii-all tV - . l l . i -

. - - t f v . . ffv .-rvn'

. n f l i.n.e

I I POSTAQE-P. ' i .Y TOOK POSTAGE. I Th-- rale.- ol .a llw acw ..^..-muietl »rr auui.i*

..n 1-- S-. - nr. i, .it-r- Th.. 1- iM.t ju. 1 an.l r>ctl (..r .... 1. ni«i -ywiii 1 1..- -n.1 Iw?.t-.t1-

; lu.-nl •,-ioul.l m.dr .u-l«im»ll. l™,! .ini.i th. ' , Z .v.-rT.m<r.i .. .W- .v.-.-!. N-.n .ai »hn . r.l, .o i tn. nn bC"infW». r^ 'y, mu.l u. 1 C S .

..n i;.. r. lux.: l«i.T T .ai" r p.v I"' ' kilf lh.. i-.-t.V.-' "C .. nl mm,. Wh.-I. Vnu ..rJ. • .

.nil h e r a,1 i !«<.<; n.M nne-uw. .t. pr l.>r r..ot r a" nl ll= (m.tai:..

t i rmU to B u s i n e s s C o r r e s p o u d e n c e . our <

to • nsti-



Til. Ten- r-ishn..-til ' .-"lepl.. 11 I-" r..r irvi.-'.ii .iti i ".-:iu-;i.-c 1,1 , h..- 1 i-.-n . h..t._-e.i 1.1 p, IJIII n l iary .ill-: ni; the :.,-iKeen the ( • nU-.k r a u ti-.l S l a l e -

ll, . 1,

1,1- ii-tn .IIV I. 1.- i .i:i t iu

1. '1-. wa- I ! p. p.- -h. in ip i i s . nuu-nt in lb.-.-M.-Ieii. .- ..1 ih. ' » a r S l a l i " atol the 1 ni

(i Ti.-: f.

S m l . OtlTit ti'i irV. w]

1,^-i HMY n•^t I ,or . th, ^Mit if •• ^ r r Trno to our ' r.rr «

\r ,»tl sT^ with con

j - -rrtAirtT

. IT ill

t i n

Tl-. ^n. - . . Iv tr

1 1 ai

IV-v .'' 11,-' ill!.. J be l l .


;.l(-t,. e wb.1 pre--n an 1 of t iov. - rn-b .ind eome out of •r y.-opic,

W I ' l .KTVs

esn. w l .pt l.."^ s ' rfn*" Tlwlis yort, • r r j kjn.ilt

»».,.! tl.. a I- 1..1 I] ri . v.-l.n.! V--»t;r« .J^^nt th* he.*..

|.-D4.-'t i.. II »ll .' I >5 ypu have nrcx.uid dj. . .J..,,^ - ,1>...IUH U 111. Jet.', .r. r <1.1 . ..i; -mt--r ..-t Ir . ... 1-t..- tui-I .tl. . r-.--. til. n. -J-s i-r

u-ll ai:nc« • f a c


I-: ij .11 r

• 1 al..

ill n n . .n is t . n V i t ed 1

ll.ill, Kovbury. | m-tn i!i.ia was . k

Creefc ETOuci McCnE-ich was eife---tfn; l>i,.>-si T h w d a y ev-ninir, tr. h M r m , mure truopi from .Vrkansaa. aldre«s Mai. r <;.-n.-raI lintler, ia ai.J of "

U r e e n a m b e r s o f t h e r w i a c n t s o f G r e e n e , Jasper c m p i n v Item:, re-rii i trd t .r his k e , . - i n - . . . ri:;r.ixieTSt. na t l^r m.ul? :i n.irr:ot:c ar

. . ther cuanocs . reeently joine-l rn.--v s ar . i . ; , ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ a n d

Knjhind appeal to thr

eiiuntrv. U"

•era n c a n r ^ixir uKUFanu. in tsv j ixui-icm. nuiess tnw reueKion can th- ^min [ Frcmonehaa bc?3 c p nearly ihe wb.^Ie qaclled, and tha : wuhm a nh'^rt peri.^i. shali w

^ . , ? . u , heoomc mruWiMi in n war«ti?h ihid vrorld ncT»r , , : five mghts , m u b n g the m,».t per.ect ar ^^^ „. ^ ^ to b

.-ipie.i tft'l n->t h n . t -r ft tt. hly ai.led hiiu in perf. .rti...: a pn ' t i imfn: feat.i.-.-s rt.- t .i '• and 3D the cen.>ra-. -n. h -tiniie to Ik. hel'l n" th.- - .'n n i .-minent infamv

hat d.H-s It avakl ... - . tl lie as«are.| of I 'r \i I - r r n >

H K \ \ , 1. pel . t :


and many uf oa r oEccrs think the rebel for -o miw numbers nearly sixty th.rasand " In my jnd.:nienl. this rebellion can Vk-

General of the last , „ . » . ...... u-j. u...? f w i - ..... . , , , j • i » ranCTments (or the Imttlc, and confidence of the

potriiTs who, by lu^tui sain. will be i n d u e d ' 'loxv, while it t . a we'l kn -wn I e ' tn i - i,- re n . ana-r in him was never ei> great as a t p resen t t.. take part with i t Th.-refon-, it ku -omes every nt the hc^ad of one of the e . . -" • 1

OcnSL Lane and S t u n i s have arr ived, a n d Pope man here ,-tt t-he Nnr-ii with car? ta examine, with of the e.-neem over .»hi.-h t..- n- s,.t.-. , , , ~ candor and determiiiatii.n to imlie aa.1 act up-in „ „ \ . , B h o a r i y e i p e e t e A the state of f a « , thi.. eritns presents; ami I tnu. t ' ' i , . i . ^

From this it win he seen t h a t the Son thwa ^ e may soon S-ht , c i : only on the banks ..-f the 'o '- ' f""''' • ' / • trocpS a r s eneamfed Stmth of Springfield on the p„tuniac. or on the .b<ire» o{ N..rth Caralina, but I -will see the S n . t h e m (Vrf - 1 - r j -y ir- be" r b a t l l e c r o a n d w h i d a w x j the scene of McCuHoeh's even on the shores of and in South Carolina, k a will take the ..a-h f i l f e i a i . - e t • it • 1.. triiraiph and the death of Lynn. Another great > Eghted by the s m o f a n ^ n ^ - e l h , ^ , c.tiea ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -S. .u:hern pr in- ipie , 1 .^.uii.i n battle and victory there would make the Oak Bil-S t. n • u- t . birth not only r - a m « . u -S a .ne .n U i - e m n

- T h e < rove rno r of S o u t h C a r o l i n a in h i s !a,.t ^^ ^ ^ -Metho-li^t PuMish^n.- M ho- .m mesaa: ;e to t h e ler r is la ture g ives e x p r e s s i o n to t h e f o l l o w i n g j u s t a n d p a t t i o t t c s e n t i m e n t s on t h e s n h j e c t of e d u c a t i o n .

- A n y : ! ta :e , w i th comnifra | u d g m e n t , can d e v e l o p t h e wea l th a n d p h y s i c a l r e s o u r c e s of a peop le , b u t it is coi. e v e r y S t a t e t h a t eau

! p r o d u c e »n h e r o i c a n d i n t e l l e c t u a l r a c e of

1- \-UAl.F.MK VT I t o v .M.. 1 I., a - e n l lent in "1- ' b -t

I i i. \ c - u - r . | i_v a f io rno . n ti.ti ill N. 1V-. Till lo^t for l h " ,rniati . .n in rei.-iti.'n t.. t he . n

. V, i , • '....k p! 1.-.' nl I ' .Tl Koya l . ..n ,: , r n - t f l.ot«<-eii tho bat icr ie .- at

•,.i 1 T-iln.ill « a ios . |u i to li -ct l..:i ..In fl.-et

ihe Lir .- . liiiti-s m a d e two a t ta . ks 1-1 wi th - e \ e n a n d t h e second wi th -.EM-rs L'.'t 1 ad 'y d.nniai:e.l, and wi nl

all ff

It is a -i.-nifi . I- r.-n. h tm l I ' m s , l,.n « h . had 1... „. r:.': .-! l . in. olu s f a r l u ul,.i l i ake r . d:.l no; .lo > an.l .-l ..n l h . ^roii i i ' l of i

t.. l b - H r i t i . 1- al w „ < h i i i . iitli lid tl,,- I l'r,. ...l r l.T

-ii>.-d ihe lusel . in

TIIK th.- eilv .'I

, iTiL's - 'u-e • li.-r> 111 cain[i ihiu,. w

3Ji.» s \ FVi.l. tiv-er-l.trri:, Tejin, t I J Imretu Vr-- . U, s E I'ark,-!. Tit-msn-ri

v . . . J." Ur.!.;*.. Mttrfi—.i.Till. T-nr —The neZTOCS in I Mr. ||.J....r»T J»-k~.n. v.— 1 Jr.n«. 1; Ho.rR ... K I- . few even ' ' '" " " • ' r " . 1 . . In A Juuc.v. 1 W, J 1

•ais. .Ma. - .IC H h,il a lew e^en ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ T..nn • ii t n aid ..f Ih.-ir uinstc.-- and other 8..1 p l w e e Fi-rri •.«-. 1 , < I 'jn.r

The (.V- s-.ales th»t eiery ,,„ ci.-lu.!.Ut> ..-o. r .re-t .4rl.„ 31. s ."tar..].. Vrin.-l.s..rT T.-nn i. vr V IT.ilil.-i I>uu-rf-y'ilif, »t».. . F R Hun-T hnM.. . i .


e-.tidov-lisl a . - x n i i n j l.. lliiyle a n l tuai - ' - a l t.' i-h-ir ni.i-.ters was manilcst- eJ T in '-all n-ali.—1 ^'n- d .b.llars the ' D E C E I V E D O P SUNDBV I ' E S S O K S OK AC-,.an.- .r ihe-^ . r th The foil-w-nc letter from a ' .•.,|.,r.-l in.i.v- i-ial w--- re.-.>iv.-,! io answer tn an sent or . le r - to t h e W e s t e r n Mili ta rv P e p a r t n i e n t . i r a n - f e r r i n - the 1 f rom Kreni. int to H u n t e r T h e oi ler is iiu , . .n . l ; t i . .nal an.l has ren< b c l l-'n-ni.>n' e re ib is II 1." I ' l scd on l . i nco ln tli.ironi. 'h eon

COUSINS, ftC r J l.owr.-. I -li»n,«l«. N C.. S». J «. n i l , .Jrili-.wl». K

It tjtaulirrrj Treasurer ..f > »lla.nisti..v Jl).swjat»..ii 1. t.ea t Ptiir liluft .'si. J \ Crr...*. Vaiiliarrt., .\rk . ,1, St.i.h.3 Atklu-uis. TiitiH».*fi*v.Ut., S C., 3: A Jinu-.,

... . . it.. Mws., 4 is-. Jofli-|.lj Ilor-a, l;a|;isr»viilt, Tcnn .

.-ni;ii.;eiii. nt*. will be "ueb ^ Mnni-.Eu.. s.Tr».j. Tenn , i i M I . U . n J j - v - U e . J.1»MI II <i»nrft. P;*tlrU>.,. & T f J i liw.

I.KM.NM1. U... .V. » S - p t -r. I"' .! G t M i n-iir." ^ -or invitati .n wa" .bily n-ceived

an.l I r.-iret thai t.. I-ev.-tn mv p.irti-iisitini; with y..a in person. T«TU... S3; on Thnr».l..Nv n - i t .u tbe .upper to Iw^ given " m ,>.ili% T«m . s It

.ther "..alters in t , „ . , i 1." IMSI-.I on ^ . , vieii. .n of r r . i n ion t s ineapae i ty as a i - encr , i i . ; ^^^^ ,hat my heart is with ynu. and I b ^ S I T U A T I O N W . \ > " T K i > — A Y O I NG nnd p r o s , p r o f i i - i e v in t b e e x p e n d i t u r e »l vou to accept il.e en.--io»«i d..llar as a i ^ y of So!.ti>eni i).rt«i«n.i «.<

• " ' • only of wliat I w..aUi .lo were l tjcttcr „ trndier,<J«.-urvJ. o situauon in* of our Sriitliem .»-r'>V>l'<- able 1 sincerely trust that it mav be f P

viafod. and ^ n t r i h a t ^ to wnno extent in the ; .p^''' . \ d v i e c s f rom New \ o r k . to th..- . l i s t u l t . . » causi- in wtiich wo are so nearly ^ ^^

• he r was al.-o uKsablcd and was ^^^ ^^^^ , h e j u r y m t h e ease of t h e p n s o n e n , ^ d-.-arly concerned S U E L T O N , J O N E . S K

C O K K I s a i O B I t B B C H A S T B

C O , ,

ehusic ground. It is probable tha t the fight has already taken pUce.

Uen." F r e m J n t and staff left lor S t Louis on S a J a y the dd. Ha wasactaimpanied by hisbody gtiard. a n d r e a c h e d ! ! t Looi . on Wedne»day.

H u n t e r pnh l i s ied orders assuming ctimmond a t Spiiagfi t id on the - id t

T h a G e r a s a n s i n t h a a r m y a r e s i a i : h i i i s s a ^ f i ? < L i ^ " j „ P u b l i c s c h o o l s a n d l i t e r a r y i n s t i t u Two Tesans , who were captured a t Galveston, n o h l y a n d g e n e r o u s l y e n d o w e d , w h e r e j-be far le..s

Lilund twu months »«> and taken to Xew York, ' y l r t u r e , t r u t h atid p a t r i o t k a i a r e U n g b t as thr-n those « a r r i t ed a t Memphhi on Monday tha 11th feom I t h e c a r d i n a l d o e t r i n e s of l i f e — w i t h o u t w h i c h t ^ ^ T i e j report d ia t t i e Cairoites s t y t h a t they ; l i f e i t s e l f is n o t w o r t h p r e s e r . i n g — c a n a lone w a n badly whipped a t C o l u m h o i Tney beUcve ; p r o d u c e a m a n l y b r a v e meti « i n -G e n n a l Gran t was kiUed. • d i g e a o u s to t h e s o i l . A l a r ^ fctate. w i t h v a s t

Tha gunboat Lexia«ton i . sunk. . r 'e iot i rces, m a y p r e s e n t to t h e w o n J a ^ e i n -The S t U^ui . B e p u b l i ^ of t h . Tth s 3 y . ; « g p o p u l a t i o n , b u t t ^ s d o e s n o t w n s h u t e _

Senator Bri r f i t h a . j-Uned the South and wdl he ^ S t a t e , c n l u v a ^ . n d t b e a , w i a « « n be=in t., think tha t Dr McFerrin ,

letis common ramor d j ' i i hi-n jrrca* lo; is- e--. . a-also strongly Jlssuodt^d another li.i!d n i siiot i-sent iment , from leavin; h"> emplovmeu! w h ' i he expressed his intention of -dotn: "o ar -l r - t un i ing to his Nortiiern home. We lu ly n • i i i i n . his motive these acts, we simplv .suow ihem u-farts, and we hold the Northerners in itiesrirm :

dan, ;eroa. tacn t " this .-iramua who are responsible S-.r their re ' -n ' .o t

'uer» The GicU we here sddaca o r ; s-o n, m

Xashville. t ha t there is scar -elv a prir.ii>r in -<1 • city who, upon r ead in i thi*. will not be able t.-once to pronounce the Nortbernors ' nimes. Th.: pabl i s we fear, with scoh facts a i tiiese

Ucuj^ctfuUv , . Kn Itrt-rAtifx. |

of t b e p r i v a t e e r s tood e i g h t tor Perkins, ^ T h e 1 ,.-1 • wa.- co t i l i nucd d u r i n g t h e .lav • . . c , , . i-rrv r-miu., , ' ' ' ' ^ , .•onvieti . .n and f o u r lor a c q u i t t a l . M.nai:ers i , _ -o »

l ; UD Ki - t . - od tha t t h e b a t t e r i e s and our ^ ^ ^ . Ju ry of t h e U n i t e d .States C o u r t , ^ This wili prove an inierc.sting item to the m « , ( J q 1 1 0 n a n d T O D E C C O P a C t O T S , leai iu r- i r e d a b o u t one h u n d r e d s h o t s . . \ t ^^ „ „ iltUh, f o u n d t r u e b i l l s , erable fanatic., at the North wh.. have been very

a. -inrs tbe 1 edera l s te t imer was a s h o r e ^ ^^ C h e n c w o t h J o h n A Ski f f , a n d confidently an--icipating an insurrection. . .Mil T . i n n l l was st i l l firin... u p o n he r - - ^

H ,r,. . -vr-e e n t e r t a i n e d tha t h e would be ab le ' r .^v PKI.-E s \ i.-Toin — ITiis splendid achieve-_ i rh is m n n t says t h - AtlonU Omtc^Ura^y. is not to ^

Marv le f t o u r c i tv las t 11 even

j-iuic her s t o j u i e r S I

,11. ; .r the ..

T h e p r o s p e c t of t h e s u c a r c r o [ e x p e c t e d to exceed tiOO.ntJ^l h o g s h e a d s , b e i n g ^ ^ b a u i e ... -

„o of aet i . .n . . ia r rv ini : a b o u t u t h e l a r c e s t ever p r o d u c e d , is c a u s i n g the shine .iff thvt celehmted en iza jemeat The "y / , , , ^ . Hewians have now no strt)n,ihoki m M w » n n but

.1 nter: some q u e s t i o n a m o n ? p l a n t e r s a n d a c a i e r s as ^^ U a i s — t h o u i h they have their forces »t»-W c Ica.-n tha t t h e r e were M'i vesse ls off P o r t ^^ c o u r s e will m o s t c o n d u c e te t h e in- j t ^tlier points ^al i . -~ t c rdsy . i p . e s t of al l p a r t i e s co 'ncerned . A n a d d r e s s p r i c e s manner of a p p r ^ h i n e and s n m m n d -f w - F e d e r a l S teamers , in maki-ng th i s at- l e r e s t 01 all p a n i c . tj,e (brtifiea-jtms of tke enemy a r t enurely

t h e i r e u n s p r e - to t h e p l a n t e r s , m t h e New O r l e a n s ( . r r . c ^ . ?

SI) in r s t o v r r -ntr .


^ Haralson & loster, «riln.ate.l 11 i. in many respect*, equal to C O M M I S S I O N A K P F O R W A R D I X G hatile of Manassas Plains, and. in s n i n e , t ^ m | V *,n-Iantju«iiiJGfi>ertirr®aar» lr.ier«,C!)»tj«i«»p,

T h a K o h m o n d Dismiick has a s p e e i J h e r o i c d a r i n g t o d o t h e i r ' " d u t y f a i t h f a l l T t o gEis r S s ® Sorfidk, t j a ta rday , i t a t ing t h a t t h « ; a n d t h e w o r l d , f u n u i h t h o s e F r e n c h fiig^ Proay , Ccom Ch»rierton, bound for 1 q n a i i t i e a w h i c h e o n i m a n d t h e m t m i r a t i o n a n d X e w f o r k , w a i t a A j i e S a w U y BKjrning n a « i r t i spect o f m a n k i n d . s h o u 2 a ^ t l M S e } S r 4 '

T h a l a w M j d aSeets, i M m h i t i B g | » p e n d flretJy-oa « y t h i n g - w k ^ r i s t e d to c l e -O ^ I a ^ j ; ^ ana* , etc., v e r s T s t a t b e Btoral a n d i i i t « n e c t a a l e n l t n r e o f o « r

• t c u a e n . T h e Grigua p e o p l e

principles are no more proof mfloences of goM and gain, than Ja i in . ' w.-re

, „ t . •• - - h - u . z h t , were t r y i n g t h e i r g u n s pre to ttie p l a n t e r s , . o tTg ina l - the like never having been attempted p , r s t o r v to a g c n e r a l e n e a - z e m e n t , b u t in t h a t o n l y t he bes t s u g a r s be t h r o w n k ^ f ^ .n the ^

p r e v i o u s o c c s i o n B , t h e y h a v e „ „ ^ e m a r k e t , i n f e r i o r q u a l m e s b e i n g ^ e p t I h e m p ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ for r e f i n i n g , t h a t a l l t h e i n f e n o r molasses be ( w h e r e v e r they were ordered to go, in JW" j .i>4 tM-fnt . , h , pweoftrf J . trf-in^

.nver ted i n t o r u m , as a d o m e s t i c s p i r i t will feet « r - t T «>n r e . eh iog the d ^ ^ " "

i l . l j , xs 'o". al l p r e v i o u s occas ions , t h e y h a v e ^ ^ , e n e o a n t e r c d " m a s k e d b a t t e r i e ? . " a n d su f fe red a r eve r s

R c O a n n o u ! 1 r McMiBm. ^ i jTSTiTLbUAiafc J W SLc« . <iua J r Lnnit; tm.

tU>ik»T a or., Edtmr. AdTenWr t i a i S e . a S S ^ ^ T«nn; SitHitv Kealli . Co, ^Mty.lU JC* I>.FL JOB*. OMMOIMMI JBILUANTS, JKU TE CS, T CmlcliBeid. [wpl i - tn .

Mary Sharp College. TtllS I>«TITtrn' '>' will eommeoee lis »leT»«h eoM». " ' - ^ t i i t ' t I M n «r 6»t»ttVCT. wtn. • fteaJty el

r r s t n n e s a d u '

, , f L -I i m n v e r t e d i n t o r u m , as a uomesiac leci ..T — — - - - - r— k p . . r l i o a of t h e g r a n d a r m a d a w h i c h sai l i c o n v e r t e u . ' , ' f i c .} , , „ f ihrea . twotk» o i the ha l e , were spe«ddy e n o ^ f r o m t h e N o r t h w i t h s u c h a o f , be a p . y i n g . r u e l e , t h a t on ly t b r t e - m i n s ot 1 i iopani t , , and in ut ter d e f i a n t of all the I ^ p j j g I N ' F I D E L ' S D A U G H T E R . ' B I

ag»io. t the th i r ty pieces of sUver. \Ve oould My t r u m p e t ^ a u d w h i c h was t o s t r i k e t e r r o r to t h e c r o p be s e n t t o m a r k e ^ t h e r e m a i n d e r ^ ^ ^ . ^ e t . and art i l lery oouM shower a t < T^b eve ry S o u t h e r n h e a r t , h a s a l r e a d y b c e n s t n i n -ilcd on o u r s h o r e s , t h e i r c r e w s c a p t u r e d a n d

mtteh mors bu t a r e cmnMlSed to l>e brief i r e ' n o w leave" i t to the pnhlie to f a r how far d c d on o u r s h o r e s , t h e i r c r e w s c a p t u r e d an.J j ^^ m t i c i p a t o a n y h o s t i l e i n t e r r u p t i o n ,

l i ; , s i t U n . . > U l » d i . t Pobl i sh ing House are en- . m a d e i t imates of o u r L % a t \ w / i ^ i " " d t h a t o t h e r e o m m e r c i a l d e p o t s b e e s t a b -^ i t W t o ecngratuUUe t h e m ^ l v e . and t« challenge C o n v i c t i o n t h a t a n o t h e r M a n a s s a . d e . e a t a w M t s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

the aJat irut ion and graUtude #f our people, f. r the , t h e g r e a t a r m a d a .

b e i n g he ld o - r e r ; I b a t . h i p m e n t . be m a d e ; oiem. , v . . . v ^ .1 ^ • ' Th i scxeeUiOl tha t O e a Jackson, a t Xew O r

lean. , a w attempte.1 I -S T r o t t o n b a t e . Thorn! who a r e d«ici»di«« o u r ! w i i S i i W S C - 1 coast sbouM make a note of this. , « , j j ^ ^ r .


l i e ^ * iy to fell the tree is | by loond Mows kt tbe root. Conld ire l«y the axe to liemrt-pride, the brinches voald wooK A m vHxnc, '

- Hunmer, tang*, and ihtO lingmgil . aa h i l r a i M m 1 '

nirtftT LiWi freii Mag. S mm m ttmuud Sr-shnli h"^-"-;;

Frem * Uknsamd h o ^

The POa PAKKSTS, f J . J _

EACEtjlsIVE tEXlESCf TO CHILOREX. i Nancy H. B&ndotph. m^pi^d thU lif« At hom«» in Jeffditen eoQat , Aii-f fkU, the leare, wither, the fruit ftde,with

It IS an cndleSB l - _ , , . / . .f., -jf , _ _ J l«t . Jlr,.- S. lUntolpk, «.tort of John J-! one and the same Ubor.

Hj' TSiv'

l i^

Kicht t a d i t T ^ aMM imQndbis Thitmgh the niHT tetorr lunnt.

LiXa! WBrtona. ta Uitir yinj-Tim't tdrlem in «T«rr cBnk:

SOU OMTM *ifme-««IU aurr-ri »ims " VUla jon labor, Iwa tatbink^'

Txhik wtat po»»t Il««iraiiin TOO. For what tnompha (bnar.!.

K attd of hm md tiarr, Baaitu br nBoIathm nnsr<L

X>(bt; (hmfbta 7* no aod rbniib. WhatthaO haidjcaT>|<TikaMrB<

Wim iliMl oaka Tov kich hope ^ ViqriliaQ mimtrpraiiw'i ftrwa;

Pajoa «»hltar;tatt. pl*amir7? Tbiatt Vmia^t txmt u> irinl:»

J* hoaor, tea or a«»<ii« ? .. tatk* tere-vsikaad Uynk •

' thmi hdmhe atoot of Urlajt. Ltetekim^daria^aT: -

Titekl tetaotataoaaCpnat . Ha^fctpriCoTKmlfcri^.! 'ntak r cat. fca machian so bagap-

>>F»aaaada«f SwiiaDdManJ' 'iKia make jao ftwhar. «ro»i«t.

l a * m i ' lhesr«tand (ood! Thaaglit aalta and liKhtna Ufaor,

Thni^ ferlada tint nBol to •iak! Sattm^aadlowfer acrgiilnr

Vark Ui« m«i who work—and thlok!

p x r a u c A T i o i r e

S o D t h - W e a t e r B P i b l l t b r B g KABHVUiUB TlUrmSOJDL

^ u t i

t A n r j *

OOBT «40. a i A P O F TBCK

VALUABLE HISTORICAL WOHKS. RoblBa«B-a Htatoriaa] Wsrkai in twt vola IT W

Vol. t. Hlatsrr ef BaptUnm. —-ts ao lBali»»p HOo

Vol t. Iut9 jiutl :MU<>d fi-om tka prrftfi. It in a lna(Bifioc«t

afSwTw Onafcfi* VabatW. Cnte-a BoBar J PalaaHM Pan an) Prwmt. Cataon'a Kjnvlu^ of Ja»

• wd Oaaea of Soaat ... I Dictiotta:?

Tha Oraat Ommiaalon Tba Giaal Tracker Chr;»«iaa Uflw

; filth that is thrown into it from withoat, so

<;od KaTMilrd fa Xsnira uxi ID Tfluro." of HH roral octaro p«ii«ii. roatataiK tha onciaal ! CilT of tha <imt Kraj iO BarcU.v;...

good a I' i' unqaMUonaWy tha moat tMUtifiil work j q^ 'r^^^^iqC^vIiioiu ix., {WaiiiM-}- ^ .1 as it may b<3 to harrow the young heart with 'onpanion. a< |>nl.lenl acJ failKfnl a wiro anj I trem lh« Somhun prm» the griel-of chastisement, may it net. there- " " "" •ni.fortnno to 1<.,0. She profwd | voLIl. Eoelaalaatle.1 Baaaareha...-I th'j cleaning of the heart will cleanse the

• rt»t. And when the Spirit of Chri<t shall """" r»ith in rhri«t in mn. and was haiillird fcr Eld. U. 1 Thi» lolumo will (MU.* omi ymr ttndertakc this work-t., convincc the .onl harrowed held,_be lett,r pre B.p.ut Chareh . . Il,sh>and.

I effectually of sin—of the sin of n.-itarc, and

i PmdT o* WnM*, "iTivnfh J. ' I aaottp IB *" .— ..H W : Tartor ii Holy LiTini. [Ti-jk r 1 Prmooa StopM cf Hpanv

s m ] 1 .i» 1 «»0i _ I I M; a w • t 1 M I M 1 00 3 !» 1 <" 1 «» T» «

^Wak'-andiMthaibooisW Thak of man wboTa (nsa iE£>c».

Laanag iUnatnuoa aaiMa to »erT. jon. Toor'a the path thrj'n plodiinl o'ar

Fraadom Ugho lad ata. bar rhartar Wilh tha Kaon! at thoimht—tba paa.;

Trraaar can fiad M4faan*>r In tha mak of thinking m>-n.

Think! lor thombfs a wan,! of po«pr-ro»ar to Bu a opptaMtao ahnnk

I.tajp ja, than, tiia pradaaa dower: Pnua it—wiaW B—work and think •

Hold Tn,:r hrada op,'lrtlias hrothm. Mon(ia oa ha it aa er fcrsat.

Lator. Ibr o<uaalm and other-. l« ft»r man a noUa lot. Ohler Ikr. and hoS&r-. Mther. Thaa ram luxury l anciaMn.

L' hoi sral snd worth insptra. And true graatnevi ba our a.™.

Powar to '-ompaM thia m giran— Tower that fortna the < link

Twixt u uprijht -oiij and Heaven. Ui. noh^ powar—t.>ie power te tWnV •

THI BTBLl! AJTD THE FASHI05& We hare lateW met, says the B H f i s h M h

t r n g r r , with one or two painful illustrations of the ruinous influences of the lave of dres.«. This circumsUnce, together wlih the consid-eration that in these days this love of Jros? would seem to be a besettia» sin. even of multitudes whom it cannot be -said to ruin, induce us to reprint the followini; weighty warnings and counsels of a preacher of the serenteenth century ;

" I . i J c ant I t m b i t u n u f « a p p r a r the fint t a

oM^fathion. .Vffect not to Uke the mode by the forelock. Keep some paces behind tho?« that are leaious to march in the front of nov elty. When the danger is of sinning, it iis valorous enough to bring up the rear. When e^tom has familiorued the strangeness, and common usage has taken off the fierce edge of noTelty, a good Christian may safely

- TBBture a little nearer, prorided he leap not orer those bounds prescribed by God, by na-ture, and derencT. It is time enough to think of foUowiog, when the way is weS beaten before us. A modest Christian, in conscience as well as courtesy, will not think scam to let others go before him.

FoUovp no f a s k u m t o f a r , t o fiat, m Ut run

SouresSaieoutattieieih. Costly apparel ii like a prancing steed, he that will {oilow it too close, may hare his brains knijcked out for his fiolly. Advise Irst with conscieoce. what is lawful; then with your purse, what is prietieahle. Cooault what yon do. and next what JOB COO do. Some thin;:? may be done by others, which you may not dn; and here are some things which yon might lawfully do, if you could conTeninont ly do them. " All things " indifferent-art lawful" in shem-telres ; " but all things are not expedient ** to same under some circum stances; and what is aot expedient, so far a.« it is not so, is unlawful. 1 Cor. i . 23.

If Tou will drink by another man's cup. yon may be drunk when be is sober, and ii yon will clothe at another man's rate, tou may be a begjar when he feels not the charge But how many have run themsclres oat of their estate into debt, and from the beisht oi gallantry sunk to the depth of poverty, forced either into a jail or out of their coun try, whilst they would strain to keep pace with s fiuhion that was too nimble and iieet for their revennes!

3 . FoUoeB l a w f u l f o a l i u m t a L r e a i t w i t h j ^ u r

But he sure you get right notions wAo are your equals. Some may be less than year equals in birth, who arc more than «o in esues j pedigrees and titles will not dis-charge long hills and reckonings. .\nd SOBM may be yoar etjuaU in botii, who are not so in thatwheiein equality b most valua-ble. Walk then, hand-in-hand with • them t»4« are " heirs together " with yoa " of the grace rf life" (1 Pet. uL 7,) who are par-takers with you of the same "preeiou:! faith " (2 Pet i. 1)—with those who have the same hopes with jon>of the common •alvation " (Jude 3.) Why should we zeal ouly afieet a conformity- to those in-apparcl. ftom whom we must separate in a little time for'etentity ?

4 . Came aot near thate J a t h u t u t ichtmr aa-

m a m u i m j i l e m e i i i r , t r i n b c t t , a n d t a c k l i n g - re-

g a i n m a c k ( u i e t o d r a m g a a d a n d m a n j

the nature of sin—all these little appendi ces and appurtenaDrc!> of vanity will fall and drop of course. For this ws. our blessed

I Saviour's method " Cleanse the inside of the cup or platter, and the outshine will he clean al.»o " (Matt, iiiii. 2fi.) .\nd if we could (as supernatural grace only can) " niake the tree good," the fruit would be good by consequence. (Matt. lii. 33.)

7 . h e t a l l y o u r i n d i f f e r ^ a c f hr brought hh-

i ( i r t i e g o t e m m e B t u r n / guidance •>( rrltginn

' Indifferent thing-" in their general aatnre.« I are neither good nor evil , but when rcl" I gion has the main stroke in maaagtug anti [ordering them, it will make them good, and parent will eqa:illy L-u r.l, i.- tliai oi « not evil. .\dvL«c with God's glory aiiat you His auili..rii.v n I liia-.M

.rmlir F<>uo<lXtir«0 LrwoiMi from [I^fem J. a.... . W»U» HUtory Of latMit BaptUm, OU®** GKmpiri* e/J^.*, .

i p^red lor the *'gOOd SCC<1 i The cxpencnc*; in the »priot? «»f \M6 hrr boibAnd «nd family cmi. I a®ply. m 2 Jcln, r 00 , 1- — Votnnif 1. in now Kt rrojTp* ! Il iiMkfv CMriy j )(]rror

cru»t •!»e w s >ne lojuio PP c tarrv-iiinp , umforRi KotwDmn. Tbc*e two •wc* irake m U'act.f*:. «ml addiuon to »ay lihrary. No F^^r oflPT«rVr ,. t.tptif.t inini-atiT "hoiil-J V «-.thotit ifapnt. *n»J T ry mt*»Ili- ''O

J 00 Tl

n-Bt Iff tLia otir '*ort.»in dux \ are n-p siUI

••.'] wilktt.? •I..Ttnwar«! ti thf t > V "i-l y Wt prrp.irp in i •

of the world in i h i » respect, has aiD^jIj veri s r ^ t ^ to Jeir«MoD coantj. Ark. gho lived » conwit-. . , a TT a'l a ^ BApiint to her d«4tb. W<> tru«t c'te itf C:>oe lo juio fied the'crovcrb; "He that sp:irot!» the . . . . . . UKU luu i church triBmi»hant where ihero U no fiekncM, rod,hatct]i UU aon. " ' My fnthT it.vh too cw nor easy with me, eifbinioj a yoiMii: man in coilegc, upoQ beinj; rtiDonatrtttcd -^ith 1 -r the sin of iutcmperancc. ilf idiuuu 'l lIk»' he was doin.i; viow^ -that Iw uu lin* road To ruin—aud on bein;» told tint ho uot rotti|'eIled tc drink, he cxclaiuic«l No not oompoUed , b-54t you lio n<<t krjow it is to L-et a usie twr lujU'T 1 :.iu ini 'or I- -n t able fcHow. Afif tn'h-> »r«is tt-o >'y%ih r...

i r f l i »i I t n t i f l

t-NDur Another cxtreaio bu-h it>»' iatili

,'iw tTiw», and i« bocDd tn lmp«iitrni Iw l " rahU« (rf Infidihtx Chn*t OUT Ufa

jr-Ti* •V'hM Th# haltio «-»f Or«iiiMiD-

kt nitiji gr4-e 7 ' fit o'tr teal* to ft_T.

Then whrn tc df p tht* -Ivirp ri«r -il oTc th«- sky.

aj^. .IrfftM- on couoty. . rk

Wind BArt:m#-«.'. . LiTiof . . . nni. i.nTATin:: t ; tv fbuubt orr.- again, ami UjiOO MW . pail* Tho?i|rhf% -'.ii— I h.- -Ifi .nfi.ti. .4 timiiiTMoo tlt^j that either ' Truth t* KT«»rythinj: sti-i uri. 1 -npuirr* or il..- |>rartpnt ^mttir^ Sermox ht:r. In i i- .x.ntrr>r..rv% uii Wall aj* tr,dht- fVi».neu>t> n Ktfty Nfc«>ft

twr.-iU*. 'nl.• are QiuverioiUiy aamit!*d to bf vt adnri U F»in«r • .... •uju,..:. Th. » bnn ; fonuinl Uir CicLH of hutory-lhr leau : IT*^','* ' WaTUnd • u» ih*- « hi.n New York Pnlf t fr.». Setert Inacour- of tivrrnim tr ha

• ith i-.rtnuL'

rial but parental, and ils . mel itppca! ftiiall e«t, what jou shall drink, and xrliat I voa shall pa: on , that wil! tcarh u to deny ; therefon' to he ii-t t., i.-t ' joorselTea in ^ome particular^ of our Chris ' nor roort t. -h^ m . v. i I tiaa liberty " Whtther eat or drink, or i -hou! [ whatsoever ye do " else. ' do all lo the glo-\ r j of God." <,Cor. x. Than which, all certaintv

o uiuih puiu^hcit'til

ithe masters of the art of eating, all the | > xr I mistreseCs of the science of dressing, oannot ,.[,ildrei: f"rli:l:tf il ^ I give you a more approved Jireetory j S . L ' k a l l ihen i m l i j f c r c u t i h i n g t i r i f h 1,1 m

^ d i J f ' ^ n C a£cj:ti''in f n ( h t m — a n r< nt r,,„

' ^ c e m j f i r t h t m iznd n l x m t rh>jn. Treat thcni. j value them, as they deserve, flothca r<>m-I mead iia not to fio^l, nor t<> wi.e .icd goftl [men, why are we then -o ^olii-itou> :iKaut I them, as if the kiagJouj of tioJ lay la thi m ' The apostle, in consideration that the time is short, would have us • use this wt>rIJ a not abusing t;, because the fashion of tins world passcth sway. 1 '"or, vii. :!1 1 Yet i little while, and there will be no u.<c. because no need of them. Bui (iod aotl the world arc commonly of contrary jadpnients , and " that which is hiirhly esteemed amun;; ' men is oftentimes an "abomination in the fi^ sight of (ioJ • ( Luke ivi l.'v > •Lokewarm • uess is a temper hot enough for what is aeith > cr good nor evil Ilow great, then.

rnf.T.n- -b, li> -t.\<fr:ty .is llu-

-h.uM b. lilii; th. It ' •li>c.|U-'n'" - li:i\ f

sottjetltlics ctisu- 1 fr.itu ipp*':!'-to this j..riu« ' ^'f' -'

1 kn.- .v n IM.iU.ii icln.i. a-till.-..ti.l-j r':-!ii iy. an<i itj'cjii^eu: tiiiM - . . ' \v. • i . made a:i i.ll. t for lilc. bv b.-.!i_ vili- . I'-.T three vt-rir. t'Ul .b u .lit J ' maid -(.Tvant, v'J-' • r tcit . if '-'to -. Iciire A trhi)U-s. ii , ' .rl• 'l if- ii.. di.scipline Will 1 i - • r OM---.


L)v JiLnteft bl. Hartaou U tsfc.«It I»lfa.<ed vtmigblj in* I t i renifm-

n u. r, Pf- J aj .M Ilarm.-L. t. . Ii.'1 m ••'•r 'i.* -f «itir be! co'intr'- Sflonemc •'.«p' f*rT|i.'ft'« r.i»Tnp3ny, t »th pe;:imont Mi* I'-ipT

..rjnice'-* 'r tbo T ar tf hts .Ijje. Ttaj' wp trn -fpT to our If irT;».*n 'ii.

wi J-vwed ni-.ther, and tho W' ared fanjily. .-ur eirtfcrr \\ J •Tmnt»lh;e- and r< ti'l«'lrBrc. hut rnrrea? rLei:i n-'t t.,

•on- w a> who u.t%« uo lur ib«- } i.'u« aod > .uov tr«»U- ul i>ur bftjlhcr Q« ihc aimu liaft. h« Uaa em-r>. 1 into thil rc». , ft»r

p „f e'l - ^ »l I a , t < • it-.iiv with f N . -r- M .1 . -h- ! ? r, - th I'rn^nr

.l.urh ..ra.i Lf .re tli- «tb in t 1 • ufi'l -••i.-r'- l lo L>c j ' M * i . i tli Trnn*'>«»r I » : a I • .j t a n- • th- ^ r-H. • 1 rli thrf i

lu.f t n

ihr faih»i" tmd ear"ie«t h'xiiLnuia, and onjTR I ; -in.l fh»t thrr <-win«>t (le i nHaye*! or dtait . . n Jiearv mithiT that vrtrki hare rv>en

'>uf 11 KM.- (hoimhl tha; the titXH<i. a&<J (h* ap-pr--. irnj-erjiijtcly <i<-(TiaD(lfi an Amencan r I 'W.n ;• » lhai ih*' ifli«rt l.> ao (n^t • trni t sT-ft... :«!«<•< hv tr>e rlennmifu-atiotL. and a lihenJ iMUr-.Oi.C lo »»»rk». l*be pnre i* put tiowa

Ui4» 1 f'lijure Optalons of tha Pr««« a tf Brathraa.

F • J'art'h S B-xk^' Mt miUf^ o^tht Gujym J ^ t . ' . -tnag '.1 tr- ttfuK fh^t ^

n»T nsm nf ih** far th»» n i. Wall s H'-'.<.rT .f IriTanl ftapUam. and

i:--lwi..>v - » t. la*!.. ftj 'u -m»r copy nf • • ' - -1 i'i«itr»- Ih ! rff.tif4»i-atK>n I aould •uNw ri!*.

•• ' ti-f

. .. i «' 1

^ c A i R ^ ® ^ ? ^ X T c/ir. T T.mfTtm

Toung or Old .UinLiffni' foutrorfrs ia l Library.


n i n r o i s c e k t p j i . b a i l e o a d . HOMES FOH TEfc I S D U a T K I O r s

t \ TRB

Garden Riata of tha Weal

Wair» lufuni K-.j r".ni Ud.JeU * .t Hroti • .^rr., k x --n . r%r-nr. ifo Ras t '.TTi Baptism nd C»>*T»iiMin».'»»i Stiiar* «>o iJ»»- meMuna K.n|»t . TheMn<»i:»- Uniitr Tr ' >rniiTni'w.|i 'ir*c-e Tramnn I ..ti.fi4. Preaker on fommtrMKHi i" I ' Huiton • Hkftorv HaptJ-r. to h-tTe a rory of .'uj.l <'mpU i'

n i E n.r.rKois c e n t r a l r a i l h o a d co B At « t- » kal

1 . 2 0 0 . 0 0 0 Arret o f liirh Farminq l . a f u i f ttt Trarljt nt Fvrty

J'TTS tin.i uptCiTTfU. Ltivo t V r d t t t

a , I


-.J ir •

To Soxithern T e a c h e r s » \ I' ' !;i STKKS IN KA\ ii|:

A \ .. . .n '*tte -i.ijtf,. -n -• •

1 ohc.110 'hem InrlMHl. ii woiJd he well for hi.n h tjrr •«« opn nf f*.-h. taJ he pxe rred \ jui-t. r an.i ••'iier*

r - trft.'• f ^-.'la' f t . '••jmiui^'. If.-n-wa. Ala V!.B«« .1 •'•• f»*ar P- 'hrttJ- ! ham

r tM . itisezr.ittat* r»»ptjhjiwhjnij • ..f h«|>i!«- •»» I th<. aork of W Wnll •f'l-. .rJt.-Tr.:.t...t. . \ nje ft.r -r vfir* -o.'cht m J Jhe ••itif M t « rtf . H;«UTT of Bapttiini. aiKl • Ur t.' f.n.l an*' <>'( fc.ile

The Tr!> M The Tnicrvm t Thr».* Krr»-or» \ I ba|*tiaL«> onjy cho-..tii:'


MeafcaAics. Tarxseri aod I.-lirt -.J I .••I.r* ;


Malii tjr-|K4 Ok RAI1.BOAD CO

. . .. . ••. - U>. n. I ' 'p f T I -» t .. n n'» ?»n. ••'ft:. .. r. .T r--^

1US The r-fwitrorerwy on Inslop..

m- inn !.}-nni?ng i>© pt- ^

To CoatxoTert Methodism LntJ» !rv«i Wh i rvwmi.-t Tr r-tn Hi»u>n» '.f M« th<-h>i I . . . Hf Mi.nj on th r""«'i}.l I,.

I aads ef nUsoia MA!® if tn» T*\i!t-T «•! tUr

« h. -»> ft: I.I -f. :« I. ,-1 •

I'Ci . u U ' I a.-

r till

J oi sin, who arc ."tone-cold ir> tht»so matter?.

ftncr^t'Dc) li>h«.'d. will becyn. rear tho throin- . : way tor alfi-« ti -a ' • '-x. r* powfr. arul l-rin. --.ii-j'•

• f l u /-A-../.... // • •I • \<. K w I • tl. . , i.y

i- true j p^ocl cly ihc •{•po.-itc men l»ad iu« n jro* w -r-.

ao.! ^ M.-I nu.ti

tl rtu 1 . 21 I f'

, ]


• .M .r. u .J man.J the nK>»« 1 .H>krn«ixi • Sf-. • io H-%1..-, nf the ' >r'tinanr«» Tretwc r»n ,

r>- « nr -h 1.1)1 Fa'MOitofj on the ot> .-tfw I iT -J' rallT re rd#Hi. by

:t r r*.. «t '»-luif lo f.artje.« u. whl h f -.Mf. tha-refnr* tf. w!tfc Mafotr

J M a,.n«! 1. it nn . TTvr'run ii&on of 1 j; u.» a»-tio Tw » "T? of

Ml. th. W'-t llfrr i

. If"! W, Tha Soathern Part

'Mv ar-ft. 4>:

— »• Ml im' «v»

;iea. or.f .-ji wi.t -iMp"- « - '.a i.- . • • Mortji v • ni t<»

To Controvert Caxnrbelllstn Uvr- Wert . x • .r .. Wiliutm* 1 'I.' ' -.itij I. hapUum for ..f -.r». Chr«i;anM* Ke>-ti -i \ 1 h.-n.-m-

Bich Boiling Pr&lrie Land* The <Jrer neh Ioac; fJ ih» f t» an- ft

r lUma!.. « I. -rial TV. L...I. an a.o.i

'•TllKU V.vM'ABI.K h i s t o r i e s . l^nn^ .Vinistm* Kxesrrsilral Library.

a 4 0

Orchar<l a Hlatorj of tha BapiUta of Enropa ^ • .r,

Orchar.Ja Hlatory of tho BaptUta of CacUnd V -.T-. 1: on

The RlatorT of the Flrat BaptUt Chnrch In Amarlca ' fv- N.*»r|w>rt n. t the rVrvr)(i«w>e J V KI - Ihi-u.; ..f th*. hV t HapOtl

COST • Tu; K.

M VI H 1 N t.

riptjo.-. ah<i wherein C»od would have us A-rvcnt Ln »pir kno* m r. it ' — bu; where he would have us vool and rvwryvd moderate, all of a flame ' j „,ouid in

Let il have iis due weijrht in your heari,<. ' ..rdc r i- •

111 al. Ij. wL tl.- . L r i t-arU »!•

I r '.. a

h i!

. I lii'

l.KN • N t. I . K. •

'«TI .Mtle forf'vf.f th* .jne«tjfm. Wfejeh the • htrr. h ID Frrvii thi» it will mt ti

»|.t.-n, t..- • m Vnj. rvia l* dmTeiJ fmm ..•UT-.-

that k i t e . U T f t h r r man,, 1 /utc m a n , .rs } If on tV. rot.trarT th«- ta irK fin.l hj'ot-ipMer m a n , to c l o t h r , to i ' t i u f i / ^ , <^/i./learly tV>rm«-.i in .jvttt '»h\ with vjrtiiou i an : fAiitAtain, Think aot with the atheist ofi reUirtoa« «jrh « oot xiw u it-aw. Malmesburj, that jou hare caooirh to do u>'in eoo lnc«?. as advnri'fir^ voar-. v Ur--maiataia one man well for jou have two a tn^i- mj a an i And shall all the care, all the rost, be be inifious obi a-:'' th^p is a - inne mor stowed «»n the ca>ca the tabioct, tii€ shell ! beautiful than rl. one. i-noih n; where the jewel i ne^lect^d Thini with'more u^ly than tlw- U) .,'1 t lur. joarselvcs. when you art? harnes.sin^ out for 'voltioj: thnt » r. r i,>« k ni.of; domo sumptuoa^ feast, when tho •• gold-ring'' perhap i notip !« rhan .t mt<f*ral' la and the pav clothini; go on. to conciltatr ' p'- u- oM mnn xvh-i im -ui :tl! ftr .\:*h rwpect in the eyes if other* liivu [ d t ti.'br^ nf pn^h.-it'oi . h nl.rk mj weddios parnicnt ' .Vm 1 ready tor th*- \ir>Til nt -nrth


SOV THl'RN PiSEABEb PMt ap for ratulliea aad Travalerm.


Bni-ir-u>p*>dia of»t KuUer"- U orw. . . V.t.-- ,,n tb.- . »r»'1 r r • t r>» ' Kapoftixiu <»f Ihr 1. -.J La«" of riftsra: T» OI I'Yonhr'Uf .tlt-H-TTJ<>o m« Ihr I fM fr TWrwh OB ih» Pa Th<- I I ••: ' h- -^Til^sr^ Trvr^ : v r Extent of t&r ..\.<>oen>t I.- ..'..(iriq--••rpf'jrnl Pa.- atr - . \ ; ' r,, INMOr - SUna-aJ 01 Exegt-M? ',{ n I • C»r-*ofi on »Brw v ,v K • Sa ' Cju>OO «« F'rT.»ia»-n-Phao«oph» of rh Pim - , w

-...ymt. fl I*. ^ fj ,. jn,.. ,. — ffr^aier thar Thr » Tf --..n*. ano - ' , \I T. Krtr.j, ... - . t n . .. -, j.

Castcrn and Sonthern Bfarketa n.»*«e l.i»»-ta • r*- a '.'•»• D J rr** Mfhtriltnc m uni rr.ter. i mmi.' i K-.o witr

Applicatloc of Capl'al Thi:» far ' % wnd -la* • - .-r MM- ' •'>

ai" n'n • -t -n-T. •• . - . r - . , Ju liit fl-.un-h t- %i w t v f r <Hfi lO'i t,a»t. »:•». •-i>* a-s*-* ,t tn t • - - T . . . -.a ..r i.-r tl.a. - .!« of Jh* .. iarrn::l • • .a • . • • • If. : f l.c.Uf r-d

[-^-.p!. wll '.T ^(Ht* I v*ri. ,» rriSJ. ii.vlurir roipii Bailroad Syaiecn of nitaoia Ofer «ai r-m rt' , •ta tfte r-«.lr- jul -r»UTi. ..r iu -ism. i. ^ i» n nf »!>• iiH-'-'n*- '•-» »• X. ' U- « .V :*»t. y . th» T • 1 rui:<t R; f»1.. g » '-SSRiaiBti rtj*- Mf*. The Btatc Dofct

The P a i n l e s s L i v e r I • I- ..-r'. • • . i' F i l l ,

i\ - ^ t C l a r k s S u r e C u r e A g u e Pill .

I- urn ..r . .h;l. I' . fiu^ iw t..,

Tbeodoala ' ' of tbe Chorch T .•• - wii*.-• •-.I'lnt.' ;n 'h-

• • <• Th i« a heaiXi 1. i-. rs. -l !fj. ii\rr»nTr of the . v<»;i : R . .. >. - 01 . T-.un and

or Ten Oay« Traval In aaarch m r* fl

••"I 't 'n I -v.. lanii If. hart* lo rmial 'Ji*-.•fW.f!t.-f il- -jrvill!a!i<»B

' uti-'-h -.f fhn-t t*o i|«>uUleA». that hara

¥oiing .Ministers' Uistoriral Library.

Pr.aest PcpiilAtlcn TJi. .-ii-.r •• r»pi.i'T -'t-nr " • I— I..'!-.-.!.. .1.1- t*..-!-. ..WiL .>r • .v.. n. r- p.J i I 1 -1'. -1 • 1 • . • . r

Arrlcnt^ural Procuc:« fuHT tec


Thoodoala. • .li tld.l s Daurbter

marriai;c of the l.amb Have I on Ui. white parmcBt, • that the shame of my n.i kedness appear not before a pare ami hoh God? ' (ilev ui. Is.,

LoOk into the gospel wartirobe ( hri.«t ha« providcal complete apparel lu ciothi- joti. well as complete armotif to Jeftod \ou ami he commands you to pat on both.

Would you have a chain for _\our nei l which outshines the ;;olJ of I'cru . or a tiara for yoar heaJ whiiih sliamrs thai ol th. IVr

I lie bail ui* arc ^ an.I h. -t.-r- • •. , ual iiiurii-

A m b r o s i a l O i l . ^ - " ' .r-. -.r .... V yt p..".

« K K • KV t r.


17 r ;>jc«r Street. NashrjlJe. Tonncasoe. to - ir


Or Emma Uviafton. tha Xn--"..n. Hi- f'T..,. it a Tolume o

>••0 Th*. '«- t»T .ifamt«k« his fin» th.. pn.-*] t*>or-hiair<;o«i. • fV)f'.-c pira •.hTDPBt, rw . latent

t mao or c-hiM 11 i->r. t •hv.tji.f a eopT ID • •-n • • i-T...t re«d hr rh*- rheo.

K. un .r n . - , U»]l » li.-t.»r> ]iit»: K«,.i ''filar! . 1 " -Hi».wn o< thf K»'f. r?T. .t -M» T.-b T . 1 J. :. H»«lor» i«f I'run.tiK-• • -frtlirsl'"- Tn{;M. hafiiu-Clmjrt, H.%!««r> '

- y-r •

n. - h ..- •> VJndir irnn of fU.-i..!-Hs ror. trf h Ur. t' .r. , Hinun " Ht-t--.-* '.f .-f!»«lvr* tu)rii:an.-.n.. i a fh- U •..

I tf k.T. k.r.c Ii.

CT-r-icM tn»B • ••• l-r-f.f - h , r.f. « mi


i - .iKT*-)

j Fertility cf »he SoU . Son lien- '•«- n • . - n . - -t-1 T»'-ti»t» r- ' ' .a •• • I lie.iii: f k. I u... i.- I-J

To ActaaJ Culrtvotcra I r -* Lfcr- V li-a**' I...WT.1 I - 'tirt '

I n-.jt • • T>va. liaat h-i* . , i • aj • . f a,.ma i-

The Validity of an.i PeiotMptlata

ttt-^ marter of o


a<'>abrc i r The '.lU Upt»ll stun. . I whu -tj.j

sian tiaps ? Uear the m^itructiou o\ ih\ - ^ father, and I'oraake not the law ui thy mu!h er, and you lia^e it. I'rov i.

Wotild you have ciothin-: of wroojrht -«>ltt and wear tho^e rob*is [ which J the Kiu^ dauffhter glories 10, when sue ia brou;:h

ne« : . Il J i V

Tl. ».Ivl l.ali.. o!" Nfflll vv.-r. , maU ID It., t . ,i:r ..

•K ,N

• . $60. $70, »lOC

Baptlama ef CaampbalUtaa • l-t- r»-fti:.*tjt,o of Ih*i h«> - . -h UiptJfn.' l i crerT

Politicuy-Belljrloaa n!ato*>fea. R; lan I K J1 • «oi- t Rt'llin - \o. -. r.! . •») J-c- 1 .

'•K.W f-> M RFCJa k. r-..


Evidenca of Proap«riiy .. a i .f* . IHO- «»: ir. r-i •-

i (••m in V.-H,l. II.; tf.a • • a- tiw- tj.

Education ht y-i.*!*' lit. .

— . . .

-fa n. Pi i i '

^naw-r to Theophtla* WalTe

a of Oq«>stioc Booka, > Now nihie Dlctloa ry

0»-eat Iron Wheel

arc a sur« j r. luoi-i.! I.

into the Kiu^ of ijlorv. that he nay tak* — Psaliu xlv. \ 1

-M ' f •

i 1

t, • • J t; • pleasure in her beauty Psaliu xlv. U r- i[»c:i: .1 •

l-'roui nmo iTr»fn«»i>t Wo-ald you wear that jewel • which in iLe Khm

sicht of God IS ol ^reat price, beyond thopc per;..!! itj i jth •r." i e-ilelrated <;nes of Augustus or Tiberius'! entaihn^ cp-tain ea-.h h. • Then jret the • 'Ornament of a meek and (juiet ^ prit;? f n fealiJp^---* t<>0't !•• --ii i * spirit. (i Pet. iii. I vaileH h.^rlaron.

Would yoa have tha: whieh Jazdes the ..nrrnpti m are - .a-. n i iv diamond, and di- para -es the Itrieor pearl ' j s Hlor as ih. <ii<tri>..- a,.- n,; ••.\dorn your souls • with mode.-tv. shame- ssltl^s fo..,i rn;rondo,s ( „ nr faccdaea.-. iobriety, and pood worts, ai wo- „ niod. rr, .-xpir, men pr.-fessin^'^'odline^s. ,1 Tim. ii. ;t. H', • ^nffp inev N, w w,- fc« •

Would you have the whole furniture of ..ilt whv -nt! r. the irospel •'- Vou have it provided by the i, „|t,mat..|v fall- ni.. „ .t!-apostle First put off all these, anger, i time withheld I wrath, malice, blasphemy, lying. ' i Col. iii ,„:,tt. r ..t il,- • S. Eph. iv. -Anger ' ferments I.. ,onim..n sal- an.I i ••wrath, wrath boils up to • malice. ' ,harL-ed rv IT. -lir . '-malice swells up to • blajsphemy, and ' kidnex • n , - . -all these break out into - lying. .Vnd -put'nrit t,. tho h. h v I - . .


H\ S . . \ ( r p , r VI N 11 I \ !'!:i:

H«ptJ-t V(ta"«

' : ...-i, h I.' Tor thr pr»w.

rvv-o f: ..

•"pl"»» If - ^ortht o'-'•u.-Xiuii-i f».*uire» '-•^U — a . Ih. <i naTTi ftv.'>; on th.

t". of u pra. .. ir um.i -t. a-u S..

- • rj -hf ['.POipUn** • - -f-nU • - ir " eith ft

UlLESTONEb O - THE 1 IM - M !: I'


PRiras AND TFHMS OP r.WKTTTT Tl»f» T nc*.* tfio-f ii.'.-

-.-',1 (r.T X ^ - • - ;

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1 .

i irv-V: \i ... . • M., MiLtT Miir... vr \ Mil»T.\ 1 Uin.t .,. \ I -ir Hrui.- Irr>. i i XIll.t.T., ! |\ Uiut- X Miir. .. x: Miuivt..... \il

I th.

•1 . . I.T t! 1.. .1.


1.1 v.. .Tit.

•ioi hiin-n:-t( t . ,

h.i\e t r l.iU'l 'ts ai .;ii inetrii • m. KIi ;iri' HTil ..

in h^n .11. I


' . „ .. p. I,. , ,„;„ iiu, 1 .1 [I.. In.. m f«. I

i: Ii. lui- ,„ I -iron-ThonrJ Oi, .1 -.- t t . ail ir-i. i ru* ti initvr ol | i.M 1.1 ...m m M*th...U.l Ihr ci-im,; ' : . 1 ..,,.1 • r~-.nljv on. daj

T-.1. h. Ir. 11 U li.SK.... PI li%) up«n ih». • " I luif n f..*

' """i "C i.<it .n-l .1.-P nnli] I ; - .-i. 1 hook I h».i not I.

' ' ' " • tn- I .AW 1 .n.. a hiimar. i 1- . - .1.. ....rt , t.v ! ih-. - -. K 111*. Y •

xn M X'. TVv..- F -1,

V '7; IV . 'V .. . i :

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^ AT-1 A 1 •..1 I-? - tu I

rent 7 Per Cect arlll ba Dcttort d • ".f • • rt-ft •• " - t: llw • -I': H . • ti »,

• HC -r KT.I r I . ^ ^ 'MM IVT.:-. • i

\ ES. U viiK?« k

F ..- i):* TiATTi^ • thr IH»n' — - n-. ten: t. UliO «

ai k tlruaa. -M laj'ra I.-!.. .

A.VOTHEB SOUTHEajT RELTEDY. Better than an* and nii fK.-'hl. I r •m.-tif-ic o r T

*•. . . . . w h ^ r v , . . , u u . nnti a a n uai.k* tnaaj ih^m f-ua^tii*! ra UiU.

f l a rk & Fuller's Ambrosial Oil.

^ABUATli SCUUt'L LI iiU.UtU^.."-• » 1 ti.a-

v . . • rry^.^-r^. V f W |.r> ^ f j • A n ba? . /'w;. .s

fcf.rf «'Te» •KT*' threat. 'hfT P-oo ir SjkaiU E%r* chr«-rM hnii. - -I ''h-,. nej haoili.. piW, .-..rr.v

-r..' 1.1 1.10„,1„,„. fr..,,, ".'r^l"",, I

T>u. J,.yth -f th. Unri

I" ' % c; FT . V F :-F.n.\TiRr T H E SOUTHERN TEACHER.

Th LUtlo Iron WTjacl • .....1.,.,

^ - ' • 1 -I..-1 -u.taiii. till ^ • • \ . . . t : ir.iU..ii.

Th. TrlJ.mnia

on. as the elect of (iod, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, tiodness. hunib!one-s of mind,, long suffering ri>rbe3rin..r one another, and forgiving one another (Col. iii. 12. KS.) .Vnd for an upper car ment, - be clothed with humility. .1 I'ct.

o 1 and that your clothe* may not sit loose and indecently on you. but close an.i

N« eort of apparel u to ill bestowed as that fast, gird yourselves with the girdle of truth of preeioBa tine ia apparelling; and if com-mon tiiae be so ill ipent, what is the solemn, laeted ttme laid out In such enriosity r How D U ; Sabbmliia, Mrmons, sacraments, prayers, praiae, pnlms, chapters, meditations, has this OM Ttaity deTouTcd? Let mc reeommend Ae counsel of good Mrl Herbert to you :

. i^BotSwrfatbarpiB! W»y.UMmSaatfc«. ajerkritmthwotidar 7IwibaU4o<]>jnit

.1 \ ii|i r I • •.ith.-r-i Tl

I II F -aiT

minnet. poil »'%.., rrr»««h ->» ..rvri»r. nn. apfii*- u> V><>r-«-of Me-lho.|w!. •'•r ^ • I tane.>4]« (ftMCftHt.* r-T) TTiAII • - )wtK..t No - ra- 'r>»- vr -i.ri t -'>«ir»' r«~.( p-'-. I T'rtu'- -t An,*-[. . r.r».pejti».«. ;rr't!. - • u'.iN. n..-fv. f«>ijirh». th.' n Tin )>i t mi r Tn.-*. 3' rt* ' f>«.i a .-ur »..r <'\-rr n f»im.U ar. • ho: Vanftaf* linnk " m*-—-* \

P} Iff fv M-ald-* ac

H.ldl ^r.'i hartM. A-P jfaiJ. t n.a- . f»Mip.|rr—tai;*. t:r it,. r th*- i' ,-..,. w t-u ^

hal -aQ kSxti nf .. h-atmc.' t\. » ; .. T f V. nj. . f » • n-.etti 't.r T n. tlJKty to TThTTh Jhe he ar r»ri i I


, rK.ld . >, r.|.tu-r . • Inr.ajit ri«-. I ; I f'.T . •h.L.r.. Fw . J

B rownsv i l l e F e m a l e College, BBOWKSVILI,!:. Tiji i Essr; I,

TIIJ- Pi! 1 N . .. ..

1 . .r.

oi'vi.111.1 Th*' "(•e. ial ah'l iti.Iis[...ii-d.. all arfila.-"--tip|.iv -i- r • biie be al'c .rofiorli nor thr i,. as the) u.i!ui j'l^

loSd.l. Conf«..lon Or th. Powar of Chrlatlan

r 1 ..n. > U--1 tsM.k ..rr. 11 .. » .,,1.

: ' lw*i Vt} Wilalinn, I t axaamalj ilaaaUiea,

5 . I t aU < ^ p a r c l , l a r p a l i t t l e above cou-

e n ^ a n d m m a e h a t m t m Beiota n t y . H e

thai wffl «Mr a«cr dtiMr extrecu shall net « aiKBi oSma^ A h t t for aorddineis or sa-parftdtj. Let aot jour garmMU smell ei-tiier of m%iitT,QraoTritj^ Shun as much •a aibetBdl gnvity as > iraatoVleTity: there •ay beaa maiih prida ia adieringto the an-tiq^prie jot «tis |Utiwrtorv»a there b ia • m x t ^ tka aiQ««ni. fiMktiaL A phis

« ti* i t na BteitivBi between pwdinwr.-^ Tr»ti""eaa-

b«t«eegi the hot -rirtae w the wddle betvees

of ^ f ^ « ^ f * ^ Iftf l S ^ I of tte ftshiaoB

nxaiBS cooBtarandt^pwtioB.

^Eph. »i. 14 I .\cd would you have all in one ? Then - put on the Lord .Icsus Christ iRom. siii. U j

Here, then, is ronr real ornamcut.your 'ru suggested tn lac IL tho \ ly gorgeous apparel . if you have hot faith Har'.leit pear iru.-

Tari'.icinc T-"*!"!; *. P-' . \ II OM Sul.M rilii'r wrir. -

witii m-.-t _-ra:irvin_. ;i prumoLing Icrrii ty m i n -. .

v;. I •.l.h

• « & uihern Te.Actior

Tbrt Pine rarm


• t:. Bt..! I .1 -•.•> -i.i rr-^i w-fl

•) tfi. juU.-m pudij

«1I s...1 fn -i>V U. M..11, i.„.,.„ nf».-r tntij h li»V. r iti.l h mrHlwin.. wti. h t, i. -.I • 1.... .mf. —. 1 ,, , „ I 1 .••11 .1 O.IT •ho.ii l.-u. n. lUMl io-'TTTi. .U.H.. th. lorm r-.i cr i .. ^ phT.i' :n -inn.! i. ., ..1,, fl.-.. tl... -iR... . I}, 1..H....I,,,. tV .-luU>tl;.T .ort-t »r. I .-rtiH tuAi n 1. t„.a, i--. t. mt-R#*.i tl,.... • rti .. .

Amtrr.i *! i. i.t.-t,... .. ..n . . r.f 1C..1 .r" .• .-j . 1 \ l.k

<>(1 » . -1. IC..! 1.1

» i-k. . „ fUAJvI ID ft.- Ii P ' m : t riitl

• -i- X.

^ri I'K.NT-rjnL«n «I wKK -

Tr-r-Ji -o !:«.-.» .» ..B H I W. r-j. Trrarb on r a.wi-lr«». L . c N. w T — f ,, ,. K»ri >». tn»i' r-ti ra* i \ -

i >rM>.; V t'-.t -a '--t-win-i ».» "Uf


'•l^'h l.T r™.!.. .h. v«.ithn,i - Ttr 7 .. in

Dr. T. M. Clark's Snre (urc itnie PilN. T^HK-^K Wll. I. NOT (INL\

^ 1 K> M.aKw a ro

"r . riflT Short s.-nzioa. on Im)>ortaal £al cQta. "Sh' r rtn.l" Trv.. Tm'-®?.'. ^ Piil.

(if ra. f iw.. -V -u.!^ I . . I-I, !.

. IVu-. tl

to apply it, skill to use it. decently U. put it '-i " .ikin^ j , ..- ,. on, and comely to wear it. In a word : I i • : I., ii would you have the faithful mi-ror, that will j 'uiporUini luai;. r . im impartially diseorer all your spots, all your July last jcar I k. u -r. n r>; ji. 1 Stain.*, and help you to ju.lge whether they a,- n._-ht; (..>-ili;, i!ir . „r i..ur be -Mhe^poU of hi» children/' Deut. ixsii aruii,„l th . trunk :!ii .„ 1 5.) such a.« are consistent wiih tbc truth and ! The result -t power of godliness, and which will not only thr-c hundn ; reveal them, but wa-sh them away ? Then ' f i n e - ' n ' - k i n c penrs upon it. -o lo.adii:_ Uke the glass of (Jod's Word . therein veiw i ' ' • «« P''®!' «P «•^eral of th.. and dres« your souls erery day • but he sure prevent tlioir breakim Tlio

TT,« X-. -rs . 1......

V- , .T..1 1 ..1 (.,;...

I.. ii.» ^ u..

• an

you forget not what manner of persons that tree at the same time has made a ptroaj. glass has represented you to your own cm-' Wealthy crowth of abont six im-h. , , .—1 science : but " be doers of the Word, and m t hearers only, deceiving your own selves (James '.'2-^24.)

!• Ui. 1 •J ^ .- . f.*ii.iU v,.-, -.... I-

• II 1. .•Rl.-Ii'i.i. l ta Tt 1..1. , . .. „ •> -ri,.-. i-iPT'

iipm.-. .!t .

Il 1. ~ ... .. 1.,..,, . • .. ,„.„., .„,,.

I t. - , r.i. I., . 1.....M-.. It. 1 Thr.-. [t.aaoaa Why I am a Baptlat; .-uw » fourth.

Why I am a Close Commtl&ioaiat . ...rn«.|Ort. til Christianity Suac.pUbla of LeraJ Proof

i- • . 1,. . t. JV Thoashta on Chrlatlan Da;y I>tc« u .-ti. V Thoufhta to ilxa Impa&ltant .. ivwe Jirtu VI S rTOon on lha Death of Praaldent Catou.-

Qevtval SeriQona T Teax aj,., mi«w Pnee fl I \i th.. ..a Tw.t.1 ,4 rhrnrfji, the ai:tbor h»» fi»eti I - -i-.U. f .n • C . M-rm-ai.*. ..o pr»-K->tt».!y ViesaeJ Its i •• .- . ' h'tn-ir.-!. th- f-taef riue» tow^ of '

- - .tuth Th.>T ^n e r mi w-u, jnrrea-ed tritere t ' e •h.»u«an.l« who t:«*eD€uj in :bem. BCarrtasa. acd tha Marrtad Lila. By EWer J .M IJ.

incm as da.

tmken <« il 'id «h. - ti am'* • • -L 'ti^n r-1

- t r -aJ KIN-.h v^f W. ..I. « I.

l U n w S t u l a ; ; 3 I a c h i i i t > , At (»:eatly I>r-,r««

T ' K-K V . - . ..-S . 4 . , ; n.«- 1 ..r» .I^*..:. i f-» r -i... ... , „,.. «.

n>-.ri- tj Thti .irr.-wj -otifi.. •

' ftT>.l« h.. -nn ,-. ' • !»«»• M) the m:aemat»- -_ the*« rvn' s..,, , , i,.,. To the Plontera.

rn lh» laaxN of th rk-an-a*. atiW Vn ao*. m.l ReJ fc.T«.r. -n O m .iar <««« w^-unn^. bT lU ins fhe «iirecl;f>oe fcr ndni nj-u-r-nc PilK » H' n

P'TTf*'-* ^me-frCh* -frv ^^^ pji-,, an Imam-rfa-n •Kn,i that fto» TMirJT ih rtn. o'" uV-.r i rrmn-j 1 thrf . roj.. hy - xz A -ii^.'.

A i i i u S V i T i t :


Che prT>ftt* .

T h e P a p e r N e c k T i c ufucturrd E=;;r,-lj o( .r for

n^HK MKKIT OK TIM.x TiK ( i iVsi-T' /J-- - - » iKlir-r. l»..i i] 1. - . i n

A Kcw Tir •> -h, : ^ - t-r-j-.

miiy bo • .r. .o.-h vhju worn Ercry

EATON F E M A L E COLLEGE. ' T H E TRUSTKEft TAKK TLKA-SI RF •t m makug Udowb u. i.v , ..t r.-r ,hai the "' - ' thj» • — . pte

•*id wearer tKi J- ari • for ner-k ire— nar^l tth ijr.j ' 'a tiiw •

he ' r» a n. ^ ..r M cf

Iti^ .i ... ' 'C

\Hi \i ; V N AT'V KVrK 2 — I How many joys have ffuivered lor u< in I pa<t year*—hare llashtMi liki» harmless liiL'ht

' * ' ioiojjs in Sammer nightj. and died loreirrr ' Tin: SEIt*O.T OS THi: .Morsr.—In the. Memory can ?!ean, hut can never renew, h

memorul of Richard Reynolds, the philan- ( brini,.® DO joys faint as is the pertume of ttropie aad ehanUhle Bristol Quaker, it U! flowers, faded and dnod. of tho ttinimer thai stated that he regarded the Sermon on the,;, pone.

S ^ ' L d ^ t t ^ ' ^ L t T The real m.n is one who alwavs find, ex VKW ORLKA.NS. - THE I'UBLICA onty, aaa UMt be Te<|mr«d each of ho chil-j u- , , owr eompt IiMrtx «» under • ^ ^msot, — iLv?' a.™''''..™ f***®?

.V' 'I !• a Th IV..T rir» the •uSe'-t

ar»- uaii

rvett »e»«i..T) ol thJ» Ir.«r«Tn?'--th*- 2d «la> of M ntetnWr, un-i and mo«t 6irn*ah(a aQapW. FACULTY. McaaiLr, A M.. E>TtT*a M EIatox. Mra H Mtaatiu. Kia» jottniiae ('.at< v Miaa N M mn.:.-aJ io|-artmenL BfttaAt a Dt isTTir —I

J W. TOLSON & . FAi TOUj: AM> « vn Mo-Jiaou, -Nc. SortL Coacrrer irt- t

a Rwo, feb* 'o

Thi«. . ^ xn-Mfr. Ratnr. i;no«n la and th.

her?., thui • f \ .'n* '-n haa.1

an pi. v* <r ^Tj^nn •T^ra' 'h* i-harTi-ter V.f rh« Trnf}«- »n. J'" • -i! T • I i«i 1.1 ir-.i-n* f,l the kio.1 W - n.AR'r' »N. Eiijtor aiul Prr.pnetor.

Montjnmerr. X:lS 1

reaf wi ihi- «nhye.-t m the lijht of fiod'a I I* ntere«t.T» ar-J wort we hara I tapbeniuio

The Pre«MieT.t. Mr Ner-' are ue and IkToraNv , Ofith. M akillftiU eTfen.T..« • ..n.: w

C„,l...a= Parad^xaa. .-y .s M , , „ " i r . ' ^ 'ZSr r . . . . 1. An Cxpoaltloa of OampbaUUm. In . of Lard. , S."®-." •<> Trri.ta.. a. . I'l^L-' f 1 '

' iH. ( p Wiiliim. Mi<S lii.trtin>«it.l Mu.w " m ) _ ™.5i tn •Uw Boardmg Imjmrtn.. 1.;, ••i>d.r coatrt i of B.. E

• hi. tnnj.1 .ir»il.n: »in m, Jl aatnlkftioii lo llu»nt!. and t<liMi. ro. TrnHfM tl^Mch . rorn. r4 T^.h.rT..

rapi, l^ thj liraioo aaa r.wr.r.w-OCTi nf

' niekttwi, KT ayOt a CHELTON. JO.N'ES & CO. COTTO.N ^ .al Tnha, F rtor. aod (...a.ial C<a=3=!»«ni Hirthaati Sa rri«t Mnsr.ti. Treo T H O . M I'.^D.N ON KKVEK—THIS i ipr^ 'nrx rMi I. clsa cr<! tr .\rUl.VTA. -.1 , oj J J niijfcarfl. a Co.. .rf Jaa. KcPhB,-.™ S Co. sil t ~ tf" '"••ii - r-"iii-ii"<i bj NMtr i .

H.tB «xe«n* than t k de&e^ I jj^f studtBg it, to eomait it to memory, and to > > Uttto jMre be{(^ W

d o t ariR

ibg^t U ilond erery Stmday erenin^, i^iuid^ » <iagle word. '

"Wlatetvr is i t t e m t a r y t o b« done, can be !iW*-.Nat«re. n too vwe and beptieent Ut fotft vitb iapoaiibill^^

A SftLDIER'8-Fi-x —One of the soldier boys in Washin^on wrote home to his

s-.Iln. l?if*n Cnr Hal' h. . .tiro, •nh..-nt<t>oii« r~.«iT..t mJ •• ! .ura of • larr»

Union University. T«J THE EXCITE>

trj tba r»j5ii!»r ai.m>cs afj n next, bui I mf*. JaraiiKn and Dai „ tauglrt ta tha ^ erti Cnpiul he ever saw. That hoy ought' it Kf^WSV^o^l i j" '^^ togokomeandbeenweed on I W r , A/r. i

Wit tfiit WblBgtOH was the " icort/. J e t f . »,):),; hraath i .t.,«11, uuglrt ta thal-tuwrSTlT BAJ

.r. k.. th.. „ „ri, ,n th»i .-as U npm, •• <« fWl Bit„IV.Toa lo J-ar -nJ. .nd fJuOS KM-r William, has diartauiad tka rixuvl.

upon U.!.m(Ml-rti b-ta»j rt.«<,» atnaaUr'. hands, , ^ ui l . . th rik (I.X. the la..t .ophiiitry and hidhia P"*?"' .nt. Th.. .ork aOl (pr. tmn-nal uti. ™ "lJ»inio« f a " t.itiimr. a la.-—aoS

..I .in .lira la,^ [ JSmL^^St^^aJl-'d^^Sli-.r r^^^ laeahoawhtoiiaderMaBd 'P)."!" att.

I th. i.hc.ulJ i.aj th!! «t.rk J u j . Pi.a t.-i>.,n,. Sharwood'a Notaa oa tha M. T _ >3 SO < I>»P»rtmM!t »» to fl« i Anrtaat Lisj-xtga, «1« m

COl'THER.N' P?AL.MiST—EDITED BY l.n or nf th. d'!Vr.prl .ii.. «tTl.a nf l»nil.xr

Rona.! te : Kir

• tno.— A^yw^iif

Itn.taan •

3 tno.... tun ; Mp» . : tno _ ;

-Utno •

Bcaitm P e s t . Tx-ii<T. t^^lj I)rill..j in Miliiijj

Mi.'rfVa» jrt> T.oa. Auf. lah, IJWI, ao ilj t-


aetata Tola., with ana nad cnir».f map. of PtJyatiaa, JeraaalaB aad Aaia Jliaox, Tha bujar a o« c«>mp»I)«l to j..™iia9a tha Ka- Tnlvimt to list tti.»a not»«-tb»y ara poUiahad iadapaodactlT rf B, It i. tha only Baptiat romnantvT oa tha nUn K.T. mtBSw nr. It ia admintijr adap:*.! tor CUaO:**, fbU* i Imim.

aajBcl aehna., -ii " r

Meiae. SlMli-r„ .. ^ OrBajw«a;._ l« to an IK! R- rd

..Si ran ....

Ill n>r .. . ..J f J l »

il4«a» * c«. t>a «r tantrnaicBL .1 J 5 | irwhini'wr'S^Thr *? m ' » "^ina » jnn-nU .lirralaiMiB u. thi- South

fc'mw — _l'orteifhari Z. I>. Btaplianaoa. or to

.1la(<.«*»IW7», Aaib 17, ttcl

to tlM Ptaaidast, lo B«t H M f S F. T L E K B K S t r arTroMaaa.


. r a feirwa (POTrthikl..). bataaaa Hala and ««»«i<l nmj* ananKna (ino t»an tauWiw nitnmrd ID ti» we Manrlm, Tei!BR»r«. Frk >1.



J It. a f

6apU<it PI

» Ciae l.oei J «£ tmmf ra>im j| aeJ —• 12.1 Cnr

r Th. ailh la iTU.'-iatl n Thf Wunil

thf ac»'nt IS I 4 Efcfb v'mH

rai]j tmmi-r f-

mfQte rf fitrl nfttrjn*. * drpemlarrt at l| 1J| rrbr>i«» i

Mmir irtitl r> T I i'a t T!..

rr linaa--*. t*» i- " ui .-h-

Chnet # ^fiit iic.-nti*. imlf mn. I ' m-h 1

fwtrrmtiU'o.; ftti •mf^ 4

jatj ol th" y Ibont? t. IheiB t!».

t. t:ht walT » .pM tJ lo aftd prvir^um I aerraimt asjewer tir- .i« ttltt tri riuhs I: Ifa . af.'t r V the r4i>»«i lttjmj:_- 1*1 < t}<» «E.t

mm* rv' dr«;li. ! AC

. taiirfi I f-nlinzi o' • 17 tir-l I

rTjHif ni t H.ati.tir.i } 'i-r- n iratt^,

^ aJl • n ynvth nU $

3r H;hl*> .hyt^ j -tmf itil{<^B/>

pcapiwt 1: i< I dU •ttar.tsrj

rnmaem' n< t\m i

ic thr 1 jvjtrwr and « and «nf<-<*rniTile?ja»'.<r qurtiU''- ol. U. 1 ar* Btmuu — ^ • oefj tr® I elien;l»t*a nr t prl TUi. lU tJ rrfntaOnn c'vJ It, ^oft1rMtyJ

of tbr an* »taHr j Ca^nei, 9f i ••tknfP' o pial I

I TVo!«!JKrfl( ait tbeoali

and i ttjf «ir>

MM. p iM,

: Tit* BAU. t ifXirir* or t Bantafa.

S fhiMsmi ^ . t arv am | an.l PUlIPi«

S Tfjindct tuU» a&<! I ntirved. aad tn i| tr ref-#»

or al.

• Erw^ry poat tijf esT'mi^x, .

'hf fpaHUi ,u* uU H

l'«rn "pr'tifcji rt..-. r. - -h-i-hl rw-rfci-.. tfiiM.1

^ ' -

wit'., t!m » bu«.!i>tr a» is I ihtQ (tir aznthtJ !» '-kwA-v—W /

*i f •,i»>-?rtJ»| BJ

1 Tlirrr «» |

Tl>er» ty.^ r anlliJ

a llf tf T«nr»» i

fjjT*-. Iflf.J' B*| 'VI 1

MpCw-t I ».»- JftJf th*l ItJ

Ui* arl ..n luiT | tfU:- «

4 No»«jft»r « T' tier* luta

•< at at..-« -tettr-hs-. I

Ih.* wr-tH-.; ti t I'hJir-h

r T>5it • '^li • wtfbm| tr<* -ivMe • upnTto- iKntTlsl ttoT. uofi nr rtnp*'s««l

theq t. Tnu .

r«.alt nt ritiecll u

l«.» "f iTJinol. I- »

h-m. U I 7 fw oknT*

b-1-..m. f-H rhfiTT-b..*. tiUt I • ttr.uiU vUb and rf»-Ufte« )

TTat! fif I • arrpe*!." T

ih -hMnhil •"tiajne ••WHi t»»»nfi ailtrnt.: ar-e tr. the

'• Wr»».n I » »r «£ attd tu-r t. 'irr istma} I

b«*» tbi I tJtAi '*an\e net I

! rea it:?. a» »n»«{| d -olto-teitmara) thf aaTTora i

« 4a) sluJaa: 7 Noeha

U- itnt ampaoj 1