narrative theories and my media text

Joshua Askew Narrative Theories and CPU

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Page 1: Narrative theories and my media text

Joshua Askew

Narrative Theories and CPU

Page 2: Narrative theories and my media text

Propp argued that whilst stories contained surface differences they could be boiled down into 8 character roles with 31 functions. These 8 character types are:The VillainThe Hero- he/she seeks something, motivated by an initial ‘lack’.The Donor- provides an object with magical property.The Helper- who aids the hero.The Princess- The reward for the hero.Her Father- Who rewards the hero.The Dispatcher- who sends the hero on his way.The False hero.

This quite evidently is applicable to a fairy tale story and while it has some parallels with modern television it is not always the case.

Propp’s theory of narrative

Page 3: Narrative theories and my media text

The second theory is that of binary oppositions, the idea two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another. It is the contrast between two mutually exclusive terms, such as on and off, up and down, left and right.Within film and the media it can present, but is not limited to:

Good VS EvilYouth VS ElderlyYouth VS Police

People VS Government

Binary oppositions

Page 4: Narrative theories and my media text

Equilibrium theory claims that all stories are about the fight to return to Normality.

An event happens prior to the story and everything after this is about returning to a state of normality or “equilibrium”.

Equilibrium theory

Page 5: Narrative theories and my media text

Propp’s theory: In the case of my trailer I will only have two character types. The Hero (Anti-Hero) Judi, and the villain David. Thus fitting the idea that all stories conform to a form of archetypal characters.

Binary oppositions: The oppositions in my trailer would be Good VS Evil and perhaps even vigilantly justice vs the law.

Equilibrium theory: The state of equilibrium being regained would be that of one less serial killer being on the streets.

Narrative theories and CPU